Werrlllrer AO of Wattle stigar„.lStit l *ill ilia bid' a fry %is tittegar male fide &alga Baking dare; the don'Cloi4 tiff. frilltr'e &sten 16 the mithafacturo that verb ►; wrytlsefi 1 Ifirtiale;•—soft so;t I luultiti myitittelets a blood beet, largfr flab Will tut at dui fair. .(Xcitr, bOyit, took aittlB! Yll lot ye went TO iiitig; AV &RAM acre of oath must be use up thla Fall: tf ft be sward-land Ic it up now, after dliverin ,, it with tatirtruie'la Pie Eyeing. 10 o a good 4ipply inanure, barrow Than on filet art- Botha mail did i t : 7 : 4 l - -pp : Tipp:Wang ; seed-corn in *4,91 . 4; vulta,,grezitly accelerate pt ZfOrd h st O'Sea':_i**!, 4 o l l l g4 4 " .:00, 1 01. 1 ryro*“ 1: ); 1:a whA oplOiti4li ecin,O squires s 'a r atitto b 01l mot"iurathere , - A'M e g lei * . 4 l l4 6 4o 4 tNtft4 , until ,grain, is leMint .Wtek-.lire-sreindebted ttr.tha Tioga Ag itator- for the following ab'4 , ll6t , of the irir:littisittid'Seittnift fho. , two 10elut the daily Dews -ittfeisAUve been filled vlitt, die court 'prpieedingtritt the case of , ft Old BroWn" tuld-the gher unfortunate wen Who rush tid.jwith-him inter the jaWs of nth in the t .. te-tztyitiibli., • of- the State of raj dia. this gat& to give a synop stkof the ifitdinglacts in the trial, as want titspSee..debetri Ins item ptittltsititig the. iimecJings aVittcf: , On:the:l.sth of b'etollet phlhuina esstainatiosi, 6oternenied at Clidges. theseut of jttst ice of Jefferson coun t#,, Vs.; _Eight uintilire.fea *Vete on file 11 ,nclia. and by their daetion the Sheriff Wlghi. the prisoners inter Coiilrt.tinll6r a irtl . tilkity., armed times ' ntitttlier Btonif's Invading force— A r k *ere- placed as s gstard around the court house in order to prevent his c: cape should he succeed iu breaking the iron manacles which buund-hint to Cop- Die, the 'other prisoner. BroWn seemed weak and haggard, with his eyes swelled (tout ,the Effects of the wounds on his • Sheriff Campbell rea& the cotnmitment of tho prisonert. ' • Mr. Harding ; State's Attorney; asked- that the Court might as sign-counsel fur prisowers, if they had I The' Court. inquired if the prison epr had counsel, when' Drown addressed the °edit sit : • • f. I did not ask for any quarter tiro. was taken. I did not ask to have-Ai/life spared. The Governor of the tali of Virginia tendered me his assurance hp - e a fair trial and under no ciiititpitariees - whatever will I be able. to at 2 teudlo;e:trial. If you seek my blood you can /031t.it .Many moment without the mockery of R trial. 1 hare had no,counsel. nave - not Mk ableacirkse,with one, I know nothing about the feelings' My fellow pri s oners and I am utterly unable.to attend in any"watt to my own defence, ' ily.mentory don't serve • me. My health is iasulkcient l , although improving. There are mitignting circumstances, if a fair trial is to be allowed us, that I woad titge in our favor ; Mit if we - are lei tie foice'd mere form of a trial, to ezeFuflort , ou tday spare your aitvel:that trouble. I am ready for my fate / not ask a trial. I beg for no mockery of a irial;.no insult, nothing but that, which con saili6etires E'r cowarcli4 wonit: drive yo 4 to pfseti4. ' , ' ,l l;eak not to excused from the mockery of e3rial. .I . do not know, what the design of this examination Fs; I iisi,not know what is tr be_the benefit of it to the , Commonwealth ; I hare now little to ask;, other than that I be nut fuolishly insulted - , es cowardly barbarians. insult tholie who fall Into their power." 'At the conclusion of this speech the Court assigned Messrs. Faulkner and Botts as counsel for the prisoner, the : former of whom declined, and the latter! accepted the position. Mr. Botts was i aiaLtaft bylVir.'Green his partner. " - Od,the 26 of Octobor esaminations of wittie*a fur the' proseentte c'oriftitenced. dits Brown stated that he had fultctlifiderice . in the goodness of God ; that he„wai'confident that He 'would res. etia''llinf. from the perils that then sur- ' nauided him; that he had before bad Hee pointed'at hitu, knives at his throat, and his life in as great peril as' it then was,, but that God had always been at his 1 side; arid that as ho knetir HE was with him hi timed nothing. , • On' the'27th Brown was so unwell as tti.Make it necessary for him to lie down iere bad" - which was brought into Court tor thatpilipse. • Mr. Butts read to the I - dispatch _reective4 from respon,si. ble - Partin"uf dhio, thdt . live of Brown's inlmtdinte relatives werd'afflict ed with ins a n'ty, that this r mektal disease watt hetedifary in the, family, and that these facia - could be proved by witnesses wha - would 'attend the trial if necessary. I thrreadink the dispatch to If rows lie af finnedthe truth of the statement but . re-' fi54,4 .- tarte' any' advantag,a of this plea, hiineelf . to - . be 'sane. He , dtildiettto Meet his fateas a Matiand not! as e'presnmed maniacs. - - fietOlia . r, a young man named - 1 - loyt.,,frum , Boston- arrived at Ch3rlololln, al Paiinsel .fcr firown. He taidc, .140, 12E+0;341, of 'admission to theil4,6lViriiinia,, and &lied .for timol the: hadlatment, Vir* I the-teftimotty atrt4dy Laken. ThiS:Wai:deniid., The teitiiony for the pinseeUtiin 'eleSid that afternoon, cad cloc**et differ from :the repro already plibliahicl; Ten witnesses fur Cie prose-, outiim were ,eastinined mid the evidence' or 111WO c-TattTelinvir ravred. - - the object of this was to praie that Brown did not design the taking of life or any , other act of cruelty except in self-defence. 'Two or three witnesses were examined,' itetetiters,4tddt'ot tiisWer teOciF7osui*' ta.st6pcei l a Riot hating lan icSerAd. 3 I'4 lAnwß.roSii fro al .4 `ths Ved 'it'd, dli‘s4`-tlik Cart, st ating tliatlairiougV Gov. Wise had promised him a fair trial, it waa after all- nothing brit a mockery. He stated that his money . had' Veen lakelilreinlitnl afid — my , had' therefore no means to eatploi.aWy r ori'dtto riff eiranda for him or - to - hunt rip tesii teeny ; that the officers had refused rheir—lttgy.:Al.r:ser-ci.frg.v4WwriTlFfer-2.ltiss . witnesse.s,;;,tlA.lte: had .ne,confidence. thc,connilei.,oit*Atp . birs hy . .thabourt, and; Oat, 4 1 :,..)T?n 1 C4 tichs.tporietnqpt.Pf the pouri.. for, a '.feti ;hours to.,girc him tinte..to.goltia spoke.nsking for time which wile . refused. 31cssra. Bott _and It; r,eett,, - r Virginia counsel,withdrew from tho r cas. - ,.T.: On. tiro 290 l or . October; A shoji,time waa.given s for,.new , eguuselfor,tite 'priron, er.wim'. had just arrived, to consult-,-io P e atn). Chilton,..Esq., of Washing ton; titd : Henry Griswold, of ,Clcar land, Ohio. I Mr. Chilton made an address to :the . Court, explanatory of his positiun. He I was there at the earnest solicitation of his friend. 4 - and being there,.he deSired "to do his duty. aS,doi'insel for the prisoner, but this he eeta dot do Without at least sev eral !mutt for canning the case, the law, indictment. etc.. lie Iherefora askedlor fa delay of,s . f. at. rioters.. But the Court refused thig. Tfit tttial must go on. The 'examination of witnesses.waa then resum ed, and concluded in the afternoon. - Mr. Mit*, fa?. the firise - uer, rose and submitted:a-motion' that .rhe proseeettiou t: • in this aase.be "en*llo. to ilea ,oiY6 the 6ofitits id:the indictment arid abandon. the others. • The indictment consists of four counts whi r ls end'orSed thus: an in dictment fer .treason,; advising and con spiring With .filrives aid otters to rebel, and fur murder. The charge of murder is laid in two of the counts, the third and The charge of treason is in the first, and the second* eba'ge alleges a charge different. frow that which is eu-• dursed on the_ back of the indictment. and which is upon record. The second colint is under the following statute : "If a free person advise or conspire with a slave to rebel or make an insurrection, he shall be punished with death, whether a rebellion or insurrection 'be suc cessful or not." But .the second count 'Ltd eliA'india l lpetit Is tha(th'ese ph'ities who Art: chafded; b. 5 IN . !'n'ditlnVent conspired` together, and, with other persons-, to in duce certain slaves, the property.of AI -stadt and Washington, to make rebellion and insurrection. 1 There is a broad difference between ad [ rising and conspiring with s:avei to rebel rand advisin g and conspiring with others Ito induce slaves to rebel. Whether be was to avail himself of this irregularity by instructions from the court to the jury to disregard this -second. count entirely; or whether it would be nrciperlo IY,ait until the conclusion of the trial, and then move lan arrest of judgement; he left to his Horan to decide. Fitt prroceeddd to arg.ue thamotion that the prosecution be con) : pelted to elect one.eount and abandon an -1 other, quoting. Archibald's Criminal plead ;Lim in support of his vie*: He (rather i alluded' to the hardgititis whiCl'i test UPon !the p'tisefier.fd meet various and direct charges in the's;am6 taril. I .Frotn the authority lie lead it Would he I seen that in case of t:eason different de scriptions of treason could not be united in the same indietntent. High treason , timid not be associated with other cree -1 stn. .. If an inferior grade uF an offence of the 'same character could not be in cluded in se, arate counts, still less can an offence of a different.charaeter. Trea son in th 4 eauntry is high treason; trea son- against the State of Virginia is trea son • avainst her sovereignty. We have . no other description of treason, because treason . can only be conatuitted against' sovereignty, Whetbei• that of the T.lnited I States or mia sovereign State. He ties replied to•by Messrs: Harding 'ind Hunter. % The Court decided that the trial must ,go on. The jury had been i charged and sworn to try the prisoner on the indictment as drawn. Ariel the til el the counsel might move fur araarrel.t. of judgement. On Mondy the trial was,resuracd. Mr., Griswold and Chilton both addressed thei jury ably and at some length. They were fullewed by Mr. Hunter for the proscera tion. The Jury brought in a ver:tict of '' Guilty. .of treason, advising aail con-, viroVieith,sla ves. 4) rebel and for ill ztr dei• in the: first degree." " Brown sat up in his bed *bile the ver dict Was read, after Which ho lay down . 'quiely,. saying nothing and:umlaut' no demonstration Of atiY kind. . ' : • • citiltod Moved an arrest of judge Mont, beth on account oferrors id the in= diettnout and errors in. the verdict, Tile objection Was that the prisoner had been tried for tat offence not liptmaring on the record-o} the Grand. inty. The verdict traS:iet each count geparately, but on_the whole . indictment. The prisoner hai also 'been- found guilty of ttro,..cdunts for murder of the came per son.- It was - Manifest he Could . not . be guilty'or Kith: By agrectheitt postponed. argu ment 4" these points was BrOWn, was tFcn rdtpaudetl to jail ;• and the, trial offloppie centuionced. . the. 2d of - November, Brow.ti was brodght into Court to receive his sentence. The Court Bare its decision - on the ino. Lion to arrest 3143,11140 t, the objeetiorts made. Oa the `olijeetion that treason caaupt, iie cominitted_ p;.:ai.pst a ',. ilclteNtelfitga -- eitszefs; - It recltsrih•ar wit pferiiii . ,alitgl'#l ttce was du treoeitili usaY, ' be'teOfiplairfe'd.-.llOst ot, tit StatO ttliie pasiedlawts akatils),itreasou.l Tho , lAjgo: I tions tkti,tii t'll'g.../di;tn of the Y t ierdipt, riscarii I'ot twOtra also" regarded ass i n sofffdioaf vri V Tliii.Coati ' 'hi/tasked Iltocenlilithef Tic ilea: tittytif ' to say •',.hy 890.kn00,' l'ariotiltkalif. iso:FrO' Danced, I , !:et:i BNAtri sisiottit ', an& ill a clear and dig. - .z. ttnet etiieZtStiiri • • ; - ,!‘ I - ha7e, .trty ... ll please . tit „Coort,:! ft .feW r- ' rds to .say. , - • ,. - • I ~ . '-, ETa.tbe hrist.place, T.deoy {averytbing.rbut What T-hae alt, along ailtnitteyt—the,des*n o rt , tayiarb to f,s'e• thefslit•N'es.z - s - li Unto - 4V c,eP."' ti , lnty - IfiltiNeAalle ft clean ibilik'br•ilikit ikat- . Irtg':ii.lT:ificir.l'is - V'tel r iftEr;''. ;wired "...TA - yeiti.ti to MissourLand,threre,..,took. Aria . istave3l.ltrirtout I the sia plitug: 'cif 4i . .. ~g u, it pi?... eitti - r . side, .rn'oy id thetil ' I lira agtt 'the 'etkiriitr,s'.. - ti it'd ' fi de 14* Tet tlieni iii-Caitaditlf desigzeilFto hive- airise the" same thing agaiii t -on.:. littgersealel ;"141irat was Ull.; : iete, tided: .- -I. never diskitilteasl.ttratui mit:bu.trde or_treasaa, otzto deitroy . ,piiperty. ob to excite ;or incite the slaves to rebellion, ft - ti d '6' LEA e' an - IA Urteetipli. I . ' -; T... . • • I" r,haVe another:objection; 'andltlititilk; it Is', Oft:St :that I- should nuffer.l4l , it - . pCtialty. I 144 i. i nterfered - iii the tuttundtlwhilt. is admit, lias, been!rairlytpro,yen .(for ladad reilse; truth- I tfiTiie'ss and Cluidor,' Of 'the, it . .lite!" iitirfiOu, of the - "wifii . e.ises 'tl•dio 'fiiiits festidtro in-tttl,s'• r ease,j had f so interfered in-b4half iirthi'*ch, - the• powerful, the intelligeot,T the. sti-ealle&greato or in belOr of their frientl4l either, father„.l mother, brother, siceir,,,.wife 2Or ebildrea, or; tin;, of that class, hull! suirefek and sacrificed; 'whet f have in this interference, it would have I ',been affright: • EN-eh , iiiir#.' in this Court !would r i have deemed:it an art erorthy of rewardtath er 1 than punishment. 'this Court isekno.wletiges. I las I Supiose, the vaidity of this. law o,l* God. I sec a bolt lt!'s.s - ei. hero Which I suppOse to i Ibe the Biddle, ei at least - the Nf w ''resttu en I !That re9,elfes' me that 'all things whatsneYer I would that nten should do to •me, I should Ido even so to them.' It teaches me further. I t'i • remember them that . arein bonds as hound , : Iwith them.' I endeavored to a cCup to that ! instrUciton. I say lam yet too young to tuf- ' desst:l - nd that God'is any respector of persons. I I believe that to have interfered as I have done,' I as 1 have always freely admitted I. haVel done, I tin behalf oftlis despised poor, was no wrong: but right. Isiow,.if it is deemed necessary thtit r . I I should forfeit say life for the furtheri'oce" of the ends of justice, and mangle O4'6soetl' ftir , r 1 titer with. the blood of my children; and with the blood of millions hi,- this slave conuirvi I whose rights arc disregarded by wicked, cruel)l I and unjust enactments, [admit, .41) let, it betl done. Let sue say ono word further. :, I feel I entirely satisfied with the tsreati.kient "I . have 1 received on my trial. Considering the cit.-1 cur/Isla:lees is has been, more generous (than I; expected, but I feel-no cobsciousness oh guilt. ` I have stated from the:first 'Olin t was M'ytintert ', Lion and what Was not. T neve? had' :um' de sign against the life of nt4'v foinroii, 0..‘01r an.l disposition to commit treason, or excite the 1 slaves to rebel, or make any general im4urrec- 1 tion. I never encouraged any man to; do so, but always discouraged any idea of feet kind. Let me say also in regard to the statements ' made by sores of those connected with me. I hear it has been stated by some of! them, that I have induced them to join ms, bit the contrary is true. Ido nut say this to:injure. them, but a; regnAtin,, , their weakness. Not "7.0 ;..rood me but of his OITIf accord and the greater part at tbeir.oiru expense. A slumber of them. I. never saw nail never had a ‘ortl of comers:llion with; till the day ,they cisme to me; and that was for the purpose I finale &tat ' ed. Now I 'have done." 1 While Browo• was speaking,_ perfect quiet prevailed.. When he had finlished, The Court proceeded to pronoun, e the sentence. After a .few prelitninab. - warks, in which he- said no reasOable doubt c.'uld exist as to the prismter' guilt, he sentenced him to be buoy in palitic oiz P,4 du,/, the 2d of December. [Cook,. Coppie and Thompson,! have been convicted : nd sentenced to bci hung on the 11Th of Dee., and *e presume that Brown will be reprieved until then and hung at the same time. Stevens been handed over to the Unifed States! Gov ernment for trial, the prosecutor; hoping thus tp involve distinguished Republi cans in the trial as witnesses or other. wise. They trill fail' ilf.their designs.— ED. JOWL] GERRIT Smirit has become insane in consequence; of the Harper's Ferry trials, and has been taken to the Utica Asyium. He constantly supposed himself nudes arrest at Harper's Ferry. glitta (.tfurnal. COUDERSPORT, PA” Tim 4411 ifob. 17:1859. T, S. CHASE, EDITOR AND VUBLISHER. re - The elections in NeWYoik,Mas sachusetts, New. Jersey and.. WISCODSiD, have all resulted in Republican ~•ieto iies. Particulars next week. zef.. We pre/mine very, few if -any of the citizens of this county know v)hen the County. was organized, 'ot . any thing of its early history; afa awe that.s6trie of the most intelligCnt of our citizens Were iguoidtit of the !batter until they heard tf paper read before the Ladie,s'.l.iterafy, Association a week or so ago., We take pleasure in giving the paper .a place on our. first page this week. It Was ' Care. fully compiled from the Aets - of Assembly and , tither sources- Fly eb'mpetent and well-informed citizen, and will be read with real interest by every local 'reader of the JOURNAL. Our readers will do well to'lay away this No. of the ,paper' for fu: 7 ture reference'. TUE N. Y. Eve. 1-1,.t thus , tersely Statesi , the position of theparty to whieli . nro - give our. hearty' support : ..-• . • The Republican party is the party of freedom, the parry of justice, the party of i peace, the party of or4r, theparty of coop 7 - only, and the party oil honesty. .4 is op pposed Ce f lin:of uff itlflf i' u:li a Tel Ihein..94 . ttle,t , opposed to' frpOusitilwipp%l posed to the_reigo of roadie . ", .401ed,,t0 olitigittp .. kei,ttin and tO , ,ttio' sulibarif of tho Zet tens, thee, rote I •+ t••• 4 • ' C ~- ~. - V_ vg: "Voc e ;Voting' la. Voitfep... ' 1 . , tions. 1.....,:',., '% [- We clip the i'following pithy ps i fil.4itil B row the last Warren ail: . I ' .] ‘‘ some ottite Chautauqua. papers Intl ptin ate that' Worthy _Putnl washcheated nt - the - 1,40(o ,Connty...9oavetiAtuti,.bechuse tine cil'his - votes - Stuck 'in' the' ht linink - nd didri4 - conic Out 'till lberbillet-forlh'eti i ext . office. ' Better. then ..abandow: he' ' owardly secret ballot, 11S WC have. 13ring , your delegates up to the idea 'twee pitch., and 'volt will. know who dodges indlho ; I We • commend the above argument - in. fliver of viva voCe votiOg in c in . ziety Con-.I , yen t ions to the Republicans 'of . tiit eonn tp. It is cowardly, for those who repro• . tient others, to desire to de it sccretty: What should Wd . think of the members* of Couness and of th'e ' Le. , itature; if - they . _. • ' ' should abandon the erre race method ofl voting, Voting, and Conceal Shcir aettous'frons ih knowledge of the 'people? - :1 - Such secret tj.otin ,, would not tolerated' for a month: ~ , 'or the same reason,_ the Repubtican of this county, if they are ytisei, wili choeSe delegates who frill vote in. Cotiventioni sa that their'constituents can see.their reh,j old. 'Let there. be a fair and inst ripre.' sontation of the different Townships and open voting• for candidates, and there. Will be no trouble about the ticket nominated; 1 • 1 *lk4arest Way of Meetingtile. IttiA)l6 - nih)dinicali,e . ii - ,i•iityl •1 - Ticket Nett 'Yeplr. 1 -- The following letter' Own We We 11 5 ..., 4`pro :rigitii'ioi . contains Mori; teozilliii'q Of .., . l, df ieal advice , than the best , speech ever clivered. , , - If the ..Republic.anSl or ;lilt ! County desire to make a sure' thirty Of 6'B . 1,4 bole doWnty 'ticket nexf..yei,....iliey wiTi at -once profit by the lessOn contained in 'this letter : ; • , rr .• : ; ' COOTCYN, October , 27, 1859.1 ~ -11 M Mrt.:B7OIUNG :'in your last Weeh's issue; '-Prank" urges the formation of 'political lelubs in every township throughout the, epunty, as a preliminary . movemeirt i vior ILO the - grand struggle / in -- prospect, neit. , ly ar. That such a movcruent would tic c mplish; wonders, have not the least I doubt, but there is another *ay ef .cclOb .b ng" which deserves the attention of ev e y one, vii: geliabititiefor the Agitate!! Now I insist iipori the RepubliCansgiv ing the Aystatora more extended cireii jation throughout the 'county: . •-•:- - ••L: v_'?[ ''l I . would 'ask who arc the vrtrkers of the rqutilican Party,- or any Other party?' Is it the' man that •iiiipporti his county I Oper, - or, is it that large class of Voters Who withhold their support? , • ] Who arc they who know how the party! is .getting • aloug ? It is most assuredly! those who support their partyliaper. Who, laic' t hey , that ,cle the groullisj, if-the emi'n- I iinotninailtins do not Snit them ? Ii it those wlioldo 1 , 0, rdad;theirconnty paper ? ' I The' Republicans who withhold their al:ipport from their party paper in thin cOdutf, Se counted by ;ho. tholsoud. Let avery*fiscriber try andlget one, and there wilicEo a great; deal of labor per , Wined. for 1860. - Pass around the sub ; seription• list fer We ..4.9 , 1eat64.; -14. i , _ ._ *Free .VresS Destroyed It t-Netcr - !-- * port;. lierluelf;y. ! - „.. 'Most of :our regders . hato'heirrO of the Free South, published at Newport; Ken: tacky, bylV3t. S. flurztj It *as an out-spoken, butmodeirife anti -Slivery. pa per; printed and published by Mr. Bai ley's wife and tioug4tert, anti- *as th it only means of support. The ShiNIE-bo,&. - • , ing chiv:lry of Kentucky could not tol rate free 'speech in ~ t hat 'State, and'isti , .. they ordered a mob to destroy the press , dnd type pu, which the Free South wati . - :' published.- The tuoh.obeyed orders with alacrity: ' Mr. Bailifs enttre, property has been . fieuroyed, and his, farnilY left . 1 • without any. means of earning a liripg. o,f course , the doughfaces of the North Who: set up such a howl at ':the terrible Moor r of Jolty Prown,',hare denoupeed tlin Kentocky.riet. , Well,perhapS theyihare; Ind we .harc . pot yet biard a WhisPer frog a istun q ie one of these allies of Slareryond • - . -- - so our friend of the *tat: Utizette - pert** . , nen tly . asks: • . . : r , - : . .. ,: ~. • L ~ Why is it, that the Qbee I veraPer.On e ! Democratic ~printS which have beep .. miiiing such a, terrible ado oyer,the.ortt- • rage of 1-farpent Ferry mob„, hare ,n9t,h, ing to say in condemnation of. the .uici,re tecut,,,oittragecif rt rueb . at,Nearport, Ken t liy, :by whieli a .newspaper of was! Idirlesslyfindlted, rat hi man and his:fain- , ilbr, . who edined nsupport by- the !publi- i cation o of•the newspaper referred to, were gi . ,essiy and ' tirti*roully. irs!ilteit, for .no. o her ,caute ihap „that. of, freely, speakipg ti sir opirtiotti 7.1. We. hare thutr.far. took. e' in vain fet,d; tittle Word:-in their, W m '.,' tie in, refeft'hdc to . this lriklr ,Initided p oceeding.,, :\..Tbq CARA i t ,80AIRti , fitttl - 1 n , tbit , to denennee- itt. the lttft of , ktficn; 1 o • , and vioNnoe .ahneil at.the freecittm of 1 t ought, of speech. and 011ie : iresa,...bot a. n, find ,ne . wordsiwillti ieentntlal Of 4 • punciatjoil ,ten! severe to ripply . .t.o. the • arpqr's. : Pert. act . : of - ',rioletto 4 - WlllO4 R'• : RittlCtli At the J!peppli4el. - illstltutP,3o • =I I Of lWeVrifiry hirid** h differenee ? Does it iudieitte, '_mistakably, 'heti the Danwerstie fres' Ttlin Serth andi - ,'lLffroc4te Of the' Slavery andr foe of . ..Finnan. .ktir othir infere nce 7ptoviitife" • • • ,t; I • , . - •'- : I ; . Pnicka*,,V*itc#o l *_ .: ,•-. " .- '- 7, lfhen his ezeolkirfe4, Willitun F. tieV •-i, ' - er; called the iicim.John:4. Kriez_to , 44l: . aid - as the law -officer of iiiii,gabinet, the peopleput-confutepce.iw-hiat; and- - wh en licrsiteild up-,for the doctrines of his moan &tali its the face of the'effOrtatt . tbii - Nti , ' iional Administration to coerce him into - t'he iiiiiiiditief 'die teetiriiptiiii'iWilidle; the &at Jiitart;;ori the. -State .throbbed with pfeasik - iiiid the people* were en ilinSimiticliihis Stepp:nit. But when iliat weak-kneed: Lan ttrtow - inade his whin ing appeal in. thiState t e lliventioni every sensible:Man knew that Vrad.or'S-oPpesi tien.,to ,Lecompioasin 'ttpuld . so& . 00ze out at his fingers' ends.. -: :. . ~ '..: Already' Lis organ - , die 'State SentiAel, , • , is aS:rapipant a p ro-slavery' 'sheet as the State affords, and as reel:less : in ;tan -tiering, the Republican cause, and its advocates, as ever ivai 'the Pepai,,qranian., Witness the following :- from tbe,Sentiltel of detOber.29th. i "'frit result of that expedition (BtOwn's raid on Vireinie,Y hascreated I feiiipOia: ry- ;panic iii • the: l lieptiblican rapid, and the 'danger that itiipeuds over the heads lof many of ' theiriproMinent. leaders; ilm- - plicated in that ikarioirs tragaaion has iiMpbsedi preachreStraitit upon ;Lin,' I which -Will probably last until this storm has} blown over. IB'ut they are' neverthe less. the same party—reckless, dishonest, traitorons.and unprincipled. 'One-thine to-day;_ anothet 14-worrow any thing for &ter itlit spoiissint, UnleSs . we'inis.fakc them' mill, in - order to avoid tile- odium. which atfadhes" te , , thew in - eorisequence! of the Harper's &fry . transactiom they will change theirinaing again beforithei Presidential election, and: repudVa t e every I suspected leader. • Tliey have ,not : the' . .00ntage : , to sustain manfully _those who i sustain. their cause, bat, coward-like, de-I sort-in the hunt of danger those who dared ' boldly to, carry-out their principles - :" _ We arc at a losS- for any - motive- or ex cuse for uttering Sueli .gliosS and notorious fillsehoads_'agnitistl:, majority of .the peo;- . pie of the ,Free States. • Reckless, dis. honest, traitorous) and: 7aieincipled e are epithetk w,hich any. bar-room loafer can glibly tepeat,lnt 'we ,sithmit they are =- seemly and out of place in any respectable newspaper; and that a party 'which: de fended the 7ilyrde:iima attack on a Sem tor of the truitedStates,ivhile..ivriting at his, desk in the Senate chamber, is• uot;iW a condiaon kaiak° these•einziges againsi any opponent with decency or - Prey:day!! If Governor Packer desires to retain al particle ,of respect from •honest mew, fiej ha c l.better Lim' soMe other defender ,thau the glib libeHei of 'the . &urine; THE NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. THE TRIBUNE--ziow more than eighteen years old, and hitving. over Two Hundred Thousand sub,scriberS, or constant porchasers, diffused' through every State and Territory of our Union—will'. continue in essence what it has been—the earnest 'champion of Liberty, Progress, and of-whatever will conduce to our national growth in Virtue, Industry, Kuowl.• edge, and, Prosperity. It will continue to' urge the emancipation not only of 'the clack laborer from chattehent and legal, impotence, 1 but-of the White li4enise from Land,Mottopo.l ly„lntenifierance, Ignorance. and that 'depend mice on remote Markets which paralyzes ez.i ertion by denying to Toil any , adequate and! morally Certain Telford. Believing that the chief evil of OUT time ;is' the iuordin.tte multi plication-and disprop o rtion of Non-Producers, it will continue to waT against whatever tends to degrade Manual Labor or depr:ve it of its just and full recquipense, ft will inflexibly commend the policy Of winning hither from Europe, the' Useful Arts, and,. whereier Noy may be. needed,. the Artisans as well, for whose products our country is now rimming recklws fv,,, into debt, while our laboteraToant in fruit -ass Own of employnient, feaiing their, chit; dren, in want of bread, though the farmer 5. too* oda eoinf*P,Fd to sell his crops at Most inadequate prices. In short, while battling against rffiloustertsp:,and eve# 611161 4 festation of that evil Spirit which Seeks thro' the spoliation of other ;countries that aggrand. izement which is to truly attained only through the due developMentend cultivation of our internal resources, it will urgently MI., !locate a more effectively discriminating Tar iff; the Freedom of.thiPublic Lands, the-con struction of st .gailroad frot4 the nayigahle waters of the Mississippi to those of the Pad. fic, and every other Measure which seems to us calctilated to enhance the dignity or the recompense Of Labor 'tend promote the well; being of Mankind. 1- The "irrepressible- etinfi;ctr between Dark- ness and Light, Inertia and.Progrees, SlaVey and Freedom: moves steadily ontVird. Isola. fed acts of folly and aiaduess may for the moz meat give 41. ticeming 4 , advantage to' Wrong; but God still reigns, and the Ages are true to Humanity,end, Right. , i The year,. 1860 . must. witness. MeMorable icentlict between these irreconcilable antagonists.' The ' queition— it shall Human Slavery be further strengthen " ed and diffused by the power and under the "flag of the rederal Heim?" is now toxeceive *momentous it,not *elusive answer.. "Land flat the Landless, ireast*Negroes for the .N - “grolessu is the battle-Or of. the. embodied %Mewl *lto, hiving Jut svrept la- ' Ohio - . and the• North . Wes t, appear in the gew Congress, - backed-by nearly; every Free State,tit-demand u recognition or every many, *Wit cultivate and improve a .modieum or the eartles suifate vrherever 'he has not been antiolptited- by" the =State's cession to anotb. er. Vico Ilontes - ,..end_the consecration.of the virgin sPilClf till. Territorial to ,freo two requirements,.but one policy-.-must Inrgt Iy absorb the attention of CongroSi tlitougb the ensuing session; of -the' reb i tle• la the soaceediti; Presidential' eaniritni t And, what:: ever tiamsairnediatwiesne, *6,6mi - riot :doubt that the, nitimatA verdict wilt be in accord, at; •nce - with t e tiktnte.r oritnpartii, the innlienable,lbghts m : - Ala'vring 'Made arrangements for f a fe_graplite reports of the doings of C atit;of tylia,tererelse transpiring at ti eral;Mettopolis shall seem. worthy . 0 i regetid;itoti hat ing extended both mu and-Poniestie Correspondence :Intl et eil.*r-Edit'orial staff, we believe the May ittfely,*bollenge au comparison 'rivairwitskther as an exponent of prine4 na..a. tenni° mirror of the passing % ro b ] propose not to be surpassed nor u nt i e in the collection or presentation of Intel! thoughesebete'llat reputation-10 , prise wit idh .11-f.tiettitiresl%iliribio g gers ond,Cler4 in.beatiop public offices to t , officierdoeti4sehts. — Stntement.quite.etsitigitiptutprot :errderivor not.tosarri,fico,the. httt, th i Wilfbe.wilat it obits Ulu, while we l stantly study,t9.4tillpYkii.eTe ; ryfeat to "make .each hcrit i ie ,thn t eenerari.eratet..p!we rtliss and die, has affirmed,the' l atteees - s;of dtir and thage 'ethic futtire-shill by equal enrnestneSs.anftossittnitp.. those who believe. the-general. it our journal to , be . salupwy ing tbatjuiluence, through an ,ineres"n sUbscriptions. . . NEW-Y.ORK TRIBUNE is printed ofn liege - Imperial sliest; ita lislfed ei'etc"ini:nrng and 'eyening • (Ss excepted). a It contains Editorials es fi ll les of the times, etaAoyi#g a large ear the best newsrapii i:riters •of:the day , pestle a - nil Iroleiktitdfiesp - ondence ; Prot ings of Col.griss; ': . reports' of I .eeturi.s; sews; Goitre, liorSe, and, Produce Marin Reviews - of Rooks ;"Lfternry Intelligencei pers bll Iffe - Cif:liiieS and the Arts, &C., stried to - make ilrc TrrLthe a .neu:spap er the Flints Of thopnblic—its*Telegraphi e a)o.ne:costing ciyer.sls,ooo per annum. TERMS: TUE DAILY NE per is mailed to scrbrs at . .. SC, pei 'cktitturn, sizmouths, . THE NEW-YORK SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNI is piiblisheite'very Tudimer' contains-all thi editorials of the I ails, the Cattle, - Horse,' an d eiterat %whets, n My reported -expressiy •for,the - Tribune. rigid and Domestic Correspondence; ay ing the sessions of Con - stress it containi tirtt4 of Congressional doings. with tht important speeches.' liTe'shitil, its 'wren make the Serne; , Wiekt.y . Trilhene a Literary, Ara as a - political' newapapefvfand icerr termined that it shall remain In the from pf family Papers.' '• " • One Copy,' one year , • Two Copies - , one Year - - Five Copies, one year Ten - to 'onitistrtrras, I Ten Copies,:of:pver, .lo adcktis of , e;Ja JC(76 . tf $1•26 Ene.ll.. Any person sending us a club of twcnt ofce; will be antirled icirra"eopy: a dab of fifty ( We' will sindllie Daily Tril (si - year/ -. • • The Semi: wank Tribune Is sent to Cll men ut s2.per anuriiri:— • - "THE NEW.=iiORK''KEKLY TRIBUNE. Itjrgf eiglitpage "piper for *the countr; I published every §atur(Tay;.iiiid contains torials on the .latportapt . tripics . of the ti the news of the Aveek,- interesting corresr ence Prong all pnits - Ot the worl4; the'New-! Cottle Horse, and Produce 3furkets, intet iniand reliable Politlcel;3fechaaical and ric oleo ral: articles, dtc„ 4... - 1 - shail,‘dariak:ttiii . yeeti-,- stantlY laiiti to latprot:e. the Honliti.of Oft structive.'entertainment ardeded by.. WEEKLY TRIBUNE, which, - We'intend,Sbl he llie.tiest. FitaiilV Weekly_ Xeweraper pc lished in the World. IVe.cOneider the Can 3ltirket Repot t.. 4 alone- richly ; worth to cell raisers a yeties Suli•teCiption per F o; • TERMS: Ono Copyrone.yeari Three .Copies. one year, -- . ; Fire Copies, oney.ear,-. Ten Copies, ono yr . ar,: • Twenty Copiee, .to one adieu; and any:largernumber, • $l, Cobb Twenty Copies, to address of end .übstiMeri 11 and any larger nuinber at41.20 - each Any person sending . us a Club of Twonty.4 more, will be entitled to anextra copy; l'l it club-of fifty, we ,ii r sincl the ly Tribune ;- and for;V anti of one lifoldre the Daily .Tribtire be sent 'gratis': • W I continue to send the Week& Tribunc to Clap . Subscriptionsmac commence at .any thr Terms always Cash ialsdratic9...: All letters be addressed to - • HORACE GREELEY k Co.. -- Tribune Buildings; Nassiiii-it4 New York. 11 - 14;&11L11.DANEEDI ARE. CONSTATLY C E 1 - 11 A COMPLETE . .A.S 4 SO./17;i1EN2 Olt -Fait and Winter DRY GOODS, 1 1'1 Bo.oTs 4 SHOES,_HATS & CAPA4 ctrisi*Av t .pß9p4Rlti 7 Crockery . .. , `do-Glassware. Also, a good stoelt.of MISCELLANEOUS eelli r k Ready-Made r Also School Books, STATIONERY, &C., Aii of Which they will sell AS 'LOW *SCA!: - 11EBoI1G14! ELSF`Wlltiti lIN THIg . 00,1tI1TY•c PRODUE AL KINDS ti TAUW sIN •EXCIIANGE : itiR For which the HIGHEST, rinicr4 b 0 1 4 41 They can be fenad'at all:times; (siteo l l and Sunday excepted,) at tho Stine format Occupied ,by D, P V RR, . . - fft..-V : 1y . „0 . ,0., re4dy limit upon Customers. N. 13,--We hsl a come to the conclusion thi "1 ADY PAY": lu better - 1:or altportics k and - ,sci _abpll, there fete do • L lrfif 'DANIELS. Ulysses; Nov, 1, i859..-1:211f*.- SPBSORIBE FORMES IQUILIVA A #'...-V•,.':l':',;Jr:T.':li:S.:-.1 , It4it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers