Jiziurtiv4L. Fa the only paper, published in Potter county, r circalateeamong,in intelligent class of peo ple, and is •tlps an, excelledt'medium both. Ipy and &Junto' .dvertising, , • .Transient Advertisements - and those from M a enai beCaslior have responsible re firence. ' • - • COintiunications, tO • retelve attentied, mast be directed to the 13ditor, and contain the name of - the altentl'on paid.to anonymous communications. • - tEßMS.—One'cOy,one Year, sl;;Sii copies $5 ; Twelve cOPies; $l,O ;' t wenty copies, $1:8( with one to the person raising the Club. Tile money must acconipany the names: H', ConliallPd? Wg 1 u)..49 Sisit 'll, /01 Wood wanted immediately The Grand Jury of Centre county pw.sented - the Democratic Watchman, the bigail of the Ilreckinridge Democracy of that county, is - being in the practice of encouraging the rebels now in arms airiest the government, by expressitig sympathy for and agreqment with them. ser Ellis p. Slinabel., notorious in this his native and Other states of the . north and east, as a foul mouthed advocate of the very foulest of northern d04 , 11-face , Ism, has been:arrested by„,the United States Martial of Conneefieut, and ice vrisomed at Fort Lafayette. t He was one of the pets of the tqchanan administra tion, and ins sustained on, a sinecure ollte by Bnchanap,' purposely to abuse 'every man. who 'differed with him, and iassist in hurrying forward the very troub• le in which 'we are now 'involved. Gen. Fremont's i ,pio - ela.mation, which we publish in anotter colum,n declares tlds State of Missoual to be under martial This is the most effectual and pow erful' blow , that treason , has yet received. In this stkrn resolve to deal justly with 'treason exists the remedy for the evil, and when the same determination to en force the, simple law of the land is pro claimed in all the rebel States, the end.of this unchristian and unnatural rebellion Will be materially abbreviated and a peace established amid :which the people will congratulate themselves on the restora tio for rby the full enforcement add vindication of law. Under this procla mation, treason and its causes will .00n decline. 116 r We learn that another company for the war is being raised in this county by a citizen of Coudersport. Papers are expected in a feiv days with which to commence - . the good work. Potter has done much, but she can and will do more. Le every young nian, every middle-agdd man, consider it his bounden duty to step into the ranks. The more men sent by the North the greater the rirobabilities for a speedy peace. Remember that real and abiding fleacn, can only be obtained by4he victory of the Union turns. Vir We merely present the official ie gort of the Republicaii Convention this week, and hereafter may refer more par ticularly, to the eaudidates__And issues. The nominations were, verY harmonious and augur a complete success at-the polls'. The Men nominated aro well known throughout the county for honesty, up rightness and capability. /IMPORTANT TO OUR READERS. — It 1s with,feclings of joy and gladness that we publish.anything which will contribute to the pleasure, interest or health of our patrons. Therefore, with peasnre we say to our readers, one and all, use D. B. De Land &Co 's Chemical Saleratus. This Saleratus is perfectly pure, healthy and of a uniform quality. Chemists and Manu facturers very well know' that it requires trouble and expense to make.a perfectlY, pure article, while an inferior and impure article can be Made with much less or, and trouble; while impure Saleratus very unhealthy, Pure Saleratus is harm less and renders the food healthy and nu tritious. Snowingi L theie fact D. B. De Land & Co: have been to great trouble and expense in bringing this article be fore the public. This Saleratus is man ufactured by a new l , process, known, only by this concern in this con try and discov t . cred by D. 13. De Lan in Europe, two years ago. This Slerat s is,put up bright, red papers and y cart.get it of any respectable dealer in town, and at wholesale, of the proprietors, at Fairport, Monroe Co., N. Y. SHERIFF'S ,SALES. BY VIRTUE of Euridrif Unite of Venditioni &pones; Fieri Fanias and Levari Faciae tensed out of the. Court of Coinmon Pleas of Pot ter County, Pennsylvania, and Jo me', directed, .7 ;hall expose to public sate or outcry, at the Coin?! house in Coudersport, on MONDAY, the 23rd day of Sept 1861, at 10 o'clock, •a. tn., the fol= .lowing described real estate, to wit : Certain real estate beginning at the Northl west corner of George Ayres' wind-fall lot; thence North 861 rods to the South line of Matthias Reed's lot, thence East 170 rods to a 'corner, thence Sonelt '230 rods to a corner] thence-West 63 rods to Rust line of Ayres' lot thence North by-Ayres' East line one hundred arid forty-six rodttcp-Ayres's North-east cor ner, thence West 406!7 rods to plate of begin-. ning ; _containing one hundied and fiftyacres, and being plot of Warrants 212, - 2118. and 2189, and Is tudstlY io Stlnimit TonmShip, Pot-, ter County, Pa., on which there is about thir ty acres of clearedland,, one frame-barn, one, frame house, and'n small out-hot:de Seized,l taken in execution,andlo be sold*. the pro= peify of Martin Watson. , , f i. ..,- ALSO=Certaln real tslate, situate in Alle gany and Ulyseesi Toii - Ostip.l„Potter County, Pa:, bounded Norflt by lands kittraii,er ,8., 1 Monroe, East by lands of H. Redlelletli, South by lands of Wm:' Morley and A. 'Byani; and: West by lands of Nathan Brown. and A. Ray mond; containing sixty-nine acres, dr Which thirty acres aredmprOved, with, one fraMe barn, one board honk, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in executitint, and tali& sold as the property of WHliant Nelson. ' ALSO- -:-Certain, real estate to wit : Lot No. 60 of the allotmeni of lands in Sweaderi Town ship.,potiter, County, Pa., beginning St a post the North-west corner o Lot No. 32 of the al lotment of lands it! Sweden Township; thence South on the West line of said Lot; No. 32 one - hundred and sixty rods to a post, thence West fifty 7 three rods to :a.post standing in she East line of Lot No. 29, thence North;; on line of Hots Nos. 29 and 28 one humored . and sixty rods to,n post, thence East along the South line of Lot No. 37 53 rods to the plaCe orbegin ning ;' containingls3 acres, of . which thirty acres' are improved, with one log house, one log barn, and, some fruit trees thereon. Seized, taken in execution, and to'he sold as the property of MOrris S. Carpenter. ALSO—Certain ireal estate to-wit: Bound ed on the North by Lot No. 118 of c allotment of lands of M. C. Barber in Harrison Township, and Lot No. '72 conveyed to Nathaniel Hub bard, on the Oast by lot No. 73 andlot No.1:16 conveyed by Trustees Bingham estate to Hen.' Cummings, on the: south by lot N&80, and-on the west by lands of George Fox arid Sobieski Ross. Lot No. 69, Conveyed to Henry nurture, and Lot No. 118 aforesaid, beino . Lot N0:74 of the allotment Of lands of M. C: Barber in HarriFon Township and part of Warrant No. 1101 Potter County, Pa.; containing 64 . 5 acres, be the same more 'or less, with the usual al lowance of six per cent. for Roads,,Scc., about fifty acres of which are improved, with one frame hduse and frame barn thereon., Seized, 'taken in execution, and to be sold as the pro perty of Calvin Cummings. . - 1 ,- ALSO—Certain real estate to wit: Bounded North by the State' line and Highwny, East by ' lot No. 349 of allot?nent of Bingham Estate in Bingham. Township add lots in possession of D. Robbins and D. C. Rowe, south by lot of Wm. Hill 'and west by east line Of Genesee township; containing - 116.3 acres with the usual allowance of six per cent. for roads, Ex., being lots Nos. 1 and 26 of the allotment of lauds , of S. M. Fox; dec'd, in Bingham town ship and part of Warrant No. 1240. about 40 acres of which are improved, with one frame barn, one frame house, one log hems, and some fruit thereon. Nized taken in execution, and to be sold as the proirty'of Lester Stone. ALSO—Certain rea eseate situate in Sha ron township, Potter County, Pa., described as follows, to wit:. Beginning at the North east corner of the lot deeded bv'John Keating and others to Win. Lister in tiiii.rl No. 2288„ thence East along the line of load known as i'Aubigney tract 106•5 perches to the cor d* a lot original! deeded to 13. 1 1'. Nichols, t ;e South onet :mired and 'three and ies to a corner o mos A. Newton's land, thence by line of said land south thirty- nine degrees West thirty-three and four-tenths perches to the Osw:iyo road, thence along said road south fifty-one degrees east one perch. thence along the Stevens and Nichols mill road south fifty-five :and one-half degrees west forty seven perches to the line of Nichols and Stev ens mill lot, thence North seventy-six degrees west forty.nine :,erches to the line of the aboVe named Lister lot, thence North one honored and forty-five perches, to The place Of begin ning; containing ninety-three acres and six tenths of an-acre, 80 acres of whieh are im proved, on which al!e erected one fraine house, one frame barn, add other oat buildings and fruit' trees thereon. ALSQ—ReaI estate in Clara township, viz: Be.zifining, at the li,'ast line of warrant No. 217 S and being theiSoutli-east corner of the farm Occupied by Sala Stevens, thence South eighty perches to the North-east corner of a lot sold at Sheriff's sale to Joseph Mann its the property of W. B. Graves, thence by the line of said land and . Wm. V. Keating & Co. west one hundred-and eighty perches to the corner of James Tyler's, land, thence by the East line of said Tyler's land North eighty porees to the line of Sala Stevens' land, thence b. the South" line of said Stevens' land east one un dred and eighty per i clies to the place of begin ning; containing 90 acres, 55'of which are im proved,andbeingpart of war.N0.2178,0n which are erected 1 frame house, 1 frame barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Seized; taken in execntion, and to be sold as the property of 10. C. Warner and 'Peter Batement. ALSO—Certain real estate to wit: Bounded on the North by lots Nos. 119 and 59 of the allotment of the lands of Margaret ,C. Barber in 'Harrison township, on, the East by East part of lot No. 156,10 n the South by lands of G. Fox and_ Sobieski Ross, and on the West by Said lands of Fox and Ross and lot No. 119 aforesaiM eontainiya . 62-5 acres, be the same more or less, with‘ta usual allowance of six per cent. for roads,,di .. being the West part Of lot No. 156 of o allo went of lands of M. C. Barber in Harrison township and mire of warrant Nos. 1105 and 1192 Potter County. „Pa., About sixty acres of-Which are improved, with one frame lrOnse, one frame !barn, one log house, one log barn, and some fruit trees thereon. Seiled, taken in execution, and to be sold as thel property of Thomas D. Lillie. A 0-=-Certain real estate to wit : Bounded on th North I:.y leit s ,No. 59 of the allotment of lands f M Bar er in Harrison township, . C, 1: 4, on th East by lot ',i'' . 61, on the South by lan of G. Fox and . Ross, and on the West by ,Vest part of fano. 156 ; containing 73.6 acr q, with the usual allowance of six per cent. or roads, &c., being the east part of lot NO. 156 of he allotment of lands of M. C. Bar ber-inrisen township and part of warrants Nos. Hand 1192, Potter:County, Pa.., about fifteees of which are improved, with one log i thereon. seized, taken in execu tion, and to be sold as the, property of James Lillie. ' ALSO—Certain real estate, to wit : Bound ed on the North and West by lands of George Fox and. Sobieski Ross, on the South by lot ' No. 48 conveyed by trustees of Bingham Es tate to Isaac klyam and by lot No. ,47 of allot ment of lands of S Boss in UlysseisTtownship, and on the East by :lots Nos. 46 and 43 of said allotment, and No. :45 conveyed. by trustees aforesaid to Thomas Hamilton, being lot No. 44 of the allotment of S. Ross, in Ulysses township and part of war nt No. 1273, Pot f° ter CO., Pa., containing 8.4 acres, be the same more or less With he usual allowance of 1 per cent, for roads .1z • about 40 acres, iiff which. tiOlimproved, with one. frame house, ono to am and "a quantity of fruit trees thereon. 'Seized, taken in execution, and to be bold as ...roperty of Samuel Gibbs: //,/- i WIT. F. BURT, Sheriff. Coudersport, Sept 2, ism_ ~ 1 ;::AGENTS WAN:TEIY4 . pi4._ from $25 to - s7.s.•iieF: month, ir and a eitlenses, active-. Agents, or give a cotuntilsiOn„ Particulars Sent free.; - Address EWA . - 1 cat Ccistrssv, R,. JAMPL, General Agent, Milan, Ohio, . Ott • We dnesdayß.N.S orrecte every by 'TER MS t BRO. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, opposite D. F. Glassmire's Hotel, • (2 , Coudersport, Pa. 404 green, 1.1 bush,, • ' .$ 37i to 623 do dried, " 100 200 Beans, r 44 ' 100 150 Beessvax, lb., 20 - 20 Beef, • ; 4 4 • 4 6 Berries, dried, quart • 6 I?,i Rue,kivisetti, 11l bush., 44 50 ^ 112 Eater; `qf f l,lb., • Cheese, r" Cern, 9 bush., Corn Zeal, per cwt., Eggs, V. doz , Flour, extra, 11 bbl., do superfine "- Hams, `l9 lb., Hay, qp ton, Honey, per ib., - Vard, " Staple Sugar, per lb., Oats, bush., Onions, ' " . Pork, bbl.,' do lb., do in whole bog, lb., Potatoes, per bush., Penebes, dried, "11 1b.,- Poultry, ` , O lb., Rye, per bush., Salt, "fi bbl., do re sack, Trout, per # bbl., Wheat, VI bush., White Fish, bbl., A.dministrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad ministrat'on on the estate of BENI T. ROXIB, late of Sweden township, Potter dec'd, have been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Potter county, to who& Ull debts due:to said estate and claims against the same, iuust be presented for settl , ment or payment. J. W. BIRD, Adtur. Sweden, Sept. 2, 1861. Gt ;Administrator's Sale. BY ; virtue of an order issued in the Or phates Court of the'County of Potter and to us directed, we shall expose to sale by pub lic vendue: or outcry, at the Court House in the borough of Couderspfirt„ an Monday, the 23d day of, Sept. next, _at one o'cloch, P. M., the following described real estate, Beginning at the soot truest corner of square No. 21,: thence east eight perches to the south west corner of lot No 221, thence north twent ty-fotti feet to the south-east corner of a lot deeded to Sarah J. Sehoomaker, thence west parallel with second street eight rods to the east line of east strees, thence south along the lino ofnast street twenty-four feet to, the phice of beginning, being the south part of lot No 210 on square 'No 21 in said borough;on which is erected one - Two-Story Store Ileum iALSO a :strirtof land in the borough of Con.- dersport, bounded and described us follows : beginning at the south-east corner. of lot No 219 thence east along the north line Of SOMA street forty feet to a post, thence northerly parallel with East street twelve rods to a post, thence :westerly parallel with Seeond.street forty feet to the south-east corner of lot No 207, thence southerly along the east side of lots No:208, 209 and 210 twelve rods to the place of beginning, 0 beim , part of said square _ NO 21. - :ALSO certain real estate ,situate in I\thar ton township, Potter countv f :Pa., briunded on the north by lands late of fon - tither/ Oard,L : evi P. Card, and George P. W. Card, east by J.L. Nelson and south and west by the Sinnemaho ning creek, containing* alma three steps of land. ALSO an undivided half part of one acre of land in Wharton township. Potter comity, Pa deicribed as follows: commending on the bank of the Sinnernahoning ereek six rods above the-saw-mill built by the Cara'c, thence about four or five rods to the gut tereon, south-east along the gut far enough to make an acre, thence Westerly to the bank of, the creek, thence op the creek to the place of.be ginning, containing one aereof improved land on which is one water saw-mill and one Ironic dWelling house. - ALSO; one undivided half of certain real estate in said Township County and State, described as follows : Bounded on the North by iunseated lands, on the Bast by the Shine ma:honing creek, ou the South ,and West ley unseated lands, containing .about one hun dred acres of which about three acres are improved, being real estate of the late N. Schoomither, deceased. Terms, onelthird cash at the date of sale and the balance with interest in one year from said date. W. IL MiniaAn, Admsr's. IL J. OLMSTED, Coudersport, Aug. 27, 1861. , Divorce Notice. DANNAH S. BILLINGS," No. 11, February by her next friend Term, 1861. ',ln, E. O..pERRY, theCommonPleas vs. _ of Potter county. lIARVE I 4 BILLINGS. Libel in Divorce.. A subpoena and alias stibpcena having been issued in this case and returned Nihil, the said Harsei Billings, the respondent above named, is hereb r notified and required to he and appear in our Court of Common Pleas, tit the' next. , Terrn of stild Court - at Coudersport, in the county of ;Potter ' to answer the com plaint of the libellant. Wit. F. BURT, Shff. I Coudersport, ug. 12,1.861 Ahbo t ,TownshiP-- HREE TEAC t ERS WANTED. 1., T4e School-Term begins on the first Of Ootober.' : Applications Ili:vested to he sent in as soon as possible.• 114 SLINGER, Aug. 1. I [pd] Sec! B. S. D. Newspaper Depot: • , A. B. 31LANN, General Agent for the • sale of the New York Dailies, 7eeklieS, the American Monthlies and Quarterlies, arid all the foreign Periodicals. Terms to suit the times. 1 .' 4 ' I Ze — The Tribune for sale, every evening. llgk„At the POST OFFICE. I I 1 1 . 4 • , Notice. . - 1 WHEREAS,' letters of Administration to the estate, of ALVAH C. TAGGART, late of - the ,county of Potter, deceased, have been granted to; the subscribers, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate_ payment, and apse having claim's against the-same,will present them duly au thenticated for ttlement. I I . ! POLLY ANN TAGGART, 1 i . 1 JOHN P. TAGGART; I,' Amg. 21, 1861 , Adniinistrators' I 1 BLANN DEEDS for sale it this °eke r 1 r • , a , - The Couderspot Ab.a eniy iurt.LL. be re-opened ,n lionOtt , S4t. 9, V V 18_61. The: Fall .Ternt 'Will continue , thirteen weeks, clniinit.O. 0; sVcates'or Tui.- tion, 'ac heretofOye,iviz i ! • v . , 'i '. . : 1, Primary Instructjon, -.I ; ..' j, $•00 Common Engli:sh:,. ~. 1- 1 ~. ; "6 50 Higher Entrlieh end latni,-4.. , 50 • French, extra, -. ,.- . . 1 1 2.00 WY - A, Teachers, Class 1011 be paned if de:ifed. • 7 ' , I I 7 ( CLARA ST:OC&WELL, Princiiml. i . , KATNIIO DOTGAL....A.'SSStarIt, Sars'aparilla .: } • , 1 , • • FOR ,PURIFYING THE BLOOD. And for the speedy; ogre of :thd 4 gfullowin complaints: Scrofula and Siercifttlitp/illiheticinsoinch as Tumors, Uleers,! Sores, Eruptions, Pimples," Pustules, 1. ;[Notches, Boils, Dining, and all•Sk.in Diseases. i. ' 1 ,:---1 Oanaria,4ral., Bth Jim, 1859. J. C. Area .% Co.• Gents:' I peel it my duty Ito ao , knowledge what, your ; Sarsaparilla has; done for me: Raving Inherited a Scrofulous hifection, I have saffered from it in earldom ways for years. Sometimes it Must out in Dicers on my lands and arms; 'sometimes it turned inward and distressed me at the Stomach:. Two years ago it broke ' out on my IteM aud covered my scajp • and ears with ohe sore Which: wataainfut and loatbsofaio beyond description. lirleil rioadyViedleines and severs' physicians, but without much reliekfrom any thint. In fact, the disorder grew worse: - At langtlt4 was rejoiced to read in the Gospel Mea.scngerithat you bad prepared an alterative (Sareaparlite), for I knew ireful your repute lion that any thing you matte Mint be good. I•sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used it MLR cur,ed me.. I took It, as you advise, in, entail iloses at a teaspoonful over a month, All[lll9o almost threri, bottles. Nev dud healthy 'skin soon began to forni under ethe scab; w dell after a while fell off. My skin is now clear, and I now by•my feelings that the disease has eene from my sy tem.; Yon QM well believe that I feel whet I am saying when. I tell you, that I hold you to' be one of the apostle a of the age, and remain over'gnitefully. Yours, i 1 i-. rj ; ALFItED 11. ALLEY. I T S. Anth r onyts :Fire, .Iliosie or' Er alphas, Tatter and Salt itlie 1111 l , Scat II Read, Ringworm, Sore ,Eyes, Dropsy. l' Dr. Robert M. Preble-writes from Salem, . Y:,. 12th if ,Supt., 1859, that. he basecured ~ an inveter e case o Dropsy, - which threatened to terminate feta ly, by f- the rs perseveing nso of our Saaparilla, and 'deo a dangerous Atalignant' Erysipelas by large doses of the°Jerseys tt ho Mites the Common Ertiptioulliy It constan ly. l; ~ Broneltocele,•aOltreur Swelled Neck. . Zebuion Sloan of Prospect, Texts s, wri te s: tfhree bot tles of your Sareaparilla cured Mm e fro a ail e—a bid-_ eerie swelling on the neck, avidith I bad suffered: from 'leer two years." . :: • 1'.1: ' ' Leucorrlsoea or ‘PlaitcS.Dvarian!'neulor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Di eases.. ~ 1 • , Dr. J. D. Clialining; Of NeW (York City, Writes ;' I Most cheerfully comply with .the request of yonr agent in' itaying.l have found your Sarsaparilla a most - excellent alterative in this numerous complaints for !winds we employ such a. remedy; but espeetelly in Ratak. Diseases of the Scrofulous dinilsesis. , l hdenrured many inveter ate cases of Leneorriveri by it, and dome where the corn-, plaint was caused by raceteition of the utertis. The siker anon itself was soon cured, Nothing within my knowl edge equals It for these female derangements.' 1 Edward S. Marrow, of ,Newlmry, Ala., writ e§. "A Ilan: , serousr ordrien tumo on one of the , females in y finitlye Which had dated all the femeffle_s we could ploy,,bas et length been completely cured by your Extinct efEar saparilla.- Our Physician thought. nothing but extirpa tion could afford relief, but :he adelsed the trial °t r yout Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, s M d it proved effectual. After takingsnue remedy eight Weekst no symptom of the disease iletnaitte" • i J I Syphilis and, Mercurial Dlseasn. New GetrAgs, 25th August, 1859. • Da. T. C. Awn: Sir, I cheerfully comply with' Ceti re. ;nest of your agent, and report to,you eome_of I the effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. ' some, 1 I have cured with it,'ln My practice, most cf the coup plaints for which it is incominended; and intro finned int !fleets testy wonderful "In the entio(of 'Petered and Nes , .;:trial Disease. One of my tatiedte had Syphilitic Ulcers "'a his threat, which were consuming his palate and the top of his month. your !,:Sarsandrillasteatilly taken, :ured him In five weeks. ..A .nother was Mocked by-see. 3ndary symptoms in, his :nose, and theodeeration had eaten away a considerable part Of It, so. tliat I helievo.the disorder weidd coon reach.lile.braln and kill him.. lint it yielded to my administratVin of ;your Sitreaperillatibe ulcers healed, and ho is well again, not of emir e without souse distlgundion to his face.: AL Woman who had been ,treated for the saute-disorder byrnereury w suffering from this poison rat her bones. They had beco eso sea eitive to the weather that on g damp - day oho suffered ex- eructating pain in her jointsaud ;honest Sla , tcq, was; ,enred entirely by yoUr Sarsaparilla in t few weeks. 1 know trent its formula, which your agent. gar me, that this Preparation from your rkbo ,ratory must se a great remedy; consequently, tiles& hilly remarks le results with it have not surprisedirne.• . , i Fraternally yours; •G. T. LARISIER,IT 'b. • Rheumatism, Gout, • Lirer Cainiilalut. lenrreenexce,!Pre4ton'Co., ye., Mil July, 1 8 59. Da. J. C. Arta: Sir, I have been: afflicted with a pala tal chronic Rheumatism for A long, thus, Which baffled .the skill of physicians, anti shock 'to me in (Tito 'of ail the :emedies I could find, instil I tried your Sarmparilla.• Ono settle cured nee in two weeks, and' reetated pry general' wealth sennich that I run far better than . before I Was. . attacked. I think it a wonderful niedicintl• J. yIIEAM. , Jules T. Getchell, of St. LNe onis,'ritest 4 "I have been efilieted for years with an ajlalioil of lli Jiver, which destroyed my health. I tried every 'thing, nd every thing, failed to relieve me; and I have been a brditen-down Man for seine years trine do' other cause than xleraitgement of the liver. .'ily beloved pastor, the Rev. Mr. Espy, advised meat. try your Sarsaparilla, because Ito saki lie know yen, and any thing you madd was worth tryieg4 , Byl the Ideas. tug of God it has cured use, and has so purified my.fflood as to make a new man of me. •I feel youtig againsl The best that can be said of you is not half good enough." '• - I Seltirrus,Caticer Tarmori,Vithiteg l ement, Ulceration Caries and: Exkliation of the Bones. . - i . E 1 , ~.. , , . A great variety of casesharbeen reported t. us Where cures of these - fermidable complaints heel rest ited Ifrom the use of this remedy, but our, space hereowill [not admit them. Some of then' may ber fanild in lour lAtueirican Almanac, which the agents below; named , . are pleaied to furnish gratis to all who cell for Wein.: •i• , c Dyspepsia. Ifeart Disease, FI si 3 ay, Zllclariclroly, Nettralgic Many remit:era:Me cities of these' affect6ms I made by the alterative poorer of this medi4ne. lutes the vital' funclieng into rigdrous action, overcomes dieordera whirls would ,bo supposed teach. Such a remedy latsiong been reqMrell 1 mssitles of the people, and 70 are confident the do for them alt that medicicando. 1 • i flyer's . ...04e rt.P6ct, FOIL TIID lliPip CVltffl - OF • Coughs, Coldi,.lii u m enia, Hoar ess, Croup, Bl'oneltitts, Incipient Con.. 111111144101), ',and for-the it.ei etri , of CorisumPtive Patients ', • . ' in atWanp.ed 'Stages ' i 1,. - • • ' of the i Disease. - , - This Is a remedy•so Miiiv4rsally thown to su r pass any other for the core of throat find lung coniplainis, that it. is useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues:: - Its unrivalled excellence for cohghe and colds, dud its ;truly wonderful curse. of pnlinetiary disease, have made it known throughout the el4lized nntions of the earth. 'Few are the communities, or oven families, among them who - have not some personal eXperienco of its effects— some living trophy in their midst df its victor} over the subtle and dangerous disort ere of Om theadt and lungs. 'As all know the dreadful finality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of thia,remedy, wd need not do more than to assure tbeete that it Les now all the vie Cues that It didhave when inaking . the cures which have woe ea strongly upon the edufidence of mankind.' 1 . . . 'Prepared by Di. J. C.l,:itEil & CO., 'Lovrell, Nan. 1 - - , I Sold by C. S &:'E. , . Jon,es, Conilcrsp(irt Mann & Nichols, t.ilip rt ; N. J. Mills) Coles • Ron burg ' • Cottrell & Lyzn,an, Roulet ; A. Corey & Son, Ulysses; A iB. lllorton, Cusliingville; and by. Dealers gcnerilly_ 1:.. , ! 10 11 7. 16 75 'B6 150 200 10 650 7;50 5 50 :6A/0 12i. 15 5 50 16 00. • 10 124 12 15- 8 12 30 n 75 1 ; 00 21 OG 23 00 10, 'l3- - 371 50 25 5 7 63 375 350 26 450 500 100 1 124 450 500 NEW ARR - NG'EIti.EN 1 - ' 1 ...„,. The undersigned arcing ..,0, „ just receii•ed a lar l e and ---4 : -- " 1 " . - 6 Well elected,stock of I' • CLOCKS, WATCES & SE Wre f liltY , 1E offers-theta for sale at jl prices that' will Om pare favorably with tl ose of any city or town within 100 miles.i - ery article ,of .ewilry and every style of Watches and. Clanks neu ally found in retail! St res kept constantly! on head, and warrantedo be as represcited.— Also, Bears Patent Be i rolvert kept on hand. and,sold cheap. ' ! , - 1 4 11 • jar Repairing i dot e on Short notfce, in good style and fair re. s. '1 • ' ' r Call and sec me• at the sign 'of tint "p' Watch:" . • , 13 1 C: LC wAitiii 'ER, Coudersport, Jan. - T.IIBGL! .r 1 i 30 ttiTtiltitow.kcifVFOlfre 2 "mlval ' for which the i M I a in tl e -e highest 1 will be paid in Subscriptio 1.! H. SMIII.ON* as:cvayci';'. ilailOst,secglyed,tiJama i;Ociio€I,IOODS if 41:100,ataoh as' j• 1 ]- DELY 7 9IOOD6i .t -• i`; ' OR6cEnts; QUO NSWARI/i, - I , . ~~gIOOP-~YE3~t;" 1. PPOVISIONS, such as ' 1 ••• FI;OI7,RS; SUGPS, • - - • ! . COFFEES, • sji 'I TEAS, • SPICES; • • • : , am; Ice. Everything,,' in fact; of every kind, shape,. and formi l that is 6t for Wearing; Eatiti , rink ', • in g, nponi i Looking at, of , • • , pay the highest Price tor Wool,,Shin 'l gles, 4e.,.in.exchanke, part CASH if r.ie.essa ' 1 Will pay for Good Singles, El shilling;, • f(n , Wool 25 t0:36 ets., biraorelf Wpolshould ~ ad r vanCe. All goods as eIIEAP ai caa be I- .. l , ' . . , , ~ • 'bonght ici the country.--Jdly 17:61, , ',' , : - . L. BIRD,' ; . 1 • ..., • Dilt,pat in: . - ~ i ! - ' ! TEA' ~, . . 1 &MAW , . 1 - , , • CA R, LAWNS, . DiLLAINES ' - . ' - ' arid so forth, and .• l ) , 1 , all'ilibigs as belong to a country Store, inclu ding 4 ; _, • • • • 'DCTI..L-BABIES ~ i. . .; . ; and'iorne , ' ; 1100P-SKIRT§, and some . 1 CLOTHES. .: . . in Itrookland, .(formerl2l dushingville.) June, 1861. '1 . i. ,I 1 • ; • 'T . 01:31$TE HILLY'S TOME' can alit - ys bel found the best of COoking, Bo* a d : • T S 0 Also, M. and SI=FT -IRON .WATIrE,, POTS, KETTLES,' - . SPIDI1B8:. SCOTCH BOWLS, FRYING-PASS, .S.,P-PAVS . , and I IIAULD RONS. Also I such',as PLOWS; ; I SORAI?EIiS. CBITIVA CPBN-SIIELLERB, fIOBSZ-BAdiES, DOPOWERS, ' • T E R ¶ORK is well made and the material good. Good and iubstaiatial EATESi-TROUGHS put up in any part of the County-I-Terms easy. Ready Pay of including aqh, seldom iefusecl. Btore on Main Street opposite the 1 . 114 Conti House,' Coudersport; ,Aug. 1, 185.9.--59 . OTC LOST, lIOV RESTOREO. • M .I:;,Just in - a;veald envelope: UN Td NATURE, TREATMENT, ANERADiEat, CORE oFSP4liztkrottunce.t, or Seminal Wen kness,S-x -ual Nervousness . and involuotar., inducing:lmpotpacynnd Mentnl and Phys!Cal incapacity. . . • BY. RISIIT. J. ceLVEYTELL, 3f. D., Thy important fact that the awful conse quences of self-abuse waylhe effectually cured without internal medicines or. the dangerous applications of emirs, instruments, medica ted hOngics, , and ,O her empirical devises, is here 'clearly demon i s6ated, and the entirely nc w and highly successful: treatment, as adop ted by . the ,celebrated author one explained, by means of ,whicli every one is enabled to cure himself ptifeclly; aid' at the least possi, ble cost, , thereby ctioiding the advertised utn nostre of the day n This lecture will prove a lieorflo - thoitsan# and thotniands. Sent tinde'r!seal, in a plain cnvclope,to any .tddreSs, post. paid, on the _receipt of two post- Aga stumps, by addressirtg • • • Di- C 4. Q. 127 p q weryi IY•evr Orl somv : ilfiNa Vog T . \ T im Es ; it, :,, A NECESSITY IN i TVERY i USEIIOtD i • -JOHNS k CROSLE "S i ; , Ait:griC43 Cernev Gl ue; Tke strdigest Gltieln the World, '. For bpmenfing lif'cOd; "feather, .'Class; ; ivory, Citina,i Hatble, force!airi,, . , Alabaster, 113 one, Cortil, fp'... • The vily article Of ihe kind ever Irid• due: • ed Which will tritlifstancl Water. I E1.,.. - TRAurs , : - 1 itEvv,3 , housekelper should 'hare a supply of Salim k Crosley's American Cement Glue." —.Yew York Times. 1 , ' 'lt is so convenibut to have in the house." —Say lark .Erpresi. 'lt is alxvay's ready i this :commends it to eve r rybody,"-4,V. Y.lbteperulent. , ."We have tried itl, and Ifind it as useful in oar bduSe as water.'(— ITritkei Spirit of the Tim! IPi4ce *5 eCOmitti :per Matte. Very 'iberal reductions to Wholesle Dealers. . ; 1 ' T.ER,Ms CASH. For sale by 411 Druggists and Store keepe'ri; generally throughout the country. , J 1, • ., ;JOHNS & CROSLEY • .. .....-, 1 , • . (Sole Manufictufells,) , 'ZS; ;William Street, New York. i i Carrier of Liberty stre'et.) jyoly Y. .avo %eon It sterna. and ! thus eyond its 3 flee ne• t this will 1 ral, AGSM'S WANTED In all Parts of the, Country To obtain Subscribers for Los4lng's pictorial Field-Book of the, REV-01.1E410N. In Tiro Volatiles loyal, Octavo,. containing . H upward of 1500 Pages and 1100 Beautiful Illttatrations. This work Will be sold exclusively by Agts, to ealch of wbom a special District. will be giv'en.; : ;Rare inducements offered. Applicants Should name the Counties they would prefer. Agents wanted also for other works appro priate to the times. i • :, Naps of the Seat of War Flag iErivelopes and Paper, NiseellaneousPooke, etc „sop:plied. Address • GEO W ELLIOTT, Elarpnr's Bu ldinr Franklin Square, N. 1-.1 iTztY t N - • Op ; LBS..of WOOL; viantect.gyrat,ffly ADVERTISE I)•ERTISR! in the Jounseu it is the on, ly paper, in Potter county, and is-a - gOod iuediup4 through avhiefrto reach the people of all districts ! s ted at iately; Prim I - '8 and MSEMM:EZ litattr r Nt s Peritf t • :'; tli)p'gbilttol; tough I .Pui*kotir 13svacir!_- _ I STreity,then your 11, fee Stialding% • TilitiDAT bEtIsTFECTIIOI4 otTLEity, GOOD 'FOR CLERGtir i , GOOD FOR LECT - • ERE, • _ GOO') FOR PIIIILIO.SPR,ikERE, GOOD FOR SisiGERS, • ' 00 D FOII.,COYSiMPTITES, MEAVS, GENTLE!EN CAF.E:r „ sr.nniNd , s ctixrEoTioSs; ;t.- • - 1••' ; LAI7IE3 A l y priacirsl3 WITH ' . . , SPlT.tatig . , cfixt.tlitiS Ott' on SI4LbriNG'S THRbgi COFFECtiONit They relieve a Gough instantly., • They e ear the.T2iioat. They tire strength ,and volume to the 7;44; 114 impart a delieli;ns aroma to the breath , They are delightful to - the trste. They - nie Made, of simple heriis and Call /14 harm any one. I advise every One w 1 hasia bOti o N.cir Husky Voice or a Bad Meath, Or any diik j enia ty of the Throat, to get a Package ofmylbroa Confectioni, they will relieve " yon instantly and you wiii dgree iisll rie,tbattiteygojlVAt. , to the spot." YOu will find thentyery useftil and pleasant While traveling or attending pub. lic meetings , lbr stilling year COugh or alla y .. ing your Wroth. If you try One,paeliage fent safe in saying that you Will. ever afterwards consider .ahem indiSpensible. Youjvill 'fin them at the Druggists and Dealers in , edleineti PTtICE TWENTY-FIVE GENI 4 .9. NlYsignf!!:tu'e is on each package. All otheri are- cometerfeit. • A' Package Will be sent byjnall, pre paid; on receipt of Thirty Cents. Address,. BURY C. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar street, New-Yolk. CEPHALIC PILLS , • - ..'dcußE SICK lELT,ADA MI CI ii.TERVOU G HE A D.ii:CECE, , CURE ALL KINDS 'OF HEA/tACECti By the use of these Pills the periodic attacki of Nerivus or Sick Headache may be prevent-. ed ; and if taken at the commencement at ad attack immediate . relief from pain and . . ness will bpohlatued. They seldom tail in removing the Lucas . and Hectilach7; to 14hich fettafe's cute fin sub'.' ject. !They act gently upon tlie bowels.—remov. ing Cost/rerun. • For Literary Xien, Students, Delicate males, and all pers9ns of. seclftitory habit, thei are valuable as a Laz•ative, improving the ay• petite, giving-tone and -vigor to the digi.stiv,ztor gans, and restoring the natural clastrity-tind t strength of the whole system.: The' cErizAuto. PILLS are-theiresult i of long fnvestigation and careftillY eondt . icted ex: periments, having •heed in use many years; during rhieh, time they hare . li,.revel l ited and:, relieved a Taseatiii4nt .Pain arid niffering: from ifea&che, Whether origiipling in the; Iterimus system of fro&t . a 166. i-e d. state of the stomach. • They are eirtirelYlv . egeizttle is theii•Compo-: sition, and may e taken at all times with pert feet safety with tit linking any Cliane of di:- 1 et, and the abse ce of et.4Y . disagreeable caste ra s a: tiers it easy to ilti . hliatct th'etii to cliildreii. • , i3E#413... OF COUNTERFEITS': • - The genuine, haye live signatures of>llenry 6: Spalding on each Box.. Sold ,bY'.l3 ( ruggists and. all Other YLlcz:a in? Medicines.' „ f A Box will be Lent by mail/ ptepaid f repaidon ret : ceipt of the' • . , , P. O'lbox 4586. , d 15 CENTS: . All Oran should De addressed to gENRY G. SPALDING d 8 Cedar Street, Neir.:York;" THETOtLOWDTG R.NDORBE.ICEXITS BPAtipING 6 S CEPHALIC PILL O; WILL comvciatr: NiEfOSUFFEfr FR:Oi • HEADACHE'; e t I r• _ -.2 SPEEDY AND SWRE CUB IS WITHIN THEIAREACH. .. ve)... - 9 single bottli of SPALDINGIS rRi , PARED GLUE i wiil save ten tie - its cost annually . ..al . I - *SPALDWG'S PREPARED GLt Ei sPADINd'S PREPARED Gt,l7El - PREPARED GIMEr • • SAVRTHE PIECES! . L,. „- ECONOMY. f . Aar, dA STITCIII*Tufg SATES • As :accidents will happen, eVei9in-Well Teti: ulated families, it is very, de,s,lrligre I td - have some, cheap and convenient way fOrlr'epairinr, Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &c. , I - PREPAtiEti'dl4,E" - meets all such emergerieies, aticruo can afford to be without . it. Ti kii,alvrays7, ready, and up to the, sticklig - - giDSEFITL EC EVERY HOVSE,-'' Brush, accompanies 'each lißtilgx„. Price, 5 cents. ',Address, ,1 HENRY C SPALDING, 11 . 4'.'4.11 . CEDARStret,-li 4 w--,Vork , • • - - • CAUTIeISI*. •J As certainunpne - eiplediiersottitareatienijit- -,- ing to"palni" off on the unsasp,ectingl imitations , otnV EIMPARET)OWE,I caution till peison o.exa mde befOte arch as.; ing, land see that' the fall . nanie, - ' 105,SPAL.DIMS PREPARED is on the ontkide ,wraltr!al alt ottfer striudlin,;tontitergits: I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers