Eltiun au -eviuttg. CONF;T:DEICTIAL; - - The CouNiy . CommlssioNErs will meet-at CoudersPort, on the 2IST DAy OF MY, for ,the transaction of -busine-ss. lam requested to notify all persons indebted to the County, that unless a settlement is made ou or before that day, the claims will be put in the hands of the Sheriff for collection. - JO UCN S. MANN, Attorney for ga Coraminioners .Coudersport, June 13, 1833. We -ask the attention of each and every reader of the JOURNAL to the communi cation, on our first page, from ." Sylvan." The subject is one of interest to all, inas much as it affects the welfare of the whole county. We hope •the subject, will be thoroughly discussed on both sides. tho' we hope correspondents will be brief and explicit in their treatment of it. " Syl van" handles it is a creditable manner. { • Clark- .c.f nallips, of 'Wellsville, are Conscious of the value of theJoURNII; as an advertising medium ; but, what is bet ter, they have the courage to follow .up the ath:antage they obtained a year ago by letting the people of Putter county know, through the columns of the JOUR NAL, where, and how they do business.— They are about the cleverest firm in Wellsville, and, Tor the reason that they patronize the ejtiI:P.NAL 'Should receive the custom of the\people of Potter Coml. ty. &e- their adVertisement iu another column. - " Old Jerry," a horse belonging to W. B. G : ordinie.r, of this place, on Thursday night last-performed a wonderful feat of necromancy. He was left tied in--the stable that evening, and could be- found nowhere about in the morning,, though his; halter was in its prOper place. There is .a small cellar under the barn, the only en trance to which is bY a trap-door about 3 feet square. The edlar Is used as a Kure house for grain, &c., and immediately un der the dour was a " bin" full of potatoes. On looking. &in this d-;or,: Mr. J•erry-', was found standing ascontented as if he were safe in his stall in the stable above., He is a large horse, and considerably ad vanced in years, and we wonder that he was not fatally, instead of very slightly, injured by the fall—and we are at a lots to know iu what position he could have placed himself to get through so small an aperture. Ile was liberated front his self. imposed imprisonment by digging away the foundation of the barn sufficient to let him out. Brass Ba,r;(l.—lt affords us n r cit ;rat ification to have it in our power to an-I nounce, that there is a bright prospect! that our citizens will not much longer be I dependentlon neighboring towns for band-I music when they , need it. An associa tiou, comprising many of the most promi nenteitizens of this place, has been form ed, with a capital stock of 8250. (two thirds of which- is already subscribed, and the balance promised of good responsible I persons), and at a meeting on Monday! evening last, ordered a Committee to ne-i geciate for instruments and an-instructor for eleven persons who signified their in tention to become permanent and active; members of a Band. .They also appoint ed a Committee to draught a Conititu- tion and By-L tivs for the permanent or-1 ganization of the Association and -Band. I The project has 'assumed so tangible a' form that we feel safe in assuring our , readers that in less than than two months our citizens will• have the pleasure of list-, ening to the swelling notes of :their own buglers, and thatCoudersport will be able to suPply a nrs ° l-rate band to play on the occasion'of the Agricultural Fair in Octo ber. Amen! Say we—and so should every one having an interest in the wel fare of our village. . Local Advertising.—Perhaps the. pub- Jishet of no newspaper in this state has so-much reason to complain of lack of 10-I Gal advertising support, as we have—cer- tain/V, no paper has 10. 5s of such support, 1 7 in proportion to the amount of business! done in 'the community, than the Jouit-! AL. Our merchants seem to think that money expended in advertising' is thrown away, and regard the act of sending an! advertisement into our office for publica tibn as a mere favor to vs—while they also desire us to .bid as low as possible for that fattir;- in other words, they desire us to advertise for them at rates even below reasonable cost of labor and 'other expen ses,rand take our pay in store-gaods at prieesof their : own making, (which, we are inclined to-think, never fail short of the highest tariff-rates,) ati . ll", moreover, ex pect us to' write and 'print; in addition, an editorial puff at least half aS - long. as their advertisement. But even here tlier• ex pectations do . not end : They expect' us to trade enough ,for cash,- so that` they will be:eriabled to /secure profits enough o=l=l=Z=4======fl====l2=s from that trade 6 eo-ver the ,ex..pene of the advertising favor they hav,e extended to mi . Thus far' we ha . vo. 6ne 'so with then 3.:. •-• • - Now. this may seem like an over-drawn picture; but , we regret,. to say that it ;is too near being a lite-like portrait to be pleasant to-us; and, to say nothing of the principle of the custom, it is certainly' a humiliatingview of the business. of Cou dersport, and no one feels thebnniiliation more acutely than we do. - We 'know that our bounden duty; is to . do awe can to I build up the businesi interests of this vil lage and county; but we also believe that it is the duty Of, those interests to itid and I cheer us, and when they ...re derelict in in that duty we believe that it is ours to ,remind them .of it, even though..the man-I tier of doing so may be so c1u.,1,y as to I offend—our in tentions ;are for their good.' though we may be awkward in Matt:int , : them apparent; and what we may have said in this article is without any other intention than a general application. It will be seen, by, reference to our ad vertising coluninStbat .- Messis. J. M. Judd. ] Co. and D. E. Olmsted, -are.willing to', present the most tangible evidence that they are exceptions to: the eeneral rule depicted above. We trust their. "ven tures" will realize to them an early ex- . emplificatiou of the principle, that money I expended in advertising •is doubly` and trebly saved to, them in the end. We hope others; (for' their - own benefit, not • ours,) will follow the examples set, and give the people of the county,. and those ;abroad, some assuaauee that Coudersport is neither retrograding, nor standing still' in business, but steadily and surely ad vaneing to commercial importance and prosperity. The following excellent Temperance 'Song was dropp, , d in o it box at the P. 0. this week, by a fair friend, whose initials we are quite unable to " divine ''.... , -though she desires us to "please publish this, and oblige your old friend.' " sc. Of coarse we will publish it, though we sincerely regret that our' old friend' feared to confide her name to us' more expli• citly ; but, she was- probably aware that our old bachelor heart has a soft side, the ready subject of Woman's slightest wish. At to the Song, we would state that inasmuch as it is not furnished us as original, we think it is one of those Size-on commixtures of good-sense, metre and wit indigenous only to the climate of the "dr.ell Mountains. We are not: howev er, sure but it Is original, as 1.4 e have never sect it before. Bill our fah friend be kind enough to send :Ls her I..itne in full. A DRECKING SON Bey for a Bucket. Conte, pass round the pail, boys, and give it no qq;lrter ; Drink deep, and drink oft, and r . eplen::ll Tour jogs. Fill up, and FE give you a toast to 4rnii6te'r 7 : The Turncock foreveved that, opetis the • plugs ! • 1 hen hey fora bucket, a buckEt„a bucket. Then hey for a bucket tilled up to the brim-; Or. bet of all notions. !et.'s have it, Lv oceans,' W ;Lb plenty of room fora sink Or n swim. Let topers, of grape-juice exultingiv vapor, But let us' jast whisper it word tg the elves, I We water roads, horses,•silks, ribhoas, bank- paper,. Plants, poets and muses-; : -and why not, ol.rselves Then hey for a bucket,4e.! The vintage they cry, thing of Spn;in's and of France's. The jigs, the boleros, fandangos rind jump=: Bul water's the , •pring of all civiliZed dauces, We go to a ba.:l, not in btatles, hot pumps!, Then hey for fora bric'iet, Let others of DiayJi:srer fp] .1; their Fleasure, Or honor old Nozz the,r tlidry We'll drink AnAais ALE, ..!.0 we p9ol me.:sure, Or quad' heavy wet from the !wit in the y.tm. Then hey for a buel.ez, ;. --4 -..c‘aae flatter gin, brandy and ruin; on titcir inLras,l ' Grog, punch, and what not that! entirtn a least; • 1 'Tis true that they stir up the anima.',l spirits, But may Hot the WIWI 71 tam tiut la &ast 'llea bey for a bucket, it c. The Man of the Ark,who continued our species, He saved us by water;—but Its foi• the witor., We all know the.ligure (more . sad Oan face.' lions) • Ile made after tasting the juice of the vine. Then hey for a bucket, 'llk% In wine ]et a lover remember his jo,vel, _end pledge her in bumpers tilledl brimming . • and eft; . 1 But we can distinguish the kind fror4 the cruel, And toast them in water, the liarctior the 46f t. Then hey for a bucket, &c. : Some, crossed in a passion, can lever o'er . look it, But lake to a pistol, a knife, or albearn ; Witil , t temperate swains are enable 4 to brook By help of a little.meandering stream. - Then hey for a bucket, ie. Should fortune diminish our ea.sh 'risuni total, Deranging our wits and our private affairs, Thote*,sonie in such eases, would fty to the bottle, There 's nothing water foridrowning Our cares, , . . Thou hey for a bucket, 4:e. See drinkers'of water, their wits never lacking, Direct as a railroad, and smooth in their gaits; • 1 Bat look at the bibbers of wine, they go tack , big,. . Like ships that have . met a foul wind in the straights. . Then hey for a bucket, ltc. A fig, fhen, for Burgundy, Caret, orlifounrain, A few scanty glasses must limit&our wish But he's the true toper that gues toithe foun tain,— • . • The drinker that verily litlrinks'lie a' fish!" • ••• ••; Their - 114 for a bucket, 4c. For the Potter Journal Vs:Cosmettcs: .We .were admiring the beautiful : , crim son doll& last evening, 'when brother, who was listenin,g; suppose _.thatis what ifie girls paint their 'cheeks With." I was math obliged to Min for Abe'. poeti- Cat thought, and wished' I were a poet, to embalm it in a beautiful stanza ; but I am not, so I wrote,it down in plain prose to look at' and think of. What made 'the ' red clouds Only a pile of watery vapor,, floating in the pure air.and tinged by the' bright sunlight. And really I believe that is what some of the .girls use for paint, and the rest will when they ini p•rove in knowledge a great deal more than:false cosmetics improve their looks, Fresh water, pure - air and bright sunlight, —2What can they not di) in the way of giving beauty ! To tree, and Shrub; and 'flowers, they give their bright adorning:; the cloud of silver lining is given to our view as well as the. gorgeous gold and crimson oT sunset by the same magic coin ' , binations. And it will. give no small wealth 'of bright eyes and rosy cheeks to the young ladies who will seek its influ ence. - DELL. July 2, 1858. [ We would be pleased to bare DELL made regular contributions to ormeolumns. The beautiful word-garinebtsio which she has clothed the happy thought of , her lit tle brother; induce= us, (aside' from other considerations) to place her in the front rank of our contributors.] Died, Warren, Pa., June 15th inst. Airs. MARTHA H., wife of S., P. Joux- SON, Esq., of that place. TIT E Harrisbura Tricg ruplt is out strong ly in favor of Gen. Simon Cameron, as the nest Republican eanuidate for the Presi dency. • • ga- Whoever kneW a woman-hater that' did nut sooner or later' pay .fur it. Mar riaLre, which is a hies - slue: to another man. falls upon such ao one as a judg,ueut. i'o)ili:4l it:mot!,),NlNts. &B— We trill announce Candidates for Office at tAc rate of Si each, Is invANcr.for all occupying lu lines or lets—each additional line 10 cents. Assembly—Anti-Leconn.pton. To the Elecit.rs c ! l' the Iliprcsentotive- District composed of the Guentics o Tiof a end Potter :—I. am a Candidate for the office of Representa tive in the next General Assembly. Should I be elected, my constuents may rest assured that, to the belst or my ability, they will be represented upon- the principles of the Decla ration of Independence and the Constitution of the Union; and especially that the People of the Territories k including Kansas,) have the same right to resist the enforcement of Slavery upon them .wainst -their will, that our Fathers had to resist the Stamp Act of George and throw h:s Tea into Boston Harbor. If this be Treason, make the most of it. JNO. M. KILBOURNE. Pike, Potter Co., Pa.; June 30, I s5B. speziO GRAVEL AND STONE By this we understand a collection of sand like substance having been lodged in the pass age of the urine. When the sytem is in a healthy state, this substance is carried oil by the natural passage of the body ; but when the. is a weakness of any organ, especially the kidneys, they-become it:cap:foie of expell ing suck bandy concretions, and consequently they are lodged in the kidneys. rrethra, or the bladder, CallSiDT, great inflammation to those organs, and great pains and swelling, and great difficulty in voiding the urine. It has been admitted by many physicians, that Morse's - Indian Root Pills are made out:of some particular plants which have a wonderful charming influence in dissolving the substance which has clogged the passage, and by their cooling properties, -they expel ail inflamma tion, am:Heave the water passage in an active and healthy State. From thice to four of these Pills night and morning, from one to two weeks, will decide how ails dreadful disease is to be treated, and as they' remove the cause of every kind of d sease, it is utterly impossible for them.to fail in curing the gravel, .as they unclog the passage, nod leave the pans iu a healthy and lively condition. Dr. Morse's Indian Hoot Pills aro sold by nil dealers in Medicines: • A CARD For the security of the Fublic, I wish to say that the welfare of my little family commands me to' change my well-known given-name, FRANK. JooNsoN, and request that in future it may be written as my father learned me to write it—FnAsz MATTHIAS JANSEN ; and -peo ple can pronounce it is they think proper. I do not care so much for the pronunciation of my name as I do for haying it written right. It will save me trouble in busities:!, and do no harm tp the public. I claim as well the good as the bad that is done by it thromth myself. wtifild also inform the public that I am still la'eurine - 'to build up my own wealth.and , convenience, by the stealth and convenience'. of the' public and those wanting work done in my, line of business (Cabinet Maki-r) are kindly invited to' call. .:‘ny unpaid debt against me can be paid on short notice, if not immediately, on presentation at my place of businei..s. North side of Fif,ll Street, between Maim and West street., Coudersport. I also desire those indebted to me for work to pay up as soon as possible. June 22, 1858.-3 t. 4tiattti,srmtnts. LIST OF LETTERS,. RI:3IALNING in the Post Officeat COLTDEUS PORT, for the .Quarter ending July 1, 1838: Bliss, S. McKinney, P. Far, S. • Preshau, L. Gibson, Wm. R. Rockwell, D. Howe, Lucy •- Sherwood, D. Johnson, Miss J. M. \lkon. Aaron Kilbo'rn, J. M. Thomas, Helen, Kil!grove, 0. Turner, Miss A. • Leaner, T. Teed, Jes s e, May, L. ; Wildrilan, Roswell tcza''Persons calling for any of the above Letters n - ill please say_ they arc advertised. • ; - •• -J M :JUDPi P:' 3 L - ; Coudersport, July 1, IESB. ; • **sp--AJ!: Tifila..tol,olVtili:-..! .A . ND REMEMBER, WHEN ABOUT - MArrcG PUECHA D. E. OLMSTED'S STOCK IS. REPLENISHED AGAIN. TIT NEW ,'4 SEASONABLE G S,. BOUGHT LOW SMALL ADVANCE. HOT WEATHER, And. MoreE±pected LAWNS, BARE GE S CHILLIES, and other SUMMER GOODS, JEST RECEIVED, and will be. SOLD CHEAP; Also, a LARGE STOCK ofCOTTONADES, ' LINENS„DRILLS, kg.. for MEN AND BOYS' S U M.M E R WEAR. AT LOW FIGURES . FOR READY PAY. _ 1— _ Hell TN. _ PALM-LEAF.STRI COLORED LEGHOR. • and Ole L A It.pE ST I - /BE S T ngsortment of ? I- 1 SOFT HATS ever offer ,• I ed in THIS 3IAIIK.ET 1 oots ST. Shoes! LARGE ASSORT - MENTS - LOW. PRICES- ND, WHAT IS OF MORE IMPORTANCE, ARE WELL MADE FROM GOOD STOCK. MAKE HAX While the Sun Shines ! But before commencing, see that you have plenty of good utensils, such as SCYTHES, -SNATIIS, FORKS St RAKES. If anything is - lacking, please call at - OmusTlin's—Plenty on hand. el °thin 9 Cloths , t 5 CRAVATS, COLLARS and a large lot of GLOVES & IIOSIERY, now on hand. GROCERIES. A full supply, at the lowest prices • T. rl , . • T Warranted to give satisfaction, Qr the money refunded. TRY IT. cwidersport, Jillyl.l, 1838. Olttention T.E.WHOLE! CLARK & PHILLIPS, WHO have run the ivell-known "OLD ; REGULATOR," at Wellsville, for the List two years, have made a general fitting' bp 'outside and in, and have filled it up to overflowing with GROCERIES & PROVIS/ONS, BOOTS S SHOES, a. genearal variety of - Hardwai.e R Cutlery, comprising all things necessary for Families, Mills, Me‘7ltarties, Formers, ..te."; and we are bound not only to Regulate ; but to beat the crowd in the . BEST QUALITIES, in this tot-n and Olean. One of the firm hay ing had OVER ',O VEAR'S' EXPERIENCE in 3lerchandizing.—and with abundant pecunia ry facilities, we &now we can BACK UP our statements, and :everybody is invited to test the truth of the same. We furnish Merchants and Pedlars CHOICE SUPERFINE FLOUR at S 4 ; SALT at 51,75 t Fine YOUNG-111 - SON TEA 37.1 ets. lb. Choice WHITE FISH and TROUT 54,50 . I -bbl.; BEST NAILS 54,25 ketr,—other things iu proportion. \\;e can do you good. and expect to receive pay fur our labor and investment by selling large amounts, in the Wholesale way, to Merchants, Hotels, 'Pedlars &c. We are aware that every Picininni shop tells the same yarn, and advertise ten times more than they hav&or can do; but come-and tee us, and you )vill say ' F. M. JANSEN NO LIE TO THIS E. P. CLABIi--orte of the firitr—has built a Bankipg Office adjoining the store, and is prepared to furnish . . - • DRAfTS AND BLS OF EXCHANGE for this country, England, Ireloiad and Scot- Land, make Collections Remittances, buyall iliQlf - gti • at its value, furnish Gold and Silver, &e., and other things growiagjout of the busineis. • LOCATIO.N—Fooq'of PLANK-ROAD ST., on . the - . .". I. ICLARKr& PHILLIPS. IVe76ville; I', 11858.--10:51-tf. THAT AND FOR SALE AT A LOWEST PRICES, ED GOOD SAVINgi MONEY MONEY! MAKING Which you can d AT THE OLD CORNER, WHERE THEY HAVE RECEIVED, AND ARE STIL_. RECEIVING E LARAST, C hoicest ,9 A l ) . Best iSitelected 1 STOCK OF ROCERIES lii If wn. gifffars, t;Dbatur, Ctifs, Molosses9 OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES, Lei SHORT, Everything, etc. 4- 4 • E 3 Li OHL FISH, RECEIVED DAILY FROM DUN- KIRK AND BUFFALO - r z • • . 4, r - RAF ttrintS, LP AND WILL BE SOLD Lou fn- Cash. PER CH-I,,SER S HAVE ONLY TO CALL TO BE C'OXVLVCED .711 AT J,UDD CAN BEAT THEM ALL SELLING. WE WILL SELL AS LOW, OR LO WER Than, Others, OR Sink the Ship! FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS, .4ND ALL; CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES BEFORE PUR- CHASING ELSEWHERE. 3: M. 13UDD & Co. I, IgsB `Couderzport, July SOUTEIWORTM • tEgiioNst. G. W:.CROCEETT, . - :CIIARLES BURDETT, . 'THOMAS DIJNNENGLISIT, I ' HENRY CLAPP, Z-ctx., ,GEORGE ARNOLD, • - 'SAMUEL YOUNG, ' : ; M s. ANNA Iv.t.thILPLEY, • VIRGINIA YA.U.GFIAN, • DI. VERNON, - Miss - HATTIE CLARE, FISLEYL JOHNSON, _ Write only-for the GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE. GOLDEN PRIZE: . GOLDEN PRIZE.` EWS. by•calli9g . ori_ d & Co., •GOLDEN PRE ILLUSTRATED. UAW& SALTER, SUCCESSORS To BECKET The New York Weekly Gprzis is one of the largest and beat literary p of the day—an ;Imperial Quarto;. eonta eight pages, or forty columns, of the most i esting and fascinating reading matter, the Very first writers of the day, giemilij Dittsitqla i.. - iyeilj Neel A PRESENT, WORTH FROM 50 CENTS TO $5OO A Will be given to each subscriber inutedil on receipt of the subscription money. -T presented as a Memento of Friendship. not as an inducement.to obtain subscribe TERMS: One copy for I year, $2 00 and IPm One copy for 2 years, '3 50 and 2 Free One copy for 3 ,years, 500 and 3 ". One cepy for 5 years, 800 and 5 " I - To Muss, , Three copies,' 1 year, $5 00 and 2 - Five.copies, 1 year, Et 00 and 5 ' " Ten copies, I 2„-ear, 15 00 and 10 " Twenty-one cop's, 1 y'r, 30"00 andl 21 !L Tile articles to be given away are comp i in the following list: . 2 Packages of Gold, con- taining $5OO 00 '! 5 . do do 200 00 .i 10 do do do 100 00 Li 10 Patent Leverliuntiug Cas ed Watches. , - 100 00 20 Gold Watches, 75 00 .1 50 _do , do . -60 00 : 100: do, do 50 00 Li 300:Ladies' Gold Watches, 33 00 2GO Ilunting Cased. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest, - • and Fob Chains, $lO . OO to 30 00 Gold Lockets, Bracelets,.• Brooches, Drops„Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve But Ring,i,;shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and ver Thimbles, and a variety each: Other . arti worth from 50 cents to $l5 end': I We will present to every person sendin I 50 subscribers, at $2 each, a Gold W.I worth $4O; to any one sending us 100 .! scribers, at $2 each, a Gold Watch, $9O. ery sntiscriber will also receive apresent. Immediately on receipt of thq'money, subscriber's name will be entered upon' book, and the present will be for Warded in one week, by mail or expreis, post paid. }?lam, All communications should be dressed to DEAN Si.' SAETER, Proprietors, 335 Broadway, New Yor je10;53-Item,ly. 2_4S T OF VENDERS OP ierehandize in Potter COI year 185°. Names. CI( P. Suhr & Co., Andrew Jackson, Amos Raymond, Benjamin Morley, S. M. Mills, Mudge & Merrick, Co UDiRSPOUT L. F. Maynard, .1._13. Smith, Smith & Jones, P. A. stebbiw, Olcastctl & Kelly, D. E. Olmsted, E. K. Spencer, - J. :11..JmId & Co., . • M. W. Mann, GiNESEE S. E. Darrow, HAISIUSON Ebenezer Tanner, Mary Goodman, Francis Strang, • Oinvao C. 11. Simmons, Wm...McDougall, Mann & Nichols, Charles Canfield, W. B. it J. H. Graves, STEIVA.P.D3Oi , r. Henry Andreson, • • STLVANI.S. Thos. L. Yoting, tjLvssEs. D.' J. & E. W. Cliappel, Laraber!S: A. Corey, :Bur; Wrton • .11.0.1'011 Clark White, ' Barclay Brainard, Daniel di John G. Bensley, TIM Watches, '3O 00 300 Silver Watches, $lOOO to 25 00 • ABBOTT ALLEGOT BINGHAM SuAstos . A COURT- OF APPEALS wit be held e l the Commissioners' () THURSDAY, 15111 DAY OF JULY - II t, when, persons considering themselves n grieved be beard. ' W. B. G AYES; f ' 1 ffercantile Appraise Coudersport, June 21, 1858.-4 . t Aclinittistrat,or's :Nptice TETT'ERS of administration •dn the Estate - , 4 I of GABRIEL BARNES, late of Sharon T0wn4 7, 1,• ship, Batter Countyy Pa., deeetlsed, having :- been granted to the undersigned, all those Fu..'. debted to the said estate will make immediate payment. and those having elaimi igaiiist the same, iwill - present them duly auttienticated tor settlement. A. J . ...BARN*, Adm'r. - -SELENA. 3. BARN 's, Adnex. • - lliliport, June .t • - . A T 3 T T O _-,~ UTITEREAS mv-- SArt: V V 14t my bed and board. cause or provocation, I - hereby, _ • sonsriot': to trust her on My aced pay no debts of her contracting. ; RUSSELL Homeri June 28, 1858.-50-3 t.. II 111 II II II 1, 11 BEI 110 ME co: ~•I2B p er s mug. ter-' tely is is and . 3. - nt. I:nts. is ed !ach. I h 13. a c c h b: yin . !ach. I 1 9.0 . !ach. Ear ons, Sil le9, us itch; the our tith- FORE nty, for 14 $ 14 14 14 14 12 1 14 • 14- 114 14 114 H ANN - . itliont joist atm all--ppr at, as I 7111,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers