DEED. In Morris township, on the 9th, inst., MRS. MAOARET MEANS, aged 85 years, 7 months, and 7 days. At the State Lunatic Hospital of Pa., on Friday the 30th, inst., J. OLIVER HUD SON, formerly of Shade Gap, Pa., in the 20th, year of his age. 0 Yes! 0 Yes! 0 Tell AUCTION At filly Stewart's, on Railroad Street. The undersigned having determiend to close business and leave Huntingdon, will offer his en tire stock of new and seasonable Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, and Cloth ing, Glass, QUCCIMMIEC, Hardware, &c AT PUBLIC AUCTION, to commence on the first Monday of the January Court, and continue from day to day, and from night to night, till all is sold. Nothing will he reserved that will sell for anything net...first coat: I will also offer, at the same time and place, nll my town property, including the old Business Stand, on Railroad Street, with Dwelling, Ware house, Store Room, &c. On the real estate, but at mall part of the purchase motley will be requir ed in hand, and the payments be made easy to suit the times. WILLIAM STEWART. N. 13. 1 would use this occasion, once more to call on those indebted to save costs by settling their accounts before. I leave town; and request those having claims to present them for payment. Hunt. Dee. 23, '52.-3t. W. S. Dissolution of Partnership. The Partnership heretofore existing between' Cunningham & Creswell, in the Commission and Forwarding business, at Waterstreet has been this day (Dec. 1t,'52.) dissolved by mutual consent, ell persons having bad dealings with said firm, will please call and settle their accounts with eith er of the Partners at the old stand. J. J. CUNNING HAM & J. CRESWELL. The business: will he carried on nt the ohl stand And on the same terms by the suil,erilier. J. J. CUNNINGHAM. Hind. bel - r 22, STRAP HEIFER. Came to the residence of the subscriber. hi Porter township, about the last of June, a .str,ay Ileifer, chant three years old. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove pi operty, pay charges and take luir away, otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. LOUIS SNYDER . Dec. 23, '22,-3t. Executor's Notice. Estate of MAIWARET MEAszs, into of Morris township, dee'd. Letters Testamentary on the above Estate, hay ing been grants d to the undersipad, all per sons indebted will make immediate payment, ned tho , e having elaitns will present them duly ati thenticated for settlement. D. P. TUSSEY, \V M. CALDWELL, 5 Executors. Dec. 23,'52.—1it. The Kriss Kringle's About. EDMUND SNARE has just received a large and beautiful assortment of Watches. Jewelry, and Fancy Goods, suitable for HOLIDAY PRESENTS, which he will sell helmv all ex pectation. Persona 'wishing to "get their money hack" would do well by calling upon hint. FARM FOR SALE, Will he sold at Private Sale, » form situated in Woodcock Valley, l 4 miles from Huntingdon, and 2 miles from Marklesloiig, and known us the Smallman, Tract. It convicts of S5O Acrea of land, of which about 250 acres are cleared, fenced, and under cultivation, and the balance is well timbered. The pronerty is well watered, several streams passing through it. Nearly the whole tract is Limestone Land and can be made to yield largely. The improvements are Three Dwelling Houses and a Barn. A large portion of the purchase moiled will be allowed to remain secured by a mortgage on the property: Apply tO Miles & Dorris, Huntingdon, or Jacob Urseswell. 'trough Creek. . N. B. Tde lan I k patented. I'u3session will Le given on the 1:4 of April next. Iluntingdon Dee. 16, 52. -tr. FURNACE FOR RENT. MITE subscriber will rent his Furnace, for one 11 or more years, no such terms, as shall be en inducement to those desirous to cuter into the bu siness. EDWARD FURNACE is situated in Shirley township, I luntingdon coun ty, miles from the Pennsylvania Canal; and connected with it there arc tenant houses, enough to accommodate the necessary hands—Wood con venient and plenty—Fossil Ore in abundance, within one of a mile, and other Ore 2 miles from the Furnace; all the Banks well opened and in good working order. Inquiry can be made of Martin Bell, B. F. Bell, A. K. Bell, Blair coun ty; John S. Isett, Spruce Crock; A. W. Benedict, Huntingdon, or of the subscriber, at Vinyard Mills, or Wm. M. Bell, Edward Furnace. Pos session given immediately. t4AItUEL H. BELL. IVin. M. Bell will sell Eight Mules, Horses, Carts, Ore Care, Wagons and Beds, all the nu merous articles about a Furnace. The Mule team is a very excellent one 8 years old. Apply to WILLIAM M. BELL, Dee. 16, '52.-3t. Edward Furnace. PETITION. 1 1,. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in anti for the '.. county of Huntingdon, at January Term, 1853. , The petition of William Christy, of the borough , - f Alexandria, in the township ct Porter, and the •ounty of Iluntingdon, respectfully showeth : ''• That your petitioner is provided with the ma oriels far the accommodation of strangers and avelers at the old tavern stand in the borough of loxandria, and prays your Boners to grant hint i,:.i. , license to keep a pubhe house of entertainment, J ' `,., a d your petitioner will pray, &c. f WILLIAM c n niST Y. • We, the subscribers, citizens of the borough of lexandria, do *illy that the above petitioner is f good repute for honesty and temperance, and is . i ell provided with house room and conveniences r the accommodation of strangers and tra v elers, td that said tavern is necessary to accommOdate - e public and entertain travelers or strangers, &c. N. Cresswell, John N. Swoope, Cartels Pat . roan, thanes Yocum, Nicholas Isenberg, Jaunts . Fleming, James Foster, John Bisbin, B. Ath tone, John Gaylingen. E. Kline, Philip Piper, • iincis Connor, Michael Richardson. Dee. 16. - Administrator's Notice. tate Of NICHOLAS THOUTWINE, late of Barree township, Huntingdon co., deed. i . a:TTERS of administration having been grant -1 ed to the undersigned on the above Estate, all ieons knowing themselves indebted will make ediate payment, and those having claims will nt them duly authenticated for settlement. ;. DANIEL TROUTWINE, SOLOMON TROUTWINE, Administrators. comber 16, '52. -60 REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the following named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Hun tingdon, and that the said accounts will be pre sented for confirmation and allowance, at an Or- Mums' Court, to he held at Huntinmlon, in and for said county of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 12th day of January next. 1. David Walker, Administrator of David Peightal, late of Barree township, dee'd. . 2. Benedict Stevens, Esq., and William Rut ter, Administrators of John Rutter, late of Crom well township, dee'd. 3. Mordecai Chileote, Administrator of John Chileote, latent Cass township, deed. - 4. Simon I'. Alloy, surviving Administrator Of Esther Logan, late of Cromwell township, dee'd. 5. Peter Shaffer and Shafll2r, Ekon. tors of the last will of John Shover, late of Mor ris township, dee'd. Robert Me Burner, Guardian of Matta Bull, minor child of Josiah Bull, late ofJackson town ship, deed. 7. Thomas .Anderson, Administrator of John Sheeder, late of Tod township, dec'il. 8 Milton Montgomery, Administrator of Sa rah Stewart, Into of \Ve,t township, dec'd. 9. Thomas L. States, acting AVniinistrator of Joseph Stewart, late of the Borough of Hunting don deed. M. F. CAMPBELL, Register. Register's Office, Iltintingtion, Dec. 16, 1852,. PRO( LAMAtION. yVIII;111,18 by a precept to Inc directed, doted at Huntingdon, the 11 th day, of December, A. 1). 1852, under the hands and seals of the lion. George Taylor, President of the Court of Common Pleose. Oyer and Terminer, and gener al jail delivery of the 9th judicial district of Penn sylvania composed of Huntingdon, Blair anil Cam bria, and the Hoh. Thomas E. Stuart and Jona thon MeWillianni, his associates, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, justices assigned, appoint ed, to hear try and determine all and every in dictments made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the lays of the Stale are made capital or felonies of sheath and other °dime*es crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall hereafter be committed or perpetrated for crimes aforesaid—l am commanded to make pub lic proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Over and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter sessions, will be held at the Court House iu the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and loth day) of January 'mkt, and those who will prosecute the said pri soners be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coronors dal Constables within said county be then and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, with their records, in quisitions, ex:imitations and remem b rances, to do those things which to their offices respectfully appertain.__ • f.hited at lieptingdoli thel.lth,day of December, in the,i'ear ottr 1952, and the 76th year ulAinerienn Independence. Wl' 11. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff: IROCLAIMATION. lATHEBEAS, by a precept to me directed by V V the Judges of the Common Please of the county of Huntingdon, bearing test the 11th day of December 1852, lam commanded to make Public Prochunation throughout my whole baili wick, tint a Court of Common Flees will he held in.the Court House in the Borough of Hun tingdon, on the third Monday (and 17th day) of Jam, A. 1)., 1053, fin• the trial of all issues in said Court, which retrain undetermined before the said Judges, when and where all jurors, witnesses and suitors, in the trial of all issues are required to appear. Dated at Huntingdon, the Ittlt day of December, in the yetis• of our Lord 1852, and the 76th year of American Independence...._„, B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Dec. 16, '52, PETITION. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace of the County of Huntingdon, fur January Session, 1853: Your petitioner respectfully showetb, that he is well provided with house room, and all other con veniences for the accommodation of the public and ebtertaining ut• strangers and travelers, at the bon, now occupied by him, and formerly occur pied by Michael Sissier as a licensed Inn or Tav ern, in the borough of Alexandria. He therefore, prays your Honors to grant hint a license to keep an inn f or Tavern in said house, f'or the ensuing yen•; end he wit' pray, &c. P. MIATEF.R. We, the undersigned, citizens of the borough of A'exandria, in which the above Inn or Tavern is proposed to be kept, do hereby certify, that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travelers; and that Patrick I\l'Atcer, the above petitioner, is a parson of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and all ne cessary conveniences for the accommodation of the. public, and entertaining of strangers and travelers. Nicholas Isenberg, John Bisbio, Samuel Isen berg, Jacob Hoffman, Abraham Piper, Benjamin Cross, Win. Kemp, John H. Gregory, David Wil son, James S. Fleming, Jetties Yocum, Francis Conner, Adam Seenor, George H. Fleming, John Piper, jr., B. Atherton, Joseph Piper, Carus Pat terson, B. J. Williams. Dee. le, 's2.—lt' PETITION. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Huntingdon, January Term, 1853. The Petition of John Stahl, of Morris township, Huntingdon county, hereby shewetht That your petitioner both provided himself with materials fbr the accommodation of strangers, traveltrs and others, at his Dwelling House in the village : of Shatfersville, township & county aforesatd, which for the last two years was kept by himself, as a Public House of entertainment, and prays that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a " Li cense to keep and continue the same as a Public House of entertainment, and your petitioner will ever pray, &e virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of 11- 1 Huntingdon county, there will be sold at Pub lic Voodoo or Outcry on the promises, on Thursday the 30th day Id December, 1852, JOHN STAHL. I the following described real estate, situated in We the subscribers, citizens of Morris township, 1 , Cass township, Huntingdon county, part of the do certify that the above petitioner is of good re- i real estate of Matthias Miller, late of said town putt) lot honesty and temperance, and is well ship, dce'd., to wit provided with house room and conveniences for A certain inessuage, tract, and plantation of the accommodation of strangers, travellers, and land, situated in Hares Valley, in the county and others, and that said Public Iluuse is necessary to township aforesaid, adjoining land of Geo. Quarry accomodate the public and entertain strangers or on the South, other land of M. Milier, deed., on travellers. the North, Rocky Ridge on the East, and Henry J. E. Seeds, R. Kinkead, J. Plympton, Wil- Dell on the South, containing 100 ACItEli, Liam Davis, S. Charleton, John Divers, Geo. ! more or less, about Forty Acres of which are Haupt, Jossiah Fetterhoof, George Vst Walter, cleared and cultivated; the balance is well timber- James Russell, Philip Walter, Joseph Shaffer, ed, and nearly all susceptible of being cleared and Jeremiah Berry, George Keller, Alex. MeClintick. armed. -- i The above described property is a part, to wit: NEW GOODS! the Southern end of the tract of land owned by Matthias Miller, from which it has been divided EVERY MONT% I off for sale, jiy a line parallel to the Southern line • orthe said tract.. This property is situated in a At The Cheap Cash & Produce Store of healthy and Improving Valley, 4 miles West of James Bricker. Brewster's. Factory, and six miles South orMa pleton, on the Pa. Railroad. The undersigned, encouraged during the past TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur year, by the very liberal patronage of a discern- chase money to be paid :on the confirmation of mg public, has :mule permament arrangements sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments for receiving, from the Eastern Cities, FRESH thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the GOODS EVERY MONTH! His stock of Gro- bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. • caries, Drugs, Eonfectronares, Boot & Shoes, Li- Sale to contian'ce at 12 o'clock, noon, of said quors, Notions, and general varieties, is now ex- day, when attendance will-be given by • • tensive and comlete, of the very finest quality, ABRA 11 AM MIMI X, • and sold wholesale or retnil, at thevery lowest Executor of Matthias Miller, dee'd. figures for cash or country produce. M. F. CAMPBELL, Clerk. Dec. 2, '52.-ly. Deeember 9,1852.-3 t. SHERIFF'S SAL .S. By virtue of sundry writs of Vend. I.lx. will be exposed to sole nt public vendue, nt the,court house in the borough of Huntingdon, on '.finlny the I Itli day ofJanuarv, 1853, nt 10 o'clock, A. PI the following described property, to wit: All the right, title, and interest of John Ramsey, in and to a lot of ground in Spring field township, Huntingdon county, con taining one half acre of grotind, bounded by lands of Robert Madden and school house rot, having thereon erected a one and a half story frame weather boarded house, &c. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Ramsey, (of B.) ALSO—AII the right, title, and interest of defendant, George Murrits, in and to a tract of land, in Hendersion township, Hun tingdon county, containing 266 acres, be the Caine more or less, having thereon er ected two-two story log houses '2 log barns, about 80 acres cleared and in a state of cultivation, adjoining lands of the estate of Alexander Gwin, Esq , dec'd., and land of Elisha Shoemaker, with the appurtenances, &e. . Seized) taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George Murrits. ALSO—AII the right, title, and interest of Elias Hoover, in and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, bounded on the north by lands of Andrew , llegie, D. Blair, Robinson & Co., on the east b y lands of Blair; Robinson, & Co.; on the south by lands of Locks, and on the west by the Blackleg Mountain, containing three hundred acres, more or less. Seized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of Elias Hoover. ALSO—A tract, or piece of land, iu Henderson township, Huntingdon county, containing 69 acres, more or less, about 45 acres of which are cleared and cultivated, adjoining lands of James M. Sankey and James Porter, having thereon erected a two story log house, a log barn and other im provements— the property of Defts. Siezed, taken in executicn, and to be sold as the property of William Sankey and James 31. Sankey. ' ALSO—Two lots of ground in the town of Warriorsmark, as the property of Abed nego Stephens, being on the 'corner of the street pr roads, ono of which leads. froth Spruce Creek to Phillipsburg, and the oth er from Birmingham to Pinegrove, and ad joining a lot of Dr. 11. K. Neff on the' north-west, having thereon a two story Store llouSe on the corner, and a two sto ry Dwelling, Muse on the lot adjoining , Dr. Neff, both weath.erboarded and painted white, with .other necessary buildings and a stable—Also an out lot adjoining said town, containing 6 acres, more or less, in a good state of cultivation. ' Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Abednego Steven'. ALSO—AII Deft's right, title, and in terest in and to a tract of land in Jackson I township, Huntingdon County, containing twenty-nine acres, about twenty of •which are cleared and under fence, having there on erected a Log House two stories high, and a log barn, adjoining lands of Solomon Hamer on the north, and on the west by lands belonging to the estate of Leonard Steffey, deed.,of Samuel Rudy on the south, and,. tie east by lands of the es tate of Leonard Steffey—Also ono other , tract in Barree township, containing 15 acres 12 or ill of which aro cleared and under fence, adjoining land of Nicholas Troutwine on the east, Christian Gearhart on the west, of Solomon Hamer on the north, and lands of Thomas Logan on the south. ISeized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Michael Steffey. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Livari Facias, will be sold at the same time and I place the following described property ,to wit: ' All that certain tract of land known as the Blacklick tract situated in the town ' ship of Barree (now Jackson,) Hunting don county, adjoining lands of John Brown, John Davis and others, containing three hundred and twenty-four acres and thirty ! nine perches with the usual allowance, sur veyed on a warrant granted to Gen. W. I‘PAleavy dated the first day of April A. D. 1798, together with the hereditaments and appurtenances, &o. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of James Alexander. 'WM. B. ZEIGLER, Sheriff. Dee. 16, '52. --- - ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 300,000 Copies Sold I TILL NEW CARMINA SACRAt Improved SINGING BOOK, by L. MA:lox Contitiiling, I. A Selection of the best Tunes•.%rwk all Mr: Mamou's prpriotts /;Dolt. 2. First - tote• ...Posi tions by en. Zurisntt. 3. Appendix, contain ing New 'l•anes. The whole making "the most important book of Church MMia is the world." The sale of Three Ileialted Thwisand entrai ns. Sacra is sufficient evidence of its merits.— Fifteen letter-stamps tent to the publishers, lice & Kendall, Boston, will command a Orly by mail, lin. examination.. Also fbr sale by t 4• K., The Boston Ando. my's Collection; The Psaltery; Mason's Large Musical Exercises roc Schools; Mason's Juvenile Singing Books; The Boston Glee Book (very popular;) The Boston Academy's Collection of Choruses (put down to $l4 per dozen;) and oth er musical works. Boston, Dec. 9, '52.-3t. • =III' Cr WHOLESALE GROCERS AND - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, A'l DEALIIIiS IN BACON, PROW'CP.,,AND PITTSBURGH A N U FACTURES; No. 23 Wood St. Pittsburgh. Particular attention paid to the sale of Blooms and Pig Metal, and CABII advances made. Dec. 9, Exentoros Notice. Estate of WHITE, late of West township, decq Letters testamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, all persons undebted will make immediate payment, and those basing clains against said estate will pre sent them dilly authenticated for settlement. ADOI.IIIUS-P,, JOHN COIA)STOCtC, 5 Executors. Dee. 9. '52.-61. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon County, will be offered for sale at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, on Fahey the 24th day qf December, all o'clock, I'. .If., the following described property. to the certain parcel of ground situated in said Borough of Huntingdon, at the South-eastern corner of Hill and Smith Streets, fronting 48i feet on Hill Street extending in depth along Smith Street 70 feet to an alley ten feet wide, und extending along said alley 98:1 feet. a n d including the ground be tween said alley :aid a line running parallel there to at the distance of forty feet therefrom in rear of certain Bret: Offices 50 feet in length, having thereon erected a large brick dwelling home. Stable and other buildings. Also the undivided half-part of a parcel of ground situated in said thorough, fronting 50 feet ott Hill Street, and ex cising in depth at right angles to said street,. :10 feet adjoining the said described mansion prop:, ty . the west and south, having thereon erected a one story Brick building used its Offices. Ako the undivided fifteen twenty-fourth parts of thou part of Lots No's. 8, 9 and lit, in tha plan of said Borough of Huntingdon, which is described as fol lows: bounded on the cast by Lot, No. 7, owned by Thomas Fisher, fronting on Alegheny Street the extent of said three Lotts, also fronting 120 feet on Smith Street, and bounded on the north by an alley tell (bet wide, at the distance of 70 feet upon Hill Street to the extent of the same, thence extending in breadth 44 feet from said al ley tit 11W Street, adjoining part of the said de seribed Iwo parcels on the west, and said Lot of 'Thoroas Fisher on the eest, having thereon erec ted a large two story Stone Brick dwelling Hoe., used its a boarding House a small frame dm:biting, a large Stable and other buildings... Alsd, the un divided half part of a lot of ground to said Bor ough), fronting fill, het 0,1 Washington Street, and extending 200 fi2,t tw Mifflin Street, it being to Corner Lot, and numbered 129, and having thereon a frame Stable. TERMS.—t hie third of the purchase moor:, to be 'mid on confirmation of Safe, and the residue in two equal annual payments, thereafter with interest, to ho secured by the Bonds and Mort gage of purchasers. JOHN I'. MOCAHAN, ELIZA 1). DORSEY, Mmi s. of tireenberry Dorsey deed. I will also, at the same time and place, offer fur sale all my interest, it being the residue of above property not advertised by the adminis trators of Creenberry Dorsey, which will give the purchaser a title to the whole. DESNA I'. DORSEY. Dee. 2, 1852.-41. NOTICE To the Stockholders of the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Rail Road and Coal Company., To pursuance of the Act of incorporation, and of the general Act of Assembly regulating Haitread Companies, the undersigned, Commissioners of said Company who have acted, hereby give no tice, that they have appointed Monday the tenth day of January, A. D. 1863, between the hours of nine o'clock, A. M., and five o'clock, P. M.. for the subscribers to the Capita! Stock of said Company to meet at the Court House in the Borough of Huntingdon, for the purpose of organizing the said Company, by the election of NINE directors, one of whom is, at the same time, to be chosen as President. J. G. Miles, A. P. Wilson, Thomas Fisher, .1. 3kCahan, James Garin, James Entrehin, David Glair. James Saxton, John Kerr, John Scott, S. S. Wharton', John A. Doyle, George Jack : son,./no. Porter, Israel G callus, S. M. Grout, John.* COl.. !OA, Jame"' Oral., .1. B. Irintrae, Jac ~ b Cress- Well,Chedes Mickley, Alexander King, Job Minn, Samuel Russeit, William EranS, Andrew J. Nea: WM. P. Schell, Lurid McM4Hrie, John D. Gren, Wm. Ayres, George W. Speer, WM. P. Or bison, Levi EI;(1113, .b a nes Patton, 11. 13. 'WHIT'', A. II': Benedict, Alexander Pod, James Maguire, Isaac .Gook, George Gwin, James Campbell, Lan iel 'bury Zimmerman, W. T. Dougherty. December 2, 1852. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. TOWN PROPERTY/1 The subscriber otlbrs lbr sale, that valuable and well improved Lot of Ground situate In Alleghe ny or Railroad street, in the borough of Hunting don, on which lie now resides, pod on which is erected a Bitten DwnLiastf llouie, Mid u BRICK BUILDING adjoining, suitable fur any mercantile purpose, haring a good Store Room and Ware house Room extending back to the Canal, with a good well of water, a prick Cement Cistern, an lee House, and all ether convenient out buildings; in excellent repair. . . Toms will Le made known by enquiry of the subscriber. LOUIS SCILNEIbER. December 2, 1852.—t.5. DR. 111. A. HENDERSON.. HAVING pro pled himself with a now Office, adjoining the late residence of hit ibtlier, 1)r. Joittt...Hi:LnEnsoN, respectfully tenders hit Pro• fossional services, as heretofore, to the public. Huntingdon, Dec. 2, 1852. AVERY large lot of /305031 PINS, CUPP PINS, EAR RINGS, PENCILS t j ./CE for the ladies at • ELM. Administrators' Notice. Estate of GEOliGli SCHELL, late of Penn town ship, Huntingdon co-, deed. Letters of administration having been granted to -the undersigned, on the above estate, all per soit4 'having claims .against soul estate will pre sent theta duly authenticated for settlement, and those intlebt,d will snake immediate payment. SANICEI, SCHELL, . . • ' JOHN C. MOORS, Nov. l t, 18:12.—Gt.' Admr's. Auditor's Notice. Th'i'und:,esigned Auditor npiTioteii by Alit Or phans Court of lliattitigdOn (Vility, to distri bute the assets In the hoods of Jolts G. Fleck, Esq., Administrator de bolds non of Samuel D. Miller, late of Warrioremark township, deed., among the creditors of•.Snid deceased, will attend fur that purpose at the ofiice'of .Itio. Owens, Esq., in the Borough of li!rmingliani, on Moody, Jan uary 3. 1853, at 10 o'clock Al.,•uhen and where all persons interested can he present if they see JAMES CLARKE, Atulßor. Dec. 2,1252.-4 t. Adntpistrator's Notice. Estate of D. L.BicoDE, late or Toil township; Huntingdon county, deed. Letters or administration having been granted to the undersigned on the above estate, all per sons knowing themselves indebted will make im mediate payment, and thoie having claims will present them Imq..lly :up hilitiested be settle ment. LEVI EVA NS, Admr., Broad Top tp., Bedford co., Pa. November 18, 1852.-60 CHEAPER. THAN THE CHEAPEST ! JACOB SNTDER, To his old frinds, and the Public Greeting. Whereas I have just returned front the East, n•ith n full supply of Ready Illade. Clothing for Men and Boys—l tun prepared to sell cpats, front $2,50, to $14,00. Pants, from $1,75, to $5,00. Vests, from 75 rents, to $5,60. Shirts, and Shirt Collars, Hats,. Cappf Bloves, Suspenders, Or. of all serts4sitseg, az prices to suit all purchasers. Call and manilla:, before you buy, at the Old Stand in Market Street. Huntingdon, October 21, 1852. H. W. SNIT 11, DENTIST, HrIXT IXGDON, November IS, 1552 GT : Linseed Oil, 20 kegs pure White Lead, Jersey Window Glass and rutty, for sale at the store of GE°. G BRITISH PERIODICAL LITERA TURE. Republication of the LONDON QUARTERLY, THE EDIN BURGH. THE 'NORTH BRITISH, AND THE WE , TMINSTE RE VIEWS, AND BLACK WOOD'S EDI N BITROH MAGAZINE. TERMS.—anMENT TO DE MADE IN ADVANCE For any one of the four Reviews, • • $3OO. For any two do. • • 5 00. For any three do. • • 7 00. For all four of the Reviews, 8 00. For Blackwood's Magazine, 3 00. For Blackwood and three Reviews, • • 9 00. For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 00. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., Publishers, 79 .Falton street, entrance 54 Gold street, New York. Small, I , arm . for Sale. The subscriber offers, nt private sale, the Ridgeland Farm of 9U acres, on which he now re sides, in Henderson township, one mile north• cast of Huntingdon. The land is of • the best quality of „slate, all tillable, and well watered, about •t 0 acres are in good cultivation, the rest well timbered. A new, commodious, and neatly finished frame house and log stable; and a fine orchard ofyoung apple and peach trees— , -Mestly grafted ti•uitt-.-are on the premises. -Ititendifig to move , west -in the spring, 1 am determined to sell on reasonable terms. SAMUEL FRIEDLEY, Oct. 15, '52.-3m. GRAND OPENING OF Fall and Winter Clothing AT THE HUNTINGDON CLOTH ING STORE. A. WILLOUGHBY, has just returned from the east with a huge and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods for men and boys, made in the latest fashion and in the most durable manner. Who ever wants to be dressed better and cheaper than any body eke in town, lot him call at WILLOUGIIBY'S Clothing Store, one door West of Thus. Heed & Son, drug store in Huntingdon. Call and see for yourselves. October 21, 1852. J. & W. SAXTON Have just received the most magnificent supply of Fall and Winter Goods ever offered to the citizens of Huntingdon. They consist of every variety of Dress Goods, such as .Silk press Patters, *Mend figured—Merinos, Permute Cloth, Lane, Alpacas of dif ferent colors, Silk Luotres, &c.; &e., and every thing in the shape ofLadieV•Dress Goods. Also, Black Silk, Bonnet Silk, Sack Flannels of every variety and color; Cloths, Cassimere and Vesting of every variety and color. Suttinetts at all prices. ALSO, 500 pieces assorted Prints, Long Shawls, Thibett Shawls, MuslinS, Ginghams ' Flannels, Carpet n, Carpet bags, Gent. Cravats, Ladies Collars; La ces, Bonnet Ribbons, Feathers, Linings, Gloves of every variety; Ladies Dress nimmings,--Mas till, Tippets, Muffs, Bonnets, German Hoods, Hoziery, &c. lIARI)WARE, the best assortment ever offeretlin !his place. QUEENSWARE, a beautiful assortment of every variety and at ex• ceediugly low prices. BOOTS and SHOES, such as Grain Leather and courset. rogan Boots. Also—all kinds of Ladies and GenßShoos; please cull and examine our stock. BATS and CAPS, No. 1 Moleskin Flats, No. 2 Moleskin Hats, and an endless variety of Caps for Men and Buys. GROCERIES nt such prices us cannot fail to please the most fastitlions.....tlhaa,,evcry :other article, such as arc commonly kept in a Gountry store, which we are selling lower than any other house in town or country; call anti see. We arc determined to sell off our old stock at cost, or under. [oct. 14, '52. e;'10 Id-. Nu. 1 Herring, for sale at the store Geo. GWIN. .UST RECE EliBW for sale Fish, Suit and Plogefr by J. & W. Stxvw. Auditor's Notice. Te MidOrsigned Auditor, appointed by the Or. plms' (Vert of Huntingdon county, to distribe the balance in the limas of James. Saxton, Admr. of Benjamin Cortrit, tned.',.timongst those enti tled to receive the same, hereby, gives notice, to all parties interested,' that•hb Will attend to the duties of his said npiatintmetit, on Wednesday the 29th day of Deeeniher, A. 1). 1851, o'clock, P. M., at his °Nice in the borough of Huntingdon, when a n ti where all per,uni interested may attend if they think proper. JOHN IZgkir; December 2,1052.-4 t. Auditor. THE ELEPHANT -'-''44,\ 4 ,i 5 , lt vr ,,, ,i , . e, '. ~ ,„.. 0 .,,,, , , 1 , ,..4.;1,A.,.- 4. -.,:. c ..,, ; : ,,q , j 1 ,,, g k 3 't ~ I,A; ./. 0 '..;; ,' %I h ' ',4",.. ' r:- e; ~*. : s _: „ i 74. ii . : . , :,.. , , , .....i ' , i'• 1 : 41, 1 4. '' f ' (..., 1 , t. 4 . . ifefi,,_ '' g vi , "•• • • - ,›"Peile6ll? NEW rirOODS, The public are hereby inr,ructi :hut the sal)-' scriber has leased that popular and utltknoivn store room is the Elephant building, opposite thie Railroad hotel, ',here he has just received and opened the latest and hest supply of FALL AND WINTER GOODS in town. I :dock tamsists of every variety o 1 OOW GRO('EItIES, IIAnDIrARE, Qi.w.v.•;11.1 ieE ' Bows, 5/101•, &e., &c.,. all or b ich wil l be sold low for the "dust," or exchanged for country produce. . 4 Ladies and gentlemen. are,respectfully invited to call slid “sce the Elephant,' at least, as no charge is made for exhibiting the animal. ‘,‘ LEX. CARNION, October 14, 1852. “ALL'S GOLD THAT GLITTERS” in the Large (ilul Splendid Stock of Watches, feletity ;'nd Cloets, foot opened by EDMUND SNARE. • •• Ile has by far the most exteusive and 1:0,4 se lected assortment ever brongi tto Huntingdon, comprising Gold and Silver Watches, (Hunting Watches, Patent Levers, And Lepincs and Quar,i. , ,,) Fob, Vest and Guard Chains, Finger :unl Ear Rings, Breast Pins Cu ff and Scarf Pins, Medallian Cases, Seals, fi:eys, Pencils, Silver Table Ware, Coral Beads, Spectacle:, Cold Pens, Fine Knives, Port Monaies, and an mile, vari ety of Fancy Gamin- l'ers'unt , having tine IVatehes and Jewelry needitig•repairing, can emithiently leave them •with hitn, as he has 1•1111,11 /yell 011 e Cl the best workmen in the State. Nl'ork w.ittnAicrEti. Huntingdon, Oct. 14, 1852 - ft; ,6 All the World and the Rest of Mankind:" KirOW YE THAT GEORGE Hasinst received from the Eastern Cities a largo and splendid assortment of fresh FALL and WINTER GOODS, at his old stand in Market Square, where he will he pleased to see his old customers, and the pub lic generally. • Ills Goods were selected to suit this market, end he is determined to sell on terms to suit pur chasers. Ills assortment consists of DRY-GOODS, Groceries,_ Queensware, dlaksware, Hats and:Caps, Boots and ShOe's, Hardware,.&.c. mid tt kreat variety of GOMIS bran kinds. Feeling thankfnl fin• last favore, he hopes, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of the same. [oct. 14,'5_. MR. EDITOR :- I mos one of the many of our citizens who were attracted by the "Grand Exhibition," of our neighbor Charles S. Black, Esq., and I of course attended the opening exhibition, lam also ono of the few who understand the value of a good newspaper: Being therefore "booked up" in the filets, and the price oldie press, and anxious to impertsultSiantial knowledge to the unthrstand. jay, of toy. neighbor, I have taken this method to soy to all,--4fyon would have your Soles well eared for, call at Black's, and examine his stock • of Ladles, nud Gentletwas, shoes and bouts, he warrants: the work nut.ripp and •stithhes withuot charge if it doe, Neighbors try PEDESTRIAN _ . Oct. 14,1852. Huutingdot! County Mutual Insur ance Company, 'Wish to receive applications for agents, from such persons as are willing to give time and attention to the duties. The pay. allowed will fully compensate agents for• their trouble. Agencies and duties con fined to the county. Apply in person or by lottor, post-paid, to DAVID SNARE, Sec. Sept. 16,1852. AVATCRES, CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY. The subscriber, thankful to his friends and pa trons, and to the Public generally, fur their pa tronage, still continues to carry on at the same stand; one door east of Mr. C. Coat's Hotel, Mar ket soon, Huntingdon, where he will attend to , all who will favor him with their custom, and al-• SO keOpS on hand a good assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c., &c., all of which ha is determined to sell at low prices. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry of all kinds will be repaired at sht,i. notice, and having made ar rangements with a good workman, all repairs will be done in a neat and durable manner, and every person leaving articles for repairing shall have them done at the precise time. By paying strict attention to business, and selling at low rates, he hopes to receive a share of public patronage. :• JOSEPH RIGGER. Huntingdon, Sept. 7, 1852.-Iy. Just Arrived. Ono of the best and largest selected stocks of Bouts end Shoes iu Huntingdon. Also full as sortment of Gum Shoes, of all sizes, nt the new J. lkucKEu, More of A beautiful oss.runent of Fancy Copings and Li Vesting for sale by J. &W. SAXTON. JOSEPH DOUGLASS, in McConnellstown, has constantly ou.hand, and is prepared tc, wake and repair GUNS °tall kinds at the short est notice. Nov. 25, '22. asT 100 Sucks of Suit in store, and for sale . by Uzi). Gwix. B"FHIDES, taken in exchange for good, of the Cheup Store of J. BRICKER. Blasting Powder and Safety Fuse always on baud and for sale at the cheap store of J. Bitiosia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers