ED su f.'117 e .3/ k" IL, aa'lfli t; ) ;-ff olfi 1 tt.,l MII/2 t P sTFP4a c tl i T. th Acl VOL REM ' - bu.t7 ) rqr, Pint/1M ETKA,NAttiFftSDeraNgllppit l / 2 1 flr,j Tabs. S. Chase, 0 ifi l iiii-ittit:P.ttors and Communications s houldikti'dkrio* to secure attention. erm s.. . 41,„ Advance,: s l 9 2s l*ri A41111141,- Terms of Ar.dvertising..::. Square [lO lines] !insertion, .1 , 1,- 150 7 ". ..!.!3 :3- 3t:, !sr , . $1 BO 1r sqbseq mint lase ition hiss than, 1; *rr,"... _25 Square three mOMIII - , 2 50 fr. dtt e:f ;?.;;."--:.!. 4 00 nine " --- 5 50 one year, ,<-:;'-', -",-, GOO de mu! &gore work, per ay., 3-Intl, 3 00 'very subsequent insertion, .• 50 Coicrum six months, - - - IS 00 of 4r u.- . - - 10 00 7 00 Li per year. = - --- - _ .30,00 U 16 00 ouble-colintiri, displayed, per anttina 05 00 . , .sis,moriths,- 5 ;35.0(1 al. it: Ihrei 46' 00 tg ' it - 'oneizionth; - 0 "0111 gi , per square of 10 tiues,.eech insertion under 4, .. 1 ,00 'arts of columns will lie inserted at the same dministrato'r's or„Erecntor's Notice,. 200 uditor's Notices, each, - 1 50 tterifrs Sales, per tract, . . - • 1 . - 50 lrristge Notices,"eacl4,.... •- - - 100 I icoree Notices, each„. , 1 - 50 . dreitiistrator's Sales, per square for .40 insertious„ . -. 1 1 50 usiaess or Professional Cards, each, - pot exceding 8 lines., per year, - 5 00 .pecialand Editorial Notices, per line, 10 _l,ll, transient advertisements must be aidia advance; and no notice . will be taken f advertisements from ailistance, unless they re accompanie,d by the money or satisfactory eference. • . gi*tite,so',.- eart: 10 :S. MANN, TTOELNEY AND COUNSELLOR' AT LAW. Coudersport,•• Pa., will attend the severs' Courts in. Potter and AV Keari Counties-, All teusittras entrusted in his care trill moire prompt attention. -. Office on Main st., oppo rge the Court House. 10:1 F. W. KNOX. TTORNEY. - AT LAW, Coudersport, Pa, will regal-m.IT attend the Courts in Potter and the 'adjoining - Cou:sties. • 10:4 • ARNE . Ult• • G... oLmarr,D, CORNEY 'COUNSELI:OII . • AT • LAW, 'Coudersport; Pa.,' will attend to all business entrusted to his care; *with prompt:les .and fidt'ity. Office in Temperance Block,•see-' end loor, Main St• 10:1 ISAAC 'BENSON, 770TefEY AT 'LAW. Conderspoit, Pa:, will attend 16 all business entrusted to him, with care and promptness._ °Zee emitter of West and Third . sts, • C. L. llOrk, IVIL ENGINEER, SURVEYOR and DRAUGHTSMAN, Bingham, Potter Co., Pa., will promptly- and efficiently attend tc all businees entrusted to hiiu. First-elass profragional referencei can be given if re quired.- • • • • 10:29-1y* BIRD, UItVEYOR, trill attend to all business in his line promptly and faithfully. Orders way be left at.the Post Office in Coudersport, or at the house of IL L. Bird, in Sweden Twp. Particular'atiention paid to oraruining lands fur. nori.residents. Good references given if requested. - ' - K. KING , URVE.YOIt, DRAFTSMAN AND , CONVEY ANCER, Suiethport i WEean Co., will will attend .40 business for non-resident. land holders, upon reasonable terms. Referen ces given if required.. P. S.—flaps of any part of tho County made. to order. ~ 9:13 - O. T. ELLISON, - RACTICING PHYSICIAN, Coudersport, Pa., respectfally informs the citizens-pf the vil lage and vicinity that - ,promply re spond-to all calls for professional services. Office on Main at., building formerly oc cupied by C. W. Ellis, Esq. 9:22 , COLiViS SMITH SMITH ".TONES, *- EALERS TN DRUGS, ICIEDIOII4I3S, PAINTS Oils,. Fancy Articles, Stationery, Dry. Goods Groceries, 4c., 34du.st.,,Coodersport, Pa, . . . D.' E.. OLMSTED, DEALER IN DRY GODS, ..READY-MADE Clothing, Crockery, Groceries, se., Main st., C°Y4Fr,s-Prt: Fa t - 10:1 M. W. MANN, - DEALBR:DIBOOKS &-STATIONERTiMAG r AZINES ind•Masie; I; ... .z.W;iointi" - Of Main and Third sta., Coudersport, Pa. .19A- M ARK 13-114.0 N; DRAPER and TAILOR, .late trozn Pie Cityof Lirerpoid;"Erittand. - sb6i. opposite Court House, Coudersport; , Potter Co. Pa.' = X-11 ,fr./.*l4l4ll.trAltsciliio.7lllsthiitO:PKT- =I n. ••' • •'• • • s 01,31STED,ii,.. KELLY, DEALER IN STOVES, TIN -.Ir.SHEET IRON WARE, Main Iketaly Opposite the Court Rouse.-Coudersport; PILL' Titr. and Sheet iron :Wars roads. to ordet; in. good style, on short notice.:: z -10:1 :C011DMS1 ) (111T , HOTEL' D, -F. ,OLASSSUICS, - ...Proptigt,ori . ; Carper ; of Slain ood-Second felyeoto,.condoropprt, Pot= r ter C 4 14:1* - .,--.. • -9;firly ALLEGANY.,..UOLTSP; ' BADIML - .IIL 11114.3, Proprietor, Colestiurg • :-PriAiig4 ou the wellatille Road. 9:44 7 7. ... :; ;i 7; • , -7 1;t r • IP f. ,---''4 .- 7--'s.7 - V : la i t .4 , i l. 'O, •cra . i. - • -4. - : 1 ~,- WI; .Ta rT 111 . . A sna I } 1; ... 1 4 ft 1 t4 4 101; 4- 4iii .. ILI L" . .6:141 iL/11 OlLOVlrbinee/.111 I r^s it Vet extritEr,-,11 . ). o ." I tr.: , 4 i ' ROM the N .YrlXPell& "Mt 1.. • BY AND'BY 4 RI" MARY CLRYMER •••I _ wonderful visons of long .alio;! `•Lighting an the young WerialbiaiO; ll YOu'ye lost your, aura of goldertglow ..`You're tankished flow by tht 7 talfehskritaki. Cab'. love teat where iust +bilk liuti3~ 46 Can it kindle again for the eager tie? ILO; Oli,'llieautifut dreams will you livettgaiii r l, , V. Will yob. live again in the btandly/'- 2 -'/'- •. They who began life's ractwith,me,, , i, - • The amber-haired, the dewy-eyed, ; Who made life sweeter than dreams can bed Alas! how many of them have 'died: The 'old, old story—beside the way,' 5 07 In low..cold houses, mute, they lie; When all come forth to immortal day, Shalt we love again in the by and bY? •• The tangled wab of our mortatlife r :; Will Jesus' pitying band untie? That error and evil, mingle strifi - 1 • 4 : Despite His love, will lie tell tt4 Wl l 3l. Why glorious promises stranded Wt by heart's are wrecked=on thiilowelcortft? Why heirs of a God-bnin . . Many who love in silence bete: • Walk - as strangers.. far' apart, Never wiling the tame most deail" The being born their twnih 'in heart In God's afier-day wilt' it all beclear,:. . . The story of fate, and its sorrowful why"? The loved, ani.l longed for, waiting here, Will they know and loVe in the hi 'and by? Tram L.lSirps Toleards:Hegren.w.-, INIPEILISFIALBLE /116A117Tir. T. s; ARTHUR. It iiqa- ft very plain face. ..fly eye-rest ed npoi tt, ihr a moment or two; and then wandered- away to thecountenance Of an; other maiden, *hese heauty raiialied the eyes T of every beholder; and as I-gazed with a fetring.of delight, upon' its-trans: centent krrelineas, an impulse Of thank fulness stilled in miheart—thankfuldisi to-the Creator, of beauty. The first maid= en sat alane; -arniind 'the 'other . stond eroUPof aditirem SCP marked a coattail between the two; ais'well in features as in girsfiSciniething . like'pitY her - itlioni nature had . 'endowed 'so •PCorly"t•' find turned to lools-at a'kindet, feeling in my heart: • There-she sit all alone.' • Tes;'her face was rverY,'very plain ; but it'dichof strike ine'as 1 . -L-pnl:*ive. The mouth; ttiiich'Lliad nothing of the ripe fullness that gave iiich an - enanining graee to the - ether-maiden. was placid; , and though not encircled-b:i a perpetuairr:eath•Of siiiilea, Cialnity'en throned the gentle serif of cvntent. -Her eyes were-small, thelashea thin, .and the arch above them faintly visible. • Arch ? can scarcely give it that graceful desig nation. I had not, yer . seen the express ion of those eyes. As I looked towards her,..trith that strange, consciousness of .observatiOu which all : have,reinarked.bui which few -can Oxplaiu; she turned lied eyes from - another , part of 'the room, and looked at me. - They did' not flash brff liantly, nor, strike me; at the - first glanee, as having . in tjteni anything peculiar. They were the common eves we meet at every turn : --no soul in them. I give my. first impresSionl. My second" was differ ent. 1 had tarried my eyes away; but something I had . seen, caused them al most involuntarily to wanden.back -to the maiden's face.- A friend whom Ihighly, regaided--a - young man 'of more than Amu:anon myth—had crossed the 'room, and was'standing . before " 'She had lifted her eyei to . his face,' aifirtliere'cias a soft, winning purity and,love Made almost A: NE's . They -were conversiog,.ondiwatched, -for some time, the play of that:unattract ive coiiiitenonce—L;'utrettraetiveno longer. '" "said I; "there is, a beautiful soul within that easket."' ' ' Ala ail SpOlaf- ttitiki"-in7thift Silence of my own thoughts ; I looked towards the ether:maiden; who .avas a till;suimntided by a crowd of_adruirers. " llei • heittify Wondirful II 'could not help the utterance . orthii tributetto her charms ret Sci,Veely:had'lSpoket. the worile;_iilien she turned - to!) Oridof the wenn WhioV bad : gathered 'aboittber, a slight purl of unlovely sioru upain bet- lips, and-threw .nt himf arrowy.svorii.that wounded, as it struek. She 'Saw that it hurt and . ti gleam of:pleasure went forth frcut her brilliant eyes. . . A. filmy veil -came between Me and ,thit countenance.-which; a little-while before. bad shone with a loveliness Ithat - Itts'ab tiolutely endliantirig: — I tivneit'agnitcio the other,maidem friend. sthl . stdicid before her, and her eyes wereliftediOhis face. She was uttering; some sentiment: --what, Fill& mit, - bettrbot 'they' uust Bade been good — eat:l teatitiful;in ergteep don, to have flied every.lineatnen(with ouch' a Air innitig 'grace. " Atc!" - Said:l;.tke real „truth dawninc ripen my Mind, ; -"here is the inner, imper ishable beauty. ' The beauty, whiclyin. _ . 1131 alarbaznal tim tari A pp r , quirp a‘ ,.. ~ f • ta.. a1"7.211a a.ll ea bad-% /"-- - ~14 ` 4 . . - 0 , r.O JU g ( q f% ll. n l i! 41.1o40"4 114 st.OL 6 ,t,,, 4 ,1101 eTvi 2kr -- \ 'ft 4 zita.csi_as Tan .tzeift, , -- i t 4 , A wolf .a. 1 axp. •. ^ I;.r '‘.7 . Ilitii DI.) tr!..7 , tr.d.t - - s ~ ...1 44/ .., b . . s , 1 ,1 ' 4 - 4rb ► dt tuliths is,. '' 1 . a . 6 , ' 'V., 4ow s!oriv a# '4 • ' ' n il /4 11130 iin 1 Ila Aatil t ali r ,utd : m Jo ''..11. . 0 412'14 10 It, • : Lid liidet . . ,-, — "N 6 4 ' , a .. .el • ' .1 • .I_' : id 1 ,,. trot .ii") et:. .0% . A $ ,04310 , 0 V .... :•:.:-. ~.., L aol nu ova :ANT - 41. `"" ) . 'vda el%Llo ga 131 ° 47e ° 1.21%...., .4 io Irzat ton .3.t9Bw3ii " i ENlallffiffA etivire Ntabiug. r.iikg.t. ID:UO*4 i „.OW3 11'4414 .74 al( JJLTA jrNO 11.4ia _IL I 32:I`:4IS.:' • fgt. EnZ . e q t plotpotitlessTEßAl _• . Ztlf i ef, qrsaele YcnI"ITS RguliqfPat-INAP4 n0.LPPit450.4ff,'4::n06. 1, A1% air.s!taa” Y, u3 via „ .1.. 01 _ -11 ' •.ipoiriwit' • :ticibiliaTy.sfo • mg fotertlualinintowardiliterbiliwoukhrY ATIM, vAtg Am* 2,1 1 1 3P.Y1.640 gPali 9 311 5k i c*Ittirt ° •; 13 ,-r li .gg n qtt, l Ya l his heart acllmen y the `eltarins . if Out sliiine.tofibehlity4 atuddlnervthat, Deli freAva 54.0 1 4.1 1 10mferfit 1 141 1 4 tif.4.fieert Eere.ready Apt lrso eritti. Agee,mg4.t,hey. would hive been helliad lierriohal th, 'find hhofe nFor_b.ll.L hildleen; al& seeicelppre , .. pared—for his., ;Ake mai den ~Anigh!,,,be ciond—lditnat question that—but she d' l ' Id was so Homely; .an this .otne mess ou be-'only.the more apparent 'irt: not:avast with hisileeint exterior.: Ii was althost on i mp :lip's .to : reinonstrate—to suggest this thought to his . mind. , But.l pru dently forbore. _ Yon - know her well, I hope." I could not help thewtterance of this caution.' I , She is net , thought to be beautiful;' . '. Ito . .replied, seoming tQ :perceive . 111 .3 1 th . oughts,.. ',indeed, 'as to features, she is Plain yet, in per s on, slie is tall; graceful, dignified, and with dearfiage that:a (Liken might envy:!?: , ;; • • This. was .true to the letter. had not thought of it before. .Nature had given at least this compensation. • . "'" But ihe higher, be.iuty," be added, is of the soul.- All else is soon diminish= ed. i Scarcely has 'the blushing girl' step. ped, forwardthrough the opening door,of womanhood, ere we see - the lustre of her blosSchning cheek beginning to tarnish in the social atmOsphere, or to pale froatiis. ease. But the sours ',emity dims not, wanes not, dies no:. It is as imperisha ble as the soul Our bodies die, but the soul is intruortaif! " If ihePoisesses'iltjs beauty ?" I kiiow that she `possesses it," be ans wered; somewhat warmly. "I' have seen it looking forth frotu her eyeS, wreathing about her lips, and giving to every linea inept a heavenly charm. It is musicalin every.tone of het voice." " " Goodtis alone is beautiful," I said. "And she isgoOd," he replied, "hunt er met One ‘vho.so4rarely,spoke of .ber self„ot wbo .se_emed to Mita .so , loving-an iufereifinhutnenity." - .„ " Is not God the : very sotirde of all heau r.ro be theni- is to - be beau. added, "I :have found, indeed, a .treasure I,_„ Morning. and eve ningl thank the good Giver, that lit opened my eyes to see deeper than the al: luring - tan-face, 1 las rhiza)ed,- puce, by a glittering. , exterior; but, have a clearer , !.ision noir: . , • "Win and wear, her. .I ,"and may . sha be all yeur, fancy pictures,” - She is .110 answered, "and I shall wear her .proudly in the. eyes of all . .-There.wep a world, of surprise when h became known:thartny ; handsome friend was about leadinglaszliosen.briclo to the m a rri age Opt': " How could .hee - throw away upon suck an ugly creature ?" said one, coarsely. - " flemight hare taken his choice from e loveliest," remarked another tire of that .fact in a month. All the gold of Ophir would not bribe me to sit opptsito to it-for,a year." Aid so the etudes.: rung. But my fr:ieed - kneW 'Whet he was do ing._ was preseut at the "If iihei- were tiotgiOihoineiv - ,!"3. I; beard a Ally j sielharli"," as shn Stbeff be - side' her handsome young husband. '':What can he see in her to love?" I turned and looked it the speaker. Nature had been kind iugiving' her an attractive face; but the 'slight curl of con tempt that was;ou her lip- marred every thing. I glanced lack'to the young bride's c - oiintenitneU';•-her 'pure soul was shioi4f , t hrough • it,:•like-liglit - tt iough a veil. To me, she seemed at thatuionient more beautifutithaii - the• other; and far more Worthy: to:be:loved; • The brilliantly beautiful maiden of whom:l 'have - spoken, gave: her hand in marriage about the same tim . e. band was a young ` man. of gOod'cLat:Oter, kipa feelings, and With sufficient:income in enable them to, live a style_ of im posing elegance. A series of gay parties was, the social welcome given to the love ly bride.'"" But such Itottor, nokattend the nupiials of ,her plainer Sister.' A fey- years litter, and the _spiritual qualities of each were. more apt.arent in their faces: .:,-El.remember,ineeting both, in-=company; ten lairs after. their_ dam 'age, , I bzuf ding at "onn end o r= when an.nver ; dreeieil.ivoniae; irith a sbiniSr film" 'Came in accon4anied , by a gentleman :Irk= I-knet, not - as an...aa quaintaneb, but as Ouan - pf bwinesa the beauty.' ' ' - 'I "ehduld scarcely have, Eeeciguled 'the .l atter, but Vliatu - thangewis there ; ! At diktanne c the; faectatrnelc:i'ou'",as still beautiful; but; nn:ireliaser view,: thaillu , isieu month had ? grown - iensual, peeciehi and ill-natured; the eyes .fit's IotJUOI t.olli- -. to so '6 1,111 olz ico bsriun ittiNiEL ._, ~, t.iovil . vill imp:a tr: ----`. :i*dassi 137i1 od,t - t crhi Lb 11 '"?..r . b.l - al 03 qiiiin . .- and- ban ,otd t , 1;n:12 lobon ~ iiif I \ ' i'.) IQ on:. nio. , %Puna *lnv ' I -,tlyssa nzz , bcnsi ,•LOOLZO3 00 i. 1970 a rgil G ua m 7; moitatirill*lP sst'la ',1•3 4..cs•li , lolis .:ff?n' FM I Sul* lAglit,bbtitrit6 triektnrnpelli4 rather - - tharr attracted., After litshll4 wondariftrat—therithano, I drew neer ' and entered iilltf-Vaiversififim,l with yeti Th r ilitiiiiiebr4l4lttalee:VlefraibeAhl. Mberts*eloittai one ituilt eficiarg at debit 9.999•lfflfratolteln_ 7l ..t4:-V..0 4 / 4 *P1)4190t. # ° dPVliira ,l l4 l l4cri 4 el' urf799i el oumesa, was feints • pArtiefilarl*.igen_ siVel"l tiniPennuittrlorii alibjeiits-;-) - fsilletetblitingoi , litittinitidietieritlitrAfetsP Of Iter.o4ll Weft. oo.Tb.e. , ,lBarbdisitailiglitin''' gale hhd just been here,. and had anigi 9 1 .Y.4 1 e'Artia' 3 99 VT1n f ,1 9 9!12', , 91'* 9 1 9 49!, 19 ever sung` +-I sprikpA ber...,.., 'lee: artifi- ; cast;,' wa:§Ahe. replY;'‘iiiifOnii .air 'of• - dril - : ice) Caiiitj , , that: gave`tenlyifeeliki a ripl ple of,indieination.:,.. _ referred to a=new poem,, admirable for, i s purity- of style; she coldly remarked with depreciation , on some Of. its 'special beauties, : Jmerely re peating, As 'I knew, - a certain' captious te ' viewer:- I wilt in doubt whether she had 1 read even- a page of_the bixik.l: P Then - 4: 1 spoke.of a lady, pre.sent.„,, Sheltoptied het, head, and arched her lip , ,. sayilg, -,'She's, toe; fond - of geritledien's itteritioni'." - , I,,varied still tny'effbits,sloBto noieed purpcse , -The morel eonversed with her, the less beautiful became heriticejorthe unloycliness •of her,trae„charapter ,was perpetually glenining „thrOti,, ,, li(;ritid spoil-, ing the already sadly-marred features. I left her side; on the firstg...ed jcipportuni: ty, glad to get away...,i::Ten.ynars ago, in all companies, she i wes . the, oknosure of every. eye. _. The praise .of her beauty vias i on every lip. , . But so 'changed was she I now, 'that none bent to-de ber'ireverenne. , Unoticad her sittin. , alotie, with a discon; tented look, long after s I had 101, my .place '. by . her. side. - Her - husband, 'for all the attentions be paid her,during the evening, might have been unconscious ;of her Ares: :taco; ''-- - - i - . 1 ' ' '" 'l' ' '-- • • - But there was another lady. in the roorir, - - who,,was, 'all the while, -I he,qentre of an admiring, circle. . • Nona, perhaps, consid ered her , face beautiful; yet, to every one who looked upon it, 'cline i'pereeption of beakitY 'that 'associated itSelf,'With'ber in- . di viduality. •In reposn, heileAtures were plain, yet not, repulinve. in, .the, slightest particular. ,9-.3ut, ashen thought And keel- ing_ 'flowed .: lute them, ,e'vertr,:_cyej m a s s. charmed: - 'There waS' a - nain r eless • grace' in her manner that _are additional pow.; cc' to the attractions of her countenance. I _was half in doubt, at first, of her:idep- I city, as.l,gaked upon,iber frein.a distant part of the rciorn; she looked; in my eyes, so' really beautiful. - But the presence:of iny'old friend in the group, any old friend who had been wise enough to prefer beau ty of seul:te beauty of: face, removed all qiiestions, and passing over;.l added an other to the. circle which had , gathered around her. • !: -• • - • There :was nothing obtru;ive in her conversation; nothing of con etqui pride; but a calin,,and i at times, earnest utter ance of tiue ientituoits. , Not once dur ing the' evening •did I heir a•'„weri frinn her lipii",thatjarted the betteeleelingsl " The good I are: beautiful l":- * liauy thnesdid,this . seutiment find ,spon taueous utterance in rny..thoughis as I looked 14- on tier; 'and then turned rill eyes to the disbontwited - faCe of inother,l who;ja feu , years before, carried Off, in eiery coMpa- By, the paim.of loveliness. ,•.:/ .• . : ! Yes, here wastheiinperishable beauty,! Maidenl . ireulii yen, find this beauty? No matter if'ydur features = Mere not cast in classiti mould, thisligher, truer.beautY may be, yours: it you will Seekfor it in the denial.ofselfial:ness, and the re.pression of discontent. ' ; '‘The good are beautifil." LaYthat up in "your thOughts. lit Treasure as the most snblimb - wisdom. ; .: ."' • -Gather-itito' the tore-hotise of -your minds :sentiments of..reg(rier for-others ; and let . your hands cogazeinlgentle.char l • itics. To . do, geod . and, to eeniinapicate ftirget 'hot. ' If teuip 'ed te iiiiirmiir;thiiiii of yeur •initnY blessings';'lif 'fa' repine, - 1 3f the thousands that-arc siektindritietiffer. lug, ,Ise humble, : gonte; t fingiring, und above all--r-useful, ; These •are,the graces that shine.through•t e ciuterleovPr.lngs r of the soul, and reveal, thetuselves : in beta and loveliness-to-all'', yes: -7• - ---;:- . The 'getitineVer' groti: haniely :as they grow old. ' ..111 - i3 lititer'ele map bei&ne dim, 'and ' , the mbeelr.: loose : iii:lreshness, ,but_iik-Ahe rpleeo.44;earthly,l44rP 3 § Yili . co mn ... r a. ~. spi ritual. v l beauth ; .tinfatlipg as eternity. - - ' . 1 '"! - - ' -.••_ -: P ,,, ,.'. 1--.1 1 ~,;,* - , ,.. 1. ~' C,. , 3:1. 7,,, trOtoir " thq iidk`s: !. r, :O. ' 4 1Clirarlf 1 ,1 7.1i. ,,, U1W 1 rer4... • • r - - e?4,1 7 A/Catr ' t lttln '761 tE77 1 1. iltgtftinil. le, A; Olsoir; 'dfietrillol l 47 -, ': i'..: 41 li to `! 7 ' , BY 1i , 1 4 ? 14-TITPO 2. T. t-The universal fact based On nnive experience, ,is.that: T .there LI nothing in the world I thtiflnalieseb - Poor' it'retnin ter' iii- 6441 LS EeiiiAial 'pleisiii.i.'!';:-NO i levet traded' ei t6fisi ve:fr-i n -this:line withatittbecomingii - bankrupt in: rbsppi, ueP. .: , g , „ d9eP, : 1 :4 I'laY;7; an 4 f , elk, n 0, !: be roada:to-V l ay,and every 13 .4aP1 13 , 1 49P14 1 :;,± 3 0 did 'tiiideistaridiliis.lif he' tirottld lief, "an dieiiiiiii gf LietepelitillideitPenditiireti. Let toe lielplyOu'aiopen - 3 7 beoliiif ,: lhis [n:, Credit:Sensual pleasure. for tt , spree ,- 71 a. uight-ef yilaril,_ produced -by _drink ing iiud,,,feastitigi andtbeiiLiurn tn,tbe ether' Side i;f:_tlie'aeconnt,' Ind 'debit it ilth'flia lideithi iiefails'bregetrigney 1 1 ti 441 I 470- UP Id git 95.1 tlctr.4lt . 06 s /plasm; 1:9 f . I 1 i ,ai i ' " 4" V _._ . pir '7.4 Os.:' - t . 4- .., 114 w, at. rl . ; • ° I; ' ' '' ' `l ''' : i i.. 1 1 .:.orr•!1' 2 ;; ‘ ~,' k 1 '....' - ,•,.• , D .ii . 1 k; is , v;s : , , s o - 1 . 4 i I ;W • ._.... Ut o , t_ i Alma* imuisosi maw u. 20=4 ishAtiait ver Sr 10 sidlrint WI, /681 . fflgithiVA Otte bat AD; vs. wan - 'IA.110;4 11 frul „, o pt i y vv ,„ eza.rd, =A ra s 4F4 11 wulaad swing Ints*iis twoolt , o b d a xi i lls k t . wi t baitosita 4 1 1'.41 10314 el . /loaf:1d ti="l --414 xottata 3ceau:o4l4 lititalmoi tht,;itt-Att petit ' f I_ • , - -r:01„) toDio enough: to/iturtnethob dilgrnsistiTudted hungrribouillikldaYlitPlOguer, - Opain and indotanW; widadiag ;'iiiontatiC;l3 sthWAttectitmkerirciftin protegts i ctrA hole-* ressAgA,lf respeatihindlitteadeuidgbf.taV,iceisi- bility÷a redtratio n -,of-tbe *city if-4m joYment(abil ; the sullen pangtor aieproringco t oei l tree, chiTcaillidlianoihbraiiie4the-iiie:reria guish3l6ll.iiiiintlitt-{4ll3lo*Auct nibre, formrtinitir"zfrirtifiehdl-- lltninityt — Thsw does the raceonrit =Wok ); ) vglippcise,Wat ir yirtßitherr:: _ . nal kleasurefe l thelllicit•=indalgence of apow . '„erfulPasslon: ' 'Then - plane the : coat upon` the delfstti . e o f die:lo47,er :,shatne a nd ,, fetA - z- rensetonsi: losslof purity, the possession of a. foul secret that is to be . carried into all-icetety,- and into all rela tiOnthips,--diseaie reMorse, - Or;Salat ,is;more thawalll dies% hardneas i ., bratat: kf.,l!Phe*,Fmatwa of ly, end, is . rui 0.• , net,_ through fear of giViogoffenst; enter into all the de 'ails of'• Di& debit iiidal4‘!tdrit} itecottrif.-'‘They may be found and reads of all menliv graveyards, in. hospitals,:in brothels, in garrets, and cellars, inruined families and, ruined hearti and . hopes; iliniedoevlhe thing . pay • • I have , presented' only the priN.ateishle • of this:account, and i thatbut imperfectly. There is apublic side. The innumerable paupers 'whosel , life is ircipportod by the State, owe, their I : soperiSnii directly .o;. irt,,t4ee., - ,'easesiourOf. four, to Isengtrality—.,to Tslreng; dunk, , licentious or ,some fOrni of:;eitravaganee that proceeded frOrn devotiontto sensual pleas:. ures: Idiets benetten in drunkenness, naties throngh, veriona terms of .sensual, viee, criminals who are caged in every jail [and prison, like wild beasts; diseased creatures, alike loathsoniet Ihentselves and Others, crowded into !numb'e F riess liospitals+-all these are public bur: dens; imposed by the. sins of sensuality: . If sie run thrigh the 'stole. Catalogue of crimes we shall tied the all growing di rectly Or; indirectly' out hf this - Cotapre hensivevvite.. ' , 16 fact it may be said that all triue,L 'eonsequencesi. - -is ..blit'ritxtaanifeetatitel , ol doirtitranCe cesenie oirr reaSon.andleonsciencoir , s , • , \ )itlrr this view`' ands tno one kriows-bet.: ter than in§ iictitns , that it:is the , correct view,. SeatualitY rises' inter the pcishiou of the g rand - seoarge mankind. ..:. It,•_is the motger'of diseaie, the nurse of crime, the burden of taantion,l,and tithe .destroyer of w souls. • Oh, if the_world ;would r6e eint off .this swamp of sensuality, [rank with ROWS II and dark with•deadly.vapors--frill of. I pens, thick with 'pitfalls and lierid with deceptive _lights, and•ekind upon, the se cure heights of virtue where God's. gun , shines; and th e winds of ;heaven breathe I blandly and if how:would' hu man life beeoinh blessed rand .beautiful? The great burden of the world rolled off, how would it spring forward, into a_grand career ,of prosperity and progress?.;T his. change for country', rests' ahnoieen-, tirely, With the pciung men of the Cottritry: It lies.-.with tbem more -- thatv.all ;:other classes; to say whet4er t*is - . .cqulat . typhqlt decend still lower in-its patli.tobrutality ) •or rise higher, standard - Of rts, loftiest - dreanis'i 'The devOtees'Of sense? : themselves, have greatlirlast•their: pOwer for good,nd mint naol,Velyfe w ge their course ofllife Woman Will be pure if nirin will be tree. Young men,••this greittiresult abideS with you.' If you epeild.but teeliow beautiful a, flower grows I upon ; _the thorny _stalk. of self.denial yon would give the pinta i'hc honor it . deserves. _lf it; seem hard and 'deiPiSe' it nOV;1 for in it sleep's th , i'beauty of heaven auct the : breath' of i • • angels. Al you do not kvitneseshaTglo! ry: of its ,blossomiq during, the. day„ of life, ttspetalsl,4lll open Lir hen iif 'death conies, - and 'gladden: ing eyes with ;their mailvelloirSlO4eliness and' fill' yOurl Sad theif perfutiie:. Wontan A man viltholltreliOonl.s . l at best a I poor reprobate, the football Tel :destiny, with lie tie finkinglim I to infinity, and to the wendroas - eland*. that-, Thegi,in Within thii:;.hat voidan without it is oven woiee witheutlicatA rainbow without 'eolori, !a *ilia IWlthent perfuran. kinan Mai; in some 4;OW tie.; hia..:fmil hopes awl teams,'= ch "real, • B bint ng gronuktaaltleito business twthallorld bat 'a woman without think alehoe-called Faith , drift and: a! iv, &air ;.• A man m ay :, , e1 inaily iontinue is -kin of's' mond responaibilityout - of hiireletiona tos,manr kind ; 'Mem woman, lit lier_eoniparative• ly isolated . .spliere, - !wha'le-liffeetion,r_ Mid not:pnrpoae, m Abe. vantralling -nlOttve, eau - find - no basiilor any eystem.of right antien burthat - of.aptritual 'faith; f....-A',ume maicamehis abungbt nmi.braiu,to ,truat fuln ass, in iineh, Wiloor larbotage, as Pam. and tßeiiuiation:ltizty. et*teltlefere titre.; beta-woman+4herw;ean *, she ) putt-her bape inatortim. if not ' , in :Hama And thatliweet*thfilinessAbat abiding love ma—lightpuirtiheM,With .the rphumauts . t radiance„.wheirtlei trorld:a 'tont* .Ibiehe = szatzt ♦ IWO& AP,Ptur; OlOfticueSogiaaaftrit 0441katqlfit AllirohiktiVabank cae witatOtaboAAbsaitc d j imm 4 t . t.ll9ftg ghaß Eto 31 r-4 3 ,1 - 04(1uitet0,445,4445tr1ci9" .034 avjit.494471.4*.g. energy, and hal!RagAkaWiEromirfoh s'o-rt-A.sr,..di Jul* ' I , , cusw.twaiigißitnAM 4.1. 1 R.0 1 V-Bygeilqa."M ange4P;hiwkjeliißwd ot die' gmly- imitortedi . - 1 -.- r %.--.- . r i v te •zpigo...loytroit..,9l4oqowatio Ai, tyaituog,Apdxg,il4,l4 . 4.4lll4s:k... otempiph I Y. Peen rol94,9*fer iridin - int,PN PTO) ern-ti'o'im :negroes ikiikk: - ttibla Arirmetio44l tivity lait4l fidoliby:',',A s4ll3#gr A. te,M . : two of nheati . iOris Otiliii•gasi shosre till" corrupted '' 4 440-, atruNo . .4lloliti4mo", which PerFeetekg'imfrAA.i., I ' l o, i' joga, ©s they 00t0r,44 tke 3711r . 5h*,, ~,, _ 10 1 4 4 0 'one of ttio• illett*Ore. 3 94.,110,_ A J. estOtishcileOf; ',?,.g1ir41b4 dip, isl4S. ) erst le4ed i 9 )( PY!f I -ni° l7 - 1 #4.) *)-14Si 16vi ' Wag, i i i9r. ll ' 4s #LlF- 1 e174 1 4:114 l Oge d iti.: l t*:Fhi!...# l W l g qtelri teeth —,- , ‘ -, ---- ~,i '' 4. ' '') ' ar+,4 . 6 - ti KU ...&thitioaFice . ,.. ~. . c,...ita 4 toialiiion Elie ' 6004 'F.4141. zeal: li Sdiiii*AiSciWid 1 0 Pis= 11 ' :. ii0': 1 164 . " i n At ti r ei tis4ol 4l4* :* fierce '*., i - t4 - - . o i d 4 . 1 0 ,-Fo 4 , ) !4. : ttiii The enthial 'even ':0 1 .9...,,, 11'7'11:7741c handiag,'lme,thd-a* 0 ;:094 in h afilevips 'dragged him out; iiiid..;iotiitz9V-0-44115. him had f*nqt PP:v - elnelkial?' ' viAl l lt linter-ToOitoiasbed 01:43,4p . iiijkohi . il ji ed and Maimed ble4dlioOidondihtflfti oti'' tile trill siitiliOok; AftMik, - ;10 n , poiOq,, - - - mid "Fore;' o i4is:Ag Wilt 0 .04p 16 uilie marched iifai,f,ioANlMlA ices,forthwlth: - lie. dare not trait eiviiiiing influences whicli ho - liettiWA 1, dive' 0. .1.,,,,,t .0.-i =Z=MII Cuttlous 'fftViiiici - Clii!'—The law of dhl i oree: fibereed by the Prineli,taiin al .: Co nv en don :had;passed, butmiAthrlit tithe Iwhen there applied,fo:takethe hoist c 4 4 :f, 4.1 young. equP; 11 441.1+M ,': 6 1 311 geAerp* Fc 4 xe s d,retki?Y:' 6 o,__ ...r. 16 0014r,1 4 as'' patter ns of : e4n, n tibial' 'lYelinity. ''':rho" yOurig wothan '44,terintifiiti:::ra ,114 niiiiriealii i;lterekliTilio*forttii, vasi finidiSi' ifleFilin ° :"'lifia I a t. $ ll gicei(theyiteie'agaiiinnitid pki!elif, a - tiadsition which; eicitle'leintiiittasitire supri:§e,'ivas"thnii eitill'ained!'.'.". asst 'Their Oat ' 'lin inn :having' heti •'.4iiii.V ealled•a"leye-tnatch; the ladfligiitanig4 actuatedby. laudable piedeieb i '' Inidlthet whole fortune Settled on the-'friftflablico lutelf independent of the lifialiiiiii, crfliiiii laments; in ihe'giclay tattiattleftheitlei , , ey•thix4, rolled On withlatilitYiradileiti;. ure, I, Bixt Thei tin:l4;2lld 'rebirth - o'l*d sobeed' his se n ses-he entripiabioa SW bil hand, by the illiberal diStribtitiotrAbilt, wife's forttitie, arettitietli 114 fitair envie' in ° in i ea rieult irat i ' pr ofe ss iona z l-6i Ora thermal- pirsri - ts;ao - adalltbly#Cuhat 'for 0 v ing-e'zekt to'illeniiiyinen k bk* I enppeg tlip . .keinteryalkbf.' , :lifii itbietliiiii l otherviiSes4 apt r ' tl:i S titpiff' , OitqaCtihrei4 1 1 il. 661 istleskiess of or leiiiire. • theiliatif of i n aet iif ity."' -For , sieh ;e - rilk tbiketeelt !all Wife sa i aria firrivideOriwietlplif diasiilviag'theit hrst tharibike, litelimiditill. the -ni r oiltrOled thistreSteltilfettii and km:o . tiale'keetuil; preorti ter il . ity . abli alreeticin; 'if . I .not terirtideitelikly , nialcing, , lier husband, on' Abn,eze - Aidlifirt4 ritt..o, the 'unfettered master' 4; l 4lll.lMS had.; ' 4 Tlielni'ppy . lnisband..faras:itlitui•letk; abled by 4ove, the A•rest,ltrbiteCibit ctNiii tinioc7 teilibninc we are indebtiefOratil prethe; happpiririal, or =barraSsiittAnigiel nide, to:'devete a tkortioei of hie - -folyitit, to elegant and useful' noel:op:diet:44 ls 1-4 ; 1 .. .. • , ..' .: . ' it ;#:*imik .. ilk :1, -. " :31C.11•5 :4 ; bTTJMOUSarberolUloittralkOXlblieejlte curse, the blight, the potato°, rot of man kind: = They care vilo-and .• Ito Ise well as= fatal z , They.arise froift - c oontmninatioti and impurity of-the blook- mut arilorb4l seen all IttrouneAts .4iiiyititere:': One quarter of - all : , tieteare)taintedAitl them,' and one . gunner" 'of7-lheit Ora them dietoOlishly.tooirbio,wthifat, citable. - - AYEtt'sSAIWAPARILTAI. ties . out tffe Sciefulous corruption fame* blood; radars- it . pititraiid hoalth:y , aid offectuilly-eiparges tlielfind cainlantbtia tion from the system. NO lenger Oak under your Semfulons disorders, aims the imunstable- - AY= las - priiiriderade masterVemnbioation :or agnaitrithdoill Asthenia El.ittu,Pait4ilknabtiiiii L WtiOt6toy, - Cv.2,1 - 1 ai,uu_ll') ?Viz anthoPotcfpaiffikinillilialthrt bstlAiktntity tpeaking bt sficiwn, eityar#Anit woitan-willittek unlit& see Avni does por rlcare•s hair pisj staiod=l in white antithis otherin Murk; bin a few words that-site knows by bent,- andl dalutpatition.-at ibit_o4loribe twin istidlaire iicientfiliusdesapAtiltlie bg soliniti little, Obtparalt vorv i imb tbeb filed; - Act nrd3Titt AndAth,wol WEDDED iittilT,L ' -451/lii - 044 - .. --c---1.--- 4.lo.44r.tiitUchanau f it, f 1 Pr IDT! dlll5l-; his,,lU*iiiikr wit ',... it kor a On.oprieo.te,o l 4 , fi-fral — V ( ifill - I*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers