r ''.• •-•-. .pr.in the Geneßce Farm.y. February, lia - Cattle, ;IQ Ni ? 3 . l2llred...Nq Itia..- :!: ~„ flare, /IQ Coro. --, -,. ---- - -741Fsgs. EDIT9B.§:--qhe -- Aove, al. ihc i igib 4 Sputch Maxim, will apply with i ',: •,,'•;''' '' - --- . ' Cri9a l ' tittTe ID the - .lernker of. t hi 4 CCM n trr. . • -:-. . ,_.' 1. :News Penis. . And.. out urly _pan_ we. - rap , - the origin of StRYED LII3 .P:IGHT.-7-The negro, who a good erun uf.eurn directly to the cattle - -. ' " ' 1 the r; inotnuattr pe_upon the per-on of a • .... . 4 • , ... tit afariner, but by still closer -scrutiny i reapeeta i de .white married lady near Sere. .g'e cat) not fail _te discover _the fact that lutlia short fintellsinee, under such a,g.gra i lie very - basis of 'ood and profitable farm- ivated .errcutnstances, an account of which" ing Us . its source - in ao derive; "its v ery Iwe published seine time ago, we are glad 4xiatthtee Front the stool; Connected' w i t h i to learn has been convicted of the crime the tarm ; fur, without the cattle,tre. get iat Columbia county Court Of Quarter Ses. 'no manure - ; and if we are deprived of the : sion-; t.llis week, 1 and sentenced to pcetve .inauure, we have taken.froor us the very LyeariniPrisum e qent In the Pt.tiiteetiary-- element requisite to insure success in the i the Utmost, limq of the law. [lt all tin ; pitisuit'of lorriculture; for not only I, we ! Irklig.Sc:mod,relli whji ravish /duck women find ourselve,s deprived of a r - eiod crepoli Wore, likewise lainished,. the Southern . p'ortr - as a natural consequence attendant I jaik fOr a'while would be full,-but it wou'd upon the Dradtice of not keeping the usu- I tendko stop th btintal, wholesale anial , al.supplyof stock,lnit soon we shall tindlgamation which Slh,rery always begets.] t hitt our grass crop is a failure, 'caused by : •No single woillei are allowed in Japan. Or , soil, which. in Pm - onion wit 1 other I Every 6,:;-„," is allolli..d one'le ,, al will:, and . . , things connected with our farming (Ter..; 4: , tyjny' - secondjwives as his means will ~ti,:,,..,„ naS tailed Lu receive the - LOP - ; allow him to sal - 11)0'11. The second wives dressing" from the barn-yard, Aiich is CO i. ; are selectedby aw.rom the poorer classt-s i t . e''eutial in order that we may receive a! of so - defy, whose r'elative'S are Unable to r munerative crop of hay and a guud alter; maintain thew, and the children are all crop of rowen. - 'adopted by the letal Wife, who is Cie onl% The _orchard also depends upon the acknowledged nit:alien The old rule is barn-yard fur an annual supply of m"nu r e , ! thei efure revordttl in :Japan; where ins , ead in order - Id produce a golden harvest of of a buy not ktihwim , his own fat hcr. bun fruit,-so essential to the health and emu-: ire,,, ,- ;s t 1 ~o nut kriow their own mother. t , rt of a tinnily.. arid-also upon which. you 1 ~ . . ‘ ,l • , • depend in a measure for the annual till-1 Jft.t:Ait AS „Itif:l - 1.---- . ,An editor hod a bat tlel,?nd.mi D. •k ti in pr ! ..senti l l to him. and ing of your purse, incident upon your fall ' o l' :WIT kill iklng; 1.4 alt , 4:e 01 it, he wrote a'• no pips, tice - (of the article. Here is 11. specimen of 1.16 garden, also,—that great resort for ; the sit lc.: i i - . b , 4..:u u,iiili;l:3, cu t:SSCiitlai to the 11Caltli 1 '; fler:'s toithellatlik and othor branches of . or the .tiller• of the - soil—the place from 1 bq ,- i!“,s , -''-'. Plii lie '''" l !'lrmind t"wn --- "" 41 e' - Monington • which we derive many sup; for alterl l l ) % iCi4ll . l.- tic '' I "" 'idt:nuls .''''''.'g e ds.hunient. etc.- ail itil which may he had contemplation and reference, and in which !cheap at the llu, k—lirook—lir o,ok. and Duk we.pass : many' a pleasant hour with our I - Store Qi . .l:iillgi.l . ,S old I,"Midtpt Doc!; Gin, for wife or Our children—is also dependent IS2 it year, if payhlenr is delayed until the end -upon the barn-yard, which is au essential !of the Ati"ilth' C aJet7 dement in connection with a :/"nil gar-I'.-r..A poor e jilted blade Says : ' d,ett--an element, the absence of which , ' "Woman's . live bi like Scotch ;muff ; intistuot be. recompensed by any alumna u; I mutt get tmelpiuch and that's enough." imported guano or patent fertilizers. .LWhere-upon, a thirkPy of more sense, as The. utter- dependence of a good crop I well a:i soul, responds : ofgrain Upon - the stock connectedwith "'W I omen's lull, Mt logy-rubber ; the farm, iiiust be apparent tp any person llt stretch Ltd more, e inure you lob her." who has taken ordinary pains to !Mogull MR. CA r.DIV ELL, idle of the State Sena himself. We may send to Peru for pa. ! tor of V iro-iiiia ilnd twice . .Mayor of NV heel pci, we may buy all of the hew phoiThates. o . i n, t h e ~t,,,„ d ay ( ja ve i e d at t h e c ourt or we may patronize the plaster wills to' it euse in that •ity ii• very strung speech our hearts content; and,after we have ex- •n favor ef ace labor—tile a f • rst seee of I Ch.p i hausted all theso sources, w e are sure to; the kind 'eyerdiuliye'red in that city. The fail of being successful cultiyam-.; of grain. 1 1 ,_ audience was' laxge,!and the sensation con unless we havea good yard of manure to !,ideiahk. , resort to. • certainly we Can raise r-rain! 4 . i b,,, the use of and as certain it i. ' it is said hilt guan o, that we map get good orups : but ask any a week in En..;b mid by his lecture, on " flow !- one - well posted, and be will tell you r 0 MilkP I "°"` 2 3v" -1:1e declined an °fl-e' the chances aro vastly in favor of the j :ruin an entitle* London publishing house 1 barn-yard as. a fertilizer fur the successful ~f 4:1,2-00 for the exclusive rig:,t to pub.l l growing of.any kind of grain. ,islt his Lecttirks in !_ireat Britain. I „„- - The subject of stock raising is fast be- A PuLiGLot oTATE.—Tha Secretary 1 coming popular among our most astir' t of Sate of \Xis , on,in inf"rrn , the Lep,iglatitr.: farmers—those that not only look to the W;a of the a'" ° ' u:t of In""et . exl)'"'ded I. profits derived from the farm for the pies., Pul'iL , Priatiaglitri: . ig timec pdst inre yi..rs ! l , ,WOut :;.;:7.W!._i %:1 tor l'Au;lish. l'•':U3,000 foc r.mt year, but who Wisely oidetilitte for sue { 6 .,. i .,i,„„ , ;,„, i ... 1 4 ,-1,000 fur' Norwe , ian. btu.; , eeeditig years of abundant harvest, and , 4 ,,a 1 .e,___t,,z,„; S imm., . , , full granaries fur years to come. ; - _ - ' It was not my inteutien, when I com menced this. subject, to have continued is to so great a length ; but if you consider it proper, I would like to make a few sug gestious with regard - -to the mating-einem necessary in order to avail ourselves u the best -Mode of making a -roud yard w manilfe. In the first place, you want t, good-Yard—one well calculated for ma k int,' manure. Many perseuls have of hit, 11E Lar ,,,, ,4 fallen, into an error (in my estimation ; I -,1„,,,, m„, with retard to the kind of a yard requil-rcln,ndi-,.: of 00, by choosing a too elevated' and eon: i '..11 ,s from 'l'e, sequeStly dry yard. .:No's , we - Avill lal.ol '". -11 :" - :: .1 : . *: that a ioo wet yard is equally .objection t ,ti.; ~:i• „„ 1 t „:„... fibre, but we would insist upon unto of :IS 1 , --) 1.,1,,,,,, :I,, , near a medium degree of wetness its C 71!! '1 . 1,,t11,q1i.1 D;::: conveniently be procured, tio• the reason ; ''''Ll''''" , l"-'''” that the.Stoek can much Inure easily pu! 1 1 , , ' , ";' 1 , 1 ,•',..'" 1 t '' . :',_,' verizeand Mix together the contents to ii. , ,, 1 , 1 " ''- . - I a Moist yard, than they can of one ver . p - litinArr, w.l dry. The yard should also be often plow- it [IAN' 6. .1) it 51 cd, as frequent Etirrim>s of the soil wil!, ,, e,sin , 2 , in tll'yi i r i tend to help- .orward the pruces.s of de- :'` i ''''` L '''';'' l ; d composition of the refuse straw and ha: ~, i ,,, hem : ,, ; , tt which should always find its way into the ' ,:quar,l l'i'ai:,. barn-yard. •. - . -.1,0 I'n->, :",d With regard to the winter manm , ement, 1 ' 1 ,1 . , (-''l' l3l t',: i t. l ,'• f I suppose every reader of, the '0 .7wsc, s ` . f ;‘,:::' , ':, -. ,,, t . 1 '.',, t ,: Farmer is well enough acquainp,i with • - h,•:,,,,i,„,--p,, the advantages to be derived from keep., ~ , ,-uarunier‘i to in:: JIM nmiture- from his stables under mous'7. - rormidr cover until wanted for us - ii. If they argilllol At.' E. Vi _l.l:EllS' MT 7 .I,OI)EItN.,—Sq Mit. - allow me to ask of them one favor. l ' cri ''' . I '•''' nim, '"" in t ""`' 4 "" "r " bilitY ut 1 ,nal:e. (rfune.l. thu e e q ual temperament.) Me which is,: that they try the *experim e nt 1 ~,doo n; ~f ~11 ,ther styles and 'mikes, Price tertine'year; mid if they are not SutiMiecil '4-',5. 7 :tht,, $7,) $1.00,.z.:,z1:25 ::;•:110—dotibIL that the advantages derived from thh- I iieeth;-itad tun it 'haiikb of ii.cyk, .-i'2.on--less t .derived from expen,e 1 L , i , 1 i A. , %1 , 1 1.. : , 1 . i , 1e i , c .1 0 /1 1 t i . it. Clerg: ,. /nell \nrid .ChUrtj , ", Course.ampl, ray them for attendant upon it, then their experience I maicrix „, 7 ( 1,- ;LITARs, •.. • • will differ very Materially from mine, uti-1, 1 tiitok'• - .S; S lIAIII'S, , der the sanie - Ciiennifiances. Do nut now ' 1-IX 7 TF.:-.i. ' hastily condemn this practice, nor col:slit- 1 , - . 1 FLUTINAS,' A CGOI:DEO NS, pr that there is no imnrking upon the ' i VIOLINS, practice of your . fathers, . who, forsooth, i „ nil , mu,i,,,,i .m Instraents of all kinds, at lower I raised. good corn, without sheltering their; nriees than ever before Offered to the puldic - ! manure; but try it, and let us know thet A large di6co l ant to Teachers and Fieloiols. i result through- the parres of the Fortner . . l The i''"de s"l4 3l i'd c'4 the ino,.! 7 t liberal terms. -- 1 B. ECONI . )-11::..V , i . ) PI-L\os,, .at great bar ri. G P.itirtza,, . trains, coie,tau,..:, iu store,—pnce ham :!;,..10 Go: , .T.ectniitr, Capri.. Nov., 1853.:, - .: ~ : $1.10. 1 -, ,' • ' , i , . . jliESlC.4ethip . ;the largest and hest se-I .. owt ! Dtsz,.A.s . E.,--traving met with a itee. e .f cat:ilolruci , -Music !now published, eery singular disease among my poultry,' 3 . c6rnprising-udiny: e ehoie;e and most pcip-1 thought. I. would communicate an aeeount otf u d ar O r; of tl , tc'd itud wilt be sold at tine- I it for & our valuable paper. We . Ficizeil up a third'utr frOrn the , gplar prices. - phleltch that was so bloated up that we I ' N us i a s . aaj t. by mail to all:parts of the conn thought..it,was dying. Its head was drawn, try. post-paiiii' l'itrtieulzir and personal atOn over to. one side.: On examining i t , the skin ; tioil paid to ail orders receirctd by mail. sat appeared us though lilted been 1-dowed tip i !istaction guaritntt•ed in every iustanee., Piados but upou puncturing the skin, the wind whir-!;e n d Melbdernis for rent and rent allowed on fled oat; and aft er r epe a ti ng th u operation a 1 1 4;u : ba se . .Iq,alos.aud MelodeoaS for sale on few tinies, the thicken recovered entirely, and I monthly payMents:. Second-hand Pianos to is now-ore of the handsomest fowls we have. ken in ekehalige for new. General and select ; —Nlyaus P.. TANNta t ,.Rocklan . d. Co., -N. Y. i Cate:hi:rues and Schedule of prices forwarded! [Gomm Farmer. .. all parts of thecountry by I to 'V mail. , . . 'tr . : - TN T , ', ( ! ` l : l , , , rjv ATE A T AsTE r ot:. ,H oitTlcuL.l . 4i.canGreat,indaLementSoirerU to ~....._. ... i i in . all parts of theNountry, to sell the liohice . ' Tt nit.—Prinee DE LIGNE • well : says GS :nen,' Planes, Melodeons, and. Cataioane of " I ,ould in-pire ever‘bo.l. with my taste' Music. e:4.1; r ' for gardens and garde:ling; for it seems to me an imposiibility that this taste can Asko 40s -session:et any ond:whe is had, All the vir-. cues pnd'a'•ready And. congenial soil .in timt heart which has ,developed this taste, and luieatarefill. and act ifortieultdra. Pa.thers of fomilies,,lnnoculaie, if possible; your children tlimt•ardening ; - 2IADJOS, IYEZLODISONS MUSIC . AI.mrTED. IZ.ecluce,›cl, ACE ivArrEliN, y., A.dENT 1' ]t TilE BEST buSTo.N &'N. InOrtanacills. if Pianos; 3feio :tit iii tLc United 6 froth oct:t%(•s,.ir ! t ,t hai,h up to Om : 1 1 1-t. No toots,: in the ilitiou ih the ill the non•Ltet, of it, itoqrnatent,, nor it Lich they art TErts . Not)ray IMPROVED - Ivr without :Ir4ll !l': rat.;, pozi in,l.rtr. etticrits 4r °vet -strin , zs clf , C.)1 , 2 and COlllliasS Ot %dill pl':V:l!iiiity Of :•Ll'1lt:1 , 111: 441 the Fro:lotinced by tt, t'ut ;:n,l nit ,t thur.itgh ftrilll, and ni;lltarttQud to Icry k.liin•cte. hitch instrumeal PICTURES OF SLAVERY. TRESS, THE ROVING EDITOR ; Talks with Slaves l the Seathara.States • 13r J.131E3 Iteorsrs, of Kaosas.- 4 One- neat vol., 1210., :V7S pp.,- Illostrdted, Price $1 ' This bOok is a narrative - of three journey , ' afoot, Um- Wee!' Washington; and New 0.-I.:ans . . .tiontains repoTts confidential. eon versa Guns with the slaves in th, Carolivas; Getirgia, Alahaina and Louisiana lively descriptions .of Southern an plantation life ; a graphic sketch of-adventure in Missouri ; and the most synching and they ; ough andi reliable, investigation of : meriean 1s:11a-cry ever published in our country, Th. : tuthor has given a full :lad tutu fearless report of slave sentiment— , a thing never hitherto at tempted in America. Let every one who wouri know what Southern slavety is—shivery as :een by the slaves—reild this roluitte otthei• oral evidence, and startling record of the. hopes auil. future designs. As to the aitthoCi skill as a writer, it will i• seen that extrema; hav,:i met and agree : Redpath could not be dull. or tame, .davish if hu.llen to try: he has not an id: Ibone in him and if . eteentrie and . hunnin 'tis all humanity. lie has a rare mind ant aatllre; both ffll of grit., and will war it. , yrofig and t.yranny with ill their ad 11..n.' J. C. i'aughil, ir. heaomvort4 A vigoroui, Lotti,4 llepuh/ican ‘•A d-1 f-ased: hot the bet writer u• ever bad out we-t. SireVgirdow. Copies scat by mail. postage paid, to on:, p.trt of the United ;States, on receipt of to: prhx, ,~1. Addr(,s, , 1 • . . A. 13. 13U1ZDICE, l'hlisher, 8 Spruct! Sired. Veit' . rark: Editor= publishing, the a love adver tiFettieut and this note a few timt,s. and noth ing it editorinlly, by sending . 'narked cop id their paper to the publisher, gill receive a e,,py by return mail. Mis 4 SOUTHWORTH, CoLoNr.i. CIAWLETT, CHARLES BuRDETT, - THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, HENRY GLAPV. JrN., GEOKAiE ARNOLD,. SAMUEL YOUNG, Miss. ANNA WHELPLEY, VIRGINIA VAUGHN, Mits. DI. N ERN( G. ARE, FINLEY JOHNSON. Write only for the GOLDEN PRI GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN - PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN' PRIZE. GOLDEN PRI E. T H fr;' . t. 1.3 JI 119 DEAN & SALTEUSUCCLSSORS The New York Weekly CI( t% t. i , One of the i.trgt•St :Ind bet - 10-rarY of tit? clay-11.11 It Quarto. containing. .471 a pagPs, orfortu red hinny. of the most inter esting ntni ra,eillatil! , 4 reallitle Matter, falai the very first writers of the do.Y, "Z.1i4i44119 Diqste:iiet) ,E.bcey A PRESENT! WORTII FROM 50 CENTS TO $5OO 00, W ill I•o'givvii to eacii nn receiv: of the sebseriptihti m oney. This is preseni6 , l at a llrmeat,,,,f Fricatkitip. and uut as all TERAIS e , ,pyf•or 1 ye.!r. FS"vu mid 1 Present. On, eon:. for 2 yeloN, 3 50 and 2 I'resent,-; Oue copy fur 3 yeltr.:, 500 and 3 " One eel)). fur s'yeari, SOO and 5 " AND TO CI.CHS Three 1 ye,u•, $5 uii and 3 " - Five r•opie:, I p.m:, iOO :Lin' 5 " copse , . 1 7..0r, 15 00 ~Lnd 10 " Tcl c -one r- p ., . I y'r 0) nmi 11 The orti , le , to be given army Are comprised :n the 2 P,:ck tgt , ,, of Gull, oop. $5OO •t 0 each do do du 2uo tgl each 1: do do do lut) each lti Patet'LuverlitiutingCas-. ed Watclie.;, 110 Guld Vet clfts, 50 do _do 1110 df, do 1)9 clie3:' (301,1 Watches, ;buti . .-blver blunting Ca'seci IY. tcltea 30 00 ebvii :btu) d 1 cr Watches, $. 00 to JUu uaoll 1.001) (A old (;hard, Vest, and !Fob Chains. $lO 0040 3n 00 civil LO , L tt4, BrAcelets, Itrovehe.4, Ear () row , B re , is t phis, cull* Pins, Sleeve Buttons, It:upi, Shirt Stud. Watch Keys, (041 tool Sil ver ,Ltol a variety ot• other articles worth from 50 e ,, ois to I: each. We \ill lireent to every per,on seiriug, tot sal:scribers, :it earh, a Gold Watch, north any into sending us 100 sub •ribcr, :at SIT cavil, a Gold Watch. Ev ery subscriber will also ieeeive :a present, Innediat'ely on rer•eipt of the nwuns, the 14awe %%111 be entered upon our hook, and the present will be forwarded with in one week, Ly mail or exprev, pbx7 pad•.. rO-7.! , . communications should be ad (lrc,sed to DEAN Si; SALTER, 335 Broadway, Ni r• York. je I 0...., le-.11.12.-. Administrators' - Notice. g a g ETTEi;:i of on the Estate [A of SAmurt, CARLING. late tit' Hector town ship, Pottcr Co., deceased, havidg . been granted to tie undersigned,. all persons in - &lAA to said estate will, make immediate payment. and thine having claims against the same will oresent them to us for settlement. - • rgANCIS STItING, LOVINA J Doctor, Feb.l4, i559.-17-13t* . • DENTISTPY •, • • M. SIIEERAR, Dentist, of Wellsville. Allegany Co., N. Y., re:spectfully -an nounce: to the people of Potter and the ad joining Counties in Penn'a, that he is puma fleetly established in ;Wellsville, and IS pre pared to perform the 'various °pet ations in Dentistry. nyto.tion is solicited to his.style of insertieg , ARTIFICIAL TEETti. superior to : u se other :,tyle Rrunwn-, " Allen's Continnnus flow." Ail wO.; , f - ,1 - ranted. Letter:: of inquiry promptl; answered. Nov. 10, 1858. 11. M. STIEERAIZ. .• CAUTIO.N .•••• ''," - Merchants and Traders will he r on their guard "and not be. imposed upnliby a Counterteit of Moron's Indian Boot l'ilbi t signed A. B. Moore. . Mt genuine Indlan.Root fills have the lima and signature of A; J. White cf Co.. on "sank boa .'" ; ! . . ! ! ' 'Ai; ), s •.l we 1 preseui you ii - ItU It IMeness of OR: 11ORSEt-L.-tl.•—invoitor of 11012SE'S IN MAN ROCITIPP,f.S. Thi , p11it..511.;;..5:••• 5. ;pent,t.lie. grrlsiter part, or hi:, li.. .n. '"fi' .,. f.l 11t_ 'lnvlrtz - visito Europe. 41,•!ia, :,.till .%. I . .• ^li :,•:!.. : .. ..off A. 4 Non I!! Ami•rieft-.: 1 10 - t!; ! lir 'lr . ; • ‘.. ' i l:limn!. inc 1 l +limo:" of' our! W!.• • o ! .!:.•.:, weo: ,n ri n k:; way 111;1 , !! st , (f1.5 . ' •.-. i• - i'' ver.; hrsa. 4151.4.5iiver55•1. 1): . M'•. - -r:: . . •uati to e•itititlislt the iitii'Hiat i...! i . .... i ••• pioni 11l PC Wrlt OF Tit i.. 1 It!. I - •I. • i . -itrenelh. 11l it'll/ . 11 l 1.---'. 7 . 7 t:11 fillia. .' - ' WI/ Pr) ih re -1 - .• s .• ... . . - and do nil' itiii i., ii... , - , : II . -• ilitferr ; ft.., it, o - ~ • , its action i , ii.; in. , 1. - iir. , e • - , eased; this rill: hi? ..11 ioil:- t ... di tress tit every u tine . ; our stren, , t i, .. • Imnsted. o r health we are deprived of. :in nature is 1 of assisted its throwing oil ;he mutt hum( rs, tii6 blinni' will heetanii , i'. -' and cease to'itet. and tiles .turli., , ht t I,ie forever he l bloivn out. IliJa• inip,Tt it •' that we sl radii ken') the various it it;:ii , the-body tree and open. Anti how pie:vs.-1i in us thatfitce have it in our -power to put : medicine in roux reach. namely Mor..e's la lion Root . Pills, mi. n unie t tired ',flint 1 11 ail& roots whirh gran - around the tlio ntis cliff's in Nature', gariiiia. fin :be liii.ii ,, recovery (Ff4i:zeased 1111111 OD.' of 'II from wiiitdi these Pills are ni,..it i.i . t: which orlus the p.r'i . ,. of tn.,.:ttiii. .. Nature in throwinc: wit I lie :int.! , ~. corruption - .within; The siteinid which is liti . rt;nteti r int i1 , 'n..0. •• • . clogs the passage t.. the In ,t; ,ii of _ .:ordiiilig. kaattuitr. IlerfoOnii i" - ii- trig oil: pllei;rin, and other limner ii . .. luntrs by I t opioui spittirtg. Ti''i ii•i..i. - uretie, wiaielt givii ease and d ' I to the kiiilueys; that etwour. „,., large amounts ..t.r init.:tr.! , ft .... . whicth is Ilsee throw: t , tilt 1 , 01.111 ~.1 ... .. (/ Urinary 'ti Waterpassage, mid wiiir.i e not have been discharged in city -OR r The.fout: it is a Cathartic. moil the other properties of the Pins %. Lite ite ei. in purify lig tit, 1110)11 ; I lie ea ,I, of impurty!witielt eannoi p ...t. it ::: outlets. aie thus taiii.in up wits cut • :il. l great ttintitil's by 1110 1.e,1 el-. Fr(1111 lille aliore, it i.. ...ii,iiv.. i , I.- to . Indian 1.,1.p,i, Tilt , ' I.lit liti,iiiii F.. D., ME thr• Etv Of 4111 pnin 'll (t!:,(:.. , t CC! i r.• 1,11 !:J ipttur.,l I. •tp,.....t •• • =I ter ilie arc :iitrutily ; 6.lll , {r , itti ‘lt:t thrtiws cortttpttti matter titr.ttatto et - er\ v't• and••artery,cuntil lite is. taken) !ram ;Ity by distaso.' Lr. Ilnrse's hat ~, I (It•ni theiiiseiros yhatory argil -victory, by restoritp., millions of ,the sick tti hhtot.nn , health nod happiness. Yes, thottsamils what have heel) racked or tOrinemed with sickness. t,a'n and angitish. anti whose feehle In wea 11,. y, bee starched 11$' the burning el: inenti, , it ragia• fever, and tVilO have le•-n br at,hr ,t ..vithin a stitp of the retOly to testify that t rt woekt Lave 1, i nurniterell with the de-:i. it.“i it not it,. it to this: great end wottdev I no Coat Pills. After MI.. Or tO , ' been taken, they were a•ton'slo d, and Intely surprised, in witnes ..trecis. Not co:1y .1.. tlivs .11.1 u.r.r tt •. pall) ;I t 11: wiirk at flit: t • is tire. bhi. \v't . I. •il - orn esrieei illy be ho : t i t , I tiott they will so •ind •'. estsp—iliat Ile Qietti.y--%i - . and the ilush-or ;youth alni h ;it.. return. and the pro-ite.ct of J g o.; , 1 11.fq, litu'a ill cheri-h and hri. , " Sold by S. 11"ri I & JON ,d , by all mle licinc Dea-ters in the cioitity. & U(1. N„. Ledilard St., New Yovti ; \\*).l. , () prapri-tfirs or Or. A. Trim -k's tiniUt.) ISn rile, :%ladisrin V.. (;,.„,•,.. d . Atroo:. 11)0 each 75 each 00 each each 35 ciich tiONVA it-i) ANstICIA i'li)N Till LA lili L I A c.s(utils4ed ley spered for do: rdief eirk tressed qtilirn.d tad,. rirtaeat and di,ca.l6l. T 111 ; HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view o the awful liestra et ion orlinnian lif. caus ed by Sex Mil diseases., several years ago direet ed their Cotisidting SurgeOmtn open a Di:pen eary for the treatment of ibis class of diseases, in :ill their fOrms, and to giro MEDICAL A D VIOL; GR.k.TIS, to mil who' by letter. with a description of their , condition, (age, occupation, habits.of and An cases of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDICINES, FREE OF CHAR . OE. The Directors of the Assoelat'on, in their into Annual Report express the highest.F. ttis faa'on ‘Yith the success whic has attended the labers• of their Surgeons in the core of Spermatorrbv. Seminal Weakness. Conorr hM, Gleet Syphilis, tile vice of Onnniµ:n or Sulf.,AbUse. Dtscase of the Kidneys and Blad der, &c., • itud order a, continuance of the sauje plan for. the ensuing year, ; ' • An admirable Report on SpormatorrhMa, or Semidal Cleakiass; the vice Onanism, Mas turbation or Self-Abuse, and other Diseases of the. Sexual Organs, by the Constilting Sni•- geon, will In: sent by mail, (in a sealed envel ope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. , Address, for Report c 4 treatment, Or. J. SkILLIN HOUGHTON,: Acting-Surgeob, Howard Association, No. 2. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. - • p1:24-Iy. AriumeE . STONE LIME, in bbl. or bulk, nt greatly reduced ririue:l;,eun be had ny ' 20 ' (11. 1 .11 1 ,4 pfuLtps, isoraio r ,tAti children, by the ease, duzen or peir, ttt 20 ' CLARK k. MEM t I t r 1..1 .t Serbfula-ovitinesleff is tt constitutional disease; 'a &irruption of the blood - .by... Which this fluid bedOrriciif "Vitiated, aneing in the circulation, it pc:tiradd: B es; the whole body, and mayliurst , out ire'diiciase on anyparkef No organ is free *On . its-att aoks,_ there One 'which it May not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by, "mercurial- diseaie, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy. food, impure air, filth and filthy habits;; the depres-..ing vicos,, and, above' all; by the venereal infection. ' What ever lie its, origin, it is hereditary in' the con-; .stitu,tion, descending from parents to'children unto the third an &fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to -be the._ rod of Him who says,'" I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their 'children." . . Its Wens -cernmence-by depositien*Om the. blood:of corrupt or . tdecrousmatter, which, in. the lungs; liver, and internal prgans, is termed tubercles ; in the, glands, swellinms ; and on the.ent:face,.eruptions Or sores. Titisjfeul corms ruption, which genders in the blood,. depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous Constitu lions 'not only they front scrofulous corn plaintS,,bitt they have tar less power to:with stand- the' attacks of other diseases'i .%conse qitently, vast numbers -perish by .disorders which, although not Semi lows in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of tilD consiimption which de cimates the human family has its ortgm directly in this scrofulous_ cootamioation ; and many destrt-ctirediseaseS of the liver, kidoeysl brain, and. i'ideed, of idl L the organs. arse from or are aggravated by the same case. - One quarter of all on r - pt Ir r ti f! are serofulous; thekpersons are invaded by tins. lurking in fccti.ko, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it front-the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in . AYR R'S Compound Extract of .Saurgiariila. the most effectual remedy which the'medical shill of our times ea \ &Nis- for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. ' It is com bined from the most active remeclials that have been:discovered for the f xivlraation of 'this foul disorder from the blood, to.d the reSene of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should I:e employed. tor the cure of not only scrofula, hut also those other afFcc tionS which arise from it, such a' hhitTrir: and : hats DisEAsns, ANritoyfs Fums, Rose, or ERYSIPELAS, hlmtraos, P I'STUTXS, lkorcnrs,l3lAcss and TUMORS ' , TETTRIt and SA - I,r RiVERM, SC 'flys tr, 'trim - mum, RIGIUMATISM, Sfl , ll lune and MERCURIAL D ts- DItOPSY, DI'SPLEhIA, Dr.n.thriv, tun', indeed, ALL• CuSIPLAINTS.AIOSISO FROM VITIA TED,ort Istrultv.. - 13LooD. The popuhir belief in ", impuritlinf the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of thehlOod. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify end regenerate this vital fluid, without which srmnd health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayers Cathartic 'ills, FORT ALL PURPOSES OF A FAMILy PHYSIG, are so composed that disease within thef range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the humim organ lila; correcting its clisesed action, and! restoring its healthy vitalities, As a consequence of the , e properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical del ility is astopished to and his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. - Npt only do they'eure the every-day complaints of every 'body, but also mat y formidable and dangerous disco sea The agent helms , named is pleased to furnish 'gratis my American Almanac, containing eel-titivates of their cures and di re et ions for their tise in the following complaints: Cothce um, Ilea , tbnru, 11l adarhe aribinyjront thsorthred towocli, Nausea, hiligo,tion, l'ain in and Morbid Inaction of theltotreis, 1,0 tuicncy, Loss' of -4,ppe iite; Jot/Pollee; mild other - bitched complaints, arising from a low -tate of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's C _erry Pectoral, 'FOR TII, RAPID Mtn OF Conchs, Colds, Influviza, Hoarseness, Croup, Prone i itis, Incipient COnsump tion, and for he relief of Consumptive Patients iu dvaueed stages of the disease. • SO‘nide is the fiCld of its usefulnese, and so nu merous are the c: scs of it, cures, that almost t every se-tion of co mtry abounds in persons pub licly kuown. who 4: 1 rc- been reotored from alarming anti even dciperat . di , cascs of Ihe lungs by its . use, When once ried, its ht I p eriori ty over every other medicine of i 'kind is too apparent to,escope observation, and where its Nil tues ore 'known, the puillic no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the; riistre.sing donutrims `r.tieetions of the pultunn ry organ: hat ore inf idiot to our climate. While many ;Vett' remedies thrust upon the community hare f tiled and been discarded, this has gained friends ;y e% cry trial, conferred benefits on the. afflicted t.l t:y can never forg,cti and pro dueed cures too m tuerous and too renkarkable to be forgotten. EPA RED itY AIiTEEZ Ar i l CO. ELL; MASS. • DR. J. LO \S Said `-) , S , 11 . 1' dcf.sp .1. B. IBIIITO - :5411 . 01,5, \MI!, nißt be all Iforci .. ~ J ., \ ~-;. ,„(1 t). W. SPEY . t ; ct!!;. V .v. 50. N .,; Ulys=e3; . Ca.:, av - Ilc; . I.‘: , !.ti A: rt ; C. II SIM \ILI.NtS Osvittyr); Jilt: , alp( bruggistsl [I I:2S ---- I eon! Eari Open: &BOUTF-, NCE tat hash ears, let: him hear, bath eve!.. let him !come and being done in Wellk - ille, the ,• and espeeiall34' at the Old lc thirty- two men and seven to work fifteen ItOtirs every - eepted..) and he th!it hash no 'ring a heard. bring a shingle. .g a geese. bring': deer, bring - link, bring a pelt, bring: your pat you like, you sha,ll not he ra y because von have not the /Y .Yanr bread. Titus cutlet!) I • CLARK 4: PHILLIPS. Eyes O R T Ili (H. all t mud he tha :iee the wontlerN City or T.lnneriv Rag u 1 tor.. whe hoya are wanted day, ttittlitlays ct money Coma.. bring a hog,. bri a Nat, bring a t l hyter—bring turned empty t.\ tiltlly.luore to It the,first 20. 11 1 1 V ERY - THIN' Itegui:ilor: fin.rney. Snit tunst be in' tiii bought and sdid.,.;d the Old except Sepndal a . ,d 'dap and Soder, at sixpence a had at some Brother's, at Some town. CLARK S: iLARK & P HUAI'S render thMr .tlntnics to all the nod people of this 2Mumon wealth for thei most liberal patronage, and they do tender their special . 1.41110 to their competitors m any others, for th l eir gentle barking - for all time, concocted 111 Ni-hood for all time, envy and jealousy;. for nO doubt' it was meant for cil, but has proredlour good. SO go ahead. lie more time better. 20 . CLARK 41 PHILLIPS: • 4 1LOUR, PORK 'and llean9, Homy Feed, Corn Meal Oats, Shorts enough to sup ply a mall nat on, at the 014 Itezulalor. 20 CLARICi& PHILLIPS VO-OHAHGE FOR SHOWING THE NEIV LI Goods just received at • OLMSTED'S. , PfrtizP TOR,EvEinno b YI„ - Wrto SUDSCItIBES Eoa THE ilkie,v7,lTork Weekly Press, A BEAUTIFULLY ILLItSTIAATED FAMILY 111-FtWS-PAPglil E YORK.VCEEKLrpjiF.sgittint L' •of the best literary 4iapers al the d:iy. A Qatteta einttiiinint; SIXTY COLUNINS. of entertaining mat t ,. EiiEGA,ZiTi:rjirL-USIRATED tvtr; • ..k GIFT .WoRTII Fi OM 50. CENTS To • •i1:)0 RE SENT TO tAOI itEit _ON izEc'Ellyr OF TEE sil l . )011IPTION.MONEV.:. ADVANCE , •p‘ ropy for„one year, and kgift,.. $l O/ n. e eOpies flue year, and 3 gilt?, 5 0 copiesite one yea r,•and 5 gifts,. Auo coliie3 one year, - and . 1 50 ,wenty;one cop:o - s one year. and 21 giltt,3o 09 e tiejes to 01:7tribnteklareeetzprhei fo'l6wing. 1 Un ta,l States Thasury Sote, • $lOOO 00 do - 51)0 vu, en d,. 5 •do - do • do 290 " , i, uch, do do do 160 00, F 1 .0. Patent ',cwt. • !Inn tiilg C 'semi Watches; Gold Watches, Lad es' o.l,l\Watrile,,, 2.,1115i1 , •vr Cased - ,o() silver• Watehes, (; € ,A Ve,t. 39 00 cull $l5 Oil t0.'25„. Lund Fel) k3lllins; lu uct . t o :Ict 00, each. np G.,1.1 ILO 5 00 to 15 00, Parb, Gull I.4oclicts, Brltemlets, Brooches, Ear trues, lire.,st Pins. cuff viu,, sleek tnit9n, n g s.. Slnrt Stcpds, WAR:O Keys, t;t:l,i and t vee Thimbles. :t net n variety of other arti ivs. worth trout 50 cents to $l5 00 each. Un receip.i of the subscription inoney, the h criber's name o ill lie entered - open our c,ks opposite a number. and the gift tortes. ~,din g with that number will forwordoi uLI -week . to him; nail or a rm , p4rid. t , neither-humbug nor lotte ry obout above.every subseriber sere urn rvr of value. JiVe _prefer to make this lib. distribiatiou among t tient insCend of gir. ig a largo come. isriitin.to AgriO, giting to ai subscriber the atnount.that would Ile to As4 e ut and in, tUiiiv eases a linndred-fold - Lc: e l.—All' communications sbcald be ad. ftessed to . . DANIEL AIiEE, Pcusupt. 211 Centre street, Nov York. ME D. L. DANIELS i. HAVE :11:7• . • I Lr'a T (7'l 9 1 1 PD From New York, A COMPLETE AA and 'fltTiriter ISfiOR.KII\' 7 DRY GOODS, •()(ITS: k SHOES!., - HATS & CAPS, CUTLERY, GROCERIES, Cpo'ckery ct.lo - laswaiv. gooslstock of MISCELLANEOUS col Achool • STATIONERY, &C., \ll of which they ~ -111 ';e11 LO\V ASCAS BE 'BOUGHT ELSENIMEIIE. IN THE COUNTY. PRODUCE or ALL KINDS MEM I`' 'EXCHANCIt] FOIL GOODS,. For which the IIIGIIE:4T PRICE will be iaft • - - They can he found rct all tunes, (saturaiy Ind Snhday excepted.) at,' the Store fonnerli ~eeuple,d by D. BAKER, • . EWISVILLE, ready to wait upon Customers. N. 1.-- T .We have Conic to the conclusiceth at "RE A 1)!Y PAY " is better for all parties{, and we shall, there-. fore do business on this svetcin. D. t. S 31i li. DANIELS., Ulyses, Nov. 4. 18Ei8.-,16t1 IfiILtFORT HEAD-QUARTERS , r HE subscriber; method of in; forming their friOts - tliz4 they are in re• ceipt of, and are now opening., a choice-is& desirable stock of 5 . 1'.1-krIA: AND FANCY DRY GOODS, to which they invite the attention of ell who desire to make purchases. Our stock is Inv has been stlecteii with great tare, end is par. ticularly adapted - to the wants nf•this eCtiC 4 of our conntry.. Ouristock of Dry qoutisttle lists of • DRESSC OODS,•TRIMMINGS.ROO NS, ii.MBROLDERIES-, PARASOLS C. . LOTIIS, f!ASSMIIiR.ES YE:aI:N(3S. DO- - • - .iiIESTICB; , I RTINGS • LISEN:•:•3 PRINTS, HOSIERY . " SHAWLS, , ana•ft Variety of other articles, too nunitrocA to Mention: We Have also a complete esii-41, nicest of. GROCEItIES, - .11ARDIVAiii1 AYD cROCKFIIIY i • • all of Which will he aaia vir k conweonly fur reatly pay, caul for appriivederedit on al reft3°44lll° lergis 44.ar. 1 y ether efitablislnco t. • - MANN &NICHOLS.. rt,...hig. 186.--9:13 ly. . . Z. J. 'THOMPSON, CARRIAGE & WAGON. MAKER. and Er• . PAlltEit, Coudersport, Potter Co.,Pa. , .i sk " this 113 alio ri of informing the pub lic in, general that he is 'prepared to do all work•in his. line with- proiaptna s, in a workman-like manner, and .upon the most accOmniodating".terms.- Payment for Repairing invariably required on delivery 0 1 the n - ork. Ail kinds of PRODUCE taken - on'account of work. 11:35. ii:l 100 00 each ... ,o 00, each. £0 CO, ca .n. sti u , , j 5 HO, WI)
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