U 11 Srsaparilla /86 FOR PURIFYING .THE BLOOD. Ind iiir" the egeedy cam of - the followinx" Coinplainties - . .filegatifula and Scronal Out Airentlons,such .sim:TunseirsilUleers, litOresiAllruptions .Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Bolls, ' Mains, and nil Skin Diseases. , OAELAND, dud., oth June, 1859. J. C. Ault & Co. Gent,: I feel it my duty to ste. knowledge what your Saisuparilla has done fur melt niiviug inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have suffered from it In various ways for years. Snuetimesi It bumf set In Ulcers on my hands and arms: sometimes it turned inward and distreseed me at the 'stomach. Two years ago it broke out on Toy howl soil covered my scalp ' and ears with one sow. which was painful and loathsome lbeyolid description.- 1 tried many istrelfetries and several phyelelaneAut without much relief from any "thing. la Aliettlies. dlierdergresv noise. '. At length Inas rejoiced I. read in the Gospel Messenger that you had prepared au alterative (Sareaperilles. for 1 I:lieW front yoiir reputa tion that any thing you mole mist be good. I sent to Cinelnuatiatad got it, and used it till it rowel me. 1 took U, Mr you advisa t in mall doses of a tesmemistial over a Stseuth, ansl used Mutest three butt Its. - :sew and healthy skin ChM began to forta'sinder rho scale, which oiler a while fell uff. My skin is nuts clear. and 1 know by my *snags that the disease has gene from my system. You, eau well believe that I feel what 1 tun raying when I loU yes, that I bold you to 111 , our of the apostles of the age, sad remits ever gratefully. Yours, . . ALFRED B. TALLEY. , • St. Anthony". D'fre, Bose or Erysipelas, Tutor and Salt 'theism, Sceold Bead, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. robed M. Prelate writes front Salem, N. Y., 12th Sept., /859, that he has cured its, inveterate case of Dropsy, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the persevering use of our `Sarsaparilla, and else a daugerom Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the came; mays be cares the common Eruptions by it constantly -..itronchoeele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Clebulon' Sloan of Proepect, Texas!, writes : "Three bole Vag of your Sarsaparilla mired mo front a '.lire— a hid eous swelling on the neck, n hich,l had suffered from *warty° years.. ' Leueorrlaina or Whiten, Ovarian tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. IV. J. 11. S. Manning, of New York City. writes; "I most cheerfully comply with rho request of your ',gent le, saying I have' found your Sarsaparilla a. most escelleut .alterative In the numerous complaints fur width we employ Mucha reinesly, but especially in Flonafeeniseases ' ef the Scrofulous diathesia. 1 limo cured many !ureter ate eases.of Letworrisrest by il, And mono where the cum. plaint wee caused by ulceralwn of the uterus. The Weis . , Mien Itself we's anon cured. Nothing within my knotel- , edge equals It for them female derengentents." Alward S. 51errner, of Newbury, Ala.,writers "A dam issue *mien tumor on one of the Goas in my family; . W 3141154 defied all the remedies we could employ, heel . at length been completely cured by your Extract of San i • separilla. Our physician thought nothing but makes then could afford relief, but be advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the host resort before cutting, and it peeved effectual. After faking your tamed) , eight weeks . so symptom of the disease reuntine." Syphilis and Mercurial 'sense. New ORI.LANF, 11th eased, 1859. .1711. J. C. ATVS.: Elr, I cheerfully with the is. ' pest of your agent, and ristrot to you HOMO of the otleete I have realized with your Sarsaparilla.; 1 have cured with It, in ray proctice, most of the ears plaints fur which It hi reronsntended, and lIRVo hawed kil l -[!bets truly wonderful in the eine of Venereal and Afar mid Disease. Our of my patient. had Syphilitic ulcers m his throat, which were consuming his palate and the lop of life mouth. Your Sureeparilia, steadily taken, ;eared him hi live weele. Another Rll9 attacked by see endary symptom" .ln 104 nose, and the ukseratlou had eaten away A considerable port of it, 00 that I believe the disorder would 60011 reach his Waits suet kill him. But it yielded to my administrathei of your Sarsapurilla; the ' alters healed. and he Is well egstie, not of course without tense disfiguration:to Isis fere. A wousau who hod been treated fur the manse dsiorder by met cull tees suffering hem thin poison In her beam. They,lutsl become so sea 'Mee to the weather that on a damp day she suffered es wucleting pain In her joints and bones. She, too, was wired entirely by your sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its ssrinula, which your agent gave,:no, that this trreornetion from your lobos Mory ialset be a great remedy; consequently, these truly remarkable results with It love not surprised me. Fraterunlly yours, 0. V. LAMMED, M.D.' • Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. loexessonmee.E, I's wen Co., Va., eth July, 1859. DR. J. C. Arena Sir, I have been afflicted with a piths hal chronic Ill.rumatena for a long time, which baffled the 'kill of phyvirlans, and alit -k to too in spite of all the setnedien I could find, until I tried your Sarsaparilla. One ,chile cured tun in two v,eolis, and restored my general aealth at usual itsatn. am far better than before I was attacked. 1 think it u wonderful medicine. J. leltllAM. Jules Y. Iletchell, of St. Louis, widen: "I have been 'afflicted fur years with an ejection of tfss Liver, which ...greyed tuy health. I tried every thing,ind every thing bred to relieve me; and 1 have beets a broken-down man Iles some peva from no Other rouse than derangement qf r the Lire.. My beloved pastor, the rev. Mr. Espy, advised ' me to tty your Samoan ills, bemuse he said be knew you, ' end soy ding you mind, MIS worth trying. By the bless Mg of ()edit lots cured use, and has so purified ray bleed , - u to make a new men "true. I feel y aqua' Realm The heat that can be said of you Is not Leif good encugh..ss, Lila gels irrus,Catocen'l'mworei t Enlargement, •, `V I cera lima, Caries ,p,sad Extolls ttlottool , ther . Busses. ' A great variety atoms have been reported to us where lures of !been formidable comp/al:11s have resulted from the use of tide remedy, but our space beiewill , not adroit them. Some of them may be found in our American Almanac, which tho agents below mimed are pleased ee furnish gratis to all who call for them. 1 byilpepsta. Tleart Disease, Fite, Epil.p. ry,,..lllelaueltoly, Neuralgia , Many leinarhablo cures .01 thebe . alTectious have been mode by the alterative power of this medicine, It "thou intes the t hal functions into vigorous action, and thus svereonson disorders whirb would be suPpovud beyond its ,reach. Furls n remedy has long been required by the no leenittes of the people, and we are conticteue that this will in for them nil that medicine coach). Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, YOU. TIM ILA PID CUREI.OF Coughs, Colds, influenza, Hoarseness, - Croup, Itroncltltis. 'staplela Con.. •unsp Clore, aSsd for Like Relief . of Consumptive Patients 'in adcitneed Stages of the Disease. This is a remedy en universally known to, 'snrpairs ace ether for the cure of throat and lung completion, list it Is unless brie to publish the evidencedatlts)virtuss, Isr unrivalled excellence for coughs and teldu,and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, hate made it known throughout the "civilised nations of th• earth. TIM ere the comnitinilies, or even families, snout throe who hare not some petsonal ?experience of Its effects-- aims living trophY in their midst of its victory over the Nubile Mid dationeus disorders of the throat and longs. As all know the dreadful fatality of those disorders, and es they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need net IO more than to assure them that it has now nil the vie sues that It did have whet, making the cares which have Won so strongly upon the confidence of znonlrind. ?rep area by Dr. I. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Masi. Sold by C. S. lc E. A. Jones, Coudersport; Mann & Nichols, Millport ; N. J. Mills, Coles burg ' • Colwell & Lyman, Roulet ; A. Corey & Sou, Ulysses; A B. Horton, Cushingyille ; 'and by Dealers generally • "VECAT ! MEAT ! ! MEAT ! ! ! Wm. Beaver, Butcher . , CAN still be found at the old stand on So cord Street, where all kinds of FRESH MEAT, of the best quality can be had. Such as SALT and FRESH' PORK, CORNED BEEP, &VISAGES. Re invites all the citizens of Coudersport to give him a trial. gMeat will be sold at the lowest prices. • ria...CASH must be paid for all meat pur chased. "Small profits and quick sales,"is his mottc. , Nov. 25, [B6l. And all kinds of B RADFORD - COUNTY PLOWS , AND • POINTS, will be found hereafter at the store of • P. A, STUMM St . CO. airA large lot just received. Coudersport, March 20, 1861. Administrator's *Mice. y ETTERS of Administration on the estate .1.41 of S. , S. Waive, late of Whitesville, Alle gany county, N. Y., having beeri granted to the undersigned, all persons,' having claims agairist said estate are requested to present them to him for, liquidation, and all persons owing said estate are reduested•to make im mediate payment to him. kW', 20, 1661 In the i? qe nning.of the last„year i hen its present proprietors assumed ' control of THE ENICKERBOCKER, they announced their de erminatiOn to spare no pains to place it in its trim poSition as Alm leading literary ',tonally iiu•-•luerie.i. When rebellion had raised - a Odecesstia front; and its armies threatened the very existence of the Republic, it tirri impos sible to permit a Magazine which in I s circu lation reached the best intellects in the land, to continue in a purely literary coube, as if insensible or indifferent`to the dange s which threatened the Union. - The proprie ors ac cordingly gave notice that it would p esent in its pages tbreible expositions with regard to the great question of the times : How :to'pre- . serve the United States of _America in their integ rity and unity. How far this pledge his been redeemed, the public must judge= IC:would, however, be mere affectation to ignor the seal of approbation which the public ha already placed ou these efforts. The propriet rS grate fully.acknowledge this, and-it has le them to • embark id afresh undertaking, the iMblica tion of THE CONTINENTAL MONT 'LI', cde voted to literature and national p' licy, in which Magazine those readers who lave fol lowed with sympathy the political a, d social viewe so 'forcibly expressed of late iu our i pages, may find them still furtht r enforced by the most, eminent and energetic ,minds ,- in America. Tho Knickerbocker. while it wilire in support of the Union, will be fonn ing to the originally expressed into the publisher, devoting itself more c to art and letters, and inTaintainit established position as the leader in of the widely varied departments of to which it is specially devoted. 1 The number for January comm aces its thirtieth year. With' such antecedents as it possesses. it seems unnecessary to make any special pledges .as to thefoture; lapt . it may not be andss to say that it will bete aim of 1 6 da conquctors to make it more and of the, liberal support it ha hitherto ore de servingreceived. The same eminent wri ers who have contributed to it during the Past year will continue to enrich its pages, add in ad dition, contributions will appear ft 4m others cf the" highest reputation and froikinany ris ing iitithors. We shall. as before, specially cultivate the genial and humorous in every variety i but during the coming year, however the Knickerbocker will receive many. contri butions in the highest departments ciflitera' tore, embracing Critical, Historical, iiiograph ical, Sidentifie,' or Ethnographical articles, in all of which special pains will, be taken to introduce that spirted and agreeable tone and style, which have of late years distinguished really first-class writings of this na ore from the dry and pedantic essays of the o d school. We intend to devote especial .zeal nd labor to attract to our pages such reading, and con fidently anticipate pre-eminence i this de 'partmeut. %F In the ‘lan'uery Number we shnl 'Sunshine in 4ecters,' by Charles Leland—the first of a series of papa cheerful- and j l oyous in Literature 1, which will be ll'uund interesting to general reader, Whjle at an early appearpe First Chapters of a most ing and instructive description of Life, in the forM of a First-class Nol Knickerbocker,' iu hhort, while ret, best of the old!, will continually a ereaui of the new. TERMS Three dollarS a year in advance ics for Four Dollars and Fifty Cen copies for ; Six Dollars. Subscribers 1 1 remitting Three Dthlars will recetve as a premium (post-paid) la copy of Richard R. Kimball's great work,"The Reve laitons of Well Street,'"te‘be publis l hed by G. P. Putnam early in Felit nary next, (price $l.) Subscribers remitting- Four Dol ars to the , Publisher will receive THE KNdC4ERBOCK.- ER and the CONTINENTAL MONTHLY for one year - A discount of ten per cent. from ur lowest prices will be allowed to persons sending us clubs of ten or more subscribers. I Money sent by 'nail, when registered, is at our risk gay—The Publisher, appreciating the im portance of literature to the soldi r on duty, will send The Knickerbocker gratis a any reg- invent iu active service on applica made by its Colonel or Qbap tions will be received front those sent to soldierS in the milks at nal, in suet' cases the Magazine. must front 'the ollice of publication. THE KNICI I :ERBOCKER and Ti PENDENT wi I be sent for one subscribers at $3 ; to old subscric NOW IS TJE TIME TO SUDS J. R. GILMO '.21 Nassau" Street, Ne io. 110 Tremont Stre Adolf Istratorrs Notice. iti IiTHEREA, letters of administration on V L the esta e of RUFUS TIIOMPiON,dec'd, late of Jack on Tp., Potter.Co: , have been granted to th subscriber in due form of law, notice is here y given to all persons knowing themselves in ebted to said estate, to make immediate pnytt-14tA; and those luivingclainis will present them duly authenticated for set tlement. IPHIDELIA THOMPSON, D. W. BENTO.Nl.l l ditninist'rs. , 1361- ' 1.6 w February 2 SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES!!! A NECESSITY IN EVERY lI6WEHOLD I JO / IESTS & CROSLErS . American Cement, Glue, The stro 4 gest Glue in the 'odd For Cement ing Wood, Leather, Glass, Ivory;. CI ina, Marble, . Porcelain, Alabalder, Bone, Coral, etc:. The only article of the kind ever produc ed wiaic. will withstand Water, ExraAors: 1 "Every hoMsekeeper. should ha of Johns & Crosley's American Gen —New York Times. "It is so coivenient to have in —New York xpress. "It is ahray ready; this corn everybody." N. Y. Independent. "We have tied it, and find it a our house as titer."— Wrkes'S.pirit Price 5 Cents per Very liberal r ductions to Wholes }For s keepers genera 78 (Corner of Li 30°O the fo r t. • Ads EIOR.A.CE COBB I 1 , THE 1 KNIbkERBOi.',IcER FOR 1562 No. 11 and TERMS CAS II Ile by all Druggists and Store .fly throughout the 'country. JOHNS 4.; CROSLEY, (Sole Manufacturers,) William Street, New York. • erty Street.) jy9ly DS of WOOD wanted at OURNAL Office, inatnediate:y, hich the highest Market Price .0 paid in ISabsc4tions. and dieing. 1 IN ' E LIFE PILLS AND PIKENIX BITTERS. MEESE iIEDICDIES have now been before A. the pi blic for a period of TIIIIITY YEARS, and dnrin that time have maintained a high 0- character, i almost every part the Globe, i t for their e tritordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suiferhig under nealy every kind of 'disease to whidh I the human frame is liable. \ , The follqwing are among the distressing variety of lintrian diseases in which the Vegel.6ble Life lviledleines Are well known to be infallible. "DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleansing the first and se, and stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and 1 , acrid land 4 FLATULENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 111-Tem per, Anxiey, Languor, and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS,' by cleansing the " whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and withot t Violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. ..i. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to-a regnlity circulation, through the proce'ss, of perspiration in such cases, end the that . - °vigil solinlon of all intestinal obstruction in others. I „ The Life Medicines have been known to I cure RHEUMATISM' permanently in three weeks, and GOUT in half than time, by re moving boCal inflammation from the muscles and lig.anulnts of the joints. ,1 DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bladder; they operate mdst delightfully on these important organs; and hence have ever been found a cer tain remedy for the 'worst cases of GRAVEL. also WOR3IS, rby dislodging from the turn ings of thd bOwels the slimy matter to which these creatures adhere. SCURVEY, ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES. bi- the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES wive to the blood, and all ' the humorl-' SCORBI PLEXION fields thatl i nin firm i , accord - ntion of i clusis ely ! its long America! itei ature , TTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD CO4- E, by their alterative effect upon the the skin, and the morbid state ceasions all eruptive complaints, .'udy, and other disagreeable coin- of which el plexions The use will effect and astril of tile skit; tt'COMMON COLDS and INFLU- Idways he cured by one dose, lor he worst cases. LN7A IMMEII PILES. Medicines standing alone. FEVER the \C ute toUnd a si Other m« a return o l icines is p, ANo rr en AN!) AGL'F.—For this seourge:o •li coutty, these Medicines will :be I fe. 'siviedy, and certain remedy:— ich!ies leare the system . subject , to the disease—a cure by these Ma= IerMIIECEt—TICY TEEM, CE SATISFIED, tED BILIO FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS.—GerteraI Debility, Loss of Appe tite, and Oseases of Females—the Medicines have been used with the most benefieirl re sults in cases ,of - this description :—Kings Evil, and Scorftila, to its worst forms, yields to the mild yet powerful action of these , re mariiable3 Jedicines. Night Sweats, Nervous Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitaticm Of the Heart, Punters' Colic, are speedily (lured. MEkqIIIAL DISEASES:—PersOn's whose constitutions have become impaired by the, injudicimis use `, , of MEncurty, will find these! Medicine. 4 a perfect cure, as they never fail to erridienteifrom the system, all the effects of Merctiry, lutinitely sooner than the mostpow edit) hreOrations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, L 335 BuoAnw.tr. Stow-Foes. For sale by all Droggists. publish Godfrey rs on the and the most klate will liMerican -el. The fining the d to, the Two cop s; Three MRS. WINSLOW, enced Nurse and Female Physician, An expo presen s to the attention of mothers, her SoOTHENG° SYRUP, R CHILDREN TEETHING, which gr r atly facilitates the process of te•eth ing, by siftenhig the gums, reducing alt in flamatior —nil/ allay ALL PAIN' and spas modic action. and is ion being Subserip wishing it but be mailed eF.I\OE •ar to new • rs fur $4. TRIBE! ,SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS., Depend ipon it, mothers, it will give rest to, yoursells, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR ENFANTS. We htive put ifp and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFI DENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to sny of any other medicine —NEV-ER HAS IT' FAILED, IN A SINGLE . INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely nied. Never did we know an instance of dissatFfactien by any one who used it. On the contra-y, all i are delighted with its opera: tions, an speak in terms of comendaLiun of its inagital effects and medical virtues. We speak in his matter WHAT WE DO KNOW," after ten yearS' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR RERUTATION FOR THE FULFILMENT OF WHST WE HERE DECLARE: - In almost every instance where the infipt is suffering from pa.!'n and exhaustion, relief will be found .in fifteen or twenty minutes after the- syrup is adininistered. • York, t, Boston This valuable preparation is the prescrip tion of the most EXPERIENCED and SKII2L FUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF OASES. It itotlonlY relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole systern. It will almost instantly re lieve I GRIIING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND I COLIC and overcome convulsions, which, if not spee dily renredied), end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRIREA. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething. or from any other cause: We wank. say to every mother who lies a child, suffering from any of the foregoing complaints —DO NQT LET YOUR PREJUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand be iween yPu and your suffering 'id. and the relief that will be SURE—yes. 9p TTTELY SURE---to follow the use of this met.. • no, if timely Used. Full directions for using ..-11 accomptiny each bottle. None genuine un less the facsimile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold li l y Druggists throughout the world. Principal'Office, 13 CedarlSt., o a supply ent Glue." he house.' ends it to s useful in of the Timex ottle. le Dealers. New York. ONLY 2 CENTS PER BOTTLE. y C. S. 8; E. A. JONES, Conifers -16-Iy. ME Sold port, Pa MOFFAT'S of these Pills for a very short time, an, entire cure of SALT RHEUM, ing irnprovement i,n the clearness The :original proprietor of these was 'cured of Pile's of 35 years 'y ihe use of the LIFE MEDICINES 7;00 f.,Wij3 4 l:Ut THE HEROES OP PEACE TEE NEROa OF' WAR. PHOTOGRAPHW . PORTRAITS,. Card size,onßiistol Board s nititbe for Albums RDOLISiIF.D AND:SOLD BY 'E ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, New York. ~ . By special irrangement- - ,•we publish in; add - Con to other portraits the celebrates collection well known both in Europe and Amerida as eradli'a Natiolalpboto,9rophic Portrait Gallery. Brady's 'collection of Imperial . Photographs is justly considered one of the lions iof -New - York, and in the Photographic reproductions of these every centre table can now have an additional attraction iii-3 miniature Brady's Gallery.-Among our publications are : Abraham Lincoln, . Jefferson Davis, . Hannibal HaMtin, : Lady Davis, .: WM. H. • Seward, : Alex. H. Stephens, . Sahnon P, Chase, ' Robt. J. Toombs, Siinom Cameron,- ' ' Howell Cobb, Montgomery Blair, - Henry A. Wise, Edward Bates, -, , Johit Tyler„i Gideon Wells, - : • Gen'! Beatiregard, Caleb P. Smith, Gen'l Lee, . Gen'l Scott, " , John, B. Floyd; Col. R'obt. Anderson, Jacob Thompson, Major plenimer, - ' P.. P. Thomas, , - . Col. Ellsworth, • John C. Breckinridge, Gen'l Butler, Gov. John Le'tcher, Gen!! Mansfield, John Bell, Col. Fremont, rr, John C.. Calhoun, . • lieracliell V. Johnson, L. G. Wigfall, Ben Mc- Cullough, Lieut. Maury, Col. bander, Stephen A. Donglas, Maj. Gen. JohnA. Dix, Maj. Gen. K. P. Banks. .henry Ward Beecher, Oliver Wendll Holmes, Horace Greeley, Prof. Morse,' . N. P. Vials. James,Gordon Bennett, %Valiant C. Bryttut,Washington Irving, Henry Clay,Au drew .Tackson,CornmorlorePerry,Dr.E,K.Kane,: John 4. Audubon, Mrs. Sigourney,Mrs. Gana 1 Gainei,ChasiSumner,Gov.AndrewJl.Critten -1 den, Prince of. Wales, Duke of I% evrcrislle Zit charyTaylor,George Bancroft, Lathrop L,Mot- , ley, Salm. Houston; J. Q. Adams, Emerson Eth eridge, , Andrew Johnson, -Parson- Brownlotr. Brotiolow•s 'heroic daughter, together with about 500'others, to which additiOns are be-_ ing made daily: Catalogue P7l reecipt of stamp.' Plil6; or l'oarnarts $3: PER. DOZEN. . Car, be sentby . nm'il. Remittances may be made in postage a•tautps. ' • r : . . AlsU a large collection rof Photographs of distinguished Europeans,; EmperorS,• Kings, ; Queens, Marshals, General*, Diiken,Lords,Ari thors, Actors, Actresses, politicians and Cler gy. Price, 25 to 50 centS•each, a.ccordiog to maker and ipiality. r. Our' establishment is also head-gearters for PIIQTOGBAPHIC ALBUMS both as agent of the best Freneli manufactu rer, and as manufaeturer under a patent of our own. We have a large assortment; vary iiig in' price froth 90 oentS to $5O, and holding Srom 12 portraits up td $OOO. Also folding cases of morroceo or cloth for tIM pocket, to hold 2, 4 6, S. or 12-portraits. Also various styles of framing card portraits, of carved wood, 'Metal, paper, composition, etc:, of ele gant and tasteful, desi2ns.': ....:.r.;:photograplk!rs now in the fieldare daily sendiug us CAMP SCENES OF THE PRESENT WAR and views of points and things 'of interest, both card size, for albums, and in stereoscopic form- As for instance, rhe Seventh Rryiinent at Camp Canieron.L-In the Trenchel-4 1 ooking their lleals—The, Gymnasts—The Juriction— Delnuinico's—Laura Keene's- General Street View's of the Camp, etc. Also the Relay Hensel and damp scenes 'and -scenery thereabout. Also Ilarpe'r's Ferry before and after the scenes of destruction. Together with _various other places of note.' Card size 2.s . cents each, .Ste reoscopic 33 cents. Parties who would like'• a lot of these camp scene: lo Select from—the balance to be,re turned ill good order ati,!their own expense, and Without delay—can the accommodatedon giving proper New Yorklieference, STEREOSCOPES IND VIEWS. Our establishment islite great emporium for everything in the stereoscopic line, and our I! assortment is the most complete probably of any Id the world. 't The stereoscope is .the-most instrvetive,luter (sting; entertaining, amusing acid exciting of mod ern inventions. None are:too young, n9nd too old, none too intelligent, none ,too unedu4ated; acknow ledge its-worth and beauty.i No home is complete witbout it, a'Od it will and Must penetrate everyw4mre. It presents to your view jeyerY part of the world, in all the relief, boldness,' perspective and sharpness of detail., as fiyoulwere on the spot. We have an immea4 variety of views et' scenes in Paris, London, "inland, Scotland', Ireland, Wales, France,, lielgjuin, !Holland, Switierland, Spain, The : Rif - hie, Versalles, St. Cloud, Fontainbleau, Tuillefies, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Athens, the Holy: iL.nd", China. India, Crystal Palace, also Groupi Historical, mu slug, marriage' scenes, brelkfast scenes, pic nics, :statuary; etc., etc. A n exquisite assort ment of Illtiminata Interioisiof Palaces,' Chur ches and Cathedrals. of France, Italy, etc.etc. Tlid effect of these illuminated iewsis most remarkable - . Anlhony'B Insto . .ntaneouB Stereoscopic Views are ,the latest Photographic wander. They are taken in the fortieth part of it second, and everything, no matter how a•apidly it may be moving, is depicted as shaOly and distinctly as if it had been perfectly - at rest.' This gives an additional value, for 1.6 the beauties of in animate nature it adds' the (charm of life and motion. The 'princess is . aidiscovery of our own, and being unknownlin Europe, we re ceive large orders from LoOdiin and. Paris for Anthony's Instantanethis 'Slims of - American life-and scenery. . Our Catalogue of subjects and.prices will be' forwarded to any address on receipt of stamp Parties at a distance sewing us $3,.55,510, $l5, $2O, or 525, can hayeli good instrument and such pictures as theyimay request, sent by Express. • Views Mon % (without instru ment) can :be sent by 7711 , 07. E. Anthony; ' • 501 Brcia:iiWity, New York, (3 doors south of St. Ninhcilas' Hotel,)' Importer acid 11Ianufacturt of Photographic Materials,Stereoicopes tereoscopicViews M.Alerchants• frOni every section of the country cre - respectfully .to make an examination of our stock,. • To Photographers. Our Bulletin of Photo graphic Invention and ilin i wovemeut will be, sent to any address on application. [Cut this out for futuie refet•ence.] MOTHERS, READ THIS.tT is MlOWirig IS an extract from a letter.writttn by the pastol• of a Baptist Church to the " Journal and Mes senger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in faVor of that world-ren.wned medicine— Iltts. IN - us:stoves Boovatsu SYRUP FOR CHIL DREN TEETH:NG : " We see an adTertisemept in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, Now we never said a word in fal.;on'of a patent medi cinel before in our life, but iwe, feel compelled to say to your readers, thatithisis no humbug WB HAVE TRIF.D IT, ABEI.E.NSIW TB TO BE AI,L IT ct.63ts. It is, probably', .one of the - most suc cessful medicines of the day, because it is' one of the best. And those - ofl your rcaders who have babies can't do bettet than io lay.= n , r ` fi t . :41 1 ;reire; Third gi., co_ubp,itsi)oitrk,' M. *'P PROPRIETOR.: j I BOOKS, MAPS GLOBES BLANKS- D,OCKET? - • LEDGERS- " DAY-BOOKS- . RECEIPT-BOOKS; AfEIIORANDOI` PASS-RO F 0:1 : DIAR 0 IS) 1 lE S, 1 i,TFOI.IO.S; , . I . . 1 HERBARIUMS, : , I LETTER-BOOKShik I• I I INVOICE-BOOKS. Greek, tatha, French and German Text- Books. ;, 1! , I . 1:1 All Schodi .pooks itsecl 'in the bOiinto • • , (. kept on hunt!, Or immediately prodnreo when tle.sirid. 1 1 , I ! ' 1 1 . Magazines:Or apy Periodicals suppled when desired:. 1 1 , A goad .;assortment !of Paper. Eni-elopes, Pens and. 114 Also, of Wall-P*pers, Draw ing Materials,lWater 'Clolors, k.c. BIBLES, IT ESTAMEINiTS, PRAYER & EIY.D.Ii BOOKS,' of various kinds. %R1..0 I S AND SHEET-MUSIC , MIISIC-,P0..: Slates, ulers, Back=Ga 'ninon Boards Chess Men, &c., &e:', P °DUCE of all kinds %lieu in exchange for- ooks,j&c. - [EI-P,lfj ' ' 111 ..:' • THE HEROES OF PEACE 1,. • 1 i .A.,i D . . i ' TUE 'JIPIEF,OES OF WAR :.' __, • , t , , B. Aiattiony, N 0.501 Broadway, New York, is now ptiblihhing, in !addition to !other, por traits, the.celebrated titillection known in Eu rope find '4ltapric'a as ,1 • Brody' .41'iltionalholographic PoLetitVelierY, in Which is litchi ed Portraits of nearly all the c t'' Prcithinent; men' , f Aindrica, not excepting. Jed' Davis, Gen Dean egavd, Floyd, and a: hoht of other concederat s. Plice of Portraits, $3,00 p 0 'doien; Can be sent by mail. /. i Scenei of fhe SVitr for. the I.nid . n,) .. sire ptiblished, c. rd siLe.e, mid in Stereocopic ' forM. Also, . 1 Stereoscopic vieWs,d,f. scenes in Paris, yon don, and in other, of England and Trance, in Scotlard,•lrelancl,\Vt . iles, Holland, SWitzer• land, Spain, On title Rhine, in Athens, Egypt, Turkey'illo I a the llv nil l China, India, Ouba. i ~, L a n il, .ke,: S'..o ad 27,1 in turn 1; ' Our Instal - 41m • ens Stereoscopic Views are , The. G6at'..st Wonder of the Age. : `I These are taken = a .tlit.Joitieth part ofu secoptbi and the rashing ofwater,the moving of le!tves, or the match. of n artily, does not in the least affect the talon. of these. views. They ale sold for $3 per d zen. I , We hate also .n hand and mannfaetnr'e the' , . , Int ofi Stereoscopes, Photo ' and Photographic Materials ites, atd perhaps in the world :ntaini g lists of all our Por treoseppes, &c., sent tree by of a Stamp. INlißroadway, . : ic i l?oUs ' 9 Hotel, sl Newrk. DVS PDT-- , largest, m.isortin graphic Albums, in the United St Eatalegue, traits, Vicirs. St mail, on receipt E. Al' jyly nCariSt., THE' LADYIS FRIEND.- . i G°"‘'S,LAlpli'S BOOK FOR 189,— . Th: . Wortirsi fa orite. For 32 Yetir,s the Standard Maga Inc: , Pronounced I by the Press - Of thti U . ited :States, the best Lady's ;Magazine in the rorld and the CheaPes . x. The Literatlure is of (that kind that can_ be 'read aloft,: in th fiunile' circle, And :the elm ;:ry'in infmeirSe uml4s are subscribers for the Book. .3' The test Lady Writers in-America cOntribute :to its pages,,and We have soine that write for no other Magazi e. ' The Afulsic is 11. - original, and would cost 25 cents (the prcc of the Book) in the Music stores ; birt 'ino. t of it is copyrighted, • and. 1 cannot' be obtai red . ecept hi "Codey." , • Our St4el • :En< ratings.—All efforts to rival us in this hate ceased,- and we now Staird 'alone in this dor arttnpnt, giving, as we - do, Many more ant infinitely = better engravings, than are published in any other work. ! • .. Godey'sj .frinienee IDouldr-Sheet F 487110,1- Plates: 7 -0)0 . W ing: from five to seven full length Coloredl 1 ashions on each plate. !Other magazines; give my to. ) 3 ; i .For Ahead ...q 'any Fashions in Eur Ope ; or Anierien.—code , 's is Ithe only work in the world thatgiiie- these immense plates, and they are such a to Live excited the Wonder i of publishers a d thei public. - The publiCa . .. s tion of tliese plates cost $16,000 more:than Fashion-Plates f the•lold style, and nothing but onr wofftlerl tally large circulation ennbles l us to give theta. ' Other Magazines Cannot afford it. i Weever spare money when the public, Cal2l be b .netited. These thshienS may il , be relied' oh. Dresses may be made jafter them, and the Nearerlwili not subject herself' tO ridicule, as would he the case if she Visited thel re arge cities ssed after the styl&Of the plates givenlin ome Of our so called fashion 1 1 magazines. •': ~ I Our Wood I" -- twice or three Magazine, are of .linitations.-11 that the Lady's lion andlthe cl !gratings, of 'which we give times as many,as any other 'ten mistaken for steel. e.warel of them. Remember Illook'is the original puhltea eapesi. If you take Godey er magazine. vitt \rant:no of _ . Drawing Le,sn them,'and we liti large volninps.,l 1 , •Oei - Reccil'itA tare si;ch as can be.fonfid no• where else. j Co kinglin all its variety=Con fectioharyt he 'nrserv—the Toilet—the KA chen--'-the Lau iclry. 1 We originally started this'departtrient and have peculiar faCilities for making it m st perfect. ' . • ''' Ladies Work Taide.i--, This department ,com prises, engravinhs and descriptions of 'every article that it lay wears. Model C o llar 4.—N6 other Magazine has this departmen . , Il Terrus,.CoBl4. n advance: 1 copy one year, $3, 2-icopies 'one y'ear $5, 3 copies one year,„S6, 4 copies one year $7. Five copies one year, and an extra ciSpy to Ithe person sending the club, $lO. .Eight copies one year,•andan ex tra copy to the bersoti sending the club, $l5. Eleven copies ohe yea . r, and an extra copy 'to the person :sending the club, 20. And the only magazine_tbat can be introduced into the above clut4 inl placei . of the Lady's Book is Arthur's Mime Magazine. • . , Treasury: Not s au Notes of all Solvent, bank, taken atrp ar. Be careful and Pay the i postage on you letter. Add r ess ' 1 L. A. GODEY, ~ I V 3 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia i, Pa.' I 1 The ROehest,ei Straw-putter. ifluisTEp d . t, KELLY, Diudersport,. have N.:7 the exclusive agency for this ;celebrated machine, •iir tlith county. It is covenient, du rablei and OBEIAP.' 1 • Dep."T, 1860.412 ns.-4o other 3ragatine gives vegiVeri enough to fill several ADVERTISE, ly paper medium throng JonatiaLl It is the on r county, and is a'good h to reach the peotae of in,th: Pott. h whi oxygen and earlion hy coin. b4tion in hydrogen.. :Sanctioned be # l/ i highest Medical AuthoTities,_both..in fun*, and, the United- States, and prescribed in their praCtice. - l t he experience of thousands daily pro w thak, tiopreparation of IrOn can be compatedi witit Imputities of the blood, depressito of ;vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly cornpleXions indieates its necessity in almost eycky conceivable case. . - hattoious iu all 'Maladies in which it liar .beeln tried, it has &creed absblutely curatife in ¢ach of the following complaints, viz: • ferrous AffeatOtqr, Emnaciationif DApgashz. - Con.7tipation, Diorrherti, llyeentery,. Inc i Vpient eon:tampion, Scrofidons Taberculcaii,. Sal( Rheum, ..trismeristrtuition, Whites, Liter Compinints, Chronic illeadaches, liheuma: tiija, Intermittent Fevers, Pimples 6/1 PaCti 4.Ci j • - • n cases of General ebility, whether the : reshlt, of acute diseaie,,or of the continued di- - minution of nervous and muscular energy fit chronic complaints', one trial' of this res.- for has pioved successful tp en etteuti which no description nor nrittem attestatioV wOalttrender credible. Invalids so long hell-- rid len' as to ;have become forgotten in their awl neighhorhoods, have suddenly re-op.- petired in the busy world as if jug runnel frOM protratiteci travel in a distant land.-- Some very signal instances of this kind are . attested to female Sufferers, emaciated victims of itpparent marasfuus,rsanguincons exhaus tion; critical changes, and that complication , of nervous and despeptic aversion to air an' exyircise foi which the physician has no mne. In iVeevous Atti. , ctions or nil kinds, and_tor rea!sons f,ttniliar to medical men, the operation of this' preparation: of iron . must necessarily be !salutary. for unlike thtold oxide, it is Ti t . otdusly tonic without being exciting and overheating - ; 'and gently. regularly aperient 'Von in the most obstinate eases of costive ne4s without ever .being it gastric purgative, or'intlicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, among. others, wliich,notlies it so remarkable effectlial :aid petinninent a remedy for i'i/e.l; upon whiehlt als'o appears to exert a d istinct .nod specific acOon. be dispefsing the local tendency which forMs them. L. Xu Dppepsi,a, innumerable RS are it: ousts a single box of these (Thalybeatel'ihii has at ten suibeed for the most habitual cases, ia ckdinii; the n'tteno.ent Costive, ess. • • Jr unchecked 1) aryl even when advanced ,to bysentery, confirmed,. ems elating, and ap. parntly malignant, the effects have been eqUally decisive and astonishing. 'ln the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough. and remittent bectic.which ginerally imEcate Incipient Consumption, this rethedy has allayed the alarm of friends and pqsitiani , , in several very gratifying and in. teq!sting instances. In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iroln has had far more Ilnin the good effect of thd most ea . uttouslv balanced preporilliods of in ine,'without uny of their well known.lia bihtles. :the :1100104)n of females cannot be 100 con— fidimtly invited to this renteo'y and restoraiirt, in 'cases i,emillarly htfeeting them. "; In Rheumatism, both chronic and. intlank maltory—in the latter, however, more decid• edly—it has been invariably well reported, both as idlevinting pain :mil reducing the sill-Rinks and stillness of the joints and mat 'ln Intermittent Fevers it must necessarily bet great remedy and energetic restorative, and its Pnogress in the nest settleturs of the prUbably be one of hig remora anti mufulness. ' rem't(ty has ever been discov,;..d.in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such• prUmpt, happy, and fully restorative effects.— G(iod'appetite, complete digestion, rapid ste• tjusition of strength, with an unusual dispo sitton for actit e and cheerful exercise,lrunie• dHely.foliow its t'ut up in neat flat metal boxes containing :,U !pills, price 50•eents per box; f or s a le by dritggists and (halms. Will be'sent free to an l y address on receipt of the price. All let. tens, orders, etc.. should be addressed m h. B. LOCKE & Co.. - General Agents, 4-Iv. 20 Cedar St S. Y. . Prospectus OF • THE SCIENTIFIC AI\IERICAN.7 SEVENTEENTIT YEAR . A new volume of this widely circulated' paper commenced on the 6th of July. Every number contains sixteen pages of useful in forma tionomtl from five to ten original en gravings of new inventions and discoveries,. all of.which are expressly fur its columns. The Scientific American is devoted to than interests of Popular Science, the Mechanic Arts, - - Manufaetnres, Inventions,...kgriculturer Commerce arm the Industrial Pursuits gener ally, and is valuable and instructive not only in the Workshop and Manufactory, but alio in the Household, the Library and the Read ! ini; Room. The Scientific American has the reputation, at home and abroad, ofbeing the best weekly pliblication devoted to mechanical and indus trial pursuits now published, and the pub lishers:we determined to keep ue the reputa tion they have earned during the sixtses viAns'they have been connected with its publication. TERMS. , To mail subscribers :—Two Dollars a Tear, or One Dollar for six months. .One Dollar pays for one complete volume of 416 pages; two volumes comprise one year. The volumes commence on the first of January and July. CLUB RATES Five Copies, for Six Months . Ten Copies, for Six Months $ 8 Ten Copies, for Twelve Months sl s ' Fifteen Copies, for Twelve Months $22 Twenty Copies, for Twelve Months $2 B For all clubs of Twenty and over, the yearly, subscription is only $1..40: Names can be sent in at different times and from! different Post-offices. Specimen copies will be sent Vials to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money pr post-officer stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Cann , dian subscribers will please to remit 25 centr extra on each year's subscription to.pre-pq postage. 311.7N'N & CO., PuNew Yoblishers, No. 37 Park-row York._ LL.ANKS of all kinds for sale actiiis Office - Deeds. Warrants, Eseentions, Summons, Subprenas; Constable Sales, Township and SChool Orders, Notes of all kinds—kept on hand and printed ttrorder. „JOB WORK st!!•; tended to promptly,.and at prices to suit tit!! times. Give us atrial. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers