Auntin g Von rittruni. Wednesday Morning, July 20, 1959. PEOPLE'S STATE TICKET. TOR AUDITOR GENERAL : THOMAS E. COCHRAN, OF YORK COIINTY, • FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL : GEN. WILLIAM H. KEIM, People's County Convention. Ton members of the People's Party of the County of Huntingdon, are requested to meet in the several townships, boroughs, and separate election districts, (in the townships at 4 and bor oughs at 7i o'clock, P. M.) at the usual places of holding delegate meetings, on Saturday, 6th day of August next, to elect two persons (in each township and borough) to serve as delegates to the People's County Convention, to be held in the borough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAY, the 9th day of August next, at 2 o'clock, P.M., for the purpose of nominating a county ticket and doing such other business as the intereat of the party may require. BENJ. F. PATTON, Chairman. July 13th, 1859. Duty of American Republicans. The brilliant victory which was accomplished last fall by the united Opposition, over the co• hods of Black Democracy, has, in a measure, caused a calm in our ranks, as a natural con sequence; but we should remember there is a danger that this apathy may continue, and probably lead to n defeat in subsequent cam paigns. The coming campaign which is about to open, will no doubt be conducted with spirit and attended with intense excitement. The late elections have taught us that the Opposi tion party is the majority party in Pennsylva* nia—and nation—and that we can carry the State at any time, if we use such politic meas ures as will secure the harmony of those op posed to "progressive" locofocoism. If this is doubted or denied, we point to the vote of last fall, when the locofoco party—notwithstanding the fact that Government influence and Gov ernment money were freely used to insure a victory for the Buchananites—were beaten by tens of thousands. This, however, should but stimulate to still greater action. We have art ful and dexterous enemies to contend against —partisans who depend upon intrigue, decep tion and fraud for success; and who have more than once effected their purposes by these very means. It is as impossible for the "Ethiopia n to change his skin or the leopard his spots" as for Buchanan locofocoism to conduct a cam paign honestly and fairly . An endeavor has al ready been made by the wily political jackals the coming County Convention. In view of this fact, it is all-important that the greatest caution and wakeful vigilance should be exer cised in the selection of delegates. We have already accomplished much good to the coon. try by a united effort, but in order to retain our advantages over our insolent and unprincipled opponents, we must not only continue active and vigilent, but in the selection of our candi dates, sea that none but tried and true men are brought forward, and when such are nomina ted, do all we can to secure their election. The nomination of one bad man, does more towards destroying a party than twenty de feats with good candidates. It is the bane of every political system; and never, whilst we wake pretensions towards common honesty, will we be a party to any deception of this character which may be practised upon the people. The Late War News. By the arrival of the steamship Weser we are put in possession of two days later intelli gence from Europe. The news from the seat of war is of moment, mainly as confirmatory of what was previously known or generally inferred. The Austrians had fallen back to Verona, and Garibaldi was endeavoring to get the command of Lake Garda, in order to iso• late that fortress from the Tyrol. We are en abled to lay before our readers the French offi cial report of the Battle of Solferino. The news from Germany is highly important.— Field-Marshal Prince Windischgratx was ex pected at. Berlin from Vienna on a special mis sion. The Federal Diet had unanimously acceded to a proposition from Prussia to place a corps of observation on the Upper Rhine, and an extraordinary Diet had been convoked for the 14th inst. to raise money for war pur poses. This does not look much like " localis ing " the war. Kossuth had been received with great enthusiasm in Italy. Appointment by the Governor. The morning papers announce the appoint. ment by the Governor, of James Gamble, to the Judicial District made vacant by the death of Judge Burnside. We are very much surprised at this appoint ment, and have no hesitation iu saying that of allthe names before the Governor tor the place this is the worst selection that could have been made. He is unfitted for the place iu every respect—by nature, by attainments or by ex perience. And we venture to say that the peo ple in the district will rebulse the appointment by its overwhelming rejection in October. Rufus Choate. A. telegraphic dispatch from Halifax announ ces the demise, at that place, of one of those brilliant orators whose fame has shed so much lustre on the current history of Massachu sett. Rufus Choate died there on Tuesday. He had long occupied no large a space in the ay. of the public, that hie death will excite more attention than any of recent date. A Word to Naturalized Citizens and Honest Democrats. Who don not well remember the terrible outcry which the Black Democracy raised against our party during the last Presidential contest, in reference tom naturalized citizens, and who has not heard it repeated since the passage of the Massachusetts Amendment? Who would have believed that this tune could be so easily changed, when the leaders of that party saw something could be made of it? For our part, we never believed in the sympathy of Loccifocos --and Gen. Cass' recent letter proves beyond all cavil that theirprofessions of friendship towards the foreigner, are hollow and heartless. The loan or men who could deceive their own fellow citizens, and barter away the dearest interests of Pennsylvania, care no more about the interests of adopted citizens, than they do of the man in the moon. It was a fundamental principle of Locofocoism in the last Presidential campaign to avow deep love for the foreigner. This was artfully enlarged on in the speeches of Locofoco brawlers and endorsed and enforced in newspaper paragraphs. All this was to catch the votes of naturalized foreigners. This numerous class of voters were induCed to believe that the Republicans and Americans were alike opposed to them, and that the Locofocos alone were their friends.-- How hypocritical have they proved all these professions I They succeeded in getting the votes of foreigners—and now they are eagee to combine and make common cause with oth er and despoiled governments, to oppress them. Let the foreigners treasure ills Ipintheir mem ories, and reward the locrAcos as they deserve. Never again believe o locofoco when ho asks for your vote, An Extraordinary Flour Contract. A correspondent of the Missouri Dsnsoma , writing from Camp Floyd, Utah Territory, charges that a groat swindle is being perpetra ted under a contract of flour for the United States Army. The contractors are John Hol liday and Col. Martin, who received $2B GO, per 1.00 pounds. The annual consumption is about 2,000,000 which would make the amount of the contract $ 51'2,000. Taking into consideration the fact that 51r. William Martin and E. P. Staunton offered to furnish the supply for $lO per 100 pounds, and that Mr, J. C. Little agreed to take the same contract for $7 50 per 100 pounds it seems strange that Messrs. Holliday 8c Marlin have been awarded this contract at $5B 60 per 100 pounds. The flour furnished is menu• factored in the territory, is of poor quality, and is bought by contractors fur $5 to $8 per 100 pounds. At the latter rate they are nt an outlay of $160,000 in fulfilling the contract leaving them a snug little balance of four hundred and twelve thousand dollars. The writer alleges that there are probably four partners in this contract. Mr. John Holliday, Major Martin, Wm. Russell, (firm of Russell, Major 5 Waddle,) and Secretary Floyd. They will retain one hundred thousand dollars each, and be at no trouble or risk. Who Shall be Our Next Governor/ Although it may be considered premature at the present time to note any preference for a mw an election for uovernor - before ISO— yet it is a privilege which many of our cotem. poraries have been exercising, and which we see no reason to deny ourselves. In casting our eye along the rank of talented Statesmen already named for that responsible office, it rests upon Hon. John Covode, of Westmore land county, as the one most surely able to secure the success of our principles by a tri umphant election. In thus proclaiming our preference for Mr. Covode, we are actuated by no other motive than as ardent and sincere desire for success. He is a man of unbending integrity and untarnished honor; possessing in au eminent degree all the essential q ualifications necessary for a proper discharge of the duties of that or any other office in the gift of the American people. As a Pennsylvanian, he is and always has been a firm and consistent friend of protection to American industry; op posing with a manly vigor the policy which protects foreign in preference to home labor; he is opposed—as his noble sentiments in our Congressional Halle fully attest—to the exten sion of human bondage into territory now free, and in favor of the restriction and abolishment of this muse, by every constitutional means. He is, itt short, the man for the times. Pos sessing as he does the elements of a popular lender—the eloquence and pleasing manners, which mark him as a pouched gentleman— and fitted by his talents and experience to fill the Executive chair with honor to his party and himself—hie name would be a tower of strength and the presageof certain victory. With Gen. Simon Cameron as our candidate for the Pres idency and Hon. John Covode for Governor, the success of the opponents of the present system of corruption practiced in Washington, would be placed beyond a peradventure. So we think, so we say, and so we hope will be the result. The Black Democracy. Or. the outside of this issue will be found an editorial relative to the address of the State Committee of the Black Democracy of Penn sylvania, signed by Bob Tyler—son of John of blessed memory l—as chairman. It bears throughout as the Herald remarks, the evi deuces of a constitutional political pleader of She Old Virginia School. On the great sub. ject of. Squatter sovereignty the committee contend substantially that should the necessi• ty arise it will become the duty of Congress to interpose against the 0 unfriendly legislation " of the local authorities of a Territory on the subject of slavery so that the rights of slave holders may be duly protected. Thus, while the regular democracy of Pennsylvania occu py the platform of Govenor Wise, the Hickman• Forney bolters stick to the platform of Mr. Douglas. And thus we suppose they will g o into their October election. And thus, right and left the democracy, upon their negro ab stractions, are torn to pieces. Who could have dreamed of such terrible disasters from that " popular sovereignty" experiment of Messrs Douglas and Pierce: the Kaneas•Nebraska bill? Impeachment of Gov. Packer. It is a fact well known that the administra• tion of this State has been at open war with the Buchanan Administration since the inau• guration of Gov. Packer. Packer fell from grace, as understood and expounded by King James, on the Lecompton issue, giving mortal offence unto the said James. In 1858, it will be remembered, a bill was passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Packet, authorizing the sale of the remainder of the public works to the Sunbury & Erie Railroad, providing for a re-sale of the same by the said road, to a third party. The basis of I the charges brought by Buchanan & Co., is alleged malpractice by the Governor in con summating the sale, etc. The editor of the Harrisburg Patriot and Union, a devoted enemy of Packer's is print ing a series of articles charging fraud and cor ruption upon the Legislature of 1858, in pas sing that bill. Also charging Packer with the same sin. These charges assume a grave air when it is announced that they form a part of a deliberate, well digested plan, which looks to the impeachment of the first magistrate of this Commonwealth "for high crimes and misde meanors in office." There is no doubt that many of the leaditig Buchanan Democrats— those who 11 , 411 the wires and manage the affairs of that portion of the Democracy which ad tera to the National Administration, are now engaged most seriously in discussing the mans by which to bring about an impeachment. This ides, in all probability, had its origin in the President himself. Judge Black is to be the chief agent in prosecuting it to completion. The attempt to impeach will be made beyond question, if there is any probability of succeed ing in getting the House to prefer charges to the Senate. The Oberlin Prisoners Freed. " All our readers must be familiar with the ex. citing trial of the Oberlin rescuers, and of the menaced serious conflict between the State, .d United States Courts. We now learn that the governmental attempt to enforce on the Western Reserve the Fugitive Slave law has resulted in a most disastrous defeat. The goy erment has entered a"noli coneendre," in the Obetliu cases, and the "rescuers"who have been so long imprisoned, have at last been freed. Just as they were leaving the Cleveland jails for their homes, they presented, with ap• propriated speeches, a beautiful Silver Napkin Ring, Fork and Spoon, engraved with the ini tials of her husband's name, to each of the wives of the lawyers who defended them. A fervent prayer by Prof. Peck then closed the scene, and, accompanied by musks and brass cannon, they made a triumphant march through the city. "Truth crushed to earth will rise again, The eternal years of God are her's." The State Committee, The gentlemen below canted have been se• iected to constitute the State Committee of the People's Party of Pennsylvania Chairtnan—Hon. LEVI KLINE, Lebanon. DISTRIcTiI. 1. Robert C. Smith, Philadelphia. " Henry E. %Once, " " Geo. W. Pomeroy, " eoviet;lf iylestown. 5. John H. Oliver, Allentown. 5. John S. Richards, Reading. 7. Robert 11. Palmer, Pottsville. 8. E. H. Rauch, Mauch Chunk It. S. P. Chase, Montrose. 10. S. P. Longstreet, Wilkesbarree. 11. William A. Williams, Sinethport. 12. B. Rush Petrkin, Lock Haven. 13. Israel Guteliu4, Selinsgrove. 14. Lemuel Todd, Carlisle. 15. Joseph C9sey, Harrisburg. 16. Bartram A. Sboffer, Lancaster. " Samuel Shoch, Columbia. 17. Wm. M'Conkey, Wrightsville. 18. James C. Austin, AI Connelsbarg. 19. J, Sewell Stewart, Huntingdon. 20. Lewis W. Hall, Altoona. 21. Titian J. 1. offey, Indians. 22. D. W. Shyrock, Greensburg. 23. John Hall, Washington. 24. J. Heron Foster, Pittsburg. " Russell Errett, 25. Thomas J. Power, Rochester. 26. John S. Pomeroy, New Castle. 27. J. Newton Pettis, Meadville. 28. Henry Souther, Ridgeway. DAVID TAGGART, President of the Convention, DANIEL AND TEREBA.-It will gratify the lovers of pure morals, and the admirers of vindicated laws, to learn that that most excel. lent man, the Hon. Daniel E. Sickles, and that very pure.minded lady, Mrs. Teresa 13 agi. oli Sickles, have settled the little domestic dif ficulty that for a time interrupted the course of their connubial felicity. It was a little actor. tunate that this difficulty should have led to the killing of a man, and the distraction of a wo man's reputation. But the great wrong com plained of, when their separation took place, was that Mr. Sickle's honor was destroyed and that hencetitrth there was no peace or happiness for him in this world. The intelli gence that he is reconciled to his Teresashows that the honor is all right again, and, as for peace and happiness, they will be the most de voted and happy couple known in history. The Now York Evening Post has an edits. rial on tie subject, as follows: Several of the morning papers have shout. taneously announced a fact, which has been known for some time in this city, namely, that the hero and heroineof " the domestic tragedy" at Washington had concluded to forget the lit tle affairs of the house in Fifteenth street, the extorted confession, the murder of Key, the va rious incidents of the notorious trial, and live together again as though nothing had occur red. But there is one small discrepancy in the accounts of the loather, and that relates to the manner in which the happy event is received by Mr. Sickles' friends. The T•ibune said: "We are assured that in taking this remur• able step, Mr. Sickles has alienated himself, from most if not all of those per onal an/ po• Wield friends who devotedly adhered to him during his recent imprisonment and trial. But the Tribune is not very good authority in such canes, and the public generally give credit to the counter statement of the old, more familiar with topics of this sort, which said : "Both parties have agreed to this step, and it is said their love is greater than ever. There is immense rejoicing among their friends, who have writtcn letters of warm congratulation." GODEY . B, LADY'S Boow.—The August num ber of this work is now before us, and an ex cellent one it is. It sustains its good charac ter in every respect, and is worthy of a place in every house. Send $3 to Mr. Godey and get the work. Pen, Paste and Scissors. Evereti Edward—' Ere't your New York Led ger!' !'lt is said that the Hon. Charles Sumner is betrothed to Mrs. Thayer, nee Granger. wid dow of the late John E. Thayer, a millionaire of Boston. grerThe Ccnvention of the Pennsylvania i State Teachers' Association will be held in West Chester, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the 2d, ad, and 4th of August. gig.- We have a rumor, from Washington, of a duel having been fought at Lake Drum mond, about twenty miles from Norfolk, be tween 0. Jennings Wise and P. H. Aylett. Attar The Federal Buchanan papers are talk ing about nominating Judge Black as their candidate for Governor next year. Trot him out, and we'll change him from black to blue. 11,14-An English missionary, now in Sum. tra, lately wrote home that he "had the melan choly satisfaction of examining the oven in which his predecessor was cooked." gir The latest freak of suicide occurred last Sunday, near Cumminsville, Ohio, where a German named Hutoff, got up At 5 o'clock in the morning, went out and chalked his last will and testament on the cellar door, convey ing all his property to his wife, and then cut his throat. - _ - stir The Locofoco candidates for State offs• core at the October election are Wright and Rowe and the propriety of these names will be apparent when it ie remembered that the Sham Democratic party expert to be Rowed Wright up to the source of Salt River. Sir As will be seen the call of the Chair. man of the County Committee, the County Convention will be held on Tuesday, the 9th of August. This will give candidates a chance to see their friends and the people ample time to make np their mimic who they wish to serve them in the different offices to be filled. trar A still later invention is the non.ex panse•expansive•last•forever- t...out-ten feet-in•diameter-never-bend-or-break-and-sit down•as••ploase without-injuring, spring-doable-back-action• Hirtit'-self-•hooped skirtl Those ladies that have worn them state positively that they are pertect darlings. kir The People's Convention of Cambria County, met in Johnstown on the 12th inst., and nominated the following ticket Senator, Jacob M. Campbell; Assembly, R. J. Proud. foot; Prothonotary, H. J. Roberts; Treasurer, D. J. Jones; Dist. Attorney, Jos. H. Camp. bell ; Commissioner, E. C. Mullen; Poor House Director, J. S. Strayer; Auditors, P. Kaylor E. F. Lytle; Surveyor, E. A. Vickroy; Coto ner, Jas. Purse. ,Bts'At a vendue of the personal property of a Mr. Oakes, recently deceased, in Dauphin roue • ty, Pa., a few days ago, a bag of fax seed was offered for sale. One of the bidders put his hand into the bag to examine the seed, and hauled out a purse, which was found to con tain gold and silver coin. The ha g woe then thoroughly overhauled, and over HI,OOO in gold and silvercoins were found therein. The treas ure was retained by the executors. D01;11. Meant:R.—Pulaski, a small village in the county of Lawtence, was the scene of a painful tragic affair on the Fourth, in which two men, named James Lostettor and Frank McCord were shot by Jaciib Herbert, receiv ing injuries from which they died soon after wards. It appears from some cause or other unexplained, an old grudge existed between Lostettor and Gerhart, and meeting at a tavern at Pulaski on the Fourth, the former threatened to whip the latter. ::::41 :3 1c u r .e n::: , o r , ann P a o i l s i o r .N Davidsonr sr nec amider t I y Lady, tlrs. of Centre county, visitors of the former, were suddenly taken ill after having eaten of a cake. The e 1.11 ins were dewtk it andii lintyt 1 ikti a n neheeb - l e ounyea d t tiwiws, ibi Henry tet a saay e ri hpi i r s nyeie s cLc e : e reokpae. o. i di i o da, fi Young,ood ! nennttii and i , across ~hrhie oi Itaeuh,arsenic., that,.teNde tartar.shoulders, i found i nu l ah 1 , ni tr a ahAi ~,,d, a d e 1 young rasta b siigied: theyz i i rii e tei i been used iaupbt contain rt, na s ecieSt e pehu d of:osi:: i posrs n letn: al ..., :m bai z l:ray:ergi named across the rope s at a future occasion. Ilion din will, carry him. It HOW turns out that Blon din has beets doing these tents with a rope danceri balancing pole, which is of consider. able se`vice in keeping on his feet. Heretofore the pudic had supposed, and the Buffalo pa pers let it to be inferred, that he walkedacross th e role stripped of help or assistance what ever. liaxas.—For some time past the Democratic papers lave been boasting thut the Republi cans wee practically beaten in Kansan—that it was docaul whether they had a majority its the Coutittitional Convention or not, and at any rat& could not exceed twoor three. The organiztion of the Convention, however, shows tat it consists of 35 Republicans to 17 Democrts—more than two to one; and in these 17is included the Leavenworth delega- lion of I, elected by fraud. The real De. ecratie gength of the Convention is 7, out of 52—notntich to boast of, after all the dine. potable Torts of the administration to build up the prty there. Fttc.ts or NaTuitE.—The Johnstown Echo notices to birth of a child in that place who is destitutthf even the semblance of an eye, and having t additional too on each foot and an additiontfinger on each hand. In other re• sprees th child is perfectly formed, and in a thriving India., In the same town, as we happen now, their is still a greater curiosity —that o living child, probably a year old, which is If snake. The head is exactly like that of a per, es is also its body as far down as the hips, mere the first trace of humanity com. mences. 'his reads like a tough story, but is neverthe s true. Ono. The Oregon legislature adjourned without ling a U. S. Senator in place of Delusio old, whose term expired on the 4th of Match t. The legislature consists of 43 locofoco 7 Republicans, and Smith se cured tit ucus nomination by a vote of 22 to 21 ; b he 21 refused to submit and voted with the .üblicans against going intc an election. e Governor says he will not call a special ion, and there will therefore be a vacancy the neat legislature is chosen, which will next year. The legislature then chosen wi ye the election of both Senators in its hats. Lane's term expires in 1861. The defeat Smith is considered also a defeat of Lane, a e latter used all his influence to secure Sm success. MADE ELorsat MADE EASY.—The old Gran• ite State b sort of free and easy way ado' ing up an merit. We see it stated, that Warner, at &town, New 'Hampshire, felt that he had affinity to the wife of William Nute, and ig that Mrs. N. reciprocatedit he had a to 'th the husband about it, in the course of w Mr. Nute remarked sarcasti cally to We that Who had any better right to his wife the himself bad. he had better take her. it replied that he hod thought of doing a., few minutes after said to Mrs. N., 'Tome, ake haste, we have a long way to go," hey prepared to start. Find ing them det rid to go, Mr. Nute, gave his wife sonic wh me advice, presented her 75 cents to buy (to cool her off) and War ren with Nut fe, started off on foot with no luggage e leg except what they had on, for Manch . • Latest News from Europe. THE !BATTLE OF SOLFERINO. At Paris it is believed in some quarters that the French Into at the battle of Solferino amounted to from 16,000 to 18,000, as follows: Gen. Neil's corps 6,000 to 7,000; D'Hilliers nearly 5,000 ; McMahone 2,500; Conroberts 1 000 ; besides casualities in the artillery and special corps. The French people are said to be dissatisfied with the scantiness of the details as yet published in the Monitsur. The Petrie says that Napoleon had an epaulette shot away. Gee.. Dieu is reported among the dead. The Austrians had seven or eight Generals and very many of their superior officers wounded. Gen. Greschke was killed. Some of the French in fantry regiments Isere nearly cut to pieces.— The Piedmontese suffered so severely as to be incapable of forming in the line of battle. The Vienna correspondent of the London Times, writing on the 28th, says that some days must elapse before complete returns of the loss. es of the Austrians can be received. The same writer says that the Italian regiments in the Austrian army have become very difficult to manage ; the men desert by scores and fifties. In the neighborhood of Trieste a whole battal ion had raised the cry in favor of Victor Eman uel. A vessel on the coast, under the American flag hart been detected in the act of receiving the deserters on board after dark. The correspondent of the London Herald says so little did the French expect a battle, that on the previous night a message from the King asking for supports in case ho should be attacked was met with a refusal on the ground that an attack by the Austrians was not prob able at day break. However, the corps of Mar shut D'Hilliers came in sight of &Merino and was immediately set upon by a large Austrian force, which rushed down the hill and fought with the greatest fury. The Marshal resisted the attack to the best of his power, and sent off his aid de camp for supports, but it was not be• fore three hours of•frightful courage had elapsed that the corps of Gen. Neit made its appear. acre. The Austrians were slowly driven back and every now and then there was a pause, and the French continued to gain ground. Heaps of their own and the enemies corpses marking the fluctuations of the fight. The Austrians were thus slowly driven out of Solferino but all of a sudden they made a tremendous burst forward and the French were driven down the hill. Being admirably suppor ted by their artillery, however, they made a stand and commenced once more to advance. It was like a hail starts of bullets and balls, and whole files were mowed clown by a single dis charge. In the meantime at the right and left wing the Austrians were getting decidedly the best of it. The Piedmuntese were being slow ly driven back. Gen. Cattrobert's corps was also heavily punished, and had there been a skillful general in the Austrian army to collect and concentrate their forces against the weak point of the enemy's line, matters would have had a very diffsrent aspect. The French commander, to whom the credit of the day is entirely doe, whether it be Niel, McMahon, or thn Emperor himself, sent forward the Imperial Guard and a strong division of the infantry of the line against the Austrian centre,. and succeeded in breaking it. Instead of bringing up their forces to reps' this formidable attack, the supporters were sent to the left and right wings, which did not need them. Dosser ate attempts were made to re capture Solferi• no, but the French strongly held it, and the bit. glee begun to sound a general retreat. An at tempt teas made by the cavalry to pursuelthem, which led to an encounter between the French (Masseurs and the Austrian Batons, h. in which the former were rapidly put to the, right about. I It is stated that not a single Hungarian regi ment was allowed to take part in the hurtle, and that the IGilio.. • girsets,ligeiUm: t oot to Manikin' thus describes it At five o'clock in the morning, the French corps under :Marshal D'Hilliers began the em gagement before Solferino. The heights and village wore occupied after a sanguinary corn bat. During this time the second corps crar wee, Marshal McMahon's, which was on the right of the first corps in the plain, extended itself to the right to join the column of Mar shal Neil, which was meeting upon Medole. The Emperor had taken command of the whole army. His Majesty caused, the infantry and artirery or the Guard to advance and place themselves between the first and second corps and carry San Cassiano. Then in order to re inforce the right of McMahou's command, which was a little exposed in consequence of the distance which separated them .d the troops of Gets Neil, his Majesty sent all the cavalry of the Guard and two divisions dem , airy of the first and third corps up. Canrobert hod been charged to watch the movements of the Austrians expected on the side of Mantua. I);:eing the whole lay they fought, advanc iiiplowly bets always in good order, the corns joining up towards each other. The first corps after taking possession of So:forint), seized one position after smother in Pozzidoego. Night alone stopped their career. The Guard seized San Cas-iano and Cavriana without losingtime. The last village was carried with great spirit under the eyes of the Emperor, whr., himself, directed the fire of the artillery. The fourth corps, under Gen. Neil, advanced step by step, always gaining ground. There was a time when to cover their retreat the Austrians made a desperate effort to place themselves between the fourth and second Corps, a fierce struggle occat red. The infantry and artillery took part in the conflict and the cavalry, by several charges, decided the success of the * day. This was the last act of the battle. The Austrians began to retreat along the whole line. This retreat was favored by a dreadful storm which lasted for more than an hour.— The thunder hail and wind produced such an sheet that nothi g could be distinguished on the field of battle. When the weather had improved, the enemy had disappeared and the direction they took was perceived when their columns had attained some distance. The Emperor of Austria, who had lodged at Cavriana, quitted the field at four o'clock and retired towards Gerto. Napoleon was in some degreef. at Pr a hi mselHew'ee nverYwhred'4 ; thebatle. Ereb: i ' g 'dtrebl' i tedange rs wh' ed ueiglY threuted n He aloneseem ilno ito; them. 1 The last mail from India brought ac• counts of some mutinous proceedings on the part of a portion of the European troops, which, though suppressed for the moment, may yet be attended with serious results. kr. Du Yell's Galvanic Oil acts by impar ting to the system an electrical current—hence the speedy cures, Nothing can be more quiet. ing to all nervous diseases than the Galvanic Oil. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. PHILADELPHIA, JULY, 19, 1859. FLOUR—Superfine. pee barrel, $5 50®5 50 " Extra " 6 50(06 75 " family ‘. 7 50to 775 Wheat—red, per bushel, 1 4041 50 White " 1 45®1 50 85 Rye Corn Oats Cluverseed $6 50®6 15 40 per 64 pounds , Timothy seed, $lBO to 2 00 Flax, per bushel $1 70 PETERSON'S MAOAEINE.—The August num ber of this magazine is now on our table, and an interesting number it is. It should be ta ken by every Indy. The price is very low, on ly twc dollars a year. Published in Philadel. phia by Charles J. Peterson 306 Chestnut et. -- • • _ PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL JOIHINAL.—This 18 published at Lancaster, Pa., by W. D. Wiley, at $1 per annum. It gives all the information in reference to education. ANNOUNCEMENTS. -0— POUNTY TREASURER: U We are authorized to announce the name of NICHOLAS C. DECXER, as a candidate fur County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the People's County Convention. [July 20,1. ASSEMBLY : We aro authorized to announce the name of Dr. H. K. NEFF, as a candidate for Assembly subject to the decision of the People's County Convention. [July 20. NIERIFFALTY*: At the soli ,, itation of many ftiends I beg respectfully tokrone myself a candidate for the o ffi ce of Sh of Huntingdon county, sub. ject to the decision of the People's Convention. In the event of my election I pledge myself to dikharge the duties of the office faithfully and impartially. ROBERT MADDEN. Springfield tp., July 20th, 1851—* (1 11 EIFFALTY: 1,3 We are authorized to immune the name of PETER LIVINGSTON, of Barree town. ship, as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Peoples' County Convention. (July 13, 1859.—* COUNTY TREASURER: We aro authorized to announce the name of IVM. J. GEISINGER, as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the American Republican County Convention. [July 6, 1859.—* COUNTY TREASURER We are authorized to announce the name of J. H. KENNEDY, as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the de. eision of the People's County Convention. July Gth, 1859.-4' CIHERIFFALTY We are authorized to announce the name of THOM tS H. HULING, of Mt. Union, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff; subject to the decision of the American Republican Con , veutton. [July 6, 1859.—* WE ore authorized to announce the name of PETER C. SIN OOPE, as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the People's County Convention. [June 29, 's9.—* Ware authorized to announce the name of .10111sT A.NASLI of Huntingdon, as a can didate for County Treasurer, at the ensuing general election, subject to the decision of the People's County Convention. [June 29, U rtOUNTY TREASURER: 7o the American Pepublican . Party of HUntingdon Cowie!, : At the re q uest of um merous friends in different portions of the ty, and with a sotnewhat flattering assurance of success, I have been induced to announce my• self as a candidate for the - office of County Treasurer, at the coming Convention. If, in the opinion of my fellow-citizens composing said Convention, my humble claims, qualifica tions, and circumstances be deetnrod worthy of consideration and of sufficient importance to entitle one to a mtmination, the faV r will be . aiD.ultfuntt I:proivarl am.) InAlift,genteinftiOk6l the office with fide lity and lib the best of my It. MeDIVITE June 29, 1859.-1' WE are authorized to announce the nntne of VV JAMES SMOKER as a candidate for Cwtnty 7treasui•er, subject to the action of the American Republican County Convention. _ _ June 29, 1859.—. New Advertisements R EGIS ;TER'S NOTICE—NoncE _ is hereby given to all persons interested, that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Hun tingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre seined for confirmation and allowance. at an Orphans' Court, to he held at Huntingdon, in and for the county of Huntingdon, on Wednes day, the 10th day of August next, to wit: 1. Final account of John Scott, Esq., Guar. data of Mary Ann Newell, (now in her major ity,) formerly a minor child of Andrew Newell deed. 2. Thomas A. Smelker, Guardian of George Bowman, a minor son of George Bowman, late of Shirley township, dee'd. 3. Hiram Williamson, Administrator of the estate of George Smith, late of West town. ship, dec'd. 4. Joseph tragic and William Doyle, Exec. utors of the last Will, drc., of Abraham Elagie, late of Tell township, deed. S. John Jones and Jacob G. Jones, Execu• tors of the last Will, Ac., of James Jones, late of Tell township, deed. 6. John Owens, Esq., and Robert gender. song Executors, Ac., of the last Will, rke., of Johr. Henderson, late of IVarriorsmark town. ship, deed. 7. Isaac Lininger, Executor of the last Will and Testament of John G. Musser, late of the borough of Hindingdon dsq.,ec'd. 8. Wm. .L, EE of the laat 1V 11l & S c., of y t ons he Rev. Thomas Askins, late of the borough of Shirleysburg, dee'd. 9. Wm. S. Lyons, Esq., Executor of the last Will, An., of George Askins, late of the borough of Shirleysburg, deed. 10. John Mattern, surviving Execulor of the last Will, &e., of George Matters, late of Franklin township, deed. 11. George Robertson and Thom'pson Stains Executers of the last Will of George Robert. son, late of Springfield township dee'd. 12. James Stewart and Samuel Mitchell, Executors of the last Will, Ac., of Wm. D. Black, late of Jackson township dee'd. 13. John Snyder, Executor of the last Will, Ac., of David Snyer, late of the borough of Huntingdon, deed. „ 14. Supplemental account of Henry Brew ster' Esq., administrator of the estate of Daw son C. Smawley, late of Shirley township dee'd. lb. Hon. Benj. F. Patton and J. T. Mathias Esq., Administrators of the estate of Di. Da vid-Diller, late of Warriorsmark townshlpilec'd. 16. David Welch, Administrator of the es tate of Mary and Susannah Walker, late of Dublin township, dec'd. 17. James Cree and Jonathan Cree, Exec. store of the last will and Testament of James Cree, late of Dublin township, dee'd. 18. Samuel I'. Brown, Esq., Trustee ap pointed to sell the real estate of George Bu• chanan, dee'd. 19. John Householder Esq., Administrator I of the estate of Samuel ' Kerr, late of Penn! township dec'd. 20. Final account of Nicholas Cresswelll Guardian of Louis G. Stewart, who was a ini , nor child of Anthony J. Stewart. late of Mor ris township, deceased, now in his majority. HENRY GLAZIER, Register. REGISTERS OFFICE, Huntingdon, July 13, 1869. FOR BALE.—Eight Shares of Stock of the Morrison Cove & Woodcock Valley Turnpike Road Company, for sale at a reduced price for cash; or will be exchanged for coal or lumber. Address CARR, GIESE & CO., ComMISSION MARCO ANTS, 21 Spears' Wharf, Baltimore. July 20, '59.-6t. A HOMESTEAD FOR $10; A HOME -11 stead for $100; Also, Homesteads for $lOOO and over, situated on and near Rappa hannock river, aboveand below Fredericksburg, in Virginia. A new town, called Rappaban nock, has recently been laid out, in Culpepper county, in the midst of the Gold Region of Vir ginia, surrounded by mines and Mining Com panies ; and farms and town lots in alternate divisions or shares, can now be had for a mere song, simply to induce settlement in this deal- table region. $154,900 worth of land is to be divided amongst purchasers or given away as an inducement to come on and make improve ments, and the laud is of the most improvable qualities. Many have already settled and scores of others are coming. Good farming land, ie tracts of .y size to suit purchasers, can also be had at from $lO to $2O per acre, payable is easy quarter yearly installinents. Uogaeetioa• able titles will in nll cases be given.. ler Agents are wanted every where to sell these Mods ; liberal inducements will bo gives. For particulars, address E. BAUDER. Luau AGENT. July 13, 'so.—Gm. Pert Royal, Va. 820.00, For $2O I will teach practically Grecian, Ital ian and Oriental Painting, and also a new meth• od of Perspective Drawing. Or for $5 any one style of the above named arts. Or I will send printed Directions for the four styles on the re ceipt of $l, with complete instructions in mix• ing the colors to paint figures and landscapes in Grecian, Italian and Oriental Painting.— These three varieties are executed in Oil Col ors, the former closely resembling an Oil Painting, and the latter, the finest Oil Print. . . Tho Method of Perspective Drawing is easi• ly learned, and enables us to sketch accurately from nature without the tedious rules of Linear. Copies forwarded immediately on the receipt of */1. Address Miss E. M. HURLBUT. North Bridgewater, Mam. July Gth, 1859.-3 t. D ISSOLUTION Y 1 PARTNERSHIP. [Firm of Davis & Isenberg.] Notice is hereby given, that the copartner ship heretofore existing between the subscri bers, in the mercantile business, under the name of Davis & Isenberg, is this day dissol• ved, by mutual consent; The books of the thin are in the hands of Oco. Davis fur col. lection, to whom, persons indebted., are earn.- eitly requested to knako immediate-payment, . DAVIS & ISENBERG: Oraysville, Hunt. co:, Juue 29i 1859. The business of the late .firm will hereafter be carried on by the undersigned, who hopes to have the patronage of his old customers is usual. GEORGE DAVIS. July 6, 1859.-41. CAME TO THE RESIDENCE of the subscriber, living in Penh township, Huntingdon co., if et' I. about the 18th day of June, a three year old, black. muley STEER—marked with %piece ratite right ear, a white mark on the head ' Jte. ThO owner is rut:pleated to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take him away, otherwise ho will be disposerlof according to law. ANDREW G. NEFF . A UDITOR'S NOTICE. he undersigned Auditor, appointed ity the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county. to distribute the proceed's of the sale of the real estate of John Kepler, deed., lying in said county. in the hands of the Trustee to make elle, emoting those ettitled to the same, gives notice that be will attend to said duty at hie office in the borough of Huntingdon, on Satioh day, the 23d dny of July next, where all per sous interested ore notified to attend. JOHN REED , June 22d, 1859.-4 t. Audikr. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that Letters of Administration on the estate of Henry Houpi, lareof Carbon township, Huntingdon county, deed., have been granted to the subscribers re. siding in the same township, to whom all per. eons indebted to said estate will mob payment, and those having claims against the same' will present them duly authenticated for settlement, FREDERICK HOUPT, • JOSEPH DIGGINS, June 22d, 1859,6t.* ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, • Letters of Administration havin granted by the Register of Huntingdonco unt to the undersigned, on the estate of Tamer B. Law, late of' Clay township, Huntingdon coml. ty, deceased, all persons indebted thereto, will• make immediate payment, an authenticatedg claims will prose nt them duly for settlement. JOHN F. MEMINGER, Clay tp., June 22, 1859. Adm'r. - IAT AR! WAItM(IROpEi REV6LUTION IN PRIORS! The subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that he has just removed his store to the old stand, near the corner of 13111 and Smith streets. where he bas always on hand and constantly receiving all the latest styles of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS I DRESS GOODS, DE LANES, BARdOES, CORSETS, PRINTS, SILKS. And in fact he can supply an y article in the dry.good line. Also, tritninings toiled to all dresses and at reasonable rates. He has also on hand a large, fresh stock et GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. COFFEE, SUGAR, TEA. SPICES, FLOUR. BACN, And everything in the feed line. As his stock is almost entirely new, and bem bought at prices which defy competition, per. chasers will find it to their advantage to buy from me before going elsewhere. All kinds of country produce at the higher. market prices, taken in exchange for goods. ID Huntingdon, June 15, DA 1859V.-tf.GROVE COOK STOVE FOR SALE. A SPLENDID NEW COOK STOVE for sale at this office; it ht cal culated to burn wood or coal. It will be offered low. lATO r 1 C , 1 , 4 To Me 7'a Collctora of Huntingdon Co. You are requested e to make a special effort r to meet the August Interest. Persons bolding county orders will please exercise a little pa tience, as I have already largely advanced be yond the receipts of the County. As I will be absent for a few weeks, persona having busi ness in my office, will please call on Maj G. W. fir rrettson, at the Banking House of Bell, Garb rettson & Co. P. H. LANE, Bunt., June I, 18159,-tf. 7refr tort'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers