THE. JOURNAL. Coudersport, Pa. Wednesday, Sept.4l, l 61 3L IV,,,3IcALARKEY, E4Toft. REPTIBisIOM For President Judge, ROBERT G. WHITE Of Tiog,a Co. (Subject to the, deeish;n of the Conferees.) For Assembly, A. G.,OLMSTED of Patter Co. (Subject to the decision of the Conferees.) For Associate Judges, G. G. COLVIN of •Bingham, CHAS. S. JONES of Coudersport For Commissioner, S. ;I:i.,ILOBERTSON Of Harrison For AUditor, - •Ls: AUSTIN of Sylvia:lla For Cormier, - Tir.T!. - BLANUSLEE of Ulysses Poiteri Marching into Line. THE WAR FOR THE UNION! 180 Recruits for the Army ! P0172:11 TILE ZANNER COUNTY OP PEIVNA ! • - Smile ftiw weeks since Major Jno. M. ' Kilborne'received, from Goy. Curtin, per missionlo raise_two companies of men in Potter county. At first it was thought, •by some, impossible, as the county, inde pendent ,of being new, sparsely settled, and its people mostly farmers, had been • pretty generally gleaned of recruits by officers from - flew York Regiments and from stray regiments throughout this State. Potter had two hundred men in :thefield, and some dared Ito think that -with them had flown tthe bird of good 1 omen, That patriotism had become too , weak and preferred displaying itself on, ' Abe street corners instead of the . battle ' field,—a grand mistake! On last Thurs• day morning, Maj. Kilbourne, With about eighty men belonging to the Hebron and Allegany companies, started from Con dersport, meeting the Oswayo Company at Oswayo Village; here the people had prepared a parting dinner forthe sordiers, and after_listening to a short 'address by a gentleman from Wellsville. N. Y., and being joined by the Oswayo el/1111)dg, numbering about one hundred men,, took up their line of travel,, amid the cheers of the pat 'lotto, the tears of mo thers, wives, andsisters,aud the bless: ings of the gray liaircd. I Upon nearing ? Wellsville they were Met by, a large pro 1 cession of its good and patriotic citizens, i with three bands,,a large•number of fire. men and horsemen, and two large wagons crammed full of pretty girls ! Proceed ing to Wellsville they drove through the principal streets, and• were then warmly welcomed by the citizens' to a sumptuous collation, previously prepared by the la dies, after which they were "housed up" toawait the night cipress. Many thanks are due the Ladies and citizens of Wells, vile for the cordial and hospitable recep tioti extended- to our troop.. May they continue in the good work of aiding the brave Volunteers who are Eghting to secure 'peaae mid happiness : to our much troubled :country.—Atone o'clock the ."bays", left for Elmira, where they were to remain until the nest day, 5 o'clock. —But, while congratulatincr ourselves upon the raising of one 'Battalion, let us remember- that we have not,-as yet, done . all that we: can do, some of the townships Lave 'not furnished a single man, while others have not done •what they ought and may have yet to do before the ..war closes. The qovernos of the States are urging more troops into the:\ field, and great activity prevails in all departments. 'Much credit is due I.‘ ajor Kilborne for the energy and activit , with which, in so short a time, In o ace ' lished the no ble work. - Assisted by th rave officers and mop' we .have no fears but that otter county will show itself born - brave and loyal. This last instalment will make our county-the Banner County of the State. Four tlundred men in the field and only.' eleven thousand population ! ; Hurrah for Eotter ! Bravo "little Potter!" . i ter•We delayed the, publication of our paper in the hope of having - the names of the volunteers for publication, but have not, yet -received them. 'We learn that the "boys" arrived - safe at Camp; Curtin. .G gilt-Them will be no Jury, Court this term, for reasons .tated in another 'lace. Air HOD. ,JAS.. T. HALE ,will please accap our thanks for :loopy of the "Acts and Resolutions of the thirty-seventh Congress." • Siir'Subscribe for the JOUItNAi., as it particularly interesting, froth the "Correnpondenee ef the Boys"iu Camp. couirrr CONTENTION. COVDEIISPOILT, Sept. 10, 1801. Pursuant to call, dekgates from the various townships of Potter county : met in Convention and organized by:appointing E. LY3IAN, President, -, • ', Simorr• Dmisr., Nrice Praident, arid • : . E. 0. Austin and 0- ..T.4aford i Secretary's The followitv , Delegates appeared and took their seats: AbbotL-N. B. A. Salir,Darid Conway, Allegany—A. G. Presto, S. P. Goodsell, T. S. Darling, 1 • Bingham—lL Baker, J B. Carpenter, 31. D. Briggs. 1 Clara—J. L. Br : ooks, J. L. Allen, I Condersport—H, J. Olmsted: A. F. Jones, j Z. J. Thompson, l Eulalia—R. W. Niles, T. B. Abbot, Harrison- r A. A. Swetbind, IL Outrnan,'W. IBurris, J.. thirtis, J D. Snyder, • ebron—G. Fetes, C. Sterns, J. Baker, . Hector—G. Bartlett, Hector—G. L.D.Estes iti I , a s e n k a s y o o= n— E E . . L ll ym ove a n n ;:a 3 m r. p jo ß h . ns P o u n r . s 1 " Pleasant Valley 7 N.P:Flnent, D. * P. Roberts I Roulet-4. 31. Lyman, S. B. Pomeroy, , Sharon—Simon Drake r I. R. Reynolds. P. Burdic, W. L. Star, kweather, Sweden—O. J. ...pafford, H. L. Bird, Stewardson—L.Crittenden, W. Dykeman: Summit-0. Haskins., A. D. Ayres, , I Sylvania—J. Baker. E." 0. Austin, Ulvsses—D..Olmsted, A. Stout, ... Hailed:, W. Gridley, IL S. Recnolds 1 1 Keating•-,Pliny Harrisi s G. C. Lewis. The Convention then proceeded to nominate candidates for the respective officeS. For President Judge, Robert G.lWhite, of Tioga, was declared unanimously nominated. For Assembly, A. G. Olmsted receiyed '4O votes, 0. A. Lewis 10. .11r. Olmsted was de- . Blared nominated. For 'Associate Judges:, G. G. Colvin was nominated on the Ist ballot, and C. S. Jones on the 6th. The following is the voter,. Ist 2d 3d 4th sth 6th G. G. COlvin, 35 —, —.— L. H. Kinney, 16 7 8 11 8,4 C. Smith, 13 11 , 9 5 10. . 8 0..4. Lewis, 3 —•— C. S. Jones 17 17 ;17 19 24 31 Barak Niles, 2u 17 18 17 10 9 For Coininiss;oner, L. S. Robertson wns de clared nominated, on the; following rote : - , • : - Ist 2d . , 1, E. 0. 'Austin ; - • 9 - 5 • Barney Hicks . i , • C 8 ; '• A. G. Preshd B,_ 4 S. L. Robertson ; 16 25 I , . J. Chesebro , ; 5 ;•. 5 On motion, E. 0. Austin was deelaretlJunan- I imously nominated for COunty Auditor. On motion, W. C. Blakeslee was declared 1 unanirnouzly u i pminated for Coroner. i ; .. The fallowing resolutions were presented by ilien i ry J. Olmsted, and adopted: , i ./2f.-solved, That alth t ouzh our faith in j Republican principles remains unchanged, : yet we . hereby expreSs our wfllingness hereafter to ignore party issues and names and to co operate with loyal men of 'all partici who shall manifest a like disposi• tion towards , us, belieVing that during the continuance - of our National troubles , all opponents of anarchy and disunion rod their their attendant vices and horrors—per jury, ruin, war and bloodshed—ought to be firmly united in support of The Union, the Constitution, and the culorcement of the laws. - , , Resoli-ecl, That without . 'Union them can be neither prosperity nor peace, and that the idle clambr nf "peace, peace," while armed rebellion is defying the laws, paralyzing .all bta.nches of industry and preying upon our coMtnerce, laying waste large portions of our: bbloved country and' sapping the foundations of our liberties by attempting to overthrow the Govern ment' which alone secures us in their en- joyment, is the Tory only of demagogues who fur party or personal success would jeopardize the best interests of their country, or of base traitors who deliber ately seek to betray her , into the hands ti her mortal enemies.: Resolved, That it' is the duty of every j true patriot to sustain the Government in its present hour of peril, by every means in his power, that this is not the , time for the display of, partisan censori ousness, and that he who finds more to condemn in the conduct of those who are seeking to maintain the supremacy of the laws and to uphold the Union in its tegrity; than in the !lets of those who having fearlessly forswprn their allegiance to their country, areseeking, to overthrOw the ark of Our safety and the palladium, of our liberties, furnish unmistakable 'ev idence of being at heart a traitor. i Resolved, That those who have so no bly volunteered to assist in the maintain,- ance of our Union, italustitutions and its Jaws, are, entitled -to nur warmest Bp:lva, thy and gratittide, and we hereby pledge ourselves to do what' , Hys in our power to enhance the comfort of the fautilie;il 'those who have thus, enlisted, orj o shall hereafter enlist in tl is holy service. Resolved, That*ltnle I . Dickinson, of 'N. Y. Andrew Jo'hnSon, o essee B. p. 'Butler, of Massachusetts, and os. 'Holt, of Kentucky,'Weekinritige Denio crats during the laSt ;Presidential cam paign, have shown by their -prompt and energetic support of: Oe Government: in its attempt to maintains the supremacy of the : laivs, and the honor of the Nation, that, they are true patriet,s—more aniiOus to. suppress rebellion Than to subserve party 7 - 7 with all such Democrats we joy fully strike bands, and will . endea - vor : to emulate their, heroic devotion to duty, and their noble self sacrifie for the Union, the Constitution, and the Nation 'as Mir Fathers formed it: • Rewolval, That, we this day present to the voters of Potter county, a Ticket wor thy of the hearty support of every true patriot,• whatever may have been his former political prejudices_ or belief, add we heartily pledge ourselves to labor ear nestly and honestly to secure its eleetiOn Messrs. S. Ross, I. Benson, and' U. J. Olin sted,,were appointed Judicial Conferee; with power to substitute. MeSsrs. *toot land H. J. Olmsted were appointed Representative Conferees, with the power to .snbstitute. The followingw i ere appointed a Standing Committee - for the ensuing year : H. J. Olm sted, 0. J. Spofford, 11. Rosé, 'A.,o.Preshri, L. IX . Estes. • [Signed by the officers.] • iTotiee to Jitrors and othcrs :. The 1 Leg islature at its last Session : having, chang ed the tiat`e:_ef - holding the Court for'the September Term, and that fact not being known until after, the issue of the venire, the legality of holding a jury Court at the time fixed, ,would, to say the least, render: the, holding of such , Court a sub ject of much doubt, and in - view of this fact and the present unhappy condition of the couelry, we the members of the Bar, wishing to ; save expenses in this time of neeeand 'believing that the, cost of a Court would be better appropriated and applied in supporting the families of those vclunteers who have gone from their homes under_ ~the flag *of our Union, to fight oar battles, and marty_of whom will in all probability shed their blood on - the field of contest to reestablish and save from ruin that Governthent that for eighty odd years has been going on prospering and prospered, and wider which we have ,all enjoyed so many ; blessings, we therefore give notice that there will not be at the September Term; any 'Jury Trials, and that the jurors will not be wanted. F. W. KNOX, A. G. OLMSTED, ISAAC. BENSON, .1.1. F. MAYNARD. ConderSport, Sept. 9, 1861. Gen. Fremont's Proclamation. ST. Loins, Aug. 31, 1861.—The fol lowing proclamation was issued this morning "Circumstances, in my judgment of sufficient, urgendy, render it necessary that the ,Commiinding General of this Department should assume the adminis- , srative powers of the State. Its disor ganized condition, the helplessness of the civil authority, the total insecurity of life, and the devastation of property by bands of murderers• and marauders who infest nearly' every county in the State and avail themselves of the public misfortunes and the vicinity of a!hostile force to gratify private and neighborhood vengeance, and I who find 'an enemy wherever they find plunder, finally demand the severest meas ures to repress the daily increasing crimes and outrages which are driving off the inhabitants and ;ruining the State. In this-condition the public safety and th success of our arms require unity of pur pose, without let or hindrance, to the prompt administration of affairg. "In order, therefore, to sUppsess dis orders, tt:s maintain as far as now practi cable the, public Peace, and. to give secu rity and ,protection to the persons and' , property of loyal citizens, I do- hereby extend, and declare established, martial law throughout 'the State of -Missouri. The lines;of the army occupation in this State are for the ;present declared to ex tend from Leavenworth by way of the posts of Jefferson'. City, Rolla, and Iron ton, to Cape Girardeau on the Mississip pi River. "All persons Who shall be taken with arms in their hinds within these lines shall be tried by court-martial, and if found guilty, will be shot. The property, real and personal, of all persons in the State of }lissourii who shall take up arms against the United State's, and who shall directl y be proven to have taken acti% "part with: their eneinies in the field ) -is declared to, be - cOufiscated to the public use; and their slaves, if any they have, are herebY declared free.. "All persons who shall be proven 'to have destroyed, after the publication' of this order, railroad tracks, bridges or tel egraphs, Shall suffer the extreme penalty of the law. ; "All persons engaged in treasonable correspondence,'. in giving or procuring -I aid to the enemies of the United State in disturbing the public tranquility, creating and dirculating. false reports or incendiary documents, are in their own interest warned that they are exposing themselves. "All persons who have been led away from their alleghince are requested to re tut n to i their homes forthwith ; any such absence Without sufficient cause will be' held to b 8 presumptive evidence against them. ' ! declaration is to ostantancou3 ef t to supply such ,tioni of war de mded to Suspend' ie ordkary itribunals of the country where the - law Will be administered by the civil officers in the usual manner, and with their eustothary authority while the same can he peadeably.exereisel - "The Comulanding Oeneral will labor vigilantly'for the; public welfire, and in his efforts? for 'their safoty, hopes to ob tain not only the acquiescence, but the active support ofithe people of the coun try. 7 "J. C. FREMONT, "Ilafpr-General Commanding." Prince Napoleon expresies himself with less reserve in the West than he did here, in faVor of the Union, which,lie says, to translate, French circumlocution - into AtneriCarydetvarightness, 'Ought-to conquer and will ,couquer." The State Department, finds nothing in its recent dispatches; to lead to the belief of the staternent in the Paris correspondence, that the syinpathies of. the Emeprot Na poleon are , not all- so strongly wish All Union, . - I,- DrAws-4- irtra.,s.l .‘-.,....:_ L _....-,-: By order of the UOited:States 1 , *hal in Wheeling, Va., the*enlatio*cif the ,LouisVilleiffew York, - andßaliritpre 44- loyal papers, has' been 11141:dint 1 ' , '', - Bayard Taylbr, witO hiXte-e lipending i the laS tu t three onthst at ;Goth ,:Geintal try, With the.relative4 Of his [ fe,- is ex peCted home by efery ;3040 . J.lrme diately upon his return he - wi join 6n of the divisions of the Nationa army, a the war Correspondent of the err Yor, Tribrine. - ' ,- 1 • '. The Government has orde thejcon. struction of thirty 13 . ineli[mir ars at tli Fort Pitt Works, to pittsburz, a. - Eail of these mortars will weigh IT,ooopounds and will throw shells , ;Fel ring 1 22 4 ' t pounds. Fourteen 10 inch in rtars hay lately, been made there for 11; Govern inent„ and twenty columbiad ; ore expect! ed tohelinished in a short time.- WASHINGTON, Sept. 6-, 1 61.—The !whole South is moving its al'a lable ttriliE tarp Power to the line- cf tb - Potomaci. From New. Orleans, hour 4 bile, from Pensacola, from aVannah,f and froth Charleston, from Missouri ett ,ri.ud front" Tennessee, masses of men, raise by The despotic influences So ogreable to the policy of the Oligarchy; a / tramping Ts ' a their; way northward. Thq prpsi en e s recent Proclamation-to the IT're States for more troops has been heak ad obey' ed bY the Slave States.' Up 4 h et Gorr i ernmenta authority we -ivao t e - Free. men of the North of the , hanty 4nil gen eral concentration of, the•mili;any power of the South upon the; line . tie Poto mac,, and it ; calls upon the rue!' who have the spirit to fight for 'Fretrlil, Free Speeeh, and Free , Men, to i. ck to ,th army and to march -to WaS i. gtbn. N army in the world was 'ever 411 paid )( 1) or so well fed, as is the arm ,I freedoin ! pow encamped uon the.twolilid s of tb Potomac. Theraions, laiaelh'ef re, were greatly -increased ; byi the'lt i s ongresS,l 4 1 [and it is now a common , thg for well ordered I q companieS to save b surplus! foo/ at tLe rate of $1,200 Fetir. Norl 1 one man in fifty can possibq 'ea the,ra lions now allowed our troopsi From Missouri we- havel narratiV'e which 'will cause the blood it , riun cold , through the veins of all whir ad it. On the 3d last., the passenger tlxp4ss train bound west on the Hannibal inci St. jo senli Railroad, when it had r a Ud Little Platte River Bridge, nine • i c 4 east of ISt. jo'seph, was precipitate into the r'ver, the whole train going il i f sr? with a errible crash, hurling nearlope hun-- dred men, women, and child eh into the chasm. The scene t6s ivh, tl itlight be expected—too horrible to al ciw ieven 'an attempt at description. The I.u .i e 6f this catastrophe would.hardly be lieved did we not know the devilish br t lify of the fiends who new ravanJe that t, t te. They I bad, deliberately bur%ecl the itribers' of the abridge so that thq weight f the loco motive must carry away the hole struct are.' A list of the killed h d wounded has 'not yet l Yeacheti us, ki', 06 dostrue- E'en of life and limb was arffitl.. -If any thing, were ivantecilo shossyttMt the stern edict' of Gen. Fremont Was' needed 'in ' Missouri, this deed of the Rebel miscre ants would remove all drat. We look for a speedy infliction, ripen them of a punishment so terrible that it shall be re membered fOr a generation IVAsurNaroN, 1 Sept. 5, 1861.-'—Gov, Gamble of Missouri has started hotnevvard. He was here not to TernonSfrate against Gen.lFretriones proclaillat'po, as alleged, but to obtain means to arm the State troops. Thetimost perfect agreement ex.- isn. , between him and, Gen. PremOnt, and they will heartilY mi.ipeOtc in putting dow'n rebellion. There Will'be no trian gular contest in Missouri,' as , has been stated. Ile repi-esents that the State:is in,a very critical condition: The rebel forces in the south are dispersing, and going north in sicall bands, .without at tracting notice, and where there is no preparation to oppose them. They intend'l to attack towns aud,swall hodies'of Union ists, and, if possible, unite, and fall: upon larger bodies: The great want of - Union men is arms. Th"roughotit the State are soldiers without weapons. In Illinois are 20,000 enlisted ,troops 'destitute of eqUipmen'ts. • We have been shown a document signed by the Mayors in office - of the cities of the United States and . Canada; certifying to the superior exCellence :of Dr. Ayer's Compound Extraci . Of, Sarsa parilla,•and to the value tif bia , reme. dies as articles of great !public utility. Such evidence from 'such . . ;high sources bears us oat triumpliantlylin theitosttion we have long maintained regard to Doet., Ayer's preparations,: or , More par ticularly our advertisements of them. Nis publishers need be mere . fosed than we are to the promulgation of . .imekery an any 'shape, .but we knew when;_ • began, that, his remedies were above an us= picion of deception-Lthat they Were about the •best it is posible to procure for the care of disease; and that 'the.); have the monfidence of all'communities 'vliere they have the confidence of all 'communities where they aro kilowa. 'Not; alone be= cause the Mayors 'of ,th e I Whole country believe them useful td their peOple, but because we - know; fro .'experience that they are so to oursi, do' we: hetieve we a'ro rendering a' subsiatitiai service to our readers in making their virtaesi 'known to them.-.—Courier, PrinCdtoll Ky. • The oath of allegiance r , has •been re quired of all our . 'foreign :Ministers and, Consuls - • abroad. - so :far r'as;; , heard from, including men .of the , Ministers, baye taken it tinheitatingly, blEw YORE: 1 Sept:-4.=.-Tice. Confeder ate prisonere?;;he v:pre capturcd-lit the taking ofthci'l forts: .at Hatteras, rileti: Were. transf,e44 from - the, steam ": frigate 'Minnesota, tel Fort ColundiusiNew Ark, ,thia'morningvk l' k' •;. :-:-'i': ,;; : - 0.4 • '''Ma . 4iitfm has Priintely - &tiered to 'Overal members ef : the Legislatti# his' Icleterinitiatiott $:1 stietain theaction:ofthe , [ - Legislature,. itiihatever it may he,:to-the , extbnt, of hi 4 'Power,. The Senate!is cc-. cuiled in s l ettlion . contested seats; blit I 1 • ], , )., - , ' amossured that the Legislature will:aban don the, neutrality position, vote to, ; raise the' State's 'qvieta -of ;troops, andra..tscitne her portionefthe military tax levy,With out putting the`Government to the trouble of Collecting !ii. Kentucky is all: right. This may be 'Clied upon. ' 11 II . The Arabia";, from 'Liverpool on the 24th and Queenstown on the 25th : ult., arrived at. Halifax on Tuesday with two days later neWS. That from Greai Brit aii: is not iinportabt. The Baron 'de V.i. , dii has been Onteneed to a year's inaprig, onruent forpq murderous assault on his sot!, and'irts; ion is to be imprisoned fec one month , beause he refused to g,iVe his testimony against his father. Affairs at Naples have teen looking rather gloomy. AtiPontelaiialf, a town near by, a com r party Of Italian soldiers were attacked by the, people a 'a twenty-nine of tbein ;were murdered. be next day the troops de , streyed the tvitv.n and massacred one ilint s dred and : fifty persons. Two upposed. , , - ass'assin 's- had' attempted to enter.'the' house of Garibaldi by night; they; 'were: fired on and 'one of .them was wounded. In? Austria.a. 'Cialission took place bet Ween the' soldiers -kind, the people, caused by the singingoft national airs by the latter.. Cardinal riecriloniini is dead. Trouble is reeked for between the European and; JaPanese k ,,Goilerntnents. Foreign ,'mer chants are lepenly i niurdered, and it is thought that; tbe Government authorizes the ontrages 1: A new insurrection has broken - out Inear Pekin. Holland has recognized.; . th new .Kinedom of Italy, ' and the Government of Prussia is on the , point of doing 'the same. Breadstuffs dull. ConSeil 92i. - The rept Orebetween Austria and Hun= gary . is regarded as complete, and the, dis soletion of the . Hungarian diet is antici patied. ' I , \ It is proprOed among the Republicans. of New York! City to unntioate Col. Mi -1 ehael Corcern 'as the Union candidate ' for Sheriff tht4 Fall. ' • ' ' - 't P. • . The proclamation of the President-to }pie the Rebel ports will not be issued t present. ! ' I ,3. ,00,13 RT PROO,LAIITATION. YVHEREA*EI 'the 116 n.. Robert G. White PresidCutlJudge, and the Don?. Joseph Moan and G. o.4Colvin, Associate Judges or. the. ourts of Yer St Terminer and General Jail Delirery;lQoarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Court of Common Pleas for the County', Of POtter, hare issued their precept, bed.ring date the seventh daj , Of I Jairiraiy, in : the'. Year 1 - . if our. Lbril one thou sand eight hundred and sixty-one, and to me directed,fer holding a Court of Oyer and Term iner and General Jail Delivery; Quarter ,Ses., sions of the Peace, Orphans' (jourt, and'Conrt ' of Common Pleas, in the Borough of Cottder- sp'orZ,. on 310 , 11)AY, the 23rd day of Sept. neat, and to continue one week Notice is therefore hereby given to the ,Cor oaers, dusticebi Icl f the Peace. and COnstables within the .conilly, that they be then and there in their properlitersoni, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, with their rolls, records, inquisi tion's;' examinations, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices ap pertain-to be dOnle. And those who Are bbund by their reccuizances to' prosecute against the iirisonerS that are er shall be in the Pill of said county ot Potter, are to be tben'and there to prosecnte'agM'nst them as Will bejust,! Dated at Cornmisrour, Sept. 2, 1861, and the 84th rear Of the Incicpcndence of the United. State's of Anioqda. .4 ____ i._ i! i WM. F. BURT, Sheriff. ' 'Election Proclamation.: PURSUANTit'o an Act of the General. As sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, entitledln Ad relating to the 'elec 'tions of this ,Commonwealth," approved the second day of ',Lily,' A. D. one thousand eight hundred and, tarty -nine,' I, 'W3I. F. BURT; Sheriff of the co inty of dotter, Pennsylvania;do tereby make known and give notice tolhe electors' OEO4 County 'aforesaid, that a Gene ral Election winlim held in the said county of Potter on. the 'second Tuesday (eigtb) of Oc tober, 1960, atitihich time State and Colinty Officers, as follOrrs, are tcrbe elected, to Wit: One person, for President Judge of the 4th, Judicial District; comprising the counties of Tioga, Potter,' itteNeam - Elk, and Canteroa. Two person's . ' for Members of the House of Representative's bf, the General Assembly of Pennsylrani..4lll conjunction with the county of Tioga, to.represent the counties of Tioga and Potter. i; ? : ' Two persOils!for Associate Judges for Potter county. , ;.' ! ' , One person'lor Commissioner of the Connty, of Potter. ;1 ;' I 1 • One persoil - l for •Aid itor of ' the count of f ' 1 • One person Or Coroner' of the 'county of l'etter. I , , , , 1 r— , I • . I also nankciknotrn end give notice, .as 'in' and, by the.l3tb seetion of the aforesaid act I :am directed, that every person, excepting Jus tice.s of the F'eitlce,jwhO holds any offme or' j appointmenl of profit dr trust under the Ger- j ernmeut of the. lignited.States or of this State, ibr of Any city Or iineorporated district,whether , - a - conimissioneil'ofßceror othertvise,:a snbor- dinntebfßeer oragent,who is or shall be em-ii ,ployed under the legislative, j udiciary, orie.i iecutire departrisentS of /his State Or the United IStateii„erstf a)si city or incorporated. district, 'aintalso tinit typryi member of Congress and, of the Stale Legislature, and of the select and common douncil,:of:iny city, or commissioner !of any incorporated! district, is by len' incapa-,1 Me of tiolding ''or exercising at the same time' the office or *Ointment of Judge, ritspeclor,,' or clerk of any election in this Commonwealth,. and, that,no inspector or Judge, Or other Offi n Cer 9f any snob election shall be eligible to be voted for:; S I ! :'. and ectiCas Also, that in the fourth section of the Oct f Asseni ;adtitied ' "An Act relating]-Pi -fox othcr. purposes," approvetir Nit' iGth, 186,1 Y, itls enacted that the afore— aid 13th seitiend shall not be so construed as o prevent ani 'Nitttary 06c er or Boikeugh , ?Meet frora dening as Judge, Insgfcter, 43 ME Clerk of any - general Irr,Speclil election in tSiA :Comn3onwealth. 'tie farther directed that filch:meting of the 'return Jadges at the Court. Rouse in Coud tr .. 'aport.te make out the g'.ineral returns, abaft he on the first Friday succeeding the general election;l which will be the - 11th day of °eta: also - hereby snakelitown and giro notice thilt- the islaces for holding the aforesaid gen. etalleleetion in the 'sereral townships e tta boroughs, -,eithin the eohnty of ?otter, are as ;follows, to- wit : • For the township- of Abbott, at the Henn a : nia Hotel, in said. township._ Fot the township of - Allegany, "at the scirSol house near the plabe formerly owned bt ter Andrews, in said 'township. Fot the township of Bingham, at the lonise ad. R. Lewis; in Said township.. For the township of-Clara, at the Moroi house nearS.ala Sterens'; in said township. For the:" township of Helena; at the Nevi Court House in the *prone! of Coudersport. For the township of Geoeiee, at -the house formerly occupied by S. S. Rasco,in Ellishings • For the-township of Harrison,t the hoOso recently occupied-by Ira Bartbolomew,M said township. ' - For the township of Hebron, at the school house No. 5, near Henry Ingraham's, in said township. • • For the township of Hector, at the Sunder': lin school house, near Jacob. Poet's, is said township. • - For the township of Jackson, at the house formerly occupied by B. Barse, now X Chap pel, in said township. „ For the township of Keating, et the . douse of Pliny Harris, in said township. For the township of Gswayo, at the Centre school house in township. For the township of Pike, at the house of Elijah:Johnson, in said township: - .For the township of Pleasant Talley, at the school house in said township. _For the, township cf -Portage, at the Sizer school house in said township. • - ' For the township of Roulet, at the school house near George Weitner's in said township For the township of Sharon, at the Shiloit ' Centre school house, neat John Voorhees'. • For the township of Sweden, at the house .; ! f Asenath Taggart in said township. For the township of Stewartsonl at the house cf J. 8 . . Clerk, in said township. For the township of Summit, at the house formerly oepupied by Uel Cook, now Jonathan Redson, in bald township. For the township of. Sylvania, at the sehboi house near J. M. Rees', in said township. For the township of Ulysses, nt the house of Atlas 13ennettOn said township. For the townstilip of West Branch : at the home of S. 3L Conable. in said township. 'For the township of Wharton, at the hours of Stephen Horton, in said township. For the borough of Coudersport, at the Court Rouse in said borough. ' Gicen under my hand, this Id day of Sep tetribCr, A. D:41861 WM. F, BURT ; ShLf. Condepport. Sept. 4, .1661 BUSINESS CARDS --- JOHN S. MANN, ATT.ORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAS, Coudeisport, Pa., will Attend the several Courts in PolZer and 3l'Keart Counties. All business entrusted in his cafe will receive prompt attention. Office, corner of West and Third streets. ARM .G. OLMSTED, ATTORNEY &' COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Coudersport,. Pa.; will attend to allbusiness • .entrusted to his care, with promptnes and Ea - ify! - Office onls...oth-west corner of Main and FoUrth Street's. ... • ISAAC BENSON. • ATTURNEY AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa., will attend to all business entrnsted to hint, with care and promptness. .Office on Second st„, near the Allegheny Bridge. . F. W. KNOX, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Coudersport, Pa., will regularly- attend the Courti in Potter: and • the adjoining Counties. 0..1 1 . ELLISON, PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa., respectfully informs the citizens of the vil lage and!vicinity that he Will promply re spond to all'culls for. professional services. Office on. Main st., in building formerly or. copied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. C.' S. 4:- E. A.- JONES,. • DEALERS INTALUGS, MEDICLYES;•PALNT •Oils, Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry Good:, • Groceries, Sc., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. D. E. OL3ISTED, DEALER IN DRX\ GOOD, READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, &c., Main st., Coudersport, Pa. M. W. MANN,, DEALER LY-BOOKS STATIONERY, AZINES and Musie,'N. - W. corner of Main and Third sts., Coudersport, :Pa. • COUDERSPORT HOTEL,' D. F. GLASSIIIItE, Proprietor; Corner of Main and Second Streets, Condersport,Pot ter Co., Pa. . L. BIRD. . SURVEYOR, CONVEYANCER, Be., BOOK 'LAND, Pa., (formerly Cusliingvilie.) Office in big Store buildinT. ANDRjW SANBE E RG & BRO'S. TANNERS ND CIIRRIERS.=—Hides tanned on the shares, in 'the best manner.' "Mull , 'nery .on the east side of 'Allegany ricer. Coudersport, Potter county, Pa.—Jy.17,161 J. OLMSTED S. D. NELIp.T. OLMSTED 8: KELLY, • DEALER IN STOVES, TIN" - & SHEET.' IRON WARE, Slain st., nearly opposite the Court Rouse, doudersport, Pa. Tin and Sheet Iron Ware made to order, in good style, on short notice. CHARLES MANNTNG BLACKSMFFH; Fourth street," between gain and West' Streea, Coudersport; Pa. r - is fire pared to do all kinds of work in his line, on the most reasonable terms; - Produce taken in payment. EZRA= STARKWEATHEk BLAPBSIIITH,.wouId informthis: former cus tomers aad the public generally that he has reestablished a' shop in-the building form - • erly occupied hy. Benf, Iteimelsin Couders port, where he, be pleased to do all kinds of Blackamithing on the most reason able terms.. Lumber, Shingles, and all kinds of Produce _taken exchange for work. ' , . • . Z. J.. T -_ • HOMPSON, • •- •• . . , .. . r • CARRIAGE, & WAGON_ MAKER,, and. RE- .., PAIR:ER, Oondei:sporE Potter C. ? Pa. t takes. .1 • • • • : this method of informing the pub- lie in general that-he =is prepared' to in his line with promptness, ' in a workinati-like. manner, : and,, upon ..the. - . most accomtoodating terms. Painient, for Repairing 'invariably required on deliveof., l . . the trork.,- ; ' lila : . AR - kinds of pßoDu.tte. • takeion accountof work: • - - •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers