-1 Si renii,thenini - Alel nd's— a of n arty. 4ind tt ~,,, ey. . whc are in favor of it, and the men in 0f.. - . - Now these facts will interest yfturVot- !lice who will not execute the laws -of 'the, ,ter county icadtp, and may also.l.C.Jn- I.country against it. If yeti would stop! i terestiniz.to,w,r.y ,i;t this county. T . sinkbese things, and bring the Government #lwfivs glad to refer to the.old settlers in ;,b.aelz : ,to the deettine of the - Fathers; why' }both cottuttes, as few of our_ farmers:, can :;not the Repfiblioanparth . .aud . ;hero a.ny idea of the =noun-kir hardships likccoamiish the object?! ? ~ttdttred pioneers. .SE .\ six sk SZt`' When old Brown's two sons were 'killed in galiast, and his daughter made a maniac, by. Southern ruffians, 'James iinehatiap and supporters lifs suf ferings; pity, ,they were thti octutsiast causitivciy. = .But so soon as Brown,driv-' en to madness _by the perseeutiOns: to whicll,lle , hatl:-..been • subjected; - - wade. up his mind to seek revenge, by, the most desperate metiktls, littahliintti and. his t4be'entnpiehended at once liow unjusti liable. thing ruffiailisni .T,ltey ate ms et-11;es" responsible ,for Pie insane pro ,seetlinzt. 6A: Rayper;s erry, for they eon ' tiiVed and sustained the Auffianisua of which this 'the leWtiniate. se t Winee 'lB4 the followini , donErh- Aces Aniye beerl dis ha eti from the Unit- l'ouief of Jonei of lowa, 4 - actwis-e;e9inn(i- Chas. E. Stac. , rt of ititeh-1 21Win pa) . ;of Jeiiay, 44914.01.1twiticad, Jr. s , ....li" . 81)Cat; an - cr. - T.)414 . 4.11 en 4tbnla4o) . a`ll, and 1101).iy . :9t ;Id4t;i4; All llke ~eats .of 37, qiitig: ull arc a:1)04i good fp: • • , •-• . •%:I;.lW Dentocratie Southara paper exception, perhaps, ofapos --tain'MasaeltUSetts—apostate,.as she wa y 'deli ~n:ited by Mr Jefferson, ii . a-letter to laeLtrborn during the war of 1814 not a nou,slasebold jug:State-. yhich t.ould bestow her - vote Seward.lf t h e imagined that hip electiOti would, within itself; and in ad *ance of his immauration, catte an ever- icpara' tioU of the Sogth from the Aortb." - • -O ' • rin other words, f lie ,Dcople'of the Tree - Svite's are comirels except those of '2llaSsachusetts, and, through" feat', would i kditefre4:froni electing copsettutionolls ishoPT. choose to the Presidency. qy, of ,f)isguiou is to Lc Ta . .i.l. , ed. by all lie D . epc:fitol.9 pyps#, under he 4eikd of =he South, in order to get up a " scare " ar 'electing 'a Republican Presalcnt. 'lt won't nor will any State t nor the be alrlAwer,3 - jq dissolve the knu,st stay in. The gal -piss andbltypnets were Made for trait - - pm. The Constitution prerVides oni, for StAtei coming, into the Union—not for mice :hose States - That may ! stfow2a, - disposition to hie's: out of the trac es; must be cured, if ncpds be, ,o.sucli diSpasition by the application of- scnig-, iliingreSeinping a noel. The ISuion sT ;,e -.-. preserved its integrity.—Erici G'crettc. Siat.'ety must Die. tiavery must die because there is no power that can keep it alive: We have heard much of the slave power, and it it: cite trMe.cl . pf ii •theug.4 it were a . Co t)ssitp, 'NtrjAing the whole nation. In "soma scpsjc this is all true; it is indeed a great, apcilopifpl power; fearful in might, Yearfitl -fearful in crime; and if there sva . , adequate opposin g poWer, ikipuld bopelcss to contend against it. What is the slave Rover? It is thepow ,falselipod, of a fie. the power of cr;nie Isclfislutess ind brute free,: It •is,all these allied to system of govertiment, controllinr , and including the*adiniaistratis'a and judicial power of thi great nation.' Can such a power be • rwsted, and must its fostered pet, slave ry ' 'What power eau demolish - rover opposed to. i t sfrong pv),l4)lHepor, more subtile than false hood?, -more efficient thqa' u lie, It. is i'bolicifty of TtlyTtj. The came ;hat has . )1.011 - 0) - ) it t s s'iile r eannot be weak- There 14.a. - :polyir ‘ .pp.Rose4 to it stronger than , t in t e, Sel ksllngs 4n brute force; strong 4414 a - *vs. It.is the power of. jus. )16, right,, benevolence, religion and love: Is f hat pen Stand before the power of truth, jitsiice;.nnd• Christian philanthropy, of egghtened•goodness, pouring itself forth iWpratreis and liberty sOnn.s, and persua .ooh-sporiiin-.4. itself forth from the press, Ityd the pulpit and from' the lips and peaks of devoted men and women ? All ptit C r•porers:may find their match; or plop than their•match and fail; but this To - wet 4 his no match. It is the power of God . ' working in the hearts of men; it can never fail, and siaiery must melt ttiray and die before. Wesleyan • 4 44.-4:N. .4. 4 , , 'Day-.Senater Trumbull, in. his great ifien;Ch at Sandusky, Ohio, made. tbe fol lowing appeal to popular sovereignty men !I The Republican policy is, to use all the limns within its power to-keep Slave. !.y from spreading into the. free Territo: ring; your popular sovereignty men claim to be opposed to spreading Slavery. Do you believe, if the Republican party had keel?. ja power, there would have been any cifprt to.get Slavery into Kansas, or to re. vtve; the African slave trade ? Ye are ppholding an 4 strengthening the hands of &hp party who are laboring in the slave interest. Are you in favor of the. equal administration of the laws of the country? Dofvott not know, if a negro pspapes from a:SOuthern State, the whole powbr of the Federal: Government is put in requisition for his capture ? Is not the telegraph used, and the army and navy put in re- Oisiiinn, because a negro is loose in Bes ted? .11ow isit, when Congress declares ilia4frican : slave trade piracy, and that tAininirties engaged in it shall be - hung, the,agago,pf slaves from Africa can be land:44 cka opr Stiypherp coast, and march 41hrough,a stata in chains?' Where, t)io,.:arg, -your .I.Dittgd !States ,marshals, your army and navy f Those Africans cannot_ be sler.r . ; -pay 9p.upp.l;e fo i und. I)u(it sin h .n.pgrp ( rßninpg avay. if 'he gj` tga-f.4 1 - is,Postpu, pan) ) g t°4lo Fitl! - °44i,T0 1 ,,ty. say Mk, fa' 'African slave trade, por th:#olll6eise vitt!. the Democratic per, 04 - 11vNorth ; hutl go gay, and do be. lielfi.PoPulai.soverei 4 tiiy . men , thnt t)11 -61f(Iiitt - ti jiintrual. COUDERSPORT, PA., Voqii)o, 32c. (;)', 141,5. g. T. S. CHASES EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ' REPUBLICAN MEETINR. ' A meeting of the kepublieargi of Pot ter County will be. held at ‘ t.bp Cnur House, on Mt:I:SPAY it'vening of Dec. Court week, to eleeta. Delegate to the, Republican State Convention, to be held at Harrisburg on Wednesday, the 22d of February next, which' convention is to notninatda 'candidate fur Governor. and choose a, Republipan Efectorial Ticket for latiO. A 411 ntleudanee is request ed. 811 ,order of Minty Ex. Cum. . "No O:OMINAL will be issued next week, as we are so pressed with job work and other business that we are compdted to suspend the paper. Next, week being Court we will naturally have our hands (ul.l of business, and we hope such as yi.ll make lis ba) - ile to much Larger' Adition thereafter. • Via Reid the. address of ,the-Central Republican Club in anot her eelzmn—and not only road it but gonsider it well; and circulate it among your neighbors. Wjcs While we favor a union,' es far as practicable, of the v..rious parties oppos ed, to the Natidnal Administration, we 3 -et-believe sentiment of the following extract, from the Ohio State Journal, to be.founded upon TRUTH. It more ith mediately refers to the late eleCtion in Ohio,*but, of cow-se, has a general appli . PatiPq The retarne of the Ciootion !pooh an important lesson: :Wherever Republican doctrines have been most boldly avowed, and.wherever the Repubherr) organiia tion has teen most rigidly maintained, our,success has been markedby the larg est majorities. . Even Monroe—the stronghold of Demecracy—has partially yielded toacompact Republican phalanx, which followed no divided command.— Wherever the reverse is the case, with few exceptions, we'see a different result. The Republican party is strooges!, wimp its prinaiples are maintained and avowed in their greatest-purity. One of •the val uable results of the, last election has been the demonstration -of this truth. • The battle me have fought has not been one of coalition, and the victory has been achieved by the power of Republican principles, boldly and firmly avowed." The '!lrreprerssible Conflict" was commenced in Congress by the slave-1 holders on the first day of the session, be fore flip House was organized. The Re publicans desired.. to proceed to the busi ness that called the►h together, but the slave-holders and their Northern allies preferred to engage in the discussion of John Brown's - seizure of Harper's ferry, and helper's Boek, wl►ich compares the growth and prosperity of the F►ee Statcs With the poverty and.stand-still. condition of the Slave States--an excellent book by-the-way, which every freeman ought, to read. And thus the slave-holders have -1 given - further proof of the "irrepressible oonfilet"between Freedom mid Slavery—, between Virtue and vice. , This conflict has prevented , anorganization of the Rouse for thirteen days. What it will next prevent, or do, time will discover. No Speaker had been elected up to last Tuc,s4dy nooli, at which time the House had -been in session thirteen days. The probability is that no Organization will be effected until after the holidays, and that then Nr;Sherpian will be elected. Be,: publican inembeo Aye wisely avoiding to answer the- insane bleatiugs of Clark, of 31o.; and the - other Southey' blackguards, in the minority; who - ore occupying .the time--nut the attention—of the majority. All will be right yet, for even liberal minded Southern. members are becoming disgusted - with slich-,raVinis as-those. - Who arer,They 179;, who are thenien in this aoinmn pity that gloat. overthe:execution of John PreFa','arni taice'on airs as being thiees• poeisl.guarqinus of }ads end the Constitu- rtion — ? Serar'is - we knekv, e ery. nian iof .. distil iseidier 4.ziolator, or has eneot r aged‘obberifaiyielate our, own State law against llie:Aafii of i:itoxicatini drii . iks without-License; All but one - os'tsvi:Pf them are daili...violelors of the lawlagain'st prOianiik - i' 'Alva' of them viojateAlp law tigaiust - ;rtrunken 7/ es,, S a bb a th..breol: iv, and oth6fs of the best lawS of the State., :Now we say to'illose noisy brawl ers for the . Coustituti9nand jrirghiia ja ' ; .uutil yen retarm4o4r own habits, and Ob ll the tares ptr,itfloteg:sgto (a; -3'oll maya well ircepsilent: , :Your attempts- tolectu 0 honest men on their- Atuty Ao..the State and Nation,issitnidy impeAinent.r Penn. sylrania Jaw oitictitst-4nylkprd-m4kini, is at least eatitted to= as much I'oOct iiginia law for siarc•matiug livid star - holding. - . ,i Suspicious. The Pittsburg Gazette, an over zealo Cameron paper, in noticing the call for Republican fstate Convention in Missou pays: '! It will be seep 5,111.1 She from :51issouri Sy -the national onve, ljg are ,to be_e;getea the St:le Co.. yeprion, and not by districts..e bay not yet seen in any , Missouri paper a d, nsmelation of . t,he Mate Committee for i. skint;a call goOtemplating such a course. The WWl:tart of this paragraph refe. to the protest made by some. of he It - publican - papers-of this State agamst th call of the People's State Canvention, a - . leilmint , tha the-' call conten idaics thii 0 ,n election of delegates to tixe National Co 4 vention, by the State Contention. W confess this allusionto the Missouri ca I for a ,State Conyontion by the 'Gaze( , i looks as if the; xias Abe intention.' Ifs , we join in the protest against it. W think the 'Acpublicans of this Contra, sional Djstriet are capable of electing ihei ovo delegate, and of instructing him tor, An 4 if the State. Cinvention undOrtake• this work, wo trust the Republicans every district in the State will elect thei own delegate, as is their'und.oubted righ, , Popular Sovereignty 4JnaT Jyzed. - On the first page of This number ts, present the hestanalysis of Douglas "pop ular sovereignty" that it has ever bee .1 our fortune to read ; and we trust it nil be read by every " popular sovereignt democrat into whose hands it can b pliteed - ., To this end we hope reailers the JouttNAr. who have neighbors : of tha I faith will pass it around. It will go . fa towards Convincing any reasonabie, think or, who rplpt upop amt ;j trice for his; hope of the modern democratic party, ol the inecnntistancy-of his position, and may constrain him .to turn fram the error ofit his ways and swell the ranks of the Re-I1 publican party 7 - 7 which is truly the.party i of the people. • ' Read Gov. Chase's speech, all ye wino would know the truth about ~.the urealt "my doctrine" of • the ' little giant:'- 1 - It dissects that fallacy so thoroq,lily, an't) common exposes its abuse of SOJISC SO &il pietely, that weare constrained to: aifeel ing of pity fut. the author of "my doctrine," and those persons which have so much labor in trying to convince the people that his not what it mon. .1 strous humbug; begotten and displayed Ivlth huirbug, persistence, tq eoa the people into forgetfulness pt Ole gr sues of 1860, and elleattlient into reign of pro Slavery demoviacy " popular.sovereignty" doctrine ig, binds !pan . ) , men to the corrupt the -name' "democracy." .To s pre;erihe the epose on our, first p medipine which spill elcaese thee imps for the pure democracy of publican platform. • THE LTT:FT,E Pmptuar.—We receipt of this charni l ag little D efopendium of bay ?rid girl which Grace GrecnwQod has-the t aining of.. It is published at 132 South Third Philadelphia, by Leander K. Lippia? t• eott, and has 175 pages of excellent read ing every yearfor the low, prier: §f Fifty cents a year. "Tr pp* . volumb QOM nicnCes with the qii.aaary numl4,r, • anti the amount of readitr, will be raised yo nearly 24 pages more in the y.e4:0141} now. The club terms are A@ fUMPWS 5 copied for 14 " and otic to getter up of clu 24 f' ‘! ftQ copies for Large premiums in books are feted for larger clubs. Specimen will be sent free of eharge; on app to publisher, addressed as abort: THE SATURDAY EyENING Pieviium Zigraving to Every Sifilicri6- er.-,—Wo call tho attention of our reaM's to, the -Prcspecttui of the 'SA:TURD:IN EVENING POST, in our advertising col umns. The ".Post" is considered by many the . "BEST." as it is the .oldest, of the weekly papers. For 1860, we per ceivc, it offers a largo And beautiful steel engraving. called "THE SPEARING LrKr MEI -sEsA," es a tweniiiith to eiiii:/..4iboi,iher": ItotT r eT also two other largosteel cogratir .. = Etr.r...5 OF grAtiiitiji pi; a prpmtnm Lathe getters- nlilof .010b,s. 1 The I.eoittributaii to Ahe -Post are :pot exOelled Pi t tllose dr,aofother 'Sfe Pros f:,, ‘• 4,:1t r 0111tT. , 1- • To the•Republ4"ans of i I : This is the most favorable time you. have ever bad to commend '}'our prmei pies •te thOie 'Of yo,nt . peighbeis" Wh? are not ••• * Thei- -44. 1 9). , 'oilar, es u5eeer,,,..,..1.0.• sack 9_ l free towns' , : i l iadsa's, 'the attempt to lorce .tllej.e.oomptcin constitution - on pro testing people,:the :attempt to-revive the 'Slave trade in de6adde'oflhe.Act of icon gress &Markt that tradeir"-rriey; these, and :other 'acts in ;character with : thtm, predispose all candid ..ercrt . is thrr !Free States to look to the 'Ark:diem -Orly for a remedy: Hence it is the esPeeial duty of all working Republicads,-to - Make • an-rpon'erliate arid energetle.eftert, In ' crease the-cireuhltion: of Republic:ad' •pa 1, • • . ' Your assouiateS in Cmdiersportm4vj- I einity, have orga'nizeq acittb fcd•thati pyr pose. We intend to, do. that 7orkj'horr otg,74. ' We have alyeacly---nble4 the muncher of 11eek4 Tribttns taken at this owe. svep'ppe4 . to active Repel:diem:re in each iiOwnsbin inthis Couutv -to Make •1 • • au earnest offort to; increase the eirenla lion of T4E•PuryEtt JOURNAL and ' New York T ribune. Do it noic.: Two dr . ed new subscribers to these jourtiala, l obtained by. the middle of iJan,uary, wilt; imam* . RepubliCan majority in this , -f county. 244 : next • • , "Shall we nnakc this the 193anneiOpup ty'! of the State ? If so, We Rimy hegin the work pox. We' invitelout 'associates in each 'Township to correspond with us, so that'we sin& all - work intelligently :to gether. JOHN 8.1 M ANN, Chai' 11. J. Drz;s Ste' Fred I)(.lu . alits; states that the slaveholders hunt theirrupdway nign•ers . io the South with .dogs, add iu the North with hemocrats.. ttiiT.The Yankees, it said, arc eoin t . ing money in 4he],mantrfact.nre- Vh • a 1 sale of rifles OW in9sliets for the Sintth. `'leis rri is the "nominteeinirse" - wd be:ir so nth about since the John Brown raid. 1 i - STRAY HEIFER. t B""intothe incloSure Of the sifiserib• er on or about the first of !Nov.; a YEAR LING 10FE11,—color, white and spotted. IThe 'owner is requested to come fotward,rirove prbp'erty;:ipay churges;.afid take het; • ' • • lIORACE 31ALttil,". Roulet;lNov. 10 , 185% AGENTS I.) !I . ,TO SEL:. I• • CARY'S PATENT CAP .• AND I BREAST LA NTE RN.' To those furnishing satisfactory references, a liberal salary and expense will be paid. . I., The art ele i 3 needed by everylfarmer and mec ;va le in the country, and will • meet with rliady sale. For particulars address 1 .1. C CARY Patentee, • 81 Nassau Streit . • • fI TIM HOME JO RNAL; FOR.I 60. 'downs Agri . I[I.,LIS,' EDITORS. ' I I I r c i a, NEW - YEAR oft its popular filially news- A riper Will 'be oninieneed:on this first idati of January nextt-printed on fine. riper land clear type. ; ... 1 - I With: the Jae uary j number arill.lbegin Pip PublicatiOn of a new land heantifill outntxat. I WORN OF FACT AND rieriox, writteb expressly I l for the Ilunie Joiirmili entitled,j . - JENTY PI i tOUD I VOOT. .. f f A t ROMANCE OF !AMERICAN lIISTCrY. I BY A DISYINGIISLIED AUTHOR. •• ! r The romantic . events on Which this beauti- Ifni story is founded, gemmed in the troubled itintes . of 1782, fmmediatelyhefore the cloSe of the Itevolutionary War, „and . the 'recognition Of Araerican Independence—a' timeheu !istrange events brought out strong 'chanter, !Wild mighty trials a corresponding; heroism. 11'he most romantic iningination never hillent jed fiction more exciting than the historical Ipassages of these times—(strand tbaay,i un til now ucapproprted -byl the [novelist.) heroism an womanly d !ManlY hercis the ei - otionj are . wrought. to e hi,best degree, through a chain of events!not lesS exciting than strange j—not,lesS strange than true. ,I - . j I This charming story will bis succeeded by IA ,BRILLIANT VENITUN, TALE. I 1 •• Dv OCTAVE FElilt.LETi Ithe celebrated author of "Tile Ftomanceof a Poor Voting Mau,' the success and .cireilla ;Pon of - whicb, both in the New l and Old WOrld, (have been unprecedented, and given hint a i ' plage amongstlthe 'grit of .4ing notel i ties. The tale is oue:orsurprissing- Interest, replete ;with Incidents, oil highly . descriptive of Ital ian' life,' Mora-14 and DDIDUCTSI r - • Its ' transla !Pon front the French by llrs.llaarmit NI, PIN, I'LAN lexpressly for the Homel.lournat,) her, seleii talented 1 - ind,,giftPil authoress,lemineutly iqUalitied for the task Jby ecludation, and her iresidence:in the country of the author, I will isnfliciently gilaranted the purity of the kyle jin which it will be.renderal, and that riot ling of the force and merit of the,Origicial wi I be lost in its translation. ' . I . - 1 - . . . I SPECIALITIES. • , 'o4t ib. nether The ' Pli OM oils of eh we ge as a, 0 fit he. 4p- , are in lonthly t raturq, $2 00 b, s{lo 8 00 15 00 lso of. copies icatiop All the,forme; peculiar ,feaWre3 pf*.tlie; pa !per, which given., it a, svei7M-hide rept'. jtation, will he . contil3oe4, #lrile.severaltnew ioncs will!gife - an'inG4ite vajely to; its lever !diversified pages. - • f . . . , iEORGE P. Sloaro, tlqides 1112 usual On stant labors,upOq tae attreral Idepartments of the paper, will TR4e it, the woof oa Tibia' to' broidet 6ist many SKF4TCTI.Eii, §ONGS:, BALLADS,- e 'etc., 13 n ussing t estcd. the,histot7 and.events of tik ilatlue. , -• • . 1 N. P. Wu.r.ts will give . -a coutinous series 'of THOTOGRAPIIS OF. Itoo . ll, ' I HMI rman Central Ippul;lican Club .TED, secretary: . Mg _-„,.,............ ._, ....___—_ _ _..,...—........_-- .embittlied in his jourtiarofthe'primtinetit perr sons and leading pi . •oductions in the . . ' . .....,•,..?j"-!: ... I ii%1141(11i 1 '• f'" ) i 'l* 1 L :Tltiaticntible, ? . : I . life? ec ua ~ I Arorid. - .•--...' -... . '-. • ' ,-- - ' . ~. '. . ....; .4to W il t also giye ttlitre2..of - liittcpictorin . ga.-ori i• -home life anti rithilf.tmilikvitipatities andlii:; 1 le4ests, out-doti4a#4 .16i u! . h . ftw .mire . ' , of I t i le . ;1:::' m 1 ..- '\" ,IkIfNIORA:I6 F0R4N140 . 41)8 I.iiiclhis expeiiente, cnei•espontlencelwithlti.; . ra/ill and practised obsenh:ntion on this sub , ject enable him to write. .• It.tany - Gam; -Ullir -atipply.a -NEW .111[1118S - -Of amusing alte.telles, drawn from real life, under the title of '' ' • • , i . .. . _., • - MY FRIENDS AND 1,. , • in which.lismiry. :41 7 491*n litortry, men__ pd artists trill fieuie. ! "" As heretofore, no labor noi!egppnse will be spared fo; Maintain:the highreputution of the lionle 4 Journal, Which is eVerywhere, both nt home find alworni, lieknOwledgelf r be — the Most - refined and elegTuit lleyertory'Of tAteii ture anti tho'ArtV on: this Side otthe sea, and the best and cheapesi family uowspaper in the world. ! ' As no more ecipleS, of the NMs voLtitt it i be printNl Olen are Ordered, those who dil ! ire to begin with the columeneemeut of die Year Will he able to do sojiy forwarding their sub scriptions at 014. ! l'Eags.-- , Vor one OW ! . $ 2; for three! cop ies, 85—or one cops, for three years, sfi—for a club of se,ven. copies, $l9 ; fur n club of fif teen. copies, $2O; and tho. rate for a larger club -always in !advance. • 41ildres.* ;MORRIS & WILLIS • 1 tilitors dud Ptorrfe.tors,. 197 - ' New .York. Ti SATURDAY VE.IIIDIG POST. TILT, GlTl~r3rl~lli .INDLT.CRALF,NTS, A CIIA-NEB: TO OBTAIN Two I-LandsOme Steel En g.tarings. • A"- 'tepid iiirtill EriirpiThig 'itlsp AS A PREMIUM 4 TO I EVERY SUBEMBER Li. , FICTION; IYETS,:111i.11011, ,4(IIZICUL . - h iT. 74.)e Proprietors ! of:the SATURD,yY;FACEN:;: ING POST—" tite ollest and best of the Week lies"-have the pleasur,o taawuounce to the yea,-ing pu . blie, 44;4 ; they Imve Mode an ex,-; ,clasjytf cagagem'ent l vvith- an _Author Irhosc , powerful Stories tare of late attracted 'great attention; and t ;at they will open the year 1860 with a noveret, .ti•riaen arremly for TI'LF POST, called . I '110.; S4IT3L'S - DAUQ rlTja/s.. Dv the Author of; I h TES ' REF/COI/fa PARM,". " . TII ROCE." the " DESTER Storiei, " TTIE fel ORA Y POWD - EBS,r; DIAMONDBE:I-diELET," In this story, ;written enressfy for xis POST, this turtyeefol '• , riter's. genius has hati full scope afforde ! t it ;: and xve are able` to state .11a-ring'ren4 in manuscript, for it is ab.. ready - in hand—thatit rill make a sensation, Unless we are gre tly mistaken, as one .of the racist p:Owerfol a w interestingitorie.s.p7e-epub lished.'` To enable thmte n'tmeg ! tmln'tetltrith ?FIE POST to judge of the riChnesis and-variety of its gen- eral.contents, we mak Owe; that 4-oring.lke past pear we Mive published novejets, stories, poems, essays, &e , fromthe pens o the fol loiriug gifted writers: , G.•P. it, Jamt , !. Charles Dicke - us. Alfred 'rennyinn. Charles 11. W Longfellow. Charles Mackay, Wilkie Collins. Dr. 0. W. liolines. T. S, 4rthlr. Aut4ur of The Author of "The ito Court Fariu." Author of "Farm of Four Acres. - Grace Greenwood. Miss Purdue. Florence Pefey Awelin B.Edwnr4s. dice Brown. Anthor of " The Et?. • Spout," 4 7 p. Alexaudo jui;n G. Whittier. ()lien Njeredith.. J.BOley, (Au -I.ll6rof"Festu;='!) tient:. II abershini. Nary noxitt. 3lrs: M. 4. Denni; sun. Ftmny Raymond g i'crry. Isa Craig. Miss 31u-rtinciu THE - POST does not to works of Oe imitgitt:t lies now do. It genera don of its ample spoi WEEK, FOREIGN and ?wig Psnis, t 9 n . T APR' to Bast: NOTE oral ISTact IA and Accert.ra Pttict otthr. YlAn4i3, confine itself, however. :tion, OS SO, ninny Week ally. devotes *a fair por tee to theNEws of the DOMESTIC, tO LETTEMS . !CULTURAL DEPARTMENT, :K LISTS, and to a Wc vac ecuanpyr of the Pito- TERMS-7EitifiitAVIINGS. -, •- . 11.4111ITOSS TWO 17RIPS of NIAG.IRA FALLS--scontilegfhaudsome and large-sized Seel Engravings—the retail price of which is Fl V I DOl.l 4 44S—we arc em bled to Club with THE PUNT on the follotviag remarkable lib, era! terms. • We also Olutjwith those Well-known Month ly MAgitziirk — NOthur's Home Magazine and Godcy's Lady's Book: Read the following aud.take"yaur choice of TERMS.. One Copy of To POST, $2,00 a year; (Inc Qpity of rIIE POST and both .Vngratings of Niagara Falls, 3,00 1; Onc:C3py of THE POST and oniof Arthur's Home Magazine,' 3,00 " One Copy of THE POST and one of Godey's Lady's Runic.. 3,00 " . , . - ObUBS. 2 Copies. of 'THE POST,, • $3,00 a year. " (and one of the,Engraving3 • to getter up of Club,) • 5,00 " 8 " (and one copy extra, orb . oth Engravings to getter. up of Club,) 10,00 " 13 lf (awl ono copy extra : or both to getter up of . 15,00 110 (and ono of)y extra; or both " • Engravings to setter up of Club.) - 20,00 " -30 • " (and one calf- extra, and . both F i ngrayings. to getter ' gig . • 111 qf Club.), • :30,0.0 .misters and Ec.hool Teachers-ere charged only $1 a year. • The Riddle and ProlderoDe-t partments renders TEE:POST particularly ac- e.eptable to the latter class. • • 'ABEAUTIFUL - PR-E3111311 : - A large - and beautiful Engraving nu steel. 17 by 22 inehes, called "TILE SpEAKING LIKENESS;" -with be sent to every subscriber to"" THE POST" for who shall send,.in addition to his subseriPtlon, the sum of twens ty-five_eents, pay the e;periae of postage, mailing. dm; a te. f The retail• price of this en graving is Fonr'Dollars I It is a Gem ! _ _P. Postage4ill , be pre-paid on all the Kegravings. _ .Address,: •- - ' DEACON 4t, PETERSON. No. 132 SoupThlid St„'Philadelph_ia-1. Great 19111 M _ ' THIS, - t IFTE#NOOI • • • 6 - :.T-•:9_ ,- ,::E, i ..- : . And 'eCery flay. .thereaftet,::; guriug tijt Tz the'sSle of G(3ODS at LOWER prim BETTER pajrgains:t4in ever offered in COUDERSPOR New . and Fre4l Snpplica OF. o_oo S Ar being received . llis.stock, contprisp. all qualities, kindi varieties .1 F4NCY and IigNIESTIC _Dry, Goods, Groceries; itardwarei 'Crocker AND Every I)espription or FANCY 'GOOD YANKEE !TpTxo;,7., Riady-made q.othing, EATS & CAN / I 4”l,.iep . '; qtrelis' C1;i0 rent' BOOTS; SEEQESS GAITB. ' GLASS-WARE r wo9DEF,wAILE, FA3:ps and GLASS; PAINTS, 40;1.53 AND DYE-STUFFS. IRON & STEE A Large Quantity Just Received 4 X D SOLD C3EUE , THAN AT Ong ettcr (Store, IN THE CbUNT,Y: FOR CASK You are especially invited to call.- We are nurried in the store but youaball receive attention. , • 7 ALL: KINDS OF 'Produce Take on account, and in exchange for GOkYi (111e' ao - euer TIIE HIGHEST NARKET TRIOS PAID - POD CORN, WHEAT,RyE , OATS BUCI(WHEA, Evory we
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers