1. t , flunrugbon il a rill L WM. BREWSTER, VOL. XXIV. MISCELLANEOCB ADVERTISEMENTS Soroffila, or King's Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, used may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may sot destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously mused by memorial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending .. from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, ..1 will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, is the lunge, liver, and internal orgarait is termed tubercles; in the glands, swelling.; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cur. toption, which genders in the blood, depresut the energise of life, so that scrofulous comfit. lions not only ruffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far lose power to with stood the attacks of other disease.; conee queutly, Tut numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Moat of the consumption which do minates the human family bas its origin directly In this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or ere aggravated by the game cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in. fection, and their health is undermined by it. To clearue it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. look a tnedirone wo supply in . AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, dm meet effeetual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every whet , * prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined front the most active remcdials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foal disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the ustem from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of sot only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise front it, each as Eiturrtvn sand Bus Di , ar. ATITHONT'M FISH, Roes,. or Banuretae, PIMPLI3B, Formats, Isomer, Burnie .and Botta, Tomon., TETI'S and Bars Razor, SCALD HILL% Rixowoisr, lizoossrms, Iltratirrto and Matteotti/a. Dui suit, Diorsr, DTArIPIDA, DZBILITY, and, izideed, au. Commtutrs AMINO mos VlTra- Imo it 'scum lhoop. The popular belief iwpswity of the bloat" is founded in truth, fer scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Samapa tills is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible is contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, . FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, earammell that disease within the range of !pair astion can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, cerreeting its dimmed action, and restonng be healthy vitalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pals or physical debility is astonished to find his Issalth or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they sum t h e every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and &aggro. diseases. Tho agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, Containing certifioatoe of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Costive nom, Heartburn, Headache arieing.fivm disordered fttoetach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatuleney, Loss of Apge- Me, Jawlike*, and other kindred complaints, arising from n low state of the body or obstruction of its fractions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, YOR ill. .1.11; CORD OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, ' Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. lion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients In advanced stages of the disease. So wide le the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the Clll.ll of its curse, that almost very section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming cad even desperate disease. of the lungs by its see. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distreesing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, tide ►as gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forgot, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. .. 0.. own no DR. J. C. AVER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Jo= READ, Agent Huntingdon, Pa. Nov. 10, 1058.—1 y. Pays for a full course in the Iron City College, the largest, most extensively patronized and best organized School in the 'United States. 357 students attending daily. March, 1859. Usual time to complete a full coure, from G to 10 weeks. Every Student, upon graduating is guaranteed to be competent to manage the Books of any Business, and qualified to earn a salary of from $llOO to $lOOO. Students enter at any time—No Vacation— Review at pleasure. 41 Premiums for best Penmanship awarded in 1558. sta-Ministers' Sou received at half price. For Circular and Specimens of Writing, in slope two letter stamps, and address F. W. JENKINS, Pittsburgh. Apr.20,'69. IS. M. PETTENGILL & CO.'S Adver. tieing Agency, 119 Nassau St.,New York, & 10 State St., Boston. 8. M. ettengill & Co. are the Agents for the "Sommer." and the most influential and largest circulating Newspapers in the United States and the Canadas. '1 hey are authorized to contract for us at our lower' rates. x-5000 AGENTS WANTED — To sell 4 new inventions. Agents have made over $25,000 on one,—better than all other similar agencies. Bend four stamps and get 80 pages particulars, gratis. EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mau. Mar.23;59..6m.* - All kinds of blanks fot sale at the Journal ofbee. SELEOT POETRY. AMERICA'S NOBLEMEN. The noblest men I know on earth, Are men whose hands are brown with toil, Who, backed by no ancestral graves, Flew down the woods and till the soil ; And win thereby a prouder fame Than follows king or warrior's name. The working men, whate'er their task, To carve the stone or bear the hod— They wear upon their honest brows The royal stamp and seal of God I And brighter are the drops of sweat Than diamonds in acoronet I God bless the noble working men Who rear the cities of the plain, Who dig the mines and build the ships, And drive the commerce of the main hands Gavebless them, for their swarthy hands Gave wrought the glory of all lands. KINDNESS, A little word in kindness spoken, A motion or a tear, Has often healed a heart that's broken, And made a friend sincere. A word, a look, has crushed to earth Fel many a budding Hower, Which, had a smile but owned its birth, Would bless life's darkest hour. Then deem it not an idle thing A pleasant word to speak ; The thee you wear, the thoughts you bring A heart may heal or break. A S7T-,IEICT STORY. REAMING TIIE GUANTLET. Joe Gliolson, of Texas Rangers, was once 'treed by Indians, as he called it, upon a rock (situated in the middle of a large prairie) some thirty feet high and 'perpendicular en all sides but one, and that plague) hard to climb. His only companion in thispredicament way an itin erant preacher named Langworthy, who was a brave man and a dead shot, Five of their comrades had teen killed by the Kioways before they could reach the shel ter of the rocks. Joe and the preacher had plenty of powder and about fifty bul• lets each ; (or provisions they had a coup. le of wild turkeys which Lang worthy had shot a little while before ; and their forti fications consisted of a breastwork of loose stones erected a-ound the summit of the rock, The way in which , iboe (106 , niiarl themselves against tho Kioways I'll give in Gholson's own words, as he told it to a company of Rangers before their bivouac fire, After a few yrsliihinary remarks,' the old Ranger proceeded to tell as fol. lows ; "It was not long before we disccvered that many of the Indians had gone to their camp. and now were returning mounted. In a little time they were all on horseback, and began to make a wide circuit about us, which they gradually diminished, till when they were within rifle shot distance, they threw themselves upon the outer side of their animals, so as completely to cover their bodies. In this position they would fire upon us, from under the necks of their mustangs. Thick and fast the arrows fell about us; some tailing on the spot where we stood, and others striking into crevices of our breastwork. ' , But all this time we were not idle.— The parson rvatchod his chance, and when an arm or foot of our enemies was left un covered he planted a shot into it, and sent the owner yelling from the ring. Now and then one of them would receive a mortal wound, and tumble from his horse; and when his comrades gathered about him to bear him from the ground, we would both pour into them as rapid as we could load and fire. In this way we soon dis posed of eight or ten of the red rascals, when they withdrew again to the edge of the thither and held another council of war. Whatever their decision was, they did not attempt to.renew the fight that night. "Fortunately for us, it was a calm, moon light night; and, though at a distance, we could perceive that mounted patrols con tinually circled about us, to prevent our escape—none approaching within reach of our rules, I took advantage of this to descend to the plain, and run out to a lit tle clump of dwarf oaks, where I obtained en armful of dried limbs, with which I re turned to the rock, and kindled a fire when we regaled our empty stomachs with one , of the parson's turkeys, cooked upon, the embers. This cemforthble meal, though without. water to wash it down, was of great benefit to us, as it enabled us the better to endure the anxious and dreary watch of that long night. ttAt length, however, the gray streaks of dawn streamed up from the horizon, an nouncing the approach of another day, in all probability the last we had to behold, when a fierce and prolonged yell from the timber warned us of the approach of our enemieo. "They had collected their pack horses, covered them with tents. tent poles and other paraphernalia of their encampment, and having fastened them together by their heads, started them out en the prai• " LIBERTY AND UNION, NOW AND FOREVIE, ONE AND INSEPARABLE. " HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDN]SDAY, JULY 13, 1859. vie, themselves keeping close behind them l i on foot. At first they drove them directly towards or, but soon changed their course to the right and made a circuit about us; always keeping the animals between us and themselves. Thus they proceeded till they reached the western side, when they turned their horses' heads ngain to wards us. We now divined their intem tion, which was no other than to assault us on that side under cover of their novel breastwork. It was a strategy worthy of more enlightened warners, and one likely to prove serious to us. "Now my friend,' cried the parson, as he examined the condition of his rifle, 'now comes the tug of war. But our shots must first be directed against their moving breastworks. We must shoot down their mustangs and bring them to a stand,' and as he spoke he ranged his eye along his long rifle and fired. One of the horses fell. But without halting, an Indian ran up from the rear, between them, and cut the dying animal from the rest. Again and again we heed, each time killing or wounding an animal, and throwing them into considerable confusion. Still, howev er, the Indians c.intinued to approach anu anon began to return our fire; and in a few moments discharged a rapidly falling shower of balls and arrows upon us. lam certain we did not lose many. shots, and in less lime than it takes to tell it, we had killed and disabled two thirds e of their mus tangs and a good number of the savages, now with no other shelter than the bodies strewed along the prairie. The parson was a better shot than I, and I preferred to leave the Indians to him while I contin ued to fire upon the packing horses. "About fifteen or twenty of the Indians hod now succeeded in reaching within ' about one hundred feat of the rock, when raising a wild whoop, they sprang out from behind the cover of their remaining horses and charged furiously towards us. At first we received them with out rifles, but we had no time to reload them before they were open us, hurling their arrows through the air, and brandishina their kruv.",srui lances with the most savage procity. "Still we remained unhurt, and when they reached the lower edge of the rock we dropped our rifles and hurled the stones of our breastworks down upon them with such crashing and murderous effect, that they were forced to fall back again, drag ging their killed and wounded with them to the rear of their horses. Now the fi ring ceased ; and after a few moments ap parently occupied by the Indians in con sultation, to our surprise, one of their main• ber, stripping from his person a white shirt, and tying it to the end of his gun stick boldly advanced towards us, and in very good Spanish enquired if we would have a short talk with them, To this we assented, not, however, with the hope of making favorable terms with them; but we were, in fact, almost destitute of ammuni tion. We had done them too unich dam• age to hope for any terms short of death. The bearer of the 'flag' then said they were Ktoways, and .hat their chief,Mucho Toro, (Big Bull,) promised if we would surrender without further fighting, to spare our lives; and as we nem big braves, we should be kindly treated, and adopted into their tribe in place of some of their own warriors whom we had killed. I replied, after consulting with the par son, that we could not think of accepting their terms, and added on my own account that one of us, pointing to my companion, was a great medicine man, who was pos• sessed of a charm which would not fail to save us yet. The Indian returned with our reply, and forthwith they re-commenced the at tack. Still we continued to defend our selves, until my bullet pouch being empty, I was forced to throw away my weapon as the parson's balls would not fit the barrel. And after a few more dischorges, he also, discovered that he had spent his last shot. " Now, indeed, we were at the mercy of our foes, who immediately understood our eituation. But while the supply of loose stoners should hold out, dared not again assult our strong position. Again the white flag approached and offered a talk. This time we were willing to come to terms, and inquired what was their best proposition. "The Kioways are not wolves, and they know how to respect great braves,' said the Indian. We will not kill you, though you have made the prairie grass red with the blood of our warriors. We will give you a chance for your lives, and let you prove the power of your medicine man. Look !' and the Indian pointed to a solitary mez. quite tree standing about two hundred yards from the rock. !Let your big medi cine protect him. if it will, while he rune the knife gauntlet to yen tre,i. If he es capes unharmed, the Great Spirit has wil led it so, and you shall bath depart in peace ; the words of a Kioviay are true ; Mucho Toro has said it.' "When shall the trial be made 1' in quired the preacher. Ija an hour,' answered the "So be it : any to your chief that I ac• cept his terms and will be in readiness hr the race. " And the good preacher, turn ing to me, clasped my hand lightly in his own, while hie face lighted up with a bright glow of cor.ficlence: My good friend,' he exclaimed, it was a lucky thought to say I was a medicine man, for I can see the hand of a kind Providence in it, lam certain I shall win the race without a scratch, and our lives shall be safe ; for I have heard much of Mucho 'l'oro and am satisfied that he will keep his word.' Parson Langworthy, said I, • you shall not run the gauntlet. I shall run that race myself !' 'Tut, Tut, man !—you don't know what you say, Remember, both our lives are depending upon the result, and failure, even a drop of blooa, would be the sen tence of d eath to us both. I must run— for I have traveled that road once before —and know how to take all advantage,— The same God that looked down and pro- tected me then, and has stood by us in the fight today, will save me now. He will dull the knives of the savages. arid paral yze their arms. I'm sure of success—so not another word, trust in a protecting Providence." Before the hour waa terminated, the chef had assembled his warriors, now numbering scarcely thirty, and arranged them in two lines. deployed front the base of the rock, over the prairie of the Inez. quite. Each warrior was naked to the waist .d armed with his long knife, held dagger wise over his head; They stood with the right foot extended and within four feet of each other, face to face. Through this narrow lane, with the:r u m s siiemg was the brave man about to run. It was indeed a run for life. "Never, so long as life endures, shall I forget the calm, dignified confidence of that noble roul. '.He was cool, and even joyous, as if the race before him was only a trial of speed, on nn ordinary holiday occasion ; and hut features wore an expression of godlike beauty and grandeur, which I had never before beheld in any human face. "My faith, however, in the result, was not like his ; and when the chief beckoned to him to descend to the fearful ordeal—l could not look upon him; but turned away Imy head to hide my bursting grief. But I was riveted to the spot ; and he had no soarer reached the ground, than I was for ced by an irresistable impulse to gaze on the fearfully exciting scene. "The brave mon had stripped off his clothing to his drawers, and tightening his belt, stood forth a tall but perfect spe cimen of vigorous manhood, and awaited the signal to start ; and when the chief gave it, he dashed forward like an arrow from a strong bow. Down glanced the shining blades, and the deadly files pres sed closer upon each other, while in their wild excitement, the savages filled the air with their fierce yells and slashed at the flying victim, with all the fury of their revengful natures. " But he eluded their blows now throw ing up their murderous hands, and now almost creeping past them on his breast.— Then again springing with the agility of a 4 buck through the air, and kicking the knives from the grasp of his assailants and dashing the excited warriors right and left till at length with a desperate leap he cleared full twenty feet beyond the goal. He was saved, and kneeling there with the disappointed savages yelling and gath ering about him, with furious gestures— still threatening his life—the good brave man poured his grateful thanks into the listening ear of Him, whose true servant he ' , ln another hour we had recovered our horses, end had left behind us the scene of our late excitement; but when we were miles away, the baffled Kioways were still engaged in depositing their dead warriors beneath the grass of the prairie." ILA' An old dnrkey was endeavoring to expl lin hit. unfortunate condition : ( You see,' remarked Sambo, 'it was in die way as far as I 'member. Fust my (ad der died, and den my mudder married again, and den my mudder died, and den my (adder married again, and somehow I doesn't seem to have no parents at all, nor no horn., nor nuffin.' IZEZSGELLAINEiIIS. Essays from the Desk of Poor Rob- ert the Scribe. "HONESTY 18 THE BEST POLICY." Be honest, and 'tis clear as light, You'll make by far moat money by't, The profits that are got by cheating, Are very few and very fleeting. Experience proves the adage true; Then never lose it from your view. When I was' a little fellow, just old enough to be mischievous, I was beset by a parcel of my companions, to ga and pil fer the petrson's pears. Down by the aide of the brook that flows into Applebury pond, back of the parson's house, was a beautiful meadow, in the midst of which stood the pear tree. It was large—hung full, and they were of the moat delicious flavor. Whether I was afraid of a flogging— whether respect for the parson (for in those days children were brought up to respect the pious) prevented sac; or whetk er I was deterred by the recollection of my bad luck in pilfering melons—l can't now remember, but I told them decidedly I would have nothing to do in the matter, and did all in my power to dissuade them from the enterprise. I don't know how but it so happened, that my honesty came to the parson's:. ears and on Saturday I received an invitation to go and see him. Away I went, conscious that 1 had done no wrong;—how light beats the heart of innocence. The good man met me at the door:—"Robert," said he, taking my hand, "I have heard that you refused to join the pilfering of my pears. Now I mean to convince you that 'Honesty is the best policy,' 'Here,' ad ded he, placing a basket of the finest fruit before me, 'eat •shat you please, and take as many as you can carry." I felt at that moment happier than Napoleon with em• pires at his feet. And the circumstance led me to remark early in life, the conse quence of an adherence to the maxim. There was at A pplebury a merchant, F 6,1 one farmer to another. ''Why, at Mr. Upright's," replied the first. "His weights and mess• tires always hold out. I had as lief send a child as a grown person to his store, for the matter of his being treated well. I don't pretend to know the value of some sorts of goods, myself, but he has but one price, and never takes advantage of any one's ignorance." I marked the conse• quence. Upright grew rich and respec ted; and fully experienced the truth of the maxim, that—Honesty is the best policy, There, too, was lawyer Aimwell:—He never flattered you about your cause for the sake of money, bat would tell you plainly his opinion, even though he lost a fee by it. Nor would he ever advocate a suit that he knew to be unjust. His es tablished character drew business from every quarter, and he realized, in a fortune of five thousand pounds. and the esteem of his fellow men, the correctness of the max im that—Honesty is the best policy. But there was rich Ardenburg, who had a large farm given him by his father. One of the merchants had advertised for tallow to send off to New York. Rich George had killed a number of fat cattle, and as the tallow was to be sent away im mediately, he thought it a good time to dis pose of it. It was weighed. Everybody thought it was astonishingly heavy. Dick Artly, who att"nded the store, being some what suspicious, and a little :rogush with al, in removing one of the cakes, as though by accident, let it fall plump on the floor. It split open—and lo! in the middle was a large stone! Poor George looked like a sheep stealer, He was hooted out of town. His match was broken oft with the amiable Miss Arabella Bromley; he was turned out of the militia office he held, and finally was compelled to sell his farm and move off to Canada. The blacksmith; the tailor; The printer; the nxilor; The hatter; the joiner; The potter; the miner; Time farmer; the physician; Merchant; politician; The saddler, and sawyer; The priest, and the lawyer; The painter, and glazier; The mason; and grazier. Will find that my maxim, so trite and so old, To those who adopt it, brings honor and gold. God a Rock. " Who is a Rock, save our God Y"—David. God is a rock to his people in three dis tinct figurative senses. 1. In a military sense, rocks were natu ral fortresses, places of defence and strength against an invading foe. David sung, °The Lord is my rook and my fortress, and my Deliverer. Rocks in Palestine were lofty, steep, precipitous; and hence, in those stages of the science of war, they gave the party that held them immense advantage ever their assailants. So God was to his people a great fortress—his very name, a tower of strength. Embosomed in him, they were entirely safe. 2. The rock in Palestine, cleft by na• ture's convulsions, had huge fissures in which men might hide themselves—or, upheaved by the earth's internal forces, it had cavern in which men sought shelter and sometimes places of abode. Ilence we so often read of those who dwell in the clefts of the rock, or in caves of the moun tains. Thus again, God is a rock in whose cleft we hide and are sate from the storm. Oriental storms are sometimes terrific.— Then, when the elements seem maddened to fury, happy is he who finds the cleft of a great rock for his shelter l If such tor nadoes as have left terrific traces of their sweep in the prostrate forests of narthern Ohio, were to come down on any such land e■ Pali shine, the few safe men, shel tered in the clefts of her great works, would comprehend this beautiful and expressive figure. 3. Rocks afford the only absolutely solid foundation for vast colossal structures.— He who finds solid rock for the four cor ners of his 'mince counts himself safe from one formidable class cf dangers. In Pal. estice—that land of melds, rocks and floods—there was a force in the figure which gave us the foolish man, building his house on the sands; but than *visa man building his upon a rock. God is the rook of his people in this in structive sense. They may build on Him the temple of their future interest and des times. Making him their foundation, they may rest on him alone and wholly, Such a foundation can never 'settle.' No storms can ever wash it; no earthquakes shake it ; no lightning reno it. Happy he who can truthfully say, 4 . My flesh and my heart laileth ; but God is the rock of my heart and my portion forever." LAUGHING 1, Lalgh and grow fat," is an old eaw the ending of whie.ll,3lloggh„kcio,yminig the beginning. Fun has its uses. Merriment has a sanitary mission. Laughter is better than laws mused by Boards, of Health. If one would take a'seasonable and regular recre ation, many a fit of sickness would be avoided. The peregrinating hand-organ, with its discordant harshness, is annoying ; but across those gardens, from yonder street, the music of one comes in, accompanying a voice singing a cheerful air. At the first strain our spirits bourded, and the pen dropped; we found onrselves at the open window listening . We had not been con scious of heaviness or depression of spirits, but as we heard that cheerful melody, we felt an increasing buoyancy as if a super incumbent mass of matter was being re moved from us. Lighter and lighter we felt, till oblivious to all but joy. We were not the sole listeners to this chance music. The maiden cleaning win dows in . the house opposite dropped her bare arms and stood like a statue; and one in each of the next two houses opened the doors and stood in silent enjoyment. A man put his head and arms from a win dow of the house beyond the corner gar. den; and leaning forward, seemed afraid of losing a tone of the music. Presently, it ceased; and all of them disappeared in the respective houses. They were all hap pier for the music ; refreshed, the batter to perform their duties. Then, we felt how much good a real hearty laugh would do one. It keeps life from dragging, saves the mind from vague, distracting appreheusiums, and the tulle. tion of positive low spirits. Lot us lat,gh ; whether or not we grow fat. A MODERN u IIOUSR OF ATREUB."—The Livingston (La.) Reporter has the follow. ing singular relation of the casualties which have happened to members of a family i t , that parish. It say s: On Saturday last, the 4th inst., whilst a negro boy, about 16 years old, belong. ing to Capt. James H. Harvey, of Hog Branch, in this parish, was holding a gun it is supposed, between his knees, it sud denly went off, and blew off the front part of his head, causing instant death. Ile was it appears, seated in a chair, endeav oring to pull on a boot, when the catasiro phy occurred. There seems to be a fatal ity hanging over the Harvey family— within our own recollection, some twelve or fourteen years only, the following sud den and aiolent deaths have occurred in this faintly, First a stepmother was gored and trampled to death by one of her own cows; then four daughters, a son-in- law two grand children and two slaves were lost at one fell swoop, on the Lane Maurepas, on the burnt up steamer Piny Woods; then a son was stabbed, disembow eled and slain by a drunken and furious wretch, then a negro child was burnt to death at home, and under their own eyes; and lastly, this poor negro boy, of their own raying, was thus accidentally killed. Editor & Proprietor. NO. 28. POETRIC Published by Bequest TO MISS Let mine eye the farewell make thee, Which my lips refuse to speak— Scorn me not, it, to forsake thee, Makes my very manhood weak. Joyless in our joy's eclipse, love, Are love's tokens else divine Cold the kisses of thy lips, love, Damp the hands that's locke d mint Once thy lip, to touch it only, To my soul has sent a thrill— Bweeter than the violet lonely, Plucked in May time by the rill. Garlands never more I'll fashion, Roeee twine no more for thee Summer's here, but ah, my passion, Autumn dark has come for me. POLZTIOLL. Very Polite. Just now, says the Bulletin, with ten mil lions of specie going out of the country where three come in, with Northern industry pars]. ped, and at a time when general indignation is rapidly gathering at the infamous political oppression which has caused this, some of our cotemporaries are beginning to notice, "with sincere pleasure," a much better feeling in the South as regards the Union. To be sure they notice it just now : now is the time of all times to observe that phenomenon. For many years our cotton friends have had nothing but con stant prosperity. To keep a few thousand gen tlemen in aristocratic ease, and enable their relatives to fill the leading offices in the gift of government, our millions of operatives have been kept poor, and often on the brink of star. sing. Now that people are beginning to awake, and especially now that the feeling at the North in reference to European events seems to show that our srmpathy is with Piedmont, and consequently likely in the long run to be opposed to England, we find the fire•eatere becoming very sweet indeed, and strongly op posed to these imprudent and intemperate friends of the institut ion who go too far. It is quite time foe the flattering and oily words of gammon to be applied. The last panic drove this country to the very verge of protection, and did more to render men indifferent to cite enios than slavery ever did; and should fresh distress, during the coming summer or fall, burst over ns, then the cotton raisers and their English allies may look oat. Perhaps Mr. Buchan... party may yet discover that it would have been good policy to try putting the tariff up for a little while. A stitch in time Bares nine. By sad by there will come the milt in earnest, and will go up sever to come down. and we ehall eland alone. *trona audslia. enviable nation o. the the face of the earth. . . Decidedly these are not times to provoke the virtual majority, and those are wise who scab the Great Convention. Meanwhile let all the enemies of American industry look out for themselves, Through all the cloud. around we can see better times coming I Crittenden on a Republican Nomination. The Washington correspondent of the 0. S. Journal says : 0 Some sycophant within our ranks proposed to Crittenden the idea that the Republicans should lake him up, and make him their can. didate. Ile replied : " I could not carry a sin. gle Southern State, as your Candidate, and how ninny could you carry North, with ins for your candidate! The party would sink me in a Slave State, and I would sink the party in the free States. No, Sir I It is not your policy to take up a Southern slaveholdea " l'recisely. It is complete folly to name other than a Northern man as the next candidate of the Republican party for the Presidency. With a platform of Free, National principles, such a man would lead the party to a brilliant victory over the Sham Democracy. In conjunction with him a Southern man could run as Vice President. Any other course adopted by the Opposition could only result in as ignominious defeat. CHANGES in THE POLITICS OT PUBLIC Mu. —ln looking over the names which for the last twenty year. have figured largely in our public affairs, no one can help being surprised at the mutations he will find there. Many who were leaders in the old Whig party when that party was in its palmy days, have goon over to the Democracy and become leaders there, while among those who battled zealously and earnest ly in the ranks of the latter organization, we now recognize many of the chieftains of the Opposition. The following instances will well illustrate this: In the days of the vehement struggle between Gen. Jackson and the old United States Bank, Rufus Choate and Caleb Cushing in Mast:ache setts, Geo. Evans in Maine, the Ingersolls (at filet) in Connecticut, Josiah Randall, William B. Reed and Joseph R. Chandler in Pennsyl vania, Henry A. Wise and It. M. T. Hunter in Virginia, Win. Preston and the Wickliffe in Kentucky, Robert Toombs and Alexander EL Stephens in Georgia, Thos. L. Clingham iu N. Carolina, Robert J. Walker, Senator Benjamin, John Tyler, James B. Clay and others were vi olent opponents of the administration of Gen. Jackson, and active in advocatton of Whig measures generally. On the other hand, Goes. Morton, Banks and Boutwell in Mass., Sen. Hamlin and Gov. Mor rill, in Maine, Gov. Cleveland and Gideon Wells in Conn., Sen. Preston King, Lt. Goy, Selden, James Wadsworth, William C. Bryant, D. Dzdlev Field, Judge Edmonds and hosts more in New York ; Sen. Cameron, David Wilmot, J. M. Read, A. H. Reeder, G. A. Grow, de., in Penna.; Gov. Bissell, Senator Trumbull, John Wentworth, de., in Illinois; Francis P. Blair in Maryland and his distin. goished eon in St. Louie; Judge Spaulding in Ohio, Doolittle in Wisconsin, and othere,strong supporters of Gen. Jackson, and Democrats in later times, are now zealous Republicans. Evu. Thouoirrs.—Have a care of evil thoughts. Oh, the mischief they have done in the world! Bad thoughts come first, bed words follow, and bad actions bring up the close. Strive against theml Watch against them! Pray against them! They prepare the way for the en emy. _ .. . Bad thought's a thief I He ants his part Creeps thro' the windows of the heart ; And it he once his way can win, Be lets a hundred robbers in.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers