THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL ..One country, one constitution, one destiny.' Ltlaramatt za oval= me Wednesday morning,. Dec. 25, '44. ozr v. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as Agentfor this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements. WOOD ! WOOD ! ! WOOD !!! A. it is now decidedly cow. wEvrass, and we nu in want of heat in our office, we would like to know Which of our near country subscribers will bring us a load—don't all come at once! Come soon though, or perhaps we may Re-treat. Notice. Our carrier wishes us to notify our town sub scribere of the important fact that next Wednesday will be the commencement of a new year, when he intends to visit them with his annual Address, He hopes they will have a little change ready for him. The Lady's Book. Godey has exerted himself to some purpose, in getting up a number of his Book for January, to surpass all his former productions. The literary contents possess unusual interest, and the embel lishments are of the highest order. al' We call special attention to the address of the Nalianal Clay Club, which will be found on the first page of to-days's Journal. The address sets forth, with the certainty of figures, that fraud— systematic, extensive and premeditated fraud—hae been practiced upon the people of Pennsylvania, by which James IC. Polk and Francis R. Shunk have carried the State. We remind the young ladies that only one week more of leap year remains. CO On the 11th instant, in the Ohio Legisla ture, a preamble and resolutions were adopted re questing the Representatives and Senators of the State in Congress, to use their efforts against any alteration of the naturalization laws. cO• There was a snow storm in Suffolk county, L. 1., so heavy that the drifts were piled as high as from ten to fifteen feet, for a distance of forty miles Cr The President of the Cumberland Valley Railroad, has issued proposals for the re-construction of the bridge over the Busquehannah Riper, at Harrisburg. al A course of eight Lectures, on popular sub jects, is to be delivered this winter at Washington, end among the Lecturers, will be the Hon. John Quincy Adams, Hon. Levi Woodbury, and other distinguished gentlemen. al• An applicatior. is to be made to the Legisla ture of New York, this session, for a law, securing to females, whether married or single, the exclusive right of their own inventions. cr,'" The Native Flag," is the name of apenny paper just started in Philadelphia, by Mr. A. R, Peale. It advocates the principles of the Native American Party. al" There was a balance in the Treasury of Pennsylvania, on the 30th of last month, of $563,- 851. There is a probility of tho interest on our debt due in February being paid. t Hon. Wm. AMEN was elected Governor of South Carolina on the 7th inst. by the Legistature; and .1. E. Inv., Esq. Lieutenant Governor. (~.James K. Polk was born on the 2d of No vember, 1795, and is now in his fiftieth year—the youngest President the country ever had. al.. A noble granite column is to be erected at Frankfort, Kentucky, in honor of Henry Clay. cO - . Sunday travelling has been discontinued on the New Jersey Rail Road. Right. BEWARE!-Counterfeit s'e, 10's, and 20's, on the Lebanon Bank, have made their appearance. The editor of the Insane Asylum Journal, pub lished in Vermont, is about to leave the Institution a sane man. Cured by editing. Parrairtv,utrs.—The Treasurer of this state reports, that on the 30th ult., there was a balance of $664,851 remaining In the treasury. The re ceipts of the year helm been $2,331,765.63, and the expenditures $1,07,335.15 excess of re ceipts $484,480.38. Tao Moamosr Vora.—Tl;e full returns of Nan. voo gives Polk 2000; Clay 5! Appointment by the Governor of Ohio.—. Toni esq. Attorney at Low, of Holli daysburg, to be Commissioner of the Sh;te of Penn sylvania to take acknowledgement of Deeds, Con veyances, &c. for the State of Ohio. The Deacon says the Democrats are able and willing to work fur $2, a day, "as they always have done." Now, Democrats, if you have al way. got $2 a day for work, mark how much yon yet under Mr Polk's administration. Call for the . Pork and Dollars" as often as any Democrat asks you to work for less than "you always have clone,..liollidaysburg Register. cO" As the time is near at hand when our Legis lature will assemble, and strangers visit Harrisburg, it is a matter of some importance to know where to find good and convenient entertainment. Among the many excellent hotels there, none is more highly spoken of by those who speak knowingly, than that of Capt. WELLS COVERLY, (formerly Mr. Nagle's.) The house is large and commodious,and pleasantly situated, in a central and healthy part of the town; and has lately been thoroughly repaired, painted, papered, and supplied with entirely new furniture. Tho gentlemanly proprietor is assisted in the man agement of the establishment by his father, John C. Coverly, from Centre county, whose qualifications and ability as a landlord have long been favorably known. His t..b10 is inferior to none in the place, being constantly supplied with the best the market affords; and his charges are moderate. In view of these facts it is unnecessary to add that Capt. Coy erly's will be found a pleasant and agreeable real , dence for sojourners in Harrisburg. Congress, On the I Gth an interesting debate grew up in the Senate out of a resolution offered, instructing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the propriety of altering the Naturalization Laws.— An account of this discussion will bo found in another column. On Thursday the 19th a message was received from the President, on the subject of Mexico, ac companied by despatches from Mr. Shannon, our minister to that Republic. The President complains of the insolvence of Mexico, and enumerates many causes of war against her, but contents himself with renewing his recommendation of the annexation of Texas. The message was referred by the Senate and House to their respective Committees on For iegn Relations. The course of Mr. Tyler is con demned by many of the friends of annexation. Nothing else, worthy of vote, has transpired 1 1 since our last publication. A LOCOFOCO BENEDICTION TO HIS PARTII,—At the late Congressional election in Ohio, C. J. Mc- Nulty, Clerk of the House of Representatives at Washington. was one of the defeated Locofoco can didates. The Louisville Journal says that as soon as he learned his defeat he wrote the following laconic letter to a friend. It is remarkably short, but not so particularly sweet as some we have seen : Dean Sin:--I am defeated and the party may go to h--11. C. J. McNULTY. No tidings have reached us as to whether the party has left or not for the place specified by Mr. McNulty in his letter, but we presume that it is on the way. Over twelve hundred foreigners were naturalized in one week in Cincinnati, Ohio, a short time pre vious to the recent election. A SAD CASE Or MILLERISM.—Tho deplorable results of Millensm are beginning to be felt in this city. We learn from a clergyman who is con stantly visiting the poor, that among the cases that have recently passed under his observation, is one of a truly painful nature. A mechanic, who until that time bad borne a very respectable character and was an honest and hard working man, became deluded under the Millerite doctrines abandoned work, exhausted all his surplus funds, then sold the furniture of his house. He had a wife and three children, the youngest eighteen month old. When the bubble exploded, he became little better titan an infidel, took up with a woman of bad character, abandoned his wife and little ones, and went off to Baltimore. The deserted woman and her children are now the tenants of a miserable garret, and have absolutely been suffering with cold and hunger.— Penn. Inquirer. Our enterprising fellow citizen, Z. G. Brown Esq., we understand has in contemplation a tour to the east, with a view of effecting such arrange ments with some of the Eastern capitalists, as will enable him to put in operation extensive Iron and other works, on his "Bennington" tract near this place. We wish him success.—Hot. Register. Views of Mr. Adams. A Washington correspondent of the Charleston Courier gives the following sketch of the opinion ofJohn Quincy Adams, as to what is likely to be the course of the coming administration, as devel oped in conversation. It is interesting and curious, if not absolutely important: I have heard several gentlemen speak of conver sations held with John Quincy Adams, on the sub ject of the results of the late election. His opin ions are of interest at this time, and he is by no means reserved in making them known. He says that Texas will be brought in the Uuion, and that the British Government will simply protest against the act, and avail herself of the example to carry into execution some of her own designs. “She will, he says, take possession of Cuba and we cannot complain of it after taking Texas. Great Britian, he says, will guarantee to Spain the same amount of revenue that she now receives from Cuba. As to France, he says that government cannot complain of the act, for she has taken pos session of Algiers, and Great Britian will allow her to extend her African possessions as far as she pleases. Mexico, he says, will not make war up on us, on account of the annexation. "As to the Will; ho says, it will not be essentially modified during Mr. Polk's administration. The Government will need the whole of the present revenue, especially after the annexation of Texas. There must be an increase, he thinks, of the navy and, army on that account. The next Presidential contest would be between Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Wright. Mr. Calhoun would necessarily, in his opinion, have at least the option of remaining in the State Department." In December, 1843, a large sale of lands took place in Hamilton county, Ohio, on account of the non-payment of taxes, and the sale was pro longed during two weeks, two hours on each day being appropriated to the purpose. The opinion was advanced that all the sales made after the first day were not valid, and that titles made under such sales could not confer ownership on the purcha sers. This question came up before the Supreme Court of the state a short time since, and after a full argument, the decision of the court was render ed, stating that the sales of the first day only were legal. For the "Huntingdon Journal." rirOl Fire 11 Shirleyeburg, Dec. 16, 1844 Mn. EDITOR:- Last night our village was visited with an alarming fire, which originated in the old building, formerly the old Methodist Church, lately purchased by Mr. David Fraker, and occu pied by him as a barn, It contained a considerable quantity of wheat, oats, hay, and other cOmbusti bles, to which the fire Was first communicated, and when first discovered, the whole mass was envel oped in flames; an exciting crisis now presented itself ; the flames bursting forth to an alarming de gree, accompanied with a strong breeze, varying its direction alternately—sometimes towards the south east, then veiring to the forth east, earring in its course the burning flakes delves the town, threaten ing an entire devastation of all within its range. The fire was simultaneously communicated to an adjoining stable and the house of Mr. Fraker, the stable and the house of Dr. J. J. Applebaugh, the house of John Sinelker, and that of M. S. Harri son, the Presbyterian Church, and the barn of Eli jah Anita. The fire having caught in the barnyard of the latter, as also in the roof of the barn, in per haps fifty different places; notwithstanding this most heartrending emergency, none shrunk from their duty ; through the calm, energetic and inde fatigable efforts of the citizens, all was saved, save the building in which the fire originated, without much damage. Much praise is due to the citizens genitially, es pecially the ladies, who, God bless them, without exception, were mingled with the noble hearted and dexterous crowd, stimulating onward, others by their energy, with buckets, pans in hand, furnishing wa ter, by which means the fire was so unexpectedly extinguished. 'rho noble-hearted young men, of which there were not a few, who, with commendable zeal, ascend ed to the house tops, extinguishing the fire where ver communicated, rendering the most efficient ser vice, at great peril of life, deserve much credit. The small Girls and Boys also, all were laboring to their utmost, with zeal and precision, as if stim ulated by the wisdom and experience of maturer age, with their little hands and agile limbs did ren der the most efficient aid, by furnishing water wherever needful. The citizens too, of the neighborhood, came timely to our rescue ; none could do more than they did to arrest the consuming element ; indeed in all, the hands of an Almighty providence was abund antly manifested; no human effort, of itself, could have been adequate to the emergency. The loss to Mr. Fraker is from two to three hundred dollars. The fire originated about six o'clock in the evening, supposed to be the work of an incendiary. No serious accident occurred to any one, except a few slight burns, bruises and bodily Yours, &c., J. L. fatigue. The Naturalization Lawn. We extract the following from the Washington correspondence of the U.S.. Gazette, under date of the 16th inst. Quite sit interesting debate arose in the Senate this morning, which soon filled the gallery. Mr. Johnson, of Louisiana, had offered a resolution, in structing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of altering the Naturalization I laws, extending the term of residence in this coun try previous to being admitted to citizenship, and to prohibit the immigration of foreign convicts to this country. Upon this resolution being taken up, Mr. John son took occasion to state briefly why he had offer ed it. It was notorious, or at any rate it was every where asserted, that enormous frauds had been committed at the late election, or just previous to it, in the admission of foreigners to the right of citi zenship. It was stated that over three thousand had been naturalized in a very few days in the city of New York, and great numbers in Philadelphia, and other places. He had no wish to interfere with those who were already naturalized, or who had declared their intentions to become citizens, but he wished to restrain the enormous influx of ignorant and debased persons Into this country.— In the catty days of our republic, when this coun try was a comparative wilderness, there was good reason and sound policy for encouraging emigra tion from abroad, but there were not the same rea sons now for affording the same facilities to become citizens. The great mass of those who came to this country wero ignorant and unaccustomed to republican institutions; some there were who were well informed, but these were exceptions; we must look at the great mass. He was opposed to ex tending to these swarms of ignorant men the civil rights of citizens, until they had been in this coun try long enough to comprehend and understand our institutions, and acquire an attachment to them and to the country. It was enough, he thonght, that they had other rights save that of voting. Ho was also in favor of the passage of a law which should prevent foreign governments from ttansporting their convicts to our shores, and spewing them out upon us. He did not look upon this as a party question, but one rising above all party consid erations. Mr. Allen said that as the country generally did not know that it was customary to allow all resolu tions of inquiry to pass sub silentia, he merely wished to say that in making no opposition to the passage of the resolution, he did not wish to be un derstood as giving his assent to it, as he was oppo sed to extending the time required of foreigners to reside hero in order to become citizens. He hoped the Committee would embody their views in the form of a definite propostion. Mr. Archer said he was extremely glad this sub , ject had been brought to the notice of the country in this grave form. Hod no otior senator brought it before this body, he should have felt it his duty Ito do so. It is a question which, mid Mr. A., in my conscience, I believe has become the most im portant of any question before the American people: it is an issue that comprehends every other issue, and he agreed with the Senator from Ohio, in the hope that the Judiciary Committee would bring forward some definite proposition for amending the naturalization laws, removing the evils, and preven. Ling the abuses which have grown up out of them, and which have become serious and alarming. Mr. Rives said that it had become evident that we must have some further safeguards against the evils and abuses of our naturalization laws, and ho believed it the bounden duty of Congress to afford the freest scope to inquiry upon this subject. That frauds and abuses of the most enormous kind have been committed, ho had not a particle of doubt. Mr. R. thought that his friend from Louisiana, would find an ample remedy for the evils and abu ses he had spoken of, in the re-enactment of the laws enacted under Jefferson and Madison, and which were repealed under Mr. Monroe and Mr. Adams. Those laws required the registration of the immigrant when he arrived in this country, to gether with a minute description of his person, his age, birth place, &c. and the production of a copy of this at the time of his application for naturalization, so that there could be no mistake as to the person, nor fraud as to the time he had been in the country. Ho was not for departing lightly from the path pur sued by our fathers. During fifty years, with the exception of one Presidential lustrum, when the pe riod was increased to fourteen years, (under the elder Adams,) the period of probation required had been five years. There had been no complaint of the abuses now existing until the facilities for natu ralization had been increased by the laws ho had referred to, and he still thought that the re-enact ment of these laws would put a stop to the enor mous frauds of which the whole country complained. The mode of naturalizing foreigners had degener ated into a piece of legerdemain, a piece of panto mime he heard of platoons of foreigners being marched into a court room, and there, at the desk of a side clerk, being transformed in an incredible short time into American citizens, the clerk mum bling rapidly something in a language which the foreigner did not understand, and the latter swear ing to it! This was a mere mockery, a farce, and what the law never contemplated. It was intended that the applicant should be examined in open court, and by the Judge, and that the act of his admission to the rights of citizenship should be a solemn judicial act. What was now wanted was a re-invigoration of the law, in order to put a stop to the alarming and increasing abuses, Mr. R. spoke With much animation, and his re marks evidently told with effect. The discussion had attracted a considerable number of spectators into the gallery, who listened to him with great at tention. The new Senators from Now York evi dently felt very uncomfortable, hearing the charge of fraud, wholesale fraud, made against their State, and a pretty strong hinting that the election of . President had been determined by it,and Mr. Dicker son therefore rose and parried these thrusts as well as he could, though he convinced nobody of their injustice. Mr. Merrick said that he thought foreigners had been unjustly charged with fraud; the charge lay at the door of our own people—it was they, and not the foreigners, who were to be blamed. He was opposed to extending the probationary term, but would go for preventing frauds, and for a strict enforcement of the term of five years. Mr. Foster, the other New York Senator, now rose, and complained of the unjust imputation cast upon the Courts of New York, which he undertook to say, were conducted with as much propriety and correctness as any Courts in the United States.— It may be so, but those which naturalize by whole sale in Now York city have got a terrible bad repu , teflon. Mr. F. denied, of course, that there had been frauds committed, and went on to laud for eigners, who, he said gave stronger evidence of their attachment to this country than natives did, be cause they came here, whereas the presence of na tives was the result of accident—they were born here, and were here therefore without any volition of their own ! ! For this reason, I inferred, he thought the door of admission should be thrown as wide open to them as possible. Perhaps lie thinks the naturalization laws too stringent already, and therefore a little fraud, a very little, by which a few thousand shall be admitted just at a moment when they are indispensible to secure their Presi dental candidate, may be justified, Tins closed the debate, and the resolution was adopted. SNOW, NORTH AND SOUTH, It will be seen by the subjoined extracts, that snow has fallen heavily North and South of us, while we have only been visited with little flurries, so light as hardly to be perceivable.—U. S. Gaz. Tao MAILS. -The southern mails due here on Friday and Saturday evenings, arrived about 9 o'clock, Saturday night. They left New York at the appointed hours, via Long Island, but owing to the depth of snow were obliged to return to Now York, whence they were despatched via New Ha ven and Hartford. The snow at Greenport, and thirty miles to the westward of it, was from ten to I twelve feet deep. Seven locomotives, at last ac counts, were at work clearing the railroad track. The snow was so deep on the railroad track be tween Hartford and New Haven on Wednesday night, that the ears were stopped and the locomotive I employed in breaking a path. It reached Meriden, and in the morning returned and took the cars and I passengers on to Willingford. From thence an ex press was sent to New Haven for assistance; and two locomotives being sent out with snow shovels, they came in contact with the train at Wallingford, by which one of thelaborers had his leg broken, and tho engines were somewhat damaged.—Boe. Put. SNOW STORM Som.—The mail agent, who arrived with what there was of the southern mail this evening--there was nothing from beyond Richmond, Virginia--inforris us that there were eight inches of snow in I lichmond this morning, which came from the so tth ; and that the snow storm reached within one mile of Fredericksburg, Va. Hero the wind has b3en fresh from the north west for several days past, and wo havo no snow.— How will Professor Espy account for this I [Washington Globe. A New Question. It is suggested in the National intelligencor that the legality of the electoral votes of Michigan and Illinois will be disputed, on the grounds that the laws of those States have nullified the naturalize tion laws of the United States, In permitting for eigners, not citizens of the United States, to vote after a residence of six months in the State. HEART IN THE "RIGHT" PLACE, The Physician, " Malgre Lui," acquired immor tality, by replying to the remark, "the heart is on the left side of the human body" that "we have changed all thnt." But who knows that the same !tamed practitioner was better informed than those tvho laughed at (what they considered,) Isis happy bvasion. Wo find in a French paper before us, the following statement : In the College of San Carlos, in Madrid, is a dissecting room, to which students resort to study anatomy. Tho body of one who had just died in the hospital was brought. Tho pupils arrived with their scalpels, and commenced the work of dissection. What was their astonishment to find that the deceased had no heart! On a closer ex amination, they found that the subject had the heart placed on the right side of the breast; and all the organs which are usually found on the right, were found in the left side. He seemed to have been the opposite of all his fellow men—a living and walk ing antithesis. " The professors, in their turn, examined the subject, and to all appearances justified the obser vations of the students. This is the fourth or fifth instance of the kind recorded in the anatomical annals of the human species." To say now of a man, that " his heart is in the right place," may have a signification different from what it formerly conveyed.— U. S. Gazette. HABIAS Conrvs.—The U. S. Gazette of the 17th inst., says In the Supreme Court, yester day, the judgment of the Court was given in the matter of the habeas corpus to the keeper of the Eastern Penitentiary. Joseph and Plaines Wright, prisoners, having been convicted of arson, in being accessory before the fact, to the burning of the Reading Railroad bridge over the Schuylkill at Manayunk, had been sentenced to imprissonment, and to pay a fine to said company. Subsequently, prisoners were pardoned by the Governor. The pardon was resisted on the ground that the Govern or had no right to remit a fine. The court reman ded the prisoners, sustaining the objection to the pardon. W. M. Meredith for company; B. Rush for prisoners." Illinois.---Official. Polk, 67,920 Clay, 45,528 Pollee majority, Polk, 41,369 Clay, 31,251 Polk's majority, New State. On Thwsday before last, a memorial was pres ented to Congress from citizens of lowa, asking that the Territory be admitted as a State. Commodore Elliott took command of the Phila delphia Navy Yard on Saturday before last. The appropriate salutes were fired on the occasion, and the usuahcourtcsies were interchanged between the officers of the station. A monument has been erected in Cork, Ireland, to the memory of Capt. Roberts of the steamship President. The Millorites still hold their meeting in New York. The Harrisburg "IntelligenCer." The editor and proprietor purposes, on and after the let of January 1845, to publish the Intelligen cer on the GASH SYSTEM, on the following re duced terms: For one year—twice-a-week during the session. A single copy, $2 50 Five copies, 10 00 At the same rate of two dollars per copy for any larger number. For one year—ones-a4vook. A single copy, $2 00 Five copies, 8 00 Ten copies, 10 00 At the same rate of one dollar per copy for any larger number. For the session alone—twice-a-week. A single copy, $1 50 Five copies, 5 00 And at the same rate of one dollar per copy for any larger nnmber. 0:)-Payment, in all cases, to made in Advance..oo 11.A.F.8.2ED, On Tuesday, the 26th ult., by the Rev. William Gibson, Mr. JOHN WALKER, of Newry, to Miss MARTHA ANN KINKEAD, of Canoe Valley, Huntingdon county. WASHINGTONIANS ! The Society will meet at the usual place, the Old Court House, on Saturday evening next. An address will be delivered by .1. Sewell Stew art, Esq. Dec. 25, 1844. IL MILLER, Sec'y, Library Association. A meeting of the Female Library Association, will be held in the Library Room, on Saturday the 28th inst., for the purpose of electing Officers.— Members and persons desirous of becoming such, are requested on that day to pay their subscription, 50 cents each for the ensuing year. Huntingdon, Dec. 25, 1844. CAUTION. LL persons are hereby cautioned a- VC4-1 gainst buying, levying on, or meddling in any way with the following property, which 1 purchased at Constable Sale, on Wednesday the 11th December, inst., as the property of). F. Livingston, to wits one Sorrel „Mare, Saddle and Bridle. which property is left in the possession of said Livingston until 1 see fit to remove the same. JAMES ENTREKIN. Jr. Coffee Run, Dec. 24, 1844. Bridge Proposals. PnoposAts will be received at the Com missioners' Office in Huntingdon, till Janu ary Court next for the building of a Bridge across Stone Creek, at Couch's Mill, in Bar ree township. The plan and specifications can be seen at any time in the Commission ers' Office, ALEX. KNOX, Jr. MORD. CHILGOTE, JOHN F. MILLER, Commissioners, Dec. 18, 1844. CIRCULAR. The Temperance Associations of Pennsylvania, of every descliptioni are hereby notified, that, ink pursuance of the fdlldwing Resolution, adopted at the State Contention, held at Harrisburg, in Janu ary last, a State Temperance Convention will again be held at Harrisburg, bn the FOURTH WEDNESDAY, being the twenty-second day of January next, 1845: "Resolved, That we recommend to all the Tem perance Associations of this Commonwealth, to appoint Delegates, to meet in Convention, in the borough of Harrisburg, on the second Wednesday of January, 1845, and that the said Societies fur nish the Chairmen of their respective Delegations with a Report, embracing the names df their officers, and the number of members belonging to the As. sociation, together with any other information they may think proper to lay before the Convention." It is also earnestly requested that all Association. which do not send delegates to the proposed Con vention, address a letter "To the President of the State Temperance Convention, atHarritburg," con. taining the information desired by the Resolution above stated: so that satisfactory Temperace Sta. tistics, of the whole Commonwealth, may thus be shad. _ . _ . NoTzo—Owing to the meeting of the Legislature, on the day preceding the second Wednesday of January, (the day fixed by the last Convention for the next Annual Meeting,) the Central Committee have deemed it advisable to change the time to the fourth Wednesday, being the 22d of said month. JOHN C BUCHER, OLIVER BELLMAN, JESSE C. DICKEY, WILLIAM BOSTICK, WALTER CRAIG, and others, Slate Central Committee, Harrisburg, Dec. 1844. TO THOSE WHO THINK. What is disease? What is unhealthy virus?— How is it that the small quantity of matter upon the point of a lance should bo capable of causing the most fearful complaints? How is it that the teeth of a dog, of an adder, or of a rattlesnake, should be capable of importing maladies before which the most powerful or the most feeble fall victims? Is it not that the virus hostile same pow er over the fluids of the human body that yeast has upon fermenting liquors? Now some persons have their blood in so pure a state that they cannot receive infection of any kind. Many cases have occurred where a rabid dog has the same day bitten several persons, some of whom have escaped entire ly, while others have died. This is only to be ao. counted for on the principal that there was no im pure blood npon which to act in those persons who escaped. All can be in this condition who wish, and who aro willing to persevere with the Bran dreth Pills until their blood is entirely regenerated and freed from all impurity. How important it is they should be appreciated. Purchase the genuine medicine of Wm. Stewart 19,392 Huntingdon, Pa., and other agents published in another part of this paper. I:0" As an Indian formerly roamed over the moun tains ot l'eru, unconscious of the vast wealth that lay hidden beneath its surface; so, till lately, have w e 10,118 strolled through our native forests, ignorant of the fact that they contain ingredients which, in hands skilled by study and experience, form by far the most efficacious remedy for all kinds of Pulmonary and Liver affections known to the world; yet this true. Wild Cherry bark and Tar hive, indeed, been used before, but their virtues could not be fully ap preciated, because they wore not extracted:— Dr. Wistar's has done this—Snd his Balsam of Wild Cherry (which contains also an extract of Tar) is astonishing every body, especially the M. D.'s, by its wonderful' efficacy in Asthma, Liver Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Bleeding of the Lungs, first stages of Consumption, &c. This Balsam is made from materials which nature has placed in alt" northern latitudes as an antidote for diseases caused by cold climates. "Nature is but the mune toren effect Whose cause is God." Let us not neglect her planiest dictates. Always be sure to get the genuine article, as spurious Bal• some, &c. ore afloat. The genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hunt• ingdon, and James Orr, Hollidaysburg. Orphan's Court Sale. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, the undersigned Trustees appointed to make sale of the real estate of Jacob Keller, late of Morris township, in said county dec'd., will expose to saleby public vendue, on Friday the 27th day of December, inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the plantatiort and tract of land on which said deceased in his life time resided, situate in the said township and coun ty, adjoining lands of Hugh Fergus on the west, John & William Walters and a small lot sold to the School Directors, on the south, of George, Hen ry & David Keller on the east, and of Henry S. Spang on the north, containing ers or thereabouts, of which about 150 are cleared up land and 10 of meadow, having a two story LOG HOUSE, FRAME BANK BARN, A SMALL FRAME HOUSE and an apple orchard thereon. Tho said tract is of the best quality of land, plea santly situated, being but a short distaxce from Woterotreet, on the Turnpike road. Terms of Sale.—One third of the purchase Money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, one third in ono year thereafter with interest, and the residue at and immediately after the death of Catharine Kehl ler, widow of said deceased, the interest of this third to be paid to the said widow annually during her life;—the whole to be secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. JOHN KELLER, (of Jacob.) PETER SHAFFER, Doe. 4, 1844. Trustees. X 0 TICE. LL persons interested willtake notice trAthat the account of Henry Snyder, Committee of theperson and estate of Con rad Snyder, an Idiot, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingdon connty, and will be presented to the Court on the second Monday of January next f,1845) for confirm ation and allowance, and will be then con firmed Unless cause be shewn to the contra ry. JAMES STEEL, Nov. 26, 1844.-3 t. Prot'y. STRAY HEIFER. Came to the residence of the subscriber in Sinking Valley, Tyrone township, son, time last June, a dark brindle heifer, soim white on its belly, supposed to be a year of last spring. The owner is requested t come forward, prove property, pay char ges and take it away. FREDERICK REAMY. Dec. 4, 1844. A Premnim COOING-STOVII, medium size, with all the necessary furni ture—used for some time—for sak—cheap —for cash, approved credit, or in exchange or country produce. Apply at thisoffice. 4o
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers