r t ua , 1•a Astor Igh The kuatorial temp of William Big *ill en** the **of Horeb, 18 i? Sad tlet one of 1861 Fill,„,bov i 4 elect is inigessoor td' meat la boo Oat theta is not`tft6 stig est chime of reelgioo. His doom was Ossied tit ftte eke** of Tuesday last,— MafileadioaatbkukA , o,-faithful , were a pp-' real to jgratelVtittlitejelwhole strength *ClktoocPkot*Dajogiss "l 40 4 ?e,1 1 ,e' be' -44111 4'01 tire elu Ono te orthij ifiklieletile'tipiriedi.t3tntturSen: Itiner-Orlini:tit 2 ~t niiiil, :;0111)legillred linfriiianY NO =- 7 0 . 0404 3 :MIMI L....a...D*10J tijirtqlwritlifliru i;etediect:waetii ftioditl44o%bl‘itattOkfiity kord'Ati Va; dorgetnetetiAna' r etiniitil' ea •`''f-= .7.1, ,--: , jig k theliEffifot'iii 1 a — Democratic ffst ne s 4/ n rn Irak J :":," on: 'lliii,'-' o'fritMf,' sd: e f i r iev i . ,': :- enny otti. , :irity .. iti thellen• itailino . jintliCtilieleettoii:coPiCleto. WlNlN.ilietiFOlfjinfitj9 itisei rprry tOcittitli ilasliiikto seettra a'stilt ' gr'erer gabityzili 7 the ' Legfilainie Oat rift 9 plroose't froiteil-Sotei - fienatoi. ' ..`.The itilfiatie6rsiiiesiiriter i Ott ssajpist of 22 - ; ,l tlaillipl"Betwolarots. • Of this • 1 g..":;4 4 440,5iti0tr - and 7 DeMocrats ;1f lio'epdiif the session, , leaving re i' ailAtc'intdin ft i: over fOr' 1861,' 18 s .i. : Lion iiiid.4: - Diiiitioraii: ' `At; the ele tfity : of 062)*, - 18t3q; . ttigOpposItlorr: irillilisliy i A soiti)ig' and:, may aay r l- 1517itiat te"Stbate' of 'lB6l will prObebli be ponvosst, ot, 94 Qpposi- ifoititfictl4/4iiiidrith 2 =.l . Aboeiho9r4y, ettinrkililpt i 410 ,Da'ociatisi Cii_3didate itiViiiteill4tei. ' §etiatoi; . ' and Ordeal tier ii' l ltifV,Vitilairt :Bigler, in sthbie bif a:ttthWrnosi .iiipeatilisreici'' Made e ita a tr -- tstti.opthiAririal. ,The CaiV to rr it; sip hj ogto ojitt pli they could to Calti Wear o'o ?di 14 1 q;i0e:eted in. it efritin'alktkiOtii,bitt the faihre was to= Eat:_ Nkit4l rgp P . e u r m ppt was elceted l 4 l4''qtlito ' 4* li4ii pigideliip Gigfiloilii"tirCOrignllitb Ic 'ld; 41ilik i ,oythitif pf 4410,18.01, go- Viitylll iiinwiny:•fith - bis friend and prii - in OuclMnan.---1 - 7eil. gut. trine.' M' • '"" - ' - I.7LE .t:i3'— lt .4 e .. ' E r e : i ."," ° , '''', P• , , .i l Wmtakc the ifollewi ng• election returns froniitheLLlaity Trihmie of the 13tti, Ittii3t:l§ih'inits.. - - • • "10itiOmi:itka j in proclaimed her deve eliiii*'.9o,ltrOi,OFOrtbe'immoitat Or. tpripe,'wlt4h, consecrated her. seil to ..,iliff.l4ebtk,, ft.' .the . Contest his been ani !Wliii*PQq4idatee for Governof , - , ~,,iib. 0 I ttad:Orsc44lly, worthy men :--riiitl:„aplicOed - . alSetublea thousands trim the simd:Jtiiitip;:.lllr:lDooglas lies 1 grfMl-bie "Po Ular ; Soveretgrity" net in memlith s e.e (, cities and fraternized rq,limit 'Aii: eiompiiinites in their ef kr*tOlr•;•eiP9.o'okili4ot all to nO•i°i etqw-e ,W;i.g4,l-.SI.NNI:;te9Y, jr,, of 'Co !vati4calliAlAyr4rnipd and thorough-go togrAtcunpiuu of,•itepohlicanism, 4 ehos siOßtygpsit, .3, Ikh . the,entire-Stute Tick- EN*►LA: timligiF Legillatereis .ftepubli ?# in ,hotk : brAinshes, as . the last, (chosen 1 5}. 4 .7) LlPPliggtollOratio , - Mr. ,Pugh re ti 40%.,,tha.V. ; 5. Senate, in , blarch, LED u4m 3 ii jt*gePerellY - ifuPPosed tli4 8115141P3A;c4,44E. Fill fucceed ,hirP•7 --- , aott , o4siktaYq WilY.to Pugh four Years tgitarlbaßlegit; A - Mal4e (RePablls 9.40A9, -g9 ;VP.fyitesi : from - the , Xi vth iijrAiney.P*4l..ctirto. 411" P vacancy cans osliby,the-Ackth,of Cyr ..Bpinek. Po; 1 rlfrit.,l l 9•)l9. l lango.. = , The Itepublican Intmtiec,reported.etcol-4tato „Ticket, 1414Qt1Biattete 9,olouse 12,t0 ],6. ~ xlikigt,c4tatm ha; hejd.c,the post of Gov, e*PCPAhrough;two .terms of . two yeais eirib,:kliviugheeol first ebosee in. ,1855 Mod allirPleetedlin ,1847. - The people of Ciblo IPOT(EceYerferyed More ; ably; wise -Ist cull isprightly ! - Ve..irejoiee - ra. the flAbAbetAiceectlceit. are, rot to _ be log , Watt NOUN and, wish, that, men ottitn.: filar chaacAer, l and, caliber emlllt.oftener be chosen-to-statienatee•like eminence and tetticweibility.Trilione 13th.: . • . , --. - cr. tri o Clititi,thdatepublisan 'triumph is icrireieliniping !that has hitherto Veen re pdrtatt-,2 Deno Wife majoyity for Govern orvil t<! ;17004. -amt the whole ,Re• tiotticipinviltate.rTicket bac _about the isidgeTritalson, who was; the ea penisilargeslot-',assault, is:hardly behind gueibstr..l.2he wt.:Legislature steeds-I tranaill Democrats /04 Rekstal AC; Demon scifini4fb labatei will , • riloo— r rraiiiie, Cev,z:r. Era r Stailturifcbp,trilegrapt tbutilaraleparbilna c Buhl, -Cortiteatioa, tinkinkttnit-st ..ToireiMa=4llo nominated CEIARLES ROM§War,(lo - and thanittitilsCrifi*Ati fbillankiress; .711 We lilisniach Bl Onise:-waslitiminated finiaantsszTior Eleatiorttakerkplate nalychtDiteethbeicianif trnai; Mr. Com far 1411 WI) Witshitigtorr with.: his set tasaftotlonif artir64.l7.fautzer.!:,lt -41:1M4 .17 -I 1. 4 1 1 1 914aitiontit bur raturnar bre still Men trutiVottrzintelligcni *len dfal,./Barling* tegottprok* Kiriewoost -deriteallogair tkitßidite foe:Governor, 64.048115k/fWiasirt Ligiilatnin• ;whirs!' la ag9Vbligglirterv---. 4 MIN' tfp 'OW Air 1 :11 -1611. e1se . hwbere, fri V ika Vielii ( Ogat *oat . Or tliti obm An• I * The ReptdAkans inajOrity wears likely. to be so overohehning as to preclude the possibility . of ptotroMat thalfemoci*tio• can id tes I t y - ratans . stt gaits; tkin. ti t l! ;• nt timiiin •ho Os iof, chit tttißepub lean 9 e tie t been elected by several thousand, and that both branches of the Legislature are Re ublican". Abu& accuripc.. a__ltcpublican. 'anal - Or - pc G en. James. The followip_gientlemen *COLM'oWribe - Reptitilreati — ticket:---Goferoor, Ateisa_ der Ramsey; Lient , Governor, lenattutl• mr7:rsalr:z.. • .I:=tazr.:: rtrAgoi kerarbasurerti.GierhmEmbefferp4ttor, ney l GpperAtir.thartint Leib4ZottgFess: Gyttis:A,Adriehi4V/Rliata Nicsiotuzi MM - - r . ! 4 ' WV P4 o ll+kt f • 4r. --; x:IVAILIPERSPORT4 gge L P 5 P;" . c LCHASEe:EOTTOR-AND Ser We rejoieeloleara that unlike is; thp:4erinblinans - . ofSul!ivan . 'nountyh4ve 05evein# electing ttiir e‘inclidat4 tar Shea: .Thl4' ilie..Airst dale tke : tach; writes haye.been 444 , 44c4 fal. any , office there; • • : • . fo.llv.wingir thy OBOtli Tote for. State Senator, in Chit (Xith) Drstliipt. It. will be'seen that theyote is very,stnell in .airtli'd courities,inil - thai the 'n:ia.jert ty is disgraceful to • tholiarty is tbz., ;; : . t , : - % 2 logo.- o tter.' , lfcKreni. irarren. r'sAip RAMON, ;924•; •.. 692 ^ , /.16,1 APf•EA -W41 . %.P 55 58. gajority, ]3,68. 391 14 • 99Q - ' Tcital vOte i'or:Bettson,"( ' "' • • 2941 .1 Total majority : for liens On. 1669 s iweboter ai,Bellever IsCake 'repressAbleConiktet;” ACeordieg tiercif,, in .bis re nevi oratiOn,,Nr. Webster was else a be hetet:- in the irrepressible coofiletbetween Freedom 'rare Slavery,' the first annuncia tion of whieblini been attributed to hlr. Seward. ..w'e - •• • - . " Ile [Mr. Wefratlfri pt only eorfident ly anticipated,. what, the lawn of seven years since his decease has witnessed and is' witnessing,, that the newlyacquired and newly (organised Territories. of the Union would grow up into: Fr:a : States; but; in-common with. cillQr marls, all the statesmen. -of - the last.fieneratipn, tte. !jelled that Free Labor would ultimately prevail through the country. "HQ thought he saw, that, in the operation of the same causes which have produced this result iu the Middle and Eastern States, it-was taking: Ouse jP . , the States north of the cotton-growing' region ; and he in clined to •tlie opinion that there, also, un der the influence of pi , yeical and econom ical causes, Free .Labor would eventually be found more productive, :.ands tionid therefore be ultimately established:" Theabove extract from Mr. Everett's oration haviner been extensively quoted and noticed by the presses of the country, he bassinet). very. Cautiously but quietly dropPed it when delivering his Oration-;:- wh,ether frnin fdßr of injuring thecharac ter ofMr. e ter v eaen i ‘or t a * g • tof EdisArd,Everptt here, bi not transpired, .Mr. - Everett has been mentioned es being forlthe'llepnblipart notnination for Presideat in 1880 There - is 4.lr repressible, conflict"; betlnert him and p(17 , - Rica ; popdarity. f • A 'Brotiill'"Chtirc*,'' Dr,• -Bellows a praslavery linitarian minister, has • been . making a . great effort . t ' eleva t e- frms and. ceremoniei above - 11 - 'righteousness, ' as the .founda 'ion or a broader church thou any now in existence.. ‘ g.r..Tjjeodore Tilton, of the.; N.-- Y Jiidepeident, iii intratiaciog the. ita. E. H., Chapin tam) attdietioe at ilia:el:MO of 41.. W. Beecher, hit Bellowa in the following unaniwerci; •. . manner : _ " wateapeate4 that the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher would be present . Lc:antra dace his. friend,but—luLiq unavoidably away:this:creme& sT It ialmfortatfate, for. T thinkthat‘With two Mich men iaone piApit mcitild. base et:Actable of what Dr: Belltini calls i Ow-Broad: tibutoh:. (I.taughter.;j:' Hourdar , apart.: diva. ;ffien tonat wand to maims Broail:Ohigroli.l do noe:ltuow; hitt :Aar' -ktfow.. that Beecher and lb. Chapin, etaicling,in'tirie tillbsitei theologies, are so decided in their °patios:that - tlieirlhava wait. let,come t agether; ;even t to , gekeict,:gtcisavi tiAughtet,ll:: But; Lthink I know :their idea df a Brotni hutch: fi ; g011 agols salmi watnaorfristrVirginis 'came to this Congregation: Tlead forithe,pun. chile. of -ber7 hieedinu,r and of: luir; little ;:Mr.slleecher.atated the. oasa, antrs3oQ,iiiire raised, isn tbe, spot: : -Only gi.oo toots , treraneeclecU , -What - sbottld do lfine t -stmt . -the. woman to Mr. Chttpin's:oburclu:: :lie, in - -.lika• manner, mentionett.thacasato bis own itedple,rand the Woman '4 . 1E4: ker. obild*—harlittli3 boy holding out- hivuap .itandf—dwerit itationett at• the toltarch; floor to .rdocare the confributions, of the ..dougregation: they pasiad oat.:'When thsaitundy _Was counted it, was. foiind to! ha -almost Atiiee u-rn . - -- .7 - " 71a3 Wa nrreo - ii - - ,-,.._ Ohiffeit,firoldi l s Hight, reached italtatili h wise the ,' anifthohnrah • the river real back i :htintl-rwletrowship to t_ e dit it .13, r Bights, and bevaftitt t i on , ~ cd4,0..4 under their (Vol u -n ttW3rokti ono of God*: diec, ;4 1 ,1 ilxriols were newly • en, tinad Whforb head was ' crowned while high . all ! tood the. great _F. atterAiiii_ ilisdt the Cfioreh; Wl4 Joßked dowdaiiii 4ninntech l 4ioye ' tax* done 'it 'tato . *tot tbgig . , foy,l4th,,,ootts 3 :7o..hivgi'doog, "1 miter Wib4 l - 0 Tiiit islthilfnialt Mach 14, AciUtlibilaTriftriiiimidinftlunait Alai is, ' broad-enough; . tg • lo :stec..of its ) win- Pr..o3;l l . l ePtv MaidAfge: for . ; 8 66 0 IP' aufgaWd while tail Waite Iftirei Ala wale eicri , hiraifrectttialaiity. •NoWiaiiot - e' iii { coiiii4 A.4' 'ILO' .c044 . :444 We.pnswwr:trie last questiog .6rit ;;arj. 4 iithutOrafrehd the-lawn of: Mrjoins' defeat. " • ' 4 - , ... -The Republican part y, of thil'ebunty 1 it . #l4 sip qcsesneWhat,diseordapt Mate rial!;,-, andl contains quite 'a number of vet ! era who are .influenced more by personal Corm-Wen:dines to ibeir'suppert of,county offiaers, than. by any rittachinent toy prin. 1 ciplc:. ..Itence we renst..learn that gooa 1 elmmotei, the requisite vali6g4fitips, and yearsot service in the cause of freedom c i and good Order, are not • sufficient teem-, thenaliiione in our: candidates. some: . ' 1 thing more.is.requiied .- - .-,l'Ve alert learrefroot thisdereat, th folly otbebig -osier • anyinus 'fora :nomination. :noniination, It is a safe ride - ter:adopt, 'that a •nominti. tichi 'secured .by 'effort, and , • rnanSgeinenti will prove an injury . to the party, tiedi to the candidate.:. The campaign a year ago dutjkt:to have taught our friends this leg= son. -- IT they dißregardl,thenaperieree of the late eampSign, then they .must be blind indeed. ; : ,Leave the selection of can. didates to the free chain .of the people, without strife or - contention. 9befote Abe convention, and the work Of the ; Canvass after the ticket is made, will be Pleesent and successful. ... , This is the lesson .as we read.it, Mu& ..r by the defeat of as geed a Republican as our ranks' contain ; and it is because we overlooked these, Pets in the nomination of •a ticket, that the ••hunker leaders' of this Boro' were able to trade - off enough of'Hiles• White's votes to 'defeat A. F.. Jones, which trade was aeeemplisliedi something like - this. .' Directions were sent from thiii Retro' by the hunker leaders, a few _days before th;.' election, to their associates in every toulr ship in the county, to approach as many tnoughtless Republicans as could be found with this proposition : "If you will vote for igt and Ilendryx, we will' vote for Denson is or Mann, (according to the Par tialities of the person addressed)." -litre& votes for Burt,.in swab - election .district, obtained in this way, will aeconnt for his election. lt is eriuent from the return's; tnat, he obtainedeyen :more than the. K . number in this Way- 1 Wel hi;pe alost'of this' trading was done thoUght teisly;' and:we refer to it new, • Merely , far i the _purpose ` of f showing how a lgood man ~tras 'ail'nek down when his p,,, , ty is largely, ip the majority.. .If the . JOURNAL " had suet a eitetilation in the 'county as it deserves, we believe it would be iniri - isible to sell,put a candi data ip this way; and if the money spent in canvassing the county-just before glee tfon, was used to• increase the circulation of th§. jourit4iit. !air- months era yearhe fore; we ar cOnfiderit it would accomplish much more go.od- Now, instead of com plaining of.the errortof others; and there= by increasing dissatisfaotioni let us.eoilv lOanoi.3't t ile Work Of the next!cariipaign 'at once,, 1,4 viii do this, not bY-Agurini fur candulatei, hut by advtuithig-our Princi ples.. Let na.hold -meetingi—increase the.cireulation of• our county ,fiaper,- and thus 1340t5 , that' we ire working .for the eause,find not-for office , '- .• -.: I r keß!h: JPIIIII Poet. .' .Ti veteran Pi9nW is 40 mpre. ,B ing-ohe of thefirsti setthits in' this :county, eild g Yettletkable: tea hi -matt, iesfiects . ; teemory,'ind Profitable Ter—bie-xelghbers,.. to nbfettief ly his lifeltind' ensotig Jon *ll 7 i:iota ih the city of: Ifevr'iriirifi()pq -At! 4!h : of , April; 1172. Ve r y ',yeept aftettar4s• sap iskeete ;!Te7 tre,141 .- - to his'arst. Wir!3.on thogBthAdaept;.loo3' lived - brith her ten derAirhen shedied - of yelloi fever `.',; " was married to the.4 L vidoiv Wh9;tiOw.inOiTies-bbn na:tbet24 ofAug 189 6 . Lotto i: Now-Jersey, tO Totter county, and arrived at:the phi* where he (lied; 'oh the 7434'e t if* .i y,ItSXI, Be bad two obibiren at that !inn ! . and seven others were to 'due, , 4n3elreaiimeti4o;bbn. these oinechil l' - - • - - '-.---- . ' 2l O / MRls l)i iN i i t ttl i l l _ i c'S s i,trM i ltar: •PeroleriAgEW . S444•44 .-1. ' -- : ••, ' ' ii -,144 .VabNci.A(r Aild - Arkal- 11 9 liffill trips ,w lie .;folkwe y 'mid.S 4 impporta rge ;fitarr,illAe r e ditilableiei” , hiVigoinld pike sitioiii $6, *O6 ed. , !tuinpili?l:oi i iil Tlii::l4o6-eijriii:iiiiiif4 Fe ! iii4;atilei iiliii: •!1* 4crp, Raw at4 . 9ro.l4Liqrag rifel9 l 4l,T ionferth-e Minim nfl2-Miles.l.:lThe trip' iillas Made Uqttittvo - yolte.nf i nietiiitild tilb" Otghteeil dk* , , ' 114 ; Wei!! p i4iP:4 1 1 . 4 . Vide . . Creek ,' will4 44T, Aii,t' F 1 4 510 ei i ghtil . -two times,- - tin - i e.:only, ihenuu balite T9ute, where •be e..uld find sheltleti and refresh 'anent 'after , leaving LYMansville, nlag tit` the Big Neidoiri. 'ik;r"tliiiii.for 1 nine :years, the 'llearest'grio.- - 14Wtts,th - nt. of Francis King, at,Ceres,•l'dclitatt,a; ;distance of 25 miles. ' 'the Mail to!this b'eini very bad;! and the trifilmiing te'be ',o4° ,with •. °x Ot it -I)()Ji•i:cilLi.l*:'o4vs: fin!, gO to 011 end reterP. • •••-theMilas n 9 honso elf the. road,. do that .nnetlight, , Oilig 4nd returning, 'hid in be"passed tErtlie:irbodsi I,ln the wintertime he tie:cepsil,f in l iffeigi ~,, ,•• ~_ ..,, -•-•.: •., .t :-::', 1- - .. : i: ?cry i?luglP 4 l. 1 M°..t.P11 3 -,, !I, ,: .- ~. • 1 Notwithstanding these diffmultles,i title 1 *at afilunt.of: thie 43b450u0 dv WitSliut - pvtriineind enYthine, , lie; and- his'egtialf y . fikehfol wife, (41n Cll:tiled. to I s e upportt And eiluqate their large fatnily of ebildtley?and dot:only this,lie' found tiMe;'and bad the' inclination to supply 'An *aim of -minis: , ter at all 'the ftinerallo iti anr'enntity' rot. more than twenty yettiottinl fo'nutysfer tt?sueh other coogggatinns i aslicafred his presence. lI T .r. t., . '... I We , must not omit to say, tbatlia farm; this sole dependence, consisted 9 f seven= teen acres. 'of clesred, land, inot naturally of the best,- Ile piospered oa tbis;small farm; simply tea Use he did"-thoroughly ail his' wnik, it i id spent 'ii . inozie, t ‘ for in= tOxicating drips, or other iieleSs:tbing, I had no l'aWBOlce Anti agenda to; his; ti,asiaeas., lie nevet heldieither.county or toconship-,oifiee. but -once, and said at eke emit of Ms berm, "he 'did not see the use of offices of any kind ilpeop/e would oils lfre 11 :9h 1 ).' . , Let us. , Rik piofit: by hiss exampliy; lam + }rids for 1 114 , 5 4 virtues, end • hold him in gratefulremenibiance for Whet : tae has (I one foronr .31:17:*,„... i. . ~:, . EEG 1 . Der The Oi‘'Acto , 4y pr- Mr: Dittit,.' - eoitoy;, 'vire' de strayed by fire :a Friday, about 810;000.. 4114 . 7 presii,rife, iu tinediately re biiilCL l r.giqe Gazeye. 1 Sr Lcers,'Qet. 17 1859 . —John Cat +• run, erStiiveyot of Kaiikas -nod -iNel hraska, and President of the Lecoinfiton Cohgltiniotial 10inveritien; died •at I St. J.replia AR thd latli • " *." New I Pulqica!ous. IA NEW BOOK,. , • • , AND ONE i'RAT IS -; • DESTINED TO BE RANKED AS 'TILE : ' • BEST BOOK, OrTBESEASON. :!) : •-• ...• 'TRAlif.LilliitON' TETE r mO. M • MOI os ~ 1 1 RnERT 4 41.01j1)1N . 4 1 ' 1 : 11 3A1APOIiii. AUTHOR, CONJURER; • . liq-zikt!N. . . *AqICIANi ; NECl:t o gAsC.gri, i• • , • SOlteEttrar • -ENCHANTER, AND ' ; • PROFESSOR OF SLEIGHT °F. HAND, lyritten. by iiiias'elf. `• ..: •EDITED_DY: DR. R. SHELTON lIAIKSZI.E. ~; .*ith ti Coptotis ! , ige..B.quir. is, full of .intere4tint acid ,enthr , - tanAing•T anecdotes, of the interviews of- the Ore at 3Viznitr With' ii2o3t; distinguished al, scriptlous of tinstAithisiiii of'kerlbriniag inktiy of hiernoit notions In iiksan dtraits fa ituatioat Otte ~ 74baulk, 1 2P49 1 2-_,Clotlici.44s l'f,LFF:Sh9°. .1 • v Aild 'tiy!on rice tp.t - Of t',C&11.2 1 fiddi tibia a), tar; rioStrika, eitly'of thh 1104 Aida . ttdsotpe'' . 11 res en t, admit-tiOni2sf Ceitts 4.01$ F00;00; :he sent 1014 liersow.ixt 'this. country.. • ; •• •.'"Frourifie .14flifor'al ;Prelim •. , =lima" his o'vrtrlifdy'l tkr Autubiography,- without' .uouio2lC-: tnglfefodg le, but nligh,wri hi*sqlf itg4A-1 1 ture tinie, by ;ptiditeing.,a bpoir. wpick,tho Waild will aot'lvtilintlyieedie: hi'what, l AllAtolieit-Hotitiiii, the Oei'itest:ltitiiiin whit COnjoring u luts. lately do6e.in tliss Te- H bob. It:Confidences d'uri Protifiliur t taithf'4 l translation;fif .V,/.2ici.lLS4r.e.PreSenteft AillOrkellfp rending .pu •The;.worli has bad' the greatest' Success ilardria,litiin its lively slyleits-well an the 'onsitithriint iion it contitinlytistorietil and Iphil(Kttipbkatj, Uzi :the' prnetice a nd 4 b?'"3": I :l3 o W'!Wwqk 'tjttcfisniwl, pYiiiclirunite . ta;tunge perfect the , I JR CilibriteNT._ 1 Itreiiifay—r-ili•-.li-i -..1e and retail latalig? iu Gra- Ad-Psorisjont.--Nsti , 10 • - COUDERSPORT, PA. -1 AoSee,jve e i tt niA. j 75 to 100 1 Beans, ~ ' O, i , 1 1 t • IWI 2 00 . Beeswa;4lf4 r.t. :,) . L. 1 25 Beef, at 1 —,fi r Jfettidl4, , f' -- ---r ---- „ 1 s -fr , Berres, dried.lleirtl ' r. '-' ,' .44 18 IYuckwheat, VI blighe,c):, , . '; a 37 44 Butter, "i? lb., . 16 17 c heese, 441?.. - 4/. ....:- .:1: - .. • e.li.w. ; 4 8 121 co, ml 9 bn4l?of ---` ';:...',.:,...:: :1 1 _, - . 0 ,,t -.•:r_k! 2 .l can 3 wki l ilSr,Pet4 - .. h., , t, 11 21 3- 5 • ....;-, 2 1 13 ' Eggs, V-.414.1.k:,. :,_a :, .- :: ~,, 40', .„' 1;2:. FtiNtri IMPerfullt.; 1 1 b99 -, . . 01 ?' • "-do dc; doublp.eXtrai • -'t . , .. 6 0 0 . - TrPf:rw IlsY L Vl44Yli.f t m.t I • -:I ..-/ Vtlct. ilonet7ll l 'mti. • - • :/, • . C. -. . . ; lir/F 2 5 . Lard. " ' 12 ' I'6 =rift Maple SUgar, per lb. :8 • -.- Oats, "f 'hush: ) , 30 • • 37i Oa . • r. • :75 1-001 Pork, - r . 1.9 . 00 ::23'00 do .• 1. 1 .4 do io ishole hoe, ' 6' .• : Potatoes; 'plush.; . - • —3lf .44 Peaches, dried,V : 25 Poultry,'3) ib„, . 5 16, - Rye, 14 -- 75 1 Salt, " 1 ' 1 ( ' - 300 - do 7 sack! .. • - • • - . 25 Trout, 111'.4.:hl)14 , ' • • • 50. Wheat,% I`so' . 175' White Flat i per. 00 1 r. 50 7 Wool, per. 16,4 1 . '1. ; 23' . 'r' •%IS. speaLi‘lt-otices. , ,i , ~,i ,, -r.FI AT 'TILT, ZanesAliiiliiitear.: 1460. 04 cyrn mercial. Pi'tlhook -n6 Ohio ntid—Pittitiberati, eo'ciiii§tted , forPretniOnt aad,OhapOloaT ing all on their own ground.--eitsbargle Ee'nu'Vhrbirli• •: ----IT IS A. 0031 NON 9118111WATION— that there ate more sufferers from, autatig' Americans; `..iltiatv: among any other:civilised., nation. The reason. is übviou.s.,,'totetoo. little Tex, erciso,:aniVforgo(.,thi,, pyate ! in ,the in •all inch' L;ases ordinary` medicines dan . cio lit,tie gpcjil; XV hat ,is yeqpired, is inst "such a At:n*l9.4lPd invigorator as Dr. d. Hostetter hai_givet-tOAPe.• world, in , his CELEALIAT*P--';gE B 4 ' i 114 sneak pyrvirxv sle#. l fen' eA„ 11° 6 %4.itirrh..*Pale• the,eshaustca to . (1t1 tpoat4e,,stkup•biprd, mid ; the prostptted..studerit,of the, m4l - /atop, have found a ,woMicrilti-rc generator in the "]litters," and prefer it to more pretentious, !hatless efficacious pwAlcitiert., liurlflthwild. not be forgot ten that the agent which is so, tuagiv.al,ip its influence upon a frame : winch-le mere ly debilitated. is equally - poWerfuf ia as surtheg,nstplc,to, emel the. most ; terrible •fiame.pf . .1 1 i,ho Would pot give it Sphiby, 4rupgii, ale and (Ir.dere every , 4etiv• , • sier &e advertlismenkt,m•raother - cot .• * • : 1 • lITFIikt#MION-10 , 1 , 1FE ETES • : : • , , Like all-biber inftaitirrnsttirk CW . atied by impurity:of the blobel; Which eawstVeii wrap tive:diseases, as Salt Rheum, _Sciirry, IThel3lood being unhealthy, and of an imppie na'ure, ancioccasiOns The blciod'besoming obstructed in' 'the Veins, the `Witerfpart of the •blofid in ;Cense; quince. is thrtnin out..from their 'eitrecnitieg, had dropsy is'ithe result., :tin3es.it is occasionekby, improper „treatment of some formercinease , , and, the vessels being by.serciui -- linenOrS instead Ofblood:' Free evac-, uatiois 6y:thes.e Pills, blien:the pliskiageo into Ili&bladder and carry 4:lff the :Corrupted ;lid moreyand renew them wish pure. and :healthy" blot?* ; Which will..driyei out, of the ,hodv in damMition togeth e r 3kith4Uptioni of ;the : Complaints.' •Tbey•will be d'ilreild to ii•ery•form etdiseaie 'pi:lrd and them yeiuifrom thkeold - grasping.liand.of death,!and catlike 3ife niid , streeigth reuiain, and.the,countemtpce. to. brighten . •wiUi the loom of bealq ,Dr..loliirses , lnilian:lloa,Pills are sold - 1 4;01 dimes IP AeciiciAc.l,. • ; : - ' Alniersotii itidebt'eci the firm df J. M. JUDD & CO., are hereby notifieitto - call and setthilliiii accounts imn3eiliately, or they wilt be placedin.the band's of.st lawyer for collea tion.. The books can be settled .byß. Jenkins. ; J. M. 4VDD &,CO. Voyaiisilort; 5ept..?.6.113;59.;_ SPECIAL i4IINOITNCV3IIPST 1, , -'-..-: . ;;:: t:3 i,%;:;:Paot IRE. J.;:,,:,-: ,:;:,, takg E,R,le IT PIJBLISH.INS. H011gE! 1:5 , /POPPQ. ,catt4].;;..gtw§, • NEvry:F44MlOll4l5. AND ,ItAYIdgIA - 7-NP,W Apapr FOlt - Prs'qlnsE t TlON•r! i *Par* *Vll.!+?y ts to th4l*o. in 4 top) MOM Wkr.CHES;'-iirk otb'er Trlzeb: partiUcilervgitin in Vitalbgnes, Thick:will be se at free by' ell, up .9Et atPliAgo4 o 9.:-' • ' : Llrflitable Oiftsc, yroWriain , so,,cp. to 5100 GTARANTEED *$,100;000 in,G's4fts bate been 511;i1ribiltiad nt7 patrons 4.ithidl'hilialit YWt itosiths-4 tao;opatis be d}3: neXt siXlanntbs.: • ml op men t,s.trele 4 Ago to .sl re more ilberg tb;9 tbuseiof 'any, -other bOurlu : tbe paving ilookset- Tint business rot:the .last'eight fyobri, e±.. •psrieriee, enabler Ipt tO conduct WO ;Gria/Fal• with 4 h-4-greatest .satin a tiOr ..1 5 (i1f11. 4 ED in ItTery'rown and'Uou4. • Fin; patti'cilati eddies% • ' lE •DUZSEIRIILLSON,..:v., :f :Aitaker,CiiylP.aldishintitioniei ;if.41411 0,1 1 §tifqt. • • tri'ED 11It MM.ON OW F r 0 A . UlslO TS ..aA an or T i St cS t E krithli 'l4 000.gda. :Rater at, finit.riall l 4_ROKEAllj 11;1 t.l :tte "1: 4 411 1 P4 1 .44ri OW el LAMAS - itlitititibiAgO4litr """m . Atfitl o 4 4 - 144; 'all Att ker %%six otrapproTeCeredit.l GOOD TEA'S F 01 1 .45 CENTS, AheiCatiiireitraidatite traitor; -- - Ws. to $400'....: MESS - SAWA BOOTS, Mce - CALF - " 3165,. FINE.DE-I..AINES`r GOOD*L-AWNS, and all other goodajziA3ropoVtioll . , foi - Fay:bf moat-kinds: - le- Cash paid for GOOD ilmfrith. '•C. H. SHISION ..01trayo t OCi. Z;, a !HOSTMTTER7§ STON4CII !OTTE Ir is irtste that; ett semi period, every b'er 'of tlisi tifila an 'tliiiiiji; Is . sUbjert - to di en' Illsliiiiitiree'cf ib 6' bodily . fiiroions vr4 the aid ci tkg9od Atonic and the ., i.f pod •Ecriiiiiiois 'Wise; tftej . nritylle i. 'iegolate - the synetn - ai 16' 'Cense liealtb. - lb brae: to accomplish ll 'Object,. the' Dv:a Cohrserfei, - pur§tie is iluti.whieb will produce lattirai tbittgerrietlie'reliiibizdrd or iitai steel life. For - this purpose s Dr:-.llps.tctler t troclucedltiibisv&untry a preparation hes: 'lrls - natut , iviiiiiiii MA spare Medicine; bat that ltailieeit-tiitd . for your=; giving sails! . tioti , ,tra ',all, who "lih've' - usied' it:" The T .- 'Operate .potverffillY rip& ,the stomach, - find liVer,' restoring -tlstn' to a healthy vtlitinis anthill, and this;:bi the simple cess of strengtbenig . nature, enablei the leirirtiifilaupliiiiverdiiiiiiiSe. - : . " ------ -- ' For that uredf.Dyspepsia, ludigeitiMS,lii sea, Fimitteift;r4oss ut.tAppUtite. cm any I ions Complaints, arising from a morbid roads of` lieStorithelvorltavrels; rro4tkei ng Cr Dysentery, eislieiCholeht Uraibill, •ike. Bittersthatfetao.ol4ll:3Y;.• , I: "..!. 'i ", '' DiarrUcealyuentery ar flux, 30 .gc. gOntracled•bPliasrifertlers.-und can,ed .eipally by thc•cliange. of water. and diet ; beilspeedily...regulatetil.by .a brief ruse of• preparation.' Dyspepsiai I a rdisev se whiel prolmbly:morvvrevaletiti : in- - nil its-ery forms, than any-titliiri;andlbe .: Cause of may. alroqtywhwattribrifed folt.Mtigement the digestiVe ecgansi can .be tared wit' fail by using HOSTE7TIIII;gITOMAPH TERS, as - per - directions on - ther bottle. this diseniu*vify I physitiati . iin - -ilea; a Ilitteis:or soniclind; there-404 not list fink known to belt:fallible.? 'Alixtatinns theis.llitters,. oast: preventive:: oft. disease strengthener, of the.system . in' teneral; 'among- them all there is not to heTuutid a t healthy people than the Gertnans, from at Ibis preparatitcf , eranitentedi ilased` upon sett iific es.perinotrips„ty hie b .bayp lended,to pt, the .value..of Dabs gventiveparation 41 Olt sCli, .of medical jeiepce. ; .„- :: ;,.,:, 7 ,,,,-.. ; „ • 7..-,--c i "Wen, AND AGUE.—This - trylogand proali, ing.disease, which fixes its.relentless grespal the body of matiliatirifig.hlnito a.mere slodci f ` in a short tlate;,tuld re:l4ring himphysioLV and menVally,useless,:;eaw be:driven from U hody.by the.use or 110STETWa r $ iIENOOII6, ED. 13ITTERS..; 'Further,: none , of the abort* . , p i -stated diseaseS cast lais contracted,-,even in t 5,•, „.. posed-siluerions, if the Bitters are used asyr directions:----Anel,ev-terneithererente nit nor offend the. tialiiii, andiender unneees -eiriyi:Change-of interriiptlodeoidis pursuits"; hat prOutote solindAip aid heel 'digestion, the ocultplaint levremoved as I Hy asis:oonsistent-ivitli she produatiori of thorough andpernuinentoure:r. -- I:. . - lin—Peracni in - Advanced Tea* -who are ~ eering from an enfeebled constitution an d 'u . . ttrurbody, - these, . Bitters, arc, invaluable et, restorative of:Strength:and. :iipar, and an' roali be!iri'ed. to be, ptitkitited:;•. , Aid to 0 cit 4 ei While nursing these' titre:is 'are indit' . - pebsable; •espeeially whin the ritothAr's noisl 'lShinetit isitiadequate OS' the 'del:lands of 4;1 child; corisequentlY, - her. strength . Must fief: and' hereit is. where'''. gaud tonic,'-snob S I M : &Titters StOirta e lf,Bitters,:is neeed to e is f , ii. part temporai7 , ser&Sgth!and vighr 'to the ty4 trio.'" Ladies; ••ithcitild 'by•'i.ll imerins . try- thik„l remedy for-all'ases of debility, and, beforer. &rink ; shoal& ias Ir-t heir 'phyile lan, wlni, ill is acquaintechrith , the virtire , or-the Einem, wilrtecomiiiendllieir nee iii all cases of vieldil ness;•. . _ .C.IIIIOIIQP.- - 4G r eCitii t *Owl lining any of tho twang.. imitations- or counttl nits,- 7 init . 'l4l; , for:gosTrxr,caa . Det.zsaani. STOMACH Itcrricatand Zee thateilehbottleh li ki the wordy Doistetter's Stiniach iiitteno! bloirh on_the side of the bOttle, And. atartpel on the nit etalti.F. cork; and eurre that our::ttuto - pratili signature ii en tbtA . . . tir--beipared and id& bi - HOSTETTER SMlTH.l 3 4tstinttip4, 8,14014 by all druggoAl ; 444'ie4lcrilletarjtT ne Zt NN i,l44 tatp ` ic S o uth n 1447:. SaiTT - H iz-iONthi-bod ersport. A. C0RW.a,491 4 z,u 1 014 - rELP /Y4F C/N;lgiaie ir i OW i• • ti LUCIP3 iL.CPXI IneniVAL tionitsity.4.6s26sEwsavi FNOIrORIOUS ROBBERY and boreal /IL coiniiiiitiaitilhelienieof the sab. tetitferc:jiii Ifietor t ottusbip, :on Vedoeitity night, OOLtstlu t ithe:robliiirs eideiing thro e., trirdoi end too good to the' ameaut:of $l9O, ruindipally cicithing;a-pedlar'stia: trunk fall goons,'therelitered withintent,?, kill=kwo axes being found in.tbe boos; ltitiltrehtbspit, tbeT , t l roll9w.:;..T he " r • were !d r in number!. "the .gutteeritier • Offen' rew-- ;Cif TWERTY4II7E'OLI; ARV for. the iirrO, thievi'9,4r,TENitiOLLWfor the 11 1 ttirdbt the goods, or information white WI? can be found, „ J..LEACIL Pike Van n; t i chter Co x'o4 SUBSORIBETOW THE: JOURNAL! MEM GOO afa Nees
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers