• - g - 11 ' 4 k t- lj I • t:, %y ll, n 4 • - - - Ottoteb to Central lEntelligettte, ettrUertfoing, Votttico, !Literature, faoralitz Srto, Attentro, fagrienture, 3ntiotineut, szr., Ut. "C7coLl.c. 1. - 3z)Q C3M. PUBLISHED BY THEODORE H. CREMER. , I.LaCEIU:s=O,23.2 The "Jou itzsAL" will be published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, 'and if not paid within Six months, $2 60. No subscription received for a shorter period than aix months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar reaVages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will he inserted three times for $1 00, and kir every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be Pontinu 'ed, it will be kept in tiU ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. PROSPECTUS FOR THE SECOND YEAR, a ED 4 65 tRtAT NATIONAL MAGAZINE, • Agents wanted.—Reading for all.—To the reading Public.—The hest and cheapert family Maga zine in America. SEARS' NEW MONTI/VW FAIVI/LY MAGAZINE, Established for the Diffusion of Uzeful Knowledge A Monthly Miscellany of Moral and Useful In struction, Embellished with numerous Engra vings. Published on the first of every month, in Parts of fifty large octavo pages each, (double columns,) 'r WO DOLLARS per annum, two copies sent to ono address for THREE D 01..- LSRS, invariably in advance. To offering such a miscellany as the above peri 'edical to the public, wo wish to make it clearly understood what is the object proposed to be ac complished by its publication, and what will lava viably be the character of its contents ; and by no species of disguise, or form of deception, attempt to 'make an impression or gain a favor, without pos sessing a legitimate claim to their enjoyment.— Sears' Family Magazine' is a 'petrioilical whose ob ject is to collect, condense and systematize the great inass of standing general knowledge, contained in works so numerous and voluminous ea to be alto gether beyond the reach of mankind in general; and thus collected and prepared, to place it, by its 'cheapness and comprehensiveness, within the ac 'quisition of ALL. We shall aim to give the Magazine a character decidedly American, and to make it to this country what the Penny Magazine is to IGreat Britain.— Hence we shall introduce, as far as practicable, des criptions of American History, Manners, Scenery, and Natural Productions. In furtherance of this object, we invite our friends abroad to aid us, by communications and sketches of any thing remarka ble, rare, or unique that may come under their ob servation ; and we trust they will find ample remu neration for their labor, in the consciousness of baying added a quota to the awn total of intelligence Which is so widely disseminated thro , rgh the medi um of Sears' Family Magazine.' . . From this brief outline ofthe plan of our New Monthly Magazine, the public will see that no ex et tions will be spared to entitle it to extensive pa- tronage. . As a sort of pabulum for schools, and a treasury of knowledge for familie,a the (Whig object of the Family Magazine is utility. It is intended that its morals shall be pure, its information authentic, and its arrangements in good taste. And while it is the itincere desire of all who are engaged in its publica tion, that it may carry the cheerfulness•of kowledge end the light of truth wherever it is received, they indulge the hope, that the countebahee orate coni triunity will look favorably upon theiri, and that its erm of support will be extended in their behalf. ROBERT SEARS, Editor and Publisher. No. 114 Fulton street, N. Y. City. Elegant Premiums for Subscribers, A VERY LIBERAL OFFER. An easy method to procure a copy of 4 Sears' Bible Biography,' Wonders of the the World,' or Guido to Knowledgk,' which sell for two dollars and fifty cents pr. vol. o". Any person either subscribing himself, or procuring a new subscriber to Sears' Family Ma gazine,' for the year, and remitting $3 current funds, Imo of expense, to the publisher, shall receive a copy of that periodical for one year, and a volthrio of either of the above works, to be kept subject to his order. And $3.50 will entitle the subscriber to a copy of Sears Bible History.' 0:7. Any person precuring 5 subscribers to the above work, for one year, and remitting the money, ($10) free of expense to the pdblishar, shall receive two copies of Bible Biography, or two of the Wonders of the World,' or one of each, or one copy of Sears' New and Complete History of the Bible,' (2 vols. in one,) which sellsfor threedollars. Any person procuring 3 subscribers, and remitting $B, (free of expense) shall be entitled to two copies of Bible Biography,' Wonders of the World, or Guide to Knowledge.' AGENTS WANTEb. To Clergymen, Students, Agents of Newpapers and Periodicals throughout the United States. The subscriber is prepared to treat with such per bons as possess tho necessary qualifications for suc cessful Agents, (either for a stipulated salary or bommission on subscribers obtained) to circulate his New Monthly Family Magazine,' for the year 1845. Good references required, Terms liberal. ROBERT SEARS, No. 114 Fulton street, New-York City. All letters and communications from Agents mad be peat paid, or they will not be taken from the Post Office. D o xor TAX 05 WITlr Posrloc.—Agents and Subscribers tansy learn, from the following notice of the Postmaster General, how they may send money to the publisher of the Magazine, without the ex pense of postage to either. Read carefully " A postmaster may enclose the money in a let ter to the publisher of a newspaper, to pay the sub scription of a third person, and frank the letter, if written by himself; but if the letter be written by another person the postmaster cannot frank it KENDAL. v i Ni 100 V =MEI OITTORMEI .111 T Lair. HUNTINGDON,Pk LANK BONDS—Judgment and corn• innn—t'r site at this office. r Ei3,D Watches, Siher Ware ty Jewelry James I Pelers & Co., No. 105 N. 2d St.. corner of LitYetles Allty, Piiiladelphia, J. P. & Co. continue to manufacture at their old stand, SilVer Spoons, Spectacles, Thimbles &c on as low terms as any other manufactory in the 7:e• . 4 1 „.";1- city. They hiive o n hand and keep constant ly tar sale, beside their own manufactures. Watches of all kinds and prices; Silver Ware, Jewelry and Fancy Goode, in their variety, which will lie sold low. Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages and sights, in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steil Frames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blue, grey and green glasses. 47. VVatchindkers supplied with all ne cessary articles in their line, such as Tools, Materials, Glasses &c. ITT. Watches repaired at short notice and warranted to perform. • J 7 Cash or exchange given for old Gold and Silver. Phil'a., Dcc. 11, 1844.-11 m. aQ.CtUdaaCEi.IX.W. r --- 1••••( -- ) A. 11.•BUMBAUCtili VASOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of Huntingdon, and th't public in general, that he has commenced the saddle and harness !nuking business in all its varions branches, in the shop former ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, dec'd., one door east of the Pioneer Stage Stable" and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith shop, where he is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their patronage. He will constantly keep on hand Harness, Saddles ; Bridles, Collars, &c. Repairing done on the shortest notice and Most reasonable terms. By a strict attention to business he hopes to receive a liberal share of work. Huntingdon, May 8, 1844, .NEIP TA ILOI4NG ESTABLISHMENT. JOII N SMITH, Tr) ESPECTFULLY informs the citi z ens 4.1, of Hntingdon and its vseinity, that he has commenced the • Tailoring Business in Main street, in the borough of Hun• tmgdon, one door w, st of the store of Thus, Read & Son, where he is ready to accom modate all who may favor him with a call. He receives regularly the LATEST' FASHIONS; and l 9 determined to employ none but the best and most experienced woikmen. He will execute all orders in his line in the most workmanlike manner, and on the shortest notice. By strict attention to busi ness and endeavoring to please, he hopes to merit and receive a share of the public patronage. •Country produce Will be taken in pay ment for work. March 20, 1844.—tf. Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, lkc. Tuom.a.s P. 3AIVIES, Wholesale Druggist, Chem4l and Phar macian, No. 2 12 Market Streit, a ,few doors above the Rcd Lion Huta, Platfedelphia. Thomas P. James Would inform Druggists, coantry Merchants and others, that he lots t iken the Chemical Ware House, formerly occupied by tile late firm of Meredith, Hen derson, &Co., nod that he has laid in a care fully selected stock of fresh Drugs, CU, mi cats and Medicines ; also,Paints,Varnishes, Oils, Dye Stalls, ('lass are &c., which he will. dispose of on accommodating terms. Physicians supplied with all the recent chemicals, vegetable alkalies, extracts and other materia medica. The fullest confi dence may be placed in the purity of all the medicinal preparations from his establish ment, as much care is taken in their prepa ration and selection. Philadelphia, Oct, 30, 1844.-3 m. .11131 XE T nitd CliJill WARE ROOMS, Old stand, opposite Gee. lacksrn's Hotel TIZO/VIAS ADAMS, Tin AS now on hand and still continues to ILkamanufacture the most splendid assort ment of elegant Furniture and Chairs, &c. ever offered for sale in the borough of Hun tingdon, embracing almost every article in the above line ; which in point of durability, workmanship, fashionable style of pattern, and fine finish, will compare with similar articles manufactured in any portion of the county; all of which he is determined to sell at very reduced prices for cash or op• proved country produce, or onfime to punc taal dealers. Hotels, private dwellings, &c. furnished to order at the Shortest possible notice. House, sign, and fancy painting dtme on the most reasonable terms. • N. B.—Coffins made for the citizens of ffie borough, atthe shortest notice. Huntingdon, Oct. 16, 1844.—tf. ESTATE OF JAMES TOLLEY, Late of Barree township, Huntingdon county, deceased. VrOTICE is hereby given, that leiiers Al testamentary upon the sai d estate have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to mate immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are re quested to present them duly authenticated tor settlement, to JANE TULLEY, JO /1N OAKS, 5 Ext 'B. November 20, 1844, arrce tp. .7 0 7.:1 1 1' .7. . gook To a Bride: 11 Seek ye to win a winsome bride Your coming years to share, Whose kindness wins, whose virtues beam Whose smiles resistless are! Win her not with flattering tongue; Dim not her glowing heart With jesting, coarse, or Wily 'Words, Or praise of studied art ; Thus oft we find We taint a mind, In native virtues rich; A guileless heart, A little art, May unawares bewitch. And wo to the mortal who dares to stain That drop of the spirit divine, By Nature bestowed, by Heaven ordained Noble then thy wooing, Noble as the prize is high ; Win her by those noble ways, That will respect secure ; And not by sighs and love sick lays, And honeyed words allure, In the orbs of the bleeted to shine." Win her by thy actions bright, Win her by thy love of right, By thy zeal in mercy's name, By thy praise on other's tongue, (Songs of self are too oft sung,) By a voice more prompt to plead, by aspirations which will shed Glowing horrors on ber head. So shall thy life no jarring ills incur, And all thy glories shall descend to her. MiCIZEZ.ILA.I\73OUri. rADZICLIe INNER Dr JONATIIAN sum, OP BLICKPILLE, Two great doors slid into the partition, and there was another room jest as much like the one we was in as two peas in a pod. A table was sot in the middle elfin , room, all kivered wills rale china dishes and fist-rate glass tumblers, and a silver thing to set the pepper-box in—you haint no idea how slick it was. But, as true as you live there stood that eternal nigger close by the table, as large as life. I didn't know what to make on't, but sex Ito myself, 'if cousin John has got to be an abolitionist, and expects mo to eat with a nigger he'll find him self mistaken, I'll be darned to dilatation if he don't' But I needn't got so wrothy ; the critter didn't offer to set down : he only stood there to get any- Ling we wanted. "Do you take vermineilly, Mr. Slick 1" says Miss Beebe, biting oft her words as if she was afraid they'd burn her. With that she took the kiver off one of the dishes, and begun to ladle out some soap with a great sil ver dipper,as bright as a new fifty cent piece. "No, thank you," sez I, but I'll take some of that ar' soup, instead, if you've no objections." The critter was just beginning to pucker up her mouth again, as if she had found out something to poke her fun at, but cousin John looked at her so eternal cross that she was glad to choke in. I s' pose cousin seed that I felt dreadful oneasy, so he said, kind o'coaxing. „ She meant verminsilly soup, cousin Jonathan. Let her help you to some, I'm sartin you'll like it." " Wal, aez I, I don'i care if I do." So I took up a queer looking spoon that lay by my plate, and tried to cat! bat all I could do, the soup would keep a running through the spoon into the dish again. I tried and tried to get one good mouthfill, but I might just as well have deter- , mined to dip up the Connecticut river in a sieve, and the most I could get was two or three spran gles of little white things that I stirred up from the bottom of the plate, that didn't taste bad, but to save my life I couldn't make out what they were made of. After I had been a fishing and diving ever so long, a trying to get one good spoonful, so that I could tell what it was,l looked up, and there was the nigger, showing his teeth and rolling about his eyes like a black cat in the dark. It 1111 do me wrathy, for I surmised that he was larfin' to see me a working so to get something to cat. I couldn't hold in any longer, and jumped up and flung the spoon upon the floor as spiteful as could be, and se., I to the nigger, scz I, " What do you stand a grinnin' at thoro wooly head? Go and get me a spoon that !taint got no elite in it, I'd as lief eat with a rake as that are thing!" "Ha, ha, haw! I thought you would not mak; the fork hold." With that Miss Beebe giggled right out, and cousin John looked as if ho would burst to keep from larfitig too. "Stop your noise, sir,' said he to the nigger; pick up the fork and give Mr. Slick a spoon.' I begun to feel awful streaked, I can tell you; but set down Elgin, and took up the real spoon, which lay on a kind of towel, folded up by my plate, and I begun to eat without sayin' a word, though I'd a gin a silver dollar if they would a let me got up and licked the nigger. Wel, arter I'd got a mouthful of the soup, I couldn't make out what it was made of, for I couldn't remember ever seeing the name Miss Beebe called it by in the dictionary. May be it's Latin, sez I to myself, and then I tried to think over what it could mean, and if no body had told me what the definition was in the Latin school which you sent me 45 (hero in Weathersfield. ver minsilly kept a runntn' through my 'head all the time. I knew what silly meant well enough, and then it popped into my head all at once that vermin comes from the Latin vermis, which means worms. Worm soup! my gracious the very idea made me feel awful bad at the stomach! But T might have known it by the looks, and I should if I'd ever heard of skit a thing, for the little slim critters swimming around in the liquor looked as much like angle worms biled down white as could be.-- Arter I found out what it was made of, I rather guess they didn't catch me eaten any more of their verminsilly soup ; so I pushed it half across the tableand wiped my mouth pretty considerably with ,my pocket handkercher. 'rho nigger took the whole on't away, and I declare I was glad enough to get rid of it. . . 4 , What on slab have they put this towel Lure fdi?' sea I myself; and then I stole a ely look to cousin John, to see if he'd got one, or if they only gave towels to company. Cousin John had erne jest like mine, brit he spread it out on his lap, so I jest took up One and kivered over my cassimeres with it tu. Considering there was no onions on the table, I Made out a putty fair dinner. I was beginning to think about moving when the nigger brought a lot of blue glass bowls about half full of water, and sot ono down by each of us. What they could be for I hadn't the least notion, brit I kept a bright look out to see what cousin John did, and when I saw him dip his fingers into the bowl and wipe 'ern on a sort of red towel which the nigger brought along with tho bowls, I jest went over the maneuvre as natural as life. Wul, while we were talking about the banks, and the Weathersfield folks dying so, that coot of a nigger cleared the table right off as slick as a whistle and afore I hardly knew what the fellow was up to, he &onto along and sot down a set of decanters, and two cider bottles with the necks all kivered over with sheet lead, and then he brought two baskets mode out of silver; one on 'em was filled chuck full of oranges, and t' other was filled with great purple grapes; I declare it eentnost made my mouth water to see the great bunches hanging over the edge of the basket. I'd jest put a whopper of a bunch on a little Chins plate which the fellow set for me, and was considering whether it would be genteel to cut the grapes in two with the cunning little silver knife which was put by the plate, when all at once, pop ! went something, cenmost as loud as a pistol, close by me. I jumped up about the quickest, I can tell you ; but it was only the nigger a opening one of the cider bottles; he poured out some for me in a great long glass with a spindle neck, and I drunk it all at a couple of swallows, without stopping to breathe. By jingo ! but it was capital cider; arter I had drunk one glass I begun to feel as spry as a cricket. " Here, snowball," ses I, "give ue another; these glasses are awful small; now I like to drink cider out of a pint mug." "Take care," says cousin Beebe. "I'm afeard you'l find the cider, as you call it, rather apt to get into your head." "Not a bit of it," se. I, "I can stand a quart a day. Here, cousin Mary, take another glass ; you haint forgot old times, have you?—though I spore they don't have applecuts and quiltings here in York do they ? I don't remember what she said, but I know this, my eyes begun to grow oilfired bright, and afore I got up to go hum that nigger must have put more than twenty baskets of grapes on the table; and the oranges seemed to grow bigger and bigger every minit, and I knew there were more than three times as many glasses end decanters on the table as diem were at fast. I rather think it was about tea time when I got up to go back to the shop agin. I in sisted on giving cousin Mary a buss afore I went; and I wont be eartain, but I kinder seemed to re member ahakin hands with the nigger, consarn him! jest afore I writ down the steps. [High Life in New York. MI Ss SPLIZFIZZ Les ScnoOL•—The schcol taught in Squibtown, by Miss Hellene Juliana Irene Spliz fizzle, IS conducted on the purest principles of mai denly modesty and delicacy. " Miss Susan Snide, spell shawl," " .No—'taint right ' 'No; try again.' S-h-o-r.o-l.' La! no, that ain't tight. Susan what do you put round your neck My beads, mam.' What else My new lace cap mam.' Pshaw ! Did you go to church last night?' Yes, mam.' Well now, what did you have round your neck I besides the cape and beads, just before you started?, .0 deer me, I can't tell.' !Silly child. Recollect now, for you mind tell.' !I'm efeerd to, marn: 'Afraid to. What nonsense. Tell it right out Miss, or I'll give you a black mark.' Well, then, Jim Smith, the carpenter man's arm ; but it was only once.' 'Good gracious, lardy me ! Why the child is ruined. 0, la ! Did I ever hear the like. Go right into the closet, Miss Susan Enitle, this min ute.' An cadent editor calla a cotomporary " the epi. t ome of entail potatoes." ZUCf3 , S To the Senate and House of Representative of the United States. I transmit herewith copies of despatches received from our Minister at Mexico, since the commence ment of your present session, which claim, from their importance, and I doubt not will receive your calm and deliberate consideration. The extraordina ry and highly offensive language which the Mexican Government has thought proper to employ in reply to the remonstrance of the Executive, through Mr. Shannon, against the renewal of the war with Texas while the question of annexation who pending be fore Congress and the People, and also the propo sed inan'ner of cOnductiiig the war, will not fail to arrest your attention. Such remonstrance, urged in no unfriendly spirit to Mexico, was called fur by considerations of an imperative character, having relations as well to the peace of this country and honor of this Government as to the cause of humanity and civilization. Tex had entered into the Treaty of Annexation upon the invitations of the Executive: and when, for that act, the was threatened with a renewal of the war on the part of Mexico, she naturally looked to this Government to interpose its efforts to ward off the threatened blow. But , one course was left the Moe attire, acting within the limits of its constitutional competency, and that was to protest in respectful and at the same time strong and decided terms against it. The war thus threatened tobe renewed was promulgated by the edicts and decreer, which ordered, on the part of the Mexican military, the 1 1 desolation of whole tracts of country, and the des truction, without discrimination, of all ages, and sexes, and conditions of existence. Over the Man ner of conducting war. Mexico possesces no exclu sive control. She has no right to violate at plea. sure the principles which an enlightened civiliza tion has laid down for the conduct of nations at war; and thereby retrograde to a period of barba rism which, happily for the world, has long since passed away. All nations are interested in enfor cing an observance of those principles and the Uni ted States, the oldest of American Republics, and the nearest of the civilized powers to the theatre on which these enormities were proposed to be enacted, could not quietly content themselves to witness such a state of things. They had, through the Executive, on another occasion, and as was believed with the approbation of the whole country remon strated against outrages similar but even less inhu man, than those which by her new edict and decrees she has threatened to perpetrate, and of which the late inhuman massacre at Tobacco was but the precursor. . . . . The bloody and inhuman murder of Fannin and his companions, equalled only in savage barbarity by the usuagea of the untutored , Indian tribes, pro ved, how little confidence could be placea on the most solemn stipulations of her Generals, while the fate of others who became her captives in war, many of whom, no longer able to sustain the fatigues and privations of long journeys, were shot down by the wayside, while their companions who survived were subjected to sufferings even more painful than detith —had left an indelible stain on the pages of civili zation. The Executive, with , the evidence of an intention on the part of Mexico to renew scenes so revolting to humanity, could do no less than renew remonstrances formerly urged. Forfulfil ling duties so imperative, Mexico has thought pro per thro' her accredited organs, because she has hod represented to her the inhumanity of such proceed ings, to indUlge in language unknown to the courtesy of diplomatic intercourse, and offensive in the highest degree to this Government and People. Nor has site offended in this only. She has not only viola ted existing conventions between the two countries, by arbitrary and unjust decrees against our trade and intercourse, hitt withholds instalments of debt, due to our citizens, which she solemnly pledged herself to pay, under circumstances which are fully ex plained by the accompanying letter from Mr. Green, our Secretary fif Negation, And when our Minister has invited the attention of her GoVerh meat to wrongs committed by her local authorities, not only on the property but on the person. of our fellow citizens, engaged in prosecuting fair and honest pursuits, she has added insult to injury, by not even deigning, for months together, to return an answer to his representations. Still further to manifest her unfriendly feelings towards the United States, she has issued decrees expelling from some of her provinces, American citizens engaged in the peaceful pursuit. of lite, and now denies to those of our citizens prosecuting the Whale Fishery on the Northwest coast of the Pacific, the privllege which has, through all time heretofore, been accorded to them, of exchanging goods of a small amount.in value at her ports in California for supplies intlis possible to their health and comfort. Nor will it escape the observation of Congree., that in conducting a correspondence with the Min ister of the United States, who cannot, and does not know any distinction between the geographical sections in the Union, charges whOllY Unfounded are made against particular States, and an appeal to others for aid and protection against supposed wrongs. In this same connexion, sectional preju , dices are attempted to be excited, and the haiartlous and unpardonable effort is made to foment divtaions among the Stites of the Union; thereby to embit ter their peace. Mexico has still to learn, that however freely we may indulge in discussion among ourselves, the American People will tolerate no in , terfercnce in their domestic affairs by any foreign de.C2Z3E23. Government; Cud in all that concerns the constitu tional guarantee; an 1 the national honor, tho People of the UnitA States have but ono mind and ono The subj ectr fA nnexation addresses itself most fortunately to every portion of the Union. The Executive would have been unmindful of its high-, est cbligations, if it could haVe adopted a course of policy dictated by sectional interests and local feel ings. On the contrary, it was because the question was neither local nor sectional, but made its appeal to the interests of the whole Union, and of every State in the Union, that the negotiation; and final 7 ly the Treaty of Annextition was entered into; and it his afforded Inc no ordinary pleasure to perceive that, so far is demonstrations have been made upon it by the people, they have proceeded from all por tions of the U,.ion. Mexico may cork to excite di visions amongst us, by uttering unjust denuncia tions against particular states, but when she comes to know that the invitations addressed to our fellow citizens by Spain, and afterwards by herself, to set tle TexiiS, were accepted by emigrants from all the States; and when, in addition to this she refreshen her recollection with the fact, that the first effort which was made to acquire Texas was, during the administration of a distinguished citizen from an Eaetern State, which was afterwards renewed little the auspices of a President from the Southwest, she will awake to a knowledge of the futility of her present purpose of sowing dissensions among us; or producing distraction in our Councils by attacks either on particular States, or on persons who are now in the retirement of private life. Considering the appeal which she now makes to eminent citi zens by name, can she h'Ope to escape censure for having ascribed to them as well as to others, a de sign, as she pretenda now, for the first time reveal ed, of having originated negotiations to despoil her, by duplicity and falsehood, of a portion of her ter: ritory I—The opinion then, as now, prevailed with the Executive that the Annexation of Texas to the Union was a matter of vast importance. In order to acquire that territory before it maimed a position among the independent powers of the earth, propo sitions were made to Mexico for a cession of it to the United State.. Mexico saw in these procee dings, at the time, no cruise of complaint. She is now, when simply reminded of them; awakened to the knowledge of the fact, which she; through her Secretary for State, promulgates to the whole world as true, that those negotiations ivere founded in deception and falsehood, and superindu ced by unjust and iniquitous motives. While Texas was a dependency of Mexico, the U. States opened negotiation. With the latter power for the cession of her then acknowledged territory ; and how that TeX.e is independent of Make, and has Maintained a reiterate eirietincEe for nitre years,— during which time she has been received into the fatuity of nations, and is represented by accredited embassadors at many of the principal Courts of Europe—and when it has become obvious to the whole world that she is forever loot to Mexico, the United States is charged with deception and fake• hood in all relating to the past, and condemnation-, ry accusations arc made against States which have bad no special agency in the matter, because the ExecutiVe of the whole Union has negotiated with 1 free and independent Texas upon a matter vitally important to the interests of both countries. And after nine years of unavailing war, Mexico now an nounces her intention, through her Secretary of Foreign Affairs, never to consent to the Indepen dence of Texas,. or to abandon the effort to recon quer that Republic. fhe thus announces a perpet ual claim, tvhich at the end of a century will fur nish her as plausible aground for discontent against any nation, which at the end of that time may en tor into a Treaty with Texas, as she possesses et this moment against the United States. The lapse of titne can add nothing to her title to independence. A course of conduct such as has been described, on the part ,of Mexico, in violation of all friendly feeling, and of the courtesy, which should charac terize the intercourse between the Nations of the Earth, might well justify the United States in a resort to any measure to vindicate their national, honor; but, actuated by a sincere desire to preserve the general peace, and in view of the present con dition of Mexico, the Executive resting upon ire integrity and not fearing but that the judgment of the world will duly appreciate its motives, ab stains from recommending to Corigrees a resort to measures of redress, and contents illicit' with re-ur ging, upon that body prompt anti immediate action on the subject of Annexation. By adopting that measure, the Unite,. States will be in the exercise . of an undotibted right ; and if Mexico, not regard ing that forbearance, shall a gg ravate the injustice of her conduct by a declaration of war a g ainst, them: upon he bead will reel all the responsibility. JOHN TYLER: iVerhinglotz, Dec. 19, 1844. Sinfulness of Sparking.—The Free Will Bap tist General Association, lately holden in Plainfield, N. Y. resolved, among other things, That no en lightened Christian can innocently carry on i court etiip bY lato sitting.' What a beautiful 'mon is taught in the words of Sterne "So quickly sometimes ha. the wheel turned round, that many a man has lived to enjoy the benefits of that Chirity which his own piety projected.' " Have you found out who James K. Polk a. isl", said a Luc° to a Whig on Saturday. 0 , I be... lievo," said the Whig drily, tKat he is the yiaad son of old Zeke.'—Lou: ,Yournatf:
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