ICI THE POTTgli COUNTY JOURNAL ts' the only paper pnbilsbed In Potter county, simulates among. an intelligent class of peo ple, and is thus an excellent medium for both- City and Country Advertising. Transient Advertisements arid those from a distance mast be Cash or lave responsible re- .tatitutticationa, to receive. attention ference , 411 • All COm. —.vas, to 10wa. .: must be directed to" the:Editor, and contain the name of the-Writer. i No attention paid to anonymous communications. TERMS.-- , One copy,one year, SI; Six copies $5; Twelve Copies, $lO ;.Twenty copies', $lB, with . one to the person raising the Club. The money must accompany the names. , Coudersport, Wednesday Evening, Dec. 25, 1821 Biz New Advertisenicilta. A. good Shoemaker issranted Dy S. Danhoff. .'The Home Journal for 1862 offers new in .dacements to its many old subscribers to re. •newior the 'coining year, 'ls anaher column will be found a letter from H. Kinney * anis 'county but who. is ;how irribe New York State service. Capt. tinbettncik from Potter,oVer thirty men. The Knickerbocker issues a new prospec tus. 'With the additional' editors lately ad caed, it now prodisee to be even better than it -vas in past years. See Advertisement. Ws print this week the Reports of Mesirs. Chas,e and Smith. We commend them .to the careful puinsal of our readers. They , exhibit a very healthy state •of Government . •considering the condition of—our home and •foreign relations., We /earn that .Almefon Burdic of Capt. company died on the This is the first death in this company We hear young Burdic spoken of as . a fine young man and a good soldier. Our correspondent • will no doubt glee us the full particulars of his death. MONDAY we bad the first snow of any ac count. We:hope soon to hear of good sleigh ing and a rush of.subscribers for the loit.rnal., Business is getting much better in the county. Our merchants are doing a good business, as our advertising columns show. W. KILBOURNE advertises for a few more recruits for the Tioga Companigs in the 45th Regiment, soon to start for the "sunny South." Any one wishing to join this Regiment can do so by reporting themselves in Coudersport early this week. Maj. Kilbourne VII remain in the County f i iir a short time only. He is under orders'of Maj.-Gen. Wool. CONTESTED SEATS : —In the House of Represen tatives, Herman Baugh, proposes to contes the sent,of. John McMakin, of the Sixth Legis lative district. Mr. Meyers, of Mnrns county, intends contesting the seat of Mr. Buzby.— Mr. Bessmi t of Betiftfrd county : will' contest the seat of Mr. Householder, and that the seats of two:other members will probably be contested. According to a pretty general custom of not ipnbljshing •Chvistmas or Neu• Tears week, there will be no paper issued from this office neat week: In the meantime we hope our friends will endeavor to procure for us a goodly lumber or new subscribers to COM ,monee. the New Year with. We will endear orto make. the ToUrna/ itch worth the pat ronage of the people or the, county. G. P. purtrAst; formerly publisher, of Put nam's Monthly, (in itslait numbers one of the best magazines ever published) and J. R. Ginnore, the present .publisher of the Knick erbocker have issuea a new $3,00 magazine— The Continental ifonthlywhich will be pub lished on the same principles as the two first mentioned works. The lwell-known reputa tion of these publighers commend the maga zine to general favor. ;The , January number is well worth a foremost place among the, magazines of the country, To PRESERVE TOUa HUSDAND'S TEMPER Ladies, if you, would always have your hus bands come home to thei r r meals in good hu mor use only D. B. De ' Land & Co.'s Chemical Salerata.4 l and then you. will be en abled at all times to place before them per fectly light, nutritious and healthy bread, bis cnit, &c. If you doubt it, get a paper and try it. It is manufactured and for sale by the proprietors, at Fairport, Monroe County, N. Y., and for sale by all good grocers arid deal ers in the country. Court commenced on Monday. We go to press at too early a day to record its official proceedings. Judge R. G. White takes the chair for another term; and if in this term of office he is as successful as he was in his last, the people of the county will have cause for rejoicing at his re-election. The Associate Judges G. G. Colvin and ,p ha rles S. Jones al so took their seats. Thellast named has en tered upon the duties of this position for the first time, and all we hake to say of him is, that if he don't make a good Judge we won't vote for him again. But we guess he'll do I None but a physician knows how much a reliable alterative is needed by the people.— Ott all sides of us, in all communities every where there are multitudes that suffer from Complaints that nothing but an alterative cures. Hence a great many of them have been made and put abroad with the assurance of being effectual. But they fail to accomplish tile cures they promise because they have not the intrinsic virtues they claim. In this state of 'the case, Dr. J. C. Ayer '& Co., of Lowell, have supplied us With a compound Extract of Sar saparilla, which does prove to be , the long desired remedy. Its peculiar difference from other kindred preparations in market is that' it Cures the diseases for which it is recommend ed, while they do not. We are'assured of this fact by mord than one of our intelligent Phy sicians in this neighborhood and have the further evidence of our own experience of its, tr ath.—tTennesee Farmer, Yadrille, Tenn. '—Extensivisdayti insurpettiontittik . ripokad throughout the South, especially in Miss!ssin- - pi, where oter One Nundred andAifty Thou 'sand Dotlain worth la kcipeftlyy reported to have been destrOied on the QOtratin estate alone. This is only the beginnutglifthe end. The burning of Charleston isit mire - thing. The Confederate Congress appropriated $259,T. ;00ft for the relief of the sufferers, and several Of the Southern States have also made iippio •priations for the 'same purpose. -Los i s, by the fire, about SEVRN MILLIONS. . We take the following from the Tioga Agi latOr of last week:. - - . ' • The Volunteers of that county had sent home $l7OO. ' One school house, one engine house, two stores,enefoundry,and fifteen dwelling beams hate been erected in Wellsboro his year. • Oa the night of the 18th a fire was diSeov ered in the buildings occupied hy C. L; Soars, Wm. Roberts and Clark Wilcox on Main street in Wellsboro. The flames spread 'with great, rapidity and the Whole line Of stores from Bowen & Co.'s; down to %hubll's Harness t Shop were in a few minutes be and the hope of safety,. ' : • I-, Estimated lois of prepetiyOb ,000. ins urance on same, estimated at $.1,000. There are several theories as to the origin -of the fire, but all agree that it was "Idental. • - ~PECXAL NO .ICE To ConsuMpti THE Adyertiser, having, been restored to health in a very few weeks by a 'very sim ple remedy after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, an!d-that dread disease, Consumption—is) anx i ous to make known to his fellow sufferers i the means of cure. To all who desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription used, t free of.eliargeOuith the direction for preparing and ising the same, which they will find a sure cu re for Consump tion, Asthma; Bronchitas, cThe only ob ject of the subscriber in sending,the Prescrip tion is to benefit the aftiicted,and.spread, infor =don which lie conceives to he invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his reme dy, as it will cost them nothing and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, - Kings County; New York. 121 , WANTED.' A SHOEMAKER.. One :ivho is a good hand and competent to do all kinds of work in a workmanlike manner. None other need apply. J. DANHOF', Dec.2s Opposite Glassraire's Hotel. MECHANIC'S NOTICE. W E s t e i t i t e rc u i n ty de o rs f To e n d e i y a d 'r e e r s a o t l i ° v e n d o f t I t ; l a l e t we will work for Ready-Pay only on and after the first day of January, 1862. Z. J. THOMPSON, G. C. MANLEY., CZ. STARKWETHER, C. F. MANNING, 11. SNATII,' ' JOHN RECKHOW, CHAS. lIEISSMANN% S. P. 310.1 AR, S. D. KELLY. :NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER THE HOME JOURNAL FOR 1862 MORRIS AND WILLIS,,EDITORS universally A new, series of this popular family newspaper will be commenced ou the fourth day of January next—printed, as here tofore. on the finest of paper and with thebest of - type. Besides the incessant labors, ofithe editors ou the various departments of the paper, the beautiful story by an AmeriCan Wife, called CHRISTINE _1 which has never been equalled by any similar publication, and the; C 1 LOOKINGS-ON AT TrIE VAR, • will be continued in the volume for 1862. , In this series of sketches Mr.Willii will continue ;to' give such better studied - andrmore deliber ate views of the great movements as are im possible to the haste of writers for the daily; papers . including, of course. sketches of the prominent men, and 'descriptions ol most stirring scenes at the seat of w:ir. A number' of other AttractiVe and Racy features will be introduced, among, these a new work, by Edward S. Gould; Esq., entitled JOHN DOE AND RICHARD ROE; Or, Episodes of City Life. This work by Mr. Gould will beearried to!the full proportion of a modern novel, and ;Will, therefore, occupy our columns' continuously for at least six months. Also an original novel, entitled WHO IS .THE HEIR • By Ba:rry Gray. I " The aliening scenes of this brilliant story ;are laid on the coast of New England, and amidst the breezy hills of old Berkshire' As the tiar rative progresses the 'scene changes to a sou thern city, and finally is transferrad to New York. The pldt turns upon a Sint of inheri tance,And the interest of the story commences with the first chapter, nor ceases until the end is attained. The tine in which the events occur covers thapasetwenty years ;'and many of the characters introduced arc drawn from ' I life. Also, a new and beautfinl ROMANCE OF TO-DAY.. By Oliver Bunce, author of "Life Before Him," etc. An Amer ican talc delineating various phases of rural and town life, turning mainly upon some hi therto undepicted relations between love and genius, woman ana ambition. It presents three-fold picture of the sex—the woman of the world, of genius, and of love—and con trasts with these the subtlety.as well as the power and aspirations of man. !And SOCIETY CORRESPONDENCE; or letters feom the leaders of our fashionahle circles in New York and the other capitals, by which our readers will be unmistakably kept informed of the changes and progress of what is commonly understood by the'"gay world" —a portion of our fellow-beings, about who* there is no denying, we all feel a moderately news-loving curiosity. As we have taken some pains to arrange the resources for this new feature, we premonish our 'readers Of Its agreeableness With L considerably confident satisfaction; All the former pectiliar features of the pa per xvhich have given it a worl&wide repute , . -lion will be continued, while several new cities will add a most spicy variety to its alreaily diversified pages. i • TERDIS.--For one , copy, $2; for three cop ies, ss—or one copy for three Years, $5; for a club of seven copies, $10; for, a club of fif teen' copies, $2O; and that rate fora larger club—always in advance. • I Address _ - MORRIS AND ,WILLIS Editors and Proprietors, 1071 Fulton Street; Few York. , • .. ' - 't•„, s j'RICE CURRENT: - -, I: 1 . - tOrreCted every Wednesday by' p., A. STEP,. . BINS ,j'ai CO., Wholesale and - Beall i • - !Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, , opposite p.. F t . Gla.smire's Hotel, , ! -- i , 1 .1: , ' Pc/ 4 401'9TC P*. ' " ' ' Apples, green V hush., $ iii to Gil dodried: ". .. •-. 1 00'; 200 NatiB: . 1 ...„.. ',.. ": - , , 1.00 150 Beeivva4;•v 1D.,. 2.tk .24 Beet',, .i. , " , , 4- : 4 Berries, dried ) .V quart 6 12/ BUckwheat, V hush., 37/ 44' Butter, V lb., l2 10 Chlese, ;"" . • . . 7 10 Cori], 9 bush., . ,- . 75 83 Corn Meat, per cwt. } • 1 50 . 200 Eggs, Vides , _ • ~ . 10 Flour, extra, V bb1.,.: " . e5O 740 do superfine " 650 6 do: Barns, V lb., .. • 12/ 14' Hay, V ten , 550.604 Honey, per lb., 10 - 124 Lard, 1 " . 10 12 Maple Sugar, per lb., • it . " 12 Oats, lil hush., ~ ,-, -• 25 30 Onions, : " • - 50 .. 75 Pork, V Ibbl., ' 21 00 23 .ofti . (10 IR lb-, 10 14 -do in ;whole bog, ' lb., . 6 , 7/ Potatoes, per bush . , 25. 314 Pescbes,idried, V ~ ' 25 PoUltry,ll lbs, , 5 I Rye, per bush., - 63 75 Salt, V bbl., 275 350 ' do V sack, i 20 ' Trout, per .1 bbl., • 450 500 Wheat, Ift bush., 100 1 123 White Elsh V / bbl., > 4 50 -_ 5 00 4, or -4..t.' KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZIN.B • ' FOR 1862. , In the beginning of the last year, when its present proprietors assumed control of TIIE KNICKERBOCKER, they announced their de termination to sparo no pains to place it in its trui position as the leading literary Monthly in r kinerica. When rebellion bad raised a j successful front, and its armies threatened the verk existence of the Republic, it was impoa- Bible to permit a Magazine which in its circu ' laden reached the best intellects in the Land, to continue in ti purely literary course, as if' insensible or indifferent to the dangers which, I threatened the Union. The proprietors Re-" cordingly gave notice that it would present in j its Pages foreible * .expositions with regard to,j the; great question of the times : flow to ine. scree thS United States of America in their latesr rity and unity. How far thi pledge has been red,eeined, the public mus judge.. It would, hoWever, be mere affectation to ignore the seal of approbation which the public has already placed on these efforts.. The proprietors grate- fully acknowledge .this, and it has led them to. embark' in a fresh undertaking, the publimi tion of THE CONTINENTAL MONTHLY, de voted 1;o literature and national policy, in winch Magazine those readers who have fol- , lovted With sympathy the ,political and so mil views So 'forcibly expressed of late in °dr pages, may find them stilt farther enforced by the most, eminent and energetic minds lin America. The Knickerbocker. while it will remain firm in Support of the Union, will be found, accord-, ing to the originally expressed intention of the publisher, devoting itself more exclusively, j to art and letters, and in maintaining its long established position as the seeder in Arberica of the Widely varied departnients of literatute to which it is specially, devoted. The 'number for January commences its thittieth year. __With such antecedents as its pos:ses:4es, it seems unnecessary to make any special pledges as to the future; but R may riot berrmiss to say that it will be the aim of] its 'conquctors to make it more anil more de- serving of the liberal support it has hitherto rec e ived. The same eminent writers who have contributed to it during the past year will continue to enrich its pages, and in ad dition, contributions will appear from others of the hlghest reputation and from many ria ;llk authors. We shall, as before, specially cultivate the genial and humorous in every i. 'ariety ; but during the coming year, heweVer, he` Knickerbocker will receive many contri, I ution.Sin the 'highest departments of literi re, embracing Critical, HiStorical, Biograph ri, Scientific, or Ethnographical articles, in of 'Which special pains will be tap, to ,•ociuce that spirted and agreeable tot-team' 1 Cil all int' sty, ie which have of late years distinguished really first-Hass writings of this nature from tlth dry,and 'pedantic essays of the old school. We intend to devote especial zeal and labor to httract to our pages such reading, - and cob fidently anticipate pre-eminence in this de patment. n the January Number we shall publish "S nehine in Letters," by Charles Godfrey Lejand—the first of a series of papers on the cheerful and joyous in Literature and Art,. which will be found interesting to the most general reader, while at an early date will appear the First Chapters of tt most entertain-1 ing.and instructive description of American Lif;e, in 'the form of a First-class Novel. Thit Knickerbocker, in short, while retaining the beSt otthe old, will continually add to the cream of the new.. TERMS Three dollars a year in advance : Two cop ies for Four Dollars and Fifty Cents; Three col ies for Six Dollars. §•trbscribers remitting Three Dollars will recptve , as a premium - (post-paid) a copy of Richard 13. Kimball's great work ''•The Rere laiions: of Wall Street,' to be published by G. P. Putnam early in February next, (price SI.) Subscribers remitting Four Dollars to the Publisher will receive THE KNICKERBOCK ER' and the CONTINENTAL MONTRLY for one year , A discount of ten per cent. from marl lowest pries Will be allowed to persons sending us clubs of ten or more subscribers. Muse" sent by mail, when registered, is at our risk. The Publisher, appreciating the na portanee of literature to the soldier on duty, wilt send The Knickerbocker,gratis to any reg iment iu active service on application being made by its Colonel or-Chaplain.. Subscrip,- ticu l ts will be received from those wishing it sent to soldiers in the ranks at half-pries, but in luck cases the Magazine "must be mailed from the office of publication. KNICKERBOCKER and TIM ISDN. PE 'DEBT will be sent for one year to nevi. subscribers at $3; ,to old subscribers for $4. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE! J. R.• GILMORE, • No. 121 Nassau. Street, New York, and No. 110 Tremont Street, Boston COuderspoit Academy. nip Winter Term of the Condersport ecammence the 'first Monday it, natty, 061, and continue nitteen Weeks. 1 • OFTEFITION Primary 11r4ghes - *lab - ,_ Comma, &yeah - I 3150 gigher English' arid Latin 1 4.50 Ifreneb, extra 2-00 Teacher3' CLARA A. SrocrwELi, , v . I. ......ts 5i0,.. ,n orair... I . . THE 4 NATIONAL LOAN. dud Three.TenthsVr.Cll. It • TREASURY NOTES; [! • . I Now ready for delivery at the-bffiee, a: i JAY COOKE &Col', B4nk ra t ' No. 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia. PURSUANT to in,truction's from tile Sefte tary df the Treasury, the SubScription _Imo& to thq N E lir NATIONAL LOAN 6f Tteas, !try Notes, bearing interest at the rate of SC'Tetf and three-tenths per cent. per 'Moulin, will re- i main open at my office, No. 1 l 4S. Third) Street, until further notice, from 84 4. it. till 5 P.-M., and on Mondays till 9P. M. ' These notes - will be of ihe: clenoniination of FIFTY. DOLLARS, : ONE. HUNDRED DOL LARS, FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS,. ONlg THOUSAND DOLLARS, add Fi VE THOU- 1 SAND DOLLARS, and are alt datedl9th of August. 1851. payable in goliii, in: thrOe yeatt, or convertible 'into in twent.y yearslsis per cent, loan, at . the option'of the hOlde . Each Treasury Note has interest clifpqns,... ttached,- which can be cut off and collected i gold at the Mint every six months, and at iii i e rate of one cent per day _on each fifty dorirs. Payments' of subscriptions may EMl:made in Gold 'or Chlecks, or Notes - ofthe Phsl delphia Banks. ' I PARTIES AT A INSTANCY:, can remit;;ly their friends, through the mail, or b3i ell res's, or through Thinks, and the Treasury N4tes will be immediately delivered, or Sent ltoerch sub scriber as they may severally direct. - .1 Parties remitting must add the interest from, the loth of August, the (Lite off' alt the! notes, to the day the remittaltice 'leaches Phil - 1 adelphin, at the rate of One l.cent per day on each fifty dollars. ; •' 1 I Apply to!, or address JAY COOKE, Subscription , Care of Jay Cooke ..t . Co.. B No. 114 South Third Street, Phil _ 1 . UNION HOTEL S i COUDERSPORT P OTT E RR ctiuA Y rENN., - S. itatinslitol 4, • • 1-, IJAVING refitted and neWly f u rnished the housq on Main street, Teceritiy occupied by R.• Rice! is prepared to accommodate 'the traveling intiliß in as rood stYle as can be had in . town. 'Nothing that ' can in anY lWay in crease the comforts-of . the guests, will be ne glected. I 1 rtec.o,lB6l 1. NOTICE'j I. Ts hereby given •• to all. those j indebted to OLMSTED either by note . or book account, to call '''and wake iettlemenk before the, first day or January next. and thereby save casts. 1 H J. ObI:§T.PD, D. KEI4.Y. Coudersport, Nor, 5, 1861 ILATHERHAS ; letters of 'Administration to . the lestate of ALVAH Q. ITAQGART, late of tbO count' of Potter. deceased, have been granted to the snbscribers, it persons indebted to O said estate ate requeitedito make immedintOlpaymcnt, and those having'claims against the same, wW present them duly au thenticated for settlement."' FOLLY ANN TA.GQ-AirtT, • JOHN P. TAGGART ' Ang. 21, 1861 • • Administratoes.. Administrator's, Notkie. wiIEREAS, letiers of adrninisiration on Vi r the estate of RUFUS T.l.l.oME'Sdli,dee'd ; late of Jaekson Tp., Potter Co. r htive been granted to the subscriber in fora of law, notice is ite'reby.Kii.en to all 'personS knowing themselvesl indebttl to said estate, e tc , make imuiediate payment ; mad those havitrg claims preserci theui 4uly authenticatO for set tlement, I ' tiIaIDELIA THOMPON, D. W. BENTON ? Adisinist'rs. 28, 1861 I.Otr F.brua - fiOTIC ETO3I AR 13..R1 EN. VORTI" Sen wanted for the Petin!i,ylcanin COMpa 0 V of the !d Regiment 'Aeraitres U. S. Shorpsliters ittoir in Camp at Washing ton- Pay,and rations to commenceitarmedi atety on 3,11Z11113g the . master rolk 41) able bodied men wishing to join. the abovel compa ny will please sepoict, to Me at the Lyman Rouse. trlysses Ye, Sergeant i B. S. E J REY r • .• • Reeraitimg,Ofticer. Nov:. 30irz 187.. ' ' lOU : 6S , of Wo01:4 , trriteci at ne JUIAINIAL, - Office, ha . etEatery, for whivitAhe higfiest..lsn het Price will be pnict_in. Stsbacrili it sue . I ftdvertising. ' $2.00 Oa 2 *EMPLOYDIEENT t, fl_. '1 4146 t '1 • [ AGENTS WA.NT ' .. . . We will Pay from $25 to $76 per , month, and all expenses, to 'satire 4gents,lo . girea commission! Particulars sent free. ; ddress Eam 831P/Y0 Ilecaum Grallieiti,:il l . AMES, General Agent, - Milan, Ohio, i' "'ii, '2lly C jerwell,er told Waitohm LO - CATED on Alain St., opposite ti Rouse, Coudersport ? P 4 1 -Clacks, Watches,•&c.i Repaired on short notice and wand s giye satisfaction. , i A good assortment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, and ' 1 and JEWEL ?heap for CASH d sierra As an even exeliange is Kies you time for,Mone,y, sort, Dec. iG , 136/ on hand reptepenteclL bery I will Couderspi,c AGENPS WANTED' Jan]] Parts of the Country , - Tel obtain Subscribers for, Loskines Pictinjal Field- •'!' Of the AMERICAN RETOLETI In Two VOlumes Royal eQI • npiVard of 1500 Pages and 1100 Be'autgal lllustr This work will be sold exclusively 1 to each' ofl whom a 'speCial :District! given. Rae indudernenth offered.: App should name the Counties they wouh Agents Wanted also for oilier work priate to the times. ' , ! ! !daps of the Seat of War! Flag Enrel6pes and Paper, illiseellaneqz, etc ,supplied. 41ddrea , ' ' • GEO. W. EL .TO' - Harper's ri4iilding, Franklitit NE, Seven a ADVERTISE, So l id 11161 , , A P• A. =I MO ME 'e Con; nted to nted as no rob- rro 'ON. .taining OOHS 'Y Agts. will be plienntS prefer. appro- 8 Books, 1 , N. ? I been That 1m t , Their i ibefr s . I: : gent, taoers, I RAT than Em stock TS irerk • plate, and as Ousirefj lj. .ErA.DY, Pers. will( do li , . des' 6ell cited tof their . pei is old castor jean aitcl ezEitui ces. MEI ',87E8 tor,!ier . IiOT Couizin ink. and dot the 0 tY 1 MI EBBINS &CO. 'ed and vened nUy recei LEE BEST STOOK OP Drought to thiiittarket them sent sessfon- I I ock of , 8 MB ■ e very i ckmprises t I Lyles Ell i purchased MI CAS4 • i d they ofre, tficm at nduRE W.ER Os can bad at any Whet owu:• ° - Fictive in TICS I nes- hold dzeitt. Alt,' i 1 r aZitn()lL eervirt. tie artitie ailowifice see espbeitelly im their ptock, sad see I. 11 - EnrosoCazitatheiligmalbs an list initsite ILA of S.. St. Ifizrzs„ gamy tnmotir„ X. T., Iltatima brew =mod in . the. nelnitnisubpennon 'fib bless' semi estate 2nt wigoneal no palm& it, bens tap Mail* Arsiintien,:innt pasionn, crifingsnie some =re Inninnand Ito. a:rso.te hoc =raze perazeit to Whet. 1 3 ' RTy. - 1 567. 24, Store iwgm=l EN CHEAP °WWI To the FamfiestfirehUneera 600di at New 'York 'Woriptsee' --':.::-:-__:-.•,,..'.5--ALEIptilregiii`;.,;,,,.:'2- IT,O7KONS AS:eriKA.P Aft.e, AN .. ~ 4- .10T;TGliT:ii;'-w,Eu:,7hL,thz, C. '4.!::-1:3111/10..NS, OSIWAYO , Inwatoxi . • elves notice to the faiiilles of Volunteers that he will sell for OAM:4 - Goods atthiyhelieslo Prices in /few. York or Provisionsi acchatip as they can be bought in Wellsville. Good Extra FLOUR for $1.36- kir sitoit.. XI: for $1.60. . ,; • Good SHEETEMS from il-tO Good PRLNTS, warranted fast ealofrei trona Bta 10 eta. - • ' - Good TEA for 75 ets. SALERATIIS ter • Mt: CANDLES for 12 ctR SUGAR from It toi;2o Eft Good TWEED CLOTE for 18 cis. Good DkLAIIVLS front ITtio- 1$ di: kloOd DENI#S from 9_ia 13 ctit, Woman'i HIP SHOES fot 28 eta Ifiri And. all Goods in proportion. Re will , haftl constantly' on band a large stocky from which to select, ror all those who Wish to Save from 25 to 50 per cent, i',4?Tenlbir 29. ' A T LOLIVISTED 4' KELLY'S S _ _ TORE can raways be fovutd tha: boot of Coolgng, Box and Parlcrt $ : 17.0 ir--.E:S-. TIN and BRET4EON WARE, KETTLES.. SPIDERS, SPOTeII • BOWLS, FRYING-PANS, SAP=PANS,. and CAII - LrAg EONS. A tso, Agricultural Implement*, steh as PLOWS, - SCRAPERS,. CULTIlti= TORS,. CORN-SIIELLERS, LiORSERAKEIik .DOG-POWERS, &e. is well made arid the material good.. dood substantial KAYES-TROVGPiS put up-in ikrif part of the Gcntaty—Terms easy. Readi Pay of all kinds, ,ileluding Casb, seldom referred. Store on Ma a Street opposite the Old Court House ; Coudersport. Aug. 3 18.59.40 IVi A N 1-1. - 0 01, I'OW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just ptielted, in aseated ern-eloper rt OsTeNterure , TREATMENT, AND RADICAL Cu= 1- r SrentrATOttrillMA, or Seminal Weakness,aarz al Debility, I Nervousness and involuntary missions, prliducing Impotency,Consiiniption d Mental aril' Physical dehility.. ay noar. J. ctrivenwerz, If. tr., The important fact that the awful ednire cinences of self-abuse maybe effeetnally. eared without internal medicines or the dangerous applications of caustics, instruments, medics.. ted bougies, and other empirical &vise's, is lien dearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adop ted by the celebrated author frilly explained, by meaas of which every one is enabled to gore hirerseifperfecay, arid at the least pessi- ble cost, thereby avoiding all the ativestirrid nostrums of the day. This lecturewill.pfbff a boon to thousands and thou Sands.. - Sent under seal, in a plain enverope,to Itry address, post, paid, on ,the receipt of two 0214 age stamps, by addressing ' • Dr. CH. J. C. IiLERV„ 127 Bowery, lkrew York. P. O. bur 4.58 g. s& paruess f#op . ! MHZ rindersi,smeduoatd respectful4.-inforra A. The surrounding cornatanity that %a Irsa taken the roans formerly ate/pled by Jika S. Ilan.i",7* - Ltere tre is.prepared la do • . All kinds of Et*nesii Work on the shortest trotieex - LONG STRA' COLL&RIL • also kept enristatitTyroa band:. The:, ion's?* are a superiorarticle, artcl ittea but sttriel neurei bah- arta veal. .Repairing Aare tit good *tyre. Sarciugras, Martingale-rings, Banos - and Hanle stripe; Vie.; kept 'Colistahtly on kind. Th* patlic aft invireci to call and onsininni heeJie purchasing elsewhenr. S. P. 11:17111t. Cociferfixirt Oct. ItitEr, 1860. _ F"Wr l ar"Wallirr"7ranir 1 tie ki - • . war.; Beater, liatehen . rcAR stilt be feand str. the adi stand ea &- L../ tend Street where an Vic& of MIMI SWAT; cif the hestquality cm he had. . t Such as • ' SALT seerl FREZR POIM cortstzt RsEr„ Asti at tars& or. tritttAtitS, • Be crones arr Oka citizens of Cowin:Tan tot give Has a trial. Regg.,,heat sill be sold at the faantst Isek;4o- lElkaed- "-C-441 ma m ll ust be apautid air x 0 *ma pur chS matte. Nor- Il i DEM. • flp.:l3:3Toar. coeNT Plorits AXD POETS, _ will Lie gaged Lereaslet- at Me now e 6. E. A. MEDIUMS 41. CIL siatn.A large lot*t iresvivz C—c*Wal*M-liarde 26,41111. . lilt. JAYNES EMIT= ISZIFIcrus Sz• - _ No LEM. it wom-imixed . • iinirearte i r 1: - • ' sreaccar N W,Jr . dra..3 of Cee, ansur:rri-1 at =I ti* m;s,pg vaiet,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers