RESOLUTION Proposing Amendinents to the I Constitution of the Common wealth. Resolved by the Senate and House of Piepre• tentativee of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva• nia in General Assembly met : That the follow• eg amendments are propmed to the conttitu• men of the commonwealth, in accordance with tin provisions of the tenth article thereof. ratn AXENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said constitution to be designated as article eleven, as follows : ARTICLE XI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. sOCTIOF 1. The state may contract debts, to supply causual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expenses not otherwise provided for; but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contiugent, whether contracted by virtue of sue or more acts of the general assembly, or at slifferent periods of time, shall never exceed se. ven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatever. /ACTION 2 In addition to the above limited power, the state may contract debts to repel in. 'wagon, suppress it.surrection, dethnd the state is war, or to redeem the present outstanding in• debtedness of the state; but the money arising . . . . . from the contracting of duch debts, shall be ap• plied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. SECTION 3. Except the debts above specified, in sections one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. Stereos 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contract• ed as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shot' be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than two hundred and fifty thous• and dollars ; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part thereof, and of the income or proceeds of tole of clocks owned by the state, together with oth er funds, or resources, that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may be ifteren• tied, from time to time, by assigning to it any part of the.taxes ' or other revenues of the state not required for the ordinary and current ex. pauses of government, and unless in case of war, invasion or insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public debt, un• til the amount of such debt is reduced below the sum of five millions of dollars. • Bscrrow 5. The credit of the Comm inwealth shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any individual, ccinpany, corpora. tion, or association; nor shall the common• wealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stock holder, in any company, association or corpora tion. SECTION 6. The commonwealth shall not as sume the debt, or any part thereof; of any couit. ty, city, borough or township; or of any corpo• ration, or association ; unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the state to re• dal invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, efend itself in time of war, or to assist the state in the discharge of any portion of its pre sent indebtedness. SECTIOh 7. The legislature shall not author ise any county, city, borough, township, or in. corporated diatrict, by virtue of a yotA citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, association, or corporation ; or to obtain money fur, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution, or party. There shall be an additional article to said constitution, to be designated as article XII, as fellows : ARTICLE XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by . a line cutting aff over one•tenth of its population, (either to form a new county or othertviae,) without the express assent of such county, by a vote of the elector's thereof ; nor shall any new county be @Established containing less than four hundred square miles. THIRD AMEN DM ENT. From section two of the first article of the constitution, strike nut the words, "of the city of Philadelphia, and of each county respec:ive• ly ;" from section five, same article, strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and of the several mantles ;" from section seven, same article, strike out the words, "neither e city of Phila delphia nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the words, "and no;" and strike out "seetion f iner, tame article," and in lieu thereof insert the fol. lowing "SECTION 4. In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty.four, and in every seventh year thereafter, representatives to the number of one hundred, shall be apportioned and dis tributed equally, throughout the state, by dis. tricts, in proportion to the number of taxable inhabitants in the several parts thereof; except that any county containing at least three thou sand five hundred taxable.,, may be allowed a separate representation ; but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any city containing ., sufficient number of tax. shies to entitle it to at least two representatives shall have a separate representation assigned it, and shall be divided into convenient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxable popu lation ea near as may be, each of which dile tricts shall elect one representative." At the end of section seven, same article, in. aert these words, "the city of I l hiladelphiashalll be divided into single senatorial districts, of contiguous territory as nearly equal in tamble population as possible ; but no ward shall be divided in the formation thereof." The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and Tepee.' tentative districts, in the manner above provid ed; such districts to remain unchanged until the apportionment in the year one thousand (light hundred and siatyfour. FOURTH AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional section to the fret article of said constitution, which shall be numbered and read as follows : SzeTioN 26. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law, whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citizen. of the commonwealth ; in such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the corpora. M. IN SZNA.TE, March 27, 1867. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the Era amendment, yeas 24, nays 7; on the sec• end amendment, yeas 23, nays d ; on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays 4 ; on the fourth a• is adment._yeas 23, nays 4. [Extract from the Journal.] GEO. W. HAMERSLY, Clerk. Ia :as HOD= Of REPNESENTATTTES, April 26, 1857. Ameba, That this resolution pan. On the first amendment, yeas 78, nays 12; on the see. 'lad amendment, yeas 57, nays 34 ;on the third •nt h yeas 72, nays 22 on the feat? ?WO W [Extract from the Journal.] JACOB ZEIGLER, Clerk. Filed in Secretary's office, May 2, 1857. A. G. CURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth, SECRETARY'S OFF CI:, HARRISBURO, Jute 22, 1857. PENNSYLVANIA, SS: I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original "Resolu tion proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth," with the vote in each branch of the Legislature upon the final pas. sage thereof, as appears from the originals on file in this office. In testimony whereof I have here. I L. S. I unto set my hand and caused to be at fixed the seal of the Secretary's Of fice, the day and year above written. A. G. CURTIN, Secretory of the CommoftwealtA. 10 SIMATE, March 27, 1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? The yens and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follows, viz YEAS—Messrs. Brewer, Browne. Coffey, Ely, Evans, Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, dor. don, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellera,Shuman, Steele, Straub, Welsh Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker-24. NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Finney, Gregg, Harris, Penrose and Souther--9. So the question was determined in the aair• mut ive. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amend. mein 1 The yet. and ttrt7, wt,it taken agreeably to the proviainns or the C.o.htitution, ithil were (01101,i, viz • YEA filc.wer. A,rrne, Cr.*. well, Ely, Evans, Feu, Fume, Va•anilien, Inv ram Jordan, Kw, Laiibach. Lewis. ,Nlfer, Shuman, youthr,, S•eele. Strivih, Vrii• king, Wright sod Ts,gart. .4:peuk,— NAYS ershl, Frator, Gregg Ilarrie,.Killinger, So the question was deterainie). ie. •he atir• mauve. On the question. Will the Semite agree to the ti.ied amend meat The yeas and nays were taken arreembly to the previsions of the Constitution, mod were as toliowe. ViR : Yrras—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell, Cratb, Ely. Evans. Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, My er, Scofield, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright-24. NAYS—Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose-4. So the question was determined in the al6r• mauve. ' On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amend. ment The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as follows, vie YEAS—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffee, Cree• well, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Killinger, Knox, Laubaeh, Lewis, Myer, Sc. field, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright-23. NA —Meson. C , abb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose-4. So the question was determined in the aEir• motive. IN TUE Here. nr Tic ...... April 29, 1857. The resolution proposing atnend ments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth being un der consideration, On the question, Will the'House agree to the first amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, atoi were as follows, vie : YEAR—Meseta. Anderson, Arthur, Boathouse Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleavet, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibboney, <Tildes, Hamel, Horper, Heins, Hieetand, Mille. gas, Hoffman, (Berke,) Imbrie, Dines, Jacobs, Jenkins, debts, Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Kerr, Leieenring, Longaker, Lovett, Banter, Mangle, M'Calmont, M'llvain, Moorhead, Mum. ma, Mueselman, Nichols, Nicholson, Mumma. cher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Pur cell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,' Reamer. Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson Tobin, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Yoegliley Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Williston, With erow, Wright, Zimmerman and Betz, Speake. —7B. NAYS—Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Ham• iltou, Hancock, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanon) Le• ho, Struthers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode— So the question was determined in the aIEI mauve. On the question, Will the House agree to the second amend meet ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the proriniune of the Coninitul ion, and were as follows, Vi 7. YEA;—Meesrs, Anderson, Backhonse, Ball, Beck, Bower, CaMom, Campbell, Carty, Ent, Faun°ld, Foster, (silden, Hamel, Harper, Reins Heistand. I iodman, (Berke,) House keeper, Imbrie, hues, Jenkins, Johns. Johnson Kauffman, Knight, Leineoring, Longaker, Lo. vett, Maurer, Mangle, Moorhead, Mumelman, Nichol., Nicholson, Nuttnemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsay, (Philatl4phirs,) Ramsey, (York,) Rea mer, Roberta, Itupp, Shaw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail. Voeghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zim merman and Getz, Speaker-57. NATO—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bensrm, Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Craw. ford, Eyster, blibhoney, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Hine, Huffman, (Lebanon,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo,DPCahnotit, Mumma, Reed, Smith„ (Cam. bria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn, Vanvoorhis, Vickers, Wagonseller, Warner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright-34. So the question was determined in the affir mative. On the question, Will the House agree to the third amend• went ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisiene of the Constitution, and were as follows, via YllB—Meatire. Andereon, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Camp bell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Eyster, Ent, Faueold, Foster, Gibboney, Hamel, Hat. (er, Heins, Hiestand, Hill, Billegas, Huffman, Berke,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, mbrie, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, Kalil! , man, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'Calniont, Moorhead, Mumma, Mos eelman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nunnemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Ste venous, Tolan, Vail, Vanvourhis, Voeghley, Vickers, Wagonseller, Westbrook, Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Gets, Speaker —72. NAYS—Atoms. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Carty, Dock, Gildea, Hamilton, Han cock, Hine, Jenkins, Knight, Leisenriug, vain, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Roberts, Struth tlr.ff, Th Weltke, Warrier;. Whirlers ana Wln. So the question was determined in the atlir• motive. On the question, • Will the mouse agree to the fourth amend• meat ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution, and were as I follows, viz YEAS—Messrs. Anderson,. Arthur, Backus, I Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Benscn, Bishop. Bow er, Brown,Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase. Cleaver, rawford, Dickey, Ent. Ewer, Foes. old, Foster, Gibboney, Glides, Hamel, Harper, ; Heins, Hiestand, Hill, Hi!leg., Hoffman, (Le banon,) Hoffman, (Berke,) Housekeeper, Int. brie, Lanes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Leisenring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'Calmont, M'llvaiu, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nieliolvon, No- nemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (York,) Ramsey, (Philadel. phia,) Reamer, Reed, Robertc, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Ste venson, Tolan, Vail, Vanvoorhis, Viteghley, Vickers, Wagonseller, Walter. Warner, West. brook, Wharton, Williston, Witherow, Zimmer man and Getz, Speaker-83. NAYS—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton. Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright-7. So the question was determined in the affir mative. SECRETARY'S Orr CEO 116111118BURO, 'line 22, 1857. Pennsylvania, ea: I do certify that the above and foregoing is - .0) certify that the above and foregoing a true and correct copy of the "Yeas" and "Nays" taken on the resolution proposing am endments to the Constitution of the Common wealth, as the same appears on the Journals of the two Houses, of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth for the session of 1857. Withese my hand and the seal of I L. S. I mid alike, this twenty-second day of thousand Pivh• hooded sad fifty.tievol. A. G. CURTIN,• !fr,y of suria R er,.4 • CLPAUE THE PLOOD AND MU TT !I'M I,4thers, nhthert, Ph,rettl.w••4l•, retrit their FlTrits. •nd Judge, of Molt Virtues. FOR'MITE CI R 0 of IT.dnche,f4lek Mt. J. C. A Yell ale: bete been 7nte7ltel Me eroret inebietjte one In , lt e• • e teem er two your V , . It .1-toot It. art , •e ni eV, OP..' at 01 , 1'• f tlt • . 7 Mill core otl ere ne they ic toe, the et.t ieet..rtit kn tte Tome ebb van. teepee!, pt : h. L lltrLt, Clark ,el. 7 7eaeser Cierren. Billows I)lsortlers and Liter Complaints. seer or tae trissaa Aeamoros, D. C.. 7 Feb., IMO, J Are: t Rave need you, Pi/le ii, fey rpm.' and bfek)(4l pram.* over Wore pal mini. them, and unmet bola, ta atiy 11.ey ere nee L•ePt oathar/rt. a• employ. 'l' herr reel" ?Anna sedan ea Ow N.., la nlll4 mud .tedhlM. enneo.ono I they .re *draftable monody h).r dr:ar.aernema of ill,. era.. Indeed, I bare *old,. *mai s nee. or ',thaw •410 eau a* °bonne* All It .Rd rot reality y Fold le thorn. Pratarnelly your*, ALONZ, MALL, M. D.. ^pin. of Om SwOod AMpAYw Dypentery, Items, Red Worn.. Parr (amen TAnrd.awb, lar. CO., Ctrn., lam. lb. 1113. Tn. Arm: tom Pills are the miler.. of reclitine. ?My Aare done my wife NUR! gond than I ern !clinic Ph* MA been Wok mot pining away for noodle Went off to be nue... nt arrwi expense. bot net m balm, lbw glen ° raking roar Pills, which MO. cared her, by expelling Mtg. .pteniition of worse (deed) blese het burly. They ar.e.-weide cured her and me two eleiltM•■ K bloody dysentery. One of our neigldines lied it MI tout wl . t o ctutte . hrivitiltwo dom. of peer lin*, while rllt. " •nit 70:1 much nme. even then. limb • minikine m a, srldel.* *Alien 060. J. ORITFIN. it..twoodar. Indigestion and Impurity of the Bleed. Atm 1t... J. Y. It'mt. Pastor fe no. Arse: I hare mood yo. PIT% with Meow In str holly and onto. thee. 1 are .031•.• e. ht °eras. To regulate the meees.l ~, Met Moat they are the very heat mete,' I he knew, sad I elte eentltteetty renosereentt ihate te• Meade Tome, J. V. RtN.e:. WARSAW, W 10.1 1 ,11 Cn . 14. T., It,. IVA Dseit is I isen ming ern Cathartic Mlle in my puke Mee, and Rad 1t.., AU exCelielsl putts.. in ,t..... winsia sad purity the*.th• 30WP •. MIACHAR, St. 1. arysipelas, Scrofula, WinCa ?nil, 'Vetter, Tumors, and Sall Ahearn. Preen • P.rwardene Ilf•onharst el! Loads AL. 4, 14:n. Ps. ATM: Tone rillware the permend of all that A meet is medicine. Vine here sated Inv Mile dane.rt al Maurine awns upoe her hand. wed Nei rtat pro. Morin. for me.. Net mother tee here fun* ,e•in•eue ly afflicted with hiutehee and Wept. awe irs sale nevi her heir. After owr child war mired. Abe alen tried yew Pile, and they have eared her. AMA Milne. ltbeamntlern, Sammie., and foul. rim ins Rae. Pr. ifairin, qf &pie MN... PULASKI 110 tell, . • HA.. JIM. II 1.11. soncirDair: I should A. nnyreetai an the I ellef par hen Ineunht are V 1 did um report niy to,. re nn, • geld mottled in My limbs •nel luni,ht roe Nrw i l i Zare4 r;,r acted to •••. • Thar .1.., WKS* We, but mu,. y ale uf them I ant nor entirely em, C14.111:1K. $41 0 ,1 P.oont. O Ds. Arm , :bean mirely :wad aF yoar NI. 'thematic • painful .r.,...1 r. Ibr yews '11.) , (4,17 N.l t , a For Draper, I'lethorn, or ktedeed Una. plaints, aaquiring au sa tits yank, they are an ...oil lent newly. • For Costiveness or Consiipatioe, aed as a Dinner rni, ti.ey are et,..toont Ir mot r.Tc. i FHA, auppre.sion, Caffit!•in, laravaine. aloe, aul •• • Dann:sus, and Vandal /Mad. rues noes, lan beau cured by the attarative rethou of throe Mnot of tt.. pill. In nuitltot .forenry, /hough la loCoolOr tul to thlOgeollo ria phl.. th- thg, goontl, Iwlnw It- 1,..:0t tab. tiO opoi• nay or NuollOrld wr AYER'S(I:I . ! rECTORAL 001,111111, ,, , r • frO,Lifo UNZA, , , • • . • T (MUG ft , • •,, ' sod to, th•, 116 flop. of llt• Vi• need nete••.•Y of I. virtmAg. rarongh...t ••• y ...Iv .1 ere.) 1 111f1 , 11, 01 tiff pulmollsr TLplants a... inn l • • ••!, it is , •. Nay. lbw see she UJII4III Alt' , iit • .LI•1• , 11111R1 MEV 1.11101.1 i ehrli,:ent• v• 411•• till; MI, herr yet the atenntanittee en• who. 11, hare .1 Y.., them anew Being itnpby ..ver so.. end dao• *m.o. AN mo , •of the throat •nd ion.. RION it is the del. and Aen ' t ' •7srent; l tie l" as 4 OZtt Is ales the pleementeet asd ..test ren:ed, 11.1 ma be ens• p 1•711 inihn. sod gnat!. ',ewe. Palen. .hon. bar st.• yonnet the in• enemy that Weals teen Item tia Lase iti.ndaet arena. to balm. the Carnes PSCTUISSI .14.4 .sore liven by the con eagle.. It petrel. tin. throe it mew. deep It by •nd ewe year eel. whil• they aro cambia, WTI.. Met 60.• wore nu human AID an inester the Inexpiable casket Me, ho l es. ea the Wale. eats year lies away. All hose the .hreadltri dualitya.f I.E. disorder.. and as they Ismer ate the virtues el Min woody, we need not 1141 mere War :41 them It is Well lade the beet it coo M. We spate no reel, no 21•1'.. au toll te prate. It the soft mean pee.i• and thine afford thee, who rely II M. ban agent algal ear *III as• feral& he their sans PIITAIIII IT n. J. C.ITEE, Prseettal asil Asthenia Chtsdae, Ma ADD BOLD DT JOHN READ, Huntingdon, ani dealers in medicine everywhere. October 15, 1856.—1 y. JOHN SCOTT, SAMUEL T. SHOWN TA@IDIT 4 Ira®Vill f , Attorneys at Law, Huntingdon, fa., • Ottice same as that formerly occupied by John Scott, Esq. Oct. 19, 1853. 4110 t. L?. EADIPC3IIiI3 I. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Willattend to ell business entrneted tohim. Of fle. it► eimmite the Cotrrt litetife LUNT ,re 11118CELLANEto1. s ADIMTIsEIIIENTS. 4ALT. I ; A ITT For the Litm , ;, Levan B and Blistere ! OF ITS IVTI;'.~'•)1C I'ALCTE HE EN LIGHTFNED CO3/.111 'A' 7'l' AND A • T THE I.•l , ('O 'LEER I,,A' BE THE JUDGE I 1(11NY medicines iitfi,ed for sale are accone RI lauded he deubifii! certificates (their chief titlite) and claim tc he universal remedies, en. ring all nittlatlies—n burlesque on common sense. AS the discoverer of this Salt solemnly protests against having it placed on the catego ry of frauds and impositions, he has received that it shall go forth to the world like the pure gold dollar, wit no other passport that, its own true value. If the public find it genuine they will receive it—if spurious they will reject and condemn it. Instead of its being a panacea for all ills it has control over but one ill—has but 000 aim and accomplishes but one thing, to wit ; subdues ind rmmrttory eli.yensa—whatever be their form ir locality, whether in the head, throat. chest, abdomen, extretneties or akin, When the discoverer, after a long series of laborite and coolly experiments, became fully confirmed in his corivicrixt that the Antiphlre giatie halt, which he now halt the happiness to present to the American public, sync ft PERFECT SCBSTITLTE for Blood.lettinir, Leeches and Blisters, his mind was so agitated that he eootd not sleep fcr many nights. The cause of his agitation was the striking fact that the manner of its op eration, like that of the virus in vaccination, could not be explained upon any known princi ple. How, in what way, it so effectually sub dues inflammatory diseases and no others, was at first wholly inexplicable; but on further ex. periment it was proved that by its power over the veins, arteries and glands, it equalizes the fluids q t. the hotly, the want.of an equilibrium in which is the sole cease of inflammation. It exerts like the vaccine matter, an extra , rdina. ry icfluenee over the circulation—result', g in n gradual devil., of ii.flammation as indicated hr ths pulse chichi soon resumes its natural suet, as the pain and heat disappear. Such is its potency, that like the virus just mentioned, it requires merely what adheres to the point of a quill dip, ed in a solution of it to Omer the r mire aystetv—but must be instantly lined to prevent decomposition, and secure its fun nit.- ti e. Three quills in acute, and two in chronic disease every 24 hours, till the heat and fever hate subsided and a perfect cure is NT:cited.— ' Vilien it takes the place of leeches, stimulating ointmentit and tilioters in local infinnimation, I as Bisin Fiver. Croup, Toothache. Pleurisy, its mode of toiaciiistration is two•ftild. (See iirectiont fur diosolyieg, "The peculiar csceiii, se of this Salt is, that without the nucleon hut of blood nod strength, it effeottally elms inflammatory eases (no others) hr producing an equilibrium of all the fluid, of the body end a consequent uninterrupted eirculatioin The filllowing rent toms .bieb the unbalanced fluid„ no tome and many not here mentioned, that have more or 'lees fever and pain, ore as perfoctly subdued by the Antiphlogistie Suit, no lira is extinguished by water. I—Cases were the unbalunmai fluids sheet the /lead and Throat—to wit: bruin vor, Headache, Fitt, inflamed Ey., Ears aild Nose Canker, Neuralgia, Erysipelas, Bronehitio, he. 2—fasts wh7le the unbalanced dui& iilTect Cie Chest and Abdomen—to wit: Pleurisy, Asthma, Inflamed Linigs and Liver, Cully, Heartburn, Coughs. Dyspepsia, Gravel, Gonor rhea, Vel,ereal, to. 3—Cases when, the unbalanced fluids affect t k i f at.d all Itakit,, and other Cutaneous Erup‘, .1,;:. 4,i4 ”I...vizitt-s the itufhtminah,ry r,,aliar tervrind ladles (bet Ore of vohfinemeao end mahyFelM6, ; eillwacious in Fey( Ada, Vtouhde, Nervous auti Spinal elfeetiou., and etc other forme (mark thin) tory diefeast, attended with beat or lebrue eymi , tutu.. Persons who have IL tendency of blood to the head nod heart, and who lead i ateive lives, or breathe the impure air of menufactories and the poisonous fumes of metals and minerals, or live in unhealthy climates are exposed to a pe : culler ritation of the fluids of the body, which one dose, without itttcrieritar with diet or busi. niss, once in It eye monthe, would invariably prer.•nt. 1t is believed to allied protection a• Nan,' ti•rto uu diseases ; and therefore, it in recommehded to travellers, sailor's ntal aot Biers. To protect the community from imposition by roust' olcito, the proprietor will employ no and lIUS made such arrangements that he con send the medicine in any quantity. by mail or express, to any part of the United States or fineign countries. Ito prime cost to the discoverer is $1,50 per drachm—price $2 per drachm—and is put up up in drachm pack ages for acute disease (with directions, itc.) at $1 ; three drachms do., to.* chronic cases, $5; and 5 drachms do. tire families, sB—a net profit offiN cents on each package, While many nostrum milkers victimize the goodmaturt d and pill-ridden public by ordering from nix to a dozen box or bottles to cure any malady, no matter what, the undersigned IS happy in being able to state that the severest forma of recent inflammatory dint-ass are over come by one acute package, and the most obsti nate and long standing cases by one Chronic package. Although thirty . days have not elate sad since this new medic I agent became partially known to the citizens of Boston and 1 tea neighboring towns, yet ouch have been the results of its trial that, during the past week, nearly 400 packages were sold in this city, and orders received by , mail and express for Family, 347. Chronic, and 385 Acute nicks ; ;. s. In one instance six persons clubbed tu,:eileo and wrote for six packages of the ''Little as they called it,) to be fors/aided to one address, thereby saving expense to themselves and the proprietor. Letters from clubs or individuals with money (if over $10) should be registered at the post (Alice where moiled, as it costs but five emits. and will insure their safe arrival. he discover, now humbly submits his Perfect Substitute for the lancet, leeches itud blisters, to the tribunal of an intelligent public, reiterating that it dote just what it chtims to do—no more, no less: subdues itylommatory disease (no others) whatever be its form or to. cality by restoring the lost &donee between Use fluids and solids. Family pat loges $B, Chili. laic $5, and Acute s'4; to be had (tree of ex• pence) only by addresAg film through Box 322, Boston, Mb., or at his Unite, No. 3 WteterStreet. Cut out this advertisement and his comma• munication in another column for the perusal of your neighbors and your own future use. F. COGGSWELL, M. D., Discoverer and Proprietor. The Antiphlogistic salt, is for sale at the HUNTINGDON JOURNAL OFFICE. Mar.11,'57 JOHN H. ALLEN & CO. Nos, 2 a 4 Cucwrs UT Sr., a'th aide below Water PIIILAaLPIIIA. (The OldestlFOoTteaTello;;;,in the City.) yuANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE Dealers in Patent Machine.made Brooms, tt ut Giooved Cedur•Ware. warranted not to shrink, Wood & Willow-ware,Cords Brushes, &r., of all description. Ewea call iled seam. Ii 0 .c0....=.0c. rt,.. ''' o C 11X , r ,t•I' ;.1 7 0; 1 ' JOB OFFICE si. 0 O OF 'HIE ' o..HUNT. JOURNAL." o p o The largest and best : JOB OFFICE • oIN THE. COUNTY. ;( 4 ' • o JOB...WORK IS I 0 O OF F . ,), • :21.11 nanci.i ti: o EXECUTED , . :As Cheap as the Cheapest, : GIED E 32117251 4 0 THAN 1> :' : THZ. EXST• 'v * i , ' :PERFECT SATISFACTION 18 o n WARRANTED. o All kinds of ' ' l l 1 ° BLANKS 4v) : . . . 41 o ~,C 0: 9:A; o T L': . 0 : . : A . N P c ~ 4! * 4 t — VVVVVVP * N'st 11' ft..l • wiocawaam, mACITINK - SHOP AND FRENCH BURR . MILLSTONE, , Cure, 0! ti0.;100,,w0 llotol and New , Notrget Streets, on the North l'oooAylvanio Itoll Road, Philadelphia, uoicr, thy I y. Mill, 1.4 Sin ui Mlwhil, Johnstuik's Put,ta Iron CLineave Bran Uus• tem iiving Corn Kilns. : I Huopund Moulding Sto,4'B P:,11. PlCl,ol..ri 31achi,es. nd 811311e9 for Mill Ityproveil Brilige F. Spindles.- ......- W latAN The beat A behor f 5,11.0 I tc,!1,...! CHlieo M:11 Stuyes. Cote, Colt; Crushers. ALSO SOLE oWN EP OF Joh insto'lU. cave 51112:0 East ri7,V 4 87ZiliTast 7,1;;Tr1,7.1 antrnlssissip• pi Itivera. . . Warranted to take out of the offal of every Ground, from 1 to 2i lbs, of standard tar, which conkd not be bolted nut on account of the electrical udhesira. to the Bran. Noric l _1 warn all persons agnirt , t • , • ' secured by Letters Pa tent • : ~,,,ectite all permit's , • aoy Tiran Dusters • ..nrn it Vio -00,11 •• • - • • 1/11.10h11. 1 1; • • . ~vrtett)r. N. ):.-- !tights for 1.1. BOOKS! ( 11 ' 1 ' 4 ,1* BOOKS! 40,000 ?;,`,. ) ,;.:! - ''elliti: S ritoc f ititiee'evvTr":' 7t i t : : 12 ' t7 usually kept in a Philadelphia Book Store, nod nn, of them at haifthe Publisher's r e tail p r i ce , the subscriber now offers to the public. . - MI school books used in the county can ho hod in on) quantities at retail nod wholesale rates. Foolscap, Letter and Wrapping raper, wholesale or by the ream. 100 superior'Gold Pens with Silver and Gold Case, from $1 upwards. . . ino Pocket and Pen knives of Rogers' and other.' hest manufacture. 100 , plemlitl Port Aloonniessinel Pocket Books at 211 et, and upwards. 3.000 PILLES WALL PAPEU , of the latest and prettiest atyleajast received from Philadelphia and New York, prices front lo cts. a piece and upwards. hot) beautifully painted and gold gifted Win dow Shades at 14 etc. and upwards. The public lave but to call and examine, to be convinced that in buying of the above stock they wll be pleased and also save money. Re member the place, corner of Montgomery and Railroad eiroeto WM. COLON. Apr.23,'56. IN BLAST AGAVI II Huntingdon ' Foundry. Ajuip ruin; SUBSCRIBERS TAKE THIS ME thud or informing their Builds and the Nth lie generally, that they have rebuilt tbo Hunt ingitun Foundry, and are noir in succee.stu *- oration. and are prepared to furnish cast all kinds, of the best quality on the shorty, c , • • tice end moi , t reasonable terms. Farmers are invited u. call and examitc, We are !It Aloracturing the r•• (0., ,oougli took ,• 1:. • .1 t ,11,,cy A vrieulturl F”; i„ i• 1.1... 11,, •.•' • , Cllttflr !;••,, . I : I itil I I I Sid, .111 , i !, 11014,115. WC i! till Ilalt,i 111111 ing stoves, such as Cook, Purim 11,,t1 t,lii. a stoves fur coal cr wood. nOLLOSAt-Weiltil consisting of Kettle, Boilers, Skillets, &c., all of which will he all cheep for cash or in ex , change fat country ~reduce. Ohl metal token for new enstings. By it strict attention to hid ness and desire to please, we hope to receive a share of public patrol:lg, J. M. CUNNINGHAM & BRO. April ao, 1856.—tf. • Dr. McCulloch, nirer9 bin profession i berViCeb 10 Ihe of Ulluntingdon and vicinity. Othee, on Eill st., between Montgomery nod Bath. Huntingdon, Aug. 29, 1855. AGENTS WANTED! e $130.00 c P h e a r n m e n : t r h t i t few w il y e o r n is g m a e rare to make a large salary without investing a capi• tal. Thu above is no 'three cent catch-penny,' nr litanbto, to introduce Patent Medicines, Books, Ac. For an outfit, enclose stamps for return postage. Address T. S. CARTER, Box No. 8, Lawrence, Mass. Jour. 7t,'57:-3w. LEATHER ! LEATHER ! LEATHER HENICY W. OVERMAN, Importer of French Calf Skins, and General Leather Dealer, No. 6 South Third street, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kinds of Leather Morocco, &c. BED AND OAK SOLE LEATHER, Maroh4,'67.. MEDICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DOG TOR JOHNSTON. THE founder of this Celebrated Institution, offers the most certain, speedy, and only effectual remedy in the wotld for Gleets, Stric tures, Seminal Weakness, Pain in the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Impotency, Weakness of the Back and Limbs, Affections of the Kid— neys, Palpitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Ner vous Irritability, Disease of the head, Throat, Nose or Skin ; and all those serious and melan choly disorders arising from, the destructive habits of Youth, which destroys both body and mind. These secret and solitary practices are more fatal to their victims than the song of the Syrens to the mariner Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes of anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. young Men, especially, who have beCome the victims of Sol itary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit, which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of young men of the most exalted talents, and brilliant intellect, who might oth erwise have entranced listening senates with the thunders of eloquence, or waked to testacy the living lyre, may call with all confidence. Marriage. Married persons, or young men contempla ting marriage, being aware of physical weak ness, organic debility, deformities, &c., should • immediately consult Dr. Johnston. He who places himself under the care of Dr. Johnston may religiously confide in his honor es a gentleman, and confidently rely upon his skill as a physician. • Organic Weakness. immediately cured, and full vigor restored, This disease is the penalty most frequently paid by those who have become the victim of improper indulgencies. Yt.ung persons are too apt to commit excesses from not being aware of the dreadful consequence that may ensue.— Now, who that understands the subject will pre tend to deny that the power of Procreation is lost sooner by those falling into improper habit than by the prudent. Besides being deprived of the pltaserr of healthy offspring, the most and destructive symptoms to mind and bo de mkt,. The system becomes deranged , the pLy-leaf and mental poweix weakened, nervous (1,1.11dy, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, in tligm.tion, a wasting of the frame, cough symp tom, at Congumptlon. _ . . office No. 7, South Frederick Street, sr:- N.010 , 4ms /1111 Baltimore street. East side, op the 11010. lie particular in observing the name and number, or you will mistake the place. A Cure warranted, in Two Days. NO MERCURY Olt NAUSEOUS DRUGS. Dr. Johnston, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, geminate from one.of the most eminent Colleges of the United States, and the greater part of whose lite has been spent in the first Iles pitals of London, Paris Philadelphia, and eke where. lois ',fleeted some of the most astonis..- ing cores that were over known, many troubled with ringing in the heed and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfulness, with frequent blushing Mewled sometimes with derangement of suited, were cured immediately. h Bari. & O. Plaster Certain Disease. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds be has imbibed the seeds of this painful disease. it to too often happens that an ill-tinted sense of shame, or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those who front ed ucation and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such us ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness at sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones, and Reins, blotches on the. hpittl..rann oitd esetromitiss, progyessimi with lriglithil ramdity, till at last the elate of the mouth or the bones of this nose Nil in, tint' the victim of this awful disease be wines a horrid object of commiseration, tall decal puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that bourne from whence We traveller returns," To such, therefore, Dr. Joloistim pledges himself to preserve the most iuvut ti le secrecy, and from his extensive prite tice in the first Hospitals of Europe and Ann:li en, he can confidently recommend a safe and speedy mire to the unfortunate victim of this WI - rid disease. It is a melancholy fact that thousands full vic tims to this horrid disease owing to the unskil fulness of ignorant pretenders who by the use of 3hatt deadly poison Mercury, ruin the cons.i tution. and either send the unfortunate sufferer to an untimely grave, or make the residue of his tuir °rabic. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J.. addresses all those who have injured themselves by imprope! indulseneies. _ These are some of the sod and melancholy effects produced by•enrly habits of youth, viz; Weakness of the Buck and Limbs, Paths in the head, Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular pow er. Palpitation of the Heart Dyspepsia, Nervous Irritability, Derangements of the Digestive Functions, lenaral Debility Symptoms of Con sumption, MENTALLY—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded; Loss of memory, Con fusion ott leas, Depression of Spirit, Evil For bodings, Aversion to Society, Self Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, &e., are some of the evils produced. _ Thousands of persons of all ages, can now tudgg what is the cause of their declining health. Losing that—vigor, becoming weak, pule and emaciated, havu singular appearance about the eyes, tough and symtums of consumption. Dr..Ddnistomes Invigorating Reme dy' for Organic IV enknebs. Ry this great and important remedy, weakness of the organs is speedily (*wed and full rigor en st:a•ed. Thousands of the most debilitated and nervous, who had lost all hope, have been im iitely All Impediments to Mar- Physical or Mental Disqualification, Irritability, Tremblings and Weakness, ..xhan,tionYtt the most fearful kind, speedily ed by Doctor Johnston. Young 6en, have injured themselves by a certain pm : • iv lulp,ed in when alone—a habit itequeittly From evil cutnpanitimi, nr at schnol—the cceci , of which are nightly felt,even when a :4,r',mid ii not cured renders marriegginipos. sible, and destroye troth mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity theta young man, the hope °llia country, and the darling or his parents should be snatched Item all prospects and enjoyments of lire by the consequence oideviating from the path 01 nature and indulging in a certain eecret habit Such persons before contemplating Marriage, - should reflect that a sound mind and i•ody are the most neeessary requisites to promote connu bisl happiness. Indeed without these, the jour ney through life becomes a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view. the mind becomes shadowed with despair, and tilled with the melancholy reflection that the happiness dawdler becomes blighted with our own. OFFICE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERICK ST., BALTIMORE, Ml). To Strangers. The many thousands cured at this Institution within the last 15 years, and the numerous im portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the Reporters of the pa pers, and other persons, notices of which have appealed again and again before the pub lic, is a sufficient guarantee to the afflicted. N. B. There are so many ignorant and worthless quacks advertising themselves as Physicians, ruining the health of the already af flicted. Dr. Johns'n deems it necessary to say to those unacquainted with his reputation that his Diplomas always hang iu his office. 'Taxa NOTICE.-All letters must bo post paid, and contain a postage stamp for the roplv, or no answer will bo sent. Jim IS, 1857,-1y TERMS OF TIIE JOURNAL. TERMS : . The"lfaxxixonots JOURNAL' IS published at he following rates If paid in advance sl,s* If paid within six months after the tine of subscribing . . If paid before the expiration of 1119 , 7 ear, 2,0.0 And two dollars and fifty cents if not' paid till after the expiration of the year. No subscrip tion taken for a less period than six nt onthr. I. All subscriptions are continued until oth erwise ordered, and no paper will be disconkinu ed, until arrearages are paid, except at the olStlou of the publisher. . . 2. Returned numbers are never received by us. All numbers sent us in that way are lost, xad never accomplish the purpose of the sender. 3. Persons wishing to stop their subscriptinris, must prey up arra:rages, and send a written or verbal order to that effect, to the office of pub- lication in Huntingdon 4. Giving notice too postmaster is neither a legal or a proper notice. 5. After one or more numbers of a new year have been forwarded, n new year has commenc ed; and the paper will not be discontinued with arrearages ore paid. See No. 1. The Courts have decided that reffising totake a newspaper from the office,' or removing and leaving it uncalled for, Is roams recur evidence of intentional fraud. Subscribers living in distant counties, or it. other States, will be required to ray invariably in advance. itirThe above terms will be rigidly adhered to in all eases. ADVERTISEMENTS Will ho charged at the following rates - 1 insertion. 2 do. 2 dd. Six lines or less, $ 25 $ 97i $ 54/ Ono sqnnre, (16 lines,) 50 76 109 Two 4 . (32 `. ) 100 150 209 3 inn. 6 such 12 In, Ono square, $3 00 $5 00 $8 00 Two squares, 5 00 8 00 12 U 0 A column, 800 12 00 18 00 12 00 18 00 27 00 3 do., 18 00 27 00 40 00 to., 28 00 40 00 50 04 Business Cards of six lines, or 1090 $4.00. Agents for the Journal. The following persons we have appointed Ageu, s for the IJENTINGDON JOURNAL, who are author ize) to receive and receipt for money pahl on oak seription, and to take the names of new subscri bers at our published prices. We do this for the convenience of our sultscr;- I.ers living at a distance front Huntingdon. Jong W. THOMPSON, EST, 11011ilitlySbUrg, GEOUGE W. Consnmrs, Cromwell township. IlEnnv Hopson, Clay township. Davin ETIMIE, Cromwell township. Dr. J. P. Astteosr, Penn township, J. WARE HAM MATTERN, Franklin township, SAMUEL Srmrnr, Jackson township, Col. Joe. C. WArsots, Brady township, Mounts Bnowx, Springfield township, WM. lityrommon, Esq., Wadriorsmork t p., Gaon,. W. WHITTAKER, Petersburg, llama NEFF', West Barron. JOHN BALSDACII, Witterstreet, Maj. Citantats MicaLar, Tod township, A. M. BLAIR, Dublin township, GEORGE WILSON, Esq., Tell township, damns Cmtun, Birmingham. NATHANIEL. LYTLE, Esq., Spruce Creek Maj. W. Moo., Alexandria. B. F. IVam.acE, Union 1 ' SIMEON WRIGHT, Esq, at township. DAVID CLARKSON, Esq., sae VAVIISiIip. SAMUEL WIGTON, Esq., I. ranklin township. GEonaE SHANK, Esq., Warriorsmark. Davin AURANDT, Esq., Todd township. Dit. J. ALFRED SHADE, Dublin township. The "JOIJHNAL" has 300 Subseti bows more, than any Other paper in this county. . IL K. NEFF, M. D., 4VING located himself in WA anion:v.% H tn this county, would respectfully utici professional services to the citizens of that place and the country now:cut. HEMMEN.. J. B. Luden, M. B. Gen. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Wm. I'. Oroisou lilyJ. H. Dorsey, " Hon. Jatuos Owl ' ~ hl. Stewart, " John Scott, Boy. 1 Hon. Goorge Taylor. Hunt Jacob M Gommill, M. D., Alexandria.ingdo n, Ai John M'Culloch, " Peterdurg. Ip7,'a2 .tt. U. ORAVP. T. R. littAFF' GRAM? & CO. WESTERN FOUNDRY No. 124 Wood Street, PITTSBUR I'l _ . MANUFACTURERS OF Cooking Stoves, Coal and Wood Stoves, Park Stoves, Box Stoves,Hollow Ware, Plain an.: Fancy Grates & Fnders, Sad and Dog Iron. Portable Forges, Sugar, Tea and Stow Katt lc!. Wagon Boxes, &e. Nov. 26, RAILROAD HOURS. TRAINS GOINU EAST. +. Mail T. Ex. 'l'. I Past T. Train leaves P. M. A. M. P. M. Petersburg, 2.46 3.36 9.36 Huntingdon, 3.03 3.54 9.62 Mill Creek, 3.16 4.04 10.01 Mt. Union, 3.33 4.17 10.14 TRAINS Gorse West. Train leaves P. M. A. M A. IC Mt. Union, 4.46 7.05 12.34 Mill Creek, 5.03 7.18 12.11 Huntingdon, 5.18 7.32 1.92 Petersburg, 0.34 7.45 1.15 INDUSTRY MUST PROSPER, JN. BALL respectfully solicits the atteuti •of the flaming community to a quality POI/U/18 which he is now manufacturing, and tv:l , have ready liur sale in a few days, he is also pry lured to make harrows, wagons, carts, wheel barrows, &c., &c., and to do all kind of repairing at the shortest notice, and is the most substautlui manlier. ShoponN.W.cornerut Montgomery NUL, Mts.* lugton sts. blench 27 1855—tf. . A. P. Wl',sou. It. Bayou Pal WILSON & PETRIKIN, ATTORJVEYS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, P.l. Practice in the several Courts of Iluntini , , , Blair, Cambria, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata Cc is, ties. March 83, 1855. FEMALE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. 9111 E library will be open every Saturday n ternoon, at 4 o'clock, in their room in Court House. Subscription 50 cents a 3, a , New books have been added to the former cellent collection:—Gillfillen's works, It.: Miller's, Miller's, Mrs. Ellet's Ste. By order or the Predidelt Huntingdon, Oct. 18t, 1856, WOOVNTRIf DEALEUB f• • !LOTHINH from me in Huntingdon in 1% %le, as cheap as they can in the cities, as 1 11, Wholesalo at re in Philadelphia. Apr.9,'56• H. HOU:\ . BLANKS.--Always buy your Blanks e "Journal Office." We have now prepareo a ry superiorarticle of BLANK DEEDS, DO' I JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXL,. TIDES, Sr.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers