6 i,sr rii.4)llj. C:= 71,* F f . )F j. Sip.ott•lkolll):icij .prwed," --• p,er. c7 ",r 23. go to.presi , , frTiniatlUtilern'Kah'Saii, ii lium_ f)tc, tlic rofh. t ‘t , ir%l.th flap :tint totich to be depret:ateil'informathia. v . last; CApt4i.,ii . 3161,aguniery, with. .t ha til/ .. uKabout Otte oared wruti :;.I.l.lett;•WV.llt &utt .31:4 ! - I.4t:LISC(I Fri ., ...-.State mate, th ! , reinder.: itvretz-":1•il 11(e i•aelve 11)111 . : 1ih.)131 yt.;l: , .!••tirci).l.f - :01.1a;.: rnat.t.'s..n of 1r r I Fti e. , 'e 11 - "ot. , uoter%- f^ • • - 7 .Litlll_ IYZIS kJid o iy, and , p out .. 31;,:,tgo1ittr,'s !000 WOLlrli,ql. I.l . e . 44*.st.Ji t i.:•:•kitS then Hill•Cd'; th . ..1,5011i/.1 take:l front the - 16)0A Caere. {)sir .latiii%t^itt States that the Ra,rty now are Vel-3._ frOnt :ill' 'chit ill furtner derensive.. - operatious; that 1, 3.luntg•mwry' nisi rz , p•tt hi- j ze - rs' etitiri!iy disapprove •.'of his - pr'tsent l , • pi4rse that :lieretufute.o ,large • jut•ity . 4• • •!lrn.;pr i iuple have liCel: 1,1'4 b , tied ; rej!siand'fit the work he. has dune 1 —.but that: t h•eic 'We' r q uce•esSitY tor t his 1:1-4 outbreak. He contirib's the ; troth. oii phe eight Attack: :non YoutgoteCiy, unit the. forging.ofseverai names to . ,a,tet: lePtiublitraed in the ./ . I',iitir/ rreidofit 'sotue weeks tiiuce, retleatit , severely u•pou -, Mentvoutery. d word, sup-I . . _porting...almost the entire course of Mont.: -.Fernery-previous to the lato outbreak, he i tilestounces, us will every good eltizen, Isis recent niovernepts., The rn(e.tint-r, ; iStntind City, in. Which the resolutions re.' forte.tl by a eotarnittee Iteadoci by J. Dan; ford, Esq., was an amicable adjustment tr..mbles.' The first reseht tiuu was Oust what Montgomery and the peOpie . l 'claimed was the spirit and 'toner -tif=the p.ein:,r,outpr.otAise, ,114 . 1)(3 u:L;ht;not to : . .14ye . i r alieild-hajtd or lifteo tittgor until •was :clear that those teruoi theu az.toed - : . .ppou would not be observed in g•uuti faith. We suppose we shalt ha o ware news in a fei days, LATIETi, ' , lS:4lle' 'we • are writing,- a letter from I.Cbanop,;_Sourlion County, is received. It gives qpite , another aspect to the affiiir, And more favorable to Montgomery's Or ly. Li. tle firtl . 4rst., votuided severely two 4:;f Ment ,, oineiy's men and was in the act -pf firing again, when a shot put au cud to his life. • The letter is designed for • pub , iicatiett, but tie responsible name aeootn. ?spies it. It represents that p,ll the most iniuneh and 11:Halite melt it; thitt. ootuum ialty.sustaio. NAltagomeri... ; • From all these conflicting stories, our Teaders can judge as Well as we, of the real diffioulty. There scents to he bad. blood, there between the parties. • :'•CURIOFS FACTS 4nap: SENTS.— i it is a sing [lag' fact, gays a writer in one. Of our exulum - gei . ,. that oven after death,: mature respeptS the inherent modesty . of roman, for when drowned she floats on: her face, arid a drowned man upon his , The: notgest 'part of a human lac 2 nglis the Ilefq . ; but the man's liead fable te'Valdress; woman is never bald; manfs tip.: is often made repulsive o..account of a - harsh growing beard, and . 6o covered. with sordid hairs, es something earcely to be 4istinguiThed from the:face of a brute beast; in a woman, on the oth' r pr hand,. thp feet- always remains pure and decent. Far this reason women were, 'by the laws of the twelve forbidden to rub their cheeks, 'lest hair pinuild 'grow . and .t.ibLienre their blushing modesty. AS the.moss evident proof of file innate purity of the female FOX iP, that woman - having once washed . clean, and if the wash In second water rill not figli it; but that a roan is never plean—though he should wash in .ten §neeessive waters, he will eloutl.and in: eet theta all, UNPRECEDENTED SUCCEE.S.—iia are glad.to, loarn'that. the Atlantic is meeting with great favbr from all inure. p. ..Though the publishers printed near ly ' , thirty, thousand qopies of. the Jan uary pumber, this large supp,ly..was entirely pxhausted 'on the very day of publication, t.hus tompelling many new subscribers and others to wait a few diys before ob taining a copy. The, publishirs have an pther edition of geveral thousand in press, which will ho 1.-ciady; in:a few 4 1 , 3 -8, and with. thnlx present fiCiPties .they vitt be Ablia'to SAptl4 - 11164eitiand;lidwever large it tpt l. h,e. •. Their subscriptions, received toy man Alone from all parts of the eoun try, have averaged more than one hnn- Ored a day, for some time . past. B. Stpwe's 'pest 'Serial, "The ',Allnister's Vijrcieing,"is iinniefiseiY,popular, as indi anted i)y.the.suecess which is thus atteri ing are enterprising puillishers effOrta ( to make the Atlantic the embodimeiat of all' that is 'eirtertain i tig and instin e toil Traveller: , , • ET'unwepPn BY 13EQuEsr" : 1 . Ebon x iddieboro, 0. Sat u rd a y, F.nas /.':I astpl .25 ,yfidtg ,aryt dsg. ginllllo.—Eb.CA L. Nelsen„ - whoio regent deitli is - ECgeneiallydeplp,ied, - ivas 1839,, At Vest eathbridgi, n:highly esteened-cler gyman, 4iid 1114 mother a christi?,n_ lady; be svaS brought npfin the nurtnre and fdtuonitioq of theT f prd. - cduc.4o4 in the publie - schools Ff Middleboro,qtudied 'the classics at ierce Academy, -father having been roaster of the ? , entral chArch fur ttrteen yearq. Ile catered as clerk in the Dry Goods. - {vxmco.thin,;- - s•rii..ii.ci oil. I o bau !-q the ••:ir‘ , . of foui t-'.1. - tbs - viittent.y I,e 'af_sed it, tl,;rce.years tt•stm: at - Wareitowit. • T . ltert':- lie be antoe-satioentan roa. Lx.ktt:Arl.qtirsti; Bos _ i ton, but beztltfirttol,eir?g.eqult,othe 1 ,):,t,b0r re.:lttiier.l, lefeitt. - the of siz 1r • • Ard b ;141611_4e, rentrue., 4 t e oyu to rosaine• -hit fjriner 'position'. iii 'illr. fitore, ee years act.o he, . eon tk , ,x - itlit . , Jason': Wilber partner. the dry goods' part.; of trbOre titcy • iln - Ale•-tier.e prostierolis -btisiness- 'eler tintior;tlle,,tyle ot•,NOlsun duii Wii- j , enr 13.) cent,le tu :ti4l;:steU in•the k‘ubjet uf.p , .. , t-sonal piety, and kiati4 incittig , :d. a tiugo of parUotied fingle U - public of faitu.: C,!/i.ist which his iu:her pits pastUr; ,t..iu'herievntl that he, through ::owe tuentul struegle,l on the question of tittinv; for, the niinis. try rathi , r than - enterui l k, It_ business life, for I)utilot Le' bP4ll . led. laClLdirably 1 . 7.7-1838, was ;marri&l to J'liss Ein Ina of Hun. of . 1. adtlrien , Their'reterol i to AliddlebUrO VMS tailed fil;•!Mily and fieztrty wish es for a ictr-AttitLprosnereus -union. .On their appearing:tit a.uteetiug.of the .Sous of 'ffiliperattee, el - which he F-J,a the pre.. officer, albeautifol • voltiate of Po ems was presented to it4ll and an Elegant vase to his bride. 'Those who'were'pres eta will. not 'soott.ftirget: his ,Despon ding speech, when Witli'44' - 'sliiak•nnotions; - he thattited.the DiriSi4Wfor . tlfese tokens of affection and eo4teetn, and. - pfedged,anew his efforot for the cause. '•' ' • At the young' Ladies Leven; on Tues. by•evening L:fore!Phatilisgiving, he took a violent UO l 0 6`! , attt tilay night, N . ov. 127th, he left his Ntore, and went to his find as it proved- his dyipg 'Soon after lie - was-tA'ken, a sore '-appearccl upon his:under erys . ipiihis super , vened, las brain Lecalue effected, nnithe was delirious most. of the time' till his spirit quietly passed away just one' week - after he left his store, among the agonies 0 . friends couvulsdd witlCoverwhelming sorrows. 7 —Ali,clcll4oro (Mass.) Gaulle,. - From the Cape" do 3 (Mass - ) Emblerik 6 ),' • • LIES; X 9 . Sugguted hy, the 1) frith ; of fl ,•n,. Eli;x 14. lizLscei W. P. of . ..44tutrampicik.Division, 4Vo. :? 4 ) ,of • In the 11A1 of early ntiphoorl, ••'' • i st ‘ i While the rw:eltre hniurs of life ? Like a group el joycnis maiden's, • • Bore no•trace of eorning strife---. Arid aflir'froni horizon,. •' Seipee ryelowi. nf threatening iU, ' Shatfowing . yolith's 11: , ppy moments, Came grief's utizeiion to fulfill. Only son of 'W i dowed mother,' Scion of act aimient, tree ; Milder hnshand- 7 4pviog. brother— : Why shonld Death have singled thee Vital had'it girded on thy arrucir— . lletinet, breastplate, all complete-- And for lore of tied and manhood, Ridden forth the toe to meet. WlRre Init!mperanee Fought.its victims— ' Where the ruta-fiend made it 3 den -IVhere despair, and crime and anguish Blighted heart and home; of Inca.; rlicre our,-Brother—strong in goodness— Stormed the citadel of rive: Like. a. gallant, Loud Crusader, - With his h2geifd, " Worklm Christ Thollgh. his on eArth i 3 ended, ALA no In(Mi t no mute noy we his tones of loving kit.Thess; anrl. feature; seeL. Yet. the ro:oril Dl' Lis ?Tibor, 1Yol•qs ceiustq—llleCLi of ivortli— SI L O! Arelw.iii as fit ructiuorials . 01' ills pi!grituage uu turth. If t( raise L fallen brother— reed. the hungrs----:ald the weak— . Strivc , the Grid of hell; to 'Saintlier, . Aral thePoor:ilie'priate clothe the poor and need:v.., indeed, to wLirk - for - ObriA:,- Then'his year6,..-thottqh few iu number, • For the glorious Leak sufficed. Let ts.heed.thi• solemn les•son-- "Mork for. ;iiri4." while yet we may, lor the night hastening onward, Ali our work .Ip. fur ,ta-day, Whornioe'er we find the-heeds, Lonely, wretched, sick nod poor, 'tiC it - ors.; to hid end cornfort-- OURB the wine.and:oil to poqr. Tliti; shall '7.ec; our lost Erothr.r,. resc:.rt: "; `nuts liho 41)n, has vanished, 1 cave ,dolnc record,' lus a' sign Tlint whim olhers, . Ta ITieir, rat:a;soru6, go 4 would do, pur brief lifei 4iy•ht t4ou6 on pn,tho optirzo . thiy ollould pursue s ' -8 an acciol); Ilegember.l4, 1858. 4'. P. A, STEBBINS Mffl itsti . Repetvect pßoni.p-g.' 70114 1 A` Lzrge rind Cdmplpte Fall and.; ,Witiritir ASSORTMENT OP , ,g5l amm B9OTSA I SHOES; .1.1..k.TS 4 CAA cutlery, *rti, LIE . - B,„-rgams FOR GQo PAY, Poucieztport., Sept. 14, 1858 D• L. &31.1.1• DANIELS.; ITAVE If 1 ' , 0, 7- )4 Wri (O . Di 1 7 ft/P ,-a , d ra . L a - 1- 9 i ..): i ~ i y v i 0 ci*" e4r .1 CO.IYiJTE Fall aid Wint e r 4SORT4iN 7 Ql' DRY. 999.1)5, BOOTS & SHOES;:',IXTS.&.. OAPS,: CUTLERY, a.,TIOdEigU-2,5, Crockery (SlGlassxY - are. Ali!), a gowl surelC of-MISCEhLANEOLTS ,P , kO Schooz A1p00,0 9 tzTATIONERY; - Ali of 11:1)ioll they will-R , ll AS LO4i ;AS C.%1 . • ' BF, ELsglrliEnß IN TOE, : 2COUNIitO PRODUCE, or ALL KINDS MEM :TN - EXCHANGE - FOR. GOODS, For which tho liIGUEST MICE wilt he They esui be foyncl• at ail times, (§ntnr , :lny eand Sunday erreptea;) nt the' Store 1 otieupled by DI BaKl'lrt, • • IN. LEWISVILLt, ready to wait upon Customers. N. B.—We have came to the conclusion tiMt A . Ot: AY . betttir fey all parties, anti we Ala, there 'fore-:do business art: this 'system. . . 1). L.l M. IL DANIELS. Ulysses. Nov. 4, 1858.-latf, HARPER'S IfIAGAELIE. 67771711 Pncement of the Righternth TrolaTe With the Dateetnher :Cumber IiAnPER'S NEW MWSTLifir MAGAZINE 01=1 . 4:ices another Volatile of its publication. The Pea,- Ushers believe t that thi. Seventeen Volatiles now.isaued contrail a larger amount of valua ble rind attractive: reaciing, , than will be found in any other periodical of the dux. The best Serial 'fades of the' foremost Naelis.ts of the time: LEYER'S "Maurice Tiernay," Bcr,wEc Lyrrox'a "My Novel," Dreitcsa's Bleak" House" and . " Little Vorrii." TnicKenev%i "NewcombS" and " Virginians," .have succes sively appca ed bathe Magazine taimultaneuas ly with their• publication in England, The best Tales and Sketches, from the Foreign Magazines have been carefully selected, add original contributions hare been furnidied by Etterti.Es Ec,i,Mss.. Mrs. GasKitu, Miss Mimocit, and other : prominent English writers: The larger portlan of the Magazine has, however, been devoted to ankles upon Amer_' ican topics,, furnished by Americau wriEnrs.i Contributions h: ve been welcomed.from every i section of the' ntry ; and in deciding _Upon. their acceptanc the Editors have aimed to be governed solely By the latrinsie merits of the; articles, irrespective. cif their authorship. Cilia: has been taken that the 'Magazine sontkiever become the organ of any local clique itert-1 tare, or of any sectional party in politics. 'The following List which contains the name.s of 14:es 'rfu.s psi: Baia. 01 ',loin who have furaiih ed'artieles for its pages, will show the amount' and variety of the talent which has been en-' listed in support of the Magazice ; . • , ; -Rev. J.teob Abbott, Rev. John B.C. A.1.1 - aitt, , Tlinma 'Bailey 'Aldrich", Etq.. Prof. 'Cliar:es • Anthon, M. S. Arthur, Esq., Park Ito:jar.iiu,, Esq., JohnHonncr, Esq.. Eli Bowen, Esq., NIr:•; Ntary . Bradley, George D. Brewerton, Esq , ! Rev. Charles. T Brooks. J. Ross Browne, Esq, ; William Cullen Bryant, Esq., George W. Bag- i by, B. D,, William AlltM ,liiitle-, Esq.. Miss Alice Carey, D. R. Castleton, Esq., Miss Caro lino Cliesehro, Lewis Gaylord Clarke, Esq.; Ed. St. Geo. Cooke, Esq. : JohliEston Cooke, ) Esq., Ilefiry Clapp, Es i., • Gyn. B. Crooks - , D. i • D., Geo. Win. Curtis, Esq., J. W. De Forost.l Esii.; Prof. M. Sehele Pe Vert.. Prof.-Sohn W.' D • raper, Evert A. Buyekinek, Es:i.,•Citarie;W. •, 1:;11i4t:t. Esq.. Thomas Exvimi.k, Esq.. Rev. ii-n- M. Field, Maunsell It. Field, Esq., I.A. Foitter, Fdq., Rev. E. 11. Glitett, Prof. Ge9. - W. GNet,e,! A. H. Guernsey. Esq., A. Oaks; hall, Eiq.,l Chivies Italloci,:, Esq.yniss Ruth flarpr l Mrs.; Alice It Haven, Ilen.-:J. T. Headley, A. B. Anderson, M. P., Richard flildredilEsq., lion ; 1 Henry W. ,1101.i4r[1„ . - wpttilittgliiii Hooker, M: I D., •Rev. iJ. W.' Ingraharn, G. P. R. James, Req., James Jaekson JarveS, E - sq•„ Bee. Fanny Ilea- : ble, Mrs. S. P. King., Pro: Taylor Lewis, "A; ! A. Lipscomb, D. D., Prof. Elias Loomis, Rens i sun .1. Lossing. Eq., Fitz Hugh Ludlow, Esq.. I George Lunt, Esq., It, §lielion Maeker;:ife, Lb. I D., Chitrles IV. March, 'Esq.. Bran:z Mayer, Esq. Wm. Mci:t;od, Esq:;;Ohn rtlintock, D'. - D. Esq., Melville. Esq:,:_Donald G. Mitch !Al', Esq., Mrs: Louise Chandler Moulton: John .Mußaly, Esq., Charles Nordholf, Esq.; Fitz ja:ines. O'Brien, Esq., W. D. O'Connor, .Esq:, Bamucl Osgood, D. D., J. W. Palmer, M. D.; i Fred. B. Perkins, Esq., Calvin, Philluo, Esq., A. Snowden Pigott ; B. D., Mrs. F. A.PiF;e t -N. , J. Prime, M.D., Sam!. Ireutus Prime, D. 0.,1. William C. Prime, Esq., Hon. Henry J. Ray-' mond, T. Addison . Richards, Esq., Reorge Rip ley, Esq., ; Charles R, Rode, Esq., .N. W. T. Root, Esq., ,11. S.,Sanfoid, Esq., John G. Saxe, Esq., Miss •• Caroline . - AL Sedgwick,. Theodore Sedgwick, Esq„ W, G. Sewell,jEsq„ Mrs. M. :`..Sherwood, W. Gilmore Simms, LL. D., Mrs. St.,l.l.,Sruitli, lon. Ye. Geo. Spier, James R. paiditig - , Esq., p.,11,. Stoddard,' Esq., Mrs, 4,. D. R. Stoaard, D.H. Strother, Esq., Miss Rose . Terry,:John R: Thompson, Esq., T, B.ll:turPo, Esq., Robert Tomes, , M. D.; ,J'. T„ , Trawhrivlge, Esq., Dettiy.t. runkerinan, Esq. Calvertreqz, Esq., 'Alewaildet Walker; Esq., keiSc.ll,Hast-_,l ing; Weld, Wiri''V,-.Wells; Esq., • ',l. P. Whelp: ley, .5.4, F .; E.P. Whipide,..E:sq,, N'tn. A: Wright, • 1 11;q:• '- • •' • . • - ,•.- .•' - ' - TERMS.—One:Copylfrii One. Year, s3*; 'nib: Copies for One . Year, $5 09'1_ Three or Copies ftir Otte, Year' (back) • $ 00; " Marines . M.t0621..,"- s itiul '.9:fiRMlll:5l W;4:K Lir One Yei4., •$4 00;-.And at. pE.i.ria• Extra „ poj?;•y„ Oati 3 ?-j - F:O 6 V ,Clubo.f , Tthi PrOtb, • ; . - oergpilen . firld Teacher's Supplied" lif,TWo Dott..irts a • yeet, ',The • S,MairAnnual N i cilninei boattl in Cloth_, s2'so each. Mu • siirCeixiers, ' 25 - Fen ii •- enili: The, Vostain _wen - LI ittiE rt's MAGAZINE must be paid in at - the : 91bce inhere iris reedy rd.' -- Thb Postage is Thirt y -sir cote a year. • ' - • HARVER'&I3ROTHERS, • ' • •••" • i ; ' ' - ..: • • • Publishe•l, BOOT$ l SHOES, ,Rubb,ers, - ,1314010 scAver- Shoes, far. aferi, iyomea•and chiidre. , by. the ego, dozes p pair, at • , • 20 • CLARK & PHILLITS. fIIIOICE STONE LIME, io bbl. or 'hulk, at ,@J great TcduF,ed prices, can he had at 20 CLARK L, PHILLIPS. . t int Iteit of llorseei Indtan P.ont 11 genuipe Todittu tro4.t.Piris 0[.4. J: frAtte it Co.. on bo Imre'med. tipc tr by eiComate signed A." 11. .31virre. A have the name ancl-eilinet.it each but rip ,Nvlt*.i a lrkentls 'or . :‘I.OIISE'S • 41- pniianthrophit has f h.ls_;,t fe in traveling. lAsia, and Af, deft, tv has .410:11. three, .yeas• Aar I .l‘,..terii country—, ithe (mina ll,r)(It 'Pills Dr. Marse }vas the first t that all k'..keasti arise 1;f 1 V011----thitt.i oar ' upon ' .move Ive rirekeitt . inn. ROVT part i : •i• - •;;;T's'i. , :it.c.it i:.kyoili., Nortit.ll6 , ..ri.ta qilita2; iniikahs it vi.o.stitt this AV:lV:that ..err ir,:di.ar.:c;yti, 'rum .1AWI:I.ZIT,1,7„(ill 111211 %,:•11 dit . . IVilea ; tlpi vari.....u* pa • , ages become clogged. an d ( .1,,, tint ttet in pertem harmony with the d i dere tt thmttions of, tite. Ikt - s ty. -the htood lose= 1 its artitm, heetakes,thl.k, corrupted 'and dis- 1 ca.:tedt, thus Causing 411 pains,. sieltnessraud'! distress olevery nand.: our strength is:ea- i tittustedp ouri health w.are deprived r. r, ittd iii nature is nut assisted 1). throwing oil' : the stag-, nant manors, the blie/1 will heroMe choked' a utiscatre'te iteLand thus 010* ligbt of life will forever be hloWn out/ How important: then that. we, sbOalti I:cep tk various. assages Of the hotly free and open, And how pleasant to us that, we have it in our .power to pot a medicine, iu your reach, namely, Morse's In dian Root , Pills, ,map - ufaptured: from. plants and roots which growl around the mountain ous cliffs in Nature's garden, for the.hcalth and recovery IA - diseased Man. , One -of the roots from whirl t these Pillitare made-is a Sudorific, which /Wefts the,poreS of the skin, and assists! Nature in tbrOrt - ,itig out the finer parts of the corruption. within. The -second is a plant) Which is ,an I , 4pectoritnt, that opens, and un clog., the pas.stige to tilelungi, and thus, in a soothing, niaHrt, Wforms i:s duty by throw ing otf,plii4;in, and ,iliber humors from. the lungs by copious spiqing. The third is a Di uretic, 1011(11.4'm/a ease, and dotiltle strength to the kiditcyS; thus e,t,ttoursged, theyi-draW large amounts; of, in) larity fro:n the blood, which. is then ,throwi, out bountifully by the urinary or water pus age, and which -could not have been; discha -ged, in any other way. The fourth is a Cat' antic, and! accompanies the other properties f the Pills while , eogaged in purifying the .blo d ; the coarser particles of impurity, which c mot pass by:Abe other (. 1 oufletS,,ara- tittiOake tip' and conveyed, off in great quantities by the ,bowels, .: Front the above, iis shownlbat Dr-Noraes Indian Root Pills no or ty, enter the stomach, 1 but become mailed eith the ;blood, for they ; find way to everypart, and completely rout out i awl cleanse the systerdfrom all.imprrity, and . the dife.of the body, J which is the.: blood, her i comes ,perfectly healthy; consequently ,pl,l siekness.and pain is; driven from the system, for they ell AV L remain when the.body heconnts 1 40 pure iind clear, .i . - ~' • , The reason why qteriple are so, dilttr.esied wheal sick, apd why; so umny die, is because they do not get, ,it; Medicine which; will pass, to the ttillieted purl:Owl .which will open the i natural passages for, the disease to be cast out; i bentze, a large - quantity of ftkid and other mat- 1 ter isjoriged, and the stomach and intestinesl tire literally overflowing with the corrupted masa ; thus oadei going disagreeable ferules-I tat ion, constantly mixing with the.blttod,which 1 throws corrupted tnater through every vein! ttail artery, until lire ir, taken from the body; by disituse. Jr. Moss's 1'11.1.S have added ti - t, tin mstilvez victory upon victimy, by restoring; runlio t ,t4 ~f the b:t.i. to Itimuning health midi h A ppi ne , s . ).. OF. ,1, 1 ilc , , .:_,-'. 'V. hi - , have .leol rand or toi..a..it, ii V.. a 4-it ,ne-t, pwin" :Ind.: angoir,h. a:l,i v:i_iit , -i.l4••iw• fr.trae6 lmye been Fa:wetted by tiv 1):::-!,.:ug eirravuls of raging fever ; and whoThav, ;. F eu br9m.; Lt. its it ware, within .1 s!ei, of ,sl:,e ,lent t :7.1 ye,. Unii *Wild ready to 1, , stn.: thitt they w•.uld have au;b 111,1111 b (Tea with I lit, , iiA,. ' LI:LA it. n-it been fur ": this ~;rest and wonderful medicine. Mor.-i.:'s , Indian Eamt Pills., ..I.lt.cr one or IIV.) d •.I,eS 1401 1 bern taken, litoy Ir.ire tis;oisked. and. absp-i lately sorp ::I,fd, in wi:rie.,sing their charmieg-! efretits. : ,Ndt onl:, d i they gi.t,e immediate ease i and strea r. , th, and t.t.t.e. away 'all sick mss, I pain and anguish, hilt they. i..t, ence • gh, tot , work at ti,e foundation of the :dist , as t, i which is the bloc ci. T:ierefore,, it will. be, shown, espeeially by those who mitt these Pill -.i.l that they will so cleanse and purify, th - t.tdia- i ease—that deadly eaemy—will take its night, i and the r.,,,t, Q1: 494 1, and beauty win- ogain I return. and theproirtitot. of aJong . and happy! 'life will therish.itud,Ori4ten your days, ;,.. 'Sold by SAIITiI 't.: Xt./NES, (./oder:Tort Lallsii; by all 3letlicine Dealers in the. county. A. J.! •Nc ; II IT iti & CO.. No. 50 Leonard St., New 'fork, ! Pre - :•rie tois i W. 4% MUDGE & CO:, t pFopriet ors i of Dr. AO‘rmsk's..%tg.netie Ointment ' ) 1. , %4 1 1 - 1 ville, iladison Co., N. Y., General ,I.gents.. NEw . GOODS. Loviir-, Prices. and El.4lady. pax; AT SHARON' I trylllE SUBSCRIBERS are offering for sale I. tin entirely .niitir stock, er*tishiting of DRY- GOODS,;GROCERIES,`..HARDWARE, • OQOCKERY, (lI,ASS WARE, BOOTS BATS ,t• CAPS, 1;),I; • 3RELLAS; I'AIRASOLS, ' • 11; rsboVir stiAPES, • '• ' :WALL , PAPER,."RE_IDY I • • liAl/B •Cf9I'IIING; TANKER' • • ' 'NOTIONS, &c. - In our selections the wants of all hare been ietneuthered. - Gentlemen eau find in our stook of ,Iteady 'Made Clothing an elegant Fashiontitile or a'subMantial Businss snit, and we 'lfave'llats Caps and' Itoot4lti; &nes to.nuttoit.'` " ' . • Cali find Fnsbioriable Bonn4s beritAigy trimmed - , or bonnets and trinnniht a gqi? - d a nksortment of liras!: Goods, and 'trim: mings; i4tcirez,-Mitta, Ito§iery.and: Grtiteri . 3.aL And, Ina not. not. least, corded and skeletiai Skirts also, _Rattans, - -- -Sitirt' 7 lVhalebotte And ; beautifnl 'Jet' , Neeliltiao and Draeolets, , •()Orals, Fan:viand itoO"- Many other things-03 enniterateall:a whioh arc soUinq late pir Cash; Lumber:or any kind of Produce, • ;FLOUR ; 11.EAL, , PISHI&O„, 615 ii stantly On 1144 7 •;.•,: " ,:,••- 1 • - . r. • t 11:` cnArEs. Sharon Canter, •Potter Co.,- Pa., -line 5; _r, - ' ! S tr 4 S R E FOR THE "POTTER JOURNAL." ADVERTISE IN.TILE POTTEAW4LTNA.L. •MiMS,I 111 E 11 LODEDATS - 11117 SIC 'Trit,Asa si - srea' AikrrED. , Prices Oreativ li.4dtteea; - 4 -1 -11011, ACE WATER 'k'3T - ! t V • ) a way, 2. . t •t 7 J.) MIZE , 3fuslL:Al, lerah:a.aplise otl . - ftit Linda, in the UnqedlitateA.. I:4l;!ps.frcrul, di Iterellt of ie. from . k() SZO •Jf thj ti,p to ()or fl:vii4 rdl) , A4:;: :110 eowlie.e.v.it.l.l the. aborp.;io the •iioo.lher, varietv ‘u.:rl eeklirity„ol . iis oor s iii)P..l).c.,'E-I\ - -.A.Tif.rt.S.'.? , Ic.)DERN .I.NIPP.O.VED ivi...l:Nus,:.ll:l or - without Imo I'r;itties; . po;;;- ' -, e410 - g' n IS .101.1:actiqn, ku. , :b of :: , e ale aod foi,vass of , : 0 :10 eqoal to the !Grand Piauti ?. tOitioll with .he I.o , auty siruetoye 1.•1 the Thi.y are 30:<tly pronounqed hr • r. he' Press a iitf v Lfo- fir.-:l...Ma,:iclitu. , ters. to be i . i , 4 l loVi, t6' other 014i:it:fact Th 4 :10d n:ii,,,t tilorOI:;;1.1- ,r4 - 10tr:Lotel..!1" F•t:tro: ; t oo , ; fteti up;ot e;:it t ate. : , .atifaction, purehits'e i , • In:At:mune/Ir.:, in l'ouch atid equal I.eiapere.inent„) 1 , ..01e0ns all oiler .4tyles awl rualses. Price $1:0, .1-leech; l;:iiirs'sz-nof Keys, ';',..291)7, --less 31 -• Cle‘ii',.yiuei.t arid .eliiirclit!ti, n . lto litWS I I RPS, - e • • FIXTE.SI4 , .F.LUTINAS : •• • • and. )lusiete.Unstrurneatr. Of all kinds, at lower prices. th nu, o tiered ; to: tho ; A large discount -to l'enhers and Schools. The trn 'Sulifelied 'On tliii•inoSt lil cral :terns: BECOND-liAsi,) 1.1:1N418,zt • ;7.,.'reei t I;nr- ; g-sins; constantly in store, - ---price• iron] $3O et; $144?-: ~ • • . ; OSltc...,pne : of the largest „a toi hest se : i lected catalogues 'of Mus - le row published corfipnstng• warty oy 'choice Mid utimt poft- Mar. Mrs of theday,lmui wilt tic sold tit thtrcrolf :from regular'prices,: • music kept..by, 4 naikitp all ports of the coon- i'articulaT auci•persouttl.,attcn 7 fion pttiA to MI received hy min'. Sat isfai•tion gitaratitetid In every" P'Stintik and Meltaieori.4 for'reut and rent all Owed oti puechase.' 'Flaws nud MeloOeozis for: sale• ori tnpiythly . pa.put,:nt,s_,;.;3l - ;c.9ud-lianti riatum 1;91 in i AN„Fhaage. 1 ! )r I .C . eneral atl.2!-;lect Cataloicut4 heti uli;. or priceit - fin:Warded to MI Tafts 'of ;ilk...country Ve4lrtlit inducethents AGENTS Irk 01l ports of the country, to mit tlic ilorace Ikaterl' and Catalogue, ot lluaiC, Lz:46 • • HOW A A Stilt ruiLA:l)Ei;Pit . 1 • Eriterorciit 'PT:stiff& . et,11;11,v16.1 'chrp wet t fit- 'tire.'-rli , ti if he' 3 1 , *a7,<1 '173 tresse.l,4ljilf!4:cti rrit.i . !ralzhni. and . , • ii:! FPO perscins aCtlictett i vith, , S(4:tual.Diseas-, et .- such its t-1.111::\t;VIUktItIllEA., S IMPOT,F2OI.t, (); , ; ofi' • Aft' CIEET; iee of .1.10W.V1:1) )iii.Sl:l UN.; in vioarlot ,the awful ti , :strictlun of human life, clAttsell br Sexp.tll l . - .sya:iej;„lll,4, thedeeeptitins prao.. tised„uvon the unf....rtnaate diseases by OliaeLs, avveral years ago directed thoir-Oousultitig Surgeon.. as a' 4:11141RITA HU: n , :oy,th,rof their name,' to op!.p sary for the treatment of thisclas4 of diseases, i4t olrthe'ir. for land to giVe.:MEDICAL,AD \-1-0,E,p1:411z!, w :, all . who at.ply-.by with a delieripticai of condiflon, oceupalion,•babits of lire . : Zte.,Vanit runs ot: extreme po,verty, to ruit.msir JIIsDICL`k j. FREE OF . .11 . is needless to add ;hat the coTtimail'di the highe..--,f . ut7;lit; age, 'hd will•furnish thie most ii_pproved.ol,-4. - ra troatm!2.nt. The'Directott, t:n the past. ft•el atsurcti the t. their I.ttiors in iiii3 sphere ofbe , ikevolent etAtrt, have bet:a ,ol•. , 7,reat;be:lit, the afflicted; espeeiallY to the yo•nrig, and thei have.resolved,to clovete thenvelyes,- with re neNve(,l. 2,ea1 ? ,10 thlz -,ery itapqrtaut 'but :much, cam•e. . Just • l'oblLzbed by the AssocitliOn:• it Re=l port Qu..ziptnloatorOea, or Sernilm,l the . Vice of Oi.dui...-rn;:%iasturl,aaon or Self -Ilnise, and hther-Di3eases:of, the - Ilexttaii, gans,-,by - qia I;9,llmill:tag. ,Surglien, which ttili be'l=eht by Mail, (in a :-'eakd env„f„tLlopeo OF C;IIARCiE,' on to'cuCpt. of Tl\ar'ST:tdi'S for postage.. . •• . • .:• 21,1 , 1re: , .5, for Report. or trerttinen't, (..I}K) RUE I lo ward ...isiociaticut, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philad. , 4l4a,, Pa. '-' Bs tirtfer'i.'f ...EZdIA: • FL; 1111NP.T:W4L1.4 , 11 1 rAtilient. , GEO. S,.cretary. • 1.10:24,-1v :IIILL2ORT -IMAD-QtriRTERS. , /11HE . subscrilierr , take tliisi mdthodlof. in= forming their friend,: that they are in re- I celpt, of, and 'are' nci• Choice and desirable stock of • • • LE AN.13,1 ,- ANGY, coop, • .• to ,7,lich they,intite tlic, attention. of all.,yflao desik: to niake paCelnises. Oiir Stock is,large has'ticen ielected great,eaic, and is par` ticularly adapted to the wants this section of our , coiAutry.. „Our stock of Dry: Ootals con sist, Of • • - • •!.- • pi*ss dOoll§;'lsiiim4lSG s s TiTinri.O',t • 'EMI3IIOII/ERIES,' I'AitASOLS' 'CLOTIIS, . • .7 , • • • • . , and ii'varieCy irit'ititheruitlcleil, tiio nuniiii-Ons iormeutiau.: hale alio - a•cotiplete • gitqcPRIES, emiciikits • r , , • .; ,-.10 7 ail of which Will, be 'f sebit.eleSBtelpentirr cheap for rc:uly s pu~; and c'ii'tfppii:wetfOredit 15ricaS ria:said4ilti arms as any oiliei4iitablishiberit. ;1 . i cAltra-A.iTE: AvS-46:4, mixt PAIRER, Coudersfoirt; POR.OFi 00.,71"5q, tikb3 l .• ;this method of, informing in ,gene'rat tliqt:11O b prepArect_ to da ail ciotk ; in Lis l e ine .with p!oinOliess; the 'most,'acOOnitnoclikiing POyrritnit"for topnirit* ii ariabti regniredlon delivery of ihtswork, _M. All. kinds of .PRODUCt:, !meow:4 of 'work. . 1 0x ~t „ •- 4 t, . _ • i_EiIE 13 ,E it , Writ:. ABOUT MARINO PLItCiI.ISiS, THA-T-- J ; .. • YD. LIIISTEDI. sToch: .17.?Pl.:EINIS11.Ei) - AGAIN w in , NEW - 4: , - S . FaShiSABLI; • §ALE I AT .SN. NIL ADYKNCE. HoT i >4lll nel."l\l6i : 6 -- E4 - 'pe.etthn nAnEtzE,s . , ciTALLIF.s and ntVer -. SUM - Al • 1. . Pi:C:7.ll-liD. ova, • .Ica ire 505.1) ! • . •Alsb, LAIZGr.STOU C TT 0 N,_I.T),F,S, fur MLN ANJ-) T. PALM-LEAF,STR.M COLORED LEo [MIN anclatel.AßGEST Of)" hoes!., - •-= 11111 A NO1; 1 AT IS' OP 3611 fsmorfANcE - , ) , 31ADI IFF‘bM' GOOD ' • ITAY ) While tp.e §uxi. ShiAes I3,ut befoi.e cottuneuein.', see Alit you klave plehty or "good utensil! sueli S. , •;1 15G,17111F;5,5N.A.7114 FORK'S tRAns. anythinf, ,, is. la4king, please ea at 01..aislleD'is-4- ) telity hant 'tt 2 CIOHtt 01 Ai n'g r ", 0 1 1118 CRAVAVS, aitrl a large of a(117 (al !laid. -\' GitOCERIES A'' .l t)le oW es 1 ti pp 3•,.4t i 4, price T Tr • • tyli, kir c.4la tpl, to 1."99.Y i Pc91.4 - i e.t4i) 9 1,,L.T..11)y : 4.K.:4K.8. A' I 4 - zt 'lo4ti. jEVV.11:1:i101.1` ::Wald sußsOnlE:fi FOR ril E : ' - , :or , .;;__Ht ,•,, 'IV. •,. -. '', .....:, , . .N,0,W,? 1 4004 7 ; L i)Al T eglily kressJ 1 • TIE LLLY . , . at . 'l' .:. itt - E.7 . Si r riZ A r rEb ~"•' ..., .. -... 1:0; , •' 7 : ' PAiriligt 1,..ki - P.2,PiiR: rftuF)..N , EIy,YOR , Ms.F t Fatfi . :TMESS LS A SI, i : ?f„ti1y.....bp.411 : 1! i.1:„1" . VI 1. , CI e 1 -,' : t Li; rec. lAref; .Qultfto (.4.11t; . t. d.i.mg ‘iNVENII' PA6I, be SIXTY Cl l l.l.`NSd 'c,f •Ilicrtnii:inc matli 1 1 .04 .1:1.p.;4.y.144: il l i L 1; 4T l', A.I:E Li sl wed:. i ' .. • Il - " - A Gti'T N% - TIMM 5o C 7 5 1 .5 r OnTli l . S - 100'C; OrP ;SILL , 'Bit Srxrif To EAlll3i) SCRIIIF,R. :.,()N. 111.1,:1;11.7; OF 11,i, sr killer JOS' SioSTr: • = TEII.)IS ,1"; id) V Als: CE: 07e . e.npy for gill V e;i:/ i; 7 . ,:1;P1i,1 lift, $2,1 Three topics'iA/qC:iin.i.,•afirl . .l ;111,: , , •', F v e c D tk i CS ." Y;ai , hull 5-gifts, il i•-• , ;(.4 e opies one year, .a. ad ,40 otie, .. \ Twen V -one cold'er; One . eear, and 2T 'iifts,• 3o ,•Th - e nrilel ealtilindistrib need are compri to the:follow:l34s4o ;- 7 --, - .1 United Statea' Trealury 1 , .. • Note, '••;> • ' • • $40.00 CO, . 2 , dO •: AD '`.. -.. • 'do ; .0v4;.10v, I_. 5 . . flo . ilo? .• -do 29 0 fit' KM _ . . 111 -- •• (16 1 d' o i _ , :do 100 Do, E ' -10 Patent. Lever ..lltratitig . - , • Cased. Waiebes• ; 100 00, e 20 Gold'tatche4; • ' • 15 00te 5b , I.do ,• • ~.. .1.• , ev„ to, e 1.00 . : - do .. i•• .50 A e 360_ r`A'd;es• 'Gold NVliti:iie; - 35 0 6 ) 3 I 20 O. SilV6r• • %II tibtitig : tweed • 1 ' . :W a .', clie, . _ : 30 00,e ./" ,500 S'il'ver Walebes .SIS 6,0.6 . :5 ou, e 1000 GoM-Gbaird,'Vest .- • 1 '!.. '-- ' 1 etuel Fob - cbistinr, —,-- 10 00 to :3, 0 -99 , i • 10001abld.:143,trav'il:mtd = •... • '' ' 1 ' ... 'l' etir t ils, ~ 4. ~,,. , r 5 00 tols 411),(, 1 'Got Lickt.:4, 1; tniCite6; ' Bii,oclies.. 1 Pvi l is,-13Febi f t:Pin10, Csiff Pio, si l kie Y e Ilg ' i 1 Rifi.gs., 8i1irt,.,,t;;,145 - , T Watch, 41y4, cold. ! SilreT.Tbirrttkz Snii ~s...4: l , f rietv a 0 . 60 ' . i 1 cles . ;•riortkire4 'o',dibis'tol.sl.s'oii enrfif I-bet ireeeip.'clf---t I wleribstriptio'n erioneY, 914 , 9r4i14eez Pe l 34l'Av.jlk D9..e. 11 .Ke 0 - uP cl 1 1 1 ,bofilts 'oPfkisitb. ii •t;ntler.,-s,,iiel the gift co pt!iidiriggritli'llia '.reitrnieri via be foell' Iv - i lkiPAßi 3 . Ye4l l tlPire l ii t 'l4l , '` *4:ll ail ilergitata,,- i. ~, •- • - '1 I. ' T irei,iteitil dbitinfmtit'rioiliit tel l tll 5 3 ''2ge..e.ii 3 A .5J 3 47 , 411Nicti b ef. 34114 1 9 prtze of value.' We. - riSer to,insie ill 0 41 .alkiiiiiiti4 figiaetheitriniteetd of 1 ing:4 , 44TgP, higitlittgAW.tirillentsig., l ,, YlB ,,f the . subscriber chbrtwrpt,,e,lll,ll'w9Y`'. - tlii''.4kOpt-riiiil ' t liji ca ies'p. b'tinared -re i ii ,naoro.w 1 1, 4 . . ' : -.:. 4 . ,,•:; ..;.,..... ; . ' dressy `i,,i'' " •'' ' ' " '“. '. . . ' k:me on,O, Flie4.4 k iAnts sle,o uld )e 3 ! - -.., • 1 LlLlittriTE`l 4 , AD.t.",V;Xerzeozz ~ 119:431 1.1 Certc grte, 4Vew 1P? ,1 , p flumigg Fait s n ENG ?nF C; ( 194. 13 jttet rep,i'kyed at Olgiar! r e U M R WEAR AT LOW FIGVLE FOR lc,"•._tDy Fi ST ;Issoiln*nt . SOFT HATS tiefair edl I ti THIS MARKET • i ., tisfactipir; TRY 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers