r i#o: - aliV: -- , (7 v.y;*-4:i opEitzTOßT,' AVGI;ST 'OO, 1.860 f i en d Chase :—Please . giVe notice in joURNAL, t•hat, I thank.. mt- frimads _icing me the nomination of Coroner. Coder present eireumstuntes', de e t he n omination, therefore tvi'l not eif elected. Yours &n., Cri.Ees, Au_. 20. Y A. STOUT. good Sewing Machine in a family wir e. Have you seen the machine , e d the " Idrie ?" If not, we advise dour readers who may not 'have the work they can attend to to write tlr.J. N. Beylan, at 3lilan, Ohio, and the Company's confidential terms to 77,e County seat of Cameron County been located at Shipper), and . the ;wing committee advertise to receive N esls at that place to build the Court use, on Saturday, -Sept, 15th. L. T. :or e, Perry Martin and C. J. 'Moore the committee. Architects and build ,rerequested to examine the grounds 4 ,-e making proposals. This looks as : ,. c h the new county is to be organ -3 forthwith. Ciarley Simmons has bought out -wavy Kenyon, ht Oswayo Village,and jest returned from New York with .utss,ooo worth of goods which he bell et prices that cannot be beat.— ler is an enterprising m.crchant,buy - nods mostly for cash, and is m:fare enabled to sell fur a very small Be now rails three stores—one Eilisburz. and, two at Oswayo (las his hands full, but menaf , es to ise his business after all. See his ad :tales:eat for particulars. Seized, taken in:ei4ittion, and to be sold as the property of Peter Westbrook. SHERIFF'S SALE, I ALSO-Certain real estate situate in liar-1 DJ! . Y VIRTUE e l f euntiry wrier of Venditioni t . ison Township, Potter Co., Pa., bounded on .1,30 Exponas. Field Fames - and Leval-1 Pacias the Nortli by lauds of the FoN. estate. East by I is, , rl , lout of the Court cf Common Pleas of Pot- , lands of Wilcox and G. S. Brown, South by ter Coagty, l'aini! i irania, and to ate directed, I ; the Highway, and West by lands of Alfred I shall r.rpcse to litiLlic salt , or outcry, at the Con;! Shelly; containing fifty acres, about eight House in Colo: ,,, nviort.. on MONDAY, the ITthlacres of which is erected one log house. day of kept. ISeio, at 10 o'clorh, a. so., thefal-! Seized, token in execution, and to be sold lowing describ e d real ct..te, to wit : is the property of Richard,Rowley. Certain real estate situate, in Sylvania Town-! ALSO-Cettain real estate to wit-: situate ship, Potter Co.. Pa.,.bounded on the North in. Sylvania Township. Potter Co , Pa.. bound hy lands of J. .:q. Tuttle, and Keating lands,: eil on the East by lands of —Prouty. and and on the East South and West by heating • on the North, South and West by lands of the lands ; containing. fifty acres, one and - our' Sunbury Company t containing one hundred . • half acres of which are improved. ' ; acres. about torty acres of n hich are ha s Lsryc Sfd.lk.-J, :).1.. G reeurnan, E sq. 1 ..,'''',..''..2: , 1C1, ttd;ca in e l .:ecution, and to :be sold !proved, on •tehich are erected one frame bouste , as the property of Elm , nuel Starkey. i and one log house. . Hann] township, brought to our office ..AL.SO-C, , riii.in real estate, to wit: two - cc:T- 1 Sviued, taken in, exOcation. and to be sold 1 Tuesday, a blackberry stalk . of this! ''-'l6•vni" iota -' ' ' ' o e situate 111 , ~ • the horon-li of l as the property of Uinta) Prouty. Condersport. raster Ca.. Pa., known as Lotsl WH. F. BURT, Sheriff:. t:l's zrowth that measured 12 feet 7 !Nos , . 1::. , 4g,..,-1,1 135, on Square Na. 13; bo - anded ; Coudersport August 29. 18il0. Ifaos in length, and. 3 inches in circuits- on the North bv Lots of B. Cushing, East by ; i :Main Street, :• - itinth by Fourth Street. end! rence, at the ground. On the same! W es t hr Lots l 1 ; otano , ,n - .4. to l the S,tifool District 1 ,N 0 T 11) ';` •. ' etes• another of the same ien..th but but:} (3 ""L''"l'" rt, a l.d I° ' °°'' iii . , possession tit? P. A. STEBBINS, lacing sold out his Stock desirous . . 1.. B. Col, . Ltm,..t.ning sys.t.-,ttur perches 0t.,,0f Goods, of closingup hi but Hess circumference, and three of bees .1.,,,„,1 •in which is etect . eti one Blackstnith ; ness. All persons ind,:thied to him are re : .- i blf tae site This i• - 4 rearded ei n 'il,,i,• i quested to can inlMeeiately and settle their) . • • • Seized tahen in execution. and to he soldlaccounts. His hooks will lie round at -the LtV nroduction acre in a country not- 1 - • • IStore of E. - N. STEBBINS ..;,-. BRO. las tue pt °pert:: tit L. , .tinuel Haven. . 7,1]:, - dispo..ied to grow the fruit, and we! ALSO-Certain real estate situate in Clara I --'-- , '- •-. .- •• l'att'er ,-, p 4 , , • ti „ i t • i POlrla En CA). kb A 111..2.0 .i.D COM : , , - , i 1.,,k,,i,n0 , .. ~. 0.. a.. pour: ‘. sm lie 1: it 11 : 3 ''' r coni p er ' on v ' . '" t ''' ' ll2 " e ' t ! 'ier , ;l by . i..ie lands (it Wilfiant Person, East 1 P.".4:VV. titcated Lawton-as we also do the !by 1. - .11.1 , of Jerry 1 .2... en. entith by lands of-- i , ‘. meet illg of the shareholders of the POT ' TER CO It IIL.IO-1.1.1 COMP INV' will be Nieus. fruit that °Tors unon such bri-! -`•i rev, ''' l ' l IVE.st b: l ' ;: ` arin g hands ; con- . ' - ' . . - - .• ...„ . tasting two li tth d re d an d live a cr e; of which i held at Grnlntot.l ! on Saturday. tt-,ept. let, ~ and which is. now being gathered! twentv-tive acres are improved and sixty acres I 1900: horn 1 to t; o'clock P. M.. for the pur of electing a President..and t 2 Directors. Inuatireds or bushels in titer woiids. 1 elm:toed. on .Whieh 'II I. erected one log Louse , Pot'' , --_ • , _ i one shingle house and one log barn 1 Those throat are reouested to he present.' or IVe hear of :lowlier stall: 13 feet 6 inch- i • ; -....i,,,..d . t: ,1 : ,,,„ i„ ~x „ .,1 tt ,c , „. . .t . ,,,1 to 1,,, sm id i send their proxies at leastt-hree days previous. in length out of I - diameter, which ! 'ls . Olt , P:''';' , srlY or cliftrles-111;irofikry.-- •- ! The Atbscriptioa - hs - t will remain open until I AL:-12 rut estate described a; i that time.. I .s.an )'lark Esq., found err his farn.l,l By order of the Commissioners full commeneing At the-North-east co - crier .) miles north of this place, last Satur-lor kit. No- 75, I. C'''''' West a k"g The S " ath l C. "‘ rtn"i ' i ' ' to:2% Pi. 1. 6u I Elie of Sr..,c.iral Street sixty-six feet to a post,' -- ^y. The _rre,..tac,n s,all, ino) be seen ; ,i,„„,.,. .:„,,,.,..„ ~;v: , ..,, ,i ,...- feet to the line of lei ' _ . .uo. 74. theme East sixty-six fmt to the Wysti-z-r4-rliEr,F,As t h e Bo n . It.dierr G. White lice ef IVest street, th,nye North along- the' ii It President di t di r e. an , i the 1 1 .0P3. Joseph West li e of Wmt stret_t sixty-six fmt lb tae M:tati ;Ma G. G. Colvin, Associate .hifi'ZeS in i•'...lee 01 . 1j , ...! .. inni1ef, i'ellll4 the cl'in:t halt or Lo!, t'a e court; o r user ;,-„; T erm i ner -,,,, i G eoer ,,i ‘.; No. 7: - . on ,:-:i l ii C:t: No, 5, sitriata M the b o rou g h ; 3 „ 11 Deilv „....„ . Q .„.„ tcr 5 t ..,..„,„, ~/. tc, fetter. ot Cowl, raport. Put:- r Cie, Pa. ria Wil'cll is Orplmns . Com - L ;mil U.. 1 .: 0 ! .1 tmamon Plea , i : - -it;:ate um.. two stery frame lilael4sinith shop.: it oc the c o „.„ ::: i .t.: 1, , nt.,,r. 11,1“, i: sc ed t h,i r ~ail um mi-1.1 C;,irov, dwsilimr Louis. . prampt, hearing il tte the seventh day of L't rye Fiood- i l lb.xn'y Damages 4',): 5,:i:...e,: 7 c 2.:.:•::: :ti ex..:c11,1011, aud to be sold .%iugust, iii the .yaar ot . wig Lord oils , 11 thou- , , . , the prorwriy of ..flenners. sand ei,..•fht hamited mid sixte, ,stid to my di r.ipErty. .About 1 o'cleci; last T .k." rmay ''.10,-Cert.lin :tai c..tate sitnitt. in 11.c-!rected. for holdiur a Court ;A Over and Tcrin :ruin.' a very heavy rain began to fall.- s r,e- T,,wk.sik:p, Potter Pm, Pa., Lotinded on theliner and General J.iil lielirtaty, Quarter Sets- X,,r11. •by lands of E. T. Il.lrteln, un the WeF.I. :ion, o r t he Peace. Orphans' Court. and Court Li which continued until ;Lout dayiight .., . •.. ~ • \ ~.. Hilburn, the , •:.-„ , 11 I, ~ t ,' ' !,I • , ••,, ' 1. .3 , ~, ~ .. , , • 1 . ....1n...- ~I ......lin 011 ......,-.. ) 01. ,Oninioll , .1.:•S. In Ole 0: rr. {l4ll 01. ‘,0111._1 , • iNlny up a little at tulftrvals• Soon .- 'emus . c f ),Idreni E. .1. caring-, up the en .q by : ;port, on MONDAY - , the 17th day of Sep • , Idinsichir lands; containind about ninety- - 7 ' iemoer next. iiiiit to mot-Ai:me ohe week : ails light it commenced pouring UOVVII :Seven acres, alici;it twdatv aeres of which are • - N ot i ce i: therefore b etel ', ~_:,,,,n t„ the c„ 1 ... ;?::11, and continued doing so, kith in.:. improved. with one frame house, one log ; oilers; Juidices of the l'em-e mil (ii Qtal)l .:.nab of light_ rain, until about 1 o'clock , ; . house mud some c fruit. trees thereon. within the county. that they be then and there „,,,1,, • , . tasen lo execution, and to be sold ; in their proper persons, at 19 o'clock A. M. of .m., when it ceased for the day-the'-as the property- of C. W. ll.lnvitle ; said day, with their rolls. records, inquisi -. li . , - .u., ..ow,..vt.r, did trot. The streams ad A Ls! . o . ___% - , ,,rt.tin , r_cal c r .r.ate , sktualai , -.. Sharon' , - e T i n .,-j or • • 1 i 1 ,1 ‘ , / h, r re .e e p i h r , ace : i Owm,rdp, roiter r .) , I a., ocmnocu on the to do those thtmr-, y. inch to the:r oftme- lii began to exhibit a buoyancy that. N,irt'. l hy th e u nblic hi ;r hway, East by G. M '. pelt lin to be Joue. And those who are bot.otl :ttended a •flteaeral washinet out. A.nd : ilr4tnitklan, :Muth by P. B. Dedriek and West' by their reen t ruizances to pro=oimM, 6 , ..rain,4 . , by the heirs 01 ',ti ;!hard .14. doliiis, and heir; 01 the prisoner , that are or sh it l be i a t h e jo t ' ~;" :.s.ntsalt has verified the to , licatton.' - ‘t •1 P 'I :- ~ ..... , ...•:.V. ,,, 11: ‘.. ()In:al:11:1g z11)...:11t. eig:l;ty.::eris . slid c ,,,, n y.- of f',,ttt^. :Ire, to M.- rhos sot! ',lmre 'spier l:kiill ere'..k. and toe Alls::rikenv ~..., 1 ‘.:Ji , ...1: ai.:.••;.t. ei,:dlt. ac, are impruved. and ; lc , pr ,_,,. ; ctize ;;;2 ,2,,.. 5t I;, e In ; I s ii C.!' I.f. i : , t. - 10:0 L:t. I , .ra m.r ,, . , cheipped, w;GI IwO t-mili. D ;L: ,..4, R t C,, , -,,, :: ,,,,•,: c .. „ti,, , , ... 7, 1 -.....,,, on o -ter were over banks, and Bone consider- frame Imtuits one shanty bora ; and :some fruit k t le; ;,.. lt h :, cot . „r t h, 1i..1. , p, mien, e of the l ulted .. ...,e k l atuage to the crops along the fiats. tree, ilg.i.',"n -' .1-al - cmi. token in execution, and to be sold '1 Mill CrlN: B. T. Hemie's and J. 31. as ~,,, , • , r , v-' , c •'• .* 1 i ropin.y e, i• thiaiii , d . t.',itottliaili . . i ' , .tett's dale.; wore. -broken opt, :and the' :,LS;-;:ertaio real e:,Mte to wit : bo•noIA SPRING m . 1 . T_,1 .. ,.. - ,3 ACADEMY . on t'•e ',',•c-; •-,••ii North by lamis of the rotor 'it of Canfield's mill in this vilta ,, e con- -•' -- ' • - -- kCimik, .11,715, Alltg 01.1/ Co , _Y. ./. .7 ham estate, on the Lost by said lands and - d' - ' l- ablY damaged. ; ionils ( )Utile estate of :Samuel M. Fux demised, rpIIIIS IN:tITITUTION. (~ 1 1,1,]ens kip: a year Oa Pine Creek almost evervthir, i s . and ou Coe Sonth ray lot No. ..3 Conveyed by IL and a half io•ro as a hrs.: etas:. 1-7;ECtiCT - tire Trastets or Cict 13iug.liam estate to Isaac' ziCtitflt,,, has to,e: heeoale a flourishing 'lnd away-logs, board-piles DLit' bridg- V i i l c, v r z . ll : ; con toi n i ng /me h un d r ed. and six , .: , ...e::!lenty. The Pall Term commence; Tiles ' :re generally gone. Th 43 damage to ''''''''' -1 , ..i th•ce-tentlis of an acre. he the ila.;-. the 14.11 of September uext. - The rayulty . i t . i.;-11 -, :ni • o •- re or lesswith the, usual allowance' 1 , 1;117=1; ,. . of six ProM-,mr;_and Teaval , F, : : ' l l roads, houses and farm; ciong• tics of sit per eent• for Lid Le , Ming lot No. : ' Rev. WM. 11. Itt.iGEP.S, A. B , and br. LAN `''' l " is very heavy-Deacon E ns wo r t I t .40 of tic alkair.mt °Nandi . in Gent see Towil- CY FEEEBitiIN, _ls:tot:hue Prineipal ; Miss im 1 , „ . • sill., :aid part of warrant No. 11ISI, Potter Co.,' Mit:amid ..,. Ceoll. Prccepti . : 0 nli 1 tr„,,,t, e , of ' licilSooro . alone losing about 6 1 .30,000. , i. k..' :dish, Frc:edk. '..-.- : )11-s. 1:::aa • . . of I;''''‘' At 'Furman town, Tioea Co i :-'...'.led, taken in emscution. nmil to IA sold notix, Voimi a n illn-triniental Ity , •ir : •, -,_ , time prC , M , rty of N. Vonortmon. .. ....1%, ;11 -, Conn. 1111 P:tintilnY and Eintromiery zit:o was 1S feet of a rai.:e. The C. • Af,'.--Oii--Crr • tain real eszilte to !sit: It o-ng lt .11;1••itta E. it ATUSONE, Dran.ing Knit Pr 1..... ..... ==glue, was also very high. : Lot Nu. H.; a; laid ,Town en the ‘• Map of wary Pep Irtim.n.t. 0: s_Cttlo Cr ce . ,•. the flood 1 thu .listin Land: in Cirsi.e, , ,Towm,hip," bound-: Tim oldlities a - .,ii=. , _ C yz„ as. Preeeptress ---.' - .:-Is t ( ' .i . c'm the Ni;:rth liv i., - cd No. lote, East ht: lot auil Ti.aither. are of the lueliest ordt r. The • 47 e. btten the greatest. Every Iridec ' !C . o. '..1:. --, of Clark Crum.lakMtli by Lendlot oppuri unities rtirr,i,ip-d. in the d.partmant of „.- ; No. 199. West by hit No. 2103 of liallock it: \v oc ;,l and lurtrument-ii .iim.ie me 111011 vcr: : the stream was swept away, and :etrly every al p' - Pe•-kins, and ratr • tof warrants Nos. 1251. and , choice. Its ociminpllsl,el'heacher.:.lrJ. Free log and 'lumber title in' it or 1212 ,• ‘ t outait;ing i .,• x ty ore mid eight-tenths brim, Iml,Mg s s ect the past ,"....mu at toe , 71Ih banks. A whetstone ae or- idt r tar iii 1' t 'b e - : :0.n.e..... he_the iame more or less, Icing same Genesyo Academy of , 111 . 1:10. ut . . .1 .„ . -quit, to , ~. a man named ',Smith a retired int 1-. ` 2l:raci4- ' 1 be Ii 11. Dent to Gim , .. - re T. itruetlon of the Lest ,lastcl.lns of Ibis Comt- . :4tevens, about six acres tif wi,i .. :. • - •••ch are imp - roved t-rv. will enter aiiain upon iii-r duties with ad- , I ' . 4).Tterian elero - vman, was entiraly de- ' ~'„ , 1 e... waiyo are erected on. frame hous.e one log : (Mien:id assurances of the best success. in "lilted, not even a whet-stone belcig .110 1 ;=5 , gild out: log bara, aZ d seine fruit trees, the i'.'v..Mr. R ;city; c‘lio stat Le s ; with 1.13 al. I ''t "to tell. the sad f"te of its fellows." i:Lere::::. lake be,_•inning. and of Prof. Freeborn ivl.l o h as 41. • Andres. ' l• ' 0- r ! :',:zed. totiten in ex?cution. :Ind to be. sold', since ht-um engaged, their tie, a nolalit suttee:: , .rre of Grg -, , - P T. SteYer.F... n S there W 39 '''')n" -it: feet of i ' constitute -their best commendatiori. Th e : !a t'-' , " be t•secn his dwr 1 , -; ov nnd kk• -kre a ' ' 11 " P' - ' r ;• ' --- - . . , 'other Al erittenden's grill the damage gas very' - --" -- '-'' - At..‹i t Ca.rtain real estate to wit : sittas...--dttrat ler:, ale i ( 1 1, , ..,_ o._ •. . .. - - in.0;;;; - -iyo To-onshiri. Potter Co.. Pm. liottri- :Toy will he chartered. its apparatus and ltlara :-axy, and a felts , miles below in Leidy: ed on tue Ncrth by Jrihn Wells, on the East.ll - y furnished, and more new roans for kau .:4l/'hin, , Clinton Co., an unoccupied 'by Thomas lienyon, South and Wes.t. by 5- P.l dents lo.epared. ::use belongine; to a man named 17,V :-.; 03- .:FG,OO. Board per - week Tho m p. , Lyman ; containintr tea ,acres of which four i . Tutr.. , . ~ .. .ti , %. . as earned away ; and we hear of ' acres - are improved,. with a frame house, fcarne t...-10--ttt,73, or ,good rooms for self-boal d i tarn, and some fruit trees taereou. - I log, 51.50-4;00. : 4 ., 0 ( Abell', still furtlter down the stream,'tt- 4 ;.1- All wishing to attend school at one of Seized. taken in exeoution, and to be sold' " , ng swept away. . - I As; the t iro' p•rtv of i'...z. - P,, Miner. - the - iieaithieit, most pless.mt, and ,none lo- On the C * ...innetnanontne; the eamaCe'- 'pito ieu'lr: address &Me ' - - 4 1 AL:::-Ib-CA , ' riain real estate to wit: Situate' calities in tit.: country, will 'net° realize their t la also ke,,,,, i wish. For Ll , ll. ~, . i• .., •- et flier J• The fine Dew Bridife !in Sudimit TaWnship, Potter Co., Pa . corn- 'f •dl 1...'-'ll' Barcray's, built at a co_st of S6O !mer.eing at the North-east et. - rner oe W. II ,of the Principals or nle undersigned. .' 'aent away, and a number of mill - (:), • Avro's lot, thence Bast ono htiodrod nod sixty; - WM. COBB. President 0.,r.,. Trustees. G G..COLVIN, Secretary. I rOds, th.e.nce i North eighty roils to the South-1 clg l 4.3 :t. wire broken out. • A good deal Of ' Ea't `-oraer of AU:Ed .4.,7 - rcz' :ot, thence Wesi S-pring Milts : ..,...,,-. 3, 1..-.3e. car °filed by these who desire: Vii.l :;:est the propriety of gathering a few ch staiks and drvinyt them for fish rule.. )Ir. Greenman has oar thank,: for a •se: full of ve.y ei2e blaekherries at!. itpanyitig, the premium stalk. . lumber was swep away; •alsri a.large .num bernfloms. • . It is impossible to eiitimate•the damage idottebY this fond, but it will not fall•be: low $.30,000 to property in ;this county:. The-West Branch, it is said ; is only mod erately high, and the Allegheny, et Olean was at a 'tolerable high salting stage . t but we preFunic the large eastern. tribntarles which empty in below Warren put in - strong and make a big flood below. The storm seems to have been most se vere in this particular latitude.' The North Branch and its tributaries are quite high, and we learn that-the N. Y. Con. trat R. R.: Bridge at ratada Was washed away. Ili AXIIII E D. BURDICK—LANGDON—At Spring. Mills, X. Y., Saturday. Aug. 18th, by. the Rev. John L. Swain. Amos B. BrnrucK, of Ulysses, Pot ter Co., Pa.; to Luau EVELINE lINGDON, of Alleg.auy, Potter Cu., Pa. • griv TO PERSONS Our OP EMPLOrMENT. 4, GEMS WANTED TO SELL THE ERIE SEWING MACHINE —We -will give a Couintlision, or wages at from 525 to $.60 per month, and expenses paid. This in a new - Machine, and so simple in its. Construction that a eitPd of 10 years can learn to operate it by half an hours instruction. It is equal to any Family Sew ing - Machine in • use, and the price is but Fifteen Dollars. Persor,s wishing en Agency will address BOYLAN, Sec'y. Erie Sewing Machine. Gum'} Milan, Ohio. - _ . . one hundred and- sixty rods, - thence South eighty italls to the Place of beginning;• 'con taining fifir-threil acres of land, being part of warrant No. 21.20,- of which forty acres are' Improved withette log house,onelfrante.bartlk 'and an apple orehard thereon. Seized, taken: in execution,•and:to be sold as the property of Merrick Jackson; and N. V. Jackson. ALSO—Certain real estate to wit: situate in Sylvania Township, Potter Co., .Pa., cont . - mencing at the South-West Corner of Chester 13ttrlesons lot on East batik of Sinnemtihon-• ing, thence EaSt one '.hundred and forty.eve perches to hentlock,-thence North one hurt tired and sixteen perches to beech corner, thence West sixty-four perches to post corner em bank of creek, thence South-west, along bank of creek to - place of beginning ; con taining seventy-five acres. about two acres of which are improved, on which is erected one , frame house. . . . Seized, taken in execution and to be sold tas the property of Wm. -M...Earl. . - ALSO—Certain real estate to wit": situate in Wharton Township, Potter Co.,- pa., bounded on the North East and South by ilands of the Sunbury Coutpliny, and on the i West by lands of G. S: J. Hensley ; containing , I fifty acres. about three acres of Whlch are l improved with one frame house, and some I : fruit trees thereon. l Seized, aken in execution,. and to be- sold :as the property of Amos Belden. ALSO--Certain real estate to Wit: situate ;in Wharton Township Potter Ce.. Pa., com ' mowing on the :West side or the Binnetnabo niug opposite of the Saw Mill forme.ly owned by Cards, running up the hill including a l certain spring ;then in a Southerly direction along the hill to include the fifty acres run : ning to the East bank of Sinnemahoning. ; l containing fifty acres strict ineamre ; being 1 part of warrant Nc. 4n85, abont six -acres, of , which ere improved, with three frame houses i thereon. COURT PROCLINATION. 6 , aus I .\ — Al. ;IT. Slier;:r EV-Effir CITIZEN OF POTiCER,COILTIVT_YI On the ground - of Self-Interes t ought to be a Subscri6 ber idtheiTol3liNAL. It is the only paper - published in the Count 3:11ay,... 7 , i-1800 . ..- i IL E. Oti00 . 40; 'SI Ca (D. E. OLMSTED; E.E.;COLWELL ,4t A.. C. TAGOARTs) ARE NOW • 11 1;1\7 p a eibouvaute A LARGE STOCK OF •tatittrat Oct it adapted to the wants of this county, all o which Will be :sold at the Lowest _ • • FOR READY PAY • • . or on TIME to'prompt priyinfi customers.. Au examination of Goods - and comparison of tilt; quality and price trith that of fin:" other er tablishment in the County, is solicited. In addition,t&the usual stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots &Shoes, formerly kept at the store of D. E.- OLMSTED, is offered a full stuck of Hardware, iron & Nails, eed, PrOViSIOIIS, Clover and Timothy Seed. Wall and Window Paper 3 Paints & neatly every tiling wanted by the people of the -County Unti. better arranizmOents can be made. the Provi-infi!i, Feed. Iron, NiLils. Fish, -and olirer heavy "'Nicks will he kept at the iture inerlv occiuled by 11 S. COLWI,I:LL. GIVLI lIS A CALL. nrilY ULYSSES JOSEPH. A. COOPER. A B. 'Principal. ‘`.. - M. GILLILAND, I , I.,,.ISTANTS .1115 U. JONES, - T,he ULYSSES ACADEMY was commenced in the spring. of 1859 and opened to students the fiillowiug Septembor. Its object i$ to af nd the youth of its'ricinity; and to other: , linty 11:: a place of study, the rtiplisite facilities for obtaining a thorough .thd practical (AI:MO.011. Tim s,dyd is in a :.,at, tdro-tury uffully- "situated on a gentle eminence c•nitnianuity; of the village and coat,- rmend. The r.d . iCining.. yard enntains acres. ne .story- contains BEMS ruin ; and is its'ea for chapel. reel tr,tr,nr,, and -tu,!: roo:a: This rumn ie lightiA 11 lar,fe sria;i - rx.i:fiirni - ,IA with seat,. ftir febo!,irs, tablo.z, blark-board-t, nii.trt , . cloak. Iherrnotrieter, and Library ileferezlr.2 lower story conntirn, two rooms fur recitatioo9, one for library,' a arid a hall 8 by 44 feet. The Stadelltal h:1:10 in private fittnilieg rind talc in their own rooms. Nearly every fani ilv in the village open tlieir houses to boaniei-s. ..-everal new hou,vs are being erected. there w;ii be no lock of accommodatiotts ,tnd, in f.r7vate families, studerits can enpy tile coin forts' of home. (''t,r.Ll Fm.:!:- .M is, la,titiii.imr ( L , i better farnir4bsil and Reference Books than' abv ii:•=iitution' in the ci,nntry. Library of netbrenee contains over 49 Ytii umes, eostio , S:;.of) a vol. Among. :hem are : APPLETO.`;'S.NEW AMF.RICAN cm.orEDIA, t - 4 THE I \ Tiler , • is a 4crivr - al 'q:l,/er the C'or4l'. oft. Librarian ; a rc.leiJv re Library cohuu:iing A) ' • t'Aret• Ses-lons.a ofFourttjca each ; Colara,awing as folicra-s : 1,4 Tztea , ly Aug. 21d, 1S o'. 217 , 1 " " 'til4th " ct I, March_ lith,lBol. litetitutc conznzelice:i .:li)v. 12th, 180 U Tuition Per Term. ' ISk'.lll-ZIABLY is ,ADFANCE. COMIII.OII Englibli—embracing Rending, Writing, Orthography: Geolrraphy. GrammAr, and Arithmetic , $5OO To whioi is ndded 1 , 3 r each higher study L i fi.o lachlent:l6, Library, Le., . 50 lO2titute,,'so ~ BOarci, room, light; foe', &c., $1;50 per week. Rona l ; :with-out board,' $ or $3, per. term. PROF: C. W. SANDERC, A. DL The mathor of SANDERS' REM:ERS, will ;be prescf.t the 15zt tcg -A - ras of the Fall,Te,ro3, Grocpries, Crockery, &.0., rind it fact aid'conduced Teachers' Institnte. - Prof. Sanders will be aided by S. LtWIS, Esq., the Co. Supt., and probably„by the Su. perintendeuee of the adjoining Counties. It is r!ry impo.tant that Students:be pres ent) at the . commeneement, and remain until .the,close of the term. A relord dl ' each pu pil's attendanee will be kept ,; and reports sent 'to erery.Patriai. fine and convenient bidding, t Ea; As Tespect. _ beautiful and 4eattby Ipialion,ihorongh practical and - ..tyintematie inetruttion,' rfficient aids, pure strong Oct nOble incentives this- institution - ac knowledge: no superior, and few equals. The in tercourse of the students with each other and, with the Insttuctors is fapCetea to conform to the' cOurtesie4 -and proprieties .of .cultivatCd society. Their admission to_ the institution And enjoyment of its privileges, imply -a sa cred contract !on their part-promptly to ob serve its R.eglitations. A copy of these is fur °lilted to each student and conformity to them. is indispensible to coutinuanCe in the Institu tion. - _ _ For Ranier information Address thePßlN- ClPAL,.tlysses, Poti,. Aj RI R-I VA L OF Tin; JAPANESE EMT3ASSY AT PHILADELPHIA. N . , E,W-GOODS SIPENCPWS.. , JUST receiving an extensive stock of Wy oming County Flour. Any one desirous of betting a better snide of FLOVR at less profit than at any other store in town, will de-well to call at ;SPENCER'S. ALSO, - POl I:K., MEAL and any other article in the of -PROVIS IONS constantly on hand: Deductions made 'to those that buy at Wholesale. GROCERIES v of all descriptions, Also DRT:G6, MEDICINES, Scc., Patent Medicines of most all kiuds. Those wishing Dr. Doland Kennedy's Medical Dis- cover will find it at. .MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PmExix Byrrrris. THESE MEDICINES have now been before the public fur a period of THIRTY YE,ins. and during that time have maintained a high character in almost every Thirt of the Globe, for their extraordinary and inninaliatt, power of restoriofr.perreet henlth tolpersorts suffering under ncarly every kind of 4',A.MISI!. to ( which the human frame is The following am unong, the distressing variety of Imolai' diseases in which the Vegelabie Life D;edieines Ire well known to'be DY:SIT.P6I.A, 13y thoroug h ly elo;nsilig, the first And , ocoinl :quo:oohs, and creating, a flow of liar^ health:: bile, in,tead. of the :;tale and nerid. kind; , ITI:LENCY.: Loss of _lop:Alto, Heartburn. Headache. Il"Ftie , :qie.-s, El-Tem per, A oxjety, Languor, op d Mcialle!ioly, which are the gener...l symptoms of Dyriiepsia, hill :1 , 1;at:lr.1.1 osioinenoe of its core. COSTIVENEStS, cle.rast•tg the whole kogili'of the intestines with a solvent pro , e!-;s, and without violence ; all vh,lt•nt purges lento the bowels costive Within tiso days. IlEVEltri of all hinds. Lc restoring the LI ,;(.1 to a regular circulation, thriingh 'the procL's:: of perspiration in such ca,rs, and the thor ough solution- of all •mteStillal oli.Strtztioll in others. • The Life Medicines have beeit kdown to civ i c RHEUMATISM permanently• in three weeks, and GOUT in half that time, by re moving Inca! inHamnaltion from the muselee and ligaments of the joints: DI:Ui'S IFS of all kinds, by freeing and streng'l•ening the kidneys end bladder; they operate 01041 delightfully on these - important or . 4acs, arid It WC ever been rOilltd a cer• tail: remedy for the •ror9t ca”scf ORAVJF Al3o WORMS. by disind!,Mg from the turn of the bowels the slimy matter to which lit e crvat,tr'r, - ; :adhere. bCUIZVEY. t,71,C 1 ::; alld INVETERATE SORES by the verr. , : t Farity' which Iftese LIFE MEDICINES g:ye to (he blood, and all the llutno:: SCOitiltrTiC EIZT:PTION'et and DAD COM by their alterative eqeet upon the fluid: that feed the ,-:1,;t1, anti the . worbbl state hich oct.:l:iionta all ertiptive romplaints, ,lion-. cloudy, anti other disa g reeable cow pley.ions. • The nee of these Pills for a very short time.] will effect so entire cure of SALT RHEUM. and a striking improvement in the clehrnessi f the shin. CoMMON CULDS and INFIX% ENZA nitv,iv; he cured be one dose, or , by two in Z!r± v.-ord. cases. 031 proprietor of these! :t5 ending. by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES I .PEVER AND A(152 —For this scourge of the Western e•mitir,-. these Medicines will be itmnd a sore. silctiy, oil certain remedy.— o , her medicines d2aze the sNstem to I return of the disease--a ctire by thet..e Med- I loinei is rerannent—rttY THEM, tie EITISFIED, AND I.E BILIOC FEVERS AND LIVER COM-1 PLALNIS.- : -General Debility, Loss of Appe tite, and DLA , ..scs of Fern-ties—the Medicines I:I:vie been used with this most benefieirl re sults in eases of this- description :—Kings I ! Evil, end Seorfula. m its worst forms. yields, to the Mild'yet powerful action of these re- 'markahle Medicines.' Night :Sweats, Nervous, D Complaint of all kinds,' Pitipitatton of the Heart, Painters' Colic,- atei I speedily cured. . MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whose I emistitutions have become impaired by the, injudicious use of MERCLUIT, will find these I Medicines a perfect cure, as they never flail to I eradicate from the system, all the effects of' . Mercury, infinitely sooner than the moatpow erful preparations-of Sarsaparilla. Prepared ; and sold by W. B. MOFFAT, 335 BaoanwaT, *Few-roax. For :ale. by all Draggi7l3. FALL AND WINTER I - GOODS, AT _ C.l L SitANIMV BLOCK OSIVAYO VILLAGE..- Bust Received from New -Yong 1 - tiargest and. ttes...: stock of - GoOdit ROF RET) PC TTEB COUNT • 1. The assortment consists of. DRY GOODS, illats and Caps, 4:064 - 8 4. Shoes, lIAIRDWARE, CROCAERY) GROCERIES detertnined to sell good:, as lovr att Iran 1 . 3 e purchased in Wellsville . . }lava urehased Ibr Clash, no rents or interest and sellinz a large innonnt for 13g AD!' , I am enabled to Share the Usual 1 , fits with my etntomers. OE ing to p k'A ' Pr • si l ippe,i) io 4.1.1e,6112 j 11:nrr mu cOrimtantl v to offer•the LATgSi I l ILES and BIiST QUALITIES of Goods. cnn:J :,il MI ,161tbic tenni MEE 6A SIT FOR GOOD LUMBER AND SHINGLES, PERI'UNIERY I. 11 AVE IRAN CH 'STORE B 1/1 ONS & PERR Y' } re a COMPLETE GENERAL . ASSOILTA T be consiautly kept on hatttl. • C. It. SIMKINS, .I,v:iyo, April 2, 1.610.—1y,c.1t. SPF•SrTIC whei :\I E.,1 000 Copies already, Sold. ~~ SE IT TELLS YOU IBEI . _ Single copies will be sent by midi, postarit paidi to Every Farmer. Every Mer.lirinic, EVtly, Alan! of Business, and Everybody in Brent ou receipt of $l.OO, or. in style. binding at $125 XOOOl " i r _Fi..4.ll - M t a ail d , • entmiprising men everywhere, in selling aboNJe work, as our inducements to all soil; are '4ery liberal - For single copies of the Book, or for tows to eimits, with other is:formation, apply . tb addrtss • JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher EWSTOCK 0 F THE PROPRIETOR HAS MO and ROVISIONS. ring made nrrnavniellts with" some. Of est 1i0q5 , 2,3 in the 'city, goods wi ll ST COLD AND SILVER IyiTCHEBI ell Lund for sale. Pedlai supplied on At Ellisburg; - nude! the u.ttne and style ERYBODY'S LA)VY,E4 IND .OUDISELLOR IN BUSINESC, By :CRANK CIIOSBY E OF THU PLILADOLPIIIA, Big. I',LLS VOLT nor- to draw up_Partnership Papers and - gives general forms fot Agreemens of all hinds, Bills of Sale, Leas c-s and Petitions. :low to draw up Bonds and Mortgages. A Eidacits, Powers of ttorpq,ifoteS and Bills of Eseliange, linelpts and Releases. IELLS YOU The Laws fur the Collection Of Debts, - N cith the Stat utes of Limitation, and amount and kind of prop= crty Exempt from Execua • tion in even- state. How to make an Assignment. prOperly, with forms fof Composition With Credit= ors. and. the Insolvent Laws of every State. - The legal relations .existing bmween • Guardian and Ward, MeSter and Ap prentice,- and Landlord and Tenant. What constitutes Libel ant Slander, and the Law as to Marriage power,. the Wife's- Right in Propertyi Divorce and Alimony. The Law for • Mechanies' • Liens in every State, and the Natutalization Laws a this country, and how io comply with the same, The Law Concerning Per= sious and how to obtain one, and the Pre-Emption Laws to Public Lands. ,ELLS YOE ELLS TOE; ELLS YOU ELLS YOU ELLS YOU The Law of Patents; with • mode of procedure in oh= twining one, with inter , ferenees, si gatuentg and Table of Fees, How to make your Will, AR how to Administer on as Estate, with the law nwi the requirements thereof in every Shale_ The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and Ox , plains to yon the Legis . lative. Executive and Ju , dicial Powers of both the Geneial and state Aka' , et:meats.. - How to keep out of Law, f , y' showing how to _do your business legally ; flit! e saving a vast- amount ; r ELLS YOU ELLS YOU ELLS -YOU . t gLLS. YOU property, .ond. litigatton,_ by ita time;_': eon-saltation. Nc 617 Saar cvo Stir Bi. PLilaiPzlpLia t Nd n
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers