THE POTTER JOURtiAL, Pvpktsniri. EVESY TH cusoiy 31-Oit2CING, Thos. S. Chase, TO whom all Letters and Cou.nnunications - - zikould bs addressed 7 to ecure uttentjou. .Terins--Invarlably in Advance: 81,25 per Annuni. . UUMMUSSIMMUSISMUU ... Tumunsunumisuma sgrintiturat, Hay-MaLing. : As the season for making bay is ap• proaching, we will give a few words of caution in advance. Don't dry your lzoy too muck. -Hay maybe dried till it is as worthless. as straw. As a ;loud coffee maker would say, “Don't burn your euf fee,-but brown it;" so we say, don't dry your bay, but cure it. Our good old mothers, who relied on herb tea, instead of "potecary medicine," gathered their herbs when in blossom and cured them in the shade. This is the philosophy of making good bay. Cut in the blossom, and cure in the shade. Tad sugar of the plant, when it is in blocru, is in the stalk ready to form the seeds. If the giant is cut carlier,•the sugar is nut there.; if la ter, the sugar has become couverteci to woody matter. Hay should be well wilted in the sun, but cured in the evek. Better to be a little too green then too dry. If, on put ting it into the barn, there is danger of "heating in the mow," put on some salt. Cattle will like - it none the less. Heat, light, and dry wind.; will soon take the starch and sugar, which tensti tute, the goodness of hay, out of it ; and with the addition of a si.ower, render it shnest.worthless. Grass cured with the least exposure to lie drying wind, and searehkg sunshine, is• more uutritiuu, than if longer oaposed, however gned th e weather may be. if ever cured, it eun talns more woody fiber and less nutritive matter. The true art of bay-teaking, then, con sists in Cutting the grass when the starch and sugar are•most Mk - developed. and before they are converted into :..ced and woody fiber; and curing it up to the point when it x•;11 answer to put it into the barn without licating and no ufore. Oh iv Fa rm DRAINING SWA7II' LANDl.i.—:kir. J. D. tii unatuton writes of Lis' eii,tcrience in draining, swamp lands as tollows : ••I. draintA a snat.ll piece of sunup last spring, large enough to plant almost 2 bushels of potatoes, three sets to tile and out of that small piece I sold SO bush els, and used considerable of ilium in t'. - .e house and fed the small ones to'ilie pigs, and they wet e twice cut down with the frost in the Spring, and killed in the Fall while ie rigor; but for these casuaiitie 1 think they would have almost doubled that amount. I have now cleared and drained a large picee, sullicient perhaps to plant 30 or 40 bushels, and carted the muck from the drains up to a niece of clay loam, where-I iucend planting my early potatoes and apple trees." FEW men are willing to look at tri.: independence as they ini:_sht in the huro- Ecope of Great Tornado in L'ovlva and Lit. jittois—Abotzt Ii;50 t'ersons Mlle( and MO Injured. CII.ICAGO, Tu . e,qlziy, „lull,: 5. 1 From telegraphic messages received herelast night and this-a ()ming, we learn the following further particulars in regard to. the tornado of Sunday nictning The first that was heard of it was be tween Marion and Ccclar in-Lynn County, lowa, going non h-west and south east in three difforcut our: mos, rossing the truck of the Chicago, luwa, and Ne braska Railroad several titra.s. -• At Lisbon Station, the depotiuildinp.; ; and all the ,warehouses in the village, weft-, cotpplete.ly_ dmolished. A train of ten freight cars. heavily loaded, was lifted front the track bodily and dashed to pieces. Before the tornado reached Lisbon it batl,ltillecl sixteen persons: From there oh& chrient of the storm passed north through Mechanicsville, demolishing ev erythinoo in its 'course, and killing sixteen persooi:ffi Another current,toolt in its course On ion Grove, killing in that vicinity seven teen. persons.. It then passed south of the railroad near Dewitt,killiug twenty-seven persons, sixteen of whotu betouged. to the family orTlionuis Hatfield. Ihti current then paslcd South of, llowinersea and Law Moor, .South the house of. David illy lard, killing him and a portion of his family.. - It. then ktfitclf the town of Camanche, _ on the tie Elver, at which point the WS of life is much greater. than was nt, first Stated.. From all accounts, ,there cannot-be less than fifty-five killed at this plaCe. Some reports state even a largo nuMbei-Iliut the bodies cannot be found. There arc also I"_s wounded, some par and 10 missing. A large lumber raft from the Chippa wa Ricer, mantled by a crew of 2.1 men, with two_ iromin on board, - Which was tied oppi)site Cain:niche at the time oft.he tornado, was.completeiy scattered, and 21 of the raien.and , both wothen were . , The - nam es the ,dead at : Cm aanche, . as far,as lii . have been able tc,Olitoin them, are as:follows Mrs.Ainelia and sow,' G. C Westphall,. :Elizabeth Wesiphall. and" liannan'elf.nan, - Marv- tireeuleaf, Elizabeth Raihbene, D. 'Waggoiren_D. Saltoubtiry,Vhilip:Pepper,MargeretSeasi .Mity -Foss, Eli. Milson; :His.- George Bartaball, Mo. "Ssaleuburg, George Arp, .McKcnrick,'Jaeob Meyle, Au gusta. Meyle and child, a child of G. W. Chase, a child of W.'' White, Herman Whitney. • There were nianc others.not.ldentlfied. Six persons in the family of li. Ses sions, proprietor of the'llilliard •House, were badly injured., - A (loop - man who has seen much-of the world nand is now tired of it, says !•The graird essentialsliappiness. in this life are, - something to do, i , onietling to love, and something to hope for:" OLMSTED •&.- KELLY'S - c", TORE can always be founa the best of 0. Cooking, Box and Parlor STOVES. Alen, TIN and SHET-IRON WAIIE. POTS, KETTLES. SPIDERS, SCOTCH _BOWLS; FRYING-PANS, SAP-PANS, and CAULD RONS. Aricultural Implements, s.neli as PLOWS, SCRAPERS. CULTIVA- ToRS, CORN-SIIELLERS, HORSE-R.II(ES, DOG-POWERS. Sc. THEIR WORK is well made and the material go - od. Good and substantial EAVES-TROUGHS put up in any part of the 'County—Terra; easy. Ready Pay of all kinds, including Cash, seldom refused. Store on Main Street opposite the Old Court Rouse, Coudersport. Ana. 1, 15.59.-50 50,000 Copies already Sold. EVERYBODY'S LaWYE R COUNSELLOR DI BUSINESS, BY 'FRANZ CROSBY, I=l How to draw up Partnership Papers and rice; general forms for Agreemens of ail kinds. :Side, Less es turd Petitions. How to draw up Bonds and Mortg.iges, Afu davits. Power: ~fa ttorney. Notes and Bills of Exchange, Leceiwsmnd Release, The Law for the Collection of Delfs, with the Stat utes ot . Limitation, and amount and hind of prop erty KNempt from Erteeti tioo iu every State. IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU How to tmtke au Assignment propery, with foul)! Mr with Credit ors r rid the,reht. LaWS if evcry State. The legal relations ext ; titig bet.reett Guardian and Wad, Muster and Alt preutit e, and Landlord 1T TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU and Ti ham. constontes Libel and Simidei., and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Eight in Property, Divorce and Alimony. The L tar for Mechanics' Liens in e‘ery State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. The Law Concerning Pen - sinus rind how to obtain one, and the Pre 7 limption Laws to Public Lands. The Law of Patents, with mode ef procedure in 00- taMitq unr, with Lifer ferences, A s si g omen ts and Table of Fees. Ilow,to make your Will, and how to Administer on an ,Estate, with the lave and the reimireraents thereof IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOG IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU in eveit Stale. Tne raea - sing - oft..av Terms in general use. and ex plains to you the Leg is lgti ye. Executive and ju dicial Powers of both the • GenetaL and State Uov ernments. - Butt to keep out of Law, by showing how to do your business legally, thus saving a vast amount of ptoperty, and vexatious litigation. by its timely consultation. IT TELLS YOE IT TELLS YOU Single copies will he sent by mail, postage psid. to Every Farmer: Every Mechanic, Every Man of Business, and Everybody_ in Every :'tote, on receipt of 51.00, or in law style ®E binding at $1 25. • 091 00 Al 44 AR Znie 1,7 wen everywhere, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal For ;:ingle copies of the Book, or for terms ,egents, with other informotion, apply to or JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher. Nc GIT Sarcrinm :. 4 treet, Philadelphia. Pa Divorce Notice. Smith.P. Finch, No. 47 Sept. Term, 18i•2, LIBEL IN DIVORCE. Betsey- Finch, A Subpcena nnti /11i , 18 Sub pcena flaying been issued and returned notice is hereby given to the Respondent to appeal at the nett Court of Common Piet* of Potter county, to be held on the 18th day-of Jane, 1860; to answer the complaint of the Libellant in this case. M. F, BURT, Sherif. Coudertport, May 18, 1860. Adminisqrtors - Notice. EITERS of administration, to the estate 1..41 of Era Howl:, late of Allegany township, deceased; having been granted to the .under signed, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present them, duly authenticated for se.ttle nient, to - A DAME S HOWE, 1 .. A • . E. W. BENTON. j cial"' Allegany, May 28, 18.130.-36. NEW JEWELLER. • C. 11. WARRINER, I_IIAVING rented a windoecin thB Store pf 11 B. S. Colivell, one door east of the Post office. is prepared to REPAIR WATCHES •or JEWELRY on the:shortest notice and in the most worktenn-like manxicr. 'Having a new and .siiperior stock of tools, and a large expe rience in the_ busirieas, Offer my professional services to this cominuninty, hoping that= my promptness:a:id strict attention to my iegstiinate calling ivill secure me a liberal patronage.. - I give special attention td cleaning,and repair ing pL9pKs and Watches ; no pay wilt be requited - unleis the Workis . datisfactorily done. Terms, Cash on delivery of-work. • Cendstsport,.3lay 3, 1860. - What . :verybody Wants. THE FAMILY DOCTOR: I!f!f1 SIMPLE REMEDIES, EASILY OBTAINED, FUR rtik; CLAW. OF DISEASE•' IN • ALL FORMS. - BY - . PROFESSOR• HENRY S. TAYLOR, N. D. . IT TELLS YOU low to attend upon the sick. and Low to cook for them; „ ..: .. how to prepare !mu/is. . Poultices, .kg,., and how to guard against infection . . from Cort . tgious Diseas es. IT TELLS YOU 'Of the various disc Uses of Children, and gives the best and simplest mode of treatment Ourinx Teethinz. • Convulsions, Vaceinntlem, Whooping . ebnc . ,h, Measles, &v. IT TELLS YOU The svmptimi of Croop, cholera lufaro.uw, Colic Diarrhum, \Vora's. Sean. ed Bead, Ringworm, Chicken-pox., ke., an d gives you he beet reme dies for their cure. The - sympto-os of Fever and Ague, and Billions, Yel low, Typhus, Scarlet and other Fevers, and gives you the beet and simplest remedies for their cure. The symptoms of influenza. Consumption, llyi-pepsia, Asthma; Dropsy, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU Erisipelos. e.. anti gi% es you the best remedies fur their cure. The 'upturns of Chideri -.Morbus, .M.iligryini CllOl IT TELLS YOU era, Sin:ill-pox,. Dysen tery, Crimp, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, :Ind Liver, and the best rem edies fur their cure. The symptoms of PleurisV, Ah im pl. s , Neuralgia, Apo plexy Poralysis, the a riwis Li<c es o f t Throat, Teeth, Ear. awl Eye. and lie hest reme dies (or their core. The syroptuni.s of Epilepsy, Jatindice, Piles, Rupture, Dise,ises of the Heart, Henimurrliage, Venereal Diseases, Anil fly.lroplio bid, and giVes the best remedies for their cure. Toe hest and simidest treat ment for Wouoils, Broken Dunes and Di-locations. Sprain-, L Icljan. hoer Stites, While utllin a. Cheers, Whitlows. Boils. Siairvy, Burns and :Scroll- IT TELLS YOT: IT TELLS YOU IT TELLS YOU 141 A. Of the various diseases of Women.. of 01H:1-birth. utol of ?I e ti st rtia t Whites, Ih:re:mess ; kc., and gives the best and retuedie:, for their cure. IT TELLS YOU The work is written in plain language, free front medical term 4, so as to be I.:Leil} under-' stood. while its s; to recipes tinny soon save you many times fhe cost o' the book. It is printed in a clear and open type; is illustra ted appropriate engravings, and will he forwarded to your nddress, neatly bound and postage paid, on receipt of .;,,1.00. $lOOO A YEAR cn be ma a de by enterprising - men evetprhere, in selling the above work, as oar inducements to till such are very liberal. For single ropies of the Book, or for terms to agente, with other iuf,rmatiou, apply to or address, JOFIN E. POTTER., Publisher; No. 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 35-unio [A DVERTI.SEMENT.] F.,r the Es:STANT . rinj 41 • RELIEF and PER . A'N ENT ccR of this disCressing compiniut, use, FEN I - T'S BRONCHI AL CIGARETTES, Made by C. B. sEy m out CO., 107 NAS SAU STREET, N. Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS: [282.] LIST OF CAUSES. Put down for trial at June TerM, 1860, of the Court of amnion Pleas of Potter County. Purdy, for use, vs. P. B. Dedrick, Jones, " Jackson & Rees. Jones & Co., " Wo..droclt. Jones,. use of Platt, "FL Ellis.' Bl:overt Brothers, .4 Wood: ' . Jones & Bru., " Lord. Brenneman, " Barclay. Same, . " - Sante. . Jones & Bro., " Culp, Jackson School Dist., " Rohrabacher, - ct al. Spalftyd, - " Starkweather, Jones, " J. W. Smith, By :td. " C. S. Jontis i Adm'r.. Hydorn, " Milts. White, " 11, Stevens, et. at. Jones & Bro., 4 . -Woodcock, Hughes; " Johnson, CUrtis., Frwin &Brooks, " Aylsworth, Hughes, " Foster,' - A. H. Ford, ." S. M.Mills, ' Pehrce, . . : " LUdding,tom Dcwns, " . Wood, Wharton, . " Smith ' • , . Cavanaugh,. i. Jones & Bro. Same. - " Jones. Ices., .. " Hart. Sante, " Same, • Hughes, " " M'Conneli. Owen, ,- .. M.:l nard. Haven, .4 Rossiter. . ' Parker. " Bake.; • • Stevens, use of Bailey," Monroe. Lewis,guard of Hawley, " Russlll, . Pike Township,- 1. " Kilhourn, . Same,' - - -" B. Johnson,. Wood, - • " Ellis, .Gridley, — " & Dwight, ' Cone, " J. W. Smith, - Phillips~ Jones & Brother, . " Kilbciurn, .. • IT. J.OI.,MSTED,; Proth'y Coudersport...Nay 9, 1960. Divoreet,Notice .Joel Haskins,. Nu. 45 Sepi. Term, 185 J. IN ntvartett. • . Almina Haskins, J A Snbpcena and.aticisSub pcena haviug, been issued aiid returned 'nihil notice is heretiy.given to ,the Respondent. to appear at the next Court of Common Pleas of Potter tounty to be held on the 18th dt4 of June, 1860,, to answer the complaint of the libellant in this case.• • .• .• - . MI. F. ITR:l' r Shoff. CouderEpott, MiLy IS, 1860.. - 1 • T. WAyRtN: "- 1. Manufacturer of vat' ealerin • . • Ah 7 , Drs ittatlicr ""::: . FINDINGS; IWBOLESALE AND RET AIL, 316in-Street, nearly orposite I Balthrju : Bros., • •I WELLSVILLE. AM> IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ! W ARR'N'S NEW :• C D n a) 1 U 1 % 3 ri I) cr) k'U tj 0 td s * (.3 STOP r A i 9• :Vain Street, (nearly opposite Bohltriy 4: Bros.' Grocerg.) "We: - gilu ?ill Y. BOOTS ANO SHOES CHEA PE R THANEVER! Terms CaNII Only. rrIITE Proprietor of the above establishment 11.tving just returned from New York with ttlit , Lry and splendid stock of BOOTS, SHOES,, :r 72.ratlier r gitiaing &e.; isi:iow - . offerin g ; the sumo at ptices much lower thin they have ever before' been otrered. Owing to his superior advantages in N. Y. Citn he is enabled to pin-eh:is l e goMPgat much linker rates than other hotr,e.F. in the same line. an .L. , : ent in the nral;et in New York City, he is emild-d from time to time to take advant.!ge c! the ri,e tad f.dh of the market, and thu:, obt.tio very lour figures. It is only nece. , :ia...0.0 call, to be convinced Of the nbc,‘ e f:Lcts. Strict attetitir , ii paid to oril(rs:. A call is rtspectliilly solicited G RREN IN 7 t.UFA - Hie. Jan. 20, 1,,u0.-211 The Campaign. is(io is ALREADY OPENED, ME r ) • .% p - 1Z t sc Le, —) 4 • BLOCK,. IN OSWAYO VILLAGE THE PROPRIETOR HAS Just Received from New York 11111 Largest and Bost &O de, of GOO& EVER OFFERED IN 110TTER COUNTY no assortment emi§iits of I-) X - GOODS, HaiS nd Cans Boots 4 Shoes, Evi DAVA R E, CROC,IKJ RY, GROCERIES PROVISIONS. 1 . am deteraiined to sell goods as low as they cal , he purchased in Wellsville. Hav in,tirureha,ied for Cash, no rents or interest to:pay, and sellin,; a large amiunt for HEADY PAY, I am en Oiled to sh.avelhe usual Prof is with_ my en quitters. nosing made- arrangement's with some of tho best horses in the city, goods will he si?ippe..o to IN . el:pint:ling me conqamtlr to offer the LATEST ST'YLES and BEST QUALITIES of Goode. 131:3T GOLD AND _SILV4R. WATCHES kept on hand for sale. Pedlars supplied on res.sonablp te-rrng. !GA SII POI?: "G OOD ',LUMBER di.VD SHINGLES. . I HAVE ESTALLISHED A BRANCH STORE Bt Ellisburg, undel, the name auq style of SIIY M 0 NS & PERRY, CL/MPL,ETE . GENERAL A . SS . ORT I lIENT wirbe constantly kept on hand. • - - C. it. SIXI.IIOSS. p.iwnyo, April 2, 1860.-Is,elt.. EARI:111"01-1- SALE. SURSCRIBER has a Farm ; containing 212 acres. which he wishes to sell. Sit4_ uated in .the -town of Sweden, about live mites frMn the county seat of-Potter Co.; about acres under a good state of improvement. on which is growing a young Orchard of vadino ki4lS of Fruit; it good Barn and Shed; a . - eomlortable . House, with water convenient; a good Road through it, and to an ecterpris ing neighbarllod. Soil, Red hale;•§ Bench and Maple : land . nearly. leyel ; Title unquestionable. Any person . desiritig tigoqd. dad cheap property, well adapted for a large 1 Stock and, Sheep F.WEL, '• • i cannot do better. *The ettbktrilter desires to Seil•the same because he is engligedin Other btisiness. • part combo paid down, and the lan}ance'on time. Any communication to the undersigned will be promptly answered. Address ' JOHN B. SMITH. Coudersport, Potter co., Pa. Atay 3, : ' • IT IS WISDO3I :AUTRT) TOL I. A V . l 11-.. - :t S'-'E. .Moutirtierptts. O,IIETH:IN NEW. - -41,.. T.' BABBITT'S O. BEST MEDICINAL SALERATUS. Is tualltlitutUro froui common salt. and - is 'prepared' eat rely different from . other Saleratus., All the del eteripui matter extracted in such a rmauner as to produce Bread,Biscuit, land all kinds of Cake; without mi lt:lining a particle of Saleratus when Itheßread or Cake is baked.; there !by producing wholesOme results.— 'Every particle of Sale6tt us is turned' Ito gas and passes through the Bread' lor Bicuit while Baking;(:arn;:equent- lir. not remains buticommon Salt, IW aterand Flour.' 'Vim will readily ;perceive by the taste S,f this Saler:t hus that it is entirely different from: ether Saleratus. It is p.,cked in one pound papers,! each wrapped branded." •• B. T. Bahl I hit(s Best Medicinal t'aleratus; al= IsO,. picture. twisted loaf of breath. , !with a glass of efferve?cing water on 'the top. When you ;purchase and !paper you should pnesrve the wrap-, iner, : and be particulitr to zet the !next exactly like the iirst—brand as; • • Pull directions for inaking Brmiti GS ;with thi: tialerittus a;nd Sour Milk • or Cream Tartar, viin accompany; leach package; also, id:ructions Inc Aso ;making all kinds of yastry ; ;fur necking Soda Water and Seid-: :Utz Powders. • MANE YOUR OWN SOAP, . 170 wait B. T. BABBITT'S PLIRE CONCEN- . ITED POTASH, Varranted oattble the strength of' ordinary Pota , h; putl up in cans—loB 1 lb - , lbs , 4)s. and :2 —wi;ll fall direclioni; fur waking' Hard awl l••;olt. U-nnunier:i Aso will find :hi, th , .; eheaue,t Petach iu nl.l rdiet. r 70 Manufactured and (Fr sale by 70 ii. T. nAnirrr, Nos GS and 70 Wasliingt.m-street,i ew YOrk,andNu.::B ludia-gtreet.l ll),Con. • 68 70 BM BE 70 EfM Hos rElriars STOMACH "F"TEr .13. Ir is a fact that. at some period, every Mew bet of the hinuan famik su'nieet t i di sea , e ni distal banee of the. bodily functions: but, with the ,11d of a , c oil torde and the ex'ereise sd good eounuon sense, theY air be able so to regulate the s: - stint 115 tol f!ectne permanent health. du ordet to aucomplish this desirAl object, the true course to pursue is certain 6. that winch kill produce a natural state of things :it the 1 , 2:1-i 11:1Z:itti ofi itch strt iagth and Vol this purpose. Dr::liostett was in troduced to this country a mop nation bearing his name, wui h is not n new annib:itte, bat one that hos been tried for years, giving satisfac tion to all who have at eft it. The Bitters oput ate powerfully upon the stomaela boo els, and liver, restoring, them to a. healthy and Vigorous action, and thus, br the simple pro cess of strengthening nature, enables toe sys tem to ttdmaph over disaase. For the cure of Dysimpsiat IteligeStion, sea, Flatulency. Loss of -Appetite. or any Bil ious Complabits,arisingfroM a morbid inaction of the Stomach or tiUWeIS, I rodtleing Cntlops. Dysentery, Colic. "holes Morbus, &c., these Bitters have no equal. • Dianthus,dysent , ry or pax, so generally contracted by new settlerst'mnd ca nsed by the change of water and- diet will be speedily regulated 'be a brief, use of this preparation. Dyspepsia, ui disease which is probably more prevalent, !in all its vario us forms, than any oille”, and pie cause of which may akvays be attributedto derangements of the digestive organs, can Ibe cured without bail by using 110:;lTETTER . :S STOMACiI BIT TEiL as .per direetiolis the bottle. For this disease every pbysielati will recommend Bitters of some hind ; then why not use an ar ticle known to be it fallible All nations have their Bitters, as a preventive of disease nod strengthener of the systern in general ; and among them all the-re is notito he found a more bealt,hy people than the Germans, from whom this preparation emanated, based upon stnen titic experinfeuts which lut'ie tended to prove the. value or this great preparation in the scale of medical science. • ' FEVER AND UE.—ThiS itrying and provok ing disease, which fixes itslreientless grasp on the body of tieing him to a mere Shadow in a shoratime,-and rendecing hint ph) l , and mentally useless, can jbe driven &Mu the body by theuse of HOSTETTER'S RINOWN ED BIPTERS. Further, tone cf the above stated diseases can be contracted, even in ex posed situa.ittas, if the Bit:ters arc used - as per• directioto3. And as they niither create unuse:'.. nor offend the palate, and render unnecessary any change 'of d:et or inter ruption of ordinary pursuits. but r romnte sound sleep and healthy digestion, the complaint is removed as speed ily us is consistent. with . the production of tv thorough and permanent Cure. For Persons in Advancerilreer&, who are suf fering from an enfeebled constitution neci firm body, these Bitteri 'are invaluable us a restorative of strength mid vigor ; and need , only he tried to be appreciated. ~And to a mother while nursing tht4e Bitters are ind pensable, especially wlter4 the mother's no isluneitt is-inadequate to the demands of I child, consequently her strength Must yie and here. it is where a good tonic, each Hostetter's Stomach Bat*, is needed to im part temporary strength dad vigor to - the tem: Ladies should by =mil weans try this remedy forfalf cases of dehtlity, and, before so doing. should ask their physician, who, if he is acquainted with the value of the Bitters. will recommend their use pi all cases of weak ness,- C.t2.lltiott.—We ciution the public against. using, any of the many hrUtations or counter-_ Mts., but nek for Bos . itiTTEIL'S CRLtiIIItATED tiromAin BITTERS, and smi . that each bottle lilts the words . " Dr..l. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side .and stamped. on the metallic cap corergag the corkcand ob serve that our autograph Isiguature is on the label. t_7" Prepared. and soldb y. HOSTETTER & SkliTELPittsburgti, Pa.; add sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers gaairally throttgheut the United Statie, Canada; Jouth America, .and Ger many. . - 1 -SMITH JONES; Coulersport. • 7 7 , A. COREY & SON; Ulysses. A. LYMAN S CO., Itotilet. • . 0 POWELL & CHAPIN, Rl,l 6 ;eway. LUCliri.; WILCOX. 'Buena Vista. - 7_, ' CLOVER laE re. D. A LARGE QUANTITY] of first quality A cer Seed can be patchased at the Hard ware Store of OLMSTED 4 KELLY. Coudersport ; Feb. 8, 1860. 7R. for ealei : by joie. V .pIEaPESTI, , BEST,!!. ump Est $35,00 • Pays - for Tuition in,Single and Doul Buuk-Keeping, Writing, Counnercip' tic and Lectures. 68 EEO •Doard $ weeks $2O, Stalk $7, Tuition $35. - entire • ex peuseS $(1;2. :Usual time from G to 10 cve4ks.' E r( dent, upon graduating., is guitrametal tent 'to manage the books of :my ' and" qualified to earn a saitry.of Tru ro - $5OO, to $11...,C0 - Students eater at any time—No Vac Review at pkasure. 70 6S Firn Piensitims For Be i t.liusiness for 1859. received. at and Ohio Ste Faits. Also, at the p t ., : Fairs of the Union tbr the pligt fuer 1r Ilil • m%„ Ministers' Sons recejseil at Iht:f , Th.)r. Circulars, Specimens. and -1 mbrl w of the College. inclose live letter, to • F. IV. JENKINS, 'Pittsburgh, 11.:101y* -M=r=l .KIILADELPiI lA. A - Benevolent institution: ertuldish4 1,1 1: i'ndownvait, fur the Relit! of the.Sick . e n treescd, utllicle with Virulent and Di , ease , , and c.Teciang jut the Cure-. eases 6/. 114 c Sc-zwa OrpMS. ERIC AL ADVICE' given gratiii, t j! Olt Acting Surgeon, to all -who app; letter, with a description- of their CU (age, occupation; habits of life, i ke case;, of extreme po‘erty, free of charge. VA LUABLE REPORTS on b . :pert:wo e :end 'Other Disea o: the Sesina on the SEIV AMU:AA ES eteplo3 th e pensiiry, sent to the afTii,ted in,sealed envelopes, free of civirge. • ' FWD -et Stamps for post.ige will be-acceptable; Address, DR. J. SKILLIS HOUGH Aet I. 2" t fllirgeOn : outh' Ninth Street, Philiolulph hi, Ps. dei of the Directors. EZRA 11.HEARTWELL, Pre.ib CEO. FAIRCHLLD, :Sec:dory. T) ) .1 .:;!,2 ,, T )1)00V:A 6 J.i.5,4.1ti Main abb - ve= Third COUDERSPORT, PA, M. Trii A rei Pitoiqurruu.' I)OOKS, iAPS , G LOBES, • A L'L.A N • DOCKET:7- ! LUG ERS DA Y- - LOOKS- ItECEIPT-13:0044 MEMORANDUMS, PASS-:Byt 'KS, IARIE a/M . l'Ol4)N. BERRA RIUMS,' • MTV-HOOKS! Greek, Latin, French and Gepana. Books. All Selma Books itsed in the 0 on hand, or, inrnzediately pn when - desired - MagAZIUCS or any. rtribdieals snpplie d~=ire~l A good :is:sorter, ent of Paper. Eno' Peas and Inks.- Viso, of Wall:Papers, log Materials, Water •Colors. &e. - BIBLES, 'l'f STA3IEN PRAYER it HYMN touKs, of.varinu; MUSIC-BOOKS AND -SHEET-MUSIC ! . Slates, Rulers. Bark-Gainrnpn !loath , Men, &e:, 5c..111 . 01)13CE of ail kinds t. in c?xcliang-e for Bunks. &c. (11,31 COURT PROOLABIATION. lATHEREAS the lion. Robert G. T President Judge, and the Beni. Mann and G. G. Colvin ! Aszociate Jutl the Courts of Oyer & Terminer and GE Jail Delivory, Quarter Sessions of the I Orphans' Court and Court of Common Tor the C'ounty of - Potter,- have issued i)recept, bearing date. the 'seventh* May, iu the year of our Lord - one t sand eight, hitudyt'd and sixty, and to mt rested, for holding a Court of Oyer:tndTi tier and General Jail Delivery, Quarter stone of the Peace, Orphans' Nurt, and! of Column-1i Pleas,in the Utirough of Cot sport, on MONDAY, the I.Bth day of next, and to continue oneire;et: Notice is therefore hereby given to tilt oners,, Justices of the - Ile:tee and Const within the county . , that they be then and . in their proper persons. at-IQ o'clock A. said day, with their rolls, - records, in' dons, examinations, and other remenho to do those things which to their, fee! pertain to be done.. Aad . 1.1165 e who are! by their recognizances: to — prosecute el the prisoners that are or shall be in the, said coax). of Potter, are to be then:lnt: to. prosecute •against them as will be just Dated at CounEttspodr, May 7, Ilia the 84th year of the Indept ndence of the! States of America. ur the eid, . Registet'.s VoTicE hereby given:" that roll IN account has 'been' examined aeill by me, and remains "filed :in the - 4legi 01:6ce•of Potter county for the insieeti heirs, legatees, creditors-, and all others. other tray interested; and will be prest to the next Orphttns'_ Court of 'said coot the" Court - House in the Hetough of Cot port, on Tuesday the 19th. day Of June, for coafittnation and allowance: Account of Huid, Adminisi the Estate of Samuel Hurd, late of township, deceased. T. IVE, 1) Coudersport;t, 31;13. 3- '2 1 3 8 ; ClrBr6Eol:l7"Ti; NEW JEWELRY STORE.. .H. RUTTERWORTH - having Ir AAA -birazUlf in this Borough, in . the WU tePeutly occupied - By Dr. ,Ellison. on Mai opposite the.couri hbuse has opened Iv. ELRY ESTABLISHMENT, for the fors t RBPAIR . LNG WATCHES,. ' • . - ,CLOCES; ar" . • - JEW E L) Having some years' experience in the nen,. Ifeel contideut in giving the Public Eup -SATISFACTION. The palronal tha.publio is ,solicited. Please give met All work ,warranted'or no pay. A-gerieral.assortmetit of .Watches; and Jewelry on-kind au3lor sale. Con.derspeit„ June 30, lt1),---48. WM. F. BURT, Eb
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers