ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC Ammumusr. .13 ' The gst.Jlechaniecti paper in the World EIGHTEENTU YEAR. VOLUME VIII.---NEW SERIES A new volume of this popular Journal com mences on the first of January. It is publiEh ed weekly, and every number contains sixteLa Taps ef , useful information, and from five to ten original engravings of new inventions and 2 disiove-ies, all of which are prepared ex pressly for its columns. To the Mechanic and' .Manufacturer.—No' person engaged in any of the mechanical or ...inant.f icturing pursuits should think of "do ing ' without' the Scientific American,. It costs , but six cents per week; every number contains from six to ten engravings of 'new machines and inventions, which caunotibe found in aruc other publication. - To the Inventor.—Tbe Scientific Ameri an 'is indispensable to every inventor, as it p ot only contains illustrated descriptions of i n ea r ly all tile best inventions as they come out, but each number contains an Official List of the Claims of all the Patents issued from the United States Patent Office during the week 'previous"; thus • giving a correct history of the progress of invention in this country.— C We are also receiving, the best Scientific jour nals of Great BritiaJ, France and Germany ; thusplacing in our possession all that is trans taring in mechanical science and art in these old countries. We shall continue to transfer to our, columns copious extracts from these journals of whatewr we may deem of interest .to our readers. ?:- A:pamphlet of instructions as to the best mode of obtaining - Letters Patent on necr.iu- Nantions, is furnished free on application. Messrs. ?ilium & Co. have acted as Patent Solicitors for. more than seventeen years, in connection with the punlication of the Scien , tiffic Atherican, and they refer to 20,000 pat en:tees for whom they have done business.' No charge is made for examining sketches and models of new inventions and for advis just inventors as to their patentability. 'Chemists, Architects, Millwrihgts and Pair mers.---The Scientific American will be found a most useful journal to them. All the new discoveries in the science, of chemistry lire given in its columns, and the interests of the architect and carpenter are not overlooked; all the new inventions and discoveries ripper taining to these pursuits being published from week to wt ek. Useful and practical Moran. tion pertaining to the interests of millwrights and mill-owners will be found in the Scien tific American, which information they can not possibly obtain from any other source .f . — Subjects in which farmers are interested w i t!l be found discussed in the Scientific Ameri can; and most of the improvements in agfi cultural imßlements being illustrated in Columns TERMS.—To mail snbs - cribers : Three Dol lars a year, or One Dollar for four montlfs.l-- The volumes commence on the first of Janda ry and July. Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money or Post-Office stamps to ken at par for sabscriptiims. Cana dian subscribers will -lease to remit twenty five cents extra on each year's subscription to prepay postage. MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park Row, N. ;Y THE PRIDE OF NEW YORK. Grant/ Mirror of American Gem, "Correct with spirit eloquent with, ease x Intent to reason, or polite to please." The IsleviYork IVlercury.l FOR TUE NEW YEAR. It is with no fear of War's effect upon their literary fortunes, that the publishers of The Nety • York Mercury acknowledge the uncnitv . ering loyalty:of the. two hundred thousand subscribers, Mut announce to them and tolall, that The NdW York Mercury for this year . (1863) will be,richer in every luxu.y of Pu lite Literatur'e than ever before. It is no up start speculation, no temporany "sensation," but a first-class literary weekly, which shuts been Ihmiliar, to the United States for a quar ter of a centftry4 and while the tvishy-washy' ,prints of veSterday are cutting down their 'talent even While they raise their subs4rintion price, The Mew York Mercury maintains all its great Staff of Romancers, Poets, Humor ists, Essayist's, Story-Tellbrs, and EditOrs;and promises to make it still greater for 1861 It is the crae paper for every home,. ;Itsfor ty columns of reading,•matter per week con stitute an unparalleled conservatory of the entertainiag, and its Novels, Miscellaneous Tales, Beauties of Voll.GOssip. Broadsides of numor, and Polished Edi)ori als, combine, to epitomize all the eharrris of wit arid sentiment! The.husband reads it to his wife, the, mother to her children, the llover to his weetheart, the soldier to his comrAdes, • and the village schoolmaster to the circle around the stove. It is familiar to the sight of every man, woman, and child in our enun try. and has regular subscribers in several cou Aries of Europe. The .New York Mercury is also identified With the gritndest patriotism of " of the age, fur several members of its brilliant Staff' hold high rank in our noble ariny4 and have made themselves as famous with the Sword as with the Pen. The great illu9traf=.l ing artist of The New York'Vercary, tha in imitable Carley, gives the riaper the highest attributes of Fine Art; find yet this lakgest literary weekly of the day promises to surpass itself in all these respects during the New year! [ The first New York Mercury Novelettefor the New Year, to be commenced in the 'issue of January 3. 1863, is called VICTORIA ; or The Lleiresss of Castle Cliffe. By Cousin May Carleton Author of "Gipsey Gower," "Sybil amphell," "Ermine," '"La Masque," &c., kc. The productions of this -distinguished au thoress need no eulogy. Public opinion long t•ince pronounced thorn superior to any other novelettes published on this side of the At lantic ; and the true test of their merit is found in the fact that they are eagerly reproduced, after their publication in the Mercury, by the English press. We may add that the new tale, "Victoria," is fully equal in itiiere4t and depth of plot to either of those which have secured so large a share of public approval. and we can earnestly recommend it to 91sto ry-readers. The New York Mercury is sold by all 'news men and periodical dealers in Americr subscribers it is regularly mailed every atm.-- day morning, for 2 a year; three copies for $5 ; six copies for 9 ; eight copies for $l2. with an extra copy, free; to the getterlnp of the club. Six months' subscriptions received. Always write plainly the name df your Net Of /tee, County and State We take the !fetes of all solvent banks at par. Payment must in variably he made in advance. tel,,Spleimen .Copies scat free to nil applicants. Address •all fetters arid remittances, post paid, to • CATIOWELL h WHITNEY, Proprietors of J, 'Yaw Fork ,Isretzry,t 13 Fulton st.,N;YCity. WORK FOR CANVASSING AGENTS. ; • HARPERS PICTORIAL HISTORY 1 OP THE (GREAT REBELLION THZ • UNITED STATES . • THE B4ST Messrs. Harpers 4 Brothers have commenc ed the issue in Numbers of a complete History of the' Great Rebellion in the United Suites. The work has been for many months in eonrse of preparation, by a writer every way qualieed for the task. The Introduction contains a clear and suc cinct account of the formation of the Confed eracy of the States; the formation and adop tion of the Constitution of the United States, and the establistimentof the National Govern ment ; the origin, developement and progress of the' octrines of Nullification and Secession, and the various phases which they assumed until their final culmination in the Great Re bellion. The History comprises a fall account,drawn from the most authentic sources, of all the Events of the War ; the intrigues of the South- ern leaders at' home and abroad; the gradual defection of one section ; the great Uprising of the People for the maintenance of the Na tional Life and Existence; the rapid creation of an immense Armyand Navy; and the Bat tles by Land and Sen. The Illustrations comprise Portraits of all those who have borne a prominent part in the struggle; 'Maps or the different life:lll6es Plans; of the leading actions; Views of every scene of interest, and of the most important Battles. These illustrations are mor a tty from drawings taken on the-spot by artists deputed for that purnose to accompany every division of our. Army' and Navy. Every facility at the command of the Pub lishers his been employed in the preparation and execution of this work ; and they confi dently believe it will form the most trustwor-* thy and- valuable h•story which can be pre pared of the ;Great Struggle for the American Union. lltdde and Terms of Publication The work will be issued iti Numbers, consisting of 24 . paged, of the size of Harper's Weekly, printed from ic'ear type, upon fine paper, and will probably he cbmpleted in Twenty Numbers. The numbers will be issued at intervals, if possible, 4 of about three or'fonr weeks. .The price of each number, which contains matter equiv:ilent to an ordinary volume. will be' Twenty-five Cents. The Elostrations in each number are alone worth the price asked. Men out of employ tnalit especially Sick or Disabled Sold ers.can find no other work so sure of ready sale and good 'profits. For further particulars apply to the publishers HA IMERA: 13ROTHEIZS. ' - FrankiinVquare, New York. The N e w York •Tribune 1863. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. first issued in 1841, now in, its twenty. second year, has ob tained a larger and more widely diffused cir culation that; any other newspaper ever pub lished in America. Though i,t ms suffereu, in commou With other journals, from the vol unteering soil departure of tens of'thousands of its patrons to serve in the War. for the Union, its circulation on the 6th of December. 1862, is as•fdllows: . . DAILY 50 125 SEMI-WEEKLY 17,230:.. WEEKLY 148.000 Aggregate 215,375 Prominently, a journal of News and Literature. The Tribune has political convictions which are well characterized by the •single word IN PUBLICAN. It is Repnblizun in its hearty nd [lesion to the g eat truth that "God has made of one blood all nations of men"—Republican in its Assertion of the equal and inalienabk rights of all men to liberty and the pur suit of happiness'—Republican in its stead fast, earnest, defiant hostility to every scheme and effort m the slave power, from the Annex ation, of Texas to the,44.ent, Rebellion,to grasp the Empire' Of the New World and wield the resources of our country for its aggrandize ment--Republican in its .nntagonisin to the aristocrats:and despots of the Old World. who fondly hail in the peril; and calamities thrust upon us by their American -counterpart the overthrow, and ruin of the Model Republic—:, Republican in its hope and trust, its nit!) and' effort, that this atrocious Rebellion must re sult in the:signal overthrow of its plotters,and I the firm, establishment of equal rights and equal lawsthroug,hout the 'whole extent of our country, wherein Liberty and Union shall indeed "be one ane. inseparable" henceforth and forever. The TitIBIINE devotes attention in calmer times,.antl to some extrnt in these. to Educa tion, TeMperatice, Agriculture, Inventions, rnd - wlititever else may minister to the spiri tual and material- progress end well-being of mankind ;int for the.present its energies and its column's are mainlv devoted to the invigor ation and success of the War for the' Union. Its ' s.phrial correspondents accompany every considerable army and report every:important incident of that great Struggle whicli we trust is soon to result in the signal hnd conclusive triumph of the National arras and in the res toration of Peace and Thrift to our distracted and bleeding country. We believe that 3:10 otherwise can a fuller or more accurate view of the progress and character of this momen tous conflict he obtained than through the regular perusal of our columns. And we ear nestly solicit the co-operation of all frrends-of the NationaLcause, which we regard and up hold as that of Universal Humanity r to aid us In extending its circulatton. Tr,ttxts The enormous increase in the price of print ing paper and other materials used in printing neirspapers:compels us to increase the price of 'the Tribune. Our new terms are: DAILY TRIBUNE. Single Copy 3 cents. Mail subscribers, 1 year (311 issues) $8 SEMI-WEEELY TRIBUNE. One Copy, one yens (104 issues) $3 Two copies, one year 5 Five copies, one ye t ar 12. Ten copies, one year 22 6o An extra cipy will be sent to clubs of twenty and over. WEEKLY TRIBUNE One copy, one year (52 issues) $2, Three copies, one year • 6 'Five copies, one year - 8 Ten copies, oneyear 15 Any larger number. addressed tr names of subscribers, $1.50 each. An extra copy. Will be sent to every club of ten. .iwenty copies,to one address,one year,s2s, aud i tany larger number at same price.- An extra copy wtll be sent to clubs of twenty. To clube of thirty the Semi-Weekly Tribune will he sent. To clubs of fifty the Daily Tribune will be sontgratls. Address, ' THE TRIBUNE, '''. . . , Tribune Etuildings, New Yorl: When drafts can be procured it is much otter than to remit Bank Bills. The name of the Post•011llce and Stato should in all cases be plainly written. • gfrbx 'Paturoo r i p HE uti - dersiguedu onld respectfully inform 1 the surrounding community that he has taken the rooms formerly occupied by John S. Mann, where he is prepared to do All inds of Harness Work on the shortest notice. LONG STRAW COLLARS. also kept constantly on hand. These collars are a superior article, and need bat a trial to insure their success. Repairing done in good style. Snrcingles l Martingale-rings, Humes, and Hame straigti liPpt constantly on hand. . The public' are invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere. S. P. MINA& - Coaderspor i t Oct. 16th, 1860. SOMETHING NEW I Highly Important to the Ladies! DOWNER'S , PATENT HEMMER AND SHIELD FOR HAND SEWING, Is 'just the thing" for all who use the needle. This remarkably simple and novel invention saves one-half the labor of hand-sewing, as it com pletely protects the finger from the point of the needle, and snakes a neat and uniform hem while the operator is sewing. NO LADY SHOULD BE WITIIOUT IT It is cheap, simple, beautiful, and useful. The Hemmer and Shield will be sent free of charge on receipt of the price, 25 cents. Enclose stamp for descriptive circular and terms. ALSO, DOWNER'S METROPOLITAN SKEIN-WEINDER • Sewing-Bird Combined 'Ts an article of real merit. It is used for the purpose of winding skeins of Thread, Silk, Cotton,Yarn, Floss. Worsted, &c. It is readil I Itijiisted to the work-table, and will be found indispensable to all using the above articles, being a useful and invaluable appendage to the t4ew:ng-Bird. Price 50 06. to sl.aeconling to Style and Finish. $l5O per Month can be Real ized by enterprising Agents (wanted in every town and County throughout the United Stares and Canadit,) selling the above nrticles, as sales are rapid, profits large, and has no com petition. A liberal discount to the trade. Address Downer, 442 Broadway, New York, Patentee and Sole Proprietor. ' N.B —General and exclusive Agendies will be granted on the most liberal terms.—ml93m' Ernoloyirtent. For upwards of three years past, I have been engaged in a business. whien has yielded !tie at the rate of Three Thousand Dollars per Annum, lint being desirous of going to Europe in the course of a few months for the purpose of there introducing the business, I am willing teach it to any one who will send me One Dollar. The business is no humbug, but of a highly useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages, and one that any person of ordinary capacity, young or old. male or female, can acquire with a few hours' practice, and by which they can secure a very handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instructions from me, both in New York State arid Pennsylvania, are earn ing upwards of Fifteen Dollars per week by it, and there is no reason why any one else can-' not du the same Invalids, even, can do well by it, as it is no peddling affair, but a business that is perfectly respectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure The , would like to learn the business for their:own amusement or pleasure. will find the practice of it a pleasant pastime. and one that they will take great interest in. On receipt of One Dollar I will, send printed instructions by which any person can readily .o•quire the art.. and thei,e instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly profit-, able. The purchaser of the "printed instruc tions" will also be authorized to teach it to others ; and I have sometimes received as high as Two ,Hundred Dollars for teaching it per sonally to a single individual. I would state further, that Two Dollars and Fifty Cents or Three Dollars will buy everything that is necessary to commence the business with and the articles can be got almost anywhere in city or country, or, if preferred, I can fur nish them. Address, A LVORDT. PARSONS, No. 36 Liberty Street, New York SOMETHING •FOR THE TIMES!!! - A.,,NEcESSITY 1N EVERY HOUSEHOLD ! JOHNS S CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue, The strongest Glue in the World For Cenienting Leathe Glass, kora, China,' .111arlde, Pas c, lain, , Alabaster, Bone, Coral, etc The only article of the kind ever produc ed which will withstand Water EEEME3 "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue." —New York Timm. "It is so convenient to have in 'the house;" —New York Express. "It is always ready; this commends it to everybody."—K. Y. Independent. • "We have tried it, and find it as useful in our house as water."—Wilkes'Spirit of the Time , Price 25 Cents per Bottle: Very liberal reductions to Wholesale Dealers TERMS CASH For sale by all Druggists and Store keepers generally throughout the country. . JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole Manufacturers,) 78 William Street, New York. iCorner of Liberty Street.) jy9ly WE STERN H• Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17. COVETLANDT STREET Near Broadway, New York City. This old-established and favorite resort of the Business cornmunity t has been recently re fitted, and is complete in everthing that can minister to the comfort of its patrons. Ladies and Families are specially and carefully pro vided for. It is centrally located in the business part of the city, and is contiguous to the principal lints of steamboats, cars, omnibuses, ferries. In consequence of the pressure caused by the Rebellion, prices have been reduced to ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENT:S.I ) M DAY. ' The tablo is amply supnlied with all the luxuries of the season, and is equal to that of any other hotel in the country. Ample accommodations are offered for up ward of 400 guests. Do not believe runners, hackmen,and others who may say "the Western Hotel ie full." D. D. IVINCHESTER, Proprietor. no,. D. Winchester. fy/9 The Rochester Straw-Cutter ' . OLMSTED & KELLY, Coudersport, have the - exclusive agency for this celebrated machine, in this county. It is covenient, do able, and CHEAP. • Dec. I, 1860.-12 MU E. Anthony, 80.501 Broadway, New York, is now publishing, in addition to other por trait; the celebrated collection known iu Eu rope anti America as Brady's National Photographic Portrait Gallery, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America, not excepting Jeff Davis, Gen Beauregard, Floyd. and a host of other confederates. Price of Portraits, 3,00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail.. Scehes of the War for the Union, • :Ire published, card size, and 'in Stereoecipic forth. Also, • , Stereoscopic views of scenes in Paris, ton don, and in other parts of England and France, in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Holland, Switzer land, Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land, China, India, Cuba, &c., &c., ad infinitum. Our Insiantan-ous Stereoscopic Views are The', Greatest Wonder of the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second and the rushing of water,the moving of leaves. or the march of an army, does not in the least affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3 per doienl. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of Stereoscopes. Photo graphic Albums, and Photographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world Catalogues, containing lists of all our Por traits, Views, Stereoscopes, Sm., sent tree by mail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, jyly near St. Nicholas 11 , itel, New York. • rc THE UNION " AR9II . STREET, I AI3OVE THIRD, Philadelphia. UPTON 8. NEWCOMEH,'Proprietor. Thts 'Hotel is central, convenient by. Passenger cars to all parts of the city, and in every partiPular adapted, to the %tants of ',he b,..sinese Terms 1 50 per day. and eqoal to any Kerosene. WHY buy an explosive Oil, when a few cents more per gallon will furnish you with 'a perfect Oil? Made only by PENN'A SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, H. WARRtNER; Jewel er end Watehte ken LOCATED on - Maiu St., opposite the Court House, Coudersport, Pa. Clocks, Watches, &c., ilepaired on short notice and warranted to give sa.tisfact on. A good assortment of CLOCKS, JEWELRY I . . nn hand, Cheap for CASH and warranted as; reprezented. As an even exchange is no rob bery, I will give you time for Money. ... ; Coudersport. Dec. 16, 1861 ,For Sale or to Let. TE Steam Saw and Grist Mill at Germa nia,i Abbot township, Potter county, Pai Doing an excellent business ; a first rate stand for an industrious man with some capital Those reflecting must apply soon to WILLIAM B,A.DDE, 300 Broadway, N.Y. Or at the Mill atrGermania.; August 27, 1862, • The Partnership • , EXISTING heretofore under the firm of GSrrett, Baily & Co. is this day dissolved by the ivithdratr44l of the undersigned. GATT. • AT OLMSTED fe:liktlLLY' l S Q TORE cttit always be found the best of 10 Cooking, Box and Parlor STOVES Also, TIN and SHET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES, SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, PRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Also ' Agricultural Implczneutil, such as PLOWS, SCRAPERS, CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, &c. THEIR WORK _ is well made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County—Terms easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, - seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court House, Coudersport. Aug. I, 1859.--50 1 , - z w N tii tt ri u,' A - chrefully selected stock of NEW GOODS Just arriving from New York, such as CLOTHLNG, DRY GOODS, BOOTS 4 , - SHOES, HARDWARE, i NOTIONS, SCHOOL BOOKS, "cc Cheap for Ready-pay. 10,000 Bushels ASHES and 50 bbls. EGGS Wanted. 4 $' z 0 • 21 1. 4 LUCIEN BIRD Brookland, Pa., NOY. 17, 1862. THE HEROES OF PEACE UM THE WEROVA OF WAR NATRONA COAL OIL WARRANTED NON EXPLOSIVE! No, 127 Walnut Street, Philadelphia Feby. I. 1862. ly WATCHES, and To , COusOmptiviis. , frps Adre4iser, having been restored to .1. health Ina few Weekl; by al very simple remedy, after haring suffered fieveral years with 'a serere lung apectiop, and tbitt dread diseaSe, Consuteptien—is anxieus to• *take knoltin to his felloW-sufferers the means of cnre.l To all who desire' it. be will send a copY;i:if tue prescription used (tr i te ofeharge.), with ,the directions for. prepari g and 'using theisame, which they will find a i sure Cure for Consumption, AsOma; Brondsitia,l4v. The on ly object of the advertiser in sending, the Pre scrtption is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to bejinralua. Wei and he hopes every suffers ri will try his remedy, as it coat them Inothine, and may prove a blessing.; PartieS wishing the pre scription will please address I Ray. EDWARD A. WILS Wi Baal Eingspou k 6 txi W W El! GROuERI,ES, CROCKERY le unders l igneu bcgleave, to inform the lie that they halve opened business at 'WELLSVILL I E, ner Main and Plank Road S i treeis,opposili Flock, frhere they frill display au 're new stack or rotliing, pub ENT'S L._ d which will far sqrpan iin qi price anything err exhibited We are aware that to build t it is not only ne essary to goods, but!, to j I ;SELL THEM CUE. And we will ;malen[ it a object forf buyers t , examine our stock before p4ircha'Aug else where. All i l goos -shown cheertudly, repre sented faiirly,ftnd nbmittea to the Purchaser's dnbiased opinion.l This is a branch of an -extensive, manufac turing house] in Elmira, i N. 11., and therefor( you will find all Clothing well made and got np in the, Latest style. i An early Otill Will most assuredly secure fi splendid bargain, at the; UNION 'CLOTHING EMPORIUM! • D. STRALT,S & CO. e WellsvWe Juuß 1862 1 f • • P. A! SfEgilliNs & CO. . E, Ilaie;ust, received a i l • 1 1 N W LOT OF I BRADFORD PLOWS Which they sErziNg I VERY • 1 READY March 12, 1862. MOST PIANOS. GROYESTEN &ill A LE, haring removed to their new svareroomi, N O. 78 BROADWAY, are now preparo to offer the public x wag. nificent new senile full •7 OCTVE ROSEWOOD PIANO, Containing all' mprovements known in this country or En Fie, over-strung bass, French grand action, hap pedal, full iran frame, for 81.150 $l5O : WARRAN 'ED FOR FIVE YEARS. Rich moulding ases,l ' I i f I 1 - 01.15 to S2I:PP,! ail warrantedade of the i)est deasoned ma. terial, and to said better than any sold for 40 0 or 500 b the old method& of mandfac -1 Lure. We invi "the 'best judgei to. examine and try these n w instruments , and we stand ready at all ti . sto test them with any others re manufactud 1: i this ' eau nt. y. 1 ' GRA ESTEEN &. HALE, ' • 1 478 Broadway, New York. 3m] A OM:FLEX SAPONIFIER: THE FAMILY j SOAP MAKER: Alf. Kitchen Grease can be made into good SOAP, jby. using Saponifies ! DIRECTIONS CCO3iP.ANYING EACH BOX Soap is as easily made with it,' as making ei cup Of colbe. Mannfactarcd,onlY by the Patentees.. PERML SALT litalitITACTUll4, COMPANY, No. 127 Walnut stroet Philadelphia. Feby. 1,111162 ly • 24.-3 m. STOP STO 11 i • ' AWNEY IT TRH I on Clothing Env° Corner of Blain and Plank Rota YOU MI From I '25 to 30 Cen on' every tI• I I 113 y par asi g yoar f• ,OTillr..* AND FURNIS, • ' I GOODS At 69 1 new Fnioti LOTHING EMPOR STItAITS ellsville, ` N.• T.,11862 I I El PARALLE ;ED 1. r w Stor . 4! NeN T eadymde C . 1 l and AND 131{IN MI OW FOR PAY. 11 AYER's .Cathartic Pills, 11(0 1: (SUGAR COATED , ) ERE 'UDE TO CLEANSE THE BLOOD AND WEE trelael Invalid", leathern, Brothers, Philanthropists, read their:OPlei:tat alEd. Judge of their' Virtue*. • , FOR THE CURE OF Headache, Sick Ireadache s Fonl Stonmeh. Prrnßrito, Pa., May I, 1851. Dr. J:C. At= Sir: I have been repeatedly cured of the worst headache any body, cab have by a detector two of your I'ills. It et ems toatise from a foal stomach,whish they cleanse at once. If they rut cure others as tiuty• do me, the fact is worth l.ooring: • Yours with great respect, . F.D. W. FEEBLE,. Clerk of Sieemer ctariat Bilious Disorders and Liver Complaints. DEPARTMENTO7 TIM INTERIOR, wAsnmarox, D. C.. 7 Feb., 'IMO, Stu: r have u sed your Pills In my general [Ma Inspital practice ever since you llgisie them, and cannot beatible to say they are the best cathartic we employ. Their revs , lading action on the firer is IPA lui,l decided. conferment. ly they are nu admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. inked. I have seldom found a case of bilious die. true so obstinate that it .114 nqt readily yield to them. Fraternally your, t ALONZtt BALL, 31. D.,' . • Physician Of the ;florins Hoestat. Dysentery, Relax, and Worms.' Pon Orrice, lIARTLAND, 11r. Co., Mint.,'Nor. 16. 1651. DR. Am: Your Pills are ;the perfection of me,lleine. They have done my wife morn good than I can tell you. She hail been sick and piniignway for mamba: Went of to be doctored at great expense, but got nd better. Sho then commenced taking which soon cured her, by expelling large quantities of worms Weedy from her body. They afterwards cured her and our twio children of bloody dysentery. One of pur neighbors had it istd.end ray wife cured him with two doses of your Pills, while others around no paid from line to twenty dollars declare Qua, and toes mesh time. without being mired entirely even then. Such a tnediatte as yours. which is actually good and honest, will be prized here. 0 EO. 3. GRI FEIN, Ms/ master; Indigestion mid Impurity of the • ON, sburg, ty, N. Y ED! rium ! Prom Rcr. J. r !limes, rutty of Adroit Church, ;Hosteas. DR. ATER: I have used your Pills with -extraordhisty success in my flunilyand among those I am called to visit in distress. To rei.lilate the organs of .iigestion Mid purify the blood they are the very bestremedy• I hare evear "Mown, and I can confidently recommend them to my Mends. - —.Yours, J. V. 11 - 131 E L. WARRAW, IVTOXIYO Co.. N. l'., Oct. '24. 18.55. Dun Stn: 1 am using your Cathartic Pills in my Idea tire, and liud them an excellent mire-afire to cleanse the system and purify the fon maims of the blood. . JOHN G. MEACIIAM, M.D. Erysipelas, Serofoila,yinz , a Evil, Tette', 12 31 ING , From a Rewarding Merchant ofd. Lorin, .Ftb. 4, DM DR. Area: Your Pills aro the paragon of all that is great in medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sines upon her bands and feet that hal proved Incurable ter:yearn. Iler mother leis been long grievons• ty afflicted with blotches and pimples on her akin and 1* her hair. After our child was cured. she also tried your Pills. and they have cured her. ASA MtMORIIXIN: 13 & CO r Rheumntisin, Neuralgia, and Goat. rim the !ter. Dr. JJlzw es. of the Net artist Epis. Chum!, PlaisEt xtOt E, SAYANNAR, CiA., Jan. 6,11658. HONORED had Rbutllll be ungrateful for the relieryttnt akin has brought me if - 1 did not report my case to you. A cold settled in nay limbs and 'ln-ought on excruciating neuralgic pains. which ended in chronic rheurnatiam, Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse. until. by the advice of your excel lent agent in Baltimore. Dr. Mackenzie, I tried your Their effects were slow. but Sure. By persevering in the tee of theta 1 am now entirely well. Sc:Ltrz CLIASIRER, 13.k.z0x Rocas, LA., 5 Dec., 1655. I Da: Arra : I have been entirely cured by your Pills of , Rianiutatic Gout a - painftil disease that had afflicted me for years.- ' "VINCENT SLIDELL. OTION! Goods! For Dropsy, Ptethorn, or kindred Com. plaltitai; requiring an active purge, they are an tach fent rehledy. For Costiveness or Consiipntion, and a a Mutter Pill, they are titgleeaWe and eilectual. Fits, SuppretOon, FarniysisOntiamma. moo, and even Deafness, and Partial illind neu, have been cured by the alte'rative action of time • Most of the puns In market contain Neront7, which, 4 , though a valuable remedy in Antal hands, ie datigerotui in • public pill, from the dreadful consequences that fro. quently follow he incautious use. 'These contain no noun miry or mineral substance whatever. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL GOODS, aJitp style and in this town. tp a large trade. hare ) desirabh COUGHS.COLDS, H Q AR,RNESS, ENZA, BRONCIHT,Hi, wifoopialp 'COUGH, CROUP, ASTOIFIA, CIPIENT COMSUPIPTION, • and for the relief of comemoptive patients 'ln itityaneeig stages of the Ji,eeep. B 3 We need not speak to the pnbliet of its sinew. Throughout every ton e. and almost every hamlet of the Ameriean States. its wontlerbil cures of pulmonary cos- plaints have made it already knovrms Nay. few are the families in uny tivilized country on this continent without some personal experience of its effects: cod fewer yet the communities any where which hove not inetung them some ticin trolly of its victory over the entitle and-Aam gerous diseases of the throat mot lungs. While It is the most Powerfiirdidote yet known to man for the fermis liable and dun crone diseases of the pulmonary omens, it Is also the pleasantest and - safest remedy that can be em ployed for infants and young persons. Parents should have it in store Against th,o insidious enemy that upon them unprepared. We have. abundant grounds to believe the Cniatur Pccronst saves more lives by the mi. immptions it prevents than those it cures. _Keep it by yon. and cure your colds while they are curable, nor neg lect them until no hnnia aikiil can master the inexorable canker - that, fastened on. the vitals. eats yout life away. .All know the dreadful fatality of lung disordeni. and u they - know too the virtues of this remedy, we need not do more than to assure them It is still made the best It ma be. We spate no cost. no ewe. to toil to mysluce It the most perfect possible. and ~titutt afford those who rely es It the best agent which our skill can furufgh for their cure PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Man Si;ld by C. S. & T. A. J( nes, Couderfrort Mann & Nichols, 31ilipoi t : _Colwell & Lyman Roulet ; A. Corey & Son, Ulysses; A B. Hor ton, Cushingrilie ; and by Dealers generally RI 1563, 1563.' PHILADELPHIA. AND ERIE RAILROAD. This great line traversesd the Northern and Northwest counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the 'Pennsylvania - Railroad Company,,nnd under their auspices is being, rapidly opened throughout its entire length. It is now in nsefor Passeng - .r and Freight huSittess from limmisttetto to 61toTtS FLAT r (172 miles) on! the Eastern Divi4on, and front Sheffield to Erie, on the Western Divi sion. (78 miles). ' TIME OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT OROVE FLAT. Acc..Train Leaves 8.00 a. SA. $l5O Ace. Train Arrives, 4.20 sr. Cars run through WITHOUT cunxns. both ways on trains beta eea Philadelphia end bock Haven. . .: • • Elegant Sleeping-Cars on the Express Trails both ways between , -Williamsport and Balti more and WilliarrispOrt and Philadelpdi,. -For informatien resneeting PasSenget: busi ness apply at the S. E. Cor. - 11th and Xs het Streets, • And for Freight h:usinegs of the Company's Agents I S. B. Kingston. Jr., Cor. 13th ad Market Sts. ; J. W. Reynolds., Erie. Drill, Agett(N. C. R R. Baltimore. i3.Now is the time to subscribe for -our County Paper- 7 -THF ! JOURNAL,L Catch Catcl4::t lam ordered to deliver one or two Bears, pair of Raccoons, Pailthers, Black Bquir rels, Flying Squirrels, and any kind of wild animals—Ll:MU—and Tame if possible. Any one who wishes to sell please let me know the ccudition3, and direct tek: U. TBEIS, Gerreania, Ps.. F. B. They areiwanted immediately. Tumors. and Salt Rheum. FOR THE RAPID CURE Or IFEIREEIMEI iniusr(Rv, Gen' 1 Freight 4gt. Phil'a. ' LEWIS L. Hovpr, , - Tickit AV; Neg.- Jos. D.F Ports; • • Gen?! 41.fanoger,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers