Stabbing Case Three Men badly Injured. An affray took place yesterday afternoon, in Leassler'S Lager beer liall, formerly known as the Atuensjcu'a, whih resulted in serious inju ries to the proprietor, h$ assistant, Francis Kcliniain, ami r. O-riaan present mined Ferdi nand Kaipcr. I? a-pp-vx Vt a p-.rty of tT3C persona wert in fi-de rjori from t'je main b ill, drinking; and either fro ;: the effrcis of intoxi- 'c&tion or in r. sr5r:t if :;sehj -r, omnencc J UTOTICE. Peter Livergood, Esq. " Common rieas of Cam- J-bria county No. 67 June Andrew J. Eckels. Tens. J3'3. breaking ghs?. upsct::rg tables, Ac Mr. jb Leussier iuio the room, and expostulated; tui altercation followed, and the conclusion of tbe affair was a regular fiirht, ia which Leussler, Li assistant, and Mr. Kaiser were concerned. Lussber, after being hit on te isad with a chair, and it Ll supposed after being stabbed, called on the two msn for assistance, and said to send for his wife, that he was killed. On interfering, both Laiser and Kellmaa were stabbed by Leus ler's assailants, who, after hr.ving overcome their opponents, made their escape down the back sUirs, into Strawberry alley. Leussler was conveyed to a place more suited t j his condition, and medical aid summoned. Dr. Vi'alters, the physician in attendance, is of opinion, we understand, that the wounds, though ssrious, ars not likely to prove mortal. He was etabbed on the right side ; Kellman on the left ride, and Kaiser in the back Leussler having recejvad the most serious injury. OrEcers Higuo and Justice, and watchman Rice, were on Smithueld street at the time the jnen maii their escape. From Strawberry alley they made their way to Smithfield street, and theuca t j fie Allegheny engine house. The offi cers pursued, and one of the men was arrested in Diamond alley, immediately in the rear of the engine house ; the other was pursued by Hague sp Diiuiond alley, and arrested near St. Paul's Church, after con-jidarable resistance. Tbe name of the one first arrested is George Lewis, and ti&t of tbs list mentioned, Frauk Porter both raang men of respectable connections, and well known. Thry were taken to the Mayor's Oilice, plaoci in tLo Toiab, to await a hearing be fore the Mayor. Tho third person engaged in the aSVay, nnd who-se name is supposed to be Gallagher, nu.i Lis escape. Pittsburgh Post, July 2. The American Mission to China. The Washington Uuion says "The latest in telligence fron China would sem to indicate the probable overthrow of the present Tartar dynas ty, and the installation of a new Emperorat Nan LIu, of tlx 3 ancient Chinese imperial family. Should thi3 ravolatiou be sccouipl'shed, it will be the most important event of this century, and nay be fraught with incalculable benefit to our country ani to the world. It is generally believ ed that the new dynnsty will b3 more favorable than its predecessor to 'foreign trade and inter course ; and cur i icrc-iised commerce from the Atiiiotic. o3 well as from Oregon and California outis Pacific, ylnc this country in a- position for the development of an immense trade with ;jia i.nd tho veigi. boring States. The United 2intes and China r.xeboth great powers frouting upon the Paeific, and their products and nana f.c;ures aie admirably cnlcn'.ated for an immense and lsrgly beneficial trad? 1 intercourse. i; .ire the o-ii v grat mtioa that, consumes tea. -taa staple pr.tu.aot of Chin, fre of dutv ; I ntid -.ur c uta iai ccton uinnafures, and va rious other u-t:c'-;, ought to b freely received in exchange. T us present crisis has induced tho Presides: to" tender this mission to the Hon. Late from Europe. Halifax, July G. Tbe steamer America ar rived this morning, from. Liverpool, tringkig European dates up to tbe 25tl ult. lit L ' 1 1 . . ioe steamer arum nu arrive om on outur- ctrzt a lot gmrn 1 situate in the borough d iy morning ai 10 o clock, uiuuiUig 06 pass..Se . cf LWmauvL, j said county, known in the it, Jes than tea d..y. jpian ct s iH borough by the number thirty fhe, i jBT,-tU i arks finally refused the last situate three perches in front on II ynes street ulrliii.itum outbo 10th ult., bnt the Russians and running back to M'Kee's alley. And now hd not yet cr- saad the Dmube. anil tba Drobo Ito wit Tifi .inr. ia?.?. t.. r- - fc i - - a irw. Ull IllULllllI I J A mM .la. i f 3 T I Auditor s Notice. . . "J In the Court of Com- Lndwig Kneedler & Co. men Pleas of Cambria iJ. II. MackerLeiJc liUes were t!ia.t war would uut cuius The account! from China ore meagre. Tbe Americans were assisting the Emperor, while the English remain neutral. It is tbe prevailing opinion that tbe combined fleet would enter the Dardanelles, in consequence of the occupatioon of the Danubian provinces by the Russians, after which Austria will offer to mediate, when negotiations will commence, and the crisis thus terminate peacefully. France. Some ministerial changes are an nounced. There is a remarkable statement cur rent, that the Emperor intends to submit the question of peace or war with Russia to the vote of the people. It is also rumored that the French government had a copy of the Russian mauifestations some days since, and in conjunc tion with England, has recommended the Porte to accede to terms, in form of a vote, instead of a treaty. The Moniteur contains-a decree, regulating the affairs of the Bonaparte family. The Emperor assumes the sole mastership over it; bis consent is necessary for the marriage or divorce of any Bonaparte ; no Bonaparte is allowed to go more than 75 leagues from borne, without permission from the Emperor ; he may punish any who in fringe this mandate, by arrest or exile. Prussia. The Berlin cabinet takes a neutral position on this question. Austria. There is a large encampment near Varissa. It is reported that the Swiss troops in the Emperor's pay, will be withdrawn by order of the Swiss Republic. Rcssia. Advices from St. Petersburg of the 14th ult., state that no final resolution respect ing tbe occupation of the Danubian provinces would be taken, until the refusal of the Porte, of tbe ultimatum offered, shall be re ceived. It is thought to be the policy of Russia to ex haust the resources of Turkey, by causing an immense outlay for defences. It is reported that the Russians have entered Moldavia, and are proceediiie towards Bucharest. The emytror received the Baltic fleet at Cron stadt on the 12th. Menschikoff was appointed Governor of Crimea. Advices from Odessa mention an advance in grain, in conse quence of large purchases for the Russian troops. ?.obert J. Vi t.ku'r. of M:srs:ppi, Lite Secretary of the Treasury of the Uaited States, accompan ied by oil the necessary powers end authority to accomplish the grent objsctof this most important tro?t ; and Mr. Walker, we understand, has ac cepted the mission. It is well known that the list Congress r.bced the ir.ission tc China upon the highest grade known to our diplomacy. Cince this action of Congress, new events have Etven to the mission a still more commanding character. There is at prcsaut no diplomatic station upon which the public eye, not only of our country but of all civilized nations, will be more intently fixed. i To this signal interest and importance of the mission alcne, 79 presume, it is owmg that Mr. Vslkr, wlue political ante cedents io euiinenily fit him f ."r the vrk befjre him. has abandoned LU well known preference i r rrirate life, and undertaken this high and ti.iUcult diplomatic service." Great Tire. Oswego, X. Y., July 6, A largo fire ou; about laidnight, which extended over r-bcut filly -ore a.a of gronad. Every mill nii 'm of liri ig? street, and Ames & Hall's Ele vitrs Lave been burnt, bosides scrue -00 store1? .d 'lHin- ii,-u.;e3, all of which are one com f:Tte wi33 of rains. The portion of the town vi ti Ult is burnt, is bounded cn the west by the river; on t!; ruth by Bridge street; -on tbe eii : .- oixth street, im I or4 the uoilk br the Fort grounds ; nd within these limits nothing is "r. d but Raudu!'? Elevater, the Seconi I-'ethodtst C!iur.: ard souis baJf-dozen dwel lings. The loss is not less than 1,500, CW. Tbre Lis b;m er?r 20,000 bushels of grain csouied. TLe iueurnnce olfice will suffer very heavily. The following are the principal L-y the fire. ? far as known: Fitzburg i Co , 7. bo lost l,0O0 on a mill, which is insu red fcr i0,w00, besides a large stock of grain Tlii. h wasjnside; S. Doolittle's mi" .nd stock tre d-strcysd, rrtlUed at $15,000, partially in jured ; Aries Bro's. juljvator was worth $20, C01, and only $12,000 insured, besides which tbero wa3 some $50,000 worth cf grain in store, which was o!iei abroad, and a further lo3s of abort $l5,00v in provisions destroyed; Ilowlet, & Gardner's loss amounts to $32,000, which t. iasii ior .! 3,000; Perifield & Co's. mil'., and stock of grain and flour, which were lost, are eaiimatad at $l",bvO, insured for $30,000; T. Wymaii' tour mill, 1-s $10,000: Halt & Co s. Fievutor, loss on-the buildings $28,000, and on griin $6,000 ; Fitzburgh & Co. had a large amount of ncercliindise in store, the loss on which1 will not be less than $200,000, which falls ou parties abroad; Talcott's warehouse and fouiulry were burnt, and tbe loss is estimated at $20,000. The Oswego Journal establishment was partiaVy saved. Added to the above, is-a larg list Bof store keepers end others, whose losses range from $1,000 to $10,000. ilany persons have been injured by the fall ing of ruins, but it Is believed that no lives were lost. , ' Fine Amusement for Hot Weather. ine iew lort crystal i'alace will open on the 15th of July, about that period when most individuals are seeking some relief from the ex cessive heat. According to th e correspondent of the Boston Transcript, a cool atmosphere will not be one of the curiosities of the place. He says, speaking of the excessive heat of tbe last week But you will be surprised to know that the hottest place in New York ia, perhaps, the New Crystal Palace. Sheltered from any stray sea breeze by the huge reservoir which frowns over it, -and exposed on all sides to the direct rays of the sun, its extensive surrace of iron and glass seems to attract and concentrate within, all the heat that the atmosphere contains. This is a re suit not unexpected, but very troublesome. Ven tilators have been placed along tbe top and the bottom of the ass wills, but atill tho air within is hot an d almost stifling. When night comes tbe heated air within is condensed upon the glass walla ; and water runs down in copious streams; so that, it lias been found necessary, even on these sultry days, to build fires in some parts of the structure, in order to dry the moisture. How often the plans of scientific men are ruined by reason of their ignorance or carelessness in re gard to a very coniuion phenomenon of nature. How the Directors will now manage to cool their Palsce is the great question. The prospect is that the ice cream and drinking saloons of all qualities, which line the Sixth avenue, facing the Talace, will invite their perspiring curiosity seeker, as hi puffs his way out of the hot glass house with as profitable result as the Crystal speculators themselves. and Fast Age- Crime Murder Death Destruction. "Another woman killed by ber husband 1" 'Another paramour shot by the injured man!" "An Irishman beaten and lugged off to a watch iiause to die !" "A late murder at French's Hotel!" "Child murdered by its inhuman mother!" "Another poison case very alarm ing !" 1 'Melancholy suicide !" "Another bang ing in New Tork !' "Cars off tbe track eleven killed five scalded nobody in fault." "A slave jumped overboard and drowned handsome re ward." "Steamboat race so many blown into atoais." What is the use of newspapers complaining of tbe dearth of news? Let every paper have its Death register, and Destruction Reporter. What is the use of life so long as we have liberty ? Let's all travel go quick now ! May get smash ed: but what's the use? Jones travels; bo does Jenkins. Jenkins has been b'.owed up twice on the Upper Mississippi. Jones has been pitched off a bank on the Erie road fifty feet into a flood ed river he crawled out at a window. Cheap travelling now. po to New York for a trifle. Life insurance cheap, too. What's the use ! Pack trunk! Here's off! Ohio Statesman. The From Constantinople. A late London letter saj-s that the intelligence frota Constantinople, (2d of June.) is highly in teresting. The Sultan was making preparations for defence with remarkable energy. The Bos '.phius was full cfmahones, small boats of trans port, carrrying troops, or rannon, or ammuni tion. On a plain on the borders of the Black ,Sea; a carrp of 30,000 men had been establish ed. A decree of the 28th of May prohibited Turkish merchant ships of over 10 tons from leaving the port Volunteers were called for, md were to receive three dollars per month The greatest enthusiasm for- the Sultan and his Ministry prevailed smong the people. The irtusury paid .gold on tbe spot for all its pur abases, and the war reserve, which has been ac cumulating during many years of peace, iasaid to be large enough to defray all the expenses which tbe circumstances may necessitate. Several Polish officers of distinction have left Fario within he week to serve in the army of the Sultan. Liquor Law in Connecticut Adjournment of tho Legislature. Times Office, Hartford, July 1. The General Assembly adjourned sine die this afternoon. The Flowage bill was killed between the two Houses. The Governor has vetoed the Liquor bill, and the House sustained him in the act, by a vote of 126 to 71. . Just previous to the final adjourn ment, the two Houses met in Convention, and were addressed by Governor Seymour. He said that wherever his lot might be cast, next to tbe country he loved, he should ever cherish a high sense of regard and grateful re membrance of the people of Connecticut, who have extended to him many acts of kindness. The two Houses were then adjourned by pro clamation of the Sheriff, and the members parted with much good feeling. The proposition to call a Constitutional Con vention was lost between the two Houses. According to a correspondent of the New York Times, the mason and carpenter in London get $1,25 per day, or $7,50 per week; the labo rer gets 58 cents per day, or about $3,48 per week, and the policeman gets from $1,50 to $6 per week. ' . . . ftego.The Village Record says that the speed of the new locomotive, the 'Keystone,' just put upon the State road, was testea a few days since, between Gallagherville and Coatesville, a dis tance of four and a half miles. It was run in precisely four and a half minutes, which is at the rate of sixty miles an hour. ; MARRIED: On Sunday afternoon, July 3, by Rev. Reardon, Mr. Charms Think ls and Miss. six Bropht, all of this place. 1 . r ana picaa on or before first day of next term. A true extract from the record " R. L. JOHNSTON, rrothonotary, Ebensburg, July, 7, 1853 37-3t. V No. 53 July Term, 1852. CiearSeld township vs. John Wilt and Rich ard Adams. - On motion, M. Hasson appointed to take tes timony in the above ease. By the Court. In pursuance of the above appointment I will attend to the duties thereof, at my office in Eb ensburg, on Monday, the 1st day of AuguBt, at 1 o'clock, P. M. M. HASSON. July 9, 1853-37-31. LIST OF LETTERS jDEMAINING in the Post Office at Ebensburg, It ouiy 1, 100a. Mr. An- Michael Byrns John Banks Francis Bearer Miss Margaret Cain Tbos. Davis (smith) Joseph Davis Mr. Durbrey Miss Mary E Davis Miss Polina Enfield David Evans Charlotte Evans David M Evans Hugh II Evans Elizabeth Evans E Evans Daniel E Evans Daniel Evans John Figert H G Fetter C Foster Samuel Griffith Jonathan Geliher John Hughes William Hughes J K Smedley. T. Test. " John r! Williams. Zephaniah Weakley. Mrs. Mary Evans W W Jones 2 David D Jones Jr Thomas H Jones Robert Jones David Kissinger II Kale & Co Ezesiel Louis Mary D Lewis Thomas M'Breen Michael M'Swiggen John M'Gaughey John M'Condell Recs Morgan Josea Mubana John O'Connell John Perguin D Phelps Esq. Ann Robert John D Roddy Cyrus Rhoads Milton Roberts John Smith Hannah Shaffer John H. Typper, 2 G. S. Tassler. B. F. Williams. Joseyh Welker. F. KITTELL, P. M. iA'DIAX EJTTERTAIWJIEtfT, GIVEN under a large PavilUon, capable of seat ing 1,000 persons. The celebrated Indian Chief Kawshawgakce, from the Walaitp nation, Southern Oregon, accompanied by Oksewa'na. a Chief from the Callapoohas tribe, together with their large troop of Indians from West of the Rocky Mountains, will give an exhibition of the manners and customs peculiar to their tribes in Southern Oregon, at EDEXSB UR Gt on Monday, July Wih. The entertainment consists of a Iargenumber of Dances, Songs, Burial Ceremony, Indian Mer ry Making, Marriage Ceremony, Scalping Scene, Casting out disease from a sick Indian by en chantment. Also, several Historical Scenes in cident to the early settlement of our coutry. Kawshawgance will exhibit a large collection of Indian curiosities, among which may be found several specimens of War Clubs, War Knives, War Paddles, BattU Axes, Mexican Pouches Blan kets made from the bark of trees. Pipe of Peace, War Pipe, War Rattles, a large variety of Bead Works, $c, -e. The chiefs accampanied by their warriors will be seen riding through the streets dressed in full Indian costume, painted and fully equipped for War, between 1 and 2 o'clock, P. M. j Exhibition commences at 2J and 7J oclock. ! Admittance 2o cents, children under 12 half price. Stray Mare. STRYED away from the pasture field of Fran cis Bradley, near Munster, Cambria county, on or about the 20th day of June, a dappled gaey mare, heavy built, has four black legs, mane turns to the left side, and has an old cut upon the right hip. Any person returning said mare to the subscriber ct Tunnel Hill, or Mr. Ivory, at the Summit, or giving information of ber whereabouts, will be liberally rewarded. MICHAEL NEWMAN. Tunnel Hill June 30, 1853 36-3t. Auditor's IVotlce. rTHE undersigned auditor, appointed by the Or I phans' Court of Canibia county, to make and report distribution of the nssets remaining in the hands of Samuel M'Mullen, administrator of the estate of John M'Mullen, late of Clearfield township, hereby notifies all persons interested, that he will attend to the duties of said appoint ment, at his office, in the borough of Ebensburg, on Tuesday the 2d day of August next at the hour of one o'clock, P. M. ' G. M. REED, Auditor. Ebensburg, June 30, 1853 36-4 1. Auditor's Notice. . NOTICE is hereby given that I have been ap pointed by the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, an Auditor to distribute the balance of money in the hands of John M'Meel. adminis trator of the estate of Rev Terrence Mcuirr, de ceased, to and among the creditors and legatees of said deceased, and that 1 will sit for that pur pose at the Court House in Ebensburg, on Mon day, the 25th day of July, 1853, when and where all persons interested my attend. JOHN S. RHEY. Ebensburg, June 30, 1853 36-4L In tbe matter of the es tate of James Rhey, de ceased. In the Orphans' Court of Cambria connty, Penna. The Common wealth of Pennsylva nia to Linn Boyd and Ann L. Boyd, his wife, Peter B. M'Cord and Mary J. M'Cord, his wife. ' CAMBRIA COUXTT, SS. You are hereby cited to be and appear before tbe Judges of our Court, at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Ebensburg, on the first Monday of September, 1853, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to accept or refuse to take tbe Real Estate of Jame.s Rhey, deceased, at the appraised valuation put upon it by an inquest duly awarded by the said Court, and returned by the Sheriff on the 6th day of June, instant. Witness the Hon. George Taylor, President of said Court, at Ebensburg. the tenth day of June, A. D. 1853. R. L. JOHNSTON, y Clerk.- Ebensburg, June 30, 1853 3S-CL Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of administration having been gran ted to the undersigned by the Register o Cambria county," on the' estate of Daniel Knep per, deceased, late of Summerhill township, Cambria county, all persons indebted to said es tate are hereby notified to make immediate pay ment, and those having ci-iims against will pre sent them, properly authenticated for settle ment. WM. PALMER, Administrator: Jefferson, Jane 23, 1853 35-6t. s n. Fa. No. 2 I JnnA Torm ?. r-oticels hereby giren tlfit I bare Ueu cp I pointed avdltor by the Court .f Comnri I-Ieas I cf Cambria county, to distribute the tuvr.ej r'm I mg from the safc; cf the deleauant r?.-.,r.r.a. property, in the above Edited ct33, r.r.d I will sit foif that purpose at th Co irt House In Ebensburg, on Tues lay, the 2d day of August next, when and where all persons interested may attend. JOHN S. RHEY. Ebensburg, June 30, 1853 36-4t. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. Exchange Hotel, Ebensburg', Cambria County, Pa, THE undersigned respectfully informs the pub lie that he is now prepared with every requi site for their accommodation, and will exert ev ery effort render his house an attractive and comfortable stopping place. His table will al ways be supplied with every delicacy the sea son affords, and his bar stocked with the best of Wines and Liquors. A careful and attentive hostler will have charge of the stables. Hjxespectfully solicits a Bbare of patronage. JAMES MYERS. April 2$, 1853 27-tf. CW.WEBSTEtt, Attorney at Law, Ebensburg Pa., WILL practice in tbe several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business intrusted to bis care will be promptly attended to. Office on Main sU eet opposite Dr. Wm. Lem on's office. Ebensburg, April 28, 1853 27. Administrator's IVotice. LETTER of administration upon tbe estate of Daniel Hollen, deceased, late of White town ship, Cambria county, having been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Cambria county, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate, to pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement. THOMAS HOLLEN. Administrator, PHEBE HOLLEN, Administratrix. "White tp., June 23, 1853 35-6 1. ( Auditor's Xotlce. THE undersigned auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, to distribute the proceeds arising from Sheriff's sale of real estate of William M'Gougb, at the suit of Conrad & Walton, amongst the lein cred itors of defendants, hereby gives notice to all parties interested iii said fund, that be will at tend to the duties of said appointment at bis of fice in the borough of Ebensburg, on Monday, the 18th day of July next, at one o'clock, P. M. WILLIAM KITTELL, Auditor. June 23, 1853 35 4 L BRADY'S HOTEL, Ilarrisburg, Pa. TIAJ. JOHN BRADY, Proprietor. . AprillO. 1851. ly OZVRAX & WALTORT, Wholesale dealers in Hardware, Cutlery, Kuilx, iff., No. 203 Market Street, above 5th, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly MICilAEL WARTMAK & CO., Wholesale Tobacco, Snuff, and Segar Manufac tory, No. 173, North Third Street, three doors above Vine, Philadelphia, Pa. M. WARTMAN, JOSEPH D. SORVER. April 24, 1851. ly EGXER & GREGG, Wholesale dealers in Wines and Liquors, which they are prepared to furnish cheap to merchants and hotel keepers. Warehouse 208 Market St. Philadelphia, Fa. July 1st, 1851. ly DR. THOMAS C. lIVlFTZTiG, Has removed bis office to No. 14 South Sev enth street, above Chestnut. Fhiladslpbia, Fa. April 2C, 1652. 7-tf 20 J. Y. RUSHTOS, J. C. IIOPKISS, R. STIL30N . JOHN Y. RrSIITOX & CO., "Wholesale dealer in Queensteare, Chinavare, Glassware, c, No. 245 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pa. April 10, 1851. ly FOREST HOUSE. Carrolltown, Cambria county Pa. The undersigned. Proprietor of the above Ho tel, informs his friends and the public that he is well prepared to furnish the best of accommo dation, and is determined to please all who may call with Urn. JOHN P. PARISH. Carrolltown, June 16, 1853 84-6zn. Executor's Xotlce. T ETTERS testamentary on the last will and il testament of John D. Jones, late of Cambria township, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber by the Register of Cambria county, all persons indebted to the estate of said de ceased, are requested to make payment immedi ately, ana those having claims will present them duly proven for settlement. JOHN T. JONES, Executor of John D. Jones, dee'd. Cambria township, June 13, 1853 34-6t . ORPHANS' COURT SALE. PUBLIC notice is hereby given, that by virtue of an order of tbe Orphans Court of the county of Cambria, there will be exposed to public salo on Saturday, the 9th day of July, 1853, at 10 o'clock, A. M-. tbe following Real Estate late the property of Hugh Dugan, deceas ed, Tix : ' A lot of ground in the town of Jefferson, numbered 31, adjoining other property of de ceased, and property of Wm. Lemmon, fronting on Main street in said , town, bavihg thereon erected a log house, log stable, and shoemaker, shop, said lot containing 8192 square feet; also, another piece of land adjoining tbe town of Jef ferson, boanded by Crooked street, land of Wm. Palmer, Esq., and land of Austin Thompson, containing about three acres, which piece or parcel of land was laid out in lots by Thomas M'Connell, as per draft, numbered from one to eight: also, another piece of land bounded by the Portage Railroad, road from Jefferson to Munster, land of the Catholic church, and land of James O'Neal, which was laid out in lots by Thomas M'Connell, as per draft numbered from one to eight ; also, three lots of ground, num bered two. three and eleven, on the plan of said town, number two having thereon erected a frame bouse, all of which property is situate in tbe township of Summerhill, Cambria county. Terms asd Cosditions of Sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secu red bj th? b?n5 2.2(1 Inortgage Cf tbe purcha ser. Sale to take place on the premises, By erder of the Court, R. L. JOHNSTON, Clerk. June 16, 1853 84-td. John Parker. James H. Parker JOZIX PARKER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, dealers in Flour and Bacon, Foreign Wines and Brandies, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whiskey. Ho. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty Street, Pittsburg, Fa. March, 11, 1852. ly. . ceo. tippiKcorr. wm. trotter, edmosd bacoji GEORGE EIPPIXCOTT & CO., Have constantly on hand a full assortment 0 Teas, Wines, Liquors and Groceries generally. No. 17 North Water Street, and No. 10 North Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. January 27, 1853. JOBS M'PEVITT. WILLIAM M'PEVITT. JOUX M'DETITT & BRO., Wholesale rrocers and dealers in Foreign and Domestic Liquors, Rectified Whiskey, Flour, Ba con, Fish, Cheese, &c, &c No 311, Liberty 1 tree t, opposite the bead of Smithfield, Pitts burgh, Pa. December 23, 1852 9-tfj. J. McELHARE, 155 Market Street, N. E. Corner of 4th, Philadelphia. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer in all of the various new kinds and styles silk, fur, brush, wool, Panama, straw and chip Hats ; silk, straw, braid and lace Bonnet; artificial flowers, furs, &c, which will be sold cheaper than the cheap. est. Feb. 02, l-ry- Just Received, 1 y-4 At bin tor n door en fit f the Sentinel of fice, superior nssort wrt cf Coid end Sil ver niches nd fine jew elry Go.'d Lever watches full jet. eiifrd. K5.O0 1C.00 12,00 6,00 jnd Lbir- Silver Lever watches fuil jewelled, f.Uver CjUtulcr Ebctptim-uta Silver Quel tiers Also a fine rLv.rlmeit of ci ebt di! ty hour clocks. N.B. Clock a. Watches, and Jewelry repaired at shortest notice, and warranted. WILLIAM B. HUDSON. April 29, 1852. ftSfCSXAEl DAN MAC EISA IV, Attorney at Law, Ebensbnrj, Fa. 0!T:cc in the -Court J louse, up stirs. January 1, 1851. ly CIIiliLilS AJLiSRIGIiT, Attorney at Lacr, Elansbarj, Pa-, Will practice in the several courts of Cambria, Blair, and Huntingdon counties. Germans caa consult and receive ndvice in their own launifge. Olfiee opposite the (kmrt Fcuse, formerly oc cupied by R. L. Johnston, Esq. Ebensburg, February 3, 1853 ly. SAMUEL. C. WEVGARD, Attorney at Law, Ebescbsrg', Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Huntingdon counties. Germans can receive advice in their own language. Qfiiee. on main etreet two doors west f tbe store f Murray, Zabru & Co. ilay, 1851 ly. GEORGE 31. REED. Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa. Will practice in the several Courts of Cambria, Indiana, and Westmoreland counties. OfHce ca Centre St., joining Gen. M'Dontld's dwelling. Jan. 15, 1851. ly. 1TILX.IAM ItlTTELE, Attorney at Lav, Ebensburg, Pa. Office on Main Street, in the oioe lately copied by Gen. Jos. McDonald. January 15, 1852. ROBERT EERBT. ' ROBERT OALBRAITH. COACH MANUFACTORY. THE subscribers would respectfully inform the citizens of Ebensburg and the public gener ally, that they will carry on the Coach Making, including the Smith work, at the Machine shop formerly occupied by Mr. Anderson, in the rear or JS. , liughes' store; wnere vj us.u6 rrnnA hut the choicest material, and employing none but the best workmen, they hope to con vince all that will do them tbe ravor 10 examine their work, that in point of durability, appear n. ri .haannRS- it cannot be excelled by any similar establishment in the State or elsewhere. Persons wishing a bargain in the purchase or a carriage, will consult their own interests by giving them a call. They are prepared to fur nish the following kinds of Vehicles, viz: AitTerpnt finalities &d1 Drices. Ba- rouches, Chariotees, one and two horse Rocka ways, close quarter Eliptic and C-spring Coacb- second hand work of different kinds, &c. making a variety that will suit all tastes and all purses. Repairing done witn neatness ana ae spatch. ' " Ebensburg, June 2, 185332. , t JOD WORK Neatly and 4 ;pedjtiously executed at this Office ILTEEDLER & FEATHER, Wholesale dealers in Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, and Palm Leaf HaU, No. 136 North Third Street (opposite the Eagle Hotel,; . Philadelphia, Pa. February 26, 1852. ly James Dougherty, at RELYIIOLD, DASH & CO., Wholesale and retail dealers in Tobacco, Snuff and Cigars, warehouse at the South west corner of Third and Race streets, Philadelphia, lately occupied by Ludwig, Kneedler & Co., keep con stantly on hand a large and well selected stock of the most celebrated brands of CHEWING TOBACCO, IMPORTED CIGARS, Domestic cigars, and Snuff, which they offer for sale on as favorable terms as any bouse in the city. Orders promptly attended to. September 23, 1852 40-ly. E. UUTCIIEVSOIV, Jr., Attorney at Law, Ebensburg, Pa., WILL practice in the several Courts of Cam bria, Blair and Indiana counties. All pro fessional business entrusted to bis care will be promptly attended to. Office on Main street, adjoining his dwelling house. Ebensburg, April 21, 1853 26-3m. 3. B. CRAIG. JAI. D. BAMILTOW. Commission & Forwarding-. THE subscribers would respectively inform their friends and the public that they are now prepared, to receive and forward all good consigned to their care by any of the Lines, or by Central Railroad, and hope that bv strict at tention to their business that, they will be ena bled to render perfect satisfaction to all that will patronize them. All goods will receive the greatest care and attention. UKAUi & HAMILTON. Jefferson, March 15, 18&L XEW GOODS. The subscriber would respectfully inform bis friends and customers, that be has received and is now opening, at tne store room formerly oc cupied by ruchard .Lewis, dec d., a large and geceraltssortment of goods, consisting injpart or DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Queensware, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ac, all of which he is determined to sell low either for cash or approved country produce. He solicit examination of his stock, and is confident be can sell cheaper than the cheapest. ULO. J. JKODGEKS. May 8, 1851 30-tf New Chair Manufactory. The citizens of Ebensburg and vicinity are nformed that the very place to purchase CHAIRS, SETTEES, SOCIABLES, AND STOOLS, of the best manufacture and most elegant finish, and at lower prices than at any other establish ment in the county, is at the new chair manu factory, in the shop formerly occupied by David Todd, deceased. GLAZING, MOUSE and SIGN PAINTING executed in the best manner and latest style. JOHN L. STOUGH. Ebensburg, Nov. 27, 1851. 6m. Administrators Xotlce. T ETTERS of Administration have been grant- li ed to the undersigned.' by the Reeister of Cambria connty, npon tbe estate of James Kh'ey,' deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to us, and those having claims will present them croperly authenticated for settlement. SUSAN RHEY, Administratrix. - ' ANDREW J. RHEY, Administrator. Ebensburg, October 21, 1852 tf. THOMAS C. K'COWELL, Attorney at Law, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Will attend tbe several Courts of Cambria county, as heretofore. Office one door west of Wm. McFarland's cabinet wareroom. January 1, 1851. ly T. Z,. METER, Attorney at Law, Johnstown, Pa, OfSce on Main street, two doort east of tba Echo Office. March 13, 1851. ly CYRUS E. FERSIIIXC, Attorney at Law, Johnstown Pa. January SO, 1651 ly. David T. Storm, Notary Public, Scrivener and Conveyancer, JOHNSTOWN, CAMRRIA CO. PA., FLL also attend to bis duties as Justice. Le gal instuments of writing, such as Jeedi, a greements, Foreign Power of Attorney, c, drawn up accurately. Collections entrusted te his care will receive strict attention-. May 13, 1852 30-tf. RICHARD JOXES, Justice of the Peace, Ebensburg, Pa Will attend promptly to all collections entrus ted to his care Office, adjoining his dwelling. Decern. 24, 1851. 11-tf. Exchange Hotel. Hollidaysburg:, Blair Co., Pa. The proprietor assures the publio that no exer tiors will be wanting on his part to render hi house home-like to those who call with tiro, ui solicits a share of publio patronage. - GEO. TOTTS. April 29, 1852. A Remember. - LL kinds of Lumber taken in exchange for jrurniture, at the ware xvooms or M'FARLAND & SON. Hollidaysburg, April 23, 1852. EXCHANGE HOTEL., Carrolltown, Cambria County, PeniiiylvatU. The undersigned is prepared to accommodate in the best kind of style all wh6 way favor him with a call, and hopes by strict-attention to business to merit and receive a share of publio patronage. HENRY SCAN LAN. may 20, I852.-Sl-tf LEWIS W. BKGin?, , Fashionable Barber and n ir Dresser. In the basement story of Davis St Co., Vara room. Ebensburg, Msyl, I851."-Iy. N. B. Shampooing done, and razors honsdln a superior manner. George Rhey. Levi Matthews. ' William Xbb RHEY, MATTHEWS A, CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS and CmmA Merchants, Dealers in all kiads of Produce and Pittsburg Manufactures. No. 77 and 7Q Wn Street, .. Pittsburgh, Pa. April 8, 1851. Cm 6 Adams & t'o.'s Express. IT. W. Irorv & Co.. asrenta will furviH ii packages of goods or money, dairy except Son day, to all tbe principal cities in the X'nion and all the towns on the Rail Road between Philada. and Pittsburg. Drafts collected from Califoruia. uraiia aom on lrtiana, juagiana or Scotland, from 1 upwards. Money for draft must be par. Nov. 4. 1852. SCHOOL itooKs : A general assortment of BOOKS, tmch as ara used in our common schools, for sale hy DAVIS & LLOYD. lass, Oils, Taints and Drugs f all kind at J. Moon's. Star, Sperm and Mould at the JJrick Store of Candles for sale J. MOORE. Adams & Co.'s Express, J B. CRAIG, agent will frwnri a!! package . of goods or money, daily ejtcent Suit,v. all the principal cities in tta Cnion, and all the. towns on the Railroad between Philadelphia aad Pittsburg. r rC kS assorted nn for Bale at the ' store till of . GEO--J. RODGER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers