youtfur Column. THE HEART-THE HEART. ItY ELIZA COOK The heart—the heart! oh, let it be A true and bounteous thing; As kindly warm, as nobly free, As eagle's nestling wing. Oh, keep it not, like miser's ,gold, Shut in from all beside, But let its precious stores unfold, In mercy, thr ee l wide. The heart—the heart that's truly blest Is never all its tan, No My of glory lights the breast That beats for self alonc. The heart—the heart ! oh, let it spare A sigh tin• other's pain, The breath that soothes a brother's eare, Is never spent in vain. And tlanigh it thre.b at gentlest touch, Or sorrow's faintest eall, 'Twere Letter it should ache too much, Thant never ache at ull. The heart—the heart, that's truly blest, Is never all its own, No ray of glory lights the breast, That beats fur self alone. • • The land Transplanted. rpnE LATE DISASTROUS FIRE • gives I fresh evidence of the reliance to Inc plated in Some years ago a beautiful, frail flower EvANs, EIREI'R„ sAFEsi sprung up in a land which is separated No. 61 South second St., from our own happy home by the blue • PHILADELPHIA. waves of the broad Atlantic, but in it abut) ot . c i ''"''''” th'" ".° had °"' mver e roots Fir from ' , Tir,es' in our store, so ungenial, and in a soil so rough and , t „ th „, GREAT F IRE AT HAR T rg stony it could not flourish, although wet- I ftUILI)!N(IS, which when Liken from the ruins erod by the tears of many kindred. Ere tutu opened, was found to hate preserved our the soft breath of spring had visited it the "" fi relY """sj"u'L """ third time, the hue of its delicate leaf be- "My store was entered by Burglars, and came pallid: and as the wind whistled by, failing to Pick the Lock of my broil Sole, they the fragile stein snapped even while the tried to blow it open with Poorler, bnt 11,, el. dew-drops Engel- ed on the flower. But, cr not forever was drooped its beautious head, 1E ~." nor was its fr:grance forever gone; it was For sale, of all sizes, by 01.1 VFR EVANS, gathered for the Saviour's chaplet, theretit SyS . 'fl "" to bloom in unblemished beauty when the le A radiant sun shall be quenched, and the Vaud, and Store Locks—Thiefand Pou der pro , ,f. fair omen and stars veiled in eternal night. Also, in store—Seal and Letter Copyie, This beauteous bud was none other than ''' Trucks.fn mooing boxes, bales oor crafts. llru little Hannah—, the much-loved, first-rv, of born child of idolizing permits. The ; Water Filters, our purifying had water. Ilefri , •- world, where every flower brings its thorn, matins, mid lee Chests. Water Coolers of all where every joy is mingled with pain, where mores, &e. pt. tat, 1802.--mn. every smile is chased away by tears, was ; not her home, nor were those fond friends COMMERCIAL HOTEL. her eompainons: but Heaven, the bright! The soer having leinied the Polak. !muse, abode of angel's, was her dwelling_ place, formerly known as the American llouse, No. 18 and the cherubim and seraphim her assn-S. Sixth street, between Market and Chesnut ciates. From the time when her lips first ; Street', l " l4 chtlnge l l the ...mew' tht , ,mme to learned the name of her Creator, art-ab- I THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, sorbing then was God and Heaven, and her Begs leave to inform his friend.; and the Publie, young spirit seemed to pant for joy is more that this house has undergone a thorough remod elling, repairing, repainting and repapermg, from pure than those of earth and sense. • attic to basement. An entire new outfit ,d When the weekly prayer meeting was tore, bedding, kte., &e., has been procured from convened under her parents roof, no per- the most celebrated Manufacturers in this city. tci s n to h the i avion, end its close prox suasion could induce her to be absent, but with a voice musical with infant plead- in Pieces o f Amusement, „ s t i „ 71 " : t it !: ing she would say, ~ l lannah loves to hear . on g brares and Public Squares, it oilers induce Brother Burnham preach and pray.''— melds to the Merchant visiting the city on busi Though for a short season she knelt around rg:Z i tl i .',, e n : , l l`:°, l . s r.r il el'i'^, l : l F",s""• , T:= , ' the family altar, and bet guileless heart be offered, and U ev i tr i v ' co ' i l i r ilLr e t r i e viariled tt beat in unison with the pious breathings of . make their visit agreeable and pleasant. . .. . ~ . . God's people, it was the will of the Sat • i- .: . I.slirtre of the public patronage is respeetftsll; our to take her• home; •he only permitted s j ! l a! o t G. LEno, JARED Dtvix, her to stay a few brief days on earth to Superintendent. Proprietor. show how fair are the flowers which bloom September 9. 1832.-6nt in Heaven. When the death shades were hanging o;er her as sho lay cradled in her SIIELDRAKE'S ALLEGHENY lIOUEE, mother s- arms ' she softly whispered, "See, No. 580, Market Si., above El y/it, mother, see the little girls are coming in limier the new arrangement the cars which ar white frocks for your Hannaule and then rive front Pittsburg, Harrisburg &r.. will rat i closed her eyes, for though the mother NT Der, corner " Mar still held the form, angels were wafting ,; I „„ ys j i l e zjzz r :t e tT b e l p i o e t ": n t the spirit home. They laid her iu the arrival of the ears to oarry Passengers to the Al quiet church yard, where the birds chase- leglieny House, whioh in In the centre of the city. ted her requiem, and the nodding trees and friends will down , °. l a" who lonely tombstones kept their vigils over Clean Beh to ds, aclom ° tr a to . (ll:t v i l i t t h l, t a islra d nt ' s i , n l l % ) . l i e ll her lowly grave. . please give us a call. Terms, one dollar per day. But where now are the father and moth- August 26, 1852.-6 m. ._ . . or, who long years ago laid their darling , away to sleep? That family have, we THOS. RE iVD, trust, been re-united in Heaven, and, as we humbly hope, the parents with two Would respectfully inform Li, friends and the loved children have gone to meet their public, that he has on hand and is receiving fur the coming season, a site aissortment of Hannah, never more to be separated.— There are three of that family circle yet t remaining upon God's footstool, but not Consisting of Watches, Chains, Breast Pins, Fin many years will elapse before they too may grli"gm , E "r P(nwils, Ke P , T himbles , Medallions, &e. Together with his Mehra be called away; and oh. if it should so ted and unrivalled please our Father in Heaven, what a hap- I py re-union will be consummated, when (00, 4 !, amid the songs of angels that whole family ; Which is equal if not superior, to ally now in use. will, with united limits kneel at the feet of Earls Pen is Engraved with Isis own name, the Lamb, while their voices are attumed and every Pen Warranted. to the music of Heaven. Oh did you ever, no I never ! Reader, this is no fancy sketch; but a Merry on us what a treat; simple narration of truth. Can you recall I Get Reads Gold Pen, they're extra line, And only found in North Third Street. no similar instance of some fatuity whose • A splendid Pen !!! Where did you get it ? ties were sundered on earth, but as you I • Pure Diamond Pointed, can't be beat; hope are re-united above? Possibly, such Yes, my friends, there's no litunhuging In Read's Gold Pens ofNorth Third Street has been the case in your own happy home ,...F.i.j•lteads Gold l'en is found ?lily at 55 North stead; a father or mother may have gone .utrd Street, below Arch East sme. before you to the tomb ; you may have TIIOS. READ, closed the eyes of a fond husband or faith- Piladelphia. Jan. e, 1852.—tr. ful wife, or it may bo you have dropped the tear of sorrow in the grave of a dear, Huntingdon county Mutual Insurance departed child. Soon the summons may Company. : a come to you, nay the shaft of death may At mecrii, of the Directors of the Hunting- already be speeding its way to your heart, , i ,,, m ,„. iiii l,„, insitranca company held at and are you prepared? At the final day the Court I louse in the Borough of Huntingdon when your loved family will be gathered on /gouda). Sept. 6th 1852. On motion said together to sing the praises of the Lamb, c,,,,, ! ,, 1r t„,,,.. , IS , . O s rga a ll i jg, ,, :t i. l' i ~:: ! . 1:) , illt i i . Vg gi111 , 1C , 8 .. Sec must your countenance We missing there? ',tar, ..,:t . Tro l a e Zer. Jam ' ', t.;,i . e . : David SI:, Or must you from the regions of endless Maririe m 141.101111 Hayett wore appointed an Ex woe be doomed for an eternity to bear the restive comittu , e• A t s d. soou its istauka and i l l , 1:11.11CliTIS cull be pro vokes of those whom you shall never more behold as thy chant "Glory to God," while ,0 1 7,, r ,ii ca 1'; ' ,,1, r". 1 , 1 1"7„ t :„,..„„ c0 „= . , 3 l ," te ti t r i e t . ° 1;`:::. 1. .:, you are joining in the wail of the lost . If Smite of the Borough of Huntingdon is authorised you are not prepared to meet them above, to grant Insurances inanededintely on appliea. let me say earnestly yet kindly, turn from ! it et i r . ed ulal"retineL o , :i ie l i i c ir a r i Tl t c u er e i r lt not be re the ed to the ap the path of folly and sin, "seek God while p i licant. By order of the Board. he is to be found,". for salvation does not : JAMES GWIN, Pres. extend beyond the grave. "Watch and DA yin SNARE, Secretary. . be sober," for "in such an hour as ye , Sept: y,..17''2 -- think not the Son of Man cometh." ! NOTICE, But you who have made your peace ' All persons knowing themselves indebted to with God, weep not as you lay your kind- the subscriber, either by note or otherwise, are red in the dust; you will soon behold them requested to call nail make settlement, at his store i d Portstowa, near Huntingdon, as he is desirous face to face, where sorrow and parting are ot•having his old Books closed. unknown.—From the Mother's Journal HENRY CORNPROPST. and Faimily Visitant ' - - - Philadelphia Advertisements. Most Popular Religious Books of the Age. ___ . WORKS OF TILL REV Henry Blunt, v 4 vols. 12mo. Price reduced to 75 cents ench, LIFE or oust Svrtoun, 1 vol. LIVES Or Sr. PAHL AND Sr. PETER. l VOL LIVES OF \lt,, IHACC AND JACt/H, 1 VOL SF:I/MON:4 DISCOURS.S ox XXXIX ARTICLES, 1 col. 30,000 of these hooks have been sold in Eng- , land, and front 3 to 4000 in this county, where they are now Wend at less than huh/their original price. No religious writings tare more pleasant or profitable to read. The style is very clear and heautithl; the spirit of Christian tenderness and love beams in light on every page; end few books inculcate a safer and Imre practical acquaintance with Holy Scripture, as a whole. A thousand copies should be read where one is non•. BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, and the •ST s Allis AND NEW AND ENTER— TAININC o 1:1, S. ik 1111 nn extensive stork of .1r— VENILE BOONS, nooks for SUNDAY SCIDIOLS, Publications of the Prot. Epis. S. S. Union, and the Evan. Knowledge Society, for Sale at the low est prices. H. HOOKER, i'idilishcr, and Cheap Theological and Miseellaileeni nook. sellerB, corm,. Clicsugz gm/ Eighth Street.q. I'llll AllEl,l'lll.l. (t)et. Jnly 29, 1862. Notice is hereby given that application will lie made to the next Legislature 11w the incorpo ration of a Savings Institution with discounting and deposit privileges, with a capital of net I c,s than ten thousand nor more thou fifty thousand dollars, to he called the HUNTINGDON SAVINGS Boon, to be lace tett in the borough of Huntingdon, Huntingdon county, Pa. DAvin SNARE, JAcon FoctcLEu, J MILLEIt, jAmrs SAxTox, GEo. MeMCIITIIII, July 6,'50. CAR% GIESE & CO., CWOIIIBB i On r ch a n I s, Nos. 23 & 25 Spear's Wlia►f, BALTIMORE, Will receive and .11, Flour, Grain, and all kinds of Country Produce—including Lumber. Cii)" Liberal Cask nilvances made OH Consign ments, prompt returns as soon 118 sales are effect ed. Aug. 26, NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to im late firm of Dorsey & Maguire, or to the sob criber, either by note or book meonnt, please all and settle the same m; I :nn determand that o longer indulgence shall he given. JAMES MAU IA RE. Ihmtilmbm Aug. 19, 18:r2. NEIV GOODS The great Atlantic, the blue Pacific, and the Niagara Falls all combined together, cannot be compared with Ileaton & Willet's splendid assort ment of SU3I MER 0001/8 opened out at Bridge port, which they intend to sell cheap lbr cash or produce. HEATON & WILLET. Bridgeport, Aug. 5, '52. J. S. GRIFFITH, M. U., (Iraduate of the University of Pe., offers his Irofessional service to the citizens of Iluntingtion old adjacent country. 11ErEuENCE8:—Aledieal Faculty of University ,f Pa.. Physicians and Stirgempt of the l'enn.y - •:titia mid Dr..lneoh Il(aitatt. Olnee, No. 189, .Mittlin Street, :thing with Dr. May (1, 1852. JOHN N. DHOW LL, ATTU RN E Y AT LAW, Will attend tliitlifully to all legal business entrust• td to his cure. Huntingdon, July 29, 1832. A. W. BENEDICT, .ITTORNEY .9T LAW, Informs his old friends nod the public that he has returned to his old home, and will attend to all busimms in his profession, entrusted to him, with fidelity and his best ability. - - Office in Main Street, south side, the last house )chtty the rum( hot., Huntingdon, \luy 13, 1852.-6 m. S. L. GLASGOW, A T T 01? -VEY AT LA HUNTINGDON, PA, Will attend to all business entrusted to his care. Ile will make collections, draw Deeds. Bonds, .lortgages, &c., and stare Administrator's, Exec utur's, and Guardian's Accounts on the most rea sonable terms. ()thee in Dorsey's brick row, opposite the res deuce or 1)r. Henderson, near the Court House. April I , 1852. RAILROAD HOTEL., IIuNTINGDox, PA. The sobseriber, having taken the large four sto ry brit]: I iott.l, lormerly the "Washington," kept by 31, Thomas Wail:lrv, is refitting the same for public accommodation. 'Phis Hotel is situated within a few yards of the Railroad station and is one of the most eligible in the plane. The sta bling is extensive, and the location pleasant.— Every attention will he given by the proprietor to promote the comtbrt of guests. LatAFFIUS MILLER. April 15, 1952. MOUNT UNION HOTEL. ABRAM LEWIS respectfully inlin•ms his diends and the travelling piddle, that he has taken the above house at Mot: NT UNtoN, Huntingdon Comae, and assures all those who may favor hint with their custom, that no pains will be spared to render riatisthction. Baggage taken to awl from the Rail Road station, and conveyances furnished at all times, to persons going to Milnwood Acad emy, Shirleysburg, Orbisoma, &c. Mount Union, April 22, 1852. 11. K. NEFF, M. D., HAVING located himself in WARRIORSMARK in this county, would respectfully offer his professional service, to the citizens of that place and the country adjacent. REFFEHENCES J. B. Laden, M. I). Gon. A. P. Wilson, M. A. Henderson, " Win. P. Orbison,Esq, J. 11. Dursey, " Hon. James Uwiun, M. Stewart, " John Scutt, Esq. lion. George Taylor. . Hunlivdon, Pa, Jacob M, Gonnnill, M. D., Alexandria. John Al'en " Petersburg. up7,'52-tf. Stoves and Ploughs. A WI,. ;I.:Amnia:tit constantly on bond, and will be sold twenty per cent. cheaper than can be bought at any other place. ROBERT GRAFIUS. Alexathlria, Juno 3, 1852. ()iiA, Lead, Glue, Turpentine, Glass, 12 Putty, Paints, Tobacco, Cigars, t f•c., whole- Halle and retail, at the cheap store of April 22, 1852, J. BRICKER. KOSSUTH HATS fur sale at the new store • J. LtrwLer. CZ - Fonthers wanted in exehan, for goods at ho now store of d. BRICK ER. Nails, nll kinds and sines, for sale nt the new store ot• J. /Maker. cr Bed Pins, already turned, far sale at the new store of .1 Bricker. Fresh Cheese always on hand and lor sale at the new store 01 J. Bricker. A SPLENDID :1. 1 )1:711E.7 . Ok' LADIES' A wob. , just opened at the store GEO. GWIS. Oct. 1.1, '52, Q.l'pEttion, port Monnaics, Gold Pens, and ► Pen and Pocket Keire, at E. SNARE'S. A:N excellent variety of line Pee at E. Snare'e. April IS, 1852 WASH Rubbers, White Wash Brushes, Cur. ry Combs, Cards, Brushes, Clothes Lines, Bed Curds, Quilting Cotton, Baskets, Slates, Point Brushes, Sash Tools, and an endless vari ety of other goods to numerous to mention, at the cheap store of J. BRICiE It. , April 22, 1852. _ 1 FANCY Articles in endless variety at . ___..______ A large assortment of Candies, Ruts, Pigs:, el UN LOCKS and lielliVELS, for tale low ! .1: E. Snare's Store Raisins, Dates, Prunes, Lemons, Oranges, Scotch ‘...4 by., J. &W. SAXTON. —-- Herring, Coca Nuts, 6,, .2.c., wholesale and re- - A splendid article of Carpet Chain always tail, at the cheap store of J. BRICKER. J UST RECEIVED and for sale Fish, Salt and 'on - hind and for sale at the cheap store of April 22, 1852. d Plaster by J. &W. SAssow. , J. Batear a. jrl Oil, Paint, Varnish, Turpentine, Tar, Ro sin; Fitelt, Oakum, Ropes, &c., tor sale by J. & W. Saxton. Best Family Flour, by the Barrel or retail, at J. Bricker's Store. ap. 22,'52. PUMP MAKING. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he now devotes his whole time and tine', - tion to making and repairing pumps and whi promptly attend to all orders and cells that lip• may be favoured with warrented all work to be mode of the best materials, anti done in work manlike manner et reasonable prices. Address Mill Creek P. 0. Huntingdon county, ISAAC W.OOLVERTON: We the Subscribers having used of Isaac Wol venues make of Pumps and do not hesitate in saying that we believe them to be the pump that is now in general use. REFFERENCESt J. Porter, Thos. Read, Charles Porter, .Ito. Armitage, Wm. I). Shaw, William Dorris, Conrad Bucher, William Christy, .Imo. Whittaker, I)avid Blier, Wm. Orbison, 1). MeMurtrie, Thos. Fisher. July 22,1852. DR. R, A. MILLER, DENTIST. Adijidul nelh, from one to a jidt set, mounted in the Most improved modern style. Filling, and Cleaning done with care find neatness. trader/ with all the. case and deSNICII that modern science call furnish. N. B. A liberal deduction made on the price lids. Possessing great virtues in the rectification or work done for persons coining from a distanCe, of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exer to defray travelling ex p enses , & a ., j eising the most searching powers in weakness and Huntingdon, .\ larch St S, 1852. I affections of the digestive organs, they are withal, safe, certain and pleasant. BROAD TOP DEPOT. BEAD AND BE CONVINCED. Hells, Old Ross! Where are non enemy to Stand from under, keep your seats, gentlemen, you sleet he hurt —i merely wish to ray to all the world and the rest of mankind that I have at the i Broad Top Depot near the dimiatit Bridge, and I will keep for sale II AM 5, SIDIL LDEDS, MACKEREL, SA I.'l', iry o , d i e t believe me come and see. A. S. IIARffISON. Huntingdon, April 02, 1852. LEWISTOWN POTTERY. The undersigned respectfully informs their customers, and the citizens generally of limiting don county, that they still continue the minutiae , turing of all kinds of Earthenware of the most sn petits• quality aol at prices to suit the times.— • They Will MAC a trip by Canal; in the month of May when they will be able to supply all who may favor them with their patronage. s.lerelunds nine rely on getting an article that cannot lail to please their customers, anti such its will yield them a handsome profit. All orders promptly attend ed to. Address J. A. MATHEW'S & 11110, Lewi,town, Pit. April I, isra-tf. FEATHERS! FEATHERS! For sale by HARTLEY & liNitinT, 148 South Second Street, five doors above Spruce, PUILAVELPHIA. ,000 lbs. of feathers. all totalities wholesale and retail at the lowest cash prices, • Bens, BOLSTrot PILLOWS, MATTRESSEM and Ctautoss constanv on hand or made to order. Also—'Pickings, Blankets, Marsailes Condbrtable, Sacking Bottoms &c., &. First floor end Basement appropriated to sale of Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry Imperial three ply Carpetings. Ingrain Carpetings from 25ets to $1 00, Stair do 10ets to $1 00, Entry do 20ets to $1 25, Rog do 23 to 40cts. 011. cumis AND MATTINGS of every width and all prices. HARTLEY & KNIGHT. April 1, 1852. F_9. JONES, & Co., COI2 N Eli OF FOURTH AND RACE STIII.:ETs. Publishers of the Model Ar chitect. by MU Er, SLOAN, Architect, to be complete iu 24 luontidy parts. The above work is deigned to meet tie wishes not only of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who de ire the advancement of this no ble art in our country, and wish to cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The handsme manner in which it is prepaged and em bellished, renders it, a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineation give it the highest practical value. Nos. 1. 2 & a now ready for delivery. Price-50 cents per number. Address as above, post Dahl. Dec. 18,1851. IMPROVED STOCK. Constantly on band, and for sale the most highly improved Durham Short Horn cattle, Chester Hogs, South Down, Colswald and Leicester Sheep. The subscriber now offers for sale several very fine Durham Short Horn Bull and heifer calves; two Chester Boars; about five months old, which took the first premium Ibr pigs of that age at the late State Agricultural Fair: also, sixteen young thorough bred Pigs of the sumo breed, about three weeks old; also, eight thorough Buck and Ewe Lambs of his South Down flock. The undersigned takes pleasure in stating that for all the stuck which he exhibited, at the State Agricultural Fair, he received the highest pre miums for South Down and Leicester sheep and Chester Hogs. Any letters directed to Eagle Foundry I'. 0., Huntingdon Co., Penna., will be attended to. ROBERT HARE POWEL. April, 7, 1852. Birmingham Female Seminary, The liberal patronage which this School has received in the past, encourages the proprietor and friends of female edueationou expect by proper exertion to make it butte a prominent and important Institution; and no pains will by spar ed to sustain its growing reputation. Among other cmisiderations which inspire hope as to its future sucess, the location is not unim portant. Three years actual experiment has de veloped a more philosophical, if not a truer reas on for the existence of ilirminuhain then many which have been assigned—that it is the situation for a Female Seminary, surrounded as it is by most romantic scenery—retired—healthful—easy of access and in itself at place where one !night al most grow wise in the study of Nature alone uu mocked by the works of Art. • -- The school year is divided into two Sessions of Adams & Co.'s Express. twenty-two weeks each; the summer term com mencing the last Tuesday in April, the winter T. IC. SIMONTON, Agent, Huntingdon. term the last Tuesday in October. Money, Packages, and goods ofall kinds, re : Charges to date from time of entering, and no ceived and forwarded the risk of the company, deductions made for absence except in coon o to all the cities end principal towns in the United sickness. • State May 1,'52. Tuition $l,OO and $5,00 per quarter—boarding - - ! $1,50 per week. Music, Latin, French, Draw- Are you Insured I ing, extra. F not, insure your property at once in the Cum. Bev. ISRAEL W. WARD, A. M., Principal. ! I bedew] Valley Mutual Insurance Conipuny. Her. THOMAS WARD, A. M., Associate. Apply to Goo. W. Srtma, Agent, Slav I. 1852. Ma.i 1, 1852. !Bridgeport, Pa. • LIVER COMPLAINT, t tit DYSPEPSIA. CHRONIC OR \ I I; DEBILITY, DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS, AND ALL diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach, such as Constipatirin, Inward files, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of, the Stomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust fur Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at „the. 1-leart, Choking or Suffocating sensations when in a lying 'Matt, Dimness of Vision, Dots or webs before the Sight, Fever and dull pain in the Head, Defi ciency of perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Baek, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the lisksh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and Great depres sion of Spirits, can be effectually cured by DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, Prepared IN DR. C. M. JACKSON, I AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not ex- equalled—by any other preparation in the United States, nq the cares attest, in ninny eases after skilful physicians had failed 'These Bitters :Ire worthy the attention of inca From the "Boston Bee." The editor said, Dee. 22nd Dr. flotilla:o's Celebrated German Bitters for the cure of Live, Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, ; Chronic or Nervous Debility, is deservedly one of the mast popular medicines of the day. These Bitters have been used by thonsands, and a friend at our elbow says he bad himself received an tutu and permanent cure of Liver Complaint from t the use of this remedy. We are convinced that, ill the use of these Bitters,• the patient constantly gains strength and vigor—a fact worthy of great consideration. They are pleasant in Last and smell, and can be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety', under any circum stances. We are speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we advise their use. "Scores WEEttur," one of the best Literary papers published, said Aug. 25 , "Dn. Hooe. ND's GERMAN BITTERS, mane ' factured by Dr. Jackson, are now recommended by some of the most prominent members of the homily as an article of much efficacy in eases of female weakness. As such is the ease, we would ulciso all mothers to Obtain a bottle, tool thus sure themselves much sickness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we know front experience the salutary effect they have upon weak systems." MDR; EVIDENCE. Thu lion. C. D. !fist:LINE, Mayor of the city • of Camden, N. J., says .‘IIOOI , LANU'S GERMAN BITTERS.--WO hare seen many flattering notices of this medicine, and the source from which they canto induced us to make inquiry respecting its merits. From inqui ry we were persuaded to tine it, and must say we flaind it specific in its action upon diseases of the liver and digestive organs, and the powerful in fluence it exerts upon nervous prostration is real ly Surprising. It calms and strenghtens the nerves hrimgiug thorn into a state of repose, making sleep refreshing. "If this medicine was more generally used, we are satisfied there would be less sickness, as from the stomach, liver, and nervous system the great majority of real and imaginary diseases emanate. Have them in a healthy condition, and you can bid defiance to epidemics generally. This extra ordinary medicine we would advise our friend , who • are ttt all indisposed, to give a trial—it will I recommend itself. It should, in fact, be in every family. No other medicine can produce such ev idences of mdrit. Evidence upon evidence has Imes received (like the foregoing) from all sections of the Union, the also threa years, and the strongest testimony in its favor is, that iere is more of it used in the prate , . tiro Of the regular Physicians of Pltiladelphin, than all other nostrums combined, a fact that can easily be esablishol, and fully proving that a scientific preperation will meet with their quiet approval when presented even in this forte. That this Medieine trill cure Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, no one can doubt after using it as directed. It WAS specifically upon the stomach and liver; it is preferable to calomel in all bilious dis eases—the etthet is immediate. They can be ad ' ministered to female or imam with safety and re liable benefit at any time. Loot; well to the marks of the genuine They have the written signature at C. M. JACKS( upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, without which they are spurious. Fur sale Wholesale and Betide at the. CERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch street, one door below Sixth, Philadelphia ; out by respectable dealers generally through the country. PRICES REDUCED. To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the ad vantages ur their great restorative powers: Sinyle Bottle 71 rents. Also Ibr sale by Thomas Heed & Son, Hunt ingdon, Pa.; John Lutz, Shippensburg., Pa.; Thomas E. Orbison, Orbisonia, Pa. ; &J. Kelly, Burnt Cabins, Pa. [July 22.- 2 52-1 y. THOMAS JACKSON, THOMAS E. FRANKIAN Blair county. Lancaster county, Davit, M'Muweale., Wit.i.wt GIAIM, Huntingdon cc'. Lancaster count/. hugs GARD:v., Ricieo. B. BuYAN, Blair county. Lancaster county. Central Peuu , a. Banking louse, OF RH VAN, GLEIM & CO.— Office on Alle gheuy street, a few doors west of the Court House, and nearly opposite the Post Once, Hol lidaysburg, Pu. The Company is now ready to transact busi n,ss. Upon money deposited for a specific period of three, six, nine or twelve mouths, in terest will be paid at such rates as are usually allowed by Saving? Institutions. T,ansient de posites received, payable on demand. R. it. BRYAN, Cashier Hollidaysburg, May 21, 1820. nILS,GLUE, TURPENTINE, Sand, Paints, v Paint Brushes, Stin,l paper &c. 4 4tc., at the cheap store of J. BnicKER. DORT MONNAIES from 25 cohts up to $2 50 ut Ed. Snore's. April IS 1852. REMOVAL. GLASGOW 8f STEEL, Saddle, Harness & Trunk Manufacturers, The undersigned respect\lly inform their Atiends and the public generally thnt they have re moved their mnnufactory to the building in Mar ket Square, for many years occupied as a dry goods store, by Samuel Steel deed., where every thing in their line of business will be furnished i on the shortest notice, and on terms that cannot fail to suit all. They manufacture the most 01 their work themselves, and can therefore assure the pu)lic that , every nrticle gill be made In the best and most durable manner. GIA large assortment of superior SADDLES READY MADE, always on hand. o.llides, and cotintty rroduce gencrarY, taken in exchange fur work. They return thanks for the liberal patronage, heretofore exteded to them, and hope that their old . putrons will continuo to patronize them. WM. O'LA . SGONS, WM. L STEEL. March, 18, 1852. Notice to Tavern Keepers. OTICE is hereby given to the keepers at Int 4 IN and Taverns within the cottrity of Huutieg • don, that the Judges of the Court of Quarter Ses sions of said county, enjoin upon the keepers of such Inns and Taverns that they close their re, pectire hors on the Sabbath, and refrain front selling or dealing out liquors on that day ; and . the licenses of such persons as shall disregard this injunction will be revoked forthwith agreeably to the Act of Assembly in such case matte and pro.. vided upon the fitet of such violation coming to the knowledge of the Court. By the Court, 24th Jan. 1852. THEO. H. CHEMER, Clerk May 1., 1832, CHOICE LIQUORS for medicinal ptirpo• sea, consisting of Best quality FRENCH BRANDY, " CONIAC BRANDY, " " HOLLAND GIN, " " .31 - ADERIA WINE, " " LISBON WINE, " " SWEET IVINE, SUPERIOR PORT WINE. %short, all kinds of Liquors used for that pur pose can he had at the cheap store nt April 22, 1852. J. BRICKEIt. Encourage Your Own Mechanics! OWEN & WM. BOAT, would respectfully announce to the public, that they are now carrying on the COACH MAKING BUSINESS in all it= various branches, at the old stand for merly occupied by Atlanta & Boat, a few doors west of the Presbyterian church, where they are now manufacturing Buggies, Carriages, Bare:Ri ches, Rockaways, Denrborns, &c., in short any thing in the line of carriage making, of the very . best kind of material, and in the latest and moat approved style. They have on hand now several Buggies and Rockaways, finished in the latest style. They have u good assortmenta Lumber, selected with a great deal of care, seasoned for use, and invite those who are desirous of purchasing vehicles to call and examine their work and materials, and judge for themselves, as they intend to make good work and warrant it to be so. All kinds of country produce token in exchange for work. N. 13.-0 WEN BOAT returns his thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their very liberal patronage, and hopes, by strict at • tention to business, to merit a continuance of th, same. under the new firm. We have some sec ond hand work which is ofo good quality, whirh we will sell right. Give us a call. We wi:l sell low for cash. Huntingdon, May I, 1852. HUNTINGDON FOUNDRY. B. C. ‘IIcGILL Returns his sincere thanks to lift friends and the public generally for their very liberal patronage, and hopes by strict attention to business to malt a continuance of the .same. 110 would embrace the present opportunity of informing the public that he is still prepared to furnish them with all kinds of castings; he hat STOVES or every description, for burning either wood or coal, inch as Cook, Parlor, Egg, Cannon. no:t Ten Plate Stores, together with W..,a and Plough Irons of all patterns used in the State; Forge, Grist and Saw-mill castings; Lewistown Threshing machine patterns, and the four and two horse power patterns of Chamhershug, and all other castings usually made at foundries, all sit which will he sold very low for cash. May, 1, 1852. Lots in Altoona for Sale. LOTS FOR SALE IN ALTOONA six miles north of Hollidaysburg,and aboutone mile north • west of Allegheny Furnace, Blair county. After the 21st day of May, the LOTS in said Tows will be open to the public for sale. It is well known that the Pennsylvania Rail Road Company have selected this place for the erection of their main Machine and other hops and are now building the same. The Rail Road willbe opened early in the Fall throwing at once a large amount of trade to this place. The main inducement at this time in of fering Lots for sale, being to secure the requis ite Machinists and Tradesmen, and homes for the Machinists and other employees of Cie Rail Road Company. Early application will ware Lots at a low price. Foy further information apply to C. 11. MAY ER, at Altoona, or to R. A. McMURTRIE. Hollidaysburg. May I, 1812.-tr. TOMMUS' British Plate Powder, F on. cleansing, polshing, and beautifying Silver, Silver Plated Ware, German Silver, Alhate Plate, Britannia Ware, And all white Metals, The undersigned have received from tile pa tentee the exclusive right to manufacture these preparations for the United Staten. The Plate Powder has been most extensively used for a number of years in Great Britain, and is now used by most of the manufacturers ofsilver and other wares in New York and Philadelphia; likewise by nearly all respectable families and hotel proprietors in the Union. WM. 'FOMKINS, & CO., Manufacturers, 234 South Second street, Philadelphia. For sale ut T. K. SIMONTON'S Store, Meting don, Pa. May 1, 1832. DOIJ►DLt•; Barrelled English snob and Twist FO WL G NEGE.S—also Single Barrel• led Guns, from tour dollars to thirty each, for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. A beautiful lot of Carpeting, aryl Oil Cloths for sale by J. & W. SAXTON. ---- splendid lot of Silk Cramtts - and Scull., for mile by J. & W. SAXTON. G OLD anti Silver Spectacles at all oleos, at E. Snare's. April 15, 1852. RIIE ISTINE'S DOUBLE REFINED SYR UP, Now Orleans, and S. 11. Molasses, for sale cheap nt the new store of J. BRICKER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers