. . sling back at right angles to the same, to e ‘j)rii:titit a SALES. die bank of the Juniata Divisiois of the By virtue of sundry writs of Lerouri Pennsylvania Canal, bounded (ni the west Facial; and Venditioni .Exponaa, by a lot of Dr. Houtz., and on the east by issued out of the Court of Common Pleas a lot of Mrs. Jackson—thereon erected a of Huntingdon county, and to me direr- two story frame Tavern house, a plaister ted, w ill b e exposed to politic sale, at the ed store room, and a frame stable, with a court house in the borough of Hunting- shed attached. dun, on Monday the llits slay of August Seized --taken in execution, and to be 1845, (and from slay to day until suld) sold as the property of Christian Stainan. the following property, viz: ALSO A tract, piece, or parcel of land situate Lot No.l situate. in the town of Dun• in the township of Tell iii Huntingdon cansville, fronting on the Tornpike It county, containing about one hunched and 54 feet and 4 inches, and extending in fifty acres, be the same inure or less, ad depth 140 feet to the Allegheny Portage joining lands of Michael Carne, Jonathan Railroad, adjoining al4 feet Alley on the Briggs, and others, about eighty acres of east, and lot No. 2on the west, having which are cleared having a log house and thereon erected a log dwelling house, one a double log barn thereon. and a half stories high, 17 feet by 23 Seized, taken in execution, and to be with lien shed to kitchen 17 - feet with sold as the property of Daniel Stoog. other out buildings. ALSO, Lot No. 2. fronting on the Turnpike All that certain tract, piece, or parcel Road 54 feet 4 inches and extending to I of land. situate in the township of Tell in Allegheny Portage Rail Road 140 feet in Huntingdon county about twenty two depth, bousided on the east by No. 1. and acres be the same noir, or less, about five on the west by lot No. 8. having thereon or six acres of which are cleared, said erected a log dwelling Insole, one and a t land adjoins lands of IVilliam Lyons half stories high, 2.1 feet by 17. Eons Mc‘lullin and others—and has a Lot No. 3. fronting on the Turnpike small cubism house and a Potter's Kiln Road 160 feet and extending to Allegheny thereon. Portage Rail /Laud 140 feet in depth, Seized, taken in execution, and to be bounded on the east by lot No. 2. and on sold as the property of David Thomoson. the west by lot Nu. 4, having thereon ALSO, erected a frame Cooper shop, une story All the right, title end interest of the high. delendent, Douglass Wray, in sin I to all Lot No. 4 fronting on the Turnpike that tract piece or parcel of land psi retie- Road 115 i feet, and ext e nding to Alle- sed by hint from James Shurthill, situate glieny Portage Rail Road 140 feet in lin the townslitpof Henderson, Hunting slept), bounded sits the east by lot No. 3 , don county, containingillty acres or there and on the west by lot No. 4,ll,ving there- abouts, adjoining lands of James Shurt• on erected a large and commodious hill, lands now of David Cunningham tied dwelling house, two stories high 49 feet others, about 20 acres of which are clearest, by 54, partly built of stone, and partly and a log dwelling house and a sin ,Il' of frame, a large log stable, and other out barn thereon, buildings, with a well of good water, Scized—taken in execution, and to be with pump near the dour,—occupied for sold as the property of Douglass %Vray. several years as a public house. ALSO, Lot No. 5 frontieg on the Turnpike A tract of lied situate in the town- Road 49 feet by 140 f e et in th e depth ex• ship of Hopewell containing one hundred tending back to Allegheny Portage Rail- and sine acres, be the same more or less, road, bounded on the east by lot Ni,. 4 I about sixty acres sit which are cleas.ed, and on the west by al4 feet Alley—have with a hewed log house and a cabin barn ing thereon.erectest [slog dwelling house, thereon erected—said land adjoins taints two stories high, 22 feet Square. of James Entrekin, Esq. and others Seized, taken in execution, and to be Seiz.ed, taken in execution, shit to be sold as the property of William Kettler. sold as the property of Anti Park, George .41,50, Pat k, and John Beaver Guardian of Au. A lot of ground No. 0 in the town plot I thinly, Joseph, Alexander, Samuel, and of the Borough of Alexandria fronting 60 j Susannah Park feet sin the lower side uf the Main street or Turnpike Road running through the Borough, and extending back at right an gles to same 180 feet, bounded on the east by the lot of John lehinger, and un the west by Nicholas Cresswell,• having thereon erected a two story plaistered dwelling house, a small shop and a small lug stably Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Stephen Ichinget. ALSO, Two adjoining lots of ground situate on the Northerly side of Allegheny street in the town of Newry in Iluntmgdon county, fronting about 50 feet on said street analrunning back 200 feet boa n• ded on the west by a public street, and 4111 the cast by a lot claimed by the estate of John Mock, having a two story lug house and a stable thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution, and to be told as the property of John Conrad with notice to Tel re Tenants. ALSO, All that lot piece or !oared of land sit• nate or lying on the west side of Main street in the town of Shirleysburg in Shirley township Huntingdon county, containing in all about 6 acres, adjoinina lands of David Fraker, on the North Aughwick Creek on the west by 1111 , 414 al Sari - wet Carothers, on the "south, on which is erected a tOn story log house anti kitchen, and a log born—said land is clear ed and under fence. Sei4ed, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Walter B. H adsun. ALSO, All that lot of ground fronting CO feet on the north-westerly side of the great road leading through the mon of Sails burg in Barren township Huntingdon county, and extending back 120 feet bounded on the south-west by aki of James Maguire. nod on the north-east by u lot of Job Slack, said lot bei'•g No. 9 in the plan of said town having thereon erected a large two story plastered dwell ing house and a frame stable Seized, taken in exerat'un, sod to be sold us the property of William M. Mat ray, _ _ ALSO, A small lot or piece of ground situale in Jackson township, near M'Alery's rut! containin m tr about one •tinarter of 00 acre or thereabouts hounded on the west hy the Mill Dam of Robert (It and 011 the bat by David Millet's land, hat in Ibere• on erected a sntall (rattle turtl;rig house. taken iu cxet ution, I,nd to be sold us the propel of S,itnuel Iltrr R1..1'~1, About 160 acres of land be tl e sante mote or less, situate in Antes tow nship Huntingdon county, tseinining idiots sit Alexander McFarlane, it., IN'tiltain linn• ter. Jacob slooney and ethers—ia about 20 acres clearest, and a log dwell ing house, and a small log Bat is tic Sta ble thereon. Seized, taken in exrcatinn, and to tp• Pohl n,the property al Viancis Falktiet and Eleanor his wile. ALSO, All the rig,bt, title and interest of Chris tian Stamm", of, in and ton lot and a half of pound in the boranth of Alexandria, situate on the northerly s'de ut the Turn 'pike Road or Main t.treet, bein about 90 tteet ut front on the said street, and cadet! • 410fraeltantatitatt VATHEREAS by precept to me direc ted dated at Huntingdon, the 233 day of April A. 1). one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, wider the hands and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. sun, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Ternimer, and general jail delivery of the 20th judicial distiict of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties of Huntingdon, Main and Union, and the II on. J oseph Adams and James ()win, his associates, Judges of the county of Houtingdomjustices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and determine all aid every indictment 4 s, and presentments, made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the state are sonde capital Or felonies of death and other admires, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall be committed or perpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shall hereafter be committed or be per. petrated for crimes aforesaid—l out com manded to make Public Proclamation, ALSO, - throughout my whole bailiwick that a All the right, title and interest of Hobert I Court of Over and Terminer, of Common Lytle, Jr. the &tenth:tit of in and to all Pleas and quarter Sessions, will he held those two adjoining lots of ground in the at the Court House, in the Borough of town of Hollidoysburg purchased from l ontiogdon, on the second Monday (and Willi am Ly on , R I . fronting each GO feet 1 ith dot) of August nett, and those who on the south side of Allegheny street, will prosecute the said prisoners, be then and running back 180 feet to Strawberry and there to prosecute them as it bhull be alley—numbered 108 and 109 in the plot just, and that all ..Justices of the Peace, of said town—No. 109 being a corner lot Cornwr anti Constables within the said and situate on the corner of Front and ' county, be then and there in their proper Allegheny streets—having thereon erect- i persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, ed two new brick dwelling houses front- with their records, inquisitions, examine ing on Algegheny street anti a two story firms and remembrances, to do those frame dwelling house, Routing on Front things which to their offices respectively street, and a small frame building also appertain. fronting on Front street. Dated at Hunttngdon the 23d day of ..,., . - Setzetl, taken in exeution, and to be Ain't, in the year a our Lord one sold as the property of Robert Lytle. Jr i thous,ind eight hundred and forty. ALSO, five . and the 68th year of American All those two adjoining lots of around ludepen lence. situate on the north side of Juniata street JOHN .ARAITAGE, S hf. in the Borough of Hollidaysburg fronting I Sheriff's oilier Iltintitm- each 60 feet on said street and extending don, Jaly 10 I.Bt 5. back at right angles to same 160 feet In - Batik alley, said lots beina.numbered 153 and 156 in the Recorded plan Of said Proclamiation• Borough—No. 156 being a corner lot, and l is AT It ERE AS by precept to too dire, 111) th e corner or Juniata and Petm'a V" Titfi ted by the Judges of the Common vii eels, on said lots are erected the I lot- Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear lidoysbure Foundry' Casting House, a ink; test the 281,1 day of A pril„A. 0.1845, two story brickhouse, an office building, I utie commanded to make Public Pro akil a frame building used in connection clamatiun throughout my whole bailiwick with the Foundry—la:ether with all the i that a court of Common Pleas will be Machinery and fixture, helongnig to and held at the court house, in the borough of attached to the freehold. Huntingdon. Nithe colony of Huotingtlon, Seized, taken in execution and to he „„ t h e t h i r d Ni i ,„,h i , („,„I 18 t h 4 1„y )at *Old as the rropeity of Geo. 11. NlcFar. lane, Miclyiel C. Garber, and Albert J. August A. I). Iti.f.:;, for the trial or all issues in said court which remain ontleter • Gimber, lately trading. under the ftrin ot mined di..tfore the said bilges when and McFarlane, liar bet. & Co. 1 where all Janos, Witnesses and suitors ALSO, in the trial of all said issues are required , All that Lot of ground situate on the It„ attend. . north side til . the Main street in the town I Dated at Huntingdon the Ord day of of Warriorsmark to Huntingdon county April A. D. mitt thousand _eight hon. fronting 66 feet on said street end ma- t i t ,' rind fmty.five, tot? the 68th year of ring back 166, bounded on the east by lot I rsmeri : I n itnitepetitlenee. of Jacob Vantries. E.g. and on the west . iollN ARM I TAM". Sh'jr. by lot of Sallille! Eye:, having a t..vo story Sheriff's office Iluniinv plastered dm idling house and a lug tailor don, July 10, 1845. shop, a id a stable thereto; erected. • • _________ Seized— talc,n in execution, awl to be i ______ LIST OF JUIIOILS ,old as the property of S. ft; StoNabrukv., I ALSO, ! F 0 E a UGU S T "I'E R AV ,1 8 4 5 All that certain frame ccore shop, one and a hall stories high, situate on the turn ... pike road learitn4 t . ivin Ilidlidaysburg to Allegheny town hip-John M. Gibboney, Ebensburg, fronting on said road 52 feet Micha 4 siim . s. j and exlentling back 55 feet, in the t•ievii A»tes —Miller Clussin, John Campbell, 4 Huneansville, as laid tilY by Conitnis• i .j„ hn ii,,,,, hv. ,ioners appointed by the Coat tto desig- Blair— Jahn F. Lowry. trate boundaries. Friiniain —John Ewing, John M,irks, Seized, taken in execution. 511.1 In be P•aidestiwn—Jethe Crumbeckei, Charles ,i.id as the ;Iropertf of Philip Berner, ‘‘ . ikon. • ,orrier or reputed owner and contractor, Ilenderdon—[sane Dorlanil, Jacob Miller, at suit of Berij twin Nugent. Morris--John Clerk, \Villiain Hammond, ALSO, James `.3tewart, David Tussey. • A certain tract or parcel of land sits Ponce 1 ~,,, id whitthior. mite on the Globe Hun t o %Vest township, i Tut/--Solomon liouck, E•q., Jacob Lias, in Huntingdon county, beginning at a (Senior.) stone heap, thence North 26 degrees, Tyrone—iiolwri Stewart, Jr. %Vest 204 k perches to a chestnut sprout 11 alleeP--Elpttzor Lloyd; --thence along •I'usseys mountain South NVorriorsmark— Abed Dego Stephens. 70 d. ;0 ees, West 16Ci perches along • We - -John Iletirv, James Steuart. Jrinics iNlassey's line, thence North 70 . _ degi,es, West 166 perches to a stone TRAVERSE JURORS.-,1119T W.K• heap and place ut beginning, containing 2011 acres and allowance. (Being part -01 Alleghetty--Michael Thompson, a larger tract at land surveyed on a war. Antes--Jain Hamilton, James Hamilton. rant dated June 21 1793, granted to Mtn . litirree--Itobort Cummins, 111111, Gillum, Batton, and patented in the urine of paid John Horning, Ale - minder Oaks, NVll ,',din Button.) ' ham l'rice, Alex:oo'er Thompson. Seized. taken in execution, and to be sold as' the property of Samuel Batton, with notice to Green & Dorsey, terre ten ants. A LSO. A certain tract of land in Barree town ship [now 3,ckson Ts] in the county of Huntingdon, containing 115 acres and GO perches and allowance, being part of tract of land granted to Matthias Graeff by warrant dated 18th April 1774, and the same land granted and convert! by Thomas Blair to Samuel Stay by Deed dated August 10•11 1841, and duly enter ed of Record, together with the heredita 'vents and appurtenances—said land ad. joins George Steffy and others. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Samuel Steffy. ALSO. A small lot of ground in liarree town ship, containing about one quarter of an acre, adjoining lands of Josiah Cunning 11HID, John White and tithe's, (said lot be ing purchased by defendant from John White) having therecn erected a small log d welling house. Seized,. taken in execution, and to be sold as property of John Hoffer. , JOHN AR d//TA GE , Slef. She r iff' Offi , ..e, Hunting don, July 10, 1845. GRAND JURORS, Ferree, James M. Elliott Long, William McFarland, James D. Rea, &Amnon &mom, Dublin—Brice Blair, Esq. David Jeffries, Esq. Franklin—Richard Jones. Fran/atm/a—Samuel Smith, Julio W. Stewart. Lendur3on--gimui.l Grafius, John Kemp, James Line, Riehaidson Read, Joseph Summers, Samuel Shoemaker, liaac \Vold verton. floptivlll—John Norris. HUMOU—Gcorge Bittlei Christian Goad, Michael ike. Morris—John Aurandt, Esq., Thomas Cunning. Porlrr—ltubert Cannon, Jacob Kough. S.Vdry— John Calvet., Thomas 11. Ilu.. Snyder—Joshua Burley, John C. Fortua. fill--David Ilackedon. 'yrone--Abral , atn Buck, Daniel Walker—John Householder, William W'wmd. 09c1!.errp--(avid Ake, Esq., Thomas K. Fluke, Esq., Johmstim Moore, E-q., Philip Reese. TRAVERSE JUkORS.--gEtoln VTLEU - , , , per yard ;, home dy e II innels 63 cents m•r Alfigh city —IV illia at Louden. yard ; home dye cloths, 16 cents pet yard. Arrangements have been made at the f I- Bo rr ee-- William Cutieli, Jr., William ' i iowmg planes, where cloth., RIO wool will bl. Moore , J amps Stewart, (Manor.) . taken anti returned. ~, , r, two weeks.. Blair—Jobe Hemphill, Alexander Mc. At the hon.e of John wail, Illrtsleg Val- Cormit k, Abraham Van Tries. I v ; Jacob M'Galtan, M'Connellstown ; J. Cromwell—Jonathan Carothers, John Eatrekin's store, Coff:e Run ; John Givin's Taylor. , sore. Leonard Weaver, Jacob C I'Pr ,BB and Dublin—William Appleby: I Matthew Garth r, Woodcock Valley t Gem met & Porters store, Alexandria ; Walter Frm thli a—A .thn 1). Bell. ' Gealrim's store, Carrie Valley ; Dvu'irt's Henderson— • Henry Ciirnprobst, Thoinac, . 7, HI% Sinking Valley ; r/iyis brook's Mill, Fisher. J antes Nl'Ca be, Samuel I:: Ste . Pair township ; James Cancfron's—stotie, yetis, William Summers i Frank:it,. ; G-o,'Sti-iner's store, Water ! street ; jomes tiiixton's more, Huntingdon. Hopewell—John Anderson. - 11 "st ( m — J'Ilin "FP" , . I "e 6 li"ver. k& i :( e a l i7c n d s s w tt i t ' fi r' s! ' e. 4 Z:e .x i c ic h c ' o n r ge ni ‘ o v crii i t r e;l l. .. m"- ... (Dry Gan.) I 117' Alt kinds of country rivoettex to in Morris—John Donnelly, David Sle'vart. i xcliange for work. Porter— Saniu el ts'ity kr r. , I VVIT,t.i AM BUCHANAN, Cl)?. ER)) ECKKIID. Shirley—S,thittel Minms, gsq. . t NVillianislntrr, MArc.ll 19, 1845.-1 v ,ti'uyder--Juselil , Burley. Ten—William Orr, E..q Tod—John ?dye' lv Tfirone---Annitruilg Crawlira, lien' Fleck SAinuel My!im, John Witt( West Jarof)Duitilc, John U, Ftiott David (land, Il(•nrY Ihrbison, :John K Nell David J: (ihule Trial List for .Itralast Term I 545. FIRST WEEK. Samuel layer t' J hn Farrinsworth Marti,, Gates v Hobert Moore John M'Comh v C. A. Nelainghain Edward O'Hare v S. Roy rit al J. Leslies, assinees v Wilti6 & Jones Lombard for Moore v Samuel Cold well Wm. McNite v Stains et tI P. Frazier Smith v William Pollock Lumlir'd for Comp. v D av i s mid Se e d s A. 1). Leonard v Lytl e & Patterson Com'th. t'ennsyl'a. at Alex. Ennis Dr. A. Johnson v Dr. C.O'Ftiel Wiiliam Rogers v Hewit & Fries J. I'. M'Dowell v Dougherty (Inn'kr.) E. Shoemaker v Alexander Gw' tn .1 flothan Jackson v J. &J. Forrest Thomas Wilhtuns v•C. E. ce,dne A.J an istcn Brffirtker Stifiler Twid and Lentninn v G W. Patterson Janice Parsons JAI) Rouse SECO .1 1 D IV RE K David W. liteings v Isaac lingers & en Thotna , for Dysart v G. S Hoover Cunt. K. L. Green v Isiah Fit k John siliaver v 1) tvid Milligan M'Britie et al 3cc. v Z. G., Benson • Wilson lc Cm. v I),tvidilidieson ( ',until. of Penna. v at Moore 11. C•rownever. a/ ‘Vin. Pollock J. I)4:keys Mims. v A. P. Wilson Esq. Jos, ph Parsons v Alex .Scott J. Martin's Adm'r. v Dougherty I)enlinger for use at Willi:on Relsort G. B. Matthews a , John Marks J.itnes 1)t sart v H. Seeds et el C. 11. Lase & Co. v Jacob Dri , ks Ci•miniiii wealth v W Price et el John Miller v Goailfellow's admit , i 1). Brallstetter t, Nowlin & l(olikon Chas. Merriman v 'Thomas M. 0 weits Higgins &c. far use v I%rael Girth. Ltal. Lingal her 1, Xanitis L, ff J. D. I).tyis for use v John Dalighcriy Ewing for Gates // James Ewing . John Potts for use v J. G.Lightner et al Same at Same SPalki!Oh A:VD- ANNE It'S teal,LA aIIT,AIIIS O 1 / 4 21r 'agllf.z./ AND 2000 I), I,ll)l3tallides---first clu;, ( l l, l , t?'. 050 1),.y Gnini E .1' Ll' E .71 E 3000 Dry .5' ate('(;lira, elo. All the newlyipers :ire ol patent remloo 4 o o 1 1 1 1 1. 1 . ,. `,i 5 i t . Ili des, K . ( Peon sIl rd edit, fr emiglis, colds, consumption mid va-. 00 13 iles dry Patna Ki s. „o w ,• diseases which flesh 'shell* to," 120 liim•lls pro c , :e di ng front aunt fee': btu all experience Tanner's and Currier's Took. teaches that an mince of firmentive is T For sake to the country atiners".at the better than a pound it cure ;" having lowe , t prices and upon the . best terms. the mews of tarnishing the former article N. li. All kinds of Leather wanted for on short im i t l ice iit .' , l s lie t z rl fore which the highest pliers will he paid in cil lack Cabil or in "N"l'""gi' r'''' Hid" , () if ' respectfully informs the plod eitiz , ns of the 1). KIIIKPA,TIi K & tNS, row;li Ilunting and the public pu No. 21 South Strcet, cyan,. , that lie still c ontinues the Philadelphia• lioet anti Altorzlitattinit business, at his ul l stand in Allegheny st., one door west of NVilliain Stewart's Store, in the borough of Humingilini, where lie has lately received a large assortment a new and fashionalil, tast9. on which he guaran tees to finish his wink not only according to he latest styles, lint in a workmanlike man ner, a Al :lees rding to it ,mphy s none but the b •st and mnst ex pet kneed workmen, and by strict attention to business and priictuality hr promises, lie hi.pes to deserve and receive a liberal share of custom. \VAN'IED—an A PPRENTICE to the abore business—a boy of Iti or 17 years of age will be preforred, and find a good situation if ap plication he in:tde soot , . • ARLES S. BLACK. Huntingdon, April 23, 1845. Oct. 9. 184 , 1. Iv C AUTION.—The snbscriber h I, cautions and forewarns all persons tram pm'. chasing, levying on, cr in anv way distort, lag or meddling with the foclowlng,proper tv, which I purchased at Constable's site as the property of Genree Smith, of Fiend,- son township, on the 2,1 day of April inst., and lett in the possession of said George Smith tili 1 find it convenient to remove the same, to wit . 1 hie, 1 dunF,houk .1 double tree, I I shovel plouAli, 1 cuttioe; 1.. x, I hull' 1tu,1,- el measure, lot of barrels, I harrow, I saddle, I brindle huh I, 2 hlnt k heifers, 1 twat ly !wirer, I brindle cow, of 12 acres of wheat rind lye in the ground, and 13 acres of wheat in the ground. ANDREW SMITH. West tp. April 9, 184.5.—pd. - - - - - - - USTIC RS' Blanks all kinds, for sale 7.0 at tliis WOOLLEN AI A 11 . UFA CTOR Y 'tun subset ibers respectfull) inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to manufacture cloths. satti netts, flannels, Li inkets, carpeting, Sze., nt the wyll known establishment, formerly ic cupied by Jeremiah %Iliad . ..ad, situated in the town of Willianriburg, fluntingden Pa. Their machinery will be in good order, and having none but good workmen in their employ, they will aSsnre all who may favor them with their custom that their orders wilt be executed in a satisfactory st) le on the ihurtest notice. . (29 znLk.v..l EZ3 . They will card wool into rolls at the low price of 64 cents per pound ; card and spin 12 cuts per pound, 16 cents per pound 01.ttifactUre white fl innel front fleece, 314, cents per yard ; manufacture brown flaunt! from fl .ece, 40 cents per , yard ; thty find sattinett warp stud mount' tcture satti • netts of all dark colors at 45 cents per yard; cloths wide, 50 cents per yard ; common broad cloth, $1 25 per yard ; blankets, 63 per pair; plain gi alibis carpet, 50 cents per yard they will card, spin, double and twist stneking yarn at 20 cents per pound ; color ing carpet, 4...overd E and stodting yarn, from 15 to 31 cents per prima. Con Fedi Cloths of ail dark colors, 22 cents per. Of all toe cures that have yet been record etle • there are certainly none qua I to tlow h..Towinentional. and they pimply .sithvr, . / the curability of Consumption,even in tl acne's, 5..1 cents per yard blabkets, 7 cent s o f i ts worst fo rms ; ' •• 7Y) S EAR.I73 1.1 4 : ( - 177 ZENS -We know troll what we see and foel. that the animal I, .0v is, in its organs and fon:dons. subject ..rytrmt, inducing pain, and tending to it, de,trlyti ,, n. In this disordered state, u alien providing for the re-es tabl ei:t of crder, by exciting some salu tary evacuation of the morbilic matter, or I, v nom eot licr opera , whieh es:lanes enr imperfrrt Scasen anet resrlllT.hes. In .notne can, she brings on a mink by the bowels, 111 othrrs liy sweating, Bc , '” Bcc • •-• Now experience has taught us th , t there arc certain substances, lie nt bids. , t1 , 1 1 b 31 to the living body, int,nally or externally., we can at will produce the same evacuations, and tints d'o in fl short time, whit nature could do hut Slowly, and do eft".•etu'tlly what she mizlit not have strength to accomplish, \\iv, then we have seen a disease cured by certain naturalevacuatioi, 4101141th:it dis- Or.Clir again, we may count upon curing it by the 115 e of such suhstances, as we know bring about the same evacu Ition, which we had behave observed to cures similar disease. It is in cntw.nnence or the power which the Brandreth Pins exert (gym the wh , le system, that makes them sn universally ben eficial. It is because they impart to the holy, the pnwer to expel disease without leaving any evil eff et. Asa gen •r.tl family medicine, itrandreth'S Pills are, it is believed by the Proprietot% sunrinr to every nth-, ed to the Imltlir.. I)r.llrandreth's Pills are for sale by the , 11 ,,, vitiZ Agents n, +his county. Stewart, truntingdon. M'Fart•ine, Garber, Reet)., liollidaysburg. X. Lk N. Cresswell. Petersburg. Moore & Swinne, ljartrnal, & Smith, Manor 11111.. Thomas NI. 0 ~ A. Patterson, William.htutr. 131,01. nn l 1\1.(1,1, n, r f - The ah-wc :11e the author zed gcattiin illititing(loti county. April 16. 1R45.:::11 11th Jy Rags ! Bagh ! entintry can st-II their Hags for Cash, at the highest market prices, or in exr.h•tnge far a large atts , rt mrtit of \Vriting, Printing ping Papers of rations pri ces. 4l# .—.S n extol st ve assortment of ii,tired \Vali &Curtain papers. solv• of which cart - ho ~till tit half the tonal price. Also, a tren-ral the STAN DARD St:11001, Ito - Ks, BLANK BOr:NS and Stationary, which will be sold at low 'prices, lust WIL1:1 A M PA Rit I),•aler, No. 4, North Alb rivet, ‘vt , Market st. Phil'a, Id In i•II, 1P45.-9mn. Tn. LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay of Fxecution, under the view law, just printed, and for sale, at this orrice. :DUIeaSCIS Of the Lungs and Zreaf:t. TESTIMONIALS. 'WAD.• To TitE lo accordance w ith thc tirevliliug custom, and in order to sin.. v tint virtuesof this medicine mute fully, th. tor. lowingcertificates have been selected ; and as it is not our wish to trill: with the lit c m or health of those ;.illicted, we sincerely p' edge ourselves to make no assertions or. •! false statements" 01 its efficacy; nor will we hold out any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. The pilots iare her given — anti i we solicit an nquiry. from the public ihto tlery case we publish,• and feel assured they will find it a medicine well deserving their patronage and cunt', deuce. REMARKABLE CURES. Let every man, woman and child read tmi Milow ing, and we are sure that it must Siek ly all of the great virtues - of the medicine•. Q 7 Read the following from Dr.. Jur, ly I lotfman, a physician of extensive practice iu Untaingdon counts : Dear Sit procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cho ry, front Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinate Asthma (.11a rbild (.1 Paul Schweble, in which many other reme dies had been tried without any relief. 'I lie lalsatit gave sudden relief, and in niropiri , ' ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use. Yours, &c. JACOB HOFFMAN, m. Dec. 23; 1841, The case of Thomas Cozens is related hyl hinisel as follows, stud acknowledged by all who knew him to be one of the most astonishing and extresordinary cites evel performcd . IlAnnoisFiEhn, N. 3..? April 12.0, 1893. On or about the 13th of October, - 1841, $ was taken with a t intent pain in the near the Liver,. which continued about live days, and was followed by the breaking an dicer, or something inwardly, which re lieved. the pain a- little; bat canard me to throw up a great quantity tit offensive mat ter and also much blood. Being greatly alermed at this 1 applied ton physician, who. said he thought lie could do.but little for use except give me some mercury pills which 1 refused to take feeling satisfi,'d that they could do me no good I many other re medies were then procured by sly wife and friends but none did me any good and the discharge blood rod putrid corruption still ci inhaled every few days, and at the lath it b,came so offensive that I cou!el scarcely breathe. I was slit) mix 'cl with a 544(14 C itigh,which at timescitilsed mo to raise mud) more blood than I had formerly done, and my disease continued in this way until Feb ruary, when all hopes of may recovery were given up, and try friends all thought that I would die of a galloping consumpficin. At this menit nt w hen my life apparently wi,s• drawing near to its close, l heard of I V ol , Balsam of Wild Cherry mid got a bottle which relieved Ole inimedintely, and by the use of only three haul, s of this medicine(' all my plias were removed, mid my cough and spitting of blond removed, and in a few I days my health was it fat' testared as to I able me to work at my trade (which is that I of a carpenter) and op to this time I have I enjoyed good health. TIIOMAS COZENS.' W ITNK gs.-.4 :an acquainted -with 'rhos Coz •ns and having seen him during Lis ill- - nes., I think his statement is entitled to full' credit. SAM. 11. BURROUGHS. flt.otteitslFit CoeNTv, as. Appeared before roe personally, and affirm ed according to law, on the flOth of April; 1893 : J. CLEM EN r. ..... irj• It is unnecessary to remind all who , would get the true article,.tuiLquire partic ularly fur "1)r. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Chet ry," and nothing else. Unprincipled dealers will tell inn.that the Sy a re of Wild Cherry, or some tall( r cough is divine is I quail). :is good. Il , •cacd them i.w.—they fault want vine MONEY ! Itemeni lierot is " Wistar's Wilsam of Wild Chi r re" that not only red( yeti hut cures !. Price one dollar ter bottle, or oix for $.5", For sale only in Cincinnati, by SANFORD Lk corn, 01 l'ourth and II alma. Alsn, f.r" sale liy Thomas Road f.l Soo, (wholos:de and retail.) Huntingdon, aid Airs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg. linuary IS, 1845.-6 in. .51111 Eyes This fray. The subssriber would m o st msp,-ctrialy Minim his friends and the public in gen eral, that he has recently received and opened a good assortment of contectioa.,ry tad fruit, which he Alas for sale in the basement story of the store or Thos. Bead & Son, where or will be pleased to wait tar' all those who will give him a call. He will have c o,istantly on hand • - Raisins, rigs, Oranges, ICITIOEN, rout all other articles usually kept to touter• tionaries. He also has beer, Ci.kes anti lies, 11111 Z.l O • of every description. king rf any kind. done according to order t i; short notice. His intention is to lit.te none but the veil best articles, and to have always a good sup • ply in his shop, and last he would. say to all, call and judge for ourselves. 11e hopes to 'Vern and receit,e 1 share of public patronage, as his intention is to scat on very moderate teems. R. READ, ilittitingdon, lone 11, 1845.-3 t. AY HORSE. 1. - rnAN - F.D:,,,iy from the subscriber on Crit)Sunday cnittg, the 18th ir.st., from Pi per's Dam, oar Petersburg, a dal k bay horse, 8 or 9 years old, about middle siz e d, has a crack so one fore and one of his hind feet. - Any person taking up said horse, and writing to the subscriber :n Waynesburg, Mifflin county, or sending hint there shall be liberally rewarded for his trouble, and all charges paid. Ile is supposed to have gone. towards Shaver's Cre-k Valley or Stone Valley. J.AMES GARLINGER. Waynesburg, klyy 19, 1845
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers