i.. NM ;:C.(11114. .1.7 - , 11 ' si*utg-. - _ - 'Peters on.? L ,Philridelphia , •;Countee € ,& zoph• r t or for 31,13 -,;just received, contains .41seriptions of.9B.new counterfeits, all of •vhieh have mailett.heir:4Dgearance since April Ist. . g The Pews or-the:First:K.3C. Church in •Coadcrspart ifia be rented on TncasnaT, Mir 13th, 1858. Basiness to begin at 2 o'clock P. IL All persons wishing.to -retain their seats will please he present, or make ;arrangements -with the Trustees previously. ' BY' , O3DER OF 'FRE TE.CSTEES: The weather in this region is very co .lnettish at xresent—swiling and frown iing in frequent alternations. We ate writing this on Tuesday forenoon in close 'proximity to a necessarily . warm fire—in .two hours more we may 1)2 wishing for , "41.-shady nook in some romantic dell." !Harper's 'Magazine, for May, is re .teived, and, as usual, finds great favor in vanr mind's eye. The article on "Au thors," is an excellent one, and is doubt less from the pen of "one who knows." 'The entire number is excellent, embrac :lng every variety of reading. Emerson's United States Magazine -and Patnam's Monthly,- for Nay is on -cur table - . We thought that we were not to be favored with the light of its countenance any more, as the April anal 'bar failed to reach us. We are happily disappointed, though we hope our friends will send aloog the No. for April to com plete our file. The N E.ccelslor, (the pro i spectus .of which may be seen on our 4th page,) .is a much more readable paper than we mere at first inclined to think it, would prove. It is edited with considerable :ability and spirit, and we liite the inde pendence it exhibits in its criticisms of books. It is said to be fast taking the place of the Led : 7er in its circulation. For the Potter Jouroel ULTSSES. April 24, 1858 Ma. Entroa—ln your last paper I saw a no tice of a railroad accident, which was said to have been caused by obstructions put upon the true:: by two son. 4 of Mr. Adam r_lhewlelt. Appended to this notice is the following: Charles Lyman writes to his wife that Mr. S. formerly resided in Ulysses." That is not the case--ue never lived in Clysses. His former residence -vas in Bingham. this coun ty,l think. Of course it is a matter ofuo great importance *here the gentlemen in question did •iforwerly .reside," but then it is nearly, or qu;te as es sential, to know the right place as the-wrong One. Very respctfully, R. C. The following poem, is having a wide circu lation in the press of this country at preseat: THE HOUSEHOLD FAIRY They tnay.talk of thei- fairies, their sylphs, and their gnomes, As much and as long its they please, But give me the machine which enlivens our homes And ensues us enjoyment and erse: Some Fairies are all very wcll in their way, Thou;li I confess one /never have seen— While in n sight, on the taule, •' click, click," through the lay, Sounds the song of my SIRING 731 Ah ! there once was a time when I bent o'er my toil Till tears stained the e:anbric or lawn, And when cla. liLbt had ;lowa. by the glimmer of oil I often slaved on till the dawn. But r.ow long ere noun all my needlework's . • done— And handsomely done too. I teen, I'm as Tree as a bird whose wings flash in the sun— Thanks—thanks to my Sorno MACLILSE. What blessinzs doth science on labor confer _ When inventing so use:'nl a gilt. Whici converts into comfurts e'en tronble and care, And our duties combine with oar thrift : Ah I tou:d Moon, who compoSeu the shires he,at-touching song, My GROVEa &Bean have seen, Tye no doubt he'd hate a - rittea another as long. And as good, on my SZWING 113CHISE. "It ish so Good as a School jot Him." —Such was the remark of a German who recently subscribed to the Jnurnal. We thought it singular that he should become! a subscriber, when, in fact, we knew hel l could scarcely read a won; in the language' in which it is printed. But he soon put 1 us right in the matter, by informing us that he had a married dang%ter who bad a little boy who was just fairly initiated into I the mysteries of reading, and for his sake I and benefit he had subscribed or, said I he, the boy can learn many things in it that he cannot learn in school; indeed, "It ish so good as a school for him." Yes, good Old friend, Philip, it isas good as a school--.a school within itself--school house,- pedagogue, books and all. People .are beginning to find it out, too, and you are not the only one who is taking it ,for he benefit of" crantipapa's proud boy." f We have often thought that if people ' would only look upon newspapers as they deserve to be, they would find them worth double their cost in the advancement of the education of their children. We are beeotuir.g more and more convinced of this fact every day, hut . hare deferred any re. marks upon it voluntarily, least our read- Ars should think oar motive° was soiSsh. 1 , 101 thicwe have the opinion of one who Anis at tliO right mark to place on reoord, me . ... 10 so clieerfullyboie that in'do icg so we are ." extendingthe . sphere of our usefulness" in a direction where' it will be prOperly . iapPreeiste& We hope, therefore, that every. one :who earnestly desires to . advattee, the edneationil re `sources of his Olildre n, will adopt the plan of our good iild; G erman friend,. Pun.- tPBILEHMEP.. Try it, and You. : will find Ithat want, he says is true in every respect. Observe the school .children of your ac quaintance,—those; who read the newspa- I pers and those who - do not,—and you will easily see the difference` in their educa tional progress; you will find the verdict of our German friend is ,correct hi every respect. The School and the Newspaper should go hand-ii-hand' i Wherever they I exist—they are at least estisins, • ' Keep the True 'Me "The system of ‘rounil who are &Omni to their t: doned, or there can he no' l s to the Olig.trchy. Exptizi , as indispenslble as tal‘Mt point of learning, Alt?, Representatives ottlie °wish greatly surpass the advoc..tes o. tr.ltion. Bat in: acitro•ts inanav are mere children in the haMis of the,. adversaries. Nothing Ma . ex..)erirnee able oar Represent.4:ves to umdcr,tand defe4t the chicanery which is employe against them ; and fur friziid , who are earnest in maintaining the !great irittitS for whicl! 'an orgtniz ttion is based. should diseountenance. in every way, the petty slysteini of alternating between aspiring men in the different coumies of a district. The system is ruinous in with drawing faitVol men from Congress. just when they begin to be edtmated in the business for which they were sent there.-+Y. Y. Eve. Par:. [ The above -is ueededadvice. We trust every Republican paOr that is earnest in . [, opposing the Slave-PoWei, will lay it -be ! fore its readers. We should like to have 'the Wilmot District express an, opinion on this :übjeet. - - - - - CCU - A good deal of solicitude was trivial- rested in Northern to discover, who; were the two Men Who voted .for Freinbnt in! Johneou County (in Egypt) Of that Si".ate,lwhere the lest Presidential vote was caseUlly 4.eclar ed—Ruchanan 1.144, FlilmOre 74. Fremont 2.1 Inquiry has cleared up the Mystery— the Fro-; monters, very naturally, are, both .ict, .41.Taaters —M. Spence, a Yankee, and J. RidenS::v. - er, a ; German, who, having left 8'1r:11:cu. find Lb erty, settled first in a Slai4. State, fou-al the des:re of hfs soul ;unattainable there, alai linv ing learned to loathe Shvery by oLst•rving practical operatiou Mgrated ng,aba nearest Free State. j Of course. he was .fi.r Fremont—actively, !ardently—he couldn't be for any one else—bnt he was too new a - coMzi. to influence otter voters. He now reports thLt a good many :more suet e.s he have moved in or declared for the Right since 185 d, beside the Democrats, who-are mainly Douglas men, land so • 4 1arie:iing for Freedom" with the en-- ergy of young zeal and fresh lungs; so Mr. B. calculates,though Mr. Spence has left the County, that he will be a good way - from hav ing to vote alone in; 1560. Thisseems a reas onable presumption.—Y. Y. Tribune. lar"God bless the President !: lie has stood up with all the elevation of a noble nature in'a position made reputable by the purity of his previous character, and like John the Baptist in the wilder ness, is warring the Southern sinners to flee the wrath to come."--:-Ex. There is a slight difference between the two. John the Baptist was clothed with tLe hair of a camel and James Buchanan With the hair of au ass. John was in the wilderness and Buchanan "in the woods." John's head was cut off, Buchanan's ought to be.,--Brandon (Jliss.) Rep. Notice to School Teachers and . Directors. THE County Superimemlent of Putter Co. Nval be st i'ae follow ing places, and at the times here speciaeil fur the purpose of ex:I:M.110g Teachers., viz.: COUDERSPORT, , Thursday, May 13th, at o'clock, P. M. HECTOR, Saturday , :day 15th, at Sunder-! • land. die. HARRISON. Moidar, May lith.• BINGIIA.II eE TER. Tor...4ay, Mar 18th. YlKE:Saturd4,' 31-ly 22d. at the School House ne ,r the . mouth of the West Branch. The examination will commence at each of the abjve places at to o - clock, A. m Teach ers r,r,..t reqn-seed to bring inn, ink and at leaat three sheets of paper, v.gother• with a reading book. ; J. lIENDRII:K, C9ll;3lll:Surerin4eildtra of Potter Co Poudersport,"Aprsl 2O 1659. GRIIVER mutrivs CELEBRATLD FAMILY SEWING ItIACEUITES, 495 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. CIIESTSET, sr., PiIIiADELPHIA. g These Ifichines are now justly ad mitted to be tutlbe,t in use for Family crewing. making is new, strong, and elastic stiten, which -willitior rip, even if every fourth :stitch be dut. Cirenbirs sent on ap plication by letter.! Agents wanted. BOROUGH I ORD , T a meeting of the Town Council of the 4 Borough of.Coudersport t ,held oa, the 3d day* of May, 1353, the following Ordinance was passed i -' 1 On motion, IT !,I HEREBY ORDAINED. that a Plank Side-lVaik be b.iilt oa the North side of Fourth Street, from !kin to West, said balk to be builtiai follows; .Tue Plank to ha five feet in width, 'to, be graded with Gravel 2i feet on both•sides, of the plank, making, in all, tea feet in widtb 7 said weak to be built in the same mariner as those on Liu Street ; and that the said Side-Wail; roust be finished by the First Mxinday of June next, otherwise the Council will, llt their meeting of that dale ; proceed to let the building of the same to the lowest and best biddir. G. B. OVERTON, Burg:B47w gem. SA3I'L H. STORR, Scc's/. S I I CERTIFY the'abo e to be a true and cor rect copy of-the-origlia Ordinance, as it is recorded on theJaoylis of the Borough; in my posseseion. : 5A311.11. 'STORRS, Secy. _ COadersport, ILA, 4, 1 1135d:-'--4Z-31... , . 44(4,1*OtigAtt4t5 TO - cONTRACTORS. - \TOTICE iiherebYgiven that PRCIPOS4LS will be recei v ed at the Office of the Town Council of the B. ar,ConderSport, a atil ttle 20th ittst.,.for the - latticing and com pleting of all such SIDE-WALKS as were 4n dered by the Ordinance of Ma 5.2 5 ., 185; now . remaining unbudt incompleteat which time and place said Jobs will be let to - the highest and best bidder. By 'order-of the Council. • It STORRS, SE( 4 7, Couderspor 31ny 3, 1858. .• • Teactrs' Association, • • The segular eeting of the POTTER CCU'S TY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION - , will be held at Oswayo Iffillage,_ on Tharsday and Friday, the Pith and 28th of May next. The Exercises will commence on Thursday, at 10 o'clock,a. it., and close with the forenoon session on Friday. Essays will be read by Misses E. Cordelia Hydorn, Ehnina Parish and Helen Raymond. Addresses will be delirereti by Messri'J. W. Bid, 31. 0. Crosby, 0. P. Rooks, anti 11. H. Lyman Esq The friends of the Association are cordially invited to attend. W3I. A. MONROE. Sec'y.- 11 in, COrigresS. irrs' ,Repreientatives :rusts. mast be aban snecessful resistance {thee in Congress is t !.and integri:y. In .{ !and coitrage, the .iisition in Congress .te3 of the Management, they tn`da of their eteran t ex..{eriF{nee can en t!, in:der:44nd and bieb is eutpinyed id , tch - - CARRIAGE k WA.GtINN 31.. , k1CER and PAIRER. (loader... Tort, Pot eer Co., Pa., takes this method of informin;,7 the pith- , • lic in general that he. is p-epared to do'all work in his line with pro:no:less. in - a workman-like manner,' and upon the most fteommodaking terms: Pr.yr.:ent for Repairing invariably requ!r.‘d on deliTery of the work. M. All' kinds of PROD[ CE taken ort account of work. vI L TNEni:As the Hon. RObert G. Nrnite, V President Judge, and the Hons. Joseph Mann and G: G. Colvin, Associate judges of the Courts of Oyer Terniiner and General Jail LThliverY.<; . :artar SeSilioll:s ' of the Peace. Orph an,' Court and Court of Common PleaL , -for the CoUnty- of Potter, ha'..e issued their precept, bearing the twe.ity-seconi . day of April. in the year of our Lord lone thousand eight hun dred and fifty-tight, and to me directed, fo. holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Q - ...arter Scessions of the Peace, Orphans Court.. and Court of Common Plea in the Borough of Coudersport, on MON DAY, the 21st day of June next, and to con tinue one xveele.- Notice is therefore hereby given to the Cor oners. Justices of the Peace and Constable.; within the county, that they he then and 'there in their proper persons. at 1 , 1 o'clock A. M. of said dny. with their rolls. records, inquisitions, exam:nntions, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. And Abuse who ere bound by their rengnizancrs to prosecute against the prisoner_ that Itre or shall be in the jail of said couaty of• Potter, are to be then and there to prc-e.nte against them as ',YIN be jiist. D..teti at CAM:DEit..SI.OII.T 7 April 2::bd, 1858, -1 ti.; i'2 , l year a the Independence of the Uaiteti :Siates of America. Health and Beauty.. OW to be tee most beautiful woman in ILL the worid. How to be more beautiful after merrnue, instead of more ug.iy, as most wives now are. How to trmsusit your beauty to you; children without losing it yourself. How to be sweet without peklurne, cheerful without stimulant, rosy without rogue and ra diant without paint. The means are certain, within the reach of every woman and are de- Miled with ample direetioes in a "Letter to Ladies," which will be mailed prepaid to any address on the receipt of 25 cents in stamps or American coin Address L=o—if. DR. T. L. CHAPMAN, No. 47 West 33th Street, New York. FROM NEW YORK'? IF SU, SEND lOLTR. ORDER TO F. S. CABOT & CO., Buyers, Sr, Barclay St. A LMOST every one, certainly •every rner-1' .a. chant, has sometimes vzry strongly wish-1 ed that he bad a reliable correspondent and • friend living in this great metropolis to whom he could send for the transaction of some bu siness or the ; nrchase of Some article, that he could not make it convenient to go to the city 1 to do, or to buy himself, with full confidence, that the business would be well done, and at a reasonable expense to him. Having become satisfied by a considerably extended obstrva tion, and experience that this is an almost uni- I versa' want, we have establi,hed our house to I supply it.. We have found that thousands of; persons front Maine to Georgia are constantly' sending toils to execute orders, involving pur chases varying from 25 cents to as many bun- 1 died dollars, and we believe in every cased those employing us have r been satisfied both: I with the quality of-the services rendered and; equity of oar charges. ',IN:e mean that our charges shall is all easeS e fdr and reasona- 1 ! ble. being predicated' on the time and labor; I consumed. it is certain. that being constant- I fly in the . market, buying largely for cash. , ; we can BUY aurrxn than any single pur- ' chaser can. Ia fact, we.save to our friends I much more in prices than the commission we; ; charge. No -man. who only occasionally; comes here can be familiar:with, a market so i extensive as tail. We helot; here till tlfe time.; ars tho-oughly acqnainted.wi:h it, and knowl where to go to find every thing in first hands, and at the lowest rates. We have fund that;. many of our distant friends with to send us I country produce to sell; sometimes the pro ceeds to t,c invested in goods, sometimes in money. Accordingly we have made the very best arrangements to ena.bi.t us to do justice to those who may consign to us. Oar charges for selling are a usually five per ce6t., although in special crises of 'very large or Very small transactions, equity might require it to be va ried front that.. We hare a circular giving more at length the'scope and plan of our bus inesS, with statement of our charges for buy ing some of the leading articles, which will be sent on application. Letters of inquiry only should contain stamps to prepty the replies. . . INCE. Wm. G. Lambert, of A: & A. • Lawredee k Co.. New York. • Wno L, "Fing,.of Naylor & Co., New York. David S. Brown, of David S. Brown Zt - Co., Philadelphia. - Joseph Cabot, Philadelphia. G. Baty Blake, of Blake, Howe & Co., Bus- F. Cabot & Co., Boston. . Stanfield, Wentworth& Co., Boston. J. C. Cabot, of Wales, Cabot & Co., St. Louis. And =Lamy others. N: IL—Particular attention is &en to pro curing Insurance Policies, t 'Llfe, Fire and Ma rine). in the best and mostreliable offices. la formetian furnist. - ed.of. the standing-cad yes ponsibility.of Insurance Companies,itaitroada sad other Corporations. t. 4010. Z. J THOMPSON, GOURT PROCLATIATION. A. C. TAGGART, Sheriff DO YOU EVER WANT ANY THING REFER BY PERMISSION TO 4Vir 16E. Henry H. Dent, 1 'No. 1,42. Dee. Tern; 185'1. tie the. Court of, Vointnon Amir Van Karin...) Ples.s-ot Potter Corinty. ": Ancient_ oti ptentENT for a tract of land ta - Jacksai TownSliip in said county, bounded 41914*5, tout: Beginning ai ihe north'weit, no ter-of said Dent's lot-No. 11 (formerly. held- b,y_ L. -L. ;fc C. P. Slade, under - a contract with , the - Trustees of thellist,ghim Estate.) on thelitte - hetweiti Jack son and Misses Townshipse.ndabout eighteen perches ;east of the west line. of warrant NO. 1811, thence along the west line of said lot N'o. It, south seventy-four and six tenthsper ches, thence by land's now or late of the Bing ham Enite west one hundred and ten perches. thence bY the same north seventv.nine per dhes to the 'aforesaid Township line, - thence along the said line south B:ii . dogrdes east one hundred and ten perches. to the place of be ginning, containing, forty-nine acres and seven trraths of an acre, with an allowance of six per cent fur roads, be the same more or less, and known as lot No. 10 of the sub-divis ion. of H, Deot's lands (formerly Bingham Estate lands) and parts of warrants No's. -1811 1823. 'And ,now to wit: Februaryie, 187;8. On tno tica of F. W. P.l:Ts Atry. - rule on Left to appear and plead hydhe third day .of nest term, oi . Judg2znent by default, and pub lication of rule directed by the court. - - PoVer Covey,-Certifi ed from the records this 23rd day of March, A. D. 1853., 37-4 w 11. J. 01,11.i5TED • Fraley. NOTICE,. Henry H. Dent, No June Term, 1857,1 rx. t i In the COurt of CM:anion Daniel Haynes S r Pleas of Putter John Haynes. J Icrtox OF EJECTMENT; a n tract of Lind in II or ToWnship, con-I taioing - one hundred and fifteen and 'seven i tenths acre 4. or thereabouts. bounded as fol lows, to Beginning at twenty-five per— ches no th from the S. W. earner, of Lot No. 74 of the-allotment of H. H. Dent' lands, now . • in possession ofjoseph toence west one hundred and fifty perches, ileitc,,t north seven- . ty perches, thence east forty-Tour perches, thence north eighty-his perche3, thence east one htindred.and six perches to the west line of lot No. !s3 of the said alloimtut,, thence south one hundred and fifty-six perCitts to the place of beminniug, being lot No. 4'3 of the allotment of H. Denis land in said Town ship and part of Warrants No's: 1730 & 3550. • And now to wit: February 16, lesB. On mo tioi of F. W. Knox. Esq., ,l-ld - s• ACy. idle on Deft to appear and I.!lead by the third day of rt.'it term Qr Judgement, 'and the court direct ,publication of said rule acc3rding C.) law. Poll!? Cvrilig, U. :—Certified froth the 'record this 2:2n4 do}• of !tilarch, A. D. Lis3. H. J. OLMSTED. Proth'y MEM NOTICE. Henry H. D,:nt, 1 No. 239 June Term, 1551 I In the Cain. of Cumiuon Henry Haynes f Pleas of Potter County. • ACTION OF EJECTMENT for a tract of - land in Hector Township in said , county containing sixty-six and five tenths acres, or thereabout, bounded as follows, to win Beginning at the south west corner of lot No. tiO of H. H. Dent% lands contracted to ' be sold to Samuel Royer, thence east thirty four rods, thence sGutir sixty-seven and three tenths perches to the N. line of lot No. 74, thence west one hundred and nineteen and three tenths.perchesto the east line of lot No. 73, thence north one hundred and six perches, thence east eighty-five - and three tenths per che,3, thence south thirty-eight and' seven tenths perches to the place e£ beginning, being lot No. 83 of. H. H. Dent's lands in said Town ;ship,'(formerly Bingham Estate lunch.), and i part of warrants Nu*s. 1789 k 1190: And now to wit : February Itl, 1558. On mo- I tion of !. W. Knox, Plfrs Att'y, rule on Deft Ito appear and plead by the third day of next term or Jadgement, and the court direct pub ' lication of said rule according to law. Polder County, se. :--Certitied from the 'record - this 22nd day of March, A. D. 1653. 37-4 t. H. J. OLMSTF.D, Proth'y. LIST - -- LIST Or CAUSES, FOtt Trial at JUNE TERM, 1856, of the Court of Common Pleas of Potter County. W. T. Jones, vs. Delon Daiglit. Gillingham, use of I A. P. Cone. N. J. Mills, • Russell k Raskin, « ( Asa Stevens, Luke A Stevens, et al. Foster Reynolds, " Thomas Gilliland, Pike Township, " D. J. Chappell. E:Rees &J. Lyman jr. " Jatnes Grimes, et al. w. T. Jones, „ t N. V. Jackson .t Eli Rees, W. G. Ideelellandorse " A. Woodcock. Matthew Wilkinson, " Temple Wilkinson W. T. dines k. Co., " N. Woodcock. Curtis, Ernin a Braok" S. P Reynolds. - E. M. Carpenter, " Richard Shay. jr. Jout Krouse, " Zaeheus Mallory, et a! obiegii " R. W. Micitp - c, - Verse' Dickinson, " C. W. Ellis. Aliegsny Township, 1,, -.lobo Lyman. Same, '! Same. S. E. Enrworth, " Pike Township. Alonzo.Dcright, " S. P. Reynoleli. Isaac talen, "' Jones, Mann ..t Jones, tianfl P, Westervelt, " W. T. Janes, " V. T. Jones J.3bn A. Davi3, liaskin,we of Platt } n Harry Ellis, & Platt. Raskin use of S. P.} ig maraard & Wilcox. Johnson. . . , .. William Rldde, ' " Carl Breit), q al. William Ruble, -4 , HailS Rartinse.tig et al Nathan Woodcock, "' Crittenden &Johnson W. T. Joes, i, A. P. 1..10ne & 0. T Ellison. Jonathan Gime, " SI - It:anus Jones. S. G. & W. Lansing," D ' avid T. Hall. S. G. &W. Lansing, a Dnigig; 111111. John E.,Edcro.rds. ". Jon:?than :Nichols. 11 J. OLMS IED, Prothonotary. VROTII3NOttaIrS 0 F FICE A • 1 Coudersporti.Argra.p. 1358. i i • S. W. FRASCIS' PATIM ' PRINTING MACHINE.. Ainebine is played by means of piano keys; two copies are printed at once, io less time than is required to produce one with a pen. Divines; white in ithe. pulpit. will be freed from the inconveniences 'attending an ordinary manuscript; Ahthors secured - from losing the .result-of many hours of mental ap plication, by the destractioa- of n single copy while in the. hands of the. publisher; Editors no longer troubled•by the necessary correction of errors in.proof sheets, incident to manu script copies ; Reporters may, with less labor. furnish printed reports; Merchants ; while writ ing a clearer letter" nd suving time r will keep neatly priuted copies instead of the illegible ones they now obtain by means of the, copying press; and any person-with .failing sight, or paralysed or amputated arm'mill stilt be eiii bled to pursue his literad7 labois with greater lease, rapidity and certaiuty than ever before. By a slight modificatien, raised letteis may be fprinted- for the benefit of the blind. - • The Price of one Printing. Machine, $lOO. For Circulars with fall particglars, send stamp, and address - • , . a NS% IPBANCIS k CO., 144-tf. No. 4-12 Broadway, New York. New York :ifo 185 - 8: 7 . .AIyERT,tSIN larites - CU apetiatctttentibn'o_f Readera "gmerally to • and valuable Adrizetisemin City. • , I A SPLENDIDLY RIMS • I WPER'ti Totomi -; Employs Me Best Tuteni TE041.5.-.-ISVARIABLV /31 ADVASCN. - One copy fur twenty weeks Si 00 One copy fur one , year • .2. 50 One copy for two years • - 4 00 Five coiiies for one year - .9 00 Twelve copies for one yenr ill 00 Twituty 7 five copies for one yenr -43.0 d Harper's "Weekly" and "Magazine," one year, 54,04. Postrroisters sending a club of "twelve or twenty-54, will receive a copy gritis. - Subscriptions may commence wit:a any num ber. - . Spreinsen numbers grstuitotisly supplied. Back numbers can be , furnished to any ex tent. • Clergynien and Teachers supplied at lowes: club Rare•.. ILVIPEIt & ratrursTus. rum ers, 35-3mo' Franklin Spiare, New. York A GREAT BOOlt FOR AGENTS PuOi.hed this Day, Fob. 9, 1858, Fifty Years in Chains : OR, THE LIFE OF AN AMEEICAN SLAVE, WRITTENEY untsE!r. 43' Pages, Cloth. Gilt Mick. Price $1 This.l.4 the title of one of. the most intmsely interesting biographies of the day. it is a plain histary of,an American slave in the Soatir, who, after two or three escapes and re captures. finally. an oil man, found freedom and rest in one of the Northern St.trcs. WHAT THE PRESS SAT. The stciry is toll with great simpli-ity, but with much FINVe 1' and pathos. Whoe‘;er takes it will find it difficult to lay it down until it is Tian aed...-',....Vationdi Er:a, Washington. D. C. A Tinrratire of real experienee like the abate will have,far more effect against slavery than the ingeniously wrought novel, however true to life its pictures miy Bopu'at. ' Here isatoook of facts, stranger than fiction, and a thonsand-fold more thrilling; a simple tale of rife-long Oppression, resealing truly the workings of the "peculiar institution' . is our country. To the story-I.+Cing we would say. here is u storyworth reading..—Afie,tiezi Record. THOROINIII CANVASSER IS IvANTI. , :rt. 1 In each county in the free States. to engage j in the sale of the above work immediately. Such can easily clear from $5O TO SOO PEP. 'MONTH. The work is belutifully printed and bound. and is as' large as the books that sell for $1.25; but as we mean to sell at least ONE HUN DRE9 THOUSAND COPIES, through agents. we hare ralde the retail price ONE DOLLAR. A SAMPLE COPY of the book will be sent by nail, postage piid; on receipt of the price, and our private circular to Aleuts, with terms. etc. .; Address - I 11. DAYTON, Pubiisher, No. '29 Ann-street New York. 35-3rao. IT IS NOT A DYE. We sulijoin a few names of those- who re commend Mils. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S 11A IR RESTORER AND Z LOB ALSAM Prest. F.4ton, Union University "The fail ing of hair ceased, and my gi ey locks changed to ori.gin4l color.' Rev. C. A. Buckbee, Treas. Am. Bible Union, N. Y.: "I cheerfully add my testimony." Rev. H. V. Deg,en. Ed. "Guide to Holiness." Boston': "We con testify to its ef fects." Rev, E. R. Fairchild, Cur. See. .Clen Union. N. Y.: "Used in my family with ben eficial effects." Rev. A. Webster, -Ch'n Era," Boston : ," Since using your preparations. I am neither bald or 'grey as heretofore." Rev Jas. H. Cornell, Cur. Sec., etc.,.N. Y.: has re stored the hair of one of my family to its orig inal color. and stopped its falling out," etc., etc. We can quote from numerous others of like standing, in Europe and Anecriel, but for fur ther information, send for circular to, MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S : - WORLD'S HAIR RESTuRER DEPOT, [35-3mo.] No. 355 Broom-st., N. Y. rErSOLD, EVERYWHERE. 63NSU61P1IOV. SCROFIJCAqCOUGHS. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, Debility, 'and all Diseascs aria from. a Scrofu taus or ImpOverislied ata!e of tit Kood. lIEGENTAN, CL.RIi k CO.'S GENUINE -COD:LIVER GM " Has stood the test of over tea ye - .rs experience, and is rocommended hy.all the most eminent physiciaiss as the most vaiu:•ble rensedy \ in use. Dr. Wttittms, the celebrated Physician of the London Cousumotion Hospital, took note+. of its effects in about 500 cases; and found it mere efSescions than all remedies yet dis Co vered. This rerisedy, so vain ible whenpure,:be• comes worthless or injitrious when adult: rated See that thelabel has the .eagle and mortar, and the Signature over the cork of each bottle, as thousaud.s have been cured br the use of the genuine article who had used others with out success. Sold by all Druggists. 35--3 mo. • lIEGNMAN & CO. CHIRLSTADORO'S HAITI DIE. Within a nut-shell all the merits lie, Of Christadoro's never equated Dye.; Red it makes bl Lek, to brown transforms a grey, And keeps the fibres always from decay. This 'matchless revitalizing- Hair Dye, still holds it 3 position- as the most harmless and efficacions Hair Dye in the World. Prepared and sal& wholes tie and retail..and appned in ten pf.tate rooms, at CIIBISTADOROS Astor House, Broadway. and by all Drag,g,ists and Perfumers. in the United States.. AG.S . T.—Gz . o. IL KEYSER, Pittsligrgh. , Ps . ma.f THOUSANDS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY ARE SI C K.. nousa4ls would Gare llolf their Fortunes to . BE Q END them to_ Dr. TYLER who, by Spirit .aid; can stet what others guz , S at cart see _your disease, see all its.!L•xtent and progress and see the mean i of cure: Fiir deScriptive cir cular and a list of almost min culoUs cured nee formed daring the past fire years in the' West and South, send one three. cent ;Stamp, and addreis!Dr. S. Tylei., 442 Eteadway, New York. Persans at a distnnci can be •treaied by sending a - lock of hair, ar,,e i sez and symptoms. Consultation fee. $5. - SOME of Ctleney'atianafal: - ar: (in:hurl at - • E. E. SPENCER'S,' , - • D. tr. a, Az:. PIANOS, itELODEONS it DIU 810 TM: CASH STSTEIt ADOPTED. `Prices Greati2f educed, isenients. 'lB5B. 110114tliATERS.- , dr°. 333 Broadway, N. Y., AGENT, FOR THE REST BOSTON At N. Y.. nstruments.... rpriE Largest Assortment of Piano's, deons, Musical Instruments, aid Musical Merchandise of 'all kinds, in the united States. Pianns from Ten different 3littnl'actories, vont- - prisingthose of every Variety of style, fret's the plain, neat andsubstrinlial . 6/ octaves, In Wel - nit (=Rosewood Cases, fro in .n. 150 to $2OO l to tho.ie of the most, eleg:mt thlish.np t 9 One Thonsend Dollars. No house in Gni, twirrn can compete with the'above in the - number, ririete and c..-.lchrity of its' instraments, nor in the Extremely lair prices at -which they are stint - IiORAC-E WATERS 310D.= IMPROVED PIANOS, with or without Iron Frames, -Poi sessing in their improvements of over-Wings and-action, a length of scale and compass of tone equal to the Grand Piano; united with the beauty and durith.lits structure, of the .Square Piano. They are jistlf• pronounced by the Press and by the first Masica/ Masters, to be e,ltial.to,thos.e of any other inan-afAtuter. They are built of the best and most tUniou,rh. • lv se:lsnot:it material. and guaranteed tostAnd the action of every ciimate.., Each Instratiscat guaranteed to give satifaction, or purchases-, money, refunded. • MA:LACE WATERS' MELODEONS.—So , perior Instruments in touch and darubilite of make. (Tuned the equal temperament) . Me- lodenas of all other, styles and makes. Price .$45, $6O, $7.5, $lOO, $125, $l4O-,,double Reeds and two banks of Keys - , s2oo—less a liberal discount. Clergymen and Churches, .tri extra discount. MARTIN'S ti I rA.ns, . . BROWN S fiAlli'S, - - FLUTES, , • FLUTINAS. ACCORD EONS, - • I'IOLINS.' and Musical Instruments of all kind-J. at lower prices than ever before offered to the pubant. A large discount to Teachers and SchooLs. i lie trade supplied on the most liberal terms.. ' 4 ECOND-HAND PIANOS, at great bar gains, constantly in store,—pike from s3io to Sl4O. 311 SIC.--One of the largest and best leo.ed catalogues oil Music how published, comprising raanv of' to choice and most pop ular airs of the - day, and will be sold et one . - third off from the regular prices. - • - Music sent by mail to ail parts of the coon-. try. post-paid. Particular and parsonalatteit , Con paid to all orders reeeivedb,y isfaction guaranteed in every iastance. Pianos land Melodeons for rent and rent allowet on Ipuachase. Pianos and lelndeons for - sit an wontia: payments: Second-hand Pi,no ken iii exchange fur new. General andselect ; Catalo,gues and Schedule of prices forwarded to all parts of the country by mail. ge;Great inducements offered to AGENZS in all parts of the country, to sell the ller"ace Waters' Pianos, Melodeons, aud. Catalogue - of Music. • HOUSE. - paIWAY,. N. Y.. Agen:s-praler . the- follo'ziing fresh from ;Vac' York lED-LIEWSPAPER ! EEKLY: • fn the Worms? HOWARD ASSOCIAII.OI, A Berievolent Inediution, ertablished by veiisi * endowment for the relief of the air* and dit -- - - treseed, afflicted wiih Virulent and - • • diseaeci . MO all persons afflicted with Sexnal Piseas• '1... es, suck as SFERSIATORRIIA, SEMI NAL WEAKNESS, VaIIiTENCE,':O3NOg fI„HCEA, GLEET. SYPHILIS, the . Vice. of O: AN lii3l, or SEI. - .F ABUSE, ac.; &i. •- . - The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, iu,view of the awful destruction 'Of human life, caused by. Sexual diseases, and t.' e deceptions prac tised upon the unfortur.nte . victiins of such' diseases by Quacks, several years iva directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE ACT worthy of their name,. to open a Dispen sary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in :all their forms, and to give MIADIC.AL AD.' VICE GRATIS, 'to , all who apply by letter, to ta. a descripti..n of their condition, (sr, occupation, habits Of life, 1ic.,1 and in cases of extreme poverty, to FCRNLSii MEDICINES I FREE 'OF CHARGE. It is needless to' r:dd !that the Association commands' the highest !Medical skill of the age, aud'ivill, furbish the I most approved modem treatment. - - - The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors iu this. sphere of be:. 1 !level:lit effort, have been of - grunt beneflt 'to i the afflicted, espechAiy to the young, and they have resolved to devote themseltes, with re.:: nerved zeal, to this very hr. - per:int but muck despised cause. . Just Pcbliihed by the Association,- ft 'Re. port on Spermatarrhcen, or Seminal Weskneis, the Vie:. cf o:maim, Masturbation •cr Self. Abuv, and other Di,east's of the. Si•sual Or. pans, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail. kin a sealed easelope,) FR Ell ' OF. Clll4 ;E, on receipt Gf TWO STAUPS for pastage... . . . . Addrcs;. for Report or treAtment, Dr. GEOILGE R. CAIMOUN, Consuliir4Snrgeon, Ho otarti ..I.,=sot•i“tani, No. 2 South Niuth Street, Br orler 'lf the Directors. , " EZRA, D. .HEABTWELL, ritaidegt. • GEO. FAIRCHILD, Saretary.. 1).0:24-1y. 111 HE SUBSCRIBERS - ate offering .fcii sate sn cnarelv new stock, corisistirfg of • DRY GuOD:_i: GROCERIr:S. BARDIVARE'• _ _ In our selections the wants of all have been remembered. - The, Gentlemen can find in our stock of 11,ead; ,Made:Clothing an elegant Tashitinable suit, of: u • substantial, Buiinesa suit, and we have Hats : 1k Ccips - and Beata .& Shoes to match. , - .". '• - 7 , The LadieS can find - Fashionable Bonnets beautifully trimmed, or bonnets and trimmir' kg ; a good assortment Of Weis' Goods' and: trim mings; Gloves, Mit:s,-Hoilery'anebraiteis.-;i- Anot last'but not, least, corded and - skeleton Skirts ; also, Itattans, Skirt-Wludebcine:and Brass Skirt-Hoops; beautiful Jet Npeklaces rand Bracelets, Corals,' Fans, and too inany "other things to euumeiate;—all 'of which we ,-are selling low for Ca'sh; - Lumber, or any *lnd 9f Produce, FLOUR, MEAL, FISH itc:/can- I straitly on hand. - • . -"' •W. B. k J. IL Sharon Center,' Potter Co., ',pa,- June b, MARK. GILLI:)./,: DRAPER and TAILOR,.• late from thebity of Lirerz.noli England. Shop iprioaite:cOurt flonsz, Conderspott,.Pcitter Co. Pa.' • •-•• 1- .N. B.—Psirtionlar attention paid'to•CDT TING. • ID:1%4y:: PHILADELPHIA, NEW GOODS. • Low Prices and Ready Pay, AT SHARON CENTER. CQOCKERY, GLASS - .W ARE, ..BUO.TS it SHOES, HATS. CAPS, ; PS?: BRELLAS, PARASOLS., • .-- - WINDOW SHAPES , PAPER. MADE CLOTHING,. YA.N.KEB, NOTIONS, L:c., "P L.:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers