Fi PuOITBSOn Jouv. -RrtErAt of this place, dolivere'd a lecture in Petersburg, Adams county, on ThanksgivingeviMing , to a large and select audience: Subject, music. They showed their appreciation of the lecture by • formiug a largo class for the Professor, both in vocal and, in; etrumental Music. • ellitidE OF 8A8,11.-="17110 afternoon trains, east and west, on the Cumbdr-' land. .Valley Bail toad, pass_ at We gas house below town, instead of on the Col lege siding, as heretofore. This:cliango was, rendered noVessary by the new schedule.-which wont _into operation of! the twenty-fourth ultimo.. Ecur4i.—Therb will boa total eclipse of the Sun at 7 o'clock on the morning of the twenty-second instant. It is not visible- here, _lint, if any of our readers should be on a visit to the Atlantic coast - , Europe or Africa, they would obtain a glimpse of the eclipse. So says the prophet of the Almanac. A BARGAINS 1 BARGAINS !! At the cheap clothing store. The cheap est ready made clothing in the town, at' the cheap clothing store. The cheapest suits made to order, at the cheap clothing atom.- The cheapest overcoats, at the cheap clothing -store. The cheapest cloths and cassimeres, at the cheap cloth ing store. The cheapest shirts, drawers, hats, umbrellas, buck and kid gloves and a full assortment of gentlemen's furnish ing goods of all kinds, at the cheap ()ly ing store. • would inform the public generally, that he has on hand a large and splendid assortment of ready made Clothing, of . his own manufacture, which he is selling •at the very-lowest ca di prices ; also a large assortment of cloths, eassuneres, whiCh he will sell by the yard or cut, and make to 'or der at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. N. r, . — All goalls sold by the yard will ho cut free of charge ; all his guaranteed. Remember the place, No: 11 South Hanover street, between Inhoirs giwery, and Strohm &.Sponslcr's shoe store. 1,1,702 t B. M. SMILEY. CiIArAIANs is the place to get photo graphs, and frames to suit. AIINCE- PIES ! All our readers \rite have in contem plation the bilying of ,Ilrandies or Item, for the above article; we would advise them to go lo our friend Jaeob Living ston, dealer iu PURE WINES AND LIQUOR, No. 27 North Hanover street, where you can huy all articles in his-line at the low est ,prices, and of a better quality than any other place in Carlisle.. I de7(Ht HALL'a Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re newal—the best preparation extant for re storing gray hair to its originaLcolor, and to keep it so EMI run that has seen a dangerous disease -arrested by an able physician, or t geed medicine but values both ? lie it, your family physician to. whom you owe so -many escapes from aches and ails, or Dr. Ayer's inimitable -remedies :—His Sar saparilla that renewed your vitality, or Cherry Pectoral that cured a painful -cough,--m-his-Ague-Cure.-that expelled the freezing ague end burning fever from _your blood. Vilm_Stat has.been relieved by any of these agencies butfeels grfife . - •ful for them all.—Uitfogor Ti,nes.l 1)n. W. D ITATJ Dims. MARC L. HALL. Office and residence ;7, Dahl Hanover skeet, Carlisle, Pa. lioMns strictly pri vate. Consultation free. Drss. IPill makes the treatment of female diseases a Speciality. ldeTOGni FRYSINOER & WEisEn have always on Land, at their Carpet House, 20 difibrent styles of Rag ,Carpets. Every person who, examines these carpets pronounces them to be the best in the market. They arc superior carpets at, low figures, cheaper than you can nuace them your self. We are dealers exclusively in the carpet lhp, and keep everything that be longs to our business. Cash paid for Wool. Mn. LocumAN still continues to Make the best photographs in town. Parties who have tried other artists invariably come back to him, being re-assured that he is master of the art, and that they can nowheres get better pictures. The gal lery has been removed from Mrs. Neff's building, No. 21 West, Main street, to the extensive rooms over Miller & Leidielt's store, South-cast cornet Market square and Main street, where Mr. Loch iman is always glad to show hisspecimens . .to visitors. THAT iron is as valuable as a meth• eine has long been known, but, it is only since its preparation in the particular form of Peruvian Syrup that its full power over disease has been brought to light. Its effect, in cases of dyspepsia and debility is most salutary. CAUTION to purchasers of the Peruvim Syrup (a protected solution of the pro toxide of iron.) Beware of being de ceived by any of the preparations of Pc ruvian Bark, or Bark and Iron, whicl may be offered to you. Every bottle o genuine' has Peruvian Syrup (not Pc ruvian Bark) „blown in the glass. Ex amine the boltle before purchasing. FOR SALE. 'Mlle good will and fixtures of a fh•st , dabs boarding house, centrally located, • Lento; easy. Address A. B. post office box 287, Harrisburg Pa. A LARGE addition lately made to the sioelc of lumber, in the yards of ' A. IL BLAIR. ATTEND to'sccuring your coal for wi ale while prices aro low and quality go o, Call at tile yards of JACOI 'LIVINGSTON, pettlor in I,INFI' WINES AND Liguolts, .No. 57 North Hanover street,, Uirers the following gOods ; ranted pure, unadulterated and full Proof.. Always as represented. Genuine Imported Prench Coganc Brandy, old age. • Pure Old Bye WhiskeYs by celebrated • Best quality Ginger, Brandy. Pure old gin. Pure old Port wine. "The very best quality Sherry, Claret, Now England Ruin, &c. Th..we.white spirits, for drug __ gists and family ase. • Sold at the lowest prices ,for cash. A 21ap6m. JACOB LIVINGSTON, .• " Wholesale and Retail Dealer in tonAceo QIGARS, PIPES, &C. • • NoT - 27 - North - Hanovet atria: . • ~ • Offers`to the trade the 'best brands of 'a lag() variety of Che Wing and Smok ing: Tatiecos, real 'Michigan Fine Cut, in bulk or in tin foil. W. E. Garrott's celebrated snuff. • Real genuine ImportedllayanftSegars. Yafti Connecticut and Daincstic Segal's. • A:large assoitinglit eVerything ,be longing to tho'business, and. sold at as low a price, as in any•Eastorn city. The, public. , is respectively invited to call and inspect rey large assortment. If article warranted as reproffented. 21ap700in • TO PRIVATE TAMILIES ' Pure • and unadulterated Wines and Liquors, 'supplied at their 'resichince,; by sending order to store, or through Post Office:, Every article warranted as rep re6eincd or the money reflinded. ' SACOiI'LIVINGSTOIT.• lAmover Limunuipuns‘opal.opuslantly onband. 'Myra full tissortalotit of lumber at. tho lowest prices, at tho yards of T, A. 11,7 11-Tairu. °sau7o 0v,91,p, 1,,A914.1 • This is a race not to test the Speed of the Wolf, but to test who can sell goods the cheapest, this J. ll.,Wolf,:at No. 18 NorthHaitovei'Street, ‘vlbtorions: 06 :ma 'see the bargains he offers in under-clothing, 'Buck, Woolen and Kid Gloves, Hoods, Shawls, Hosiery, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Germantown Yarns, and Zephyrs &e, itc. In fad if you wish to see the best assortment ofNOtions in Carlisle go to WOLF'S.' r., SPDCIAI, - . NOTIC-gS • • • 'MRS.'S. 11. StEG, - .• ache, tf Vocal 11 itsie,seitie np<i Bo ;Styles , Will vlsitcarll , lo, two Ltqt,eaelt wool< If a hliflielent lumber of IMOLA WO obtained Application rnay k bo toad° to Professor Illtventor to MRS. SIE(I, 108, Walnut street, Harrisburg. Te.nsw-420 for a term of 6venty lessons. Irenp7o COUNTRY P,IIO,DUCE Wm .( Son will horraftor exclumge goods for utter, Eggs, Lan!, and Drivol Vrilltg, with lon retail engtonhin., and trill give the beta prices r them the. market will !aflnkl. Pet snali in Count iy Proditc;o plea, glvo IN a call. WM. FLAIR S. SON, 2 /Nl7ll " Smalt Cnrlfsle, Pa. TUMORS, CANCER:':, ULCERS ~rs le.n.h; end Inin.n„of Ilia A nierlenn univerNity, malting etitelerfill Ct 1111,,, Timmy+, toil Cleern, by their new din:every. A 1 rOlOllOll I, no knife, 11l 1111191 r.+, 110 cnux: is burning. Tile n' reintirlinblo effeet trent- InenC if+, it senaritti, the chemical vleinettle of enn _eurene growlltA:ta'tluti th - ey shrivel, lie. and dist 10th, an I hitt, net return. All t bone ;filleted erni iup iii; the Proteisors, I 1.01 fANAN R 1101 V ;1, Mil t ; e /I.lllregg, No. :11.1 Pine 1/111117/ Advises Cousumptiv6F, to go to Florida Ilasinc for the hint I itirl (-tire plat' , devout m)% wholo lino and,at Motion to the study of hint din vitae+ tiel T tionsumittion, I feel that I utultireland fully I hi' coin --it that ooght is be loos , " to ',Moita tolor.tlo bad ease tit di-stated Ittogn lo healthy mouth miss. The litst and most, important iitett is for the patient 10 avoidtaltl lig slot of al I plan, MI !hi , VOW Int'. 1 Pie thin 'impost: NV II 1 , 110/Ila.t eillhati ',iii' the hits to; *viler(' lit • tm. per hole in t egulor. o tot lot noljeet to, spelt vat.- thou: 'novo Northern latitude*, linlatilt. Is a point 1 mot 1.,01111131.11(1. A good hots! is kept t err by Patermatt. LustO inter I Roy several per. tot thorn whore lungs hail Mien badfy ili-tinautl, but who, tool, tht• healing inlittence of the <throats and lily were getting *roll'. • Ono husilmil miles forth, down the rifler Is a point **Melt I would prefer to litithilltd, as the tem perature in more eveu and the all . dry and I.rni lug, 31011:.ovilln tool Enterprise ars located there. I should trite preforeure Tt la twn 1101 trolls river or lake, tanit It NOVI. 31111161 Ittiposnible to tithe osdd there The tables in Militia might he hotter and patents complain sit tint., but that Inn gro!ff sign, tit it totlicatis tt return ”r app. tile. and ti d e. this in the ea. , they gotterolly itirmato in flesh, and then tlin lungs Twist liral. Oreen Cove, awl ninny other plies In various parts of Florida. esit Lit safely moonnendtel to isrnouniptives ill eintsr. !My men°. for sllying so are that patients are less liable to talth cold 105rti thanwhere thorn Is n less riven tempera ture, and It is not necessary to say that where a con sumptive person exposits himself to frequent rolls Ito Is eeotain to dun shortly. 'Ultereforti my advice is, go rill down into the State ont of the reach of prevoL tog toot muds and fogs. le, or animist any other -of- the loettlities--T-Trivret-ostmotli-willi-benellt lhoselbito.tre troolifed with a torpid liver, it disor dered stniligrilt, ilorilngetl hnwols, sore throat - or Terttltbswitilleseduttiits are diseased it mom: sodthernyottit in earnestly recommended. For fifteen years prior to le6J, I was prolossienally in New folk, llo*ton, ilaltilnore, out Ihilladelliblit ivory work, where I 5:150 null exittniited on awtive, ago tire ltgitil red patients a week. A Jimetier so extmeilve, enditiatiim; tiverty possible phase of lung tilstiase, lilts enabled inn to understand the disease follY, and honey any caution. In regard to taking cold. A prison war till, vast gurintities rif"Sohelick'n Pull - aniline :Syrup; Stuovettd - 'route Mitudrillto Pills," and yet die if hr does lint avoid taking void. In Florida, nearly overybotly is using - Mandrake Pills,- for the , elimato Is more -likely In prolneebilirats'lntbilni titan fibre .orthern latitudes. It is is well entalilished Net that natives of Plot i iii rarely tut of eonsitutptiom rsperinlly those of the southern port. On the other hand, in New Englund, notte•third, at least, of the population die of this terry le ditt...itte. In litn States It does not prevail .no largely. still there are twiny thonsitiols ill /11,1.8 thorn. Wit t cut f lin• woluld In ed cea learn a 5 easy Merlotti in Tim gird to t nit fresh coldam about scarlet l*mr, small - pox, &o. - But Itit• ores not.' They take whit they lure it little mild, skied they are eiiiititt• lons enough to believe will *tear off In a lets days. They too' tel alleittlitu to It, and hence it lays the foundation for another and abother still, 110111 the Itings are ili•eased beyond all hope for more, My advice to.perions o hose longs:in, ninn.t.nel even slightly In, to litSt in a stick of St henries Pull:sonic Syrup, Srlienrii's Scaned, Sehonek's 31slitl e pre Pills, and o to Florida I recommend thes part loathelllftliC g ill. I !MI thOrOUghly W.111111111(141 With their idiot. flume, that where they iris used in strict necordineo with my direc tions they will do the that is required. -This accomplished, nature trill do the rest. The physl Ciall Who preset Ines for mild, cough, or night-sweats, nod then adv., the patlont to walk or tido Intl II y day, will lie sure to herr a corpse on tile hotels larforie long. My plan in In gim oly. hum on 7 siivinn., iu aticer.t. antis oith ths dirt., limp, exci Id in some ettio.s, Iv Imre u fro, use of the Mandrake Pills is Aly is to give tons to the stonowli to gl.l 1111 11 00101 111.111.11t1. It if, always a good 'gut o 11111 /1 11/111..111 begins to grow 111/11.11.5. I have 111/1, of sin h. With 11 11'14111 11/r" 14011 1111111110 grail. ration iir I toil rrlish good blood, and %rllll lore 11,11, 11 Lich id closi•ly hilltoreci by a healing of he tong,. 'lllOll till. rough 111011011 s end 11111111,, the rreping chills fool eltirony night-sit Petri no longer of:drill° :mil annoy, fool the fi.flient gold weft, fir"- 'Med Ito avoids taking COlll. Ml,' there are many consumpth . ol who have not the means to go to north, ' rho may bo mired, irt ' llose no hope for elicit? Certainly 0011, tar My advice to melt is. and ever has been, to stay in a warm room atiring the winter, with a honin:l - of about tevonty do,,..eas, which should ho kept regularly at that point, by moans of a thermomoter. Lot such a pationt tato h i s exercise : 3l, Rhin rho limits Um rosin by NVOliill,qlll/ and done no nwrir as his atteugth will permit, In order to Mud, np 11 heal ehrllllltll.ll 14 ' 1110 bk.'. I hand I 111 - .1 thOtl,lllllS Lv thin system, mad cando ro ' ndo. Coo•nmptian In as otinily cured an any otlo r dis.r. , e if It in tat,n in time, and the pm par hold of trtat moot is pursued. 'I he hod rdtroln undisputed o rt t orti that Febenot's Polnomic 83 imp, Mandrake , nnotne I Toter have mused vet y many of what ,Pllll,ll to lu 1101114 C. eases of constonplio 1. Go where you a:II, pro trill lto almost cordlin to find nom, poor conuomptive mho tin been resexed from the "very Yronof death their So far as th.• Mandrake Pills are .cottcsrm every body should keep a supl•ly of them on hand. They act on the liver better than calomel, and leave room of Its hurtful efforts bellind c In fart they ore is cl lentin all rno,•n where a purgative medicine is re quired. If you have partaken too freely of fruit find tin:urines .•nurse+, it dom of the Mandrakes will cum . you. If you aresnldert to sllk 11021114.11er, take ad, of tine Mandrakes and they will relieve yon in two hours. If yofi wonlillnlodate the effect of a elealegle of venter, or the too free infinigenro in fruit, take one of tits Mandrakes every night or every other night, nnd • yon may then think venter sal fist watertnelons. pears, :limit it, plums, peaches, or corn. without Ito rhlt of being allele sick by them. They will protect those whe lite In 11.1 min a Mations against shills and revels. Try them. ere perfectly harmless They can do y o u good only. I hale abandoned my professional visits to Boston and New York, but vontlinic to sec palleaels at Illy "Moe, No. Ili N. SIXTH Street, rillinfielphia, every Saturday, from it a. tn. to Sp. fir. Those who wish a thorough examination Willi tier Meal ironenlier will be charged live doll. ru. -flit° • ItelMirolootor declares the rXelet condition of Ilia tangle, and patients ran readily learn whethm theyome curable or )aft. But I Josh•° 11,1141°011y materstood that the value of my medicines depends entirely mom. thlir being taken strictly tomcatting to flit cottons. In conclusion, I will ody that when pnrsonx tu b e my medicines and their systems are infonght lute a healthy eondition thereby, they aro net 1 , 0 liable to take cold; yet no one with elleereleauel Inhga can bear a sudden elutugo of atmosphere without the EOM Ily of greater or lore irritation of the bronchial tubes. lull directions in all languages' accompany toy medicines, 00 explicit and clear that any one can use them wit bent consulting me, anti can is bought from any tit uggist. A. ),I..BJ.Ain J. 11. SCRENCK, 31. D., 10noviol'ill N 0.15 N. Sixth xtreet, WIBICLitAI LINO. 'MBE GUARDS,• for Btor Frunts, Asylums, &v. Iron llepteads, W Lro Wot binge lOC sloop and poultry yards, Brass and ITT Wire cloth Stoves, FerltiON, tit:reline for real, Orr sand. "cc., Heavy Orlmped Cloth fur pnart: arrest° Landscape Wire for Wlnflowe Make Wires, Ornamental Wire • {Yorks. Every Inform by adtlon procslng the manufacturers ', WALK' / BONS' NO 11 North Sixth street 1:1Oladelphla. 24feb70-I.y. LATEST NEWS FROM"PHE SEAT dr WAR. .C..yle lirolhErs have just returned from tho east and 'parchastal the largest stotik of g6ods that has over loon brought to thin niarket. They attllclptito a good raudness,. and have tondo preparations on a Ilboull scale. Nothing that. totals to beauty, taste, and attraktvones to a stock of 'Notions has boil omitted. Merchants luny expect to see a very superior stock of goods gt our' ham:, and in prices Nye fiery eknPotltion with the rooter,,. .nutrlcots. Our stock consists In pirt Dttal:l \ Sheep, Hid flh 1011, Berlin, and Cloth Plover!, (and Ladies' Kid-Oloves,)llultdorshlrts and DraWCIN, 'Woolen, Merino, 'and . Cotton Half Hose, Lad Woolon, Norton, arid Cotton Hose, 1111Enes' and Children's 31'orEtud 71uu0., .A lon an out Irsx vtoloty of Notions. Popor Bags from to 10 pounds. - P. P. , —.Agonts for Ilauovor Buck Olovfs and Cain- lots, Pirko coil ntarlnspect' oar Stock,' , COYLE 111t0T1111118, '2A Ltduthliatioyer street, CM • .1 • WE sometinuot hear pertamo opealing abnot!tho Odd lb& l'of 'onrinln iitun, %slid,. 114: say, Hem 111 have overy6lng their own way, old wiry enimot.ivo gut Homo of the 'mono favorable broczeo. Wo would Jimt lieroxinnivis, that whit (troy tfall'good look to !Amply .Laing ottepthio nod a3reeablo to their ens looters. Wu ootico. a groat- desire, on the part of t.ttoiu who while le porelniSO good nod • cheap Dry Goralo, to ,drop Into the tiew .01.000 of IMICE & WItICHOLDER, and they,no trouble to show their goods, and point out the groat bargaloo able to give, on account of ildr entiro'otock Laing now nod fresh. • All wishing to cvanihnilluiti '"stock ho heartily ,weleoined. Como, every end men for yourselves: thisnin, DR. SCIIENCK iu Winter EITROIIS,OB YOUTlit, Anentloman who auttored for years from Norepus. ,Dohllity,Pretnaturo Dc?ityr find .Iliatoffecto of Yoinlifidindlecrotion, will for ttio sake ouffeFlog homanlty, eendfroo to all who nood 11, the roceti4 for making tho , simplo remedy by which ho was cored. Suflorors wishing to profit by the advertle, on's osperionclu tau do to by addrosolng, In ;perfect confidence, .701 IN B. OGDEN, N 0.42 Collar St. Noiv TOIR lltny 7 70 13 BE WISE, Weld u wisdom will benefit you :'ho hot itiwn:ydeuuT trolled by your"incredulity,t hundreds have sought, relief from the horrors of Dyspepsia through the medimp of DEt4I3TII'S ANTI-DTSTEPTIO STOMACH BITTERS and (Vend It. Why should you suffer whemth f a adml table stomachic has cured many similar cases-why do you doubt while other believe and ore cured 1 Delay In this matter Is both clangorous and unprofltahrs. Your health, happiness and buslnesii suffers, while constant neglect Js fcequeutly fell , wed by BOAOUS and uncoil trona& results. DEMUTH'S BITTERS are equally uncut in the ninnerous difficulties 'att e nding In di gestl9; as BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, kr., while for FEVER strict flora mul other disorders proceeding from jiliAsmfors, It is the only reliable preventive and remedy known. 24se 09 MARKETS CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected Weekly, .by 1. C. 1700aWal . a. Carlisle, Mul wpm y, November 20, 1870. FAMILY FLOUR $7 55 SUPERFINE FL dE n 5 00 .SUPERFINE RYE FLOUR 4 50 WHITE WHEAZ 1 20 RED WHEAT.—" • 110 'RYE CORA' WU 17 . E OARS .', BL ACK OA TS . ITO E I?SEEB . 77,110T11 YS EEO FLAXSEED CB IMMO CARLISLIT, PROVISION MAILICET Corrected - 17akt1012/ 4 ' , W7n. .Blair Hon Ira/m4ty, Armember :40, 1870 PUTTER KO(/.S A RD 0 ll' BERSII'...I'ON do ..WIOULDER.4 do NW Kg ' 11 , 111TP DEA XS. /'A 1: !':!1 PEACHES .... UN PARED do .... inelEr, A PPLFS I Prom Mr IVberlelphio North American.] PHILADELPHIA 'MARKETLY. 'FLOUR, •GRAIN AND SEEDS. l'hilettlelphia, November 21. 1170. L.l - TN.I l'A MU r ',MOUT!. • Sil in EXTRA FL 01711 .1"J 2.: I,' YE 1.7.0 (IR I I', 117.1E.1 T -.. 1 4i ' JC Vl,' 11: 0 .1 TS II (7,0 1 . 1,'/IS E7'/)11 -1, 7'1.1107711SE1;11 • • re rib 2 11 STOCK MARKETS 114 ilrtflelph Alomlall, Normb . cr 28, 1870 The orrirals and sales of Ilsof 01110 u , rrc tarp this took, roaching about 2,611 head. The moot, close! dais with in the following range of pric, : Exrn.l T ( 1 ,1 p, lb 1131h19,. He AND 17 001) r. 1771. 7, . o , Abi G - CO MY nod CAL VES WO, .firmer, noel 2101 hem changed &masa! ssoq. SO. sli EEP werediat : .soles of 8,0 , 101...1 al , lb , 1 ,, l'l , ‘1,,,,, , . !firr.,l at Ira Cc p. r lb. :I'm. 11,01, and 1,11110 71...1 . - ff OW . .11 , :nu, ynrst - ni thc - stunrj itpzrrst -- - 2 - 11(lUS 1,, thin ornd /aim , . ,6 .210 I;ea el t ',hi al :?9, -, 11.50 lb,. 100 lbs. 7/61. MONEY MARKET C7,007N0 PRIChI, I 3 GPDERAVEN Ar, BROTHER. 40 Soath Third Street, Philadelphia. ' Three o'clo'clv., p. tn., November 29, 1870. . 8 li's 44 . '81 1110 C, 113% 107.1..7 .101;7,1 .107 7 .4 1117i 1 47 .100,4 1091 .7 " 109 11(1' 10-40'o 108,14 .1001;,' 10 ]'oar 0 per cent Cy UV,' 11l Cori in 0, 111% Sit v erlob 107 Union 1 1 N.TiliTi It 1382 Coaeral Pacific' 11. 18 'l'ls Slip • Union Poollic Lao,l Grant Bonds 700 720 (15, iii MARRIED MUS 4 ELMAN—SOURER9 —Oll the tltivoutventli o November, by tha Rov..T. (C. M. Swum.;le, Mr. Sant net Mux•ejumu, of Nov liidgailun, Cumberlam comity, ru, to Mime Mary Sou,lerth of Petry empty STUART—Mt:CU the residence of th bride's parents, in Newton township, on (ho twenty fourth ultimo, by the Ito, N. Erkskine, .Mr. Wolter M. Stuart, of South Middleton township, to Miss II Jennie McCune. I9ERT--4001Y .—At the of the parent++, in Carllele, on the twentyeatecial ultimo, by the Rev..l. floater, Mr. Charlet+ E. Wert, rod Mho+ )lay E. 'roomy, all Of Carl kle. iilil"/-3111,1,1i1t.—0n the twentyte.ectinl at the rehitleare of the bride't+ father, by Mu Rev. R. Emcwinmtmitatztamn town. , lllll, Cuinborland cuuntr, to t Sarah A 01 Warrington tow othlg, Ynrk vounty. SUTTON—VERENCE.-OEI the twenty II l lilno, at tho tostdenro of Mr. Sol. (Italie(tor, it Wart Inuit, 1, York I! only, by tin pinto, Mr. Ed wan (I. Sutton, of thu 1001V0 lilnr , , to MISS Sll , llll FeranaW of Fairview tow (whip, York county., N , ,E IV TO-DAY ff=ilEM l' N 0 S Great Sale of first-class Rosewood,l9anos at Prices below the Actual Cost to Manufacture. Ilnuiog determined to oiler our extensh ' Mock of haisolor and Idghly•flolohed Rosewood Timms nl to irex b0.015' the actual coat to manufacture, we will ,lining the month of DlTVlllher, at tho follow ing groat rodurtiono, In order to close out oar large Edbek by thu end of the year. No.l-7 o tour, front round ,1)11 , 1111, curved legs, iLOO tor $353. y, • No. 2-7 octavo, fear round cornets, carved legs, $7,50 for ;Rah •. No. 8-7 °cove, front round Corners, beriondi tor, $550 for $ lOU. v No.l-7 Octave, four 3.1111 d rumen+, HoI punt ~,SCULI for s{2s. No. 3-7 toetovo, foul mon& cartoon, I ipuhling , •so, Pk fur $475. No. 11-7!!, octave, four round corners, mouldstz, „ ; se, $750 for :40. No. 7-7 , /,' octave, Square Ursnd, ricli'y care od rase, $OOO for $6.10. N.,. 1-7 octavo Upright or Cabinet Piano, 70)0 for $4OO. No. 2-7 octavo Umtata or Cabinet Piano, $7OO for $.150. , No. 3-71 , . octavo Upright or Csi.hict,Piano; $OOO fir $6OO. Nu. 1-7' i octave Sesni.o rand Piano, 70)0 for SGUO. No. 2-714 cc tare 'fitree q u arter (trawl Piano, $1 000 for $i011:' No. 11-7!.4 octave Full Concert Uratill Photo, $l, 200 for $Ol,O. The reputation of thew. first.class instruments makes it unnecessary O r ttw buy n wad 111 their favor. They are univor,all acknowlettged to be toperlor to any Instroment made. Throw wishing to inirellaseo.r desiring to make Ciwist Inns Presents, will find Vol one special end oxtptot diusry reduction of, prices will enable them to pbt du, A FIRST:CLASS INSTRUMENT at it ',rico even Iced than' A SOcOlid.rattl, or helot 0110 WOlll.l OtilerWlAtt coot (110111. TIIOIIO wanting bargaing ahould nut fall to cull WAItEP.OOIIB, NO. 1103 . citEsTNuT sTroner, ntl examine onr large - stock, where they will'ho •eadily conyinreil of the superhnity of these Pianos, Ind the sacrifice at which we . nre offering from. 13(810.1.IACKlin. k CO.._ N. 11,—Sole agents for the celebrated BU 4DETT ORO AN Any- Catalogues, with description of.. utylux eitedules of prices, esn be had by appl3 nig at ',weren't"! or will Lu field by titan.' ltlec7o •It. ' • MA of tinclaimOd lottors remaining. in the pp4offloo nt Oarlislo, Pa., for the WEEK ENDING NOVEMBER 29, : : • • LADIIIIi i LIST. . • Chitinharlan, Miss 'Anne, Mickey, Arian Mary J2' Coll,. Mrs' Mary tom Morton, Mhiti Eth'inilo. Crako;lifralthiggia . . .Nair, Mrs James - Dill, 2111 . 13 E .' Minor, Mrs Mary Id Fink ey, 10 leo Blom , ' A • Sehilleinter, Mrs John '0 uormao, mins Anulo . Stuart, Mies Marla I' Cinder, - MOO Mary,. - Smith, Mira Margaroth Moron, Mrs Eliv,hJi. MA I. Tlinrie, Mary Anne ,„ -, LimK, MrsEllZilhOtli TllOlll.ll, Sarah Jaito .... Mitinicit, Miss 11 - annali - - Witilsall, Mrik s tattio IC,I llourb;, , Marhtli, --`:-. - ZiOrt4".A . Pi'll S t"' ; llorro,tl;'lttissMat r y - -0. .„..., - , i -t t, - - ' - , ' OItbITLEM EN'S J 4 xer, Ilransom, Denelio , Roliner,l3 I' Duchilhon, Doithkinin - Ruth, ram . ' " Brooks, Voter .- Shaffer, Wm (Vmultibril) Oolonion, Mit? ki,, ... • , Sprier; Jacob Divor, Hugh ' • Shninbaugh, John Demby, Jos Si rt.! . Smith,'Thos J ' ... Gillolon, Frank 4 Strangle, Edwin Hoornitb, John , Sieonglo, NOV J U II . • Jaeltor,iWilliam - Sours, John . • , filentiland, PaVhd St.n.r.JPlln II • Millor; And ,I Smith, It • „t, Markly, , D - ' ' Trostio, 'bury J lilurrott, Michael Trout, Lords 0 • -Moors, P 0 - . - 'Woodburn, W Il' rolk,ll - orn y '' Wart, Saint , ' - Vermalt, Joseph Witinan, Alex A. IC. EIIEEM, P.M. A VALUABLE RESIDEN'OE, • • AT BRIVATB Tho undereignrel will 801 l at iiiiroto nolo ° that rel. nnbio reoldenue, Whaled iit Noma Book, Cuinteit , !tuna county. Thol inprovonion to conptyt of a • TWO-STORY BIWA{ 11011814, having - Alfa' room anti it 'kitchen on tlin Brut floor, and throe rooms on tho tanned goer; ' A leo, Blobin, 'Carriage Ilonee, Bog Pon, And Corn Crib, togother with ell other' nocoarary 'outbuildings'. A lot con taining choice fruit ntfachaEl. • Any person whiling to • ylow 11,0 proplorty can do .0, by calling bit Lori Trego;tomiding near thoeoune, •For term Anti thrthor (einntiOn.'hilidf to' ' - hlop7Q , lt -• • •, JOHN' LC TRNOO.," • NAV DOWN 1 peris,*l) DRY GOODS, D. A. SAW YpR'S, 'tl ji E A 1:,, -. .'. 'I" , 0 II: E Prices Loader' thin':over I UNYRECEDENIED , BAIMAINSI Constant Additions ,to our Stbbk Cli DILE:18.0 OODS I At 25 and 20 enobf,•Avorth 40 to 00 cents. We.nro oolling Drem (hods at 50 per coot bunt limn List month. • .811AWLS1 SILtWLS 'We aro offeripgShawls of roo.orkably low polo( o WATER PROOFS I WATER PROOFS I A Epltw_Ll4-pioewnt"ty. o o pnr'erarcl _YE IiV,ETEEN I VELV ET ENS I etetya at 30 cent., $1.60, and upwards E 121331 A Bploual Cho of Lad vs' and Chlldlen'a Furs We have no old Fare with which to byt euAomers Come and .U(4011110 our stork, and yen will IR, con nince.l that to have the cheapest Flits in thin town. REDIJCTION IN DomEsTic °oust Curroxpondlog to doelion In gold. A heavy nableacloal 51.4110, ono yard wolo; worth 16 (Tata, for 12 , A. Calico 8, (llnglnons, and 'Vick. logs reamed. A ylionir lot of BLANNBTS, In from the untie. 111E:VS AS I) 1101'S' WEA It. kt, 1.11 2`4 ' nelty down. Mons Undershirts wid I I ILWC.,, GO rintx und up OUR NOTION DEPARTMENT ITIII to setiplitil with novel imitable ter Presents. Como all, Comm all, nail rue fee yoarkelvos, :11111 olive your 1110111!y. MEE Hardware', Cufleet', Sleighs, ,k,e CARLISLE EMI= II A DW Ait 11011 SE ! if. SAXT 0 N I S. '0 0 . = Carlisle, Pa., M PORT HD AND AMERICAN 11 AItDIV A R FRI.IIIIng and )It•chlni4 RIAVARE! HARDWARE! HARDWARE ! . purse Sliqtri,__ (;11111 31,41 L 1.4101 r ISolting ran anal Seltufil house AGRICULTURAL IMPLpIENTB, ouNs,plBToLs AND A MMU NITIoNI Tahlc and 1'111.1.l CWlers, SUN,' 11:1t1.11 Champion Moot Clitiorii, Stuif,r, Initch!.r nand ShellerB. Cluoire Vir;ng Lantern,, C SLEIGH RUNNERS, Sleigh' BELLS Jr n R'S 15 U L .1 K K 7'B , Om . NEW FALL and- W I NTliit SOCK lins jai liven unpacked, :11111 this prices of onr ENTIRE STOCK liven reduced EVlNti' DEPARTMENT, nod rill positively supply eor geniis nt Ic'tWER PRICES than coin I;livetvhein I.e porch... 4. We litly exclusi rely of 111. Lest ionnuniet cr.:, in Itirge lots, fen C IS. lb and alo special rate.. • H. SAXTON k CO. ALE PERSONS knowing themselves indebted to iliinryliax ton prior to,itt O, wi" please make settle anent before Mc rinse qf yea after whieli time they will lw played in other hum for collection MEE Baltiptore Ad vcrtisentents JMPORTANT NOTICE TO C 0 N S LI 31 KR F Xll , I) It V I; 00 I) All IG•tait Ordemounroolt log In $2O and 0 VI, ally pal t of fill voolitry. Eree of Express Clutrpeß.' HAMILTON EASTER A: NONr. gfNmee, In order the Litter to meet the Wallin or their Ili l:rd Cushion:in at a distance, hese c•dithibdied a SAMPLE'BUILEAU, and will, li)fou npplienllo.i, promptly rot l/ mud folliines 0r Samples .of the Newest and lIIUSt 1001040 UOlnitl, of Prima, English. and Domestic Manulacture, guaranteeing atall Mmes to roll on fin ,, , If not at less prices, than any honse in the colintca.„ Buying our goods from Ito largest and inost - cellP . hrated mannlif torero In thr llllTerifilt parts of Europe, andlinporting the same by Sleepers direct to Belli.. nuAlk, our stock Is at all lit lea promptly supplied with the novelties of the London awl Per's modals. As we buy and sell only i”1,1101, 111111 In 11, lin bad debts, we are able and willing to soli our goods at from tell to lateen per ,aft less tooth than it \UV gave credit. Indiencling terra plea Hefeify the kind of goo 13 doomed. keep the Lent grades of every fifths oh goods, from the lowest to the most costly. Orders unaccompanied by the rash be tort C. O.D. Prounfhpayitg wholesale buyers are Invitel to Inspect the stock In our Jobbing and Package Department. Address HAMILTON BASTED. s PONS, 197, 199, 201, and 2li II est Baltimore &feet, 200c179-ly Baltimore, lid IVatches ayel Jewelry 'CLOCKS, WAR; lES, AND ./EiVEI W. D. A. NALGLE, PRACTICAL W ATCII.KARE No. 3 Inliofrs Building, MARK W 1 BQUARE, CARLISLE, PA., ono door welt of . thy Vo'anterr Prlntittg, 0(11cc Vilald revectriffly inform bin Lid mblic hI gotioral, that Ito has .VIIIIIOIIEI4 0/0 Watch and Jewelry Business, In tbo above named build lig, where he In prepared to do any kiwi of work in Ow lieu of Cluck r, Watches, Jewelr', &c. Having boil over twenty years' experience in the iitlfiines6, I furl confident I cantgive entire satisfaction to nll Will , favor toe with their stork. ' Special attention paid to the , repah lug of Vint, Watches. All work warranted. .Engraving done Ist abort notice. 12.1n0v10 W. D. A. NAUGLE. • • GUI/ Advertisements. • SOLID SILVER and , , .SII,VEI PLAT ED . WA ILK Of every deneription inul httorit demigum, Eroltabio for Bridal Gifts; Testimonials, and Holiday Presents. Pring lower than the regular market rates, Extraordinary induceMonts to iatralinsdes OEO.II.IIECHTEL, No, Y' (Old Ilstubllalted Stand.) AGENTS WANTED. mts want s7s to Vo) per month and female, to 'OIL the colobbilte and orbli ninon Seim 'Fenny Sewing ?Vain, !in prove( porrueted; It 411 . 1honi, foKii it tuck, Wed b id embroider pm inept dujiprlor neuter. Prlet 15. For, op4Oligi,nriti.dtinatill4y 4 lino bp 1f (i iri teem oireqbin.litiittornie, apply or sdilbeen , dicAVFORD & 00. , , • , 413 Chestnut Arent, PhlladOn. Carriage Building and :Livery.' 1" _IVERY, SALE, AND EXCHANGE STABLE. J, L, STERNER - ,55 BROTTII, Ip roar of 1) , oto 401180 nonsgs AND CAD 1AD1.13 TO 111814 ON REASONAD . TERUO, AND AT slionnar NOTion. :aniturir:o—r"Liiirix'sn FOR FUNERALS AZ - 15 ! U,.ftnblo room • for GO . Ilo4d of Immo o 'lump 17101170 I.)PIiOB.FOR pATJE Two firdtlf:ltiEltiiCirytkOff, which littVO iinnn It , 11E0 h a Atoll thib, will la; Ao1;1;14;r3 lour for caull.. Ain t 4; nine to. ;;.; • ...;;; ;• ; ; • ojutio7oltr JOHN 11. rin T" .BEST;'I AND THE ' ,1- 1 Thte , quarter's 13numbora - freo to nil Bub scribing, be fain Dee. 35;140, for next yenr'n Fifty - Two Numbers of =MI Thu great Illust.ratol , U 114 , 7 j A'N DFAMILI'ITE 1.1 Y , tbnßural, now in its twenty-first year, Is not only. n largest, best, and cheapest, but by far rho largest circulating Journal of Its class In tho world I Na- Jional in character, ably editor], soperbly 111 ustrated and piloted, It is tho ' • - - • • , . It is Ifs standard mrithOrity on' all branches of Sgrieulturo, liottionituro, &c. As a literary and fiunily paper It Ina favorite In many of the boat fam ilies nil over the Union, Canada, a. Indeed, lilooro's floral has no rival In Ito !Inhere, and is thelargest Illnutrated Journal on the Contlnent—each smother' Terms—s 3 a year of 52 numbers, and only $2 50 In Clubs of Ten. This Quarter's 13 numbers sent free, am_ offered above. Our Club Inducements for 1671 ore unprecedented. Specimens, Premium Lists, &c., sent free to all forming Clubs—and we went a live Club Agent in every town. Address D. 0. T. 7100114, 11 Park Row, New took. EMI THE NEW YORK METHODIST, D. A. SAWYER 1870 =ME IMRE REIM HENRY SAXTON I kali Lt, D TIM 22o071) CIT.V ADVERTISEMEXTSZ BEST IN-DUCEMENTS mooRES ILT.LT NEW-YORIEVR, ?Or Town .and Country REST A MERTCA N:WEEKLiI . . . . ontnining sixteen flerecolumn pages, (doublet tho i¢o of most papers of Ito class.) It Is the paper fur ho East, West, North, and Booth. TEEM, INDUCLCENT4' SC An Eight Page Weekly Now In n its Eleventh Year, publishes Sermons, a Serial Story for the family, a -new Children's Story every , Ohats with the ,Little Folks, Editorials by the best Methodist writers and others, Foreign and Do mestic Correspondence., full Departments of Religious and Secular Intelligence. Price $2, 50 et year. Lib eral vemlunts or cash commissions to canvasser, Subscriptions COnnaelleo at any time. For nperimou enclose it IMO coat stamp to prepay postage. Address THE METIIODISTO LI Nassau St., N.Y. HaLIII - A7Y - 3 - 01:1111TAL - FOR 1871. Conlaine n'Cllrlstme, Story; Splendid Plays, Sports, 8:o.; 13 pages; illustrated. Sent free on receipt of ono Annul) for postage. Addreliv ADAMS & CO., PubllshorS, 110,it011. MASONIC BOOKS. _Agnuts_wa,a,,,.L..Sencl for CI, c &hire. MASONIC PUC. CO., .m 2 Brooms St., Now York. A CHRISTMAS GIFT to all yearly .L — l saber:rib°. to Appleton's Journal, publishol Weekly. Two 'maths eubsciiplion gratis. The months of November and December, 1070, given male to all snbseriters remitting st, fur the year 1071. Any one desirous of nuking n trial of the journal to non NVIIVIIIer they liko it, Call 'MVO it for TWO MerlitlN on rtmlitthitt OH Fifty Cents Pichiroeque America, consteLlng of splendidly ex ecuted vlows of Ann•ric-an Scenery, commenced in November. D. A rPLEToN .0 co., Publielierm, New Yotk. GEN. ROBT. E. LEE'S LIFE, Nearly ready fi,r pol.lication,The Ilio ‘ D ROY aC Oen. fluid- li. Lee, by Juba Estrn Cooke, author ,cr. `• Lill. of Zr..balowall Jaelviori,""Wearing thu ey,", elq. 1 vol., ovo , 590 page% Dholrated. To fe null by sal.erlidlon Alva is %anted. D, APPIXIION 0 CO., Pain:ora, New York. EMPLOY3IENT, Business for all. Best Industrial S-page Nvwspapar. r, per.4ear. Sond stamp copy. PATENT SrA llo:tua, Mass. Superb Subscription Book Cliba with Pen and Pencil A einaploto manual of travel, yet ns intaresting ns ndeel. Fresh; Full, nail Bali.. No competitiot 20 magnilleent NUT:tan engravings I . 203 ether i ,Jutrationti of exceedingly interrating and vat character, ninny of them huinifrolts. - All anent - 11 principal allies of !ha tho Laths and anti: ing places, hull fights, cal< fights, and manic: Street sitlits In 111,111111 and ManufActu. :If Coffee; Sugar, nil Tabacco. Pact and Fan ! Statistic and Adventure - - tiberal forms In Urn Agents, 11A JUITOIIIt I'UtSLISIIING COMPANY Hartford, Conn T iF 0E S Jig Haiipiness. • p r yt v1 , 11n113. I l'lntitolloi Furolu, Cilia elteu, W.nd ToWriiLohi, iit .11,0 .jre Premien° 1.100 l Salo, A !ken, S. C. Thu" eoratoga lho South." tO hooru horn N. T. ho woe( d light cul climate In the world. Tree joins the rigs ni Northern u latent, eNelopl from Throat loss,o \ in orchid - du In toll louo;ing. r. With " , ! 110 1', DERBT, Align:4ll,6'w ITtpIES for the milliee ; $500,000 worth of 'Farms and Farming Lundy ft , t'stVe, in lots to suit, mostly in Lewis CO only, 511ssouti. Exoelleut markets; fertile soil, and healthy etintate. Mills and TuWII Properly for sale. Daily conationi, cation ‘‘irt‘ Colney. For deseriptl ve eirenftr, ad dress (1. W. CONNELL, Lagrange, Mo. WINTER EMPLOI 4 MENT. PEREINS & notriks PATENT NiiN-EXPLOSIVE METALLIC KEROSENE LAMI Ti shsolutsly sari. from; explosion or lassi , .ing; burn 4 any Coal 011, gooll or-1;; , ;1; gives morn Ilgtut, nn odor, and usus leas oil. "'lt in porfectly,non.ixploslve. The light k IT thou is proiluetel by any other Inuip."— ll'. S. f'6, I. Prrs't .1/rusarliwellg .Igrirultural " It to perfectly man-osplolive, gives a Lett 0 I ght and le 111011,0011.1111,11 than ncy other lamp in 10. e.” IE •IV. Wills, bar Sap. rub. &limit, Chi" , llo The appalling deaths and /hoe from plan; hoop; I,lth:ding and 'freaking create a p root for this lamp. It pays to sell,R..Sold. ,by Canna: soon; Agents wanted everywhere. Send for circular uoJ terms to IIONTOO3IIIRY It 0 f., Cleveland, 0, Itarelay SI., N. Y. TRAVELERS LIFE AND ACCI , PENT INSURANCE COMPANY, of Ihiriii Coco. Cimh Aisetri, 11,500,000. Uranti biro ouil I Aulownionl Foibles of all approved fornm Amok OCCUrity,lutrrolls Alm blau,+ guilt Aveilloom rousing thialli or total dis Policies mitt., by lit your or mouth. Ihie paid 5700 per il ay 100 Six Yeiirs Hoy hohlooi. IQ OVAL HAVANA LOTTERY: 1L Ih•Iz •.a cashcil .‘„d furnil , l“l hy GEORII E 1:1'11/0I, Providviice, It. I. .. A WEEK SALARY.: tv.4.o_, Yount; men wAntedox local ;11141 trOcullioc: solemn°, Add... (.1111 clamp) 11. II WALK 3t Park Item, N. Y. ' WO will pay agents a salary of $3 lArp• C.1111111i1.011 1.1• sell our n,q, boolsll,ls. Addresm, with st J. W. FIaNK S CO., MarAhull, Mich. STIDIA-KIDDER'S PASTILLES. A sure for Asthma. Price 40 venk, by uu ii. STOIVEI,I; Olinrlrxtuwu, MitsN. • 1E26 . - IE7O • rUSE the " Vegetal* P . uhnonary Bal .. •, The old tdoulard ronolly for CoogIto; Coldx,Coronooptir.n. " Nothlog Lotter." CUTLER DRUS..C7 CO., Benton, 011E1MY PECTORAL TROCHES N._./ Aro ollwrior othura, for Coo rhx, Colds, A taint., Bronclalnl and In ni ng dittlenale4, are exceed ingly palatAblo, have pone of that nan,o.iting horn( ble Cobol; that'll,. are .very walking and ant tile' n charm; Minlntera, St agora, and Yuhlic Speatters will ,find they ore esp.luAly ndnyted to the voice. Auld Ly }A NO th." 1;:i t. A (1?, V.) Oil) LI VIM -OIL for Consumption and Bnr..fnla ; uso no other • HORRlBLE.—l'sittfored with Catarrh thirty plus, nod Wll . B cored In nix Ni eel. by a simple remedy, and will send the receipt, [toning° free, to all afflicted. T. J. - MEAD Diawer 170 I , yra- Oise, N. Y. 1101SYCLIOAIANCY.—Any lady or gis tauilin can makosl,ooo a month, centre their own lompineso and-indepondanco,_ by obtaining Pxy clionaancy, Fastitnition, or Soul Charming. 400 pagen; cloth. Flip Instruction,/ to non tido lamer over men or anhualB at will, how to Illemcrizo, te .como 'franca or Writing I'lledittina ' Divination, Spiv- I tool ison• A lehomy, rhilintopity of 011ieng and hrqa3no, Young's Dawn, (111111.1,M blorilogo, ad, all contained in this book; 100,000 said; price 11 mall, in cloth, $1 25;napor cairns, $l. • _ Notion —Ally perrent willing ,to act ad ngon t will receive a dalalall espy of the work (red. Ax nu rola. tat 18 regal red, all desirous of genteel einnloyinetit ohould pond for ;1110 hook, enclosing 30 COMA for+ postage, to ',1% W, lIVANEi .0 CO., 41 South Silt St., Philadelphia. A ' 3IY STERY SOLVED.—Fiftcon tolnutoo' Privitto Cativertottion Nv 111 t Married loolio aby ono of their number. soot froo for two , Addremi Ill.l24Z(iElt, Hanover, Pit, , -• ;A CARD.. • Clergyuadt;:ivblle residins irr.outh e et merihdas ninbialonary, discovered a Info end simple remedy' for tho core of Nervous Wealtnes.f, Early Deely,DlE, . omen OfJhe Urinary mut Omni oal Organs, and flio 'whole train of disorders brOugtit on by banana and vicious bolas. Groat numbers havo boon cured by this'noble rompdy. Prompted by a desire to .benolit the atlllotod end, unfortunato,l.will send the recipe for preparing and using tido modiebno, in it sealed envolope, to any one who. needs it, free of sharp,. Address JOSEUtt T,IN MAN, Station D, Diblo Dome, Now York City, 2lnov7tbit STOREROOM FOR RENT. • • Tito storeroom 10 North linnovor streot, recently occupied by Ilasebbro, and next door to Copt. Kerns' nolo'. Is offered for rent iron\ tho first' of April next. 'lto tovotlon for.dore It too, of. the Most deolroblo business blonds 10 Curl lido,' Apply to 2406070' O. IL IIIAULAVOIII6I,I. = pox IN THE . BLOOD . - NATPWS : ' OWN TITS PERUVIAN''. BYRD? AN o.olhTONlCl , wrmiotr ALCOIiOL, Asalulllntoe with the blood no enilly no tho nimplatit food, vitsitsing and invigorating the whom ojoueur. It qr thuulaten -without Onntlyn, builds --up brab , onslown, Qum, Dyspepsia, _Debility, Liver Cobpitint, I+ooolllo Wealcneasos, Dropsy, 1 iimora, dro., and ozpois ,disonso from Ow system, by Inel:easing Nature'll own vitalising otornont—lltObl. l'arnuhloto .1. V.- DINSMOII-14,PtoKintoi., 33 :meg atroot, 'Now:York. Sobi by drottnitits anus rally airnienoowly • . . THE 'A':lttriltE ; eltrAL UYEXAMPLED I llAt LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, O&' NEW. YOItIC, the Bret Fifteen Mouths of Its existence hot Isoutil OVER FORTY-FIVP HUNDRED POLICIES I OVY:IVP,006,000.00 -• and taking in Pi'diuirta $500,91)9.00, being the largest commencement business ikur hllllo by any company in the world I= Ordinary wholo.lifo policies aro absolutely non forfeitable from paymont of lint annual premium. Special insurance non.forialtable after 1,,0 ann payments All pollabia ineontaslablo for usual .n2a2a, ant bablatolyincontmitaLlit after two annual pram MB All n:Arial°nx upon travel and roddeneo I eruovod and uo rtermile required. No accumulation of intorcsi on Loam; or Doforro Wonlimns, and no of annual paymonts o any class of policios. One-third of the premium loaned to thn party in' driNed, if desired, and midget° required. 'Dividends on.the prugriutdro plan, quidileo upon lire guarantee Interest plan. - Buttinosa of tho compon'y conducted on the Mntut nun. rolioy simple nod fair in its provisions Incontestability of Policies 7L Is pupas° of TIo/ Enipiro to fulfill nil ily contracts, the evidence of which to that Ito policy hen no .couvonlont refuges by means of which it call escape a just demand . Proven fraud .on the part of Um insured will al waye inva;ldato apolicy. Also slulcide, if committed presious to the payment of the second annual premium; or death can'sedhy engaging In any specially hazardous business within tlme first two yours. Bat after the expiration of two year;, the policy will fie hold incontestable for all caml+ except fraud. `-• Non-Forfeiture of Life Policies Nn policyof insurnnue with els:Annuals payments for life 011 be fel - felled or become void by the non payment or pteillitilllS Iller.:011,11111i1 the fail paying power of the premiums have Leen exhausted. The lenge:too or the policy is: That-if nay ',readmit after !Ito first annual pre -11411111 shall have beestifraid, shall not be paid on the day whim ,duo, and the said aka uredshall, within thirty days thereafter, give notice in writing of Ina bility to pay •the sante, and of a desire that said p7illey shall be continued in force under tho following conditlono. Then and in such ease (his policy shall forfeited or become void by tho non-payment of the Said promlnin due thereon, until after the umplration of in period, ibTu deiormitied as fullows,, to 'Yin- net-value of this policy when the pre minion becomes duo shall be,determined by actuarial calculation, and after deducting from such net calm, the Loans upon void-poliey—nuonneoloilliy dleidonds, :tint any indebtedness to II Coln patty, n what remains shall be considered n net singlo proiititiu? of temporary insuranco, and this policy .121111.1 m cons illllOll In-forco during theterin for which it will illNlire, according to the age of the party at the time of the lapse unlit , premium. Exaniple of the Non-Forfeitable Plan of the "Empire." lye of party inlayed, Ordinary whole life poll Ono nun uni prMilium odil cuutintle the l ullity ..11/114 2..5e.111:d 311,1 ,Two • nimmi6foronllllll.l- 4 . 011 t I 1111 , 3 Ma pulley fur. 1 yews 11111 i 12ditys. pronirmis will cliutillnie the pullry tlyearit eel 27 !lays. Muter annual premiums will cit.:albeit the pulley for, years tort leive otiose' prtintitins will I . lllillime the [...1it . ) . len, I I years end :et ilitys, etc' etc., etc., OFFICERS 0. 11.ilton Scribner, President leorge \V. Smith, Vic - A! Pre (lent. s!diloy w. crorut, secretary Lemuel If. Waters, Actuary Thomas El. Marcy, M. D., Me cal Examiner. Evere,tt. Clapp, Superintendent Agencies. THE TESTIMONY OF I'llE PRESS The Iltoptre is it platiar intlituties, managed by reliable men, on sound business principles, and to tle.tined at a very, early day to stantEshoultler to slrmldw• with the elylest companies of its character in- the c..nniry. Its ollicyp and dircetors " 11111111 blialnots,” and hare organized with the vies• of establishing a model Institution.—X. Indeprmf• cal; Jan.ry 20,1870. " Tilij . Cusopauy la a groat unecosa ; the ronilt able, economical, and rollablu management. Tit Empire ban nu auporior In the .cntlitir.r."—nosi. " TIIO,I4IICCOMI of thu Ein tiro law Lunn torturtuutuua ISMS "Tito EnOw will itttratt Lilo lutonThl, of, thus ounioiliplialfig !Aro Imiurabet."—Witlehnian wig I? fil.otor. '.llavlal a plioy In this Company. W 0 hoEI t kni pr6lu in ii1111;1010.1.31101!MI WS= ' An oxvnilent.iniinny." Companv." , lfioin, 1:4.01 . 111p01111110011 ..4110 Coln pany."-tTL .11 7 ,aion. ' I= .'" It is with hocultar pleasuro that wo spook of this now matalltlatof for fa . !or. rWo,:lenow Many pouts si n ce tho Proultiont of the company, Wa know him to he await of ttiie'rgy, of aintraotariof superior •'t shims ability, and above all oleo, a enceessful man In whatever hountloitaltest, Tho Ouch Is, tho Cons. pally ilahoat linyinvetnoitts of tho hl Its ortyttilsation."--You Ent/hunt Insurance Ca- actle. , GEO. B. HAUG, AGIBKT rOit it. t ' Camberland, PoiTy r ancl , JlDiata Coiui =I OFFICE 'win' HEPBURN, J 1 ~ A • 14Julyt&ly 1111991 GRAND EXPOSITION FOR THE FASHIONABLE 'WORLD.; COSiIraIIENTS. OF MRS. M. A. BINDER, No. 1,101, N. W. corner EleVentlf and Chestnut Pagnons for '046 FIN and Winter of ,1970 Wholosalo and'Rotall, which Paris and the first manufactories supply. • Dresses, Mantles,Cloaks, and Cos tumes for ladies,an children. A special' department pf plain 'and, elegantly trimmed patterns •of the latest Parisian and Englishotyles, at $0 per If you want a,bandsoinely-fitting, well made suit, • at short notice, go to: Mrs. Binder's for tasteful trimmings and dainty AtitcheS, Mourning, Traveling, and Wedding outfits, Walking - and Fancy Costumes. . • Drees and Cloak Trinainings, Buttons, Ornaments, comprising the latest Paris novelties in black and dolored Fringes, , Gimps, Ruches, Loops,. Flowers, Gloves,Bridal- Wreaths, Veils, Ribbons, new shades in Velvet, Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, Sashes, Neckties.: ' " Made up Lace Goods—Grand Dachau Lace . for Dress Trim nine. BMA° 'Applique,'Valencionnes, Ham- - burg_Edgings and insertions, Black Gui pure and' Thread Laces, new in design and moderato in price. 'Citokg Indian Or na911C7161 Fans, Birds, Mats, Cushions, Mon choirs, Cases and Fancy Goods, selected by Mrs. Binder, at Niagara. Elegant line'of Whitby TeL Goods, in ' sets, Breastpins . Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelets .. Splendid line of French Jet, Goods, Coral and French Gold Sets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Chains, Sz.c.,' which for price or-variety in. style,-can not be surpassed. Strangers visiting our city are respect fully invited to, examine,. , Pinkingand Goffering. Cutting and Fitting. 'Also, a perfect system of Dregs' Gutting taught: —Patterns or express to all - parts of the Union.ii l'tt. A. BINDER'S, N. {V. Corner Eleventh and Chestnut Ste., Ph!Bern 2.2,3e004n1 r'2,110 PK INS' PIIILAD t_l 110:11. FICIRT MANUFACTORY, ho. 1,115 Chestnut Street, C,irtircl Bow,) li,rniogg (23 Arch ,57., A. complete assortment of, all the new Fall Shapes of Our Celebrated '" Chain pionl Hoop Skirts, lmevery length and size, together with our own make of "Keystone" Skirts, '(second , • . quality,) and ftip lines of good .'Eastern made Skirts, for sale, wholesale and retail, at prices just reduced below those of any former season. Our Champion-Skirts more than sustain their reputation for superiority over all others, and are now sold at such prices as will meet the views of all, and are warranted in every re spect. Corsets ! Corsets !! Corsets !!! Our assortment of Corsets contains over 100 kinds and prices, and include's ove'ry desirable kind, such as Thomson's Glove Fitting, J. Beckel's, Ti. Welly's, Madam Foy's, - and Mrs. Moody's " Patent Self- AdjuSting Abdominal SYmportin , " C9r sets in all grades, together and Children's, and every grade of Hand made Corsets, ranging in prices as fol lows :-41e, 59c, GS, 75c, 80c 83c, 85c, 00b; 04, $l,OO, $l.ll, $1.14, $l.lO, $1.25, &e., $7.00. Panic)! Bustles. in 27 styles, from 85 cents up to $3.25: Ladies' tinder-Gar ments hi all kinds and prices. Night Dresses from $l.OO to $9.50. Infant's -Dresses;-long-and-short -from--$2.35 tq *l3. Gored, Muslin Skirts, c cts. ; 10 Tucks, 94e. ; 15 Tucks, $1.32, &c. &c. up to $lO. Hoop Skirts and Corsets made to order, altered and s repaired, at Manufactory and Sales RoomS, 1,115 Chestnutst., Philad. 'Call or send - for Circulars. 221e14(1.3m Dry Goods, Iloop SIN rig, do READ I READ I READ The placo to buy yoar 'Dry I, at Cheap for Gosh Store, NO. 09, NORTH HANOVER STREET, They lo.ou ihe best five of Alp:ll,S In the enorit at-lower figures 1111111 . 1,11 I/0 11111 . 011:1,11 011011110 New York. (1..0c1s kinds eouslatitlY uu bait Fresh gouda uvery ilty. .Satisfltetiun euarauteed I 1111 goods SOM. ' Full Ilnei of 000w:dud A Imo own• ill d, al w low hrou loom ( lot lis, Cassinieres, CORI)11111Y In fawn ai 3 11,1? ke Thvir Notion lAA is ...millt,— a Hosiery, Carpel, Chains, Ivith avary artlll,l[Nually Icept In a Illst•class Dry Slam. forget at No. fliMortli Ilanoror street., Carlisle. Pa M'YOU GE T RA,IGAINB 2-s 170-30 Boots, Shoes 2'runks STROHM a•SPONEILER, No. Soutb. Hanovor areal, Civltile 'l•hnnkfnl for llw platoo hero• . . - afore, do uou• ittinouniqo their llama. large slack• 7ILTINO,.BTYIAViI OF. I . lupTs AND 81101.:5_FOD_ radios and. MiSSOH, arenrah,illed . fovi! . i!mPrt uud lieauty. Aleo T N S AND VA fI, S., .—Cbnorripitionnli 11 , 19N'9 AND II lIATS. All of 'which a 111 be o i l et finanll"..pront. CA ono and nll, nt 41 got a 14111 equivalent fur your 100003 r 141tp70 CIIHAP Oood nro nut utwoya thu hoot. Whim you go to boy :nri:drtiolui mitt onpoolilly In tho matter of • 'BOOTS A$ND' SHOES. go toll dealhe on 4litalli;itior,la yttli eau ,f; fbr very low era - goad Judgra of leather. . . . ,• t.. - • ' , ''. - AT• ' • , '... , . 1.1t . Ma limo of tho year isauy will l'./ 'wasting light boots and ahoee•for aunnuor wont. All such call ha arconnuodatstl at . . , . .' .' ~ , ' ADAM DYS - ERT.''§, ' whey) . ll ho found' alitippij at tge hiwieet price. Boots and, Omen tondo to order with the utmost dIH patch. Plectriiihuoiness • . No. 84 East Louthor airlisid; Pit. - • You •O IVm o -ft iirt4rPertu- N nod., and VIMY.,;„-1. t p l. Gnrordlly 3.14 11AVEVISTICH,‘ NO t ,f; . Eloullt lianover xll.lO, 0.11 , 110; o‘. Itlocl7o 4 '' V- ` . lsemet . arh. =UM =I L A C 11 E Y'S I= Princess- Slcirls Sqt inet9, Tweeds, Flannels, &c Gloves, Yarns of all I<hals, Oil Cloths, &d. H. LACDRY Golds and Boys, Y'~it is apd Childs, MXM= THE KIDNEYS rho Ichinep nro two In nomber, situated at' tho upper part or the . loin, ,urrnundul bp fat', and con ofthrnt? parts, t the Anterior, the Int& tier, and ilia Extorior The anterior ttbs"rinn. Interior coneirta of 'tt'ottnes or ;.01110,111 , 11 ao;ve no a deposit' for ❑io orine and to tr . 6i3 , ; 11,,t? ,t It? extvicr p7lls4,...xtericALln, conduc tor alao, terminating to a Magic tab°, and calied the Ureter. The ureters ere count...tett with the Linda. r. The Llndd. riv onipo:011 r variolr ~verlttgll or 'them++, dirldul ' 14:10 part via: the llppir, the ',ewer, the Nerroux, [Lull the M'sueuar 'riffs upper ebt, the retelos. Moor 1, yo, it &site to note without tho ;Ability; ollwra a ability to i etaitt. Thiq fre4nolltly occurs In To CIICV the. , affections, we moot ring into action to 11111i1Lit'S, which are ,anga.,l in their various ',Hons. If they :11 . 0, 'leg; Olt ua, a rat el I r Droray EC= The mole,' rant-Ain ii t kat 110WeV.Or Ight only 1 the „nt.'ark, It ht eure,l, effect the lily health m l imwerg, n's Pour HwL and ire nmmortml from their Bohr nit Ilitruit jrIBM.-I , nlll Accurrlng Iq Ihr loins Indicative of 1.1,2 ',lfivetie. They o cur In ramie disposed to luta NO.ltc.ll mini cloOky con THE Gil IVFL —Th.. 1,11.11 r, from 11O0ref Or . • Iproper l rontanent of tho t,i,1i203 a. The, br,anl ring wralr, - 11Te water 18 nut expell6l remit TITIOITIW! .1., but allowed to routotit ; It bovonico; fovor igb, 11111 fortttx. It 11 ft..,llllbt .141, hit Itutt.lll. mu In forme', and 1).•01 7 : , t. u o.f sv:tti.l. In I parts of th dy, 1 . . olinr, to tlt arty tackled, viz: W tell item:Hilly 111011,11 ovve tli R 6 call a Ana Area; OR: alaloaaal Amite's; Ilydrciltorax Par..t'll:E.r.-11ellubo'd's highly rout:out r.ilod von ou nd ExtraH. ltt;thil h lif • itled I y um) nC (ho boot Ili for diseases of the Had, kidneys, growl ropnintl rhottmatim, arid gouty alley in. Under thiw Ikon.] IVO Intro arnmgvil llmutin, r And pail) in pllli:nir water; Scanty En rotivo, or small and fl c.v.& ilin,thturgen of water ; t rang. ry, or Flippin g of mr.i ter ; llormoaturbt, fir blooly mine; (100 t and Itlielamtli,mf the ICAllp,p4 with, la any k olge in quantity, I.llt itteICIVI , in Itat,t . It wits alw,3, li:ghly recom 91e:1.1.41.y thu k, in afThetlons. Thi• i110,1.11t,t, ill° pow, r tligo,,t:onotit.4 Ilo• ,110.111 L;: oxvrei, Ii leh I he watery—or -eah, eeth,,hoeyalid mot ton, nie etlncetl. awl It io tukttril,thy men, women 11 ' ?1.1 I.irect:tnin fol u, and diet oulpany Ph 11:1,1 , 11,11ia, Pa., Feb. 35, ISO. U. T. No11111,011 ; 1, rDrtlggi'3t Dear fir—l have been a sufferer, for upwind of twenty years, roil h Frar el, kiloliter and kidney affec tions, during which t IMO I have used various medic inal preparations, and been under the treatment of the most eminent physlcious, experiencing boo little relief. Ilaviug seen your preparations oxford rely adver tised, I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extract 1111..1111. I did this because I had used all kinds of advertisrol remedies, and hail,founil them worthless., and sane quite IlljUrinlin; in fact, I despaired of ever getting well, 111111 determined to use no romiedies hereafter 11111001 I knew of the itigreillents. It reminds that prompted me louse yobr t mostly. An yen ail Vert fined that It Wits composed of buelni, mobebs, andluniper beeriest, it act:tiered to Me and my physician as an excellent combination, and, with loin advice, after nil extunination of the article, nod consulting again with the .dnuggist, l co...holed tos try .. it. T com menced Ito two about eight months ago, fit which titan I was confined to my room. From the first battle I wan astonished and gratified et the benefi cial effect, and offer using It three weeks, was able to walk tot. I felt much like writing yin n Coll sr:di...Olt of my case at hind time, but thought my_ Improvement might only Ire temporary, nod there ft•re concluded to defer amt nee if if would elfoef a pea:eat:Mae, 1:110Wilig then it would be of greater value to yon. and Mere ea tisfuetery to Me. I nal now able to report that a nun, cu e d tate using the remedy for love month, rind I hove not used .y new for three onontloi, feel as reel In a.l 'expects as Lever dill. Your Dodo bein.: devoid of any unpleasant unite and solar, tt Mee bade and invigtorotor of the eyebolt, I di. note neall to be Without it when Vet evi...11 may empire t o Ilse iii 11 31X0101 lull, Fir 11111 I 11 V bull 1 r. slatement,The 1,1,r+ to the InHou lug gent]. 111011 ❑uu. 'Wm. Di r ns Uovorunr, Pennxylvanl cu. Flon 011. J. C. I(11111 1 Jllllgo,.Pllllfiaol I Ilk, on .1. 8.11 Jodg.., Oil: b. R. POI i... vs.ooverini^, Pennsylvania ; . . or, EliiS Lavir, Jmigu,l9lllettlTlplila on.ll. C, (Irlur t .luil,v, Unite tabs Cont. , • on. (7.15'..W00t1, , ,m1, Judgo, lphia A. Porter, qty Snlioi tor, PhilAdolphla nu, John 1,0., on qovernnr, Callfnrula on, E. 11..i . 111.,,Xpclitr ()morn!, Wlisltinton,l). C. And many othirg nexoNsmy NI 6uldliyy r uggf n t,~uud_ P mAav_avprysLcko._Le 'aro of eoutilerfoilm. Auk for Ilulmho Tako Ow, Price—V.2l par holt)°, or G bottlex for v. 9 Delivered to any t 0115... Deeeribe e,)talitottui lit a =I Address HELMBOLD, DrUg ignq Cheniioal Warehouse, tO.l IIitOADWAY, N. Y NONE ARE (lENUINE IJNLIOS Bono up In etcOl•ongravp(l ivrnppor, pf my.o4onilen! {):mo!lo wt., nna ,Igno3 =MI lepla'll :, 1j i CH -4_, HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN R. B, .r N E W E II A 1 Restores ISM Hair MOE Original Colo, Promotcs f a (kw, th 1 and is a Splendid Drossing. Try' ono Bottle and Thicken up the ME Locks! s;:yr. by nil Do.nnifist, alai !MIMI-in .Mrdic,'t. Price One Dollar 'Per Boalo P.R. II A L L & Proprietors 1,A11011ATOitl", NABIIU-1, - 13. It I -:r-ir,,-(13 Dr. Ayer & Co's. Advertisenet, AYER'S CEIEltitY PECTORAL.— Fur of lhn throat and lungs, enell an coughs. oolds Whooping rough, 'brunet, itin, asthma, and co ninny Probably never before in the whole Iti,tory, f mod kiln`, lint anything won on witloly foul deeply the confident , : ot mankind, nsttlnd exeellent nmot.ty for pulmonary Through a long eel aears, and among most Um races As 104, it t han risen }Ogilvy and higher in their ontiilat toll, no it tins hecomn hotter Rollin. Its charactor — finfl - pnwer to cure-the varlons afTeetionn and throat, have made It known al a roll:tido plo tertor ngtint t them. While Ittl.spted to milder II root of dinenso, and to young children, it is at 1110 ramp time the !omit ellertual(rontedy that can be given for incipient ftotrounption, and the dangerous fillectionn, of the throat and lungs. An a provision against -fultld'en attarks of croup, It should be kept 1m hand in tool,' family, and indeed no all anon some times subject to colds mid 001101.,nil nhuuld Ito pro vided with this notifloto for them. Although settled rimscxprws in iliOngili still groat number cf vane.; where the dints.° eisonaell twttletl, hove been comph.lely earei, and the patient reetere.l to health by the Cherry pie.t..,o. Sn eninplutAy to ilt nuntery over the diserdel I of the Linno and Throat, that the nest eleitinatn el thorn yield to It. 11'hen nothing else ....old reach them, under the Chary Peetor.l y 4111Nirle and oll•rtnyear. ngerfo PuLlin gnat • prutell,n from it. AStllllll 1.1 1,11,1,11111 d "1,11 WI:01/y cm, d by It. Bronehitilg •neallv cured by •tstlyiss.; the Tlisr - riTT'i..tsTrtirsisis it rualst - ussi r pieirE res dame.- generally are its %lanes Icsuswis that WO 110011, 1161. publish the cell illeates unbent Isere, or Ile Triers' than assure the puisi:ss that lte 1111:111114, are hilly resin t tined. _ • A Nr_E R' S'' AGUE- 'C U R E , r Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Foyer llrtnlll r t Fryer, Dalai, Ague, ••r IlsMar. 1••••%••r, an.l 111•1•• •d a I tl; • lTertione AVlki (1/ :I , j111)111 . 1. , 113, trar , ll, a ilia A.:air poisos. Ac its mono s It slots Coro. and tbso. not Mi. Om - Mining Itkaulth,; . nr any ollitstt..tpitioral-ox..pohintuuttlistshittlits—_... 0 halo, cr. iL I n_ anY.-Vntitsoy,e --- number Mill IMO rtance Ohs rums in 111...11111. Uitl triCk, aro Ittotally isey!inti .001111l.1111C1 s• belies without a parallel In tint history of Agust Insalichte. one pride Is gratified by the acknowledgments wo receive of Its , radical 'cures 'effected in obstinate canoe, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Ummellmated persons, either resident In,u , r._umv- Iling iniastmatic !ocotillos, will hu protected takingby thin 'Atl E - 01111 . 1 , 1 ifiliff. - For Liver Complaints, arising 1. - .0 I' rishlity of the Liver It is an excellent remedy,a inmisting the Liter Into hostility activity. For Billions Disorders and Liver Coniplalnts, it is " an excellent remettyt-producing many truly remarka ble cures, where tatter medicines had failed. MIMI Prepared by DR. J. C. AvEn Co., Practical ilad Anal v Vaal Chemists, Lowell, :11ana., and sold all round the world. PRICE :1.00 PER. BOTTLE. 3mbiOly For' Sale— Valuable Real Estate VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE • - Tht• tul heribor trill oiler ut public Kato, at . th Court Ctn.., to tho borough of Ca-lisle, On T hursdali, December 8, 18711, 1111 t uahle property, situtted near the corn, of futtover idritet and iddrkot Frptare, vont:doing ret in front on Hanover street, and 2111 feet diet to Wide alloy. The improvements consist of a • 110USII, and Two-Story Back Banding, containing on the hoot floor a largestoritrootn, which hat. hem fir many years and Is now occupied as a Drug Store t dining morn, Lull, kitchen, and wash horse; onset...ld Ilion parlor, anti five chambers; and on Ella third floor con re. kilt 1001119. On the alley Is erected a Brick Building, now 00011 !tied its it' Tiintir Shop, lee home., and other eon veitiont outbuildings. A number of choke flat Bees on tiro pron'stis. The levant.) of this property bring in tho very venue of the town. anti Coolollll , tlt to.tho market, render. , It nue.t. deslrablo, and well mirth tn.' oat:Winn of any ono. utAilttg n xpienditi rritltittn, or it 'rood litislinihs Sal,, COllllllOl,l at II 0.1101 k lion t en. VIII 1/.. , Made known 1,/ 21.1.00 VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Al' PRIVAtE SAM. , Thn will-sell privato sale a Tint 1 al Lline,to.i. Land, situated in Silver Sprung township, Cattibet couniy, <Ai the instil leading 11,101 NI-NV iihintori to lllrellitillei.hunr, one mile Ir in the rail road, and litre miles next of eOll - Two or three nerel in goer tirnlivr. The land i, Mtn a, ne, m.4er gout eultivAlion well fenced, nni has been rnrenl y limed. . The Improvement/3 consist an ' TWO.STORY WEATIIERIIO.I.IIDED 110USV, Waal Idolise, Smoke House, Wood ithed, a goad Bank Barn, wish Wagon Sir, d and Corn Crib attached,. Hog Pon, idol other noceisnry onthollilloge, all to good repair, a good y, upg Orchaul lit Choice Fruit, eonsisting of appleit, poaches, pears, and pap, or different varieties, never fiullir• well or water near the house, and a 'geed cistern nl the door. Schools and doodles convenient. Any person wishing to Ow the premises will call on the subscriber, who will nt nll times take pleasure in Aliening the property, Isrp7o-Jeri Stove . and Timonve Emporium. E ti. c :ELSIOt STOVE ANI) TIN NV A E EMPORIUM The omilergigtiad Would rorppel folly In faun 11111 oltizonn of Clox:Ittlo -nod yleini ty v that Ito Alill earn -e On the STOVE AND 'TIN 1 YARD BUStN E. S, In nll IM varlinin •braiii•livii. • Among; lila . ling,. N,•le: 'non of tin• ii,,, tilarstovoA of 1110 ility may bo 111111111 t Ito following: • . Parlor and Qffice Morning (118ry, togotLer'with a %%trial. of COPIC FTOV onibiilation Gas Burnoiv Eurolca, ueators, Ranges, and Firobthird Stoves, 'which ha Is prepared to famish at the lowest, market kates, . Stem Reps!,lug promptly attontle'd to: Roofing, •Spouting, and . Jobbing execute:s In the moat phtia• factory inatturr, r: • . . of every do crlptlnu conslontly on hand, or. made to ..ordor, ot renoonnblo price. lion log noon but nzparlonred wolltmon omployoil, lin bones by 0 cloiwnttrollon to ,bunlnOmt to worn tie publlo-palronno. • • • " • • NO. 15 . 11'84•' MAIN . • SAMUEL It. (LAUDY• 11. T. It Er.mititi,4i =EJ 24.7 1,• I rEEMIZ MEE Is the may rally provred gn,parntloil of Its kind ever Oirtd.dd to thetottitV, end luts to.Corttpulltitrln.ttierlt. By Ih. t qrnypit . hi soon roll co, ,1 to tt nrl. ins ! thfa il wittcl . t I.y al . l, grsn't I:. thin . . . or eolliog pot w ‘ 111„1:1 , 4110 use of wir C euewc.r, .on ne,•by I; hilllitit II ig fFrowlica the ti :r 011A.'13 a 111. I, Incited nutl thv thick oghin. 1u rate, I ' l n new office, the fullielt•• C dea,oyed It Is cooling, nisi , allays an Felling and Lltn_schip.... It dues not stain the in dy 14, but mnkrx fin; ktalp rluite and cl van As a Ar 44 ii.g It is the 1.281. uwl must ON/10)1111e.! preliarati. n In the world ay He. frt,!'s last H • 111 rlell I .iiger lIMMIEMIII=I free to nil, hy InnSl I= U!§ AC ItE 9=! i‘foyniilg Light, Pailor Pallor Light, MESI Reguftitor, Nitigarxt, Superior, TIN W A RE,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers