IMO 'toiun iit CDuntg. A, we have not before had an oppor joity since the New Year commenced, ti sen d greeting to aII our readers, a I, p py ! New Year now, and many heres yfter. ice will publish the Proceedings of the , 1 / 4 te Teachers' • Association at this -place, pear nett issue. All our space for this ir=k %vas allotted before they were re- Niced• Pftersua's .Ifirgazine, for January and praary r . are bath on our table at once. dem it about the best 32, magazine ; bushed for the ladies—in view of its .I!ioary- and work-table departments. (7,-cat Republic" Mon thly, for Ivory has notyet come—•in consequence, v presume, of our notice of the first No. We paid you for the Volume, Messrs. ? I blishers., and claim a right to criticize i eonliug to our views of merit. The .weather is severely winterish in r e :l ion. and we are having fine sleigh ., Oa Monday taorning last the then. vuter was as low ts 26' below zero at ;dock. The ground is covered with ' , .at 12 inches of snow. Clark & Phillips, of Wellsville, are -.emus we know, for they sent us a ce parcel of "tenderloms"—finer ones el..ave not eaten in a great while. They : irking a large amount of first-quali- Pak, expressly for the use of the . ;a berinen in this and adjoining coun g--besides which they h-vealargestoel; :'Grceeries, &c., for the same trade. For itulars see their new and funny ad , /le "Agricultural Ball," on the eve of the ith inst., passed off very pleas. L't,eonsidering everything. The af , vas well conducted as a general ^: but we noticed a tendency to hanalian devotion among some of the Is.—and others. This was to be es cal, as'people who love_ whiskey. will it it, without respect to the occasion, a:y can get it: The supper was good, •;, , ,ht have been better served at the a There was abundance and variety, :Lree waiters were hardly sufficient llrly, 60 persons. The music, by Olean Baud, was the best we, have 'lanced to in this place.: have reviewed the first No. of a rriodical called, "Thei:Anglo-Afri lzazine," publhed by Thos. Ham !,4B-13eekman'St., New York, at $l. Ir, in advance, having an accurate •roll - executed portrait of Alexander •ti for a frontispiece. We under :that its editor and contributors are • colored people, and that its objects ;Jencottral .. 4e the mental and physical rh of the African race, and advocate vase of Slavery etnancipatiOn. The ` , :tb..2fore us indicates literary ilogical strennth, as well as mark thigh order of mechanical execution Loto in the publisher and printer. ;iIl notice again' after a more care !um:nation. ::f..-The "dwelling house of Nels in West Branch Tortiship, near ttnia, was burned on Sunday the 11th Dec. last. are requested to say, that by this itht an honest wan, with a large faro: ichildrea, is left in destitutecircurn 'i. The house contained the win qtoeb of provisions, which together Eeddin g and furniture, were totally fad•, the family escaping with bare .trwating apparel. 'Any friends of r4ty isho-a re willing to contribute towards I : Lp:tiring the loss, are solicited - to do so. Articles or clothing will be thankfully ac- Any thing delivered to the glet %2k Stage driver and directed to N. • ahr, will reach Mr. Nelson. Philadelphi a Papers say that "Im ti bieknell's Bank .Note Reporter" 'olly the greatest Counterfeit De el the World, but the absorber al others published in that City hingle exceptiou—Pete,son I ---hav e been merged in it within `t Year. Bicknell's &portar has i .31 . thirty years, over the whole eon-I fatuiliar as " Household Words" •public, and will ever continue to by `apeusubla auxiliary to success in tin You who have it not, send t t (ince, and recollect that every '"`''tied i s worth the amount of a! ! tt bscription ; in addition to which, 'tit Subscribers are entitled to re-; titbuut extra charge, a copy of! •k•liicknelr. s Coins of the World, `6l great business utility and anis ::Y--uuw in Press.' , 440-7..X4.4.` The following PetitiOn is being Circa lat?d,ia this county, and we trust: ever ,t'aiaMe wilt 'give . it careful and critical consideratinti: iVe are not at Ix:ascot prepared either to commend, or condemn it, though we are fully convinced ,that soine legislation. should be had this win ter which would place our county . funds in a wore healthy condition. In addition to the above, we have heard one other plan proposed—an increase,df taxation to a ratio which would cancel the debt in two or three years. We trust taxpayers will choose between two necessities before it is too late for this Session of the Legis lature to act : To the Honorable the Senate and Roust of Rep resentatives of the Commonwealth of Penpyl vania The undersigned, citizens of the. County of Potter, respectfully represent that the indebt edness of the said County at the present time is between Eleven and Twelve Thousand Dol lars, and that il s is impossible to discharge said iudebtedaess together with .the current expen ses of the County, during a ling period of years, by levying the amount of Tax which the Commissioners arc instructed to by law ; they would therefore pray your honorable bodies to pass an act authorizing, the Coni- . missioriers of said County to Boasow Mossy ! for the purpose of paying said indebterbie , ss, at a rate of interest not to exceeed six' per cent. And as in duty bound, Sc. " Get the Best Detector.—Petersons' Counterfeit Detector and Bank Note List for January has been received by us; and is corrected by Drexel & Co., the well known Bankers mid Brokers, and it is the best and most reliable Detector of Conn- I terfeits or Altered Notes published in this country. The number issued this month fully decribes Fifty-two New Counterfeits, and contains a fae-simile of a Bogus Bank Note that is being altered to suit various banks all over the country, and which is being put into extensive circulation. It also contains several other pages of very valuable information of eVerything apper tainiug to Bank notes. It has,been - con siderably 'enlarged this month, having now forty-right pages in, and contains also fac•similes of several hundred Gold and Silver coins, besides. We have no hesitation in pronouncing it the' most complete, reliable and best publication of the kind in the United States, as it is not used to subserve the interest of anyl)ank ing house, as must of the so-called Detec tors are. It should be in the, hands of every storekeeper in the whole country, and we would advise all persons who ban , die money to send two dollars in a letter for a year's subscription, to the publishers, and thus subscribe for the semi-monthly issue of it at onee; or one dollar for the monthly issue. • 'lt is published by T. B. PETERSON & BROTEIERS, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, to whom all letters should be addressed. A copy of " Petersons' Complete Coin Book," the! most perfect and complete one in the world will b: given gratis to all subscribers for' 1859. The Geneste Former.—We desire to call the, special attention, of our farmer. friends to this old and well known agri cultural journal. It is a paper that can not be too highly commended—L-eininent ly practical and seteptific, and abounding with matter interesting and useful to ev ery farmer and fruit-grower. It is the oldest agricultural paper in the State, having been published in Rochester for twenty-eight years. It is said to have a larger circulation than any similar paper in the world, and certainly no agricultur al journal has such a host of able corres pondents, or furnishes so much matter at so cheap a rate. Each number contains thirty-two pages, making a volume, at the end of the year, with index and title page suitable for banding, of three hundred and eighty-fou pages; and all this for fifty cents a year I Nothing can be cheaper. No intelligent farmer now thinks of doing witholit an agricultural paper, and the Genesee Fanner, in the language of the publisher, "is .so cheap That all can afford to take it." We think no farmer can aecril to be 2cithont it, and advise our farmer friends to send fur a speci men of the paper, and not only to sub scribe themselves, but also solicit their neighbors to do the same. Specimen copies are sent free to all applicants.' To the intelligent farmers of Pennsyl vania it especially commends itself by its able articles on that terrible scourge the' wheat midge or weevil. It takes the po sition that as iood wheat can be grown now in the "Genesee country" as at any previous period; that the soil is not ex hausted; and urges an improved system of cultivation as an- effectual method of extirpating the evil.. The subject is one of vital importance to the farmers of Pennsylvania, and the opinions advocated by tliis able agricultural journal are cmi- I nett tIY worthy-of consideration. A new volume of the Genesee Fanner commences with the January'number.—! Now is the time to subscribe. A copy of the paper can be seen at this office.-1 Great incuceinents are offered to agents, in the way of Premiums, &c. Terms—fifty cents a year, in advance; five copies_ - for 82; eight copies for 83, and the person who gets up the club is I presented with that . beauliful book the , Racal Annual for 1559, sent prepaid by' mail. Address JOSEPH HARRIS, Pub-, fisher and Proprietor, Rochestei,•N. Y. x t.. ~~5.».:a t , .{%•~a =s: _.,r...5c: ~iz`.KY~~Fr~s:.s~:~~• .u-~ - "'tag r faikt Et t Eft§ , IogIVAINIZIGIWIIIe Post Office at Couders -1-4; Obit &rale Ofartirending December 31, -1858.. , , , ,:- , - - „ Aregod, Dsborabla - - Harrison, S. T. - 1 Aines,'Eliinhoths: : .." Johnson,. Eunice .. Butleri:JOseph . 'Johnson, C.'W. " Baker, Julius - '.• Johnson,, R. BateS, H . L.• 'Johnson, -Thos.- EL-2 Reach. D. F. ' Johnson; Mattie ihl,coek, Lyman Jewell, D. •= ' Brotin,' O. G: fling, F. W. _ _ . Iflirrow: Samuel - • • .Kniciterbocker. Julia Cone, MciVia . ' • Korienderfer, Katarina Clergau, Walter Kilbouru, Amos Churehill,Persis :Lannon, John CarSaW, A. C." Livi4ston, h. • Crittenden, Julius ' Lattin. Lewis Cool, W. P. 3fnnroe, W.. ' Conner, Chas. Mackin. Thos. A. Corwin, Daniel M*Dougall. Wm. Davis, Miss B. IL Wiwi* Rev. A. ' Drury, L. M. . Phelps, Silas C. Dwight, Delos Redson, Stephen Doty, M. J. - Rosa, Harrison Davis, Mrs_ A. G. Ryan, George A. . Finch, Smith P. Roseman, Jas. N. French, Marquis L.-2 Robinson, Zalmon F. Green, Thos. H. Richmond, B. P.-3 Gross, Addrew Roylee, Rufus-3 Gilliland, Thos. Rock, Bcza-2 Gorum, Lucinda Serwood. Asa Harrington, J. R. Tyler, Thomas Hackett, Lucy T. Wilcox, A. • Young, Wm. . . . ler Persons calling for the above letters will please say they are advertised. J. M. JUDD, P. M. Coudersport.-Jan. 13, 1859. • Administrators' Sale. B Y AUTHORITY of a decree of the Or- Court of Potter County, made De cember 20th, 1858, we shall expose to public sale, at the Court House in Conders.port, at one o'clock P.,M. on TUESDAY. the 22ND DAY OF FEBRUARY NEXT, th..: following described real estate, to wit: Situated in Sharon and Oswayo Townships, and bounded and aescribed as follows : Being a lot sold by the Oswayo Lumber;ng Associa ition to Gabriel Barnes and Isaac F. Barnes, 1 Aug 25, 18.52,—beginning at a pine stump corner, being the south-west corner of a lot snrveyed!to Owen Rock, now lands of Joseph Mann and R. L. Nichols; thence by the- line of said lot South G3°, East eighty perches, to a post corner; thence South 27°, West eight een perches, to a post corner; thence South 74°, West thirty-seven perches, to a post cor ner on the South bank of the Oswayo Creek; thence along the South bank of said creek South 7O°, East thirty-one perches, to a post corner ; thence South 27r, East sixteen per ches, to a post corner ; thence South (leaving said creek) eleven perches to a post corner in the,line of a lot surveyed for Archibald , Stoat ; thence, by the line of said lot and Ransom 'Sleet's lot, West ninety-six perches, to a posfeorner; thence North ninety perches, to a corner in the road, near the South bank of the OswayoCreek; thence North BGl°, East twenty-seven perches and seven-tenths, to a post cornerin the Eleven 'Mile Road ; 'thence North 27°, East-seven perches, to the place of beginning. ;:containing 484 acres, strict meas ure, on which :re erected two frame dwelling houses, one water saw-mill and mill-dam— ! about forty acres improved.—ALSO—A lot of land sold .by Mann A: Nichols to Gabriel and Isaac F. Barnes, June Ist, '1853, bounded as follows : Beginning at a post corner (being the South-East corner of a lot surveyed for Jonathan:o:es, in Sharon Township,) in the East line of Warrant N0:2142 ; thence by said line, Sonth 'one hundred and six and three-' tenths perches, To a post corner; thence West one hundred and ninety perches to a post in the line of S. M. Webb'S lot ; thence by the! line of said lot North nine and three-tenths perchi?s, to a post corner, being the North-east cornet' of the Webb lot; thence along the line of the Webb lot, North c.r, West one hundred and seven' perches, to a post corner in the line of Joseph Mann's land; thence along the line of said land, North forty-three perches to a beech corner; thence along the line of Joseph Mann's land, Wes't eighty perches, to a hemlock cur- i ner ; thence North eighty-thur and three.! perChcs, to an oak corner; thence IN est one nundrki and twenty perches to a post cor ner in the Eline of G. R. Fuller's lot.; thence I by the line Of said lot, North forty perches, to a beech echner in the West line of Warrant' No. 214 ;: thence North, along said line, one , hundred and five and seven-tenths - perches, to! a post coiner; thence East, along the line ofi WilkensStarkweather's and-Lewis Wood's laads,,foae hundred and ninety-two perches, to the North-west corner of a lot surveyed for' Elias Stevens; thence, by the line of said. lands and Jonathan Ole.s' lot, South two hun dred and twenty-four and seven-tenths perch es, to the South-west corner of the Oles lot; thence East one hundred perches, to the place of beginiiing; containing seven hundred and' thirty-five acres, strict measure. Terms of Sale.—One-Half Cash in, hand, and balance in one year, secured by! Bond and 31ortgage. SELINA BARNES, A. J. BARNES, Administrators of the Estate of Jan. 11,3.859. G. Barnes, deceased ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAOR DINARY Na Humbug. LADIES' FASHIONABLE FURNISHING STORE IN POTTER COUNTY. 1 . 1 RS. E. 41. N. GRIDLEY has established 1. a fashionable and extensive Ladies' Fur nishing Store, at I.; lYsses, Potter Co., Pa.; three miles west,of Lewisville, where she will . take pleasure in furnishing Millinery, Mantainnak ing, and Ladies' Apparel generally, in better style and at much lower rates than ever before offered in this county. Mrs. G. receives the fashions from New York regularly, and is therefore enabled to make or repair Bonnets Sc., in the latest style and with unexceptiona ble taste and durability. All ankles' warrant ed to be as represented She desires the pub lic to Call-and assure themselves of the cur reetneis of her statements. Messrs. Ltirabee s Co., will receive and sup.; lily orders to customers at Lewisville. T. E. Gridley will receive and promptly fill cirders, throughout this and the adjliining counties, prices. SpeOal. urranacruents wade for . ll9liciay In connection with the above, T.E.GRID LEY would announce to the public of -Pot ter and the adjoining counties, that he will regularly visit them, prepared to furnish all article's of Female and Male Attire, and Family general, warraiited to .be precisely as he Shall represent, and atmuch lower prices than can belionght of any other person in the county. (li:2l] ipLARK. 4; PHILLIPS render their thanks 1J to all the-good people of this Common wealth for their most liberal patronage, and they do tender : heir special thanks . to their eompAitors•lind 'any others. for their gentle barking for all time, concocted fakeht , ed_for 11 tinie., cavy and je:llothv fcr no doubt:it was meant for evil, but has proved our gucl. o go near the better. ' • AItIZ & PHILLIPS. ISM Miss SOUTH WORTH, - r COLONEL G. W. CROCKETT,- - CHARLES EMMETT - , • .THONLA.S DUNN ENGLISH, p - HENRY CLAPP, Sus., , GEORGE ARNOLD, ' • • -SAMUEL YOUNG, MEE. ANNA WHELPLEY,'• - ' MTSS' VIRGINIA -VADG4N, MR-9. DI. :VERNON, - - Miss FLITTIE CLARE, • FINLEY JOHNSON, Write only f6r the • • GOLDEN PRIZE.. ; . GOLDEN PRIZE. , GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE.' r. THE 1 COLDEN ILLUSTRATE 4 7 .4 , , DEAN & SALTER. SUCCESS3RS TO BELT & co . . The New York Weekly GOLDEN -PRIZE 13 one of the largest and best literary papers of the day—an Imperial . Quarto, containing et:ght page... nr.fortmeolumra, of the most inter esting and fascinating reading matter, from the very first writers of the day, 'i."2041 - 0 - 19 ;buy A PRESENT, WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO $5OO 0, Will be given to each subscriber immediately on receipt of the subscription money. This is presented as a diemento of Friendship. and not as an induceirient to obtain subscribers. • TERMS: i - One copy for 1 year, $2-00 and 1 Present.. One copy fur 2 years, 3 50 and 2 Presents: One copy for 3 years, 500 and 3 One cepy for 5 years, 8 uU and 5 " AND TO CLUBS, Three copieS, I year, $5 00 and 3 it Five copies, 1 year, 8-00'aua 5 " , Ten copies, 1 year, 15 00 and 10 " Twenty-one cop's. Ifr3u 00 nal 21 " The articles to he given away ii,re comprised in the following list: 2 Packages of Gold, con- : . taining $:00.00 each. 5 do do .do 200 00 each. 10 do — do do ,100 00 each. 10 PateutLeverHuntingCaii • • ed Watches. -100 po each. 20 Cold Watches, 7.i 00 each. 50 do do 00 00 each. 100 do do . 50 00 each. 300 Ladies Gold Watches, - Q 0 each. 200 Silver Hunting Cased. Watches, 30 00 each. AO Silver Watches, $lO 00 to 25 00 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, and Fob Chains, SIO 00 to 30 00 each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, 'Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, eutf Pill:, Sleeve Buttons, Rings. Shirt Studs, Watch-Keys, Gold and Sit ver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles, worth from 50 cents to $1.5. each. We will present to every person sending us 50 subscribers, at $2 each, a Gold Watch, worth $4O; to any one sending, us 100 sub scribers, at S 2 each, a Gold lte.t.cli, S9O. Ev ery subscriber will also receive a present. Immediately on receipt of the money ; the subscriber's name Hill be entered upon our book, and the present will be forwarded with in oalyeek, by mail or rxprevs, post paid. 'IZI. All conunimications should be ad dressed to DEIN Sc. SALTER, Proprietors, :;33 Llroadway, New York. je I 0;58-1 tem. y. Eyes Open Ears Open RIGHT ABOUT FACE! HO! all 3 - •?. that hath ears, let him hear, -and he that hath eyes, let him come anal see the wonders being done in Wellsville, the. City of Tanneries, :cod especially at the Old.l Regulator, where thirty-two men and seven boys are wanted-to work fifteen hours every I day, (Sundays .r.x. , :ep.ted,) and. he that hath no money eome. Bring . a board,'bring a shingle. ! bring a hog;- bring a geese, bring a deer, bring a hide, bring a mink, bring a pelt, bring your; butter—bring what you like, you shall nat be I turned empty away because you have not the filthy lucre to buy your bread, Thus endeth the first lesson. CLARK 4: PHILLIPS. I 20. EVERYTHING bought and sold at the Old Regulator ; except Gas, Gas, Scandal and Blarney. Soft Soap and Soder, at sixpence a pound, toast be had at. Some Brothers, at Seine Brothers, in this town. 20 -CLARK k PHILLIPS. PORE LEAF LARD. in firkins and tubs, can be had at the Old Regulator. Also, Sugar Cured Hams, a plenty of Heads, Shanks and Ribs 20 • WILLIS' • Patent Stump Extractor. THE attention of Farmers and Land Own ers generally, - throughout the country, is called towards this valuable and powerful maehine for- the extracting of stamps, puffin. - down trees, removal of rocks, buildings ke. A Company of gentlemen, of this city, have secu:ed from the Inventor,: the Patent Right fur the %State of Pennsylvania, and are now prepared to sell County flights, Machines, &c., cm reasonable terms. Application can be made to AMION CLENIEST) ...Igruf, at the ofth e of the Company, Nn. 230 South Third Stieet, back - room; PHILADELPHIA. • - N. B.—Pamphlets, with illustrations and testimonials, can be had at the office. • [I 1:17-6t] • DENTISTRY. IIM. SHEERAR, Dentist, 'of Wellsville, • Allegany' Co., N. Y., respectfully an nounces to the people of Potter and the 'ad joining Counties in Peoria., that be is' perma nently established in Wellsville, and is. pre pared to perform the various opetations in Dentistry. Especial attention is solicited to his style of inserting ARTIFICIAL TEETH, superior to any other style known, called " Allen's Continuous 'All work 'war ranted: Letters of inquiry premPtly answered. Nov. 10, 1958. IL M. SHEEHATI. i . s HEREBY given to all persons. holding. contracts for any of the lands formerly own- , ed by the SunhurrCanal and Water Power Company in the county of Potter, and now owned by me, that I finve . appOinted Jos. E. Leib my agent for the sale of said lands and for the collection of moneys.due upon said - 011- tracts, to whom such persons are requested to make immediate pay.nient:: or legal proceedings will be instituted to enforce the JOHN IH Couderzport, Dec. nth, 1 CLARKS PHILLIPS NOTICE , A.Large and Brilliant weekly Newspaper. THE ,OONITELLATION. • rAniseneafts, - • = ITO& ' . . . , ~ . "A Comteitehon is but one, . • Though 'tis a train of Stars.!'--pritren. MITE Subscriber has. great pleasure in an nouncing that he has made arrangementi to issue bn.SATURIAY, JANUARY 1, 1859. the largest - , handiUmest, andmost complete Weekly INre-tispaper ever published. - • - It will be a superb Folio Sheet, Dortsze the size of the New York Ledger! eoutaiairig Nine broad Colninns_ on each page, 33 inches in length, and double-the quantity of 'reading matter given by any weekly paper now pub lished--embracing the choicest and freshest matter ' selected and original, .furnished .from abroad and at home. It will b. in • nll re sK.cts A LIVING Jo unztaz—containi ng the.vro ductions of the most popular writers in liberal quintitv—Romances, Stories, Essays, Poems, _Aneedoles, Sketches, Editorials, Notices of Atnnienients and the Arts,! &c:, &c.—in fine, kg things which are new. beautiful, interest, ing. and attraetiie. Each Number will con -1 rain not only a carefully condensed synopsis lof the General News during each week, but !ell the ve.7' latest informatiotrand Telegraphic' ipespatches up to the hpur of eitok•to,press. 1 "The Constellation" Arill.not be.nn ll',sutra led Paper--as the pictirre , sheets are'' but it will contain beautiful Deig : ns and Ens,gra - v: inp. when they really illustrate and ornament a subject. • The subscriber has already engaged a Corps of Contributors, l" a Train of Stars," =unequal led 'for genius, brilliancy. by those of any other journal now published, no matter What inay be its pretensions. It is with no' slight gratification that lie announces his success in engaging, after much persuasion, the able and experienced-services of a gentleman,. so long and so justly eminent, as Mr. PARK BfiNJAMIN: 'Connected for twentylrears with the Press of New York City, and always sneceszful` - in his literary enterprises, whether as Editcir, Au thor, or Public Speaker, the name of Mr. Ben jamin is an augury of certain good fortune. The Public may rest assured that no means -will be untried by the Subscriber to secure a grand and brilliant accomplishment of his of to establish the largest ana best Weekly Paper ever published—since .nothing will be felt undone that can be done by talents, capi tal, experience, learning, and a resolute per severance. . The Constellation " will mainly recom mend itself to a cordial and generous'iupport from the very, best people by its observanceof good and avoidance of evil. It will be, au un objectionable 'and, perfect Family Newspaper . ,-- gyring offence to no sect or party—the favor ' ite alike of both sexes, of young and old. The subscriber, having had nearly a quarter of a ; century's experience in the publication of daily and weekly journals, and having now connec ted hmself with such well known and invalu able Editorial.aid as helms herein hntriunced, flatters him Self that this new enterprise will ,at once achieve a popular favor and success trOaralleled in-newspaper enterprises. terms of n The Constellation" will be ,Two DOLLARS PER ANNUM each, when- Ten Copies are sent in one envelope to one address. I Twenty-Eight Copies to one address, Forty- nine Dollars.- Five Copies, Twelve Dollars. Two Copies, Five Dollars. One Copy, Three; Dollars, including postage, or delivery. All Subscriptions to be invariably in advance. Single Copies, Five' Cents. To Newspaper ! Agents, 50 per 100. A late Saturday Evening Edition will be published, and left early Sunday Mornings at the residences of City Subscribers by regular Carriers, employed by the-Publisher. Those. i who desire to commen.-.e with the first num..: ber, should send in their subscriptions and orders as early as possible—since, owing to the immense size of the sheet r only such num-1 hers will he printed as may be ordered. ' All orders, and letters to be addressed to the undersigned, GEORGE ROBERTS, 12 14 Spruce Street. New York: NEW YORK, November 17, 1858. NOTICE THE PUBLIC are hereby notified that hay; ing purchased the Saw-" Mill Property at Lyinansville, in the county of Potter, now oc cupied b:cy Elihu Starkweather, I have ap pointed the said Min Starkweather Agent, for the transaction of all- bnsiness in rt.lation to the carrying on the business of: Stocking and Uztaufacturing Lumber at thel said Mill. AUSTIN A. E:1114r. 'Coudersport. Oct. 5, litis7.-11:16-Soros TO EVERY FEHALF IN THE USITED; STATES. MRS. MONTAGUE'S FEMALE CORDIAL. OR TM' CURE OF ALL THOSE PAINFUL DISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMEN. Mrs. MoNraucit, for many years afflicted with moat of the diseases that are common to females, spending a largo fOrtnne in ten years in trying the different means of treatment fur her, relief, to no avail, was prevailed upon by many of her friends to visit Cuba, December 'for the purpose' of regaining, her former health. Whitt; there, she obtained a prescrip tion from a Spanish Physician— " Whose silver locks _ - Were tending to the grave." With which, through' the mercy of God, site f was restored to her Youthful lnalth. • After her return the made known to hun-1 dreds of her female sufferers the effects Of the; remedy with equally-as great . sneeess. This extraordinary medicine is offered to the; public for the relief and core.of all the painful and dang.erons diseases pectiliar to womeno and that the female constitution. is subject to. 1 To_those suffering from " Prulapsus Uteri," Lucoithoen, Ammorrhoea, 31enorrhagiA, Dys- 1 menorrhoea 7 Ghlorosis, a speedy Cure can be I obtained., ' To those suffering from Failing of the Womb or Uterine Weakness of any kind, the Female- Cordial is espeCiallyrecoinmended. It is war - anted to cure -this painful disease if perse vered in. Id all spinal affections, pain in 'the region of the Pelvis, Lowness of. Spirits;• frystbria' Sick-headache, o. and all those diseases' arisin, from the peculiar formation of women, the' Cordial-will be found o?-an immense value. This medicine moderates all excess, and re-, moves all obstruction; it invigorates the de hiliatcd constitution for the duties of life; and when taken in middle age proves a blessing. 3lodesty fokiids us, in a .public advertise ment, to make full the details; but the writp-,, per around' each letter Will fully expLiin every case. '; . . Merchants, females, or others, by seeding a three cent stmup, cat' hive anyibldrrnation respecting theoperaticins of the medicino. • - dents - Nranted in.every village in the Uni ted States. Put up in half pint bottleei $:1,00' per. bottleS.; percent. off to the trade. AU orders mast be addresed to Dr. J. D. STONEROAD,' - (.Sat - -Pioprietor,) Leiristown, Pa., Box I n. 11:1-1v FLUOR, PORK find Beans, Flaise Feed, r Coro Meal.- Oats - , Shorts enungh to sup ply a Fntall 'ration, at tho ON Regulator. , 'CLARK PIIILTIPS. -- I. Op " - tga . - - IRON . CITY COMMERCIAL. COLLEGE. PLTTSBIIROR Ps. - -CHATITETLED • 1855. 305 Stmdentiattendiniltiuutty, 1858: Now the largest and ;most thorough Coin- SchOol 'of the United States. Young men preimredlor actual duties of the Coitit-, ing Romn. _ . ! J.: C Skirt?, A. M. Prof. of Book-keeping and SCienc4 of Acconnts. l • A. T. DOETHETT, Teacher of Arithmetic . and Commercial Calculation, J. A. HEYDnicic and. T. C; JEssms, of Book-keeping.' A COWLEY and W. A. Mrr.t.En Profs. of Pel manship. . SINGLE AND-DOUBLE !WIRY .. BOOK • . KEEPING, - • As used in e•Cery departinent of husiness. UOMMERCIAL ARITIDIETIC—RAPID BUS INESS WRITING--DETECTLNG COUNTERFEIT MONEY— . MERCANTILE CORRESPONDENCE-0011- -' MERCIAL LAW— . . Are taught, and all other subjects neces saryfor the wt.:cc:is and thorongh education. - of a practical basiness wan. 12 P lIT IVI S - -10rawn till--thu.isemiumS in Pittsburgh, for the past:three rs , als.a in Eastern and We . ). • a Citios; :. NOTE AIrJED WORK. - IMPORT/1/47 IIIFORELATION.. Students enter at any ,tiine—No racatint. Time unliinite&-Revie* at .pleasure--,Gi•ad tulles .nssisted in obtaining.lituatiOns—Tai tion for full Commereial!Course, $35,00; At erage time it to 12 creeks; .80ard, : 52..50 per *week; Stationer.). $0,09.-Entire cost, s6O,tm to $70.00. Z..e". Ministers' Sons - received at sialf . prio. • For Card—Circular—Specimens' of .134ii ness.and Orminiental Atto stamps, and address , F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh,.Pa.„, 10:9-1y* A Card from Dr. James' iJarret of the New York. Lung I Infirmary.—My connection for the 'pan eight Years with the above Institution, as Chief 4Physician, and a twelve years' course of steady devotion to the Cure or l'ohnointryiConsump ! tion and its kindred diseases, together 'With • my unrivalled opporthnities and advantages of pathological research—aided not it littleby perfect system of Mit:Ural] Inhalation,--Ltids,ca abledlne. to arrive at 'a • decisive, (Ikea', OA successful course of treatment 'for the positive and radical cure of all diseases of the. Thu* Lungs, and Air-Paseages .By Inhalation., the vapor and curative properties of medicines are directly addressed to the ',diseased orgaus'and the integuments. Ido not 'the use of Medical Inhalation of any kind, to the exelu. stun of general treatment; and although I emi r sides it a useful adjuvant in the proper man. agement or those fearful and. often fatal die eases. yet I decal it very, necessary that 'each patient should have the benefit of both geniiel, and local treatment. Thp success of my treat ment in the above diseases, and the high eher• acter of the Institution over which I have sa long had the honor to preside, are too Well known to need any enloo' or comment from nie. At the solicitation of many private awl professional friends, thrOugh whose philnn • thropic aid the, above charity has been long and liberally supported, add after die consid eration, I have concluded ;to' make such ar.; rangements as will bring the benefits of my experience and treatment within the reach of all, and not confine myself, as heretofore,.to those only who entered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit me at, my office. hoping therefore that the arrangement will give entire satisfaction, both to my professional .brethren sod the public, I would respectfully announce in conclusion. that I can ante be consulted per sonally or his !ate', on all diseases as .above, and that the medicines, the same as used in the Institution, prepared to suit each individ.; sal case: Inhaling VaporF, 3lcdieal Inhaler . r, &c., ,ke., trill be forwarded by express to any par of the United :States or the Canadas. TEnus--7- Myterms of treatment by letter are as follows viz : $l2 per - month for each patient, whic will include medicine sufficienttor one month's n4e; also. Inhaling Vapor, and an Inhaling Apparatus. Payment .as follows ,$6 to be paid to Express Agent on .receipt of the box of Medicine, and the balance $6 to be paid a the expiration of the month, if the patient L. . cured or is entirely satisfied"- with the area: wilt. Patients, by giving a full history their case, and their symptoms in full, can be treated as well by letter .as. by personal exam-, ination. Patients availing themselves• of -Dr.. Jarrett's treatment may rely upon irrimediati arid permanent relief, as 'lie seldom has, to trett a case over thirty'. - days. Letters-far ad vice promptly answered.' For ferther Ora-, ulais address • - JAMES M. JARRETT. M. D.. Yo. 8.2. r) Broadway, cor. Twelfth St., P. S.—Physicians and others visiting sh'; city are respectful!? invited to call at the In: tirrnary, where many interesting case 3 can be witnessed, and' where our improved apptcatut fur the inhalatimcof medicated sapor can; be. seen and inspected. 1l:2-6mo HEALTH WITHOUT' PHYSIC - „ A PRIZE - ESSAY on NEEITOII3 DISEASES::' Just_ published, the 25th thousand; in a seali ed envelo , ,e, price 10'cents; or sent, pOstpai4; by the I.4libbers, fur 3 stamps: ~.. ..1 MEDICAL ES.AY O\ YU t i PEINSICAL .11•101.A.EETWI AND DECAY of the frame-from ledulgencq Infection - and' the itijuriods consequences of Mercury, With themorlei-n vim= of cute. • C ' ' • By IL J. MiLVERWELL, .:11, D. - :: 1 Member of the Royal College of Surgeons; &c.; &c., &c. i . . • - `Si Kr...Spermatorrhms,nr Seminal Pnission*i Nervous Debility, Impotency, Loss of Energy, Depression of spirits, Tiniidity,'Diseases of thu Sexual Org,ans, and Impediments to M trriaga generally, are 'promptly-land effectually cured by the Author's novel and most successful mode of treatment. by Means orivhich the Di-, valid can regain pristine health : svithodt hav ing recourse to dangerottanntl exPensive medi cines. • • • From the London Lancet- 7 " 77te hest treati.ts . ever. airitien.on a eulyeet of vitOlimportaneo to all,: well. Worthy the Author's tedtid repittatioli.7 Address the Publishers :'C: J; C. -ICLTNE 130:, Ist. Avenue, cor. 19th. Street, Post Box' 4556, New YorKity. Pl-3 mos. inside.) . F AN YBODY, including maids andtnatrons; old or young, plain or pretty, tv - htlf to:huy or sell anything, we give it as, our candid ti;;in. , ion, they had better come to that satuCOltk Iteg,ulator, kept in fail blin• - :t. by ' - CLARK PHILLIPS. OILINGES LEMONS just receirvil 10.3 W B. J. 11. GIi..IVES. ,a 0
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