0 THE JOURNAL. Coudersport., Pa. Wednesday, Aug; 6, 1862. M. W. McALARNEY, Dims THE PEOPLE'S lINIOIVITIOKET Yor Auditor General,' THOS. E. COCHRAN, York. .for Surveyor General, WILLIAM S. ROSS, Luzerne The Army to be increased 600,000. Immediate Draft of 300,000., The Deficiency after the 15th inst. to be made up by Drafting. WASHINGTON, Aug. 4: The following order, calling for Mill from the several States, has just been issued : Far Department,Waskington,Avg. 4. Ordered,first: That-a draft of 300.000 militia be immediately called into the ser vice of the - - United States, to serve "for nine months, unless sooner discharged. The Secretary of War will assign the .quotas to the States and establish regula tions for the draft. Second.: That if any State shall not by the 15th cf August furnish its quota 'of the additional 300.000 volunteers author lied by law, the deficiency of volunteers in that State will also be made up by - a special draft from the militia. The Sec'y of War will establish regulations fur this I)Urpose. Third: Regulations will be prepared, 1)y the War Departinentand presented to the President, with the tibject of securing the promotion of the officers of the army and volunteers for meritorious and distin guished services, and of preventing the nomination and appointment tn the mili tary service of incoMpetent or unwordiy I , officers, The regulations will also provide for•riddina the service of such incompe ' lent persons as now bold commissions. •order of the President. THE POTTER CO. COMP.4NY. But little over one year has elapsad since tthe country was thrown into violent convul sions by the general uprising of the dictatcrial Slave diigarchy of the South. Our Govern ment had exhausted every honorable concil iatory measure known to a free people but without the desired effect. Thus far the writeh of our Southern lords had not been appeased. 'They despised our fair dealing and free ittti ntutions,. and would be satisfied with nought dess . thati their complete overthrow and the -erection thereon of a grand Southern Confed eracy, founded on human slavery. Then it I was that this great and Free People of the North and East and West spoke out in thun- ' der tones against the accursed. rebellion and its leaders.; The last hair was laid on the back of GoVernment.; it could stand no more. It said thus-far Slavery, and no farther, shalt. thau.go. Compromise and soft words were no -longer available. The last resort of a Free People when their institutions are assailed by tyrants, is the resort to arms. Our Govern ment called for Seventy-five thousand men. -But in the mean time this monster rebellion assumes huge proportions ; the first call is not large enough. Six hundr...l thousand more are asked, and -to the astonishment of the whole world and ourselves, they are in the . field in less than ninety days. The tide now changes. Treason and rebellion everywherel flee before our victorious advance fur ri,thtl and huManity, and nobly and patiently do, Our brave volunteers do their whole duty.' :But, again, in thi.s our z.econil war ibr Jade.; ileudencb, .our nytnies in the field must he! strength . ened by.new recruits or be overrun :by supe=rior numbers. °Our wily anti unscrti-, pnlous foe has left no means untried. ley i forced levies and conscript ons lie has to -day r. larger army ;in the field , than we; t4erefore .the very urgent necessity of our going to the itsistance of those who.had the manhood L!1 patriotism o go at the tirst call of our of Potter! You are c. , zain Pave the comforts, and pleas and friends, and go out I l etloin and Fight. Our Gov alls for Six himdred thousand cause is as, just as in the' atriotisul shohld be as great.; .be dilatory to the call ofour its last and greatest hour of hereafter be said th.it tins country'. Leo caked upon to 1. urez: of home, f .to battle fur Frcl •ernment again more men. 0 beg,inning; onr I trust none wil 4 !ountri l in this need. Lef it n* ornalent wa Lira ty tit' this Ii lost because of the imaila-; , e present population. ' . . were are .indleations of an important . movement, :b7 Gen: Pope's army His try or gocial interest detstm: ~ . ,ines nave recently advanced beyoutti War eu the free im.titutions our , renton, and Gen. Hatch's eavalty is scout "' at the cost of rivers °t : to g the country up to thel enemy's lines, of bard lighting are m!sailed ' eal.kturitT: spies and- :rtierriilas. Our ms and barbarous foe./31en ! special di sratehes frotir 'Washinn•Con! say gain and meet the emergency that 'Madison. - 2.7 u.iles in athance of mnpany is 110 W being organ-. Sperrvville,. is occupied by our • forces. anniaud of the undersigned Nome triflirig skirmishes had occurred. iestly hope that - we mity re- I Nearly all the citizens within the.Apnron cif the patriotic people of :lines :Ire taking the oath rather thati go the most efrrcicnt manner ; l;South. The order is• rigidly enforced. immediate filling up of this :'On Thursday one of-our scouting parties' tasmuch as we go altogether routed a-body of Rebel mounted ritlenien '..y.n.nd at great pecuniary near Sperryville, killing one and captur sac: ifice, men en!listing 'under us may fe'el ling five. - Rumor had it that Storiewall ! 'idly assured - 6:A they will bare-In opportu- ,Jacksan was 'in . ' force in the. Shenandoah' alit. , /of doing something besides playing sol-Il r 4eY• A Union prisoner escaped' from i jAyncliburg says the Rebels have bat pne slier; if we have the pleasure of seeing Dixie's Lind together. Enlistments can be made at! regiment at aharlottesviiie. Coudersport ittnt4 the meeting of the Com-1 . 4 , : ,uoin Porter's mortar fleet is at4ivine., snissioners. A.6r which we intend visiting .r, . if . seven are '; '' .at oortress.. agree, seven are ti.ere, and dilierent sections of the county for the purpo se lfive more are due. It is supposed that rif procuring Vold,nteers. 1 they are to operate in James River. The ALTON DWIGHT, Commodore, , himself is on a visit to'the . Ji C. JOHNSON; 41 , X 11 . W. MeALARNEY. ,Niirili ' to recruit his health. • i • I • Let no pecuni.. l :tt, home, wil l Father's purcha I.l"tud and years 1%7: Unscrupul -or Potter! be up 4af the day. A c ized under the c and we most ear ceive the suppor cuuty iu . r.amelnby the eolispan.r. And i from sense of d Supreme Court. (Congress passed a bill' reca i sting the several districts of the Supreme Court. It stands thus : i - • (First district comprising most of New England, Justice Nathan Cliffdrd. Second district, New Yorkl and Ver-. mont, Justice Samuel Nelson. Third district, Pennsylyanial and New Jersey, Justice Robert C. Grier. • ourth district, Delaware. Maryland, Vi inia and North Carolina, Chief Jus tin Roger B. Taney. , ~1 1 Fifth district, South Carolina, Geor gia, IFlorida, Alabama and Mississippi, ;justice James M. Wayne. - Siktli district, Louisiana, Texas, Ar kansls” Kentucky and Tenneisee, Jus tice John Catrou. ~:tenth district, Ohio and Indiana, *e Noah IL:Swayne, notulfirted by Prestdent Lincoln. district,. 11E511 443 n, Wisconsin and Illinois, Justice to be selected. Ninth district, Missouri, itiwa, Kansas, and Mtnnesota, Justice Daniel Ti'. nominated by President Lincoint , TI4 number of districts is the same as before,. The, salary of the Chief Justice is 56,500 per year; salary of the As.so ciatesl ,13,000. The' Court meets at Washington on the first Monday of De ceuaber, in the oid Senate chamber. How THE NOMINATIONS.AREIIECEIV -lED. ,The 'Huntingdon, Globe ; the lead ring•, Democratic paper published of Harrisburg, notices the proceedings of their ate Convention in no very 'oomph t• mentary wood, and "CieeS with the fob lowint.'t notice of the candidates planed in nomination by that body, viz : . "The nominee for Auditor General, l Mr. Slienker, of Union County, we have; no doubt is a man fully corn pe;ent to dis-! (.;liar ,, c,j the duties of the office • but if: n he can ; endorse, every resolution the !platform upon which the convention has' placed! 'him, we cannot support hint.l The mintinee for surveyor G eneral, BARR, j of the Pittsburg Post, will not is in the! way of the success of.any ordinary nu who may be votal Jro in opposition to; him. !lie-is one of the VERY SM4ILLEST OP VTR SMALLEST KIND or HUCKSTER ING POLITICIANS. lie has been :Eshing.; for an office with various hinds of bait! for some years. The ‘nigger' wOn't save him from defeat." • The Commissioners Berks have .ap, propriated the - sew of thirty thousaud dollars of the Ccmuty funds to 'pay the bOunty.on voluners under the pow re: quisitiou. All nuor to such dettiocracy as that. The Commissioners . of Lancaster have appropriated fifty thousand duliar:. That is a proper fernl of republicanism!. The nits' . Councils fPhfadelphia have appropriated for the same purno4 000. The Pennsylvania Railroad Co mpany have 550,000, and the Rlmding Railroad Company 525 ; 000 thirpora. tions are coming to have souls. At Philadelphia, Pittsburg:, burg, Chambersburg, Elston, and various other places throughout the Ceti' wealth, public niectiegs nave been huge sunis contributed, and coiiiin oranized, to protliote enlistments:. Cot tuodore Foote cordially awards to General Fremont the honor 01 originating the important arm of war on 1.11 . ,i groat rivers of the }lis ~ ir<ippi Vaflev', and warmly acknowledges . tine prom;)rne,s with which General Fremont evefy facpity fur protecting this enter prise wlrkle in cumuland of the Depart : 'merit of the West. The editor of the Naghville Union . ad. vertices for a lot of uncut Confederate bonds forinewsriper envc:opes; sl u. one hundred ipodnds Confederate notes for cigar -lighters. Old clothes are ofiered iu excLan , rei . Senatoll Chandier, in a recent speech, gig es ~l'Cllellan 140,000 or 150,000 men. It is admitted that he now has more rein forcement than he lust in the late con test. Ills . tosses are .now put at Aunt 11,000. I The 31:s , 3ouri State Convention has prescribed the quplificptions of voters, distranchisia f * triiitnrs. They also - niend the president's . Eniancipatiou pul -1 • acy. The Trdasnry notes of small d;2notni nations, ones,•nyOS, and threes, were ex pected to be ready. ea 07 before the first of August? Endorlged at Elotup. In time of common danger:to a com mon country, old party feelings should die off. There is but one party allowed in Rebeldom—there should be but one in the Loyal States until Secession is _fin ished. Gen. IWin. Sterling Ross, and Wm. Penn :diner, Esq, of Wilkes-B:irre-,--sons of the first settlers of Wyotnino•-_--Aad battled each other, politically, front their boylipod, up. They now meet on the broad ground of Union.. fqr the strke,o/ the CaiOn ! In his . last paper (the Timeso Mr. Miner that 'alludes to his' neighbor and old-time antagonist : "Our readers see how willingly Repli-, cans canyield up Mere party organization for the good of the Union. Gen. Ross was elected to the Legislature, last year, all RepWicans voting for him—and, with.the l ,aid of loyal Democrats, lie wilt be elected IS'a7-cryor General by such a II ojor4 as wilt astonish the Sec:essiox ists. Lot the real Democracy of Luzerne. unite with us to crush out tteas'on. and detVat all sympathizers with the south." 'A short tiwe before his death, Judge DOUGLAS said to his eUntidential friend, Mr. Sheahan---. . _ considered the Rebellion had 'sealed the fate of Slavery. No act 'of lewi - gla - tion, no act of.'Xr. Lincoln, no matter how violative of the Cc,nstitutiou, could have wrought the injury to slavery thati had been done by the rebellion. If !the 'Government would only say and do nothing Whatever about slaves, but pros ecute the .war for the establishment of !the Union, the losses of slave'property.! by. the inevitable eonsecimmees of war, would haVe two effects. First, it would satisfy the people of the South -that their own folly; and not the action of the Re publican,partv, was producti2,-, the loss. Second,,that the tenure of slave property would become- sb uncertain, it would. i cease to be valuable—and; once! broughti to that condition, its fate mis sealed ! forever!' • The Raw-head and Bloodr-Bones the Rebel Annv, Stonewall :lack:.on, now, according to the corresuo'ndent of , the Associated Press, on the sOuth side of the James River, above Petersburg, with 70,40 men. Yesterday ::e was in the Shena'udoah regimi with 50,000; to morrow he will be 'on the Potomac or the Delaware,'M. perhaps the Hudson, with a million or two. There have been more sensation lies -shout Jackson than about all the other IlmlGenerals to retina: It would be refreshing to have a few words of tenth now and then, if k..nly by way of seaoniaLl. GOOD E.XAMPLr.—Whiie on Lis trav els in the \Vest, lion. Edward Everett vas promirinz to attend public worship On the :-2:l,l:bath, when some di,tine.mished visitors were anuonnu.d. . In a few tuo meats, he frankly- it:forth:2d theW that he was a chnijelt ging - wan, and they could either aquimpany hiA:, or oxen e hilin fur bidding. them ;good thy. It was a Eleatic rebuke, and he performed an act worthy I of imitmi o e .by all Lined- citizens,. and es-; .1 peeiaily by f)rufeseil 111011 held, One of our surge:ins just released frinu Saliz , bUry, N. C., says that for several laystifter the late battles. Nebel troops ,were transpnrted 2+hilth tlirOU g li Salis bury, at the rate of 1.000 a day They Wore from South Carolina and' EaSti7rll r ij! ere were 11.000 more at Charlotte:ilk, N C waitiniz transporta tion to Riehthend ; :7,0,000 conseripts had btsen.raisefi in'Tconessee, an otrizil num ber in ;_icorgia, and a great, wally wore in other Southern Status, Since tin! Melt ninin/ battle. The Back had 17:1000, Men 171 the SeVell days ' irrdic,aimssioiw that tbtv are ina , siaitzl au eversvioThoing fmeo Virginiit for the! tourpose of dilVing out the - Unionarmy.) MIMI The lovely neutrality of Great, Britain had another illustration a few dayS ago in Now unswick. The prioting office of the S/. Cro ix illow/ti was destroyed by a mob. : It has been in laver of the North, while the vast majority of the subjects of Queea Victoria are anytrung that is opposod to the United States. Eighty vessels of tsar of all kinds have been added to tile United States navy within the past year. Of these, 32 were wooden gunboats, 15 side-wheel steamers, 4 Jteatit frigatcs, and 32 iron-clad boats: rams, and vessels. All save the iron-clads and frivates are finished and ;Aug. The Hon. Reverdy jolitison has pub= fished another apptial to the Bonier States to embrace the Scheme of Comnemsated Emancipation begire the inexorable pro i!res ui tvcrits shall sound the words "It is too late." A small battle occurred , near Fulton, Mo., a retl.' days'i:inee, in which a force of 900 Rebels was: defeated by the Union troops, from 75 to a 100 of them being killed and wound 'd. Another straw. Richard Ilyatt.got on a Brooklyn car a few days ago. He offered asl bill to pay . his fare. The conductor would not change it, and pth him out, using violence_ Hyatt sued the conductor. The Court decided in his favor, and fined the than $lO. The man Hyatt was ,a negro. Held cv the Court: Conductors have no right.to kick men iu the ribs, even though they are black. • It is supposed that the new Rebel ram, or iron-clad Merrimac No. 2, is now fin ished at Richmond. When Ironed and her machinery put in, her Guards probably not be over 'one foot above the water.; ,Being smaller, she' will be far more manageable that the old Merrimac. G 0 ODE . UST arrived and for sale at fair pries,and for READY-PAY EXCLUSIVELY, a gen eral assortinent of New Goods, each as FARM TOOLS, ; NAILS and GLASS. ' and other:HARDWARE, HATS and CAPS, , • CIATHING. and ! BOOTS and SHOES. A FEril!. SUIT FOR $5.00 Dry Good; . Groc e ries, Crockery, Notip4s, SCHOOL BOOKS. BLUE FISH, MACKEREL, COD, and HA.l..r- BUT, Etc., Etc.; &c.; &c., and so fourth.l 1 CASH taken at CREDIT tala;n ,• COUNTY ORDERS at ULYSSES z'CIIOCUORDERS at IPar, ULYSSES TOWN ORDERS at 88 'Cts, PRODUCE at What it is worth, Good ASHES at 8 tO 12 Cts. L. BIRD. Brookland; (formerht Cushingvilln.) May 17, 1862. -7 I STOP ! STOP! MONEY SAVED! MEM Union' ' Clothing ' EmpOriuin I ; - Corner of Main and Plank Road Sta.: • YOU TILL SAVE:. • I •I From 25 to 30 . Centst on every Dollar By purcip.singyonr CLOTII,ING. FURNISHING GOODS .AtAle neiv Union CLOTHI _EIVLP °RID' rd. Wellsville, N. Y., 1862 UNPARALLELED ATTRACTION! New Store! New Goods! The undersigned beg leave to inform the public . : that they have opened business at WELLSVILLE, N. Y., Comer Main and Plink Road Stre'ets,oppoite the linian Block, where they Will display an entire new stock of [Readvinade Clothng, and . . GENT'S FURNISIIING GOODSj which will far slrpft,ss in quality, style :dad priet!.anything ever exhibited in this town., }re are aware that to build up a large trade, it js • not only necessary to have desirable gcOds, but to SELL THEM CHEAP, And we will make, it an object for buyers to examine our stock before purchasing else where. All food?, shown cheerfully. refire sen:jed fairly,and siihniftten to the purchaser's opinion. I This is a brau.•h of an extensive manufac turing house in Elmira, N. V., and therefore you will find all Clothing well made and gOt up in the latest style. , , • . An early ell! 4ill'rnost asguredly secure a splendid h.trg - ain'at Ile • UNION CLOTHING ENWORII.7II. D. STRAUS k CO. Wellsville. June 1812 .1 P. A. s'4BBINS & co.' Have jast, received a• NEW LOT OF iIuDFORD PLOWS: ANTi • POINTS. Which they are SE'LLING VERY LOW FOR R.EA_DY PAY. March 12, 1862. • •HFOII, SALE VPll.,to exchange for Horses,,lragOns, Stock I Good Notes or Judgments. A! valuable nun; situate in Harrison township; Potter Co.', Pa., ]ping oyc the old State road. trading from. ' Spring Mills' to Harrison Talley and Westd'eld Pit. Containing, about 110 Acres, about 801 "improvedand in a!godd state of culti ration, on which is arected, a large Frame[ House; good ,Barns, Corn House ,and. olher necessary out-buildings, a good Apple, Or-,I chard containing sometwenty different kinds • of Grafted Fruit, Shade trees, .tc. The abovel Farm lies about I.mile from Harrison valley; ; 7 mileS from Westfield and G miles from Spring Mills, and is a good Stock and Grain Farm, and will be sold so that any one that can make a' payment of 3 or 1 hundred dollars down, can Makelle farm pay for itself with his la bor. 'Price, 5'2 5 500. for particulars inquire of Peter Simmons now iccupying said farm, or C, H. Simmons, OswaYo. Village Pa. C. H. Jan. 15„1802. . .. . , LRowN SUGAR for le cents per pound and County orders taken at 85. cents on the dollar at the ' Post ,Officei Store. Jan i 8. ! ! ! I , . 1 NE';V Par. 00000000 90 Cts. Si 1 ,1 her / 1 ' I 1 - ir TAKE Ipleastwe in infOrming in,- friends. 1 li nd ' cotomeis that 14m just! receiving a fin. frecl3 assoitment of clnods nticl 0)11 all thoe who are in want of any had better give me an early call. • I'lceap 1 - ' 1 , ;1 • : DRY GOODS, I ... - GROCERIES., I i PROVISIONS; BOOTS upd SBOES, I, I I HARDWARE, CROCKERY, • I ,; ;• And erprythingusually. ,kep!.ln a °L , untry i Shirel II have just. returned from New York with One of the and Ilargest stocks of Goods that was ever broUght,into-thi's county. • I propose Ito sell thee GOODS FIFTYlper et loWer : than .can be bought in this vicinity, Wells- . ' villp or Olean! not excepted.; My Gods havel been I bought forl CASH large; number,. ofj holiSes that had failed in the city,l at from 50 to 75 els. l on the l dollar I of the original cost .Therefore I am prepared to give 1 11 great bar gains that choose to give MC a call: I - • . , D. STRAUS S. - , CO LOOK AT' Very nick 11 cts , at tile prey Goo 0 cot' Good Pr' 9 to 14. to 20 ets , worth. 15 t 6 25 Mid 30. I.Good Tw eds from J 5 to 38 cts., worth 44 and 63. , Good Black Silk' froMlso cts. to $1.00 ; i. , orth 75 cis.;to 50. Gooll suitsiof Black Cllothci.s :Coat,Vest, . Pan6,l Calf toots eva.:at, for • $lO, 'worth sl '. 117 a have al6ocksweet Land Tea for 50 (its . ' per..lb., Izind opWards. d-Ood Stigar for 8 lets., N , ltitel coffee sugar 11. Sal-. erams for 6 cts. Coffee 18. .SoaP i • 8 cts bar . 111.dlasSes for 45 els. per gal'. Besi Kero l sene oil,-44 -cts. allon Flourat pricel " n the line of Boots and . Shoes we Dave a Ladies'Enamel ed iklOrOcco ,Boot for 150 cts sold by m'Ost dealers for gl to $1.25 HeaVy Kip LadieslV4lking'Boot 75 c 0 Fline Congress paiters - - . 7 1 and othersifrom 50 ct . ter S 1 00, worth 6 to 12 shillings. Fine Calf Bootskfor 2 50; Fine Stogey bootslfor 1 shilling. Fineßroche Shawls foil 20 shillings and up wards. adies Stelal Shawls ii from Bto 2 shillings t l Woolen shawls fori2 shlilling and upward. Red Flann l el from 2 shillings per yard.l Fine qing,hains for, ten cents' Cambrics for 9 . , cts.' Men's Heavy Working _Ribbed Jacket Coats for 8 shillings.' 1 1 And now' I intend to keep my stoC.klfull toisupply thoSe who,may choose to buy at i f ; , 1 1 WHOLESALE or RETAIL, .1 And all Families of yolunteers I will receive!, ,Gi ir i!ds atthe first cost in Newt Yo k, regardleSs of transportation, land I 1 still hold my offer godd to pay any one that calls lupon !me and not finding Goods at the prices g4' en to pay them for'; their time and expenses in coming. 1 1 ! 1 j. C. 11. SIIIIIIN& O S'WAYO REGULATOR lane '24, 1M NI 25. 9 00 9 I nI ORTH 'OF GOODS, I AT I I the prices given. SOME OF TEIE PRICES i ~ e Sheetin g , from -B.to 11i ' t, by most:. merchants Lent; time for on l-1:ito 18. it t forB ets,roll i ira s ints for 6 to 11 i l) tvort Fine Dela'ines from 11 JONES'COLI N NW GOODS NOMETHING ELSE NEW ! ! • TIIIFIE subscribers at their 1 OLD STAND ON MAIN STREET, COUDERSPORT, Offer to their old customers and the public general& for Casts ; United States Treasury Notes' zbieb by the a'ay are taten at Par,) Wheat, Corn, Onts,lßuckwheat,Butter,Cheen, Hides, Pelts, Deer aqd all other kind! of Skins, such as palf Skins,&c., algo, Beam Seas, Venison, and some other things that can't bethought of, A LARGE AND WELL•SELECTED ASSORTMENT'OF DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, DEADYMADE CLOTHING GROCERIES,' Hats & Caps, Hardware, DRUGS MEDICINES, Paints, j Oils, and Dye Stuffs, Together with some of the best KEROSENE OIL„ Far superior to the Oil Creek o.r Tidioate Oil LAMP & LAMP FIXINGS, POCKET CUTLERTy Also a few more of those Superior CANDOR PLOWS, • SLEIGH SHOES, GLASS, SASH, PUTTY, INK, PAPER, ENVELOPES, And other kinds of • STATIONARY. WALL PAPER, WINDOW CURTAINS And other articles which time alone-for bids us to mention, all of which will be sold as low as the WAR PRICES will allow—for strictly READ Y-PAY !! And for those articles we take, the high. estmarket price will be paid. - We are also General Agents for , DR. D. JAYNE'S Family Medicines, DR. AYER'S Medicines, BRANDRETH'S Pills, KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery, And all the standard Medicines of the day CALL AND - SEE! C. s. & A. JONES: • N. B. The pay for th i e Goods mist be es hand when the Goods are delivered, as wears determined to live to the motto of "Pay is You Go.", Just one thing more. The Judgments,notta and book accounts which we have on, land; must be settled and closed up immediately or we fear they will be increased faster than Um usual Me of Warm& ' lis 71 AND , PROVISION', I=3 Iron, Nails,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers