C TLE POTTER COUNTY JOL/RNAL , le tae only paper published in Potts v county, circulates among an, intelligent dal of pen ?e, and vs thus an cicellent medium for both city end Country AdVertiring. • Transient Advertisements and tho e from a distance mast be Cash orrldive responsible re ference. H ! Ail com munications, to 'receive a tentior4 r oot be directed to the Editor, nnd, contain 6 , Dau m of the writer. No attention paid tai anonymous c ommunications. • I TERUMS.—One copy.one year, SI; Sizscopies $5; Twelve copies, $10.; Twenty co tas,slB, with one to the perion raising the CI b. The money must accompnny the names. 1 Coders Pot Wednesday Evening, ian.,122, 186.2. Oter thanks to lion. baacßenson of t he Senate. !foci Elliott and . Strang of the Douse for favors received. • The February number of tit Lady's :Book is on our table. This iA one or the best! pvgazines of the kind published, anld no lady ran consider her table complete w i lt:lout it.l Address, L. A. Gadcy, 323 .I.7Liei:tpuit . Stree.V: I ' Tetersou's Magazine for February is again on our table. khan all the Nies/ styles find fashions, and is a . useful magazine, every lady should' have a copy of it. I :crested pre hereby notified to attend and pra ; sent their claims. D. BAKER, We learn from li.eatucky 'illat !Le , j". 25, is t ;•,.. . 1 editor. Rebels there on the route of the advance eel- i FOR At.S Utnn of Ijuion troops are driving ciattle into I . E the ponds and watering-places, and slaying . e i rill to exchange for Horses, Wag ns, Stock, theta there, in order to pollute the Water and l 4._/ Good lictes or Judgments. - valuable make it unfit for the use of our soldiers. 1 Farm situate in Harrison township,lPotter Co. Pa.', lying oo the old State road, hiding. from Spring MIN to liarrison Talley an Westfield Pa. Containing about 110 Acres about SO :tyres improved alaci in a good state of culti vatioh: on whicli is arected a large, Frame House, rood Barns. Corn House Fond other ptiblish in another column t Committee of the Penn'ti: Legisl had that our able Member Las bee , cd Chairman of the Committee of This is a high compliment not only l tut but also to the people rebentative he is. This Committee' the most important, evea iu ordit sad is doubly so from the tung Lit duties it will be called to perform. Capt. A. F. -, Jones of the . 4 1 ment, is home on a furlough. tie and it appears soldiering agrees'wi reports the company in !rot!: go l and when the great hittle, which pected on the Pcrtonntc, contesoff, . . - fouitir eIIoOLAZAZ you ma} , , ~.. , . I L. 1.1., -1,6 the Bon. floOrt led on by 1 ir , . 3 iresldeut Judze, and the P. tong the . Jone. and 0. 0. - CuIC - illi, Aszeeiate /: the Courts of Oyer A: Terminer :u ----..-.... 4110.- .P. i Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions. of 1 ' Orphans' Court and -Court of Cox. CAUTION.—In ealliag furftliat el...cef• . • or the Count: of Potter. have i. lent Saieratu3 (D. B. De Land I.: go:s Chem- , i ,,,,,v,, b,..„,..1„ g dare the ,E,„,v-c;,, ice! 3aleratu3) be sure the , von melt whir..! - .ion ,Janithry. in the year of our Loru (All for, Cs there ere owing - to its great sue- - - ,1 ,:li.a eb.cht, hundri d and sixty-one, direetetblor holdiag a Court of Oyer i. ceis numerous imitations in the market, put i iner and Genets! Jalii Delivri - y, Q aartcr tie:,- up in the sante colored papers. Ili- sure nr.d , 5i,4)3, of die p,,1„,... 0, 1 ,1 , , . ~n,,- Court. and Court got that With the natuopf D. B. .7.e. Land A: ;of Common Pleas. in the Borough 9f Couder.- 3 . 0 , 1, -port, on .':dONDAY. the 24:11 d.ty of Feb. Cu, upon it, and then . yuu will 11:1 sure are right , 1 . I • coi-::t ' and to continue' one Week : 1 I , I Notice is tberefore hereby given to the Co:- - -------4.-..-1110. 1 l oners, Jimiees of the Peace and Cen , tables - - . Members of the Van \V yes Tt'ivesti;st-: within the county, that they be then and there' ,•,-, . , „,. : ,, , .„ .21r z in i i i ae ( i i r pr0f,::; ..l p...: i rso . us. at , l 0 0 . C10l: li -- 1. M. of ing Committee hive been in Boston, York and philadelpilia, sharply bluking in: C, :ions. ei.:1217:1;:,;,,,,.:!r1,,r,i'1:,-,,,,,r,;(-,,..T, recoils, .in gins i ..,:),ince. the wars unpatriotic roan h'-ate of raiiking . to di') those things. 'n hich to their offices ap mOney-out of the Guverh uo-nt in thii time of :Pel t"+-in to he done. And those who are bound ii 4 rire .n,l dem:, 51. , , 7„ , je willi 7 , ,...be]i,0n., i. n : ny their recoguiLances to prosecute against , the prisoners that are_ilr, shall be la the- jail of tile shameful develupinelot- already published, : said county of Potter, tit l e to be then and there s.liey - will mid enough to-in:lame ill.c disposi T ' to prosecute ageiW.st them ustrill be just. .-1 , thin which already exists in COn, - iij i ess to pun-; leoed tit Curiamspon7..Jon. 1 L Mtn, and the ii 4411:, year of the Indept ndenee of the United tilt with death frauds committed Lin the Gov • States of America. ernment in time of war. be sure the Putter county "boys," their brace Captain, will be a foremost in the ranks - --4.-{CP,•4 - I --- - I _ . SPEAKER. OF THE SENATE. , The S. en- ! y OUR ATTENTI ON FoP" 1 moMENT IF ; • Y 01: PLEASE. itte of this State has been very fortunate in'it.: , ! ' . I 1 , selection of Slfeaker for the iie.tsion. The: To all Families of Volunteers.l Hon. Louis W. Hall. of Blair county, is yet a I I have just returned from N. S'.. wit:, a very ' . young man—pr9bahly one of thu youngest • large assortuie.lt of NEW CooDS, which ._ .. meinbers of the body over which he presides, have bought for CASH IN A 'WAY THAT I': but he has quickness of apprehension. parte- ' SHALT , BE EBLE TO Fi - TINP"I( ALL MY' er of mander, eloquence. of speech. 111:d o..ber; . ° I 4 E ) , ( .• ( , - ;V,; .-3 - k T T I, F i I .' -. N . "" T ITSTAN - I)ECtI i 1 \ G UODSJ AT NEAR- must admirable qualifications for Ole position :IN THE - OLD PRICES FOR S CASH, 4.) his alilitise are to marked and u l uquei,tibuit-' READY PA Y. Lt that Le is eapab!e of great atiblie useful- ! I hive now some SIX THOU4AND Dor,-, [ ! tils, apt! his friend-i anticipate fur him a fu-": ' /I - worthof 1- : l°C°ls. on hand; that I will' sell at the followingo prices: tire career pflonor and di:gine+ i . r ' Ist. Families of 't - oleateers, GOOD. PRINTS IZZZEZEMEMME ' l, from 10 ,to 12 eti., that are now worth in New York, from 12 to 14. I DIED. In Hebron township, on the :St : 'am,. son of W. If., and Tenor II 2 years, 6 months and 16 days. I In the Hospital at Alex:lath-IA, of Typhoid Fever Lieut. - M. ()balm-. aged about 24 years. I dot!,t not your patrons and before thi: aware of the .great los have sustained in the death of Lie. I have nut tahen the pen for the (.l purpose of writing an eulogy. • I feel that I ould not do, his memory justice, and will not tr.ierefort tit- , tempt it. dt is sufficient to say that it will long remain fresh in the..hearts tif his-com rades. it is but an act of siinpbe justice to lay that he was universally esteemed by rill , who knew him. He is regretted of only hy our own company but his loss is deeply felt! throughout the entire regiment ) Many are! the expressions of sympathy uttered by the! officers of the Fifty Third, with vc.-hont ne as sociated. 1 . It will be, it must be a great source of sat- i 4feet:ion to his friends end relatif-es (in this! t heir hour of affliction) to know that helms 'so faithfully performed his duty jf.s a E.oldier i and officer as to merit such praise and appro bation as is bestowed on him IteTe. To my mind the simple words honestly spo ken—he did his whole duty, did it Well end I nobly, is the best eulogy ever ye written It only remains for me to say tlhaL we deep-I ly feel his loss. That we mourn that one no young, so gifted, should thus early be called i from earth. Stilt we recognize In this, to us I painful dispensation, the hand of "Him who doeth all things well." We woald that the bereaved parents turn to this source for con-1 solution. For He nlone_can temper this severe ' blow, "who tempereth the wind to the shorn! B R ia r JAI - \y S F.A.MILY 9DICINES for amb." le at • ii . ST OF LETI'TERS re:nal:l -mg in the Post Uffich ut Conde pert Pa. uncalled for : Alexander Adams, Lynn Clinton William V. Cone. Jenna 1 1. Grandy, Julie to Earl, Thonms Foyner.Dwight Jones, PhoebllS t elly 2, 1. L. Lawson, J. —. Mertrin. Thomas ' thews. Valentine Newbut, Helen Smith, AT . Simi their Sarah Sontliwieli, Leroy Strai hi, M fi ar n Turner, Ida L. Vanhorn. • • . J. S. MANN, P. M. Auditor's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby giyea, that tbe under 111 • slated, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Potter County to make distribution of the proceeds of th Sale of i t real estate in the case of D. -P: Reed for use of J. B. Smith vs. G. W. . orner of February Term 1857 No. 34, will att nd to the duties' of hil appoluttuent t at the o ce of the Prothonotary. in Coudersport, on M nday the 17th day of February 1862, at 1 o'clock, P. M. .Those-interested are hereby notified to attend. D. BAKER, Auditor. Jan. 15,1E62 Audifor's - :Votice. °TICE is hereby siren. tha . the un til dersigned Auditor appointed 'y the ,Or pilaus' Court of Potter Cennty, to make dia.,. tributiou of the funds in the bands f the Ad thini:trators of the estate - of N. S boomaket deceased, will attend to the dutieslof his ap pointment at the.office .of the Proibonotury, iu Coudersport, on Tuesday the lEith - day of Febrnary.l:3.32, at 1 o'clock P. M. Thoie in- he Senate ,fvte, and appoint- Finance.. to , hose rep is one of . necessary oat-buildings. a good Apple Or ehard eontainit)g come twenty diUn t rent kinds of Grafted Fruit. Shade Trees, Sr. !The above Farm lic.“:, ablintl.mile from IlarTi - on Valley. 7 miles from Westfield and Gmiles f orn Spring Mills, and is .t good Slock and Ur tin Farm, and Ntiii I be sold so that an'e one that can make a p Q,'llli•lif of 3 .T 4 hundred dol :trs d9wa. can wake t e fartmpalc for Itself Fitt iii• la "r. Price. :: 7 .4:2,590. for p mien :IN inquire of Peter iiimmuns now :Iccapylug :aid farm, or C, 11. Simmons, Oswayo Villam. Pa. " I C. H. SyM.MONS. Tarr times, !dt of the. oad Regi- ' cbks rth hitn, h e , d an:.. s Jan. 15_1562 just, ,Su/ • f Cond DELAINES from 12 to 20'. cts., now doru, worth from' 1S .to . 25. Goad SHEETINGS still for 10 eta the 10th OSTRANDER. Good SEGA'R for 9 cis. eft d ers, are i Good TEA from SO to 95 cts. which ice; ot. CRosay.ISALERATES from 6 to 8 cts FLOUR from $1.371, to $I:50 per Sack And all other goods in proportion. A larg.e' assortment will kept on hand-and sold strictly for READY PAY, at least 25 to 50, per cent less tbna can be sold by any other 'Merchent.that buys Goods at the present pri• ces in New York. • Should any one from a distane.call at nit' i f store and not find the goods as presented. I will pay .them for:their time an expense , : in so doing, should T he at the St , re, which I shall endeavor-to b: at all times. In taking leave of my old custrmers for the last vCar, I would say that I 'am thankful for the 1:1m-al puts ti . nage and prompt pay. that ; haVe rocetvol Ifrom most of theM. And as this is a year that every true mad should b e : for , rbe ehare of those who have made such greTtt , sacrifices fur the good of tE,eir country ; I, will until our present war is closed: tr.y and deal for the prot and good of my country. Yozirs trulrll 11! x•I MBE BEST OF FLOUR kept • hand at the Post i Jan. 8. , January .Sth BROWN SUGAR for 10 cents per pound and County orders taken at 85 cents on the dollar at the' Post Office Store. Jan. 8. orm G. White ;ons. C. S. Judges or d General the Peace ; floe P,iez.s used their lb /lay of one t:tou and to Inc inn i,:m- F:Brn:i, Sheriff. C. 11. SI at the SIMM Osv, MMONS.. BloA, ayo Village -onstitotly on ffice Store. STEBBMS A T • .- - r r . Q.LIqSTEb & :KELLY'S _ - - STORE •can always lie found the belt of CoolOni, Box and Parlor ifvl S OVES • Also, TIN and SHET-IRON WARE, POTS, KETTLES. • SPIDERS, SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PA.'S, SAP-PANS, anti CAULD RONS. :Als'o, Ag;iloultural Implements, such use PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA TORS, CORN-SHELLERS, HORSE-RAKES, DOG-POWERS, Zzc. THEIR WORK. is!well Made and the material good. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of tl.e County—Terms easy.. Ready Pay of all hinds-Including Cash, seldom refused. j Store On Main Street opposite the Old Court .ifouse, Coudersport. Aug. 1, 1859.r•50 I. MANHOOD. OWtOST, DOW RESTORED. irt published, in a sealed enrelope: ON TUE ATURE, TREATMENT. ANTIRADICAL PCl2* Or SPL'aNIATOP,IIIIC24,or Seminal Wenknese,62x- Deiiiity, Nervousness and involhutary missions; producing itnnotency,Cousumption andMerital and Physical debility. ;ITV i.OD ' T. J. CCLVEDWELL, St. D ., Theimportant fact that the atifu l conse quences of self-abuse may be effectually cured without internal medicines or the dangerous apolieations of caustics, instruments. melicst t!ed bangles, and. other empirical devises, is here clearly - demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment ; ns adop ted by Hie celebrated author fully explained; by means of whip' every one is enabled to cure bijuself perfectly, and at the letist possi ble casi, thereby avoiding all the advertised postruits of the day. This lecture will prove a boon to-thousands and thousands. Sent tinder seal, in a plain cnvelope t to any addresi; poet paid, on the receipt of two post age stamp's, by addressing [L Dr. CH. J. C. KLINE. j 127, Eoiverv', New York. P. O. box 4.586. Ar , s. paruzs g.;;:1)011,. lli~l3E:jnnderei_n •d n ould re:pectfully inform I the surrounding community that he has . taken rooms formerly occupied by -Join & Mann, where he is prepared to do All kinds of Laxness Work on the , ishorteEt notice. LONG . STRAW COLL EiRS. al s o kept cnnE:ta:ltiy on hand. These collars area superior article, and need but a trial to insure their success. fripg (700 e in good etsole. Martingale-rings, liones, and j flame Stnii•S, k , 1,1 corsta. tly on hand.- The, punlie ore invited to call and examine, before purchasing elsewhere Co 2 . cierE port Oct. '1601;186o NATIONAL FANIILY NEWSPAPER. Te.q i iio3lE JOURNAL FOR 1562 MORRIS AND WILLIS, EDITORS A ne:r series of this 1.111:7ei.-3ally popular family newspaper will be connuented oo the fourth day of Jan unry next--Triuted. as here tofore. ,Ull. the finest of paper and with the best of type_ Besides the incessant labors of the editors on the various departmtnts of the mer, the beautiful story by an American Wife, called CHRISTINE, has.neyer been equalled by any similar publication, and the LOOKINGS-ON AT THE WAR, , continued in the volume for I'e62. In this series of sketches :dr.Willis will continue to gil j eLsuch better studied ant' ate views of the great inoTelo possi}ii? to the haste of wrili papers I r inelutiins-, of course. pruminentmeo, rind deecriptiL stirrinir scenes at the seat of war. A; number' of other Attractive and racy features wili-be introduced, among these a new work, by Edward S. Gould, Esq., entitled JOHN DOE AND RICHARD RUE; pry Lit •. This Work hy2Mr. Gould will be carried to the full prnpOrlion of a modern norel, and will. therefore. occupy our iulumua Continuously for at least ois months. Also an original novel. entitled WHO IS THE I 1 .1R? . Br Barn - Gra r. The opening scenes of this brilliant story are laid 011 the coast of New England, and amidst the breezy bills of old Berkshire. As thenar . naive Progresses the scene changes to a sou % therm c:tv, and finally is transferred to New York: The plot turns - upon a point of inheri tance, and the interest of the story commences with the first chapter, nor ceases until the end is attained. The time in , which the events occur covers the past twenty years ; and many of the characters introduced are draWn from life. I I Also, a new and beautfiul i • . 1 ROMANCE OF TO-DAY. By Oliver Bunee, ' i anther of "Life Before Him." etc. • An Amen; , icon tale delineating variniis phases of rural i L SPECIAL NOTICE and thivn life. turning Inanely upon some lii-1,. the:NO undepicted relati , ms between love and 'TO COONOrriircollvett. . genitis, woman anu ambition. It:presents ed niILIE Advertiser, having 'been restored to three! fold picture of the sex-=the- WOlllOll of: 'JE health in a very few weeks by a very sine, , the w ! orld. of g enius. and of love—and cod-Iple remedy after having suffered several years trastS with these thel subtlety as Well as the with a severe lung otiectiou, and that dread 1 power and aspirations' of man. Anddisease. Consumption—is anxious to make ' ISOCIETY COR ESPONDENCE ; I - ' ~.a'hl"ahle known to his fellow shfferers the 'means of I cure. To all who desire it, he will send a'copy or i e ters from n the le ' Q s of (1r Fiof the prescription used, (free of chargeOnith circles in New York and the otherEnpitals, by] 'the direction for Preparing and using tiresome, whit our readers trillbe unmistakably kept I Which they n-ill , find a sure cure for Coniumri-. infor ed of the chages and progress Of what it-on, z Asthma!, Bronchitas, ezr. The only ob. : is cominonly understood by the "gay 1 world" Lject of the subscriber in:sending the Prescrip: —a jurt ion of our fellow- being r, about whom. 1 don is to.benetit the affiictecl,aird spread infor-1 there is no denying; we air feel a moderately i 'motion which he conceives to be invaluable,l news'-loving, curiosity. have ud z ce land he hopes ever.); Sufferer will try his reme-1 suni‘tnains to arrange the resources for this i'dy, as it will chat them nothing and , may' _ new feature., we premorush our readers of its Ltrove a blessing. 1 . . agreeableness with a considerably confident'l Parties wishing ,he prescription will Pleasel satisrattiOn. : l addres ' Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON ' , ! Ail the former peculiar features of the pa-1 - , J Williamsburg, net Which have given it a world-wide reputa. ~,n n. ., : • , • i •Kings County, New York. . lion will be continued, while several new unes.i;" - 1 ~ . , . . will !add I most spicy variety to its :already I : DLECIINIOS NOTICE. , M—T N divt+sitedpages. lIE siT g rderatiomofthelvited tO''c , 'PERMS.—For.oue copy, S 2; for three•cmp- 1 V V scarcity of Money' have resoh•eil that their:price! ies: ii ,. .5 . 0r one copy for three yeats, i.. - 5 ; far j we will. Work for Reiitly-Par only' on and after i ': ; aclnli of seven copies, SIO ;. for a club of ;if— the first day ofJazthary, 1663. i . , teen! copies, :320 ; and at that rate fora larger 1, Z. ,i. TIiOMPS.ON, , i G. O. MANLEY. i club'—always in advance.j ET.. STARKWETLIKR, C. F.- MANNING,A dcires.s MORRIS AND WILLIS I H.'S...NATI - I, ! JOHN RECKHOW, 1 : . Editors and Proprietors, ,CHAS; REISSMANN, S. P. MINAR, ' 107 Fulton Street, New York.; . S. DJ KELLY. 10 LBS. of WOOL wanted imniediatelr 115 25 EMPLOYMENT! ' STEB . 4INS' -AGENTSI WANTED. froin 525 to $75 per month, i and all expenses, to active. Agents, or , rive :s. I commission. Particulars sent free. Address AOVERTISE in the :gear- EmsC"P-ksrt P.. J-"IE*2 !nat. . Only paper in the county. I General Agent, litlun, Ohio, VEW arrival of Goods every creek at 19!STEMINS i•IiCE - CRiitl4 l %"l " - Corrected every Wediletdny by P. b. STEB BINS ir I'DOlesale .and' Retail! I,Dealers GroCeries Provisions, ' oppositeD. P. 431s:smite's HOtel, • Condeternart Pa. I. Apples, grien, 70 bush. ) . 37i to 63} do dried, ". 100 iOO Beans, " lOO 150 Beeswax, lb., 2 20 95 Beef. Berries, dried, 1.1 quart I e _ / 2 i BuCkwbeat, Te bush., 31} 44 Butter, g ib.,. • 12 • 35 - ChCese, . q 10 C01in,7,-.) ; bush.. 75 RA Corn Meal, per cwt., ' 1 50 - 2 00 - 14 doz , , 10 extra, 3 bbl. C5O 700 do superfine {' „j 5 50 600 Hants ` l l Ib •) • I•2i 15 Hay, 43 ton, . 550 600 Honey, per lb., •10 12} Labl, ."• i• 10 12 Maple Sugar, per 1b.,. • 4 9 12 Oats, V bush., ' 25 30 Onions, " 50 75 Pork, id b 131., • t, 21 00 23'00 ilo lb., 10 13 do in wholo hog, rtA., i • 6 if Potatoes, per bush., ; 15 373 Pes i ches. dried, 1d re., 1, , • 25 PollitrYt i 2 tb., I I I 5 7' per bush., I 163 75 SAt, bbl.. 1 I 215 350 do 11 sack, • i 15 Tro at.. per 4 bbl., • 1' 4 . 50 500 FtibAtt, 1 ' 100 l 12} *bite Fist, 14 1 1 13101, • , 450 500 le ' 4 I , i z •,-/ 1 1 . ,'x ?'"• - •47 1 1:- 4 .1. ! 1 •-.7 - - / _) ,-.; .... •- - :::- -_- -- ---. - - - • ':•--,:,. , C• WARIZINER, Jeweller and Watchmaker, j OCATED on Main L SI, opposite the Court HA House. 'Coudersport, Pa: Clocks. &t.. itepaireo on short ncitiee and warranted to give satisfaction. good n4sortrnent of I CLOCKS, . I " ; WATCHES, and JEWELRY ; on band. Cheap for CASIPa:ild warranted as repreFeoed. on ei•en exchnnge is no rob-1 lieu I will give yoti time for Money. ! Coudersport Efec 11:3, S. P. 3f1..,N.AR NEW NATIONAL LOAN. • • . 1 Seven and Thre l e-Tenths Pr. Ct. ThEAS.IIIiI7 NUTE3, Now ready for delicry at the ollice of JAY C OIES Co., Bankers, ':No. 1 . 14 SotA Third, Street. Philadelphia.. 1 4 latitunsuANT, to in..truct 7 ronS from the Secre 7 4 %try of the Treasury, the Subseriptiou llook bathe NEW NATIONAL LOAN of Treas.. , ury Stites, hering interest at the rate of seven atid three-tenihs percent. per. annum, will ri mairr open at . my office, No. 114 S. Third . Street', until farther notice, from 8 till, 5 P. M.. and on . Mondats P . . - Theee wee v.lll be of the 'Llenotnination of I.ll'l'Y DOLLARS, ONE 111:NDIIED DOL: LARS, FIVE 111.7NDRED DOLLARS, ONE TIIUI.7SAND DOLLAhS, and FIYE' THOU SAND DOLLARS, and are all dated 19th of ..i,oigust. 18+31, payable in gold. in three year. 4, I Or convertible into a twenty yeais six per', `cent, loan. at the 'optilon of the . holdcr. Each I Treasury Note has interest coupons attached,' sVhich can be cut of and collected in gold at I the Mint every six months.' and at the rate of one cent per dity' on each fifty dollars. MA lin the most _ , t Payments of subser,ntigns may ,be\ made in (;;uld or Claecks, or. Notes urthe Phila phis satil Danis. . , PARTIES, Iic ATA D/5T..1.C7 can remit "by their c,rienos, throh the or by express, , or 13,..nki and ehe'Treasury Notes' will be immediately delivere4, or sent to eacb ! sub. §eribcr as tit e r may sever.,HY direct. ' ! Parties remitting, niust add'the iarerest:froni• the 11 , th of August, the dace of all•the the noes, to . the.4.iy the tcmittance reaches Phil- A. , 101p1, at the rate:of one',cent per day on eacii dollars. • Appli- to or addret3 JA:IT COOKE, Subscription Agent, Care of Jay Coolie b Co.. Bankers', No. 114 South Third Street! Philadelphia COUDERSPORT, POTTER COUNTY, PENN., AL. S. ARMSTRONG rgAYING refitted and newly furnished the 1.1. house on Alain street, recently occupied by It. Rice, is prepared•to accommodate thA traveling public in as good Style as cari be bad in town. Nothing that cau in any way in 7. crease the comforts of the guests will be 1. ne glected. • Dec. 1],1861 M Sold Pli Ale ( Eats Yet nth' rotenid and opened . • THE LARGEST AND BEET STOG, El OF , . - .. .. . . .. .... . ... ~ ~. . I 1, .... ..,„ ~. 1 -, i,......,: . . brotight to this rnerkeft the pre- That Ilia! bee sent season Their -rimY IMIIM 88 COON DR 1 ( fly ~' !sea the Teri ME La t Styles hind at the MI LO ST CASH . 71 1 .E.5 . . 11371 offer them at FIE ER, than Inc s can be had at any other uite in town Their at, ESTICS. . • f mid as they hold therm ex usively for . c; is Tery co BE IT-PAY; nnot be undersold. MC Persons will do the 1g a good article at low pric re them a siri ;tog old ;I:and customers are especiallr iu exatitine their stock, and ,set ME , siT I I i '. I r [ co t a 1 , r 1 Pm ,TE i 1 j P ___ J BBINS' r Store, D. F. GLASSMIRE'S MOTEL: Co II 323 EGA [JON S' Got., the • - N 8 1V GOODS 1-rt t eii WVl,l* gOiIIETIMG ELSE Ta subscribers tkeiri 01 . 1 D 13 1 414 D, 01! ',241111T COUDERSPORT, Offer to their Old costobirs and the public I generally for Cuell, 'United , States Trenintry 1,, • . 'Notes' (which by the way are taken tit Per,) SS brat Corn, Oats, Buckwheat, ButtersCheeie, Ijliides, Pelts, Deer Skins, and all other kinds :Of Skins, such as Calf Skins, Sc., also, Beans; • Venisot,• and some other things -*ea can't be thought of, A LARGE AND WELL-SELECTED ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS; DEADYMADE CLOTFIING GROCERIES, Hats & Caps, Hardware ) DRUGS tr AittoICINES, Painig, Oils; and bye Stuffs, Together ivith..cosno of the best .KEROSENE OIL, Fai syperior to the Oil Creek or Tidiotiti Oil. LAMP 4; LAMP PLXINGSi Ala* a few more of Mote Superiek CANDOR PLOWS, • - SLEIGH SHOES / GLASS, SASH, PETTY, INE„PAPER, ENVELOPES;u And Otter kinds of . 1 . WALL PAPER, WINDOW CURTAINS. And other thinks which time alone for': bids us to Mention, all of which will be sold as lei as the WAIL PRICES wilt strictly READVIPAI!! And for those articles we take, the high-7 est market price will by bald. We are also General Agents for DR. D. JAYNE'S Faihily 31ediehleg, DR. AYER'S 3ledicines, BRANDRETIre: tills, KENNEDY'S Meaidal Diseoverii, And all the standard Medicines of the day - • CALL AN A SEE. r. C. S. & E. k. JOIX.ES. IL The psy for the Goods mns.t be dn' and where the Goods are delivered; 2ts irenree determined to five to the motto of -1 1 'sy as: Yon Go." Jest one thing more. The Jud?„,asrrinot ea and book - acennnu ivhich we hare ..n ban.i anist be sett l e d and closed , ap irnt3e.liately 4f we fear they willbe inereasee:Ctrtcr ❑r all rate of interest— , MIMI ANSI NEW I! I IN 800 b ac3BioES, PROVISIONS, Iron, Nails, POCKET CUTLERY, STATIONARY. • 73
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers