• .); FAIT TERRITORIES. Forcespontlence of the Ere. PcisL AVAsti,IN (no's, F eb. 25,180. Tim Territorial . C.ennidtteo pt.* gen-' site have agreed 49 - ;reportskill to organ -3.e the Territory of 4rizsap,..Vithi l .l l ortli put south.bonadary,. and a proyilsinn of ferally•2l.r. Douglas, that befare beeora taga State her Constitati9o shall be sub pitted ,to a rope of * ;.14 - ; whole people of the -Territory. Dlr. Q-reeu f:ff Mo., sub pi.itted add.itinnal, provision that the paiyo pi,p&pipTea shoald apply to bTew 71exic.4. The ,Cptnniittee on Territories in the Stags Senate will report in fayor t.he new Territory to be carved put of the Western half of Utah, i'tievada, pateaLl of "Carson." CifirCol. Fremont; Vlii)e l Op aTisit to recently, iritinittied his inten tion to become. paugid4te for the Presi dency i 4 14-0 UNRIYALED ATT.RACTLO4S mersoa's Igq.gaziwzi AND, PUTNAM'S -NoNT47, . TWO GREAT MAGAZINES JX ONII L 0,000 feopipi Vir FirSt Month ta 20, 0 0 . • rtii SFLEN DID WORKS OF ART. PITE-DOLLAR ENGRAVING rc,),ERY SUBSCRIBEI1 7 TILE pit 4,4 m.pARy OFFER,. ApENTS(,;-ETTJNQRICIf II The union of EIIERSON - § MAGAZEq and ! rjr.C.:l.ll'S MONTII4Y has given to the coil poligated work a cirekilation second to but one , platilar publiention in the !Country, and has 'secured for it a com%inailon of literary and', artistic talent probably unri , oled by any oth er magazine in the 'world. Daring the first' month, the sale in the trade and demand from subscribers exceeded 00,000 copies, and the r4nabers already issued of the conSoiidated Wick ale uhiversally conceded to have cur paesed; in the richness of its literary contents, and the beauty and profuseness of their picto rial illustrations, 'any magazine ever, before issued from the 4.merican press. Encouraged by these evidences of favor, the "ptiblishers have determined to commence the new volllme in January 'with still additional attractions. and to offer such inducements to subseribei.s is cannot fail to place it, in circulation, at the head of American magazines. With this view they now announce the following splendid rogramme. They have purchased that su perb and costly steel : plate engraving, f' THE LAST STIPI?-git, and will present a copy of it to to every three .siab4riber for the year 1853. It was engraved at a cost of over 56,000, by the late, celebrated A. L. Dick, from the original oft Raphael Blorghcn, after Leonardo Da Vinci, ii . nd is the largest steel-plate engraving ever executed in this country, being three times the size of ordinary thref:,-dollar. engravings. The first impressions of this engraving are j held at S.lO, and it was the intention of the artist that none of the engravings should evert be offered for a less sum than $5, being richly worth that amount. Thus every three z thillar! pub - Scriber will receive the Magazine one year! -..eligap at three dollars—and this splendid engraving,, richly worth $5; this getting for $3 the value of eight dolly s. We shall connuence striking off the engrily 7 ingsinameiliate4. yet - it can hardly lie expec ted that impressions of so large a. plate can he fullier; 44 faA as they will be called for by sub scribers. e sht 11, tberefore z . furtlisi z t them in the order in which subscriptions are received. Those wbo desire to obtain their engravings curly and from the first impressions, should send in their' imbseripti *its without &lay: Thoengriyizig can he sent on rollers, by mail, pr in any other manner, as subscribers shall order. $20.000 IN WORKS OF 41W, In addition to the superb engraving of f•Tq T SUPPER. Nyhich will be presented to every` three-floliav subscriber for 1858, the fhe publishers have eomp,leted arrangements or the distribution, on the 25th . day or De gamble, 1858, of a z.eries'of; splendid works of art, consisting of one hundred riely and rare p.l Paintings, valued at from ,tIOQ to 1 00Q eech4 Also, 2,000, magnificent Steel-Plae. f gravinga, worth from $3 to $5 each, and ,00 khoice Holiday Baoks, worth Irani $1 to $5 4lttch, making, in all, over TH E THOUSAND LIFTS wortb TWENTY- THOUSAND DOL ARS. Inclose $3 to the publishers and you will sommence receiving the Magazine by return •You will also receive With the fires copy a numbered subscription receipt entitling you to the Engraving of „ TtlE lA.sT §tipr.rA” and a chance tq draw one of these "TIRED 11:10IISAND PRIZES," Rumens crag you should subscribe for EMERSON'S MAGAZINE 1 Fol. 18.58. Ant: Because its literary' contents will, !Wing the year, embrace contributions from siver ONE HUNDRED different writers and thinkers, numbering among them the most distinguished of American authori. Suomi: Because its editorial departments, 1!Olir Studio'," " cur WindoW, l 'and "Qur Olio," Till each be conducted by an able editor— ;and it will surpass, in the variety and richness Of its editorial contents, any other Magazine. Third: Hetause it will Contain, during the year, nearly six hundred , original pictoriall il ltartrationa from deslgne from tba first Alaleri- Om artists. . Fourth: Decease for the suns of three,dol ins you will receive this splendid monthly, more richly worth that sum than any other r-agazine, and the superb engraving of "THE - AST SUPPER," worth five dollars. Fifth: Because you will very likely draw one of the three thousand prizes to be distrib uted on the 25th day of December, 1858— erhaps one that is worth sl t ooo. inducements can .that these extraordinary inducements can hardly fail to accomplish the Objects of the publishers without further ef thorts, yet they have' detertaiiio to further rough the year " THE GREAT LIBRARY OFFER. To any person who will get up a club of presity-fonr eubscrihers, eithcr.at one or more post-olfreesove will present a splendid Library, fedi/lining-of over Forty Large Bound Vol times, embracing the most popular Works in %Le market.. The club may be Vimed 'at the. club price, Two year, without the ingraving, - or at the full - price, Thne - Dcalare, ; rid' the engraving of the Lnst Supper to Bach 4utrecriber. List and description of the Li , r ,, and erecituc t i copy of the Ilegazitie; be formuded on receipt l of 25 cents. Over 00 I,ibrarieg, or 8;0 0 volumes,. have Already been distritinted. in ticeoraaneeivi,tirthif Otter, - a so opportunity_ to turnoh wLibrary to*yory,elergygutuiln every se4ciO.t ts,a6her, *porno one . it . every post:- 41lice in the pou9try.i • _ , iiillii AGENTS n-FaTtici- RICH. - The. success whiph. or agouti,. - are :meeting with is vln:pit ap.tottlidling : 4P,l9l?;:tV' q an il evidences • of!. this fact, we are pmmttten. to ! NORA tl 3 te!fellc,iwing: GeFrunts—Tkie following facts in relation to what pouf Agents iipe. doing in this seation, may be of nse.to somacaterprjsing young man idwant oi'.Umploptn l ent.. yap ftpv.. John E. Tardon, - Of ili t ts plash, as made, Since fast Christmas, over $4.0,60 in his! igency. , Mr. .David M. Heath, of E l iglgly, N0. 1 . - ygtir penerni Agent ftr Plait County, is Making sstporllay on each S'a;•?7,4 - rept !mbp;oyed by. him, and. gcssrs. Weimer! 4 . .. Evans, of Oregon, Mo„ your Agents !for nett: , County, ape 7 - n4i:44 - from $S ! to ~S 5 per day, iind your Ip f mhle seryant has made, since the seventh ! day of last January, over E 51.7,00, besides paying for 3uo acres of land out of the busines3 worth over $t.000.--, Yon arc at liberty to publish thiz. "statement, if pou like, 'and to refer to any' of the parties named. ! DANIET.; GREGG, Carrolton, )10, With such indneements as )ve Min any,. hody.eati obtain sobacribevs. We invite eve ry gentleman out of employment, and every lady who desires a pleasant amiiep-making oe cupatiop ;apply at ouCe for an agency.— Applicants should inclose 25 cents for a spec., imen copy of the Magiminp, which will always be forwarded With answer to application by return mail. SPVTMEN ENGRAVING, .A.;, we desire to place itttheltands of ereryi person who reposes to get upl a club t and 0 of every agent,. a. copy of the engraving of LAST SUPPER," as a Specimen, each applicant iuclosing us $3 will recieve the en graving, post-paid, by return mail, also speci mens of our publications and One of the num bered subscription receipts, entitling the hold er to the Magazine one year and to a chance in the distribution. This offer is made only to those who desire to act as agents or to tctr4 clubs. Address OAKSIMITII C 0. ,& No. 371 Bmildway, N. Y Just rublished i , T II E Trt!RUN'EI ALMANAC . 1- 7 Cal:' 1858; Pr ice 12 cents , It contains in addition to the usual Calendar, tlageg'and A . stronomitviDiatter : Tiee Gorernownt of the- natal States, Excon 7 tire and Jlttlicial. A Cla.vijitd Lid of the Iremben of the rated' States Seuate. • , A Lisl ilea Mouse of Representatives., Politi cally clisifie.4. An A hstrart'of all the Lapartant Lairs passed at the SecomilSesF,loa of the XXXIN'th Con- ore's. A Brief Sketch of the Outbreak again 4 Eng- ZIA Rule in Nadia. .i Bellfor thr ltditf of Kawas (repealing. the Bogus Law 9, he.). whieh passed the house and was defeM,ed in the Senate, with the cote thereon. A Sketch of the Proccediwin Icarvas clurlng the past year, . 4 4 cm;th , 46./roc/ r- 14req Scott Deci,ion.j Sfretc...'i J./inv.:a/a. 4 Sketch of Oregon;j fhe Vine Na!hirial Platopps-I;epublion' t i .linerk: l 4 end Dernneratic—ndople4 iu 1:356, 1 Complete. Lis/ Capi/a/R, 4orernnrs their salaFiesj; Times of LegiSlative Meetings. 11.,,1;;Mg. of General Elections, & Eirdion Rrtkrri3 from all the States which held General Elections during the year 1e57.' Counties,; Vongressinll4 Ctistricts and States,-carefully con;par.ecl NV4lllirovions Mee lions expressly for TIO: Tql BUNT.; ALMANAC. -Priw, withl! . Mstagp vepaitl, Single Copies. ceas Ante man coin ; j 3 Copies for $1 13; 1 140 Guilies ft.. $8 ; or, if sent by expres:s, 13 i •Copies for $1 1 ; 1101 Copies for $7. Orders int:losing the money respectfully so ilicited. Address nORACE GREELEY & Cn., !Tribune Buildings, New-York PROVISION STORE. E. K i spEgircp% - Offers 4reat Iwillooxrkeints TO :BUYERS OF ROCEttIES; PROVISIONS the suire formerly occupied by D. SIT,NQER, on 3d Street, liorib side of Public Square. Gp 4 ocERIEs, A good asSortutent constantly on hand, from which I will enumerate a few of the leading articles, snch as Sugar, Mustard, Candy, Coffee, ; Cinnamon, Nuts MOlasses,l Pepper Sauce, Crackers, Syrups, < Catsup,' Soap.. Pepper, ! Yeast, Candles,, Spice, Oils, Shot, Ginger, Tobacco, Lead,. Cloves, Snutr, "G." Caps, Carte. Soda, Segars, C. Tartar, and many other things top nntnerous to men tion, will be found in this'departq(ent, which will be sold ac. a !trifling ad , ?ance- from cost : for ready pap.. . PROVISIONS , - - Constantly on band, s;ich as PORK, HAMS, SPITI i DEILS, FISH, SALT. I BUTTER, MEESE, LARD, BEANS, OATS; FLOUR:, CORN MEAL, BUCKWHEAT V.LOL'It, DRIED APPLES, 'WILED. 'v im . and Tail- titherarticles in the line of PrOyi, signs nut necessary to mention. Also, WOODEN WARE such:as Brooms, rash : Tubs a p:if Boards,Aops ; Dinner Boxes; &c., which will be sold low for cash, or ready pay. Oats ; Potatoes, Anger, Eggsi Cheese, and in fact almost everything a farmer raises, will be taken in exchange ifor Goods, at their cash value. I invite the !at tention of Villagers, Farmers and Lumbermen wholesire' to male purchases in the move articles, and solicit them to call before pur chasing elsewhere. E. SPENCER ; Coudersport, June 9, 185T.-10:3.. W. SPENCER is Agent for many of the .113 • most poiMlar Medicines now in use, a flw of vfliich he will mention:. J. R. STAFFORD CO.'S'OLI\4I TAR, DR. D. JAYNE SON'S FAMILY MEDI— CINES. J.I C. AYER co,'s CIIBRRY PECTORAL. ..I.ND PILLS. i 6EVEIIALAIMS (.4? CHERRY SYRUPS, k.c. dm. &c: ; - gap-4. R. Sptcord Clo;'s 011ie Tar is ap plied .and inhaled by wearing on INHALER around-tba neck and:on the breast. ' Ilia OL WE OINTMENT is applied where tbc skin is broken- and is I popular remedywhp . w known: Gixid broken, WhoopiN Cough. • 1 IIi)WAR I) AgSociATIoN, PIIILADELPHI A lieneredsat'fastitutioa,'established b - y, special .ini4.lz;Ter,tfizr 4e relief .af the sick .and di ..tressed, aftlieted ;kith friralept argi • Epidemic! diseases: - . • ~, . MP td;., persons afflicfed.vith Sexual PispaS l es, such as SPIMMANDIIRIHEA„.SI::MI SAL WEAKNESS, IMPQTEN.OE; .04.0R RWEA; -GL ET,' SYPHILIS, Abe Vice of ANA.4BIL - iir SELP ABLE, &c., &e. -, - The'IIOWARD 'ASSOC;IATfON, in view of the alyftil degruction ,of --human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and V - e deceptions prac tised upon lbe unfortimate victims of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Coosulting, Surgeon, as- a CHARITABLE ACT worthy - of their name, to open a Dispen sary for the treatment Of thi class of diseases; In all their forms, and to give MEDICAL AD ! YR- 1 4 fillAT/S, to all Wilf, apple by letter, 1 with a descriptk.n of their condition; (age; occupation, habits of life, &c.:,) and in' cases of extreme poverty, to FUHNISII, MEDICINES 1 FRED OF CIIARGI. i It is needless to add that the- Association commands the highest IMedical skill of the age, aud will furnish- the most approved modern treatment. -. The 'Di-rectors, on a review of the past, feel assured, that their laboys in this sphere of he -4 nceoient effort, have been of great benefit to the afiliettal, especially to the young, and they have resolved to devote themselves, with re newed Acid, to this very important but' much despised onuse. - Just Published by the Assoeiation, a Re port on Spermatorrlicea. or Seminal Weakness ; the Vice of Onanism, Mastnrhation or Self- Abuse, dud other IlisPases of the Sexual Or gaits, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in a sealed envelope,) FREE !OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO STAMPS for postage. ' . I Address, for Report or treatment, Dr. !GEORGE R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, i !toward Association, No. '2 South Ninth Street, ' Philadelphia, Pa. By order of thd Directors. - KZ It ...0t D. ITEARTwp,T 4 , President. GEO. FAfROHLP, Secretary, [1.0:'44-Iy. INFO AN! DISCOVERY. CONSLTAII 3 TIiDN AN .1) ALL DISEASES OF Tlif Lt/INS AND THROAT 4tE ?osiTIYET , Y CIUBABIJA: BY. INDIAMAMON, tq the earl-. Tising the s rem edies tlr oiigh the air pas:ra ges, and coming in direct contact with the disease, rieetralips the tubercular matter, al lays the cough, opuses a free and easy expec toration, heals• the lungs, purifies the -blood, imparts reee - wed vitality to the nervons.system, giving, that tone and energy so indispensable fur the restoration of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure: It is as much under the control of medical treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases, can be cured in the first stages, and fifty per; cent. in the second ; but in the third stage it I is impossible to save more than live per cent„ for the Lungs are so cut up by the disease as ; to bid.defiance to medical skill. gven, how= ever, in the last stages. Inhalation afford.s ex treordiiwv relief to the suffering, attending this fearful scourge, which annually destroys ninety-five ,thonsand persons in the United States alone ; and a correct calculatip,rt shows that of the present population of the earth,: eighty millions are destined to till the -Con.- sumptire's graves. Truly the quiver' of death has no arrow so ; fatal as Consumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of life, for it Spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, I beautiful, the 'graceful and the gifted. By the help of that ; Supreme Being from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, I am en alibied to offer to the afflicted a permanent and speedy mire in Consumption. The first cause Of - tuliertdcs is from impure blood, and the immediate effect produced by their depo sition in the lung; is to prevent the free ad-. mission of air into the air cells, which causes. a weal:cued vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect;grem,- er good from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs H u es from these administered through the stomach ; the patient *ill always ; find the twigs free anal the breathing easy, af. ter Inhaling remedies, Tints, lehafation is a loyal remedy, nevertheless it acts constitution, ally, and with more power anal certainty than remedies adintnistered by the stomach. To prov,e the powerful aad direct influence gilds this mode of administration, chloroform inhaled will•entirely destroy sensibility in a few minutes, naraly4ing the entire nervous system, so that'll limb may be amputated with out the slightest pain; Inhaling the ordinary barbing gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of amnia:MM. will rouse the systcue when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin a few minutes after being inhal.,;(l, and may be immediately detected in the blood. 4: convincing proof of the constitutional effects cif inhalation, is the fact that sickness is al ways produced by breathing foul air—is not' this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously adminis tered through the lump should produce the happiest resulW During eighteen years' practice. matey thp,usaeds ,suffering front dis eases of the lungs anal throat, have been un der my care, and I haveeffeeted many remark- able cures, even after the sefferers had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully sat isties:me that consumption is nq lopger a fatal , disease. My treatment of ceasumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acqm:M- Mime with the nature of tubereles,:ake., ena bles me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, anthipply the proper remedies, rarely Living', F i lstaken even ina ease. This Audit,. la r rity, in connection with certain pathological and microscopic discoveries; enables me to re neve the lunge frem the of eets of contracted' chests, to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it reuewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with full directions scut to .any part of the pnited States mid Canadas by pa tients commueicatieg, their symptoms by letter. But 11l cure would be more certain if the patient should -pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable mu to Prescribe with ninch greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected .without my seeing the patient again; W. GRAHAM, M. p., Office 1131 !Filbert Street (01. d . No. 109,) below Twelftl4, =. i . PIIiLADELPIIIA, PA. BLEACHED NICISLINS and a felt , other v. tides in the (lino of Staple Dry Geed - • low for cash at - E. K. SPENCER'S, 10:3, . D. W. S. Ay.t. 100 CHARGE FOtt SHO WHIG THE NEW G9ea s s jut reeeiT,l4 at OLMSTED'S.- For the rapid Cure alit COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCUITIS,WHOOPING.OOf CROUP, ASTHMA, AM) cossumenoN. TO CURE A COLD, ATITH HEADACHE AND SORENESS OF THE BODY. Take the Cherry Pectoral on going to bed and wrap up Warm, to sweat during the night. . • - FOR A COLD AN COUGH, take in morn big, noun and evening, according to the direc tions on the bottle; and the difficulty will soon be removed, None Will long safer from this trouble when they find it can be so readily •eured. Persons afilirted with a seated cough, which breaks them Of their rest at rtight; will find by taking the- Cherry Pectoral on Being to• bed, they may be sure of sound, unbroken sleep, and Consequent refreshing rest. Great relief froM suffering, and nu ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who are thus afflicted, by this invaluable remedy. .1. . , . rom its agreeable effects In these cases, many find themselves unwilling to forego its use when the necessity fur it has ceased. TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS this remedy is invaluable, as by its action on the throat and lungs, when taken in simlit y:alltitius. it removes all hoarseness itt tt few hours, and wonderfully increases the power and ffliibility of the voice. I ASTHMA is generally much relieved, and often wholly cured. by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some cases so obstinate as to yield lentirely to no ITIC(11011^. The CHEI , TIV VPCTast RA% will cure them if they can be cured, 114ONCH iTIS or irritation of the throat and upper portion of the lungs, may be cured by taking Cherry Pectoral in small-and fret!uent doses. The uncouifortable oppression is soon I relieved. . . . FOR C1101:P. Give an emetic of antimony; to be followed by large and-frequent doses of,l the Cherry Pectoral, until it subdues the dis-1 ease. If taken in season, it will not fail to! et:re. WHOOPING COUGH may he broken up and soon cured by the use of Cherry Pectoral. THE INFLUENZA is speedily removed by this remedy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole families were protected from any serious consequences, while their neighbors without the .Cherry Pectoral s were suffering from the di. -, ease. POLL CONSMiTION in its earliest stages, it should be taken under the athice of a good physician if possible, and in every'case with a careful regard to the printed directions on the bottle. If judiciously - used, and the patient is carefully nursed meantime, it will seldom fail I to subdue the diseasc. settled,CON6l3.)-I - PTIOC; Of the Llll.gS, the Ctinfuty pm:Te:At should be given in -do- I ses adapted to what the patient requires rod I can bear. It always affords relief, and not; nufrequently cures patients that were consid ered past hope. There are many thousands scattered all over the ceurtry, who feel and publicly p:oclaim that they owe their lives and present health to the Cherry Pectoral., Many years of trial, instead of impairing' the public confidence in this medicine, has won for it an appreciation and notoriety by I far exceeding the moat sanguine expectations of its friends. Nothing bat its intrinsic vir tues and the nainistnkealle benefit conferred on thousands of could originate and and maintain the reputation itet,joys. While ninny inferior remedies thrust upon the ccm minty, have failcl and been -d,scarded. this ' has gained friends - by every- trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too re markable to be forgotten. While it is fraud upon the public to pretend that any one mcdicint infal:ibly cure— still there is abundant proof that the Cherry Pectoral does not cmly as a general thing. but almost invariably cure the rualadie3 for which it is employed. AS time makes tht.se facts wider and better known, this medicine has gradually become the hest reliance cf the afflicted, f; out the leg cabin of the American l'casant, to ;he palaces of Europear t The cIIERRY PECTORAL is MatillfaCtOTed by n practical Chemi,t, and every ounce of it un del his own eye, with invariable accuracy and care. It is scaltutand protected by law from connterf,dtcon , equently can be relied on as genuine, without adulteration, Prytred and sold - by_.lAMr.S C. AyER, Prac- teal and A ualytic:il Chernist,Lowell, llns,. Sold by SE;TII JO r n e S R. W. SPEN CER, Coudersport, and by country merchants and druggists everywhere. NEW CIO ODS, Low Prices and Ready Pay, AT SHARON' CENTER rk - rdIE SUBSCRIPERS are ()fret-lag for sale I. an entirely IIeAT stock, consisfing of DRY GtWDS, GROCERIES, HAOAVARE, UQOCKERY, GLASS W.AIHaI, HOOTS & SHOES, HATS S i'S, UM 111:ELLAS, PARASOLS, • WE:1)0 \\* . 1 :12-;61;;S . 'WALL PA I' .: Ab MADE CLOTHING, YANKEE NO 11 ON:i, In our selections the wants of all have been remembered. The Gentlemen cnn hind in our stock of Ready Made Clothing an elegant Fa - Alionable suit, or a substantial Business suit, and we have Hats & Caps and Boots 5; Shoes to match. n i p Ladies can 'find Fashionable Bonnets heautifudly trimined, or boun'ets and trimming ; a good assortment of Dress Goods, and trim min'gs ; Gloms,-Mitts, Hosiery' and Cli-tam— And, last but not least, corded and slicleton Skirts; ,also, Rattans, Skirt-Whalebne and Brass Skirt-(loops; beautiful Jet Necklaces and Bracelets, Corals, Fans, and too many other things to enumerate,—all of which we are selling low for Cash, Lumber, or any. kind of Produce. FLOUR, UEAL, FISH Sc., con stantly' on hand. w. JAI. GRAVES. Sharon Center, Potter Co., Pa., June 5) 1857:-LION3—tf. ... 4 0. - rninistrator's Nptlpe, e R E E l Sate Letters t, s o g f p ' Ir a d L tn i i i n t V i r . la a tio t n toy oil Harrison" Township, Potter County', Pa:, de-1 ceatted, have been grimted to the undersigned,, all persons indebted to said'estato reue3t-1 ed to make immediate. payment, r i nd those; baying claims against the Fame, will present) then to the tiubseribe):, in Rio.gbain Townsilip neat Jones' Cnrrieri, duly, autlientinated for sattlemnt, WM. J. CUTLER, Dilighttm, Feb. 22 , 1858.-10.32-61. ..... , 2 ~.. „.... ..... _., .... , _ ....... _ . „ - aI. • OAT - ffre,A4-411"8 , 11, • 118: * TOfr, su llosOiberif ;take this.. nietho of, ino . ; tiitinddi 0.01.1146M5' tlat'tterqe - kve.= eeiiAldf,, axt4 ate o vatting, A clioic.* and 4C.4149 .04 1 P/L - of - I i 1 - ' - g,T) 0 4.11 'AND FANCY DRY GOODS, to Wilieh they invite :the attention ofi on who desire to poke purchases. Our stock is large has! l eetiSelectsd with, great care, and is par tici' rly adapted to the , wants or thik section of ci r country, Our stock of Dry Gdods con sist f . :'- - - ' 11 - ' . DRESS G 0 °DS, TRI)IITING S; II MOONS, - ; I EMBROIDERIES, • PARASOLS I ! 'CLOTHS. CASSIMEREs - - t . .-- ITESTLNGS. DO MESTICS, - SIIIRTINGS i 1 LINENS, PRINTS, . - EIOSIED.Y - SH AWLS, ; i .and a variety of .other articles, too immarOv.s to Mention. We have also a complete assort. nien Of ~., - • • ; H GR.OOERIES, HARDWARE AND 1 .. . CROCKERY; . i all of which will be sold uncommonly cheap tbr ready pay, and for approved credit on as reasdnable .terms as any other establishment. • 1 MAX kNICtIOLS. 3lillport, Ang..ll, 15.16.-9:13 ly. ; 11. W. KING Et SON, PATENT (0111..4.M MANUFACTunr,Rs, - 1 ill-3S T3roo - nw street, o ne vor East of Broadway, [Late 46 1 8 Broad, Way,,r.siEW-YORK, -•_ 1 . [Eitaldielltd A, p; 18n,,i -4 . 117...,.V1T.E. in examination of their great varie . ;eta' and superior aisortment of CHAIRS, nianufaiitured at their own eStabliSitthellt, itlUl mulct their immediate observation and direc tion, itclticlitlg - VIVoI ItI'.VOI.VING CDAIRS. 1 1 8E ,F-ACTING E.,',VfENSION RECUMBENT CHA fiS, 01.,fi . ni)vr.n INVALID IVIIEEL CHAIRS, IdiApOß SE.ARIRS TILkVELLNG INVALID CHAIR. - l SPANISH SPRING AND SQUAB CHAIRS. RHEUMATIC, SPINAL AND '..k35.liIMATle INVA!LID CHAIRS, AC., AC., &C., 1 Embracing the most. complete It9Sortruent, and choicest kinds for l'arlore, Praieiilg I:6thila. Cliamiera, L'ardene, Librariee, Cuunfing Iliise4, 0 . 17 ) re,31, Public Insinutione,i)entiete, BarLere, ,tr., together -with exary desirable aort adapted to Ith •chrafort, convenience and 111:;.ury -f the i Sic;!.., tlbe 41.9,,1, the lhfirm, the Lame and La 4. In Point of ingenuity of design, cf.Tance of finish; quaiit,y and richness of material. faith ! fairies's of exectition, durability and cheapness, ' these chairs r.re unsurpassed. For ithem, M. \V; KlNti . 6 c SON, were awarded the! first and only Prize Medal. read the faculty re l coinmend them ax far preferable to beds. or couches for patients afflicted with Spinal 45'lltMaiic or Brlonr4ial 2.fructiopi. o either arm of the chair mar be attached a onvenient reading or writing bes,x, and any colnbination desired will he manuftictur,ed to to ;order. A Circular with explanatory cuts, will be sent by until if requested. and orders [with re mittaners,] promptly forwarded to 2.; t y part of ' the world. & ECONUMY! KING'S NEW CHAIN. "AS YOU UKE An Arm Chair, 'Heti:Ming Choir, (.'w i tell and Bedstead, [Comm:: it IN ON ,] is s&ceptihle of twelve dint-rent positions or chang,l, to meet the varied rNoircmente for comfort, courcui ente, luxury end economy, [in space Wdi at price.] Witt-ther in sickness or Itealh, ;hit cOet;rated CHAIR "AS YOE' I r iXE rr," creels in many respects, any clutirr rhr.ps ever menu= factored-in this or :At) . Other country. 'rhe price caries frAll Fiftern to Thirty Doh accurdlng to To Public lustitutioiir., as to CllAlit is ft very dcs 7 ralild artb•le. nod wilt ho supplied in any number on tin: inost tern.s. Apply to or itddre.,,, KIN G 138 Broonld st., One door east or ilrov.dwrty Yortt:, (I,ale 4tie Brveda:aq. ITE\V GOODS—A Fine received vt GREAT REVCLUTIGN Ifs MEDICAL SCIENCE. , The best' Therapeutic Agent ; ever 111 i . DICE,"I.:SO T ,N'S • ,-s , - , ..4, MAGNETO BLIT, .4„.mr......• ; ,, ,5i5,, Tim MACHINE 1, ~ r 1;,...'„, i rr r 1t ° 7 !:,,,.. t .- - •'?-410 7 is exttiting fire 1 4 :".7TiEcr;l4-;::;..4.absorbing atten ' _ . , .ffir_f4gari' V , A• p• . , i--: , ..2..ma Of t the Medi ,'l` ;> car Profession and .t.:...;7 - 7- -, 14-rA4 4 1 1 1 . a I.trgc portion ol the intelligentlay 'hien of the hind. It is noiv clearly demon- Strafed that the lancilt,.tuercnry, and ail other internal "drug medic:Woe may he laid asidel IWitli perfect safety to the patient: and abid mg benefit to posterity. Wherevei these ma- 1 'chines have been introduced, they excite the Ihighest wonder end praise. The ' I apparatus Is adapted to prevent, relieve, and care every !disease incident to linnutnity,—mare partieu- Ilarly all those painful and formid:ible diseas -11 l's w hich have for centuries baffled the pro ,foundest learning and skill of physicians. 1 From whatever cause there may be an ex ' Bess or deficiency of the nervous iluid—pro idiming en excess or deficiene3, - of the acids and alkaline sezretions—the magnetic princi pales of the system are deranged, and can on ly be safely restored. o tilt it normal condition by nil nitfdization of magneto-electricity, by 1:10.11113 1 r,f DR DICKINSON'S aMAGNETO Iii.EPT.P4O :.1...\.1=' , 111N1i. I - his apparatus will positively prevent, and speedily relieve anti cur& Consumption, Scroittla, Rheumatism, Palsies; Neuralgitc, Spinal! Pisenses, And all other painful maladies, however hopele'ss and of Mpg. standing_ They are enainenAls tisgcti. l in all sexual and urinary disorders, pautieu 'lady where the Constitution has been broken down and ruined by unnatural solitary habits I to which too many of the young ot both sexes I are so lamentably prone. 1 - 1 DR. DICKINSONI:S IIAGIKETO ELECTRIC MACHINt is withoPt fl,ie tlangeOPs C. , ?.: 11 1 ,11- C.ationsof batteries and acidr.- , -,Whitili fact alone reteders-it superior to all Others on the score et neatuesS, cleanliness, safety and • utility.— It hi, - in fact; a handsome parlor ornament; nuty l l be arplied bra child ; and I will last a life-time, to "thegreat saving Of . Doctor's hills!, &c. I • PRICE . OF THE MACHINE $10: I It!will be safelypacked and sent to any partmf the .- United States. Sold wholesale 4fid r etail at the Medical OfIice,NO,3BNORTH SEVIENTH Street,,yhiladelphia. I Address; 1 ' A: C.'DICKINSON, lti.D: I ' 10 -1 --ly fhlt.l..lktGES 4ND LEMONS just ',received •by 19:3 W B. tt J. IL GRAVES NK anti atai)e aytieles Dry p line for sate by iE.K. S. Igtieftekteliii ' :The Cheapest and t tagulsontest Periodi 4torh4 Clircatatthil 100,000. 711 MS . ELEGANT lAN D ,TASCINATMG. ji LITERARY. .AND FAMILY - MONTHLY MAGAZINE closes ibs first volume" in June next. ;During the few brief months of its ex. tense it has attained ti - populatitj• unegazdhat in the nnneils• of the Press. ' l • • ~ Theipublishers lia;Niing.olTered liberal Pre. rniums for choice literOy efforts, the Stories,, Romances,•Essetyi,',Pcietry, and. other spark: ling and interesting rbading Was commenced in January last, nud nre being still publish, ed in the Visitor: ; The New Volume wplbe commenced in in. ly 1857, greatly imp:Foxed and enlarged..--. Each number. will contain thirty-two extra large elizsd royal c (Amin pages, makin,g a ruag. uificent volume of nearly 406 • pages for the year—or presenting ain amount of the choi.. cest rending- on all stzbjects,, equal to. ivhat . would cost in the be4k stores at least 'fifty cents, payable in, - ariablv in nth-4116e. . Some of the most poPtilar and brilliant nulls and female contribuirirs are v4,gfilar• contri. buturs and the plibiiSrlerS will spore-no pains or expense to render tie ,".Welcoine Visitotm every ;way acceptable ito a refined and had& gent community. • The publication is a people—the yo . ung aui ever seen - and perused acceptation rig Y- Now is the ti New Volutue. * bye's nun complete sets) for 3 t. gerieg of 12 numbers Libcral induccrueu y• Remembey, of for one year, fora leg sent under One ;Dollar P}iblishC'rs, co. 38 (up ;stairs,) delp Of all ; tie great, first cruse • Spring's from ne lect of Natura'a laws. SITF.F. 4 R NOT • When a CIVEZE is guarantee 4 • SECRET 3 - 3H.LS -- Th, Se lame. Nervous pehility, Slrtcurea, Glee% ratel,'Diuheue, Dieeascs the Kidn-p an k t Bladder, Ofereurial Bheumatim, Scrofula - , Paine in the Bon-s and Anklee,Bieecsee of the Lungs, Throat, ,Vo,i• and Eye. , , Ulcers rpoa.ll.e Body Or 1.17 h It,• Ca n :era, Bropy, E r il l ,Li e F i t rh St. Pita $ Dance, and all discasnyarieing from a dernyement &f lheSexual O(1/1:11o, „o„,t/C1.1.13.s Nertons tretnlaing, LQgs of 3„lenit ory, Loss of Power, General WcaknasS . , Dirtiness of Visien with peculiar spits appsai.:.. ing before the eye's, 5s of Sight, I L Vakeful, ness, Dyspepsia Liver I)isease„ Eruptions upon the face. rain in thel back and held, Felimle irregularities and all improper d rges fient both se , s,„ It matters not from .wkst route originated,.lioweVer long standing or obitinnte the case, recove.lris certain, and in A. shorter time than a perm:mein t cure ea e be ef fected by any other treatment, et en after the disease has:baffled the skill of eminent physi cians and resirted all their means of cure: The medicines arc pleasant without odor, causing pe, sickness and free from mero;.rt- or bah:attn. During twenty years of practice, f have rescued: from thejawS of Death pony thousands, vthn„ in the last stages of the obove menti•ned die eases had Lev.a T i N en up to die by their physi cians, whiedi warrants me in promising to the a.fllictcd, who may place thkluselven under any e we, ait !, T ,t ; and moot speedy . cure. Secret I )isenses arc the greatest enemies to health, as they arc the firSt cause of Cont,taruption, Scrhf, Lila, and man: other diseases, and should ti . a . terror to the human family, - As a permanent cure is ..c.arcely ever effected, a ruejorhy of ale crises falling into the - Lands. of incompetent persons, who nett oub- fail to cure the discasss out loin the constitution, tilling the. systeut with mereuryi which, - with the: disease,'an!: tens the sufierer into a rapid Consumption, But should ti.e disease aid the treatment neft cause death speedily and the victim mitt ries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who arc born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life eurruptsd by a virus which. betrays itself in Scrofula : Tetter, tleers, Erni,- flew an other' a tfectious : of the skin, Eyes, Throat nod Lungs, cntailirg upon tt,eaa laid' eteistence of anti:min and consigning them to, se early grave. ' SELF Agt44,r, is another formidable enemy to health. for nothing else in the Mead' Via , logue of humaa diseases causes so destructive aldrain upeathe system, drawing its thousands of victims through . a few years of suffering dbwn to en untime.y grave. It. destroys the Nierrous system, rapidly wastes away the ens ergics of life, causes mental dersugenseret, pFevents the proper development of the system, disqualifies for marrisge, society, business' ad all earthly liappirke: . , stal leaves the sufs f rer wrecked in body and mind, - predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the tallest confidence I atssare the unfortunate victims...of. Self-Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure oatt be affected.; aad with the abandonment of. . Hsi:ions practices my patients can he.restosetf. tO robust, vigorous health. . The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent .Mcdicines, for there arc so. Many ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and Tob the unwary sufferers that millions have their constitutions milted, by the vile compounds of quack doctors-' or, the equally poisonous nostrums vended as• ".Patent Medicines." -I bnye cierefully.enalyted: M any of tite.so called Patent Medicines arai, find that nearly all -of them contain Corrosive Sublimate; which is one of the strongest pre - . parations of mercury and. a deadly poison,. ‘Fhich instead of curing the disease disable& the system'for life. Three-fourths of the patent nostrums nem in use are put up by unprincipled and ig - notant. persons, who 'do not understand even the ial s Phabet of the mperia medira, and are- equally a's destitute of any iciloWledge of the - fq.niii, sirstem, having mie object only in vims:, and that to make money reknr4less of consequens cos ; 1 Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on, principles- established by twenty years of practica„and. sanctioned. by thousands of the most remarkable-curcti. Ned, ieines with-full directioni sent to. any part of the United. States or i Canadas, by patients. communicating their symptoms .hy •lett,r.—, Business correspondence strictly?Coutideutit.l., Address.. . . . Ast:ortment just OLMSTED'S. J. SUMMERVILLE; :i1• Office No. 1 - 131 rilbert St., I (OM No. 1090' 10:6-ly NE I 47, GOODS--A Large and Splendid AV ortmenQuat teceiveg at 10 11-7—• 61.1185111. I ldapted to all classes 'of the uld--rind where. meets with unircrsal • la to ,s'obscribe to the hers may be had. (to rots each, or the wholo AF TWENTY-FLVE cents. s to 'Aubs and Can. r terms are Fifty cents gle copy, or. Arre cap. lone cover or :Actress fur ddress, _ • f:N S COIIP.ANY, BM NOrtll Seventh Street, 10:1-ly IN , AU, ,5T.,143 ES OF -BELOW TWELVTLI, PRIL A D.E - 1 14 Pll A..
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers