9f.largacis• clJmti 2rnz..l =IL ihmtingdon, .111 iy l ip, I E 3915. Q^3 V. B. PALMER, Esq., is authorized to ac its Agent for this paper. to phicUre aidtscriptinhe Bnd advertisements in Philadelphia, Bahl. moro and Bunton. OFFICES: PAiludelphia—Number 69 Pine street. liallimore—S. E. corner of Baltimore anti vert streets. Nem York—Number 160 Nassuu street Bostati—Number 16 Stale street. WANTED - --Whent,. ityc, vats and Corn, at the market price, in 'payment of accohnts tine this of fice. And cash yvill he taken in exchange for receipts in full or in ram T [abßaKe•rED wEEkty.] Philadelphia, July 16. k LVHF,AT FLOUR, per bbl. - • - $4 115 lty y. MEAL!, do. - - - - 300 Unit N d 0.... do. WU EAT ,p 1 i l lfic Puma:pet hush. - - Wi .11yr. do: - - - 59 TcoaN, yelldii?, dd. - - - 41 I)ATs, do. - - - 172 WaisKut, In bit, li,:ltiniorr,Juiy 10 -WrivATTLoba,littrilil. - - - $4 371 AVIMAT, pet Wish. - - - 1 110 coßN,yolow, du. - - - - 41 ,11yr.. do. (InTs. do: WHIsKKIr, in bbls. ---------- BA.NN NOTE LIST Rates of Discount in Philadelphia, Pants in Philadelphia. Mink of I of t h. America - - , Busk of the N , ;illiern Liberties 'Hunk of Peon Tnwnhbip - 9ntinercial Bank of Penn's, l'Arnst:rs' & Mechanico' bank I<.,nsingtoil bunk ill k MeCillllllC . bunk • - - - pm. l'hil.tdelplua bank - pm. 1-iputhwarit bank - - p:kr NN'e3tern bar k - - par M,yamensing Intnk - - - par M mul.ictureti' and Me,hanics . .balik par of isenngylVania - - par Girard bunts - - - ilAnk Lit the United States Country auks • , heiik of Chester cu. \N estchrster par 14 111 k of Delaware co. Chester par 14, 0 k of Germantown Genntintown par Bank of Nlontkerl co. Nut ristown par Dtiylesto a ii bmik. 1/o) lestovin par F.astuii 13 mk Etstou par Varniers' bk ot Plucks Co.ElStla I,lr liAnk al N,,rthuinberl'd Northumberland par 11,niesilide batik Honesdale 13 Farmers' bk at Lune. Lancaster par Lela aster batik Lancaster pi. Lulea:at, comity bank Lancaster p.. 1 11.iiik of Pitt.burg Pittsburg Men:lets' & Manuf. bk. Pittsbni g i r.cluinge Plank rittbbog ] 1./o. do. branch of Hollidat sbnit, 1 tol'a Ilk & bridge co. Columbia par Franklin bank Washinv tot' Ii Monongahela bk of 11. lirownseilie 13 P'ai'nters' bk al !leading Reading par !'hanun hunk 1,60.11 ' i "nk of Middletown Milltlit . tOitti 1 C : l lliSit, ILIA ( . ...lisle 1 Elie bank Eric 2¢ 13 ink of Cliamberhi)firg Cinnnberathvg 1 B ink of G..-tt) sburg Pettvslitirg 1 N'ork bank You k ' 1 1 r larrishoriy hank llarishiirg I NinerS' bk of l'ottsi , illt i ), :ttsville 'i 11 wk of tinsrittelvanna co. Montrose :i5 waters' tk I)vovers'l,k \Vat . oesin,i•nutit '2 li ,nk of I.?wistow LI i...wistown 18 \Vyoniing kook Wilk •sloare li N irtltautiptno 100 k Allentown on sate 14 , 114 cmooty bank lk.,oling it ) sli6 \ I'est Branch Itat.k NYilliantsport li Towanda tool T.v.otitcla !insole sates of Relief Noted. r•ltirtit-rn Liberties, Bank 6 , Pa. Merimn e's !milk, Delaware County, Partners' Bat Of Btu ks, Germantown, 1"'r• it rks Ce: B•wk - z 10 Alt others Xmportant from the Lone Star--•Tcx, as Anitexod I The United States Steamship Prince. ton arrived at Annapolis, Maryland, from Galveston, Texas, on the sth in stant, alter a short passage of nine days bringing the important inteihgente that the Texan Gong: ess had agree d be ah 'unanimous vote, to the Annexation lies• cautions of Our C0ng1,5%, thus extending the '•crew of slavery," and reanneting to our country, all the rogues, rascals, out- Lino, aml morderer , , who have escaped for many years past, to that hopeful re treat, ....... This inoveytent on the part of the Tex an Congress. seems to have been a gi eat i4lretch 6r iiiet, induced by so.e tears that the,C4 ti otii•efttitin which had been call yd by Presiiikt iwiL.,, to inert on the 4th lif July, to a6t e:4()t.,1.i11y tin the Annex It tlOll (piestidn, ii!,ItIll not be as reedy to imp into the inters:.. of lie speculatorti hod Texas us iiiiik prottaitned ity the or gan at Washington, as a leirt (if the Onion and its satellites theol.:gfi iM. country are tattered to throw op their cups did shout he Texas, Slavery aiiil NV it. 'Flue modus operandi ott •hiel l i ailitex• sties is proclaimed. was as otIOWS i--011 the 16th instant, President ones i.ubiint t ell a message to Congress, referring to the treaty with Mexico, aliong . .ivith the resolution a annexation, passed by our late Congress. The followinu joint tein lution, ineinlmeating those by our Coo ress, was itnitieiliately introduced and passed by both tirati6l;es or the Texan As• setntily : EPa. 1 elegraph. JOINT REiOLUTIOS. Gityw the roneeut rj the eaqsling Gon• ertionent to toe AntlexunCin of Tctus to the Chiited Stoic's. Wheeoas, the guverninetlk' of the led -States bath proposed the following terms, guarantee,, and conditions, on ullich the people altil territory of the Re public . of 'reias May be ,reeled into I. new State, in he calleil the Since of Tea and atimiliPd as tine of the States of the A Niel iran IT:dim, to :- Xllere follow the resolutiitna of the United States Uoilgrea..j And whereas, by said terms, the ron• Si lit of tie existing government trf TeXas is required : Flee. Be it resolved by the fienate ant! House of Representatives of the Re public rif Texas, in Congress assembled, That r goi;errinsent of Texas anth con sent drat the pedpie alit territory of lite Republican of Truag may erected hitu it new State, to Its railed the Atari: as, with a eepiddiran fur in of governinent In be arlopled b' the mimic' of said re pid lie, by dej)it Het; in ijonventian NSSPIn 1111.1i . in nrilii• that the same tnair he ad mitted as (tile of the States of the Amer. Tan Urriorr ; and said crmsent is given on the terms, guarantees and comlittons set forth iu the preamble to this joint resniu iron. Sec. 2. lie it torther resolved, That the penclanpoirm of the President of the Republic. of Texas, bearing date May 301 1895, and the eiecrion deputies to sit in convention at Austin on the 4th itf ju • Iv next, fur the adoption or a constitittion ' for the Stale of Texas, had in at:clirriairce therewith, hereby receive liM'criirsent of the existintr ttovernment 81 . Tbxas. Sec. 3. Re it furlhel• resolved, the President of Tc'.ras is iterehs requested ionnediatel to tit hiislt the girl rnment at the United ?Mates, tlirrtugb their act,. (liter! ' minister liar this gua.'tnutent, will) a co- try of this joint resrdniir n ; to-for nisi, the convention, ut Austin on th e 0f ,ditty brit, aWI a copy of the ; and the same shall take effect from autl r : after its passage. - pal. The al)ovt: g A l opy of the resololioo, as they passed the tiro houses, anti which wo suppose. recei‘e the simetinti of the Pt esidrot. They ',wised unanimously ToD. 11011.N,,iN. • On tht 18 , 11 inst., in the Senate, Mr. Greer, Introduced n joint resolution ofter• "nink nationn ermitude to Major Gi•n• era! Andrew Jackson," tul,ich rvsolution tea. unanimously adopted. , On the Some dov Major in ti•oditred a hill setting snarl a portion of tl . e toittlic between Coe Ar. 811,1 itl+ll Rivers—for the na men! iti the national debt t read the first and sr coin! time, and referred to the. Curnatit. , I t o nn ,h e OM, of 111.. flepublie. Mr. R•ufmon's solintr. apart hind for the payiriefit of die I üblic debt, &u., Wac toten up. and rend the second and third time, and noviefi. he treaty with 41rxito contained these eontiitions . . Mexico rootlet - 0c to acknowledge the iinlepenifence of texas. texin; engages that she will sfipu- Lile in the trraiv not to annex herself, nr heroine sohjett to any country nhatever.. S. Limits and tither aceangeinents to lie inatlecs of ageeeinent in the final trendy. 4. Texas to lie willidg to rr•l'•r the disruted points with regard to Ir•rrtlory. and other inatteCs, to tile arbitration of . . . . This treaty Was considered by the ?en ;de in secret session, on the 21st of June and rejrcted by all unanimous vote. tlapt. NV aggnman knit art iV tl at Wash ington, Texas. to select posfs to he occil pied by the United S.ales troops, and to pruvide For their subsistence; A r•sulu t to Sias inlo loth houses of Congress. requiring the ezecn five to gni , . remler all posts, navy vanes, barracks, &c., to the primer authorities of the Uni ted States. The President is pledged to give full and immediate effect to the will of Congress, So far as depends Upon hitiu set • Pathetic Glorification. A bleorwo organ, in gloryfying at the annexation m ,of Texas, says : "the pro, tlag of (lie Union will stream o'er the cit adels of Houston and Galveston. and un• fold itself O'er the warehouses, rectories, lighthtioses, foils and forirrays, of the States Or Texas texas a nation . no more, hot a piirt or a portlon of that (;neat which is destined to awe the world: Can See tel the Monntains and valleys ( . 0 a isalion of delighted, hapoy pOriple.". It is ati unii•ersaf weakness einotnst Locoriiro cilitiirs to have their ens tirely Winded or enlarged as by a power• ful microscope When investigatiog anv litical questniti, Witthe writer of the above has exceeded all that hate gone be• fore him in this way• lie mufti 'lave been in a state of clairvoyabee to see "citadels ,forts and furtre4srs" %there three are a few hundred inhabitants sheltered for the 1111151 part Li, the roughest kiwi Af Fog hov els ; "a minion of delighted liappy ple," in a country here black, tehilee and strangers do not exceed 70,60(Y ; elm e neither the population nor the whole territory is equal to Llacaster county, b'y tliouginde in number or Mil , litms nt wealth. hit there id a strong pos,,ibility, nay almost uei•lainty that the lebbi:ri ut Tex• 40 will end in u o and the orvin,:id the party that contorted and have carried out the initfoity Must inTpare the poopls for the eipenditure ul initlions and the sacri fice of the liyes of thotni.ind:, to eularge the area" of slavery and secure. a South ern anti-tariff preponderance tire,coon. oils ul the Union. By this kind a bom bast they expect to fasten upon the ayes of the people who bleed and pay for it, scales tl.at a ill pl event Weir seeing and revolting from the moral wrong, injustice and clime committed by plung:ng room!) . into a war nith Mexico, to de spoil let ul tei not mime riorth ul whin t've have ie nettled.—Pa. Tel. Fitrii 21urope.—Arrival of the Lea dia.—Fifteen Days Later; The Acadia arrived at I er - %luta in Mi s t on the 2iitl Ti t p 9i KIN& has made it r passage in 15 data and n half. She has hecii de tained soinevdvit by ice and head slt(i has matte her ‘O)age tiuu•. • 'litre ha.: beets 1111 rxten%tie fur Cotton during the hii,t week ; thc ,ul,a having ri•actied the levet:table nI 43,670 hales. • I•he Corn Laws have been dis cussed. The debate wa4 somewhat I irk, as All debates nue ullich lead to no practical tr-ult. The bill for erecting, ills Cath olic Colleges in Ireland iS Still before the lions, a( Commons: .1 iteuies the M;r nit); P.m's statittnc.nt that the French stvont no, 3. oui itufnbei i that it Efloai,d mid auto. that the lurtuer contains It 3 vl.nlkrlA a 26,000 horse %timer, that of it', kiitiT 14U vcssels ut r4,5C0 nurse pit, - cr. The tietvs from China vines down to ti;o cod of March. Ihe Emperor i. said to have re, eived some favorable notice ol Cltri.tiaiiity, and was disposed to tolerate it. QUF.EN ViCTOILIA . S PAI i; CO,IrME.- 1 . 1115 lalkeil of fete took place at Buckingham Palace ou Friday night, the o . h ult., The costume illustrated Grorr.e the Seeontl's lime. The exact period elms, it was the ten jea, L i m 1741:Ito I 7:j). The company t uniliereil ale iit 12M); cottipri.iii4 the I)utelir.44 of \c-- moots among them; the chid of the Iltiti,lt istoeracy ; the cliplimiatie prl.• sons. and principal foreigners it town. Latest accounts from the South I , ranee retire:lent die weather as bring more I ai•ora bk. to the crop.. The hem in France ha. Lody brat iti tenne. The Pal isiatis attribute it to the contrt. the health of the Sultan of Turkey is said to be on ihe decline, and 41oub+s nre rxpressed as to hi, t4urviving the thalatly with which he id-Dieted. In the manufacturing di.tiiets there has been nn dh activity and the superior descriptions of priming eluthe have experienced a .slight iiiimovement. In Mabchester and the neighborhood, the trade aciive and in a healthy state, and in the umillen ilisiricts of Yorkshire manufacturers are busy makkg to order: IRELAND Ft esh information has arrited in hub• lin ol another alt ay between the Military and the Leitrim pea , tantry, in which the lacier have sotto ed the 10-s of six killed, and a gueat 111:11/, Minded. A reinforce went tniiiiary have been sent luriiard eiprets, Nita much apprehen-ion eilst ed thtit thattial la‘t ti ill hate tti Ge prim claimed, In letters From St. lietersliufg.i it IA t.:ta tin that the le.someror intentleil to alliance near too, it toot to the actual .erne of iitar in Cancan.. The disasters that hair be fallen the Itushon atones in :lint country have been soo ferrihle, that vittl if iietory shOuttl croup their present efforts, (which is tloUbtful,) they wilt fiat have much W !mast of. The Few:l,loons iii Itus•iti tor the ruin- mei- camp dull in the Caucatiuit, this year at e said to lie immense ; Itio.ooo men ate to be employed, Tivo ukase: lor recruit ing the army have been published. Frightful Attocitit Aityria.—;—The tolltm tug details lia,e come to hand throtit;li ai private quarter, of tie hutch - erings that Ittive reecialy taken place in ria " A Cii war; anti nfie iif eitermi nal ton reigns at this 11101111 lit ill the niuuntain he tween the Drusrs and the Christians, and during the last fifteen aqg the horrors ire ha is seen iterpeti•atcd around uS are dreadful. etery side the sounds of battle are heard and nothing is seen but fire and thine ! houses, villages OM Churches; and contents, being reciprocally a prey to Hie flames: At (he moment r write ( \lay 17) we '1 ate berme tit the appalling spectacle of no less than eleven ‘illagett and a itutnlier of Maronite t Iltirches dud convents in flames, and what is worse, when the Christians ate toriotts, they enter the Druse villages, ptitting to the elite of the sword, men. women, and children; the Dcuges following the exam ple when they are victorious: All the silk o mins i& Loth parties, the sole support of the visit population have seen burovil• The Lotivents of the Maroni , es and Catholicg have been burn ed, soil the bodies of their priests, after death, have been limited by the Druges. Every tiorror is practised on their enemies At this moment, with the help of our .glitisti, we see unfortunate fugitive Chris tians--women and children, to the nu'ut brr of or 7000, on the coast.'i LIST OF LP:VITAS, rmainfng in the Pnst °Mee, at Alexandria, Huntingdon co., en the ist day of July, 1845—which if nut taken out Within three months will lie sent to the Genea. Bust Office as dead lettets. Baker JohniLaird James & Co, Barry James J. M'Clure ham Bruhacker Atm uham Qiiinter John , _...... , Clyde* John • haffer ‘Villiam F. DinNitiove Samuel Shively Daniel Fackler Mews ~ .Sprenkle John Fodder Meisrs J. & Co. JOHN GEMMILL, . PZlescauilria, July, 9, 1845. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Nom: E is het ehy given to all persons concerned, that the following 'thine(' per sons have settled their accounts in the Re gister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will he I.ll.t.setited for canfirma. tion and allowance at an Qrplians' Coast to he held at Huntingdon. in aid for the coun ty of Huntingdon, Oil NVr doesday the 131. h clay of August next, viz : • . 1. William Tehipleton, surviving "r• secular bf john Templeton, lino of Tyrone township, deed, and John Templeton and Armstrong Ciawlbrd, ex ecutors of James Wlld Was &moth i.r executor of the Said juliii.Tentpleton, deed. 2. Abraham Huck and Xiarinh Sackett, exectr tors of Samuel Spahegle, late of Vt'arriursinaik township, , . 3. Jobb Mule& Saininiatrator of the estate of William Elder, law of nopewell tonmship, dee'd. 4.. Alexander Scott, executor of William Scott, late of, Ttli township, dec'd. C. John Clierett, guardian of Levi Gosnell, John i,iosifell and Wilson (loaned, minor children of Joshua Gosnell, late of Union township. dec'd. 6. Lewis Hopkins and Hobert Fleming, admin istrators of the estate of Benjamin llopkin., late of Antes township, deed. 7. Joseph Reed, administrator of the estate of henry Dearment, late of the borough of Poters'iurg, doc'd. 8. Thomas E. Orhison, administrator of the es tate of John Flasher, late of Cromwell township, dee'd. 9. Henry Miller, executor of Martha Ker, lath of Woodberry township, dec'd. ' 10. James McNeal, administrator of Eve dtistiell, late of Tod township. dec'd. I 11. Isaac Taylor, administrator Of the eidate of Berton De Forrest, late of Tod township, dec'd. 12. Alex nder 1,. Holliday, athninistrator of the estate of Ro rt Lowry, late of tut: borough of rlOl . - lidaysburg, at 'd• 13. Joseph,ll Robison, ldministrator of the estate of Thas Jon s Cadwallader, late of the borough ( 'of Mil aytdturg,, deed. 14. Joh ct\ F. Share, administrator of ilia estats, of Nicotienius Benson, late of Tod township, dcc'd. 15,. James McLain, acting executor of Samuel McLain, lute of Tad township, dec'd. • JOHN HEED, I?egi cr. il eglster's don, I '2tll July. A. I). 1845. • • -• k'a tin ph t La its, Notice is hereby given that th gariiiihiet Laws ot the late St ssinn of the Legislature have come to hand and are ready for distri hotiun to and ;voting tint, entitled to receive th.M. J\ M ES STEEL, Vrothontitary. idly 9. 1845: To School! binretoes Packages for the several Boards of School i u the c• silty hove hero r. ceived at this (dice. By otaer W. S. AFRICA, Cie'lt. Huntingdon laly 9, 1844. Auditors It otic *I he undersigned auditor, appointed by the Court of t ,iin in on Pleas of Huntingdon Cohnty, to distribute the money in the hands of the Sheriff, .wising froth the side of the lot of ground in Hollidaysburg; with a brick lhaise &c: ti creoni sold at April trim, 1899, as property of Michael C. (Tauber, also the 'hoary in said Sheriff's hamis arislog from the tette of (lie house hilt lot of ghtund in Hollidaysbovg sold* at the !,:111Ie court as propet tv of George Baughman, resp,cti, ly, lierebv gives notice that he will attend at the Protlionotary's t Bice in Huntingdon, on Satifidak the 2nd day of August next, between We hours of 2 and 4 P: M., fut said purpose. JACOB MILLER, JP,intiugt , Julj , lE9:l' The undersigned, appthited ;Mentor be sod Court i distribcte the moneys in loin& of the Sheriff arising front the Sheriff's sales of the tract of land in Bendorson township snld :ksyroperty of James Sho , titill , and the tract u; land in Walker township, sold as property ‘Vrey IhLtide, respectively, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the dunes of his appniotnnent at the Pro thonotary's t ffice in llohtiogdon on Saturday. the Sod day of itugu , t next. JAmEs Auditor: iioutingdon July 9, 1845: The undersigned, auditor appoinied by the Orphans C urt at Pluntingdon county, to apportion the asset!, in the hands of Ht•• ram \Villiamsrnt . and Saint's.' Miller, Ad ministrators lie hills vGn st ith the Wilkun neX,vl, of Nicholas Gratin s, late of West township, deed, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will _attend for that purpose tit the Treasurer's office io the 1,01'604h of Huntingdon, OH Friday the tith day of Angina next, at 1 o'clock (GEORGE•' TAYLOR, Auditor. July 9, 1841. Estate of ISRAEL CRYDEIL, late 6f Porter township dec'd. All persons indebt; d to the Estate of Is rael Gerder late of Porter township in the county of HUntingdoii, tlec'd pre hereby !no tified to make immediate payment. and lull persons having claims agamdt said Estate are requested to present the same Properly authenticated to the undersh.-ned residing in Porter township; to whont letters testa ,mentary have been granted,. said Estate. I)ANIEL CHIMER.iExe' GEORGE' CXYDER y July 2. 11345-6 Ilitate of JAMES O2.lt l lite of Cromwell township, de c d gotite is hereby given that letters nt nd . mmistration upon the sa:d estate have beets grarted to the endersigni d. All persons Pacing claims or demands against the saute are yeqiiestedto Make theism known without delay, and al personS nth. bted to make ion Mediate payment to ; . CEIRISTIAI;;I COLN'S, AdMinistrater. Ilunaugdoti July 9 1845. C:4,..1:a IX) Dr. J. H. D011.51111r, HAVING removed from Williamsburg to Huntingdon. *Mold inforin the t ommunity that he designs to continue the practice of medicine, at d will be thankful fitr their pat ronage..„ residence and Mike Omer)). tic cupleil•LYlt . • N. H. Having been successful in accom-, plishing the cure of a .cumber of cancers, (tor which.eptchers can be had if st.quired). he feels cOnndent of success in the most ob— . stinate cites. and should he fail in curing no chuge be .made. Iluntitdon, April2:l, 1845, PETER SWOOPE.) (bANIIF.L AFRICA T azp 1.7 r•OR CINE.IP GI GODS. Tut.: , ul):cribt vs have just returntti from sud tie now opriting a splcn• did assurtmeut of Winter and Summer goods, at the old stand Of Peter Swoope, consisting of Cloths ; Cassimeis ; Sattinetts and Flan nels; all descriptions of Wo.Men and Sum mer goods ; in part Silks ; Lawns ; Gnig hams ; Corded Skirts ; and prints of various styles , figured ; Mousliwde lanes; Muslins of all descriptions ; Summer g oo d ! , for men's and buy's wear ; i kerchief silk and cotton; Ito, of all kinds; a splendid assortment of Sunshades ; Para sols ; and Paris Screens ; a genei'al ugfaht ment ot Hardware irthe and Nlcti; Hollow-ware and Saddlery A Kenernlassortnient . oi Grocelies; 1, • (A! . • A general assortment of Queensivare : M.,le.gany Veneers; Linseed and Fish Oil ; Copal Varnish • Paints a all de scriptions t and Dye Stuk.H.all (,f which W . i i i ... 1 6 . • s I low for catTh tr count! v produce. SWCOPE. ec AFRICA. .. iiit.;iltin, May 7. VAS. - - •$' Farms For 6ale. The stibsctiliers having determined to close then 1/111 , illeSS 11 Wells Valley, Beata county, f , rsale all their property, viz: Their Merchant This Mill has just been finished, and em braces all the late iMprovenients—has three run of stone—the strcarn permanent, with 2b feet fall, and frvin its location must com mand constant eitmlovihetit-there tint be ing any lk,rchant Mill within lb miles of it. To the Mill is attached tif land, on which are potted two log houlea, stablice,„ and Saw •Mill. ALSO, a tract of land tomicuons to the Mill, containing 0 NCITS, one half of which is meadow and well set in Timothy and Clo• verthe balance well timly.rtd ALSO, the tarn on which Tiles Speer, rine of the partners, reseh.s. This layin CONTAINS 115 liareii prime land, nearly all cleared and in a tine state of cultivation, liking mostly set in clover. The improvemelits embrace every thing necessary for comfort and eohvenlence, having a large iWo Story lug lipase, in Which is SI ;•;, ROOM, with acellar under all the boost. The barn is large with glietls arcund it. The barn yard is liege, sat ronoded With sheds, stabling and double corn. ciins, wagon shed with grime cs sr tficient to hold a laige quantity of gr:!!'• . . , . . The aboVe prr:pet ty will be sell sePerate or togetht i• to sun plirchaaei.a. A,smsll stct k of Merchandi& tiftlesii*ed) will Ise sold with the above. The tort s will be made east-. All the above property is situated. Within 4 miles of the 'l' u 'leading froM ChaMbersburg to Pittsburg, For thee hai ticitlars, persons wishing to purchase will cal! ou Thomas Bpeer, re tieing on the last named property. • CARSON & SPEER. Jane 11, /845.-31 pd. I !Doi of PAN licitard. A uditori Run away trnrn the subscriber 4, residing in Huntingdon, on, the ...4k , 4- 4 4 ,0 night of 27th ult .. a buillul black 4.,..i., boy named , 4,- , . FRANK MURRELS, A aged ka Ifl years. He had ...........,,,,,,,,.. on %hen belch, n bine Rouncla- L i bout and Pantaloons. 1111L1 Straw Hat. Any person who will return said boy to the sub scriber, shall receive tbr shove reward. June 4, 1845. WILLIAM SWOOPE. • ---- -- A good FOUNDER,, to trice cha — rgc of one or two rornaces, sitirned five miles upant, in a lie;Oulty and pleasant part of Ohio. He must come well recommended. Apply to A. BEELEN. Pittsburgh. 7-Kittaning Ptee Press and burg Register pleatie Copy to amount of one dellat and fifty cents eaith, and charge and seat' papers to advertiser.' .:1 ~~ karm For• Si The subscribers ffer fur sale a well im proved farm, containing with allowance, about 126 acres cleared and under gold fence. , The improvements are a large., and convenient two story house, bank I:ali, and other not buildings, with se veral good springs of water convenient ; an orchard of choice fruit.. :fliere are also a quantity of peach and plumb trees. Said, farm is situated in r:Henciersmi town Ship, Huntingdon county, Pa., a toil's from the Warm Springs , 7 miles from Huntingdon, and 6 ; miles from the Pennsylvanja Canal. PerSomi wish:ng further inforinntinn con cerning the above property can obtain it by calling on $. R. Hogg .., residing on the pre mises, pi. from James Boggs, at Mill Creek. 17.11. The ,utiscribeii.itre desirous of going west—persons would do well to call and see for themselves. SAMUEL R. et JAMES BOGGS. June 4, 1145. tand Fot• Sale. . , A valualsletract t,f land situate in Porter townshil, Huntingdon county about '1 mile from the borough of Alexandria, and 6 miles from Huntingden, lormigh, containing • . On tfievremises, there are 100 acres clear ed, and in a good state of cultivation.—a first rat e orchard of Apple, and other fruit trees —dwelling house--burn, &c. Fee terms inquire of the subscriber, on the premises. . ,TIMOTHY NOLAND. N. B. 100 across of good woodland ' con veMent, can be had with the above. Also, a Lot of four acres, in geod condition, in the town of Alexandria. 'l. A. Purtcy tp., Mit!' 1 - 4, ISt: , 7t. pd 0717/C.E. -- - - - MI persons indebllid to the late firm 11:1nore &Steiner arc rt quested to call and aettle‘their accounts on or bt fore the first of Septenthet neXt the death of one Of the partners, and the expiration of the term of partnership, •InAke.it necessary to close the NlTairs of said 'firm Ithinediately. All Ow books and papers are so the hands of the subset Pier—soli/lyingartner. p (1 KO ER. Waterstreet, July 1, 1245. N. B. "I'llesithscrilwr, thai.liful for past favors, wuold-hifiriln. his r I I costomers, and the public in pnerali that he still continues the bu i - r.ms at the same place : And has now on hand a Lirge asaortnient of Dry Goods, Grocetits, Bart* are, 4 , teen.ware, Slita-s, Baits, &c. &c., whith'he will sell at the. Invest peke for cash, or In exchange fur all kinds of Gr,,in and Country prodver. G. D. S. TO COLLECTORS. The several collectors of taxes within if untine don county for the years 1843, 1844 and 1845, are requested to pal• into the county Tensely such sums as they may have received on their duplicates between this and the 15th of The addition of thy• tax: payer.] is called to the act cf Assembly paused ct the session of 1844, which requires the rimouni of state. tax for the preserit.yetir tti be paid over before the second Tues day in January next; and if itbe not paid over, then the balance remaining unpaid beam an inter est of live per cent. on the hooks of the state tree miter, and the county receives no appropriation to common reticule until the balance is fully paid and Satisfied. • • • - • ' • - The aineunt , which lliirtin,don county in re quired to pay into the , Stele treasury fifteen days prior lii the first of August, to entitle her to the re. duction of live pet cetitoiffered by the 42d auction of said act, is $22,500 06. Should -the collectors for the present year pay ov . ar cne half of thin aunt by the 15th of July, we rimy in that cane, mire the balance, and tlinn effect a saving to the county of about eight hundred dollen. - ALEXANDER KNOX, Jr.) MORD. CHIT COTE, t '• Cons .1014 N F. MILLER, Canunirinnnene Office, glint. June 23, 1945. 5 of icc. All pusons imtehted to the mibszniber foi. costs Or fees due him as shorn of Hunting don county, are hereby notified Id rwike im mediate paymeat of the same tdiames Steel Prothonotary, ~or to the subscrilier residing; near Vrankstown. This course has become necessary as ,the .subscriber is desirous to settle his accounts, and Can therefore give no further indulgence'. . JOSi?.PII SHANNON. Fyankstenvn tr.. June 25, 1845.- -$t FRENCH BURR MICCOONES. HE subscriber continues to tpanufac ture, in Harrisburg,' French Burrs of all sit: •s, and ni the very best quality, much cheaper• than ever, and on very favorable terms. • Letters addressed• to him wilt receive the same prompt attention as if personal appli- cation were made. .7 \V. H. it EPS mi. Feb. 5,1845.-9 inn. ~~~Lc~3a AN experienced FEM ALE.TEAC FIER to tc ke charge of tr Public School hi thee. B n•nngh fore term of three months. By or der of the Bmird of Directors.' •• JAMES RAMSEY, Clerk. Shirleysburg, May 0, 1845. - ITS 0331431134,, •ITTORXEi 'ST L.4l# r. HUNTINGDON, PA 3138 WXLItIII.IVISON re turned to Huntingdon County, has re-cen,. menced the practice of LA',v in the Borough of Huntingdon, •.v acre he will carefully at tend to all busiorts entr,sted to his care.— tie will be .ftihnd at all time.. by those who May call. upon hjni, at his dike with Isaac Fisher; Itsq., adjoining 'the store of Thus. Reid & Son, near the . Diamond. Huntingdon, April 30, 1845. amoittiE Attartiet/ ✓!t 1,, , .. 7. --Attends to practice in the Orphans• Court, Stating Administra tors accoliit '.7an•icening., &c.—Office in Dimond, three' dooi•s East of the Rx change lintel." feli2g, '44. ISAAC rISHER, ATTORNiY AT. Law.-,Has removed of Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his futuf•e residence, and wilt attend to such legal business its may be (li mited to him. Dec. 20, 1843. A. W. MENEDICTi., . 47'TORNEY ✓IT L.4lP—HustlNGpni4 Pa.—Office -ut his old residence in Main staTet, a few doors West of the. Court House. A. W. B. will attend to any bu sines eidelisted. to Lint in the several courts of Huntingdini and adjoining coun ties. Apt it 30, 1845 .—tf. 3. SAurnsth AZ - 20 41,1217, Atlit e ltA7Fie' INGpON, PA. , 011icein Main .street, thre tluoie west of Mr. Ituoy'A JeWelry establishment. February 14, 1843.--tl. . • , 60:11.310'2WaMlai.OLT.i c , • • . .11ttortpey•al Law,. k • • • • HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA Will practice in the severed courts of ilon.- tingdon Bedford, and Combruz emu, tire. , Alt husoess entrus4ed to his cure, tqill be foitly.ully uttended to. OFFicv,—Diamond. To the Voters of Huntingdon Co.: ILLOW CITIZENS - 7 7 — L respectfully offer myself tnyour consideration, as a candidate for the t Ince of Register Il&order, of said county at the running General Elec tion, subject to the decision of the Whig Convention. (Having had experience in the dutiesol, said office,) should I be elected I , pledge myself to a faithful dist.harge thereof. • JAMES MORROW. Frankstown, June 11, 1845.—tf. TEV,ANK BONDS—Judgtnent and coax iNJtnon--fvy sale at this iitce.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers