1111.- ( 46?-2*'l , IA 4 ; • je 41 ji 4 WILLIAM BREWSTER,I 1!IDITORS. SAM. G. WHITTAKER, COURT AFFAIRS—August Term, 1857. TRIAL LIST—FinsT Enoch Dean va Joseph Harbaugh. Savage's Trustees vs Davis & Smith, Stevens for use vs Henry & Smith, TIM MS Clark's heirs vs Brison Clark, 13, Grow's adner vs Abeducgo Stevens, Sterling & Alexander vs - Bracken, Stitt & Co, M. Creanland vs Caleb Wows, Daniel Crownover vs Joshua Gorsuch, Michael Quarry vs Wise & Buchanan Patrick Kelly vs Penna. R. R. Co., George McCrum vs Then. Wits.. SECOND WEEK. MeCtltCllooll vs James Entrokin. J. Cresswell vs Robert Hare Towel, Peter Crown over vs Daniel Shindle, Samuel Beaty vs Wm. 11. Wharton, John Dougherty vs Abr. Taylor et al, Weiler, Kline & Kills vs C. Costs, Edwards for Stunkard va Glasgews, Joel Moore vs B, X. Blair et al, liummill & Cresswell vs J. R. Cox, Adler. Same vs Same, Mary E. Trout vs Wm. 11. Icing & Flamer, Mtn W. Glasgow vs ,John Brewster, 13. F. Glasgow vs. Same: GRAND JUItOItS. Timms Adams, mechanic. Huntingdon, Petty 11. Bucket, tanner, Warriorsmark. • John Bisbin, laborer, Porter, Jacob Creswell, agent, 'l'od, Alex. Cunningham, merchant, Huntingdon, Jackson J. Fee carpenter, Henderson, John Hunt, laborer, Cromwell, Jelin Ilimt, farmer, Borneo. Samuel Lutz, farmer. Shirley, John Logan, farmer, Henderson, David Long. farmer, Chic Joshua Gornell, farmer, etss. David Miller, tanner, Tud, Benjamin Myers, farmer, Shirley, J. K. McCallm, Sumner, Warriorsmark, Carens Patterson, blacksmith, Porter, Samuel Rorer, farmer, Shirley, Benjamin Rhodes fanner, Cromwell,. William Rothrock, brewer, Huntingdon, Thomas F. Stetvart, Esq., farmer, West, Jacob Stover, larnierriVarriorsmark, Thomas L. dabs, hatter, (once) Huntingdon William Thompson, farmer, Union. Daniel Weight, farmer, Warriorsmark. TRAVERSE JURORS—Fiwr WFXIi. • jl,llll Brown, fanner, Brady, John Brown, fanner, Springfield, John Beaver, tanner, Hopewell, John Booth. teacher, Springfield, Thomas 8011, carpenter, Barre; Henry Boyer, fanner, Penn Alexander Clue, farmer, Du Alexander Coulter, laborer, Walker, John Carl, miller, Dublin, Abraham Crane,funner,kriteklie, Basil Devor, farmer, Cromwell, Jacob S. Deere, blacksmith, Shirley, William Dorris, Sr., gentleman, Hunt ingdott A. W. Estate, inorchant, Mille, GeiSillger, farmer, liniun, Indrigir Garner, farmer, Werriersteat 'Andrew S. Benison, J. I'., Huntingdon. Cruet, caridtnwr, Wet j Oahu Al. Hight mechanic, Coon ilk,. t,„ Joseph Hudson:farmer, I Lublin, ` &mum Backed., farmer, Tell, Thomas B. Ruling , farmer ' Shirley, Elijah Cl. Pluck, plasterer, Clay, 'Mellen' Jones, farmer, Franklin., Nathaniel Lytle, saddler, Morris, Tolin Love, firmer, Barree, John Miller, saddler, West, James Myton, fanner, West, Samuel McCord, farmer, Jackson Joseph McCracken, farmer John McClain, fkrmor, Tod, Jonathan McWilliams, humor, Franklin, Alexander Al. Oaks, ;hinter 131.ree, ,lemon Oliver, farmer, Franklin, Isaac Peightal, farmer. Samuel Porter, firmer, West, Daniel Poightal, farmer, Ponn, Jueob S. Park, farmer, Cass, John Rupert, termer, C10,,y, David Stevens, fanner, Clay, Alexamlet Stewart, farmer, Franklin, Lawrence Sweopo, mechanic, Clas,vilk, Robert Stewart, inn-keeper, JackKon, Joseph Taylor, farmer, Cloy, Samuel Work, farmer, Porter, David Weight. fanner, Warrior mark, John B. Weaver, fame. , Hopewell, Jesse Yocum, mason Brady. THAVF,RSE JURORS—Smniun WEEK. Fie°MO Bell, fanner, Bunco, James Baker. mason, Cromwell, David Herrick, thrmer, West: Jesse Cook, farmer, Tod, George Cresswell, merchant, West, Dorsey Green, iron master, Porter, William Y. Goshorn, fanner, Toll, William Hutchison, filmier, Warriorsmark, William H. Harper, merchant, Jackson, John Henderson, Jr., farmer, Warriorsmark, Hays Hamilton, nanager, Franklin, Frederick Hoover, farmer, Penn, John Pleadings, blueksmA, Brady, James Homing, farmer, Berm, Williom Johnsen, Warriotsinurk, John S Lett, iron muster, Morris, James Long, farmer, Shirley, Joseph Law, membent, Morris, Isaac Lininger, cabinet-maker„ Huutiugdon, John McCartnev i farmer, Henderson, Samuel K. Melts, farmer; Brady, Jacob C. Miller, farmer, Barn., William Meredith, mrpou ter, Brady, Jonathan Miller, theme,', Clay, Jacob Miller, gentleman, Huntingdon, la, Neil', farmer, Porter, Cal,in Noble, mason, Cromwell, Henry Neitrhoof, Wurriorsmark, Joshua Price, fanner, Tell, Charles Porter, merchant, Porter, Joseph Bockats, laborer, Shirloysburg, G. W. Hobison, clerk, Shirley Gee. &q., inerchant, Shirley, Abraham States, blacksmith, Walker, Junies•Simpson, - farmer, Brady, David Ibmilerson, tanner, Franklin, Julysg,'s7. Cheapest ""Job Prtitting" igace ZOt VOA GOUNTI. We hare now made such arrangements in our Job [?Dice as will enable no to do all kinds qf Job Printing at 20 per cent. cheaper rates Than any Onlee in the Corunty• Give us a .11. 1i we don't givooutiru satiafuc• tion, uo charge at all will lie made. 431cAffltn,, BLANKS 1 BLANKS 1 --- 1114110.1 E. A g.erif? (141tOrtnte141 Of BEWIAV all de suripgions ju3l printed ,nul Jed( 41. du; 'Journal OElicc.' Appointei of Referees, t:',oitooli Ruin Notice to Hoteroes, lud t u cut Nut • Sumuums, Vc4.1.10., Not. . Sc.ro Con , plait I), • • . CXCCt etri!. Near the Lake Where Drooped the Willow. IIY (:1,01t6F. P. MOMUS. Near the Lake where drooped the willow, .• Long time ago, Where the rock throws book the billow, Brighter than snow— Dwelt a maid, beloved and cherished, By high and luw ; But with autumn's leaf she perished, Long time ago! Rook, sum treo apt flowing water, finig limo ago— Bird, and hoe, and blossom taught lot Loon's spell to know, While to iny fluid words she listened, Murmuring low. Tenderly her dove eyes glistened, Long tie ago! Mingled were our hearts finever— Long titan ago! Can 1 now forget her? Never! No, lest ono ! tio To her grave those tears are given, Ever to flow— She's the star 1 missed from heaven, Long time ago 111IitxxaI. HON. DAVID W1L3101"8 LETTER TO THE AMERICAN STATE COCNCIE HotuDAystiußG, Ps., I May, 5, 1857. Hon DAvio WILMOT, Towanda, TfradfoTil Co. Pa. Sir: At a regular meeting of the Amer ican State Council held in Altoona, on the 15th of April last, it wan Resolved, That a committee of five members be op pointed. to solicit from the candidates put in nomination by the Convention held at Harrisburg on the 25th of 'Mardi, their views in regard to the principler of the American party. • in pursuance of thu foregoing resolu• biUtl the underpipted were ;ippoirwei raid 4 ..70711111itte - e: = - • Joi nmaityr , JOHN COI' ODE. D. MeMLIRTRI P. J. N. POWER, FO. W. PATTON. You Will pleasn give u 3 categorical an -6,1s to the folloving interroi•!,:aror; •• embrace the principles ot the ro, parry ro which your ~t,:rtion ,• • r•,. you bolo r! , ••t :0 he . • . . . , opposed to any L r . ! Ear. .1 I iierarchies in politic: r, in favor of Free for the ,tion of all classes, with Bible nso tey.t book used theroin ' With great renpoet, IV,: remain Your humble servants, JOHN BROTHER.LINE, Cbairma, REPLY. Towanda, July 10, l~i,'i Gentlemen Your letter of the nth (lade to hand during the sitting et courts, immediately on the close of whici. I left home, and returned only a few day., since. This must be my apology for not earlier having responded to your commit uicatieu. I am rottuutitod to answer certain iut rogntorieo propounded to me in purr.,. ~ of o resolution of the late convention ! at Altoona. Thu history of our :irate ustabli. - :Lca e who, and sofa policy in re poet to tl, • point embraced in your first interrogstm,. It will be found rere indeed, that any ay cept native born citizens Lays held 1,;-! , official stations either in the lizeoo!,. , dudieial departments of our Statotouvor— /sent ; and the same class, with compara tively few exceptions, have filled the scats of our Legislative 'falls. The eaturali2. od citizen cannot reasonably complain that this traditional policy should bo preserved. There is nothing in it, intolerant or pro scriptive; nor will the • enlightened and patriotic citizen of foreign birth so regard it. It imposes no legal diaqualilication.— It takes fro, i iln no right. Official eta. Lion of ri:uht beluts,., to T. w as. While 1 would adhere to this policy as one of wisdom and patriotism, nu American who properly appreciates his responsibilitie,, would neglect au inquiry into the char.. ter and fitness of candidates proented for his suffrage; nor could he, without Lousy. al of the best interests of his woo; regard the claims of priucipl. i.it,•: = .11i+ choice. Thu, : wit"llau enligi is r• .1 : : • " the r. musi, •,, , to one a on our . • . . • , " " ~, .-.,,,,.' c , .'''.., . 1 , ,,...)„ , "..,;','.i,,,,,. \,,- ---, •,- • • : :,' i ).,,:,! ~, 1 0. ..,, , -,.. r 2: 1 : ..,. 1 -:,.:( '-i... --, ©. .. fei P:11 . , r 1 , f - 4 ,V. lk:'; I l L +,i i* , U‘/ i ',' * 4 il l 4 ''.- !t . ' ~ ''i '''',, ' ''*'• • ' ):- ' /_._ 4; • A ' '-''' " JAI U HUNTINGDON, Are ymt frier ,f proteetion (,f American ltv r , Atueri..an an American inter,* To thi, ymr ,ccond inkraigatoty, ahall coutvat inpalf with a rtiraph, tiva The matt , ..r, , aildii,ed in your third in. terrogatory too of the first impurtani, and demand the inost,oricti,considcratioti of the patriot and ntatomman. The ',old ness and suceers with which fraud, are perpetrated upon the Ballot Box, have become alarining, and unleiss promptly and effectually checked, taunt end in the nub veridott of nut sy,tem of free!lovernment. Thefi,m, of Liberty may remain, but on ly as a cheat and mockery, I. , ,loitsing over an cruel a ii , SpUtiSfll as ever ricr,el a ps, plc. , .f:tk ivikhlP-7 any nn.i . I , , ' I pre,,ervn t!,, , - Ityun tl, i 4 war:a tr,,on wrain,r !' • urnnu and !July !, ! : .I.l,rnc-1 t' 1, •1•.!i,,, in frQui tlectirt; Doubt', 'if be so'nio. '•••I' • ! and faint. • • • ;r ;, • , should n • •,, •, by looking le LL, • • the groat stair,: of rt.furni iu ft!. • It belongs exeluivelyte Ow Fiat, tbic tyke:, tototion proeribc the quitlircation, of tiled provide stifv2:uards ,11:1 infliet punishment for nt , ault:, tit, integrity of the ballot Ono tewn State cannot bin early or vigoretwly exert its conrtitltbAl3l r urtti, • • •b, • 0 ••. ,•• the • ,-.' It hoe over te , i.; to the true Ameri,on,t euuntry ed to Asylum for the oppresand of every tiorl forbid that we should e ungrateful fur Ilia bles,ings, as to to share them with the hutted ❑nd indu, trieuv uf whatever clime ur country; but it is an uutrogn upon our hospitality; and violation of international law, fey the ti-uvurnuieuta of the Old World to cargoes of criminal :1 and pauper.; on our shore,. Our frovornalent eani,t b. too in guardim; our :j , Jilr fourth „ : t•-•••••- in rtt:titttuttt:ti;ity nof t ititictittlitt, the rt., ,:• . t knowl ' •ec t : . the people, i Lr• . ' , ut spark open at, • L.lll ' I I. • - - 1 order At& ! • .. ~ '7 .. :~',.. .1.. ~ .. I I , . . . , , " • . . . ci I : , ul which! .-• •••••.,; . ' • • Nvrou R ILL within : • - • •, . • 1 nid,, ,hen, t hi,! 7. i;./:/ ~I:pir; ;r,~l 'MON, NOW AND PoltEt EU, f;1, ,::EPAUA • PA., \VEDN ES 1)A Y, A EJUIJSY 1 i 11..• •Ir i • r s.tait • r, . rityrniit! ;art . t ; IVI" :efor.• .• triril, l• the 1,0341,,t inlernti. t tors if nelinions faifi, nu.; ' "t , nettrblint li. 'l' , f nv..tited with 1:; . and In, in the ut • ' ' • oxeit tr , HrltUr,ll Inlhancr fig. .!"' ~., ~ .... ...~ .~ 1, by Ow . . • ' . 1 , . • for i' • Lb; but. actually r, JI our Prote9tant !wt. of.nun the tvara, , Itrauitaity irt 1, L.,• ry Tie,,(rner, • • • , • •••.,t. le rlJts 1:1 ill 1:1.h ,:ltiVnJ ... pre.,! of that as il ait I, per:Gott mudi tan; ter: as openly the face of ,lay, 41eaouttea i from the nino, ry, au . ? • lA, ti,, alld . Moral Suasion. A wayward bull of tho Ea.:raid lulu of ~t:y ••. i.:, much inale cuu,taut it, the LAt! ha r I.r:a ..i., Oita left his bed and board, tollich ho atid Mar . gala, hip wife, had uccapied fur a lot' llta I,:lt,u,Aird con/laud hiutsolf to thy n'hile , ;ll-nd spent hz ,, tin). itiointi , • , . • • • :"rates. .445, • "'.,••- , „ , .„ , , imrscit hand, ". ~, ;ervance o %;iia OT .1' 11.11.1 „ . , tt Cit. . -Phcir. (}ti. rut..! n f;9,,,, ~ ... _.t.. ...~.. ~.. ~, li , • . , ~: i ~:~~.~~~ ~ -, -,~:.~_. . „., . I Ill,: Hint tv, t, , llotvir !ich , +Ton the tre Tsui! Li:o,v bird, caiic ,übiu, or 'tinit. G6lll !t cHotly ou rc,;t v.,ln Titcy cur gur.l(l,, for ,Ttb, only atta tht.o prut,ct our ph:Lt.: , froth a ti,:itructo, °fit ~.. . ives at the "North etc thostly hu.di 4 , i,ared. It fend nay iiijitry liis) (armor. ilyuco..,ll. ducti him r vt•ry importio.t k,L. • 'i. 1 ( 11 . , 6 ,, - ~..,, ~:,:::, :.:: - . g . - liv<: 7 l, , ,;;,.. - :• ft . 4 1 177'' ''..:l i ;'''''-: '....:•:' L' b•,' i - ' i I: ), 4 1 4 i M 1 i 1 frA 11N,,,t i "."• i, / ' i.. 4, i' • At y -,, , V.'', ji ,i3O I IC , .:... lJ:'i ! eo , ril •.;:f.„,„ ~...„,..,, ..„ „,.., ~ ., . .r, D F - ......., • ff):: !• • • 7! • nil," • : , • • •••• good r . It j, , • , some , ••Noct'tftelr • . t• n flight to .' • - • Ri - akinrd ' IV't! • 11l ~'lll • Lyttivr deati pt!, • vbich it do ^ :,:i.• tee, l hir c pared, hu • I light ~~~ I i,ut • .~: i.... ..1 thu the The 1.1,1 Lliu The Gollen-wit:,;ed :,; ;• r ',V t),),1 :i~ ~ .. 1 i . ... it n 1,1 :lie .., ,~, .. .- . . ' • It , I , " lov..ingt!ivir :,ncl utter![ ind ,~ _. 1. L, ~, Icent~.~i • • 1 ..~ ~ ~. • .ti ~ ~ ,~.. ... ... i nin (Jai' hnPy ~ !al aa I .mini.. have, 11111 111 C11101:11: eltl, we , r rnetun.,r rUa. ;:o Nlr. 1 1k sc:inip,rol. 11 4.leott,ait ,LOl almost fool hi 113 lapid thing! Friendly aline tree, With iow branch., ! Clutched two of them rend lifted our precious body into the lf Taurus arrived just as we cleared the ground ! Pawed and roared horribly-- Taurus did : We attempted to reason with him. .No sort it use. 'NU oh stiDat, hard of heart. Evidently a great scamp. We eyed him.. lie eyed tip. Cif"d eight for both of us. tieing in the newspaper line, we urn in favor of the publicati•nt -{ important news, bu confess hit • Bull.let in con un tin . ion, shucked our • ! r t the fact that we atitypnthy to • , f our ear :rs immense ;s also Clem i ly Southern , rnount their eurti • . Mr. hhhte, he 1)i.1 thi: tr f.. • ..•:•:. ~1 "Boanerges, i.. • : Hreil at us, aud • ell about three aril was right, vve slid and “put" fur the crazy 17" . distance from trmi to ::•1 in., tree to G c^o woo Just about t fine list our assailant saw the me - . - ,inent, and at en, again the chase was a hot OHL:.it this tune tuts (listen- I ced the "horrid critter," and scaled the fonc , .., lauded in a field of rye at about tile same inura;int that our pursuer's horns ,:ucic the top runs of the fence, and sent zeprirted by the fence, we •.. , iindrel a lecture that we hope Renumber to his last moments.— all dee alluwance :in his Cabe for huLLub of the mowing and reaping affair, but nevertheless concluded that he was a great scamp. i u... ........... .:1 . Lack ?' • .• ..,'.O con, .. ".'iL (~~~~ i':rt'i;h~ ... _ I..~:1:'. , ttl try vile putt •,,. „,; Itultiil),,, it To It, • I ''• I . Ll,B always . !...ulnn t h an tV..I is rl greillt!! ~1 • It'.l,ilUll~s' 11A , anti i ~..: ~ • . ' .„ . ~}vct~ i ui u+ buy, tV coo - ccive rc,iroi! 1.11 I,care. of 1 ;1 VOL. XXII. NO. 31. • To understand the phenomin; essential u the very existence of plants and ani inal,, a few facts derived from observa• . 'ton and a long train of experiments mus t be remembered. Were the atmosphere everywhere at all times, at a uniform temperature, we should never have hail, rain or snow. The water absorbed try it in evaporation from the sea aril the earth's surface would descend in imperceptible super, or cease to be absorbed by the air when it was once fully saturated.-- The absorbing power of the atmosphere, and consegeently its capability to retain Humidity, is proportionably greater in warm than in cold air. The air near the surface of the earth is warmer than it is in , the region of the clouds. The higher we ascend from the earth the colder we find the atmosphere. Hence the perpetual snow on very high mountains in the hot est climates. Now, when from continued evaporation the air is highly saturated wi,h vapor—though it he visible—if its temperature is suddenly reduced by cold currents descending from above or rushing from a nigher to it limo latitude, its caps , city to retain moisture is diminished, Mends are formed, and the result is ram. Air condenses as it cools, and, like a sponge tilled with water and compressed, pours out the water which its diminished caps• city cannot hold. How singular yet how simple, is such au admirable arrangement for mitering the earth. The Doom of the World. What this change is to be, we dare not conjecture; but wo see in the heavens themselves sonic traces of destructive ele ments, and some indications of their pow. or, the fragments of broken planets—the descent of stolies upon our globe—the wheeling comets wielding their loose ma terials at the solar !unlace—the volcanic eruptions of our own satellite—the appear. once of new stars and the disappearance of others,—are all foreshadows of that Mi -1 pending convulsion to which the system o f the work' is (homed. Thus placed on a /leavens - which an; t puss7a7rtrti7 treading, as it wero, on tho cemeteries, •,;,1 J welling on the mausoleums of former , orlds--let us learn a lesson of humility and wisdom, if wo havo not already boon • , :ocl of revelation.--North ~,, •-!,. I!, . • , !!ith, whu aas ! "we, m a :,onim - bull Le rrit , r, was ono day training' the animal hi the art of , auirm fer,ious, awl wanting some animate set the dog, his daddy, after con , . • . •r• ! pvimattion, centiontod to gat dowtt , upon all fours, and make light with Mr. ' YwznfjA rwaica began to urge on tfi~• ,! ter, boy—soizo Lim,' &c.; at the dog , rnalo r. dip' find gat a good, hold upon tint vld unit's proboscis, and get tho dog off he couldn't.. So he began to cr... oat pmiu caused Ly the dog. • • ! old man,' shouted the yuut;: Grin and boar it-- 'twill tho pup V—Ex. A ch, 3, J:• ,it July itleidoriu, in Nowark, nhrc Following, which ..ve find recorded' iu the Daily Advortiser ) is worth transerib- • . • Y A lady at tho corner of Broad and Mar net strests, was standing 01 a barrel, the head of which gave way, and she fell in, eornplutely hiding the barrel with her ex tensive skirts, exciting much merriment a;oeLi t,hc spectators. fihe was extricated from her unpleasant position by upsetting the barrel. late Ritasort GIVEN.—h has been as- Iced, -why it is considered impolite for melt to go into the presence at ladies .;ft-siveves. while it is perfectly eppear before gentle , ,leeves at all ?"rim the present king of :1,1. none but women „ • , . n and hence the • 7 1111; SLX., . ' ' mho n•as inuidated • • sled, a cont. 1 ,:f1 in England, • • bridal engage , . worthy of a true • is enough of ;cif to C 0...., • iiis soul, 1 h i ll wins engazciutif,." ':'urn ii -L,Ligh, did you' , .say said the irascible rler to the landlady, .11,1 woo trying :.true what vita; oatonsiWy a chicken-- : tv , ...10 Ic,give illy (pinion nu • • w.;s •o 1,1.71: et tLu old 11, How Rain is Formed
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers