r 3 E; El El El Cinidifisiaart, Wednesday *inn*, , teb..o, I,:Bea - • • %. Local and ,GpApr.4ll, mi. de:New ,)pr'The deepest snow of thb winter fell on list Thursdn'y night. ' zer Robert Pott has reeeied the appoint. sant, of Deputy Marshal for this Distriet..' ' I:MN-Capt. L. 13. Kitney, of this connty,has resigned his commission .es 'Capt. ofD,-bath liew York ffiiutia. • • . jar See the card or Stewuit, Stevens & Co. 'Capt. J. H. Graves 1 as the necessary papers Tor procuring Pensions,;BoUnty; 'und . pay. Give him a call. ' iter'We are in receipt of the Student and ,Schoolmate, published by GALEN - 3inns, 15 Cornhill, Boston, 'One Dollar,! Per annum. It is a very interesting and instructive month ly and should be - in the hands of every school boy. It contains anecdotes,dialopes, poetry, speeches, paz les, and in fact avCrithiag, cal culated to interest the young.. . . . TIME' Is MONEY.—This' adage is only good when time is available and improved to fur ther the ends of life. Time,' withopt health to improve it, will yield but little money: Huw can one expect to. possess health to, improve time, if accustomed to eating heavy aid un wholeSome bread,such as all are Ilable to have , who do not use the Chemical Saleritths made and sold at wholesale by I).p. apLind & Fairport, Monroe Co., New Ycrk:' This is just the article to be used; and We commend it to all good housewives • Good grotiers have it. Eir The locofocos in the HouSe at Harris burg have presented: a resolUtion in which %hey deny the right of the Pres,qlent to sus pend the writ of habeas corpus, and ask COY. Curtin to interfere with the CU i vernment in - the matter. 'or course, nothing k)ractical will result from this snapping and sLrlicri-'ol' the 'traitors North, but yet it evinces a spirit of 'which every honest man shOuld be ashaMed, and which; if he is not a coward and a galless and lily-livered cur, would 'find.him a situ'a lion in the Rebel Army. SemAlbert D. Boileau, of the Thila. Etizi;2,7 Journal, Who was sonie weeks since impriiSon .ed in Fortll'Henry for publishing certain aril • 'des in which he dreg• cornpar'isons between President ;Lincoln and Jeff Davis, denoulibing the war . against the rebels to bf a war carried 'on for the sole purposes of pludder and blood, .has been released. He acknowledgs the ar ticles to be treasonable, denies their antlior ship, and pledges his lion;:fr 'that no dnifre -articles of that•charact'or appear. ter . ' - ov.E. D. Morgan, New Yuric, has been elected to the United Stites Senate for ! , six - years from the 4th of Marelt.nest; - Eras tus Corning thus the nominee or the democrats. The pirate, .rernanclo Wood,.caine withiu three votes of _receiving the n'oraitlati6a of afatils claithing to be Union. For the most villain ous demagogite and traitor in the Country to receive such support should rinse a bluSh o! shame to Sutfase the Cheek of American Man hood. / Or The following item informing us of the who worked the Journal of EBBS N. Font}, wOrifeu Journal office some years ago, we copy from a Pittsburg paper of last week : • " SHOT BY A DEssnrErt.-=.Lieot. E N. Ford, with a squad of the Provost Guard, was de tailed a few days since to arrest a deserter in Fulton county, named John. Forney. fie had previously been arrested f‘mi desertion, and escaped by a habeas califs. As Ford neared the house, Forney shot hitt' from a second story window, throug.li the body. The Wound Is said to have been inort.d. We believe Ford was originally detailed from city fur Pro vost duty.". • rigl.„The following were eleet , ..d to fill the several offices of the Borough during.the-coru- • _ • Burgess—John S. llann ;• . COUnCit-OeO.C. S. P. 31inar,. Constable—Z.-J. Thomp4'on ; High Constable—E. Stark wether ; • School • Directors—Orson 11. c.lrosby, John 71. Hamilton ; j Judge of Election—George Mefzgar Inspectors—O. H. Crosby, Sani'l Maven; Assessor—Collins Smith.; . Auditor—P. A. Stebbins,' Jr.; Overseers of the -Poor-1?. A. Stebbins, Jr. and 11. W. MeAlarney Ber •The officers of the Agricultural Sdciety are requested to meet in the Court Howie on Tuesday evening of next week. The follow ing are the names of the officers: 1 , President—Jno. M Kilborn Vice Presidents—S.M.Mills, David Conway, Isaac P. Howe, W. 13. Gordnier, Sala Stevens, Seth Taggart, G. W. flacket, Jacob thirds, B. Thatcher, Cyrus Suntierlin. W. H.• livdorn, Jeremiah Baker, Jerome Cbeesbro, J Mer rick, --- Roberts of Pleasant Valley, H. F. Sizer, John Lyman, Sr., Leroy Crittenden. Edwin Lyman, Rabt. K. Young, 0. C. Warner, Duick Whiple: Daniel Bensley. Crippen ; Committee—G. B. Overton, S. Ross, D F. GlaSsmire, Alm ron Nelson, John P. Taggart; Treasurer—P. W. Knox ; Recording Sec'y—S. D. Kelly.; Corresponding Seey—Jno. M. Hamilton ; - Librarian—Alex. Eydam. THE PAY FOR TAKING THE ENROLLMENT. Ed. Journal: I desire to give,lnformation to the several gentlemen of this county who so promptly assisted me to make the enrollment of the reason they haVe not been paid and what the prospect is for receiving the pay for their services. For this purpose please pub lish the following froni the Pittsburg Gazelle: • "Mr. Murdoch, U. S. Marshal for the Wes tern District of Pennsylvania, has plated in the, hands of Guy. Curtin the accounts of the officers who were appointed to Make the mili tia enrollment in this District. .The accounts will be forwarded by Goy. Curtin toWashing tun for final adjudication. The 'enrolling offi cers will therefore understand that they need not address any further inquiries to the Mar shal on the subject. IfeWill promptly advise them, by letter or otherwise, of, any informa tion he.may receive touching their atV3llllts." MffEM mama , NEW JeftEY 3 E7IIVTIVEURIPITTAIso, Fititt . Faibuic•rP. , atta . ,l.llg,ir.-orapes, P .- eches.',lPers —Rasp li.urrjUi,„§iruoerries, Blheitlierriescetlrrants, Se.,, of,. 21; 4...10, or .20 :acres' eaeli-, 'at' the fqlloWl,rimprieUS 'for.:the 20'aert.s tor . 4.200', del:es for' Sixty aerb'for Twenty ; Dollars. - ..Payable' by ' one dollar a grioa.orisin'beirylnils;ind'viliage lot's irk i oEl.gT WOOD, 25 '.?y 100 fOti at Ten Dollars pash,,,jiayablO oau." dollar a week. The aboye s land - alicl . .t'arnis'; are situated at Chet wood, ‘yashiligtc;n Townsblp, Burlington Nev Jersey. - Por furtluir information. apply, with a P. 0, Stanip, tor 'a 'elreular, to' B. FRANKLI:i.CLABK, No. 00. Cedar Street, ,New roik; A I kli CM WM ~To Itiervou.o Stztrerelm Art i F BOTH SEXES. Neivutis Gentlemen halling.been restored to Health in n - few days, nfter:undergoing all pstud. routine, and irregular expensi:e modes - of treatment,' without success, considers it his sacred dutyi to communicate to his afflieted fellow erea tore: the :,lEANS OF conc. Hence, on the,re :cerp,tiot-nn addressed — envelope, he witf send (free) a copy of tlie" prclsCriptidn usetr:',Di rect to Da: JOHN IL DANGALL,, 186 Fulton itri!et, Brooklyn, N. Y. Corrected•eVo4•Wednesrlayty P...4.,-,pTE.I3-: BINS :5; CO., Retail Dealers in Groceries • , : and. Provisions, opposite D. F. Glassinire's Hotel, Coudersport, Pa. . Apples, green, '' , o -bush., • -..... $371 to 75 do .dried, " . 1602 00 Beantri , ; . : -.' " :- . • . .....1,00; 150 Beeswax, 1,4 1b.,- Beer, - • .• ; i 1 ....: :,.., . . 3 4 Berrift, dried, 'il quart * 6 121 Buckwheat,•-Vv3 bush.,. : : ~, . 50 GO Bucku hens Flour; - ' 225 2 50, Butter; r,V, lb.; ; -:- -. • ,- •.4: .13 20 Cheese, "'' - ''i' - ' 10 Corn, Tr? Wish., ~ -; . L t 2 88 100 Corn Meal, pey cwt.', '''' ' 200 25* Eggs, i- . :1 doZ , 15 . . Flour, extra, , 0 bbl., ' - 750 800 4o : -. superfine _". :-., : ~.. .0 00 700 Hato f it 1b..; -•- -. Yr- :- '''. - .. -.. a: ... 121 H:iy, `-ti ton,.• 80010 00 -,, Honey . ; Per Ih.; . 10 121 Lard, ‘,. .- - ... 10 12,1- Maple SUgar, per lb., - • ' 10 12 Osits',7z,l..bpsli, . ' •-• :- '- , , 4.1.. - -50 Onions, " ' ' ' ' - 75 - 1 - 00 Pork, -,_-.? bb1.,;17 OG 18 00 do 14 lb., .9 - 10 do in whole hog, cil 1b.,: . 5 - _6 Pcitaloes; Per bush., ' . ': 371 ' .44 Peaches, dried, 11 lb., Ponitry, 1 ) lb., - - 5 . 7 Rye, . per bush., 7 75 88 Salt, v bid., . . . 3 50 do . t.! sack, : 20 Trout, per it ; bbl., ... 450 500 Wheat. ll bush., 100 125 White Fish;- - ,- . ! - A-'hbl., 450 500 -. PENSIONS. BOUNTIES, BACK PAY. WAR CLAIMS. AND CLAIMS FOR INDEMNITY. • Ste\y.Lrt, Sr,c-yelis&, Co., • FOIL ALL RINDS•OF MILITARY CLAIMS, • 411 Penns)lvatiis. AverniQ, Washingtuu, D. C . This firm, having a tlitiremzh knowledge of th e pen,i.,n business; and being utiiliar with the l;ractice in all tie Departments of Govern ment. believe thlt they can afford eye:tier fit ci hies Beirdon.bounty and 0: herTha imants; for the prplupt zind succeSzed accomplishment of business entrusted to theta, than aily other firm in Washin;ronn. They desire to Secure such an :imount of this business as will enable them to execute the busineSS for each claimant very- cheaply, and on the 'basis of their pay etintinvent upon their success in each case. charges will •he Ted Dollars for fficers ana Fire Doiltns,for Pirates, for each Pension. Bounty, or Back' Pay obtained, and per cent on amount of i Clainis for Military SUpplies,•co. : „Claints fur initemnity. enlisted shale the let of March. 1 sef: iti tiny kind of serviceLMilitary or Naval, wl.o di ailed by diseage or wounds, are eptit lid tO.P,imsiops. All' soldiers who serve for tWo yearS; or during, the war should it sooner close. will be entitled to 5100 County. Widows of soldiers who die or are killed. are entitled to 5100 bounty. if there be nu widow then tlie - tnioor children; then the father, mo •th yr, sisters, or brothers are entitled as above. 1). 0.. 1862. -, . ‘: :+ , Appiy at tb our-4s . sociate at o.9v.ayd, Potter county, -Pa.—JAMES 11. GRAVES, , has just returned from Washinfzton. U. C . „,, and is ,suptilicd with all the.latest bl.nks issued under [lie late iwaruc lions, 80 will fill them up for—all who have been sq nurortuul.te as, tq, 'regitire applica tion. Office in ‘•iteulatorsSlqi.e! k NEW ENGINE AND FIXTURES—eight ll' borle po;:er, With fine boiler. This en gine,is now in a Tannery. .at Manville, Alle gany Cii..2c.71"., and'has ney'er bedn'ised. TEIFTANNERY AT -lIIENVILLE. This Tannery is in a good' location for busi ness, • both as to market and bark. The engine will:be sold separately, if de- Aired, or Tannery and, ngine together. Will be'sold very cheap. ''Yor 'terMs and Maher information concerning the property apply to ANDREW JACKSON, • Coudersport, Totter Co., Penn's. •Jan..3o, 1863. ' =I United States Inteinal aevenize Not Ace' to Trait -Pay( rs • LL :persons, residing or doing business within Potter Co., Va., assessed under an act of Cohgress entitled- "An Act to pro vide internal rel'Cfn'TlC to support the Govern ment and to 'pay Interest on the public debt." Approved,'July 15t i 1862,.-,are hereby notified that the duties, taxes and license.,_ which by said act tirmy are. respectively liable to pay, have become due and payable, and that the undersigned,llepUty Collector of taxes for the Eighteenth Collection pistrict of FelinSylvn Ilia, will attend to receive the same; paYable in Government Legal 'lender : , .;"otes or their equivalent, at Lis office in Coudersport (in the slur . ° Of C. is S E. A. - Jones] on Saturday, Feb. 21st, 18d 3 . Said - residen.s of qihove-. marned , Count.y, upon whom said duties, taxes arid . lleenses" have brerrassessed,-' NV IV make payniertt4u the undersigned st: the above-. named niace and! time, and all persons, who shall neglect to pay the duties, taxes and li censes so, as aforesaid assessed upon them at the abov e specified time and place Will render themselves liable , and req - nired to pay tea, per cent additional- upon the amount as sessed,upou Ahem. , "EDWIN A. JONES-,i - Eqity- Jo lector ; 'Mir Division, 8 . ;11 Collection Distti.ct, Pa..' ' Coudersport r _ J. S. M.O itt'itre'ilT - '"' FOR•SALE. -Audltor , e4yetice. is' igpby . livenillrat-Art• under all signed; 'an - AnditoP aiipiSinted- b €he Conrtirif Common Pleas to - distribute money arising from the sale of ieal estiite in case - of Wm. Beeyer_vs. David.llorer of Sepe.`Terin, 18C1, No: 16, trill attend to - the - daties'of his appaintrdent at-the office 01 the Prothonotary ilfgatidersport, on Wednesday, reb:y /S, 1,883, I at'74clock, P. M.. Parties interested, are•ex.- pente.d to attend.and present their • 11. S. ODISTED,,A.uditor... 'hereby giveri - Oht Antlitor ap - pointed by the Court of Commcin Pleas to ; dis.ribute M - ciney arising frOMA.lit safe'of :persoual - property in case of A. W. bones vs. Sala §tevc.ns,and 13. F. Nichols of June Term, 186pilio. BG,; will at tend to the duties of his appointment . at the office of tlte i'rothonotary in COutleriawt ;on Thursday, ret,!y 19, 1903,.at 7 o'Cldelt;,P. M. Parties interested are expected to ;attend and present their II 1 OLMSTED, Addjtor:- - . .STATEMENT—.: I F,the,Recelpts and Expenditilies of Jotter NLY-.ctunty A' the year ending ou the - 31st -.; day.of Der... D. 1862 i: Ree'd. for taxes on unseated Ida for : 1860 and 1861 ' -',. $7906 76 Ree'd for taxes on seated returned' unseated •. : : - . 43 50 Rec'd from seated-taxes for 1862 previous year's..p . ...,,.: 1 3882 28 Reed on rceogniiaimei notes and judgMents : '-. ' • ' 223 77 Ree'd on sales of Village lots - . .82.30 Ree'd on Fines -;' , 1 050 Ree'd.from Relief and Military taxes 350 29 Total Receipts Paid for relief to volunteers - - , " Public printing 210 00 •"" Commonwealth costs 003 85 .''' ;Assessors: :- •• . ;'i . ',. 370 00 ' " - Ctiminissioners Wages' L : 461 so " Clerk hire x'4s 00 . .a "- balance for,lBol 1 00 " Stationery 178 67 " Bond to John Keeting; -., 132 00 " ." 11. 11. Dent • , 409 97 " ." Win. tell • '._: .73.5 84 " MR of ,Qaarter,Stssions 114 27 " Trothonatory's fees 32 80 " Utlunce due Sheriff for.lS6l 06 00 " ',lncidental. expen'ses . 20 47 -'.• " Auditors wages ' 68 00 " Auditing Proth!'s 5..• Rec'ds :met 500 " Wild cat bounty . '6 00 !! Quitlificui:lon fees ~,',.. ! 29 75 44 Justices returns , 44 Recordets fees • - • • 925 1 ° Fuel .. ... 69 81 . 44 Taking prisoners to petdient'Y' 512 14 44 'Election expenses ' 804 41 44 Co.istable returns , . 114 04 44 Road view 230 50 " tending town clock FL . ' repairs 46 7( . " Taxes & costs on Ids adVertised 134 49 44 Costs,itgainit Potter.county- ' 4l " Tip staves. - , , 80 10 1 4 Bounty to volunteers 840 00 44 Sheri Ts fees . 36 00 Mott - ey refunded , , • 10 78 " Grand Jurors fees '296 22 . 44 Traverse Jurors fees. 455 23 L°Cabinet work., - . 48.18' • " Cuurt Crier . • : . 40 00 4 4 -Jail expenses . 305 75 ". Damages ass'd by road viewers 23 00 44 Attorney fees . : , 23 00 ~. , 4 4 • Bat.due Treas'r on laSt settletn't 45 Ou 'Excess of Receipts over expenditures.' 3919 76 We, the Commissioners of Potter eount.ylo certify that the foregoing exhibits a true •tate ment of the Reeoilizsc.o.AExpotolitures of sodd 'county for the year ending on!the 31st day i of Dee. A. D. 1862, as appears frbni the original entries and records in this office. ICilucss our hands nt the ,Commissiouer's office the.l6th day ofJan r y, 1563. M. D. BRIGGS, L. S. ROBERTSON, .'t Corns'rz C. P. KILBOURNE, j Attest L. B. COLE, Clcrk. • Statement OF the Fonds of Potter county 011 the first day of-J;,n'v 1803 :. fo anit,of e...,.'onist ° sandltelif orders Outz;tanding $3470 78 " Judgt in favor of Warren Cozad); 3045 36 " Int. on Sallie - , ` ,l;ln ' y Ist, 13P3 . 737 73 " Judgt in favor of E D.llerr 3007 00 " Int on shine ; Jan'y let, 1863 937 68 " Bond to John Kcatirpi 1100 00 Bonds for bounty to Vol's: :5500 00 to G.G.Colvii relief fe.i.E 103 00 " " C.S.& P.A.Jonesi " 100 00 J. OlniF•ted 112 eg " est'edeNrrentegpenseifor '63 7000 00 Total indebtedness Ey. dint due from unseated . IXnds . • for the year 1862 -:• • $3797 63 " dile from relief'uns'ed taxes for the year 18 , 32 . 843 83 " due from seatedids return ed as unseated 26 93 " from seated ids & personal property fur 1863 • 2197 62 " from Relief tux on seated and personal Property for '62 709 28 Military taxes' for 1882 277 00 " seated lands and personal • property for 1801 ' 203 04 " Milthtry tax for 1861 • 61 85 " due faint seated lauds,and personal property furl 860 153 31 " due from Military tax for 1860 56 50 " due fr. seated Ids & personal ' property for,previonS years: 222 60 of fines imposed foi 1862 180 00 "I,,Y.adgrrients , -, • .229 68 . " Notes . , 122 20 " due from Catheron county . 600 00 due from village lots. • ! 42 27 By t;stiniated atiit. of seated and •• '• unseated taxes in 1863 , 8765 00 Byestimatt d amt. of relief on same ' for 1803 , 1152 00 Excess of indebtedness over assets -5279 3.7 ro, the'Commissfral.' ers of Patel; eounty.do eeitify that` the' foicgoing Statement of the Fundy of Pottef -, county on theist doly UfJau. 1363, is correct, as will appenr from the botili's and . records ,of this office. commissioners office, J. 8.'18G3. ' - - M. D. BRIGGS, - 1 L. S. ROBERTSON, Corisrs. C. P. EILBOURNE, - • Attest : L. 15. CotE,telerk. , SAPONI FMB: I _SAPONIFEER ! THE qHEAT SOAP AIAKER!It FOR *SALE AT STEBBINS% . 7---- 0017117POCLA • . ItgAS i the Alon—notielZ G, -Wlitt"&; Mesident Judge,, lucid 0.". Is. • Jones and. p, • As§orietei Jitclgii . i the Courts'of Oyer • di' Terminer and" Genefal Jailgelivery; Qparier SessiOnslef the :PeaCe; Orplians',Conrt,and - Court of Common Plen for, the,'OnamtY:of-Potter, have issued heir precept, 'beatin,t- date the - eighteenth .ilay{ of Dec.; in. ,the. year 4f our Lod one tlid,uy sand eight' behdred and 'siXty;two,..ntuf tome directed,for holding a Court of Oyerethl.Terin, leer and General Jail Delivery; Quarter 'Ses tions. of the Peace, Orphans'. Court, and Court of Comthon Pleas. in the Borough of Coudeis ort, •on MONDAY,' the . 16tlilday of Feb. nest; and to continue one week t Notice is therefure hereby given to the Cor oners, Justices of the Peace, and Constables, within the county, tfnt they be,then and there in their. proper persOns,at 10 O'clock A. M.lof said day, with theik• rolls, records, .inquild dons. examinations, ;anti othei. remeriabra Imes; to .those•-thing§ - which to their offices ap pertain to be dene. .1.-tit those !tvlio.are• bOlind by their recognizanica to prosecute against the prisoners that nri , 4, Or shall pe in the jail of said county of Pottet., are to be, then and there to prosecute againstithem as will be just. Dated.at COUbERSPORT, Joni.. 5, 1863, null the 84th year of the Ititlepkudenee of the 'Unit:cl States cf America. .i. • - D. d. LARRABEE, Sherilt • LIST OF CAUSES for trial in Coartlol Common Pleas of Potter county, at: Fcbrna:r,y Term.t . Christopher Evclin j ys James Dartron W T Jones vs Win Jordan ! ; I Byam & wife vs C 8 Jones, ndmsr 113yani & wife vs J Mann & A'Oraves W T Jones & Dro vs J M Kilbourn W TJoues vs Polly Higley,' admsrs . *l . Wm 11. Shatier vs John Mason 1 5- Geo., Marvin James Sitailel vs LIIW May aud WIT Stintlr D Clark use orS P Reynolds vs' Benj Itt;in.Mlle Joseph W Stillman Vs Geo Stillman Maria,S Edwards vsl.Joutt Glace Fullctl.k. Card vs . . John C Tanner Fuller & Card V 3 De'remer C Tlignusem Colwel! & Lyman vs; Chas Chandler R Munson use enCIW Gorumlrs harry Lord executors of John i Dwight Amor Fairbanks vs ILewis Wind. • Luther Caulfield 'rrederielt,Drooks' J G Meseereau vs Pp' Dedrick Corn use Potter co. 1s Woodard &L Sherman Wm Burlesdn vs Win T Jones; 12308 40 no 57 Street Bream' vs Chester Whitaker Tp. of Oswayo vs Cp. of Potter • i D F Merritt v:.: Waype Bishop,; 1 • 1 1 Alex. llobrabacher for use vs A Rohrabac4ei N . 13 Davis vs Wm 13, ever . James Tyler vs GeUric W Tyler Hi J. OLMSTED, Proth'y Jai. 13, 18G3 - . mTlie•following are. the 'Lists of Jurors drawls fur the Febrdary term; 1863: , 1 ‘...•nAxo . sl , LT It olt S :! Abbott—August Bodler Alle , ranyValortis Hyarn : 1 Binghana—ThomaS E Gridlev,Hiram Barnes. Walter Leonard, L E M'Carn,l.l B Carpenter. llf.brou—Norman l ,,Dwigh , Anson A Cone,. Charles Gorham, Win 11 Hydorn. lleetor— J B Parl.:. - er. Ilarri:mn-.0 C Phillips. '. Oswayo—George !Tyler. .Sharan—W J Warner, Nelson Palmeter, George Nichols, Ira ;Gilbert. Sylvania—C C Rt.es. ' li , .veden—G L Catlin. I ' tilysses—L V Dr4.e, Win E:Ereeman, A B Bennitt „, Wharton—James i..,arelay. TILAVEItgI; JURORS:': • - • , Allegany—J H Deg,gie, ,J i IR Wildman, Thaddeus Darling. 1 • , , , . Bingham-3 H Brlg ‘ gsl, Charles Daniels.' '' ClaraA W Jones. Coudersport—C 11 ; Armstrong, BS Colwidl, Thomas King. . ,1 ! • G2lWSCO—Barney, Daniels. ; i . i Hector, -Hiles Watro - us, J C Thompson, John L Gibson, Ornis Redner, , Wilson Baffle}', R F Davis ; David Kilborn, B F Tubbs. 1 Hebron—Wm Grivenruan, ; Elijah Chard- 12,.TS 40 berlai a.. ' 1 • ' ' Ilurrison-4)anitli Hunter. Homer—llarriso nißilge mill), A II Crosby: Oswayo—Franklih Gale. i . ' Pike—S II Martiri. , . 1 , 1 Shit ron—Robbi ns; Brown. 1 - Syll.:ania—rartiptl Haskins: . 'lysses—:S G CirAmberlain.,;. Origin Crum, C 0 Castle W W Grover, T .1 Baker ; Aaron Webs.e r. Whartcm-John Pens.L. , :, - - West Braneh—OrriU WetrUbi - e, Augustus Dishes. ll . P.. C. LAP.ABEE, Sheriff. Irthliff All TEED, Jhne Term, vs. , Libel iu Pivorce. kinAII A. TEED. J To Szi1::111 A; Teed, T:esfinn dent, please lake uthice 'that 'a tubpreim and alias szthporna havin;.r, been issued and retard ed nihil, you, Sarah' A. Teed. respondent. are notified to appear at orr next term of Court, to nns er the complaints of your sa husband, Hezekinh Teed, and,show cause why a diVoree a, v. in. should not be granted. 25,523 11 D. C. LARRADEEi Shfl. Sheriff's Office, July 14, 1865. Auer of '4• Report: Balances due front Tr Burtis, late Ina- Abbott Allegany Bingham Clara • Coudersport . , Gennee *13'37 28.93 Genesee, I. t • --- 11artison, 91 Hector• 48 59 .. *. thbrtm 21 54 1139 22 20 53 —,- flombr I Jackson '; • --- 392 33 Keating • , • • ' 213 129 66 °swap) i ! HI b 5 28 92 Pike ,_ 44::17 530.63 Pleasant, alley ~ !--t , -- 1 ' I Roulet. Sharon = $25,520 11 . .. Sweden - ! E ' 176E53 31 27 Sylvania3l:3l 3 41 : Stewardson ! : , 63183 719.33 Summit . 95 21 : 542 29 , Uffsse..l -: ! .IV , • 131 11 - 91;9& 26 !3:2 ../estßranci j , Wharton I ' 306 99 905 39. Wocalville; I. D: 1 Portage, Camel.= county 50 16 go 12 (loniity of Pottor Commonwealth' 338 14 - B'ctrns , infortna the Auditors that he is ready to PAY-Fill - and the ToU - n. asod • School Tteasurers o.3lllsettle liv calling upon H, Oltusteit at Coudersport, and Ate. here late occasion to state thitt thouccounts of Hi..Butt iti.Uii.re inybod.shilii for settihni'ent.. - ! 11. BIRD, - , , ' A. J. Ron', I AuditoreS Condersfort, 'Pa.,' Jan. 16,1863, • • }Divorce ig °lke. EMS School. Town. $lO5 21 391.80 r • 25 55 ' 11699 43 93 4158 . ' 3 9d 7'51 - ---- 142,42 613,64 11 , 08 1 , ~,. . .. • 1 •,,..,....,,, ~,...3 . ...0f... e . , ... .. ~ . hO'Buf6io ,mercantile Coliege I i CORNER OF.'6IAIN AND SENEGA'STREET?, • , jls an important link in the great chum- of ,lATIONAL MERCANTILE ega,EriEsoo coed in -the fdllowing cities, vi" :" ""• -" :ENV :YORK CITY, ~ -PHILADELPHIA, ' 001 , 1LYJN, A,_.BANY,. 1 ROY, I . ETRQIT, - CLEVELAND; 1 - CHICAGO, , 1 '.: ''-I I - AND SAINT LOUIS. - .I . ' 1 A Scholarship,issued frcm the Builitlo Col lege; en tries the holder to attend either or all the Colleges for an unlimited time. I . • .1 The Design Of these Institutious,ii to imytirt tO young men .and ladies; a thorough, practi- . chi business education. • . . These Colleges are orgMiiied and conduct ed upon a basis which must sectrre tojeacEl separate Institution the I est possible facilities ,fOr inipartimia thorough mercantihi oduca tiion, and render it as a whole, the mOs(cont prehensiVe and completosystem i trth is country -I HoOkl-Keeping in all its department, Com tierci4 Law,Commercial Arithmetic andl.Pen titanship, urn erstaht lathe utvat ilnuroug'!a and ,:actieca manner. - ~ i., • The Spencerian System of .Penmanship, is aught by competent and experienced ketichOrs Scholarship, payaN,o in advance, s4di • College open day al d evening': no vacations Resident Principal at Buffalo; J. C;BRYAi:T. For l',trt her in6rmatson, please call at the lollece rooms, or send for Catalogue and Cir.- nlar enclosing letter stamp. Address .: BRYANT & STRATTON, ' Buffalo, N. Y.. OE 1 The l Maaio Time Observer,s 1 TII, PEP.FECTION OF.MECIIANISM, fi,EING a Hunting and Open Face, or I4dy's orl Gentleman s Watch Combined. I diOne of the prettiest, most convenient, and leidedly the bee 4 and, cheapest timepiece for gkerztt and relhiblel use, ever offered. Ii has wfithin it and connected with its machi cry, its own wiiidia2„ attachment, rendering 1 key entirely. unnecesary, , .The cases of this V' tch &re composed of two metals, tire Outer one being flue 1C carat g,tld. It has the improved m iby action lever ovemeut,andis Wari•inted r i ii a 1 accurate timepiece. Price, superbly en ,i•aved; per c:iz;d. of a half d-zen, S2ll-1.00. ...ample Watches, in' neat morocco - nOX(.3. fur I t loge proposim7 to buy at wholesale. S.:s,sent b l y eNln.ess, with bill payable on delivery. Soldiers must remit. pa) ment in advance. as l'e canhot collect 'lroin those in the Army. Address - 'I3I'I3B,VILD-BROS. & (.7O;, - ! - Sole 4inporters, .. Cor. Nassau &John Sts., New York. BOOTS AND SHOES. A. SANDBERG .& BRO'S taminrs azit] tr;tarrirsi AVEra al:m estalaii,hed a - , l'-, 1 BObt - aticl Shoe .11anufactory, oppo=ite D. F. Glassiaire's!llotel, in the room tbrmerly ot.etipFed by 3. B. Smith. They off,r their Boots and Shoes at a LPVIERIRA:TE THAN THE SAME QUALITY ! HAVE 1 .EVER BEEN SOLD - IN -POTTER COUNTY., j . And al l ot-will 1 ave notlihu mr: but the bestofk- Men, att. the b , st stock that the country will ijroducf , and , ioncy and labor_ can procure., THEY FEE CONFIDENT THAT THEIR WGIIK WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. aides, Calf Shins, Sheep Pelts 1 !;. taken at the Idighes't Market Price. - 1 I H CHIVE US A TRIAL 1 Coudersport. Pa..,March 19 ANHOOD ; Ill* RESTaIIED 111 110 W LOST! jiutt published in a sealed envelope, nriee Gets ' L A lecture on the Na ture,Treat Went at d Rad ical CI - I're of Spermatorrlttea or Seminal Wea kness, Involuntnry Emissions. Sexnat.llelnlity. and Ii pedinuints to Marriage gener.ill, Ner- Uousness, Consumption: Epilepsy• and Fits ; Mental'aud Pli l rical Incapaeity.ri:snlting from Setf-airnse, &cll, by Roar. J. CuLvt:awunt,M.D., 4utliorlof the Creun Roulc, &c.. The , %-o.ltl•r i enowned . Unt.bor, in this admil•- athle Lecture. elear:y pr 'yes from' hi.sown ex l[eriendie that the ate ..1 consequeuees of Self albuz.e may . be effectually used Without medi dine, and witiout dangerous surgical opera tions. 6ougies I instrument's. rings, or cordials, rointing out :1 mode of cure "r t once certain and effectual:iY which every sufferer, no mat t-r wiu l it his-c ndition may be_ may cure-him sidf ,edettply,ipriva.tely and radi:cally. Thi, lecturewill p'rovd a boon to' thousands and thousands Stint under seal,to any address.ip plain,; sealecl etivelope, on the receipt of skx tuts, or two pos,tage ,stamps, by addressing, 1 . 'r. CHAS. J. C. KLINE,:: - 27 Roirery i iNrc i • Yor:k, Post Office Box, 4586. CFFIC , OF .JA I" WOKE,. 1 1 StitSCIIIrTION AGENT, I • ry pi) . fie E. - ...C0„ gankers, , 114 .zeliTli I.IfIRD STREET, I .1 Pililadelallia, Nov. 1, 15C2. nitidef4gr,ed • haling been appointed iption 1 4 , ...e' at by the secretary of the ry. is note ptepared to furnish, at once, I New T i m ty Year 6 per cent' Bonds I (United ttates, designated as "Five • icti," redeemable at the - pleasure of the intent, Af five years, niuranthorized ,I of Congress, *approved Febt'y i 5,1862: (COUPON IBON DS are issued in,sums of 'OO, 000 i and . slooo. , . . 1 i REGISTER. BONIJ in' - '.e..ams'of $5O, ,;500, jlO 1Q Itl and :i . "5000, ' test at G per cent. per annum •ivill corn from the late of inrechtiSe, and is PaYalbte id' Gold - i . ~ , i .ierin-annually, whicii ts equal at the. present iireniiiilni on gold ; to about 'EIGHT et: cent. Per annum. 1. . ; • Farmers, l‘hercharits, Mechanics, C...f.^.Pftall - sts, and all who have any money Co hrvest.shettld 6now and- rerprelmnber that these bond's are, .i end t, a rirst. illortgage. upon all Railroads, . r i canals', Bank[ St eks. , .. and Secartties-,'aud the i Miler' Se Prod ue .a; of all the .Ifam,factures,&e..., i i the eountrkr. ad that the full and ample• if ovisio. made for the payrnent of die interest and liquidation if. - principa. ) , liyCuifems Du. :LIIL3, Excise- Stamps and Ynternat Revenue, serves to matte these Bond 4 the . Best, Most Aviiihible and - Most PiTuTaT 1 . . ! 1 dinvestoient iry the- Itarket.. I iitiseli'ptions received at Pttr in Legal`Tenden Notes,-or notes e,nd eileclts of iranks - at par in. Phi1.441.i2..1, subscribers, by mail: will re ,cieire.vrataptlatteirtion,,and everfAcility and 'explanutionewill lbe afrordecE on application at tibi. oftiee: - 4. sipply - of Bonds-. win , : be kept on hand for - immediate, delivery. -,' , • w ,: : - JAY COOKE L Subscriptioo.ff.zebt , 1 1 1I• - • EX/ WI BEIE GEM The I the wenti, ;overt y Act The t _ 100, SI The 1 1.00, $ Intec nence i5O Ne w Goods ttl, =NE TNeijir. - Gto6del ! 50 to 15 per cent. saved, On nvery rl • by buying yoor goods at Si vinous" E REGULATOR;. Village, Potter Co.,11:41 • ''Vre*re balipy to inform all those n of Choice and Domestic Goods,:that NiCe 661 have 11'lituck of sumo - ' ' - •00 e 9 Worth of all kinds of DRY COODS, GROCERIES,. ,• BOOTS and SHOES,., • • HATS, CAPS, CLOTHING • r •)% • CROCKERY 8: HARDWARE; and ev, thing, nodal*. kept in a country .. We a prepared to *ell at fiearly seises, notwithstanding the-great iiseirf good* in New York.. Oar facilities hFe ndw *dß. that We aro prepared to furnish all, thosiOn want of goods at less price* than Cari or hilt he sold-by- any dealer in this section.' Reid* we give you some of our pikes; and lilso:tfie prices the- same goods, are sold kir by mast Irf our neighbor's. •Good_ Sheetin&,l2 to 14 cts. • ' sold by most dealeri for 16 to 22 nts; Very irree bleaCheil Mods 10 to 14 . .15 to 204 A laige lot of Sheep's Gray and Cash _ sinters, from 31 cts. nli Good;Apron Cheeks arid Cheek 'Shirting, 121 to 15 cts. Good'Ginghams, 12h to 15 Beautiful- Delnines and Poi do' elievre3, 12 to 20 - 10 to Ili Nice an Wool lierfricisM wnrili $1:25t61.75 A. large assOrlinOrit of 'Black Silk; „.,. ; 88 to 51,13' 1,15 to •1;17I Fine 'Black Silk Shawls, $6,00 .• 8,04 - to 9,00 ' And a lame stock of Brack Silks fi•ona 7.5 el: to $1 worth from $1 50 to $$ „ . Gooti Sprignes, lderrimacs Dannelts many other grades of very nice Prints, ncnv styles, warranted rast colors, Harrass ,Glietl4 . anti others, (or 11 to 12i ~cts, notaitig worth 15 to 2.0 cts,. IN SHOES W CAN SAYE CA SAVE YOE VERB• LARGE PER, GENT. dnoirenretrieledboots,7s ,- efs,tviShu*t.lnisilso, Good halmoral bootees, 51,00 1.50t0i:75. Women's goadealf hoots.is to Ecto x.totoLtz mews do $2.75 4.00t04.15 Warranted Kip Boots, home-made, - -.•- 3.50t04:01i En CLOTIIINth We call ybor Attention in tbis line, as it fa' fron, 59 to 100 per - cent, below most other dealt rs—the Jews, so much noted fut.; Selling olten'p, not excepted. • . Vic will - sell 'you all Wool Fine itltial Doe.; sfitio• Pants f0rt!•,3,50, worth $5,06-. Goocl.Suits of Black Clothes:Po-at, Vest, Pants Ilat Socks, Pocket Handkerchief, ke.i for $lO, worth $lB-. GFro OCERIES'.; fri i the iin6 of Gioceries ie offer * ehe.fec . variety ofTeas at 50, 7;:r and sl.l.lo—a.iti *les Dollar Ter can't be beat. G00c,1,5-riggr f0r..10 cti. Coffee Scgar cts: Salaiatas 'I to .5 cts. 1-, kat% Soo? Z; etti: Coffee 16 eta: , ; ' We would aiso,inform. you that we have gall established is our • . ... NEW SA.LES-RCK)S ';.• ... • , ~ , thailargest in this . seetionaiid f gee?, films cellor to garret. Also the large b , it.fislags adjoining are used by us for storage- rooms. THE HIGHEST PtfiCE P4D-FOli BUTTER; and otliti Produce-, that cam reizefily be• cox- vertet into eirstr. • One-word nrore: the tracrsportatio,U: oar Goods from iteie,eoAf , pin'-!. , :y 12 .3- cents per bnnlrerf, and our other c7p4:l..ka.s.arir' .4nfill; we dau.ot need large pron.- 0 5*.:1.1 7 6 EERG-UtArrolt 's•mtmalkilrjan - I =I 16 to 20 16 to
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers