0 = TEI - - - 11.EROpS 91' PEACE THE: H-rtoEs,+ OP WAIT. PIIOTOGRAPII EC PO ilTrtirrs, Cardsize,on Bristol hoard suitable for :Albums PUBLISTIF:D o SOLD B 1" E. ANTHONY, octa Bro,advrdy, New 13y_ special nrra meat ,we publish •in nild- tion to other portraits the cthbratea_collectioA well known both in:Europe and Arperina h 4 _ftradOt National Thotograpitic PortraitGalleitt, Brzttly's.collection:ofimperial Photographs is : justly considered one of. the lions of No* York, and in ,the Photographic reproductitins of thesc'every centre table' can now have an additional attraction in a• miniature. Brady's -allery. .Aoug our publications arc; " • 4 _Amour ltbraliam LincOln, jafferson Davis, ;•;. , )fitunibal Hamlin, - Lady Davis, Wm. Li... Seward, Ale - .V. If. Stephens, FiSaltion'T.:;Chttsc," . .Rolit. J..Toonibs, . :Simon Cameron, Howell Cobb, - - Montgomery:Blair, - Henry A. Wise, • T rd slates, . . John T.vler,; , -;,_ , - i'faipn Wells; • .-: ' ' G'en'lr BA\ureiard, 1. 41E , 4 _ 4.. deb F. Stnitkr_ „ .:.Perel• Lee, : , 43 n'l Scotty'' . - John,B. V-layd,' .. - ilol.,Robt. :Anderson, JacOb TheimPsOn; Ifiqor Sletimet,. , P.4N. Thomas, ' •4411',.11ifswortli, :• . • John C. Breckinridgp, Oen'l Butler, • Go John Letcheri Maasfield, , John Bell, . - Joh» C. Calhoun, • Ifenchell V. Johnion, L. G. Wi,gfall, Ben Me 14faury, Cot. Lan*, Stephen. Donglas; Maj. Gen. John Maj. Gen. -N[P;d3unkg, henry ocher, Oliver .Weridell•Holmes, Horace, Ofeeley, Prof. Morse, James Gordon Bennetti,William : . (I.l3ryant,Washington Irving, Henry diowlaeltson,CoinniodurePurry,Dr.E.K.liane, —John J. A udubon, Mrs. Sigourney ' Hrs. Geu'l Gaines,Chas.Sumner,Gov.AndrewJ.J.Critten •i lea, Prince of; Wales, Duxe of • I‘ewcastle Z. .dhary Titylor;Georn . ' e Bancroft, Lathrop LA.fot 'LiY,Stiiii:Houston,J.'ci. Adams, limey on Eth •iiidge, Andrew "Johnson, :Parson 13rownlow. Browidow's" heroic; daughter, together with atrinit,soo others, -to whicli, additions are ac ing made daily.. Catalogue oa receipt of stamp, ('leer•, OP PorattArrs $3 ?En DOZBS. Owl b'e stud ki t naa 11.41.1iLtatlepS may be made iu .postmge staml)s.. r Also coVectiou or Phologtaplis of Eiu•rjiieo:u, Emperors, 'Kings, 31.arsha Is, Generals, Du:;.es.Lortis..l.lt jhers, A.ctors, Actrei..sci. - , Politicians and Cler , gy. - Price, 25 to 50 cents each, according , to 3italto.i Oar estribihtlonttat also hea+l•ry arters for 1'.11(..11:0t3..il.11.1110 both as agent of the best 'French tmtneactu rer, and as manufacturer under a patent of our own We have a large asiortment, yaryi jug, in price front SO eauls,to $5O, and holding 1f ..nn 'l2 portraits up to $.6 )0. Also folding easeA.ormorrucco or cloth for the pocket, to 'hold 2, 4 q, 3, or 12 portraits, Also vaii:ms styles of framing card portraits, of carved wood, metal, paper, composition, ettf., of ele plat ant tasteful photographers now in the field are daily ndin..t• us_ _ _ CAMP SCENRS TUE PRESENT \VAR Rol views or points niLl things of interest. both card size, for httin!s..itn4 in stereoscopic ibrrn. As 'for .356' h rIl ar.nn Calderon—ln the Trenchns-_-Cookin! , their \loals---The Gyinn tsts—The Junction— Delinonie.i's- - --Lanra Keane's- -G.nteral Street Views of the,Onnin, etc. ( Also the Relay liourae god camp scenes amt- scenery iherealiont: A iso U.trper's Ferry her; ire and ,ifief the scenes of riestrdction. Togethrir frith rariors °the: places of note. Carl cents. each, Ste reoscopic 33, cent;. Parties who would like a lot of the :se camp seines to select from—the balance to bo re turned in good order at their • own espen - se, and without dclay—can be itccoututodate,ilnn giving proper New arfirk referene;!, • STEILEOSCOrES AND vimvs. Our est • tbli;L+ucnt i . ~ the grlgitt 6 , rap9;:l Sir everything in the stereoseopie tine :tea oar . 41. 4 sortcucut is the most complete prohAbly of any IA the world. Tip; Srloscrlpe IS the most I:i.sqrvcrivi.:ater e4tim,enterlabling, antu,xinj and excilina of Mod ern 1 . 6 Vet] 11011 S. None are too young, none too Old, none too non ton uneducated, to aeknow led:re its worth and beauty. - 1u home is complete xvithout ir, and it wi'l and must. penetrate everywhere. I t pre- t ents to your view every part of the avinli in all the'rellef,,bol loess, perspective nod Sharpness of detail, aS if rod were on the ispct. We have an iminen 3C variety, of views ct , ee:tes in Paris, London,. lingiund, Scotland,. 'Hand, Wales, France, Belgium, -Holland Switzerland, Spain, The Rhine, Ve.sailits, St Cloud; Fontainblctan, Tniljeries[ltaly, Turkey,. Egvllt; Atlitms, the Holy .Lanrt,'=Cliina,'•lnlia. Crystal Palace, also Groups Histe;rical, emu sit,g,:tnarriage scenes, breakfast scenes, pie 7 ores. 'statuary, etc:; etc. .-An erquiTile ,a.swort twat of !'laminated i0)..1 of Palaces, Char . - Cites uttd Cathedrals, n i F r a_nce, ete , ete The effect of these illuminated views is most remarkable. .' . Insigntaneouq Stereoscopic Vietvs arc the latest Photographic wonder. They are taken in the fortieth part of a 'second, and :everything, no matter, • bow rapidly it may be moving, i s depicted as' sharply and,tlistinc i t.ly a; if it ad bemperfectlyat rest : . This givet an additional value. for Co the beautiei. of in annn tte nature it adds the charm df life and Motion. The process is a discovery of our own. and - being unknown in Europe, we re ceive large orders from London and Paris for e , Anthohy s Instantaneous. Views of Auterican and scenery. Onr Catalogue of subjects and prices will be forwarded to any address en-receipt of stamp Parties atfa 'distance sending us $335.510. ' Sl3, $2O, or S2l,'can have a good instrument tO.d such pictures as they may request. sent by Exiwtri3, , Views, alone (without instru ment) eau be sent by mlit. E. Ant bony, „ 141-Broadway; .New y doors south of St. Nicholas' lintel,) - ImporOr nil Manufacturer of Photographic :\laterials,Stereoseopes and StereoscupicViews le,..„Merchants from evere t :section of . t.he -country ere respectfully invited to make an examination of our stock. To Photographers. Our Bulletin of Photo graphic Invention and Improvement will be . scut to any address on application. • [Cut this out for futarp gOTHEItS, /-,1 extract from a letter written by the:pastor : of 13aptist Chinch to the "Journal and Mes senger," Cincinnati. Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine- 7 - MRS. W:r.riLOVS Soornzxe SVILOP FOtt CLUE.- MIEN 'NETTING: We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. 'Wi l mslow's Sootjaing Syrup. Novi wo never said a word in favor of a patent Medi , eine'Veforein our life, het . ' we f7 -el compelled, to say to your readers, that thi.4 is no humbug ws'itAvs mum" IT, AND 'KNOW IT TO DE ALL IT 'CLAMS, , It is: prOlY11117; one of the most sue '.:Cessfni medicines of the-day. beeatice it la:One of the best.. And 'those pf yo,ur readers xv.ho have babies can't do Vetter than to lay to -a sonar." ' GATILARTIO Aro you sick, - feeble, and complaining? Aso you out of order, .whir Jour , system de ranged, and your feelingsno coni fertablet These:• limp tones are often the prelude to - serious illness. — Some fit of sickness Is creeping upon you, and should be averted. by a timely use of the right rem.' eily e Take Ayer's; Sills, and cleanse out the disordered ha snore--; purify, , the blood, and let the Ilnids more !on unob. stnicted in healthagain. They stimulate the (auctions of the, body into vigorous as purify the system from thet ohetructions which make' disease. A cold , settles somewere In the body, and ob strnets its natant!' functions .? ' These, if not . relieved, react upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro during general • aggravallon,i suffering, nod; .dia.cam While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements, take,Ayee's Pills, and see how, directly, they restore the natural action ofllio System, and with it the• buoyant feeling of health again. 'Whelks true and' so apparent in this trivial and common complaint, Is also true in many of thedeep-seateel and dangerous dbitemPers. Tine Same purgative effect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc glens-and derangements of-the natural functions of the body, they are rapidly; end many of them surely, cured, by the same tenons. None who know the virtue of these Pills, will neglect to employ . theua when suffering from the disorders they cure. • . Statements • from leading physicians •in some of- tier principal titles,:and from other, well known public per • • , Finn: - a .Fbrwarding 21erchan4q St. Louis, A& 4, 185,3. . Dn. AYER.. Your Pills aro the paragon of oh that Is prat in medicine. They have !cured my little daughter or ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved Incurable for yearif. tier mother has been, long griev ously afflicted with blotches and pimples on her skin and In her hair. After our, child 'was cured, she also tried your Pills, and they hove cured her. - F ASA: 310REIDIDGE. Asa Family Plkysiil. I • ." . 5-ant. Do. E. 1V Cartuitight, .11 - eini weans. -Your-.Pills aro the prlnee of purges. Their excellent palitles surpass any cathartic we possess. , They are road, but very certain anti etr.•etual in their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluable to us in the daily treatment of disease. - .-. , • goallacike t nektle:itlaOte,Vonl. gtismach. • Front Dr. Edemirti Lloyd, Ihdlintore. • Di:Ann::l. AY en: I cannot answer you what complaints I hare vire , / with your Pills better than to say iltthat we trey Lead with a purgative medicine. I place great depeu- Jon o'on an eili,elnal cathartic in my daily contest with lisr•wo, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us the hot we have, I of course value them highly. . Prrisouno, Mayl, 1815. Da: J. C. ATER: Sir: T born been repeatedly cured of the worst hetulache any body:ran have by a (hind' or two )f your Pills. It seems to driso 'from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. t —Yours with great respect, ED. W. PE.EDLE, • , Clerk a/' Steamer clarion. Bilious Disorders—Liver Complaints. From Dr. Theodore 14, el Niqo lin* CO Not only aro your Pitts admirably adapted tolhoir pur p.vs,e tta an aperient. but I find their beneficial effects upon the Liver.very marked indeed. They have In may prac tice prot'ed more effectual for the cure of thlinics cam. rdeints than any one remedy L can .1 sincerely rejoice that we have at length! a purgative which is wor thy the confidence of the prof4esiou and the people. • DEPART.IIE;ST. OP POE D./Tv:ion, ' Washington; D. C., 7th Feb., 1856. Dm: I have used your rills in my general and hospital pnictice ever since you wadi them, and cannot hesitate to say they aro the best cathartic we employ. 'Their regu lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ: Indeed, I have seldom found. a case of bilious disease so citistiu . ute that It did not readily yield to them. Fraternally yours, i AI.ONT.t.) BALI., al. D., , rOgsicion of the Nalilie Hospital. • I,Dystentery, rOarrlacett, Relax, Alltorms. 1 Yinot ith J. G. Giieen, of Chicago. ' i Your Pills have had a lonettial In my practice, and I Laida them in esteem as oneor the best aperients / have ever found. Their alterative 'effect upon the liver Makes them an excellent remedy, when kiven in strain doses for perms dysentery and diarrlicea, Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable 'and convenient for the use of women and children. ,Dyspepsia t impurlty of the Blood. From Ikv..T. V". Mazes, rastdr of Advent Clairei, Boston. Pn...elmi: I have used your Pills whit extraordinary iuccebs in my family and Meant; these I ant called to visit In distress: To regulate dap organs. of digestion and purify the blood, they are the very best remedy I have over kriown, and I cau confidently recommend them to my friends. , years, J. -V. MMES. Wsussw, Wyoming do., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1655, I) rim Sm: I am using-youriCalbartic Pills In my prac tice, and find them no pxcelleUt purgative. to cleanse the uysteut and purify Me 'firunliiins or (lie Unroli aouN cf. 11EACIIASI, Constipation, ContlyenessiSnppresslon, /theuntottgot.aout, Neuralgitti Drop— sy, Paralysis, Fits 4 etc. Essays Dr. .1. .1: Ibuyint, .11.,utreul,'Cunacta. Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the care of port iveness. If others of our fraternity have found as efficacious as I hare, they Should Join me In proelaiiii 7 lug it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer front that complaint, which, although bad enough In itself, is, the progenitor of others that are Worse. 1; believe cos. tiveness to originate in the livbr, but your Pills affect that. organ and cure the disease. PM7/1 Mrs. E. STuirrtr, Physician and Midwife, I find one or two large doses of your Pills, taken at the proper time, are excellent promotives of the natural UM , pon w hen wholly er partially suppressed, and also very eirectind to &alms the stomach and expel 10,11,13. They ere so nitati-the best physifitsAffire that I recommend !no other to toy patients. :gout Me . Per, Dr. - Ltatokes, it The dl hodisl Lit's. Church. Pln,l2Kl MINE. Sala nn , Ga...lan. 6, 1850. Ifeyourn Sin: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to yea, A cold settled in my limbs and brought on exern 'elating neural,* pains,lihich elided in chronic rhern/la• lis7ll. Notwithstanding I had the best of physicians, the disease grew worse and worse, until by the advice of your excellent agent in lleitimore,Tr.lifackenzie,y tried your Their effects were slow.; but sore. Dyorsereriug In the use of them, 1 not now entirely well. SENATE CITAirBED, Baton Tionge, TA" 5 Dee. 185 . 6. Da. Area: T bare Leon entirely cured, by your Pills, of Gent—n painful disease that hail' afflicted me ',for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. Nest of Mil' Pftte io market contain . 3fercury, initial, although a valuable remedy in aftlirol hands, to idongerous in 'public ,pilN from the dreadful cense quences that fro - moony foam its incautious use. Thaso ;contain no mercury or mineral enbstance whatever. Price, 25 cents per 139 x, or 5 Boxissifor $l. Prepared by Dr. J. C.'AYEB & CO., LoTell, Hai& Sold by C. S.'& E. 4. Jones, CeSdersport tNiann & Nichols, Millport N. J. Mills. Coles bur, • Colwell & Ljunah, Roulet ; A. Corey & Son, Ulysses ; A. B. Horton, Cusfiingville ; :and by Dealer's a•eneraliy TUL POTTER .4TOURNA I'UBLISIIED' BT • Itle.i.larney, - Proprietor. $1.0.) PER YEAR, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. *** Devoted to the elms° of Republicanism, the interests of Agriculture, the advancement of Education, and the best good of Potter 'county., Owning no guide except that of !Principle. it will endbayeeto aid in'-the work 'of more' fully Freedomi'zing our Country. Arrreattsca&ENTs inserted at the ,following rates, except where speoial bargains are made : I Square [lO lines] 1 insertion, - - • 50 t; u 3 I $1 50 , each subsequent insertion less than 13, 25 I Square three months,' 2 50 1 t 0 'six ' " , 4 00 t " nine " 550 1 • " one ; year, I 600 1 Column six 'months; , ' 20 00 V " 1-- - - 10 00 . f '. 7 00 '1 " per year. . 40 00 " " , ". 4 - ---- zo oo Administrator's or Executor's Notice, 200 Business Cards, 8 lint 4. or fCss, per year 5 00 Special and Editorial NOtiees, pe.. line, . 10 ^All.transient advertisements must be 'paid in advance, and no notice will be taken of advertisements front a distance, tinleig they are accompanied by the money or satisfactory !rerirence... - - ter Blalsks; and Job Work - of at ' ttudifd to promptly and faithfully, AYER!S YO . , '• • I F .: FOR A MOMENT, rip, YOU -PLEASE. -T R.StTi3S6B.IBER, has just received a tie* e* shack or - DESIRABLE co t 0 i . It 5 Diiect from New York, consisting of - DRY GOODS, GROCE. RIES of'a I kinds, , HARDWARE, CROCK 'ERY, BOOTS &SHOES, HATS .& CAPS., latest .styles. READY -MADE ; ;CLOTHING, DOMES- " '":TICS;-such as SHEET ;INGS, xicEs s 'BATTS, sbort; all kinds of goods nattily kept NO. 1 COUNTRY STORE. All, of which will be sold very low for ^ D I The atiove4narned stock Goode is now open and for eale at the . New Bric k Store near Canfield's Flouring . Mill,. a few rods east of the Alle'ghany Bridge, - IN COUDERSPORT, where the.proprietor would be plewed to re ceive calls; from his old customers and as ma-. ny new ones as feel disposed to The: market price paid for all kinds of FARMERS' PRODUCE in exchange for Merchandise. COLLINS SMITH, Condersrort, Jan. 2,1861.-15-6 mo. Alain above Thitd COUIDERS-PORT, PA. W. MANN, PROPRIETOR. • • 800 KS, MAPS, GLOBES,' BLANKS— - POCKETS— LEDGERS— DAY-BOOKS--; . • . RECEIPT-BOOKS; 3IEMORANDUMS, PASS-BOOKS, : (DIARIRS, • PORT,FOL,IOS, • ' HERBARIUMS, LETTER-BOOKS & INVOICE-BOOK& Greek,. Latin, French and German Text- Books: All School Books used in the County kept on hand, or immediately procured when deSired Magazines or any Periodicals supplied when desired.: A .goOd 'assortment of Paper, Envelopes, Pens -and Inks. Also, of Wall-Papers, Draw ing Materials, Water Colors, &c. • BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, PR - AYER & EIYMN BOOKS, of various kinds. • MUSIC-BOOKS AND SHEET-MUSICS Slate, Rulers, Back-Gammon Boards Chess Men, 3cc. 4 PRODUCE of all kinds taken in exchange for ,Books, &c. [ll-34] • E. /Lath 634, No. 501 Broadway, New York, is now publishing, in addition to other por traits, the celebrated collection known in Eu rope and America as • Brady'ePational.Phatagraphie Portrait Gallery, in which; is included Portraits °finery all the prominent men of America, not emcepthag Jeff Doris, Gen Beauregard, Floyd; and a host of other confederates. Price of Portraiti, $3,00 per dozen. Can be sent , by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published, card size, and in Sterencopic form. Also, Stereoscopic views of scenes in Paris, Lon d on, and in. other parts of England and France, in Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Holland, Switzer land, Spain, on the .Riline, ia Athens, Egypt, Turkey, ,the Holy. Land, China, India, Cuba, &c:, Ike.; ad infinitum. • Our InOnntarikms Stereoscopic. Views are The Greatest Wonder of the Age, These are taken in the fortieth parfefa second and the rushing of water,the moving of leaves: or the march of an army, does not in the least affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of Stereoscopes, Photo graphic Albums, and Photographic liateriats in the United . States, and perhaps in the world Catalogues, containing Bits of all our Por traits, Views, Stereoscopes, &c., sent tree by mail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, . ,jyly near St. Nicholas Bowl, New York. BLANKS of all kinds for sale at this-Office Deeds : Warrants, Executions, Summons, Snbpcenas, Constable Sales, Township and School Orders, Notes of all kinds—kept on hand and printed to order. JOB WORK at tended to promptly, and at prices to suit the times Give us a trial. The Rochester Straw-Cutter. OLMSTED. k KELLY, Coudersport, have the exclusive agency for this celebrated =clime, in this county. It is covenient, du rable, and CHEAP. Dec: I, 1860,42 1 ADVERTISE in the JoreiNAL I It is theOn , ;. ly paper, in Potter county, and is a good medium through which to reach the people,of all districts #i':"ATTENTION!. Rlgif DEAL WITH HIM THE frEROES D OF PEACE\ TIIE, UEROES - OF WAF. ADVERTISE: Anpleauw— ---'r:.- ' every conceivable case..'. , r ! r ! Etas been in all maladien-in Iwitich, stjais been tried, it has proVeiVabsolutel'y",enrative ka in each of the following CoMple: 'li r vipi, ! ,., ; In Debility, Nervous Affeettons; nsfatbMe, Dy.ttptpeiti, Constipation; Diarrh _ iDyseniery, Incipient Consumption, Scrofulous, .. herzflo 3l :3, . [Salt Rheum, Mismenstruation; 11 7 7tifi4 ,Ch 1,044, Liver Complaints; Chronic ,`Yeaddelies; Melilla limn, Intermittent Feticia, - , Pimples,Oti_,OS".face, i In eases of General ,Debility,' , hetber, the result of acute disease ; or of the c otto lied di miputionlof nervous ,., rinse Tar energy fromchrOnic complaints, one trig Of. this,rets torative has roved saccessful to!' ran extent which ,no description nor pi rittenrattestation would xotider credible.,; invalids .#o long*A rkdden es to have become forg'otben ,in "their own. aeighborhoods; !have,' suddeilly!!!reLap peared in the busk iviirld as if'est Warned frpio, protracted !travel' 1a a distant land... Some very signal instances' of, 00 kind are attested to female Sufferers, emaciated !victims of apparent rataismuS,laangnineous exbaus r tion, critical chrMges, :end that, complication of nervous anal despepttc 'aversion, to air, "and exercise for whiCh the:physicianhas no name. '.ln Nervous AffectioaS of all kinds, and for .reasons familiar to:medical men, the operatien of this preparation of iron, mustl necesiarily be salutary, for unlike the old _oxide, it isvig oreusty tonic without being ! exciting and overheating; and_ gently, regulali .aperient even in the most obstinate! , case.!!:of costive ness without ever being a ;gastric ,purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable; sensation. • , t inn It is this latter property, ong others, which makes it so remarkable elfectual ! and permanent a' remedy for Pitts, upcai which it, also appears to exert a distinct end specific action, by dispersing the, local tendency which forrns them.' 1 ; • ! ' _ :.• !! • I _ In Dyspepsia, innuMerable as are its causes a single box Of these Chalybeatel'ilis has' iaf ten sufficed for the Most habitual •cases,'in ctiiiding the attendeut Costivenese4; I I - In unchecked Diitrrlnput even when advanned to 'Dysentery, confiremaciailtig, and ap parently malignant,. ;the • Ufectili'lleve been equally decisivn and astonishine• I • - in, the lonal pains, loss oflflesh iirid strength, debilitating cough, and remittent fiectic,which generally indicate Incipient;ConsiiMption, this remedy has allayed the alnrm ofjriends and I physicians, in several! very gratifying and in teresting instances. • • In Scrofulous Tuberculosis, this, medicated iron leas' /fad far mare than the Od effect of the most cautiously balanced pre'arations of iodine, without any of their well known bilities.- • t The attention of females cannot be too con-; fidently invited to this remedy and re.stprative, inlthe cases peculiarly affecting arm. In Rheumatism, both chronic and matoryin the latter, however, More; decid mil,y-4t has been invariably well reported, both as. alleviating pain and reducing the. swellings and stiffness of the joints and muS. (ilea. . • I In Intermittent Fevers it twist' ;necessarily be a great remedy and enet•geticlhrestorative, and its progress in the nev4settleateuts of thei West, will probably be ont of high renown I and usefulness. , I No remedy has ever lieen discotered in the whole history of medicine,whichlexerts such prompt, happy, and, fully reStoratiYneffects.:-.:, Good appetite, complete digestion, rapid ac qUisition of strength, with antinusual• dispo sition for active and,, cheerful exekise,l imme. diate/y follow its use. , ; • t Put up in ;eat flat tnetaehaxesi containing 50 pills,' price 50,centa perl3ox ffor sale' by druggists and dealers: Will be 'sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All let ters, orders, etc., shonld be addr4sed to I It: B. LOCK, & Co., General A gents, 20 Cedar St., N. ' FURNITUIIE W. H., COATS •Raring enlarged and , refitied ROOMS at - ; 1 WELLSVIL hits now on hand and will keep c. sale, a larger and better variety Ware and Chairs, than tiav, • e ever in this section of the. Country. His stock of common work has equalled. Baying !nada eztensi• to his assortment of • 'PARLOR.FURNI he has now on hand Plain Mahe. bfe topo3ureaus, peril. tables, Mar and Centre tabE,es, Fruit and To Marble top Wasifeirlds. COTTAG I AND , FREN BEADSTEADS. - COUCHES, - 1 AND ;TETE T .ik-T.E t TES new and )'3enutiftil vn4ietiesl Cane_ Idahogair, Hocking end Sec-, &.0 ' -.• ;In fact every thing in theline ()I' • • FRNITUR U E - •, can. be found at his cstahlishineiiit. Ilicv)ng the best facilities fore manufacturipg arSd iihr chasihghiq stock for cash,', ge will not ,be UndOrsold' Thine wishing to buy, will least twenty-five per cent,'; by: calling! on W. I II: Coats.- • READY EL&DE COFFINS of all sizes ir;ept, conetanq - on- band. Per sonal attendance with•hearoe when requested. • ' • •COAT. .Nov. OHO. ' .1 Admlnistratorf,s NOlice." yunEREAS; - .1 - ettets - of:administration'on V V the estate of RIT.FUS THO3CPSON,dee'd, , late'-of , Jackson Pottier 'Coll, love leeen granted to-the Subscriber tae fprin of law, notiee ie hereby•givei to nl5 persona knoviiing themselves .indebtedAo said :estate,"tii paake lintuediate , .,payntent4 And, those - having clarnis yiill:present theta duly authenticated fotSet.j. tleraent. PI3IDELIA Tni3mksoN - , , ,i- • ; IPebiiirylB, 28132' I.ew 1 7' 1 - , ~,, -- -"' —....!, .7' 4 ""-t'" 1 - , 1 IMOF,FAT'S, , J I irrg:iiir.ts :4.100 PraN,Lr, :012:EtS, r SRSiEDICIAS Italie noiv"bfenßirlbie - -the:PrOliC for EF,Peried of l'uttgrtXts._ Rs, and daring f.hat time have rnabitained a hlgh• charattertis almost erkry 'Part` Of flip . Glottii, thr theireii i raordinandlimMediftte , &wet% of restoringipeqect health tr personslutfe,ring under iiearlYevery kitid-of disease' tp - whielv [ the hnmaii frame b` liable. -, ',.. ',- , 1 b t; :-... 'The folloWing ere "nOn tile ,Iftt,essing iartety of Haman diseases a which s the." ' 7 Veketabier Life illedleities Are Velllnown to heinfallible f- . , ' j 1 Dr PPISIAI II .T thereughlYiPle,lnsioE the first and second stomachs, and creating a flow, of Pure healthy bite,'t insten of itherStale and acrid kind ;IFLATITLENC ; ,Loss of Appetite, Il eartburis. Illeadabhe, Res lessness, 111-Tern per, AntlitY, Languor, and eltincitoly, : whjeh n are the ieneral symptoms , f • DYspelisis, •will vanish,.rts a' naturel.conseouente of its cure, COSTIVENESS !. by cleansing the whole length , of the intestines with a sOlver4 Profess, and without violence tell violent purgesleate the howdli postive trithin two days:, • ' - ~....,. FEVEItSIiA all kinds.; byresttiring 4he blood to a regtilar,clreAnticm,-thropgh the pr ' ocess of peiapirattodin ~such eases, #lfdlfte thor ough toleitiOn•of allmitestinal obstr4ctlon in others., ii;,:;, - ' I , ~ The" Lifel Medicinies, hate bsett iktioktii to 'cure - RHEUMATISM 1, permanently;, In three weets, and , , GOUT• in Isalf that - , tim, by re: moving, limal inflammation froth the modeles and ligainents ofthe joints.. 'A . Ii: f.' , pROPELES ,of .sli kinds,. bi freeing and stretigthe • the kidneys and bladder; they new er\ OperatelMoSt e i fitfully on, these important organs, end hence; h ve ever been feend a cee taiu remedy for, the °rat cases of,GRAVEL. - Also WORMS, tiyidislOdgingPVlCl theitirti. legs of the bowel.% the slimy matter- to which these .createres - adhere. I I SCUIOE'f'. - ULCERS, and - INVETERATE SORES, , by; the Perfect purity 'which these LIFE 'MEDICINES give,:to the blood, and all • the'huni,dri,„ , 1 : I SCORBUTIC ERUPTIONS and BAD COM PLEXIONE by, their alterative eiiect upon the fluids tliKtfeed"the skin, and the morbid state of whichloccasions all ieruptive complaints, sallow cloudy, and other disagreehble com plextons.l 1 , , The uSe Of these Pills for a very lhort tirrie, will effect an entire cure of *SALTi RHEUM; and a strikin g improvement in the] - clearness of the skini COMMON ,COLDS an INFLU ENZA will alwaysi be cored by' onl dose, or by two 1t the worst cases. PILES:—The original proprietor Of these idedicine,s,iwas cured of Piles 0'135 years standing `b the use of the LIFE M DICINES I alone. i ' 1 FEVER AND AGUE.{—For this coarge of the Western country, these Medicines will be sound a safe, speedy, and certain remedy.— Other medicines leave the systein vittWeet to a return;of the disease—a, cure by then Med icines is permanent—ray THEM,' us ,„I.nsFrD, AND RE CURED I i I 1 BILIOUS FEVERS , AND LIVF i R COM PLAINTS.—GeneraI Debility, Loss' of Appe tite, and'Diseases of Females—the f'Medicines have been Used with the most beneficirl re sults in "cases of tlii4 • deserintion:--Eings Fvil, and' Seorfula. in its worst, fortes. yield.s to the mild yet powerful action of; these re markable Aledicines, Night SWeats,' Nervous Debility, Nervous Complaints of jilt kinds, FalpitatiOn of the Ueart, Painters' Colic, are [speedily cured. , MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose constitutions have become impaire4 by the linjudicions use of *Eftatitly will find these I Medicines a perfect cure, as they net:er fail to eradic'ate from the system; all the 'effects ,of I Mercury, infinitely sooner than the ;post po.iw r orful preparations of Sarsannilla. ,1 - Prepdred and sold by W. B. MKTAT, 'l' 3341Buonnwav, taw-Yong. , For sale by all Druggists. I I ' T i lyt • - --••-• • „:? .1 7 - •••••• - iwas.;WINSLOW, 1 An experienced Arse and Female physieinn, preseht's to the attention of inctili , ers, het SOOTHING SYRUP, ''oll CHILDREN TEETHING-, which grisatly facilitates the pro'cess of teeth ing, by,-Softening- the gums, redimihg nil in ilamatidn—will, allay ALL PAIN and spas modic action. acidl i 4 1 I REGULkTE THE BbVi4s. Depend 'Upon it, 'mothers, it will reat to yonrselt 'es and '- - - :to .1 • - AELIEICAND HEALTH TO SOUR INFANTS: We We haVe put up and sold this article for O'er ten' years, and CAN SAY, 'IN CONFI-• DENCR :AND TRUTH of it, what 'rive have never, be'ein able to 'say of any otherlmedicine —NEVER HAS ,IT FAILED, IN'AI SINGLE • INSTANCE, TO IEFFECT A CU.I3, when timely used.,Never did we knout . a' instance of 'dissatiSfacitirt by any one who vied it. On the contrary, ail' are delighted with Its opiin "tions, and speak in terms of comendation of , elfectshand medical rirthes: We- , 'speak in this matter ",WHAT WE DOKNOW," atter tent' teats' experience, AND PLEDGE l OURREITTATION FOR THE FULFIL3IENT 'OF WIIAT WE HERE DECLARE4;InaImost every :instance where the infant htlseffering fiom pOi and exhaustion,, relief will be fotind in fifteen ;or ttyenty• minutes after the' syrup is admittiatered.„ ' . , 'This Vtiltiable . preparation is the IPtescrip- Mon of the'mostEXPERIENCED and SKILL FUL NURSES in Aeier England, an&,has been lased with NEVER FAILING SUCCESS in', THOUSANDS Or CASES:' It not 'Only' relieves the child from pain, but invigorates the stomach and bowels; corrects aciditY,; gives tone and • energy; to the whole system. will almostinstantly re lieve , '( ' ; ,•; GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND 'WIND ] COLIC • • r and over'comeconvtllsions, which, ifficit epee reMedied—end in death.' We believe it ,the BEST. and SUREST RESIEDYI IN THE, Wo . ll.l,lDi r j in, all eases of DYSENTERY, and DIARIUMEA. IN CHILDREN, whether it arises 'from teillibm'or from any ,other "cense. , We , 4 .6' to 'every mother 'who hits achißi 'suffering from any of the foregang Complaints —DO 'NOT LET YOUR PREJUDICES; 'NOR THE.PREJIIDICES OF OTHERS, Stand tween 'Yon and your suffering child.tind the relief that'w ill be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE- 1, --th follow the use of this medicine', if tinielYf nied." directions for 1;014 will , decon l ynny each bottle: - None "gCtitkille thoi,faasirrtile of CURTIS A',FERKINS, ;Neer Viiik - ,Te flin• the outside wiapPeri SoldhY'Druggists. throughout the:.world:. PI • P*llloliat ittv ciost":'St:; New York. ....PRONLY,2b.CENTS.P.ER BOTTLE.' Sold; by C. S. 4;:E. A. JONES,:gond9io', port; Pit; , • ' -' la WARE'- . :nstatitlifor .f . Cabinet ,. eeti offered , I never been e additions t•• ay ,t-.:Mar .le top side let stands,• 1 1 II I. SOFAS, EOM rn.tt . 7 - aliedigi' -_ C s . • ".. '4lllll \7k rt t l iO , vit k n ito, • --. A SUPtRIATIVE. TONIC . ; DEUR ETIC: . 114Y1CORATINCt"•CORDlit 21 3 the evizoi.. of h'ew JerseY and Painayi rc44. tad Private - Parable. • Ilifidb's gra. Cbitnac Brandy, - 7.1 Wolfe's Fare Maderia, MINTY artd Part Wiz & , lgolfee Pure Jamaica matt Crain luta. • Welfe'it Pare _Scotch and kisb.ll7ldsky. ALL IN BOTTLES., I beg leave , lo call Wel attention of the dti: Zeus orthp - trairOrEfiiteitb - the • above Al* and Ltqlbone,lmpiiited - liy tgolpho Wolfe, of New;York,.irbbsemitine As familiar ia .evet 7 part, of, thikcountry.for the purity of his tel t , butted Scaziriam Scrtaiirs.' Mr. Wolk hi hieletter to in ,:speakingofthepurityofyn Wines and Liquqs, , says I wilt 'stake my reptltatioh it's a man my standing'as a - axi. chant thirty yeara l :reiderice in the 'city of New York,, _that,4ll,thi Brandy and Wi tt 3 which`i bottle' are pure a's imported, •and of the best quality, and can be relied upria ti y every purchaser:'.—Every bottle has the pm: prieterfs name 012 the wet, and a fee sitoile of his signature oft the certificate, The pub. lie are ;respectfully invited to call and exam. ine for; themselves. , 'Poi sat& at'Retail bfej Apothecaries and Grocers.in Philadelphia. _ AsorOirße. 832 Market st. Phil. Sole Agent for Philatielpl t i o . Read the folloiriiik from the Nei foils , Courier: EniumpuBj3uslyEss. ros , tcto EW Tong MmicuAsr.--We are happy to inform our fel low-citizens-that there is. one place in out city where the "PhysiCittni , apothecary, and hountir perebent, can,go and purchase ptre Vines and Licinors, its ptire as im, orted, end of ttis best qnality. We do not intend to give ea elaborate deicription of . this merchant's es, tensive business, although it will repay any stranger or-citizen to .visit Udell - Ma Wolfe's extensive ware=house, Nos. TB, 20 arid' 22 ; Beaver street, and Nos, 27, 10. ariV2l, MarkJ etfieldstre.et. ills stock of Schnapps on head ready Tor Shipment could not bare been"less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some tett thousand cases—Vintages-of 1836 to In; and An thousand' eases . of Madeira, Sherry and Port . Wine; Scoteh and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and, equal to any in this country._ Be also had'three large fellers, filled with Brandy, Wine, ac., in ca s, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling. _ Mr, Wolfe's sales of Schnapps last year amotinted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope is less than two years he may be equally sac' cessful With his Brandies and Wines. t ins 'Aimless merits the patronage of every lover of his. species. .Private families who wish pUre Wines and Liquors for medical nee should sendl their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe / until eery Apothecary in the land wake up their minds to discard the poisonous Miff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wines'and Liquors, We understand Mr.liVolfe, for the scum• modation of small dealers in theronntry i poto up assorted cases of Wines.and Liquors.— Such a,man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against bis tens of thoimands eq• ponentt in the United States,who.seli north. ing but imitations, ruinous Mite to linttola health and happiness. [52-6m* - DO YOU WANT IVUISIiERS? DO YOU WANT illilsiKEßS 7 • DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? • DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE ? ZELLINGRAINTS CELEBRATtD STIIVI7LATING ONGUENT - For the 'Whiskers and nab.. The:subscribers take plenFure in aftnonote ing to, the Citizens of the linited_Staies, the they have obtained the Agency for, and are now :molded to offer to the American pubile f the airove justly eclair:Tied. arid worid•re. nowtind article. • THRSTINT.ILATIMGONGUEIIIT - Ss prepared by 3.) . C. P. Bot.tnemum, an ern. iflelit physician of London, and is Warranted to bting out a thick set of - Whiskers' or a Mustache, lin fioni three --to six weeks. Thi article is the only one of the kind used by the Fretieri, and in Londoner:n.l Paris it is iu anizersAl use. It is a beautiful, ecenotoital, soothing, let Pstiarcdating compound, acting as if by magic ripen the roots,. cattotg a beautiful growth of lusuriaat hair Iflappried to tlie scalp r itwill cure RataxltS3, ancreause to spring up , in place of the bald- spots a fine .growth of new hair- Applied according to directions. it will turn natiol towy hair Dasix,•and restore gray hole to its originar corer, leaving it sea, smooth and flexible. The "Osoorier" is 'an indis pensable article in every 'gentleman's toilet, and after one week's use they would not for "any consideration be withatet it. - - The subscribers are .the onty;Agerrts for tber article in the United Staiesi to whom all or -ders must be addressed. Price One Dollar a box--for; sare -by all Draggisis and Dealers ; or a box of ..the. "on vent" (warranted to have the desired flect) will be sent towny who desire it, by mall, (di sect), securely packed. on receipt ofprice and postage, $l.lB. .'Apply to:or address HORACE.L. DEGENIAN, iir. CO: - . DIZUGGISTS, &C.. 24 William - Street, lidir -11 , g arno rE undersigned Ronld respectfully inform he surrounding community that he has taken the rooms formerly'opeppied brJohlt 8. Mann, vhere be is prepared Mitt°, 817, kinds of Harness _ Work on the, Shortest notice. . . , LONG STRAW`CaLLUtS: also kept constantly on hind. ; These - collars are a superior article, and need but a trial to insure their success: . • Rairing'done_in _good style." Snreingles, Martingale-rings, Bemis,' and Hame .stsaps,. /co., kept constabtly:on ha The public are invited to pall and eaardYtah before purchasing elsewhere. ' " -" ' - • ' • ' ' Coudersport Oct. 1600E160. DITERTISE.Intth . e 4 gar .ti nal. : Only taper. in NOTICE t e m RADi•on.SOUNTX B LOWS•'P" I. " - POINTS, I ryill be .found hereafter at tile alcire oc Ot • "far* large let Couderaport;ltai : ch / 2 0 , 1861:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers