--AyERYS „ , St1:1 1; g - ati' 0 FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the speedy cure of the following complain - la: Ssrofulaaud Scrofulous AtTeetions.auela tUtylritlators;lJlders,.Siores;k.:ittptiati s ; Pititatlcs, ItitetaltCa, , Boils, ' Tlad u its'utadstll.Skilitilseascw: ' : - " 4 " 1151 J. C. Jaen k Co. <lents: I feel it my duty to se kllOWledge what your Farstqat'illa hits done for me. Baying inherited a Scrofulous infection, I have Battered from it in various ways for years. Somelimee it burst out in Ulcers on my halals and arms; sometiaks ft .turned inward and distrciaed me at the stomach. Two 'years ago it broke out on my head and covered my scelp and ears with one sure. which was painful sod loathsome beyond description. I tried many medicines and 'soferal physicians, but without mach relief front any tidos% In fast, the disorder grew worse. /.tlength I nr.s sejvired 11(4 rimil IR the (love/ ide,senger t Imt. so trittal prrpat ed - 1 itiferetivii(Sarattpitrilladrrl p knew from ytitir-i'epute 0101CtliaCetly thing lon itiosloiintst ha gootL , 'A. Sent to - Cincinnati and gut it, and need it till it cared me. I took .It, as you advise, in small doses of a isitspoinirni tiler a and used almost three bottles. find healthy 'akin coon began to rutin tinder tlw scab, whichi afters while MI tor. 3ly skin is nun' dear, and 1 know by toy fouling thatjhe'lliniistchil giun from my system. Yost can )cell knave that fifetti what I nin saying, when I toll sow, that I !fold 'son to 1.7.1 oho of thelposties of the age, and remain over gratefully. Yours, A LFI U U. TALLEY. • St. Anthony's Piro. nose or Erysipelas, Tetter and Salt Übe ttttt Scald Head, itlngivorns, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Pre"?le writei from &dein:N. T., 'nth Sept., ISSD, that he late cured an inveterate cave of Aviv, which threatened to terminate fetall.r. by the persevering tise of our Saeralatrllla, nod also it thlttgertnltl Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of tiro same; says ho cures the common Eruption: by it cduritantly: Bronchoecle, - 4Ggitro or Swelled Neck. Zan don Sloan of rro.peet, Texas, writes : "'Vireo bot tles of your Sarsaparilla cured one froth n copec—rt Lid eouauVrtlLng tat -the. nerk, - which I had .4ulternd .frout t emir turt • , , . Leneorritma or IV hilt's, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. • lir. J. IL 8. Chatining, of Now York City, writes ; "I most cheerfully comply with the request of your agent is saying I have found your Sar,eparilla a most excellent alrerative Lh 1110 11111iternlIS Colispisillit% for uLlalt we employ ouch a remedy.. bil t espechtlly iu Il' isle Diseases of the Scrofulous dinthesie. I have cured many inveter ate cusetrofUeueori-hoet by it, anti-some where the com plaint woo tannedby ulceration of the uterus. TIM liken idiot] itself was aunt! cured. Nothing within sty knowl edge equals It for these female derangements." Eilward,S. Marrow. of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan ;',territts iiwiritin lamer on One of the finales in my raitai n whirl, 11.1 defied all the remedies we could eniPloy, has at length twee completely co by your r.xtractof -Sawa - 111a: Our - physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but he advised the trial of your Pan;nttwrilln . as. the loot resort Lethal. cutting, =and' It proved effectual. After falritsgyour remedy eight weeks tto symptom of the disease reaming." - . and 111Crciiirlal Disease. . ,Now Oros rs, lath August, 7559. • Dtt. 7 - cheerfully comply with the nestre of your a^ent, and report to you sows of the eftsets Lhavo realized svitlryour Barmaparilla. litive cured whir it, in my pretlce. most of the com plaints fur which it is seConilnelided. and have found its 111Tects,truiy wonderful in the cute of remereal and Ear :amid Disease. ()1141 of my patient', had Syphilitic ulcers .n his throat, which were consuming hie palate anti the top of lila mouth. Your • eapar.lla, -steadily taken,. =red him in five weeks. Another Was attacked by see sndery symptoms iu his nose, and the ulceration had talon away a considerable pert of it, to, that I holiest, the itteorder vrool4 soon reach his twain nail I;ill MM. lint it ieldeil 'to' my administration' of your Sarsaparilla; the ulcers healed, anti he is well attain, not of course without ionic distigmutiondoltis lace. A woulau Wl4O Lad been restrd fur the. Sault, disorAer by Mercury was suffet ins frnitt;this prison itt her bones. They had become ho sen sitive to the weather that on no damp day she suffered ex eructating pain in her jniuts and bones. She, ice, was sarwlelilitely by your Nirsapiii ilia in it few weeks. I know from its formula, which your agelit gaseine, that this Pisparatien from your laboratory must he At great remedy; consequently, these truly reumi kohl...Jesuits with it have not surprised tan. „ _Fraternally yours,. LATUNIEIt, IL D. Gout, Liver Complaint. " INI,KPENDENCF, rhloll Co., Va.. Gilt July, ISS9, • Do. J. C. Ayr.r.: Sir, I have hero etllicted'alth a pain ful et.lirotiie /.../.cmindisnt for a 'cog time, which loalHed the fa.ysicirins, *lnd stuelc to •Ine !Tito of MI the `rertiodiesl could find. until I tried .v.Mr One nettle metal tea in tro tteoks, nod restored my general wealth so much tbut 1 out Mr better than before I was tittitcked.• 1 think it u woudertul medicine. J. FittiKA7. Jules Y. fieteliell. - of writ et haveliski afflicted for Sears with on ailictiths . nj the Linn.; 'Wilki iestroyeit my health. I tried ovary thing,And every thing tidied to relies e me; and I have Lerli a broken-dawn ViArt ref ' from no other cause than derungenwa qt theAtrett ; . :Zity beloved pastor, the Item Mr. Espy, advised lute tolif.Vottr Eirmiparilla, because lie said he brew you, snd any thing you nab was worth trying. By the bless ing of God It has cured me, and has so purified my blood as to make a new nun of nie. I feel young again. the Wit that can be said of you is not half good inough." I Sclstrrus,Cancer Tom ore, I?.ninigeurs Uleeratloe; Curlea and .Exfollation of the Bones. .14;gyeat tely of MIPS have been reported to us where orninepriliese for:pitiable cernplainte have resulted from •the uee [hie remedy, but our mw° here will Out folant them. SoLT 211011 may be fund in our A wericaa Almatincor the agents below annual are pleased is furnish grace to all who call for them. Hyspepsta Heart Diacaae . , Flts •. Titilara4ilrt - Many remarliathlo currs of the.e affections hare Leen etnelel.y tho rdter.dis it power of tiro InCtlie illy. 1C Miru late", the yitpl futlction‘ into vig.,rons notion,' and 'thud ztv..iet,lLS disorders ivitiela would he soppowd heyond its tench. Such a Tweedy has Mid; been Noir, il by the lir tessiticit of the pimple., and ,vo are confident that this w•!II lo for them all that medicine can do. Akth's Clierry Pectoral, FOR Tun RAPID CUM.: or Cevighe,-,Colds. -Inquen7n, Ilonrft.ene9st Croup, nrone- 1 's, Incipient ('ca. suniption, anti for the Itclier of- COUs nut pay e Patients ' •-• In ntivanecti Stages of the Dlsctuic. Thls Is a ronf:ilk . aa'.. unit er:ially i, tam n to 'owns's an, ,thor for the core of throat and lung Contrilnints. that !s e nseless liere to Inl hlitdt the evidence of its virtues. It enntilation esgellenCe for coughs and colds, and its troll Nronnerfal. citrus of pulmonary niseasre bare mad° known throughout the notitote of the rat tit Yew aro the romunthitiel. ar YTEII fantilies. moon.; thtzs . rein) have not colo r rei,,aital experience ,ir its NiTer.ts -... 401119 ilVillg trophy in their ntiii,t of its victory excl. the enhtle and dangerniti ilisenderA - of the throat and longs. Midi ,Itnnw ths,eireadfill. fatality of these divaders, and ,ii , tliek.linevei, the elects of this remedy, ••.i, need pot 'No more than t Ttinsure,thent. that it ban now nil the vie , toes that it did tare when ntaiiing th e cures which have Iron mo,strougly.upon the confideueo,of mankind. • '.l'itizied liy br. J. C. AY 'S& CO., Lowell, Mass. . , Sold by G. 5.k7.1 , .. A:Jones, Condersporlk .Manri. ,t- islieliols, Millport ; N. J. Mills, Coles burg ' • Colwell & Lyman,,,Rokilet ; • A. 'Corey & Son, Ulysses; A B. Horton, Cushingvillis ; Riiiliby-.beilers generally ItIMAT.I. MEAT! ! MEAT !"! ! lam:. Beaver, )i3utcher;l • 'CAN still lie found at the old stand on Se cond street, where all kinds of FRESH 31E 4l of the best quality canbe had. SucXlis . . SALT and FRESH PORK, • , - CORNED BEEF, Ant' all iiinds,of. SAUSAGES. He incites all the citizens of Coudersport to give him a trial. 16..11 - eat will be sold at the lowast prices. Ilte-CASH roust be paid for all, rneatoir chrasti.dr. ', 4 'Small profits and quick salas,"is his motto. Nov. 25, 1.561. B RADFORD . . 'COUNTY PLOWS,. AND . POINTS, will r ke found hereafter at the store of f 0 .7, . +i:.- 'P. A. STEBBINS k Co. *jairi large lot just received . :--- Coudersport, March /q, 1861. • MIZE Administrator's Notice. T ETTERS of Administration on the estate AA of S. S..WgITE, late of Whitesville,Alle gany' e.ohnty; N. T.; havihg been granted to thenuridersigned,- nll - persons 'having claim's a 'gaittsti'said- estate are requeited to'presept them to him for liquidation, and all perScins °Th* aEqd estate are • reduested to make ins medlafe payment to lam J.tic;N'T. pi, 1661 KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE : } 4 OR , .;-, In the beginning of the last year, when its present proprietors assumed control of THE KNlCKERBOOKER,,they_announced their de termination to-spare no paifts to place it in its true position as the leading literary Monthly in America. When rebellion had raised U. s,uccessfulfront,:andlts,artnies threatened the :very existence'-of lholtpublie,it was impos sible to pe:rmit - elklegazrre which ih: its Circu lation reached the best intellects in the land, to continue in a purely literary course, as if iusensible or indifferent to the dangers which threatened the Union. The proprietors ac cordingly gave notice that it would present in its pages forcible expositions with regard to the great question of the times : how to pre serve the United States.of America in their integ rity and unitg. Mow far this pledge has been rddeemed. the public must judge. It would, however, be mere affectation to ignore the seal of approbatiott Which the public has already placed on these efforts. The proprietors grate fully acknowledge this, and it has led them to embark in a fresh _undertaking ' the publica tion of THE CONTINENTAL MONTIIa . , de voted to literature and national policy, in which-Magazine those readers who have fol lowed with sympathy the political' and social viewa to forcibly expressed of late in our pages, may find them still further enforced by the most eminent and energetic winds in America. The.KniekerboCker. whileft Willie:main firm in support of the Union, will be found, accord ing to the originally expressed intention of the publisher, devoting itself rnore exclusively to art and letters, and in maintaining its long established position as the leader in America of the widely varied departments of literature to which it is specially devoted. The number bier January commences its thirtieth year. With such antecedents as it possesses. it seems unnecessary to make any special pledges as to the future; but it may not be amiss to say that it will be the aim of its conguctors to make it more and more de serving Of the liberal support it has hitherto received. The same eminent writers whol have contributed to it during the past year will continue to enrich its Pages, and in ad di Lion,. contributions will appear from others a the highest reputation and from:many ris ing authors. We shall, as before, specially cultii•atc the genial and humorous in every variety ; but during the coining year, however, the Knickerbocker will receive many coatri butions in the highest departments of litera ture, embracing Critical, Ilistorical, 13iog:raph- Ica!, Scientific, or Ethnographical articles, in :ill of which special pains will be taken to introduce that spirted and agreeable tone and style which have of late years distinguished r:ally first-class writings of this nature from the dry and pethintie essays of the old school. We intend to devote es:mcial zeal and labor to attract to our pages such reading,, and con fidently anticipate pre-eminence id this de partment. In -the-January Number we shall publish 'Sunshine In:Lectors," by Charles Godfre - Leland—the first of a series of papers on the cheerful and joyous in Literature and Art, which will be found. interesting to the most gener;il reader, while at an early date kill appeathe First Chapters of a most entertain ing and instrutive description of American Life, in the I.JIIII of a First-.•lass Novel. The knickerbocker, in short; while retaining the best of the old, gill continually add to the cream of the new. TERMS: Three dollars a yeai'in advance : Two cop ies fOr Four Dollars and Fifty Cents; Thiee copies for Six Dollars. Subscribers remitting Three Dollars will recetve as a pi:Tit:Mu: (post-paid) a cupy of Richard B. Kimball's great work "The Rove laitons of Wall Street,"_ to be published by G. I'. Putnam early in -1.-zelSivary next, (price $l.) • Subscribers re milting, Four Dollars to the Publisher will rect•ivi THE KNICKERBOCK ER and the CONTINENTAL MONTIILI one vear • A discount of ten pehrnt. from our lowest prices will be allowed to persons sending us clubs of ten or more subscribers. Money sent by 11,hen registered, is at our rink. ped-The Publisher, appreciating 1.14: im portance of literature to the soldier on duty, will send The Kuiekcrhooker gratis to any reg iment in active service on application being made by ital. Colonel or Chaplain. Subscrip tions 1%111 be received from those wishing it sent to soldiers in the ry.oks ut hall-pric::. but in such cases _the Aagazine .must be mailed from the office bf pnblichtion. THE KNI . CKEEBOCiKEII and_ THE INDE PENDENT will be sent for one year to new subscribers at $3 ; to old snbscrieers for $.4. Administrator's Notice. - FITHEREAS, letters of administration on V 7 the estate of RUFUS THOMPSON,iIee'd, late of Jackson Pp., Potter Co. hare been granted:to the subscriber in due form of law, notice is lidretit fl,!vet to till perions knOwipg themselves inaeb;..id to said estate, to make immediate. payMent ; and those havimr ' chtims 'Mil present them dtilv.authenticated for set tlement. PHIL lAA THOMPSON, . • D. W. BENTON, Administ'rs. Februaw 28, 1861 1.6 w SOMETHING VOrft THE TIMES!!! A. NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD I JOHNS & CRUSLEY'S American •Cemen't, Glue, The.strongest.:Glue in the World For Cementing Wcod, Leather; Glass, leor.y, China, .:Ifarble, Porcelain ; Alabaster, Bone, Coral, etc.. The only article of the kind ever produc ed which will withstand Water. . - . "Every housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Crosley's American Cement Glue." —Yew York Times. "It is so convenient to have in the house." —New York Express. • • "It is always ready this commends ' it to everybody."—X. Y. Independent. "We have tried it, and find it as usefuYin our houie , water,.!'— Trilkes'Spirit of the Times . , price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very liberal reductions to Wholesale Dealers tn.,For_sairby all - Druggists and Store keepers generally thronghout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole Manufacturers,) • 'lB WiUiam Street, New York„ (Corner of Liberty Street.) jy9ly _, . 30 "th el-Pultf,Tre JLwmaendtiaetdortyt for. which the highest ' Market Price will be paid in Subscriptions and Advertising. . . . lIORA.CE COBB. "i Ai^. NOW IS TLIE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! • J. R. cILSIORE. No. 121 ntssn'Stre.et, New• York, and No. 110 Tremont Street, Boston EXTRACTS TERMS CASH MOFFAT'S LIFE-PILLS . A... 7 4 -1 - PIICENIX BITTERS. pIiESE-MEDICINES have now been before • the:public for a period Of THIRTY YEARS, and - during that time have maintained a high charaeter in almost every part of the Globe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering . tinder nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable. The following are among the distressing variety of human diseases in which the Vegetable Life Diedieinti Are well known to be infallible DYSPEPSIA, by thoroughly cleahsing the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind; FLATULENCY. LosS of Appetite, Heartburn, Headache, Restlessness, 111-Tem per, Anxiety, Languor; and Melancholy, Which . are the general symptoms of DyspCpsia, will vanish; as a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two ,days. FEVERS of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regular circulation, through the process of perspiration in such cases, and the nor- Ough solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. The Life Medicines base been known to cure RHEUMATISM permanently in thiee weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by re moving local inflammation from the muscles and ligaments of the joints. DROPSIES of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidneys and bLvdder ; they operate most delightfully on these important organs, and hence have ever been round a Cer tain remedy for the worst cases of GRAVEL. Also WORMS, by dislodging from the turn ings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creature; adhere. SURVEY. ULCERS, and INVETERATE SORES, by the perfect purity which these LIFE MEDICINES give to the blood, and all the humors. SCOVIUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COM PLEXIONS', by their alterative etiect upon the fluids that feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagreeable com plexions. The use of these Pills for a very short time, will effect an entire cure of SALT RHEUM, and a striking improvement in the cleariles•s of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLU ENZA will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worst cases. PILES.—The original proprietor of these Medicines, was cured of Piles of 35 ve:trs standing, by the use of the LIFE 31E1)16ND...0n: alone. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge o the 'Western country, these Medicines will be tound a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.— Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease—a cure by these Med icines is permanent—TßY THEM, DE SATISFIED, AND RE CURED. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COM PLAINTS. —General Dr.bility. Loss of .Appe tite, and Diseases of Females—the Medicines have been used with; the most bedeficirl re sults in cases of this description :—pings Evil, and Scorfula. in its worst forms. yield• to the mild yet powerful action of these re markable Medicines. Night Sweats, Nervous D”bility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Palpitation of the Heart, Pamters' Colic, ale spe , . , dily eared. MEI:C'i I:I.1L DISE. F.S.—Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of NERcuRy, will find these Medicines a perfect cure. as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of, Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most pow erfnl preparations of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and sold l W. B. MOFFAT, 3;;5 BROADWAY, Nuw-Fors. For sale by all Druggists. - , t7.7...4:7 ,t, ~,..s.r i.y. 4,7•i.", g li t' ii ',,, , ,q ; . ; 1 '(; Alr '4l ii...ii... , p t •• t " 'i L ,,,...„....„,..._, _,A..... MRS. IFFINSLOW, An experienced Nur.4e and Female Physician, presents to the 'lrttention of mothers. her SOOTHING SYRUP, P•OR CHILDREN TEETHING\ which greatly ractlitatesthe process of teeth ing, by softening the gums, reducing all in fiamation—will allay ALL PAIN and spas modic action. and is SURE TO REGULATE THE ROWELS, Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article tor over ten years. and CAN SAY, IN CONFI DENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine —NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, when tiMmy used. Never did We know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera. Lions, andt,speak in terms of contends tion of' its magic 4 effect:4 and medical virtues. We speak in tins matter WHAT WE DO KNOW." after ten rears' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLA PE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering. from pa'n nal exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes ,after the syrup is administered. This valuable preparation is the prescrip tion of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILL FUL NURSES in New England, and has been used - with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OP CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy . to the whole system. It will almost instantly re lieve GRIPLNG IN THE BOWELS; AND WIND COLIC and overcome convulsions, which; if not spee dily remedied, end in death. We believe it. the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. in all cases of DYSENTERY and DIARRIIMA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any Other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child 'suffering from anyof the foregoing complaints —DO NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES; NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand be tween you and your suffering 'ld, and the relief that will be SURE—yes. A p TITELY SURE—to follow the .use of this met. ne, if timely used. Full directions for using =••11 accompany each bottle. None genuine un less the fac-simile of. CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. Principal Office, 13 Cedar St., • , , New York. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. Sold by C. S. & E. A. JONES, Couders port, Fa. 16-Iy. HEROES OF PEACE AND THE HEROES. 4 OF WAR. PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS, Card size,on Bristol Board suitable for Albums - PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY AN THONY,)• 501 Broadway, New York. By special arrangement we publisliin add- Lion to other portraits the celebratea collection well known both in Europe and America Its grady's National Photographic Portrait • Gailery. Brady's collection of, Imperial Photographs is justly considered one of.the lions of ,New York, and in the Photographic reproductions of these every centre table can, now,have an additional attraction in a miniature Britly's Gallery. Among our . publications are: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis; Hannibal Hamlin, • Lady Davis, ' .1 4 Wm. H. Seward, Alex. H. Stephens; Salmon P. Chase, Ttobt. J. Tnombs, Simon Cameron, Howell Cobb, Montgomery Blair, Henry A. Wise, Edward Pates, John Tyler, Gideon Wells, Gen'! Beauregard, Caleb F. Smith; Gen'l Lee, Gen'j Scott, John B. Floyd, Col. Robt. Anderson, Jacob Thompson, Major Slemmer, P. F. Thomas, Col.-Eilsworth, John C. Breekinridge, Gen'l Butler, , Gov. John Letcher, Gen'l Mansfield, John Bell, Col. Fremont, John Q. Calhoun, Herschel' V. Johnson, L. G. Wigfall, Ben Mc- Cullough, Lieut. Maury,.Col. Lander, Stephen A. Dotglns, Maj. Gen. John A. Di; Maj. Gen. N. P. Banks. Henry Ward _Beecher, Oliver Wendell Holmes; Horace Greeley, Prof. Morse, N. 1.-*' Willis. James Gordon Bennett, William C. Beyant,Washington Irving, Henry Clay,An dretv<lackson,CommodorePerry,Dr.E.K.Kane, John J. Audubon, Mrs. Sigourney, Mrs. Gen'l Gaines.Chas.Sumner,Gov.Andrew,J.J.Critten den,- Prince of Wales, Duke of Newcastle Za chary Taylor,George Bancroft, 'Lathrop I.:Mot ley, Sam. Houston, J. Q. Adams, Emerson Eth eridge, Andrew Johnson, Parson Brownlow, orownlow's heroic daughter, together with about 500 others, to which additions are be ing 'undo daily. Catalogue onreceipt rfstamp. PnicF: OF PORTRAITS Pka Dozen. Can he sent by mull. Remittances may be made in postage stamps. Also a lary collection of Photographs of distinguished Europeans, Emperors, Kings, Queens. Marshals, Generals, Dukes, Lords.Au thors,,Actors, Actresses, Politicians and Cler gy. Price, 25 tp 50 cents each, according to maker and quality. Our-establishment is also head-quarters for PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS both as agent of the best French manufactu rer,.and as manufacturer under a patent of l our owl'. We have a large assortment, vary I hug in price from 90 cents to $5O, and holding from 12 portraits up to $6OO. Also, folding cases of morrocco or cloth for the pocket, to hold 2, 4 6, 8. or 12 portraits. Also various 'styles of framing card portraits, of carved wood, metal, paper, composition, etc., of ele g:ult and tasteful designs. ..: photographers now in the field are daily sending us CAMP SCENES OF THE PRESENT WAR and views of pbiuts and things of interest. ' both card size, for ai bunis. and in stereoscopic form. As for instance, The Seventh Regiment at Camp Canwron—ln the Trenches—Cooking I their Meals-L-The Gymnnsts—The Junction— Delmonico's—Laura Keene's- General Street Views of the Camp, etc. Also the Relay House rand camp scenes and scenery thereabout. 1..A150 Harper's Ferry before and after the scenes of destruction. Together with various other places of note.. Card size 25 cents each, Ste reoscopic 3z; cents. Parties who would like a . lot of these camp scenes to select from—the balance to be re turned in good order at their own expenN, and without delay—can be a.ccommodatedon giving proper New York reference. STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS. Our establishment is the great emporimn for everything in the stereoscopic line, and our assortment is the most complete probably of any in the world'. Theistereoseope is the most instrect iee.inter esting, entertaining, amusing and exciting of mod ern inventions. None are too young, none too old, none too intelligent, none too uneducated, to acknow ledge its worth and beauty. vo hoMe is complete without it, and it and must penetrate everywhere. It presents to your view every part of the world. in all the relief, boldness, perspective and sharpness of detail, as if you were on the spot. We have an immense variety of/views of scenes in Paris, London, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, France, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Spain, The Rhine, Versailes, St. Cloud, Fontainbleau, Tuilleries, Italy, Turkey, Egypt,Athens, the Holy Land, China, India, Crystal Palace, also Groups Historical,'amu sitg, marriage scenes, breakfhst scenes, pic nics, statuary, etc., etc. An exquisite assort ment of Illuminated Interiors of Palaces, Chur ches had Cathedrals, of France, Italy, etc.etc. The effect of these illuminated views is most remarkable. Anthony's Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views are the latest Photographic wonder. They are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and everything, no matter how rapidly it may be moving, is depicted as sharply and distinctly as if it had been perfectlyat rest. This gives an additional value, for to the beauties of in animate nature it adds the charm of life and motion. The process is a discovery of our own, and being unknown in Europe, we re -ceitie large orders from London and Paris for Anthony's Instantaneous Views of American life and scenery. Our Qatalogne of subjects and prices will be forwarded to any address on receipt of stamp Parties nt a distance sending us $3.55,510, $l5, $2O, or $25, can have a good instrument and such pictures as they may request, sent by Express. Views alone (without instru ment) can be sent by nail. E. Anthony, 501 Broadway, New York, (3 doors south of St. Nicholas' Hotel,) Importer and Manufacturer of Photographic Materials,Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views MR„Merchants from every section of the country ere respectfully Wilted to make au examination of our stock. Tol'Photograpbcrs. 0013 ulletin of Photo graphic Invention and Ithprovemeutwill be sent to 'any address on application. [Cut this out for future ri‘fereneel MOTHERS, READ THIS.—The following is an extract from a letter written by the pastor of a Baptist Church to the "Journal and Mes senger," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned Medicine— Mns. WINSLOW'S 'SOOTHING SYRUP FOR. CHIL DREN TEETHING: "We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medi cine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no humbug IVB HAVE TRIED IT, AND KNOW IT TO DR ALL IT CLAIMS. It is, probably, one of the most suc cessful medicines' of the day, because it is one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay in a . . . . . , . Lib r e — Main- above _rilhird St., ..00ULiERSPORT, 111..W.'1114NN, PnoritEtoi: . . . BOOKS, PS, GLOBES, MA BLANKS— .; DOCKETS— LEDGERS— - • • DAY-BOOKS— RECEIPT-BOOKS; MEMORANDUMS, • • PASS-BOORS, DIARIES, . - • PORTFOLIOS. HERBARIMITS, • LETTED.-BOORS INVOICE-BOORS: Greek, Latin, French and German Text- Books. • All School Booki used in. the Cou2ity kept on hand, or immediately procured when desired Magazines or any Periodicals supplied when desired. A . good assortment of Paper, Envelopes, Pens and Inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw ing Materials, Water Colors, &c. BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PRAYER & HYMN DOOKS,,of various kinds. MUSIC-BOOKS AND SHEET-MUSIC, Slates, Rulers, •Back-Garntrion•Boards Chess Men, &c., &c. PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange for BOoks, [11,34] THE HEROES OF PEACE EEO THE HEROES OF WAR E. Anthony, No. 501 Broadway, New York, is now publishing, in addition to other por traits, the celebrated collection known in Eu rope and America as - _ Brady's National Photographic Portrait Gallery, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of Ainerica, not excepting - Jeff* Davis, Gen Deauregard, Floyd. and a host of other confederates. Price of Portraits, $3,00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, and in Stereocopic form. Also, . . Stereoscopic views of scenes in Paris, Lon don, and in other parts of England and France, in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Holland, Switzyn laud, Spain, on the Milne. in Athens, Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land, China, India, Cuba, &c., &c., ad ipfinitum. Our Instantan"ous Stereoscopic-. Views are The Greatest Wonder of the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second and the rushing of water,the moving of leaves. or the march of an army, does not in the least affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of Stereoscopes. Photo graphic Albums, and Photographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world Catalogues, containing lists of all our Por traits, Views, Stereoscopes, &c., sent tree by mail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, jyly near St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. THE LADY'S FRIEND. UODErS LADY'S BOOK FOR 1862.—The world's favorite. For 32 Years the Standard Magazine. Pronounced by the Press of the United States, the best Lady's Magazine in the World and the Cheapest. , The laterature is of that kind that can be read ale - no-in the family circle, and the cler gy in immense numbers are subscribers fur the Book. The hest Lady Writers in America contribute to its pages, and we have some that write fur no other Magazine. The Music is all original, and would cost 2 cents (the price of the Book) in the music stores ; bat most of it is copyrighted, and cannot be obtained except in , Gotley." Our Steel Engravings.—All efforts to rival us in this have ceased, and we now, stand atone in this department, giving, as we do, many more and infinitely better engravings than are published in any other work. Godey's 171011018 C Double-Sheet Fashion- Platex.—Containiug from five to seven full length Colored Fashions on each pinto. Other magazines give only twn. Far Ahead .of any' Fashions in Europe or America.—Godey's is the only work iu the world that gives these immense plates, and they are such as to have excited the wonder of publishers and the public. The publics tion.of these plates cost $lO,OOO more than Fashion-plates of the old style, and nothing but onr wonderfully large circulatioa enables us to give them. Other magazines cannot afford it. We never snare money when the public can be benefited. These fashions may be relied on. Dresses may be made after them, and the wearer will not, subject herself to ridicule, as would beihe case if she visited the large cities dressed after the style of the plates given in some of our so called fashion magazines. Our TVood Engravings, of which we give twine or three times as many as any other magazine, are often mistaken for steel. finitatinns.—Bewitre of them. Remember that the lady's Book is the original pubhca iipn and the cheapest. If you take Godey you want no other magazine. Drawing La:corm—No other Migazine gives them, and we have given enough to fill several large volumes. 'Our Receipts are such as can he fonud no where else . . Cooking in all its variety—Con fectionary—the Nursery—the Toilet—the Kit chenthe Laundry. "We 'originally started this department, and have peculiar facilities for making it most perfect: Ladies Work Table.—This department com prises engravings and descriptions of every article that a lady wears. Model Collages.—No other Magazine has this department. • Terms, Cash in advance: 1 copy one year, $3, 2 copies oneyear $5, 3 copies one year,s6, 4 copies one year $7. Five copies one year, and an extra copy to the person sending the club, $lO. Eight copies one year, and an ex tra copy to the person sending the club, $l5. Eleven copies one year, and an, extra copy to the person sending the club, $2O. And the only magazine that can be introduced into the above clubs in place of the Lady's Book is Arthur's Home Magazine. Treasury Notes and Notes of all solvent banks taken at par. Be careful and pay the postage on your letter. Address L. A. GODEY, 323 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. • The Rochester Straw-Cutter. OLISISTED Sc . KELLY, Coudersport, have the exclusive agency for this celebrated machine, in this county. It is corenient, du rable, and CHEAP. Dec. 1, 1860.-12 ADVERTISE in the JOURNAL! It is the on ly paper in Potter county, and is a good medium through 'which to reach the people of all districts -• .4tai 0 , IRON purified of Oxygen and (.7.arbniihym,,: bastion in. Hydrogen. jj Sanctioned b e o w highest Medical Authorities, both in % go al) , and the •United - States, caul prescribeltinthei practice. • - ' . d: ~,..; r The-experience of thbnsands daily pie;ris that poi preparation of Iron can beenpatili with it. Impurities bribe blood. illpresiion of, vital' energy-. pale and otherwi o sickly cottiplexiores indicates* necessity in a l most every conceivable case.; Innoicions in all malatlieSis whic it 1 13 , been tried, ft has proved -it'eisOluteY eur at h t , in each l of get following complaints, yia: In Dibility r Kereous Affecti,oks, L'manei6tion,,, Dyspep s ia, Constation,: Diarsfiam, pp ewery ; lizeipient Conslimption , , Sernfalons Tolvee t ti o ,i, Salt Rheum, Affimenstruation; White-S,:ol4i'f Liver Complaints, Chronic lleartaehes,; Matto. tism, Intermittent Pemrsi Pimples on 'the Fie, j - ' In cases of General ,Hebility, whether the result of mite disease, or of the cont,inuelliii..-1, minutidn of nervous ifild innscular ene i- sy from chronic complaintS, one trial ofthis res.- torative has proved' successful to in cu m , which no description alir Jo rittenliftspeti o l would render credible.: Invalids so long ied, ridden ns to have becoibe forgotten; in their own neighborhoods, Wive suddenly re -ap peared in the busy world as 'if just returned from protracted travel in a distant land:_. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested to female Su Ife4irs, emaciated victim of apparent •inarasmus,istinguincon ex h aja . tion,:j,tiri ical changes, and that cov4lication of nerve is=nnd despeptic aversion to air and .1. exercise or whiclfjthe physician hasjnotame. In Neri - gus Affectionsj of all kinds; and fur reasonsfamiliar to medikal men, the Operation of this Prcintration of iron must necessarily be salutary, for unlike the old oxiils it isvig, orouslyj tonic without j being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularlyi aperient even in the most obstinate cases of costive ness without ever being' a gastric purgative s or inflidting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, among others, which 'bakes it so remarkable effectual and permanent a remedy fur: Piles, upon kviiirli it also appears to exe'''c a :distinct awl specific action, liy dispersing the local tendency_which forms them. ' i • In Dyspepsia, innumerable as are its came' a single box of these Chalvbeate l'ilis has ot ten sufficed for'the most habitual cases, in cluding:the attendent Costivenmr. In unchecked Diarrhmat even when advanced to Dysentery; ebufirmed; emaciating and ap parently malignant, the effects hive been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, 105.4 of flesh and !strength, debilitating cough, and remittent hectie.which generally indicate Incipfeut Consumption, this remedy ;has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several ve , ry gratifying and in teresting instances. r In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this medicated iron haS had far more titan the good; effect of the most cautiously baWneed preparatioda of iodine, ivithout any of their well ]ill3lTll lia ' • TI l i es e"' _ ae attention of fetnafes cannot be!too con• fideutly , invited to this rrniedg and r4toralin, in the cases peculiarly affecting them. In 'Rheumatism, bothichronie and] inflarn matory4--in the latter, however, more dechf edlv—it: has been invariably well reported, both as: alleviating pout nod redUcing tho sn•elliitgs and stiffness or the‘joints fu.d mu,. cies. In Intermittent Fever 3 it InitA n&cessririly be n.great reniedv enti 4‘nert.ti•lie restorntire, end-its progress in the nett s'ettloniehts of the West, Will probably be , une of high renown end ii,efulnc•ss. rtitnetly has ever teen discovt,W in tilt whole history of medicine, which (+Hs such prompt, happy, and fullirestorative;diects.— Good' appetite. C . Onipleti: rapid Ac quisition of strength, with an unnsu`al dispo sition active and cheerful ezetc4e, hunt• diately follow its usn, Put up in neat flat metal boles clmtaining 50 price 50 cents per box: sale by druggilsts and dealer i Will be sent frre to any address 'on receipt tW the price. All let tors, orders, etc.. should be addressed 11. B. LOCKE & C 0..! (Anent] Agents , i—]y. ?0 Cellar St:, S.T. Pro!:4p4ct us 1: q.F TIIII SCIENTIM A3IEIIiCAN: 1 SEVENTEEN4Ii YEAR. I . . A new volume of this widely Circulated paper commenced au—the 6th of July. Every number;contaias•sixteen pages of useful in formation, and from five to ten original ett graving;s of new inventions end diecozeries, all of which are expressly fir its columns. The Scientific AmeriCan is devoted to the interests of Popular Seience, the ,L\lechanic Arts. Manufactures. Inventions, Agriculture; Commerce ana the IndUstrial Pursuits gener ally, and is valuable and instructive not only in the Workshop and Manufactory,: IMt also in the Household, the Library and the `Read lag Ito Om. The Scientific AmeriCan has the +Mallon, at lionie and abroad, of being the beat,weekly publication devoted to Mechanical and indus- . trial pursuits now published, and 'the pub lishers 'are determined ,tb keep up the reputa tion they hare earned; during th 4 stxrus TEARS they have beenj connected its publication. TERMS. To mail subscribers :;-,Two Dallis a Yea`,— or One Dollar for six 'months. Oite Dollar pays for one complete t'olunim of 416 pages; two volumes comprise one year. Vie volumes, Commence on the first of January aed July. CLUB BATES. • Five Copies, for Six Months $4 Ten Copies, for Six Months -8 Ten Copies, for TwelVe Months l $l5 Fifteen Copies, for Twelve Months $22 Twenty opies, forTvelve Months $2B For air clubs of Twenty and over,ihe yearly subscription is only $1.49,. Names can be sent in at different fillies and froni different Post-Offices. SpeCimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of - alp country. Western and Canadian ropney or Post-office stamps takhu at par for subscriptions. .Cana dian subshribers will please to remit 25 cents extra on each year's subscription to pre-pay postage. 1 31IINN is CO., Publishers, • No. 31 Park-row, Nefie York. BLANKS of all kinds for saleatgdi Office Deeds. Warrants, Ssecutions, Summons, SubpcenaS; Constable Sales, Township and School Orders, Notes Of all kindi—kept on hand and; printed to order. JOB WORK at tended to promptly, and at prises to snit the times. 'Give us atris.l4. Ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers