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After one or more numbers of a new year ,have been forwarded, a new year has commenc ed, end the paper will nos be discontinued until urrearages are paid. See No. 1. The above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all cases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will bo charged at the following ;atoo: 1 insertion. 2 do. 9 do. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 37} $ 50 One square, (In lines,) 50 75 100 Two . 4 (92 ) 100 150 200 3 Mo. 6 mo. 12 mo. $3 00 $4 00 $5 00 4 00 6 00 10 00 6 00 10 00 14 00 18 00 22 00 25 00 18 00 27 00 40 00 One square, Two squares, I column, do., do., do; 22 00 35 20 45 00 Dulness Cards of six line ~ or less, $4.00. Scrofula, or King's Evil, I. a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, (Hs ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con atitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, k seems to be the rod of Ilhn who says, I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depress( the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plainte, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numb.cs perish by dieorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in the triton. Most of the consumption which de csmates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive disease. of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; *Sr persons are invaded by this lurking in feetion, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate So blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S CAimpoand Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the moot active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the System from its destructive consequence.. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as EEUPTITH and SEIM DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'. Puts, noes, Or ERYSIPELAS, PIMPLES, PUSTULES, BLOTCHES, BLAINS and Boas, TUMORS, TATTER and Sett Mures, SCALD HEAD, RINOWORM, RHEUMATISM, SYPIIILITIC and Millennial, Ds eases, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, Demur:, and, indeed, au. COMPLAINTS ARISING mom VIVA, 111 D OR IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, the scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tke particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in oentarninatcd constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, aro to composed that disease within the range of Slick action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, end invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring lea healthy vitalities. Ae a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to Lad hit health or energy restored by a remedy at once se ciii, de and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions hr their use in the following complaints: Costive etas, Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Blomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Penn in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatisleney, Lass of Appe tit% Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its (onetime. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TILE RAPID CURE OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, • Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumps tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. fio wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost emery section of country abounds in persons pub licly Itnown, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lunge by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ tor tho distressing and dangerous affections of the wlhrrloenmaloyrgianninertihoint remediesa es t i l t ir t u o t, c:ttr u climate. Whiln e community have failed and . been discarled, this hen gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO LOWELL, MABI3. Jolts READ, Agent Iluntingdon, Pa. Noy. 10, 185R.—ly. BELEGT PEMTRIA MP PSALM. 111 J. Ct. WIIITTIER. I mourn no more my vanished years: Beneath a tender rain, An April rain of smiles and tears, My heart is young again. The west winds blow. and, singing low, I hear the glad streams run The windows of my soul I throw Wide open to the sun. No longer forward and behind I look in hope and fear; But, grateful, take the good I find, The best of now and here. I plough no more a desert land, To harvest weed and tare • The manna dropping from God's hand Rebukes my painful care. I break my pilgrim staff, I lay Aside the toiling oar; The angel sought so far away I welcome at my door. The airs of Spring may never play Among the ripening corn, Nor freshness of the flowers of May Blow through the Autumn morn; Yet shall the blue•eyed gentian look Through the fringed lids to heaves, And the pale aster in the brook Shall see its image given. The woods shall wear their robes of praise, The south wind softly sigh, Aud sweet, calm days in golden haze Melt down the amber sky. Not less shall manly deed and word Rebuke an age of wrong; The graven flowers that wreath the sword Make not the blade less strong. But smiting hands shall learn to heal, To build as to destroy, Nor less my heart for others feel That I the more enjoy. All as God wills, who wisely heeds To give or to withhold, And kuoweth more of all my needs Than all my prayers have told I .Enough that blessings undeserved Have marked my erring track— That wheresoe'r my feet have swerved, His chastening turned me back— That more and inure a Providence Of love is understood, Making the springs of time and sense Sweet with eternal good— That death seems but a covered way Which opens into light, Wherein no blinded child can stray Beyond the Father's sight. That 001. and ',Lai 42,461111 At last, Through Memory's sunset air, Like mountain-ranges over past, ...In purple distance fair— That all the jarring.uotes of life Seem blending in a psalm, And all the angles of its strife Slow rounding into calm. And so the shadows fall apart, And so the west winds play; And all the windows of my heart I open to the day. A. BELEGT STORY?: THE MAIDEN WARRIOR. No struggle in the history of the world has produced nobler instances of heroism than that of our own gloriou4 revolu• ton. The achievements which light up ite expanse of that deadly conflict like wars in the firmament, put to shame the melodramatic heroes of Greece; indeed, it is not too much to say, that every moun tain pass has been a Thermopylm, and ev ery hustle plain u Marathon. Occasionally those deeds of war have been lightened by that sweetest of all pas. ohm, love; and it is a tale of love and pa triotisni we have now to tell. Sergeant Jasper belonged to that most famous of all heroic bands, Marion's Brig ade, where his valor and talents soon won him distinction. Among other daring deeds, his rescuing our flog at the battle of Fort Moultrie deserves to be mentioned. hi the hottest fire of the conflict, the flag of the fort was shot away. and full without the fort. Leming over the rampart, he seized the flag and returned amid the cheers of even the British. For this da ring deed, Gen e Rutledge presented him with a sword. Like many other families at that time, his was divided on the great question.-- His older brother took the side of the English, and served in their army. Out of affection to his brother, arid a wish to examine into the strength and condition of the enemy he resolved, with another pa triot soldier, Sergeant Newton, to pay the British camp a visit. Id is brother's posi tion in it enabled him to receive his two friends without arty suspicion of their be ing spies, and they were entertained for two or three days with great hospitali ty. While they wore thus engaged, n small party of Americans were brought in prix• oners, and as they had deserted from the British and enlisted in the American ranks, their doom would have been death. This the brother of Jasper assured him woo to be their fate. With them were the wife and child of one of the prisoners. Her distress at her husband's approaching fate touched the human heart of Jasper. Con fiding his purpose to his friend, Sergeant Newton, they bade adieu to Jasper's broth er, and took their leave. They had no sooner got out of sight of the comp than they made a delouh, stretched across the country so as to elude all suspicion, should they meet with any British soldiers. It was the custom then of -the English to send all the prisoners taken in that quar ter to Savannah for trial. At a little spring about two miles from Savannah. Jasper and Newton secreted themselves awaiting the arrival of the British escort with their " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREvER, ONA AND INBEIARABLR. HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1859. prisoners. It had occurred to Jasper that as they must pass this spot, it was proba ble they might rest here for a short time to refresh themselves, and the a oody na ture of the spoi would favor a rescue. Atter some hours' anxious suspense, they saw the escort with their prisoners approach. The guard was ten in num ber, and armed. The corporal, with four men, conducted their captives to the wa ter, and told them to rest themselves. for an hour, at the same time giving thorn some provisions. The Sergeant then told the men to ground arms, and seat them selves. The prisoners threw themselves upon the earth in hopeless despair. Near to the wretched man sat his wife and child. 'rwo of the men alone kept their arms as sentries. As the rest of the men were filling their canteens with water, Jasper and Newton came stealthily, seized two muskets that were stacked, shot the two sentries, and rushing upon the others stunned them with the butts of their weep. ens. Deprived of their arms, the others abandoned the conflict and fled. Releasing the prisoners, they escaped across the river to the Americans. But the most romantic incident in this brave man's life was his love for Miss Sal ly St. Clair, or as she is termed in our an nals, the Maiden Warrior. This was a beautiful Creole girl, who returned his passion with a purity and intensity seldom known on earth When he was called upmi to join the defenders of his country, her grief was unbounded. Their hour of parting came, and after the tenderest adieus the gallant soldier sprang upon his horse, and joined his regiment. Scarcely had the sound of his horse's feet died up- on the air, than her romantic brain sugges ted the plan of joining her lover by en listing in the same brigade. She resolved to put her project in immediate operation. Securing a suit of male attire about her own size she severed her long and jetty ringlets, dressed her hair like a 'nail's and purchasing a horse, she set off three days after, alone, to offer her services to the no ble Marion. Her offer was accepted, and a lithe, active stripling was added to the 1 corps to which her lover belonged. The contrast between the stripling and these men, in their uncouth garbs, their mas sive faces, enbrowned and disfigured by sun and rain, was Indeed striking. But none were so eager for the battle, or in different to fatigue as the fair faced boy. It was found that his energy of character, regeteden and rn,i,loP . emonliwl his luck of physique. None ever suspec ted biro to be a woman. Not even Jasper himself, although she was often by his side, penetrated her disguise. .• Thlt romance of her situation increased the fervor of her passion. It was her de light to reflect that, unknown to hint, she was by his side, watching over him in the hour ol danger•. She fed her passion by gazing upon him in the hour of slumber, hovering near him when stealing .hrough awantp and thicket, and being always ready to avert danger from his head. ^ But gradually there stole a melancholy presentment over the poor girl's mind.— She had been tortured with hopes deferred; the war was prolonged, and the prospect of being restored to, him grew more and more uncertain. But now she felt that her dream of happiness could not be real ized. Site became convinced that death was about to snatch her away from his aide; but site prayed that she might die, and he never to know what length the vi. °levee of her passion had led tier. It was an eve before a battle The camp had sunk into repose. The watch fires were burning low, and only the slow tread of sentinels fell upon the profound silence of the night air, as they moved through the dark shadows of the forest.— Stretched upon the ground, with no other couch 'bans blanket, reposed the warlike form of Jasper. Climbing vines trailed themselves into a canopy above his head, through which stare shone down softly.— The faint flicker from the expiring embers of a fire fell athwart his countenance, and tinged the cheek of one who bent above his couch. It was the smooth faced strip ling. She bent low down, as if to listen to his dream, or to breathe into his soul pleasant visions of love and happiness -- But tears trace themselves down .he fair one's cheek. and fall silently but rapidly upon the brow of her lover. A mysteri ous voice has told her that the parting has come; that te.morrow her destiny is con summated. There is one last, long, lin gering look, and then the unhappy maid is seen to tear herself away from the spot, to weep out her sorrows in privacy. Fierce and terrible is the conflict that on the morrow rnes on the spot. Foremost in the battle is the intrepid Jasper, end ever by his ski° fights the stripling war rior. Often during the heat and smoke, gleams suddenly upon the eyes of Jasper the inelanoholy face of the ~maiden• In the thic'-.eat of the fight, surrounded by enemies, the lovers fight side by side. Sad denly a lance is leveled at the breast of Jasper. but swifter than the lance is Sully St, Clair. There is a wild cry mid at the feet of Jasper sinks the maiden, with the life blood gushing from the white bosom, whelk had been thrown as a shield before his breast. He heeds not now the din nor the danger of the conflict ; but down by the side of the dying boy he kneels Tle for the first time does he learn that the stripling is his love ; that the aim visions in his slumber, of an angel face inwere.g above him, had been true. In the midst of the battle, with her lover by her side, and the barb still in her bosom, the heroic maiden dies! Her name, her sex and her noble de 'o. lion, soon became known through ,the corps. There was n tearful group garb ered around her grave ; there was not one of those hardy warriors who did not bedew hergrave with tears. They buried her near the river Santee, " in a green shady nook that looked as if it had been stolen out of Paradise."—Romance of the Rev olution. MINEETANEWM The Great Irish Berival—axtraor dinary Bodily Manifestations. The last steamer brings intelligence of the continual increase and power of the remarkable religious revival in Ireland. It is a prominent topic in the newspapers •ve receive from Great Britain. One num. ber of the Banner of Ulster has four col umns in small type of reports of the vari ous meetings held, chiefly in Belfast, on the previous Sabbath, and at the conclu sion apologizes to its readers by saying: wide.spread—we might also say general—is the revival movornent, that it is quite impossible for U 3 to present any. thing like a full detail of its progress and results, or satisfactory notices of any but the most prominent cases." The same paper says : "The move ment, which must shortly arrest national attention, progresses in a manner which is subject of astonishment to ell who wit. ness it. There are now comparatively few who are skeptical as to the serious and solemn character of the manifestations —even among these who at first wore skeptical. We have before spoken cif the extraor dinary bodily exercises connected wi'h this work. The following, from an address made by the Rev. Mr. M'Naughton, will give some further idea of the character at this singular manifestation: "There were bodily ems produced an the people there that he could not account for. Persons would be suddenly struck down as if they were dead, and not ander the influence of exciting things:raid to them for the same thing happened them when they were alone, when no parson was speaking to them. '!'hey were struck down and seemed to been torture. mental or bodily, lying with their fare towards heaven, and their lips moving as if they were praying with great agony for mercy. He had known a cone of a man going home front the market, after having cold some produce, passing along the roadside, and counting his money to see whether it wad all right, when he was struck down, r.s if road, Persons coming: up assisted bins into a her. , :end found that he was trout) led in soul about his condition. A 'ld just yesterday (Saturday) afternoon, when he wits on way to ttm train, passiug through the tows of Ballymena. he saw a zrotvd cf people gatit tad at one of the comers of the Street; he thought it was round one who had been stricken down; he found it was a person from the country, come into town on huskies., suddenly struck down, and there she was, sobbing and praying for mercy, and confessing her sins, in a state of great mental agony and distress. he etude his way through the crowd, and prayed over her, and she became calmer, and was taken into a house adjacent. Fie was then obliged to leave and come away. There were some of the cases, which it was quite manifest, whatever might be the operating cause in the hand of God, they could not explain on philisuphical princi ples. Ile thought it was desirable that these manifestations of a bodily kind should be controled as far it? possible. In times of revival, when the good seed was sown, there would always be extravagance in speech or act, and his only subject of won der was, not to come in contact with such cases but that there were so few of them. These were the two remedies to which resort was made when persons were struck down by some sudden impulse of their minds. The Roman Catholic priest of Ballymena had been prescribing holy wa• ter and wine but Christianity hod prescri• bed a different remedy.—that is the sing. Important from Kansas. ing of praise to God, and prayer for mercy. , 'I he Committee appointed by the Con. Many connected with the Arian Church stitutional Convention to prepare and re. had been brought under interesting pressions, and they immediately abarr- pert a preamble and bill of rights, have cloned their Arianism and refused to have . reported as follows: anything more to do with it. And a num, The preamble after recognizing our de• ber of the Roman Catholics, like the con pendettce on Divine Providence, defines vents of old in similar circumstances, broh the boundaries of the Territory. their books of Popish devotion and made The first article of the bill of rights de e bonfire of them, learning the value of . dares all men to be equally free, the one book—the Word of God. It seems ScE 2. MI political power is inherent in to be one of the peculierities of these atrick- the people, and all free governments are en cl• wn cases the persons are so thor founded on their authority. and are snouts oughly engrossed with their own feelings I ted for their equal protection and benefit. that they do not listen to a word that oth• Sao. 3. The people have the tight to alt ers have to say." sembls in peaceable manner, to consult 'The Banner of Ulster, speaking of whin for their common good. to instruct their is called "The Pound District," ono of the Representatives, and to petition the Gen. worst sections of Belfast. says : , oral Assembly for redress of then grie. "We have heard of one instance in vances. which three persons in one house were SEC, •1. The people have a right to bent thus brought under conviction; and after n , arms for their defence end security, but , Thristian gentleman had offered up prayer standing armies in time of peace are dal, four or five others were brought under sa gc roux to liberty, and shall not be tolerated, ving influence. In another case, that of and the military shall be in strict subordi an intelligent ycung man, who was sudden- nation to civil power. ly prostrated, although he has since been sec 5. The right of trial by jury shall usable to leave his bed, he has tint ceased he inviolate, and extend to persons of every to speak of Christ as his only hope to the condition ; but . a jury trill may be waived neighbors and friends who have visited by the parties in all oases, ir. the manner It is calculated by a gentleinsn who prescribed by law. to welt acquainted with- the district, and SEC 6. 'there shall be no slavery in this who hue t.een very careful in his estimate State, and no involuntary servitude, unless that there have not been fewer than six for the punishment of crime whereof the ty cases of conviction—many of Olem fel parties shall have been duly convicted. lowed by conversion—in hat portion of 'EC. 7. The right of persons to worship the town alone. We tears that on no, lied according to the dictates of their own nights of Saturday find Sunday 01 lea'. one No partiality or preference half of the people or praying and singine fo, the time in th,-ir t,01,- , . The Belfest N 1. • This HI I tending itself in Beltast in the most rapid manner, Prayer meetings are held al most every evening, and are attended by immense crowds, many amongst whom are affected with all the external symptoms al ready described. There is an evident out pouring of the Spirit of God in answer to believing, faithful prayer: The most skep tical, who will but 'Wend any of the meet ings now he Id in any of the churches or other places in this town will be compelled to admit that the hand of the Lord is vis ible at work, and that his blessing attends the moans used for bringing sinners to seek happiness in a Savior's love. All evangelical denominations have joined in this good work, and success—marvelous success—has hitherto attended their efforts. Every Protestant place of worship in this town is becoming rapidly filled. There are no empty pews now—no unoccupied seats. Every evening the streets are crowded with hundreds and thousands who are wending their way—not to the place of amusement—not to join in the giddy dance—not to attend either theatre or con cert; but with their Bibles, hymn-looks ' and psalm-book in their hands, eagerly pressing onward to trio house of God to endeavor to obtain admissioo in time, so that they may therein hear instruction as to how they shall escape from the City of Destruction, and at length reach the Ce lestial Kingdom. At the services con ducted in the several churches many have been led to seek pardon, and many profess to have obtained it, and are now going on their way rejoicing." A cor'resiondenT of another paper, speak ing at Basharktn, a neighboring district, writes "At a meeting held on Sabbath, in one of the Presbyterian churches, while the speaker was calling on God that the Holy Spirit might deacend as with tire, a flash cf lightning which filled the building et the raeinent struck the congregation with awe, and trembling with terror they pro, treted themselves on the floor. The Beene woe one which the most powerful language would fail in describing, and when it war rec:ted by the speaker—an eye•witness— those who heard him seemed to feel that God was dealing in a mare lons manner with his people. On that occasion, out of a congregation of 500, there were 100 ca ses,of deotded conviction—most of those 'enlightened," who exhibited all the usual symptoms, being carried out of the build ing ay friends, or becourtig the centre of ks . 9 . t, aimi „lame rflll neon is ." " There is one peculiarity attaches to all who have been enlightened, that is, that they seem auly happy in each other'a t:eciety, and it is no uncommon thing to see ten or a drown of those who have found peace, meeting together to visit it sister,' who has been like themselves brought to convictioa. ourselves saw a knot of those young grls—the girl whom we left so weak that she was unable Milan hoar previously to leave her bed, among ;he others—wlth Bibles is their hand:, going down the street on a visit of this nature. They have all a reverence for God's word, and delight to meet in prayer; and, as even the most degraded thus in the com munity, those who are denominated 'un fortunates,' has furnished in Ballymena a ccnvert tee life of purity and peace, we can have no hesitation in saying that the revival, so far from being, as some would hare it, the result of the influence of the 'evil one' to an agency %yielded by a Power which doeth all things well.' and which we hope will be extended, and have an abiding place in our country." The physical manifestations, says the Presbyterian newspaper, we will not now attetnpt to account for. The presence and power of God's spirit id a most te• markable manner is beyond doubt. It is worthy of note that this work is in a re gion where there have been the greateat Incredulity and the strongest prejudice as to re rivals. . ,ect Sec R. The privilege) of the writ of roppus ern 9. A r.mis -hull be bailable ex. rt I,ll..nceß. Esc. 10. In any trial in any coun the ac. cased shall be allowed to appear and de- Pen, Paste and Scissors. fend in person of by counsel. Sec. 11. The liberty of the press shall A Goer, Oafs Woms—The Ist of July, be preserved inviolate, and all persons Mr. Moses Pierce, of West Medford, Mass., may freely speak, write, or publish their , now 70 years old, mowed 3 acres, 472 feet of sentiments on all subjects, being responsi- , English press. If any young man will surpass ble for the abuse of such right. this, be will try again. The work was per- SEC. 12. The freedom of deliberation, ' formed by him in the presence of a Crowd of I s 'atm, and with ap p arent ease. speech, and debate in the Legislature is so Pe I ' SCGUESTION FOIIB t,ONDIN.—The Wu, essential to the rights of the people, that comer Palladium reminds M. Blondin that he it cannot be the foundation of any accuse- should keep up his notoriety by increasing the ion or prosecution, action or complaict, in , daring of his performances, and suggests a any court or place whatsoever. morning walk to the moon, or crossing over Sc.E 13. No person shalrbe:transported the deep and broad gulf that will separate the out of the State for any offt 7 nce committed I two sides of Charleston Convention when it meets. We will not say about the moon, but within the same, and no conviction in this the other mince be done ; there is notlsing to State shall work a corruption of blood or fasten the rope to on the Northern side. forfeiture of estate. Tim NATURALIZATION QUESTION.—Governor Sec. 14. Treason against the State shall Wise has written aletter toa citizens of Lynch consist only in levying war against it, ad- burg, Va., disagreeing with General Caes on luring to its enemies, or giving them aidthe question of .T the rig h t s of foreign govern and comfort. menu to exacte * ndcred military service Sze. 15. No soldier shall in time of sacs from our naturalized citizens who were born under their laws. He says he " would protect be quartered in any house without the con- our naturalized citizens agains t the military sent of the owner, nor in time of war ex- service of other powers to the uttermost ends cep: as prescribed by law. of the earth." SEc. 16. The right of the people to be Writ is becoming quite fashionable, says secure in their persons, houses. papers the New York Express, for a lady to appear estates, &c., against unreasonable searches I ' with hair cropped closely behind ; the front and seizures, shall be inviolate and no locks being long en ugh to curl. So rapidly ; has this fashion ° gained in favor, that it will not warrant shall issue but upon probable cause be wonderful should it become general for a susported by oath or affirmation particular- time. But it must necessary be short lived. ly describing the place to be searched and' Long hair is a glory to a woman, as St. Paul the persons and things to be seized, observes, and its grace cannot well be dispel, Sec. 17. No person shaft be imprisoned tied with by .d ui thehidsoTest face for any debt in any civil action or ramie A dangerous Counterfeit $5 note, purporting to be the trite issue of the Bank or final process, except in case of a mill- of North America, Philadelphia, has lust made tin fine en time of pence. its appearance. Vignette—letter V, with nu Sec 18. Foreigners who are, or may Indies aquaw, with liberty cap, shield, globe become hereafter, bona fide residents of and eagle, floating iu clouds; on right of wig this State, Olafl enjoy the acme rights in nette, bend ofr i a n l o d va ie ; die " ;figure 'f' o respect to the possession, enjoyment. and vignette, diveiiich corner, locom of otive and cars in oval inheritance of property as native born die on right end, the word five and figure son citizens, left end. Sic. 19. All courts shall be open, and Ditexecx MAN'S ADDRESS.—Ou the Oswego et cry person, for an injury done him in Road, a day or two since, the engineer disco, hinds, goods, person, or reputation, shall mod an object on the track as he was *going here remedy by due scene of law, and around a curve, but too late to atop the train. " The e.t.a passed by and the engineer saw the justice administered without denial or ' delay. object was a man, who rolled dew the bank as thought he was dead. The train was stopped, Sac. 20. No hereditary emoluments, and the man jumping up, said .—" Du had honors or priee.eges, shall ever be granted beer keep your d—d cars offfroni me." A. or conferred by this State, nor shall there brief exitinination showed that his bat had beiray constitutional distinctions en account been severed in two by the wheels of the train, of sect or sex. but miraculously no injury whatever bad been Seo. 21. Private property shell be held done to the sleeping inebriate. :nviolate, but subservient to the public °HOOTING A Foot, AND AN IRISIIIIAN.— An Leeman, in Danbury, Conn., undertook to shoot a rat the other day, and the following account dimes, shot a fool instead : "First, of t Cuirge or pow der. To make aura of his victim, he wound up the leading with a small handful of corn iu the kernel. Thus prepared he brought the in strument of death to bear upon the cat, and snapped. To his great chagrin, the gun was not discharged. He snapped, and snapped, :mapped again; but it was no use—the gun would not go. Irritated beyond measure at Isis failure he drew the iron ramrod from the gun, put the point iu the fire until it was red hot, inserted it at the muzzle, and then worm ad it down through the corn until it reached the powder, when thong I went the charge down to the shot, sending the ramrod through his hand between the thumb an d the fore-finger, burying the corn in 'serious parts of his hand and badly tinging his face with the powder I The cut survived, and the Irishmau i s doing as well as could be expected." Hume!, Weeneas.—A correspondent of the New Orleans Crescent, in writing from Min atitlan, says: An engineer, connected with the Jeckel sur veying party, informs me that in running his line across the mountains between this place and Tehauutepec, he came across Indians who never seen a white man in their lives, who spoke uo language known to any 01 his party, and were Absolute "free lovers,' living all to gether, and twenty or thirty men .d women sleeping in one bed, and acknowledging a community of wives and properties. In anoth er place he passed through a village where the Indians had light hair, fair complexion and blue eyes; and yet another town where all the inhab items were lepers, covered with the white spots of that detesteble plague. Suck are a this of the human wonders to be seared up in this section, and we only need a few trapper,' from amongtho Rocky Mountains to devolope as great natural curiosities. AN EXTRAORDINARY EXHIIIITION.—AIi exhi bition of very remarkable and unnatural char actor attracted a small but highly respectable audience at Melodeon on Thursday evening last. A young man by the name of James Stevens had advertised that be would do many wonderful things in the way of cutting himself up with knives, nailing his feet acme and legs to chairs, to the wall, ke., which ris• bounding exploits he proceeded to exhibit at the appointed hour, in the presence of a num ber of physicians of celebrity, including mem bers of the medical Faculty of Transyivania University, and other learned Professors, who were invited to stand that they might detect any fraud or deception, if practiced. He began by sticking a handful of pins, up to the head, in hie legs, then drove an awl through the middle of kis wrist into a chair; drove a knife through the muscle of his leg; nailed his foot to a wooden shoe, the nail or awl passing through the middle of the foot, and as walked about the stage; cut his dexter finger through the fleshy part, exhibiting the naked bone, and concluded by passing a knife through his cheek, the blade protruding from his mouth. In all this but little blood was drawn. He also offered to drive a knife through each leg and hang himself from the wall, which the an dience mercifully excused him from doing, feeling satisfied that be could accomplish what ever be proposed. About the whole proce• due there was no sort of humbug, as the eyes I of divers gentlemen who were upon the eland were steadily fixed upon him, and any " unbe- Thomas Thad an opportunity to touch the knife-blade on the opposite side to that into which it had been thrust, of the leg, wrist or hand. He used a few galvanic rings about hie person, which Was probsbly more for the show than anything else, as they could affect nothing. Mr. Stereos looks to be not inure than twenty or tweniy.one years of age. Before closing, he proposed to operate in a shailur manner upon any one of the audience, agreeing to for feit $l,OOO if he inflicted pain. This, however, was prudently declined. We saw this man of leather early yesterday murniug, looking as fresh and whole as though kuith or nail had never penetratelhis elastic body.—Lexiugtoir (Ky.) Observer. welfare. Soc. 9.2. No citizen of this State shall be AT."Lt•Abked"fra b h gt) al 1 re in 16; pram:. Court of this Stat.; : hut whon ap peals are taken on questions of intor•Stato hies, they shall only be through or from the District Courts of the United States. 13Ec, 24. This enumeration of rights shall Oct be conatzued to impair or deny others retained by She people, and all powers not herein delegated remain with the people. A Fearful Perforntance, On Saturday night, at a little after eleven, su bsequent to the play, the curtain rose and exhibited M. Blondin, standing upon the lower part of the rope which led from the back part of the stage of the Metropolitan up to the roof of the theatre in the third tier, an elevation of fifty feet, at an angle of forty-four degrees, with Col. Luna Smith soundly and firmly per ched upon kis shoulders. M. Blondin had his heavies* balanes pole, and com menced his perilous wall:, without the slightest hesitation, treading firmly and ! confidently on th,, rope, as though ha had no extra weight to bear. He walked somewhat slower than is his wont, but gained the third tier, amid the cheers and hums of the whole audience who woke breathlesa from the time he started frotn the stage until he reached his destination, Arriving there with his burden, he waited about three minutes and then commenced his still more perilous return. This he nccomphshed without accident, though ;evert( times ho preten ded to lose his footing, sending cold childs up and dove the hearts of every soul pres ent, and we opine alarmed Col. Lum a little more than standing in the midst of a flame, and holding the pipe of an engine. We have seen him scorching from head to foot, when he had apparently more nerve than on this occasion. The feat, wonderful as it was, perfectly preformed, and it in more extraordinary Irom the fact that, while M. 131ondin weighs but one hundred and thitty•five pounds, the weight of the man carried was a hundred and stxtylve. We think this a greater preformance than crossing the chasm of the Niagara. SYMPATHY FOB THE ERRINO.-1 - 101% , much of our indignation against even a deliberate wrong would be disarmed, if we could but know for ourselves a tithe of all the sorrow, and trouble, ana disappoint ment the poor erring heart had passed through !—what efforts were mode in youth to stand np against the pressure of the world; and how, when fallen, from miscalculation ; or an over confiding na ture, or want of tact, it bravely rose up and tried again; and when hard necessity came and drove it to the wall, how it looked around for help, and waited, still striving, and even when fallen, how it yearned for one more chance to rise and be a man— ho tv loth at lust to give up all for lost ! Could we but see a thousandth part of these struggles, us they rend our brother's bosom, and almost break his heart, how should it disarm us of our vindictiveness, and incline us even to run to him, and raise him up, ar,d stand by him, and with godlike for giveness, bid him " Try, try again i" was It is said that letters from all quarters have crowded the Administration, deprecating the course it has taken concerning adopted cit izens, as having demoralized the Democracy worse than even Lecumpten Editor & Proprietor. NO. 31,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers