HUNTINUDON fOURNAL, The Penalty of Drinking and Tip- For the “Journal." 1 The Tariff. Another third of Quebeck destroyo3 i PUBLIC gALE. .1 ~ ..v: l, h ,i ere b .. 7 the ti,. .„(h.,..i.,nett ha s been ap‘ ,, l er. , piing cn Sunday. The Huntingdon Female Seminary.l ' , The Tariff—lt must be reduced to the revenue by Piro. ast week Jusrie it Seen., of this benTugh, on An examination of the pupils. receiving in.. ice - I standard.—fleberl J. Walker's letterthe editor Another great Ore hreke otit in Queheck, on the 1,6 i Court of C 0 o w : of the illessissippiati. itiniun Plrai §thalt.—just one month ifter the great fire of the lof Ilh it lingdon count y, Zimprestre!tir of • . complaint being made to him, and alley giving a Lion in this Inetitudon, took place, on Friday 'Vleirshe B f Walker love pet etruck a .1 ahem t and patient and careful bearing, fined a tavern keeper in 11th inst., at the Schoolroom in the Borough of blovv—ono for the "revenue limits," and the other 231 b of May— this township ten shillings for etturitenancing or Hu , tingdon. It was conducted by Mice Howe, f o r th e 'revenue standard'—which i s calculated to *a ! , de s troyed, It cononeheecl about eleven o'clock 1 ..h.,',lnilvt, by e t r % 1 7 1 .. 1 1 1 u e l e•nle whereo f,h e he ll , l yil l i the . said tolerating drinking and tippling en Sunday. i thee:amber, in the presence of the Trustees and of j command the attention of lii ti e id We make this announcement bra cruse it is peestitte. ;ti crowded audience of spectators of both some. It 1 the ties -- " --6 "• - Ve .h r i - j -, at night, in the link premise. of M• Tessier, No.' ° o l u u l t i • c e e d w t7t k h s e a r g e o v ' el n iu ' e t sMn (I t ' L i d e T a t l e t and a t that 1 the ta r ill-. by which fully a third of the city 1 I he . life Mate . Of 'v • _NI Miles ( ii . een i . of'. lii, ' to stile addle touii Iliiiibe in the lio l ru l u ° ,,,,:l l. Iluntitr.,,zilun no *eiltiestlit y the 1301 1 rod that many of the keepers of taverns or other was inoM thorough in its eharaMer,cominencMg at I duce) . 1842, "can littered. ling fury unfit like o'clock next morning, and in its stand . the permanent . y.. I j tar y, St. John's suburbs, and spread with unrelent- I of 1 A 0 I t llt 'I I. A M ' clay o f UUr nett, h 11 l Ot.A. .. • ~.---. —______ _______. __,.____ __ ...._ public houses, and .the community generally, are Ili a lock A. M. and closing about 6P. M., with interest 01 ii all the right, title; ahtl , I tem of thi s gr e et country. It is too une q ual in it- I course consumed ohoot 1300 dwellings, and at least i 'One country, one constitution, one destiny ' 1 . unacquainted with the consequence. of such con- an intermission of an hour and a half, for dining. t self-100 oppressive upon some . interests, timpaiffitil I ',aid Seinuel Mike theen, or, iti , and to 1 duct.fl The Wind blew fiacelY fiein the following oleic tilted real estate, knon 0 :- 1 rentl , e . re . d of ll . ol , l ) lo o l7 . about 0000 pertains! Human The above proceeding was had under the second teetiou of the act of 1705, which may be found in The young ludie. were examined in all the common Ito others--too favorable to the rich, too burdensome branches of an Englieh education and in several of 1 to tittiLmrizectits:l2l.::,,,,,...iitl better even 8 :::, i aid I dle north-ease Water could not be obtained to b y t h e i)ati ,, iii . o n , Barrie Jorge prni,-"e, the most important seietted, aced gave evidence of i f o r the inenu re e t ure re themselves, to understand i a n y extent, anal even when had was of little avail, ty, situate in l'ortt•r and West low bellipi I Purtlon's Digest, under the head of „s un d ay. , ) such mental discipline under the Melodic). of Mies lon what they are to calculate. It hi better for the ' ow i ng to the rapid progress of the destructive el , ire Ilse con to t)* of 11 , 111tiligilun; Om son lke • ' By that section it is enacted that all persona who ment. being the life estate of the sold Samuel Howe, and of her predecessor MISS Ph i lli ps, as i s ric a lt n e t i i ir o i a ta e l v, ist i e ,i g have iniodehratfter:ldniolnetthabtlelt, . me found drinkieg ant tippling in ale liolides, lay. , seldom witneesed in the interim a our Common- ' :lever fixed, ' but all e v t run lig ' I d I ilea popu ar, . a ways'erns or other public house or place, on Sunday, shall wealth. The powers of memory , when properly i tuating. it is better for the tranquility of the ad- j tire alone. A ferret tit land eentainiti. , alriell•- , —... About thirty streets were Mid in Nine, fluid this 111 i lee Orem thi•retiti ) viz : for every such offence f , ,rfeit and pay one Shilling I cultivated, exhibited in the recitations in Physiol. minietration—better for the prosperity of the whole 1 The following is lice amount of insurance effete act et; la the terror . pliers ter lei , S, situate and nix on the little due,:,.t.. rti,t.r, compo•ed tel , ponce to any c on s t a bl e th at s h u n d eman d gy, Rhetoric, Botany, &c., astonielied all who were people."— Wodii, gton Union. Dal- tea, .the oink, to the use of the poor; and all constables I present. Several of the young ladies seemed to bast summer , the banners of the Polk and Canada Office, .1.40,000 th r e e aljoinirre oust 1' 5, two iii the liiinio "l j or Lazarus II: Mcl.iire, am! Ilie . ottier in - 4 1, are empowered and required to starch such places have committed almost NMI 13 books; and their op- , lea party, in the interior of this State, bore the in. Quebeck do. • 15,000 the name of George Olinsby. having about i' suspected to entertain such tipplers, and them,when ; plication, of the knowledge stored in their memo- scription, "Polk, Denim, Shrank and the Tariff of 1 Montreal do. 3,500 lies, in il lustrating the principled of the sciences 1842;" and lie , deception on their aide , and trench- irhaini thi. found, quietly .dieperse; but in case of refusal, t, 1,072 . : 140 acres tleared thereon, and Berr i . a , ' Forlter With eitt Ilive ; .1 griet mill . I a. studied,in reel) , to the numerous questions put by pry,weakness,and ()menet views elsewhere, that .. . bring the persons so refusing before the next Justice - " - 1.1 re t! wea the I' boarded meteor. h o use ; their Mdefatigable neither, proved how well, all the party triumphed. And now we have the organ of ' its calatal is LlOO,OOO, and by the con fl agration of of the Peace who may commit touch o ( fenders, or .tt. mill ; a eine' :rank barn, and a nun, - ' bind them to their good behaviour, as to Mtn shall ,'liter faculties of the mind, have been cultivated the administration, (the first time that ever au ad the 28th ult., it lust £50,00! her et liiiitilitt4e lor the nee 01 the Felt, The close in Geol.- !Aden.. in this country openly purchased a , seem requieite. And the keeper. of such places, j under Hiss H ' we' " trainin g . ' The flames erre. as during the last fire, front en d e ine I ! tee,: t1 i e ,.,,,,, ei .,,,,,,,, 1. who ehall countenance . tolerate any such pr.- try evinced in a most striking light, the perfection press,) declaring egainst the turiff of 1892. It ALSO—A fillet tif land eiliiiining lieu : street to street , of the method adopted in the devdopeinent of the too unequal"—"too oppreesive n --...g00 partial "- the the gine then flowing, fur as. the 28th, there had above elm la ini lig a brat t 343 acres, survey , " the eee " . ; been a previous continuance of dry weather, and ell in the name of John Ilr•a, having there- 1 reasoning powers. Here, tnemery alone will not "too burdensome to the pow clams"— serve the et udent. The reasoning faculties corn- Icrß is reamed, thobetter fur all"--"It is better for the . at the tine of the break of the tire there raged u +i- tio about 30 acres clea red and in gond •-xj. biped with a vigorous exercise of memory, have to manufacturers the m arivee to understand what they : olent wind from the N. E. cu I hyena]. , be called into active exertion. Any wandering of I have to ceeecee're 0..1' From the Quebec Gazette. ALSO —A kart or htiti ttiljoinitt, the• the mind, or ataitteting of the thoughts, will break . oalli is better for the Tll.oiut• tm•rt °V •Tule ' , eleive ciiiitaintng about 105 acres, sat ic . i.. rite scene of desolation, distress and affliction, a liiik ot links in the chain of the meet perfect sys- etre , et araeTme , "..l2o in the nettle 111 Robert 55' demi ha% ill 4 and the extent of the.culamity are nearly as groat i • hear that, ye stump enters of 1944—e. WllO I ii lion l. 30 acres el e.ii ed, hind a small log ten of logical ...fling known, and when b ut a ' ' • • ' . • .. after the former cotiflagrattion; the value of the , derreusiced the Whig speakers as deceivers, because bootee and rt ible thereon. property destroyed prolmbly greater. The papule single link is Droken—the end of the chain, declared th a t Mr. Polk was rimmed to the A l i ,SO —Twit tenets of uneealt•ll land, lion of St. Jail suburbs was about ten thousand, the conclusion of the proposition, cannot be . ' l 'U of 1842. H ear that, you who proclei , i i ne i oil e t t?reof coht i!iting 30 acres surve, ell realized; hence the powers of concentration must he : tart " . end the population of St. Ro th had mostly found the name tit t.l et. ttilil ry Dorsey, and cultivated or no progress eon be made, In lice ex. abraad that Mr. Palk was a better ' in' mar ' - " I ' refuge in St. John suburbs, bit. Clay, The ice Ile the manufacturer. the on- ; the other coma iiiing 46 acres in the value aminsfion noticed, several of the lutist Complicated I I ' ' .• ' Quebec is now reduced to the UppmTuwn with- , et Ei ,,,,, i „, w u1N .,,, , • ~, • • eratives, were admonished of the destructive policy -, to ins on the little and difficult problems in Geometry, were demon- in the walls, the Lower Toten, fa. the Si. Charles ' .1„ „j et „ River. / • • . 1 I I tulle* the election of M r. Polk, and tended in a manner indicating that the reasoning which wou ld - ' ' i below Hope Ode to Cape Blanc oil the Si. taw- ' A LSO—The follow in;; thirteen tracti they now free that policy avowed. faculties were emphatically at work. And th is by I Mime, the extent which it occupied, but then more ;of limber lto,ri si tuate out Ili -east I ruin ' We lift our hat aeain end aga i n to a fete reaper- the way, is the greet benefit to be derived from the ' . . . . . . sparsely built, after the destruction of the sub u r b s' t , ~aeree Forge, Olt TllsSey'a IlillUntaill , reedy of nimhematics, by females. All their feed- table p*ik """ I " "li ' cLY *"""" ' Ne ' ll " k ' duri„g the seige in 1775. T. remaining homes ; l'i„e Ridge 4.,.., e i.e:— tiesdi° inthldi ex. , : who, despising the wicked deccion of their party are etregtheneil and metered by in the suburbs are about as many as they were half' One containing about 438 Aerea surveyed un s laborers, boldly declared thentseltes Po lk men be- . e :arrant in name of Aquino Green. ei tion they are compelled to make, aid they are bet- a century age. ter prepared fur the exercise of correct judgment, in cause they were free trade mem-e-I3ut the people 1 .............. .. e . eneee „,„., e ,„ ejeeejeje , easee , jeje ._ O. containing about 402 Acres surveyed on it -' ..errant nu name of Nathaniel Green. have been most giesely and wickedly deceived by I ~,,,, relation to all that nut surround them, ia the twelve . Y PLYP.Z.....NzAL 11.715311. D. . ( containing . . One about .01 Acres surveyed ou a sinner. their party agents who did the miaeltief.— United duties of a f ter life. Let it not, then, tie Add it is u warrant in name of Sarah Green. "thee the girls and here the willow One person fur Curtner. The jail and Court house at Point Coupes, Lou- waste of time to store their winds with a knowledge S. q"zeile. Always cast their earliest glance, One einifitining about 407 Acres surveyed on I Oneperson for Auditor. 'lslam were consumed by Ore a few days since. a mutheinutical science. Prone the Eric Ga.ctle. And, with smileless face, consider warrant hi the name of Edward Green. ng One of 1110 prisoners was burnt to death. T raw I ,he clesses iu French, Ding end Painting, Ire. Editor:—The Constitution a !lie i;o e hed If they, too, won't stand a chance 011 C Containi about 403 Acres surveyed . a e arrant in man' of Sarah Omen. The voters am earnestly invited to attend said ' To Millie sonic deter fellow nount.r. also, did themselves mi d their teacher greet credit. State requires that euth House of Congress s hall One containing about 400 Acres surveyed on a elections, so that a full and eatisfamory expasicin butler County. In bliss, and oft too--in trou ble! warrant in name of Isaac Green. The pencil drawings, and paintings in water col- keep a record or ff. proceedings . This, I must . . of the popular will may be brought Mto the Conve rt . 'rhe Whigs of Butler county have nomituded One conteining about 403 Acme surveyed 011 a ours of the pupils, hung up in flames around the e • •f• I • •,, i 0- . 1 eun eas, is in the way u the sug,geation am now si 1 It A A ...arm.. on ..reeneeeay morning, .tune 25t h, by . weeni e, i n mimeo! . c h m. 1,,,,, Grreh , eention. the following ticket ) room; gave it the appearance of a tasty picture gab about to make, but as the party now in power have the Rev. P. 'Leer, Ilev. VVime eel S. Ilia snr, ufi One containing nbout 402 Acres surveyed on a Joseph Monts, Theo. H. Creme., Assembly.—Em G. DeWor.e. levy. Several of the pieces (landscape v i ews , & c.,) in one memorable instance, violated this express Huntingdon county, to Niles Aisne*. Row e d' Stan- warrant in name of Robert Irvin. Graham eiceemette Nichol. Hewit, Prothtmet ry.—ROnSitT CUNNINGHAM , exhibited such perfection in the art of painting us to 8 „ 0 „ I erset.—Soraerset Herold. One contuining about 400 Aeree surveyed un d Robed Cu.nruins, John Keller, Shero l .—G mi. s W. Been. , provision of an instrument to which they dames A. McGehee! , Jared Goads, 7'reasitter.—lsase Cour Elm, . elicit the remark,. of a gentleman, from the City o' support, by erasing the records of the Senate's set,_ • At Hanisburg, on Tuesday di l e Bth instant, by i "en ( in natne of hme. Green• Janice Clarke, Benjamin Leas, Commissioner.--Titostas 11. Baecerev, New York, who happened to be present that ethey sure mien General Jackeon; it may be probable that CHAP One contenting about 400 Acres surveyed on a the Rev. D r. Witt, Mr. /1 EN ZY CH .. MAN,. , amnit in ..of John ore.. Thomas E. Othieon, John Kratzet, Coronae --TV I lAA ASi S. J... would do credit to much older hands." conscience may be again stretched in adulation or Lag., State Senator, of Doyle s town, to Miss NA N- v Cy FINDLEY, daughter of his Excellency, Ono tontaining al•out 398 Acres surveyed on e .10fin Stover, K. L. Green, S. JAMilsoa. But the intereat a the examination Was greatly ' , the Here.—There is a part of the record of the j Francis R. Shuttle, Governor of Penn'd, wairerit in name of Al ahem Green. Brice X. Birth, David Hackedorti, There is also an Abolition or Liberty lid et nom- One containing about 4110 Ames 'surveyed on it James Desert, Mordecai Chitcoat, Inatedi increased by the scientific labours of the Botanica l Senate, which, I should think, itethis era of uni. ' I On Sunday the 29th tilt 1. 15 'd VA I P e Y ite , i ' ant' , -"ele warrant in Haute of Ruth Gieen Seth R . McCune, dames Money!, • • - clam Each pupil exhibited an "Herbarium" er vernal admiration of Gem Washington, it would be ' Mr. Wm. 011 it of Sinking Valley, tet Miss Mae- One containing about 277 Ac . ree surveved on a Wm. M. Lloyd, Eliel Sundt, Painful Accident• kind a Porteldio, in which a great variety of the ' the desire of evefy American, to be erased, if pos. ' eau'' , Hutmei el r leueard Valley. *errant M name of Henry Green. Adatn 11.1141, Th.'. McCahan, ' A friend at Williamsburg, in this county, writesl penile e. the seas., most beautiful flowers and I e hat B ible, that is, the vote of Andrew harem against , On 'Tuesday the Ilfle by David Snme, Eeq., Mf. I ALSO—the feelotving tract. of unseated lend James Entriken, Jr., William /lumina., tie ae follows;-- . /tette. Limn.; to Miss Alan IA MCCVNI., all of 'theme Whim. the Lntle Juniata River and Wats Elias !louver. .I.em McCulloch, been collected, and tastily emend out, preseed (Wen, . the Resolutions complimentary to Geo. Weehing- John K. Nell', Jacob Hoovet, do Friday !nothing, the 4th inat., a Mr. Harkin.: and fastened to, leaves of letter paper se as to show • • ~ • . w Hollidaysburg, ton, on his re ti remen t from the t re sid ency. e erstreet,elee-e One containing 249 Acres 87 perches surveyed County Committee. with his family, hi a one horse wagon, pushed : all the varieties of colour and form of flower,:foilage, are told the named of Jackson And 'Washington I') n the Btb ins!:, hy Rev. D. 111 . 1Cinney, Mr. A. en a warrant in , , i . a 1 . A , . 7" Huntingthin, July 15, 1845, through this place from dm State of Ohio, where he • stem, &c.. mid the prominent charecteriefies of the w e t d , • b • i , i. g 0 down .0 posterity, aide y aide, as Me real , , II A 1.1,, of Clundiedand county, to Miss HANNAH • • " * "" ""' One containing 408 Acres 8 perches surveyed - --- HILLS , of Duncanseille, diunCin g dan co., had resided eel. seen or eight years pare, on hie ; on a warrant in 'Arne of Mary Brown. different classes in the Floral Kingdom. The hotrod (7l'. ideRiIIETTA A." ail have a hertiiiig next y s sons, logs o e ! el i est end beat of our count,' If I i' 1 1 way to Ilaystown Branch, end in ascending the hill ; cal und common name of each plaid and (lower w. the latter be relieved frum Illie reflection cast upon ' ""."1"......"' ' . ....s...ewe, One contuitig 429 Acres 62 perches surveyed on week. 011ITIFAIELY ILECOP.. . D a warrant in name of EH anomie Brown. leltnediatelY 'Mow town, one of hie children , e written underneath, by the ...Peelle. pupils. Here hint le• the former, thin Ohne We itirn from our pa- ' ALSO—the following trecte of unstinted land Our Outside. licolitiful and interesting little md, about four years : might be seen on turning leaf after leaf in rid • •: • • ' Tie' trio. Ilgranage and word our way to Mount Ver• ' .. From DEATH no nee nor leo condition saves eituate on Ttissee'd meentuini back of Jan I'll m's As goes the freeman, ' ito departs the slave, ' For the Sheriff sale., Jury and Trial List. &e. old• who with two others had got out of the mtg. ' fusion, from nature's geld., all the colors from the ' non's tonne we May feel that the Fiera o f Jackson ' The thiertuires place and the peasant' 1 ' is 'ewer, I and dhets, jet Pee One containing a b out 455 Acres .Ir,e perches for the August Term, see fourth page. On the to walk up the kill, passing too hear the edge, was I vMlet's blue' to the !illy'. white. Nature .d art aceejepee i ee ~, on our ea , : ,•,,d ~,y, , Alike are ravished by his haughty petven surveyed on a warrant in name of And,. ve roue. And page will be forced a touching story of "the Precipitated n &Lime of 70 feet, inmost perpendic- , , were shown in beeutiful union, and illustrated the : I . never paw any recantation . explanation el ' • '--- ' - , . - -,- -= - ' '"'• One contuinine about 446 Acres 112 perches ular, into the canal, and killed i ns t antly. ller leg I Irish Heart." , truth of the scripture declaration "that even Sulu- ne e vie , b • .1 I • • ••f I ' Oli the 411: s uet., SA RAH, wife of William W. y coon in his a e tune. tis to stuveyed on a w;rneat ih Mime of John earls. ..------- was broken, and it wee tlietight leer tMek, ufid one. i wee et a ll be, gliny wee ; not arrayed like one of h e hoped that Mr. Blair, who holds a ecarte blanch" Ward, of Ilallidueeburg, iu the =lt year of her 0. containing eitiolit 416 Amex 102 ',dice The New Postage Lauf, 1 entice eery much bruised, The elfin... kindly at- 1 tine s. I ! age. surveyed on a ism rant in riMhe id Robert Erwin. , We see it stated by one who ought to know, that ' : from (Jen. Jackson to defend hid memory when he sister' the afflicted 'parents dein 11l ih their ewer F. i i . At her reed.. in Willianieburg. on the eve- One cohtaining about 70 Ames 50 perehe. sue •verel by sohie of the hip/HT:111110 all in his power to deliver the ~ 1- . weed on a wan.' in name aE. B. Dorsey. the true construction a this law is that newspa !to make them coniMrtable: The funera lto th p e • Si; compositions 6" trill" of the 3d lust , a eutinsumption, niter a "e• yelling ladies, were read by others, at different pe- .erof 1 Country from the menial reflection which n ALSO--a tract of land containing about 136' pen! go free to all tne post office. within the count ; li i tZethig illness, Mr ' s. ROBENEY LOVE, aged . 'ling was unusually large and althou li the arrange - • • • ' g j e I nods en the exercises of the day. They were writ- this vote conveys, end ehlth now tandshea the er- 68 year ,. Acres situate iii Diamond 'Valley, about 50 Acre.' in which they are printed, end to all others within ' meats of dle day Wore uninterrupted, it seemed to of which are cleared; with a hot. and barn there , , ten with good Mete, and showed maturity of intcl- chives of the Nation. thirty mile,' of the ride of publication. 'This ie In Cass tottnship, Mr, DAVID IroIRGAIIO- on erected. This tract is known as dm "Brewer cast a loon over all, and realized the truth that ' AN AMERICAN. " ''''' , !set s c ar cely to be expected in such youthful ate NEll,—aged about 70 year. an important matter, and we call the attention of plaee." the midst of life we are in deatle-ellegister, ' thoresses. The whole school indeed from the New `Wheat. .._ .. _ . ._____ L _-_.______ . _ ____. ._ _, . ___ A I,SO--a tract of land containing 306 Acres. post masters to it. We have riot been able to get a • i - youngeet to the eldest, did credit to themselves and 1 :35 I , ierepes,.urvey•ed on . a warrant in th e name of copy of the law, and can therefore not give an oldie ; 8 r MPTOns or a Mort AI.WA a reoN Tu x. A . Wu have on our table a sample of the new crop nein the eincinnatti Daily Times of Muy 20th '43. their teacher—and it ma,. be said without Coasting ~ Wider'. Balsam of Wild Cherr y —'A'u e ,e , „e eeid Isia I Pennington, on which is the DORSET ORM ion of our own. MI xisTRAT m....i..—The New York Herald of the ; - front Green county. It has the plumpest, the whi- . ' • I.l.lNte • • 1 ' ' • judge fr om Mesa. Weagly & linepper b letter, . '• e situate In Varrionsiumk end Plantain het * leave one of the best female schools in Penn 7th instant, says:—During the period of Mr.V. . I ' I e lent and !loathe! kernels we have welt in several pule:tidied this day among our edvertisemente, taut i T.wnebins• ; sylvimic And why is n, that it is not better sue- Al SO—a hart. oft and containing 130 Adel Buren's recent visit to tide city, an important meet , year. rideed, the universal account is, filet the this popular rmitetly fur Come., Lung complaint, lug 'mace nblage of his leading friends end adhe- ' I j ' thical Par " ' ""' seen ' ``) be conscious the ' wheat is much better, in quality than it baa been and (Itemises of the bream generally . , was really a sinner in Fraeklin Township, in the name I Al have s u c h mean,' of educating their daughters valuable medicine, mid worthy ot serious attention exander Ridnees, about 70 Acres of which are ine rent. took place at the house of a gentlem., who , l '" t 'Y fora long while. As to the quantity there are va • II the solid and thMittnental branched of an edu- . ' float the public. We tire informed by the whole- Proved' Au. ranks amongst the disappointed candidateto for u : ja a lim a a ccent.. M . .Ik any of the ..e in ~,cl the : e agents that they um alnit et doily receivin „ „ i Terms of sale; each. Allendenv will be gil•Cllf l. great o ffi ce here, Mr. Van Buren attended in per- I ' 4bn ' . " lit” th eir reach' an t : 't l'i Cheap ' nth' : South of the State where the wheat was deficient similar letters front all parts of the Weal, I f., Y After the Seminary than have closed for 'Want I . ' We would advise our readers who are lathering jOHN P O I: TER, Sequestrate, son. Si!. Wright was also ',rescue with other hav e much rest year,a better crop this year. On • defy 15, 184 b. men of note. It is impossible to exaggerate the -- extreme bitter.. of feeling ej-Joite Surru was drowned in tee Susque- I itself maned the Van Bur. section of the dein- I ing ' ' Patronage then will diem Le mourning over past Ml which hog" to „ ea. , I diffetence, when efforts to revive it still be nnatai - rho ....Jai proceeds of the institution at the . the whole, We think the State a Ohm will have • bite as much wheat tide year i n the nviit of the State the - under . . a ff ection of the Lungs, to ins.. immedr. ate trial of this truly excellent Medicine. The - • • ----- ell it had lad; though ' most intelligent and respectable families of • ' MStatO Of WILLMAN,: MZIDER; our city seems t o h ave , have adopted it as a favorite family medicine; and lure or 1 breto , ll low.iship,dec'd. '- henna river, about six Miles 'llene 'Towanda, on orrery of this city, as contr d' • 'shed • a- ictingui from the protein time, are not sufficient to defray its annual ' 1 , . e 1 tee e , utTered.—Cineinnelli Chronicle. t" b : persons predisposed to Censuuiption who., u s ed Ndlic.e is hereby given that letters of ad • the 25th ult, Marcy dieue, just getting into existence.. They ' -*lel'''. s - : it, speak in the higliest t, tens of its dlicacy." mittiettationfienderae Flee u p:oi the said es 'Thu with the eiw , ing The exercises of the day do sed . e , eC There we i : s a dis day of Rockets and piece.; of Scores of intlividuels Mite been cured by Astlt charge the PreAdent with having (dei fi ed three- talc have been granted to Hi, li ndersignetl.' 11 I t f C • 131 d• f Large Snake.--- l ed week Mr. Cantina by the pupils in Wes of melody (some einging the Fireworks on the Mall, in the rem of the Presi- . In". the ear Y e eel , . e j onsemOtioth .cc mg 0 fourths of the premises he made—with having, piny- . the Lunge, obstinate Coughs. &e.. by this Ildsalli • . All ines,m3 Ifee hog chtints tie del' lids Weltramie killed on his farm ill Porter town- _, , . the h y pocrite—pretending friendship to the tea= °: I after hope had we • • • II nigh yieldv•d to deep.. WV Alp, a Black Snake which measured eight feet in den , • • eFeding t ill uding, the Met beam is shining, 1 the Fourth. Some carelessness oh the putt a 1 „„, ,b,,, ; nu n „,„do, rhrniknuar t i without deli, , Mid all pers.,. , only tor the perm,. of worming nut of their indebted in ihake initi:eiliate itayitant' length and twelve inches in circumference, haYing ember or Heaven the day iii declining, I those who were charged wnh placing and igniting I The genuine id fur aide by l'hollitia Read, Hun- , confiding and Undo ' ' ' pinetiested bosoms all their plane • !di le White rings or striped eroand its neck. Satiny illid innocent tly •e with the li *lit , 6 . . • the rockets , caused a frightful disorder, end the lons I titigdon, and etre. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg. J.\ NIPAS ENTII EK IN, Jr . , A (NCI'. and dedig., and IMn quietly I i - 1 ' . Flung ken i .roJeeto L i dorMting and darkness thy love he our mint. ; --- bane 'of two lives. Several of their! toeft a horizontal 1 Coffee Run, July 16, 1846 —6t. A SulliinC;le Correspondent of the Beet. Atte; in the bud—and with discanling and cutting them , Freon the fall of the stride till the meriting ' Six citizens a Middletown Ct., any :-- - . . _ , . _ _ ;direction, and one of them pussitig inert , ' pair of' 'l°, the undersigned having used Dr. Brandreth's ea), that Hon. John P. Kennedy id Mimed l you .II; Mr the purpoao of forming a national c li que or) ebitdo CII.II It S. a Life'( William Wirt. his own, wider the name of the Polk democraev, to I Shield me from danger, save me from crime. , horse,. attached to a vehicle, they (lathed atrighteil i celebrated Vegetable Universal Pills for varlet,. I Father have merey--Fathei hate merey--1 ali :le er ' amid the dense crowd. A colored Wrirriai, was diseases, not only reecotninend them to the public H"RY Satrrit manufactures and it at control future event. In consequence of this ' 1 us the best purifier of the blood, cud the safeet par- all times prepared to furnish every vari , .tv have merc y I • b Terrible Steamboat Disaster. I struck y a rocket ethic helper the eiroffider joint, inceltog, We shell not be surprised to see Bonn se- . 'Through Jesus Christ our L or d—Amen . gative Ile the body, Mit We do cheerfully mom- I I.f CtiAnts„ low fir cash or country or,. The New Or!eatta 13ue a the 2 n d inst., 'rites a„atm enemies, on the organization of Convene, to * * * • • • '.d has And died. Mr. Stun on Midges had hie 1 mend kern to all persons laboring m k under chronic duce. Apply at his shop a w donne west detailed account of another awful Steamboat ex- , 1 wrist badly wounded, arid hie children Were ecorch. l nervous affections , end all o th er complanes raising "r th e "Id On”' House, loon e strong betiOn within the democratic petite! Huutingtion, July 16, 1845, pleat., which Peek place at :bet city on the Ist of PRESENCE OF MIND, i e ll. 'Pies meat laillentnble oderrenee of all ',was I f ront weaklY co/ I AI iitione , opiate. to Mr. Path's athuinistrutMn, and to giving , E,ARK. I July. ' the priiMug of Congress to his organ. ; The N. Y. Tribe • Id • Tribune sae. : thi oil F a r ay, an in- the decease or Mr. James Rnbleled, bf Georgetown, I I SAMUEL BfilGllAltf, I 'rake XOlite, About four o'clock in the afternoon, es the steam- ' • teresttng little boy between four and Rte y „,.,, old D. C. He was sitting With his newly married wife, CHANCEY BRAINERD, The y „It owed entleman who b• • , er Marquette, Camelia E. A. 'Purple, bound lor ' Norse-RaCing Ad 61debt. I —son of Mr. Sexton, of the firm of Saxton & I upon a wales.. dietariee off; and, ashy supposed, ' JAMES C DEM `cus hi ons ME,two slue t from ine about two months ae or Cincinnati, was leaving the Lesee, at the foot of L ae Is" Y. Tribune' of the 9th ' th ' l '" ""Y"' — ; Miles—drank an ounce end a Miff of spirits or ' quite out a danger. A rocket stick unfertunately fe/11.4 CHADWICK, upwards, will please bring them twine w ith /10R ACE JOHNSON I Gravier street. both *A ha , boiler. Masted, with o "'the horse tr a in ed by m r . Conoeer, hi the Hindle it , , t • .I. 1 .. t• I • • week him in the Crease renetrattil his Mart, end ~. . • . , , • rant lui titer di lap acct save emits. p. me, Lore tee y left hit oh os read, Ile . . . . Purchase the gehathe Medicine of 11. in. Stew tremendous report, tearing Into fregments her hurler Race on Monday, belonged to Oct r. John Van Sick . iiiiiriedively fell, his extremeties 6eeiono cold, i ik ! killed him instantly. The blood flowing on his art, Huntingdon Pa., and other agents published • • in Huntingdon, July 16, 1845. HEN H V SNIITII. deck, aid cabin a s far eft as the wheel house . len, of Long Island; the find rider a the horse, M o f,, ee li v ed, and he w ar , apparently d ea d. g•h e se e „ wife ' s garments, Was tine Rut intimation. she had another pert of this paper. _ the larboard side, and throwing her cl a hne e i s into Mamn, was thrown, and is net expected to live; vent screamed, mid Mrs. Saxtoif ran in. Lemming of her afflicting bereaeemente—U, 8. Ga., NOTICE. - the river, and blowing into the air her boilers and the ev'effl" ) rider of the a..e horse w. thrown, end "het had happened, she instantly got a bottle of sal.. - stray dose: All petirons indebted to the subscriber f ad oil from another room, broke off the top by j A new feature in a Hotel. every thing above them, and killing and wounding badly injured; the loran lost the race, and was dis- . Strayed from the stemcriber, three 1,1 . medical Attendance rendered tbe sel : i e r smaehing it on the table end toured the content s 1 The D'abr ' van llottso has just been opened at Al- tour wet let ago, a Lwow n and white epotted and their lanai ire, ore hereby req ue : i v- - betwe. 80 and 40 passengers and crew. . Uncial; and Ntr. Van teicklen in going home from down the child's threat. ' In t i e s n i • I ' o 1 mutes tle con- L ary .a e emperance House, A mong t h e int ,. cow, suprawd to Ire near calving. Any please come end settle their iscentint e : la " the race or Monday fright, W. thrown from hid tents Of the etontach were thrown up, and the Child • 'anon.) ae adveitised, we observe the following an- person who will give infornlittioll as to twee' t Ilia and the thirteenth day of • A gentleman named seat., was recently killed waggon in the street. of Brooklyn, the wagon s aved , although he su ff ered dreadfully all night. ' - where she mite be found will cider' re favor bar IleXt, as after that time i ' th•th : e ae triteuris to in a duel in England, and the Coroner's jury re- ' passed over Ins neck, and he died in great ' pie presence a ...hid of this heroke mother, we!l ' n..U , " ,. ":::.., ....„. . . , 'pot, the twitter, nod any pet son Who will ; leave all mieettlid accounts ill the hands t , t evening al brill • her bumf all b efierves the prec ousreward of the life of het babe. 'in , lit ? 11.1 7,..".411) , every eyell 6 r .... e mutably re marled, ' the proper ()Per tot collection. tarried a verdict of wilful murder Diploid both agony yeeterday morning, 11 c/tiock. Th. which would in a guano of . hear have been half--Past nine , " 1 Parlor No. 8, 6..11 who Ina,' be • * '. 1 IWO. H. CALMER.Ii. LUDEN, principal add second. j horse woe culled Snaky Hiesey. gone forever. . dispe,ed to attend." 1 - luit tingdon, July 16, 1845. Huntingdon, July 16, 1145. =SI Ma aOn= CM 9 Wednesday morning, July 16,1846, Delegate Elections A . t COUNTY GONVENTION, The Democratic Whig enters 6f Huntingdon tounty are reepecthilly invited to meet in their res.. pective boroughs, townships and districts, on Saturday the 9th of August next. to elect two delogates from each of 'mid boroughs, i ++ township., and districts, to represent them in the County Convention, which will asiteruhleg the old Cottr House in the borough of Huntingdon, on Wednesday, the 13th of August next, at 2 o'clock P. M., to nominate a (Aunty Ticket to be supported at the ensuing general elec tion; and to transact each other business as may bo properly brought before said Convention. Candidates for the following offices are to be nominated by eta Convention, vit : Two persons for Members of the House of Representatives. One person for Prothonotary, Clerk of the (courts of Quar ter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer. One person for Register of Wills, Recorder of Deedd & Clerk of the Orphans Court. One person for County Treasurer, One person Tor County Commis: rlt•The trial of McNulty has been postponed till December next. I'Lusui, U. S. SENATOIIS.--.Ve Irrirn by en extra from the office of the Tallahasse Star that the lion. David Levy and J. D. Wentcott, Esq., (L. F.) were elected U. S. Senators by the Florida !Rightis t ire on the kst instant. tices, being convicted thereof, by the view of single magistrate, his own confession, or the proof of one or more credible witnesses, shall fur every ollbnco I 'forfeit and pay ten shillings to be recovered fur the uses above said. We are informed that it was proved by the per• eons who drank the liquor, that the tavern keeper took no pay, and that the liquor was not furnished them at the bar, but in a private radio. It must he evident to every one, that it is lintnatorial whether money is taken for the liquor or not; for the low makes the countenancing Or tolerating of drink ing and tippling the offence. But if money is ta ken it would be a question whether the offender would not fall within the provisions of the act of 1794, and forfeit the aunt of fotir dollar., as that might be construed into theperfotinance of worldly business or employment, which is prohibited by that law. Governor Shunk has been selected to deliver a eulogy au Gen. Jackson, in the Hall of Represent ! saves at Harrisburg, on the '24111 instant. !,,e
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers