what They Struggle For: Whi not give him [gen. Jackmani tbeeiery beet niajoriay you can, by electing him teem. grees as a reward, dc.—PAStadelphict Press- - ‘Wci will tell you MrePresi :because 7 1.0n.' .ALLISON WHITE, who has made a most faithful influential, and iodependent Re pre.sentativeewill probably ban candidate for teelection, and Gen. Jietemew is too firm a friend i,f Mr. White to be itilni, way for Congress. . - As-to " Lecompton," the Democrats of ! this region have, generally, refused to be come embroiled in it—eare nothing about ! it--and deem theaseendeney of their par ty as of infinitely more importance than a thoesand sash eeeniship epiarrels as exist; in it about Kansas. That is cur answer.—Cliaton Democrat.' 1 We do not question. the truth of the; last pemgraph of the above--em the con trary we gulp it all down at- one swallow ;I indeed, we are glad to see you so henesti as to affirm that the Heads of Allisoo ; White prefer party to principle. We know where to meet you, now—and that any effort to bring you into a discussion; of principles during this Congressional 1 eanvass will- be useless. We intend to ; make the success of the great principle! of Right the basieof the current or coming political eoutestand we regret that you have "taken the nail" in this matter, as no doubt you are Instructed to do from' head-quarteri "Party aseendeuey" will 1 uo doubt do for your class cf Democrats Tle'E BEST War To ? AIR OFF.—A • The following extracts ftiem a letter of 1 to advocate, but we think you will find • _Washingten correspoedeet says : I that a majority of Demoerata are willing 1 "In the Ifoese yesterday, when the i April 50, to the Lawreeee Republican i I yetie and nays were being celled open the; --e-- . • i give as intellig ent and we believe a true' :to retiere to p-rinsple. `Anil ptureap of the bill for the admission ! St.': The I. 3 itt4burg Di:patch has dbta. - , n ~, 1 As for Gen. Jackman being in Allison i 1 aceoont of t1)0 Part S cott war, It is ! ____ , . . !- - pf Minnesote into the Union, the clerk ' nod an entire ne' suit. It is a very de- 1 I White s way in view of his re-election we 1 , and stistained well we , known to cear readers that the remnant of, ' 1 The Duty of Republlev.tt3s. annotineell the name of ‘Siles 31. Bur-I sere i„, name, !are inclined to thiuk there is a good pros-; ! . _=..------- rodeh' There was no response.. Again ; . d ee ' • t !the Border Bußau force has been eon-I Philaaeleeia did a gland thing on Tuesday. , - of his being considerably so-. If he' the clerk called 'Silas 31. Burrouelie„: but 'i ll 6 ' ! a , _.....- 4 , . i eentrated at Fort Scott, ever shore the !Pc* !week. Ile` freemen detltted, Vaux, the Ad- ITO CONTRACTORS. there was still no answer, 31r. lloaM of 1 Opeozerioes ,STATE CONVENTiON.—' Free • State men got eon. rol of the Terri-I ts not' some other cool honest anti-Le; meeseettion Callidltlate for Mayor, L. a major- lIV oTicE is hereey given thet PROPOSALS: of 43.1.1! The English ,j-iggle went taro' iIN will he received at the Office of the Town view York, arose with a eouatenae in - The State Committee have called a Con- i torial Govetnment. 'Dr. Hamiltoo, nate- 1 a ; compton man will be. W.e du not believe icy , con g resi jest four day.; pre.rioeete.—Teeee w e e - 1 1 Council of the Borough of Coudersport, until Oicatinc that some fun was brewing, und ventien to nominate a State Ticket, in •,d • 1 or . that teen. Jackman prefers pa rty tu prin- ',"Fey ! the 20th lust., fertile making and complet fahl-; ‘ -- 31r, Speaker, 'I desire tq state to i . , e. es ~e pl tog ~,,t, L o uis Jvpul n icon, is one of t h.. h ~.. ... I feel IMe of all such SIDE-WALK 3 as were ordered F re we dreiht hi beiea will- ' , it is " l a grand thing." t eree , „,Illy . the Ordinance of May 2.... 18a7, now re the 1:1 - ouse that my colleague from the - QPP°"itin! tg the Leo ol -91/ml L'etnen'acYt :the worst of this gee g. The felloWieej cI P '' ; , CObe so. We feel it to le co • every 31st district has 'paired, 'e e is abut to meet at llarrisburg on the Bth of.raiy. extract fratu the Laweence Rept:Wean, rt , face as ; ing, to suppert 5 , 71 glaring a -mg,. , , , ~ , , - - • • , , . miming unbuilt :.•r incomplete—at :thick time. o tend u, l ereedom and fleuesty the coon-'and elate said Jobs will be lit to the lowest. fpairing,' for the remainder of the! ______........... ... - will show the caus2. of Captain Moteagena I' kilieon White hae. proved hims - elf iv be, _Pew' . Senator Catueren will accept our ; ; try ever feels it to be. so. The slay-, and pro- best bidder. Ilv order of•the council. heat This annquucement produced a! i fu. re-election. And this confidence arc cry corrttptioniete, from Buchanan down- I Saari, li. STORhae Se. 4. shout of laughter from some of the meal_ thanks for a copy of the Na ional Finan-lery's movementS." Ift:A i.. tlle integrity of Gen, Jackman, in- • wards, feel rehnked by it. and have in it! , Coudersport, May 3, 1858. beta who appeared to be pested. Tfie ;vial Report, and many other doctimentary i ttTlie Ftee-State raen in Fort Snort; The above letting is postponed until the first.. ts to pronoueee your assto 1 p phe cc the p_r rt. uLes in future. -ersion a ro hee of -r ', Ir •• " have been constant, ) implicated st•th ov a I dace Cli fen of this morning eeplaiee the laugh ' favore. , . NYould it net be a grander thing if I 1 Nlondav of June next at the seine time and. thus: ! files r., Covode and Cana of the House 1 rases e -4hich they abhorred, nest hlareed l that errant a goes- libel upon his political i that which was done without their' eharacter. .: a • place. Contractors Will be rennired to finish: corresponding ;result could be produced I their contracts within two weeks from that " ' 3ferairee.- e dn this city on the 11th In ' will also accept our thanks for doCuments. ' for ! 1 next ( . ...Ictober in the State ? You:applaud 't date. By order of the Council. stant e at the Church of the Epiphany, b'. the : knowledoe or consent. Bracket, who re- I ANI. . e 1 We are also compelled to agree vita .I,SAWL H. STORRS,- Sec'y, Her. Dr . -Hall Hari. Silas M. letirroues of New cently killed Denton, liedrica and nth- the rult in the oily, bat insist that the! ' Z`e • The qmetheru Commercial Conven_ 1 . . sante means shall not be empleyed on al Spelt. Juno 20, 1858.--45. ' • York andltils Charlotte S. vonnovi4. dan•rit- ' '"'" 1 !the Democrat tu anty,ner point—that A I - 1 Couder --• ors was dressed in soldiers' uniforre. A i ter of S, Brintnall. Esq„ fermerly of Water- tion, lately in sassiou at 'Montgomery Ala. i , . . " t combination had been formed, en. ,t 1 lison Whhe has proved 11'11113 -...if an " in- l i larger scale. . teem, New York. - ! ;to give Sdu . thern fire-caters an opPortuni- : Long before there - wets a Republican ••••..410....... to have originated with these men, to I dependent Representative." He certain-1 e. d n ; party we were radi cally anti-slavery, es THE INTEquo-Ptlefit.-v I LLUSTE.ATED.—! t' t:vsent'some o f th e “, w i m " which want 1 1 drive every Free-State settler out of the Ily has maintained a position strictly i t .lk member of the California Legislature, of time and fear of Northern " mul-sills of , country. To prevent this movement, I } know, enod hen mo=t pendent of the wishes of his constituent of 1 ' - brother—Sea, w who believes in the Dred Scott decision ' society" prevented theta doing in c o ,_ i Capt, ontgomery and others, mostlyl of the RepubliCan leaders were pro -slay ! youno• men frana those families- which had • •of them . 1 , —or et least a large maeortty . 1 ye We shalt not abate our anti-slavery and thinla Buchanan both a statesman erees,Aadjourned to meet at Viekehurg,!. , .. ,I We think they w - ell elect him this fall to I zeal. now that ;we have help and eneonr . neen orogen up, or whose fa - there had i . . and a patriot, lately introduced the fu] - • )Ills., on the second 3letictay of May next. ;been killed, took the initiatory steps by la position which w• 11; confer the riyht tot agement we little dreamed of; nor shall sowing bill, in good faith for passage : : The only questioh which received their 1 ordering off all pro Slavery men, and ibe it wishes—but e lt idependnt" of th i . ! w compromise principles. In matters of AN -VC•e-r. ; attention, was the re opening of the Slave : stealina their hors and :tries. The men t not as their Cougrieseiona.laepresentatiee.; sebstance we reject cmprunees. No _...-- To prevent nieettre kutamia to Eallit'orr.y. - Trade, and no progress was made toWardr so driven off came into Fort Scott in great! A 7/ t ode' Spezclis by Senator Cana- '• • ' ' ' et the. Conetitetion ha.s found an advocate rh• repie ui , it' St° i: :r . /C ll-I 'lfar"Y "..''''"' nfcci effeetine that great southern scheme. We excitement. Lest Mooday a men west con , Dolo ,, ist in' 4 ' u... But we hate the et iti &Wilt ar.4 Av , r7Dig i 41 our:f az je.Vers: , - '''' . . taken prisouer who confessed to being al Havina felt compelled to dissent, in lora ' r ' - . eeaume they want it in reserve to frighten ; , elusiveness of party as cordially as we do Section 1. No nigger not now an in l'''' - -, spy. He stated, when on trial before 1 c ' pretty strong terms, to some of Senator; t i le bi ,, at f { tabitent us-, in, end legal voter in this - northern doughfaces within the next Pres- ' these men, that he was carphiyed by Mr. , tSl' is - big .tr y o ,sec . maa our cone ?tilt, shall be. pemitted to lir, rezide, or ideuti:d campaign. • ' , Crawford, 3lr. Dimon. and 31r. Gallaher, t_ameron s remarks, it gives us unusual -deuce in the utility of creeds, as a test of ; ; . to czar , ineesages to Captain Monteona: pleasure to give our reatiek the following fellowship, whether framed by divines et ray iO this stall enny longer. ; ; 11 estininister or peliticians at Philaclel- See. 2. Deny ni e gger hog wilfilly or ax-; The Next f. 7 onerreksruan. . Cry, Bain and 3 uhnson. and advise them ; model speech made by- our Senator on the; ; The -1 1 in- -I >, ~- ,* ury • 1 - - . hie and we are star •-;-..ed dear brother identlY violates the furst seckshuneuv- L.t Le , ..., ..e 'di of this month, in explanation of the . '" . 1.1%-- ' this ackt shell be transported from thie positien on this question. In that piper settlers. Orders were immediately given; position of - B• 1 We don't See., i OEI Senator le.er.ti find you so strait-laued and intolerant: stail and sold to the lowest bidder, Chi- of May IStb, we read with great pleauere •• to these men, by tl.e Ruffians, to leave the , . c _ A - New Dawn'' once s:nileil upon you.; 1 tiamen excluded. town or abide the consequences. Reso-, ; how this specimen of oratory could be im-, Hai. the shadow . of the sun on your dial ,9 , an • article headed "The issue," from • 0-on- b- , c;'-wa- r -,. S. WILLIAMS, Sec. 3 Ntee-ers who kom with their. haloes were passed to kill them if posa proved. Mr. Bigler moved an adjourn- - - - a .d.. So me things do we be ...":" hieh we make the fie:rewire.- ex+ract as •• •• liege which arts not written in the Reptile- . LATE WILLIAMS .1.: CCIMINGHAIII, Masters to soeurn teruperaily shell mot be:" ,., •- ! sibie. .1 inept . 31r. Cameron re•lucted that he ipltlewded in the proviziens UN' this :. el:Pr.2sz'iug our , own vieies of Allesen lican Confusion or Faith The spy above named, was tried and' would withdraw the - motion furs moment ' - - ' • Hence "e do, a , Havmg removed to the spacious lofts in the . icd • such ec);urniue. don't exseed White and the Out of Reeuh'ican - to. not take that formulary as 'u infallible! CARY BUILDING, • pro 13 = --•- , e - • • 5 t ' orde.red to be shot . Seven meq took Lim! which was done, and he then_ described' standard . of poli.ical orthodoxy d ' I°s an 4 " 7 ell , an are t ...1318EP.8 STREET. and 89 At 4.0 years. If erny ship set reeked on the ses.' , ure his &feat : I DI READE STREET. NEW YORE, to the vfoods. and when they returned. his colleagr.e's. tariff views as fulloWs : ; not anxious that other pet - . plo Zhould take! ewers uv this sta:ft•with a :liege:: on horde; ; -, is now onrin , z for Cash or on approved credit, • - Ace , _)rairpz to democratic neace, Alli- repor - e 1 that the sent - had been-• . I desire on ly to say lit for such. So lono as the Repu blicans ' large 3 ;'.ring - - erne); Lace Lx- I 31u. CAMEUON.—• ~ . . .z, • . , a an we -assceted of • find if such piglet shed tri te e swim, he.. am white win ~t.. aaiii be tile candidate in ' ' ttiell be pushed order the wetter. 1 this district. Ever-, bode - knows where - voted. The 1:. S. - soldiers commanded; a word in vindication of my colleagues, I nia.utain their antaslavery integrity we' FLATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, • See. 4. All ackts or parts uy scats eon-. Mr. \\*hie. steads on this et • H question. e . be Captain Anderson, faltl i ca that some and I think in justice to him and myself. - Than co-operate with them, and no longeal UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS, fravenin this, is repeeled.l should be permitted to say that word, i We weiteerne the companionship of all who I of all the sty lea, qualitiei and materials usu.. iis openly and unequivocally in favor of of their number were implicated in these -- i Enackting Clazis.—N nizez,er is here- Slaver..-inl aansas. ; Every vote given he outreaes held a mece;na t ra ce -be im - • • for you know Ido not often occupy m uc h . • are opposed to the Leeompten Rascality,- ally found in market. Having one of the larg t)i deklared an ultpoxsires newsane, not • • ee • • , -or the time of the Senate. It ie that I; n„, t o : eat sale-room? in the cite 50 by '159 fee:.) whether they are prepared to snbsen , . .. . -, ( . 'subject d .- ' live on tle urine: th e presen t 1 woe ample facilities, and an experience of to b- persulted, ono evry §•herif in thie., e _ ..---ion has been ' f In :Ivor of Slavery, and! - plicated men, and told them they must am satisfied he is actine in accordance with the creed of the Republican National-Con ! '' , , near twenty years in the business. purchasers etait may lie a rjgger, drive:. if he char. • - it is conceded on ail hands that in every . 1 ' - le. "e. the ezenpany or be shot ; and ai ,,. ! his well knosvn principles. He is, . ; I b e et vent.on or not. That they are opposeu to ; ~ may feel assured of being as well serred at , ~ ~, vote he has misrepresented the sentiments' piled to the Captain for leave to; carry! , . ' hero, a free trade man, if I can judge him I the Rascality, and ritly Si) resist it, lS ' thi.; house as at any other in the trade. AmerzTAT.C/r A ..11,URDERE.R. — . - A yeue Z.' . tram -`i actg. I remember that at the, orthodoxy enough for Us. No matter if .1 ise e , Orders from the country filled with ' • -I of Ins- constituents, and given the lis to' out their threats.ll.lo:43. tau t , 4ardesty, who shot and killed Grubb, ; his e __• - • f. I . s • I processions in aver ofreemetn in l close of the last session the reduction of of them do dissent from our, due-;Care and promptness. •- -• • What follov, ed we will give in the:duty on cur great staple, iron, was ma d e, I trines on other points and withhold con-I, BOROUGH ACCOUNTS. - }n Burlington, Boone County, Kentucky, ! K an ,_,,, as expressed iri all his speeches' ' i • cent frem some measureswe should be; !Fords f the letter. from Fort Soott,i above! If net by his motion, at least by his vote.; -, VROM the ezatainatice, by a Committee ap about a year ago, was tried and acquitted ! during the eampaign of 1856. And, we W clr a - ° - 'He creed to it, and was perfectly satisfi- I glad to oarry. The issue now uppermost! _L' pointed by the T wnCouncii, of the Fl-- ast Thursday. The case WaSaU interest-;knee no doubt, some new trice wall be re , ferred to which shor t s the true cause - • I ed with it. The result has been to break , concerns the Kenaas swindle and she Kan-; nnnces of the Borna,gb of Coudersport, them _ _- attempted bv Mr. White to screen hitn-' of Dr. Hamiltoe's feeda from Katisa_s : ' tis found to be the follo - n ,, amount Of Orders jug one. Grubb had seduced a sister u. ;seat. -•. . . ~ i -; up every iron master in Pennsylvania who vas swio,llers. Let as settle that now an .. . . le . trenathe just itiele - eation of a be. tray-1 o - d 1- , L .„. in circulation. Judgments on record. and As. Ilardestee and the latter, on diseceerta!_z• ea ~., _ ._ a„, he , -Capt. Are eesou repaed that their; had not an immense fortune beyond his i oppartunity,offers. Let '' a grand thin-"'sets, 1 eets, on the :7th day of February, -k. D. 1858 ; e ems.euence, but trial socesed—' _ - • + -was ,in Philadelphia, he fidlewed by a grander ! Was riot in iseepieg with niilitary : business in trade. Every man who- LIABILITIEg. the fact, told the seducer that if he did ~o , - e t h e peop l e - 1„ . , again hoodvtinkcil 9—; c oa r s e ,__,, - ..,, . usage, yet Le would approve of their iat all indebted in his business has been : thing thronohont the State. And that' For year 18sts, - $l7 oo not marry her in 54 moriths he would :We think not—we believe not. Ise: y me e ee di e e s . Th e company then r etereed I titroyed. The iron business c,f Pentesel-; this may 14., do not claim for petty what i " ,- 1853, 7oa - kill him. The six inonthe hevieg expo - - ! must be defeated. Mach prudeece, Clow-' to t clean e.o 7 t the 11,u$iart head '- - 1 *abou tw hich gent le men speak here,' helonas only to mankind.—Honesdale) qtWterz, Tama, r will have to be 'cleaservd in the Se -' - l , e Lae% , 43 19 ed without Grubb's compliance, Ilarcl&oy - eye r, . . , and amt Ilreeiset and others who had; is no longer an interest. No man, unlm.s i-Dt-r,:oerat, i,, :, I 83.3 , 80 83 leeteen of hie ouponeat. A man equal to'l - _ _ met him on the street and shot him dead. the etnergenov-L-a men who occupies no- murdered this matt who had acted as a; he has a - ftertune that he has inherited or f .4 1: 1557, 3se .54 Spy and ne-sertger for Capt. Mentgono.l obtained _ from sources beyond his busi-; NT -EMESIs.--eChastisement accepted and! • $554 04 Grubb eras armed for defence, but w a s, n oddl e , vowel, bat is umaistakablv op-. • • -, - Amount °rind ets a e .... , ere. To nieke a leo; story short,tne re fleas, is capable of coedueting a furnace, improted brings good-fruits in thoe... who ' gni n, nd int reston pierced by the bullet of his antagonist; Poste to the L-ecomptou swindle and the' e -ii . that: . D II- 'I- ! ' there - for a day. a . aire. too and p . 1 have strayed final the paths of riehteous•l ' s ' - ' n . e an 4 °' e'-"-drc.f 4.112, to date, _.46: at tplZe, in the act of drawing his pistol. 1 Enolieh Juoole—and yet who cansire 1 • u , r... - .7.:. ..,; in order to save their tarn ueeki, were- "It may he the policy of my colleagne,lne• - . The Democratic party has tasted i . On the rendition of the verdite, Jude ' the support of the entire .oppositi ia t -,, _, - c•empe ievt• to state that this spy WAS not :ano it may, perhaps, be a wise one, to: the hitter fust.fruits of Leconiptonistrol. ASSF.TS. fiutall delivered the following verdict. ;should he chosen our standard hearer in ' - - I killed, but was a leire4 awinplice, in- i break dean all the - e interests ; so that and is now in a ,eoettion to look before and! amen': of Corm:misers Cer- It has more of human nature, or rather, I the coming campaiern." • istructed Co play a part,. in order; to ge t ! after a while we shall stand upon a corn-.' after. In this state and city, its repre-i tificates for 1856, $ll 21 pf wei l tu 9 ky tzttture, than of judicial pro- ! - - _ -.. 1 A Anlnint of Comtaisses Cer up a furor against Craw - ford and lathers, / :non level, when we shall be compelled !sentatives have once and -again subjeotedl party in it t' • i IleteP.lgg the Whlrlwin4l ! , - ~ .s tia..ti.es for 1857, 874 to Lin them diving the excitement . : again to retern to ;hat protective ameri-! it to t h e mu-muttons of ivrong-doing. - ; The Border Ruffians cif Kanstee and i s° as In :D by C"to f 1857 740 "SA : You have been indicted by a - -., -~ - I Thia stare was' eo iteredible that the pia- -I!,=n policy which our fathers instituted, i the State Convention it was made test:he-I Due " aec ar ' grand jury of your country upon a nee- t'. having eteT4 r " WiEl4 ' art 3 now !Pie would not leolieve it till the mall was a,nd wh•ch osak oare of the oonntry. If I ti3n the Lecomaten iniquity. In t 17131 . 1 , $27 36, Ilenicus charge. You hale put y,oureeli ecoping the harvest which sneh a sawing, -a-; A Th l, 1 ;11; 13.411•Cem• -...e W-.0.e vol•-ay then dash- we were to d es troy the duty on salt now, I city it dared to endorse thtsintioity with: Less corarnission to Saraugh upon your country' and your tied for ye-net i nee i et e,e y ertell;;.es. We re serve . t h at' 'led out. ;e'en. Clizk is impliwatedlin is—, as p ro p c ,s e d l l y ; he Senator from Rhodelits apprabation. - Philadelphia was first l and Comity Treasurers, 153 debt sauce.' You have had a fair and, -' -', t! , _• 'M G - wo . ..d' , the - !;••-• - ! I believe aft•ar n *tittle while ti nianeed into this znilt, and it ie the' filet', Fns S tate men shemd, otteer an y prove. --,A) is _r. reen pus -,..e.i,ery ; Land, I $25 83 - imDavtiai trial before them, and they have; .l r f ;-hed State here. S , Jdiers and CA uzens Were I satt intents would help the irea interests; ,to be prte_e . Let the Seem' tate no- , Amount of Lien on C.R. C M- I - • - V -o• rixn a agneed you not guilty, and so any :‘-'2th)l3s Commit h• vicilence except in self= ! a- e ' - ereatly out wed. ley these persons and land if we take off the sn.gar dote. frora Iti,e : 1 • li 3 Property for making 1.. It max aet be proper for me to ex- tolefence. And we are not sure that they a mteoed sutunta. " ey yen pea.. T i. save trent esnen down in ' - I * Louisiana, I thiek I Here, the manaeers of the foolish-ma-1 Side• Walks, 23 .0 a pry may r.ptiFents, yet nevertheless, I' do, but we notice in pro, larel'")* l*Pers I themselves, all the- Ineet rt0 . %3 - vi!lair.. i atter. .1 veaile thov wiii owns to our ground; t nevem tacitly cenfewed their comscions 1 Lit z ' °a C• I:: . 1 _ e eblison MP - . • - *fell do it. lonng man' had I been ;, u , ing chztrges againsti Captain Montgom- have! left for 1% . issouri, Eve ruffen soaked if we. sheuld rep al the law retorniogiguilt , by refusing to submit their national' ere Y' t* '`' P eld ' es P ee as von have been I would have! wronged . , : ere- and his company.; The following- • 1 • agreement, by receipt on L s! die ts, about twenty pro-Slanon•y residents I.fe e itii e slaves , all the gentlemen in th - eipoecy totheitelguent of the people; tut Jndg•-..aent of Schoortet - e-, spent every dollar had on earth, and al l ' t - et evv amount' of the re-:lotion of I °l Fo r t!' Se°tie and pet -haY others in I' nigf4l - inter would soon , help us to', the mide have passed judgment upon .t. Jackson, 43 50 that I eould have begged or borrowed, and t a Pre' - z-`•aV . -- $10413 i theKansas I It ' i then atarved upon the track of The vial ae, o-atragese i is a .etter 'the - County, slaving left or been Convicted !take care-of our iron. - So, if you rani:he p l eas filed against them, and it is in t°l of this zo - nspiracy, it is pr es umed thadaroend these interest e, and strike them I rain to say nor that the issue was not L earit tg " jadebteaanal t° be Fe' I,IIt I would hese imbrued my hands in the' St. Louis Reim/Wee:l: t {peamble settlers will be no longer ma- l down, when we rare all so low down to-i made up, and tried at the high court oft Tided for of 913 54 Us blood. Go hence without delay. You I .: D n • I • r. Hamilton . from near Fort Scott,' tested. This ends, it is hoped, the last i .eether that ere cannot tie care of our-1 the people on the 4th instant; Tor the atd- 1 • —. $lOl7 67 flee aceettiU.e+3." i araived here teeiay, btinalne. dreadful ac- chapter in Kansas villainy. I - ' - • - 1 seives, we. shat } begin to Led ee members i prit defendant entered an appearance while The th ose 'is a in. abesact of the Original B e th the verdict and .thie . judgment , connts of the trembles. to that region. The "This is a mere epitome of a winter ' s` of the same great country ought to feel, l i t.denied jurisdiction, and the j ud gment Repert on Me is the-oEce orate Town Cour i. . ' Eye !veered with eh !a of epplatiee. . emorioae (7 .34 , ta i n Ne u t g our,.. l7 , who de-11E4 0 Tb full of the dark crimes efslavev," ; e - ech one willing to serve the other. lis good and va li d; for in such eases stand- .6 1 - sun, H. STORRS, Eee,P . ~ . .. sittrte4 , CorreT9ndeire of ,Au Rcening Pa.sl, - .; Diann' '1:541. 1 .0g ivAsio_voros:;-Votiday; April d3O. THE NORTHWEST The RePuhlicans of this city held a ;WITH EXHAP,E...-€ , DEVROIT, May 12. Ree,ting ‘ o ‘ n Saturday evening and formed 1 'The sclnAri.cr &at' of the North cleared therlaselis - into an association. wi l th a{ f 9 -4y Axe ithla port for Liverpool, being vview w . ~.. ......:.towat the approaching tinpic-, Alke secug: clearance from Detroit for that I i-pal ,4eetion, and for' the distri : bntio4 0 . 1 port ! W1 feason. The schooner - . CIL) political docuineuts duaing the coning' ;Cooke mill sail this week, to ))e folla.wed I year. They adopted the following dee tbyAiit others during the preseut ikicPth?!laration of principles : . ;looted with staves and intal.•l7, fot. Livi delpoul direct. 1. The federal .;roverament bas nopow er over the sys'oni; of slavery within ;the mar /.11,9 lonclon 7:ip g ,a; Bins cariest kw*?o APT gon.g.r.ew!: •‘• l ° CgOgKesay t 1 other aide - of the great sea, our ,tranaglantic cousias man-'. age tkese m.atte;s .egrieditiously. When a proposit s iop is fimght before the House .of Ytepp.lenfativcs at Washington, any totrorfi,b uentleman to whom it may foe Atuoxious may defeat it=-Ist, 'Oeeking down the proposer on the floor e the House; 2d, by slipping acre 3s the Honse with a friend, and patting. or cow- Liding both the proposer intd seconder; 3d, by a rush of pll tf,te nays at all the yeas, and hy g.i-felferat ‘scyintruage; 4th, y . tipe;,:giqg opt agamtt time, to avoid an itomegal,a decision, and during the ad im'guntepl, by pistoliqg'or kuitingt at the *har of an hotel the proposer and all tuem- Pers who tnay seem disposed to lend hint serit.us sopp - ort. It t 4 quite clear that, f)y this 4iiiture of force apd reason, Ruiokeffe:sulta are optained than by our •psin more wearisome forma." FAtliN WMMLINGTON. states ; .but • within its own exclusive ju risdiction it his the power and ought .to exert it , to secure life, lii,perty and the pursuit of halpire=s srly all men. • 2. There sho,uid be neithGrsla,very nor involuntary scrwitiattle, exgfpt for the punishuie4 G.foriMe. in any of 1 1 / 6 , terri tories of the United Stiaes. The people are the rightful source of eli poiitical power; and all Oicers should, so far as :practicable, be chosen by a direct vote of the people. 4. Candidates for politioat offices should be men of undoubted integrity and sobri ety, and pledged to support the principles of this platform by all lac fl 4 414 consti tutional means. Mr. Seward was present, and made an claLorate anti-slavery ,speech, which was very well rece4'ed r by th^ association, many of whom.ate southern men. • Pottft ipKl:mporl.T l iff# l 6)g, :Wag !a, T. S. CHASE. EEjiT9u M 4 PUBLISHER. stroyed the balloi-bOi at one 'of the polls during,the election on the fourth of Jan- Iraq kat, bad dricen every Pm-Slavery and canseryative Free-State man out of Linn and Bourbon Counties. • . "He first gave notice to 'all who were Pro- . ,Slavery, or who voted on the Lecomp ton Constitntion7—for or agaLust it—to leave, azd jf they did not, he pruCeeded to destroy• them property and otherwise harass or persecute them. Montgomery and his "army". had succeeded in depop ulating the, neighborhood of the Merais de &Igoe, Mill Creek and Manuaton, and after running the settlers into Missouri his clan went over the; borders to plun der and .murder. Miller, in Bates Connty,3lis souri, r Wen prder.e4 to leave, or be driven away. - A. Mrs. lloolvigke, of the same Bounty, hty.l even her clothes •tolen away, amd h4r son, who ma4t some resistance to the raftaus, vas shot in the shoulder. "Capt. framiltou, fr'im Da.lrbou Ct,un ty, K. T.. has psrived here with his,stock and negroes, bavipg found it impossible to remain with 2,afeq." • As the above is a letter to a pro-Slave -17 paper, it is doubtless the worst that can be said. Now compare this with the aacking of Lawrence, the murder of Bar ber awl other, and how favorably it re flects iq factor of the Free State men.— But the Free State men give an account of these Ff:rt Scott troubles which 'puts a very diflerebt look ou them frout the above letter. wits.Aue to my colleague. I thought it *as - due xi, btu; coming from Jul3r- own State, diet 1 ethotild stake this explaue,tl;-,a." - =For the Potter Journal, r., „ _ " DITOR.•.-As Fourth of:July approaches, we ueeessarili think of an other. anniversary [ of our National Inde pendence._ Eighty-twii y ears have rolled away since the Tree of Liberty was plant ed on our Ainerisin shore, and through the :goodness of Him who gave to our forefathers the victory, we are still per mitted to sit quietly beneath its branches. Since that time some events have taken place, which'eall for our grateful remota beraEce ; of which Perry's victory on Lake. Erie, is, I think, the most conspic uous, for it soon terminated our second struggle with Great Britain for Freedom. In our political affairs, the result of they recent noinicipal election in Philadelphia, calls for joy and g ratitude, and should,, and will be hailedby every true patriot. as an omen of-the downfall of a giv.anile power, more to be dreaded than British a° , -" fi res . ions. This Bunker llill fight must be followed up, until Pennsylvania is freed from the dominion of nigger-driv ers. IV herr the ar r i4 of the covenant which was to the Jew tae symixil of the Divine Presence, was carried to itshdad and placed by the side of Phillistia's god, Dalton fell and his hands and head were broken off. and 'nothing- bat the fishy part remained, When the ballot-Ix% which is, to the American, the sovereign will of the people tells tilxin the destinies (4' the present corrupt administration, how their papa falls before it, and what but the — stump or ashy pit of their god will remain after neat fall's election, re mains to be told. R. leg nude does not 'prevent justice frier proceeding tojudgment. The offence for which the Democratic park is suffer* and to suffer is nothing less tin the aspostacy of its set-constitu ted leaders from the creed, and theirtrea senagaisstlhe principles of Democracy. Thi erise 1.7 of the nature of parricide. There is nothing to palliate it ? for there can be nothing to justify it. If adher ence to aristocratic precedents - only were concerned in this great ontrage,ltinight find some defence in the fact, that it could notbe charged with the wanton violation of its own conseientioesconviCtions of nght and duty; but when the usurpers of the Democratic organization desert the stand ard and assault the -doctrine 'of. popular sovereighty, one must doubt the govern. nrent of Providence and omnipotence l of truth, if they should escape instant and condign pnnishnient.—PhitcriPtehia Press. TEE TOMB OF PRESIDENT MONROE.- Notwithstanding James Monroe had one of the most imposing funenil - pageants ever witnessed in New York, his body was deposited in a to-rowed 'grave, and to this day the . fiftit President -of the United States has no tomb of his own, but is resting in a vault upon which there is an unpaid assessment of many years! standing gerWe welcome to our table the P•iin dependent, a thorough anti-Slavery paper and Temperance advocate ; printed away on the North-western frontier of Wisconsin, by C. W. Wheaton, and edited by E. W. Gurley. PIANOS AND PIELODEONS. . spuE subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Potter Co., that I will fur.. Dish to order, Pianos and Melodeons from tile best manufactories in the c mien, and 'upon. reasonable terms. . All letters of inquiry wilt receive prompt attention. Address, C. D. BROWN, - Ulysses. Potter Co., Pi. r!ysfts, May 25, ARRIVED AT LAST! IBOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS, of the hest matenat and newest found on hand at JOHN nn Main street, LOU DERSPORT, Pa.,in the shop lately occupied by A. H. BcrrrawonTE. , Those wishing work made to order, will do I well to give bins a trial ; he takes measures on and always insures a good fit—in fa-t, he is...a GNI-class mecrtuic in his i :4•• - • a.ttention given to FLXI WORK. and to Latlics' styles. All branches of the businers carefully and promptly atter.d.:d to. i Coudersport, May 10, 1353.—!.10:43. stir TO COT TRY !.41E.1:01-.1-NTS fashion can - always b. G. HAUSSELT'S shop, $1017.01
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers