',l:ern :10 ch-.itizsor. C mc,-Jo ftfOk Frost. gearet-pbtatoes. 17i91•—frealt meat Tot all hinds. Ir4atf*our town yentenlay. tatrlnur is declining. tia‘The v,,atlittr is delightful. IsBlbe debt of Spain is $33,000,000. 1' 'A Crystal Palace in to be built at Naples. 1 Cuba contains a population of one million. e'The fever and ague prevails in Hun. ,tingdon, The flies and mosquitoes are getting stiff in the joints. girThe sweet potato crop this year is im• manse. There are about fifty thousand Mormons in Utah. ter Manners is a medal whose reverse is insolence. CrThe Cholera Las entirely disappeared at Colombia. be" There was a regular 'muss,' among the b'hcla. on Saturday night last. Pesclies are netting at s3—per dozen in California. IFelo make people quiet, always gi,ethern what they went. e,'The apple crop in Ohio has been un usually abundant. "Steam fire engines are being introduced into oar principal cities. grThere are fifty hotels in New York, cal• ued at $12,850,000. Crlt is said that • there is 87,000 Know Nothings in Indiana. The New York Sun is printed on 'paper im ported from France. Mt—Since the i:mtease of pay in the army, there is quite a rush to enlist. lIM.The army expenses during the current year will cover $7,600,000. ta"The methodists are erecting a splendid Church in Washington city. WA tooth weighing six pounds has been exhumed near Newark, N. J. ''The coal product of the world in 1853, is evtimated at 75,000,000 tons. • (Or A hotel has been erected at Portland, Me., called the "Know Nothing House." 'The first three children baptizdd in Dos• ten, were Joy, Recompense, and Pity. ti'"'Counterfeit 550 gold pieces are in cir culation in California. vulne of the hog buainegs in Cincin nati last year oat $9,871,383. WA carpet made of ivory is to be exhibited at the Paris World's Fair in 11133. MARRIED, Near McConneletown, on Thursday the stb inat., by the Rev. W. M. Deatrick, Mr. J. A tXANIII:R NORRIS Or McConnelstown and Miss ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of Mr. Jacob Hicks. In thin Borough, at Mr. Ryic's, on the sonie day and by the same, Mr. J.,ox Dtterrna and Miss MARI' Jetat, daughter of John Port, all of the vicinity of Huntingdon. ~~IG ~~~~~31~~ ~~'3o HUNTINGDON, Octocr 13, Isl 4. $1 1,00 2,{10 210 ,Flour per Md., Tied Wheat, per be., White Wheat, per bit Bye, per be Corn, per bit l'httS, per Li, Bay, per ton Butter, per lb., Lard, per 1b.,• Eggn, per doz., PHILIDEPLUA, Oct. 9.—Sales of 500 bhls superfine Floor sold at $7,73, nil some 7 n POOO 1)1)15 at $7,75 a 0.00. Ilse Flour6,:l7i. Corn meal is .3:arce. Gruin.—There is very little wheat offered some 4 a 5,000 bushels southern at 1.60 a 1,65, for fair to good red 1,65 a 1,73 for prime white. Bye is scarce ut 1,13 1,10. Corn 70 a 70c. Oats 48 a 49c. Grocery, Confectionary, - . AND @VVITI. i . It 2.1 2 IrsYD al . A ICDREW ItREBI. 7 B, would respectfully in n form the citizens of Huntingdon and vicini ty that ho has just returned front the rust, with a very large and fresh supply of Fruit and Confectionaries, such as Candies, Lemons, Raisins, Nuts, &c., and the largest stock of Toys and Fancy ArtiCles, ever offered fin• sale in thin town, Me receives &lily from the,eity of Baltimore, the hest OYSTERS that enn he found. The,e in want of prime .shell fish,' con lie neeommoda te'n by calling nt the saloon. Ile has fitted tip a expressly for the Ladies. Thankful to the public for past favors, he hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continu- AAce of the same. Huntingdon, Oct. 12, 1853. If You Want to Buy Cheap Goods, Call at the Store of l'ltattla .fj V:iYl - 111. TILE subscriber would respectlully announce to the public, that he has returned from Philadelphia and New York. and la now opening ut his well known stand in Market Square, the ' largest and prettiest assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, ever brought to the borough of Huntingdon, and is now selling at unusually low prices. My stook comprises in port, Cloths, Cassimers 4 black and fancy, Satipetta, 0 large v yof Satin and Silk Vestings, Kentucky a pm]. Jeans, Tweeds, Tickings, brown and plied Muslins, Drills, Crash Bags and Bagging.. Table Diaper, &e., and a great variety of goods too te dious to mention. Ladies Dress and Fancy Goods. A large assortment of Under sleeves, Collars and spencers. Prints in abundance,Mous. do Lanes, Do Berege, Manaus, Lustros, Cashmeres, Florence Mar celine, and Gro. de Naafi)]. Bonnets and Edging, Ribbons, fancy, and black Gimp, black silk Lace, Ladies' icid Gloves, Gents black do., rat : Lmen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Italian Cravats, ,oaiory, cc, ,/,.,-' roots and Shoes. - )ensware, Glassware ;actor Ware, e.,ii •oceries, and Caps. iw Goods. m selected with the grenteet tality and price, and 1 flatter l'er inducements to purchasers ,where. patronage of the past, by my blie generally, 1 respectfu:ly 33 of the saute. GRIN. 11, 1!154. itrat9es Notice. sinistration having been gran kter of• Wills of Huntingdon, the estate of Into of Weat townAhips Wee to ell Ng t,. in,le..ted dee tbraltisl oil make par- Ms having eluttns against ti e tem to the subscribers fur set• (OLIN ,Amur,L lIENDERbOS, ,—ds.• SALE VI.LUABLE REAL ESTATE, rian under.igned will sell at Private Sale, jel tiler or all of the following described trate of land, to wit t No. 1. A triter of Llmmona land near the Shade Gap, in Duldin tuivtishin, containing 170 Acres. This land in patented; with good build ing. and good water thereon; and about 100 aer” cleared and cultivated. No. 2. A tract of Limestone land, in Tell tp., Huntingdon Co.; lying un the Waterloo and Burnt Caliiiis'road. adji.iiiing James Jones and others, containing 154 Atli,. of limn laud unit 80 acres of Nloinitaiti land adjacent. Some 75 acres are clotted and cultivated; whit n house and harp, orchard and excellent water on the premixes. No. A tract of 200 acres at land, lit Wal ker township, at the tumuli of Haystown Branch Three miles below Huntingdon, partly river bot tom and partlo red slate table land. About 80 acres aro cleared and cultivated, with it dwelling house...l barn on the premises,—it number of hearing fruit trees and a young orchard of graf ted apple and peach trees, &c. N0 * ..4. A tract of 287 acres of land in Tod township, with a house and barn thereon erected and about 60 or 70 acres cleared and cultivated, with good water and good fruit ntereon—now in the tenantry of Vincent Robinson. This land lies near the route of thn projected Drake's lorry & Broad Top klailaoad. Nil. 2. A tract of 140 ncres of land in Hope well; adjoining land ofJolin Beimer, Jas. Earl ken and otheis—about 70 acres are cleared, with a new log dwelling house thereon. This land is fresh and producare, and adjoins the Bruad Top Railroad at Coffee Ran. The terms will he made ea.y to suit purchasers and the title will be warranted. I/AVID BLAIR. Huntingdon, dlet. VALUABLE PROPERTY WITRATc sALT, rrIIE undersigned wishing to dis pose or a million of their real C' ill offer at 1m1)11, solo on the premises, On Thursday the nth day or November, A. I). 1854, the Mill and Farm, situate 5 mike from Huntingdon, in Woodcock Valley, and onhi one hall mile from the Brunt Top Railroad; containing 224 Acres of superior limo stone land, 220 of which are elearcu. Ev ery field on the premises is supplied with run ning enter all seasons at the s ear. The Griot Still is new, with three run a stones nod caleu toted for four; with the most approved machine ry. Also. a gust miller's House, with neees• ears. outbuilding, this is one of the hest points in the eonnft for a store and grain nierchant, no almost all flail wheat that comes to Huntingdon passes by the • mill, and would stop there if at market was offered.. On the farm, is n orgy two story j stone hence, and all the neces.ary with a newer Whim spring close to the !more, and a habit boru and stable. There ore 2 orch ards on the, premises, one of which in entirely of grafted fruit, carefully selected. The farm is in a line state of cultivation, and the mill nod buildings are in good repair. . _ There is also I 70 - neres niid are hind within I mile of the firm, which will he sold with it. There iv on this tract a very fine VCill ci titscil ore, which inn, been opened. The above has been divided into three sepa rate properties, end will be sold separately or together, as pure lw.crs may desire. " " The tirt.t tliriaiuu to eonisiti 10 ',ere,: immedi ately around and it.cluding the Mill, with all its water rights. The second dit•i>ion to contain 175 acres of the farm land, with the farm buildings; and the 170 acres or wood and ore land. The third division ru contain IN nem adjoin ing the above property, nith an orchard on the Drain: 6r the uhole. and also ol the seporate will he cxlithiti..l MI the duy sols. NlS—.ill lie wale easy. to snit pureloi et,, cud hill he niede kou.n ot the sole, or up on application to one of the undersigned at Hun tingdon, ur uL Loki:tette College, Easton, Pa. S. S. W HAItTON, H. S. IVHARTON. 5 , Oct. 11, 1524.-st. Executoes Notice. T ETTEPS te•dantentory have this day been grunted to the tuitleredgned. on the I'.:inte William Flymi. late of I lititetve II Hun tingdon county. dee'd. Ali persons todebted a ill nuke immediate ltitment, mei those baying claims will I resent tluly authenticuted fur settlement. s.v+ii.7Er., TINGLING, Strolergrown, Bed. Co, LEVI EVANS; Coalman. Hunt. Co. Executors, Oct. 11, 's4.—Gt.• TAKE NOTICE. ALL rers— indebted to the suliseril , er will please veil and settle their accounts on or he fore the ti,t d .y of Jan u ary next—all ammunts remaining untitled Mier that date will he placed in the hands of a proper officer for collection. JOHN N. SWOUrli: Alexandria. Sept. 6,1654.-4 tn. ' To • DR. 2. RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Stonerstown, Coal Mont, llopewell, and the country adjacent. that he has located a Medieal (Mee in the house ihrmerly occupied by Lemuel Evans. Fdahand is now ready to attend to all mills, and ho strict attention to business, hopes to receive n good portion of public. favor. September 6, 1854.-Iy. Taluable Farm at Public Sale. vi7ll.t. he offered et Public Sole, on the prem v Vilea. on Tuesday, the thl day of I /ember next, a Fernt in Cromwell township. Huntingdon county, on the hank of Big Aughwick Creek, near Melinda Iron Works, containing about 118 Acres and the usual allowance, 1110 Acres of which are cleared 'lnd in a good state of cultiva tion. The improvements ore it double Log Barn, too Dwelling Douses, with other out buildings, an orchard of upwards of tutu Apple trees, and a email Tan Yard. The terms wilt be made easy, and MI indisputable title given hp JOBS: FOWLER. September 6, '54.-3t.• Notice to School Directors and Teachers Tho School Directors of the following tin med School Districts, are hereby notified that 1 will meet them as designated, tor thepurpose of examiningteachers awl granting con ilicatem: Oct. 51.11 at Orhisonia, to examine applicants for the schools of Cromwell district. (Jet. 1 lth at Souldburg, to examine rippli• cants fir the sehook ofßarree (ht. 12th at Ennisville, to examine appli• cants fur the schools of Jackson district. Oct. 14th at ()whites School House to ex• amine applicants fur the schools ol• Union dis• trier. Oct. 16th at Mill Crrek, to examine appli• cants for the schools ot• Brady district. Oct. 18th at Shirleysbur,:. to examine appl:, cants for the schools or Shirley district. Oct. 19th at Shade Gap, to examine appli• cants for the schools of imblio and Tell &sets, Oet. 21st ut Scottsville, to examine appli cants for :he schools of Cloy and Springfield districts. _ Oct. 23rd at Cassville. to examine nppli cants for the schools at Cass and Tod di. triet.. Oct. 23111 at 9lurkleshur•=. to exatnine ari.!i cants for the schools of Penn and _lloyess,.. districts. 2iith at McCoy', ,wn. to examine ap• plicants tier the schools or Walker districts. N. D.—Those districts which have neglected to make out their yearly . report would confer a favor by attending to it immediately. Teachers may he examined at any time by presenting Certificates of good moral character linen ha Board of Directors of the District in ahi;.h they are tippl vin Copies of the School Laws and decisions, can ho furished to Directors by calling at the oqice of Fisher and Williainson, tai Hill Strect,r at my residence on steel, in the burouth of Huntingdon, J. S: BARR, County Supt. liuutiugdon Oct. 4,1854.-4 t. BIOZAF.4 L'ard,y ,5. Kap. Bedding and Carpet WA RE;rotnr.. No. 148 South Secodd Street, firs nouns ATlvi; RPRIMR llrtxllT, Ptltl:A• Where 110 keep. , con , fnntiv en hand n a.eort• meet of , every article in hie line of butane... Feathers. Feather Reds. PATENT SKIING mArrnlsssr,sl, 'Curled Hair. Mr, ling. and Straw .If.,ITTUKSRES, Meet tfliteAtro, TI I ,IOI. Prowl., Three-Ply, Ingrain. renetinn, List, Iraq and ileum Carpotings, Oil roths, Canton Matlinall, Cocoa cud Spnekli Martinis, Floor and Stair •Ornetrets. Ifenrilt Rees, Mior Mutt, TABLU AND PIANO COVEggs To whin he respectfully invitee the attention of purchasers. [Oct. 4, 1 54.—1 y. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. THE under:doted molder. anointed by the Orphans Court of Iluntinedon county. to die trihute the 11111111 lee in the hand'. of Cal. Ilresswell nolminktrater of David %Venda, hereby gives notice to all persons interetomithnt Ire will attend ler the purrnvot of imiltit,t distribution, on Sninnbty the 4th thy of Novem ber next, at 011 P I'. NI., at alien, in the borough el llontinetien. "hen and where all persona interested nary attend. JOHN REPO, Auditor. A UDITORN NOTICE. Oct. 4, 1854,-4t, THE ninler.tigne , l ninlitnr Appointed ty the OrplonnA Court or tin ntitupion enmity to tiktrih- Ilte the balmier in the hundA of J o h n n e . i ti n , admr. of Daniel ainon,t Ong° entitled to receive The , none, hereby give.; notice to all tiersnon intert , ted that he will attend rot. the porno, 14 . 11131kitla nail diAtrihution. on Fri day th e 3,1 ,1,,y of November next, nt one tielnek P. M.. nt (Olive in the borongh of !hinting don, when and where n 111,0 1 ,0119 imeregte,l may attend. JOHN REED, oet. 4, 1814 —4t. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of 'lames Leonard. deceased. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the Orphan's ('tart of linntingibin County, to ascer tain the liens. if any against the roll catitte, of Lr.ll , li. 111'11.. and to make distribution of the amount of the valuation of naid real estate. to and among the I , rirg and ltgtl representsitivPs of said dee d.. will attend for that parpwe Of 'tin allive, in the hre•ote,ll Hnntinv,(l,,n, on Friths octolier 27t1t, IPSO. at one nit P. NI. at whieh titer all persons are requir!,l to pre,in their claims liefote such auditor. or be deterred from coining in for a share clot+ f and. A. IieWIiI.NEDIOT. Oct. 4,1854.-4 t Teachers Wanted. rrnE , e hr.l of isrmis tawn,hip, wish to employ' FIVE Teschers to toke rh:u•_e of the polilie schools in rho District. fn• a term of lion• teontlis, to commence on the I •• , t of No vevelier nest. One Teiteher is needed, to teseli the German, in convict tine with the Enelimh. T. e Comity Superintendent, will give piddle notic , or the time, he will ittiell.l in the 111 , 111't t., 0,1 , t11,10 llPPlienlltS WhO latco not received theft evrtilletites heretofore. 'rho Direettn, will pre.ent end receive applications at that or any other time. By order of the Tionrd. H. L. MeCARTIIY, Sec'y NI. 4, ISS4.—Z. 11untingdon County U. Tl , O C ~,,, mon wealth or l'ennsyivunia, to Mary Carter. of said minty. Greeting: Where... Joseph Carter, did on the 2WI day of Yelirintry, instant, prefer petition to the HUH. George Taylor. Esq.. Pre,dilent .111,1g,t the Court of Common l'loas i.t tie connty of eat nig that for eer• taut entices therein set Petit. he might lie divorced crir, the hands or matrimony entered into with the said Mary ettrter. We do tlierer,ro eon, the said Mary Corte, Rs yon were be t,o, ~ m omonled, that setting u•dile all tither lin sint,.. eXettei wiintsoever, you he and tip- I sir in eour proper person before tint Jildges ut tiou•iti,..'utt, at n court of Common Pleas there i,e hal tinr the said (veiny, on the geotalti ~" Nnortnlier, A. it. 1854, to mower the ),, out Pll orthe I 3a4t•idi Carter, told to sliew 311yy111` why the sail t'..tt-r yr , ‘l,l clintild not be di: Toreed trout the bwirls of unity:loony. agreeably to the art oh General Asseinhly in touch ease made and pried:led. And 1.,, ,or you are not to fail. Witness the Hon. 11eurge Taylor. &al.. Preilident of our call court. at Huntingdon this 211th day IA Anat.. A. D. 1.154. .16611 CA (i IMENLAND, offlee, ()et. 4. '51.-4t.• i t fresh supply of Garde. Seeds train 1ii617.q Lt Gardens, just retTived, and fin• sale by Feb. 23, 1853. &. SAXTON. t LIED AND AGUE. T)11. EI)WAI:1) STAStritnli for the l e t eyelid Ague, Cliagres Fever, I lyspepsiat, and all Illiliiu< .litlections. 'rhe proprietor of this Meilionte will ,tioe, with out hesitation or tear of oaltra4lictoat, t'..tt the St.anne,le \fixture hat, care,l taste per: ,a wr.w.re it lets 1,1,11 111:1WthlVed. rli,ui nor other iu use t o e the This 31e,licilie has neither arsenic our quinine la its ciiiiipo.ition; all or the ingrwlients arc of a perrectihlly healthy character, and highly stimaiiiiiira and nici,ta ting in their teudener. 1%4,011, while widt: this 'Aledicine will net lie allevicii 1., expo-etc to wa ter or a Hatay atttio,pliere any :ante than when in their usual health. Monti sin i.vetion; 01' the eoutitry where the Ague pre v.O do well to adopt this Medicine. it the I enc.! is not obliged to Itic by while under ireiWWWW. and they may he assured ut a Nri.r.ol Cum.. 'lhe 'proprietor could introduce thousands if i•ercakui, from those of the hi,ll.e,t r.-p but oreters saying to the sick —llex one tiotrie. and 1.:1 have the iniallilde pveil in ynarseir. lull flir 1,1.15 C ‘W‘,llll/illll 1:101 111)ttle• ca. he semi at tin: When. showing where this Medici.: has 1,,,1i1,1/ When all others have For ity:pepslit and all other llillioue Oat, plaints, there' , liOt a Inllna . in IllaiiNCL It InIS also) he., with thv iimst .1,4. i-f ling mime. In .e‘l,lll vases ol and Until; for tile.o complaint. lake a twice a day. o. bottle of this Medicine very alien has the desired elleet. si 11,1. tile: For slit• be p rugg i,,tA in all intro, of mu Ijone.l State.: mot i2antola. All Woole,alu 'must hu .61.1ru , ed to MEAD S.; 1; I. EEL'I,K It. Sole t o nro.olwav, New York. Agent, llon.vcr. Seno.ao,er 6. 1854.—1 y end Mated Spoom, Gold, silverund L Muted Syeerdeles, at Edm. Su it 'e JewcLc Store. POUT Mt tN NA I ES. Card Cases, and the 11. lie, t git:ility of Wosli.lioLm's locket Kives, a very iitrge omit ity at Ed,i. Snaro's Stare. Atlttsittistrtttor's Notice. ETTEIZs ..1* .I , lliiiiii,tratitin hu. i t been • gi I, y Regbger of Ihnitilwlini io the lin the eStlit of l'tttctrrt.,N 11 ' .11,11N I, it 1:11,• Ch,. ,11,1i0li he looe , y •• person: holvble.i to sold c,1;11, I c tualike paymeol, hilt': nplinst flip saint) **ill pri7perlV who reside itt - plea, P , li.r Clay t.. , ‘ county. near the re Aidenee Id WI i J. WAGONER, Aihn'r. Septeniher 13, 1834.—tit. Afteilinigmator's Notice. IT ETTER , . id . Xitinitli:oration having I:eon . ei:throd, the Iteeister of lint, intolon co., t o a, 4.11 the eQtnietif DAttuELIL . M•NG. Into Cl 1.• 11),Iloo'd.. he bereh , Kies 11. rice to nil porecut in:lel:toil to said estitte to coin , figward utt.t iodise ptiyment, and nil persons hoe ing, elitino. !wailed tile !mine will pleonn present them. propody authenticate:l Mr :Agnomen!, to thu snitseiilier, who resides in l'ass township, Iluntingdon comity. JACOB HENRY I)ELL, Adm'r. September 13. 1,14.-61. BEAUTIFUL, assortment of Fan,' rat Cludoi Summer Wear ti.r . nien Rua buy's. Also,Curp ' et Bags. &a:, ikc!, jest receiv ed and fur sale by J. hi W. 841XTON., Prize lira for Payer and Ague. /lire three table-•goons. fnl (one-third of the contents of the bottle) in the morning, one-third at noon, and the linliinee in the evening. before MOllll, on the pottletiCe gale day, or when 11 e ebille and fever have anheitled —previiini-lv biking it doze iirptirgative medieiuo re cleanse the im The bottle to he well shaken. C4' Children to take it in smaller do !MS. proportioned to ng,e. Cal`' Pereone wishing to beenme Assents for the celebrated Prize Cure fir Fever and Anne, will learn the priced find terms (fir raz4 ooh • ) 04 per siinal applieation, by letter (pot pail) to B. I'. MA STIN, Pei Henry Street. New-York, where it sins• he hail. Om/califs and remit. price, $1 per single bottle; $8 per dozen; $B4 per gross. Ako for sale. wholeimle, .hy BKI,I, ens & Co.. Drtiggiate. 170 William street, corner of Heckman, New-York, 810 tilbet , thro' - out the Union. Aug. 9, 1854.-Is. To Brick lltaken. 1)ROPOS LS for 111Ikin 500.000 Brick. at the Warm Springs near lloontiuguloon, will b. re. (Tired up till the lath Jody 1114. Those propo sing to state whether with molehille or by hand, and how notch per thousand, Contractor to furnish wood, awl how much if wood furnished, and at whit root. if wood leave provided. AVlirk to be cont.lieneCNl Address A. P. WILSON, Huntingdon, Psi. ' 'DE greatest rnriety of Dress Trimmings, Fans, Cr.tvats. Zetfir, Tyvlti Yarn, Dress Buttons, Ladies Collrs, Clienuntt':, Fancy litikfs., Under Sleeves, Kid and Lyle Thread Gloves, and hosiery of every variety. reeel. reo unit for sale by J. el W. SA xToN. liA lIRELS Hoe Ilertiuttjunt receive,h in d fur stile nt the ,tore of GEO. ; Land for Sale A TRACT Oh' LAND situate in Germany Valley, near Shirley , hurg, Ilmttingdnn containing about 123 ACM, the greater part of mild, in rmentonti, in a good state of mill iva tion, hounded by lands of George Swine mei An drew Spa tingle. JOHN Jane 21, 1834. 1854. 18:34: LOOK OFT FOR THE LOCOMOTIVE: S the shrill whi:tle of the Locomotive will A' S he heard from Brom! Top. giving 11 new innoll, to nli kinds of Inniinen, the i,ti ler:imicil has determined not to he exeelle , l by any steam in the colour, lie thereMre oilers to the public the moat elegant stock of Spring and Summer Clothing ever opened in the comm., maimming the nowt fashionable Dresc, Frio!, and Seek Coate,, and Vests. Shirts,Ctillars.Smi.l., & e . Al:, Sill, mei :iaminer Ilntn —nil of wide!' he in detertH • m nrll eticarEn tht, the elienwt. . Auditor. Ile lia4 on • ii , nettnent of Clothe. Caio.iinereq, , a gill make to tinier, in 0 ennerior .1. al SNYDER. liiintingilon. Juno 7, 1854. J. SimpsoN AnucA, 21'.711:Lil a R 21111.7, 1 0 11:A.OT IMA SuII.YZYOII. Onlee wifli Arnte4, Esq., pill street, between l‘loptg.tmery awl Smith Fireet, Hunt. ingliUn, [Sept. 20, '54. tf.] QTIRALY IlOllSE...Camr to the plnntation or the sulKerilier. hvit, in.Tnekson totttedlin, Gum. Co., about the middle of June. a bla e li home, about ~.ixteelt year. 014, nhont twelve !mufti high. with a smell white spot in the fee , . The owner can have him by paying Joekson tp., Sep. 20. 1834.-30 111 - 6EAILI. Brought .Thwe ,- k woNDERFui, to, recent. rt 1y been made by lir. o• t this eity, in the treatment tit' Con.antiptl , dditit and tti diaeases of the I.tintr. Cacti; livgetuni, or Inhaling ffsg,..,(.'.leer. r; Syrup." With tin.: new Ned., I lie. ha, teiattred many atliietttd ones to perfect health n 4 au evidence I w which he boo innumerable rer. titivate.. Speaking of the tmttatent, a It is evident that itittdrog—,ott. itantly breathing on ',rye 'lar, v.inor the medicinal propel - tie.: no, ( . 111111! in , 10 . 01• I tact ttiih the trht.ly ..f the anal cavity of th, lungA, and Om: t.s.'aihe the ninny anti vatic , eitangeg produced upon rhea when hnroattrei into the stomach, and subjeluod to the proves: of dige.dion. The Ilygeatia i< fe sale at all tht druggiets' throughout tile ',unary. N e w loth I.outel.,ffin rf .100. 14. Tito Inhaler is: worn on the hreint under the linen without the clot invonveitience—the heal of the hotly being ,utlicient to evaporate tit 11 it Hundreds of CASES of CURES like the MI• lowing might he mooed. One Package of.11y• grana has cut rd toe of the ASTHMA of sit years standing Jas. F. It;e:therr, .11. pf Ihrnmpinon, I lint cured of the ASTHMA of Itt year; Slllll.liltg by Dr. Corti.' Ilytzenna. .11 rooptra Brook) n. V. Priee thr , , '1)01141N t Yeekeee,—Sol , l hy CUR I'IS Boy!) & I',\Ul., N. 149 019 al Sr., N. Y . .-4 pnek.t:lvg free fir expre.. t,. Any ;,,t, of the United State.: fur Ten 14,,1hn,. N. 11.-1 , 1.. 1 11vgenna ip 'lir 011161- NA 1. all 1 , t1 . 1 , Ore bit , o imittitioa4 or vllo and IN.11:111- 01.'S rimaterieits. Shun them as y. woula Sepi. 20. 1834 —ly. A 1)1 ES I.ll,4init nod Silk work Gnitors, 1 id I a Nlortte.t, and G u st Bout, and . 41loott. .t the 'tore or ( 1 O. GWI N. I will buy it in gtiod faith, without the knowledge C e RPET Bags, just received and Ate Qfiip I that a countertidt exists, and they will perhaps .1. SANTO.V. only discover their error when the spurious nnxttire has wrought its evil effects. sueelr of OinclugnA. Cheek, stud 1 • , , • f 111 ,, ~e unine article is manarcturea only by c voamoray, J ust received Alla fi te sole fi, • - s (.1 . F arrell, solo inventor and proprietor, and wholesale druggist, No. 17 Main street, Peoria, Illinois, to whom all applications toe Agencies must be addressed. lie sure you get it with the letters 11. 11. hcfore Farrell's, thus —ll. G. FARB El.l.'S—itud his signature on the wrapper. all others are counterfeits. Sold by Thos. Read R Son, Huntingdon, R. E. Sellers I. l l,ining Brothers wholesale, Pit tie burg,•und ly regularly authorized agents throughout the United States. beir Price :Hui 50 tents, tuidll per bottle. AGEN'T'S W A NTED in every town, village and huniletin the I"iiitetl States, in which on is not already estaLliyhal. Address H. G. Far rell as above, accompanied with good referee, as to character, responsibility. Ac, Aug. 30, IC3-1-4t. I.4DIES DRESS GOODS, )(ay. Delane , , 11. Debittes, Do Berme. tame, Gingbums. awl a choice variety of 11i...44 of ,111 kinrk. at the -tore of GE)). It WIN. T COKING (1 lassos, Just rei.cived and for sole JA by .1. 4. iI SAXTH.\'. I)().NETS or all sorts and Colors, M.o. Mks' I ) I lam, from 37i to 300. Just received 1,1.1 fur vale by J. & IV. sAvr()N. BtgriNc, rownEn and SAFETY J. , FUSE. ',A.m.'}' on lourl tool for t. WICKER. VALEABLII MILL PROVERTY At Private Sale. ri'llTS I.ropPrty it 4 gitnato on !..t ererk. 'Mom 'J miles nmr • min . ; good repair, Ina. :I run or Also, n eond S,, w Mill nn 1 I..nh" • ~ m tl dwelling blot her the miller. A 1... 290 Acres of Land, about 125 AMA is cleared and in a good Ninth I.f etthivetien; the halnlice is well Covered with bard timber. 'rhe Win buildings eonsists of a large Frame Ilan,. n largv Frame Barn• and n lArgo Store Mao,. in It ,11.111 stand fora moire, bet now aillOvetivied. Alma, a large orchard of choke trait. property is milli r n IP , . Inr fititr years from the ist of next For )iu•ther information tiall un the .o.seriber in Unittingdon. C.I:1')It E COUCH. Sept. 27, 's4.—tf. Rebeooa Furnioe AT PRIVATE SALE. , i'HIS property lo Sitllitto•toll SIOW r , ~....... f 1 Creek, about 12 Miil.4 north tt1 . 44 i ti t i . .: oo,i litortitiptlott, l'n. it is in A t , ott 1/I . ' • , 1.. r, ~ .1 PICII iW of ore noltin 2 II int:e--in a line wood contort , whe 4 ,o e O ,O e . io l a , got ...only, too! dliotit'4oo Ant KS or LAND. l'hi , propel ty is now bile, and I..segsion colt I,e ot, at olio time. .\ Ile further ttif , oleistion CAtl Mbar( t: by col lin with t;tior,n, Couvii. lluittiti ti ti, or Mary uotteb, Altoona. Stet. ',a, 1654.—tf...k ik ,' NEW ARRIVAL, • J. &W. SAXTOi,., HAVE just received from Phlladeipl i tr. tbo largoet and handsome. ....went of VAII Alai) \`:/YRITII 3IAD3 oar uttered in this pin e. ennsietwg Cloth., Cussitnars, Sxtinetts, Veminge, For the Ladles. we here Plaid Silks, Worsted Mishit!, and every variety of plaid goods, to please the taste ut the Ladle, Mao, Shawl,., Sacking Flannels, Bow nyt Silks, Bonnets, and the finest assortment of Collara, Undoes sleeves, Shinaneus, &c., ever uttered to the ladies of this place. Boots and Shoes, of °yen, variety, for Men and Boys, 'Ladies' Shoes, of every variety. Hats and Caps, of the very latest non hest styles. Hardware, of which we always keep the largest and best as sortment ever kept in this place. 4neensware, a magnificent assortment, which we are selling quite low, Groceries are a little up, lout we are determined to sell as low it' not lower, than any other house,according to quality. Our stock of Mi flottos and Carpels is good, floekenu, Willow Ware, and everything itquilly kept in a country store. In tact we hove everything to suit the taste of all, and no louver prices thou can be got at any tither house in towil,.if you don't be oatislied of, the fact titter calling, theft we give tip. bate also, FISH, SALT, PLASTER. and also receive and store (train, as usual. Sept. 27, 1814. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE The undersigned bovine been aPPitittre'l emit or of the hod will and testament of !leery P. Dorsey, late of the Bonnie!' or Iltititiogdon, lett'td. hereby gives moire that he line taken out letters testamentary on the estate of said dee'd., and notifies all persons italehte.l to said estate, to call on him met settle their indebtedness, and those haying claims Kainst the etude to present them in proper harm. JAMES AIAGEIItE, Exr. Sept 27, 'sl.—Gt. JUST receiving, rlri went:, .7thrherel. Iferrin &c., and for safe by .1. &W. SAXTON. JUST received n beautiful opmortment of Scol iped and Plain Valve! Ribbons. by t. & w. SAXT,r. ne most extraordiurrydiHenrery in n• is the Great Arebian lleme,fy for Man end Beg N!. CELEBRATED ARABIAN LINIMENT, 11. 6. FARRELL'S GEN t:1 NE ARABIAN LIN I MENT is a most extraordinary medicine, the truth of which is placed beyond doubt by the vast sales of the article and the many cams being daily performed by it, which previously had resisted all other medicines and the skill of the beet physicians in the world. It is cons posed of balsams, extracts end gums peculiar to Arabia—possessing, in it concentrated form, all their stimulating, anodyne, penetrating, unc tuous and revulsive properties, Owl the same which, ages ago, were used by the "Sons of the Desert," with such miraculous success, in cu ring the diseases of both man awl beast. J. F. RAMEY Read the followin;, r op q rkable ,ore, which should of if. 14,.,,,rd TI. 4: hew , : L. • , . t.mer;!Pitcy • friends. It 1— ' ?., Iv ten year:, ;•,; ; • , 1.• ;;.• .;,•,;;• 1;;;• • yirtm.•; n,:thy !••., • h. . for wkich the Fn.; t r• • ; et . • ;;: ; ••; ;• cd it ; it, mattes; t-; t,„ , ; ••• ; • land ahlt the of tig:itkio...;.,.; eht many poor invalids um, 5m• : ,•.„..: •.; ik , ;•, this, ,trth were last dine, ;•••••. , been by a pir,e, io, ten• :.:•; liniteenf healed, mai now. rej-i,,• •• of health. and the enjoyment el thi; beau tiful world. Read this to believe. nod nut to doubt. Inquire, of neighbyrs whom you knots- to have used it, rind they will toll you no medicine ever disci - owed post, the half ofits extistortlinary healing 'prover... The racking !Ethel of rheamatista and neuralgia yield in a few minutes to its powerfully onodyne proper ties. "The lame are mode to walk.' Old sores, which havesrendered the subject a loath some thing to behold, ore 11.14,1. The weak and trembling, front deranged shoe of Um nerves, by the use of this Liniinent. rejoice in the recovery of their formerhealth and strength, Mary long standing afloclions of the liter, lungs and kidney have yielded to its use after the various remedies had felled. It is very ef• (knelt,. in curing the disci.es of horses, tool cattle, sock as sweetly, sprains. Inmiuts,ett•rll ;n; crimps, 1111111111,3 ii. dry stitod , or, et,. nod if used in the beginni,. never fails in stop the farther progress of tistul.t, ringbone and .pasts. Look ont . i:o. coon ferreitg! Tho public are co.otim,o,l against another efflieterreit, which has Intrly envie its tippet', Here, celled W. 11. l'erreli's A rabien the inn+t dan,t:erous or all the conntoft , iu, be entwe his tomeg the entice Far rell, m an y . _ HATS.—Moloskin No. 1 and 2, of the latest styles. Kossuth Hats ut' various styles and qualities—will be sold low at the cheap store of GEO. G II7V. Dissolution. ?FRE Partnership of the subscribers, carrying I- on the Illarkstnithing business, in Warriors mark, Huntingdon county, is this day dissolved; all persons having unsettled accounts will come titru•ard and settle with I). Parker before the first of November next, or their accounts will be left with a proper officer for collection. DAVID PARKER, SAMUEL CULP. Sept. Ist, 1854. Thu subscriber will continue the Blacksmith business at the old stand in all its various brun ches, where all eau be accommodated who fitvor him %Orli their work. DAVID PARKER. September 13.'34.-31. Tim uhscriher tams for sale hi: farm, lying Real Estate Agency. within three miles of Shirleyshimg, Hunt- The undersigned has established an agency int.don county, Pa., containing about 143 now, for the Sale thud Purchase el Real Estate i n stt of which is cleared and under gi s t trme, a , Htmtingdon count y. ----- ... considerable part pc, a 1..,! tot. 0i; tie premises Any person wishieg to a two story Or:einem house. large and cons aril or Po'htot i can Il • r e e ttient, mot ii large frame bank barn, both en give . a description of t h e paw ty, tts amt. ; iro . , The bore property b e i ng w i thin ! new. tu a tion 4Ulllltily, qUatlity, and terms. . tle enga g e in this agency on such terms ea three mita. of Shirleysburg, renders it convenient, cannot be objected to. tbr those Willi may will, to send their sons and daughters to the excellent Saul.% established in The AAettt has the facility of making the that borough. Those wishing II good and con• property eatensively knOW.I. i Vellielli 11011110 can be accommodutt-I, and npon We now have come very deslinble 1a Which e asy terms. U. E. COLLINS. we offer on easy term. WM. I3REWSTER. July 5, 1851. • , ." Notice to tlchool Dlroetoro and THE Stliool Director! , of the following mtme , l Rehm! Dl4trict., infr liemby notified !lint i will meet them nt the plots unit lime designee/. fir the Immure of examining teachers end grinning co flat. September Pth. at Alexandria. to examine npr plienntn fne the pelmnl4 of Porter towt,lilp. N. li.-71109c District:4 which have neglected to make oat their yearly report, would plotter a favor by attending to it Immediately. The Di rectors of the were' Diedrich. Antild 'Wee me early notice of the time when ;hey intend open ing their .11.1,m114. no ItS to enable me to appoint 8 convenient time to meet them. Teachers may he examined at any time by pre• sewing vet til•ates of gond moral character tram tic lioard of Direetors of the District in which they are applying. Coide. or the School Laws and decisions, eon lie fin•tii•hrd to Directors hp calling at the Mike of Fi.lier & Williamson. on 11111 street, or at or residence on ililfin street, in the borough of HI un tingdom J. S. BARR. Co. Superintendent. Huntingdon, Augu4t 30, 1854. • Ad si i faro tor's Notice. LE'rTEES of Administration harinm been granted to the undersigned, to the Estate of THOM. COI - , late of Barree township, Hun tingdon county, aer'd., nll persons indebted will moke immediate payntent, told those hoeing chums will present theme properl, authenticated !or •ettleutent. JAMES CUY, .August at, 1854.-6 t. Persons out of Emplovment.laa $5OO to $l,OOO a Tear. A CHANCE TO MARE MONEY ATM DO GOOD! Book Agents Wan 1 e (I. TILT Siih'erilicr number of moo valuable Pictorial Minh, very punlar. and of each a mural :Ind religion , influence that while gum] men may sitfoly engage in their circiflutimi. they will confer n public benefit, and receive a Jan. cnyinetimak, liar their Lae,. To men or enterprise null tnet, this food lIVSA otTer ,, an opportunity An. prolintble employ. ment sel do m to he met with. Psrsotts wishing to engage in their sale, will receive promptly by mail, a Circular con taining full particulars, with "Direetitmq to per sons disposed to net Pa Agents.," together with the terms on which they will he furnished, by addressing the subscriber, poq-pailL, lirtltEßT SEARS, Prarasnrn, 1 xtrow, Nen , Yurk. Or IN NI :~S, ;led ready fbr Airetd4 by the Oetot, •wear.;' Illtistrtited Degeripf 01 the Russian Empire: leer Nailer partivelarB atidruss us above. Aura, CENTRAL ACADEMY, Airy View, Taem,ra Valley, Juniata County, l'cuna.' rrlnt: Full Session will eommenee on slostsA v. Ocrottun 2.1854. Whole expenses or hoard, tuition, room, fuel, washing and incidental. va ries from 451 to $57 rvr session of 22 weeks.— Vuestious from the Ist to the ralt el hpril, and front the 15th of Am:ll,r to the last or Sept. For further particular, see circulars, or address (post-paid) ef DAVID WlLsoti. A. %I. DAVID LACGIILIN, A. M. Aug. 30, '34.-2M. Port Royal P. O, Dissolution of Partnership. partnership heretorcire existing between undersigned. in earring on tlib Woolen V,:etary business. in Shirley' township, was die liy mutual consent, on Monday the lith illy of Angti , t in,t. All lien , ung having tinsel lavAntsii to transact with tl, Into then, will Please call et the ur me•,tival iittitory 1854.-3 t , . N. 11. The 1 , ,t,..t0ry linsinp,, in tm ita vn e nn , •.laokes, carried on as herrt , pfore 11: the Oki ,;tani by SAMUEL 1i001155. • U:TTERS tostanantrary (in the F-t..te 1-4 .rum It. hire nt . Chty tonnship. nec'cl.. having. he , ii gra: tea the nwlLT.:igh,l. ull person, ind,hted n ill in . t h e payment. niiii ill present them properly intilientiedieil Inr set ticinent. ADAM Aug. 30, '54.-Gt.' Aditallnißtratorh, Notice. ETTEits of Administration horin,. been j granted to the undersigned, on the Estate of dour Coy, !moor Barren township. Flonitinedon county. dee'd., MI persons indebted will make immediate illy:nem, tort those having. will present thou properly authenticated fur set tieurent. JAMES COY, Achu'r. August 30, 1854.-6 t. it large let a Shoes—T.2re Boots, INlNses and Children's At the Store or D. P. GWIN. A superior lot of Rifles, fur sole at the ELEPHANT. T ETTERS Tpstamentery, on the Estate of J • WILLIAM late of Tell fou,ship. Iltinthiploti county, deFil., hoeing been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted will make home lime pnyment, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated fur settlement. GEORGE WILSON, Executor. August 23, 1e54.-6t.' T ETTEKS testamentary hare this flay been granted to the undersigned, residing. in Ilar reo township, upon th•• lam' will and testament or ilotrAs Rune. hire of Barree township. Itel!'ll. Thome intlebtril will please make immediate pay ment, and those 'taring claims will present them, properly uuthnuticntod. w..... ELIZABETH RUDY, rtuDy, s Augtigt 9, 1554.-tlt.• The undersigned desirous of removing to the West oilers for sale his lands, consisting of 265 towes or improved land; the iniprovunenta con sist ofa grid Stoll{l 11011g0, n rouble Log Barn, Corpent,r Shop, and Lliteksmith Shop; a great vorktv of fruit or. one awl of the farm, owl on the other e,oi a two Story Log House, and good frame I.oro, and some young fruit trese planted. There are nlanat 160 or 170 items cleared, and in a good state of etativati., the renotinaer is e•ell tholowe.l. nod within I mile of a goad ;I we several never liriliug spring, of wet, .• premises. This property is so situated ale hat, two firms if desired. The Pro' ' , city is si cite about 34 mike east of this lure' August Y.l. 1,324. JOHN PORTER. A beautiful assortment of Cross-barred India Silk,jiett received and fin• sale by J. & W. SArrox. AFRESH supply of Garden seeds, from the Fredonia Gartlens,just received and for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. Town Property for Sale. 'FILE subscriber oilers some valuable property kr sale in the Borough of Alexandria, con sisting of Two Houses and Lots. The 110118 es are large and comfort:ll4N with e:•ery regaisite outbuilding. One of the houses lan been occu pied us a store, &c- On the It urn a great vari ety of fruit trees. Possession could be obtained in the kll, if desired. July 5, 1854. SAMUEL SPYKER. Sale of Laud. Test capers. it 11;.,:n t PETER M bANItiEL Executor's Notice, SARA 11 LOGAN: Exvvators, Executor's Notice Executor's Notice. Land For Sale 113ANECIING 11017S£ BELL, CARRETTSOINI tt CO., On Northwest Carrier of Hill and Montaorne. ry Street*, in the Borcneph of ifentingdon, A 1' which n reneral Banking balkiness Is con te,totd.ted to he done. Drafts an Philadelphia, Pittsbnre, &e., always far lisle. Collections made at the prin& - put points in tile Milted States. Money revel Ved on deon4t. payable on demand, without interrst; also fi n • 3,6, and 12 month., payable with reasonable rote, of interest then.. Members of Firms Hollidaysburg, Pa., R. B. Janwstor, Wa. M. Lloyd. J. M. liptc, Wm. JACK, Huntingdon, Po, _ . A. P. Witmov, WM. DORM, JR., .1. Or..n. MlLbol, THOR. FISHER, WM. P. Ountsox, TOUT SCOTT, JAMES DwIN, GRo. W. GARRETTIOY. Ilutuingdun, Pi.. July 12, 1854.-BM. American Artists' Union. THE t•iithseribm , to t:,e Works of the Artiste' I Union are respecttully informed that from the unprecedented Conr which they !lace rseei.- ed, the Secretary leek confident in seating that t h e w i in . e numb e r of Engravings (250,000) will tw rlivo.ed of within a new mouths, of which duo notice, through the press, will he given. AGENTS ore requested to form Clubs and t e n d in their Satiserihers without deftly. J W. 1101.11BOOKE. Secretary, 503 Broadway, New York. July 7'% Far117..7i1: . ,:d Saw-Mill for Sale. 'rite tillers for sale his Farm and Saw., I 11. situate in Barrett township, thi. county. at the junction of Stone Creek and East Branch. containing. Two Hundred nod Thir ty Acreo, of which SO Acres is cleared and in a goad mate of cultivation; the balanee envered with Pine and Oak thither. tool ell July 0, 1804. JAMES 11EMPHILL. FRANKLIN HOUSE Cheanut Street, between Sli.Yrit 4th, rorzArtrzawrii.. LIVER It. P. 0 ; O .LAVES 11 or this City. I living leased the :More well known and popul, torn term uoe:trsoire now prepared to modate guests hi at manner equal to any house in the city. - - . - The hiretian of this house is:superior to an"' other, heintr in immediste proximity to husiiimot; iSO. Of the Banks. Public Offices. Post Wino and the hxchuuge , where omnibuses start for part+ of' the pity. The !office buying finch pnt in thorough repair, ttnil new furniture idled, with twiny modern im provetnentn, will add much to the cumfort 'rhe tuhles will at all timen he with the let the tnitrket drunk. nil nothing still be wanting, on nor port. to make the FRANKLIN trills the Triteelere flume. Your piano:age i 3 tno•t ro.orrtrully golirited. I'AIiEER & LAW. July 19. 1854.-3 m, 10 DOZEN Ame.' No. 2 jo , t recei ved and for sale by .1. & W. SAXTON. DITTSIIIII{C Hams nod Flitch for =ale cheap at the ELEPIIANT Owner. no ONSETS and Huts of the latest armies, just receives! at I). I'. GWIN'S Stare. PORT MONNAIES front 25 rent.; up to 82 50 tit Ed. :ilium's. Aim! 15 1852. C); BARRELS No. I Herring ,just received and fur sole at the store of UEU. UWIN. Asuperior nrticle of Burning ritthi fur rale nt the store of GEU. GAVIN. FIS II ..11,,ND S.l LT, or safe at the store of OEO. GIVIN, LAND WANTED. NY tier.itin ing 6 stnidl I.lere or land for I r.f ;lace. ,1:t or ei2lit --, •: Wi 1 , 1%. ly THE CA.! , DOWN, 111 r! 11• S nt the 01:',.0 r,r the ilinit.ingdunJutirtial. July 26, 1354. HOOVER Still at Ififis ! THE titiderNigne,l vow engag,l in potting im L Armitage's; lilectro Ala ; aiotie Lightning Mal , . in this and adjoining counties. would reo pectfolly call the attention of the intelligent pith lie to the great sigority of this Patent, 'lt a ~norm like this, w Accidents to property and lire ulmeet daily (cent, it is the dictate of him,- ity. ns well no homest. to make use of the lie , t or ,ccority in or power. for though the Lightning he in the !intit of Him who roles the ',mint, Ilk protection and blessing are always connected with our own effort, SA3lUliii. HOOVER. .Ttily 26, 1654.-0: Fish for Sale. 15 Rimels Stu:quell.. Shad, 10 I just received and fur sale at the store of GEO. OWIN, (MG tRS, CANDIES, sr., &c•.. wholegolo nod of tLe Coop store of .1. IlltlC KER. BLANKS..-Ah%nys buy your Mud. at the "Journal (Mice." We hare now prepared a ee rt. qaperionirtiele of LAN I )1.: F. )S, INDS, JUDGMENT NOTES, SUMMONS', EXEC U. TIONS, I) UsT reeeived Hem Shoulder, Sid,,. Dried P., Troia, Mite Fief: 0,, Dried Pe:. • ...I Applee, &r.. &e.. for sale by %V. SAXTON. I Wit b: WM slt) by ' , ,just received and fur .1. & IV. SAXTON. JUST RECEIVED and for male Fish, Salt and Midst by J. & W. SAXTON. A splendid lot of Bonnets just received and fur tl sato try .1. 6. W. .5.1.17V.V. Amost beautiful Mt of Bemire de Leine put tern., and in the puree, irony 18ict4 up to 50 cts. per yurd,judt received and for auto Ity J. I c. W. SAXTON. WAR IN THE OLD WORLDS I The Russians Defeated!!! CIINNIN44IIAM dt. HEWITT, LTAI'ING returheil tram the City with it large Li mid splendid miaortment of tiouda, respect fully inform their friend...nil the public. at I that thee 'lace 'Heated thetnwlve4 at Alin Creek. stud haring purettnred their lit odn Sir Cash, they are now prepared to sell them an cheap, if tint cheaper. than any afore in the county. Their Stork consists Of a large ns.rtment of Dry Goods, Ha rdtbare, Queenswaret, Groceries• Soots and Shoes, Hats and Days, and in short.eeeryt king iv:tinily kept inn 7ountry Store. 'Persons wishing to parelisse will find it to their intern-ts to give them a call heli.re pur chasing elsewhere. as they are dcrerniued that their motto shall be Quick Sales and Small Prof- N. 0. All kinds of protluee taken In exchange fore Mill Creek, May 91, 1851 Cr A fine lot of l'isToLe at Yt.t. SR A ne, A N oneellent variety of linal'ax KNIVES. at A Snare's. April 15, 1832 iILARGE and splendid assortment of Ban nets, Misses' Flats and childretud hats and Caps, selling at law prices at the store of GE,O. HAMS, Shuuldura and Flitch , For ale at the 1 1 store of ‘‘'LN, BOOTS AQVD SHOES, tor men and buys, a good aisortment, at the Ftore of GEO. G WIN. CLOTHS .AND CASSIXERES, plain awl litucy, at very law prices, at the attire of ULU. G WIN. A SUPERIOR urtiele r fur Zl. sale at the oath ot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers