I=== " 3 S. - • BA IRTITE of daerry • tbrits of Vendition Fier! (Facies and Levari Ferias 41- iesuedrourof the . Court of Centinon Pleas of Pot -'"ter COunty, TeiMsylvaida, and to me directed, 1 'Atilt expose to publictale or outcry; at the. Court Souse in Coudersport, on MONDAY, the 21st ; , dtiy of Sept., 1863, at 1 o'clock, p.the fol ' lowing described tracts or parcels of land to wit : Clertain'realestate situate in the Tp., Of En ••-- Ulla, Potter county, Beginning at the north • _cart corner of the tract of land owned by AI- Wooduick, on which he now resides, ' ,l and folloiving north lino of said tract west wardly to the north-west corner of the same ' tract, thence along. the soutb-west line of said tract setithwardly to a pine knot corner; wit nessed by notches cut in three littlebeech trees, thence - south-east to a little Elm stand •' ing on the east bank of the North Hollow road, '-;•:thence to a small , beach , standing' on the bink of "' the North Hollow Brook ':and the r line to be continued' until it strikes' ' the east' line of said lot, thence north follow - ing said' east line to the. 'place' of beginning, being lot deeded to Nelson Woodcock by Al mond Woodeock and ,Eulalia Woodcock by :deed bearing, date the ith day of October, A. • D. 1848. ALSO—Certain real estate in Eu lalia Tp., beginning at a pine knot corner , " ::of the above described tract of land, thence "south 52° west 38 rods to a post corner,thence • -south 47° east 73 rode to a post corner,thence "south 55° west fifty-two rods to corner of Al ." 'meronNelson's lot, thence east along Bing ham line 95 rods,thence north 49° east 8 rods ,~to a post corner, thence north 38io west 128 rods.to the pliCe'of beginning being lot deed ed to Nelson Woodcock by Almond Woodcock by died bearing date September sth, _A. D. 1869. The two above desctibed lots contain ing together about one hundred and ten acres more or less, being the farm on which Nelson 'Woodcock now resides, the whole of which ; improved, with two frcme houses ; two frame • barns, other oat-buildings and some fruit 'frees thereom, To be sold as the property ofl ';:= -Nelson Woodcock. ALSO—AiI those si.v certain tracts, pieces -or parcels of hind situate in Pike and Hector townships, - being lottery warrants nos, 5122, - 5123, 51.24, 5125,.5126, 5127, and conveyed by Patents from the Commonwealth of Penn -sylvania.to John Nicholson, dated the 29th & 30th days of Apri1,1794. and named Darby Goshen Saint Thomas'Concord Fairfax &Rich mond, and each tract containing 1099 Acres, or 6594 acres in all. 'and bd:ng the same as ctinve:fed by John ,Nicholson and Ranbah his wife by deed dated the 18th day of March, A. -D 1795 to John Ashley, and recorded ameng 'the land records of Potter county . in Deed Book B, page 147 4-c., excepting one piece contain . Ing 100 acres heretofore conveyed to E. S.lifor: • top,. one piece containing 30 and 1 acre's con veyed to S. H. Martin, and one piece contain- TT. and . iths acres conveyed to Wm: Mc- Dougall. ' Upon which tract of land are the for.ov.ing improVenfeuts, viz: On warrant No 5:27, one, lot of about 5 acres improved with 2 frame' -fionsee, one frame barn, one blacksmith shop,, and one saw mill, now occupied by widow,l It:orison.; one lot of about 3 acres improved, with one lou house and one heard shanty thereon, now occupied by S.:Darrow ;. one lot' of about -20 acres improved; with one frame Iniuse, one board shanty and some fruit tree., , thereon, now occupied by Sam'l Decker ; and one lot, abotit 20 acres improved, with - one 'frame house, one fraine barn, one saw-mill, ••• lane blacksmith shop and 'come fruit trees thereon, now occupied by H: D. Frost. On warrant No 5122, one lot about'2o acres ` improved -with one frarne;barn and soite fruit trees thereon ; one lot about 15 acres improv-. ed, witti. - tWo frame houses, one log ht use and-j some fruit trees . tlitreon ; one lot about 4 acres - ] .•' ittprove6%vith one frame house and one board shanty- thereon, now occupied by C. W. . Ed monds ;*one lot about-So acres improved with • one frame house, one €rame barn and come fruit trees thereon, now Occupied by Charles .Pritchard; one lot about,' acres improved, with one log house thereon, now occupied by Chester Ellsworth ; one lot F, about X 45 acres improved, with two frame herises, one frame barn, one frame shed, one saw mill and some fruit trees thereon, now occupied by born ; and one• lot about 35 acres improved, -With one frame . house, one frame barn and some -fruit -trees- thereon, now occupied by, •Curtis Kilbourn., On warrant No' 5123, one lot about twelve 'acres improved,witb one frame house thereon, • now - occupied by John Razey; one lot about GO acres improved, with one frame house, one! log house, one frame barn, one corn hodse.' randa some fruit trees thereon, now occupied by J_ohrt•Sntiderlin ; One lot about 12. acres'' ;improved,"occtipied by :Simeon Ellis; Otte lot about 5 acres improved, with, one log house -and one log stable thdreon, now occupied by Robbins;' One lot about 12 acres improved, !with one 'frame house and some fruit trees 'thereon, known as tote Chas. Parker lot; One • lot about 10 acres improved, with one frame 'housqone log stable- and some fruit trees - thereon, now occupied by Win. T. Leach. 'One warrant No 5124, One lot about 8 acres 'improved, - with one frame house, one frame! 'barn and some fruit trees thereon, now oceu-j pied by Wm. T. Leach, Jr.: One lot about 5 'acres improved with one frame house thereon; and one lot about 16 acres improved;with one - frame house, two frame barns with cow shed' 'and corn house - attached and some fruit trees 'thereon, now occupied by John Scutt.' ' To be sold as the property of lluns.iClier 'Garlock: . . A.LSO=bertain real estate situate hi Bing 'ham Tp, Potter co., Pa., to wit : lot No 97 of , the allotment of lands of S Fox, dec'd con taining Tltand.4-10th acres`.' bounded as fol . * lout: on the "north by lots No's 94 and 96, 'east by lot No 107, south by lot No 101, an. 'West by lot NO TOO, about 15 acres of, winch are improved, with one new frame house, one 'old log honse and some fruit trees thereon. 'TO be sold as the property of Wm Best and Henry. Best. • 'ALSO—A ceitain-tract of land situate in Oswayo - Tp, Potter co., Pa., destribed as fol lows : b,egibnin,g at a honied: the NW 'corner of lot no. 1 of the allotment oflari - dain Hebron Tp; conveyed by the Trustees of the Bingham ,Estate to Benj. Graham, thence north 11r° east • by east line of lot n0.•59 Hebron Tp and east ",line of lot no. 75 HebrOn and °savo Tps 671 iperches to a heed?, in the S line of lot no 84 ..oswayo Tp, thence Eby S line of said tot no. .—.lB and 1,19 panes to a post a corner of 'said - 10t and'in line of lot conveyed by P Pem; . ; berton Morris to S P Lyman, thence S by line 'Of said lot 7 perches to a post corner of said 14,:f.fieriec E bS line of, said lot 92 perches to post Corner of said lot, thenceS . by line of ' perclics to,a post corner of said lot, thence Eby lint of said lot 'l9 perches to a r: post a.corner pf said lot, thence south by line prsaidlot 82.'percheslo* a • post a corner of said lot,thenet line of said lot 60 Perche's a • po:st a corner of said lOt,,thence by line Of.'s4d lot Iq9,perch - es to a post' a corner of - 4 1 4 lot; - thetie.q line r of said lot 110 per , tbes: to .a post - the'N W:,corrier of lot no.,9;con ltyed•byßitighamEstate to Luke Green,thence by. W.line of lot no.. 9.. 14. EL Pgrekk's tea Posi Abe N.E•zorner of lot.no. 6"EfetirPrt 7p, ,thence 'N'tOrW by N line of lot no. 6, 62 and T-I,othi? pereleato a maple'theS'W corner.pfAdid lot,- then& S Wby Wline of said lot OE Perches to tilditpleAtt tit nterffebiazt Tp and thlt,S W cornor of.said lot no 6.:LthencaN 84° W by N line of lot no. 5 94 perches to: si; post a corner of lot no. 2 Hebron Tp conveyed by Bingham Estate to Jos. Corey, thence N by line of said lot - 53 perches to ti - post a cornerof said lot, thence.lY by N line of said lot 105.7 perches to a Post a corner.of said lot ; thence S by line of said lot 82 and 9.loths of a perch to al:knob a cornerof lot no. 1 lebron Tp con veyed by Bingham Est,to Beni Grablim,th ente N 89i° Wby N line of said lot 107 an 2-10ths perches to the place of beginning, containing 968 acres and 4-lbths' of an acre, more or less, with the usual allowance of six per cent for roads, lc., -beilig lot n 0.35 of the allotment of lands of the Fox Estate in OSWayO township, and part of warrants nos. 1543,.1859 & 1869, about 3 acres of which are impwried,with one hqnse.and one barn thereon.—ALSO - The following described tract of land, viz situate in Etel:mon Tp, beginning at a post the N W corn'er of lot No of the allotment of lands in. said ;Tp, thence S 89° E 3'o perches. thence S IV 130 perches, thence N 89° W 30 per ales to a Corner in the W line of said lot n 0.59, thence N 14° E by said W line 130 perches to the place of beginning, Containing 23 acres, he the same more or less, with the usual allow ance of six per cent fdr roads, &t., it being the W part of la no. 59, of the allotment of th'e Fox;Estate in Hebron township and part of ; warrant no. 1866 about 4 acres of which are improved with one frame house, and one saw and •hingle mill therebn. To be- sold' as. the propbrty of Peter Beatman and 0. C. Warner: ALSO—Certain real estate in Pike tp, Pot ter county, hounded on the north by lot No. 3 belcinging, to Joseph Sunderlin, east and south by unseated lands, and west by lots No's'l9 and 22; containing one hundred and twenty-six and seven-tenths acres, being lot No. 10, and part of Warrants Nos. 5122 and 5127,ab0ut thirty acres of which are improved with, one saw mill, one , frame house,one frame barn, one blacksmith shopand some fruit trees thereon. To be fold as the Property of Jonathan Sterenion. • ALSO—Certain real estate situate in Gen:. esee Tp, Potter county, bounded on the north by lands of G. W. Pierce, east by lands of ; Wm Cobb, south by Moses Dawley - and west Uy lands of S. Barlow, containing Sixty-Six acres of land on which are thirty;acres im proved, one frame house, one frame barn, one store-house. other out-houses and fruit trees-thereon. To be sold as the property of S. S. Roberts. ALSO—A certain tract of land situate in Eulalia tp, beginning .at a post on the east fine bf lot No. 272 surveyed to Sylvester Wright, thence partly along said line north 1.1 . 0 percheS to a post, thence east 44 perches to a -post on the west line' of John Reed's rot, (no w Sanniel Thompson's),thence south along said; line 110 pdrches to a post II 'perches south of the S 1r 'earner of said John Reed's lot, thence West - 44.Terches to the place of beginning, containing - Thirty acres awl Twen, ty One Hundredths - of an acre strict measure more or less, being lot No 353 of the; sub-di visida of the lands of the Bingham Estate in Eulalia tp. and part of warrant No 2079. about twedy acres of which are improved, with one, frairie house, one stable and some fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Adelia M. Howard. ALSO—Certoin real estafe situate in Eula lia ti)., Potter co., Pa., bounded on the north by lands of the Bingham Estate, on the east, by land of H. A. I elson and the North Dor . low P;oad, south by the Lymansville and Con dersphrt road, and west by lands 'of L. D. Sp9.lford, containing Eighty-Eight 'acres •of which twenty acres are improved: =ALSO' —Once other lot situate in the town and county aforesaid, and bounded on the north by lands of thei Bingham Estate. east by lands of L. D. Saffcird, south by lands of John Crittenden, and Ni• est by lands of J, Crittenden ' and S. Boss, 'containing One Hundred acres, of which twenty-five acres are improved, with one frame; house, two frame barns, outbuildings r and some fruit trees thereon.—ALSO-- lAnother lot situate as aforesaid and bounded on the north by lands of.E. Starkwethe'r and 1 L. D.! Spatford, east by the highway, and south' and west by lands of L. D: Spafford icoutaioing Seventy acres of which fifty acres are improved. To be sold as the property of [Nathan Woodcock and A. Woodcock. j ALSO—Certain real estate sifua.e in the I Village 3f Lymansville, in Eulalia tp., boon-1 ded on the north by the Lycoming, and Potter Turnpike Road, on the east_by r ,:the Highway leading to Ayres Hill, on the south by lands of Nathan Woodcock, and Wrest by lands of L. D. Spafferd, containing nine and eight tenths acres more or less, all of which is im proved, with one fram,,, house, two frame barns, other out-houses, and a good apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Jonathan Glase. ALSO=The following described real estate ! L in Roulet tp., Beginning at a. post in the N ; line of. warrant 2173 being south east cornerl lot No 57 surveyed to C. Knowlton, thenCe; E by north line of said warrant 91 rods to a post corner, thence 5 - 108 rods-to north linel I of lot No. 148, thence west 81 rods to corner in the east line of lot No. 87, thence N by east line of lots Nos. 87 and 85 to place of begin ning; pontaining Fifty-four and seven-tenths l'acres, and being lot No. ; 88 of the allotment of Keating lands in Roulet, tp. and part of warrant 2173. ALSO—A lot adjoining the abate, beginning at the north - . west corner of lot No. 89 conveyed by John Keating & co. to Daniel Smith, thence N 92 perches, thence E Ib9 perches , thence S by lot No. 192 in pos• session of Daniel; Smith 52 perches 'to the N E Corner of lot No. 89 above mentioned,thence W 159 perches to the plane of beginning; containing Fifty-one acres and six-tenths ofl an acre strict measure more oFiess, being lot ~o 148 of the allotment of Keating & co's., lands iu Roulet tp. and part of warrant No. 2173, On which lots about 70 acres are im proved, with one frame house, one fog house, two ftame barns, and other out- bbildings With two apple orchards and other fruit trees thereon. To he sold asthe property of Friin cis Read. • ALSO—Real Estate situate lit Sharon tp.' Potter co., Pa., Beginning at a post oa the W bank of the OswoYo creek 44 perches lE of the N corner of - Warrant No. 2176 as estab lished lay a re-survey, thence E 42 per's to the S Wco'rner of a lot surveyed for Simon Drake, thence. S crossing the Oswayo, cieek 12 - perches to a pest _ on the - 8 bank thereof, thence np the bank of the creek on the south. side south 81r E:l9 phrbhes, thence south' 39°E I perches, thence soutli per ches, thence El° perches, thence south 32° E 21 perches, thence south 16°. E iTerches to a hemlock stump corner on - the 'South bank of the Mill Race, thence down the south bank of the same N 58° W 32 perches, thence N 80°1' 6 perches, tften6e_N 62° IV 6 perches thence Wl4 p9ches, thence N W- 9-perches t 9 a beech !corner at the lower, end 9f,the tail race, thence N . 34°. W 22 perches 19`; the pjace'df beginning,; containing . Eight ;acres _and 'one hundred and twenty-seven percbei ,of larid strict measure, on which is a SaU-inill, a small frame house, a small frame barn and 4bont four acres . improved. To be sold as the prop erty. of Peter Bateman . and 0. C. -Warner. ALSO -CctLaiii ieal : esta,te : begiaaing at a post the north-west _corner of lot No. 98 Of. the] allotment of lands in lEfebrOn Tp., in east' line of lot No. 115 - ntirW or late. in possession of Joseph 4tOaa, theride-by line of lot No. 98 east 40lierches, thence tihrth 26 parchesl and eest,.l4.nne4-10th's pereheu to a Cornell of lot No; lain possessiotrof John Matteson, thehce hyline of said lot north 12 and 340ths perehe.9, theilce west 54 and 4-10ths perches, thehce id part by east Hite Of lot No. 115 afore said 38 tind , 3-10tbs perhceS to place of begin ning,contaiaing 10 and 5-10ths acres more br less, being part of lot No. 44 of the allotment or lands of the estate of S. M. Fox, dec'd, in Ere - - . bron.Tp,..conveyed by Dr. Geo. Fox, Adin's'r Of said estate to Wm. McDougall and Maimah `Matteson, on which is erected one sod school house.. .To besold as the, property of Manoah Matteson. '. , . , C. I. t A.RR4BE'; She'rUf. N office toDrafted Men. rrihe time for Drafted Men to appear has -Li been extended as follows: • " - • •'. •. , • • CENTRE COUNTY. , Ist Sub-District. August 24th 1863. , 2d Sub-District, August 25th 1863. 3d Sub-District, August 22nd 1863. 4th Sub-District, August 27th 1863: sth Sub ! •Distrlct, August 28th. Gth Sub-District, August 21st. • CLINTON COUNTY., . • , 7th Sub-District, September Ist: • Bth Sub-District, September 3d. 9th Sub-District, September 7th. 10th Sab-District, September 4th. ' 11th Sub-District, September 4th. LYCOMING COUNTY. . . 12th sob-district; September 1101. 13th sub-district, SepteMber 15th. 14th sub-diStl'ict, September 1701. 15th sub-district, September 18th: I'6th sub-district, September 19th. 17th spb-district, Sept#mber 21st: 18th.sub-district, September 22nd. 19th sub-distri'ct. September 23rd: • 20th üb-district,September 24th. 21st sub-district, 'September 25th. .•• t•-• TIOGA• COUNTY. ," sub-district„September`f:Gtll - . 33rd sub-district, September, 29th. 24th sub-Ristrict, October Ist. 25th sub-district, October 211 d. 26thsub-distrlct, Gctober,3rd. 27th 1.11)-district, October Gth. 28th sub-district, October Bth: -POTTER COUNTY. • 29th sub-district, October 10th.' 1- I 30th 'sub-district,• October 10th. • 31st sub-district, October 10th. • 32nd sub-district, October 10th. • 33rd sub-district, October 10th, , 34th sub-district, October 10th., No Examinations can belteld except in accord ance with, th'e above order. The Board of Enrollment wlll be in session daily for the purpose of hearing cases of ex emption and -making examinations, at their °tee, from 9 o'clock, a, m. until 12 m., and from 2 o'clock p, 3 o'clock p. m., to receive Substitutes. W. W. WllitE, Capt. and Provost Marshal. 11. HAWLEY, Commissioner of Board. J. 11. DOBBINS, Surgeon of Board. August 21st, 1363. ril4E 'CONFESSIONS AND EXPERIENCE of an Invalid. Published for the benefit, and as a warning and a caution to young men wlnx suffr from 'Nervous Debility, Premature Deciy of Manhood, etc., suppling at the same time the means of self-cure. ' - .1.3y one who has cured himself after being put to great expense and injurythro' medical humbug and quackery By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope single copies ma} 'be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings county, N. Y. LOST. JPremissolT Note given, at)out the 15th of March, 1863, for Ninety Dollars, pay able one year from date, by Otis Woodcock to Byron Voodeoe,k. • Any person finding said Note will please return it to the subscri ber, as he has ,given notice to the said Otis Woodcock not to pay' it unless presented by himself. BYRON, WOODCOCK Eula Lie., Aug, 26, 156.3. L INE, Lime. for sale at GLASSMME & COLWELL'S ESTRAY. flame to the premises of the subscriber in Jackson Townspip, about the first ofJune last; a Pale Red Steer, about one year old. The owner will plea,se come forward, prove property. pay charge 4 and take him away, or lie will be disposed of according to law. MERRICK. CHAPEL. Jackson Tp., Aug. 21, 1863 BlatekShitithing! lAN . and after londay, August 10. . WILLIAM; FLING - An excellent wOrkinan, always ready to work for such as will pay when THE JOB IS DONE. o,credit,giyen unless by special arrange ment,with 'the pr4rietoi-. . _ ASHES, HIDES, Produce, OLD CASTINGS, Dried Black & Black Raspberries. County orders Cash &c., waited. • hIICIEN . BIRD, Proptietor. BroOklandi Pa., formerly called Cushing ingville, July, 1863. biiioorCe • Dtolice. LOUISA HUNT, 1 ;1ic5.,54;ept.T,1662 by ber next friend [Libel in Divorce. CALVIN PALMER, }- To S. P. Hunt, respondent. please J S. P. HUNT. take nnt/Pe that a subpcena and alias subpoena having been .issued and returned.nikii, you S. P. Hunt, respondent, are. notified' to appear at our next term of Court to answer the complaints Of yout sniff wife; Louisa`, Hunt, and. show Cann Why' a divorce should not by trianted. D. a LARRABEE, Sheriff. thtriiTs' Office; Aug 27, 1583. . OT' 110ShS,—for the La .djes,—,at _ - STE!BBINS' GPSTAFFS VERXiIN EXTERMINATOR, at STEBBINS' . . Q Thiwg" . o.n -- Soap,' ID for sale at. S.XEBBINS", 11)041i11.101if of Partnership TfrEilartnership-heretofore existing between the undersigned unddrlbe:firm - haute or OLMSTED day - dissolved by mutual turre unsettled accounts. With the late firm-are rectueited settle - With H. JAlMsted to whom all debt's due the firm will•bd-paid. • • : • The brisinesj Will be conducted by U. 9.I.•,NSTED, who has ;purchased' the entire - ln.. terest' of :liis -late pariiter, and who solteits'ir ithatlimMace Of Ill& putilid patronage,' !.• D: KELLY,:- • • r - 11. J. OLMSTED: 4:3 blitri'dersi;ciii, r 180 , : DANT: td'att_Act, Of* GeOefolAS e , e.bly:of fhb dobiliton*ealiliOf Pennsyl + yenta, entitled '!4.- . Act; relating : totto elec .lions .f this. Comments - Oath," abiorea th: seemi July; A. Dc Otte thousand eigh hunnted arid- thirty-nine. 7, D. C, LARRA -BEE, Sheriff of the County of Pottcr,-PentisYL do, hereby make knOwn and:giie to the 'electorsof the county aforesaid, that ,Goner 1 Ffection will be held in thd said noun ty of . 1 - otter on the Second Triesday , (Thir ieenth of October; 1 563, At irhit h time Suit and C.unty:Officers, as follo*a are to lie tleri ted,'t. wit: . , One persOn for Govettini , of PetinsylvisMia One person for Judge of the Sbpreme emir of Pen 4 sylvania. Tslr• persons for Members of the Thirise o itepre:efitatiVes of the geiiet - al Assetribly o Penns ivjtnia , in conjunction with the count of TioLa, ficiepfesept the :Colludes :of Ting and Fetter., ' • One person,. for Prothonotary and Clerk to I Courts of the county of Potter One person foi•OokninissiOdor of the conhti 'of .Pot er.. . One person rot. Iteglater and iteebrder o the eo nty 'a Potter. . One pergola fot Auditor of the tbutty o Potter. One person (Or 'Coroner, Of the bounty I als. make known and 'give nbtice, as i. and b the 13th section of the aforesaid act am dir • cted, tnat every pergat - exdepting Jus tices o the Peace, who holds any office or akioin uient Of profit or trust under' he Gov ernme t of the United. States 'or this State; or .y city or incorpOinted district,wtether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subor: dinain 'officer or agent, li - hulls or shall be em plOyea'nnder the legislative,ljddiffial7, or ex-' ecutive departments of this Statenf the United States, or of any city of ineorporattd district, and also that every member or Congress and of the State Legislature, an 3 of the select and n council of any citjj or commissioner ncorporated distiict, istylaw iccapa • olding or exercising nt. the same time e ifp'Pbintril'ent or.Tudge, Inspector, of nn election in thia.Commontrealth, 'comma of any i file of I the offi or der! t no Inspector or Judge, or other offi ng such election 'shall be eligible to d for., and tb car of be rot, that Lithe 'fonfth section Of the Act niqy, entitled "An Adt relating to s and for cther pfirposes," approved 6th, 1860, it is enacted that the afore- Also' of Ass: electie ' April h section shall not. be so'construed as said 1 I ent any Military, Officer. or Boroitgli from servitig as Judge, Inspector, or f any general or special electioe. in mmonwealtb. • • to pre Offiger Clerk this 'C. further directed thatihe meeting of the udges at the Court HoUs.e in Condors make out the general return=, shall be Friday succeeding, 'the general eke -I.4ch will be "the 16th' day . of October. I here niake known and give notice • places fcit hiding the aforesaid gen= iection in the several townships and I lls within 'the county of Potter, are as Itis return port tol the firs tion, I also that th l eral el borou,,l folloN For Ito wit • . . lie township of Abbott, e.t the 'denim • el in said township. t'ownsniphe Allegaiiy, at the school ear the place forinerly owned by Ches r6fs, in said township. be•tormshin of Itinghain, at the Bing•-• ntre school house near A. R. Lewis, in Irnship. nia ilo For house'. ter .A.n For , ham C. said to :he township of Clnit. at the school car Salatevens';'in said township. For house he toWniiiip, of Eulalia. at the iCew louse in the borough.'of Coudersport. .e township of Geneiee, at the house r 'oaCupiSil by S. S. Ro.'co, iu Ellisburg. For Coort vor former e township . of Harrison, at . the house occupied by 'lra Baitbobinieiv,iu said Fort recentl townsb For t house . townsb For t .e township of Hebron at the school 0.'5, near Henry Ingralam's, in said ie iownship of Hector, at the Sunder ol house, in said township. is township of Homer at the school car Jaccb Peet ' s, in said township. ie township ' of So ' ckson, at the house occupied by B. Horse, now M. Chap :lid township. e township of Keating.. i at the house y Harris, in , said township. , .1 le township of Oswayo, at the Centre ouse in said township. e township of Pike, at the house of r . Inson, in said township. e township of Pleasant. Valley, at the ouse No 2,"in said township. 0 township of Poitage, al the. Sizer onse in said township. e township of flOnlet, tit, the school ar George Weimer's in said township. e township, of Sharon, at the Sharon hool house, near John Voorhtes', in nship. e township of SiTedra t , at the house th Taggart in said township. e township of Stewartson, at tire Yew school house, in said township. e tolinship of Sammit, at the house occupied by tel Cook,now Jonathan in said township. I I le township of Sylvania, at the school 1 1 Auditor's •Notice. = ar J 31 Rees', 40 said township. 'HIE Subscriber having been appointed An t township of Ulysses; at the `house ditOr to distribute the proceeds of the I: ennett, in said totvnslilkr. sa e of real estate in the case of W. N. Howell township 'Of West ,Branch, at the vs I. D.Staysa, No. 55, Feb'Y., Term, 1859, S 31 Conable, in said township . wi 1 attend to the duties of said appointment . township of Wharton, at the house on Friday the Ifth day, of September next, n Horton in said township. at he ProthonotaFiek &lice in Coudersport,e borongl of Coudersport, at the at o'clock, P. M., when and where those: in use in said borough. ter gt.,ed ban attend if they rhooso. under my hand, this 31st day of 1 11. J. CLMSTED, Auditor. 1.. D., 1863. lin scli Tor hou.se former pel, in For t Fort c school rol' ti' Elijah J, For t school For tl' scitool For tl house n' For t Centre s, said to For of Ason For t, on ay I For t former' Redßon, i For di , house n: For th of Atlas roi t house o For th . of Steph For tl Court 11. Given August, D. C. LARRABEE, Sheriff. sport, Aug. 31, - 1863. • BEM M.A_NHOOD: Ell HOW RESTORED! HOW L islied in i*.s - ealiff envelope, jirlee G cis e on the Nature, Treatment and Rati bf Sp'erraatorbcd, or Seminal Weak= ual Debiliky, Nerviiusness, and Irivol'- ission, Including Impotency. Con 'and 'Alental.a - nd Physical Debility's • Boa'r'J. CULVERWELL, M. D. rtant fact that the awful conserinen - - f-Abnse may be effectually removeffl eternal medicines or the dangerous no of causti,s t in. , truinents,rnedicated and other impiriPal &Vices, is here emonstrated, and the entirely new ysucce'ssful treatment as adopted by atedatithbr,fully explained,by means every one is enabled to cure himself and faille lea'stpossiblevost, there tig all the advertised nostrums of the is lecture will prove a boon to thon l ' thousands; su.tpubll Lectu. ical cure !Jess. Se.. uutury E sumptio.l The imp. , ces of Se without applicati bduglb3, clearly #1 and high! the celeb of which perfecq by aN•oid day. Tin sanos nn 0 4s e a plain, ceuts, or t under 'seal, to any tiddrgss, in ealed erivelopik, on the receipt of six two postfigestainps,•liraildressing, . • ' Dr. CHAS. J. KLINE, 127 Bow py, New York, Post Office Box, 4586. WANTED.L . , •Te Teaeber, to teach the t•chOol at ibergen. Wages $2O per month. ons will be accepted * tip to thd 10th , ptember.. GUAIILES MEIT4E, I , Sup't Board of' Directors. 3be,:13, 1863. , ' 7' Feral /11. Na Applicat day of S. Garamni t" -- COUR WHEREAS the Hon. Robert G. Whitt,. President Judge, and the Hons. C. S; JOrfes'ald:G. Q: enlVirt, - Associate:Judges of thea - Units Co? oYer"& - Terididet" And' General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace,. Orp ens' Court and Court of tioinmon Pleas for the County of Potter, have issued their_ precerp3 ,- hearing date the twenty-fitst day ; of June; in — tlie - year of our Lord'One thou.: sand eight hundred and sixty-three,and to nie direeted.for holding a Court of Oyer and Tertri' iner land . General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sex= signs of the Peace, Orphans' Court, and Court of COffireon Pleas, in the Borough of Couders pOrt,V oft' MONDAY,,hst daY of Sept. next ? and to continue one week : • .Noticids therefore hereby given to the Cor oners,.Juitices of the Peace and Constables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of std.& day, with their rolls, records, inquisi tionS, examinations, and other remembrances, to do those thingix whlch to their offices iip-• pertahl to be done. And those who are bound by their recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said county of Potter, are to bethen and there to ; prosecute against them as will be just. Dated at CoitnEnsfoilf, Jane 30, 1863, and the 84th year of the lndepozdence of the United States of Anierica. _ D. C. LARRABEE, Sheriff. LIST OF CAUSESTur trial in the Court of CoMmon Pleas of Potter, county, at the •Sept. Terth. W T :Tones & Bro vs Gee W Bradley JoneS & Co. vs Sheldon Bradlee, et al. • . Mefiger&Strot!galltasrs of Strong vs WTJones - and it F Jaws D Lewis et al vs It, W. Mclntyre. W tJones & Bro 4s J M Kilbourn James.*Shaffer vs II W May and W M Smith JOS'eph W Stillman vs Geo Fuller* Card vs. John C Tanner & Card vs Deremer & Thompson W V Keating & Co vs George Heiter • J It Munson use of C W•GoruEn vs Marry Lord . — exeCutors 'of Jroini Dwight Commonwealth for use.vs Asaph Byam F. 'Phelps vs Silas Nelson Wm.Durleson vs Wm T Jones - Stewisrdson School.DisiNct vs Potter county Oswayo School District vs Potter county Dusenbery g lustin tCo vs S Pp6eynoldB .M.cry lAnn Warner V's John Duras Mary Ann Warner 'vs Jahn nuitis Nickerson vs D D Smith Jones! Mann &Jones for use vs S P Reynolds Jones; Mann ct: Jones fof flee Vs 'S P Reynolds Corning & Co for use vs E Hacktt Smith use of M ii Nelson vs 'Silas Nelson B S. 'Coley vs Samuel Hnli I - Mantgomel-Y vs Baker • Abbott vC Blackman. • H. J: OLMSTED, Proth'y. Administrator's Sale. BY virtue of an order issued out of the Or phan's Court of Potter county, Penn'a, nd td us directed ; we will expose to public .ale or outcry, at the Court House in the Boro' ;f Catidersport, on ' 1 TUESDAY, SEPT. 22',.1863, - t 1 *lock, P. .11 - .;the following real 'estate, .escribed as follows . ) to wit : • - Beginning at the .north-east corner of .lot No. 3..4 of the allotment of lands of H. H. Dent, n Hetor tp.,in said County, being the lot con eyed Ito B. F. Wilber on'the 18th tiny of Feb. 854, thence east tic line of lots No. 107 d . : . 25 CO rolds lo the east lide of Potter co, thence outh by said line 106 rods to the north-east tornery of lot No 36., thence west 160 rods to he south-east corner of the 'aforesaid lot No. 4 14, 'thence north 106 perches to the place of egintling ; containing One Hundred acres nd allowance, more or lesti, l and heing lot "o. 35 1 on the. map of the Jonas all H. Dent n Motor - tp., in said county and being part f Warrant No. 137, about Seventy acres of l hich I are improved, with seventy-five to on% . undrld bearing apple trees, one small frame f ouse and two frame barns thereon.. The in erest cOf Samuel Carlin, dec'd, in the above described real estate only to lie sold, ' • FRANCIS STRANG, Administrator 'of the estate orSarnuel Carlin dec'd Coudersport, Aug. 17, 18G8. Register's Notice. XTOTICE is hereb; given that the follo . iving U named persons did, on the dates affixed names, file the accounts of their ad ministdation to the estates of these persons, whose names are, undermentioned, in the office of. the Register , of iircilSale of wills gr4nting letters of administration in and for the I county . of Potter, and . that - the same will be presented to the Ciptans'. Court of said county, for confirmation - and allowabee, a tlieJ,2l.st- day of •Sept., 10 a. In: at the Curt House in said count*: . • March 23, 1863. • The account of Robert. K. .ung,lExecutor of John Glaspy,:late of Syl a nia Tiwnslilp in said county, deceased. Account of Sarah A. Nichols,, ailministra tr x' of 4 . ohn A. fCTicitols, dee'd. late of Sweden to veebip. Filed July 30,.1863. DAN BAKEPt,--IZegister Auditor's Ncitipe.. The undersigned Auditor fo make distri.: but:on of the proceeds of the - vale of Real Estate initne case of R. G. White; vs C. W. Feb'y Term 1861. •No. 32, will atte t nd tolthe thttieS 'orhiS Appointment at the Proi honota - ry's Office in C6udersport, Mon day', the 21st day of Sept. next; 'at 5 o'clock P. ,I...TboSe interested will. attend if they thick proper. H. J. OLMSTED, .Atiditor. Dit - orce Notice. HI .431 WILLIAMS, 1 75, Feb. T, 14- vs. i• Libel in Divorce. BETSEY WILLIAMS) Whereas,subpcend and alia subpaina.having been issued in this ease andl returned nihil. Yoh. Betsey Williams,re spondeni,are beret& notified that libelant will make npplicption at the next Court of Common and for the cotinty.br i'iittir,..for a diviirce a vincula matrinioni, at which time and Yeaticau atterifl if vpu think proper. •1 D. C. LARRABEE, Sheriff.- - • Sliptiffa' Office, June 30,18E3. . • L ,::).:7,_A...,F4ENpirs CELEBRATED TONIC BITTERS kiiii-tojcoming.th:inosi•:Poiiiiiir'liqdfcir76 . .In - ciiCulatiiiii fcii•_ttie cu e: of- ,IN' ER CbMPLAINT": 1.51' .. 5 . Pt115iA . , - JAUN'- T aN,; DEBILITY : .OP - THE ii-Rvous..... systEst, aildirt r iAASS' of iho . -.._ S OILAiCET. and...DIGESTIVE ORGANS alsd I "gaining - li' gient r4utation in-i4a. CURE OF...DIPTHERL4... . tofEce, COce.crsraft:Potix:_r•Co.,re.: ~ I ffill . • ir:NE•w• FAIL GOODS 2 I i 1 f ' ;-- - .1!-",:: Read ! Our New Prices• Simmons' t*w4.c) ittGtit2iToit in Fun Blast .t 9 WORTH !i0 GOOD MEttIMAC I S, COCHECOS, PHILLIPS, ALLENS, DUNNELLS and other Qood Prints from 12f. to 10 nts., fot theibem:. • GOOD SHEETING te to 20 :ITorth 20 1 to 30 cts. GOOD 13i4EACI1D 31t7SLIN to 18 worth 18 to .30 -cta. GOOD DENIMS for 20 ots. *rinth 28 to 35 ete. GOOD TWEEDS for 25 to 44 wprth 38 to 63 cts. GOOD 'CASI3fERES very lot.v: GOOD BLACK SILKS 75, to 81.1.8 worth $1.25 to sl.7s GOOD COLORED SILKS 'for 50 eta: worth ALL WOOL DE LAT.NEB for 35 tats: worth 50 cis. GOOD 00.3brON DE LAlicES i tOr to 25'wortti Z 5 to 80 cts. ALL WOOL, i\itithioB for 50 to fij 'its. worth $1 td $1.25 Boots & Shoes A LARGE ASSORDiENT,NrzEty Lo*: Food Calf Boota foc sx.oo • Good Women'skides fdr 7.5 cents Good Gaiters 'for 1;3 cents And all other kinds df fine shoes equally of low. • Clothing In this line of our tir.cle . U.e can save ion ik large per cent.. 4 Good Snits Black, Grek and others: Coti; Vet, - Pafits,Hat,Pocket Handkerclgef,gravati and Shirt for $l9 to -$1.2 *orth Groceries We ean'alSo solfyoa Grocerl6 at a sittihg of at least 25 to 50 per et. Good Tea of an.eir= tra quality for $1 worth $1,50. Other gridd Teas from 50 to T 5 ets GSod chewing TollaCci). from 35 to SC: cis God Sugar for 12,3 : Cerns 'Our connection with some of the best jdly bing houses in New York will ulwrt3s enublo us to sell many goods very much below the tivirket price. - Dry Goode froni Jason H tobliovt.r, Clafi Mellon kCo., New York, also,-Hair land, Lindsley & Co , two df the best houtt.s in New • York: Clothing 'rtita ,Messrs. Baldivin; Storrs Co., No. 12 Cour4and st., also 3les.,:ra.•Lon g _ street, Bradford "4 Co., 848 Ye.fikee -- -Notioils from J: -Henry - Smith panne, 35 - Conithia st. • . - • hardware • froni 316rgari, Qttackeibdsli Co., 20 Ccrartlanclit. •• • Crockery . frona , Mr. Oscar_Cheettuarr; 145 Duane sheet. ' • •• :• Groceries frotniMessis: Abr'ens I:llalmiren; 255 Washington , itrett. Hat and cars; from Millei 43'• NoM ay, 399' Broadway. " . _ • Also Dry Goodi front Wm. Cromwell & Co:; 1 55' Franklin street N: Y., rlho titer Nadi godd -- bargains for-all that 611 upon them. I Fail na to call upon tie and ii,atnine our Goods. Get oar prices before purchasing elseichcre. " ' • - ' All . 'obberg faraithed for theirlai at Sc* Fork altolesaie prices, and let it reinentz tiered that We. are the only Firtaliiiiie &nifty th:it bits a whOlesale license. • Hcipieri to teetiie an early call erb:teinsiiej Tipizts C - --Mz.sl#ooolisi,-,, . . 6.4.•ezt - Apnst 26, 7 ✓. , 2- r. EWE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers