MM IB "WE GO WHESE DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES POUSTT TBS WAY J WHE2J THEY CEASE TO LEAD, WE CEASE TO FOLLOW." VOLUME IX. EBENSBI1RG, TJIURSDiY, JUKE 30, 1858. iNUJIBEU 36. the .most finished poets of the present time is T. K. Ilervey. He has not writ fa much, but most of Ms efforts are polished gems. Suuic of them are as nearly faultless as roadie. The following, for example, may Le given as a specimen; and although br.ei", it is eminently graphic, chaste, and exqni- site i TZS D2AB T2?3I?ET2S. X T. K. HESVEY. "Wake, soldier, wake! thy war-horse waits, To bear thee to the battle back ; Thou slumborest at a foeians gtes; Tuy Jtjg would break thy bivouac ; Thy plume ia trailing iu tue dust, And thy red fulihiou gi:hs;riu rust I Sleep, saldier, sleep! thy warfare o'er -Hot hinc own bugie'o loudest strnin Sha-i e"cr Lre ik tnjr slumbers more, With aUiiiaions to the battle plain ; A truinpet-uota more loud and deep, HixStO J.6M thee from that leaden sleep I Thou neei'st rtot helm nor cuirass now, Beyond the Grecian hero's boast, Tavu wilt noc q-iait tby naked brow, iior s'-rlnk before a myriad host; Foi aeaa and heel alike are s.und, A thjdiani arrows cannot wound. Thy tnDt'uer is not ia thy dreams, W'i.u tuai wild, widowed look sha wore, Th - J-y ho- ;o-ig to her it seem! cue Kissed th:e at the co'-tage door, And rickeued at Jio souuu of joy, Tjat aa hse ou;y boy I " Sieep, soldier, sleep ! let thy mother wait, 'L j J.oa- thy bugle on the blast ; Tj d.g, p.'y-a:- -, aaj end thy gate, Au i tu-.t .jcr horni. to the.s a; Lat : lie va-uot tell a 3a-d,-i- tale Thn ii ' t- o a, ion o tuc g Yucii.".ot ir -way ahe heard Itj inerln echoes Tat!, . OB, Tin: QITILDILi'ii AYPii-TICE. There lived in Lancaster, England, someyears . eg j, a tbrifiy guilder, ,'.ho nad au apprentice ( under guardianship a br'ghl lad, who had i i.-oived a ve.y x'air educati j.i bifora he coin- , iar-eJ to ieuru his trade, and who iiad been very sucijsst'u'. 13 a macha-iic lie waJ quite a J h:..' 3?ie youtU. too, aai, alter nve ear ser vice!.? cttiinci :ne age ol years, and become ia.ij a ru-Ti in uiraiy respects E'-rl- T i5;n tor th-c was the apprentice's n 1.11- uaJ iJ I'oiine-I an acquaintance witu tne y i 1 a review msivavak itu-ux iu 1 . . I . .1 .. . 0 -.i , t. tier..-. f, ? cct-oueJ. Su: 27'i. th" Either of A la, was a ram of , Cir.i;l.-.u.u .-auii; 'vl though he had come v. i-: i present, from the original . j.:vfc-irn oi'cl.r i ,r. s-iVd h ibcr d isber se3- j i-v '''' -I-l . a..!., .J nad Li-i i-vtions of his ; . 4 ..sequence and importance ia society. , .Ir. Eiyn tj rivb, ad feit that he had a right ' to disjlay LIj iristocrutic notions in n.sowu iVjiT. Atid th merchau; did not, tuercforc, fa 7;.- ti.T itJvaiie.:3 ot U.-i SUiUDie nppreuiice, 'i ... ,.-aJ V J.3 I'm. "it a Kl wva saw that his child's hope n th haudsuUid wUth, who had bj iivi-x-'y're jd h i tu.ijo:i:y and he begun t e x. wiv ns vc t i'aturc. lie called kis u." . and said : .1 Ada, I an not uaiuiaJlal of the preier cnie you hve indu'ge I for young W ilson., the -apreutics of Ljckwood. hxt hve you done iiow arc you coa.iu.iicd to him?" lie Ii;s mo, lowlier, rtfopon-ied tae sweet gu I with j o-r bitsiiag, he will make me i:'.3 wife, he says." 'fct.o'., tiien, Ada, where ere yen." 'ilo-.v, father V a ic&r mechanic. I know it." 'Yon :ir? E2j only child." '1 am rich." 'Tbe vorid s-iys so, falher but " "i.1 hear Ada. This young man i i uity p"U:wj in the world. Would you has wed .o, Itiiher, I would wed Edwin 'Wilson," rc "So. wy u-iughter, he is far beneath your po- sit... i cverv 'v:iv ? and lean consent to no such i . . . Li.:, lu u.oj.." 1 am decided you must think of Thio was crushing intelligence to the tender fcra.d Ad.'.. vlt tot suspected such an . . 1. 1 A . t answer, wnen sue resoivca to uppeai io utr mm .r on thia E Jut, though Mr. Elwyn was ion, he htl but the one ob- er's suitor. He could find o.-bj-l io . u?u a unio lvi ..... i,. his dauhtei i.. upon his character, he could raise no op- p..olv.C t hi- claims, save that the youtu was Still he was inexorable. liu.-.n tlius contrive'! to muw nis daughter .ia t-c oee' cst me::iai mstress, he went over to his ft lv3ltbt pilder, and commenced to chide Llm for .viciittiu the youth to have forced in.-:;e?f thus upoU;he alleotions of his child. He hcj nothing to support her with," he Bii'. He hz.3 an excellent trade, sir," said his mas ter. - I cire nothing for that," replied tbe irrita ted pavct. He is an accomplished workman." lie is nobody, bir ! lie has neither friends jnor lazily connexions, or the more important ,f considerations in these matters, money. I iivc b- 1-ncy fr a mechanic, and eball rmt snb Ci'.t that my only daughter ehall suffer by such fill u't'i1 alliance." Edwin will be 21 at Christmas time, sir. I think Lc would make your daughter a good hus bao 1, .id vould tare well for her." 1 don't iKMSre it! He shan't marry her Le chaa't at lea&t till ho is able to take such ore ol ncr i.s her father Las hitherto." And vi th's answer, Mr. Elwood departed. As t.wtnt hastily out of the gilder's shop he li i cr observe tho movements of an old gentle iu!.a who had accidentally overheard his remarks , and who advanced as the man ol wealth and high potions left. '0f wUora did he jeak J" Inquired the gea: tleman of Edwin's employer. It is a tnfliug matter, sir," said the master. "Unfortunately, an apprentice of mine a very wonby young man, now a master of his busi ness, by the way, has conceived a passion for tbis geutlemau's daughter; and as the father is nch, be has iuterposed his authority, and refu ses to permit the youth'tf advances, on the score of his poverty, liut here he is he will enlight en you, perhaps," continued the gilder, as Ed win made his appearance from above stairs.' The old gentleman apologized, kiudly, for this apparent interference, and commenced at once to interrogate the apprentice. 'How long have you worked at your trade, E l win ?" he inquired. Five yeurs, sir." 'And your age is " ' ' Tweiity-oue at Christmas, sir." You hare formed an attachment for a young lady above your rank in society." I'es sir ae the world iews it." AnJ her father positively objects to your marrying her." Does he, sir." This is certainly not new to you ?" I feared such a decision ; but lie has not as yet declared himself to me." . The rest was soon explained to E Jwin, and the gentleman, who was a connoisseur in art, then turueU to au elaborate and exquisitely fin-' isued mir-ur-lrame, of au expensive character, which was aisplaycl iu the show-case of his employer, and continued: ' Ahose h udiwork is this?' Edwin hudhed, aud answered that he had aided iu huisaiug it. Tue, tae completion of that piece of work,' cuiined iu his employer, "belongs to Ed win himself, lie did it all. it is ocautifuland chaste," added the stran ger, sloWijr ; 'bat it is too small." For wnat purpose, -sir ?" For my purpose You can make me one I m:au two, EUwin can you not, twice the size of these I" Yes, sir," said the apprentice, flattered with such an order. , . How long a time will be requisite to com plete iheiu iu ?" "Twice the size of these, you "said ?" Yes. 'Let them be of your best workmanship, and spare no pains to render them elegant. I desire to present tneui, for. drawing room mir r jrj, to a young friend of miue." - 'They vau beiuriiiahod iu two months." Take plenty of time,, Edwiu ; just say three mouths." "Tnat aaipTy sufficient tir." "It is well. Tnat will be .November. I will leave all to your taste." "Thuuk you," said Edwin, politely. ' "Dear in mind that price is uouusideration with me iu this matter, i give you a carte Llane-te. j lu three mouths 1 will call lor them." i -iu tne meantime," contiuued the stranger, Ill Lilt UJUdULlUlC. LUIltlUUCU LUC DLI UUUt . . . . - .... . . , . f. ' ! turuiiii to tue ui.sier oi tue esuiuiisumeut. -as i as t v u uv mw.i&&uiwv uvi v ti 111 J wc y i upon Fabvr, my b.iuker, who will satisfy you of my respouaibility." And with ttiis he bade mas- ter auU aonrcntice "ffood day," and departed. . t . . r r n i v i nor j i in it . mi l Toe c.irti bore the name of James Worthen, ony, but suosjqueut inquiry convinced the gild- m iuy otlier people, were always a little in au er t.3iit thf. nnier waa a. sututrintinl one. and tbe vauce of his income. Once a week he came. wfk was commenced forthwith by the appreu- tice, to whose charge he committed it eutirely. ' 1 The father of Ada was obdurate. Edwin was i forbidden to visit the premises, or to come in contact with his daughUr; aud with a melan- C Lolv vpirit he commenced his work, which was ' to oe completed iu November. In. December, ) following, li-i wouid be twenty-one, and despite i his diaappoiutmeut, he resolved to finish bis term ! of apprenticeship honorably, ' and to hope for better fortune iu tbe future. The mirrors were completed, and a master piece of work they proved, when finished. In tuis peculiar line of workmanship, Edwin was not equalled in all Loudon ! The designs of these mirrors were magnificent, tbey were fin ished without a Haw, and the best judges pro nounced thsin inapproachable. The three mom ha expired to a day, aud the strange old gentleman appeared, promptly, torder tueni away. lie. was delignteu with them tbey surpassed his expectations. The bill was a heavy cuarge, but he paid it instantly, and the mirrors were sent to a hue house iu Bond street. The fame of the manufacturer was fixed. Edwiu was happy that he had been so successful and then he thought once more of Ada. lie would be free"' iu another short mouth. Eut then he was poor her father would not relent and he was deeply distressed again at this prospect. Late in November, Mr. Elwyu received a note , Wortneu, requesting mm to wait upon mm j at No. 10 Bond bireet, on important busiuess; I aud the wealthy gentleman ordered his carriage i t.iiiiior ui-.iiOiit.r v lli wu 4 nlinwii into a (rnr. geously decorated drawing room at once, on reaching the house, when an elderly man met him civilly, and invited him to be seated, am "-PP? to n,eet ?wU ilr' n 8aiJ his new acquaintance The same to you. You are acquainted with a young man na med Wilson, 1 taink ?" No, sir," said the aristocrat. 'o?" queried the other, Edwin Wilson, I mean, the gilders appi entice." No, -air, that is to say, 1 have no particular acquaintance with him. I do not associate with sucit persons." l um aware of that Mr. Elwyn ; but you re member the name I presume." Yes, I have heard of this boy." He sought your daughter's hand." "Did he!" 'So I am informed." Then his impudence only equals his low breeding and his poverty, sir." lie is not low bred,' Mr. Elwyn; I think he is not impudent ; aud 1 know he is not so poor as you imagine." What! lie is a mechanic! He hasn't a guin ea, and be seeks my daughter's fortune. 1 am worth ten thousaud pounds, sir." So is he, Mr. Elwyn ',., What!" exclaimed the lordly amstocrat, with a hearty laugh, at this retort. -Upon my word, Mr. Worthen, you appear to know the boy better than 1 doj" , "1 am not jesting, Mr. Elwyn," continued the old gentleman, seriously. am a widower, without children. 1 have satisfied myself that young Wilson is worthy of even your daughter s band. You are worth tea thousand pounds. I am worth forty thousand. This bouse belongs to Edwiu Wilson. 1 furnished it as you now find it, as a marriage present for him ; and with it 1 also give him a fortune equal to your own. lie will attain his majority in the course of a month. Are you content that he becomes your eon-iu-law, under these circumstances !" This is a ver different case, you perceive, Mr. Worden Worthen, I mean" replied the aristocrat deeply embarrassed. 4,I will consider the proposal, and if" 'If you do not consent, a union will undoubt edly occur between your daughter and this spurned inecnauic. Here is the deed for thia mansion I am in earnest." Tne father of Ada was perplexed ; but in a few minutes he arose, and said : I accept your proposal, Bir." 'It is wed. 1 am glad you are so inclined. Wait a moment." The bell-pull was sprung, and an attendant entered. Sbow the gentleman hither from the east parlor," said Mr. Worthen. My young friend ie here already," continu ed the old man, and the nest moment Edwin en tered the drawing room. EJwin," be said, I present you to the father of your future wife, Mr. Elwyu. You have met before no apologies no affectation no scenes- al explained. This is your house; you are as ricu as nets; nake Hands, and be friends." Matters were quickly explained to the satis I faction of all parties, and the eccentric old gen- tleman poiuted to the great mirrors at either 1 end of too tine saloon, and added : There they are my boy! Splendid work that! Couidu t be finer if you'd made tbem for your self. 1 like to see folks happy. They're yours now all yours and Ada's. Her father agrees to the match, its all fixed except tbe day and the hour aud such a time as we'll have. Come, a glass of Durguudy with you." The wine was qu.-ttfed, and a long life and happiness was proposed for tbe lovers. The first day of January saw Edwin and Ada united in ninrriage. Their ancient friend was a coustant visitor at their fine dwelling, and young Wilson was placed iu a position to live easy and creditably, without further toil, through the munificence of his eccentric and strangely found benefactor, who conceived so sudden and extra ordinary a fancy for him. The two mirbors still decorate his magnifi cent drawing room, his family associates ure honorable and happy, his wife has proved a very jewel to him and he dwells at his ease; but ne ver forgets, even amid his prosperity and luxu ry, that he was once but a gilder" a apprentice. - T m m LIGHT tVClUIIT. BY T. 8. AHTUCR. It generally happens that those who try to - - " ' ti. r. . n.imAn,l VQ-3V . i nK.atai.Aiik' uu uiunrv as oil v a - cy tr y - neighbrs, whose means of accumulation were greater than his own, and ougbt to have been satisfied and thankful. But unfortunately, the ues.rt-s oi firmer duiuuiius, ii&e mose oi greti m . k - . l 1 t reguiany to :ne I'liuaueipma maruet, auisuiuce i of fifteen miles, with his produce; and he never weni uome eni reiy Kunnea wa me amount rcceive-J lor Lis pou.try, eggs, butter, iruit or , vegetables, unless prices were at tbe highest I mark on the scale. The wry face of a custom- ! cr who paid him thirty eight cents for a pound , of butter, or twenty-five cents for a dozen of eggs, ! was a pleasant rather tnan a maagreeabie object to his eyes, for so he won, he cared not a far thing who lost. One day, Mr. G 1 well known citizen, who had frequently bought from Ednionij, stop ped t the stall where the farmer -exhibited his various articles for sale.' and biking hold of a pair of hue-looking chickens, asked the price. 'Seventy-five,' replied the farmer. The chickens were large, and Mr. G did not think the price high. 'Are they youag and tender? he inquired. 'Is it possible,' said Edmonds, smiling in a peculiar way, -that an old marketer like you can't tell a pair of young chickens ?' Now, Hr. G could buy poultry with almost any one. It was not often that a tough old roos ter or gobbler was passe ! upon him; but on the present occasion, the words of the farmer com pletely disarmed him. Of course, the chickens must be so tender that the snin would almost break from looking at them, and he felt a little piqued that he had not been able to perceive this instantly ; so lifting them from the hooks aud placing them in his basket, he said 'I guess I'll tako them." Seventy-five cents were handed over and pock - ii -. i . . . : eted by the farmer without any compunctions, notwithstanding the pair of bipeds sold to Mr. G might have belonged to Noah's menagerie for all the teeth of those wbo happened to be called to eat them would be able to tell to the coutrary. As G walked home, he recalled the partic ular expression and tone of the farmer, and a suspicioii that all was not right, flitted through bis mind ; but he had dealt with Edmons for years, and though be had always found him close aud well up to the market in prices, he had nev er detected him in seeking to gain au advantage over a customer. He wisued, however, that he had used his own judgement in making the pur chase, instead of buying on so equivocal a re commendation as that of the farmer. If these chickeus should be tough,' he mat tered to himself, in a threatening way, as be walked along, 'he's had the last dollar of my money. Dinner time came, and Mr. G went home from his place of business. As he sat down to the table, a large, plump pair of chickens were before him, beautifully browned, and their savo ry odor penetrated the olfactory sense, with a grateful promise of good things for the palate. The incident of the morning had left its promi nent place in the memory, and no suspicion of touguness was in tbe mind of Mr. G as he drew, with an active band tbe great carving knie athwart the sharpening 6tecL - A fine, large pair of chickens,' said Mrs. G What did they cost!' - Three-quarters.' That was not dear. No; I thought it very easonahle., lf they are only tender. Uaunah 8id she : lidu't think they were very young. We'll soon know all about that, remarked Mr. G i , a recollection of what had occurred kX the time of their purchase crossing his mind at the-moment. Driving his fork into the breast bone of one of them, he held it firm while he cut rouaa a wing and endeavored to sever that ap- penaage irom tue bouy ; but the wing whs too nnvdfbidin its place by sundry ugainenU well developed by long use, to permit an easy aucom plisliuent of - this task. Mr. U . however, had a, strong hand aud good resolution, and againtt these, aided by a sharp kuife, even the wing it a seven year old rooster could not long mainfiin a defensive. The member at length camebff, but in doing so, was driven over the side cf the dish upon the table cloth. 1 MG looked at the edge of hisknifofor a mouent. My knife must be very dull,' said he, 'or else tfis chicken is as old as Methuselah.' A v'gorous application of the blade to the steel followed, and theu the other wing was taken in hand.) it came off about as easy as the first. The lejs were dislocated aad detached more quickly and, in due time, the fowl, separated I iuto Jprtious according to the most approved rules parvmg, lay spread lorta upon the dish ; but tiis task had not been accomplished by Mr. G without muscdar exertion, wLi-liwas apparent from the bead of persp ra tion joilected on bis forehead and about his lips. ' Will, that beats all !' he exclaimed, as he laid owa his knife aud fork and applied his whit handkerchief to his face. The teeth that go though that will need filing.' Tyr tne other, said Mrs. G ; 'perhaps it is mere tender.' If it isn't, we shall be bad off for a dinner.' retulied Mr. Q , as he resumed his carver. and rent to work on tbe second bird. After tteveang one of the wings, be gave up in despair ; it was even tougher than the first. 'liiw iu tbe world did you come to buy such a pair of fowls V said Mrs. G . You cer tainly never could have tried them.' lil bai, I certainly never would nave bought them. Edmonds has cheated me for once iu his life, but he'll never do it again-' lid he sell you that pair of chickens as young ' and fender V lie did, to all intents and purposes.' 1 didn't believe that of him.' Nor did L He's always up to the market, and deals close, but his thiegs have been good. Well, he'll make nothing by this operation ; no man ever cheats me twice, lie's had the last dollar of my money.' . , . . . . . . ... . . . . . 1 uou I nuow wua to win a - wir. nn i r nr. Raid Mrs. G , 'if you stop buying from him. There is just as good butter in market as his, replied Mr. G . as he commenced helping to portions of the tough chicken he had succeeded in carving by main strength. rerhaps there is, but we never succeeded in getting it so uniformly good as that of Ed mouils.' You may send for it, if you choose, but I will never spend another dollar with the barefaced, cheating rascal,' said Mr. G , in an indignant tone. Tae attempt to masticate the chicken proved altogether unsuccessful, and was soon aba-idon-ed. Tne children ate the dressing, while Mr. and1 Mrs. G ovlvj the vegetables that were on tbe table serve for their first course, and supplied alii deficiencies when the desert appeared. To have been so completely taken in, annoy ed Mr. G terribly, aud he c-ju'd not so much as saiile at the adroitness with wnich the thing was done. Edmonds came to market every Sat urday, and G had usually bought from him as much butter as would last for the week. On tiirt t'tiiirnJav evening suiiceediuz the affair of ! the chickens, Mrs. G remarked, with some ' surprise in her voice, that the small piece of butter on the table was all that remained of tbe six pounds bought on tho last market I Uv nd to-morrow's only Friday," said Mr. G . It used to last us up to Saturday, until with in the last two months, but now it always gives out.' Our family is no larger. No ; nor do we use any more of it in cooking than formerly. Mr. (j thought for a moment, and then said, with some animation '1 think I under stand it. Have you noticed any difference in tho size of the prints ?' On reflection, Mrs. G thought she had noticed them as appearing smaller. That's it, you may depend on't ; the butter isn't weight. A man wbw will cheat in one way will cheat iu another. - J w"uWu 1 dare 10 do tnat' I 4 V n v i Why! The risk is too great.' A rogue will risk a good deal. His butter would be taken from him by tbe clerk of the market.' It's my impression that E Imonds hasn't much butter in hi9 tub by tbe time tbe clerk gets along to the place where he stands. There's the temp tation. Eut we'll give him a trial. Send for our usual quantity on Saturday I won't go near him aud we'll have it weighed.' This was done, and, sure enough, a loss in weight was discovered. . Out of the six pounds four were light. I've got my man now ! exclaimed G , not attempting to conceal the pleasure he felt. Next Saturday he will probably become more familiarly acquainted wita the clerk than he has yet been. It was too true, as G had discovered. In bis anxiety to render his dairy operations profit able, the farmer had been tempted to eucroach upon the legal weight of butter due his custom ers.. He bad b. en coming to market so long, aqd bis butter had been so often examined by the clerk, that inspection of his tub bad ceased to be rigid. Moreover, his customers were early, and it frequently happened that but few prints re mained when tbe clerk came along on his way. If from some forty or fifty pounds he could pinch off enough to make five or six prints, it would be a haudsome gain every week. He looked at it on every side ; calculated the risk and the benefit, and finally resolved to make the begm- Ioing. Twelve prints out of forty were tried: from these he gained two extra, which sold for fifty cents. Emboldened by this result, he next week tried twenty pounds, and made one dollar by the operation. When the clerk came round, the light butter was usually all gone, or if any remained, it was so managed that none of it found its way into his scale. After selling the tough chickens to Mr. G - the farmer felt a little uncomfortable, for G was au old and good customer, and he didn't wish to lose him. Of eourse, when the fowl ! not pare, but it w.u b u tbt Mtverid orP cauie upon the table, G .would discover that ' tured truths are recited, and that the Old Testa- he bad been taken in. and would iu all proba bility be highly indignant. That he was not far out of tbe way in his conjecture, he was satisfied on the next market day, when be saw G go by his stand without once looking towards him. In the week succeeding, the farmer's evil ge nius tempted him still further from the right path. The whole of his butter, with the excep tion of some ten lumps, which were to serve ms a screen when the clerk came along, was mou'd-d into prints that weighed considerably less than a pound. W ith this, among other products of his farm, Edmonds went to market, flattering himself that he would be a cle r gainer by the operation, of from two to three dollars. But human calculations are sometimes vain. Scarcely had farmer Edmonds disposed of a do zen pounds of bis fine fresh butter, when the 1 market clerk stopped before him with his hand some brass scales in his hand, and said" I .guess I must go a little deeper iuto your tub tbis morning than usual, friend Edmonds. There's nothing, you know, like keeping you folks honest. There was an instant change in the express ion of the farmer's face, which the clerk did not fail to observe. Setting down his basket, with the air of one who expected to put something into it, the clerk laid aside the lumps that form ed the upper stratum of butter, and took a print from beneath, l'.acing it in his scales in eppo- ! utla possessed tnese characteristics at iu ou. sitiou to a pounl weight, it instantly rose to- : et. or acquire them in iu course, we can oaly wards the receding bem- - ! conjecture : but as we have before remarked, That's bad ! said he. removing tho lump of wo re disposed to think that the cicst itapor butter to his basket, tnd placing another in tho j fnre " accessions of a latr date, scale, which proved as light as its predecessor, j The Times then refers to the reported, inter and was soon laid by its side. Aud lump after ; jeutioa of Uie Er.Ush aad AxavKcaa cvl lump followed, to the grief and chagrin of the . forces. exposed farmer, until between thirty and forty ! Questionable as was our late quarrel with Chi-' had passed from his tub to the basket of the . aa, our friends is not less so. liut, if what U clerk. During tbe progress Of this scene, a lit- , tie crowd was attracted, all of whom, from the ' merry news boy. to the staid Guardian of the Poor, who made a careful examination of the ' tub to see how much tha inmate of the Alms- : house were to gain by the operation, enjoyed ; tbe countryman's mortification. He. poor fel- ; low, hid his diminished head as quickly as it could be done after the departure of the clerk.. and went hacfe to hi a home a little wiser, if not better. You met with rather a bad accident last week,' said G to the farmer. He could not resist the inclination he felt to see him once more. Why, ye yes,' stammered Edmonds, color ing to the eyes. 'Bat it wasn't my butter ; it was some I brought for a neighbor.' Indeed wa it? Then 1 suppose the butter I've had from you for the last two months was from the d liry of that same neighbor V Edmonds was so confused at this unexpected question, that he was unable to reply. And the tough chickens V added G . They were your neighbor's also. I presume ?' The farmer turned his back suddenly on his customer, and the latter, feeling that he had punished bid sufficiently, went on his. way. Batter that proves light of weight always be longs to a neighbor. History of the Steamship Savannah The First Ocean Steamship of the World. About the year 1818, Capt. Moses Xlogers then of the city of Savannah, suggested to Messrs. Dunning. Scarborough, O. Sturges, B. Bur roughs, J P. Henry, liarna McHinne, and others, of tuis city, the idea of constructing an ocean steamer, for plying between this port and some other in Europe. These gentlemen resolved to try the experiment. They -purchased in tbe city of New York, a beautiful ship, well adapted, as they supposed, to tbe purpose. Allowing the rigging and other appurteuances for sailing, to remain, they supplied her with steam m-tchinery aad paddle wheels. Her paddles were construct ed so as to be capable of folding np like a fan being laid on deck, her maiu shaft having a joiut also for that purpose. The wheel-house was made of strong canvas, extended on an iron rim. Her first trip across the ocean was made in twenty-two days between Savannah and Liver pool, in the year 1819. When first descried from the British coast, she was reoorted as a ship on fire at the mast, and moving without sail. From Liverpool she went up the Baltic, and while lyinir in the port of Cronstadt. was saved from wreck, during a terrible 6torm, in which many vessels were lost, only by the assist ance reudered by her paddles. During her stay at St. Petersburg, Alexander, Emperor of the Iron Nortl , pleased with the novel idea of . a steamship, presented Captain Rogers with two iron chairs, one of which (the only relic left of tho adventurous bark) is now in the garden of Mr. Dunning, of this city, and we bope will long be preserved as an honorable memento of one of the most important enterprise of modern times. On the return of the Savannah from her European trip, she was sent to Washington City, where she was sold and her steam machinery removed. For years afterwards she plied as a packet between this city and New Yonc, under the command of Capt Aldrich ; and was finally w.-ecked, and went to pieces on the back of Long Island. Savannah Courier. The New York Courier of Friday says : 'Fitzgerald will be hung at the Toombs t -dy, for shooting his wife. Neary, sentenced to the same fate, for a similar offence, is respited one week, in order that the Sheriff's jury may de termine whether he has lost his reason. If tbe latter execution takes place, it will make seven in tbis city within the last year! In ail England and Wales, the whole number of executions dur ing the year 185, as appears by a Parliamen tary report, was only mik ! Tne population of this city is six hundred thousand ; the population of England and Wales is eighteen ' millions ! In other words, New York, with a population of only onc-ihirtieth aa large as England and Wales, hangs seven-ninths as many in the same apace of time 1" Progress of the Chinese Rebellion Tho Belig ous Element Involved in it. Tbe London Times, referring to the recent pre clamation of the rebel chief in China, and tha religious elemeut which ituiscloscs as operating in the present rebellion, says : The Christianity of the document is crrtairuy wtnt is appealed to by name. As far, however, as its mere language or profesbions are concerned, there ere, of course, many disciples of tho Chris tian missions in China, competent to give as goo 1 or better accounts of their belief. The im portance of the document consists in its being issued, as if with authority, from the head-qaar ters of tbe rebels, and in the introduction of such a subject into the communications of an insur gent chief with the people of tho country. W learn, too, from independent sources, that cer tain religious views have undoubtedly Lcea. manifested in tbe proceedings of the insurgents. They have displayed considerable teal in the purification of temples, and have been partic ularly earnest in destroying images a rtsolu tion which is hardly traceable to any political -principle, inasmuch as the idol-worbhip of tho Chinese is not connected with the reigning dy- ; nasty, but prevailed lung before the Tartar in ; vasion. Whether these measures import iucrly ' a reformation of the national religion, cr whether they really bespeak a design of substituting a ' purer faith for tbe creed of the Chluc-d, we can 1 not say. All we eeo is, that a successful pro- tender to tho imperial throne of China, has actu ally addressed an appeal to the Chinese, in the mime of true teligion, and has called upon them. in a proclamation reciting certain leading truths ( of Christianity, to "reject corrupt epirits and worship the True Spirits." How far the revol repneu uo true, me so caueu rcuu.a t men or more enlightened pontics, anu wita even an inkling of revealed truth, we certainly seem to acting a very sucidal part in taking arms ag&iost a people whose crime is that they ara QinS the very thing we have wibhedtosee tneee many years creating np tne o.a empire oiuni ni. lue most probable explanation oi tae ai fair Is. that each of the three ccnimanders ha interfered to prevent ilia others from Joing so before him. and so carrying off the benefits of the measure. It is very conceivable that the French or the Americaus might not be so liberal as we were in dividing with the whole world tbe concessions we extorted by arms after the opi um quarrel. The French have frequently be trayed a hankering after another India cf their own in the East, since the were deprived cf tha first, and they are not so apt as wer are to wago war a for the good of mankind. The Americans also are far more ready to annex than to open, and it is rather a suspicious ciacumstance that just now, when their very e'ever niUaicna-rJoa have given them more intelligence of tbe nature and progress of the rebellion than our rcprooen tatives and merchants were ever likely to' do they have in those waters the largest arsamett' ever seen in the East, under their flag. WbaB if the army, apparently intended for the cha- tisement of Japan and the opening of Jedio, should realty have another and a safer destina tion, viz : to hold the balance cf Chinese rvarties. end to 6' ip La at the right moment and grasp ' the prize ? Tht such ideas might ptxsHit themselves to individuals of these two cations is l likely enough nay. it is conceivable that LhetV ! projects may bnve dzzlod the eyes cf son- statesman at either Paris or W&sLdcgton. StiU more likely is it that the suspicion ' cf such do j signs nay have quickened the movements of our j own naval representative. For our own, part, : however, we cannot see much danger of either France or America ever gaining a peculiar as ! cendency in Chinese politics, or ultimately doic; there what we hare done ia India. The posses i sioa of an India wocld break up the Federal Union as surely and as immediately as the con ! quest of Europe destroyed the eld constitution ! of Home. On the other hand, France has proved ; abundantly that her genius is not a'tapced for foreign dominion, one is too imperious, too ostentatious, too exacting, and too bigoted t govern barbarians at the distance of the world a procesf which, above 'all others, requires the gentlest possioie loucn on me reigns ol power. Strange to say, the genius of England, reputed i rud an 8a blunt, is the only one that lias ' tho delicacy, the subtlety, and the tact for thie difficult achievement. Christopher in School. Chris. Geography Class, stad ?jp 1 the capital of Pennsylvania ? 1st Boy. Philadelphia. Chris. Next. 2d Boy. Ill Pigler. ffitt'i Chris. That aright: go no to the head. what's the capital of New Jersey? od uoy. Cooper s Creek. Chris. Next. Raccoon. Next. I know, sir ! Well, why don't you te3 it 1 and not 21 Boy. Chris. 8d Boy. Chris. Stand scratching your head. 3d Boy. Tbe Camden and Amboj IUilroai Chris. That's right. iw yon taay have a recess. Turnips grow so large in Oregon that they use them as targets for artillery practice, wuiio radishes come forth with such magnificent pro portions that one has been painted and varnish ed, and is now used as a liberty pole in front cf tbe Atlantic and Pacific Metropolitan Hotel We gather the above froia a letter received by the last steamer. Njsver sax Die Five years ago Santa Anna was booted ou of Vera Cruz with his own wood en leg. He is now President cf-Mexico. A month after Mulloney attempted suicide ; ho was running for Congress. We care not how dark your prospects way be, keep on living and the time will come when you will get ahead of the. Arsenic was made for rats and cowards. If you have pluck, therefore face the music," and abide your time.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers