Tifß AI UT UAL. TJNEXAMPLED ! 411 k EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFEINSURA.NCE COMPANY, .NEW tias first Fiftses Mouths OW sslatesikes has fraud OVRR FORTY•TiIVR TFONDRED ROLICIRB I !Nonni° ovEn $8,000,000.00 r - and taking in Preniinma $500,000.00, balneths largest commencement bualnoas aver dons T.by any company In the world! Tip ngleacqi YOU IT. Ordinary wbole-ltte policies ore 'absolutely non forfeitable from payment of tint annual premium. Special IteMranio non-forfeitable after teatannaat payments. AU policies Incontestable, for until : causes, and annolutely Incontestable after two annutil premium'. .All, restrictions nom travel and reside:toe romoved, and no_permlis required. No accumulation of interact on Loani or Deferred —Premituriv, and no lamas° of annual payments on any Class of volibieg. • -Ontittbird of the premium Lama eared, if desired, and no Note - '• . Dividends on the progrotalve - plan.• Ana also upon the guarantee Interest plan. • Business of tko COillrata condneted on the Mutual Plan. _ _ fah. in its prothlowit Incontestability of Policies It le the purpose of The P.mpire to fulfill aillte contracts, the•evidence or which Is that its policy has no convenient refuges by meaniof which It can escape millet demand. Proven fraud on the part of the ituruied will always Invalidate a policy. Also suicide, if committed pre clone to the payment of the mond annual premium; or death caused by engaging In any *sadly hatatdous bounces within the first two years. But after the expiration of two years, the policy will ho hold incontestable for all causes except frawi. • Non-Forfoituro of. Life PoliOtos No pulley etf Insurance with conthaiine, Pon:ate. fur life will be forfeited or become void by-the non-' payment of premiums thercen, until the full paying power of the premiums bare beau Szlnauetad. The language of the Polley is: •' That If any premium aftor the annual pro alum shall ha ste:en paid. shell not bo paid on the day when dater and the aid soared shell, within thirty days thereafter, give notice in writing °llia bulgy to pay the am*, ad of • desire. that eald policy shall be continued in force undathe following condition.. Thou and In ouch case this ',Any shall not be forfelted , or become told be the nun-payment of thelield premium duo theranymill after the expiration of a period, to he determined as follow., to wit: `The nit value of this policy when the pro alum becemet due shall 141 determined by actuarial calculation, end after deducting from bah net value the Loans up . on said policy 7i4c(weilliaby dividend., and my Indebted:nes to tit iCoMpany, lour-fifths of what remains shalt be" considered • net single premium of tethporary insurance, and this policy shall be continued In force daring the term for which It will insure, according to the age of ,the patty at the time of tine lam of the premium Example of the Non-Forfeitable.Plan of _ . the •" Empire." :dlge of party insured, ZS. Ordinary whole.Ve Ono annual Premium will continue the policy in force 2 lean and 2 d►7a: _ Two annual premltime will continue the policy in force 4 years and 12 days. Three annual premiums will contluuttlis policy In throe 0 years and 2T dap/. ' Four animal preialume will continuo the policy In force flows and 46 days. Inv* amnia] panorama will continua tha policy 1 three 10 years and 0O days. 01'1'10 - ERI3 G. Hilton Scribner, President George W. Smith, Vice Presi dent. • Sidney W. Orofut, Secretary Lemuel 1-1. Waters, Actuary Thomas K. Marcy, M. D., Medi cal Examiner. Everett Clapp, Superintendent of Agenciec, THE TESTIMONY OF THE PRESS 'neiimpire he a popular Institution, managed by reelable men, on mound business principles, sod is destined at a very early day to stand shoulder to shoulder with the oldest companies of Its character In the country. Ito oiliceis and. director mean busluem,!', and have organised with the view of establishing a xiothil Inatitutioit,—X. Y. Independ ent, Ainuary 20, 1870. "ThiaTouipsuy la a grant saceessithe r.sult of able, economical, sad reliable snausgamaul. The Nuiplro has uo superior iu this cauntry."—Hoston lint. • "The success or the Flutilrir Lee hue Iltallrpailltd.' —Trasekr. ••The Stutdre will attract. the lut.rost of those tontsauplotiot Llro IYafdanan and !!c -~Irdoi• Mall, a polity In this Ciapany, we r.l u plat pada In tin, watt 'ince...s.l t It It neltiaring.”—Ern,- cnipauy.;' , l -Zion's "• very incacavrtil Company. ." elmin:epationaltsl • .Tht limpire Mutual la uneutiemod. The men connected with it an, Tor thaw who know thew, eultlelent roconanendetlonk of the Company."—The Nation. 1.1 with peculiar pleasure that wa input or this maw candidate for nubile Lear. We • knew many years since the President of the company. We knew him to pt a MBA of ogergy, of character., of inporlor bumintea ability, and above all clee, a euccimful man •la whatever ha. andettabem The truckfukty. Con. PAU,. hes adoptcd the boot liaprovemontii of the day In Its organtsation."—Nres lkgfand loivranqr Oa- GEO. S. EMIG, AGENT WOE Cumberland, Perry, 'and Juniata Colin- CM MICE WITH EIRBURN, 14j 17a» DRY. GOODS, &c. BPEOIE PRICEB. ~~RRDVOTIOV•YN PRlcus EXTIIAOADINAST, GR B FI EL p,B, NO. 4 JUST MAIN STEM. GRAND DISPLAY Of all OW taloa Nays Mei In DORM GOODS Elegant ousortment of lILACK BILSI3 it (*.tatty Iledeiced pricoa Japanese Plain ;and, Vtrlped Silks, Japaaata ki pared .Popllas,' Row stock - of COhOREDSILKS, ''' A oploadld asiortsnent or Now Spring Poplin, hr 4ilta, Very Cheep, Seat Dolsaacs reflux:Ad to itt and 22 coats, 20D0 virile tip top 041100 al 10 moats, All . the Leg make. of pjiii at 1t oats Glagtiatas at raduited pacts, Bat 4-4 aliplatork, A media 1 yard wide at 123 t, Semi* 'dant 4-4 at IS coat., Wamoutts'it 22 caotv ♦ Job lot of Bleached and llutiliached uml laa *fol wGI,-ail-12,01en itoolui of doTTONADES, ibIEFORD DENIMS M . IOKORY STI4PII9. L4wEbt PANTS FITUFF, Ind all at greatly Nadu./ prlaun .11. Good (14eak at 12N clouts BLACK ALPACAS A •SPECIAL - BdROA.IN th. •hon e w• dory etnetp.t tiou for weight of eloik. For beauty In hode'o and ahado they cannot h surpmed b; anyin the coutftri Prleo. 85, /U, 10, 00, 1 71, 11.0 e. -...- .":4kIV'tTOCK ow ,OLOTIIB d ND CASSIV Julit opii3pA fur JJEN AND NUMB, vwry shaap ♦ lull dock of WHITE GOODS, Mono, Cambrlca, B*4nd, Nalotruok Beautiful Piques fifty per cent lower thin hint ism.' price.. 1103IERY, GLOYU NOTIONS, La., The attention of huyers to the shove ofook, t. earnestly satiated. I will offur bonallffs Bergen/4 that cannot be found In large hovugee, Out are over stsoksd'wlttuold goods bougkt at war prices. L. T. GREENFIELD. Simla° 1870 BUMMER OPE,NING ITEM ONNTRAL DRY GOODS S7'OllE, of svary variety, every styli!, and aviary diieariptlas of DILBSGAIOODS, 121313 SATINS, I=l ORMIADALI BEILAGBA illask drosadiaes, two yards wide, Mobalm, Poplin!, Alpaccoa, Delalngo, moan Gang haw, Lawn", French Percale', Cl:graze.; Qr., he., all at great bergalii. WIIITE GOODR for dresses, of every vartsty, style, and quality glassine" for drssmos, at 25, 99, 95, 411, ad 50 cons par y4rtl. ♦ booldiful asiortment of Ladlog', 1111“ . 4A, sod Chlldren's PILIIISOLII pud PUN lIIIIIIISLLIS ,BLIAWLSI 114-AWLSI of all the ■aw ttylad for tfia 111i114011 LACK POINT'S! A 0p1.33,11J avortioont at low pr10..0 DONERSTIC GOODS .111;4 at getally rOuced yalcus. Dismal., Calicoes, CIII/Omni, rhodium Tsb!a Liu aus, Towels, Napklus, 3lsrsa os tutits. SUMMAR PANTS BTUIT o• envy kind 11 ud queitty Cl.O l'llll AND CIASSIIIHRES, la great varloty, and rellltig at vary law price, lot la, CAmihnoree, Vestlngo., Ll••uu Ducks, 10 , lc NOTIONS! NOTIONS! to groat Yarlaty,.att always malllug at tha lowatt prlpea. • CAitPMTBI ueuremei !;I . e . et quality Carpel+, Nit ra Inver two-ply carpeti, la a igia . 4 rarity of Itaudfiomoyatturaa. Ilettutifol patterns of Imported ear : pets, ranging. to prices from ( ,Otionta to $1 pit yard. All widths of alrlPed Carpet. for Little and 'Astra Boootlllll payerne and stylai or prouley's Baglleh Tepery Brutal;ls Carpet. Hommnade liss Car. ilati.luso of .11 whlthr, li wblt s d #Lecked rancich. ekod Bow . Cocoa Alf.t izi eoiefielltion la ell klode et good' yro oip , Plow cull and wake your soloctlons from tluo • • Wired stock in the 'alley. LEI NCH dr, MILLTIi. RISS 4r um alikal,u6l4 )10.2 0A.111111314 PA. 191121170 JOHN IT. ,R.TrE ,s cat mew. , . ppPPPPPPPPP PPPP • PPP PPPP PPPP PPPP PPPP PPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPP ° • PPPPP PPPPPPPPPP AAA AAAA. AAAAA ALAALA AAA. AAA AALALAAA. • AAA AAA. AAA AAA. A.AAAAAA. AAAAA AA NNNNNN NNNNNNN NNN N NNN ,NNN N • NNN" NNN N NNN NNN. N NNN • NNN N NNN NNN N NNN: ' NNNNNNN NNNNNN 000 000000 000 - __ooo 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 - • 000 00000000000 TiCK INQ , CM: 88888988888 888888888888888 81388889 8888888' , 1588 888888 88 88E18888 • 88 8138888 888 8888888 8888 8888888 898888888888888 888E18888888 the .uti:oriber having open HI .31U.Y.10 ET ORE, at No. 11, -Weal Main Street, CA!tLISLIII. , , PA., •would nl4 the atfuntion of tho publlo to hl. largo ag_!±rll2Ant of MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, In groat ♦arlatioi among wlaloh will ho fouudO lot of 1870 ORGAN, ORGANS JLELODBONS, MRLODEONS, NEW AND ELEGANT PIANOS, icanuiteturicl by the celebrated Elchoemater k Co., of Pllladolphla. A lit Ailed number of time new Maim will WI for BENT, and the rout will be allowed In post paymont Le lho woo In cnoo of pahhuo Thu arrangement- will make the purchase easy, by flryig time for Payment, an/ will allow opportunity of tGoliogpo I cuirumu ot before purohaalag. Also good SECOND HAND PIANOS fat or rent, at llama to suit the Ilmee Cull and . mauls' them wbotkim you wleil to real or buy. „ , ILVERTONGUKDOII,GANS, iELODSO•NB loon rho world ronorrood manutrittoryof N. P. Nood hem k Edo, (formerly Carlon( A Need) aza). The c►oapaet and beat lir the world, andel! warrouted mod kept lo order by myulf for Ars pan. Also 'VIOLINS, GUITA:Rt. 4 . FIFES, &c. MEET 31111310'4ND MUSIC BOOKS, BTRLIVGg OP ALL KINDS; ittut trvitittitspypachttalnit ti thi tow& buslottii. Old Planoei, uaod na , sad Organs Niken I. Pad NY coill,M SOW RETA 1 RI.Na klnclapflparmumfi isPepind Au!! Wood c.ll mai 'Mikan* my Meek sad I p 4 min I eau Not. Iq got gleplita•,:- NO. 11,-. WEST MAIN STRUM, (opposito Marion ;Hall,) v . CARLISLE, PA. lIII m n VIII 11111111 11111111 funm • irnant xll.lllll 11111111 lIIIIIIILIIIIIII • n 00000000000 000 GEGANB, ORGANS, ORGANS, ORGANS, MELODEONS, 'MELODEONS, MELODEONS. ACOORPEONS, -FLUTES, JOHWIT: airs . ADVERT ISEMENTEL zorinttemip IprIGIItST RIOTER' IHIIOAL,' awarded , oTar all tompotltlon, at libichanla . ..ll:blliltlon, Donlan, October, 1109, • THE ORIGINAL AEG GENVINg , , Etuir4tEovii'izxa WROUGRT ;IRON,. AIR TIGHT, GAS-CONSTTMING . H E A IT E It , with patented Dud Poreou,Grate par Roots, Wrought Iron Radiator, and Acitoteatle Regulator, for Minting Anththolte or Ultutelnoue Coal or Wcioth .10 elm for brickwork, and 2 oltha Portable. • liennfactur.d only by • j..REY'NOLDB & SON, W. eor. 13th fr Filbert Streets, PITILADET.PRIA, PA. 1 'rime Meters on mode of h•ory wrought !roe, together, and are wersonted to bo lately tau' Dust 'Bee. They are the only Heaters. that are teenaged without arty damper., and In whhh all kinds of fool am beburnedwitkoat alteration. - • ,Cooking Ranges, •. for 'fordo, Restouranti, and Faroßho 10=1 Flat - Top Heating Range, Fire Place Heaters, - -Low Down Grates, Slate Mantels, 'Registers, Ventilators PiltsPblats gisioutull description, sent Pre', to uy ddriss. MIUSTO4y Boots,. Shoes and Writnlca. STROHM - ft BPONSLER, .No. 13, South Hanover stred, Carlisle Thankful for the pacrunne extelnled thorn here• tofore, do sow anonunco thole muril largo stock SPDING STYLES OY BOOTS AND BIIONS, FOR Ladies add Mims, Gontaand Boys, Youthi and Childa, wblohElfe UuriveHod for eomfort and beauty. Moo, TRU"NICB 4 WD-VA. T. I ==! All of wblel) will t/. 444141 at .nlOl :proftL Coll on. end all, and Kora full equivalent for your nionoy 145p70 CHEAP 000.1. aro not ahrdj•e the Not. When you go to buy " articlo, and o.pocla ll yto the matter of — BOOTS AND SHOES go to a dealer on whose warts yOu ban rely, for Ivory few era good Judges of Isatbor. AT this ilia° of tha year Pigny will be wanking light boots and shoes far summer wear. All rich tan be accommodated at ADAM DYSERT'S, whore will ho found a supply et the lowest prices Boots and oboes mode to order with the utmost dis patch. .Place of business No. 84 East Louther streot,:Carlisle, Pa :14ap70 - 71Iovarla3> - Senzinary. , : — ' LINDEN HALL. Yoy will do well, i f you hove a Daughter, Sister, or Ward whOm you wish to educate, to send for the latest circular of "Linden Waft' Moravian Seminary for young Indica. Please address 2.IWIBNE A. FRUILLUPP, Principal, ti,g7o-itt LIII; Lnucaster county, Pa. PUR:fI LIQUORS, WINES &c N H`[ LIQUOR STORE JOHN EfANNON, N. E. Cor. Hanover and Porn at streets (A few door...Wl' of 'lento'. storo.) ,Pure But Common Whisky, Pure Holland in, Ginger Brandy, Part Wine, Sherry Wino, Jamaica Rum, ' Raspberry Syrup. Champagne. lITERILER' BITTERS; INHOPP'S and CLADS'S 154:00 BITTERS. Wedding Card Depot, THE GREAT WEDDING CARD DEPOTX- The Weld noeelllee In. WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS Paper and Envelopes, a very large as- sortment INITIALS 1.14 D MONOGRAM'S STAMPED 124 COLORS FREE OF CHARGE A Monogram engraved to order and stamped in colors, free of charge, to those buying $5.09 worth Paper and Envelopes. COUNTINO 110U,SE•STATIONBRY, COPYING PRESSES, COPYING BOOKS, 400 4 1,000 " PRINTING of every description at the lowest prices Envelop" printed I 1 00 per 1,000. Not• Mwing' 1 00 par ream. 11111 Heidi 10 00 Envelopes' from $l,OO por 1,000 up. Large lots of onvolopea will bo sold at vory.loiv paces ; as we ruanufacturo by steam power, wi can compoto with the largest inauufacturera. ' ' R. 11013K1N . 8 & CO., Stationers, Engravers, Blank Book and tuvoTopo Blanufacturorei, and Steam Pover Prliztns, ola Arab pivot, Philadelphia. t+pay7oam • Home Advertisomentp. Wheeler and Lo f , l ! 7 , l)ll ,,r an4 Elliptic SEWING mAcm4p. SEWING MACHINES • The Best, Simplest and Cheapest. rAIH.EBE machines are adapted to do all kinds of family mewing, working equally we 1 upon slik Linen and Cotton goods. with Silk, Cotton and Linen threads, making a beautiful and pseud stash alike on both sides. of the article sewed, All machine. raid are warranted. - • Call and examine at Rail head Telegraph . Offlee, Carlisle. Pa. May 24, 11167.te JOHN CAMPBELL - 13altimoio 4dvertisement WALL -AZ' AND WINTER\ IMPORTATION. 1670. Ribbons, - Millinery, and Strap Gads. ARMSTRONG,. OATOR Importers and Jobbers of Bonnet - Trimming and VelyoUtibbone, Bonnet gtlks, Salim and Velvets, Blonds, NOM, Crape; Raobes, 'glower's, Feather', Ornaments, Straw Bonnets and LadlesUlats, trimmed and untrimmed, Shalterlloods, A 0 . ,; , - • 237 end 280',Baltirnore Street, - BALTIMORN, 11111).. , • rpifir the largest stock to be found in this oountry and unaMtalled 'la choke, variety, and cheapness, comprising the bawd Pakten novelties. • . 26 Orders sollated, and prompt attention Oren. . m 1070.1040 IGROCE'REES, FRESH OR GENIES I_ • - FRESH alloaEßnisll Always to be hid at tbs / , r 0 HE A P-• T E NO. 86 MST kOIRART BTKEBT • lid why are they alwd9a froth,: Because we sell a great mount of thorn, and sell thou low. There. t 6. l.,: ut ogA s tof i k often, and deneoquently our You will god ererything You wleh In the Way of GROCERIES, - : • , . • 9IIERNSwAIRE, 6 , - ,-• GLASSWARE, • . :' • • WILLOW and' _ CEDAR WARII.• • ' • STONE and .. , - .. • •,- CROCKERY • _ ' . • WARE, . . • . ~. _. Choice Rams, . . . o Da a , 800 24gi r nl t, Deaf, - • Tontines, Biscuits and CracliairtalTdsenriPtini.. Pickled. Spiced and • , Trash Oysters Sardines, • }Wish Nokias, Lemon Syrups, dc., ands., end to NkitlON . l3, It la melees to moiltiosibem, come and pee for your !elves ; and ,parents if it don't pelt you to • come, mend your children, ac,they will be dealt with the same care re if you were here yourself. • ALL KINDS Olt LP tt a-D IT B 00UNTR:Y- tolcork jp oxcharigo for goodr, or call, GEO. B. HOFFAIAN'S SONS No. 118 SAST POMFRET STREET, lOoop7o. linnos.-11aving tinneforrioi my entire Intorost i ~n p iliP firliFfn bniineto tit znY any., tholtirillibbtita Inoue rognoded to .otilo *Jai thorn, duilugmab- . nonce In Xuroye • GE0.11.11.014 j M. MABONHEIMER lor In CHOICE k'AIIII;Y GROCERIES, FINE QUALITY OF TEAS, knit SPICES QUEEttiWARE, OLAiSWARA STONEWARE IVQ O PPI, 44P OM 1111.13.13 V or FAMILY FLOUR IMIM3IMEI ALL imp of cOVNT/ly enoppo# BODGHT AND BOLD souimwskT.coamtal'lTT AND PIIIIMET MIMI MEDICAL. DRS. D. FARM 'Y du SORB -c.olub r ated prepryr4tlon for OLEANSING THE BLOOD The long end fevorabit i isodirn preparation of Drs. D. Ynhrney Bpp for c the blood, needs at this day nirrocouirodiid - ation at our hands, Ito virtues having boon established• by the thousands of cues where it hat given relinf in the Most Diffioiat Forma of ahronis Diseaseo daring the last sixty years. So highly Indeed le esteemed, dint the demand is constantly Increasing, ost anty'st hours, hot we are daily recelvipg applies tiona- lbr It from the moot remote sections of Os annUtry—North, desk, South, and West. To Inset this demand, well um to prevent. the peddle from being imposed upon, we hove determined to put this P - R R A•T I - 0 N in ouch n form that it may bo within reach of overy body everywhere. Otber propiratimia, far inferior to tho genulno, hating been put oat by cortain portico, bare bum, mietalteri by some for our own, and on a Motto; of luntreo the old Proporanoo orP. FshrrloY 4 Pon hat boon made to suffer some in reputation; therefor. to prevent thie.mistake, as well as to moot the In crossing demandquentioued above, we have eon cluded to send the tnodlcine out in LIQUID FORM We will oleo at the sumo time put out the original in package form for the benefit of come of our old centomers anal others who may yet prefer the medi cine as first prepared.- Not recommending it to cure all diseases the human body is heir to but as a fam fly medicine, and fur all diseases originating from Impure blood and disordered liver, It has no equal; and wilt o ars the following diseases: Scrofula, cutaneous diseases, orysirielas, bolls, sore eyes, ecald bead, pimples on the face, totter nifoe Moue, old and stubborn ulcers, rheumatic affeations, dyspepsia, cestiViness, sick headache jaundice, salt -rheum, general debility, mercurial diseases, foul stomach, together with all other disordsra arising from impure blood, and disordered liver, &c„ he., prepared by Drs. D. Marne). d Son,-Boonaboro', Maryland, and Dr. P. Fahrnei, a ßeedysville, Md. Sold by all drugglits and merchants generally. ..ngenuine unless signed D. Fahrney & Son. Sold -.Ey W. F. Moro, druggist, Carlisle; S. S Mawr, druggist, Newvills; James A. Clark,. Loos Cross Reads; Jahn 0. Attick, druggist, Shippensburg.. Strabane DE.7IAVEN & BROZIIER. 5-20'S AND 1881'B BOUGHT, BOLD AND EXCHANGED MOST LIBERAL TERMS GOLD Bought and Bold at Itarkot Into'. COUPONS UMW . PACIFIC RAILIIO D BONDS _ .Plight •n Sold. Roan bought sad sold on COLUIllif44Oll only CHICA,GO, U DANVIT,LD AND VINDUNNES ' MST MORTGAGE 7 P. G. GOLD BONDS For Eiale'at DO and accrued interest Accounts received, and Intermit *Hewed on dal balances. Subject to stook at sight DB HAVEN & BROTHER, No. 40 South Third street, PHIL4DELPHI6 97jan701y. Leath& and ,Fans?- Goods. e SPECIAL NOTICE. • CLARK. & BIDDLE delip,Fottuily intorm Moir Monde that MR. JEREMIAM ROBBINS, (late of tho 11. m of Ballo) , & C 0.,) has Ude day Iwo- , gated himself with thou', under the firm name of ROBBIN 9, OLATiIt it BIDDLE, and will continue the WATOIkANTI,IEWBLEY'ISISHISSS a$ the old stand, I,I2IOHBBTNUT STREET, PRILAEIT4IIIA: They are stow offering, at reduced prices, a choke stook of AMERICAN AND SWISS WATOIIES, , DIAMODS,•3IIWRLRY, . STERLING SIRVEII,W.A.RN, . • TABUS OUTLERT, MANTEL OIeOICB,, TRENCH AND LEA to TIEER AND FANOIt .13100D11 , Repe • , DRY GOODS AND CARPETS,‘ NEV clootis 7 a--a; sA. y it, OPPOSITE MAIttET lIOTIFIU. Has Jut teturnod - from the city with an entire nob MEM D R Y G.O 0 1) S, all of ',bleb. will bo sold OR short pronto, haT , Ing beim purchtued tqr cub. We hare overithlpg kept to a FIRST CLASS DRY GOODS STORE We have the alivantego of a restdeot buyet-te the citl, Who te Able to watch the markets, and fnrnloh wi with bargales et al times We wish orerybody to call and examine our stock before purchasinielsewhere, on you will be convinced that via hav9 Oanuatv, PA: THE•CHEAP STORE, sad you ram savo humpy In buying from us leop7o DRY GOODS! DRY GOODS! ATTRACTIVE SPEOIALTIIIB, popuw, PRY.GOOD M STORE rurvhased durleg the greateht d•prewlsn t the iud to be sold et coneepopllngly low prices. II ILLOWW A RR DRESS GOODS, Comprising all the namitles pf the souses. UOVANIFKQ . 4 f!APAIP moV4NrKO poops BLAINE BILIIB, Peas llosAino, BLACK A LP•CO•B (Dinolaity) WHITE _0 0013 S Piques in great varioty and !teat styles Preauch Huollu., Ar4tisooks, 111.1 top Otd.;Victoria GONADS and QV:IPM in (rent Guipure Lacos—best and okeapeat etoek in toor•. Iknl Volsoctennes, Tbroad Laces, Tosortlnip, Ilataburg Embroldorloa and Lqco Co14;1; LINEN GOODS, Lillemp for guilt, Pillow Coo• Limon", Whit. Ilollond for 1711pds, Boyne Towels pays , CA82E0007.9 AND 211E511 AEA', newoat jotyles, lemet6an reinlpr VOL ' BrgeIATI NOTICE) LLiMA LICE POINTS, L 1.4111, LAW/ BOONS, *Bznount )11ANTLes, SUM% AND SHAWLS THOS. A. HARPER, 16june70 Cor. Hanover and Pomfret eta CREAP DRY GOODS 1 Still 4nother Reduction in Prices I Large Lots of Goods from Austion Every Largo assortment. of DRESS GOODS Clotlas, . . and Cotton Stun for 3tm•aad Wear, at lowor pricas than cost at factory. SPBOIAL BARGAINS in Black Silk,,. White Floosie, Fancy Bilks, Hoop Skirts, and soseti kinds of other goods. Endless variety of Fancy Oeods—all eheop. Never best I Never missed s Bale of Black Alpacas, or Poplins, and still another reduelioni lon them. Can b. compared with any it. the county for price or quality. • Lemarar AssonviotT ce - Poli4ts, EMI - Bilk Costs; inrer In CArltslo. All at a vrzaT MAIM STAMM 24;tine7Ir DECLINE IN GOLD I . couftraroim i xa DEnnin nt wow QWte en excitement itt the Dry floods market. to • eery marked dieting In primps of - 1311 k,, Delainoe, Morinoex, Alpaccas, Popham, Bargee, Reps, and a largo variety, eeinpriring nearly every thing la this lien of goods. Diannela, Ticking', Gingham, Blankata.Oottaaadem, Kentucky Jean' , CLOTHS. and CABS [MIRES, Linn and cotton Rabb, Dlaptio, Blairtlngi o Cheeks, • • awl" No,lnsoatc, Cambric., ;satinets, French Mna Ilas, Tarlatans, Cambria and Owls, Edglags and In aortlngs. . HOSIERY, GLOVES, • • Trimminfte, great vitletl.lbtAns, of the beet quality. uses sad LI ondooroto. ofo¢rcat'ma.7dybo,asd sityery cheap. Lisdiee Under OlctAtng, . very handsomely nado*D4 . trisailud. Also CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Auggets, Rolm, Window Ithader, counter panes, and min:good' not mentioned for want of 'We olsim to haii - ths Ingial and heat - stook of Zry floats In the Interior he gists, and. will mdi attioh pekoe aa will stittalmlthat this is the place Eat 10 • vamp 00..- . mniv clocir#6 MTENWS CORNIII FALL AND IVIFVFBB, I=3 HARPhR'S BLACK SATIN TAMMIS, iu extra quality. =II 7Y lateen, Ile., &a LID= Duskaaaul Linen Shill<!nail, TAW' /jams aid Napkins White Spreads, ki., ks. Openlog of Day SCMHTIIINO NEW for Ladles and Chlldrou, Cassimores, Linens, and Sumner Shawls, C. OGILBY'S, DRESS GOODS, STAPLE. GOODS WHITE GOODS RANGY GOODS H4ADWARE," SAFES, ,Lc.' mILLtu a ;nolyitita' HARDWARE ST ORE,- 26 NORTH HANOVER STREET, OARLIBLB, PA WE wopld respentfully call the atten tion of the public to our moistly replenish• ia KOOK OP HARDWARE making It now one of the limpet- In Cumberland Valley and consisting In part - of HAMMERED AND t LLED •-• • I RO 0 • BIIRDON'S HORSE BNORS, NORWAY RODS BLAOHIBMITHW, WAGON MAICEGB., COACH MA KEW AND CARPENTER TOOLS, BUILDING MATERIAL ,Saddlery, Paints, Oils, abloot Makers, Uridortakors, and Coach Makor MATERIAI4,. Skidoo, $:hovolo, Forks, Rakes, &o RopAirs kr NoCORMICIK'S REAPErt constantly on bon.4. We are constantly In receipt of good &free! from the manufacturer. and are able to far• nigh couritry merchant. At Philadelphia and Now York prleas. .46-000D9 dollvorqd to all parts of the town 0 of eharge. WILCOX & GIBES' SE WIN G iTit CIIIN.E We hate secured the donee of the Wilcox & GILL.' Veering !Inching, a little (guilty mans. most no one seem, willing to do ,vrlth - out after having Po. one In Operation. .The & Gibbs' is a dingle Thread Machine and claims superiority over all Double Thread !Machines in the Following particular.. It Is simpler and less liable to get •ut of retell.. It Is cheaper. It runs with less noise. It rung ocelot. It runs fester It hes the brat device for preventing the wheel from running backward. It require. less mechani cal .1111 to operate It. It require. lase time and intitructiou to learn to use it. It is the most certain and reliable in its operations. Its needle - la straight and' keg liable to - be broken than a imaged one Thu needle Is scented in it. place by as ingeniously patented device which renders It self adjusting AO WO neither skill nor ,expkrience are required in arranging It. it sena directly from the spool thus doing away with the tedious operation of rewinding the thread for adjustment In the shuttle. It•mates the Wilcox a•olbbs' or ' , twisted loop stitch," a stitch original with thlitroschlne and made by no ether, the Seam In more elastic and stronger than the Lock Stich. The Aram 11 the most even gad beautiful, the seam is always self. fastened thus %voiding a revereible feed. Ito ten. den is more simpla.and more easily_ adjusted, it .is more spoedllY • chauged from ono kind of work to another, it does neautiful embroidery , II hos the best hemmer, it has the bent filler, it has the best braider, It has the best belt. The Wilcox & Gibbs has been'ln tho market fora little more eight years, during which-time upward. of sixty thousand have been made and sold, a number by fifty por cent 'larger than were sold of any sDonble Thread Me shine In the same namber of its earliest poem _nich_menessitandielentta.warrant-the-sale-Of-thig- Machine wherever it has an Agency without the doubling evidence of testimonials, of which there are renough to fill up the column. In the land, These Machines are en exhibition at our glare, No. 21, North Hanover street, Carlisle, where they may be examined, and they will take great pleagure In ex plaining anything relating to it. Itospeetfrilly &0., . ; HILLER &..DOVIIIRS, No. 26, Norinlanever St.. * gEhantle Carlisle, Pa. WE= 1890, - HARDWARE HENRY BAXTON 11. SAXTON, & CO., Nu. 16, EAST MAIN STREET, Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Cutlery, &0., Carlisle, Pa,, • herul.y announce to the public, Oust (bey Intend idling everything ha their line, either wholesale or ratailot prices lunch lowor than can be bought this side of Phlladolpills Out stock coueleta to part of BUILDING MATERIAL OF ILL DESCRIPTIONS Paints, Nall., Oils, Plats, Hoes, ratty, Yorks, Varalobes, Rakes, Cament, Spada., Plot•r, Crow bars, Band, Ellodgea, Powder, Picks, Bafety fuse, Alto a full and well solvated asKirtutent of Mechanic.' Toole, Table and Pocket Cutlarj I= FARM BULLS, Plow; 'lame; Clain; Urnlu bug; Rope; Pulley; sad Hay Blandon of all daserlyllous GUNS. PISTOLS, POWDMIL, 81102, CAPS, and ammunition of oil kind. Thankful for put &yore, by strict attention to bualasie we hopo to ratiolve a eouthutation of the 11. SAXTON & 00. ALL" PERSONSknowing themselves Indebted to Henry Saxton are requested to make Immediate settlement, end those booing shims to present them fur tantalite,. ne I wish to ales° up my-books to January 1, 1070. 11EF11, SAXTON. 27Jen HATS AND CAPS. T U CALLIO, " t.l • No. 20 WEST MAIM 6111010. CARLISLE, PENNA., Tito HATTER of Carlisle na . 'llATTlllt of Carlisle I no latent styloi just received! The latest styles always on handl SILK lIATB from ttlo best llanufacturm I I I FASHIONADLE HATS Just ouU - 1 I J. a. OALLIO wishes to call silo:Woo to EN-largo 171=19 HATBAND CAPS Ile manuradaral "Ilits to order, and bus the boot arrarig.monte for coloring Usti, Wooloptpoods, and °versants, •t short notlee. The highest 01811 PAWNS paid for C CU: NTESyURB zirall• 'a 1 ant.max NIT 20 MAIN STFr lOsap69 F RESH ARRIVAL • O r a the lieta Spring Myles of ' . HATS AND CAPS. I / • The Subscriber has just 'opened, at No. lb North Ilaneter St, a few doors North of the Carlisle Deposit Dank ; one of the largest and beet stock of llATi3 j sk CAPS liens offered to Carlisle. Silk Rats, Oassdmeres of all styles and qualities, Stiff Brilsis different colon, and every description of Sell Hate now made. The Dankard and old fashioned brush, kept 'etinstantly on hand and made to order. all warranted to give eatielhotion. A full assortment of STRAW HATS, Men's boy 'a and ohlidren'is fancy. I hare *Wadded to my steak, Notions of different kind., co:melding of Ladiee and 'Gent's Stoakinge NeeloTlee,Penelbs, Cloves, Thieed, Bening Slit., Sue. peados, Umbrells, de., - Prime Bogard and phase°, always on hand. ' ' • Olean, a all and examiiie ray kook, as Irma son. Vita aphasia& bestdas sasinmt n raey. . . A. ilboyff • tie. 16 North Ustiogit.. • FURNISHING STORE& GRAND OPENING . Oi? SPRING AND SUMMED GOODS? ti • 808 MEN, YOUTII, AND not's , wicAu,. , ^ at the old and well known, store of It4AAQTAIVINGIATON, No. Z 2 Noryni itAilovsn,l3Tumor, - , Now opening the leteit novelties In large yohtt ein of the beet makes known to the trade. • Flue French, Saxon, Eng Nab, and Donteitla CLOTII, • CABEIMERELL VESTINGEI, SATINETS, TWEEDS, LINEN. COTTONADEEI, 111ARBRILLEB, AO., made up lu a superior style, or sold by the yard, at tho lowest prices. If sold by tho lard, no sharp for cutting. A aplondid hub of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING OGODS TRUNKS, VALISES, CARPETBAGS, IJIII3RELIAB, lIIITTONS:7,IficDINGIB, nuoKLEs,. &C; -- =I A general lot of Tailor's Goods /The host style, Clothing tu town I }: Tito boot made Clothing Its town I Tho liost assortment In town I {Our stock of Piece Goods for Customer Trade, Superbort° .y In town I {The lowest uric. In town for the name openly of goods. Call I. No trouble to show our ausnortment. IMAA.OI,IYINOTON, Nu. 22 Notth I.lenoTot Ltroot, Carlffle Established 18.47 Lina7o-]y Carriage Building and Livery QARRIAGE BUILDING IN ALL JT977RANCHE4, AND REPAIRING AN7;I AT V;I4ASCitiAitLII ItATM.B • CAERIAU FA CARRIAGES, CARRIAG ESCARRIAGES, CARniauis. CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES CARRIAGES, OA RBI A GiAti, CARRIAGES, CARRIAGES CARRIAGES, G ARIIIAG 8 S,CA RWIAGES, - --`-- - - ' BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIIIS. ,BIRRIIPS, BUGGIES, - BUGGIES; BUGGIES, BUGGIES, AUGGEBS, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, BUGGIES, • ZUGGIE-3, BUGGIES. BUGGIES, BUGGIES, SEEING WAGONS,SERING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, }WING WAGONS, 'SPRING WAGON, SPEING WAGONS, SPRING 'WAGON S S, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, ' SPRING WAGONS, _ SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, SPRING WAGONS, Always on, baud, or made la ardor OATCAIAOXS, I=l FOR.OQOD HORSES Bgint , band Wagon., of all kinds, taken In exchange (ui• work A. S.ENSEMAN 1870 Still at work, and Ingtegall• hie old cagoule., and the public In genoral, to give biro a coll. XS—Remember Una old eatablialted;pinee, ou PITT STREET, north of the kailroad Depot, CARLISLE, Pa. SEEM A FIRST. CLASS LIVERY In connect:on with thonboiv ostabliehmout. 12ma70qui SALE, AN? RANGE J. L. STE & BROTHER, rear of Bents Howie. HORSES AND CARRIAGES TO HIRE ON RlAlioNllaLli AND AT 8110D7D/71 . MOTION CARRIAOES FURNISHED FOR FUNERALS, Sir N. EL Stahl° room for SO hood of hone. on hogiob7o CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. pFEIL & CO. PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 10 NORTH WATER STREET PICILADEL2 I IIIA, rs Solicit etinsignmonts of all kinds of Produce. Also, Dotter, Eggs, Poultry, &c &c , Philadelphia lkferatees.—N. C. laussioutan eoq. President of tho Union 'Booking Compaq, Phila. Mourn. Alton & Clifford,l and Messrs. floury Bloom & Son. N. B.—Please send for Weekly Price Current free of charge. Sutar7o6m $lO,OOO GUARANTEE DUCK LEAD Xl6,lei all oth6r LEAD: E I=! Second. For Ile Unequaled Durability Third. For Its Unsurpiusssd Covering eroporty tO'r !t ifyir IT coati paint with Buck Lead, than any other White%ead extant. Tho aim° weight rover, moro surface, is more dura►le, and makes whiter work. BUCK LEAD la the cheapest and best. $lO,OOO GUARANTEE! DUCK MO 'Cicala all athar.ZINCS. Vint. For It. Unequaled Dnrublllty ➢econd. For Ile Unrivaled Vhltorices Third. — For ttaXneurpasunl Covering Property. Last 4, for Ito Great Economy, being the 'elleapetit, bendrom est, end nloat'durable White l'elnt in the world. BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC; TRY IT AND 'DR CONVINCED Satisfaction Guaranteed by the itnnubicturers B UCE COTTAGE 00L ORB, ,Drepered,,.. exprotaly for Painting . . - ... - Cottages Outbuildings of every descrit.tion, Peaces, ,r 3,i *a. Thirty-firs din' eut Oolore, Durable, Cheap, Ualform, and Bsautifti Lades. .Domfdo cards sent by ail, If desired. Doelere' Orders "ill e promptly execute' by the numullteturors. ' FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., W. 00R. TRNTII AND MARKET lITRRETRI. YOU BALE WII9LESAtE ANA RETAIL BY BBITRY SAXTCiIi & CO. , Denim In hardwire, Palnta, sokuviy vAnxablae l P4l. C ar lisle, Largo variety of I= I u czaLndac arnica weaoNs, __ _'_; ' ' IMIXEI9 STOVES A.ND .TIIVIVARE. EC9NO)IIISTS Your atteullou 4 callad to tho Mat that at UHINEBNITH & RUPP'S fltoie:yett.can Ia Pletlabet.dlopki,j , of goods ,eiti kept In any elteller eatabllshmentla the covet'', cob Biding In putt of the follo.elog STOVES AND HEATERS STOVEB AND HEATERS, Warranted to glee general satisfaction RUNNY EIDBS 'TIRE PLACE ORIENTAL PARLOR , HEAT.-1.-E ''' R, ORIENTAL PAkIOR STOVE, LIVELY TIMES RADIATING DANE nuaiint JUNIATA PARLOR HEATER, PARLOR LIORT BABE BURNER, Whicb fbr BEAUTY, ECONOMY and ,DIJRABILIey ev" cannot be eurpasied COOK STOVBA, BARLEY BIIEAF, NOBLE 000 E, 11110VBLTY pißlau COOK, and NATIONAL lANGH, Worronttoi to DANE. ROAST, •ND DRAT natter, trlth teen Mel, than any other stoves la Hag market Attatitton le °ailed to oor REVOLVING MGM BABE BERNICE, REVOLVINQ LIURT RASE BURNIak: iiaNkAg lONINITOd a roputatio, la this and adjalralair oolitic. for our STOVES, We ere determined to 11.1.11 the Immo ❑ the (Mire. fueling cuuddoul that sro con uoll you good utileliks •1 ratty lywor thuu °therm moll bad We have also on baud, and fur mule a Sus assort mew "o( 1 PLAT IROMB, ootentit LILL !unlit:a .zip BPoolth EZIMI Anti la! wts ..f HOLLOW WARE, Of Oood material and ohm!, W. hove, nod keep colutnnlly en - band, n very large =1 1:11233 [mustily kvyt In n Ant-clam - TIN AND SIIERT IRON 15-AllllllOllllll ROOFING SPOUTING, and JOBBING :Dane oa short nt but good workmen and goodmatarla! on band. RHINESMITH 45 RUPP, Nos. 62, 64, 88, NORTH HANOVER STREW, MEM CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. . PHILADELPHIA PLASTER WORKS, • HOAXES STREET WHARF. CALCINED AND LAND PLAJTSR PXRTILIZING SALTO, BONE DUST, 2111IIIA AL 11•, &e., 4to. ANY inquiry will receivo immediate answer. flatisiastion In price and material assured, and shipments promptly made. 81fITI1 t lIATUtIIt 24f0b711-ly Q,OLID SILVER and BILVIIR 7LATII) WARN Of eyory description and latest &clink suitable for Bridal Gifts, Testimonials, and Holiday Presents. Prlcee lower than the regular rate* H.:trawl:Unary Inducements to purehaiere. 0N0.11.111011713L, No, 718 Arch drool, rislLAnnrsirk. *7007e (Old Establllthed Stand.) AGENTS WANTED. Agenta mud,- od, $l5 to $2OO par month, mile and female, to sell the celebrated and original Common banu Family Sowing Machine, improyai and perfected; it will hem, tell, stitch, tuck, bind braid, and embreidor in a moat ouporior manner. Price only $l5. For aim. plicity and durability it Mu ne rival. Do not buy from any; parties soiling machines under the same same name as nun, nukes having a Certificate et Agency signed by no, aa they aro worthless cut iron machine,. For circulars and terra, apply or addreu It. CRAWFORD k CO. • 413 Chestnut 'trod, Pidiadoa. COAL AND L TIMBER. tIHEA.P CHEAP COAL I t vv The oubsoriber Is prepared to deliver, by the oar load, to limeburners, and other consumers along the line of The Cumberland Valley Railroad, the cite• ,bratiC LYKENB VALLEY COAL ! AT TUN LO)ITIST POBBIBLII /011, OAII2I This coal im of &very superior quality, and vrill be furnished at price. which will defy all competition. The subscriber will deliver oral at Carlisle, by lib car load, during the current soonlh, at the following priees,l,er ton of 2,000 lb.: Pea.. Nut . Store NCg.• And to other points of the road he will deliaer it, adding or deducting the ozpome of difference to freights. The above rate. Will be subject to the rise or WI of prices, each month, at the mine,. uncinem Ofnco—eonser ofllaln and Pitt alreete.. .21auTC 1867. SPRING. 1807 BARGAINS NOW OPHNING IN DOMESTIC GOOD DIM GOODII, ‘BATINETS. JYANE, WHITE GOODS, DRIBS TRIMMINGS, . .. -....... ILITIIERO itinum. , • . i q--firrioNE,Ao-'• . RING'S lifeW S&0101, No. 66 WEER MAIN STUNT. Oilman* the Mansion liotT). alit .Post ORIN Carlisle GARDBN BBRDS; er IL/LiVIBTIOIC 1111.0TMLII8, No. 10 •nd 0 North thi'd &nth Iforioror groat; • • CA,U,Taer; -r4, 10apT01 y • Qulti a eovolty .. ~ - COll. BUCK ers , CkULIBLE., VA. Philadelphia .. 1 , 3 00 600 ... II 2i .. 020
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers