far , limp , O , c if 1 1 11 * bO l 1 VOLUME XVII. TERMS OF PUBLICATION: THB "HUNTINGDON JOURNAL" is published at the following rates, viz If paid in advance, per annum, $1,50 If paid during the year, 1,75 If paid after the expiration of the year,• 2,50 To Clubs of five or more, in advance, • • 1,25 THE above Terms will be adhered to in all cases. No subscription will be taken fora less period than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. Voctical. THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE. Br W. L. IIUDISIEL. " Who leads the Column Z" Who but ho, Whose name is linked with Victory! Who but the Hero who has won An hundred battles—losing none ! Who but the Chieftain of two wars, Triumphant with the stripes and stars ! Who, wounded, scorned the bitter pain, And bleeding, charged the foe again! " Who leads the Column?" Ask of these Who nobly sect their country's foes At Chippewa and Lundy's Lane, Nor met their country's foes in vain. Go where Niagara's roar has vied With Battle's dark ensanguined tide, From San Utica's castled walls To Montezuma's princely halls, At Cerro Gordo's bristling pass, Or glorious charge at Contreras, At Cherubusco's awful fray, antpultepec, or at Del Rey. Or whereso'cr our flag bath won, And ask, "Who foremost led the van?" " Who leads the Column 2" Tis not be Who fears to meet the enemy; Fur many a daring bold advance, Against the theman's quivering lance, And many a blood-red-battle-field Where deep-mouthed cannon loudly pealed, And many a stealthy ambuscade, With foemen of the forest glade, Attest how brave that heart must be That ever leads to Victory ! " Who leads the Column'?" Is it he, Proud Champion of our Liberty, Who nobly deems, what'cr betide, War us his duty, Peace his pride Bears by a Nation's proud acclaim The Great Pacificator's name, Who first in War the Victory gains, And welcomes dove-eyed Peace again. " SCOTT leads the Column !" Hark ! that roar Re-echoing back from shore to shore, Those wild buzzes that rend the skies, Are but a nation's warm replies. " SCOTT leads the column !" Is there one That will not now his armor don, And charge amid the battle's van 7 SCOTT leads ! Hurrah ! On ! Freemen, on ! ganiftg eirdr. Self Education. Learning that is acquired at schools is but the beginning of our education. It is the theory without the practice of the re quirements and duties of life. It is after leaving school that we are to commence the most important part of education—self education—the applying of what others have taught us—the carrying out what others have begun for us, to our own self improvement. It is then, in reality, that true educa tion begins, for whatever a man learns him self, ho always knows better than that which he learns from others. Not that we should disregard the help or advice of oth ers, for it becomes us to use all the aids and facilities we can command. But we should set ourselves at work upon our selves, to be independent. When we were young our food was pro vided for us; but even then we ate and di gested it for ourselves; now we must not only do this, but we must earn it also— acquire it ourselves, and so in understand ing and knowledge, become men. try- Accustom a child as soon as ho can speak to narrate his little experience, his chapter of accidents, his griefs, his fears, his hopes; to communicate what he has no ticed in the world without, and what he feels struggling in the world within. Anx ious to have something to narrrte, he will be induced to give attention to objects around him, and what is passing in the sphere of his instructions, and to observe and note events will become one of his first pleasures. This is the ground-work of a thoughtful character. BEAUTIFUL PICTURE.-A mother teach ing her child to pray, is an object at once the most sublime and tender that the im agination can conceive of. Elevated above earthly things, she seems like one of those guardian angelic, the champions of our earthly pilgrimage, through whose minis trations we are inclined to do good and horn from evil. HUNTINGDON, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1852. Education of the Heart. It is the vice of the age to substitute learning for wisdom; to educate the head and forget there is a more important edu cation necessary for the heart. The rea son is cultivated at an age when nature does not furnish the elements necessary to a successful cultivation of it; and the child is solicited to reflection when it is only ca pable of sensation and emotion. In infan cy the attention and the memory are only excited strongly by the senses, and move the heart: and the father may instil more solid and available instructions in an hour spent in the fields, where wisdom and goodness are exemplified, seen and felt, than in a month spent in the study, where they are expounded in a. stereotyped aphorism. No physician doubts that precocious children, fifty cases to one, are much the worse for the discipline they have under gone. The mind seems to have been strain ed, and the foundation for insanity is laid. When the studies of mature years are stuff ed into the head of a child, and people do not reflect on the anatomical fact, that the brain of an infant is'not the brain of a man; that the one is confirmed, and can bear exertions; and the other is growing, and needs repose; that to force the atten tion to abstract facts; t. load the memory with chronological and historical or scien tific detail; in short, to expect a child's brain to bear with impunity the exertions &a man's, is as irrational as it would be to hazard the same sort of experiment on its muscles. The first eight or ten years of life should be devoted to the education of the heart, to the formation of principles, rather than to the acquirement of what is usually term ed knowledge. Nature herself points out this course, for the emotions are the live liest and most easily moulded; being as yet unalloyed by passion. It is from this source the mass of men are hereafter to show their sum of happiness or misery.— The actions of the immense majority are all under circumstances determined much more by feeling than reflection; in truth, life pre sents a happiness that we should feel rightly; very few instances occur where it is necessary that we should think profound ly. Up to the seventh year of life, very great changes are going on in structure of the brain, and demand, therefore, the ut most attention, not to interrupt them by improper or over excitement. Just that degree of exercise should be given to the brain at this period that is necessary to its health; and the best is moral instruction exemplified by objects which strike the senses. It is perhaps necessary to add that at this period of life special attention should be given by both parents and teachers to the physical developement of the child.— Pure air and exercise arc indispensable;) and, wherever they are withheld, the con sequences will he certain to extend them selves over the whole future life. The seeds of protracted and hopeless sufferings have, in innumerable instances, been sown iu the constitution of the child; simply through ignorance of this great fundamen tal physical law. ' and the time has come when the united voices of those innocent victims should ascend, "trumpet tongued," to the ears of every parent and every teach er in the land. Give us fresh air and wholesome exercise; leave our expanding energies to be developed in accordance with the laws of our being, and full scope for the elastic and bounding impulses of our young blood.— Quarterly Review. 30oliticat. Progress in Democracy, A great deal has been lately said, es pecially by Young America, of the pro gressive character of Democracy. Our opponents are fairly entitled to their claim of Progress. But then, they should not insist in the same breath, that they belong to the OLD school of American Democracy. Nothing can be more different than the Democracy of the early days of the Re public and that of the present hour.— Bank, Tariff, &c., were once Awarnaly sup ported by the Democratic party. Now they are denounced as the distinguishing features of Federalism. The progress of the Democrutia party from their ancient creed, and their claims still to be the gen uine old American Democracy finds a fair illustration in the following anecdote. 'I say, Squire,' said an individual who was indulging in the luxury of whittling s pine stick in front of a tavern, 'this here's• my grandfather's jack-knife.' 'No, not your grandfather's, is it?' 'Yes, it's grandfather's knife sartin,' 'What an old knife it must be! how have you kept it so long?' 'Why, there's been four new blades and six new handles-put to it since grandfath er's time; but it's the same old jack-knife for all that?' Senator Dawson, of Georgia, comes out manfully for Gen. Scott. It,'Slander is the revenge of a coward. A Testimony of A Neighbor about Franklin Pierce. "The Independent Democrat" is printed at the town of Concord, where General Pierce resides. The editor, Mr. Fogg, is intimately acquainted with him, having for some time been an inmate of the boarding house with the nominee of the Democracy. The public services of Gen. Pierce, both civil and military, and his public character, are becoming known; but little or nothing is known with regard to his qualifications, the tone and scope of his mind, and his pri vate sentiments and feelings. Mr. Fogg has given some information of the points, which he derived from long acquaintance with Pierce. We give an extract from "the Independent Democrat," and desire the reader to mark the weak points in the character of Pierce. They are infinitely worse than any alleged weaks points in the character of Scott—such as egotism, and fondness of dress and display: "We do not think him a great man or a great statesman. We do not think him a fit man to trust with the destinies, of this great nation. We do not think him capa ble of grasping the great idea of Democra cy, and of administering the government in obedience to the doctrines and principles of the fathers of our Republic. We be lieve, nay, we know him to be a partizan, at once unscrupulous, intolerant and ambi tious. With very respectable impulse, he knows not what it is to take or pursue any course because it is right and commends itself to the approval of an enlightened conscience." Gen. Scott and his old Soldiers.--An Incident. A gentleman from a neighboring county, related to us an incident a few days ago, which goes far to show the warmth of grat itude and affection still entertained for their old commander by the old soldiers who served under Gen. Scott in the war of 1813. "One of these gallant old sold iers," said our informant, "resides in our county. He is and has been a prominent and active Democrat all his life, and has six sons, all arrived at ma tore age, and all Democrats but one."—When the news of Gen. Scott's nomination was received it was communicated to the old gentleman by his Whig son, who, knowing his admiration of the eneral, was eager to inform him of it. Before anouncing it, be inquired of the old man—" Father, who do you think the Whig Convention has nominated for Presi dent?" "Why, Mr. Fillmore, I suppose"—was the reply. "No"—said the son. "Well then, Mr. Webster" "No," was the answer again. "Have they nominated Gen. SCOOT , " inquired the old man, waking up with ani mation! "Yes! they have nominated your old com mander," replied the son; when the old soldier leaping from his chair, his eye kind ling with the wonted fire of his youth, and striking his hands together exclaimed: "Then 1 will vote for lam! and every one of you six boys must do so too! ! I never voted for a Whig in my life, but I will vote for Gen. Scott. I have fought by his side in the thickest of the battle, and I will not now desert him. The Canvass in Tennessee. A letter in the New York Tribune from Shelbyville, dated July '2sth, says : The drift of public feeling in Tennessee is not well known abroad. The State is safe for Scott. The disaffection is small, and it has done more good than harm; it has rous ed Luke-warm Whigs and put them to work. There are twenty Democrats in this State who will vote for Scott, to one Whig for Pierce. Don't put Tennessee down again on your doubtful list. Kentucky and Tennessee will go for Scott by larger ma jorities than they cast for Taylor or Har rison. With the exception of Gentry and Williams, the few Whigs who go against the Whig ticket, are persons of no influ ence. Brownlow will do us more good than harm. You may proclaim that 'all is well in Tennessee.' Gen. Scott at the West. The intensity of the enthusiasm with which the nomination of Gen. Scott is re ceived at the West, observes the Albany Journal, is without a parallel, it is every where hailed with delight. Iu Ohio, Mich igan, Wisconsin, Indiana and Illinois, the news excited the most lively animation, eclipsing even the enthusiasm of 1840. Ours is a grateful people. They cannot forget the services of those who have per iled their lives for their country. General Scott is destiimd to receive the reward of his patriotic heroism. Ll'r It is not study alone that produces a writer—it iv intensity : itr the mind, as in the ehinthey, to make the fire burn hot and quick, you must narrow the drauglit.i, Refreshing their Memories The Pennsylvanian has been charging Gen. Scott with cowardice, with embezzle ment of money and dishonest and dishoir orable conduct. The Daily News refreshes its memory with the subjoined article from its own col umns. The reader will be delighted to find in ti the warmest praises of the Hero, and denunciation of his calumniators. For ex ample. "GLORY, THEN, TO WIN FIELD SCOTT! and forever silent be the ribald tongue or pen that would link his name with aught. that is not glorious in action, invincible in courage, and unfailing in resources and wisdom!" From Me Pennsylvanian,lay 10,1847, GENERAL SCOTT.—Those who read the general eiders of General Scott, disposing his forces before the fearful battle of Cerro Gordo, will be struck with the powerful truth of the subjoined remarks of the New Orleans Delta. We question whether his tory records an instance in which similar confidence, coolness and attention to de tails, prig': to a conflict, have been follow ed by equal success, and a more rigid and literal fulfilment of all the minutia of the commander's design: GENERAL SCOTT'S ORDERS.—The spir it of Lundy's Lane, of Bridgewater, and of Queenstown, pervade the general orders of the gallant soldier issued the day before the battle of Cerro Gordo.' The calm de termination heroic resalve, firm purpose, and judicious foresight displayed in this document, must excite the warmest ap plause and highest admiration of every American. In Scott's vocabulary there is no such word as "fail." He never per wits a doubt to cross the high purpose he has in view. There is no looking back, no return. "The enemy's whole line of en trenchments and batteries will be attack ed in front and at the same time turned." And then he is not satisfied with a bare victory! He will not stop his onward course and quietly repose on his laurels until he is reinforced. But he pushes on, not even resting from the fatigues and wounds of battle, nor awaiting the slow approach of baggage wages, but with the determination to reap the benefit as well as the isonors, lie pushes forward his col umns, upon the heels of the fugitive ene mies, and stays not the pursuit until there is not one left to follow. Glory, then, to Winfield Scott! and forever silent be the ribald tongue or pen that would link his name with aught that is not glorious in tic don invincible in courage, and unfailing l in resources and wisdom. Stltoteitaitrous. Reform Should Begin at Home. A DOMESTIC CHAT. "This is pleasant !" exclaimed the young husband, taking his scat cosily in the rock ing chair, as the things were removed.-- The fire glowed in the grate, revealing a pretty and neatly furnished sitting-room with all the appliances of comfort. The fatiguing business of the day was over, and he sat enjoying what be had all day been anticipating, the delights of his own fireside. His pretty wife, Esther, took her work and sat down by the table. "It is pleasant to have a house of one's own," he said again, taking a satisfactory survey of his little quarters. The cold rain beat against the windows, and he re-' ally thought ho felt grateful for all his. present comforts. "Now if we orgy had a piano," exclaim ed the wife. "Give me the music of your sweet voice before all the pianos in creation," he de clared complimentarily, despite. a certain secret disappointment, that his wife's thankfulness did not happily chime with his own. Well, but we want one for our friends," said Esther. "Let our friends come and see us, and not to hear a piano," exclaimed the hus band.' "But, George, everybody bas a piano, now-a-days—we don't go anywhere with- OM seeing a piano," persisted his wife. "And yet I don't know what we want one for—you will have no time to play one, and I don't want to hear it." "Why, they are so fashionable—l think our room looks nearly naked without one." "I think it looks just right" "I thinks it looks very naked—we want a piano, shockingly," protested Esther, emphatically.• The husband rooked violently. "Your lamp smokes soy dea;,!" he said, after a long pause. "When are you going_ to get an astral lamp I have told you a dozen times how much we needed ono," said Esther, pet tishly. "Those are very pretty lamps—l never can see by an Astral lamp," said the hus band. "Those lamps - are the prettiest of the kind I ever saw—they were bought in Boston." "But, George, I do not think•our room si. complete without an astral lamp," said Esther, sharply, “they aro so fashionable ! Why, the Morgans, and Millers, and Thor ners all have them; I am sure we might too." "We ought to if we take pattern by oth er people's expenses, and I don't see any reason for that." The husband moved uneasily in his chair. "We want to live as well as others live," said Esther. "We want to live within our means, Esther," exclaimed George. am sure we can afford it as well as the Morgans and Millers, and many others I might mention—we do not wish to appear mean." George's cheek crimsoned. "Mean! I am not mean!" he exclaimed, angrily. "Then we do not wish to appear so," said the wife. "To complete this room, and make it look like other people'• we want a piano and an astral lamp.' "We want—we .want!" muttered the husband, "there is no satisfying a woman's wants, do what you may," and he abrupt ly left the room. How many husbands are in a similar dilemma' How many houses and hus bands are rendered uncomfortable by the constant dissatisfaction of a wife with present comforts and present provisions!— How many bright prospects for business have ended in bankruptcy and ruin, in or der to satisfy this secret hankering after fashionable necessities! Could the real cause of many a failure be made known it would be found to result from useless ex penditures at home- - •expenses to answer the demands of fashion, and "what will people think." "My wife has made my fortunes," said a gentleman of great possessions, "by her thrift, prudence and cheerfulness, when I was just beginning." "Aat mine has lost my fortune," ans wered his companion, "by useless extrava gance and repining when I was doing well." What a world does this open to the in fluence which a wife possesses over the fu ture prosperity of her family! Let the wife know her influence, and try to use it wisely and well: Be satisfied to commence on a small scale. It is too common for young house keepers to begin where their mothers ehd ' ed. But all that is necessary to work skilfully and adorn your house with all that will render it comfortable. Do not look at richer homes, and covet their cost ly furniture. If secret dissatisfaction itr ready to spring up, go a step farther and visit the homes of the poor and suffering; behold dark, cheerless apartments, Men& cient clothing, an absence of all the com forts and refinements of social life, then re turn toi our own with a joyful spirit.— You will' then* be prepared to meet your husband with a grateful heart, and be ready to appreciate the toil and self-denial which he has endured in the business world to surround you with the delights of home; (then you will be ready to co-operate cheerfully with hiin in so arranging your expenses, that his mind will not be con stantly harrassed with fears, lest family expenditures may encroach upon public payments. Be independent; a young house-keeper never needed greater moral courage than she now does to resist the .arrogance of fashion. Do not let A's and B's decide what you must have, neither let them hold the strings of your purse.-- You know best what you cam and ought to afford; then decide, with strict integrity, according to your means. Let not the censure or the approval of thei world ever ,tempt you to buy what you hardly think you clan afford. It matters little what people think, provided you are true to yourself and your family. What queer things come in sleep. We dreamed the ether night that we went to Egypt in a canal boat, that we were re calved with open arms by the statue of Memnon, who, in compliment of our ariral, played a fantasia on a Chinese gong.—' Shortly after this, we were invited to dine with Scsostris, and such a dinner! She took down the great Oasis with a single swallow, and concluded the entertainment by picking her teeth with the sharp end of a pyramid. Whets we' left an army of =mules were throwing back somersets over the Nile, an entertainment that Cleo patria accompanied with 'Oh, Susanna,' while Mark Antony was sweating like a. nigger under oath in a Virginia breakdown. We crane home on skates, and awoke 'an hour too late for breakfast.' ar A correspondent of the Knicker bocker for August says:— "By the by, speaking of the various forms in whith grief is manifested, reminds me of something I heard a day or two ago. A servant girl• was talking of the loss her sister had re cently sustained, in the death of a devotbd. husband. , Poor Mary said she, 'though George has been dead near six months, yet she grits her teeth (!) even now whenever she thinks of him. NUMBER 37. Advantages of Classified Schools, The early organization of classified Cot.: mon Schools, will confer upon any conahn city some important advantages which are generally overlooked. It seems to be taken for granted, by many towns and dis tricts of the State, which are delaying the thorough and proper re-organization of their public schools, that lost time can be made good by an energetic movement and a liberal expenditure of money, at some future convenient period. Not so. A great sensation may be suddenly made, and notoriety very soon acquired, but sol id advantages are of much slower growth. Other things being equal, those towns and cities of the State that are first in the field, with really good schools, have au immense advantage over others, which they may hold as long as they please. Lost time is never made good any where ; and whether in the quiet student's life, the pursuits of ordinary business, or the great interests of the public, the contrary is impossible—ab surd. Rewards belong to effort, to patien.. toil, to sacrifice and to unwearied faithful ness, anywhere and everywhere. But Ite advantages—let us enumerate theni. First : The older pupils will recieve some benefits, which would otherwise bo lost to them and to the community. Second : The younger pupils may have the benefit of a systematic course of in struction through the entire period of their l i school training. This is a matter of the first importance. Eccentricities, omissions and irregularities during early life, can ne ver entirely be made good by any subse quent labor or expense. • Third': The sooner the strong and salu tary influences of the good order, the thor , ough discipline and the resptctful demean or of the school room, can be felt upon the large mass of the children of a town or ci ty, the sooner will the streets be free, by night and by day, from disturbances and violence. Fourth : When a school system, worthy of the name, is actually put into operation; its arrangements and influenses, more or less, affect the habits and domestic ar rangements of the whole community. The sooner and mor&perfeetly these are made to harmonize with the new order of things, the greater will be the success of the sys tem... Fifth : The public schools of dur coon try are to furnish the laborers, the mechan ios, the business men, the citizens, of eve ry community. The sooner these grow u ! intelligent and upright, the more trill, prosperous and happy will be that oomum nity, independent of all outward advanta. ges. Sikth : The sooner a solid reputation Cot proper elementary training is acquired for any town or city, the sooner will the very best class of citizens choose it for a home —for a place of residence for themselves, and all their relatives and friends. TO Apprentice Boss. Be faithful boys. A good faithful ap-' Prentice will always make an honest and industrious man. The correct habits of youth are not lost in man. Associate with no persons' who are addicted to bad habit,. Spend your leisure hours in some profita ble pursuit. _ lio not go to any place of amusement whore the mind is not really benefited.— Do not stand at the corners of streets, or lounge in shops of bad repute. Always have a useful book to take up or a good newspaper. Read the lives of such men as Franklin, Hale, Doddridge; Locke, Newton, John son, Adams, Washington, &c., men who have been useful in life, and left behind them characters worthy of imitation. Break not the Sabbath. Always attend church . ; never let your seat be vacant, ex cept you are sick, or away from home. Be kind to your associates. Cultivate benev olent feelings. If you see distress or sor row, do all that in you lies to alleviate It. When friend or companion is confined by sickness, make it a' point td call on him and bestow all little favors possible upon him. If yon cultivate kind feelings, you will seldom quarrel with another. It is al ways better to suffer wrong than to do wrong. We should never hear of mobs, or public outbreaks if men would cultivate the kind feelings - of the heath. • Finally, wake the Bible your study. Live by its precepts. In all your trials and disappointments, here you will find peace and consolation. You will be sus tained in life'and supported in death. SIIARP.—"My love," said an amiable spouse to her husband, "dont sell that' horse, I like him, and I want to keep him." "Re's my horse,.and sell' him," re-' pliOd the loving lord ; didn't I buy him 1" "It was my otbney, that bought him,"' retorted the aristocratic lady. "Yes, madam," said the husband and' Our money bought one, or you never' would have had me." tErThe greatest learning is to be teen' in the greatest stinplieity.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers