... z:t' J ? 1 7:C, r 4V? Wad Agaip. and 1 - Got:the o NEy I EMEM , ~ ME ELSTEBBINS I ME ENE _ • r, Ist!, recently received and Tag LILROST 'AE) Bp 07 ..,... : 0 • . , - ..... , .. .. .. ;it . . . ~ ' ~..r. . • .. . . .. . That his been.brought to thism sent season. Their !sew stock of DR 4:88 GOODS enegSliserthe tory Latest St • purchaud . si t . Fc• f. LOWEST c RATES MEM and they oftir the* A LOWER FI Sian Such goods can be had Ronan in town. ThOr stock et '''DOME.ST • a Tay complete, and as= they h " _•- elusively for READY-PA They, cannot be under. -"arsons desiring a good attic to give them a call ligLabeir old - customers : are especially in ',it'd to call and• examine tlieir stoqk, and see 1", --their - priaks.• - • ' • ,7;STB;IIIN,S 7 .~ I y w~l~orner~_-=Sere;; GLis§krav,'s - , .. ,,,, 0P1!051TE -D. F.- - HOTEL., fkrigifflPOST, The Bugle Callil,4iie Wai has A3ginli A War, of ,EAtergdilation,againat Bad Teeth. • Bad; Briaty,Diaeaked Goias, Tootblrixe,.Ear,; Neuralgia.• ~" OU4 iet.TILLERY - Dr. Wm. B. r. -= DENTAUf A complo(e,set of RelOidieslor fw Pit.f ; SEHVING THE TEETH,. THE BREATH - AND MOUTk', , nud,. - CURING TOOTHACHE AND NEIURAI.IGIA. I & ... ,CONTENTS : • i Dr. Hurls celebrated MOUTH TV-ISTE,V;bottic. Dr.Hurcrs unequaled POI rDER;I b'azi Dr.Hvrd'smagic TOOTHACHE ¢ox Dr. Hurd's UNRIVALLED ..NEUg...4404i PLASTER. , : ,• : Dr. Hurd's HANUAL on the 'Pest .4lians,of, Preserving the Teeth, including Direct:*Ons for, the Proper Treatment of Children's:Teeth. FLOSS SILK forcleaning between ;hi Tee/h.• • TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. , • Prepared at Dr. llurd's Dental - Office; 77 Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E. D.). ..; Price; ONE DOLLAR; or,-SIX for $5.; • The Dental Treasury makes-a packagevight inches by five, and is sent by express. . Full direction for use is on each article. • .! The following articles We cantsend separ.-1 , ately, by mail, viz: ! :n [ El I°P.n•L The :Treatis on :Preserving Teeth .sent; post paid, on receipt :.of Twelve, Cents ; or four stamps. .3- • ' • The Neuralgia -Plaster, for Neuraiglaiin the Face, NerronS - Jleadaelta, and F.arachel .sent; postpaid, on receipttf; Eighteen nents,f l or sis stamps. The Neuralgia and:Me:matte Plaster(larip sin,) for pains in the Chest, .Shoulders; Back] or any part of.:the :bddy, sent.:post-pa*, on receipt of Thirty-Semen' cents,. . Add9ess Win. BALturd & Cu— . Ttibune o ßuildlngs, Near Ybrit: • T STOCK ME Dr. HuttPs•3lollTH - WASH, TOOTH psysv: DER, and TOOTHACHE DROPS cannot be sent by mail, but they can probably be obtain T ell at your Drug or P,triodical Stores. It they cannot, send to, us. for:tlie Dental Treltsuryi pride, One Dollar, which contains them. I ARE-DRAURVS• PREBARATIONS GOOD I .1 The best evidence tliat they are is, that their firmest friends and best patrons are those wh6 have used them longest. Dii. Wierint H. Heap is. an eminent -Dentist: of l3rookly - W Treasurer of the Nen: , York' State-Dentists' Association : and 'timid preparations have been used in his private practice tor years,' and no leading citizen of Brooklyn or WilliamSburgh questions their. eicellence,: While eminent Dentists of,New YWrit recomfuend th wit as the best knowW to thel l profession.• Without thh aid of advertising, dealers have sold Them b• the gross. . The Editor of the Proadyn Daily Times sacs!: "We are happy to know that -our friend. Hurd, is succeeding beyond all e:Tpectations with his Month Wash and Tooth Powder. The great secret of his success rests with the fact that his articles are precisely what they .pre represented to ban as we can testify from their long use." • 1 ,; • . The well-known I'. T. Barnum %Trite's found your Tooth Powder so good that 'my family have tried it all up. WW find it the best Powder for the teeth that wc used. I shall feel obliged if you will send Me anothCr supply at the Museum at your convenience, with the bill." . rket the pre- 13tit their cost IS so small that evOry one may test the matter for himself Beware of the ordinary Tooth Powders. Dr. Hurd's Tooth POwder contains no acid, nor alkali, nor charcoal, . and polishes . without wearing the!enamel.. Use yio,other... WHAT DUES DR': HURD'S REMEDIES EFGECT I . Dr.ilurd's Jima . Wirsk and Tio r at;ii-Pcovder will give young IzitlieS that finest: charm in woman—a sweet breath andpearly,teeth. Try them;ladies. i : • ' 0 .: ~ . . - Dr.•HOrd's 'Mouth Trash_ , and .71)01:P6u:der will CiCanSa the mouth from all foal exhala tions, and ifused' in the mbrning, will make the breakfast taste sweeter and the day begin Imore pleasantly. Hundreds of persons can testify to this. Try them gentlemen i I. Dr. Ilurd's :loath irizrk and Toothl.roti•der are the best preparations iii the world for cor ing DAD It/LEATH and giving hrinheSs' and health to the gums. llundreds of cases of, Hisens'ed Bleeding Gums, 'Sore - Mouth, Canker,. etc., haveloden curedbYDalur4 astriiige'ntwash. Dr.,Htird's-liouth'itio , h `and Tooth Powder -give aia •additional cluirm to 'courtShip, and make husbands more agreeable to their wh i p and wives to their husbands.; They :.should he used by every person haying AIIiIFCLA TEETH, whii4l are liable to impart' a. iaintitii the mouth. i L . ' • I 1 les SIT Dr. Hurd's Tootlicicbc Drop's - care ToOthache arising from espos,ed ; nerves, nod are the best .friends that. parents can have : in the house to :save,their "children fitint"tortne andlthAtOselv!es from loss of „sleep an'd,syMpathetie sUfferhig. Fartnersiand Mechanieirryou cannot well Afford to neglect your teeth. For trifling .sum, you can now, get preservatives, than which Rothschild yr, AStor can get , nothing better. Remember that DS•spepsio..lo - a sijnltttion of the Lungs often originatd in ti"e'g lea. of Tectlt': Send for the l'rentise o s n Tee'fh, and read Dr. Fitch's.oliservation on this sub ject. If too late to iirrest decoy in your elm teeth, save yonfehildren's teeth. : IUtE Dr. Durd's .. 2 .V . eurallics: N on-adhesive' Plasters are tke most pleasant and successful remedies ever prescribed for this paittful disease. The ,l. patient applies'one,'lsecin, becomes droWsy,falls asleetv,•-and 'awakes free • fioth' , pain, and blister or other Unpleasant or-injurious con sequences ensue. For. Earache and Nervous Headache, apply:accoe,ding to directions, and relief will surely . folloNT. Nothing can be.ob mined equal to DI:. CoMpres.s for Neu ralgia. Try them. They are entirely a noel : curious, and original preparation, and won . - derfully successful. :They are, of two sides, one small, for. ilieface, price 15 cents, and the other large, for applicationto the body, price 37 cents. Will mailed oh receipt of price one stamp. • • • 7 !WHAT ARE THE ?FORE po INS rt i • The American people are intelligent enough t *ny other ICS eld tV'pm apprecintelifeiMY - ations that contribute!.so much to the; happiness oirf-th'ose iisi i them, and they-nant them. ' Rrery mail brings us letters. sonic ordering the TREATISE ON TEE; n, some the isfitunALOri. PLAsrxr,s;,and not a few enclosing 37 cents fdr the Mount WAsn, to .be sent by mail; but to those te`•are compelled to reply . that it .is iinti - os - sibletb send a half pint bottle by majii : , peopfe want timie Remedies. 117to.trin siTply them? Now is the e at loir price • NEE Shrewd agents can make a small, fox tnne carrying these articles around to families. The Dental TreaSury the neatest - article that" man or •yroman cap carry Send f' one.and See, or,..b'etter, a dozen r irldelt we will sell as samples for $7. WM, B. HARD &C 0 Tribune Buildings, New York. That, remittauees may be made tyith cons; deuce, W.. 11, Jr. refer to,-the Mayor of Brooklyn~;'to Farrnerst and Citizens' Batik ; Bro6klyn, and to othF'e. =ES 4, Is Now, Chance_ for Agents. Ba01:1TORRi , IVlal..,*;abov6 Third COT3DERSPORT, PA": .1V1.71V. MANN, PROPRIETOR. „ OOKS; APS, L . . LOBE& ! BLANKB 1.• • .= = • DOCKETS= LEWERS- DA.Y,-..BOOKS= • . . BECEIPT-BOOKS:; MEJECinAbiDUNIS; -PJLSSLBOOES, • • . DIARIES; • • . ORT FM, I US, lIE RB ARI EMS, : ' • . • ; '• LETTER-BOOKS. : INVOICE-BOOKS. Grettk, Latin, French and : Ociman Text : . Booksi All School Books used in the, colent2i kept 6n, liand, or inintediatel) procured whenl l (las?rcil. Nap,' - azhies or 'ant Periodicals - supplied when • • • . A good assortment ,of Paper, 'Envelopes, Pens find inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw ing Materials, Water Colors, kc. -- •: • ‘. _ , . BIBLES, TESTAMENTS,:. PRAYEIiI.I.I.I - 31N BOORS, of various kinds. - itiIUS) I C-BOOKS :AND SHEET-MUSIC, Slates, itulers, Sack-Gammon Bocirds Cit4i Men, /ze., ' l ke. PRODUCE of all kinds taiko in exelianke for Books,. .c. , i — • Tbe ,Great Cause of " • • HT_TMAN ••MISERY - ; Just published in a sealed envelope, price 6 etc Lectara by Dr.CtlttEawi:rr,, on the Cause .1 and Cure of Spermatorrhma; Consump tion, Mental and Physical Debility, Nervous' ness, Epilepsy ; Impaired Nutrition of the Bo dy.; Lassitude ; Weakness of the Limbs and Back: .I.titlisrosition, and incapacity for Study and Labor;' Dullness of Apprehension ; LoSs of - :kletriorY;:Aversidn'to Society ; Love of Sol itude ; Timidity; :Self-Distrust; Dizziness'; lieadadlie!; •AffectiOnS of the Eyes pimples on the Face', lovolnutary Emissions, and nal Inc.ip!wity7 the Consequences of Youth= ful Indiserdtion, kc., &c. This admirable Lecture clearly proves that the'above:enumerated, often self-afilieted,evils may be removed without maibine . and k s out daerousurgitml operations, and should be read . bY every yiuth'and every man in the laud. -Sent undersea', to any address; in a plain, sealed •envelope, on the . x.ed.liipt of ,six cents, or 6;0 pomige stamps, by addressing,,: Dr. C 11 . 415. J. C: KLINE,.. 127 Bowery, New York - ,'Post Office Box. 4.586. .RATRONA COAL OIL WARRANTED ticiN EXPLOSIVE I and equal to any Kerosene.. . WHY boy an explosive Oil; wlieri - a few tents more per gallon will furnish 'you with a perfect Oil? Mack! only by PE.NN'A SALT 11141113PAPTII*G POBTANY, No. i 27 Walnut Street, Pliiladelphia.= Feby. 1. 18G2. • ly ' dAPotsnriEria BAPoNnFIER! - . , . „ . .. "... I'ITE PSMHIY SOAP`MAKHII2. •. All Kitchen GrCase can be : Made, intO good _ - - SOAP, by using ;Sapozi!ficr!. DIRECTIONS ACCOMPANYING EACH BOX Soap.is.as easily.madd with it, as:Makilig , :., • . . a cup of coffee. l• :• - Manufactured only by the Patentees. -.-- PENIVA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY, ',Nu. 127- Walnut street, Philadelphia.' .Litl OEN . 1111.1.1); DEALER in • .- • - PROVISIONS, • GROCERIES, .* - HARDWARE; DRY GOODS, - Also, • ' Has been so firtunate as to secure the. serVi ces of THONIAS J. BAKER, - Who is. making and mending Boots an ,in own unexceptionable style, with - • se: -•! - GOOD STOCK:• ..‘1 have concluded.to sell only for . . READY PAY, from October 1, 1861. Will buy .Ashes, Elides, - Pelts,:and,siine Grains... • '•; • • n Brookland, • (formerly Cnshingville.) 5cpt.,.1861. • • OLINISTED, 'St' KELLY'S H STORE can always be found the .best of Cooking, Boxand Parlor. . . • . • -S 17 0;.IT E S Also; TIN and SIIET-IRON POTS,, FETTLES. ' SPIDERS,,:SCOTCH BOWLS, FR \G'-PANS; • SAP-ANS, 'and CAULD 7 ' R2N ,Also, - • Inaplemeiabi • -• • such as 'PLOWS,. CULTIVA TORS, , ' is well made and the material good. •thred.Ana substantial EAVES-TROUGHS: pnt•,upia nay, part of the County-Tetins easy.: ,l eadyPay of all kinds including,Cash, seldom re,fuse,dl Store on- Street opposite the Old:Cong. House, floudersporL Auga, 1859:-Ack . A DVERTl§,R.iirthe Tor RNAI, 9111% ly paper iii:] otter County,,iri'd is a "gpfut medium throuttOwilich to, reachllmpeopii3of all diatricts. '3 `: •••'1 Sff!Maii L ..;~,; i' • -, - , :4 . ;17. ,,, ,1,A....,'';ki; u 4: ' ' ;') 1 , - - ~' '.; 1: e-, :5 t. • 0 1 1 N =MI :. :.•-.- ~.. 6:.. - . , 6.i I . ..,., :-..- , - ! .•.:-.- -:. - ,t:' , '.., .' ' '. ''' H -4, .,, --• : .i. - , zz h ... . .. .v..„,-, .... ..: WORTH OF'i • - .--,F.,.: 1:,..:1 .., . ~,, •. - 4, :,- ~ 1,. NEW ,''.GOODS. - , , I. TAKE pleasure in infolrnirig my friertds and' customers that I rilu just receiving a fine, fresh assortment of (too }s and that all those who are 'in wantof ady bad better give me an early call. 7 •°- 3 , vit.', ' i I. I keep .. ' . 1 . i'• i, DRY , GOODS, - 1,- r.. I , .1 . ''GROCERigp' 1 , .' "' PROVISIONS, BOOTS and-SHOES, t i , H4RDWA.RE, CROCKERY,; , • .. , .And cv , ry , tlling usually kept in a Country Store. • i • i I_haye , just return 4 from, New - York with ;o,ne l of the best and largest stocks of Gooils that was ever brought into th's 'County:. I p - o prose„ . l.o :sell 'the et GOODS FIFTY:per Ct.•love:r thitn can be bOught in this vi iiity, Wells (le ville or Olean not ex lited.- 'My ' Goods . have been night for GAS II _from a Ilarati: Tumber ; of aa house's that had faileil La The city, at from .50 to 15 cts.k the &foliar of the original cost. I Therefore I am prepared to give kill great tsar;.gains that choo4e to give me a call: r -1 r ' . , • LOOIc' 4T SOME OF T.Flp PRICES . • Very iiice Sheetingk from 10• 12 cts., .sold b'y - mos. inerchailti at the present:time rni . 14 to:18. Good' cotton hats for i 8 cts roll. Good, 'Prints 'for- S Q 12, worth 10 to 16. Fire Del4riejfrom - 11 to 2 cis , wor6 15 td2s and 39: Good Tweeds„from 45; t 3B cts. worth 44 and 63. GOod Blac4 Silk from 50 Os. to 4 41.00, ,worth 75 cts. to 81 50. :1 Good Suits of Blaek Clothes i Coat, Pest, Pants, Calf Doots,,;#dldifs., Ciavat, 5:c., for • $lO, ! worth sls. I • l• Ii GnocerieS,T,ha`ve a;good, Sweet pleasant Tea_ for ,50 per lb., _ , and upwards. •IG - pod ;Sugar for cts.„ - ivhite' co* suOrr:,ll. Sal eratus for 6 cts.Cotred IS. Soap S cts. bar_ :Molaisesifbr. 45 cts. per Best( KeroS' ne oil [5O cts. gallon',,F,lon:r at t‘,'Wellsvlle prices " 'ln the line outs and Shoes we..have LadieS Enamel ed Morocco BOoi. for:so cts. sold by most'cle:46 . for to gl.n. Heavy Kip 'Ladies Wallcirig BO6t, 75 cts 'Fine - .lConareis Gaiteri3 and others froth- 60 c(s.l to 51.00, worth , worth 6 to 12" shillings. Fine, Calf BootS fori2 75; Fipe.!Stogey boots for 16 shilling. Fipeßroehe Shawls for 20 shillingli and up- Wards. . Ladies Stella Shawls frodi Bto 22 shilling* j Woolen shawls for 1 1 2 shilling atil upward ; Red Flannel frOm 2 shOlings per yard, Fine •Oinghain4 for one shill '` Cainibisics Lfilr 9 cts. n Me's„ Heayy tl Working Ribbed Jacket Coats for 8 shillings. I • And now I intend ,to? keep, my stock full - to supply flips? who - may choose to. buylat WHOLESALE' on And - all, FaMilies of:-Volunteers, will redeiVe4ProOds ; at; the - first cost in. New York, regardliss of transportatio -and I I still hold my otfer - go,od .tb pay anY one'that calls npun..mp ,and nettinding GoOds at the`pitces Oiren to !pay_ them for their Mine 44.expepses in coming:: : ,4 ---2 = c.• SDI - QNS4 . . OSWAYO, , ,BEGiIj - ATQA, March '3, 1862. - W. • V IR I. .:404 . 44 . . LQJ , •vz '`.,•." 7.7); ; .; k "eh' IfIETHING ELg ,fir dl :: ), i. 4.. 1 •-• ...'-'i'l , , ~., Tri ,t tEittbioritietii at ti3•ll. 1-- '. --h• - • '-,-, •-I '.•:i OLD STAND OM MAIN STREET, , .1. • - rjal ••, : • COUDERSPORZ - , •' 'I , . Offer to - their old' enstonser.s and the pnblic 'generally CaSh, ttnited States Treasury • • , ,Notedlna way are ,taitea at Par;) • ", - • •. Wheat, Corn; Oats, Baekwheat,Butter,Chee,se, flides,'Pelt , Deer Skins, and all!other kinds •' I ' of Skins, such t ii . S, ICali Skins, &c., also, Beans, • j Betts; Venison; and some other things that ean't!be thought ofj 1 A LARGE AND ;WELL-SELECTED OF' . . DRY G OD , S, ' BOOTS & SHOES, I EADIYI%L&DE CLOTHING GROCEB.IES, Hats it Caps, Ha.idware, , DRUGS & MEDICINES, Paints,:Oills; and D*e;Stuffirs, . - I Together with of the best % , 1 •• .- KEROSENE • :.".- • I Far euperior to the Oil Creek Or, xidionte Oil. LAMP & LA IIP FIXINGS,!: - 1 -POCKET CUTLERY, Alsd a few , morel, of those Superior i , °ANDO PLOW, 1" SLEIGH SHOES GLASS,"OIOI; PUTTY, INK, PAPER, :ENVELOPES, And other kinds of ;• • . • STATIONARY. N'tirAI.AL'PAPER, • WINDOW:CURTAINS .And other articles Which atone for idS us to tUeutioo, all of whi . ch :will be sold ; as low as•the WAR PRICES will allow—for strictly ItEADY-PAY!! And fOr those i artieles we' fake,' the high est market, pried will be paid: We are 61.4Geiierak.:Agents for AXNE'S Family Medicines, DR. Ahirs' ••• ,J3II:A:NDRETWS Fills, ic.RNXEDY ' 'S Medical DiennTeli, And all; the aiandard Medieinea of the day CAHIAL AND SEE :1 O. E. A. JONES. 1 :. ~..1 : .:J..hl tiETAti, - , 1 ithe payfirille Goo,4!mnst be' on hand when theooocts - are deltyeiedias we are deterriiined tolitre ;to .tble motto, of, ‘Tay-as Yon•Go. o • • • • - , Justgae.tbink judiments,notes 'and bOok::aaciutiti - ieliCh we'bace.'oa head must be leltled, anti 'eliised uplEriixtelliitte4: or we 'fear they,will.be itm s eased,faitur,then tbe nasal ~at~ai is eiest . T.; .Treoft • , •• I= ME Ellll - 1 . ;:. • =NM NEw: t • • . 1 El 1 I • EINEM PROVISIONS; Iron, INails, 1111 ME 4 ' r t' ; *y .I'?,/ ; S i __ - arsapari la i .1.,,.i. FOR , PinuniNG THEITAjoi iiiiiii _r the speedy - 9 11 '.* oe ths follonk iimput,,,, Screttiliiitild'SerOftiliiiiaAftettlistts -"i SS Till:110104 Ulcers, ,Sittresji-grupiLlltit , pi m pl es , 'Pustules, Motel:lea. i tc , 4l l MMus - and AIL akin- Diseases.; 'lt oAm.tiiiclini.,-Gth June lin ' 2 -Y.= C.T'AiliW 7 k:Col . Ceuta' 'r. -I feel it -101 - J dot' to ", knowleJge - what your :Eareurarilla. has dont, C 4 having inherited a :4mi:indult!' lufectlad, m e ba c k 5 ,,N , Mita it hfrarkibs'iraye for :years. tietuetinen lt tr' l nut lin -13 tests -on • ray _halals utiCarmit'pseteiju„,'"! turned inward and distressed me at the !dolmal. ~ 4 years ago it brat° out on'mylienti and *ror tn .d uiy ‘' .4 snd - sirs - with one sore. which-was rotund and 10511:',..2 beyond d,,*.rfptio.m, '1 tried Many ntediritiesaist 9s. ~-,; physicians, but without ninth MIA' fAan stir tliii,,: i" Gtet,.the disorder trow worse. A c lent.thl itai ,j,,,. ' 3 t o read in rho gospel Messenger that you 44 1,,, C -' an iilteisttirolSitrniliariltal, f, , r I knew f ris s ~,,,,r 1 4 , , ,, 1 . lion - that any thiugiou hulas mutt La grad. 1,,..!„,.,,, , Cincinnati and goljr, awl used It till it eared Me. I 1,,, it, as you advise, in small dotes of a thmosafal ute mouth: and-used almost throe 6 bottles. Sew so d 6 1 akin soon. began to form under the scab. aldM ost t l , sthild fell oft' •My Skin is nose clear : autli know 1.3. '; feelings that the disease Intalmne from my system. 1,; can wan bettor° that L feel a WILL an, saying wh t , 1 4 you; that I hold ,you to bo ono of the ailsstles dila atalrinialp over gratefully. j - ' Yount... J lrk ~~. , .:- t . r~._~ : ~~ ~ 'i. IN • . r TA IT st...A n th con y! ls Fire, Il tfse or Eryalpei Totter' and *Salt c ...., scitid 1144' • RingiVoirm; SoreDropir, Thibettid. Preblo .writes from Salem, N. 1 1,,ty gept.,i;6s9, tbat he has curet! an inveterate ca. cf Dropsy, srbleh "thTeatencil in termhme frlr.Nv, hr ty perseveringuso of our.Samq4ll.ll6. atm al, 'Malignant Erysipelas by large doses et the ni.ra,;,,j, ho cures tho common Erilplinns by It ectutatatr. 'llroitatioceici . Golt*e or Scrolled N,,k o Zvbulnn Sloan of Psoftwet,'re:ins, “Thr,!,,,. Iles of your Sarsaparilla cord me from a tA.ii re _ a4 . , ,, eons swelling on do neck, u tacit -I Ladsuasard La+ , over two,years."' - - I LeucorAicost drlVle 'remitTnmat, Uterine:"Uleereetieisei, Peheale Mate, es. . IL S. Charming, of ~ INew • Yotk x I moat clitierfullystimPly with the •tinfriest. of your sten taxying I Lava (mind your " q a men tnrlinf alteratire in the minierofis compinitils for nl l i xr 'emploYslith h Litt raperially in of •the, iirroftiteris diathesis. bare cnoxl many ale raFCS of Lem...nitwit by it. inn! .the ahrie plaint aria' mined by trferixition of the auras. fl anon itself 137 , 21. wan cured. NlAltilig within' on edge:erturils It for',l brie remain derngements." ..Edwurd,S.f3forrOw. of ;Newbury. Ala_ A eza. tenors nrurian traitor on nue of I Ito Tenuties in tai which Lail defied ail the remedies we could einrii.v.in it tenant be.en-eomptetely.eili oil by your Extinct inparillafriOtir, physician thouglit nothing Lot' thin orCulil afford relief, lint lie felt - the frinixt liamerete la.he tha last' resort before cutting, :al if ',roved effectual... A fter tithing your remedy eight ac-•n do symigelit of the il (Sense retimins."• ' M Dyplatilse and Merv..n.l4l Disease. I • • , New OIZLEANN. 2;411 ,! - .9.1r. I cheerfully comply Vest of your agent.'imil report to - pm...num of the tAan t have realized with your Samparilla, j I hare cured with it, in my pra,lice, Moil: of tie en, plaints 'for which it is-reemomeN.h.ol. end fired!' truly wonderful in th.t "6to of retterrol,ti,.l ?stria Disease. One of toy pa tie.* to had Fyphilak uPd i Ii his throat, which were consuming -hi. palate and top of his month. .Your Fat:tap:trill; shadily tst!in, tared him In tire weelss. Another was num:LA Sndliry symptoms in his Mw., and lite ulceration 1.1 Satell auntdeintaliferubleportrof tbr.nrhut I believe Slit dis3rder would soon.reach his brain unit hill hint. hies vieldefi to my a:hubris( ration of your t. , arte;4ll:ll4l: the tdrent healed, and lie is well again, nut of tome disfiguration. to hi. gees. A wow.* ate hot 6.0 treated. fur the cattle diem tl,!‘r bY mercury was tiftent{ front his poison in her hones. They Lml berme, Hat:, re to the Weather that on a damp day the suite:el it. truciathat pain in her joints and hmes. , She, I.e. cu :tired entirely by your e'atstiparilla in it (alt veal.. I ,tanne ftom iLy forinnin. uttlyii your agent gave we. lint dibt Preparation. from year lasoutoty n0n..1 Ire gel remedy consequently, these truly tetnathable Irwin with it hare nut , Fraternally yours, G I . T. I.AItIMER,3i.D. Rlieannatlatrui, Gout, Liver Complaint. lmneemtEne, Preit.d, ctinios, I/A-J. C. Arta: Sir, 1 hare been allele., with a Colo- Col chronic larumatisin for a !wig 'nue, ishieh bulfoS ,kill of phySicians, owl sine!: to, me in. spite or all th ,emeilles I could lied. Mihail tried your eg collie curl .ore in two weeks, and rest,,red my . gcll:ll' tenlin an Much - thiit' 7 inn! far liWter than helm o I re attacked. .1 think it at wonderful Medicine. I. FREAN. antes 11 - . Getchell. of St-11.014s.! writes: "1 tor. Gus d!lhi for years with an' q.v./ion of - the Lhe lestroy,cil my health. tried ereryl thing, mad er , .y thirg fulled toLreliere me ;1 mil have been a brOliell.diAll lota for some dears froni ther cause than rieresurregot he hirer. 3ly beloved negro, the ker. 31r. Espy.ablA me to try Your Sorsa parilln, because 100 said lie knew in, and any thing you made Was worth trying. by the Glns lug of God it has cured me, and Las so purified my blot are to make a new man of me. I feel young again. Lest tlidt•ovn be maid of you Is not. hall: geoli Beltiterten,CanOer 'rumors, lanlar^entent, Dieeration, - Carics anti Exfolitlitioa of • .A' great a arlety . of eases have been reported to ps viler [UMs of then forniitialile complaints have retched 100 the use of this remedy, I.nt our sparenerewill nut ads.: them. !Bonn of them may he fund 'in our MIMI,. Aininnac, - which the agents !Wow aimed tge plea:du furnish: gratis to all who cull for them. Oyapopairt, 'Heart Disease, Pits, ay, Nenealgla ltrit - nr)i;cii?hltathle sffoot;ons bare Ins ; wide by the alteratit o puteer of this metlicitko. 110. ,ales the vital fnityiuns into v igiiToll3 ACti , 0, WI CA,. o, disorder whieh would be e mee,..‘11,,* , •,.. 1 , . , teach.l.S,ucli a renketly larks long been roquirtd by • :es4itirti of the er4;ple, otolwe'are 'confatut tint 11:m -ice for tii4tu all that mediciue, eau tint , - &Or's Cherry, Pectoral, .FOR TItE 11 . 11P/D - CtlIE, OP , Cough*, Colds, Issftnessza, lionreentss , Croup, Bromihitlist Incipient ('on' . i .•tixteptiois,:assft. foe. the ,Itelter qpf Ceissttitiptive Ptittexste Su advances, , Stages imiremolly I.nown er ee ortbroat and long troop:At, il,t•S Is_ to Pu Wish thu ethleure of it> ',grip' , :7 unrivalled etic.lience for rouith., anll eul•l't• wonderful cures of pnlmontiry discr.se, hare 11., , L • knoll a throu g hout ,flee notions of r." • Fee see the'commtinilles, or even fiiiriTito , ; who base DOI. some peruonal experirnce of its rfoi7 soma lirlug trophy iu their toilet C ilk.ViClOly nur ` l rubtle stud • u lnligeriimo iliionk•ri of the throat nod 10 , :. Ali hit know the fatality of three iiiropirry 4 es they know,. too,'t he effects of alai remedy, we we So more thsu to assure them that it has ziow ail tool that tt did hate Alien makingAho cures wliiih Jelin Be strongly open the confidence pfeinnikiutt aparoil .by Dr. J. C. AYES 4t. CO. Ytel by 6 Er.'E; 'Jones,- CouilerFporr , Mann ,b Nichols, Ililiport l ; N.J. DIiIL. Colt' . burg; Colwell .SlLvinan,lßoulet ; A. 'Corey . / ••• Son, Ulyises; "A' D. Horton, •Cushingvale's and by Dealers generally • 1 _ , 4,1 = Paritto 44Inty. 11E undersigned n ould re ipeetfully inforo the surrounding conniitinity that he tiff taken the rooms formerly, occupiett_bY Juts S;Mann, where he 14' prepared, to, do • All kinds of _Harness Work on the shortest - notice. ' • -----LONGSTRAW COLLARS , also kept constantly on hand. These collar area superior artiole, and need but a ttisll to insure their success. Repiiirin'y done irz good style. Pinang:les, Martingnierings, flames, I: 4 ilathe strap,' &c., kept h constai tly on nd. The ptiblic are invited tWcall and eremite , before purchasing elsewhere. • Cocelersport Oct. 16th; 186-0. I
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