4: IVT rtirtt E 17rourtbd Tolejlo'l3fatte ahop- Game of Oicelters.-7. . . And( Molly," 7said 'Fanny Psborne didyou ever' hefy_Any one g3p . the . queetion.?'r Why,- certainly, child, I heard your ~ i lluel4lCharlie pop, it, ati fou cab it." of t~uid Fanny, " but 'one &esti t often tell therr own experience. did ion ever any one e 14?" Well " replied Aunt Molly slow , )7, .4 , I did happen to once:" please - tell about it," cried • Fanny, Would so much like to ha a Fuld• inni.theiu the wall, on snob " ' `''Fanny-eras jut tunte,d'•of fifteen, and it was — very thaerblie Quid want to be posted. • "Very well," said Amt Molly; ." get you; work, then; fur Illon't like - to talk 'to an idle-listener," Fanny estaljlisted herself, and Aunt 310Ily. began. "It was about'. ten 'years after I Ras married, and hoUse- keeping, that cousin Morris, uncle Berijamin's 'son, c:ime to live with a; that is:he was a partner in your uncle Charlie's store, and boarded With us. You never saw . 'did you Fanny 'nodded her head, and Aunt ; • 3.1011 y pent on. " He was a whole souled, straight . for= ward, substantial young man, not -lacking in polish either ; but very bashful, so'inuett Fo, that I used really pity him sometimes, when we bad young eornranv. Annie limns was an old school wale of mine, and just after I went to house-keeping her ?parents moved to Oxfoid,- and lived only l a . short distande from us. "Annie used 'freqUently to bring her work . , and spend the evening-with Inc ' and Uncle Charlie would go howe witlL her. 'Those were rare times, Fanny; and we epjoyed thew fully. Annie Was a feal worrean; none of : your nonsensir,al, foie-sies: girls, whose lead a're so fug of bnaus that they won't hold ahythino. else." Fanny bland as Aunt Molly said this, Int Aunty looked ver'y dennve, and eon- Atinued. " And kno!ing her, and loving her as I did, I felt particularly ansiou4' - that she should be well Settled in life:" " That means, with a good husband," remarked Fanny, roguishly. " Certainly," said Aunt Molly; "arid After Will came, and I beceme acquaiijtOd 'with him, I tOoli. it into my head that lie and Annie would make a capital match. 13,11t,.somehow, - ofter he came, Annie did 'not come So 'often; and Will, Who tas very entertaining in his'eonvepation wlien lye were alone, in leer presende, was si hint, and awkward ni his manner, as if under restraint; and -.4nnie took but little 'notice of hini, duly so Tar as politeness 't•e- quired, and reqUested me privatply,to ratige; jhat Uncle Charlie should still go home with her; that it,!, if he had no ob jections. §O the young people's aCquain lance progyessed slowly Time and habit 'arrange these things heautifull3-, and grad wally they eain3 to he more familiar, so as even to call each other by their Christian 'names. I helped about that though, for I'could not bear the formality of Mr. Moi ris.and.Misi.EvapS. Just as I expected. Will became veri much interested in An- pie; for.that matter he had admired her from the first; but he' was . modest in his pretensions, and seemed to regard hcras beyond hiS reach. " At 'any rate; he could not summon courage to speak on thesub ject nearest his heart." • " How did you know that? Aunt inquired Fanny. . " Oh, from obseivatiun," replied Aunt "and Annie did not help the niat ter. any, for though she was quite friendly and social in his company, yet 'there was nothing in her manner that beprayed the .lightest interest in him. Well, one even ing Annie had been spending the.after boon with me, and we' were about talked mit; when Will came home fronithe store, and I propbsed their playing checkers. 'Uncle Ohaides had gone to a political meet ; rig. I sat some distance off, sewing, and th one eye watching the game. Thcy :were both' good phiyers, and for a long time.moved.silently,' each apparently in tent on the' game. At length, as if con 'cions that her success was hopeless, An nie remarked, identifying herself with the man - She was moving; "I see you are after me, Will!' • " If I catch you," "poke Will with and den energy, will you leave Inc in mtts: puted possession ,? , f• Annie looked np, startled by his man ner, and seeing in his eager face the mean ing he had placed upon lier words, paused, blushed deeply, hestitaied and presently replied :, f! Perhaps so; if yon and -Mry will promise never to tell any body that I popped the qUestion."* Will rose hastily, dropped the board— the che4ers ran all over the floor, and saking-4.nnie by the hand, led her to me, paying : Cousin Mari, do you think I kiertre this bpppineks ?" • . ' `- "Certainly, yin,- I replied, "and I - corigratirlate%yon - most sincerely," and now, if you 'will come out of your happy state sand pick upilliese checkers I will be much ; obliged to yon." ' Will and .Innie laughed heartily, and liegan"pickinethem up with alacrity, sad .as Will look up the board to put it away be remarked i'°" That ivasthepleaSantest garninfelieeliers I ever pilayed in my life.'; Annie . said nothing,' hut _looked . very .rosy smiling, " and Bow," said Aunt " are you satisfied !", K. • *WT. P. Wimaii says that the reason he 16n't cite" to drink water is because it has tas s4'Y stens of sinners sines the doing°. =1 - INFO : TADA' — DI SOO EIRY.. ? 1 -.• ;.'-. - i ••• .i"rr4) - ' - f - - • . A. .:. - -.,.:-.--,.... • , ' CONSIJIVIPTIOkI I , . . . . _I. . BISEASES, OF THE . .LUNBS,_. A A NB 711OBAT - ';. AU roartrtr..itt - • J . 2 ' .. '. .• ' ' CU-,11.14'LE Pilr..1111:11 ALT,I?N, VT-,ifiCit canters the'teinetif44.to - tVe Cavi . . . . '.:ties in tai .f through the air pAssa lee:3, end clSininn . in ilirkt tol4et Aitit the disease, nctitraliOs the tubertiolar Twitter, al -1 lith•the'coligh, ..c . 4useSit. free lihd "eii4 - (avec- I tor;:fion, hulas the luntsi ,purlfieS• i,tlte : blood, imparts renewed Vitality to-the nervous system, giving that, tune f4td"energy so indispensable for the restoration'; pf, health. TO .be able to state .coutidentty dint Consumption is curable by inhalatilqa, is to nick source of : unalloyed plea); tire. IY. is'its - L i iiich unthm' the 'Control of inedicial fre;;. , trueneta any :ether fornildable disekse'; iiinety out of every hundred cases can lig ruirtid itt the first _stages, and fifty per cent. in the second; but in the third stage. it is itnial4silide to save inure. than five per cent., far the f i lings are so Cut up by the disease"as i`o hid detinhce to medical skill. Even, Ila*- ever, in the last . stages, Inhalation affords 4.- traordinary :relief to . t.lie sufferinglattendh*, this fearful Scourge, which annually destry,zs ninety-five thousand persons in the tipir,cd. States atone i .and. A correct calculatiouSloivs that di the imeseat • population of" the' earth, eighty millions 'are destined to Tilt the -.Con siimotive's graves. -' ' - '''' 'I '' Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Consumption: 'ln all aes:it has been the great enemy of life, for it 'pares neither age nor iti.x,; but.' sweeps off alike tile brave, tli= beautiful, the 'graceful and the gifted. By thc-help of that' p7ipreme Beipg'' froth whom conieth every gond. and 'perfect gift;4 'am en alibied to olfetet6 the afflicted d permanent qad speedy Curd in Consumptian. The first Cause of tubercles is frcin iinpure.hlood, and the immediate e!fec . , prcffluced by their depo- Sitionln the lungs :s to prevent tb'e free' ad mission of air into - the air cells, Which causes a' weakened vitality thrqugh the entire System. Then purely it is more rational to expect great er 'good from medicines entering tie cavities. of the lungs ' than from those I t s.dministered through the store:l.lh ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the' breathing easy, af ter Inualing remedies. Thus, hih.lation is a local '•eniedy, neVerthelds it actTcOnstinition ally, . nd with more power and certainty tlian rane ics- a4iniiiistered 1,).)- the' stomach. ''To prove the noa'rful and di r ect influence of this t-liis ' ode• er a d ministratiilin , chloroform Inhaled will g•ntiroly . destroy t tnsibility in a !fen' minutes, paralyzing the entire, nervous systeni, so that a limb may be amputated with out the sli,glifest pain; inhalinl the ordinary burning gas will, destroy lifalrr - 14, few hours. Thainhalation 'of anamonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparedtly dead. The edur of Many of the medicines js perceptible 'in the 'skin a few ininufe'S'after oeing inhaled, and ratty be immediately detected in the blood. !A convincing pl•oof of the'Constitiitional effects lilf inhalation, iS the fact that sickness is al , lf , iitys produced by breathing Mill air—is not /'this positive ley idence Bat - prOper remedies, I direfully prepared aril jr.diciunsly adminis -, - - 1 tered through the lungs sho;if produce the 1 happiest results'? - 'Miring eighteen years' ;'practice, many thousands l 'Suq'ettiiig from dis- I eases of the lungs and throat, liiiye been un- Or my care, and I have effectarnapy remark- I Ale cures, even after the , sufferers, had been I Pronouneed in the last stages, which fully sat isfies me thatlctmsumption iS no lower . a fatal disease. :My treatment of consumption is original, and founded 'on Ipng experience and Ja thorough inlvestigation. My perfect 4cliugin iltance with the nitre of tubercles, ite ble emi- I , . s rue to distinguish, readily, the various I:forins of disease that simulate consumption, i !aria apply the' proper remedies, . rural - being !mistaken even in. a Single case. This funiil- I!iftrit V I • in connection with certain pOliplogical , • . !and microscopic discoveries, enables ine to re !thieve the lungs crep t the' effects of contracted !chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood. impart to it renewed vitality; giving energy' !laud tone to the attire system. 11 Medicines with"filll directions seat to any !Inert of the United States and Canaidas tir pa ' tienticommunieating t 1 &symptoms byletter. ::' 1 - 1 ! But the' cure ivould e more certain the Imatient should !pay me a visit, - which would ilgive me nu opportunity to examine the lungs ! land enable, ma, to prescribe with much greater certainty, and Biea . the cure could be effected, • llwithoutray seeing' the patient again. • G, W. GRAHAM, M. D., !Office 1131 FilbeTt.Street, (Old No. 1090 below Twelfth, PROVINION. STORE. SPENCER, Qffers pi -eat Inducements T 3 BUYERS OP tart GCE - RIES,' Pit()Vl - SIONS &c., at. Nil the store! formerly occupied by 1). W,; SPENCER, on 3u Street, North side of P ublic . I Square: , , A good assassortment,constantly on hand, from which will enuinerate a few of the . leading tirticled, such a 6 • Sugar; ' Mustard, . Candy, Coffee, Cinnamon, - Molasses, iPapper Sauce, Crackers ? Syrups, Catsup, • Soap, Pepper, Feast, Candles, Spice, ,orfA, ShUt., Girg,er,! I Tobacco, Lead, Cloves, Snuff, ~"G." Caps, parb. Soda i . .56:targ, C. Tartar, and many other, things' too numerous to men tion will be found in this department, v i rhich sold at 11:tritling advance from cost, for ready pay: PROVISIONS Constantly 4bin'hund, such as PORK, HAMS,fI SHOULDERS, FISII, SALT, :BUTTER, CHEESE, LARY, 'BE4NS, ' OATS,' FLOUR, PORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, DRIED APPLES, PRIED PLUMS, " • and many otho.artielei in the di* of Provi ,sions not necessary to mention. :Also ? Wqpi.DlS WARE, such as Brponi:i, Wash -Tubs and Boards, Mops, Dinner Boxes', l c., which will be sold low for cash or ready' P'ay. Oats, Potatoes, Better, Fpgo, Cheese,and in fact tamest fiverything a 4,, - RtrMer raises, Will he taken in exchange 'for Ootids, at their: cash vOue. I invite the at t§ntion of 'Villagers, Fartners,and Lumbermen ivtio desire to make -purchases ih the above itirtieles, theta' to calf betbre pur qiasing elsewhere. ,E. K. SPENCER. 'PonderspOrt, 416.9, 1857.,-10:3_. '4 Expc.utore Notice. Letters testaraentary having been granted to the undersigned bathe last . Will and .. Testa. Ment of ILtrrnthr. STRONG, late of Hebron Township; Potteedounty, Pa., deed, all those indebted to the estate, will make'immediate prjment, and tliciseihaving•ckims against . the same will present: them imrne:diate.irto . - . ABAGAIL STRONG, Eibentrix. - WIL METZGER,. txectitor. ile.. ! bron, • ' •C j' COUGHS; COLDS, HOARSENESS, pn.o,xenrris: o irnooriNG-Coupll, ,isTniffit, AND • CONSUMPTION.' 30"CURE' A COLD, Irrril HEADACHE A.” SORENESS OF THE BODY. Take, the Ckerry Pectoral ongoing to bed and wrap up to sareat during the night. , FOY. A COLD AND COUGH, take fn'moni ini.,,; no(sn and evening, according to tic (Urea- I Was on the bottle,, and-the difficulty will soon be removed. ono will long suffer from this trouble when that' find it can be so readily cured. Persp:ns afflicted with a seated cough, which bre:o:4llmm of their lost at night, Will find by taking the Cherry Pectoral on geing to bed, they may be sure of sound,. unbroken sleep, and consequent refreshing rest. Great relief from suTering, and an ultimate cure, is aftbrded_ to fhousands alio are -thus afflicted, by this invaluable remedy. From its igreeahle effects in these eases, many find themselves unwilling to forego its use when the necessity for it has ceased. TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS this remedy is invaluable, as by its action on the throat and lungs;' when taken in "small quantities, it removel all ltoa*jr}ess in a feu' hours, and wonderfully increases the I. !! pygr and flexibility of the voice. - ASTHMA is generally inuch relievgd, an: - often wholly cured by Cherry Pectoral. BO there are some, cases so obstinate as to yield entirely to -no medicine. The Cumin - Pecip : L wilt cure thein it' they can he cured: BRONCHITIS' or irritation of the thpat and - upper portion of the lungs, may be cured by taking Cherry Pectoral in small and frequerft doses. The uncomfortable oppression is soon - relieved. - FOR CROUP. :Give an emetic of antiMony, to lye followed by large and frequellt doses of the Cherry Pectoral; until it subdueVtlic dis ease. If taken in season, it will not fail to cure. WHOOPING COUGH May be I:,:roken up and soon cured by the 4se of Cherry Pectoral. THE INFLUENZA is speedily !crowed by thin remedy. Nu nertips-instanees have beta notiecd where whole, families were protected from any serious ccc egnences ,Iyhile their neighbors without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from the discos:, FOR coxst in its earliest stagcr, it should be tl.ken tai.ier Ova advi,•2 of a grind phy_-icirn if posibl . 2, i,nd in ereiT ense ortre;ul regard to t,,ie printed dixeet - o .ns on tan bottle. "Irjadioiously used, and the patiorifis carefully nursed me:intiene, it will selcluni fail to subdue the disease. For settled CONSUMPTION of the I t i!pgs, the CHERRY Pucroca.i. should be givo •ia !lo ses atiapted to what the. patient requires and can sear. It always affords relief; ant} not unfrequently cures patients that were consid eptl past hope. There are many thowands scattered all over the country, who feil and publicly proclaim that they owe their lives art present health to the Cherry. Pectoral. Many yettrs of trial, instead of, itftpairing the public confidence in -this medicine, has won for it an appreciation and notoricty by far, exceeding the most sanguine expectations of its friends. Nothirg but its intrinsic vit. - - tut und the unmistakeable benefit edriferred on thousatqls of sufferers, could originate and and maintain the reputation it enjoys. While Many inferior rcniedies thrust epos the com munity, haP Itiiled and been discdided, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too re markable to be (.:;gotten. While it is fraud upon the pnblic te,pretend that any one medicine will infallibly cure— still there is abundant proof that the Cherry Pectoral does not only as a general thing, but alrapst invariably cure themaladies for which it is employed. ; . _ As time makes these fads wider find better known, this medicine has gradually become the best reliar of the afflicted, from the log cabin of the American Peasant, to the palaces cf European Kings. The Citrany PECTORAL is manufitctured by it practical Chemist, and every ounce of it un der his-own eye, with invariable accuracy and care.- it is sealed and protected by law from counterfeits, consequently canbe.relied on as genuine without adulteration. . Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Prac tical and Anelytical Chemist,Lovrell, Mass. Sold by sum & JONES and D. W. SPEN CER, Coudersport, and by country •Inarchafits and diuggists everywhere. 10:25-4n. COUDROPOILIF AAP AVlE4y,' 18577'r)5. REV. J. HENDRICK, Principal rilq Academic Year is divided into three sessions ofthirteen weelcs eae,h The Winter Term conirnences - Tuesday, Dec. 15, 1857. • The'Spring Term. cornmenc.c3 t April '6, 1858.-' ' The Fall Terii commences Tuesday, Aug. - 2 4 , 18'58. 'Competent Teachers. have bepn secured for ever' branch of Stud}: • - Classes will be so arranged that students May 'enter to advantage ; a:ta4 time. • • TeachersA Class *ill be Organized, ili 7hich attention*ill be paid to tlte studies' !tally taught in Comma SchoOls; knd the liest od of imparting Instructuiii! EXPENSES PER. TERM. - - Print Branphes, ' $2,50 Common English, ' . 3,50 -Higher English. with Algebra, .' 4,75 Higher Matheinatics,' • " 6,00 , Latin* and cr reek, . 6,00 DraWing, (extra) • 2,50 Music, with use of Piano, (eitra) 10,00 Frenoh, (extra) • • 3,00 !Without otter studies, , . 5,0 Q Room Rent, each, The past success of this .Itistitntl'in under the Precpptorship of Bunnies has iuducl . ed the TruAtecl to.seeu t, continuation.of ser:ices. •I'Ve trust an intelligent public wilt gii.e it that 41ipportiw4ich seems to tit due to such U 4 Institution. ' ELI REES, Fres't.. -.. 03 - G. B. OVERTON, Sec'y. ;;;,•• LEWIS IdANN,, - 10,10 S FRENCH, ~" SOBIESKI. ROSS. CMSLITEMiIf EEKt. P E A tit; r' • 118AtiticL - PRIO3DN'T TO ir:4:!I * . CTI: SIOiSCELOPOLI NEW YORK LEXCELSIOIt ,? • js,a firstrchise kapalli:Journal,;heautifully It lustintpd, of tbo lafgeSt„Size 7 --eight pitges,lor fort: columns, , imperial: quarto, *Oil is rim-cited to Literature Neivs Ilora,Ts'ancrGeriegal celtany. ; . ' ' ":• " . - I .The editorial dopartment under i , the in:ailed' ate, taper:main: of ALs:rerinsp. D. soqi jrbo,iS wiaejy kitolyn _to :the public 'as Imving'lmeri - connected with it,Veral Of: the most popular journals of the day, - - •.: Althougn giving a.lititaisomit present to each Subscriber; intending „to' Surpass Olin oar lib spality we are determined. that the •Ex`cM.-', sloe" ;hall nOt. resemble thosejournals,usually known.as 4 gift papers," in any- particular. Its contents shall be suitable for:Holm, as our aim is to secure it-a welcame in every family. We shall fill oar columns weekly with inter esting and thrilling -Tales,- Romances of Real Life, and Sketches of Travels, Men flpd Char acter, beside , a fail digest of the news,of the week,,and all et'ents of general interest. 'ONE OF THE FOLLOWDM NA'ItED PRES ENTS is sent free of postage to each subscriber IMitEDLVITIA' ON 11.EqUPT OS THE SUESCILIiTION MONEY. =i ~ • SCHEDULE' OE PRESENTS. ' AN EBONY CASKET, containing a full set of diamond Jewelry, Ear Rings,. Necklace, Brooch and Bracelets, beside a lady's enam eled jeweled Gold Waltcli with Chatelaine, and a g,entletnan's' English Hunting r - Oise, full ' jeweled, Gold . Watch, with Chain, worth. .- ' ; _ $BOO 00 TWO SUPERIOR PIANOS, Rosewood • 1 and Black Walnut case, worth $3OO and $4OO, - ; $7OO 00 WATCHES, Fl , lnting Case $3O to $lOO GOLD WATCHES 30 to :50 ~ _ " • " ,(Ladies' and Gentleman's) . . 20 to !3Q 1 / 4 SILVER HUNTING PATENT i 1 1 1 LEV.tIiS- • 15 to ;3C 1 SILV.Ey. PATENT LEl'' 13 to 151 "* '; WATCHES 7to i.IQ ! Ladies' CHATELAINES 6to 120' GUARD CHAINS (Latlips' and - .1 Genifeinen's) - 10 tB2Ol • :VEST AND FOB &Li $ s 10 to i 20. ". • AND GIIIRD C A.INS §to ':2o' l im BRACELETS, Cameo k osaic 10 to 115 ARM,l44'TS,forLadies& Children sto 8 BROCkHES, Cameo and Mosaic 6 to- ' , 8 44 Florentine &Thera Gto :'8 : - -'! ' Gpld (Ladies' and • Misses') . Itq 51 1 EAR DROPS, •Floreatine & Lava 6to • 'Bl " " Carnet) and Mosaic 6tq- ; 8 I - " " gold (Ladled' and . 1 Misses') 2to . 8 COLD lINGS, plain and chased Ito '7l : 1 "STUDS, gentlemen'a • 2to ! , _:1 if SLEEVE BUTTO4S, (gcn- • • 1 tlerven';:) various styles 3tq ;5 ' i' -CUP PIN,-;. (Ladie'') 3to ::: " ' SLIDES, for Fob or Ribbon ' I Chains . - 3 tq 51 f' WATCH KEYS . Ito 10 if 'BR E AST ' PINS, (Gentle- men's) 2to do i " LOCKETS. Double Glass Bto is 4 4 4; 4 ' 2to • 5 !e THIMBLES •• 4to - 1 Ul TERMS TO SINGLE SUE:SCRIBERS. 7'70 Dollars per year, With one Pr.;wnt. Four " two years, ; " four Presents: ?ive , if . three years, " five t' ' • TERMS TO CLUBS, With fi present tO-each subscriber, AND a'LL ways oss nomita PitEZiilil to the getter up of a Club. . Clulis of three $5 00 " five ' 800 ; "' " ten . ' 15 00 " ; 'f twentf(pue extra to . , the agent) ' ; 30 QCI Clubs larger than 21 lathe same proportiOn. The Publisher; ALII.FIa PALMEII, hiss been known for many years . as the Publisher of tlie ; l Northern and Snutherp MEIZCLIAMTS' AND MA tFACTLIMRS' JOUILNAL; '-( edited by FREEMAN Hindi) and he with confidence refers to the lead ug business men in elmost'every town in the United States : (to most pf whoni the M. and M...Tournal has been circulated) as to the; Ce sponsibllity ar :I integrity with which his pub lis,hingbusinessis concln.ated. Havingsecured the agency of a prominent Jewelry Matiuf4c taring establishment in Newark New Jersey, he is led to offer present@ in similar articles, but these who desire it can receive - their pres ents in books. . 4 • . LOCAL 'AGENTS, All Postmaster% Merchants and Business Men to "whom we have ever forwarded a copy of the M. and .3h Journal, or their clerks, or any other intelligent and responsible persdn, will confer a favor by, forming a Club or act ing as Otir Local Agent and Correspondent: ' :PREMIUMS TO LOCAL AGENTS & OTHERS Any 'person sending 100 subscribers Nth the full price - of subscription) - will receive; a supherb Hunting Case,Gold Watch and Chain, of the best English Workmanship, full jeweled, and mirth 'OO, or, at choice, one of Prutee's Melodeons, of the same value. _ 1 The pei•sert who can raise a Hit of 300,-with in a period of...three ;months, will receive a Superior-Platte,' made by Haslet, Davis &.; Co„ Boston; worth $OO, and which costs:4'27s cash, or, at chow% a small set of 'Ladigsr Diamond eivelrS7; worth 'the; same amount. - ' 1 ' For Lists of '4l with the full price, a beauti ful' Gold Watch ' worth $4O, will he paid. ; - For Smaller or latter lilts, parties may se ledt any articled from our oublished‘ schedule, of Watches, JeWelry, Books, &c., worth in the proportion of $B, for ettch"ten - subscribers; or, if preferred, eau: retain ineash, or 50 cents ;Kona etieli subscriber. ' Fni further fOms . 'to Agents, addresd the . office. ' . The names gliould be sent: each week until the Proposed number iilcOmpleted, 41 order that'the prelents and paper tilaybe proti:tptly mailed:, 'Address, ,t,mt , . ALBERT PAL(IER LI , - I"unEn, ..,• 4 railt - oaKllscr.bsiou.. ' ': liffice, 38 'Broadway' ...ew York.! SPENCR is Agent for nruipy of tlle • most pop9Or Midicines pow hi use,i , a l'6s.oi" which ipontiol ' J. R. STAFFORD diOo.'S OLIVE TAR. DR. D. i - APTE 41 Spivs FAMILY MEDI— CINES! , CO.'S CIIERRI::PECTORAL AND PILLS. , SEVERAL KPIDS OF GUER4IY STEWS, Sceq &e„sitc. r • Viir-J. R. Skeilbrd& Co;'s Olire Tar IS ap plied and inhaled by wearin& on DIHALER arnur.d,the niek,and on the breast... 14 s OL IVE,OINT3TENT applied where the 'skin in n, and is n popular reined 7 where known: Good for the Whooping - Cough.: • 10:3., BLEACHED - MUSLIN'S and a feNiP other a. tides in the line of Staple Dry 'Coeds lovefor Cash at E.H. SPENCER'S, • 15:3 W. S.;l2t,' Irn•L' - 6f - lit th:44,hey are : irt re f -et:ipt of ; anil.are" ,11,_ . e.hoice 4114• 'desirabje gtii;e;k • ' '- • TAPLV ND FAN,CyI)RY •,Of.: 0 015,B; ' to.which that' invite the attertion,cf, ; 4l.-.110 desire_ to ma - e.ptirehtiies., Oiir 'sto4l43.rg hAs"..heela.sejeateri with gFea t care, a w l is liar iicularly.tttlapteit to the wanislortiiisiietion of our cctlmkg. ,I*ster , 43a*P4:Gs4d , s co 11.• sists'or - ' " ' - 1)11F . F.,5 G.6015(ii, TiItAIMING S. RIP t °NS, ' iimitROIDERJES, PARASOLS , C.40T.115, , ,CA55.111 7 ,RE.,S :' • VESTINOS,' 31ESTICSi . • , • ..tTNENS, - PRINTS; ,--" • -ROSIE - RV, ,$11'..-I.WEiS, '; - ; arid a - varlet - yr of other, artieles,.too luitidercius to mention: We have also, aeoinplete . . cssort ment of GROCERIES, 'ITARDWARE AND' • • CROCEERY.; all of which will i,c sold ancomm,?nly cheap for ready . iiiiY; and for, approved credit nil r.s reastmall:c terms as, any oilier establishment. ' . - Millport, Ang.. l ll, ly. • • 1L VT. KIWG 4 SO% • • PATENT'. cirLim'IMAISTFAiUTtRIERS, -.438 Broome Str6et, DIM Door East of Broadway - , [Late 4GB Broad way,] NEW-YORK, . [Eatablislied 4. D. 16 . 33 .11 INVITE an examination of their great vari ety and superior assortment of CHAIRS, manufactured. at their ,own establishment, and under their immediate observation and direc tion, including PIVOT REVOLVM - 1: CHAIRS, SELF-ACTING EXTENSION RECUMBENT mum,. IMPROVED IN VALID WHEEt CHAIRS, 51.vpit sE. A . I tLE , B 112:-VELLNG INVALID CHAIR. SPANISH SPRESQ . AND sQuAp .1111EUMATIt), SPINAL 'AND ASTI - WAN) DiV4l.4.p Embracing the most :complete gssorimept, and ehoieeifkir t ls tot: .I ) yriars, Di•areiw 1k vth, Chamiler.r; Garden.", I,gwaries,'Cozwrilg Houce:i, Offiecx, ruid;c Debiist:t,lfarters, together with every d , :siroble sort ditpted to the corrifor!, evavcilieneC. and lax.ury.vt. the Sick,' the :dyed : the jafirm, tilt Lams Ntal. Lazy. In point cf inge - nnity of design, elegance of qoalit:f and ripl.oess of nietorhil, ;lath fulqess of Cyecrd.iov. fiambllity and cli;elpness, these . tirouusurpa.:sed. .th'eni, 11. IV. KING & yzere awarder! the first and Prize Medal, awl the facplty reconniend them ;Ls fhrßrefemble . .s.) beds or pouches tor patients aflll,pted Asthmatip pr L'o,nrchiataiMptious. To eitlic: arm c.,," the chair may be attached convenient reading or writing DESK, and any cmibinatlon. , le,i4eit i;•ill be mr.nuthetured to to oi•der. 'n - ill be A' Circular .with qp - !anatcry cpts, scp..; by ine.l. if re(ittcstcd, and orqers with re promittly ft4r.varawd any part of the world. LUXURY ECONOMY! KING'S NEW CHAIR. "AS YOU LIKE IT." An Arm Chair, Reclining Chair, Conch and Bedstead, [coasts' a IN lis .1 is i:'!liCClAible ' at . twelve different positipi s or changes, to Meet the (varied requirement, for comfort, conveni ence. luxury and cameo ny, [in' space as well as price.] Wbether in' i?l,:liics.3 or heath. this , Celebrated CHATI'. "As Vim 1.:::x ir,," excels/in many respects, any chair perhaps ever mina factured. in this or th.,3 -- oilier country./ , The price varies froth l'ifteen to .7418,D011ar',,, lar',,, according to finish. Tio Public lustitntions, as well,a / s ' to individ na4' this CHAIR is 'a very desirable' article,- Unillwill be. supplied in any' number on the wept liberal•terats. AppVto or address M.'4 . . KINC. Sz SON, 8 Broome st., One door east of Bru.dway N) Toni. (Late 468 Bro.itherty. ;,:;.4-Iy. xTEN\I" GOODS—A Tiuc Assortment' just received at OLMSTED'S. GREAT lIEVOLLITION 111\MEDICAL SCIENCE; . The best. Tivewapeutie Agept evez: 1 - DR. DICI“NSON'S ---- y. ------A-N7 -----A • M AGNETO ELEC -..-..---i.,.\ I' P , " ,. .it:-* . , ' l. 7 ". , Tnlc MACHINE CR. VIIVANt, a . ~ .,t, ritX" . - . . . !°P`,"lr l; •-fir: - .. - 7;•47; ,. 4„ is • exciting the • • .• - ''* Fa c w- - i4.-;g 4 absorbing , • atten ,l; ' : ...:,%; .. r; ,-- -1 ".!7,7 4 .,,A4... - ", Con of the ,Nledi -, '4' - ..t.;.; : ..A0V-.,, , iL1t cal Profession and '. 1 -1;,..-'-.,.=.: 7, .1V Ilargi. portion of the intelligent lay men of the land. It is ‘. now clearly • demon stritted that the lancet,. mercury, and ell other internal-" drug. medication" may be laid aside with perfect safety to the patient tind'abid ing benefit to posterity. , Wherever these ma chines have been introduced, they exolte the highest wonder and praise. The apparatus is adapted to prevent, relieve and cure every dh ease incident to humanity,—more partiim larly all those painful and.formidable diseas es which have. for centuries baffled the pro foundest learnin t and skill of physicians. From whatever cause there may be an ex- ces or deficiency of the nervous fluid,,pro- I dubing en excess or deficiency of the acids and alkaline secretions—the magmetid princi ples of the systeniare deranged, and can on-' ly be safely restored. to their normal condition by an application of magneto-electricity, by means of DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE. This apparatus will poitively prevent, and speedily relieve and cute ' Consumption,.' Scrofula,' Rbeinnatisrm P.sies, Neuralgia, Spinal Diseases, and ell 'other painful maladies, however hopeless and of long standing: They are eminently useful in ' l all -Sexual and urinary disorders,. particu larly where the Constitution has been broken dawn and ruined by unnatural solitary.habits, to-which too manyof the young of both sexes are so lamentably prone. , -' * * TR. DICIMNSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC , MACHINE is without the dangerous compli cations of batteries and acids—which fact alone render:, it superior to all, others on the score of neatness, cleanliness, safety and;utility:— It , lis, in fact, a handsome parlor ornament; m y be applied bya child ; and , will last a Ric-time, to the great saving of Doctor's Ups, &c. , . _.; . . ' PUCE OF THE MACHINE $lO. , .. ' tt t . will he safely packed end sent to any pa of the Tnited Stake. Sold wholesale end, retail at the Medical OiIice,No,3BNORTH S . I L VENTLI Street,..PhiladelPhie. - Address, ' - A. C. DICKINSON, M.D. 0-1-Iy.. ~ -- . : 1 :- . . O ' .t 'Goods SHOWING Tr& sEtw just received at, OLMSTED'S. F and slap o artidei lajthe Drag line for sale by.:.. t:40:2.1:t ';) ' . L L S; -i - ''' lm -Tift i ttELCONiniStiktet(" 044‘;C:1A9:Pc: stin 7l 4:o_ 44/ in tfie wotra Circulation:l4o,oo% THIS 'EtEd,A;cl' A*6 'FARdn'airMi LIT4RABX PA:311.14Y - 1401;1'114 .314. GAZINE ,closes its first- Taium!) in : 2 14,0 next. Daring the fevihriettnonths J:if, its - ex. tence it has attained a liopularity . tmegtialted in, the annals ~ of thefress. • 1, Having offered liberal Pre, rdinins,for,.chOine literary effort's, .tbe. Stbrift, llotr.ance!,-Esays,, Poetry,.oad other spark: ling nail interesting reading was eanirnetieed in - Jannary last, and are being stilFpublisli, ed in the Visitor: - •• !-- - ...„ The New Volume will be.commenced lob; ly.l.ls7,.greatly. improved eularged.— Each number willsontain thirty-two extra larn. s izu d' royal, octavo pages,' Making ag nifi eent: volume jsf nearly 400 'Pages, - fel' the yean=or presenting, - ari•arnount of ithe•ohol. nest reading, on all subjects,.; equal what would.cozit lu the book stores, at keit Ally centcp:Vable ::" Some of theimist - popular andbrilliant thoo and female l ehatributors are regular con&i. baton and the publishers will ispaie' no pains' or expense to render the' "Welcome Ifisitor" every way acceptable to-a refined and intelli. gent our/Infinity. , The publication is adapted to all,elasses of People—the young and the old--and Where. ever non and. per-used, meets 4vl'th universal acceptation,. 'ow is the time to subscribe `to tin New Volume. - - • *** The back numbers may be . bed (to complete sets) for 3 cents each, or the whole series of 12 numbers for TWETiV4IVE eentg. Liberal inducements to Chit* and Can. vassers. - AW 3 'ltemetnber, our terns Are Fifty cents for one year ; far a- niggle copy or three cop= ics will be sent under one cote{ or address-fir One Dollar.- Address, . - . COSDEI. & CIO,3IPANY: Publishers, No: 38 "North Seventh Street, (up sfrars,) Philadelphia. _ 1011-4 y. Of all disease ; tlio greaf i lflrst cause prings from neglect of niture's laws SUFFER NOT = I WPiPa a clup,p 1 svarapiteco ALT ! STAGES OF • FV,PII-V,T Self-Abuse, 'Nervous pehility,"Strietures, &leek aravel, piabeles u pf'scOes pf rho Fidneys onti Bladder, Xercurial Rheyip,l4,m, &rolala, P ain& in the Polies atu'i BiSeases of th'4j Luuys, Throat, Nose and ..f.:yes, Peers upon ths Pod! c.r Lhmbsi Ca:Jeers, L'l'oP4 l 4iliptic./ . .?,1, St. Ma's. .tiauee, apd diseases arising frop a derngcment ci ths Sexual Organs, QT.; CII as NervonsTvegoling; Lass of Mein 7 ory, Loss. of rpwer, clerieral \Weakness, Dimness of Vision with pepuliir spots appear : ing before the eyes,: Less pi Siglit, Wakeful : !less. Ifyspepsia,liver Disease, liruptipns upon the face, Pah: in the:back and helta, emale -1 irregularities and all improper dh:chargei from I both sexes. It matters not from what cape the disease originated, however long Standing or obstinate the case, recovery ism/mil, and i 4 a shorter time than?. permanent cure pan l?e fepted by any other treatment; even atter Al disease has baffled the skill of eminent Phyt6 crops Lind restated all theirmeans of care. The are lit vritliputotior,.er.uspg sicknes - :and 'free from merptiry pr palsam. Durlr, twentyyears pf praptipe,i have reieuelt fro • the ,jaws of Death many thonsantiS, wilesi the last stages pf the alloyermentioneddis, eases had been giyep pp to ainliy their pllysl: chins, Which warrants me in premising to the afflicted; whomay place themtelve.s under my care, a. perfect and most speedy', cure., Secrei DiSeases Ire the greatest enenfies to health, nil they are the _first cause pt Consumption, Scrof : ilia, and nutty other iltscases;and should be 4 terror to the human family;' 1s a permanebt cure is scarcely ever elfected,a majority of thq case:, filling. into the hands' of. :ncompeteat i e'rsons, who Dilly . fii 11 . tnelire the diseases hat ruin the constiinticin, &Bin& the system with mercury. which . , with Oe. disease, has : tens the er into a rapid f,..,onsurnption. But should the disease all 'the treatment not cause death speedily and the Vitim mar l ries, the disease is•entailed upon the/ children, who arc born with iCeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted hy a _virus which betrays itsi If in Scrofula, Teter. Ulcers, Erup : Lions an other affections of the shin, Eyes, Throat and .I.;ungs, entailingupon thema brief existence of suffiiring, and consigning them to ~ an early grave. i . . §ELI.? ABUSE is another formidable enemy to health, for nothing elSe in the. dread cant ; 'ogee , p.f Pillual4 diseases causes so destructive it drain upon the systena, drawing its thousand of victims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely gr. , ..ye.: It destroys ;09 Nervous system, rapidly wastes away' the en., ergies nf ' life, cluses. nieutO derangement s prevtints the f,rciper'develppmcnt of the systena, disqualifies 'for 'tparriage, soeiety„ businessi and all 'arthly happiness, 'and leaves - the suf, fever wrecked - in bOdy and m.u11,. predisposed to consumption and a train of evils miare to be dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence 1 assure the unfortunatejlethas of Self-Abuse that a permanent'.and 'speedy Cure can be affected, and'ivitli the shandpriment of ruinous practices my patients pan he restorer; to robust, vigoroni health. ' ' . The afflicted aro cautioned sgaiust the. nsti of Patent ypdicincs, for there are, so' many ibgenimis snares in the cplbmans of the .many prints tweateltandypti the - unwary sufferer; that milfipits haye their constituticips 'ruiner% h3l"tlte , rag . cPmPo.l 4 lli l4.9 t .. `ilPacic dA9t, l *l . 9t the equally - poisonous riostrums - vended aq "ratent Medicines." I have carefully analyze luau of thel so called Patent Medicines en find that nearly = all of them Contain .Corrosivet Suhlirnate, which is one of the strongest pre l , parations of mercury and a deadly liaison, which instead of curing thedisease' disablerk the system for life.. ; ' . . .•; „.... . Th'rce,fourtts of thepateta•nostritqs P' 4)l 3 .- {in Use are 'put Up by unprincipled and ; fgitoiiiii . persons; who ttP. PO Understand ii:e{l.4lB itit phabet of the mixteria Indica .1.-144 are equally as destitnte of any knOwlidg,e•tif the 'lmam; ,systeret, having one .object , only in view, an !that to make moric47 , yegard4s.s of ponsequori.. _ . -..- .. Irregularities apq till disettges °trunk:* ferdales treated ,or,; Triusiptes estoblithe4.la twenty y ears of practice; atid sanctioned by tti nsands of. the mctsti,remariktble cures. : 'ieinCs,with full. directions sett to any!, pan of: the ,Lrzlited • Carai;das;. by patients oonmurdeating. their - sytni)tonas .by Business .corrdspondente .strictly confidentiait Address. gUMM_ERVII.4I;E,-M:A . Office NAT r. 1131 Miert " ':(Old NO: 100,) - BELOW tWEIFTELi , - '" PE j L.:10) E2;14,-11-11A EW GOOPS:=li:'Large and As: gortinentjtiskreteittirlat " - . 410441 6 144 4 . ::: • . II Lies and,
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