Satan air)l eguntg. Pour is going up, up, UP !- i n price. -see our Price Current We trust theta will be no occasion for it to go tip any .higher—however fast eaters may put it down. The place to buy good and cheap Goods in Coudersport, is at Stebbins'. He sells 'piles " of them, and at reduced prices, and you can depend upon getting good t a rp:ins at his store—at least, " they say" to. All you have to do is to call and con since you'rselves that this is so. You will find "the Boys" on hand, ready and will ing' to show the Goods, whether you wish to buy or rut. The Iron City College, Pittsburg, Pa., bas done more in three years to popular. ize the science of accounts, than any other institution in the country. Advertises the most extensively—pays the most lib •Fnl nalarics---empluys the best talent— 'iris the must thorough and practical edu cation to graduateS. and is rewarded by b r ing the largest institution of the kind, in the Union, numbering at this time up lards of 350 students. Philadelphia sent two new weekly pa pers to our table last week. The Red, White and hlue, a blood and thunder, New York Ledger, self-inflated, useless paper, _except, as a moral-extinguisher, enaracter , of which is expressed in its came.) is before us. Also, The Penn. ,State Journal, an eight-page paper, which is of a different character i d gives better promise of good resuLs. We welcome it to our table, as we believe that the promises of the initial number ar=Nl a vain charactet. Iter Having been the tirs:t to give pub i:ity to a rumor that 31 . i. Cobb, late of teAg;tutor, was about to transfer his 'lents to tht Ce.ntury. we take pleasure Ipublishing the .following denial, made pa his authority we presume.—regret. ::h, on behalf of readers of the century. he necessity of our doing so : CORRECTION.—A statement to the ef fct that the late editor of this paper M. 11. Cobb, Esq., bas' transfered his labors :)3lcElratb's paper, The Cent:try, is be i..l2 extensively copied by our exchanges. We are authorized to say that no founda tca whatever exists fur this rumor. Mr. C,:th has not yet transfered his labors to I...ypaper.Tioipt Agitator. March 3. EAISING DEER —Some of the farmers Northern Ohio, and on the borders of iiann, have commenced the breeding Iraising:of deer the same as they do eep, and they bring them to market in e - mic mariner; hence the abundance "venison.—Exch (Inge. There is a suggestion in the above for '.: . .ihunter-farmers of Potter county, where re hare so many wild-deer, by which '..ey can, by_ het:inning now, prevent the :Inning out" of so valuable an animal :r city epicurians. Our farmers should Ord deer on tit* farms, which they :.7.1d fatten and kill for the city markets. they could then do the winter :r1:, of their farms before it is time to •,,ztaence Spring and Summer work— fr,ich latter course isthe natural copse :nee of scouring the woods for wild e. other reasons, (which we 17e not room now to state,) why herd :; deer would be advantageous to the zzers of Potter county. The Wcuther.—Spring has fairly open- 7 -so say our weather seers and sign :liners—and sugar-matters are busy with '.;r work. The weather is tolerably for the bu.4iness, but the crop will be as large as last season. That we - have already tasted indicates no -:Ttreace in the quality of the sugar. May :crop reach last year's figures, is our '.-eSt wish. 7 • 4 • a. • k, • • the legislative procealine. - p of the ult., among "petitions presented," -d the followinn• MANN, one from eitizenaof reflex for an alteration to the law rega -1 :•'•the.eollection of poor tax. one from baffle, for a change in iu said county. Lumbermen throughout the county— t4 branches of the Allegheny and Sus both—arel" rafting-in," build ! arks, and in other respects getting i! to start for market. Log-haulers 'Te rithdrawn their teams, and are mix azaiting an opportunity to change sr 4a,cation to " log-driving." The !op will not be more than half 41 ' -'2e...4-it year ; and the " run" of rill fall considerably below last —but we hope the price will make for the defith4rkey in quantity. P . S.—Mud in like streets of our village deep--E 0 deep that all efforts to find 'ota have Etiled. A. sugar-snow -fell ' M IS-night, and war auompanied with r, , frost. enough to render the mud un- Pble for teams, ezeekt those which z eee.ssarily on the road. Ina. lit Also, one from same, askiiig that Abe act approved the Bth of May, , 1854, ao thorising the school directors of the coup ties of Chester and Deleware to s&leet sites fur schools, be eztended to' the' county' of Potter. Also, one from same, asking for the re peal of the act approved April 29, 1858, regulating the sale of intezieating liquors. Same day. Mr. 31ANN read in pl a ce a bill to authorize the school directors of Potcer county to select sites for school houses. • On the 3d inst.,. Mr.'QAN.tABELL, heir' the Committee on Vice 'and "IMmoralitY, reported, as committed, an act supplemen tary to an act regulating the *sale Of co toxicating liquors, so far as relates to Poi ter county. We trust Mr. MANN will call this. bill up and secure its passage at once. Let us that will to be free from.the accurs ed law of 184 have our liberty . imme diately. The " American Presbyterian Defended.- For the Potter Journal. ; 1 FRIEND ClTiSF—Dear Sir: Justicei L o the American Pre s byterian impels me to make the following statement, n hich, with your 'con sent, I wish to have published : When that piece upon "Divorces in Northern Pennsylva nia" made its appearance, the editors of that paper were informed of its incorrectness, and advised to make some retraction: This they cheerfully did in their next issue. Their article should have beeh handed in, bat was neglec ted. and now the paper containing itII cannot be fo'lnd in my file; and no wonder, as I am habit of giving away my papers. But as near as I can remember, it went otf like this: ;"Glad that it is not so bad as was represented; re gret that there is any cause for such a report; that it looks well on the part of the people to repel the slander ;" and concluded by saying, " We agree with the Porrea JOcaNAI, in"-- here followed a.sentence on slander, foundep r.pon the 9th commandment, which appearell in a previous JOURNAL, and which I do nut re member. Perhaps some one will yet forward the article. I thought the American Presbyterian Infix acquitted itself, and this may sittisfg the other correspondent, whose piece was returned, as it was unnecessary to publish both, and doubt less mine arrived first.. H. L. than. [ We publish the abase with pleasure, while, at the same time. we cannot acquit the editors of the Peedwteriwt entirely; inasmuch as it was their duty to have sent us a copy of their paper containing their notice, which we would have repub lished here out of culictesy to thew as well as justice to our citizens who were so vile ly slandered through its' columns. The editors were also • discourteous :to Mr. Brown, in taking neither pUblic or pri vate notice of his communications. They ought at least to have recognized them explanatorily in their newspaper,; or by a l private note to their autlior.--EDJoun.] f PRICE CURRENT. Corrected every Wednescay. by P. A. STEB BINS, wfiolesale and retail Dealer in Gro ceries and Provisions. Main Street, COUDERSPORT, PA. Apples, green,.? bush., $ '75 to 1 00 do 'dried, " . 173 225 Beans, 1 25 2 00 Beeswax, ? lb., 20 23 Beef, " 6 - 7 Beef Hides, " • 6 41 .41.- Berries. driiA. - 1.? quart 10 1:r Buckwheat. 1 4 bush., G 3 75 Butter, 14 lb., 20 22 Cheese, " J 8 = . 121 Corn, V bush., . 9 100 106 Corn Meal. per cwt., 2.00 250 Eggs, - - e doz., 15 ' 18 Flour. superfine, 70 bbl., 750 -8 00 do extra, " E. 00 8 50. do double extra, " B5O It 00 ilains,l9? lb„ 12 14 Hay, :e. ton. 900 . 10 00 Honey, ll lb., 10 , 121 Lard. " - 12 16 Oats, 12, bush., 50 ,56 Onions, " . 75 100 Pork, V. bbl., 20 50 23 50 do V. lb., 10 121 do in whole hog, 11 lb.„ G 71 Potatoes, 7E? bush., - .50 50 Poultry. * - V lb., . 5 6 Rye, ""t1 bush., 87/ 1 00 . Salt, 70 bbl. 3 50 do v sack ' , . 25 Sausages, 12 . 14 Trout, 14. 1-bbl., 550 ' GOO . Wheat. I? bush., 1 25 1 50 White Fish, per. 1--bbl., - 500 t tio Wool, per. Ib., 30 35 Sheep Pelts, each, 75 1.00 speci4i IS dices. THE BOWELS, AND THEIR FUNCTIONS. As perfect health is the greatest .ble.4ing that we can enjoy, without which all other blessings are of little consequence, we deem it of great importance to point cut the Nay for you to enjoy it. The bowels must be kept in a state by is hich they are enabled to curry oil the useless matter; they,are the main chan nel which nature has appointed to carry eve rything that is unnecessary. And it is im possible to tell what a large amount of sickness has been caused by costiptiOn, or costiveness: in other words. by not keeping the bowels regular; it iS'the cause of unnatural irritation of the mucous membranes of the bOwels. Har ing lost their natural strength, they cannot object to what is required of them. Hence, the bowels become inflamed, and unless you rind a speedy relief! a thousand otller com plaints are ever ready to drag you throng!: a miserable and wretched life. Such medicines must be given its will cleanse the stomach and bowels, and restore .their natural . strength. To accomplish this is no. cod - mound so valuable as these Pills; ail other medicines sink to utter insignificance when compared to them : It seems asAough the Author of Na ture had designed - them for this as well, as other complaints. From two to five Pills a day will increase strength and appetite, 'and cleanse the stomach and intestines from what ever is injurious. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are sold by all dealers in Medicines. r_TARDWARB, Iron and Nai:s, Glass, Sash ll_ and Putty. Paints and Oils, Alcohol, I Catnphenc and Burning Fluid, at 20 CLARK & PHILLIPS. Sas 111tionantis. " . 4. W. BIRD, • • SITRVEYOR,ifiIi attend to aillitisiness in his line - promptly and 'faithfully; Orders may be left at the Pest Office in Coudersport, nr I at the house of H: L. Bird,in Sweden Twp. • Particular attention paid to examining lands fou_non-residents. Good references given if requested. - 11:30 • C. L. 1:10YT; I ;r+ CIVIL :ENGINEER, SURVEYOR and DRAUGHTSMAN, Bingham, Potter Co., Pa.. will promptly and efficiently attend'to all business entrusted to him. First-class -professional references can be given if re quired. 10:29,-Iy* Administratrix' Notiee. - - - - ETTERS of Administration on the-Estate AA CHAI:LES 0. WARNER, late of Harrison township, Potter , Co., Pa., de6eased, having been granted to tie undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate Payment, and those having claims against tine Same will - present them a me for settlement. MARY ANN WARNER, Adm'x.. Harrison. March 7, 1850.-306t* DENTAL CARD. . BLAKE -4 1 T rn , wo h a i ld i hanks to his patrons, aUd inform them that e is again in COLIDZIt.SPORt to remain a reek or two, prepared to perform all opera ions in Dentistry upon the Most approved rinciples of tile Dental art. In; no branch of 'urgery or the Mechanical - Arta has greater niprovement been made than in surgical and echanical Dentistry. _ _ i TEETH inserted from one to an entire set. Allen's Continuous Gum Work, Platinum Ease." (which some call the superior style), urnished to those who prefer it. Coudersport, March 9,1859.-3 t. lIE NE PLUS ;ULTRA SEWING MACHINES: HE PATENT LEVER SEWING MACHINE, NUNUFACTURED BY THE GLOBE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 339 Broadway, New York, - May be truly regarded as the " tie plus altra" df sewing machines, and all who are wishing tip find a Machine which is capable of doing t - iny kind of sewing for Tailors !and House wives with a satisfaction heretofore unknown, should lose no time in ordering one of the PATENT LEVER M.4CHIA:ES, which are tb occupy a similar position tOwards other :wing IlachineS that a Patent Lever Watch (and everybody knows its value)' occupies to- Wards a Lapine or any other second rate %rich. This M: , cliine makes the "Lock Stitch," which looks the same• on both bides of the fabric, and-cannot be ripped. PRICE $3O. In fall respects equal to machines heretofore sold at a hundred dollars and upwards. llSpecimens of sewing done by the PATENT EVER MACHINE, will be forwarded to any pltrt of the country, upon receipt of a postage amp. N. B. An energetic and reliable agent is scanted in every town and village of the Uni t'd States and Canadas to sell the:above nam e machine. An advantageous arrangement trill he made with the right kind of merchant who is willing to have the exclusive agency. Address Globe Hanufacturinj Company, 11:30 - 339 Broadway, N. Y. IN EVERY BODY'S MOUTH! IN EVERY BODY'S MOUTH! IN EVERY BODY'S MOUTH! WHAT'S IN EVERY BODY'S' MOUTH? WHAT'S IN EVERY BODY'S' MOUTH? WHAT'S IN EVERY BODY'SIMOUTH? WHY " THE AMERICAN SMOKER." WHY THE AMERICAN SMOKER." WHY "THE AMERICAN SMOKER." TtDDED WITH DIAMONDS. STUDDED WITH DIAMONDS. WHAT'S STUDDED WITH DIAMONDS WHAT'S STUDDED WITH DIAMONDS WHY. PRESIDENT BUCHANAN'S •AMERICAN SMOKER, Which has been ordered of THE AMERICAN TRADE COMPANY. 22 & 24 Frankfort .Street, New York. EUREKA! EUREKA! I HAVE FOUND IT I HAVE FOUND IT! WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND? WHAT HAVE YOU FOUND? WHY THE GREATEST LUXURY OF THE AGE. THE GREATEST LUXURY OF THE AGE. THE AMERICAN SMOKER. See advertisement elsewhere See advertisement _THE kMERIGAN SMOKER. giy-"See advertisement— THE GREATEST LUXURY OF THE AGE 1 THE GREATEST LUXURY OFI THE AGE! HAVE YOU TRIED IT? HAVE YOU TRIED IT? NO! WHAT IS IT? WHAT IS IT? WHY THE AMERICAN SMOKER! THE AMERICAN SMOKER ! THE AMERICAN SMOKER ! THE AMERICAN SMOKER! WHERE CAN IT BE HAD? WHERE CAN IT BE HA D? WHAT SEGAR STORE KEEPS IT? WHO SELLS IT? WHO SELLS IT? See advertisement of " AMERICAN TRADE IMPANY," in another place. P. S. No DEALER IN CIGARS or TOBACCO, in a*y City or Town can be considered as keep it4g pace with the progress of the age who does ant order at once a sample box of the Amen edit Smoker—for the benefit of his customers. IW"A Sample box—postage paid—will only cost a few dollars. 1'530 SELLS THE AMERICAN SMOKER? iY EyERY „DALIdGIST-• AND CIGAR DEALER If they dont now, they will hereaftei. Dont all to engage one. I THE cALE.vEr OF PEACE!' I THE CALUMET OF PEACE! THE CALUMET .OF PEACE! .WHAT IS THE CALUMET OF PEACE? WHAT IS IT? WHERE ISIT ? IT IS THE AMERICAN SMOKER. air See advertisement. QUIET NERVES. QUIET NERVES! NO EXCUSE FOR NERVOUS ,HUSBANDS. HUSBAND GO BUY THE AMERICAN - SMOKER. T!HS IS TO . BE THE ORDER OF THE DAY, From every wife who has a smoking hus band—and no good husband who wants to hiive peace in the family will fail to obey the aMer ' girSee advertisement. See hdreitisetne-nt. The Ameriaeu Trades Compa ny, was organized liovettiber 8, 1857, with a Capital of one hundred ,thoustind dollars. This Company was formed With a view of tak ing up inventors of small articles, of general utility, Who are unable iv make independent arrangements for Introducing their inventions, by an equitable arrangement with them for their rights by purchase, out and out, or by a tariff on the articles rnaniffactdred and sold. The inventive genius of this coantry has long called for an Institution of this kind. The American mind is so active, that thousands of things are invented, many of which would be really usefu' to the community, but which are never introduced, because the Inventors of them have no means . to carry them out. The capital of this Compel:L.l , Will be devoted to the development of really useful inventions. The Company have a Committee on Patents, whose duty it is to pass upon all applications, and from their large experience iu such mat ters Intentors have a security that their in ventions will not be misjudged ;. and the high character of the parties composing' that Com mittee is a sufficient guaranty that plans and specifications may be submitted before patents are applied fur, without any risk of advan tage being taken of this circumstance, and when desired to do so, the Company will take out patents for others, securing for: the inven tor all of his invention that is patentable. This Company respectfully invite inventors. to submit to them their plans; and. it will he, furthering the objects of the Company if its officers and agents can ba of any service to. them.. Any one of the following modes is ai:cepta ble to this Company : First: To manufacture • any articles for which their machinery ` is ddapted by contract, the inventor, receiving the articles and paying for the same on delivery. Second: They bitty any patent which is. ap proved of by their committee. Third: They will manufacture and sell any article which they choose to adopt, giving to the Inventor such a proportion of the profits as may be agreed upon. The extensive building, No. 22 and 24 Frankfort-st., New York, being about 60 feet front, by over 104 feet deep, and 7 stories high above the Sidewalk, is owned by the President of the Company, l and is occupied in Iran by all the machinery',, wareroomand offices of the Company, where all its business and sales are transacted. ete ameritan Craw ecimp'g What they manufacture. THE AMERICAN SMOKER, Consisting of a great variety of unique and beautiful patterns of Cigar Tubes; also, .sev eral varieties of Pipe Tubes. The peculiarity about these articles is that each one is arrang ed so as to receive it damp sponge, through which the smoke of the burning cigar has to pass on its way to the mouth. This damp spunge not only cools the smoke, but extracts from it the nicotine oil, the poisonous proper tv of the Tobacco, which renders the breath less offensive. Smokers will Lind the use of these Tubes a luxury never before attained except by using the Turkish water-jar: Their use will also greatly promote the health of the habitual smoker and preserve the• sweetness of the breath. • THE AMERICAN CARPET HOOK.. Is a little contrivance for putting down carpets without tack's. This is a. new article, which has never before been upon the market. But it possesses the merit of enabling a person to put dovin or take up a carpet of the largest size in general use iu fifteen minutes, without any injury to the Boar or• carpet. It is very cheap—cheat er in the long run than tacks-• ar.d the great faculty with which even a serv ant can take up and put down carpets, with out the possibility ofmistake, renders it in valuable to the housekeeper. THE AMERICAN PEN HOLDER & WIPER. It is a neat invention for holding a Wet sponge, into which the pen is thrust, alvifitys coming out clean and ready fur use. A very conven ient article for the Counting-House Desk and Library Table. 11:29 The American Smoker is an arti cle of great utility and benefit to Smokers. Persons affliceted with Bronchitis, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Liver complaints or Kidney rafec tions, can procure Sensncs MEDICATED for these various diseases by Old Dr. Timer , . Sold by the AMERICAN TRADES COMPANY, SOS. 22 and 24 Frankfort-st. March Appointments. DR. JACKSON , fithian pinsician, (Late of St. Loui.?,) OF ERIE CITY, PENN'.A," May be consulted as follows—Free of Charge. COUDERSPORT, - PA., "Glassmire's Hotel " Saturday k Sunday, March 12th & 13th.. WELLSBO*. PA.. "Stage House," Wednesday & Thursday.Mazeh 9th & WELLSVILLE. N. Y,. `;-Van. Buren's Hotel," Saturday & Suuchiy, Feb'ry 19th & 20th INDIAN BOTANIC BERIEDIES In treatment of diseases of the LUNGS and CHEST, Liver, Stomach, Bowels. Heart, Nerves, Skin. Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, or any and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, FEMALE WEAENESS and Female DISEASES, of all Kisps ; also all forms of Plutoxic or long standing diseases. have given. Dr. JACKSON _a World-wide reputation. INVALIDS SHOULD MARK WELL THE TIME, and CALL EARLY as possible. The time is limited and the appointments will be punc tually kept as. above. If sick with any CHRONIC diseases, do not delay, as time only tends to confirm and ren der a cure . more protracted and difficult. Dr. Jackson will make examinations of the Lungs and CHEST, by the use of the STETHO SCOPE, FREE of CUARGE. Dr. Jackson will not prescribe-without pros pect of benetittiag his patients. No false promises will be made, or expense incurred, without corresponding prospeckof recovery. Dr. Jackson does not tear down to build up and uses no mincrat poisons in any case. Dr. Jackson procures his medicines from the wilderness of the Far West, analyses and compounds them himself. Dr Jackson, although paying apecial atten tion to LUNG, THROAT, HEART and FEMALE DIS EASES. also invites to consultations in ALL CHRONIC diseases incident to the human system. Seeing many thousand cases every year, he is well prepared to give an op pion As to the curability of any case,' far NO CHARGE FOR CONSULTATION. A. C. JACKSON, Indian.Phyfician. Post Office address—EßlE, PA.; Box 222. HEAVY CORN-FED BOGS, from Wyo ming and Livingston Counties, are being packed, and will be until January, 1859, by 20 CLARK & PHILLIPS. I F ANYBODY, including maidss rind matrons, old or young, ptaiu Or pretty, wish to buy or sell anything. we give it as our candid tu,in hin, they Had better come to that same Old Regulator, kept in full blast by 20 CLARK st PHILLIPS. IIIRABILE MOTU"! 1999,747,29;05-i H.iRK! HARK!! What Noise hi That ? OT IT IS THE RUSH AT THAT OLD . REGULATOR, in full btast'from 6A. kt., to : .r. M., by the good people from Dan to Bares. eba, after the good things thErefrceon taine. Wellsville is a fast City, and :thipeo ple are fast nags,. 0! my 11 how, they do work at that old Store ! Farming and Log ging can't begin with it ; and they don't try to bait any body with Cc. SUgar,and call it good.. Such might possibly do , for. Vinegar, if Cleansed. $10.600 worth of - choice Pork, .brought in j the Hog from Wyoming and Livingston coun ties, packed by Clark & Phillips; 30000 Sugar I Cured Hams; 22000 Shoulders; 12000 Pure Lard ; 6000 Boots and ShOes ; 47000 Horse Feed ; 95790 Nails, 41- to 5c ; 78000 Hard ,. ware, - Crow-Bars ' Iron, Tin Ware, Stone and [Wooden Ware, Tools for Mechanics. Farmers 'and everybUdy; 1600 Flour, $4,75 to Si ; 76 Chests of Tea, from 33 to . '"sc. ; Paints; Oils, Cawphene, and 21,0000, other things ;'4OO Bushels Stone Lime, cheap ; Rub bers -and Buffalo - Over-Shoes, for Men,. Women and Children. WANTED! at that "Old Regulator" in Wellsville, foot of Plank Road street, on the Railroad,aurround ed by Shingle Shanties, Lime Shanties, Pork Packing - -and Flour Shanties, all the good peo ple, mail and .she-inail, including the pretty Lasses and prim Old Maids, to carry off the needful, substantial and fanciful things therein contained. Thus endeth Want No: 1. No. 2 calleth for 2000000 Sawed Shingles, 1500000 Shaved do. 2000000 Lumber, '• Also big Deers and Little Dears, some Bears, some Patridges, some Porcupine, Cush $lO, Butter, Cheese, Hcrats, Ogs, Poultry. Corn, &c. Come all ye who wish to buy or sell ; we will do you good. Doubt it not if any say nay,— it is not our fault that fools end • are not all defunct. SO now we are prepared to greet you with a Merry Christmas and a Hap py New 'Year l CLARK .&• PHILLIPS. Dec. 21, 1858. [11:22 P. S.: If that Printer made $l5OO by mind- Ping his pwn business, and $5OO more by let ting his, neighbor's alone, what moyght some some others do? Let unhappy medlers answer. NOTICE. HE PUBLIC are hereby notified that hay purchased the Saw-Mill Property at Lymansrille, in the county of Potter, now oc cupied by Elihn Starkwenther, I hare ap pointed ' the said Elihu Starkweather my Agent, for the transaction of all business in relation to the carrying on the business of Stocking. and Manufacturing Lumber at the said Mill. AUSTIN - A. KIRBY: Coudersport, Oct. 5, 19 7.- 11:16-3mo* TO E:r.,ERY FEMALE .IN TIDE UNITED STATES. • MRS. MONTAGUE'S FEMALE CORDIAL, FOR THE CURE OF ALL THOSE PAINFUL DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. -Mrs. MoNy.konn, -for many years afflicted with most of the diseases that are common to females, ; spending a large fortune in ten years in trying the different means of treatment for her relief. to no avail, was prevailed upon by many of her friends to visit Cuba, 'December '4B, .for the purpose of regaining her former health. While there, she obtained a prescrip tion- from a Spanish Physician— "Whose silver locks . Were tending to the grave." With which, through the mercy of God, she was restored to her youthful health.. After her return she made known to hun dreds of her female sufferers the effects of the remedy with equally as great success. This ex.traordinary, medicine-is offered to the public for the relief and cure of all the painful and dangerous diseases peculiar to women. and-that the female constitution is subject to. To those suffering from "Prolapsus Uteri," Lucorrhoea, Ammorrhoes, Menorrhagia, Dys menorrhoea-Chlorosis, a speedy cure can be obtained: To those suffering from Falling of the Womb or Uterine Weakness of any kind, the Female Cordial is especially recommended. It is war ranted to cure this painful disease if perse vered in. In all spinal affection?, pain in the region of the Pel-is, Lowness of Spirits, hysteria Sick-headache. and all those diseases arising from the peeuliar formation of women, the Cordial will be found of an immense value. This Medicine.-moderates all excess, and re 'moves all obstruction ; it invigorates the de hiliated constitution for the duties of life,. and 'when taken in middle age proves a blessing. Modesty forbids us, in a public advertise ment, to make full the details; but the -wrap per around each letter will fully explain every case. Merchants, females, or Others, by Seeding ft three cent stamp, can bare any information respecting the operations of the medicine. Agents wanted in every village in the Uni ted States. Put up in half pint bottles ; $2,00 per bottles ; 50 per cent. off to the trade. All orders mast be addressed to Dr. J. D. STONEROAD, . (Sole Proprietor,) Lewistown, P.a., Box ill. 11:1-ly 1 4 14rEVIT GOODS, Low Prices AND FAVORABLE TERMS. EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO Cash skid Short-Time Buyers, AT TfIE . EMPORIUM TORE! x. LADIES AND GE DI : T AM NOW RECEIVING my A cond Whiter I Stock, which embraces almost everything usually kept by the Country Merchant— ' DRY GOODS, ' ' GROCERIES, . HARD-WARE, BOOTS .1: SHOES, READY-MADE CLOTFIDM, HATS & CAPS, - CROCKERY, .k.c.; all of which I propose to sell at low figures, for cash or approved credit. - Cali and Fee our GOODS and PRI CES. Being thankful for past facers, I hope to be able now to offer more farora ble induaementa. P. A. STEBBINS. Coudersport, Feb. 1, 1859.-25. g e, , •. IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGE: P - ITTE11107:1218, PA/ CRANTIUMi /05 5 .• 300 Students attending January, lOe. , • Now the largest and ' most thorough' Com— mercial School of the United States. - Young men prepared po act d al duties of the Count ing Room. J. C- SMITH, A. M. Prof. of. Book-keeping and . Science of Accounta. A. T. Docruarr,' Teacher of Arithmetic and . Cominercial CalCulation, J. A..HEYDIUCK and T. 'C. Jmnriss, Teachers' of Rook-keeping. • - A.COWLEY and W. A. Minisa Profs. of Pas nianship. SINGLE AND DOUBLE ENTRY . BOOK KEEPING, 'As used in every department of business. COMSIErtmAL ARITHMETIC—RAPIDIIIM- L'CESS WRITING—DETECTING' - COUNTERFEIT MONEY— MERCANTILE COItRESPONDENCE-CM. MERCIAL LAW— -Are. taught, and all other subjects neces. sary for the success and thorough edueaticar of a practical business man. 12PREMIUMS.- Drawn all the premiums in Pittsburgh, for the past three ' also in Eastern and We 3. tern Cities, for best Writing, NOT ENGRAVED WORK. EDIPORTADIT INFORMATION.. Students enter at:any timp—No vacatloi.— Time unlimited—Review at pleasure—Grad uates assisted in obtaining situations."-.Tui tion for full Commercial Course, $35.00; Av erage time S to 12 weeks; Board, $2.69 per week; Stationery s6,oo—Entire cost, - $60,08 to $70,00.- ,ger Ministers' received at half price. For: Card—Circular----Specimens of , Busi ness and Ornamental; Writilig—inclose twe stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgli,'Pa.- 10;9-1 l'-'• A CARD. Philadelphia, pa.- The undersigned, the Founder and Publish er of VAN COURT'S COUNTERFEIT DETEO TOR, desirous of retiring from this broach of business, has merged ,that old established work in the popular BANK NOTE REPORTER of IMLAY S: BICKNELL. Having puhlished Van Court's Detector since 1839, the Under signed reluctantlV parts with his 'old friends; and subScribers ; hut this reluctance is' less enedl..bx the conviction, that in IMLAY BICKNELL'S BANK NOTE REPORTER they" will receive a work that matches the times.. J. ILIN COURT. Philadelphia. Dec. 20, 1858. NOTICE. All Subscriptions to .Imlay & Bicknell's; BANK NOTE REPORTEIt are Payable serupntously in Advance. , This is the oldest Bank Note Publication in tha World. • Fur tbirtyl long years it has main, tained an unsullied reputation, and continues to be the necessary! companion of all businesis people over the whble continent of Anerlea, THE COINS !OF THE WORLD Now in press by IMLAY & BICKNELL, will bet given gratuitously to all old and' new sub scribers. All Coin iCharts, Guides and ,Itau mils, as compared with this, may be Consider ed waste paper. -1 TERMS. To the Semi-Monthly, $1,50 per annum. Monthly, 1,00 " Single Copies, at the Counter, 10 Cents.- Mailed, 12 " • Address ' IMLAY ik BICKNELL, Box 1150, Post Office, Philadelphia, Pa. [22;.-3nio.] ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAOR. DINAUT No Humbug. A LADIES' FASHIONABLE FURNISTIDEG STORE IN POTTER COUNTY. _ _ xi RS. E. IL N. GRIDLEY has established! INA_ a fashionable and extensive Ladies' Fer , nishing Store, at tilysses, Potter Co., Pa., three miles west of ! LewisVllle, where she wilt take pleasure in furnishing Millinery, Mantautnak ing, and Ladies' Apparel generally, in better 'style and at much lower rates than ever before ()tiered in this county. Mrs. G. receives. ther. fashions from New !York regularly, and is therefore enabled to !Mile or repair Bonnets_ &c.. in the latest style and with unexceptiona ble taste and durability. All articles warrant ed to be as represented . She desires the pub lic to call and assure themselves of the cor rectness of her statements. Messrs. Laraine 3: Co., will receive and sup. ply orders to customers at Lewisville.! T. E. Gridley will receive and promptly filt orders, throughout this and the adjomine counties, at shop prices. Special arrangements made for Holiday supplies. In connection with the abere,T.E.GRIIiD LEY would announce to the public of Pot 7 ter and the adjoining counties, that he wilt regularly visit them, prepared to furnish all articles of Female and Male Attire, and Family Goods in general, warranted to be precisely as he shall represent, and at much lower prices than can be bought of any other person in the county. (11:21) HEALTH WITHOUT PHYSIC: IL PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS DISEASES. Just published, the 25th thousand, in a seal- . ed envelope, price 10 cents; or sent, postpaid,. by the Publishers, for 3 stamps : A MEDICAL ESSAY ON THE PHYSICAL Entsusilets AND Decay of the frame from Indulgence, Infection and the injurious consequences of Mercury, With the modern means of cure. By R. J. f IULVERWELL, M. D. Member of the Royal College of Surgeoni, kc., /Lc., &c. gar Spermatorrhtea, or Seminal Emissions, Nervous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Eneru, Depression of Spirits, Timidity, Diseases of the Sexual. Organs, and Impediments to Marriage . generally, are promptly' and effectually' cured by the Author's novel and most successful mode of treatment, by means of which the In , valid can regain pristine health 'without:hav ing recourse to dangerous and expensive medi7 tines. From the Loudon Lancet.-- ,4 The best treatiss ever written on a subject of vital importanee to all„ well worthy the Author's exalted reputation." Address the Publishers : C. J. C. KLINS It- Co., ISt Avenue, cur. 19th Street, Post Box 4586, New York City. [2l-3 mos. inside.] . . tRE LEAF LARD, in firkins and tube, Pcan be bad at the Old Regulator. Also, Sugar Cured Hams, a Ilenty of Heads, Shanks and Ribs. ?.11 , CLARK & PHILLIPS. = - II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers