ATTENTIOIi,. „FAITHFUL SOLDIERS 7110 BAtE,.BEPt !1305oRELBLY rIBCSARGED TI.II3IICOI7.IITES.CiYhtiIIitOOMISTMCIT/ON. WAR DEPARTMENT, ,i'MOYORT,MMEISELAL GENEISAL'S OPTICS Jane 11,1868.;. . iNends:,-4The following will, be saibiished de itAtanil-`l3lll -. or' notice, by every -Diatriet Provost Marshal, with such alterations as lin may think particularly suited to his district: The object being J.Qhasten and encourage eri• listnientatin the InvtiliciLOltts. ,7 : -. • • 'JAMES B. FRY, • -.Proront.Unrshel General. -, MEN WANTED FOR THE INVALID CORPS. Only those faithful soldiers who, from wounds or the hardships of war, areino long , Et r fit for field duty will be receired in this hf 'Minor. Enlistments - will-.1,a) for tiled )'ears' 'finless sooner -discharged.-- Pay and allowances same as for officers and men of the United States Infantry; except that no —preu2Lams or•bou_n_ty for-enlistment will be ...,.... i uo v rid kr :Tfifs_will, : nrt invalidate . any pen sions or bounties which may be - due, for pre vious services. The following uniform has been adopted r for officers and men of the Inc l nlid Corps: • FOEURFICERS : Frock coat of sky blue with dark ; blue velvet collar and cuffs ; 'Well other respects, according to the present pattern for officers of infantry. Shoulder straps—According to present rtg- ulationsi but worked on dark'blue velvet. 4,!antalooks—Of sky blue cloth, with doub le,atripe of dark biue cloth down the outer , neam„ each stripe one half inch wide, with apace between of three-etghta of im inch. Forage cap—Present regulation. or EI.II.iIST ED MEN.—Jacket of sky blue !,Nkersey,,with._dtirk blue trimmings, cut, like the cavalry jacket, to come welt-down on the abdomen. Trowsers—rPresent regulation, sky blue. _Forage cap Present regulation. Men_ who are 'sail in service and unable to 'iierform effective field duty, may be transferr ed to this corps. _ . Medical inspectors, Surgeons in charge of Hospitals, Itlilitary Commanders, and all oth :era having authority to discharge, under ex _lstiulaws and regulations, are forbidden to dis — any men wady - their con trol who may be fit for service iu the Invalid Corps. - For the convenience of service, the men will be selected for three different grades of Those who are most efficient and able 'bodied, and capable of performing duty etc . be armed with muskets, and assign ed to companies of. the First Battallion.— Those of the next degree of efficiency, inelud,. t iny those who have lost a baud or an arm, and the roast effective, including those who have lost a foot or a leg, to the companies of ,the Second or: Third Battalhons; they will be .arced with-swords. 11 The duties mill be chiefly to act as provost guards and garrisons for cities; guards for hospitals and other public buildings ; and as clerks, orderlies, etc. If found( necessary they may be assigned to forts etc. Acting Assistant Provost Mars - lAN General are authorized-to appoint Officers *of the Reg ular Service, or of the Invalid Corps, to ad tninister the oath of enlistnient to those men wha have completely , fulfilled the prescribed conditions of admission to die Invalid Corps, 1. ,That the applicant ie unfit for eervice in the field. 2. That he is fit for the duties, or some of theni, indicated above. 3. That if not now 'in the service, he was honorably discharged. ' 4 .That he is meritorious and deserving. For enlistment or further informatlon apply to the Board of Enrollment for the district in which the applicani is a resident, Capt. W. W. WHITE, Proiost Marshal, 18th District, Pa. Paovosr MARSIIAL'S OFFICE, Williamsport,June 17,1861 • • :v. McALARNEY, Provost Marshal for Potter Co. Coudersport, Pa., July 20, 1863 Eli ," ! 4, 1 ✓J Feftring the REBELS will capture my stock of Goods and pay only in CONFEDERATE Scrip, I have concludedito SELL OUT !The4pPr than Dirt," All my choice Block of DRY • G ODDS, GROC;ERfEB, BOOTS, f t SHOES, , " • - HARDWARE BATS A; CAPS, • • NOTIONS, •-• SCHOOL BOOKS, 44c For GIIPEN43ACKS ca - • A . 71) - N a . ' LUCIEN BIRD • ~ BIRD. Brooltland, Pa., June,2s. 1863. NEW JERSEY. LAN ;S FOR SALE, Also, Garden or Fruit Farms, Suitable :or Crapes, Peaches, Pears. Rasp berries, Strawberries, Blackberries, Currants, he., Of 1,.21; 5, 10, or -20 acres each, at the foilowing prices-for the present, viz :20 acres for $2OO, l 0 - acres for $llO, 5 acres for Sixty Dollars. 21 acres for. Forty Dollars. 1 acre for Twenty Dollars. Payable by one dollar a week. - - Also, good Cranberry lands, and village lots CHETWOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at Ten Dollars each. payable by one dollar .a week. The ,above land and farms, are situated at Chet wood, Washington Township. Burlington Co., New Jersey.,. . For further , information apply, with a P. O. Stamp. for a Circular, to, B. FRANKLIN CLARK, N0..90 Cedar Street, New York; N. Y Executor's Notice.; §.. °TICE is hereby given that letters exeeu ‘ tory, on. the last will and testament of LLY VANDARWARKA, late of ItouletTp, 'Potter conuty,dec'd, have this day heen grant ed to the nndersigned by the Register of said =linty. All persons indebted to said desce liettrwill please wake payment and those bay-1 ing claims will present them duly anthentica - ,ted for, settlement;-_ . ORRIN R.-WEBB, BottiPeolulY ;el WI. 1 A SOAP Question Settled ! Inquire • - STEBBINS' 50 . totiribe for the Joitrail YOUNG , Ainittoi ASEAD 11 PROVISIONS. GLASSIIIIRE & COLWELL AVING entered into a Co-Partnership are 11 prepared to furnish all gOods in their line at Reasonable ticitits They . keep constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of YOUNt IIYSO4'I, SUGARS : BROWN, LIGHT BROWN; AND COFFEE: RlO, JAVA, UNION, RYE, &c., 417, ALLSPICE, CRACKERS, 4CI, IA * • SHOULDERS, CLOVER; AND IRON PROVISIONS AND CROCKERY, MOLASSES, CHEESE, , ALL KINDS. FLOUR. by the Barrel, 'ilia BuelvirheUtyinur . l3P the Sank. Peed by the Hundred. Ie fact, eserythhig kept in a - gnc4 - 6rncer3 - Stnie PRODINO taken In exchange and CASH not refused. 411 Goods Dglitered Urithin use Borough N. M. GLASS*IRE, G. W. cumBIL Coldeal:Forty April 6 7 IEI9. 10 'OLD' ILVEILICIL BEELINI). - ~ 'ft,i;:ick: - ; , ...f.: 7" ,, n' - 7, "-': ' 4 .-- " - ., , i f, GRlGuit •-• ' 1 . ~,, ED Ve r ry test Quality. OLD 13 YON, ACK, ♦ND - JAPAN TEAS WHITE. PEPPER, CINIj.tMON, }'IS 11, PORK, TIMOTHY SEE i SYRUP, ridxtEs, CANDLES, KEROSENE, GRANGER, AND LEMONS, SOAP, Bar , and S _ck FRIM'OP -CHARGE , QENSION ActUNTIES.' BACK. PAL: W CLAMS; FOR INDUANRY, - §jkf#:**4:Stevono- 8p Co., 13,1111 f 1T-4.ltY giants, 411 I"enr:qt,vlcial . iia . 4**.e, "Waihingtuti; D. C. :rife firm, baying a tharongh knowledke of the Pension'business, and being familinr with the practice:lid! the DePartinentsny ment„be, lieve that theY Min afford 'greater fa-. ciiities to Pensicii.bounty andnother Claimants, for the prompt and successful accomPlishment of _business entrusted to , them, than any nther firm in Washington. - .They desire to secure such an amount of this business as will enable tbem to 'execute the business for each clnimant very cheaply, and. on - the heels of their pay contingent upon their success in etiCb case.. * * *Their charges will be Ten Dollars for Pension. andSYve Dela , . for , Pritialea, for each Pension. Bounty, or Back Pay obtaiied.,and ten,,per,cent. on amount of Claims for Military] Supplies, or Chants for Indemnity:, . I * * *Soldiers enlisted since the Ist of March. 1861, in any kind Of service, Military or Naval. who are disabled by disease or, wounds, are entitlfd to Pensions. All soldiers who serve for two years, .or during _the war , should it sooner close .- will be entited to $l6O, Bounty,' Widows of soldiers who die or. are kille'd, are entitled to $lOO bounty. if there be no widow then the minor children; then the father,.mo ther, sisters, or brothers are entitled as above. Washington, D. C., 1862. * * *Apply at our office, or to our AssOciate at , ()sway°, Potter.county, Pa.—JAMES H. GRAY paas, Esq, .who has just returned from Washington tn. 0., and t i s, supplied with all the latest bl.nka issued under the lay isiatruc flan t, and will fal them up for all who have been so unfortunate, as to require an applica tion. Office in '•Regulator Store " ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff & Toba.cco Manufacturer, And of the 16 and 18 Chambers St., (Formerly 42 Chatham Street, New York.) Would call the. attention of Dealers to the articles of his manufacture, viz.; BROWN SNUFF. Macs bay, Demigros, „ Fine Rappee, Pure Virginia, Coarse Rappee Natchitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen YELLOW SNUFF. Scotch,, Honey Dew Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Fresh FloneyDevv Irish High Toast, Fresh Scotch, or Lundyfoot. .* * *Attention is called to the large reduc tion in prices of Fine-Cut Chewing and Smok in Tobaccos, which will be found of a Supe rior quality. NMI:MING. • FINE CUT CHEWING. . Long, P.A.L , or plain. S.Jago No. 1, Cavendish. or Sweet, Spanish. No. Z. Sweet Scented Oronoco, Canaster, Nos. 1 & 2 taixed. Turkish Granulated. Tin Foil Cavendish. N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on arm; sly For Bate, V#A, Bgtacites, Ants, Beci Bugs, Moths in PUB, .Wooleas, &c. Insects °invite, Fowls, Animals, &0., rut “p '2sc 50c. and $l.OO Boxes. Bottles, and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, PUblic Institutions, &c. RAISINS; "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." '"Not dangerous to the }lnman Family." "Rats come out of their hOles to die." * * *Sold Wholesale in all large cities. **,*Sold by all Druggists and Retailers every.. where. *** I I I Beware I ! ! of nll worthless imitations * * *See that "Coarea!s" name is on each Box, Bottle and Flask. before you buy. * * *Address Henry R. Cost r. * * •*Pencipal Depot 482 Broadway, N. Y. * *Sold by * • P. A. STEBBINS, & Co., Wholesale & Retail Agents, Coudersport, Pa. HAMS Wanted NAILS • • POUNDS OF r • - .fl• I - tid P. A. 8TE8331N9 & CORNER MAIN 4, SECOND STREETS, COUDERSPORT, PA 11,000 Pounds 01 . W '0 0 W taaraediattly AT ' C. S. & - E. A. JONES. 'FRUIT of ONsolulloo of Parfne*ibilp. TEpartnersbip heretofore existing bet Ween the undersigned under the firmname of iLMSTED ct KELLY is this day dissOlved by mutual consent. Persons who have unsettled .ecounrs with the late firm are requested. to settle with U. J. Olmsted to whom all debts due the firm will be 'paid. • ~ The bosiness will be cOndneted OLMSTED. who has purchased the entire In terest of his into partner, and. ho sohcits a eontinuinee of the public patronage. l S. D. KELLY. - J,..OLMSTED, dottltTr i sdx it ) .TU.b. 11113 TOBaCCO 10,00 AT • I • • •• •r• • r • • ws'reu - AKE-It , . 0. H. WAR •-• INER_ repnir CLOG:: 6, WATCHES - and JEWEL4Y in Conderip64, and keeps con- Siaiktlriin Band and for -ale a good assort. ment of VV . ktait3o ) • • , Jewelrjr Of the ceri, best,quality. Ahio, PLACED WAR E , • SPECTACLES, VIOLIN STItViGS, R VOLvERS, &c. Also; a full ,Stiptily of r acklit which be is selling . at th loWeSt • prices for cash Every artiele sold irtirranted to be as represented. •- , Shop sin Main. Street, RA dourS north of P. A. Stebbins lc CO's Sore, at the sign of the " Big Wa ch." ()LA'S TIED • KELLY'S S T BO R okintßo a i lv :and f". e f d o r und the best o STO Rs. Also, TLN and Slier KETTLES. SPIDERS, PRYING-PANS, SAP BONS. Also, • Agricultural such as PLOWS, SC TOSS, CORN-SRELLE DOG-POWERS, ./tc. THEIR is well made and the ma substantial EAVES . -TR. part of the Connty—.;-Te. of all kinds, including Store on Main Street .1 House, Coudersport., 4efir Pan TBE undersigned sy 0.1 the surrounding c taken the rooms form 1 S. Mann, where he is it All inds of 1 on the eloartest notice.' - LONG STRA Also kept constantly o :are a superior artiele; insure their success. Repairing don; Surcingles, Marting,i Same satraps, kPptl The public are invitht before purchasing els*, CoLAersport Oct. 1 lIVIPO TR 20 per c nt. Saved in bn 'lug your GRASS . 3 RADICES, GRAIN OM Rakes Hay ORItS, HAY EIIM2 bbius & Co. Cotidersport. Pa.. nne 22, -1863 Ciitton , is . DtiWii ! PftlCES . . l ltEtthbg,D. •. • aninow - : aligned - with's FULL STOCK Or - GOODS at Lower Fivires. ' My assortment is Good; 'dOtuditiog of my mica] 'variety of DRY , GOOD S , . , , : .: CIAIIiiIIN - 0, 44;10TS' &SHOES, . 1 0ROCSRIE PR - OW - SID-NS, . (' &e, Sce and remember that lam notto be undersold. WuOL WANTED,. D. E.' itdatiSTED. janel, 1863.. AVHEIAEiS, fettoia, ,1,4;nua14t440n on Y. Y. —the. aititte , Tolig,latierAbl7 bott township. rottitr. c.011 1 0: 7 1 *WI have been =anted to :tbe und.PrIst3POOM Moon's indebt• ed. to said Astato. aro , rOqi4OtO d. Cate mute n 0.11 4 1'4 10 , havt9g pi a Pn:S.,, against the sotne will present, thepi duly antbeiuesqed to ihicsabscritter9-.' 31/1,1,5, - , • Mai; Any* V*`J'Adwall. 'F.tikIiSIATISSii, GOUT. NEURALGIA LutiRAGO. STIFF NEcK AND JOINTS, SPAINS, BRUISES. WOUNDS AND cI7,S, , PILES, HEADACHE, AIM ALI; RHEUSIATIC AND 'NERVOUS ( DISORDERS. . . 1 For all of which it a speedy and certain remedy, and never Tails. This Liniment is prepared from the rt.cipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, !he famous bone set ter, and has been used in his practice for more than twenty yaars with the .most aston ishing success.'- 'AS AN ALLEVIATOR OF PAPS, it is un rivaled by any preparation before the public, of which the most skeptical may be con vinced by a single trial. , ' .This Liniment will cure rapidly and radi cally. Rheumatic Diiorderslof every kind. and in Atfonsands of cases - where it has been used it hap never been isnoWO io fitil. . FOR NEURALGIA, it Will afford immedi ate relief in eveily case, hhwever distressing. It will relieve the woist eases of HEAD ACHE in three Minutes'itiid is warranted o . . IRON WARE, POTS SCOTCH BOWLS I ANS, and CAULD TOOTRACHE also it will care instantly. , yort NERVOUS, DEBILITY AND GEN ERA.LIASSITUDE arising from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing retnedy.i Acting directly upon the nervous tissues it .strengthetis and revivifies the syetem, and restores , it to elasticity and vigor. elements, " APERS. CULTIVA ' WASE-RAKES ORI. . ' TK trial good. Good an I lIGHS put up in any ..s easy. Ready Pay I ash, seldom refused. ..pposite the Old Court Aug. l, 1869.-50 FOIL PILES.--Ss an eiterrial remedy, we claim that it is the, best knoNv n. auu we chal lenge the world toroduce an equal. Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, fOr ,it will not fail .to afford immediate relief, and inl a majority of cases will effect a radical c'ure. Sop Ad respectful y inform Immunity that he has rly occupied by John eparedto do! tarness Work times extremely malignant %Ind dangerous but a timely application;of this Liniment wil never fail to cure. ' • SPRAINS are Soinetimes very obstinate, and enlargement of the joints is liable to occur if neglected: The worst cases may be conquered by this Liniment in two or three days.. BRUISES, CUTS, WOUNDS, ' SORES, ULCERS, BURNSIA.ND SCALDS, yield read ily to the wonderful healing properties of DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, when used according -to directions. Also, CHIL BLAINS, FROSTED FEET, AND INSECT BITES AND STINGS. 1 • I • 1 r , Dr. Stephen zereet. of Connecticut, the Great Bone Setter. 1 Dr. Stephen Suite!, OfConneetieut, is known all over the ITnited Stites. Di. Stephen Sweet, of 'C'onn..d! ;rut, Is the au- Inor of "Dr. Liniment." COLL OW. hand. These cellars need but a trial to in good style. lle-rings, Humes, and constai.tly on hand. .d to call and examine, 'here. S. • P. XMAS th, 1860. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment (hires Rheu matism and never fails_ M',TMI , Dr. Sweet's Nitlll6le 7 Liniment Is a certain !remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's In/dale Liniment l Cures Burns and Scalds .immediately. Dr. Swee,'s Infallible Liniment Is the best known remedy for Sprains and Bruises, Dr. Sweet's Infallibli Liniment Cures Head= ache immediately and was neverknown to fail Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Affords imme diate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to cure. .Dr. , Sweet's In 11ibleLiniment Cures Tooth ache its one minute.. gM Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts an d Wounds immediately and leaves no scar. Dr. Staset's Infallible Liniment Is the best retuedy . for Sores in .the known world. Dr. Sthed's Infalliblettniment. Has been used by . more than n' million people, and all praise it. I - Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Taken inter nally eures . Coli e ,Cholera Ntorbus and Cholera. Dr. Sweet' Infallible Liniment Is truly a. "friend in need," and every family - sbould bits , * it ath'and.l CYTHS, 'Pr. Steiet's li fr allible Liniment Is foetal° by all . Diuggists. ;Pike 25 and 50 cents. 'DR." SWEETS INFALLIBLE LLNIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a rival, and will - alleviate - pain more speedily than any other 'preparation. For all Rheumatic and Nervous 'Disorders it: is truly infallible, and as a eurative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains Bruises, ac., its soothing, healing and pow erful strengtbning - properties, excite the just wonder 'and - astdnishment of all who have ever , given it a trial. Over one thousand ctitlficates of remarkable cures performed by it within the Lasttivciyears, attest tha fact. • _ . 'INFALLIBLE LINTMENT FOR HORSES is unrivallekby any; 'and in all cases of Lameness arising from Sprains, Bruises or Wrenching :its effect is magical arylyertain. .Harness or. Saddle Galls, Scratches, "Ma4age, Ake., .it • Will .also core speedily, Spavin and •Ritigbona . may ,be easily, prevented and cured in their ineipient stages, but confirmed eases' are beyond the possibility of a aanicat. CUM No cage of the kind, however,, -is so' deSperate or hopeless. may be alleviated by .this Liniment, apd .: its faithful appliCation will always re move the Lameness„ arid enable the - horses to travel with coinpairatife ease. Every Horse- Owner - „ 'should have this' tithedy- at• band, ' fer its timely use at idle' filet apUeatatici. of Lame ness will iffectuallyiriievent those formidable diseases; Act which all' horseis'ais liable; and Whiell•:rea'deii . it, - Many 'otiiiiiWiSes 'valuable threes ieailylwoithless-, • 'flr.'siorEET'S • iNFLLISI.E LINIMENT IS THE - - 'SOLV/lEB.I3: I ITRIEND, : - And tbdoisith g h'a7fctind it truly, */*lend . I ii"Ne,ed abgertfg Dr:''Stephin 4'icreit on eViiflibelc&illgo 6 Stoptithiii*eetis "Web; ggass of Manhunt, ii4tolit wliicb tioaearegenatne: JJ •- • BICIMEDSON j•Co. ViistiffetOrs;Nobkith; et: f :L OCliff Stirif;XikeiOrk:'" ' 4 '.; 4 1611-I* - iiitbiliii - eiinrwhitio. tit* ;DE: surEtTes • t... t 4 < "ble- LINLE23 E riz GREAT REMEDY QUINSY AND SORE THROAT are some A -Friend in Need. Try it To 3 •Horse Owners 1 . Jointr-_lZesoftaiontn2 artist* theiCAlsigivitrft'„ , • . IDE itreholved tbe He'sate-anikHca4 of II" Representatives of the '.oorankturik - *lte Of - Pennsylvania- in General; A - fteettfit'-.l. l rte That the following Amendments b#,PrtifiNvNt. to the. Constitution of then Commonwealth, in' accordance with the Provisions,ottbe:ttstith'• article thereof. • - There shall:be an additional - Stentlizto the' third Article of the - -ConstituLion,.to bo,desig- - anted as section four, as follows:. 4, SErrioy 4. Whenever.any .of the qualluedi electors of this Commonwealth shall : bo in any actual military service, undera.requisi-- tion from the President of the United States,• or by the authority of this Commonwealth, suet electors may exercise the right, of suf frage in all elections, by .the citions, under such regulations as areor shall be'preenrihed -by law as fully and effectually astif they . sten present at their usual places of election." There shall be two additional sectienS to the eleventh article of the Constitutionon be designated as sections eight and, nine as foi bles "Sccilos 8. No bill shall be passed :11y.the Legislature containing more thamone subject,. which shall be clearly expressed ia•the title, exc!pt appropriation bills. • •:, . "Sserzos 9. No bill shall be passed hylthe Legislature piloting any powers or privileges in any case where the authority to grantellah powers or privileges has 'been or may here aften,be conferred upon the Coati of this Commonwealth." JOHN CESSNA. • Speaker of the House of Representatives. JOHN P. PENNY, , Speaker tor the Senate. Office alike Secretary of the Cionnoon wealth, Harrisburg. July 1, 1863. : } PENNSYLVANIA, SS: . ' - • I do hereby certify tbal l the fdregoing { Lis } and annexed is a. fall, true and correct of the original Joint Resolution of the General Assembly, entitled " A Joint. Resolution proposing certain - Ainendmente to the Constithtion," as the same remains on file in this office. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my band,. and caused the seal of the Secreta ry s office to be affixed, •the. day and year above written ELI SLIFER, Secretary or the ilfuntuouvrealth. Trie 9 The Buffalo MeroantildiGoLl,oge CORNER OF MAIN AND ,SENECAstT,REETS. • Is an important link in the INTEIPIATION• AL CHAIN of Colleges, located:in NEW YORK CITY, PHILADELPHIA, BROOKLYN, A—BANY, TROY, CLEVELAND, t : DETROIT, CHICAGO, • . TORONTO, PROVIDENCE, PORTLAND, . SAINT LOUIS: , A Scholarship issued frcm the SulTalo.Col lege, entitle:, the' holder to attend eitheror all the Collegei for art inalimited time. The Dezign of these institutinns,is to impart to young men and Indies, a thOrough,,practi cal businesducation. THEORETICAL JAPA4TME,NT In this department students receive thorn' instruction in the ruoiments of Penmanship, Book-Keeping.Mathematies,Commereial Law. PRACTICAL DEPARTMENT. ; Hate the student boys and:sells'lleruhan dise, Stocks. Real Estate, itc., as in actual business. Two Banks have bees established in this department, which enables the student to deposit his cash. gct-bis paper discounted, and transact all busitiese incidental tosa;gen i eral trade. TELEGRAPHING. Students mast become good operators-bore 11 'a short time' PaBNMANSFIIP • The Spenceriap System of Penmanship, is a 'wilt by Competent and experienced teachers . Scholarship. nayable in adtatice, $4O. College open day at d evening: no - vacations Resident Principal at Buffalo, J. C. Bavest. For further information, please . call at the i College rooms, or se d for Catalogue ands Ci rcular enclosing lette stamp. Address BRY NT k STRATTON; Buffalo, N. T. Jy9ly VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR . SALE. MITE subscriber offers tbd whole of the fol k towing described tracts of land at private salo. The property will be.eold in .a body or in separate tracts, as purchasers may desire. It is in one of the finest lumbering and farm ing districts of this or adjoining counties,and will be sold at a very reasonable price. No. 1. A"tract of Two Hundred and Si: acres, Sixty .acres of which are improved, bounded by lauds of Martin Bartron,Benslem Horton, and the Sinnemalioning 'creek, on which are erected oneFratne - House l ono Frame Barn, one Frallle Shed, Apple. Peach, Pear, and Plum .Trees, and !also a fine lot of Pine, Oak and Hemlock Timber. A Spring at the door, and the Siuneinahoriing,gui'd Bast Fork of the First Fork creeki ruttning,thxongh it. Situate in Wharton township. No. 3. One . .litindred andTarentY-Five acres of Timber land, situate tip tlia:ll,elson run in Wharton toirtship. No. 3. :Also Sixty-Seven'AcretifarTimbet Land up Banter run, adjoining 'Sniitlrßro's, about Two acres of Which, are *OOO5, OD which are erected one Log.,House, sttAate in Wharton township. - , No. 4. One other lot Of TimbefLatut con taining Seventy-Six acres , nirienileisilollow in Whartoill township. , No. 5. One other lot otlitalter,Laint,con taining One Hundred and'F,ity4creldsitnats up N'ag Hollow, on which •are :erected one Frame-Howe and one LbirflOnap,,ltltkli gar den and two or three SneziOringeoc4ritter, in Wharton' township. No. 6. He will - also'aellihe,iindf•ffdid half of a tract of Four acrea.briand,bonrirfed by lands of Joe. L. Nelstminci• this 'Signet: ho ning creek, on whichitie - eiioe:dcitteo/0 1 4 8 WATER "SAW,MILL, knoWtr :ai -died Card aind alio a Divelliajejlontli:6ltrate in Wharton'toWnship. • • He Will alagiell thelolloting periOnal pro ileity, to .wit t Rotel; Wagon, One - Steiih; Toni Seven Calves, ' ' Wharton; Juneli,-i869 . • . ... ~_ • II aNkBl,olikt #66I;3SiiiECITAS ! Is ILI -is lii tilt; ' , lsoitibl: l o kiiitlist an attruo matelot:4li. Ad:10450 ftliia 'bOald° °ni t and .t,eli'wfittei?.:_pr',,p44Aed.-60.1p1s of this state ment bi3•Tru . stedVi.liigie,.4.lWei. 4. ,,ieiVe - bivi Lately Orlil(ett '.#l6olr,ravkg suitable for On iiiiiikciic;,- r.Olipo 0 , ... . i. AVAttor,- - ;-at _ tetVerM m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers