~• IIIiIiTINGDON JOURNAL. ~_ ~,,~~ $!.:113!,ii, 70r , F11F1 ' t #*- ' X-C.A\W \ lO : 4 2 . 7 It‘NANWN '4\ - -71 Wedneaday,norning, Oct. -I, ISA. IMEWSTEIC, CIRCUL4TION - 1 - 000. 11111 G STATE TICKhT FOR. GOVERNOR, James Pollock, or Nortlininl,crlatta co. . . FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, George Darsie, or Allegheny Co. JUDGE OF 'CITE st - ruEmE coußT,' Daniel M. smyser, or Montgomery co, WHIG DISTRICT TICKET: FOR CONGRESS: John !Edie,,of Somerset County. FOR ASSEMBIX: James Maguire, Huntingdon County George W. Smith, Muir County. Wile COUNTY TICKET PROTHONATARY, John W. Mat tern. Thimble , lon. REGISTER AND RECORDER, Henry Glazier, Iluntingilon. COI:STY CO3IMISSIONER, Richardson Read, Cassville. DlREcron OF"ruE 200 R, J. At. Shade, Dublin township. coysTy AUDITOR, Perry Ignore, Muni, township, 67'Y. It. PALMER, the American Newsps i, ,%geiit. eINI.v ‘1,..1101111 AnENT inr !hi; paper in the cities or Boston, Nor-York sail Philadelphia, mid iv dada • empowered to take ail scrtininients and subscriptions at the rates as re quired hr us. Ills receipts will he regarded on payments. 11,- flies OTC—BOSTON, SCollay'S nOiiihilig; X. YOUR. 'fribune Buildings. l'iirt-t -rim.olllA, N. \V. corner of Third and Chestnut vireos. Agents for the Jotirnal. The ildlowiter persons we have appointed Aventa Cro the liuNrim.tiox Jor tis i„ who are author ized to receive and receipt l'or paid I/ii sob awl to take the entice cct TICW subseri liec, at our published prince. . . . - . We do this for the convenience of our subscri. hers !icing at a distance from Iluntingdon. .10110 W. THOMPSON, EMI., IlUlliiLlySsUrg, SAnCy.l. (10E0, East Darn, Guttutat \V. ComtEmus, Shirley township, 111,xac 14.1.000, Clay township. DAVID ETNltte, Cromwell township. Dr..l. P. isucolt, Penn township, .1. WAIMIIAM 'MATTERN, Franklin township, S tarn, STErrity, Jackson township, I:oat:fur Jon. WArsoo, Brady township, 11oi;ras Blws, Springfield township, Wm. Uric:Hiss:us, Esq.. tp., • I..l)‘"Al•ns ISrud}• township, Wurrrlituu, Petersburg, HENRY Ni:,,, NVest Barrer. .Mac: 11m.snActi, Waterstrcet. Maj. Cn %IMES MICKLEY. Tod township, M. BLAIR, tit:moat Wll.soN. ' l'll township, JAMES Cr..otl, Birinintthatn. NATuAOO.I. Esq.. Spruce Creek. 11 j. W. Mown:, ' 11. F. IV en, Union hirtien. 0t,,e,, Union township. DAVID CLAIM.), SYmrct. Fi,inklin township. Dovtit PAIMEIL WIIITIOVS111:1114. DAVID Act - tat:oT, K.'l., Todd township. WANTED, A few l oa d s or wool) at the Journal New «Advertisements, We would direct the attention of our mar• chants and others to the extensive Bedding unit Carpet Warehouse of Reeve L. Knight, 148 south second street, Philadelphia, where they may be supplied with anything in his line on the most reasonable terms, see advertise• meat. See Auditor's Notices. Teachers \Ven ted. Joseph Carter's notice for a divorce.— Noticeto School Directors and Teachers, &c. The "Leal" of the Globe, The literary hyena is an artful animal, and would be quite an acquisition to Burnum's collection. As a critic he takes all the license of the wet. We asked him to define his word LEAL and he refers us to Noah Webster's definition. Now that was cunning. We knew as well us he did, Webster's definition, on the authority of .1 a m iesort, and therefore did not ask far that, but the Globe's definition. lu Scot tish (a language we slid net think an Anteri• can preferred to the pure English,) leak means faithful, true. Thu word true would take up no more room than lea!, "The land of the leak is the place .of the faithful, Heaven.”— ThiM the literary hyena was telling his learned readers, in the Scottish dialect, that the "faith ful, true - -"the Ileaven"—had been assassinated, battered, burglar Ell, ravished and murdered by the bungling typesetters in the Journrl ollice! Vile wretches! This is us clear as mud. The above affecting circumstance has given occasion ta the following beautiful and pathetic stanzas from our Imp, to whom we have given over this whole subject : Queen Victoria's ravished subjects, btattered and killed in the "land of the lea]," ll send all those rascally type:setterd . With the h yena to the Dell! fig.,. We nutilied the public sumo time ago, flint we would not • publish any anonymous communications in the Journal. The lust one we received is. a " selection for the Journal," by Miss M. A. S., of Porter township. It would be better to send the original, as the copy she sent to us is full of grammatical errors, and would not pay for the trouble of correcting. All communications must be accompanied by the real name and addles or the author. ter Decent reople will not expect that we than come down to the level of the "Standing. 8tono" and "G10b,," and answer their Bit lingva:e of last week. Ems.. The bop; of the may hare another indictment fur Libel to Oct. next court, if they do nut learn a little discretion. The one now pending against theta appears to have made them more recklus. Manner of Voting. The manner or voting this Call will be for Governor, Canal Commissioner, and the Lis• r et and County omens, on one slip of paper, Su prime Judge on another, and fur or against a prohibitory law, on another. CrahanC4 A Inc dean Monthly Nt.t7azitto for O•tuber, ism our table. Ai:l - usual it is ill. fed with the choked prone, poet Ty, and romance. to in deservedly popular. and will continuo to be read by scores of ntlinintr, Par 11011. Ja1111:3 Cooper, Very Spill IL Cilaiieflge to Morton rMichael, fur so., strictures on the Sunbury and Erie Rail• road in the North American. Mr. M'Miehael very properly declined the invitation.to be shot at. The New World. When a great and truly magnificent work is presented to the people, uric that is tlesigliettto. he lasting, and combines the perfection of art and methanical skill, und,contains a graphic, we.ll-wt•itten and extended record of the most glorious history the world has over seen, it most Certainly deserves no more than passing notice from the AMerican press. Thin work, of which We have been allowed a look at the proof-sheets, is wponderous volume. containing nearly eleven hundred largo royal Pro pages, and is just the size a man wants to occupy an important position in his library ; for what American's library is perlhet without the most splendid edition of his country's his• tory that he can obtain? We need not enter upon any extended nc• count of what this work embraces; suffice it to say that it contains the most extended history of every portion of the Western Hemisphere, brought down to the present month, ever pub fished before. We cannot, however, forbear to mention the spirited manner in which the au thor has depicted the stirring scenes of the lievolution, mod with what a master hand he has traced the annals of all the political parties to the present time. Wet are roll pleased with pictures, and it can niot be denied tloat, the life like delineation of ineidynts are among the most important rcqui• sites to a volume or theory. The publishers iu regard to this we believe have exceeded :my thing ever behave attempted in this country. They have corbduly introdu ced in this work the most numerous and beau•l tirel set of illustrations we have ever had the pleasure of reviewing. The engravings are from designs by those fur-famed artists, Barley, Billings, Wallin and Dtepler, and elegantly colored with from live to nine dilrerent tint., true to nature. so as to impart, a dos,: resenditance to %veil-finished 'paintings. This the publi,her, are mudded to do by their patent coloring mate line widiout ext charge. Thu tvork print e d on an extra ttnnliit c. paper, awl bonad in catlmshed morocco, sprin; back and machln edgo. It cannut foil of " having the most Cxtensive:ial, ol any historical work ow published in tln United Stato. I)ArTUN k W ENT WORTH, Bt3 IVasilingion Buton, rare the publi,,lier.4.--.l6bm. [Copies or the elewe work will be sent ti those tailors who publish the sil)ore noticed Ate`" The New York Musical Review !lir Sept. '2l , th in at hand. containing the usual amount and variety of new tannic and read ing natter. This paper has Required the lead. ing position mining musionl journals, having now at least twice an many subscribers as any caber musical periodical in the world. Tim publishers announce that back numbers. of the ilerior are et:haunted, and that they commence a new series with the first :math, in ()ember, with which new subscribers may commence.— We do nut see how any member of a choir or any one who sings or plays ever so little, can afford to be without the Review, which furnish es a constant supply or the best new musie. nn well as reading matter. It 13 llnly otio rinllur per annutn.—MAsux, Baorntats, Yelt . are its publishers. James Maguire—The Tricks of his Ens. miss—The Duty of tits Whigs. A !also rumor• to the effect that Juries Ma guire, the nil , nominee for a seat in the Legislature, intends todeeline the nomination, has been industriously circulated through the county. This rumor is unfair and cowardly as it is false. Mr. Maguire has no intention to leave the field, but intends to bear aloft the Whig banner to triumph or to the noble defeat. But, by whom, and tbr what end, is this re port circulated? There is a cabal of 11•hlgs in this borough, forming the nucleus of Know Nothingisin of the county, who, tailing in their oft repeated attempts to "rule or ruin" the Whig party of this county, bare at. last, turned in with the new set of disorgunimrs who base not inappropriately taken the name of Know Nothings, with a hope that they nuty at length succeed with the "ruin" part of their motto.— These 'men opposed the nomination of Mr. Maguire—they exerted all their influence and cunning to defeat leis nomination—bat wen , unsuccessful. Had they been loyal Whigs, its they pretended to he, they would have bowed in submission to the will of the majority of the 'tarty. But, instead of thus bowing, they re• belled, and aided by a few designing locolbeos of the same borough, they called another Con vention, and under the specious name of '•iu depeu:lenta" nominated John Scutt, Esti., in the hope of defeating James Maguire. This, however, still does not satisfy the cabal who cling to the skirts of the Whig party. Having become the head men of the Know Nothings, they clainted one of their own society for As sembly, and urged George Leas in that Con vention as J. S Stewart, Esq., had been orgcti in the Whig Convention, but without success; and the disappointment of the Know Nothing interest which appears to be pulling, all the wires, is one cause why the "Independent" ticket was a still-horn afikir so tau• as the nom illation of Assembly was concerned. These enemies of Mr. Maguire, becoming desperate by their double defeat, have circulated the re port flint he intends to Make till inglorious retreat from the field. This is their,last resort to defeat him, and in but is paving of the way fin• a new matt. who will, if announced as a candidate at all be termed a "volnuteer," or the "people's candidate" or some other pope tar slap trap name, just Ito John Scott, Esq., is called an "Independent" Candidate. Anything to hoodwink the voters and obtain office by false pretences. Now we caution the Whigs of this county and of this district to he on theirguard. Stand firm. Ile not led astray by false teachers nod new faligled notions. Hold litst to the IVhig faith. It is a glorions cause for which you have long battled, and the prize is now with in your reach If you have been lid am ray evil," we co.:el you to retrace your steps et once and forever. and ha,teu ()gain to the Whig camp whose light is set high "upon a candle. stick,' and "gives light tin all." Whatever plausible theory or argument or inducement may have led you thus away, stop and think ! Is it lot but a Own fur &lice hunters to raise themselves to posts which have long eluded their grasp? Is it not a se , ,t a:wicks/ion a cowolip Jbr political inopmes, and therefore worse than any of the secret associations in their worst days? if CAtholicism is a curse loam country. and if tine holding of offices by foreigners is an evil why net arraign them be- fore the forum of reasim ? Are these not liar snbjetts fur argument—for ? Why then, should they be debated in dumb language and inn the datknesd of midnight. at the skim: of po:Palice and proscription ? Whigs, stick to the Whig ticket, you have nothing to make, but every thing to loose by any other course. Why should pen throw away a ulember and other officers when you have it in your power to elect your whole ticket, and when your opponents never yield an Mike to the Whigs as long as they can retains it for themselves. I'. S. Since writing. the above, C verge Leas has hemp announced as a candidate tin- Assent. My, This is the same man who was urged by the Know Nothings in the Convention that styled themselves "independents." We infer from this soUtary announcement that the Know Nothings have their other candidates upon the lndcpctident ticket—and that John Ander sen's man is not their man. John W. Matters' Esq. Slandered. Soon otter the "ludepenTlent:' ticket was' formed, it was insinuated that John W. Mat tern, the Whig nominee for Prothotmta ry,.was not honest. This like the rumor of Mr. Ma guiru's deolination is a base jiibrienlion—a slab in the dark. No man's character honesty, in Huntingdon county, is &inn- than that of Mr. Matter.- The slander no denht originated like the chelire brought agait.st Jacob six years ago, when he wan the opponent of Mr. Campbell Ilw Itegister and llecor4er. Mr. Miller being appointed by the Sahli:Ulf AASSCi sties to invite boat-men to church, walked up and down the canal and stood at places COM untie ling a view of passing boats. A shop keeper in that vicinity, was told that Mr. Miller was watching to inform on him it' he sat/ any Nunday—and poor Holfright voted fur .11,1 or aunpbell's brother against his dent uer,diu friend, it'll, Mr. Mattern is slandered tae the purpose of letving a Know Nedung Prothonotary. 0 shame where i, thy Pooplo of Pennsylvania. !lc:twilit:et . , that James Pollock 1h: fluids and and upholds a O.IIII,IUUND rot.t•rtc.tt. sorfri . V--a society that 6littlis the light of hear., whose deeds :Ire cvil, and win: seek darkness rather than light, and who front the Nee of honest men, :In, the criminal flees true justice I So'says the pcmorraGe noion, one of Coy. Bigler's organs at limeklmeg. Its statement meat either Ito true ur false. It it he. true then its editor must be guilty of an act, in supporting Ilenry S. Mutt, the Low Fora can didate f i n Canal Commissioner, who is a Know Nothing, and the candidate of the Order, which no honest man could he. Taking, the editor ut his own word, it is clear that he is not hottest in the uhjections width he urges tt,t:liiist judge Potluck's election, or he would not support, Col. Mott, who is known to him to lie a Know Nothing. It is to be hoped nu ldgs will be thou gulled and and humbugged by the staid demagogues of Loco Pocoism. 11'hum those Loco Focus who are so clamorous against KUM', Nothings once abandon those of their candidates belonging to the Order, it will Ito time entmgh for the 11'higs to do the same thing. Until then, let them remain to their own orgailization, and nut lend a b ate :lees to elect tie into Foto candidates, Know Nutt, inga and all. Beware of Whig Trickery. The Know Nothing Whigs of Philadelphia are sending agents into every election district in th State to open KnowNothi.ng Lodges. As the oaths of these secret conspirators bind them to tow us at majority ot• the Lodge shall deter• uo•e is always taken to organize thorn under Whig control, so that they mny have the entire cumin:and of all the Democratic votes they con persuade, by any pretext, to come into tlw Association. Are the Democrats wt:ling to sell themselves and their principles thus blindly into the hands of their ancient Pntlcrali,st enemies? We trust not. We copy the above Iron a Loeofoco cotem porary in the interior of the State as another bold and impudent swindle now tiling attemp ted to he carried Out iu this Stitt, to beep 1.0-enfocoisin enfocoisin in the ascendancy. Knowing Henry S. Mott to be the Know Nothing candidate for Canal Commissioner, and yet adhering to hint 11, the nominee of the Locefoco party, should Jot close their columns against all assaults tryon the Know Nothings. If the Order were uur:er the control of Whigs, it would nut he very likely that they would thus exert then, selves ter .Mr. Motes benefit. The very fact of it udoptltx Mr. Mott as its candidate is, in itself; a triumphant vindication of the loft, nuns lidschootl charged against the Whigs in the above en tract, and shows that Locofecoism has quite as much connection with, and influ ence in moulding its operations, as have the Whigs. Roman Catholics in Office. The frequent elevation of Roman Catholics (ace by the so called "Democracy" shows how strongly they sympathize with that partic ular class, and demonstrates conclusively the bargain and sale that exists between the Dem. ocratie party and the Jesuits. James Camp bell, a Jesuit, is Postmaster fleneral. Taney. a Roman Catholic, is Chief Justice of the Uni ted States, Guthrie, Secretary of the Treas. ry, and M'Clelland, Sect: Lary of the Interior, are said to be Roman Catholics. The Lazaret. to Physician at Philadelphia, and the Flourin• specter at Pittsburg, appointed by Gov. Bigler, are both Homan Catholics. A large proportion of the Postmasters in the Union are Roma. Catholics. The Presidents of all the Demo . erotic State Ceimations held in Pennsylvania since the election of Doe. Bigler, bane been Roman Catholics. A Wilkesbarre puller pub lishes the names of a number of Postmasters in that county, all liotuim Catholics; and the Democratic Convention nominated Thomas Collins, a Roman Catholic, tar Register. Did all this happen by mere accident? Does it nut bear upon its face the evidence of corrupt bargaining with the Roman Catholic Jesuits. to secure the influence of the Priests in favor of the Democratic parte ? Those demagogues talk about "sympathy (hr foreigners;" but every intelligent observer must see that (heir "sympa thy" i s confined exelusively L',,ota of fomigucra hnung oitko iu thi 4 collo ry. niar cod qfer , •cy tenure Roman Calludirm ! And win is this ? We reply, the elevation of this class of foreigners to oilier, is but a rottsumation of the bargain and sale he• tureen he Democratic leaders tool the Roman Catholic church, by which the cotes of the lat• ter are secured, colonue, to the former! These filets furnish fund for reflection for Poteatants, whether native or adopted.—.lf raing i raid. Democracy vo. Know Nothings. The Democracy, for the purpose of securing the Catholic vote, arc jest now exhibiting, where it snits their purpose, relentless hostility to such of their employees, as are suspected of being attached to any of the secret American organizations. They recently dismissed about a dozen pf the American hnndS in the Phila delphia Mint, and supplied their places with foreign Irish Catholics, and below we give an instance of their proscription, under the imine dime eye of President Pierce. It' report speaks true, this same Democratic party is just now supporting at least one member of the proseri. bed order on the State ticket, and two to four candidates on nearly every county ticket in the Commonwealth; and three of their orators at the recent mass meeting in Philadelphia are said to have been .members in good standing.— 'All things to all men,' is the doctrine of these tricksters, and success is Pennsylvania by any 111C11118,-their creed. The voters of the old Keystone, will "make a note on't." Tiiv. Four:nix .ex•rt-Aweetu.tx Pan7y.—The movements of the. Democrats, with their fot•- eigu allies, the Irish Catholics, are rapidly de veloping themselves. War is openly proclaim ed against all Who dare stand in OpialSiliOa to the craft of Rome, while it works to undermine our institutions ! It appears that Mr. Borland, a clerk in the office of the Jljutant General, had been dismissed by Jefferson Davis, on the groan,' that he ups a Know Nothing, and had. voted tier the Know Nothing candidate for May or at — Washington- This is a new and bold tyranny ! As the New York Hach/ says, "the only charge that has been seriously made agaitist the Know Nothings was on account of tileir unconstitutional proscription to a large class of our citizens who had the misfortune to be born abroad, and had they merely attempted to repress the riotous conduct of tbreignent, or curtail the political influence or tbreign socie ties of men calling themselves Irishmen or Ger i thane, and yet assuming to exercise the rights of Americans, no one but those againSt whom their mensal.es were directed would have found much fault; but now we find the government pursuing a precisely similar caurse ; the only difference between it and the Know Nothings being that while they proscribe foreigners, Mr. Pierce proscribes Americans. It must hence fin•th be understood that 110 man, holding office under government, is allowed to hold A Illerieall Se.tailaelliS, or pathos American doctrine, wi der pain at !nay he um Irishman, ur u German or, Englishman, or a French- Man, ;oat i t s hold this original nationality without jeopardising his office bat if he but whipers a word ',reference tOr his own country men, he is marked fin• slaughter at once, and the axe Mlle accord ingby.— irrithary Loco Foco Revolt. There is a revolt it the Loos Peen pally of the Lozerne District. Wynniii..; county will not,sitpport Col. Wri:rhi ibt• remlection, if we may Judge of the matter by the North Brandt Democrat. The Colonel's name is nut at the head of its ticket, and it says: .Yentiantion ji,r Con fires,—"The emigres. sional nomination Ibir this District was mode at Wilkes• Barre ea the 11th and is the 8, lectiou that wits inade, it easiest be disguised that great nijustice his been done, not only to Wyoming county, but to the Democratic party to Congmssional Now it is conceded be all, that, bad Yr. Little been nominated by the Conference he would receive the whole Denne:retic vote of the District. Breaches in the Democratic organi zation would have been healed, • party dissen tious forgotten, turd the whole arty would have rallied to the support of the whole ticket. Xe one pretends that such will lie the result ash, present nomination. No one is so blind as to bops it. Was it right to lust, sight of this great object ? Was'it right again to hurl a fire brand into our ranks, silica pern,Ct 1111101 L and harmony could have been restored by a word, and by suit act of situp], justice? Every honest Democrat who regards the welfare, and cherishes the great interests of his party, will answer no! and scorn thus blind IIOVOtiOiI to the thanklemr thlitayouue which plum them again itt jeopardy." Pattern Officers. Ou• Luca.° State °dicers seem to think that the only duties their Mikes require of theta is to bleed the taxpayers. They attend very little indeed to their legitimate duties. A Harrisburg paper thus Imams one of them: The Surveyor General. This officer, has not been visible in Harris burg for some months, and nothing is known as to his exact whereabouts. The question 13 repeatedly asked, '•where is 13rawley ?" and echo answers, "where?' , From the time of his re-election up to the present hour, he has to• tally neglected his official duties. It is rumor• etl, too, that in Mt. lirawley's absence rascally outrages have been perpetrated by interlopers who have beeti admitted to the office and given free access to the private papers and docu ments. if the rumors in circulation be true, the Surveyor General's office is little less than a swiadthig shop, anti scores of lamd•holders in the State have been ruined by the rasealities perpetrated there, whether by and with the ad vice and consent of the bleed or the Depart. ment, remains to beseen. Mr. Brawley haying abandoned all personal supervision of the of lice, justice to the State requires that he should resign and give the people an opportunity of electing a limn who will give his attention to the office, and keep out interlopers and swind lers. We shall ream• to this subject again, and then "let the galled jades wince." The Newspaper. How lonesome the fireside where there is no 'newspaper! Ask the latest news, good stories, the useruklessons, and wity sayings ut the news paper—ask any man Its value. Let him he deprived of it a rew weeks, and then asked to put ant estimate upon it. Will he say that two ur three dollars are too much. No, au—he will esteem it one of his greatest treasures, and value it accordingly. We were led to these reflections the other day by au industrious, worthy mu., who rolled at °motile() to sujoscribe for a paper. Said he, "I was taking it, but tunes were sober d, 1 paid up and quit; but I cannot get along without it. I culled to see if I could get it on credit until spring, lin. I must hare it on some terms—l would not be without it for ten dollars." Of course we plac.,l his mune upon our list with groat cheerfulness. Such men arc the bestsubscribers in the world, (exeept those who pay down.) They will 'always pay at the time it falls fill,. Every tinnily ought to have a paper; it is a duty they owe to th, r Aildren, if nothing else, who wishes their 1 , •,; to grow up in perfect ignorance in order save the price of a news• paper'? Won't Write any More Letters. A doubting Locotoco, uho don't uppour to ~~`o t'iç n lifllint is . Wreck of the Steamship City of Philadelphia. • - - - • PAssi,x(mits AND eItKW Al.l. SAVED. Caryl, Lattdrrl iaa Damaged N/a(r, [SIr. Samuel Smith, agent of the Philadel phia and I,i,erpoul Siennship Lieu, has reeei. ved the tellowiagAlespitteh Sept. 21. The steamer City of Philadelphia was union. ded near Cape Race. Newfoundland,' on the 7th inst. The cargo is landing in a danusged.con dition. One hundred paasengersnre just land ing hero in the steamer from St. Johns. The vessel will he a total los., The new screw steamship City of Philade!. phis, Capt. Leitch, which left Liverpool on the :tOth of August, on her first trip for Philadel phia, was stranded off Cttpu Race on the 7th non The passengers and crew wore all saved, and 340 uf them arrived here this morning; the rest remained at Bt. John, Newfoundland, awaiting a ennveyenee. The iiargu loring lauded hi ti damaged condition. The vessel, it was thought, would prove a to. tnl loss,, At the time of the disaster they were I.ght days awl a few hours out from Liverpool. • Sa 7 OND Sept. :N.-10 o'clock, I'. M. The steamer City of Philadelphia was at the time of the disaster, manning at ten knots per hour. At 11 o'clock, P. M., night very dark and raining, the ship struck an Cape Race.— Immediately she M. backed oft and ran aground in Chance Cove, seven miles and a half north of Cape llace, where she now lies in three fathoms water, with a lerge hole in her bottom. The water CD,ue in rapid)), after.she strudk, and extinguished the tiros in the furna ces before she grounded. Her cargo ia - valotal at :-C60,000. All in the lower hold it damaged to a greater or lest ex tea t. The Telegraph Company's steuincr took off the passdngers and landed them safely nt .lohns, after which she returned to the Phila. delphia to render :133iAtailee in saving luggage. cargo, the. The above :ire all the facts in relation to this unfortunate occurrence that Inv! readied the Agent in this city. FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. Arrival of the Alps at Boston. The Crimea Expedition—Return of the French Troops from the Baltic--The Austrians in Bucharest. BosTux, Sept.2B.—The Cunard screw steam ship Alps, arrived at this isol this it - turning, from Liverpool, when, she sailed on the 13th inst. Her liens is Four days ham' than previous ad v ices. The steamer America arrived at Liverpool on the 11th inst. There is nu news of importance flow the sent of sou r. From the Black Sea, Therein nothing authentic in regard to the sailing or the expedition to Crimea. The ar mament was to rendezvous it Min.:hits on the 2d. Should this have taken place, it is limita ble that the whole convoy sailed on the The vessels composing it 711111111 i to Ue than 403, besides pontoon beats unit rails. Suppo sing that 110 dehty oceorrel the expedition might be expected to reach the Russian shores on the Oth. when the day ur taunting would de pend on circumstances. The Marie, The total deotruelit, et the forts of Bt.:, send, awl the departure et the Freach truops for I'r:u u •e. t, wodirmed. 'rho Baltic fleet had gone front Ledstind to array. (lennal Baragnay had gone to Berlin. The Dannho, Count (or mini entered 'lnch:mit on the Uth, at the hold or four thousand Austrian troops. Movements of the Autrians, Hy the Ist of September the Russians cots. pletely evacuated Unita., and Ibrail. The nav igation of the Danube is now free. General Krasenstern had ordered the inhab• ilium; of Odessn to reduce that city to 1141, it' the allies should attempt to take it, and then redrew Mirospol. The pmelamation concludes thus -Wu Loth.e who rosin baind or at tempt to extinguish the From Asia. Accounk from Erz,roool to the 17th tilt, : any that the Ito,sittii hat•in.; ab:oolooeil Baja zid, the place *IN occupied by the Turks. Austria's Position. Althon.zh Austria ilmir not consider the re jection .the tour conditions by Russia as it easum WU, still she !otitis an the goarantees de mutated by the Western Powers us the only basis for the conclusion of a durable peace ; and she will, at the none time that she main tains an armed neutrality, neglect on upper utility fly urging Russia to accept the wadi ;ions proposed. Return of the RllSiSiall Minister at Vienna. VII.:XNA, Saturday, Sept. 9th.—Count Mem. dorif had true to the Czar letters for his recall and he was about to return to St. Petersburg. Spain. Mr. Soule has written the following letter to the Diario Espanol, under date of Madrid, A ug. Elth it.—The tone and character of the article referring to ine in your columns, Then:day, in dicate ton clearly the influence which inspired, it not to deserve front me the honor du reply. 1 absented myself front Madrid became such was my pleasure, being tiecouentbh• to no on e for my acts or conduct. The fear of being in. suited or mewed by persons to whom my pros. taco might be disagreeable, would never cause me to abandna my post. 1 (toil neither the sneer• of impertinent fel lows nor the dagger of hired assassins. Above all, sir, Ido not fear the people. The people respect what is minded to respect, and only stigmatize the wretches who flatter cod de ceive tin.. The people fight but ar•e not as sassins. '•With regard to the licrlittions insinuations with which your article abounds, they are be neath my contempt. 1 give you' the merit or the varnish with which you have glossed them over, and to those who dictated them the in finity of their invention.. * I inn, ERE% Suet.[:. The Artful Dodger. The locofeco papers are ht cestacies over the letter of HENRY S. MUTT, their candidate for Canal Commissioner, which they call a de• Mal of his connection with the Know Nothings. The Lancaster Examiner copies the letter, and says ; But it will be observed, this declaimer was withheld until AFTER .JG•. Molt had ,/%n•mui/!/ received the nomination of ihe KUOIV Nothings as their candidate. It is now proclaimed by members of the or der dint Mr. Mott is a member, and that under no other circumstances enuld he have proeured the nomination: l lit disclaimer, they say, id a mero evasion, or 10111111 e, to gull outsiders, but the initiated know bell,: * * Mr Know Nothinglriends say. they knme he is deceiving , the democracy. 'Then we ask, is that ties who wilfully, deliberately, nod sol. tat i 4 to his old friends, soil is wilfully Those ae l eninted with Mr. ! !din to belong to the linelettiondlicl.•r ned hell wing of the Democratic the Anson candidate of the most nitr.t m m tint wiou•-•l.flosia oilt at. nnl adhered to till Ilk numinnti , ni 1,1.4 effeeted. Di; election is more 111 1,01,1.11 10 that division of the party—embracing n!! the foreigners and Catbolics . —thno that of himself: ns with Mmt and llnpkins in the hoard. the public works will remain melee the c‘onrol of the sumo env, These nee furl../ which tiny one eon verify tia himself. by applying to those well informed in the miter. With Mr. l‘fott in the board, we do not look litY env im provement in the management of the pult!i.. works—there is nothing in his past history to encourage the hope that he would look upon them no designed for aught else than to main tain the supremacy of the Demoerntic party:— As 11 member of the Legislature he.watt noted for his extreme partizan cour:•co—ueve• voting upon a question on its merits+, but on its dem ocracy. We do not recollect of a single in stance in which be row, above the dead level of a party hack. The Way it was Done, The following, choice extracts will show th terms on which Nothern votes were seemed for the. Nebraska infamy, by the rational (lovers• lie peupl Bigler sustains the Administration, as well as the fraudulent and iniquitous measure to which it refers : "A Iti,ASTING or the Franklin, Pickaway and Licking district, DIM, is a candidate for remleetion to eimgress--the regular nominee of the Nebraska IJentocrner. The Columbus Jottrmd, by cane or helping hint along, publishes the followitv extracts Crum two letters written to a gentleman of the Dem ocratic patty in the district:" 1, j 'Washington, Mardi I SIM. . . * •• "I admit that tl a • Nebrimlot bill is as unfortunate affair tiir the Democracy oldie North. It may I clawed so that I eau vote fur it:' E. 11. OLDS. I . No. 2.1 Washington. May 2ii, 193 1. . " * "It is now morally certain that the Nebraska all will pass. I tlnt itn It position to (141,. a J;lrelr At' (I Bow would you like a Judgeship? This is a private nuttier between you and I, and no one need be the wiser." E. B. OLDS. County Commissioner. Ma. EDITOR it known to the voters of Huntingdon county' awl especially to those of the lower entl, that care must ho taken, at our next election, to rote fur a eunnv l'ununis,inn er, who in the southern en.l of the county. Mr. of Union luwie.hip, gm., not or out Board td.: ihll, ,unl )Ir. of Franklin, and 'Mi.. ri•lnift in the Board. It is important that the interest , f evt•ry part, of the county should be represeeted ie the County Board. Itlithardson head, 11/W1181144 is now the !oily candidate before the people trout the lower end el the Should he be In haled, all the eounty south 01111 east of West township, would be without 11. Wlll in 010 Board. Mr. bead is a true man, holiest and capable. I 110 not WWI to say one word agniust :11r. Nei!: his opponent, but West town• ship has ,1,1” (i , fii I/U . 4 . 401i,, and to give her (no members in the Boyd by electing Mr. Nell; would be unfair stall unwi,. Will the people tutentl to this 'natter, and avoid the clam,: sari! a eontiageuey? A. hint is . .;~~'j('j. 'Fi, KET.—It In:l,z he Admitted that the Whigs Luca liee i exceedingly tertitnitte in the selection or caielitlates litr State enter. With all their shill in the way et' raising. raise i.e., Democratic politieittim hare iittC been able to pre:tent a single item worthy of notice against the character ur qualiti cations Or either of the en litlates 011 the 11' big State ticket. —Daily .I . ow .t. HUNTINGDON, Octo:Jor 4, 1854, 11.1111 . prr blii lied Wheat. pei . !in.,. • %VIC. !Per bit. Rye. per htt . . - . Corn, per laa 511 Oats. per ha 51) nay, per It' D 50 Batter, per lb., lBl Lard, per Ih., I2 Eggs, per thin., PH LI D 1.111 LI, Oct. ll.—The Flour mar ket eontinues excessively dull and sales are on ly in small lots for the supply of the 11011 M trade at 5500,25 tor gold retailing and extra brands. Shiliping brands are notniindly held at our low. est figure, but there is nothing doing. Corn Meal and live Flour are quiet—a small sale of the former 'us made at tit per hill.' . Groin—There is not much Wheat Wieling, nod the market. continues very dull. Soles of 20,3000 bushels only were reporsed. at til,2o(at 1,00 per Ist., for fair and priest nod 51,70 for prison white. Rye is source “1 51,142,1,19. Carts is dull, und 1 cent per be., loss,r—about MO lot., good Southern yellow brought ets., and 1000 be., fair quality 00 cent, Oats are less emir s , at. 5 ff. 33 cents lin. Smither, MARRIED, On the 28th September, by the Rev. Samuel Philips, JA:et:s ENTRIKEN, Esq., or Coffee lion, liuntingtlon county, Pa., to .Visa Euz.orrn SHIRLEY, of Kalamazoo, Bedford county, Pa. On the 14th September, by the 11ev. X. S. Buckingham. Mr. 11et.an•rs ATHERTON to Miss C. E. AASIf, nil of Alexandria. DIED, On t 1,.• t inst., WILLIAM GOOD:AX, aged 17 yea,. On ill, 21,1 instant. in Cassellle. Huntingdon county Mrs. 1,017151 lI.IIENDERSON, con sort at James llenderson, Esq., aged 37 years and one day. She was hopefully converted to (Ind about 17 years ago, through the instru mentality of the Gospel. Sub:mild:tidy she united herself to the Methodist Protestant church, in which relation she remained a worthy and an :remit:dile member until Hint whom she loved sate proper in flis wisdom to transplant be• to a more blissful and congenial clime. ITrr affliction was protracted aid were; many times suffering 'teddy from weak ness and an annoying cough, which always at tends pulmonary disease. Mrs. 'Henderson was beloved and respeetel by her friends, and all with whom site had any intercourse. She submitted and bore her afflictions with true Christian fortitude nail resignation, feeling as she expressed herself, that when this house of the tabernacle is dissolved, that site had ano ther building—a house not made with hands— eternal in the kingdom of Heaven— Where not a Wave of trouble rolls Across my peaceful breast." In lien affliction site frequently gave tiller. •. t ro!, etc irt in:fly to 1: o• trl!in Lim ;dai ivn, going Immo. end repteumf !'ll,i her in 'Heaven. She then nil her eltildrcrt to love and obedience, aml t., mere her above in glory, and her frient4 to acquaints toms were retorted to fitithfal iii, in the service Or CO. awl to prepare for that solmnn hear that awn't.4 all the living, evin clog deep intere,t for those who were uncon verted, and leireibly impressing on their minds' the importance of religion. And when dewy drops were gathering upon her marble brow. and it was evident that. she win, Omit to leave IN, she was asked bole it was with Ler. She promptly replyed " that Olives well, hallelujah, I shall soon get home, tilt death, where is thy sting! oh. grave where is thy victory." In short his death was pc:IMM. happy nail trium phant. She has left it husband and five chil dren to mourn their irreparable Into. Butt white they sorrow it is not as those who have no Impe. being comforted with the consoling reflection that, their loss is her intiniie nod eter nal gain. The coil of the upright i= perteentol no wonder we wish to die—that the close of Har with es may he like theirs. 1. S. 11.11.11 .7 1(Ei L 1011 Nuc,•,... t 4• It"nr . yla. Bedding - and Carpet tREIIOUSE. No. 14S South Seeand VIVI: SI:1,1.1. rum, IVliere lie keep.: viii-I ily nn linnil o wisort.- ment of every nil kin in liis line of liminegs. Feathers. reatiter Iteds. PATENT SPIZINII MATTRESSKK, lulled Coro 1 , ,51! and Sfrall , .11,171RES.N * E. , . /e ! ror;,. Ilown Carpolint , t. Oil ClolPc, Canton Matliwzg, C000:\ find sooni,th Flnnr and Stair Ilearth 11 , , , ,..1104, TADIAU AND PIANO COVER% wltieli lie respectfully invites the attention or purchasers. [Oct. 4. 'a4.-1 v. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Tub: undorsiined enditor. upoointed 1,1. the. Orphans Court of di...- tribute the hulnnre in file 11111111 , "r •l ob o ere,q,v,l) edininktretor or David 11'00,14. hereby eivos notice to 11111.1 . 1..1,1,111:ti ill` will Irani 1 . , the inn- d ose tanking said distribution. on Saturday the -111, NOVOIT, h er n ex t, j,l two , :11., et his otlire in the Lorinigh or ihmtingthm. n ben end whet e ult pct sous interesied luny attend. Joilx nI,EI), Auditor. Det. 4, IS:A.-4f. AIVPHTO RN NOTI (*E. THE nnolersigned auditor appointed by the C/rithans Court Huntingdon eounty to distill., toe the babinee in the botols or John Gratin,. adittr. dee - d rho, rutiflril t" rcrrirr th, I" oil per , on, interested that he will attend tln• the infringe:o nl'inak btu said distribution. on Fr;- .hiy the 1111 day or Nnventher next, at oar 11 . (,1 1 / 1 •k P. M., itt hi, olliee in the liorounh or ibintin4". don, when and where all parson,. intereqed way JOHN MEI). )01. 1554 -41. Atifirrows NOTIt'E. 1:•tat;: Leotiarl, eleceasetl. aa,:ersi,med nadito,, app,,intml by fl, t..photC , ( 'must liantiaolan County. a•eer ir agniast the real c-toto, or andi to amkt,li.tribatioa the atinmat or the ,Ilaation orsaid re:11 crate. to awl the heir: le,al i•eptc-vntativt, or saia that parpo , at hi , t)llive, in Coe lio6.tt;J, r,l . 1:m1611,40a, Hay lletaher 1854. at ono ~'eloek, P. M. at \vltitth tin, all poi,tali 111 V requir,l t., pre4eta. la.1;a1, sae!' .m1144,1,01' 110,11Teti 6'olll I,llllllg 11111/1 . a .i1:1, 01 A. IV. 1A .. .N1:MC . 1% A tul i tor, (lct. 4,1351.-4 t Teachery Wanted E rl,ool tlirrrrnt of ilrotty to employ FI VE to mkt, Hotruo rif the politic ',hid.; in the Dirtrictoiir st term months, to commence on the lot of No vember next. One Toucher in needed, onalilicil to tench the Uerman, in cOnnet tit.' with the Jornalinit. The County Superintendent, will give public, imiive of the time, he will fl tetul ill t he ilidrier to examine npplieunts who have not reeeivr.l their cerlitivoles heretofore. The DireetON will he present end re, else applications at that or any other iiine. $ll,OO • • 2,0•1 • • .2,10 Rc order of the Board. 11. 1.. Mel:Alain% Sec'y Oct. 4, 1:54.-3N. I:tititiat;nl(tit County tot. Commonwealth or l'en.ylvania, to More Corte, ,ii county. Greeting: Iftrcas, Cartite, did on the 2 1 It tiny ot Feb,mcy, prciM• hi.n petition to the '1%9 I',,'" toot Judge or the Coort or Common lie, of the county or Huntingdon. it: vacation. praying tltet for ver• ten comes therein set forth, lie might Ito divorced from the hoods of matrimony entered him with the said Mary Carter. We do therefore com mand yon the snit! 51nry Curter, no you wore be fore commanded, that setting aside all other bu siness and i t:z e n c , whatsoever, you he and ap pear in your proper person before our Judges at Iluntingdon. at 0 court or Common Pleas there to lie held Mr the snid county. on the settend 'Afttittlay of Novemher, A. D. 874, the petition or 111101 of the said C:11 . 101 . , 41111 to thew came it . toty you havo. why the said Jomph ('itylvr year husband should not be di vorced from the bonds or matrimony, cgreeahly to the net of General Assembly in such meat made and provided. And hereof you nre not to fail. Witness the lion. George 'raylor, Prc.itletit of our said court, et }lnn tinplun this 20th day of .Attlrtt , t, A. I). 1854. JOSH CA GREENLAND, Slat Sh'irs Gllice, Get. 4. '54.-4t.• Notice to School Dirootore and Teachers The School Directors of the following na med School Districts, are hereby notified that 1 will meet them its designated, to the inttpolo of examiningteachers and granting certificates: (let. lilt nt Orhisonet, toexamiaz .I)PlicautH for the schools of Cromwell district. Om. llth at Said:More, to examine appli• cants for the schools of Barret, district. Oct. IYth at Ennisville, to examine appli. cants for the schools of Jackson district. Oct. 14th at Corllin's School House to cx. amine applicants for the schools of Union dis• trict. Oct. 16th nt Mill Creek, to examine appli• cants for the schools of Brady district. Oet. 18th at Shirleymbartr. to examine appli. cants for the school,: of Shirley district. Oct. 19th at Shade Cap, to examine cants fur the sehooLior Dublin and Tell dirt to. Oct. 21Ft at Scottsville, to examine appli cants foe the schools of Clay aid Springfield districts. Oct.. 23n1 at Cassville. to examine appli• eantsfor jiat svlinolsnreass and Tull distrteL. , ..—..—. Oct. 25th at 'larklesinirg, to examine appli cants tin• the schools or Penn and Hopewell districts. Oct. Dith nt MeConnelstown. to examine ap• pliennts for the schools or Welker districts. N. 11.- 2 l'ho,e districts which have neglected to make out their yearly report wool conlia favor by attending to it. immediately. Teachers may be examined at any time by presenting Certificates of good moral ehuracter front the Board of Directors or the District in which they are applying. Copies or the School Laws and decisions, can he furishetLtn Directors by culling at the Wilco of Fisher and Willi:tins., on Hill street, m• at my residence on .11,t11;11 street, in the bowed) of Hindi:tulip,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers