trgE 'POTTER. COUNTY JOURNAL te the only paper . ptibliehed in, Potter county, circulates among an intelligent class Of peo. and a thus an eicellent medium for both City and Country Advertising. Transient Advertisements and those from a distance must be Cash or bare responsible re faience. All co mmunications, to receive attention, j og be directed to the Editor, ,n nd contain the name of the writer. No attention pitid to Anonymous communications. • TElnlS.—One copy,one year, $1; Six copies $5 ; Tteelve copies, $lO ; Twenty topies, $lB, with one to the person raising the Club. The money must accompany_ the nautes. vour i ers port, Wednesday • Eve?:tiag, Oct. 15, 1381 ar New Goods at Stebbins'. Those desiring any Fall' or Winter Goods at Cash prices can be aeeommodated with the lateat styles. LITXURY.-7-D. B. De Land & Co.'s Chemical Saleratus is truly, a luxury, as it makes such nice white 'bread, htsuriotis biscuit and pastry of all hinds. Mis. Jones and Mrs. Smith atways use it, Which accounts for their being such wo; del cooks. Get some and try it for your yourselves. ts,,Quite a Timber of persons have promised us Wood on Subscription a we are in need of some and they would oblige; .us very mach by drawing it this week or nest. se-Those wishing to Club the Joint ; [ NAL with ifarper's Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, or I Godey's Lady's Book at *3.00 per annum, can do so by sending an the subscription money at an early day. Ladies of Coudersport and vi einty will give a Pic-Nic Supper to the lolunteers,ket the Court House on Sat urday' Afternoon at 4 o'clo4. - This is in tended to be general and all are invited to participate. DonationS i for the _table are solicited. The men of Capt. Jones' . Company expect to leave on .Monday, It ie not as yet full, some) twenty more 'men are needed to Make up the full cow . plemeut. Young wea of 'potter it is for you to say whether it be filled from our own county I Do not believe the lies of those who tell you that the couioauy Isis been raised fee mere speculation, and that atter you reach -Camp your Captain will leave jou and be appointed to some office under the Goreruntept, tivlule you will he put under a strange commander and treated like_slares; these / are base lies circulated by interested' persons for pri 1 4ate•cffect, or told by those who are in heart opposed t i e the suc4ss - of .the Gov ernment. ThoSe': wha have raised the 1 • against w • command are wen - hose elm:ma -1 ter nothing can be said that is, not consis tent with -bonei: The 2 . t en can expect to receive the, Very_ be treatinent — and as good food as Itnost will have if they re main at home through the winter. ' zs,The clothes of the soldiers who left with Majo'r KilbuuriL are at Glass mire's Hotel for I diettributh;u to the filends of the owners llWqhere has l been as yet no decisive 1 tuoverpent Of the Army at Washing‘ton. A report is in circulation of a fight; be tween a party of Rebels and Billy Wilson's Zouaves ia whiA the latter were worsted. No great loss on either Side. Fremont has not been stiirseded and it is thought will retain his coMmand. • Reports from the South show great suffering among all Classes for the summon necessaries of life, what provisions they did have were ;very expensive. j Repbrts have been • current for several days past that Gen. Banks has -crossed the Potomac, and even hard fighting is rumored ; but no such information had °facially reached Washington. Some of the nets of Fremont that need ed the name of the authorities at Wash ington to make them legal have ,heen made so by Secretary Cameron' who is now sojourning in .St. Louis. J. Richter Jones Regiment. To the' Citizens of Potter County: In. the pie - sent crisis of our affairs, I opine that the time for excitement and sensaiion is past, spread eagleism has „bad its day, and the patriotic men who now enlist do so from high and. , pure motives, based 'upon a candid statement of facts, and a true and honest desire to serve their country and families. In r& crafting men, which is the service on which . I am now. here,. my plan is 'always merely to state to a man honestly and fairly the nature of the service in which he ityabout to be engaged, and the char acter and standing of the company and regiment to which he is to be attached. If this snits him he will enlist, and if not I am at willing' that he Should day af home. Col. J. Richter Jones' Regiment, of Philadelphia, is different, in, tone from lI=NEE any _ono Avhieh has: lefi this State, both as regards the, dicers and men and the•or 4iniiation. It is con4oseif of ten coin * paniei of Infantry, lwo companies of Rifts Scouts and4battery pi artillery. The _officer's ,are `all men of social standing And military experience, and' the , design is to have this the crock reivimetiC of the 0 ;State. 1 • * The Rifle Companies are attached to this Regiment as scouts, and will be drill ed in he Rifleskirmish drill. The men • I are advanced in gro4s of four and are • separated as far apArt as,the nature of The ground and the fire may reqUire -. They are allowed , „to !take •advantage of uneven ground, fences, titump &e, and and load and fire kneeling, lying, down or as most convenient : . On theseacounts it is the service. be suited - to a true woodsman and h nte , or indeed to any one familiar with the rifle. Re has his cover and picks his man and is thus en abled to , do great execution. 'lf Charged by cavalry they retire upon the regiment and are supported by the artillery. The company and regiment are now encamp ed at Philadelphia by themselves, and wen taken to- the city are at once uni formed and placed in camp and their pay is started. The imen . receive their pay $l3 per month, regularly every two months besides then clothing, blankets, rations and medical attendance and a bounty of $lOO at the end of their enlist ment. If these indecementa are not suf. ficient it is impossible to receive any bet. ter ones in this state. Men from any pait of the country de -1 siring to enter this company and regi• talent as sharpshooters may report them selves at Glassinire•s Hotel, Coudersport. I shall leave id .a week from date and I in enlisting will he taken right through o the city and ,plaeed at once in camp. Good shots and' men accustomed to the woods arethe men wanted as scouts. . • Licht CECIL CLAY. Recruiting Sergeat.t. AUGUSTUS WILSON. Fortifications near Washington A getieral order recently issued by Gen. McClellan says : • XI. Tlie works In the vicinity of Washington are named as follows The work south of Hunting creek,Fort Lyon. • That on Shutor'i Hill, F.)rtgllsivorth , That to tie left of the Semiriary, Fort Worth. That in froul of Blanker's Brigade, Fort Blenker. ;• • , That :in front 'of Lee's house, Fort) Word. • .• That'near the mouth at. Four Mile creek, Furt .Scott.' . . , • That on Rlchardsou's Hill, Fort Rich ardson. That now known as Fart Albany, Fort Albany. That near the end of Long Bridge, Fort Runyon. ; . The work next on- the ,right of Fort Albany, Fort Craig. The work next; on the right Of Fart Craig, Fort Tillinghast; ' The work next on the right of Fort Til linghast, Fort 114inscy. The Work nest on the right of Fort Ramsey, Fort Woodbury. That next on the right of Fort Wood billy, Fort ; De Kalb. • ' The work in rear of Fort Corcoran and near the canal, Fort. Haggarty. • That now known as Fort Corcoran,Fort Corcoran. That to the north of Fort Corcoran Fort Bennett. That south of Chain Bridge on the height, Fort Ethan Allen. That near the Chair Bridge, or r t)he Leesburiroad, Fort Marcy. That on the cliff north o he Chain Bridge, Battery Martin Scott. That on the height near the reservoir, Battery Vermont. That near Georgetown, Battery Cam eron. That on the left of Tenanytown, Fort Gaines. That at Ten vania. That at Etnoi chusetts. • That near the camp of the Second Rhode TSland Regiment; Fort Slocum. That on Prospect Bill, near Modena ' burg, Fort Lincoln. . That next on the left of Fort Lincoln, Port Saratoga. That next on the left of Fort Saratoga, Fort Bunker Bill. That on the right of Gen.Sicklei camp, Fort Stanton. Tbat on the right of Fort Stantou l ,Fort Carroll. - ,That . on the left towards Bladensburg, Fort Grobie. . $25 I, XLII PLO Irßil T • ; $,75t• - - . • AGENTS .: WA NT ED: . :We _104; ply from $25 to $l5 per ' ; .montli, and all , expenses, to actrve• Agents, or - give a Partlenlars sent free. :Adilress Bata ...Sxwolo — lliclima COMPANY, R. 1111 6 . 8, Generalge4t, !Milan, Ohio; " an2lly • TAGGART—IiiEd is, , ors Ay morning', Oct. 10th, bythe Rev. C. Stipog, Air. _AL" S. IsIrMA.N of OssVayo,' aadj Miss 1111cdit TA.oomtr of Eulalia. Corrected every Wednesday by E. N. STEB BINS- %Cc BRO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provision's, opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, Condersport, Pa. Apples, green, bush., $ 371 to 621 do dried, " . 100 200 Beans, LI 1.00 150 Beeswax, 11 lb.. • 20 _25 Beef, . as • - 4 6 Berries, dried, 13 quart 6. 121 Buckwheat, 11. bush., - 44 50. Butter, 314 lb., • 10 12 Cheese, • " . . 7 ' 10 Corn, V blisb.; ' . . :75 88 Corn Meal, per cwt., l5O 200 Eggs, `l4 doz , • . lO Flour, extra, /4 bbl., 650 700 do superfine s' 550 600 Hams, 'lll lb., 121 15 Hay, la ton, , . 550 603 Honey, per lb., ' - 10 121 Lard. ei • 12 . • .15 Maple Sugar, per lb., , 8 12 Oats, `tl busb.,' . •30 33 Onions, " . 75 100 Pork, `l.l bbl., • ' 21 00 23 00 ' do `fl lb., ' . ' - 10 13 do. in whole hog, 11 lb., - 6 71 Potatoes, per bush., . 37} ' 50 Peaches, dried, la lb., 25 T'oultry, V,lb., i 6 7 Rye, per bush., ` - - 63 75 Sall, '134 bbl., ' - , 2.75 350 • do ef sack, 20 Trout, per i bbl.,- • 450 500 Wheat,. %1 bush., { 100 L 121 White Fish, `ll i bbl., • 450 500 GOODS . I ' Srr imam - ,s, ': 1 CHEAP READY-PAY. ' Coudersport. Ootobcr, 1860. " , LUCIEN BIRD, DEALER in PROVISIONS, , . GROCERIES, ' HARDWARE, • • DRY GOODS, , • Also, , 1 Ras been so fortunate as the servi ces 'of THOMAS J. BAKER, who is making and mending Boots and Shoes in ,his own unexceptionable style, with • GOOD STOCK. tet.,l•have concluded to sell only for • ,1 READY PAY, froth October 1, 1861. , 1 • itia„,Will buy Ashes,Hides,Pelts, and some Grains.. in.! Brookland t (formerly Ciishinpille.) Sept., 1861 !' órt Pennsyl Fort Missa Administiatorts Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters o.fjad ministrat'on on the estate of BEN t . T. I DOME, late of Sweden township, Potterpo. dec'd, have been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Potter county, to whom all debts due to said estate and claims ag4idst the same, must be presented for settl mentr. payment. • J. W. BIRD, Adair... Sweden, Sept. 2, 1861. 6t • . " THE UNION," ARCH STRHET, ABOVE Philadelph UPTON 8.. NEWCOMER,•Proprieitor. geimThis' Hotel is central, convenieu Passenger cars to all parts of the city, a. every partVular adapted to the wants ofd bUsinese public. 'Terms $1 50 per 'dey.lig • DIARRAppo PRICE CIIRRENT., NEW AT WILL BE SOLD FOR • -Notice. • ; letters, of. Administitition to r . the estate ""of At...1%,14 'O. -T..-I.OGART, late of the •county of P,Olter, deceased, have been.- gr,anted tp .tlje, suiiscritiers, all'perSous indebted to said estate ere requested to make !iiiiinedtate r . :4yrr:brit. and; those having Claiins ;against the nami , ,;i.lll presentsthera•duly ,theaticated for settieMent. • 1 . IPOLiLY ANNT TAGGART, JGIINT. _TAGGART, i,!. Aug. 21, 1.61. _ Administrators. A - YEWS • .„ ll FOR PURNYING TEE . 13;0011.. And for the speedy - cure of the following / complaint! . Scrottelaand Scrofulous Airec t ion s, such' ' I. as Tumors, 'Ulcers, Soies, :Eruptions, itiotches,T Roils, i. Blains, and alli Skin- Diseases. • _- bAELTAND, am 6th Jame; 'ES?. J. C. ArEl7.-.17 Co. Gents : I feel It any duty to at. knowledge what your', SersaParilla lhas done ; for Ind Slaving inherited a Scrolfuluus,htfectbna; 1 hare, suffered them ft in various ways fur yvars." Sometimes it burst oat', to lacers on etc lutuds!and :Waist; sonletimee it turned inward :and distressed at the stomach. Two years ago It broke out cla my head and covered my scalp and ears with tine Sere, which wan paltifutlind loathsome beyond discription. - I tried many ruttlicifiee and several physicians, but without much:relief (tom any thing. In Act, the disorder gran' Wpm. At length I trip. rejoiced to read In the Gospd Messenger. that you had: prepared an alterative (Fansiparin to, fort knew from your reputa tion that any thing yam made must; Ina g00d..1 sent to Cinclunati and got it, raid tistallit till It cured me. I took It, as you 'deltas, to small doses of ateaspoonful over a month, and used aliened three bottles. Nevrand healthy skin tom begun td firm under thelheab, which after d while fell off. )Iy skin' is now cleer,lamid I kuow by my feelings that the diseewi: has gone from my system. Yon can well believe that I feel a tot I unt saying when I tell you, that I hold you to be WIC , of "t hi apostles of the age, and remain ever graterulli. Yours, ; i ; ALFRED B. TALLEY. St. Anthony's V'ire. Rose or Erysipelas, Tatter and Salt 4 Rlaetint,' Scald illead, Ringssorna, Sore E.4•••eii, Dropsy:, - Dv. Robert PC Pablo Writes 'lron( Salem , 1 N. Y.,l2th 1859, that he' has cured an, inveterate case of !Dropsy, whichl threatened to ; terminate fatally, by the , persevering use of our Sarsaparilla, dud cdeo is;dangerous I.Morigaant xrlisipehri by largo doses of the,same; says 'he cures the commonlEruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitrd or Swelled Neck. Zebnlen Sloan of Sivisprct, Texas, Writes Three hot- ;ties of your Sampatilla cured Ille troy a Geftre— hid pouvswelling on the neck, which 1 had suffered from I over two years." Lencorrlicen or iiitites, Otarlati Tumor, 'Uterine tricerationt;.Pemale Diseases. Dr. J. IL S. Clianning,of Now YMI: City; writes; “I Most cheerfully comply-with request of your agent in saying I have found your &wan:l,6lM it mest'excellent ulteratire in the mitnereasi conirlaints for' which we .employ such aremedy; hint egpocially in Ratak Disease: 'of the Screfulens diathesis. I Imre ;mired Many larder.' ate eases of Let/corder= by 14 and same where the cam ' plaint was canstSl bylakeroti4n of the uterus. The ulcer , Won itself waxsoon wort]. Vend' g within my know/. edge equals It fur these female term gements." Edward S. Morrow. Of Nets:bury, 11x., writes, "A don• prow, nearidul hooey oii one t lie.temales my faintly, which lind tidied 411 the reMedies we could employ, has st length been completely mired by your Extract of Sar saparilla. Our .thought 'nothing bat extirpa tion could afford rcliel. Hint lie advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the hist Tenn t before cutting, andlt proved effectual. After taking your !remedy eight weeks ao symptom of the disease . • Syphilis nixd; aria.' Disease, „ . 1.7 2:?tii:41111t,(1950. DR. J. C. kraut Si, I cheerfully comply wi Ix the re- I. pest of your agent, antrreoort to yoirsomo Of he selects have realized with yotir Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, in try prartfce, most of the rim• plaints for which it in recommended, and Mire found its Weds truly wonderfni in the cure of 11:nei:Sal and Nen =rid Disease. One of my patients had ulcers n hie throat, which Were consuming. his palate and the top' ef his mouth. Yeur Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, :urea} ]tiro in Jive weeks. Another was attached by:Sec .3nd*ry symptoms in' hia over, and the nicer/Won, had eaten away a ronsiderable pttzt of it, so that I believe the disorder would soon/each his brain and kill bite. lint a yielded to my administration of ,your Sarsaparilla:, the ulcers healed, and he is .well'agaitt; net of purse without wind disfiguration to his face. A woman who had been treated for the ertmeldh.enter by mercury was suffering front this poison ill her bOnek. They liad'heColne So Sea slave to the weather that or a damp day She suffered ex n'uciating Vain in her joints and bones.. too, was :tired entirely by your thtriaparilla in few' weeks. !I know front its formula,' which your agent gave me, that this Preparation4ront :your laboratory Must he a great remedy; cone e tineatily,L Besot truly ; remarkable 'results with it have not surprised ' r • Ft slernally iours, 4 G. T.1.A.1t1n1211,11.7)..: Rheumatism, . Gott t, Liver Coniplalnt;; ii it CO., Ye.. COI July, h 50.1 C. A r Ek: Sit, h'itre been alllicied with pain ful chronic laeqinutiam for n long dine, Which baled the Atilt of physicians, and l.tliek 'to Ina lu spite of all the remedies I coithil find, until tried your Saratiparilla. Oils Dottie cured lne!;ill two weeks, and restelad toy general wealth so much rhut Ii run tar better than tietbre I wits ittacked. 1 think it a notiOtful medicine. :3: FItEAM. 'Jules Y. Geteltell, 'of St. Zonis. "T Ithxo been 'filleted for, years witli an !offt.Clant of , the. Liver, which Jemmy.) my lwal tit.; I tried 'every thing, and ererpaing felled to relieve me.; nod I Bove been a brolteottlOWYman for some years fronton) alit:l-cause than dcrent i vitetti it/ !he Liver... :tfy beloved; paator. the Bev. Mr.:Espy, advised me to try your SafsautMilltt,'lteeause be cold he knew you, and any think spit made wait %refill trying._ By the bless , lug or Boil Winos cure9l me,,,and lota FO purified toy blood as to niche a new loan. of 'me. I feel yOung again:' The best that can bei sold:of yen, is lint half looti enough:" I Schlrrne4Cancei Tumor/4 E itlargernent, incerntloii i , Cartes up.d,E foliation, of the Bon eB. A greet variety'or cases have later; re rted ;to us where, cures of titeso formitialtle complaint:4 11 try resulted from the use or tide tittatedy, but oar apace It tre will net admit them. Some of them may be foetid u 'our American Althatinc, %%Melt tigents belowtottu ed .uro pleusel"to furnish goads to in 'wile coil for th'em., I ' r bpi poi)Onllert .. Dp ea fie,s,' l ße [Up.' Iy, Dleldaiclioly v Nett Miaby remaritbie, curse of these ati.ctions linve been Imade by the alterative power of this m Heine. it stinnr. nttee the-vital innetidns into vierii - ous actioni and thus 3vereomes disoildera!which .weidd be so posed beyond its teach. Such niremedy bits long been qiiired by the tnr .teamilties of the peepte, and we urn,&mb. 'ant that this will to for them all ;tlint 'medicine Can do. Ayers I Cherry- ectoral, • l'pft THE RAND CUltn Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, llroischltis, Lack r •umptiooi,' and for , tit , of Coosumptive 'Pa I in advanced 'Eta?, of 'the.-Dlsease; This is a reedy no utilversollyhno n ( to surpass any other for the cure or throat and brug mmplaints, Mkt it is useless here to publish the evidence f its virtues.- Its unrivalled excellence, fur roughs and (olds, and its truly wonderful cures of 'pulmonary 4isea..,' have made it known throne-hone the eivilizecU mitt no of the earth,— Few aro the comminitiei, or even 1: 'lies, among theft who hare not sonkpersonal experie co of. its effects-. some living trophy'', iii their-midst of i • victory over the, subtle and dangerpos disorders of'the 'throat and lungs. As all know the dreadful eatalitY. of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this retnedy,we need not 10 more than to azure them that it hos now all the viz , tile* that it slid hale when making thMarres which, bare iron so strongly upon tho confidOco of Mankind. ; • Prepared by Dr. J. O. 411231 . dp CO., prwell,.Mase, Sold by. C. S.* E. Corlderspinl. Mann ;;"N. J. (Mei. burg ' • Colitell Lyman, Roulk A. Corey '4: Son, lilysses; A B; LlOrfon, and by'Dalers kene•Fally • • . ~ . . . NEW: *RIT:AN:t . IO 1/ F. NI": ; ''. , 3 . , • 1,..1., The unit eriiguecl : having ~.., " •7,7f:,_04; , just . leived a large - and - "'Alb well sel ctecl'sfockof, ' ... CLOCKS, WATCHEf a 31 - 1117P1R 7 11, ,;-- -% offers them for t sale at pr es that will com pare favorably! with thus/ Of any :city or town within 100 miles. - ;Ereti article a jewelry) and every style of 11:atchiS and •Claeks tisti-J, ally found in I.. l etail'Storerept coust.Cin'tly. on' hand, and warra.ntea to ' rtipreetecl.'—' Also, Beal's P4tent ilevol'Vers :kept n ;ban& add sold 1 . , II, • •. .. , , )girftepairing done good style and fair rates [Call and see me a't the Watch." ' s Coudersport, 1:1 L by :d in .tbo 30 cth".l,7ol';l, for which the • will be pdicl Adrirtisinif. . . • R. , bIMAIONS , Of -os.*4*o tins jtistreceired INze stink of:G . O,ODS cf' nil kir dam, such4s ! DRY-GOODS, ! %.1f)Oto.-. i ...GROCERIES; ' I i• 1.- - __ ", 1 ; lIVIDIVATIE; QUEti WARE, _ •' I'', , *: 1 ' :, • I -, • - CUTLtRY, PPOV,ISIONS;Isuch as i _ ', i - - • I •.. 1 FLOURS,I ' • - • •Iti.EATS, SUGA:IIIS, .: ~I .. •-• • • . • 1 I' c - ottE6. -'. • 1 • . 1 . TEASi. • ~ 1 I I, i ricr.s, ! . ':•i. L !I ' • ; ke.",'ke. 1 :Evervil Mg, in filet, - of. every kind,'Shape; and , 1 - form .11 at is fit for 'Wearing Eating, Drink'- , _, Ping, Sleeping upon, Looking at, or Smelling . 1 . , Wiil ' aj. the'; litgliest Pilot ,- for Wool,Shin 'gigs, i' l ~ in eiphange, Tart .GASLI, if cetesia , tr , , 1. I ry_ Will paybr Goo l ' d Shinales, :21 ofilliniA ,1 i. ' •, 1 '. - ',for Wool 25 toi3o its. ' or more if Wool should adrance. All , goodi as CHEAP; as can be 1 ;I i .1 1- , honghtlin the country.—July 17.,'61. • i•T A T,L; • • ! .01.AIS Sr. KELLY'S Tog catialst-ay.4 be found ithe :best of eobo kinDox rind Parlor ; • - • r r H - - Nr • Alio; TIN and SFIET-IRON WARE, POTS; - KETTLES, SPIDERS, 'SCOTCH- BOWLS, FRY,ING,TANS . , S . A.P-PANS, LOt. ; !. CAI:ILD RONSI .Also, . I l .. , .4ucti:c 4s PLOWS,I SOR.A.PER.Sd CULTIVA TORS,LCORN-SIIELLERS,( lIORSE-BARES, _DbO.,-POW,ERS, Sc. 1 ; .• . • THEIR WORK is w4llltuade and the material-god& Good and ul):s:takiat BAVES-TROUGSS:Put up Inany -part. l , Of; tb e- Conn tY, —Term Ca Sy.l Ready Pay of kinds, including, east), $61110113' • re.riiscd. on Atiln S,tteet opposite the Old ; Couit. fiodjel Coudersport. Aug, 1, 1859.-50 . S'i' - I - _MAN El 0 OI_). : - .OW LOSTi 11QW: RESTORED. : iiC I.hist iniblisbcd; in a 34.alect l e.nretope:. E, i ~„ US TIM NATCIF Var 4. -ritr..vr AND?. trucAt, CURE il.' Si , 4:3IA.TOBitIICCA, cir Seminal }S.eaktiess,:i - . ual} •Pebility,! Nervousness • ,yn.,l involuntary ,rnisSilons ; _pr'eidUcing impoteneyiCousuriiption ~a,leutal'ltis4l Pliy:ileal debility. - - • • , 1 • :, i IBY RUBY. J. CI.7LVEBWELY,,I 51 . D. The, inipor(int.fiiet that the rtwful. conse qn6nc'es of self-abnse ulaybe efiectually cured withoht internal medicines or the: dangerous appuations df caustics, instruments, Medica ted;lwingies, 'and other eiapirleal devises, is Mire i;learly demonstrated, e.nd 'the entirely u ye, and highly sticc.,,ssful tr'eA.tiiitilt, as adop ted 14 the 'celebrated author l'tilly explained, by; "deans or whiclt 1 everYlo i rte js enabled to curb himself 'perfectly, and itylthe least, possi ble leds.t, thereby avUidiag all,, .he advertised misfrums of ti..... day. Thri.4 - tare re will prove a Ip4o i ti to thduiands and th . o.otrid3. !Sent under seal, in l i t plain eiivelcpe,to any ol,ilr 'ss, post ;pail ; on , he: receipt, of two ,ges auips;by atidre.4 - in•li, ': • . • ii , -l , fin. Cil. J. O. ELINFI, 127.' i liovvery";, New \ - ,,frk.' .P. 0. bus 4. 58.6. , SOFFIFIIING FOR 'TLI rri)iEs: NECESSITY IN EVERY OUSEIIOLD , ..J9UNSM: CRLISL,Ey'S • ' Cemp4t Glue, .The stinugest Glue. in the Wudd • Cont'erttittg, O'ccoc?; Leil%ter, 67ass. ! ijory;. Chiga i Puecelain T . L ' l Aiaster, 89116, CqJ*7, etc. - tlbc only a"rticln of the . ever•produe ~ed %thief). still withsiabd Water. t • ; .j - •Exru.te;ra;; • •• ! , / r e ry housekeeper...sbnutd have a supply of :tohns Crusley's .Aniericau cement, Glue , " 4-..-.V4 , e. , 1'0r.171 Timer. • • 'itt is so cionveuient tO liave;in house." .rork Erpresl. is always read-; this co,rainendi it 'to -1•61h0dy."1,-;21; ; ' have tried it, and tind as useful in iurlpuse a's %eaten"— Timer CenlA der Bottle. Versi,liberallralletions to k l cholesale Dealers: ;•, •• ' Mt:4n Ps ! . sale bymll Proggicts anti Store 4eejlers genbrally throt4h6titthe country. ,! 1:f JOHNS ; 1 / 4 : (2110.E.E17, • !_!1 • (Solo.Marnifacturers.),; . • 1 . 8 William StrO, ..Nese Ypik. I.C'orner of Liberty Strect.)l' • j i ; j'.9ly , ; I "AGII.:NI'SNtiTAINTE, D • i In all Parts ontlin , Conntry • . To obtain Saliscribers for_ ; Plctorll4 Fleld7Booli for lionieseness, lent. Con. • Relief lents 4111ERICAN RE' VOLUTION. In: Two Volumes Royal octavo, containin , upward cif . H. 1500 Pages and 1100 Reautiful-Illastrations. `Pais work will b 2. sold r:xcliiiively Uy Agts. imeh of 11.11 om tispecial District will -be ,tyon. Rarelud j wcements offered_ Applicants :sliciOld name the Countlesirid . 3-; would prefer. Agents wanted also for othcr works appro pridte to tlie ", 1., .. i . Maps of the Seat 'of Wit! Fltt,p Envelevs and I**!;.,ifir•ollancousßboks, etc-,inipplied. --Iddres3 - j • ..JtJ • ' G F O. W. , ELLIOTT; Nrper's 13uilding, Fr4nkliniSqtiare, N. Y. iniß. JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDIULNES for sale t 4 4400 LIIS.-'or wanted immediately CI at , ' STEBBINS' s i•p .11 tittso. . rpFIE undersigned Ix °phi Irespectfully inform the surrounding criminality that he has niken the .rooms formerly' oienpied by John wher r e he is prepared to do An - or Harness Work oil the shortest'notice. l . I LON,G§TiAW COLLARS, ' also kept ci - Instantly'on hand) These collars nreja.supecibri rtiele, q:od ,nerct but a, trial to inas`nre theirisuFeess., I?rpnirpig done in ; good Kyle.' • :..4ureingTe3, )fartingale-rings, Mimes, and I'iiiue strap?; kc., kept coristabtly on' hnnd. he public . are invited to call and exatnin4 before purchasing else*Lerej I I I rI 311 N AR. -, ,Coudersport I Oct. '1860.j. snort in sip . of the "Big H. W4RRINER. OcilD" wanted at :Office, immediately, guest :Market Price ;Subscriptions and :Lb.., &Dui -476 nal., I Only paper In ttle cwzr,ty. ISEI P,...N.i5T.13131NS Sc BRO They go right to ,the Spot Aslant !Idle! . Stop your Cough 1 • - Purify vvirt 'Brtailt F Stren,9th,en . your Volce Spalding's THROAT CONFECTIOIN:B , - '_. - On • • GOOD FOR ,CLERGYMEN.. : - GOOD FOR LECTURERS, • '• GOOD FORSPEAKER, . . GOOD FOR SINGERS, 1 - t •• : - :GOOD FOR CONSUII.I"T TI S. • 1 GENTLiudr , caknr, SPALDI\G'S THio a,T tgSOCTION.S. LADIES +ii . CMiLIpIITED, \TITS/ SPAtDING'S THRON COTf'ECTfONB. . cttipttnEx city ron . SPALDTNG'B 11111bAT OFFECTIONIL They relieie a Cortgh instantly. They clear the Throat. • They 00.stringth and volume to ficeirio . t. They impart a delicious aroma to the. bread They are delightful to the taste." They are made of simple herbj And can Sel harar - any One. I advise every one whO has a Cough or si Husky Voice or a Bad Breath, or any difficul ty of the Throat, to get a Package of my Throlii Confections, they will relieve you and - you will agree With me that they. gonghL to the &poi''. find the:tki very naefpt and plehsant while tra - Cellrig or atteiaaingpuli:- lic meetings for stilling your Cough or allay! ing your throttt, - If you try one par.kitgellana safe is saying that ;ilia Will' ever afterward/ consider theni indiiriensible. Tod Will find them at the Diuggists and Dealers in 31.aftitine PRICE TWENTY-PIVE CENTS: My signature is on eaell pnekture: A.Rbtlieri are counterfeit. • , . A Package will be sent .byaail, pre paidi on'receipt of ThirtfCents. ' Address; HEIN'Rt C. SPALDISdi ) auti rio.?,.S Cedar street, New-YO.k. "sai ontiotta' - iniaiionianisioaitoi L trii:: CEPHALIC Pit -S1 r .1_ 81oz HEADACEEbi CURE . NERVOUS READACHE C I CURE• Alit KINDS OF HEADACHE BY the . * ofthese Pills tile periodic attack• of Nervous Pr Sick headache May. be. prereni ed; and if taken : at the cotiltrtede . eiliatit cf set attack inaniedlate relief froth Valk nud sic ness will lie obtained. They seldom fail in Tempting the lauiea and Ileadat'lle to which. females are so 3ui:; ject. They act gently ti ing Cosavvicis. on the bon-els ---romot-; Students; ,Delicate re: s of sedeiatary they ii For Li.terary 316 n, .miles, and all pereoz are .valuable as a La, at4v, 'reproVihk the rigor to the digestive to natural elasticity bud petite, gUlag tone an. guns, and restoring sereargth of the wlicile i:.‘stern The CEPIIALIt; PILLS-are the result of long Investigation and Carefully conducted ei: peritnents : having heen in use ; many years; . durit! which time they hai-e prevented and relieved a vastamount of pain and suffering from Ileadacj.te; rbether originating in thii ve,reorrayritin or from n derang,t;cl state of the They are entliely vegetable in iheircotitrio= sition, add inny 'e taken at all times with per= feet safety *lift ut tnaking any change of dl.; et, and the abse cc at any 'disagreeable taste reii•Z dcrs it easy to aei linister-theiw to children: DEWAR. OF COUNTERFEITS The geduine have five signatures of Henry C: Spalding on each BoX. Sold by Druggists.aud all other DetilsrA id Medicines. • A Box will be Gent by mail prepaid on re=" ceipt of the • CENTS; All orders should be addressed to HENRY 0., SPALDING; 48 Cedar Street, Ne:v-York; • • THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMEIITS SPALDING'S CE PHA LIC FILLS; . WILL CONVINCE RUM SUFFER Frani HE ADACI-LE! ` THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE Cffitli IS WITHIN THEIR REACII rie., A single i bottle of SPALDING'S PREP PARED GLUE will save ten tithe - • its cost SPALDING'S PREPARED GLZE it SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUic t `srALDtcCt!s PREPARED GLUE 1 . , SI*E'TIIE PIECES! ECONOMt! , • DISPATCh Snrcir IN TIME SWES :As accidents.will happen, even in ivell reg ulated families, P. is very desirable to litite some cheap and convenient way furxepairiUg Ftirniture, Toys, Crockery, Sc. • SPALDINWS PREPAREb GLUE meets all such emergencies. mid no householff• can afford to he. without it. • It is alWayf ready ; and up to the sticking.poini.. "USEFUIJ IN EVERY I/OUSE.'! , . N. 8.--A BruOh accompanies each B.ottTe: Price, 2.5: cents. I Address, • lITENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAR Street s Neir-Ytitli-.. I ;CAUTION As certain nnPrincipled petzOns ing to, p:lnct'' otfl on the unsuspecting .phblie, imitations of niyi PREP:kr:Tat GLUE - , I %%null enutioti nI persons, to exemino hefure purehas, ipg, and Eel) that the full name,- - tEr SPALDING'S PREPARED GLl i T,„ktvi (1, .„ i 3 on the outside wrapjcd; 1 (,:net. op!! , counterfits.• 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers