- : ~~> . MIME VOLDNE XV.--NUDIBER 36 POTTER JOURNA:Li; PUBLISHED BY ;FL McAlarney f Proprietor $1.53 rH TEAS ) L'IVABLABLY I 5 ADVANCE. **Divoted to the cause of Republicanism, i t • .the•intereatsAfAgricultare, the advancement if Education, and the best good of Potter Actnnty... Owning; no guide 'except: that of Principle it will endeaver to aid in the work Atmore tally Freedomizing our Country. , "N I a -.../agrnarsincesTe inserted at the, following Sits, ereept where special.bargains are made. 1 Square po lines].l Insertion, - - - ' • .. 50 ---$l5O kiith sttbseqnsat insertion less than 13, 25 tilitare three deaths, , :" • . - - .4 00 1 '" tine " 5:.50 1 " one year, 6 00 1 Column Liz. months, - • 20 00 'lo'oo •7.00 ", per year., - - 40. 00 . 20 430 AdMinistrator's or Executor's Notice, •2 00 Busineis Cards, 8 lines or less, per rear' '5 00 special and Editorial Notices, per-line, 10 transient' advertisements must be paid in advance, and no notice will be taken :of advertisements from a distance, unless they -are accompanied by the money or satisfactory 'keerence. * * *Blanks, and Job Woik of all kinds, at tended to promptly and faithfully, BUSINESS - CARDS. EULALIA LODGE, No. 342, F. A. M. STATED 3feetings on the 2nd and 4thWedneis days of each month. •Also Masonic gather dugs on 'every Wednesday Evening, for work ;:stid•pmetice, at their Hall in Couder.sport. B. S. COLWELL, W. M.. Stmtmr .. H.evEN, Seer.. JOHN S. 31ANN, ATTORNEY AND - COUNSELLOR AT , LAW, -Coudersport, Pa., will attend the" several courts in Potter and 3P Kean Counties. All trnsiness entrusted in his care will receive prompt attention. Office corner of - West and Third streets. ARTHIT3 G. OL)ISTED, ATTORNEY eTOUNSELLOR AT LAW, ' .CondersPort, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to his, care, with prc mptnes and fult:ity.. Office on Soth-west corner of Main ii.nd Fourth streets. ISAAC BENSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business entrusted to him, with care end promptness. Office onSecond st., near the Allegheny Bridge.; . ' F. W. KNOX, ATTORYET AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa.., will regularly attend the Courts: in Potter and • :the adjoining Counties. • O. T. ELLISON, • PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Condersport,•Pa., respectfully informs the citizens of the vil lage and vicinity that he will promply re spond to all calls for professional services. Office on Main st., in building' formerly oc cupied by. C. W. Ellis, Esq. • C. S. Bz.E. A. JONES., DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Goody, Groceries, &c., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. D. E. - OLMSTED, • DEALER LN DRY GOODS, READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, Sc., Main st., Condersport, Pa. COLLINS ;SMITH, ' DEALER in Dry GoOdi,GroCeries, Provions Hardware, Queensware,_ Cutlery, and al l toodi usually fonfid in a country Store. Col:id - 6.46d Nov. 27, 1861. COUDERSPORT HOTEL 11. GLASSMIRE, Proprietor, Confer o - Main wad SecondsStieets, Coudersport, Pot ter Co:, Pi. - • A Livery Stable is also kept in connect Lion with this Hotel. r MARK VaLLON; TAILOR-nearly opposite the. Court HOuseL will mike - all "clotlieJ - intrusted to him in the latest "and best styles —Prices to snit the times.—Give biro a .43.41 I. J.. OLMSTED. .• ...... .S. D. KELLY. .OLMSTED :& DEALERIN - STOVES, MT - fr. SHEET raoN. WARE, Main st., nearly opposite the Court House, Coudersport, , rya:. • friti and Sheet Iron Ware matte to order, in•good style; on Wort: notioe: • SPRING MILLS ACADEMY. eO7, N. ; . priacipal Mrs:AkX :WALKER Efotrros, Preceptress Miss ~'Ceiais.SPaisea, ,Assistant Miss,air:44.lWE WOOD, • Teacher of Music The Fall, Milli commences .Augnst TIM Xiatir.TerM commences- December 9. TlM,Spiek TermCoremedies rAfasch, Tuition-froni Thiel to Five Dollars. - Boara SI.M) per week. Famished rooms for. self-boarding at low For farther information addresethe.Priziei pai or the undersigned.. • \VM. btllßk President Board of Trustier: OE MANHATTAN HOTEL. NE WICORX., - Popular:Hotel- is-situated - neat.- the d. cornett of ;11nriajr - _!Stieet %and: 13ion r d-1 way opposite the Perk within one block of tbeiradsodltrier'Raiilltoid and near the Rhilfgad Depet:jlt.is'one of the : ineiSt pleaspeand.cbriMaient in:the city: Board , df, SIMI! tier day.: N. 11119121W5, I"Koprietor, Feb. 18th, _ 1863, lie*.r . ",siraw-crt4ter, OLMSTII'D W - KELLY ; ; CondOsinitt; 'have the exclusive ageneffoi this' ,celebrated inachtne, in this nutuity: 'ItIS cnvehient, able l and, CHEAP. Dec 1 1860 , _. . ... . ~ - :,_... :;" -._:::. .....1. , :,..., , ,,,,].... •.---',f.t..-,f,....7%,..:-,_47.r..n. ~,,,,,,,,.-4,,z...,t,!,:‘,..7:,7,2.,.....7.t-15."440.,1iV9WAr.0.P.,121grfprAVW4..16,-V-142120r1.=.7.,.. •k:',06.,: , t I- ! •-., • • • .. -.- .., . ..: ~ • . - ..; ..; .'•-:•• -./ .;-, : :".. , o.::::.: - .. y. p: ~ .-,:„:,.-.:7 i.l,t 4,-.....:..: •I, `,3;:gfzlf-I -A 7. -., ,, tg..1et. 1.3 f. 7::!.....,11 1t0:77.2 21 - '''''':: , I 7:117 -- -- . . i ...=:: , -.!;;;(11 -- ,Ii1/',f-'-i2. ..?..-:--'-,.• :i i:;...-:- - -i-:-...- - `.7-.. 'i• I:- -t- r-1 -.. '''. - t .-- '•:,. N. 0411 . 1114 . 6 .:c.:-. •: ~ ..-..,:- ~- ~ ,_ , ---,-7 - 7 - 7 - .. - 1: - .::; H.. ::•-•.,-.:,:- . - 4v. -, •=l,'-' , - 7 : : ... , ' 7. -- ' . ' - :..,.-...--:‘- ''-':-..: ~ ' e l. :-:.. . i .' :. '.•:.I.:::I . 7 ~ _ . 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It is not that we can inform you of any important movement; not -that lanythinjhereirt islikely to prove highly interesting, but merely, to gratify a per- Sonar Whim of our Own. ' It would be difficrilt to. assign any other plausible reason for the sudden change of determi datiow in regard tci .......... Perhaps .thehOXIPT is forced,.ppokrus Imnesys from The "Draft" at home: - ' &are of the` names of - the :lucky :drawers, of ."'", prjZge :have already reached our anxious ears, and 'while we notice sotheivlio we think might have had the fortune to_ escape, we see 'others; Wilir htive - -rta--real.ioable:excuse for shunning ,the, fray..,.. On the, whole diete segue little reason - to feel otherwise than; well satisfied: - : ,Prior to the draft rumors had reached us that our Cop ierliead friends- bad armed themselves and Were fully -prepared, sternly resolved, to fight for the - "neace" . about which rollandigham and Pernartdo have.prated so much, and about which a certain por tion of the Noithern people have been so extremely solicitous. . ~ . Soldiers (I speak of the army gener ally) are somewhat experienced in the horrors of sternly contested battle-fields, yet I have. to • find • the 'man sometime in the fatale that will not candidly ;ell you , that thiri" thing of shedding human blood is most,repugnant to, his feelings.. They; ho 'to the - battleield"not hem' alove of ~ strife, but because they believe it a duty, forced upon them by the slaveholders'• wicked conspiracy concocted. to tear our governMent from its foundation and crum bling it into - a state of anarchy, - - which should forever blast the btilliant future, of our once (and soon to be again) happy and prosperc.us country. With these views, is it surprising that our "Sojsr boys", 'take, with a-few grhins of allowance, the ' , blustering of those men who .from the very outset, - hareetriployed their - best en ergies in. the ;reasonable work of:ember ' rassitig the Garth-tin:lent, "thereby - giting übstantial aid and comfort to -the enemy ?, !Then again, if - thine men who - talk of resistance to the s the;laws by armed or ganizations, aro really so brave as they would seem to wish. iii. to believe, they can find .no better mode of convincing us - beyond - a! doubt, than by shouldering one of Unc l e i Sain's shooting irons, coming, down here, on s the "Sacred Soil," and] fighting, armed traitors - side by side with "'Meade's' little boys-" Wehave..waiteci • long, tho'in-t-ainifor seine - demonstration . ' of the great fighting,-qtralities of these" people; and now we - hardly feel like ask- s ing pardon fora slight feeling of - satisfac-, tion when we notice in the list of names drawn, a few of the "shining reptiles."- Yesterday, for the first time, we wit nessed a military execution. Two . nieti'l ~formerly Connected:l6th; ;he army had [deserted, and again returned as substi ' tutes, no doubt reaping a small , pecuniary; benefit off the necessities of the cowry. Perhaps - it- niighi 'nit be 'nallife - resting to I you, to , have . an imperfept s , cles s eription ..of the scene.. , The'' exeention - took plane only some two huadred. yards from our camp, and the Beebe promised naught bat unpleasant feelingo, t Yet-the desire to see' it, and' everything, at leas' t once-in a life-tince;-predominated over the horri , -1 ble, and accordingly at 3 P. M., we found I ourselves one of a large party assembleill *to witness the demonstration. At a little past 3 o'clock the Second Division of the Second Army COitia 'thatched fat a flank from their camp, moving to their nositionl in a iiiiiirrailitieldirecitlyArifroniOM-en: i Warren's ,ffeadcinarters„ .there„formingl three sides lot err 'erblonk,s'quare; the - (Fen% eral of the Division at r ,tke ; head of the right Brigadd.'So soon as' the' troops had taken up thelsiposition and been brought to"parade rest" our ears were sa lhted by thp *rtournful sound of a.band in the distance playing the "death march." Presently—there -same--iff- sight-a-small party of soldiers marching with slow'and measured tread,- immediately after two coffins borne by eight-men, following these a chaplain and on either arm a man dressed in uniform.,:::BlAstiy,'-steadily, aye Mournfully moved the procession through the open : fsiabei:ffoiniinenn orre - sidci)of the sgu l are. , The coffins were se t 4ol , ,p, at thetLgrav4tt -:' thengaplairi' con versed' a' few moments siritth the men Ktakiug.eff their bate 4 thir seeri - A - d 'Air a time in prayer, then a handy ;eh - An officer moves forward and bandage s their syes. This performed - 03i oplpritir.3o6ltibff and, deliberately folded their blotizes, then quietly -sate down—on- their--coffins; one 'of:them (Smith) raising his arms Heav-, snWard. The officer returned to his men. , -;Quickly tl*P.i:324e3.loll.3_kroPS44o.9lthoul 'der; "ready;""aiin, l ' and quicker than I can !pe - 0 7 N.thaltanaketi. , Eitttled inith 1 'death note. Both the men fell instan taneously with aiortiehelpless,grasping motion, on theit: faces anti, inclining to the right side:'-'. Tile-MtetiAilpfAiiihed; one Deemed still alive • a man wad' called RIME EPEE fflEiii , , ,epol . q fo ilia - isiiiieiples of Dio s .kelpochd'9, 1 . lila ffie :,. gioilißgfiiiiil . Of to.17014;:ti:14-kfitig:;iiiillitt:,, COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY; P.A..; WEDNESDAY- SimpismOir* -461. IfroM the reserve and abiillet s.etit'hathe . , to the brain. We bad -.not the heart to ' 'witness more of diti' sickening scene; but turned: Sadly homeward. 'After pacing the distance to our quarters, still 'another /Shot greeted our ears, giving :token that at first the work of death - bad been - very incompletely executed. As we walked 'from the ground . the / boys indulged themselves in expressions like these: "Well, isn't that rough,' boy's?" "I'd rather take my chances in a fight:" "I- think 'should prefer to go:out honorably," or'yet another; "I'll wait till I get .my - -papere from Uncle Sam, or a ticket - from the Rehs." These expres.' sions eame.bot forthfrom unfeeliiighearts, but froth men accustomed to horrible sights and to controlling all outward ex pression of emotion; and most of them men who • had rather -die a thousand deaths than go down to the grave branded as "deserter." • :One week this day; a like scene was enacted on- the same spot. In 'that instance also, •the victim 'was a "substi tute," one who we.upderstand; had twice or thrice taken, pay as such, each time deser`ing: Fire others were executed in / the Fifth Co, ps. Is not this just though terrible, retribution sufficient warning to those tnen who are disposed to traffic off / the necessities of their country ? The persons so • often indulging in , threats of resistance to the laws, and I 'speedy - death to Government officials en gaged,in their execution, would do well , to cone over in their minds this picture; then' tax their memories with the provis / ions-of the law defining desertion.. If we 'hail a friend or brother and. he- were; drafted, we should advise a prompt pay- 1 went of.the three hunt/Fedor better still, the. shouldering of =a shooting iron, a ' march Ito the find, and a noble effort to redeem what has been lost in the past. Our word for it, those men. now coming into the field will never know 'what sol diering really is. The men who for two years and over, have marched, fought'and suffered for our common country, • whe have endu.red the freaks of an almost tropical climate, who have' many time., been but poorly provided for, who have patiently submitted to insult and. injury from the gyeat, - "peace".party of tbeNorth have but too truly borne the beat of the fight. And now as the clouds are elear- ing away and the bright sunshini of hope is once more upon' us, where is the man so blind to the march of coming events (which have cast their shadows before) „ as for an instant to hesitate to throw biru- self into the tide so rapidly sweeping the Ship of State to a final and safe harbor? G. W. C An Act of Gallant Daring. _At the first unsuccessful attack upon Port Hudson, atter the Federal troops had been . repulsed,. the open field sepa rating between them and the Rebel bat teries, covered with the: dead and dying, was•swept by rebel shot and shell, cut ting off the sufferers from the needed suecor. - Among the fallen was a Union offieeiGeneial Paine—grievously hurt. His condition was discovered from our jines, but who sufficiently daring—reck- less tather=to face The "leaden"rani and bail," and bring' off the fallen hero? It is a feaiftil er:rand,aqd he who undertakes it must do so with his -life in hie hand. And yet must-he who has so gallantly led them - be left - to. die? Volnteers' are called for, and - appeal is made to those who dare, to rescue the fallen General. It was a peiiloue - nridertaking. How it was made and - with 'what result shall be told by:the Chicago Tribune i q.(Four . blacii soldiers voluntarily moved out to.his rescue.. - •They reach him, raise him tenderly:in theirarme, and the dan gerous return - journey is commenced: Rifles -crack - sharply -- from the Rebel' ivotka;.-one and another- - of the brave bearers fall Now are 'down and the wounded' officer is still 'exposed. The peril. of :aiding him has' been fearfully dentonstrated. But again and again 'par -ties-of Colored men step forward by fours. The deadly missiles 'rain around them ; again . and again their numbers are thin-1 ned.: Not until/ow-teen-brave black men had , offered up_ their - lives was General I Paine brought safely irithio our lines!' And these are our black allies. These are the men' into whose' had& we sore: -Ltantly..entrusted the implements of, er to-aid us in Crlishing this Rebellion Thelihole Irecordg-of the world's henDism may Thai a:emitted for an incident to sur pass-, ' It will, shine : imperishable among among the episodes of this contest: Life Life in the country may be one of the richest.on earth, -but it may' - also be one pf,the poorest.- - If the great-book of pa- . 'cure be 6pen to' the - eYe "of 'him who re sides there, and, illumined with the light of hearth, _from his little knell, he can see, and vnjoy all the glory of the iterld ; 'hut if-he sees in' nature; pnly the pOtato field which - vies' him food, then is' this golden-vein -closed- foi7bimond he - him= self wands like the palate - plant, fast root ed in the earth. Beautttal :Extract. "Men - seldom think_ of the great event of death till the shado*falls across - their own path', hidiniforerer fromlheireYe.s' the faces of loved ones whose living Smile Was the sunlight , of •their - existence. Death is the greatest - antagonist of life; and the cold thought of the tomb is.the' skeleton of all feasts. We do nof.Wints to go thiongh 'the% dark 'valley; altlitingh its passage' may - ;lead,„to Paradise; And, with Charles Lamb, _we do not 'to 'f in - middy gravds; `even with kitigs and: princes for - onr 13Of - the nature iniertibie." I There . ``or" relief ; riot's . ' ibe great laW Which' dtionsa us ? dtisf: - .We flourish and fide' as the leatres Of the .fo3r est and . the flowers the' bloom'an - d wither', in a day. 'Generations of men appear and vanish 'as the &ass, and' countless multitudes: that. throng:the earth to-day will to-Morrow. disappear - as ' the - footsteps on the Shore ' "I'n 'the beautiful:drama, of . Inn the instinct Of . itemortility, so eletpie.rtly uttered by the: death•deveted Week, finds.a deep response efeiy_thoigiitrni soul. When about, to . yield 'his "piing existence as's - sacrifice to fate, his young Clemanthe asl:s . :birn if they not meet again, to which he replies, ".'I-}rave asked that question otthe hills that look eternal—of the clear "streams 'that flow Iforever--Of the,itars atbong whOSe fields of azure my raised spirits have, walked in glory. All were . . dumb. But While I gaze npon thy' Acing face,'l - - feel that' there - is sotnethingiu the love that man tles thrOtighits beauty tharcannot wholly! perish.. We shell _meet again, Cleman the!'" AN EDITOR IN Lucs.—Bishdp;of the Jamestown Journal, was honored with a special invitation the other day to become one of Father Abraham's "elect." He tells his experience thus: "WE" A CONSCRIPT :—"it will be seen (from the list that the Editor of: the JouttNAE is "gobbled up" .by theAraft, he }whiz one of The 'land of men that UnclelSaat regards,,Witli especial favor, Perhaps' our readers would like_ to.kuow how . :a. fellow feels whet:Lilo is 'drafted.. The emotions are rather serene thap•dis. l tarbed. The suspense being over.a man feels rather pleased at the result and spends his time thinking what a _good I joke it is 'on thOde "other felioxs," who i are drafted. -The relief is such as, you experience when yog i have listened, for. a, long" time to, a solitary. infernal sipging i mosquito amend your ged, and cuffed, and boxed around is the dark after him, you find all of a sudden - thathe has /it and bit and the fight is done with. .He is full, and you can . rest quietly—perhaps all night and perhaps an hour, till.he gaol Iready for "cite next draft,!' anyhaw. Your contentment is',heightened if you can heir your neighbor in,the next_room slapping around and Swearing at his-in sect foes. We rattier enjay the . draffi to, be sure it, is not what We tionldorder at a first class - hotel ,or:,or: . take With oo pie nic excursion, but it is.,a(rod nevertheless, and , we lope it, Will "keep : doing se," till the army js big enough, to:; pitch the whole damnable' "confederacy" into the bottomless pit with four-tined] manure fah Jith considered a bard:ease, but during a time of revivarliedime:con. vetted from, his evil ways; was an enthusiastic dx4rter and in active. Mem. ber of the 'church:: In! progress of tithe Jim wastenipted to tan" a Imi of that which hml_for:Maoy years been his favorite, beverage l and" `.true to his habit wedded his way•td, - the c:cinferdnce-Meet ine. - A favotable'Opportuniiyoecuiring, favored Jim his - brethren with - the. fol-. lowing exhortation": " - Brethren:l're been . , thinking-of that beantifpl.scriptural pas sage which says, 'Ryon only_ have .faith like a:rriou'ntaitr, yon_oan tip youavar a tuna. tard seed--hic-toost - itiy time "AS the' - old conk 'crows; the you* ones !ear*" story is told Of:a certain man and his wife irlfo Were almost-cm- 1 stantly quarreling. During' their 'Oar , rels their only a ehild : (a , boy) was ally present, and of course heard many-Of his fither's•expressions.- :One day when the boy had been doing something, wrong the mother, -intending to -chastise = . hitti," to said ""Come here, -sirl =what ,did you' do 6- 1 that fort". _The boy :Conipladently folded' ' a bo , his arms, and imitating-his fatiler'S Man.' '- • oer, said : "See here, madam,- I' dotet wish to have any words . with you." tam What 'part ;of a soldier'i duty _would: rant the ladies' take _the most deligh tin L Wrote, "present arrus i "., but a snarly! gild - oaf Benedict at our elbout Aitiggests: "dress .-• farads!! We wortldp!t stand in his shoeis if his:wife should , and:hini,out:--_ - The . editor, who kissed his sweetheart sayidg "please eichanie," is believed not to have exceeded the proper "liberty of the press." , •;err r Welt kahtli,igeli fatiha',44t , make a bet tsiapieatiin ce ~..,•thatkr i ll=inatni,gei ',Ylrues. - .1-• 1 -- , dt , :-:- ~. r, !...,... Tbp ' m most cornendabjeallitip:itkuost, , l if°l l33 o l l l axe,uadoubtedly their "refrains!' God 'gives every, bird its fookbtrdoes 4 ' • 4 e •S. neethroifieinto the nest:" -.." , ' ' , . 1.: ....1! j. 3.• J. .• c 1.7 ;.-'.-::..,'''' ..: ..: ... .1 It-i l l l atth q wiAgler of:93. l ri.neads,that, Fvei !F Plf•asurer bßOlte warmth of 'the 9 4 . ,1 , , ....,... t, ,-, , • . =, . . . 1 : Our-griefs:ars- no , dotibi -deeply inter- esj tinF, to ourselves but ,thtiy , are great tes•toquirftiandst -- , 0 7 '" '' L I..La:-.., ~: ._,,, , 1 - "t.l' l lv v eT,ll7: 9°Y1 , . , D.SeS I3 ?9I hereb y a l 's°.e f el t fl T 3 L: 6 6 EaLunc°Paßitata 11 9.4 1 - a ge. 1 3 11 4% '.L .: .:' t.,: i; .. ' • I t 1 • • .1 _Tf 'you : have nothing , af , tbe' pividity' Jitbin 1 pm, you will *aitily e.ssay to Wor- 1 lip thei:Pivinity witbout.l , :. ':- - • 1 , Il r e'idaiiiiqt, well' liipgnee; with - Oie re nnet oretbets'unleil• we are posseasect of oltr ?win. • - `.. ' ". • - ~ • ilqii..faithiful :wor6att ?finds , Las .task a' Past_itaiL -We lutist WU or steal.--no mat ter . bew MIS itialir li Welraine. our s tealing::: "' : ... : L _ y la . bo .r.tha , t tbotichtein lie m de heitly, and only by thought that labor - eatrbe 'mile happy.. - ' ' ,u3Thrisey on me l'' exclaimed_ a witty Lancashire witch, when she fell into the liver at; PivetP9ol.. -, ..„ An heliese man is'tbe noblest woik of Gbd ;but the editibn is ainall,"suzgests a satirmal-_writer. ' • .---' , . - • : t i l Tots case isitalSs late y mpossl l. to be slot. and :suit! Id - lbw ease of a watch. . _ A sfnj_k• woman . kas :geneia liy 'but a parids.e, and _we ' know what that is.: - . • ' Whete:one Inan of woman is injured ;nine.hundred and uinety",titne TM from not loving enough. ~Lowliness is the •trise of every tirtne. And hi who goes the lowest kale the safest: - God keep his:pity-for the ritotut: 'White'h i air' is "the chalk with which tithe It e6piits three; or, four,, score i as the case tuay,bei•-• on a then's head: Are - god -.the mate 2"- m an :to theicook : of A, vessel in port.. gNo," said he ; "hut I'm the man as boils the mate." • It is biiiil4ing for- on editor to I .invite public attention," and 'quite another for the piablie•attontion to accpt the invita tion! A student once asked, "Can' virchtte, I fortichude. gratichada-- or- -luiechnde, dwell with a ~ t otor who :..isArstratger to rectielittde? ; ' • -- Itiloti would ,be - pntigent, lie brief, for it is ' 1 wi th words as with' sunbean3s 7 —the, mare they' , are cm:Wei:ailed, the deeper they' bur&i, • ; : ; genie 'Olie *Steele 'the • . vile;t mankind: • :He: retorted, proOd humility,' -"It be glorious, world if i • . ' -4: _ t; • Spa' 'ie rtoo-ofteili not-as the'Fienoh /nen 'define ital`e coneen/itz tho't, .but. of ,e.tifAlug au.4,suspeuding soLthit this:o4,l4one to - j ecrpoetd.., - As' gentral-thin 'then 'are:more cotn petent to itefieh the n !open,-'ill routine ; out , 'of:* routitie, tcoutezE are ,tlit surest teachett.l- ': - .'• 3 The cittees sborlertei ii , e,Rri!beed from the loiver latitUdes; . the years' Blicifiti in, like' uraiiner, as we pass an ivara. tbrouj7h keeU;aatinsts arit.thsttally: nett=offal ME, who ; thitykirrramt feelirig more - corzi reetly -ttiamAhey; hie; iirreak - - their deig4bOrs' the i)itterness Of their. own..re motto, .1 • rites ail eathusiaatia lana i s , ' OaFaller ..,., . titter a, glorionaLda4 of a law, bundrea miles' } b'rougli en'imrs''.6thinfry io. "Solomon in -al! .- liiirTitriy was nevelt:ova raid ]ike=of e of thi - se' . - .::•, - daiililin3ilfou says:a - from:an _Ought ,to be vaiy kan'clinic4 or yprialeyer,-sr4se gci tii. irriirkara di, .sainet.kinz, istte r is Toy clever`6ereargaiid:,4s..Cione sompthingl is that rittieic. 'against hdr beantyl. , " - n ' ' fii ' iip --' V . d-' -Let:" one.n ~ s. raly cnrt s - god peas orour intention,' tc) sideld'befroni TrOidile '' ``dfinie:.!.kratt if thy sh*Tif*ot.torn . iieci4ativA doskr.beli)iV•thayarS'alit . Cotes kiveV iough t riiid tOr Ili beta - • 6 1' .:. a: 1,-,:, I IMO MEI ,p9et Atm, Nu&jag trith • At,AleiTalie ? m e43tivetp:iuid ne tbd' lathe time log m o.„ ort , . his! biro •_verieit: 7 Tatl 4 p , aeiTipgat a emit diatanaa alnati /Ong , poilied Inco:otttiter big friead i jlag::;l."..tio*.ailload; _he bare yom' i l .: -I-. , '• .!,. -,, •:!! ,-, -'44,' l ide ,F, A ° lO- O r g*tillli r itda; ix:', omiee; it lit ,oisiftenroiiin _,oplii iiiiiiiiiT .7 1 tary ilia, 6,ket litiMil,diola . p..":4li sayB,,.f - 44 , COS i li,9 6 bf 0 „ilq!itii*,(6.4o bpaAtispi -Bpi. — lEr ir II a - 11lb ;110 ty.,it a 44 -i dii eu3 an. - always to nocover,!-Fil Neal in ihe-pret awe of ladies r'•-• rEal ISE FINZI MEI , Copperhettid Nobody has a right to be Presidents • extent;x a pro-slaVery pemonrat.- We want no Oovortitnent; When ilie s *l34o elect.. from'any otheriiartyJ - - Whenever a State becomes dissitisded`.. with an-aet 'of the Fedeitl•Clo'vernmerit i • • it can seeede 'and• r it iinlitiOn' of the Constititiott to - Coerce it "into:itib= mission.: ' _ , • , , AndreW iTaekson tiolatdd - the 'Coosa: '._ tution when he eotieed Catboat attd r tus _. poMpeers intii - sUbmislion to Federal lair. in 1832 % -- •' -, 1 r-o. i: - . Vigfall and iitlltr4 Itatti et niPt_. i to - tre"On Foie Sinitai.:- ale. '•FP49 I 4::; , lOovernment triolated j the Coseti,tutietkin _ resenting thelifsnit: ..'.7: - • , • . _..- .., The Constitution a:s weinterpriiii,.anti the Un ion , at it was wherrDaris • Tonmosi Thompson and Floydcontrolldit. . . . Lincoln-is not President of the United tates i •and we owe no • allegiance to. his . -. Administration. - .: - It is 'Unconstitutional tO arrest anyhedf : I.who is aidingand abetting the Southern.- ' Confederacy.' ' - i ... .-: - : : .i .. -:,I;- Stephen A. bonglas,:w.E.us'..,a , foot.t fof ....- aiserting' "Chat : ever- i man Fo,t4lit.:be.:fat: -1 the VSited Btatesor a._ • inSt. it.... , Therd... eanbe_no neutrals i , 0. - - Wer, - enl atrii• - • ots and. traitop." , _ i .-- . -_:_,, -; Jeff. Divis r= .a, highkene4, ihiyalToot., gentleman ; _• .d_ Ahe : -Liseoln :o."' negro; • worahiper, • 1-iw,.tnean Yankee. -• ..- -... - Old. I • . - Bittler is a beAsfi,,iii 1 • 1 ~ ...p . .t._ ' allandighamis a , pol'islictstate*F. : link int . a puye pAtriot." . ‘- ---, ':.;',., 3 . • '- #ll '' Pioncati-oDIS - 1)e-Iteitgred: tbto i .::7 the agen Int flit:ea:ions eldr.tOeuipeititid•-. : A_.tlYt...A .a .-.c.--e•-jit - 4..: 5s i..... 4e e D i r l , e, -ab!llotgh.,lt. ;rto.bl•ithie4,-01. . 'I., !- . ..1__: , :-....:i -,: , -.l] l'‘.;•.blaypiy, p tutt - chat, ,if : the; Union tio L.l dteaGlV9d. , _... u . l 'i '_: ~.. :; .! ; - - .4.•?:: -, ..: .: It4 - nn,censtinttionaljo voteiey WNW... ~.1 l'hatklle......:De.in9Prane tioliet.: - E.-..,.., •4.ti,...1i..i , :•1• :•Everiboily is an Abolitionist wheisln.,:i. ~.i faitor of suppressing- the4abellioth—ing..- itam; Cbuiity t-ifith..Y.Nelisi) - -):LE £ ^rl ci:':. ~: .. '-,i,,T-ti_tilq.:u9e;PeP44:sll,4theirqpry:otoerw, nrehin_wnn, on ,being matinetLfatrdayfroil n - grairbries 9aStkn,day,luid aferptylitlsiodraicri gr.ki ypplkpost there thof_e.ligte l .-bola rfi . ;:eq ' play Plati ) les_9 ll -.sWillri s4plird7:s : 14 4cleentki, .s'? o 0 ; !i l3l lcfes.iimitth:::4' commcommon,common,mon, and some ,l4? 'ept goes I.i.eff l'nf the ricer." Ei= 45-1? ' T L ku, . . _ .•• - =1 TERN& 4/.56 - , EtPIMATIONALI In Jetietbil.7of:Aiirgipt._2(l)..4Eo asks what course be - rwhall-purstie to disz pal a. distaste Graininirreliithadatet from snine..previons:terni orscheciLkAlly opinion is ..tbitt . :thisAistika?" atimetitat one of two cause's r;eithervouryredeces. for, 4iis.notiposies6 iheA(ti - c4 l -5 is** the stodente, are in trtuiable. l id always pleased Wittrideas - -whieb it re; ceittea;.-it- loves I.tes , enlitgaititid!follnity elope :can:bound). this .broad 'ground:l wilt maleldiiiirittlkitil -Abet •iii , :tithetutsitohAdiiiiiiifii 'liable to. be.:nsta in: thit::yototatlgleptill evi ':n ode - "Env ttre itttns6ll.llt2t*:oll pleasure from' theiri,possesalon.-7204tiiif common school' liteiaturelitisiesstlP:taifb ing.ofthickiiid,'the conclusion druiriiisi that the student is,-pleased-Withij'etfify principle he compfehandei: , -, , ' Why have."E'S"lstiideuttiverrttist rar Granitnar2t Siinply• becnnan 'Elie i understand it::-Here “.K," when you ithaltsticceed Oran*. ing the principles of:the biittch Lion in such w manner that- 4 yetif ittitrebie shall drink in thekeatiiielpGranitinifittO DO longer beirksony, ; c:. Why is it that there is:such alliveraity 'of. preferences ?; . I:9ne; Arithmetic and - slate - at - e.verycbare a second plods on; retideiiiii - rii:any - hea r a - pleasant in White , lc- -- anniiiinite) tedious-and unmeaning; , ferenee in theeepiCiqnfiitilleini3' :r4tltly aceonnte•foiAhis.=Leethe_studeAf tfi • he habit cif =saying, r don ' tqike - andVit, branch," beni in ,t.but:that . is. e2taiy dent' to saying, ut, can't titaterit. - .l2fne memory retentive meory delights in IG:eakiti, phy and revels in flistely,, P while — iet another of unscho o led 'recellectionails variance with every study that canokbe reduced to a few abstract prineipki abd these principles: relieved . froth Of 'Weir. - As a rule forl.pirnnts - ac • a te fib; thibk it is Well to, clevelip the points where it tines tior"deieto . p Require students to brancheifd which they hate - ho - pieditedtieit'anci unless either teacher i t teiiglit 4' a block; head 'the 4 wiita sobs destaided. ' - .--i 1.. What is the-best method of ottlonz latine interest T. 2. Why is there more tiost thw rare leys thaii upon the . ::.:1 3. When *ill thd:war ',•;;; Au 'Educational 'dolmen :is ; :tiptop thing. Will our ConntyStiperintendento have the 'kindness_ to •contributo to its ccluns, and if convenient ; take:themar ter in -charge? , 1. 7 _-, , n - bo7). EOM _, ~;,:., OEM fill liE MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers