II MACHINE WORK 6 'CARLISLE MACHINE WORKS I F. GARIJNER CUAIDICII . LAND VALLIY BRADEN AND mowan We nro.now Lnlldmg, and Jr lug out 1,,r tho hwy.' of 1670, the Nuw Patent CimMorlatalliallsy Ciunblued REAPER, AND MOWER, with , SELF RAKE, and all other lato'improtimients. It Oil be built In the best stylo, and vrairaMed, to wor's satis factorily. Th e watt of u homo . nindo Reaper boa 14ng been felt, and wo expeCi to bo able to offer to tho formula of Cutriborlond mod adjoining , 00u otloa a machlue which shot' bon complete and porkt har vester, (qua to the best brought from a distance Faraterd are rignested to coil and oxanitno It. NOVELTY IIAY BAK2 • We ore building, thin nation, only n limited num ber of Hay Itakea,, The-Novelty haa.tbe Self Acting imengement, or can be worked by hand, on'tlm old principle. It will ho made of the beat materials, in handsome ntylo, and warranted is gltie eatlarnotion. Sand In your orders early. TILE GUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL Wo continuo building, the original Willoughby Patent Gum Spring Grain Drill, so well known, and popular among farmers. No good farmer can eilioad 0 do without the Willoughby, for it largely in creases, and improves his crops, and anon pays for. Itoelf. , We maim It as a Grain and Grans Stied& alone, or with Patent Goose Attachment for sowing phosphates or guano. Wo also bond tho Willoughby wltL tho sbovois in straight mob or sig 'rog, as thrmors may profor. VARIOUS FARE 131PLE t NIENTd. WoarririAtinufacturiug a variety 'of agricultural itnplamants, such as horse, powers and thre.hers, cider mills, Stir corn shallot's, three sizes, Cannon corn libellers, Eureka fodder cutter, and hoop always cei hand the National Fodder Cutter, three slam, ,with various other farming implement,. We also make Farner's patent Tiro bendor, and Porter's patent 'Pupae, which every blacksmith should have. - Also cast iron corn crushers, wash kcal., four sizes, Cel lar grates, floe different patterns, plow castings and other castings kept always on hand. - The CARLISLE COOK STOVE, our own casting, hi ono of the best and cheapest stoves in the mark rt. STEAM ENGINE AND MILL WORK. As heretofore, wo give particular attention to building STEAM ENGINES, and furnishing HUNT ING, GEARING, SULLIES, and ovary part of tho machinery connected with Paper milla, , Flouring mills, Saw mills, Tanneries, Sr. Our patterns for" steam - engines are from - two - up to twenty-fivo - Norse powor,_combinlng simplicity of construct i on modern improvements, and furnishod,at accommo dating prices. We also build portable engines of two horse power for -running printing presses, Sc. Wo have an extenlivo variety of patterns for mill work, to which we are constantly making additions, api_can_filLcoutractslor—ougto. and-railhent-short nettle°. Xray- Two now stationary ongirllls now on hand and for sale BUILDING MATERIALS Attached to our cetabllshment is an Extensive FLAMING MILL, and DASD and DOOR FACTORI', with all the Machinery for manufacturing door and window frames, each, shutters and blinds, brackets, mouldings, cornice, and portico drapery, stair rail and balusters, flooring, aiding and every other article in the line of building motarials, from tho lowest price to first class quality. Boildors and contractors may rely on nil orders, large or mall, being promptly filled. An oxtensivo supply of seasoned pine, walnut p rfc m b _kup one to ty_ 1 n our -- lumberyard randy or sac. Dmultjazos or lath and low priced doors always on has and other articles made to order. - All orders or inquiries by mail, or otherwise, In connection with any branch of onr brininess will be promptly attended to. . . . GARDNER @ CO. 140170 Plumblnv, Gas Fitting, ,te, JAMES CAMPBELL. N. P. lIENWOOD PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM PITTING. .. At No. 18 , Ngrth Hanover Streak CARLISLE, P.LINN'A STILL AvT BUSINESS: The undersigned are now fully prepared to attend to this basin°. In all 1 , . dilTerent braiichos. They alto keep onnstantly on hand and for sale, WATER CLOSETS, — 611A111 TUBS, WATER CLQSETS, 41.4T11 TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, BATH TUBS,. _ .S — IX:ATER:CLOSETS . ItArit Lift and Force Cisterns, ' -•• Lift and Force Cisterns, and Deep Well Pumps, Lend, Terra Cotta -, and Doop Well Pumps, Load, Terra Cotta • and Iron Pipe, Chimney Taps aniPilues. GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES Globes, and all binds of Brass Work. for steam and water constantly on hand, or furnished to order. Dwellings, Churches, Factories and other building., In town or country, fitted up with neatness and dis patch. All work warranted. Thrinknd for public patronage, we hopo by atrlct attention to Waimea to merit a continuum° of the mime. Terme remonable, It roquiring but one trial to secure your custom. alpi us a call. Don't forgot the place, No 18, North Ilanover street, to thu base ment of 81pe's new building. All orders left at the rrablonce of either Masora. CAMPBELL on BTINIVOOD et any time, either (I.y or night, will be pr. mptly nlod to. Jon.. ettutpbell, Alexantler'm ltdw; pltt ..r William lien wood, South eitreet, above Wrot. Navin; special advantages we ere prepared to fura'sli COPPER . WORK Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS, in Still Houses and other purpos it home or at distnt. COPPEit YIPV. thrOaLed to ordur, oltitor drawn or braze I. 2.samitly SIMMS' IVh ite Piamottle Ilsa», COUGHS., SORE THROA.T, ETC No medicine or treatment eau excel the powerful curative power of Du 8131318' WHITE PULMG A N;IC BALSAM It cures with nappidlly unequalled by any other rornody offered f.,t Throat and Lung diseases. It la recommended by over 2,000 persons In Wilmington. and hundreds in Philadelphia, Baltimore, nod other cities and communities through ut the country. Mr, Pennington, of VI iliningtsu, Illinois writes that - thire I. Ant (with a few exceptions) a f; oily In that city who will ha without It If possible to procure it. Ouch 'in Its popularity wherever It In known—and thin popularity urines from the fact that it universally cures all who new It.. Whore la no cum of Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Blood-Spitting, Hoarsens., nod even Pulmonary Coneumption, whero tho system In not Molten down with the wear of the disease, or pretonded modielno. or Inesp•rlencod tblet., that •this Balsam .wl I not cure If carefully used. according .to directions.' We amanita.o it n l l wa.,reprtisent It to be, and Invite n trial from tine ailllctod ovvryivitere. Price, f 0 cords mod'untair, and $1 fur •Argo •fru ho I es. Pr• pared only by J. H. SIAiItIS,- M. D., PRACTICAL ORGANIC CHI:MIST, No. 707 Market stroot, IVIL3IINOTON, DEL. Philadelphia 'depot, Johnson, Holloway & Cowden, OM Arch Street. ' Baltimore davit, S. S. Hance, 108 Balti more Street. For 840 by Medicine Dealers generally. ' lisep7o.ly .FURNITIrRE, FURNITURE A B. EWING? • - . . CADINItT MAKER AND UNDIITAKER, . West Main Street, OPPOSITE , LEE'S WAREHOUSE, Premium for.lleat Furniture awarded at all County Fein mince 18,57. Furniture of allyarletioo anthetylt — Domolltic - mcnntautureTrrefictiOlifir mahogany to the tercet priced mapl PARLOR, &LA MBP,R, ' PINING ROOM, . EircHEN AND PURNIT If RIR .--‘6"l"' Embracing ovory artl.lo utralby Roues and Hotel koeport of lb° moetapprovort stud ftedilonabla doeign and - MINE'. Including alto Oottago liurnituro in Cutts ; Reception 'and Camp Chairs, 3lntrottot, Out Primed, Pictures, &c , Particular tittontlnn given at tuna! to funerals; ordora from town and country attunillat to promptly, and on modorato taint. Speciuktiiienlion paid to the seketion of Wall 114' AlmarchlBo4 OEM JOSEPH WALTON 'OO., Cabinet Makers, • 'no. 418 WALNUT ST., PITILADELPIIIA. Our establiclibmat in ono of the oldest In Philadel phia, and from long oxporlonee and superior facllltleii we aro 'inqired to Swahili good work at reasonable pante. • Wo manufacture lino furnitufe, and also medium priced furnituro of superior qualiy. A largo Mock of furnittire.always on hind. Goods mode to order Counter's, Peek Work, 'and, Chico Furniture for Panto, Mee and Storm made to order. Joe. WALTON. J. {F. LteritcOOTP, JOB. 1,, Saar, 10feb7Oily . • Dry Go6ds, Silks, MAslinsi, -GREENFIELD GREAT 'BARGAINS Bilks, Silk Paplino, IMSIONBE STOCK OF D 0 M-E -B--T=l-G--o-0 0 D-13, bought eluco dm meat decline. Special Bargain ti in CIIgOIIAMS, CANTON FLANNEM Special Bargains iii Cloths Buyers will find thin foot by going to thitt Greenfield is oiterltig ilto PURE AND DUES GOODS SEMPER IDIOI NIVSLIN, IS CENTS 101.00 ITOMER, COLLADY & CO., FALL, 1 S 7 0 Our importations Ibr the pree'otit eteltert tae tow uplete. Notwlthßtandln tho grev.t ditliaulthm ousequent on the Eniu.peun vox to Wein Choice ➢ranch Fabrics for our Full trade, vro are onab'ed by c log our orderti curly rind through our ortei,alvo nnectg ns to ltmope, -0 offer an unusually largo =l3 NEW FABRIC'S Ana wo would call rurtloular ottontlou boom . auporb uraortment hi great •atioty at textures of TE it NEW MOTU 0040114 Intent ntyle for %Vulklait: Coaturnes, nr It vIII po.lblo to replouloh our moot deidrablo texle•eu this tuar,et, so would rcupectlstlly Jurlto un corly nakoctlon •DLACK 811,88 at known lu,ktua, of till glow) glad quolltlus. WIIITH VILKS AND B•TINB, e DOLOR BD NI LBS, Ir. ovury quality—Now Co!oro cos; UMES I*.-VOYAOII, ' to ell•tha nevoid. styles and fabrics 3OURNING DEPARTMENT reploto, witb over variety-of loxlmo eraltatio fbr mourning tr or of orCi'y otylo,' both kx war mtb and pea. and also In elegant Styles fur Fell cl.eat Wu uhul take no culvontage of 01%1c/trolly or d altublu.gOuNt, but titian - cottllntio to roll - our stoolt MEa MODERATE ADVANOF). 10ktor7Vai ITEMMIEJ 1 Empress Cloths, Black Alpacas, Shawls, and E2MI MUSL NS, Caesimercll NO. 4, ° Sur xcaldlpgd. fkitt W 8, NOTICE 14 / 2 .9.141 4 011EgINCT BTJURIBW, POILADELPIIIA. - Drii Goods, Ccrpolsiitici 1870. FALL AND WINT-Ell, - TO-DAY - I AT TILE CENTRAL DIZ Y GOODS Srah Nov and desirublo DRESS GOODS. Oloat'll.galon from 41tO AUCTION SALES, Iu New Yoskund Philadelphia, ASTRACAN.CLOAIEING CLOI II CARACULA CLOAKING CLOTIIS BEAL SHIN CIAMEING CLOTHS, EXISA DEAVER OLOAKINOS Blue, Drown, Purplo nod Black L-V SHAWLS I .SHAWLS.I FURS I FURS I V 0.121 Tho thmt and Choapost In town. A great bargain tn all kinds of Colored and White BJ.A N II ETBI.B LA NKETSI Flannels, Flannels, Flannels, Felt shirts, liintaavaal shirts, filo largost assortment at the lowest prices. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, OVER-COATINOS, the largest etoek In town, far below tho prime one month ago. x.F,sTtcp) if.alacs.l At a deolloo In prlose. F.u• srslo• of Nl'Uolon 11uudn, Frost:hut Shawls, - Children's Cloaks, 4scks. gcalfs, Ties end everything oleo in the Notion Line. CARPETS! CARPETS! Floor Oil-Cloth -8, 7'ablo Oil-Cloths, Druggete, Mattings, Rugs, &c n assortment or 'luau Dug gy Ruga to not full to giro nun cull, as we can giro you all Letter bargains than you can get nnywhoro elso, in all kinds of Pry Goads and Catnots. LEtpICEI & MILIIER NA. 2 14/oT MAIN STltlafig, cAILI.ISLII, PA 17n070 NEW DRY GOODS STORE. DUKE & BURICUOLPER, NORTH HANOTBR STRRM, Below the Carlisle Depa:it Bank, Ihiva Just 3otornoll from Now Yolk and Miladylp! In alai au oath NEW STOC.M'Or CIOUD'A Our pods hare been soleoled with thr. greateseture, Attie in p dut of lueuity sod clisepuoss cannot be ex collod. Wo lathe every olio to COllltraild inspect our clodce stork or goods You will Thal every variety and style or goods the markets atkrd, In Dress Goods; Cloths, Cassimores, Shawls, Furs, and Rich Gros-de-1;9,11ra, tch Bich Oroa•Crainp bYlk Aydnglines, Prat.de-.Praricr, Otteman aerds, Enliven C lOildd. .Verptos. and Plaids of every shade and OA. FUItS I 1 , 111113 I 711119 I • Our stock of Yun excels anything In pint of Losuty of Satoh, and fineness of quality, and Ira barn marked them down to lower Niece than hare ever been offered in Carlhdo. We Northam, thin Block from the largest and b‘st honey In New York. We hero made ',Anion retention of CLOTHS AND CABIUMEIStDS. to which we Invite the especial attention of young and out, No hare selected some tholes patterns of NODDY CA 81511.11311E8-, nsrtioalgrly adapted to young mot. Wo hay° oiory thing in' DOME;IPITJOS f _3alualins, Flamelot Prints, Blankets, 'Plokbigs, Coverlets, Oountorpatios, Furniture. Checks, .52c, LAME , AND DENTa UNDERWEAR of all kinds. A few of tho. advantages of,,,buylng vocals from no aro, Nro have no entire NEW BTOCK Or aooDs TO SELNOT which halo Won bouglit for mill; wawa will allow we. . . We extend wcordlel inyitation to all to 001 l 'And goons before tooting your, parehonon oe wo think wo otn Offer mere inducedionik. . , IleOpeetftalb Dtri - r, 0 1117111111OLDgft, GoctlO JOHNS; VIER 111; 06 Le/Ur ' N. ECE2 PIANOS, PIANOS, PEANos lel M F, L 0 1) EONS, MELODEONS, MELODEONS, M7E.L 0 D N S , ORGANS, ORGANS, lite subscriber lolling opens.] a MUSIC STORE, at No. 11, West Main Street, Would call tho attontloo of tho public to hie lerg assortoaout of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, amoiag wldch will La found nick of ORGANS, ORGANS MELODEONS, MELODEONS, NEW AND ELEGANT PIANOS, manulhaturnd by the celebrated Schoemaker II Ca of PisOadolphin. A Ilninod ekombor of tholaanew Planes will L 0 for itprer, audttly I'oo Will Le allowed lu part paymout f,r :he sumo ilk GUM Of pirt4lll6o This artatasonuht will make the Dwaine easy, by giving time for payment, and will allow opportunity 'of tooting lholnatruinentbefi;ro pan:busing. Also good Notions SECOND HAND PIANOS f>t or red, et terms to suit, the Hum., ,? Drdp.id taCts o.n and tamale., tbum ,yl4tior you trluti to rent or WI. Nurg.de,irmoures, BILVERTONGUEDOBIANS, MELODEONS trout the trorld reseal:sea alanultiztory of 2.P. Need liera& floe, (formerly Cerhart & Needham), The chettpeal. tun] beat In tho wot Id, and all warranted and .kopt In ordor by tnyevlt Ibr 117 yours. Also VIOLINS,- , GUITARS,. lIIIE 811RET MUSIC AND MUSIC BOOKO • ' , STRINGS OF ALL EINDS; • i and ovorythlag appatalning to tho magic boalooma. ' Old Piano; liplodnona p and °rpm taken In pert patter new outs. . • - • REPAIRING. , All Wads of lostrunnati repaired audlunod Call and °amnia° my stook and .I Min aura lan , pleura ho n't forgot the placo, MAIN 9TRE4T:' - (oppOilito , Marion .OARLI9LIC PIANOS, i. ORGANS, .ORGANS CARLISLE, PA., ORGANS, ORGANS, ORG A NS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, MELODEONS, MEZ,ODEONS ACCORDEONS, FLUTES; .VI,VES;Ieo JOHN H. RHEHM: 'Stoves; Tinware' and-Pfinips GRAND , OPENING " ' • OF VIE FALL OAMpAION 'RHINESMITH & RUPP, Z;10. 62 AtU 04 NORTMITAIIOVIIItipTIVEET, _M AND SHEET-IRON WOIINERS,: and dealers in Cook, Parlor, mid every varkty of HEATIN G• BTOVIS. / • - ,The subscribers, having recently erected a dommo diousutero room, adjoining their old stand, affording Increased facilities for bus none, ars now prepitred to furnith their patrons and the public - generally with every article In their line, on the most accommo• dating terms With a large and varied assortment, to which additions aro constantly made, they feel confident that in quality and - price they — aro ahead of all competition. .P4CRLOR STOVES, COOK STOVES, • LOFFICE BTOVEB. • Thli'llepartn ant of their stock is unexeolled for areistio design superior finish, and simplicity of arrangement; r inong which may ho mentioned tho SUNNY BIDE TIRE PLACE MATED, BUNNY SIDE DOUBLE.OVEN MOE, ' BARLEY SHEAF, NOBLE Coca, and NOVELTY PARLOR COOK STOVE, with a varlety.of other Cook Stoves won known tor their excellefico. ICITCLIBIq ItANOES, of all klnde,lncludlog the celebrated NATIONAL RANGE. BAS-E BURNERS, If y_oil_want an Ornamental Stove, Ifyouivant_an_EamoraicaLStove, If you want a Powerful Heating Stove, If you want a Perpetual Fire Keeping Stove, call and extualne our stock, where you wlil find the ORIENTAL 110 T BLAST, with rovergblo Lino and ovon ORIENTAL PARLOR lIEATER, , ' • for two or more rooms, SPEAR'S REVOLVING LIGHT, . AND MAGIC LIGHT BASE BURNERS;) / a largo aattortmon t of PARLOR. AND OFFICE .STOVES I=1:1 SHEET 1 - 110, , N AND TIN' WAR PI, Plain and Japanned, includnag Toilet Ware, Cash and Deed Boies, Bread, Cake, and Sugar Boxes, Knives and Forks, Spoons of all kinds, Ladlos, Lanterns, Coal Buckets, Enarholed and Plain Hollow Ware, Wrought Iron Pane, ilhoyo'm and Tonga, Coal and Flour elev., Flat Ito., Brace Kettica, Fruit Jam, &c,, &c., embracing a largo and complete an sortment to which leo invite the attention or ,buyers. Wo aro also prepared to furniali Pumps for Cisterns and Deep Wells, Bnd Itavo f'or male tbo celebrated CUCUMBER WOOD' UMP, Warranted genuine. Constantly on hand FIRE iiracti AND REPAIRS FOR STOVES ROOPINOr SPOUTING, AND JOB WORK attended to promptly and on ronentable terms. ar Old Stoves taken in exchange Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed on us wo aro determined, by increased Worts, to merit a continuance of it, and respectfully ask the public to call and examine for themselves. RHINESMITH & RUPP, Nos. 62 and 64, NORTH lIANONTR STREET, CARLISLE, ,TA 1550p7 . 0 COMPORTS OF HOME TILE AMERICAN BASE BURNER. Air— , Home, Sweet Home." O'er mountain and moor, though we over may rove, Our hearts turn tylthjonduess back to that Stove, Where we sat all lost Winter, a warming our toes, And fond mem'ry eestatic„halls its old time repose. Stove, Store, itase•Surning Stove, There's no Stove liko thee, Amer'can Stove. Pureed to Buffer by another, u e quickly repine, 0, g:rit i lne ilio American; that IN the ehrine Alma wlllth we all gather so pleasant and neat, And keep ourdelros comfortable way down to our G et Stove, :love, A In.rican Stove, Ther's no Stove like the Bano•BniniA &tove Had I Stores placed before me to test by my choke For the " Amerintu Ibululturner" I'd raise loudly my voice, For with the fuel in It, 'twill bring out the hart , And keep you worm and pleapant down to your feet Stove, Stove, wonderfel Stove, There's no Stove like thee„ American Stove. For solo at IVAL FRrDLEY'S STOVE STORE, ON EAST LOUTIIER STREET, to the rear of Shnpley Halbert's Fortilturo Rooms, Whore ynn can find an °Lidless vitriol, of good., finch fix Furnaces, Ranges, Cook Stoves, Ofice, Parlor:* aud floating Stoves, of 'II tyseriptlow, together with TIN AND SIIIIIITIRON WADE la( all klndn. and at an low prices, for ensll, Benny other •stnbliuhmant Iu town. SPOUTING, ROOFING, AND JOBBING of all iclade dond with nasalisec and despatch Call ands. Woo purchasing alsorrliero. WILLIA, FRIDLIIY floc 70-0 m T H OLD ESTABLISHED STOVE AND TINWARE STORE J-A-MES McGONIGATI,r NO. 83 Bourn HANOVER STREET, (Adjoining 11Intr.& 8001 Circcory Blom) OARLISLE, PA After an experience of over thirty yenta 10 the Stove and Tinware Warless, to Carnets, tho under signed fuels confident that Ms recomnisndotten of Stoves has some weight wittt the community,' Ile now offere the celebrated EMPIRE GAS,BURNEI.i,, which 'lel fools mtleflad ft lira bestßare Burner In the markol, le handsome, throwing a cheerful Ilphtoround tbafroom; thorn aro 'riff clinkers oven With the Word coal; the heat Is refloded to , tlro floor, and strikes thef-japt Instead of the faro; the gas Is entirely consumed; all dirt Is carried oft Lyn back pipe , ithanoonallatlng damper by which roomy may ho kept thoroughly ventilated; and it producer an grant heat from ea email laquantity of oosine any stovo ever offend to the public Ile also offers the " Cozy Light," and the "Beacon Light," both limo Burma, highly , .recommended by all who have mod them. All time Bads burner. a r e tenured for throe years, and if ahoy do' not Work satlefOctorlly may bareturned. Also the following well known ()boil BTOVES: • Nimrod, lionsides; • Farmer; Shit°, and others.' Them aro 'all warrento3 and way bo returned if unsatisfactory. Hundreds of thoro,baro been pot' up by inn lee tblucoutinunlty, and their popularity le universal. ' All theso Mores ;nay bo mien at• my establish . . silent, and references can ho glean to parties ming, SPOUTING AND ROOTING, • . , ottondo4 to In town or country. Appals/rig Bono on abort notice: • . JAMES IMOONIGAA 200ct70-0M No. 83 South lionover atropt, Groderie iLev. FRESH CiROCERIES FRESH GROCERt.E . Bi I Alwaye to be hod at'tho VILE4P STORE, No. 88 ' East Porafrot Styoot: Mlll And ivlly aro thoy always fresh i BOCIIIIBO we sell a groat amount of thorn, and sell thorn low. Thore• fore: turn our Stook often, and consequently our gqrsla must ho fresh. 'ou will find everything you Irish in the way of . Peocaries„, „ „ .. ~ Quoonswaro, Glassware, ' . — Willow and Codarwaro, ' .. Stone and . . I . . . Crockeryware, :, Cholco.Liams, s Dried Beet, . . Balegna, Bed, Tongues, Biscuits and Crackers of every deacrlption. Pickled, Spiced siul Fresh Oysten3, Sardines, English Pickles, ' Lemon Syrups, Sc., and no end to NOTIONS It in useless to mention them, come and see for your selves; and parents If It don't suit you to come, send your children , as they w . lll be dealt with the earn°, CATO ea if you Were hero yourself. ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchango for goods, or cask GEO. B. HOFFMAN'S SONS, No. 88 Last Pomfret Street, levor7o. (UAW L6,YA J . M. MASONHEIMER, MESE CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, FINE QUALITY OF TEAS, PURE SPICES, QueezowarJ, Glassware, Mono= e, BLOT BRANDS OF FAMILY FLOUR, .• ALL ICINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCT BOUGHT AND BOLD .BOUTLIWEeiT Conx:lrit PITT.AND P3MBRIff STRIO7III 16decter0 Philadelphia Advertisements lIS CABLIMIND 18i1 fIiG.II,EgT PRE3IIUM siLvEn' MEDAL, ,ntvartietl over nlt compotjtion, al Mocitnytiox' Exhibition, Boston, October, 1809. THE ORIGINAL AND GENUINE =0 WROUGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING- EATHR, with patentedlluat Screen, Orate for Reale, Wrought Iron Radiator, 0101 Automatic Regulator, for btlruing Anthracite or Bitum loom, Coal - or Wood. 10 lace for brickwork, add 2 ajar, Portable. Manufactur,d only by REYNOLDS & SON, N. ltr. cor.,43th 6.. Pi?bort Streaq, rA These lleatora are made •Of heavy wrought Iron, well riveted together, and are warranted to be abso- lutely than anti Dust Tight. They ore tho only Heaters that ti o managed without any dampers, end In which all Inds of fuel can ho burned without alteration., Cooking VIL ego for Ile el , Restaurants, and FamiLles. Also a Flat Top Heating Range, ' Fire Place Heaters, Low Down Grates, Slate Mantels, Registers, Ventilators/ 1'u•1.1111/013 Hy ing full. estrltittott,44out frog•, to any toltlitte. 2:U111.40.1y (SPEC IA ?f,,I)TICE.I T HE DOUBLE-OVEN - SUNAYSIDE COOK OF 187 Ie coubtrnetedutr_thtiroly. new and scientific Kin pies. with siphon foe, glill•1111trod to thoroughly loot two kr.te ovens, and PiX pot holy, with two-thltiti, the fuel tiled is the !Angle ovon Cook Stoves. IVo nro still manufacturing cur long and favorably kn - nwn • IHRLEY 9111,1 A F. Cool{ INC/ 9 °VP, co highly oAccuic t I.y (Ito public f r ucceral yenr pilot. • I= Our greet double-Leafing Parlor Stove Ilan been much Improved nod benetified the, year 11 hope known the motile of thin Stove need no vein men•. Our celebrated, SUNNYSIDE FIRE. PLACE HEATERS, among Its many premluiria also carrkil if the P rat Premium at the Nlitryltitel Ina in thlitiflll,•, lu 11861.1, although subjec•crl to th• Mont neve e tests li the home of the tint ltnure Heater. Iris Is 1114 or ly true hot air gre-phice Hester in Ire arrerket,, tad like rho regular 'built cellar heater Irises no hoot Snail for Circulanfand Testlirrunlir In STUARI, PRIPAISON S: CO, Philndelphia, - For mkt by ; - - Messrs. Rhiincsmith & Rupp, Carl isle, 'Pa Al. for sato by D. W. Spencer, Newville, Pa., Messrs. Wolfe &Bro., Shippeneburg, Pa fixep7o.3an Sixty-flvo First Prizo Modals Awarded TIIE, OBBAT PALTI.VORII PIANO DIANUFACTORY WILLIAM KNA11.,.% 00., Mnnurnetuyers of +! Grand, Square, and Upright PIANO FORTES, DALTIWORD, MD. Those liiiiruilionte hire.) boon bolero the publio for nearly thirty year.. and upon their excellence alone attained an impure/laud pre-coiinence, labial' pro. nounces thew titequalled. Their 111Zi combine, groat power, aweetnem, and lino ainglng quality, no won - he great, purity or Intonation, and ewoatueee throughout Old entlro nettle. Thar rrizza Io pliant And olaotle, and ontirely fro° how tho NUM veto found Inko Lonny Plonoc IN NO 12 MANS 111 I' they ern unoquallod, timing mono but the nary boat seasoned material, the. largo opital employed in our business enabllog no to keep continuolly an immonsa stockna-lumbor, AT., on band. co - All our Square Pianos bare, our New Improved Gverstrung Scale moll Gm A groin Treblo. 4CirlVo would .call special attention to our tato improvements in Grand Pianos and Square Grande, Patonted August 14, 1800, {Well bring lbw Plano twarorportoctlpa them Lae yet boon 848141(81. Every-PianoYully-Vaitltifeedfcir7G-geilli WO taro motto - arrangements for Dm 8010 Whole. ,aalo Agency for,tha Tot, colobratod • • PARLOR ORCIAND AND. BLELODdCONS, widoh .tra offer Wholesale and Ratan, at Loweit Factory Prime. WILLIAM ISNADICA CO. • JAMES DELLAM, Wltototato Dopot, „ , • 270 & 281 South sth street, iSpop7o:Ora . . Philadelphia. SPECIAL NOTICE. CLARK's& BIDD,LE • ___Reepoethdly Inform their 'frloade that MR. JEREMIAH ROBBING, (late of the firm of Banff & C 0.,) hoe tide day eeeo olatod hhnsolf with thorn, under the firm name of ROBBING, CLARK is BIDDLE,. and will oontiroab 'the WATOII AND 'JEWELRY DIJOINDSS . at the old "eland, ' • • • 1,124 OILESTNIIT EITEDET . PDILADELPIIIA. Thofaro now dialog, at reduced picas, a choice stock of ' • ' ABIRRIOAN AND SWISS WATODES, - • DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, STERLING SILVERWARE, • • ' ' . • .TAELIS ODTLERYy • ' . . ; MANTEL PLONKS, • mutton, PRENEN AND Twice. . IikATIIBri AND r.tawy GOODS' 28ap70 ' • . Goods fund' Carpets; BARGAINS I IN DUX GOODS, 17110111 AUCTION, CHEAP CAS STORE •, • Now opening, a second supply of the cheapest Fall and winter Goode brought to Carlisle this sermon. A largo Assortment of fAidita' Dross Goode In every Cloths, BLANKETS AND I?.NNELS, Tory cheap. WATER-PROW? CLOTH In all colors Muslin; Tick Inge, Ginghams, &c.. at tho.very lowest notch. floalery, Gloves, Undershirts, &0., cheaper than over. Table Linens, ToWollng, and Napkins. All kinds of Notions, Throado,Tarns, Braids, Shirt Oollarth - Ladlos' Sahnoral Skirts, &0., he , in ondleso variety. Special bargsins In Mack Alpacas, of a now rooks, and splendid qinility. FIIItS I FURS I Funsl An ontiro now lot of Furs. Croat bargelos, baring no old ones. 3'archasore can depend on getting nowand cheap article. Purohnsors aro earnestly ire to call and...- mine my stock ornow 'goods, and satisfy themselves. a No trouble to show goods at the Cheap Cash' Store, xi). 47 WEST MAIN STREET, CARLISLE WM D RY GOODS I DRY GOODS I NEW STOCK OF FALL 600DS Wooden and. pleaeuro In offtaing to ray patrona and the public, a atock of Willowtaare coniploie In evety branch, - nuil not excelled In quail ty, beauty, and cheapness. I have now open a !Knuth.' stock of col - apt-Wag black alike, black and colored all-wool repo, black and colored. Mbvool poplins, black and colored wool delalnee, black and colored morioooa, rich plant_popllnaceorgree,—velottm—linertanalso - botr, puto 'lnnhaira, new brand of double warp black alpaca, for beauty of color, weight of texture,. and price, It taker the' land 6r any alpacas In the market. •• Long nod sTinre Thlbot Shawls, all of whloh I •Rer excrodltntly cheap. Flannels in owy variety. Ladles' Cloakintre—illark Beavers, Vulvaleons, Whits Corduroy, Opera Dann°la, Plaids, for Circulars. -- Water-Proof nouie-Furnishing Dry 00011 A, Table Litioun. Natihim, and White Goode. ♦ll tho popular brand, of Domestics, at prices io meet the lowest ain't:Wong. Merino Vesta. Shirts, and Drawers,, for Ladies, Micros, lefeik'ond Iloys Knitting yarns, zephyrs Ch.rmaniown wool, Per sian wool, mid balmoral . yin rs, Hamburg odglngs and insertings, thread laces, Quinn, o laces, linen and lace collars, kid gloves, linada °rale., foil, Intl moral, and hoop skirts, corsets, and a general variety of notidna. Uffill No hesitancy In Baying that tbo prices vrlll t,o oa tow ae any In town. All goods bought at the bead of Ibo market, for malt, and soperior Inducements will be offered at the Cheap Cash Store Corner Hanover and Pomfret Streets, ISoct7o NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! =IEEE lloslo I opo.oiln large and well eel clod stock of to hroel every iorlety of ko!go nud foloic el< SHAN, l'o crud Bilk., Sink Poplin, French Pope hos, Wool Berge., Wool Reps, Velours, Victoria ['kitl4, Stuart end Rob Iloy PIIIIIIP, Colored Poplins, All/Ile on A superior brand cf Mack A Ipaccas, which rot welulit, :nitre, and price creelsurly other in the 111.1ket. A (milt stock of Mate soil Colero,l lu from the pills. Very chop. - Velvoteoss, NVater Proofs, $l.OO nod upwards. Precholiamls, 'Pillar ahnvle. 9tritied Shawls, and Blanket Shawls. Prices sway done. Dreserost• Shawls, Ladies' and ChiWon's Morino Vests, Mon's Marino Shirts, Wove Yarns, Zephyrs, liosisry, laces, Einbra!dories, Cloves, Jouvin's loves. Fresh stook In from the manufacturer., lees than . city prim. A full lino of Mon and Iloys' taselmcres. Busts mode to order at lowest prices. We wish everybody to call and °voluble our dwell stook and got moo 'of the bargains, as you can save 26 per coat.' IME DECLINE IN GOLD I CORRESPONDING DECLINE IN GOODS, (PIA° nu excitement in the Dry Meth market, In s very marked decline in prices of Bilks, Doistnes, Merino., Alps°. vanoty, coops thing In this Ilno of goods. Flannolo, Ticklngo,Oinghamo, Blankote,Colteat4dou, liontnakyJoano, CLOTHS, and CASBIMEFES, mon and Cotton Tublo Claws, Shirting, Chocks. bininsook, Cambrlce, Jnconote, French Sim line, Tarlotone, Cambric 'and' swim • Edghike nnit Ia Beetling. HOSIERY, GLOVES,' ' • Trimmings, in greet inriely, Itlbbone, of the best quolity, Hole and Suptowns. . - . • of a great tnetni atylcis sod ill very cheap. . Leidice .Undor Toribandaomoli mai(oend trim m ed. 'Also Russets, Dnge, Winiloth Shadee Quilts, Cannier panue, and mayygoo,de not ruoidoned for rant of Igoe.• • We claim to beef.? th e largest and best stock of Dry Goode 7n the 1n for • the State, and will a all at owitt palaoa as VIII Oltioryall that thta is the plus to, got Roottbargqlua, •'- • ' • DUX() • DEUTZ tZ CO; • BARGAINS =I 0 - G I L. B s Cassitheres, Sattinots, and Joans, uncommonly low, CHARLES OGILBY IMES HARPER'S, South Hanover• Street Dry Goods, Fashionable Dress Goods, Blankotti, trikuu and Oray. Bargain. guaranteed Water-t'roof ! Cloths and Cassimerefc. Effll =I lEEMIII D. A. SAWYER, Opposite the Market House, =I DRY t; 00 D S , DO3IFSTIC GOOLE 81.1111, 6!,,f, 8, 10, 15 Calicos, 11 , 4, 8, 10, 1 . /A.6. 12, 14, 10.' Tlcklngs, 12, 15, 18, 15, Dblainvx, 15,18, 20. =I All the boat makes i,tt.the lowent uric, a I= cLOAKINO CLOVIS SILAWIAL SHAWLS I NOTIONS IN NUM IURS I FURS! D. A. SAWYER DRESS GOODS, STAPLE. GOODS. WHITE GOOD FANCY GOODS CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, RA.Zin WARE, SAFES,. ifc. MILLER & BOWERS' HARDWARE STORE, 6 NORTH HANOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA Wwould respectfully ball the atten- I tion orate public to our rocontly replenish ed STOCK OF HARDWARE looking It now one of tho largoot In Cumberland Valley and consisting In part of 114phIERED AND nig,LED IRON SURDOWS HORSE BROM, NORWAY RO.S BLACK SWIMS', WAGON MA HERS', COAGII MA KERS'AND OARPBSITEA TOOLS, BUILDING. MATERIAL Saddlery, Pain ts, Cabinet Makora, Undertakers, and Coach Mak° MATERIAL Repairs for IiIOOOR3IIOR'S REAPER constantly on bond•, Wo oro constantly fO,,rocelpt of goods direct from' no manufacturers and aro ablo to f nish country worohante at end N. York prices. , leillillOODS delivered to all parte of the, town free of charge. WILCOX & GIBBS' SE WIN G MACHINE We hove secured the Agency of, the Wilcox ,k (Me' Sewing Machine, a little family arrange ment no eon seems willing to do without after boring seen one In operation. 'ltto Wilcox & Gibbe Is a Single Thread Mechine superiority over all Double Thread Machine. in the I following particular.. I t Is simpler and leas liable to get out of repair. It la cheaper. It - rune with less noise. It rune easier. It rune raster It has the beet device for preventing the wheel from running backward. It requires less mechani cal shill to operate It. It requires less time and Imamatee to learn to nee it. It is the bloat certain and reliable In its operations. lie needle le straight and less liable to be broken than a utved dna .-Thaneed-le-is-secured an Mamba:sly patented device whish renders it self adjusting no that neither skill nor experience are required in alrangingdt. It sewe s diroctly from the spool thee doing away with the tattiest. operation OL.LAW_lndlng_LhoLthread—for—adjustsmmt — ln—t : abuttle. It rnakei the Wilcox & (Abbe Os "twisted loop stitch," a stitch original with this machine and made by no other, the seam 'ls more elastic and stronger than the Lock Stich. The SUM Is the most even and beautiful, the seam in always-soli. fastened thus avoiding a reversible feed, Its ten ohm Is more simple and more easily adjutted, it la morn speedily changed from opo kind er work to another, it does oeautiful embroidery , It hag the beet hemmer, it has the best tiller, it loan the beet braider, It ban the best belt. The ° Wilcox & has been In the market for a little more 004 yeirs, during will& MUM - upward. of sixty thousaMl have been made and cold, a number by fifty per cent larger than were sold of any Double _Thread_ - chine" Id Ilia Immo -number of its content years. Such encores le tiulliCietit to warrant the gale of this Machine wherever Ulna an Agotiry,,withoot the doubling e•tdonee of testimonials, of which there are enough to Oil up the columns in the land. These Machines are on exhibitien at our Limo, No. 20, North Ilanover street, tiarlisle, where they may be examined, and tbny will take great pleasure to ex plaining anything relstin, to It. Ilespt °tinily he., 111 LLER St DOW AllB, No. 26, North Nenovor st., .:orlislo. 1•a E=ll3 Clothing, Piece . Goo(1 , ‘, do CHEAP CLOTHING ! Para I B. M. SMILEY 'S I= NO. 11 SOUTH HANOVER STNEIET, for barge] OR, wbero jou xll2lei it large amortme READY-NAPE CLOTHING, for m 00.,,, nod boy& wear, fro 21 1111 Collllllorl. grtoSes ep to the text, ail of any own manufacture which I will sell of prices to defy competition. have on band o largo and good suu.•rtmmtt or PIECE 000E1.9, lb• such us 811:3X1 CAS.I3ItIES which I wIII null by the, yard, or cut nod make op to order, In the best manner. and at prices much lower than are usually charged for garments :undo to order. Also, a largo' assortment of SHIRTS, 11 N DERSIJIRTB, DItANS ERB, DUCK AND KID GLOVES, &c, 4., In Met everything unnally kept In a ifentlomntee Furniture Store. All of width' I aiB etll limper than the Cheapest Remember the place, NO. 11 SOUTH HANOVER STABrar, between lubutt'a Oro.wny end Strohm & ISpmrq.a's Shim Mora. 170k70-3ed D. M. SMILBY. BE HAVEN .0 BROTHER. AND 1881's BOUGHT, BOLD AND EXCHANGED 4 - 110$T LIBERA.L TERMS Cf 0 L D Botigllt einil.Bola At liarkirtrati. cOvroxs OASIIIID PACIFIC , RAILROAD BONDS . Bought anipold 130;oks bought usgSold on Commission Only Aooonuni rdoolvad o and Interest allowad on dally balance's., Battled 6 ,, check at sigia •DE 'FLAXEN sS BROTHER, No. 40 South Third street, 2TJanTOly ei e Cloths and ..Flefrti,ishin:g goods THE BEST, n Carlisle, for -Men's, Yoptho', and Loge' wear, to be - found at the old and popular tdoro of where you ran find tho latent production. of Euro of every description and quality, and all the varlotio Popular and fasidonableghadca. Cassimeres in endless variety, An lulu:Venn stock Ready.nuido Clothing, of our own manufacture, equal to garments made to order. A nplondld assortment,of INEM ME:11 it, Rakes, &o Don't fail io give LIB a call [{;We am determined to sell cheaper than any house in tower. PRUSSIA Tho first bottle Woo by In selling goods at prices to suit tho pooplo. Dun'ner and -.Wilma L 9 10 kommt as, that Cheap John can sell his Clothing, 13oots and fiboott, Hats, Shirts, Collars, fie., fifty Pot cent cheaper than any other human being/ A nowgr—liocauso ho gong to Big' Ylron In Minn dolphin. If you come to Cheap John, at 130 .y Wetzol'e, ho cam boll you FINE CALF BOOTS, A Whole Suit of Fall Clothing, at $8 00 bee Cheap John, being poor, is the friend • - - of the poor man. Ills place. of lusthil es Is Iu ffio bulliling 44ug7U . . PLAIN FACTS CHEAP CLOTHING I=l with t.n anterioneo of won, than twenty-five years evabla tvi to offer ludocotneutv to all also aro about to become purchasers of / socond to no estublialunent lo , tho con n try. Our garments aro all ludo of the teat material., carefully selocted ; nothing unsound or In riily way hoperfoct Is a inly 4p nt 1111, even In the lowest grndes of comb; It i a well omtabliebod fact among crothicre, that our newly-Made C!othing,„ln everything that goea to make n superior garment, is unequalled by Any stock CURDS, SATINETS, &o of goods I n Philndel Ain ono can be fitted at once, without delay. Oar Niece ors always guaruntesa as low, or lower, than tho lowest elsewhere. Wu have nle6 n find assortment et I= which will be made up to Oldur, Itethe holitimanner, And at pricee.ntucls lover thou ..° unueually charged MODEM (or garments mado to order. gerolonto;forwrirded by rand nt any time whon ro qxAce tod,with Instructions for enlf-ruonet!roment, and garment( either made to order or OrleCted from our Faady-kfado Stock, forwardOd by expreee, guaranteed to fit correctly 4• dolphin, call and havo their inbasure registered Os our books kept for that perporo, horn which gar mento ortu bo ordered nt Roy Altura time HALL, '5lB MARKET EMRICH; between Fifth itud Sixth tArcoti;,, • • • • 130ct711-lat • The Choicest 'molt - tug Tobaccok. , T HE BEST ANI) CBOICEST EMOKING 108-A13(10. , PifILADELPLH.L4 /jar Obo - that oiPoiy package you -buy I;cale that rind decidedly the largest stook of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 22 North Hanover. Street, pcau and American manufacture CLOTHS OVER-COATINGS Tho largest assortment over displayed Tweeds, Satinets, Cheviots, &c, A bplondld etock.of Vcefinge Gentlomeri's Furiiisldng Goods Carpotbnp, ISAAC LIVINGS ON, No. 22 North Hanover Street, earlier, Established 1847 EMI= AGAINST FRANOB CHEAP JOHN -------- 'nE's~ v 0: And flioes thrown In the bargain, ATTACHED TO TOU FRANKLIN 110Un, (Roney We Izo l'e,) In rear of the'Court House ErIZE RE ADINIV! A large, we I ustabllkhod, and !meet:Wu' lmoluesu, L QT II I N Our ttavrtnaant la ao largo and varied that ovary 4711 , iEQ;ODS IN TUE PIECE,-06 Satnploo of gools, with prlro,llota for all lauds of Po sons tot residing bore, can when. Tliy.ing:PLlla BENNETT & CO., la manuraetureilla FACTORY NO; IID'DIOTRIOT•0F MARYLAND' Inacrlptlon t ;999170-ly Umbrellas Se
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers